Tds Epocoat MB White
Tds Epocoat MB White
Tds Epocoat MB White
Epoxy Resin Based Primer for Resin Based Floor Coating
Chemical Reaction between components
EPOCOAT MB is a two-component, 100% solids
epoxy specially formulated as a high strength Theoretical Coverage
binder for light to heavy-duty seamless floor 2 sq.m. per liter at 500μm dft
overlay and topping systems. It has low viscosity (wft = 500 μm).
for good penetration into concrete and uniform Note: Material losses during mixing and
wetting of filler aggregates. application will vary and must be considered when
estimating requirements.
Solids Content 99±1% (mixed volume, %)
EPOCOAT MB is recommended use as: Pot life @ 29ºC 1½ hour, less at higher
1. High protective coating. temperatures.
2. Pigmented binder for seamless broadcast
flooring system. Note: Keep out of the sun before blending. Some
3. Low viscosity binder for trowel applied mortar discoloration and darkening will occur at
flooring. temperatures greater than 200°F; this will not
4. High-quality concrete epoxy primer affect film integrity or coating performance.
Note: White and light colors may show yellowing Shelf Life
on aging. A and B components in unopened containers are
Yellow, red, and orange colors will fade faster than 36 months—store at temperatures between 50ºF
other colors due to replacing lead-based pigments and 100 ºF (10ºC to 38ºC). Do not open containers
with lead-free pigments in these colors. until ready to use the material.
Curing mechanism
EPOCOAT PRIMER Ver00: Date 04/16/2021 Page 1
Epoxy Resin Based Primer for Resin Based Floor Coating
Note: The figures quoted for pot life and EQUIPMENT:
drying/curing times are dependent on the on-site Brush or Roller application: Additional coats may be
conditions such as volume of material mixed, required to attain proper thickness.
ambient and substrate temperatures, weather,
and ventilation.
Clean all tools or equipment used while the coating is
still in its uncured state. Use Epoxy Reducer or lacquer
thinner to clean tools and spills.
Available in 3.8kg gallon set
Aged uncoated concrete must be dry, clean, and free
Read material safety data sheet before use. Safety
from oils, fats, or greases. Degrease or scrub with
precautions must be strictly followed during storage,
detergents if necessary. The concrete must be free
handling, and service.
from any incompatible additives or curing agents. Acid
etches or abrasive blast clean.
Do not use this product without first taking all
appropriate safety measures to prevent property
damage and injuries. These measures may include,
Remove loose dirt, dust, and paint by sweeping or
without limitation:
vacuum cleaning. Remove grease, oil, floor compound,
• implementation of proper ventilation
wax, and other contaminants.
• use of proper lamps
Caustic soda treatment must be used on areas covered
with grease or soap scum build-up. Heavily • wearing of appropriate protective clothing
contaminated areas may require further removal by and masks, tenting, and proper separation of
mechanical methods. If the floor is very old and utterly application areas
saturated with oil, no cleaning method will altogether Consult your supervisor. Proper ventilation and
remove the oil. In this case, try a small area and apply protective measures must be provided during
a system sample before cleaning the entire floor. application and drying to keep solvent vapor
Very glossy or hard coatings should be sanded to concentrations within safe limits and protect against
achieve maximum adhesion. toxic hazards. Necessary safety equipment must be
Concrete floor areas which, require patching should be used, and ventilation requirements should be carefully
free of dirt, oil, grease, and other chemical observed, especially in confined or enclosed spaces,
contaminants. A test patch is recommended for use such as tank interiors and buildings.
over existing coatings.
Stir individual components, then combine, adding Part
B to Part A, and mix thoroughly until uniformly blended
to a workable consistency. Use mixture component
immediately, do not mix more material than can be
used within the expected pot life. No thinner is required.