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SIEMENS - 1500 based - ET200SP PLC CPU 型錄

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Engineered with TIA Portal

Save space with

the smallest footprint
Distributed Controller
Distributed Controllers –
the ET 200 CPUs

Engineered with TIA Portal

System performance

Advanced Controller
SIMATIC S7-1500 Software Controller

Distributed Controller

Basic Controller

Application complexity

Siemens offers the right controller for an extremely wide range of automation requirements. The new generation of SIMATIC Controllers
comprising Basic, Advanced, Distributed and Software Controller leaves a lasting impression with its scalability and continuous functionality.

SIMATIC controllers leave a lasting impression thanks to Due to their compact design, Distributed Controllers
their ease-of-use, scalability and continuous functionality. are particularly suitable for the manufacture of series
The portfolio contains the ideal controller for every machines. They can be mounted directly on the machine
application. in small control boxes. In networked plants, connection
to a production line’s central control cabinet is realized
Distributed Controllers for series machines with
via PROFINET. The relocation of intelligence from the
little available space and machines with distributed
central control cabinet to Distributed Controllers on the
individual stations has a positive effect on a plant’s avail-
The ET 200 CPU Distributed Controllers combine a compact
ability. Faults on one station can be rectified without lead-
design with flexibility. The Distributed Controllers are the
ing to a standstill of the entire plant.
perfect solution for standard and failsafe, in particular in
the medium-performance range for machines with distrib-
uted intelligence or series machines with little available
space. In addition to the SIMATIC ET 200SP CPUs and the
new PC-based SIMATIC ET 200SP Open Controller, the
tried and tested ET 200pro CPUs are still available. They
have been equipped with new CPUs featuring current
SIMATIC S7-1500 technology for standard and fail-safe
automation tasks.

The ET 200SP CPU
Distributed Control-
lers combine com-
pactness with flexi-
bility for machines
with distributed
intelligence or for
series machines with
little space available.

Flexible bus connection

The ET 200SP CPU and the ET 200SP Open Controller have a total of 3 Ethernet ports suitable for
PROFINET communication. One port is intended as a programming interface or HMI connection
and is always available as RJ45. The 2 other Ethernet ports can be realized as standard RJ45 or,
with exposure to shock up 5 g, via Fast Connect or via fiber optic for the ET 200SP CPU if the
length of the connection is over 100 m fiber optic.

I/O range
The ET 200SP CPUs, just like the ET 200SP Open Controller, are flexibly expandable with the
ET 200SP modules. In addition to the digital input and output and analogous input and output
modules among other things the following modules are available: Energy Meter, weighing
module, Hart, Namur, counting and positioning module. Single-line expansion is possible with
up to 64 modules.

Integrated engineering
The Distributed Controllers can be programmed with the TIA Portal V13 (SP1). They support the
LAD/FBD/STL/SCL and S7-Graph programming languages. This means blocks and programs can be
directly exchanged with other S7-1500 controllers.

Active backplane bus

The active backplane bus allows a high degree of flexibility in configuration
• Configuration control with option handling for complete modules
• Configuration control in run for characteristics of the individual modules
• Simple expandability thanks to configuration with dummy modules
• Fast replacement of modules with multi hot swapping

Openness for PC applications
In addition to the 5 standard programming languages, high-level language applications in
C and C++ or VB can be integrated asynchronously in the control program of the ET 200SP
Open Controller. Synchronous integration is also possible with programs in C and C++.

Integrated visualization
The ET 200SP Open Controller is optionally supplied with pre-installed WinCC Runtime Advanced
for additional HMI functionality. Visualization can be simply realized via a SIMATIC Industrial Flat
Panel connected via the graphics interface, optionally also with multitouch functionality. For
commissioning purposes, mouse and keyboard can be directly connected via USB interfaces.
At the same time, the Gigabit Ethernet interface supports high-performance connection to
higher-level networks.

Communication is realized via the PROFINET Industrial Ethernet standard. The ET 200SP CPU and
ET 200SP Open Controller can communicate via PROFIBUS, IO-Link, Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP, PtP,
ASCII, 3964R and USS. With the new communication processors it is possible to expand the ET 200SP
CPUs with an additional Industrial Ethernet interface, facilitating setup of identical machines assigned
the same IP address.
The CM DP module adds a PROFIBUS DP interface to the ET 200SP CPUs as well as to the ET 200SP Open
Controller. This allows the configuration of a lower-level PROFIBUS DP line, thereby relieving the central
controller thanks to distributed preprocessing.

Distributed safety
The fail-safe ET 200SP CPUs enable processing of standard and safety programs. They are
certified according to EN 61508 (2nd Edition) for functional safety, and are suitable for use in
safety-related applications up to SIL 3 according to IEC 62061 and PL e according to ISO 13849.

Motion Integrated – number of supported axes

The Motion Control functionality encompasses all control tasks for the operation of drives as well
as the acquisition of position values using position encoders. The tasks range from control of
single axes to control of multiple coordinated axes. The motion instructions are based on the
international PLCopen standard, thereby providing users with a flexible means of programming
their motion application without prior know-how. Applications can be programmed in all standard
programming languages of IEC 61131.

SIMATIC ET 200SP is around 50 % slimmer than other I/O systems. With a height of approx. 115 mm,
the system provides space for 16 channels with single-conductor connection (without AUX ter-
minals). The height is 140 mm for eight channels for a 3-wire connection with AUX terminals.
The depth is approx. 75 mm. SIMATIC ET 200SP leaves sufficient space to the control cabinet
door, thereby complying with the standardized bending radii in the 80-mm deep control boxes.

High protection class

The SIMATIC ET 200pro systems are small, rugged and powerful. With their high IP65/67 degree of
protection they are ideally suited for use in harsh industrial environments, directly at the machine.
They enable the quick and easy implementation of extremely flexible distributed automation solu-
tions. The CPU supports both PROFINET IO (connection of up to 128 IO devices) and PROFINET CBA
as well as PROFIBUS DP (as master for up to 124 slaves). Open Ethernet communication (TCP/IP,
UDP, ISO-on-TCP) ensures reliable and rapid data exchange. The systems can be used in ambient
temperatures of –25 to +55 °C and a relative air humidity of 5 to 100%.

ET 200SP ET 200SP Open Controller ET 200pro
CPU 1510SP CPU 1512SP CPU 1515SP PC CPU 1516pro
CPU 1510SP F CPU 1512SP F CPU 1515SP F PC CPU 1516pro F

● ● ●
bus connection
I/O range ● ● ● ◐
● ● ● ●
Active backplane bus ● ● ● ●
Openness for

PC applications

IO-Link, telecontrol
● ● ● ◐
protocols, AS-I,
Modbus RTU, Modbus
Distributed safety ● ● ● ●
Motion Integrated –
number of 6 6 30 30
supported axes
Compactness ● ● ●
Degree of protection IP20 IP20 IP20 IP65/67

CPU type 1510SP-1PN 1512SP-1PN 1515SP PC 1516pro-2PN

1510SP F-1PN 1512SP F-1PN 1515SP F PC 1516pro F-2PN
interfaces 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1
1 1 1 1 1

Program/ 100 KB 150 KB 200 KB 300 KB 1 MB 1 MB 1 MB 1,5 MB

data memory 750 KB 750 KB 1 MB 1 MB 5 MB 5 MB 5 MB 5 MB
Bit performance 72 ns 48 ns 10 ns 10 ns
Width 100 mm 100 mm 159 mm 135 mm

Controller for the ET 200SP I/O Controller for the ET 200SP Open Controller for the ET 200pro I/O
system with IP20 degree of Controller I/O system with system with IP67 degree of
protection IP20 degree of protection protection

SIMATIC ET 200SP is the new The SIMATIC ET 200SP Open Controller The SIMATIC ET 200pro is a particu-
generation of I/O systems with combines the functions of a PC-based larly small, extremely rugged and
the compact ET 200SP CPU and Software Controller with central I/O in high-performance I/O system with
ET 200SP Open Controller. a single, compact device. IP65/67 degree of protection.

ET 200SP CPU: The SIMATIC ET 200SP Open Controller provides know-

SIMATIC ET 200SP is the new generation of distributed how and access protection and features important auto-
I/O. CPUs with PROFINET connection are available for mation functions, for example for axis positioning, inte­
SIMATIC ET 200SP. The functionality of the CPUs corre­ grated system diagnostics or interfaces to PROFINET.
sponds to that of the S7-1500. Various connection tech- The Open Controller can be expanded flexibly with the
niques can be realized thanks to the 3 integrated Ethernet ET 200SP modules, and it is optimized for series machine
ports. Thanks to the I-Device functionality, connection to manufacturing as well as for machines with distributed
a higher-level CPU can be implemented in exactly the architecture.
same way as with a standard interface module. The fail-
ET 200pro:
safe ET 200SP CPUs enable the processing of standard and
The SIMATIC ET 200pro is an especially small, extremely
safety programs. They are certified according to EN 61508
rugged and high-performance I/O system with IP65/67
(2nd Edition) for functional safety and are suitable for use
degree of protection. It also features interface modules
in safety-relevant applications up to SIL 3 according to
for connecting to PROFINET with standard as well as fail-
IEC 62061 and PL e according to ISO 13849.
safe functionality. A comprehensive range of modules is
ET 200SP PC Open Controller: also available. In addition to power modules and digital
As the first of its type, the SIMATIC ET 200SP Open Controller and analog I/O modules, there is also a motor starter and
combines the functions of a PC-based Software Controller an RFID module. Due to its rugged design, the ET 200pro
with visualization features, PC applications and central I/O can also be used when mechanical load is high. The
(input/output) in a single compact device. Now also avail- SIMATIC ET 200pro Distributed Controllers have been
able in a fail-safe version. equipped with new CPUs featuring current SIMATIC
S7-1500 technology for standard and fail-safe automation
The software controller is operated independently of Win-
dows and thus offers a high level of system availability:
this facilitates the controller‘s rapid start-up and enables
Windows updates and reboot during ongoing operation.

Siemens AG 2016
Digital Factory Discover the
P.O. Box 48 48
90026 Nürnberg, Germany
SIMATIC ET 200 Controller
Article No.: DFFA-B10009-01-7600
Printed in Germany
Dispo 06318

Subject to changes and errors. • SIMATIC ET 200SP

The information given in this document only The fail-safe Open Controller
contains general descriptions and/or performance
features which may not always specifically reflect • SIMATIC ET 200pro CPU
those described, or which may undergo modifi-
cation in the course of further development of based on S7-1500
the products. The requested performance features
are binding only when they are expressly agreed • TIA Selection Tool
upon in the concluded contract.

Find out more:

Siemens offers automation and drive products with
industrial security functions which support safe
system and machine operation. They essentially
contribute to the realization of a holistic industrial
security concept. Our products are continuously
advanced under this aspect. We therefore recom-
mend that you regularly check for updates of our
products and that you use only the respectively
current version.
Relevant information is available at:
You can also subscribe to a product-specific
newsletter via this link.

For the secure operation of Siemens products and

solutions, it is necessary to take suitable preventive
action (e.g. cell protection concept) and integrate
each component into a holistic, state-of-the-art
­industrial security concept. Third-party products
that may be in use should also be considered.
For more information about industrial security, visit

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