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Raj Banshi 2021

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Received: 15 December 2020 Revised: 22 March 2021 Accepted: 28 March 2021

DOI: 10.1002/ldr.3959


Changes in carbon stocks and its economic valuation under a

changing land use pattern—A multitemporal study in Konar
catchment, India

Joy Rajbanshi1 | Sharmistha Das2

Department of Geography, Vivekananda
College for Women, University of Calcutta, Abstract
Kolkata, India Land use and land cover (LULC) changes influence the global terrestrial carbon pools
Department of Geography, Presidency
and carbon sequestration processes to great extents. Therefore, the understanding
University, Kolkata, India
of the soil carbon dynamics under the dire pressure of LULC changes is highly neces-
sary. The subhumid tropical catchment of Konar, India, has endured immense LULC
Joy Rajbanshi, Department of Geography,
Vivekananda College for Women, University transitions over the years and this is likely to promote altered carbon exchanges with
of Calcutta, Kolkata, India.
atmosphere and, thus, has a significant impact on climate regulation and ecosystem
services. Our study analyzed the change in total carbon storage in the past (1992–
2004 and 2004–2016) and predicted the future (2030) with respect to the changing
land use scenario in the catchment. In addition, the monetary valuation of the carbon
loss and/or gain in that area has been performed considering its economic value in
the society. The Markov chain model was used in this work in order to predict the
LULC map for the future period, and integrated valuation of ecosystem services and
trade-offs (InVEST) model was applied to measure the changes in total carbon stocks.
The results show that 129,273.75 Mg carbon has already been lost from 2004 to
2016 that is worth of $US 20.06 million ($US 212.69 ha1), and another
66,050.25 Mg of carbon which is worth of $US 9.73 million ($US 103.21 ha1) is
expected to be lost in future by 2030. A thorough understanding of the carbon sce-
nario of the study area may help to promote feasible mitigation actions to conserve
the carbon pools.

carbon pool, carbon sequestration, economic valuation, InVEST, LULC change

1 | I N T RO DU CT I O N Therefore, a strong interest has grown among the scientific society to

understand the concept of present carbon cycle and its interactions
Carbon has become a focal topic of study and research in the era of with carbon pools along with the anthropogenic interferences.
climate change, global warming, food scarcity, and sustainable devel- Population growth, industrialization, urbanization, deforestation,
opment (Lal, 2016). With the rapid human encroachment upon the and conversion of natural vegetation into cultivable land (Molotoks
natural resources, the importance of carbon management has become et al., 2018) in order to meet the ever-growing demand for food crops
more of a necessity rather than an alternative solution to such global are some of the prominent aspects that result in the emission of CO2
issues. With the industrial revolution in the 19th and 20th centuries, from the soil which in turn increases the atmospheric carbon and
the global carbon cycle along with the carbon reserves of the world cause depletion of the terrestrial carbon pool (Lal, 2019). The tropical
has faced unprecedented losses (Lal, 2008), and it is still continuing. and subtropical forests that cover around 45% and 11%, respectively,

Land Degrad Dev. 2021;1–15. © 2021 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 1

of the total world forest hold more than 37% of the terrestrial carbon aims of this study are (1) to produce the carbon stock change scenario
(FAO, 2020). This forest, however, is decreasing by 4.7 million hect- of the Konar catchment located in the Upper Damodar basin for the
ares per year leading to an alarming loss of carbon around the globe year of 2030 under changing LULC and (2) to perform an economic
(FAO, 2020). A report published by Liu et al. (2015) estimated that the valuation of the carbon loss and/or gain in that area considering its
global above-ground carbon (AGC) was lost at a rate of 0.07 PgC economic value to society.
yr1 from 1993 to 2012 due to the loss of tropical forest area. Pan
et al. (2011) reported the loss in global soil organic carbon (SOC) by
7.7% (12.7 PgC) from 1990 to 2007 largely due to tropical deforesta- 2 | M A T E R I A L S A N D M ET H O D S
tion. The study by Crowther et al. (2016) stated that the global SOC
in the upper soil horizons is going to be lost by 55 PgC (±50 PgC) by 2.1 | The study area
the end of 2050. The degradation of the terrestrial carbon pool leads
to low soil fertility and productivity, soil erosion, and later on becomes This study has been performed in the Konar catchment
a root cause of food scarcity (Lal, 2004). Therefore, it is crucial to (23 510 23.2500 N to 24 80 26.8300 N and 85 1420 32.9300 E to
understand the loss of carbon stock for the sustainability of the eco- 85 470 10.5400 E) covering 94.3 thousand hectares (Th ha) area, located
system services. in the upper Damodar River basin, India (Figure 1). The elevation
A considerable amount of work has been done to obtain a better ranges from 418 to 939 m from the mean sea level, and the major
perception of carbon sequestration and its interactions with the slope is directed toward the east of the catchment. The catchment is
changes in land use and land cover (Babbar et al., 2020; Meena predominantly classified as of subtropical climate and receives precipi-
et al., 2018; Nath, Brahma, Sileshi, & Das, 2018; Zhao et al., 2019). tation amounting more than 1,300 mm annually, the majority (> 80%)
One of the most scientific, useful, and convenient way of analyzing of which occurs during the southwest monsoon season (June–
soil carbon and its nature is modelling. There are several models that September). The maximum temperature goes up to 46 C during the
are extensively and successfully used for modelling SOC in a variety peak summer months (March–May), while during the winter months
of land uses namely: CENTURY, RothC, DNDC (Smith et al., 1997), (January–February, December), minimum temperature drops down to
and APSIM (Mohanty et al., 2020). However, most of these models 4 C. The natural vegetation of the catchment consists of dry to moist
depend on large amount of data and proper parameterization under deciduous trees, shrubs, grasses, and weeds. The soil of the catchment
particular climatic regions or management practices, hindering global area mainly attributed with sandy loam texture followed by loam,
application (Brilli et al., 2017; Falloon & Smith, 2010). The InVEST loamy sand, clay loam, clay, and silt loam.
model, however, tries to analyze biophysical relationships in different
climatic regions to understand the nature of carbon exchange with soil
along with performing an economic valuation of the carbon (Brilli 2.2 | Methods
et al., 2017) that helps to evaluate the benefits gained from the eco-
system considering them as services that make it useful to analyze 2.2.1 | Image preprocessing and LULC
potential natural risks and vulnerability (Caro, Marques, Cunha, & classification
Teixeira, 2020).
Several works on the tropical and subtropical regions show that Three LANDSAT satellite images were selected for preparing land
last several decades have brought widespread deforestation in those use and land cover (LULC) maps for 1992, 2004, and 2016 (Table.1).
regions mostly followed by extensions of agricultural fields that may Atmospheric correction based on dark objective subtraction (DOS)
affect the carbon stocks immeasurably and cause irreversible damage algorithm was applied through the semi-automatic classification plu-
to the environment (Nogueira, Yanai, De Vasconcelos, & gin available in the open-source QUANTUM GIS (QGIS) software
Fearnside, 2017; De Sy, 2019). The Konar catchment located in the (version 3.0.0). In order to prepare the LULC map in the basin, the
humid subtropical region of India also experienced the distinct loss of classification scheme developed by the National Remote Sensing
forested areas (15.1%) over the past decades while noticing an Centre (NRSC) and Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) was
increase of about 14.5% in the wastelands (Rajbanshi & considered (NRSC Manual, 2006). The six major LULC classes
Bhattacharya, 2020; Sanyal, Densmore, & Carbonneau, 2014). The namely agriculture; built-up; forest; shrubs; fallow land; and
previous works were limited to quantifying the rate of LULC change waterbody were chosen from the level I classification types for map-
and its impact on the surface runoff and soil erosion. However, no ping the entire basin. The maximum likelihood classification (MLC)
studies have been carried out in order to measure the soil carbon loss algorithm under supervised classification technique has been used to
or sequestration in the region. Moreover, there has been a serious classify the LULC of the catchment. Ground truth is a very essential
lack of studies focusing on the economic perspective of carbon stock step when supervised and/or knowledge-based classification
changes that have a great impact on the society and economy method is being considered for the LULC classification. Therefore, a
(Lal, 2004; Lubowski, Plantinga, & Stavins, 2006; Sykes et al., 2020) total of 151 ground control points (GCPs) were collected from differ-
because of the resultant environmental services variations in this ent LULC types in the catchment in 2016 for the calibration purpose
region (Lubowski et al., 2006; Gren & Carlsson, 2013). Therefore, the (Figure S1).

F I G U R E 1 Location map of
the Konar catchment, India
[Colour figure can be viewed at]

T A B L E 1 Details of the satellite

Satellite sensor Path Row Date acquired Spatial resolution (m)
images used in the study
LANDSAT 5 TM 140 43 December 19, 1992 30
LANDSAT 5 TM 140 43 December 4, 2004 30
LANDSAT 8 OLI TIRS 140 43 December 21, 2016 30

2.2.2 | LULC change modelling period. LCM usually produces two types of future prediction map
namely, soft prediction and hard prediction. Soft prediction map is the
In this study, the land change modeler (LCM) has been used to develop aggregration of all transitional potential which provides the indication
future LULC scenario for the year 2030 based on the observed LULC of a cell likely to experience LULC change without providing what the
changes between 2004 (T1) and 2016 (T2). LCM is an inbuilt module of new LULC would be. However, LCM uses multiobjective land allocation
IDRISI software developed by Clark Labs in conjunction with Conserva- (MOLA) module to produce hard prediction map which allocates the
tion International which is typically based on inductive approach that cell to an LULC class for which its weighted transition potential is maxi-
draws the correlation among different explanatory variables using sta- mum (Houet & Hubert-Moy, 2006). The schematic diagram of the pro-
tistical inferences (Gibson, Münch, Palmer, & Mantel, 2018). It analyzes cedure is shown in Figure 2.
the changes of LULC from two different historical time periods (T1 and
T2) and uses different explanatory variables to create the transition Explanatory variable and transition potential maps
potential maps using multilayer perceptron (MLP) neural network or The explanatory variables are the biophysical and socioeconomic fac-
logistic regression. It also uses the Markov chain analysis (stochastic tors representing the drivers for changing the LULC types of an area
modeling approach) to assign probability of change determined from (Pérez-Vega, Mas, & Ligmann-Zielinska, 2012). Physical factors such
historical change and projecting the LULC scenario for future time as topography, slope, and climate play a vital role for changing the

FIGURE 2 Flowchart of the proposed methodology [Colour figure can be viewed at]

LULC (Reilly, O'Mara, & Seto, 2009; Wu, Zhang, & Shen, 2011). different LULC classes is required in order to prepare the total car-
Whereas, socioeconomic factors, such as distance from road, distance bon stock map in InVEST model. For the estimation of SOC, a total
from socio-economic centers, distance from rivers are crucial for of 35 surface soil samples were collected from 0 to 30 cm depth
changing the LULC types (Eastman, 2016; Gibson et al., 2018; Mas, using the stratified random sampling method from different LULC
Kolb, Paegelow, Camacho Olmedo, & Houet, 2014; J. Wang & and soil taxonomy classes (Figure 1). Soil bulk density was deter-
Maduako, 2018). Thus, in this study, several drivers such as elevation, mined using the soil core sampler having a diameter of 5.7 cm
slope, distance from major roads, distance from streams/rivers, dis- (Blake & Harte, 1986), and the SOC concentration was determined
tance from towns, and distance from villages were considered as from 0.5 mm sieved ovendry soil samples following rapid titration
explanatory variables and added in the LCM as raster datasets. method (Walkley & Black, 1934). Finally, the SOC per unit area
According to Pérez-Vega et al. (2012), the LULC transition can be (t ha1) was calculated by multiplying the SOC percentage with soil
grouped into sub-models if the drivers for each transition remain bulk density and depth of the soil layer. The remaining parameters
unchanged. Thus, the different LULC transitions were grouped into (i.e., carbon pool in aboveground biomass, belowground biomass,
seven sub-models following Münch, Okoye, Gibson, Mantel, & and deadwood carbon) were estimated following the Forest Survey
Palmer (2017) and Gibson et al. (2018) and also labelled as (1) Aban- Reports and IPCC, 2006 guidelines and previously published
donment—agriculture and built-up areas converted to shrubs and research papers (Table 2) (Babbar et al., 2020; FSI, 2011, 2019;
wastelands, (2) afforestation—others LULC are converted to forest, IPCC, 2006). This carbon pool table along with the different LULC
(3) agriculture intensification—others LULC replaced by agricultural maps of the selected years (i.e., 1992, 2004, 2016, 2030) was used
land, (4) deforestation—forest converted to other LULC, (5) degrada- as the input variables for preparing carbon stock map in InVEST
tion—shrub and water area converted to bare/wastelands, (6) natural model. Moreover, the high amount of emissions of carbon dioxide
dynamics—areas where natural changes occurred, and (7) urbaniza- (CO2) costs the Indian economy $US 210 billion, while the social
tion—urban built-up substitutes the previous LULC classes. cost is estimated to be $US 86 per tonne of CO2 every year (Ricke,
Drouet, Caldeira, & Tavoni, 2018). Apart from this, the annual rate
of change in the price of carbon was estimated as 5% by Nelson
2.2.3 | Changes in carbon stock using the et al. (2010). Hence, the 5% annual rate of changing price of carbon
InVEST model and the three different market discount rates, 1%, 3%, and 7% were
considered following Sil et al. (2017). These economic data have
A carbon pool table which includes the carbon pool in aboveground been used to estimate the economic value of carbon in the catch-
biomass, belowground biomass, SOC, and deadwood carbon in ment for the selected periods.

TABLE 2 Carbon pool (Mg ha1) table used as input in InVEST 3 | RE SU LT S


LULC class C above C below C soil C dead 3.1 | LULC classification and accuracy assessment
Agriculture 23 35 21.21 5
Results obtained from the LULC maps of 1992, 2004, and 2016
Built-up 2 1 6.22 0
(Figure 3) indicated that in 1992, major portion of the catchment was
Forest 65 44 26.72 9
occupied by the forest (30.59%) followed by agriculture (27.82%),
Shrubs 8 8 23.01 3
shrubs (21.50%), and fallow land (10.42%) (Table.3). Between 1992
Fallow land 1 1 15.38 0
and 2004, the fallow land showed an increase of 6.02% while forested
Waterbody 0 0 0 0
area, agriculture, and shrubs decreased by 0.65%, 2.42%, and 2.29%,
respectively. The shrubs in 1992 mostly changed into fallow land
(5.7%) and agriculture (4.2%), whereas parts of the agricultural
2.2.4 | Statistical analysis land were converted to shrubs (4.08%), fallow land (3.97%), and built-
up (2.96%), respectively, in 2004. Furthermore, 58.34 Th ha (61.82%)
Accuracy assessment of the LULC maps area remained unchanged, which included forest (25.07%), agriculture
Accuracy assessment is an essential postclassification step that evalu- (16.49%), shrubs (11.08%), fallow land (5.79%), built-up (2.97%), and
ates the performance of the LULC classification. Acceptable level of waterbody (0.42%) between 1991 and 2004 (Figure 4a). Results from
accuracy of classification varies depending upon the nature of applica- the classified LULC image of 2016 illustrate that the forest area and
tion. Anderson, Hardy, Roach, & Witmer (1976) has stated an accept- shrubs land covered more than 50% (49.34 Th ha) of the total geo-
able threshold value of 85% for the LULC classification accuracy graphical area of the catchment. However, the agricultural land indi-
assessment. However, some other researchers have argued that the cated a decrease of 6.29% (5.93 Th ha) from 2004 to 2016. Similarly,
accuracy of 80% is also acceptable (Mohammad & Adam, 2010). After fallow land also decreased by 1.01% between 2004 and 2016
successful classification, we have created 600 random points (Table 3). The changes of the LULC classes between 2004 and
(100 samples per class) in the catchment area and validated with the 2016 showed that agricultural land was largely converted to shrubs
actual classes using high-resolution Google Earth images. A confusion (4.47%) and fallow land (3.81%). Shrubs, on-the-other-hand, were
matrix also known as error matrix was developed, and a number of converted to forest and fallow land by 3.36% and 2.97%. Besides,
statistics such as overall accuracy (OA), producer's accuracy (PA), 6.52 Th ha area of fallow land was converted to agriculture (3.51%)
user's accuracy (UA), and kappa coefficient (K) have been calculated and shrubs (3.40%) land from 2004 to 2016 (Figure 4b).
following Fung & Ledrew (1988); Foody (2010); and Lewis & The overall accuracy of the classification, that is, 83% and
Brown (2010). kappa statistics of 0.81 indicate good classification performance for
2004 LULC. High user's accuracy was found in the waterbody
Cramer's V (94%) and shrubs (92%), whereas built-up (59%) area showed a very
The association between the drivers in a particular transition and the poor accuracy (Table S1). Similarly, LULC for 2016 has achieved
LULC types was determined using Cramer's V test (Cramer, 1946). 84.83% of overall accuracy with Kappa coefficient of 0.82 in which
The Cramer's V ranges from 0 (no correlation) to 1 (perfect correla- maximum producer accuracy was found in built-up area (90.7%),
tion) where the values of 0.1 or higher are very useful indicating a reliable performance for LULC classification (Table S2).
(Eastman, 2016). However, it should be noted that the Cramer's V is The classification accuracy achieved in this study fulfills the mini-
not definitive; it only helps to select the major drivers for creating the mum accuracy threshold of 80% as suggested by Mohammad &
transition potential maps in the LCM (Gibson et al., 2018). Adam (2010).

Kappa statistics
To evaluate the performance of our model, the LULC map of 2016 3.2 | Transition potential and performance of
was predicted based on the transition probability matrix of LULC submodel
changes between 1992 and 2004. In the next step, validation has
been done by comparing the predicted 2016 LULC map with the A total of six explanatory variables for each transitional submodel are
actual 2016 LULC map using kappa statistics (Kamusoko, Aniya, shown in Figure 5. The Cramer's V for overall LULC classes signifies
Adi, & Manjoro, 2009; S. Q. Wang, Zheng, & Zang, 2012). Different their explanatory capacity for creating transition potential maps. It is
kappa statistics includes, kappa standard (Kstandard), kappa for no infor- seen that the variables such as distance from rivers, distance from
mation (Kno), kappa for grid cell level location (Klocation), and kappa for towns, and distance from villages are very useful (Cramer's V = > 0.1)
stratum-level location (KlocationStrata) were selected for the assessment in explaining the transition, while the elevation, slope, and distance
of the model. After validating the model with reasonable accuracy, the from roads having low Cramer's V (< 0.1) have less impact over creat-
future LULC map was produced considering the same explanatory ing the transition potential maps in the catchment. The accuracy and
variable for the year 2030. skill measures for individual submodels revealed a wide variety of

F I G U R E 3 LULC map of the Konar catchment for (a) 1992 (b) 2004 (c) 2016 and (d) simulated 2030 [Colour figure can be viewed at]

TABLE 3 Area of different distribution in Konar catchment for 1992, 2004, 2016, and 2030

Change Change Change

1992 2004 2016 2030 (1992–2004) (2004–2016) (2016–2030)

Area Area Area Area

LULC (Thha) % (Th ha) % (Th ha) % (Th ha) % % % %
Agriculture 26.24 27.82 23.95 25.40 18.02 19.11 18.02 19.11 2.42 6.29 0.00
Built-up 7.95 8.43 7.80 8.28 10.67 11.31 10.67 11.31 0.15 3.04 0.00
Forest 28.84 30.59 28.23 29.93 30.51 32.35 29.07 30.83 0.65 2.42 1.53
Shrubs 20.28 21.50 18.12 19.21 18.83 19.97 23.73 25.17 2.29 0.76 5.19
Fallow land 9.83 10.42 15.50 16.44 14.55 15.43 10.89 11.55 6.02 1.01 3.88
Waterbody 1.17 1.24 0.70 0.74 1.72 1.82 1.92 2.03 0.50 1.08 0.21

Abbreviation: Th ha, thousand hectares.

disparity in model prediction for different transitions. The accuracy 3.3 | Validation of the LCM model
varies between 50.23 and 66.95% (Table S3), whereas, lowest accu-
racy is associated with afforestation having low skill measures (0.01), The LCM model was validated by comparing the simulated and actual
followed by agriculture intensification with 51.8% accuracy and skill LULC map for 2016 shown in Figure 6. The overall agreement of 0.78
measures of 0.04. Deforestation has a high accuracy with 66.95% and indicates the reasonable performance (78%) of the model. In addition,
skill measures of 0.34 due to the large number of pixels involved in all the kappa statistics such as Kstandard (0.71), Kno (0.73), Klocation
this submodel. It should be noted that the low accuracy may also be (0.75), and KlocationStrata (0.75) were also showed an acceptable perfor-
an indication that LULC change is not totally controlled by the drivers mance in simulating the future LULC conditions. Further analysis
used in the model. showed that the agricultural area poorly simulated followed by built-

F I G U R E 4 Different land use land cover (LULC) transitions from (a) 1992 to 2004, (b) 2004 to 2016, and (c) 2016 to 2030 in the Konar
catchment [Colour figure can be viewed at]

up area. However, best agreement was achieved for the shrubs, fallow probability of conversion of fallow land into agriculture and shrubs
land, and waterbody areas. For instance, shrubs land for the actual land. The waterbody will remain same in the future period showing
map was 19.97%, whereas the area of corresponding simulated map the maximum probability of 0.89.
decreased to 0.8% only. Similarly, the observed area in the fallow land
category was 15.43% and the simulated value increased to 0.9%.
3.5 | Future prediction of LULC for 2030

3.4 | Transition probability for the predicted The LULC map obtained from the LCM prediction model for the year
year 2030 2030 is shown in Figure 3d, and the area covered by different LULC is
shown in Table 3. The area occupied by six LULC classes such as agri-
A transition probability matrix for different LULC classes from the culture, built-up, forest, shrubs, fallow land, and waterbody in projec-
year 2016 to 2030 has been generated using the Markov chain analy- ted LULC map of 2030 is 18.02 Th ha, 10.67 Th ha, 29.07 Th ha,
sis in LCM model that is a stochastic approach which expresses the 23.73 Th ha, 10.89 Th ha, and 1.92 Th ha, respectively, which rev-
likelihood of the fact that a pixel of a given class will change to any ealed that the forest area shared the largest area (30.83%) followed
other class for the given period (Table 4). This matrix is used to project by shrubs land (25.17%). The changes of the LULC classes between
the persistence and estimated changes in the LULC classes for the 2016 and 2030 revealed that the shrubs area will be increased by
simulation of LULC map in 2030. In the Konar catchment, there is 5.19% (4.9 Th ha), and forest and fallow land will be decreased
0.44 probability that the agriculture will remain in the same class and by 1.53% (1.44 Th ha) and 3.88% (3.66 Th ha). Moreover, the fallow
0.2 probability of conversion of agricultural area into shrubs and fal- land and forest will be converted to shrubs by 3.79% (3.57 Th ha) and
low land from 2016 to 2030. Similarly, there is a probability of 0.88, 1.42% (1.34 Th ha). However, the agriculture and built-up area will
that the forest area will remain in the same class while 0.25 remain constant in the future (2030) period (Figure 4c).

F I G U R E 5 Different potential drivers used in the study for LULC changes: (a) elevation (b) slope (c) distance from major roads (d) distance
from rivers (e) distance from town (f) distance from villages [Colour figure can be viewed at]

3.6 | The carbon stock changes shrubs area show more or less similar mean SOC stock, that is,
21.21 Mg ha1 (SD: 10.7 Mg ha1); 26.72 Mg ha1 (SD:
The observed SOC stock in the 0–30 cm soil depth for the Konar 16.38 Mg ha ); and 23 Mg ha (SD: 8.07 Mg ha1); however, forest
1 1

catchment ranged from 3.64 Mg ha1 to 63.68 Mg ha1 with a mean area showed largest variability with SOC ranged from 18 Mg ha1 to
1 1
stock of 19.85 Mg ha (SD: 11.6 Mg ha ). The measured SOC in 63.68 Mg ha1 (Figure 7). Nevertheless, the InVEST model under two
the catchment was quite variable having the coefficient of variation LULC change scenarios (1992–2004 and 2004–2016) showed a
value of 58.42%. Among the LULC classes, agriculture, forest, and decrease in the total carbon storage in the catchment (Table 5). In the

change ranged from $US 32.98 million ($US 349.69 ha1) at high soci-
etal preference for immediate benefits over future benefits (7% dis-
count rate) to $US 42.70 million ($US 452.78 ha1) at low societal
preference for immediate benefits over future benefits (1% discount
rate). Over the projected period (2016–2030), the monetary value of
carbon significantly decreased which varies from $US 7.25 million
($US 76.83 ha1) to $US 9.73 million ($US 103.21 ha1) at low to
high societal preference for immediate benefits over future benefits.
It is observed from the study that a low societal preference for imme-
diate benefits of carbon sequestration led to higher monetary values
of the service and the monetary value decreasing as the discount rate
F I G U R E 6 Area percentage of actual versus simulated LULC
categories in 2016

Konar catchment, the shrubs, built-up, and fallow land stored the car- Both chemical and physical characteristics of soil are highly sensitive
bon mainly in the soil, while the maximum carbon storage is observed to the changes occurring in LULC (Qi et al., 2018; Qin, Dunn, Kwon,
in the forest pools, especially above ground. Despite the similarities Mueller, & Wander, 2016). Soil carbon, especially in the upper layers
observed in the carbon loss in the agricultural field, the forest expan- of soil, is the first that comes in contact with those changes and,
sion scenario in the 2004–2016 showed the increasing carbon stock hence, faces adverse fate (Barcena et al., 2014). With loss of carbon,
in the forest area of the catchment by 8.08% (330,211.41 Mg). soil not only loses its fertility but faces erosion and adds to the atmo-
Although all pools in forest areas gained carbon, above-ground bio- spheric CO2 (Bastida, Hernandez, & García, 2018). Therefore, a
mass and below-ground biomass showed the highest rates, that is, methodical study of the interactions between land use and soil carbon
44.91% (148,309.2 Mg) and 30.40% (100,393.9 Mg). However, the dynamics is essential for achieving a better perceptive of global car-
maximum decrease in carbon has been observed in the agricultural bon management (W. Li et al., 2017). The focus of the present study
field by 8.30% (192,549.84 Mg) and 23.49% (499,492.7 Mg) from is to observe the past and make a prediction of the amount of carbon
1992 to 2004 and 2004 to 2016. The overall carbon stored across changes in the future with respect to the changing LULC scenario in
pools in the predicted 2030 LULC scenario showed a decrease by the Konar catchment. The study also aims to give a monetary valua-
0.92% (66,050.25 Mg) carbon from 2016 to 2030. The maximum tion of the carbon loss and/or gain in that area considering its eco-
amount of carbon losses observed in the fallow land, that is, 25.38% nomic value in the society using InVEST model.
(63,538.24 Mg) followed by forest area (4.72%; 208,205.64 Mg). The study indicates that forested areas have the highest amount
However, the carbon stocks are expected to remain constant for agri- of carbon storage among all the LULC classes in the study area,
culture and built-up class due to nonexpansion of these areas. followed by agricultural fields and shrub lands (Table 5). As forests
contain a larger amount of biomass, it is natural for them to have
larger carbon storage (Hui, Deng, Tian, & Luo, 2016). However, with
3.7 | Economic valuation changing land use, the capacity of the forests of sequestering and
storing carbon is directly hampered. There has been a reduction in the
Despite the variation in carbon discount rates, LULC changes in the area of forest cover by 0.65% from 1992 to 2004 (Table 3) coincided
observed (1992–2004 and 2004–2016) and projected (2016–2030) by a loss of carbon storage of about 89,169.59 Mg. It can be observed
periods in the Konar catchment contributed to a carbon loss with a that during this period, the forested areas have been transformed
relatively high monetary value (Table 6). The results showed that mostly into shrubs and fallow lands, possibly through deforestation
between 1992 and 2004, the economic cost due to carbon stock (Figure 4a). Deforestation and conversion of forests expose the

T A B L E 4 LULC transition probability

LULC Agriculture Built-up Forest Shrubs Fallow land Waterbody
for the year 2030
Agriculture 0.4433 0.1074 0.0427 0.2003 0.1699 0.0363
Built-up 0.1294 0.4861 0.147 0.1561 0.0634 0.018
Forest 0.0112 0.0595 0.8757 0.044 0.0062 0.0034
Shrubs 0.0972 0.0914 0.2065 0.4238 0.1797 0.0013
Fallow land 0.2502 0.0895 0.0112 0.2454 0.3978 0.0059
Waterbody 0.0728 0.0166 0.0044 0.005 0.0068 0.8943

C-stock change (mg)





Total carbon (mg)




F I G U R E 7 Measured soil organic carbon (SOC) among different
LULC classes in the Konar catchment [Colour figure can be viewed at]

C-stock change (mg)



organic carbon from soil at different horizons, and the exposed carbon
is easily removed by water (Drake et al., 2019). Deforestation may
cause an increase in the surface soil carbon stock in the initial few

years due to accumulation of litter but after that the soil rapidly loses
its carbon stock that may take years to stabilize and reach equilibrium

Total carbon (mg)

(Fujisaki, Perrin, Garric, Balesdent, & Brossard, 2017). Deforestation

Total carbon storage and its changes under different LULC classes for 1992, 2004, 2016, and 2030




causes loss of biomass along with increasing soil temperature which is
likely to increase CO2 emission as well, and this situation continues
until the soil reaches stability (McNicol, Ryan, & Mitchard, 2018; Not- 2016

tingham, Meir, Velasquez, & Turner, 2020). Reaching stability may
take about three decades producing excellent carbon sinks afterward
(Barcena et al., 2014; Chen et al., 2017; McNicol et al., 2018; Zhang
C-stock change (mg)

et al., 2019). As the forested areas in our study area still have not

attained that much undisturbed time to reach stability, they are still

continuing to experience loss of carbon. We compared our results of
SOC in the Konar catchment with several studies performed in the
adjacent regions or on a broader scale for validation. In a meta-

analysis performed over the Indo-Gangetic Plain by Grace

et al. (2012) suggests that in West Bengal, SOC stock ranges from
Total carbon (mg)

22.61 to 37.69 Mg C ha1 in 0–30 cm depth for conventional tillage





practices which comes very close to our results of present SOC stocks
for agricultural fields which is 21.21 Mg ha1 for the same depth. In
case of the forest regions, our results range from 18 Mg ha1 to

63.68 Mg ha1 which again can be supported by the works of Rav-


indranath, Somashekhar, & Gadgil (1997) and Roy et al. (2010) where
the average SOC stocks for 0–30 cm are estimated as 57.99 Mg ha1.
Total carbon (mg)

Studies performed by Gami, Lauren, & Duxbury (2009) in similar cli-





matic regions adjacent to our study area suggest quite alike SOC
stocks in the surface soil of forested regions that is 43.80 Mg ha1.

In Table 3, it can be seen that between 2004 and 2016, there has

been an expansion of forest cover by 2.42% (2.28 Th ha), and the

amount of carbon gained in this period has been estimated as
330,211.410 Mg (Table 5). Afforestation on transformed and dis-
Fallow land


turbed lands can improve the soil organic matter on the surface layer


(0–10 cm), but in subsurface horizons (0–20 cm or 0–30 cm), it may

take longer for the carbon dynamics to settle down (Barcena

T A B L E 6 Total economic costs (million $US) and rate ($US ha1) due to carbon sequestration among LULC scenarios at different carbon
discount rate

Discount rate

1% 3% 7%
1 1
LULC transitions Value (million $US) Rate ($US ha ) Value (million $US) Rate ($US ha ) Value (million $US) Rate ($US ha1)
1992–2004 42.70 452.78 38.94 412.97 32.98 349.69
2004–2016 20.06 212.69 18.29 193.99 15.49 164.26
2016–2030 9.73 103.21 8.75 92.84 7.25 76.83

et al., 2014; Chen et al., 2017). As explained earlier, the forest areas experience no or insignificant changes by 2030. With such changes in
are yet to reach stability, and thus the area is expected to lose carbon land use, a total of 66,050.246 Mg C is expected to be lost by 2030,
by the year 2030. The agricultural fields located mainly in the central especially from forest and fallow lands. No or negligible amount of C
and western part of the catchment area (Figure 3) also showed high is expected to be lost from the agricultural and built-up sectors
amounts of carbon stock (2,319,352.034 Mg) in 1992 (Table 5). How- (Table 5). By systematically reviewing the behavior of land use pat-
ever, a decrease in these agricultural fields aided with unplanned agri- terns and carbon dynamics of the study area, it is apparent that the
cultural activities has led to the loss of carbon stock in those parts too carbon content of that area is observably influenced by the land use
from 1992 to 2016. Proper management system and practice of agro- changes over time (W. Li et al., 2017). This leads to the second part of
forestry, silviculture, conservation agriculture, no-tillage practice, and our objective that is valuation of the carbon loss in monetary form.
crop residue inclusion can improve the soil carbon stock with its addi- Considering the conceptions of social preferences and social discount
tion of tree biomass and enhancement of belowground carbon rates of carbon (Pindilli, Sleeter, & Hogan, 2018), it can be said the
sequestration process (Brahma et al., 2018; Chenu et al., 2019; area under study has the potential to lose carbon stock with great
Corbeels, Cardinael, Naudin, Guibert, & Torquebiau, 2019; De economic value. The catchment area has already lost carbon stock
Stefano & Jacobson, 2018; Guo, Wang, Wang, Wu, & Cao, 2018; X. Li that is worth $US 42.70 million ($US 452.78 ha1) in the period
et al., 2020; Morales et al., 2020; Shi, Feng, Xu, & Kuzyakov, 2018; between 1992 and 2004 and that is worth $US 20.06 million ($US
H. Wang et al., 2020). On-theother-hand, shrub lands faced a 212.69 ha1) from 2004 to 2016 at 1% discount rate (Table 6). In
decrease since 1992 due to conversion into fallow lands (Figure 4 and future, the area is expected to suffer more economic loss in the form
Table 3). Shrub lands have a high potential to sequester carbon due to of carbon stock depletion. According to our study, the present valua-
its high capacity to produce litter (Sainepo, Gachene, & tion of the carbon expected to be lost by 2030 is $US 9.73 million.
Karuma, 2018). It is mostly their root biomass that adds significantly The value of the same is expected to lower at $US 7.25 million at 7%
to the carbon stock (Nie et al., 2019). The shrubs are showing a slight discount rate. G. Liu et al. (2020) produced a similar study including
increase in area by 2016 and are expected to increase more by 2030 plantation in cost delineation of carbon sequestration in Indonesia
(Table 3). Among all the land use classes taken in our study, only where they also estimated lowering values of carbon with increase in
shrubs have shown a positive trend in sequestering carbon since discount rate. As with every passing year, the value of monetary price
2004 and is expected to continue sequestering and increasing carbon decreases and the value of carbon also decreases (Price, 2018).
by the year 2030, while other land use classes are expected no or neg- Besides, societal preferences tend to be more willing to utilize
ative trend of carbon sequestration (Table 5). The study by resources at the moment rather than waiting for the future, and thus,
Jhariya (2017) reported that the shrub lands of Chhattisgarh in India the monetary value of carbon decreases with increased discount rate
can sequester carbon nearly at a rate of 1.57 ± 0.27 t ha1 yr1. Fal- (Courard-Hauri, Klimas, & Parrish, 2020).
low lands are more prone to erosion by wind and water, and they tend Yet, the work holds some limitations due to small soil sample size,
get hotter and have less water retention capacity, which not only coarse resolution of the satellite images for the preparation of LULC
affects the carbon sequestration process but also leads to depletion map, and some unquantifiable anthropogenic drivers for LULC transi-
of carbon stocks (Peng et al., 2018). Therefore, the conversion of for- tions which may raise some minor uncertainties in the results. In spite
ests, agricultural fields, or shrubs into bare or fallow lands is expected of that, the work still proved to be presenting excellent and reliable
to cause adverse effects to the carbon sequestration potential of that results when compared with works of similar nature.
area. However, it is encouraging that our study expects a reduction of Nevertheless, our study tries to contribute to the vast soil carbon
bare lands and being taken up by shrubs (Table 3). research continuum by quantifying the soil carbon dynamics under
With the land use and carbon dynamics scenario, simulations for transforming land use and attempting to perform an economical eval-
the year 2030 have given remarkable outcomes. The forest areas and uation to help conceptualize the social and environmental services
fallow lands are expected to decrease by 1.53% and 3.88%, respec- provided by soil carbon. This work may assist the policy makers by
tively, since 2016, while the shrub lands are expected to increase by providing useful information for preparing developmental and man-
5.19% (Table 3). The other land use classes are expected to agement plans in future. This work may help the Damodar Valley

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