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Comprehensive Nursing

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Ministry of Education

Test Blueprint Manual for National Exit Examination to

be held in 2015 E.C


Bachelor of Science Degree in Comprehensive Nursing

Compiled By:

Sr. Feven Mulugeta, Addis Ababa University,

Mr. Abebe Abera, Jimma University,

February, 2023

Addis Ababa

Contents of the Document
1. Introduction.......................................................................................................................................2
2. Objective and Significance of Test Blueprint Preparation.................................................................3
2.1. Objective of Test Blueprint Preparation..........................................................................................3
2.2. Significance of Test Blueprint Preparation.....................................................................................3
3. Expected Profile of the Graduates......................................................................................................3
4. General Objective..............................................................................................................................5
5. Specific Objectives............................................................................................................................5
6. Themes and list of courses.................................................................................................................9
Table 1: Total ECTS of the selected courses, share of courses and Share of Themes..........................10
Table 2: Share of Competencies (KSA) per Courses.............................................................................11
Table 3:Test Blueprint Table of Specification for BSc in Comprehensive Nursing Program..............12
Table 4:Calculation on share of themes, courses, competencies for a Program...................................26
7. Conclusion.......................................................................................................................................28

1. Introduction
Ministry of Education of Ethiopia has announced the implementation of exit exam for all
undergraduate program students (public and private), beginning with the 2022/2023
academic year, in order to improve the quality of graduates produced by higher learning
institutions. The exit exam aimed at checking whether students have acquired the
required knowledge, skills and attitudes or not. To implement this it require determining
competency areas for a specific program ,which is already completed, and construction
of tests based on the competency areas prepared.
Planning of a test is the first and vital step in the construction of an achievement test. In
order to achieve the valid and reliable measurement of student learning and program
learning outcomes, the development of valid and reliable test is the mandatory. Test
should be able to measure student performance in all dimensions of knowledge, skill and
attitude. The carefully planned test construction contributes to improve the overall
quality of the test in terms of test content validity, difficulty level, discrimination power
and test reliability. Test construction needs the preparation of test blue print which is a
complete plan that explains how to develop a test. The term refers to a map or
specification of assessment to ensure that all aspects of the curriculum and educational
domains are covered by the assessment programs over a specified period of time. It helps
curriculum developers/test constructors to match various competencies with the course
content and the appropriate modality of assessment.
Generally, test blueprint will help to appropriately assess the achievement of
instructional objectives of the course; reflect key course goals, objectives and the
material learned or covered during the instruction period; and to include the appropriate
item formats along with the knowledge, skill and attitude being assessed.
Keeping this in mind, the team has prepared this test blueprint document in order to help
the test developers or content specialists in their process of valid and reliable test
construction. The major points considered in the process of preparing this test blue print
guideline were the core competencies that have been already identified for the themes of
courses, the course contents, course credit hours, and the learning outcomes with their
corresponding levels of achievement by learning domains.

2. Objective and Significance of Test Blueprint Preparation

2.1. Objective of Test Blueprint Preparation
Test blue print preparation is generally done to assist the preparation of a test that is
representative, broadly sampled, and consisting of complete learning domains expected
of the Ethiopian higher education students on completion of their study program.
The specific objectives of test blueprint are to:
 Facilitate the construction of a representative and balanced test items for the
selected courses in accordance with the competencies identified.
 Guide test developers or writers to write or set appropriate test items.
2.2. Significance of Test Blueprint Preparation
The test blueprint will help to ensure that the tests appropriately assess the
instructional objectives of the course; reflect key course goals and objectives and to
include the appropriate item formats for the skills being assessed.
Additionally the test blueprint can be used by the students as a study guide; to
facilitate learning by providing a framework or mental schema for students and to
communicate course expectations to stakeholders like schools and others.

3. Expected Profile of the Graduates

Upon completion of the B.Sc. nursing program, the graduates will be able to accomplish the following
core competencies:

1. Apply the concepts and models of disease prevention and health promotion in health
care service provision.
2. Analyze, interpret and use health and health-related indicators.
3. Apply principles of public emergency and disaster management.
4. Diagnose the client's health needs and responses to the actual or potential health
5. Plan appropriate independent and collaborative nursing interventions.
6. Identify and manage client problems, responses, potential complications, and
collaborative problems of clients
7. Guide, counsel, and teach clients based on their need in all health settings including
the community
8. Apply informatics and technology for health data management and patient care
9. Utilize evidences for patient health care services

10. Maintain and practice updated nursing care standards
11. Diagnose and manage communicable and non-communicable diseases


1. Apply methods of nutritional assessment, interpret results and provide nutritional

counseling and education
2. Provide basic holistic care for individuals, families, and communities at large of all
age groups in a variety of health care settings, using the nursing process as a
3. Conduct complete patent assessment using nursing process/other relevant tools to
identify holistic health needs and the response of the client
4. Perform basic nursing procedures correctly and independently
5. Perform advanced nursing procedures, assist advanced diagnostic and therapeutic
procedures using the latest evidence
6. Perform preventive, promotive, curative, and rehabilitative care for clients
7. Record, document and report patient and health related data
8. Perform activities in prevention (including counseling), control, and management of
emerging and re-emerging communicable and non-communicable diseases
9. Provide comprehensive maternal and child health care services
10. Assess and manage clients with special needs
11. Provide comprehensive mental health nursing care
12. Manage common emergency and acute health problems
13. Practice effective therapeutic communication
14. Exercise leadership and involve in the management of the health care system
15. Provide community health nursing services
16. Maintain personal effectiveness and engage in continuous professional development
17. Be nurse educator


1. Use critical thinking to analyze and interpret health data collected, by using the
functional health pattern (Gordon’s) /other recent evidence, to establish priorities and
make the appropriate decision
2. Work collaboratively and effectively with other health workers in the care of clients
in all health care settings and community health care team

3. Apply professional, ethical, and legal standards and codes in nursing practice
4. Implement quality improvement measures and maintain a safe patient environment

4. General Objective
To prepare competent graduate nurses who can:

 Provide high-quality comprehensive nursing care ethically and

professionally at the individual, family, and community levels and various
healthcare settings
 Manage common communicable and non-communicable diseases
 Manage common MCH, RH, emergency, and mental health problems
 Promote and prevent disease in individuals. family and community levels at
all levels of healthcare settings
 Lead and manage nursing care services
 Engage in nursing education, research, and advocacy that will improve
the nursing profession and services

5. Specific Objectives
 Apply the concepts and models of disease prevention and health promotion
 Apply methods of nutritional assessment, interpret results and provide nutritional
counseling and education
 Demonstrate the ability to promote the health of populations by influencing lifestyle,
nutrition, and socio-economic, physical, and cultural environment through methods of
health promotion, including health education, directed towards populations,
communities, and individuals
 Apply principles of diversity and provide culturally relevant service to all age groups
 Perform holistic nursing practices about current patient care information, professional
practice standards, guidelines, rules, and regulations
 Provide a rationale for decisions and actions in matters related to the provision of care for
 Manage teamwork and collaborative performances across an array of functions
 Apply evidence-based nursing knowledge in the provision of care for the client
 Document accurately and timely relevant health care data to ensure patient safety and
improve health outcome

 Serve as a role model, change agent, teacher, and mentor in their professional life
 Participate in ethical decision-making within the multidisciplinary team
 Take responsibility and accountability for own decisions, actions, or omissions in nursing
care delivery
 Adhere to all relevant ethical codes of conduct and standards set by the profession,
including, but not limited to, confidentiality, privacy, and respect for the dignity
 Advocate for maintaining a standard of care and evidence-based practice
 Protect clients from incompetent, unethical, or illegal healthcare practices, and
unconsented research endeavors
 Maintain patients’ bill of rights throughout nursing care service including, but not limited
to, guidance informed choice, and consent
 Apply compassionate and respectful nursing care
 Practices within a prescribed legal framework relevant to own practice, including but not
limited to, the Constitution, the Children’s Act, Nursing Act, National Health Act Report
any malpractices, tort, and criminal acts to the responsible body
 Assess, diagnose, plan and manage client problems, and evaluate outcomes using the
nursing process as a framework
 Anticipate and manage potential complications and collaborative problems of clients
 Manage common emergency, acute & chronic health problems accordingly
 Perform basic nursing procedures correctly and independently
 Assist advanced diagnostic and therapeutic procedures applied for clients undergoing
medical or surgical care
 Perform preventive, promotive, curative, and rehabilitative care for clients in all age
 Provide holistic maternal, newborn, child, adolescent, and geriatric care
 Take history and collects relevant health data from clients or significant others
 Performs comprehensive physical examinations to identify physical, mental, or
emotional problems of the client
 Analyze and interpret health data through the functional health pattern (Gordon’s)
 Documents and report findings with the patient, the patient family (when appropriate),
and the multidisciplinary team promptly
 Work collaboratively with other health workers to help solicit client information

 Analyses and utilizes assessment information to make a clinical judgment about the
clients’ status and responses to actual or potential health conditions.
 Utilizes expert knowledge to interpret results of screenings and diagnostic investigations
 Formulates nursing and/or medical diagnosis
 Make prioritization of clients' problem
 Identify and document expected outcomes and goals
 Develop a prioritized plan of care that includes interventions and alternatives to attain
expected outcomes for the client
 Reviews and revises the plan with the client, the client's family, and the multidisciplinary
 Considers economic, social, religious, cultural, and environmental conditions of the
clients during the designing of the nursing plan of care
 Implements the interventions identified in the plan of care in-line with evidence-based
nursing practice
 Collaborates with nursing colleagues and other members of the healthcare team to
implement the plan of care
 Implement the plan of care with efficient utilization of resources
 Integrates principles of safety and quality into interventions
 Documents implementation of the identified plan accordingly
 Evaluate patient outcomes against stated goals and outcome criteria
 Monitor progress of client status and adjust nursing care plan accordingly
 Collaborate with clients, their families, and the healthcare team in the evaluation process
 Document all processes and outcomes, and keep them confidential
 Communicate effectively both verbally and/or non-verbally in the patient care
 Practice proper recording and documentation of patient care-related information and
other relevant data produced in their practice environment
 Demonstrate effective communication with clients/patients, their families, the health care
team, and the community at large
 Forge seamless collaboration and partnership with people within and outside of the
health organizations
 Utilize information, education, and communication (IEC) and behavior change
communication (BCC) materials for proper communication and education of clients

 Apply therapeutic communication skills in the management of client
 Communicate appropriately in special circumstances and sensitive issues
 Provide counseling services for clients based on their scope
 Employ continuous and sustainable quality improvement mechanisms to improve client
outcomes and transform future nursing practices
 Take responsibility for managing and leading health programs at all levels of the
managerial hierarchy
 Play a team lead role and model professionalism to peers and other colleagues in the
public health landscape
 Mange time and resources effectively and efficiently to ensure the nursing quality of care
is maintained and the client’s outcome improved
 Apply principles of leadership in the management of clinical care and utilization of
 Advocate for a safe working environment for nursing and medical care provision
 Participate in the development and implementation of standards, practice guidelines,
policies, and protocol
 Apply management and leadership theories in the execution of nursing care and
delegation of responsibilities
 Attain continuous professional and personal development
 Search, collect, organize and interpret health and biomedical information from different
 Retrieve and use patient-specific information from a clinical data system by maintaining
confidentiality and protection of individual data
 Formulate hypotheses, collect and critically evaluate data to find a solution for the
problems, and disseminate findings.
 Identify knowledge and performance gaps that can be solved by using systematic
 Use information technology and application systems to manage research data and
navigate to access online information and literature
 Advocate for keeping patients’ rights during research activities
 Utilize updated nursing research findings for evidence-based nursing practice and quality
improvement interventions
 Participate in critical appraisal of research findings and scholarly activities

 Acquires current knowledge and skills that reflect evidence-based practice and applies
them appropriately in a practice setting
 Evaluates own nursing knowledge and practice about current patient care information
professional practice standards, guidelines, and rules and regulations
 Possess professional excellence and competence through continuing education and
lifelong learning
 Apply principles of teaching, learning, and evaluation to design educational programs
that enhance the knowledge and practice of staff in the different care unit
 Participates in formal and informal education of others
 Teach nursing students at college, university, and health facility level
 Involve in curriculum design and implementation process
 Demonstrate pedagogic skills in education, and assessment
 Promote professionalism and continuous professional development
 Demonstrates commitment to the personal and professional development of self and
6. Themes and list of courses
Themes Course Name
1 Patient Care Foundation of Nursing I
Foundation of Nursing II
Medical-Surgical Nursing I
Medical-Surgical II
Pediatric and child health nursing
Maternity and Reproductive health nursing
Mental Health Nursing
2 Professionalism Nursing Professional Ethics
Nursing Education and
curriculum development
3 Scholarly Nursing Research Methods
Measurement of Health and disease
4 Nursing Leadership and management Nursing Leadership and management
5 Health Promotion and disease Health Promotion and disease prevention

Ministry of Education

Higher Education Sub-sector

Program Name:- BSC in Comprehensive Nursing

Table 1: Total ECTS of the selected courses, share of courses and Share of Themes

Share of Share of
Themes Course Name courses themes
o. S
(%) (%)
1 Patient Care Foundation of Nursing I 7 5.39%
Foundation of Nursing II 13 10.78%
Medical-Surgical Nursing I 18 14.63%
Medical-Surgical II 22 17.71% 77

Pediatric and child health nursing 13 10.78%

Maternity and Reproductive health 14 11.55%
Mental Health Nursing 8 6.16%
2 Professionalism Nursing Professional Ethics 1.65 1.32%
Nursing Education and 3 2.45% 3.77
curriculum development
3 Scholarly Nursing Research Methods 5 4.07%
Measurement of Health and disease 7 5.63% 9.71
4 Nursing Leadership Nursing Leadership and management 7 5.66% 5.66
and management
5 Health Promotion and Health Promotion and disease 5 4.04% 4.04
disease prevention
Total 123.65 100% 100%

Credit ℎour of tℎe course

• Share of courses per theme (C) = x 100
Credit ℎour of tℎe tℎeme

Program Name:- BSC in Comprehensive Nursing

Table 2: Share of Competencies (KSA) per Courses

Share of Share of Competencies (in %)
R.No. Themes Course Name ECTS Courses Knowledg Remark
Skill Attitude
(%) e
1 Patient Care Foundation of Nursing I 7 5.39% 2.695 1.617 1.078 K50%S30%A20
Foundation of Nursing II 13 10.78% 5.39 3.234 2.156 K50%S30%A20
Medical-Surgical Nursing I 18 14.63% 7.32 4.88 2.44 K50%S33%A17
Medical-Surgical II 22 17.71% 8.855 5.313 3.542 K50%S30%A20
Pediatric and child health nursing 13 10.78% 5.39 3.234 2.156 K50%S30%A20
Maternity and Reproductive health nursing 14 11.55% 5.775 3.465 2.310 K50%S30%A20
Mental Health Nursing 8 6.16% 3.08 1.848 1.232 K50%S30%A20
2 Professionalism Nursing Professional Ethics 1.65 1.32% 0.66 - 0.66 K50%A50%

Nursing Education and curriculum 3 2.45% 1.47 0.98 - K60%S40%

3 Scholarly Nursing Research Methods 5 4.07% 2.035 1.628 0.40 K50%S40%A10
Measurement of Health and disease 7 5.63% 5.27 0.38 -
4 Nursing Leadership Nursing Leadership and management 7 5.66% 2.83 2.264 0.566 K50%S40%A10
and management
5 Health promotion Health Promotion and disease prevention 5 4.04% 3.03 - 1.01
and disease

Total 123.65 100

Ministry of Education
Higher Education Sub-sector

Table 3:Test Blueprint Table of Specification for BSc in Comprehensive Nursing Program

Knowledge (%)
General Objective/

% of items
e of

Attitude (%)


Skill (%)
ECT the

Expected Competencies Specific Objectives/ Learning Outcomes

Themes Cour

S them
ses to be measured
es in

Patient care FoN-I 7  Provide basic nursing  Apply nursing process as a framework to 1 1 0.6
care by applying conduct basic nursing skill.
knowledge of  Monitor and evaluate all procedures
fundamentals of  Perform vital signs measurement
nursing.  Mention indication for advanced nursing
 Identify appropriate procedures
equipment’s for the  Demonstrate standard precautions
patient care, assess  Demonstrate safe medication administration to 1.6 1.0 5.39
77 patients‘ condition, clients 17 78 %

diagnose the patients  Apply patient safety and comforting devices

‘problems  Perform dressing and bandaging
 Provide appropriate  Utilize proper body mechanics
nursing intervention  Describe nursing measures that promote defense
for the patient and mechanisms for infection.
 Provide first aid with  Apply basic first aid and accident prevention
recommended measures.
infection prevention
and patient safety  Apply the principles of aseptic and sterile
practices. technique when practicing patient care

FoN- 13 Provide basic nursing  Discuss sleep and rest patterns of patients under 1 1
II 1 1.
care by applying nursing care 39

knowledge, attitude and  Demonstrate nasogastric tube insertion

skills of fundamental  Discuss nutrition and metabolism patterns of
nursing patients under nursing care
 Demonstrate therapeutic and diagnostic
procedure, and tests
 Demonstrate cast application and removal
 Assisting patients with advanced procedures
 Discuss elimination patterns of patients under
nursing care 10.7
3. 2.
 Demonstrate administration of enema 1 8
23 15
 Demonstrate colostomy care 4 6
 Demonstrate urinary catheterization
 Discuss human sexuality
 Interpret the normal and the abnormal lab results
 Identify the different types of surgical
 Demonstrate receiving and positioning of
surgical patients
 Describe the roles of nurses in the pre, intra and
postoperative phases of patient care.
 Distinguish the difference between general and

local anesthesia
 Demonstrate how to pass instrument/sharps to
the surgeon or his/her assistant
 Demonstrate care of terminally ill patients
MSN- 18 Provide high-quality and  Discuss the basics of nursing health assessment
standardized nursing care  Conduct nursing health assessment using both
for patients with bio- functional health patterns and medical approach
psychosocial, EENT,  Performs a focused health assessment and/or an
respiratory, advanced comprehensive health assessment, using
gastrointestinal, MSS, and adapting assessment tools and techniques based
immunology, gerontology on client needs and relevance to client stage of life.
and oncologic disorders  Diagnoses diseases, disorders, injuries, and
conditions and identifies health needs, while
2. 4. 2.
2 1 1 1 14.6
considering the client response to the health/illness 23
88 44 3
 Supports, educates, coaches and counsel clients
regarding diagnoses, prognoses, and self-
management including their personal responses to
diseases, disorders, conditions, injuries, risk factors,
lifestyle changes and therapeutic interventions;
 Identify, diagnose, treat and apply preventive
measures for common communicable
MSN- 22 assess and manage  Define & classify Integumentary disorders
II 0
various medical and  Differentiate causative/risk/contributing factors .
2 2 2 1
surgical disorders of the of Integumentary disorders 8
Integumentary, endocrine,  Describe the clinical manifestations of patients
genitourinary, with Integumentary disorders
cardiovascular and  Explain pathophysiologic process of
nervous systems and be Integumentary disorders
competent to provide  Discuss diagnostic procedures/evaluations used
individualized nursing in the diagnosis of Integumentary disorders
care using nursing process  Explain the medical and or/surgical
as a framework. managements of patients with Integumentary
Furthermore, they will disorders
demonstrate skills in  Apply nursing process in managing nursing care
therapeutic of patients with Integumentary disorders. 5. 3. 17.7
1 31 54 1
communications in the  Differentiate causative/risk/contributing factors 3 2
health institution and in of endocrine disorders.
the community  Describe the clinical manifestations of patients
with endocrine disorders
 Explain pathophysiologic process of endocrine
 Discuss diagnostic procedures/evaluations used
in the diagnosis of endocrine disorders
 Explain the medical and/or surgical
managements of patients with endocrine disorders
 Apply nursing process in managing nursing care
of patients with endocrine disorders.
 Differentiate causative/risk/contributing factors
of cardiovascular disorder
 Describe the clinical manifestations of patients
with cardiovascular disorders
 Explain pathophysiologic process of
cardiovascular disorders
 Discuss diagnostic procedures/evaluations used
in the diagnosis of cardiovascular disorders
 Explain the medical and/ surgical managements
of patients with cardiovascular disorders
 Apply nursing process in managing nursing care
of patients with cardiovascular disorders.
 Differentiate causative/risk/contributing factors
of genitourinary disorders
 Describe the clinical manifestations of patients
with genitourinary disorders
 Explain pathophysiologic process of
genitourinary disorders
 Discuss diagnostic procedures/evaluations used
in the diagnosis of genitourinary disorders
 Explain the medical and/or surgical
managements of patients with genitourinary disorders
 Apply nursing process in managing nursing care
of patients with genitourinary disorders.
 Differentiate causative/risk/contributing factors
of sexually transmitted infections
 Apply syndromic approach in the management
of common sexually transmitted infections
 Differentiate causative/risk/contributing factors
of neurologic disorders
 Explain pathophysiologic process of neurologic
 Describe the clinical manifestations of patients
with neurologic disorders
 Discuss diagnostic procedures/evaluations used
in the diagnosis of neurologic disorders
 Explain the medical and/or surgical
managements of patients with neurologic disorders
 Apply nursing process in managing nursing care
of patients with neurological disorders.
 Demonstrate skills in therapeutic
communications and counseling.
 Refer cases that require further investigation and
PCHN 13 Manage and provide  Describe historical background of pediatric 1 1 1 1.39

comprehensive nursing nursing

care for newborns and  Analyze child morbidity and mortality in
children. Ethiopia
 Take history and perform physical examination
for all pediatric age groups.
 Perform emergency assessment and management
for all pediatric age groups.
 Monitor Growth and Developmental Stages
 Provide new born care
 Describe feeding options for neonates and
children 3. 2. 10.7
 Perform neonatal resuscitation 1 23 15 8
 Manage common neonatal and childhood 4 6
 Provide immunization
 Provide care for children with disability
(physically, mentally, and socially)
 Manage newborn and childhood illnesses using
National Guidelines
 Provide palliative care for children with life-
limiting illnesses
 Manage Pediatric Tuberculosis and HIV

MRH 14 Provide high quality,  Apply human rights principle, sexual and
acceptable comprehensive reproductive health and their effects on health of
reproductive health individuals
services  Provide pre pregnancy care and counseling for a
woman to promote healthy pregnancy and positive
Provide high quality
culturally sensitive
 Diagnose and manage common medical and
comprehensive care for
surgical disorders during pregnancy
women before and during
 Manage obstetrics emergencies during labor and
pregnancy, during labor
and delivery and
 Provide PMTCT services 1. 3. 2. 11.5
postpartum period
 Provide comprehensive abortion care 1 1 1 7 46 31 5
7 5
Provide high quality,  Diagnose and manage normal pregnancy
culturally sensitive,  Diagnose and manage minor disorders of

individualized care for pregnancy
patient with gynecologic  Diagnose and manage abnormal pregnancy
problem  Conduct normal labor and delivery
 Manage abnormal labor and delivery
 Manage complications of third stage of labor
 Perform/Assist instrumental delivery
 Perform pre and post-operative care
 Perform episiotomy
 Provide immediate newborn care
 Provide postpartum nursing care
 Provide nursing care for common gynecology
MHN 8 Assess, diagnose, and  Differentiate mental health, mental illness, and 1 1 1. 6.16
manage common mental common psychiatric disorders 8 1. 23
84 2
health problems based on  Identify the general principles of psychiatry 8
DSM-5 and the nursing interview
process as a framework.  Perform mental health nursing assessment
(history taking and MSE)
 Demonstrate skills in therapeutic
 Describe etiological factors, psychopathology,
clinical features, diagnostic criteria and treatment
modalities used for mental disorders
 Differentiate psychiatric disorders
 Apply the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
Mental Disorders (DSM-5)
 Manage common psychiatric disorders
 Refer cases that require further investigation and
 Apply psychiatry case formulation by using
Biopsychosocial model
 Manage patients with psychiatric emergencies
 Apply the preventive, curative, and
promote methods of mental health
including rehabilitative care
Professio NPE 1.65 3.77 Uphold the nursing  Describe basic ethical principles in nursing
nalism practice standard and  Advocate the use of basic ethical principles in
ethics and be provision of nursing
 Apply basic ethical principles in provision of 0. 0. 0. 0. 1.32
accountable to the public 22 2 2 66
nursing care for different type of
and the profession. 2 2
 Serve as a role model, change agent, teacher, and
mentor in their professional life
 Participate in ethical decision-making within the
multidisciplinary team
 Take responsibility and accountability for own
decisions, actions, or omissions in nursing care
 Adhere to all relevant ethical codes of conduct
and standards set by the profession, like
confidentiality, privacy, and respect for the dignity
 Advocate for maintaining a standard of care and
evidence-based practice
 Protect clients from incompetent, unethical, or
illegal healthcare practices, and unconsented research
 Maintain patients’ bill of rights throughout
nursing care service including, but not limited to,
guidance informed choice, and consent
 Apply compassionate and respectful nursing care
 Practices within a prescribed legal framework
relevant to own practice, including but not limited to,
the Constitution, the Children’s Act, Nursing Act,
National Health Act
 Report any malpractices, tort, and criminal acts
to the responsible body
NEC 3 Effectively design,  Understand the major components of a
D develop, facilitate and curriculum
monitor teaching -  Prepare a session/lesson plan 0. 0. 0.5 0. 2.45
learning experience in  Conduct a learning teaching session using 47 5 98
nursing professions different teaching methods
 Facilitate a discussion effectively
 Apply curriculum principles in nursing
NR 5 9.71 Demonstrate commitment  Explain the concept of research and nursing
Scholarl M to excellence in nursing research
 Describe the different types of research 1 0. 0.5 1. 0. 4.07
practice through
 Identify research problems 5 3 62 4
application of evidence to  Write literature review text 8
practice and  Develop research objectives
 Distinguish the different types of research
research activities.
 Select study population
 Identify different types of sampling methods
 Outline different types of data collection
 Differentiate different methods of data analysis
 Analyze ethical issues in research processes
 Develop a research proposal
 Point out different ways of referencing
 Prepare work plan and budget break down
 Prepare a research report
 Describe how to utilize research findings for
evidence based Nursing practices
MH 7 5.66 Apply public health  Apply epidemiological approach to disease
D methods for the causation with emphasis on infectious diseases
measurement of health  Apply levels of prevention regarding avoidance 1 1 1 1 1. 0. 5.63
and disease at population and control at different levels 2 38
level.  Apply the different types of epidemiologic

 Calculate and interpret measures of morbidity
and mortality including from existing data sources
 Apply different methods of data collection in the
 Apply basic biostatistics concepts, tools and
 Describe criteria for establishing and evaluating
screening programs and factors that affect validity
and reliability of screening tests
 Describe the processes, uses, and evaluation of
public health surveillance
 Apply the steps of an outbreak investigation and
 Discuss epidemiology of diseases of public
health significance in Ethiopia and locally
 Demonstrate clear, sensitive and effective
communication skills in interactions with individuals,
families, communities, PHCU staff, local health
department staff, peers and faculty
 Suggest health promotion and disease prevention
methods for major public health problems
 Analyze community practice experience and
perform practice-based improvement activities using
a systematic methodology
 Search, collect, organize and interpret health and
health-related information from different sources
 Use information and communication technology
to assist in health promotion and disease prevention
measures for individuals and families
Nursing NL 7 Lead and manage nursing  Utilize basic principles involved in management
Leaders M service administration of resources
hip and Understand health  Design an organizational plan and implement at
manage 0. 0. 0. 0.5 0. 2. 0. 5.66
informatics and different settings 5 83 5 5 26 56
information technology as  Monitor and evaluate health related activities 4 6
applied in the healthcare  Apply basic principles of management and
environment. leadership in different health facility levels.
 Apply the basic concept and principles of health
informatics in the day-to-day activities
 Record, document and report health related data
Health HPD 5 4.04 Assess and diagnose/  Identify priority action areas for health
Promoti P identify priority problems promotion in Ethiopia
on and 1 0. 0.5 1 1. 4.04
for health promotion and  Apply methods of nutritional assessment and 5 3 01
disease prevention at the interpret results
on individual, group,  Communicate health related information at
and community levels. different level
Plan, implement, monitor,  Prepare, plan and schedule health education at
and evaluate health community and health facility level
promotion and
disease prevention
interventions for
individuals, groups, and

Key: In the table above there are percentages that indicate the percentage of type of items that correspond to the levels of learning domains.

Ministry of Education
Higher Education Sub-sector
Program Name:- BSc in Comprehensive Nursing Program

Table 4:Calculation on share of themes, courses, competencies for a Program

Themes Course ECTS Weight of course Number of test Cognitive (%)
Name or proportion items from each

Affective (%)



Total (%)



Patient Care 1. FN1 7 7/95 = 0.07 0.07*77 = 5.39% - 1 1 - 0.69 - 1.00 1.617 5.39%
5 78
Share = 77% items from the 2. FN2 13 13/95 = 0.14 0.14*77= 10.78% - 1 1 1.39 1 1 2.15 3.234 10.78%
total 6
3. MSN1 18 18/95 = 0.19 0.19*77 = 14.63% - 2 1 2.23 1 1 2.44 4.88 14.63%
4. MSN2 22 22/95 = 0.23 0.23*77 = 17.71% 0. 2 2 2 1 1 3.54 5.313 17.71%
85 2
5. PCHN 13 13/95= 0.14 0.14*77 = 10.78% - 1 1 1 1.38 1 2.15 3.234 10.78%
6. MRHN 14 14/95= 0.15 0.15*77 = 11.55% - 1 1 1 1 1.77 2.31 3.465 11.55%
7. MHN 8 8/95= 0.08 0.08*77 = 6.16% - 1 - 1 - 1.08 1.23 1.848 6.16%
Theme one total ECTS 95
Professionalism 1. NPE 1.65 1.65/4.65= 0.35 0.35*3.77=1.32% - - 0.22 0.22 - 0.22 0.66 - 1.32%
2. NECD 3 3/4.65= 0.65 0.65*3.77=2.45% - 0.47 - 0.5 0.5 - - 0.98 2.45%
Share = 3.77% items from Theme two total ECTS 4.65
the total
Scholarly 1. NRM 5 5/12 = 0.42 0.42*9.71=4.07% - 1 - 0.5 0.53 - 0.4 1.628 4.07%
Share = 9.71% items from 2. MHD 7 7/12 = 0.58 0.58*9.71=5.63% - 1 1 1 1 1.27 - 0.38 5.63%
the total Theme three total ECTS 12
Nursing Leadership 1. NLM 7 7/7=1 1*5.66=5.66% - 0.5 0.83 0.5 0.5 0.95 0.56 2.264 5.66%
and management Share
= 5.66% items from the total

Health Promotion and 1. HPDP 5 5/5=1 1*4.04=4.04% - 1 0.5 0.53 1 1.01 - 4.04%
disease prevention
Share = 4.04% items from
the total
Total for the program 123.65 100% 100%
Note: The number of items assigned in the levels of domains is based on the nature of learning outcomes/objectives.

7. Conclusion
Exit examination can have a vital role in producing knowledgeable, skillful and attitudinally matured
graduates. It contributes to prepare competent graduates as it can serve as a quality check for effectiveness. It
also helps in improving academic programs quality and effectiveness. Furthermore, it can create the platform
for cooperation among academic programs at different universities to work jointly to improve the programs
In view of this, this document is produced to assist the setting of the exit examinations for BSc in
comprehensive nursing program, which is being delivered by Ministry of Education. To meet the graduation
profile, competency and learning outcome, exit exam competency selection and identifying core course was
done for 2015 EC graduating students. As a result, preparing test blueprint is necessary to prepare fairly
distributed items based on the above criteria.


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