Language of Light Glossary
Language of Light Glossary
Language of Light Glossary
Alignment – refers to bringing the four lower bodies: the spiritual, the
mental, the emotional, and the physical bodies into complete alliance
with one another. They become the channel through which Soul
Consciousness is made manifest in the embodiment; also refers to being
at one with God, which you are. (see 4 Lower Bodies)
All In All – everything and nothing held as the same within Divine
Consciousness. Same as All That Is. (see All That Is)
All That Is – God, everything, Infinity, Eternity; all forms and the
Lite meaning: the whole enchilada; is that all?
Authentic Voice – is spoken from the Heart; the voice of your Soul
which you consciously choose to express through speaking, writing,
singing, all art forms, or any other creative activity.
Lite meaning: not to be confused with authentic vice: original sin.
Avatar – one who comes into the embodiment, fully realized as God,
which he/she is; comes in service to humanity. (see Bodhisattva)
Big Picture, The – is taking everything into account and seeing the
interconnectedness of all things. Going beyond the dramas and illusions
of the ego to the perspective of the Soul. Soul “sees” things from a
larger frame of reference, which is all inclusive.
Lite meaning: For example, the ego perceives all situations:
people, places, and things from the street level only.
Soul, in contrast, sees everything from the top of
Mount Everest and the street level in simultaneity.
Bodhisattva – one who, out of compassion, forgoes Nirvana for the sake
of service to others; this service is about Being, rather than doing.
(see Avatar)
Spiritual Body
• Spiritual Spiritual Plane Highest vibration of the
• Spiritual Mental Plane 4 lower bodies.
• Spiritual Emotional Plane
• Spiritual Physical Plane
Mental Body
• Mental Spiritual Plane
• Mental Mental Plane descending vibration
• Mental Emotional Plane
• Mental Physical Plane
Emotional Body
• Emotional Spiritual Plane
• Emotional Mental Plane
• Emotional Emotional Plane
• Emotional Physical Plane
Physical Body
• Physical Spiritual Plane
• Physical Mental Plane Slowest vibration of 4
• Physical Emotional Plane lower bodies
• Physical Physical Plane
Business of the Business – taking care of the nuts and bolts aspects of all
earth plane activity; the basics of doing business; that which needs to
happen to be successful in the exterior realm of life.
Core Issues – these are key elements (beliefs, thoughts, feelings) of the
collective consciousness that foster suffering, pain and most of the
maladies that afflict humanity, such as:
1. I feel separate
2. I am not good enough
3. I am unworthy
4. I am unlovable
5. I am unloved
6. I do not know how to love
7. I am afraid of love
8. I am afraid to love
9. I am sinfilled
10. I am less than
11. I am superior
12. I am evil to the core
And thousands more…
Covert – the negative interior energy that humanity operates from; the
secrets that were never to be spoken in childhood, ie… family secrets,
church secrets, self secrets, and negative self-programming. Behind
these stand the core issues of unfinished Mommy/Daddy business. (see
Overt, Unfinished Mommy/Daddy Business)
with the Soul; is about your unfinished Mommy/ Daddy business. (see
above, Unfinished Mommy/Daddy Business)
Dark Night of the Sole/Soul – a fallacy; the Soul has no darkness, evil,
stains, etc…really referring to the ego in it’s own distress and drama.
Lite meaning: “O Soulo Mio, I am always alone in my own shit,”
cries the ego.
1. The moving out of one’s physical, mental, emotional and spiritual
bodies and back to the immortal, unlimited, unceasing energy of
2. Usually refers to the cessation of living, however, death occurs
throughout life as well.
3. Moving from the form into fornlessness.
4. Unwillingness to change the attachment to old identities, beliefs,
habits is “living your death”.
Lite meaning: Death is Life’s best friend.
Death is not a dead end.
Defense – one of the functions of the ego, based on the idea that there
are things outside of yourself that could or would do harm to you. (see
egoic functions)
Lite meaning: One of mankind’s tools to protect his or her
identity from being “slam-dunked” by another.
Divine Awareness – the wisdom of All That Is and ever shall be. This
Consciousness is all encompassing. It holds within itself all form and
formlessness, all polarities, time and space, illusion and reality, life and
death, nothing and everything. It has no beginning and no ending. To
be in human form and experience Divine Awareness is to transcend
limitations of all kinds. One experiences limitlessness.
Divine Setup – any and all situations created by Soul/God, which we are,
that offer the opportunity for spiritual growth, change, greater
awareness, and waking up. For example: all “real life” situations such
as, drama, conflicts, war, famine, death, birth, divorce, marriage, sexual
problems, hair loss, bad hair days, inheritances, “accidents”, etc…
Lite meaning: in other words, any situation, period.
Ego Conscious Mind – that aspect of ego called mental body (the brain
and all thoughts and ideas) which tend to run (ruin) most people’s lives.
Lite meaing: I’ve forgotten where I misplaced my mind.
Steps to follow:
1. Make the calls for Inner Planes work. (see Inner planes)
2. Ask Soul to bring you a symbol of your ego personality.
3. Take that symbol and place it in the circle of Christ Light for
4. Watch as the symbol is transformed before and within you.
5. Ask Soul for the meaning behind the symbol and it’s transformation.
6. Give thanks for the symbol(s), its transformation, and the meaning
behind this.
B. Ego-Conscious Mind – what runs you in the world.
Steps to follow:
1. Make the calls for Inner Planes work.
2. Ask Soul to bring you a symbol of your ego-conscious mind.
3. Take that symbol and place it in the circle of Christ Light for
4. Watch as the symbol is transformed for you.
5. Ask Soul for the meaning behind the symbol and it’s transformation.
6. Give thanks for the symbol(s), its transformation, and the meaning
behind this.
Ego Self – that part of ourselves that most people know as their identity.
The ego is made up of all our past experiences, conditionings, beliefs,
behaviors, fears, identities, thoughts, feelings, and all imprintings from
our parents. It is our sense of separation from one another and from
God. It is what drives our addictions, compulsions, depressions, wars,
famines, conflicts, politics, diseases, and every other negative thing that
you can think of. However, the ego is not our enemy. It is one of our
greatest teachers. The ego yearns to be recognized for the important
role that it plays in our eventual awakening to God, which we are. It
desires to be loved and appreciated, not obliterated. It desires to be
transformed; raised up into the vibration of Soul.
Embracing The Ego – Soul honoring the ego’s need to be loved and
Lite meaning: Basically, get a grip on yourself.
Emotional Body – one of the 4 lower bodies; the subtle energy body
through which feelings are created, expressed, and stored. The ego is
fully resident here. (see Bodies, Lower Bodies)
ET’s – those fun-loving aspects of God that just can’t seem to get a life
or mind their own business ………Pick one.
Fear – the withholding of love from self and usually another; the
motivating force that drives much of what occurs in the collective
consciousness; the energy behind the 6 Ego functions: judgment,
criticism, protection, defense, control, and manipulation. ( see Egoic
Lite meaning: F – False
E – Experience
A – Appearing
R – Real
Form – the physical universe; that which is manifest; the entirety of the
earth plane.
Lite meaning: that which goes bump in the night on the way to
the bathroom.
4 Lower Bodies – the Home of the ego; the ego is fully resident in all 4
lower bodies: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.
Gate Keeper – an illumined one who stands at the gateway between the
form and the formless, Life and Death; to “hold the energy” and assist
others in crossing into the next vibration. This may occur whether in or
out of embodiment.
God – All That Is, the Divine, Divine Mother, Divine Father, Source.
Lite meaning: Yo! It’s You; the one who is reading this.
3. I am love
4. I am God
5. Everything is God
6. Everything is important and nothing is important
7. Everything is illusion back to God
8. Everything is already accomplished; all you do is bring your
Consciousness to it
9. Divine Order is always in place
10. There is no place to go and nothing to do
11. Show up and be lovingly present, no matter what it looks like out 12.
there or inside yourself
12. Always speak the Truth of your heart
13. Self-Love (see Esoteric Teachings)
14. Have the patience and persistence to practice your Truth
Gold – the Gift of Love; this is Sacred Alchemy; transforming all of our
negative patterning, rules, admonitions, behaviors, beliefs, destructive
tendencies, and egoic functions into the Truth which is Love. (see egoic
Heart – where the Soul awaits in the embodiment; where the Voice of
Soul is heard; the Authentic Voice of a Conscious individual speaks from
here; the Serene Center of Being within the Heart; not necessarily
referring to the physical organ per se.
Heaven – to know that you are God; to live from this Truth 24 hours a
day unceasingly; to no longer feel alone wherever you go; to know that
you will never die; to not have to worry; to know that you are One with
everything and everyone; to take full responsibility for All That Is; to
know that you can and do create whatever you wish in each moment; to
If You Can Think The Thought You Have Already Experienced It – any
thought that can be held in the mind of the thinker has already been
experienced; the ego spends time where it has already been because it is
familiar and comfortable and known; the challenge is to live in the
Lite meaning: Atlantis, Pleides, Lemuria: Been there; Done that!
Impersonal – living life from the reference point of the Soul, not the ego;
moving beyond the ego-personality focus into a larger view of
Reality/Illusion. To the ego this may seem cold and indifferent. Yet, it is
the height of compassion because it takes into account the Big Picture.
(see Big Picture)
Imprinting on the Soul Fragment – when the ego has experiences in life,
these are imprinted on the Soul fragment. These experiences can be
dramatic, traumatic, joyous etc…The negative ones are “cleared” at a
later time from the Soul fragment. The “clearing” may be done while in
embodiment, or after Death.
Inner Planes – the home of the Soul; also the home of all extended
realms of Consciousness; the place “where you go when you die”;
“Heaven”; pure undifferentiated Consciousness; “no-ego” land; no
separation here; distinct vibration of Divine Love/Wisdom. The
external world (outer physical earth plane) is held within the Inner
Planes. The energy of the Inner Planes maintains and sustains the
physical earth plane of existence. The Inner Planes, like the outer
physical earth plane, is also illusion. However, the Inner Planes are a
higher vibratory frequency which ultimately accelerates into the “Inner
Breath” of God.
It’s Never About The Other – during an upset between two individuals,
it may appear that one is creating hurt or pain for the other by a look, a
word, a tone of voice. What is really happening: the one who seems to
be bringing the pain is a messenger. This messenger is a mirror for the
other to look at something within himself/herself that has not as yet
been faced and embraced. It is far easier to blame another, than to face
the shadow within oneself. To acknowledge the truth that everything
outside of ourselves is a reflection of what is going on inside oneself; is to
acknowledge that there is nothing going on outside of ourselves.
(see Shadow)
Joy – the feeling quality of Love. This is a Soul quality. (see Soul
Looking In – “seeing” on the Inner Planes via the doorway of the Heart.
Referencing the Soul in all decision making.
Love – is energy; it sustains all form and formlessness; our true identity.
Love lives in the Heart. It is the Glue of the Universe. It is a Soul
quality. (see Soul Qualities)
4. I call for the quickening of this energy within all my (our) cells.
6. I call that I (we) enter into the Serene Center of my (our) Being
within my (our) Heart(s).
6. I call that I (we) enter into the Serene Center of my (our) Being
within my (our) Heart(s).
7. I call that I (we) see the doorway into the Inner Planes.
Mental Body – one of the 4 lower bodies; the subtle energy body
pertaining primarily to thoughts and ideas created, expressed, and
stored in the brain/mind. The ego is fully resident here. (see Bodies,
Lower Bodies)
Moment – present time; the Now. This is so vast that it encompasses all
of Time and Space within itself. “Live your life in a Moment.” (See
Lite meaning: This root canal will hurt for just a moment.
Mundane – the everyday business of life ie… paying bills, going to work,
shopping for groceries, etc…The Work relates to the mundane by
bringing sacredness into it. Making every act of the mundane a sacred
act of Consciousness. (see The Work)
Mystic – one who is passionately in love with God. God is not separate
from the Mystic, but one with the Mystic. The mystical phrase, “God
which I am”, refers to the union and communion of the Mystic and God.
This state of At-one-ment is the focus of the lifestream (lifetime) of the
Negative Love Patterns – the negative rules and admonitions from our
parents in childhood. We adopt negative traits or patterns (from our
parents, schooling, religion, etc…) to get love. The results of adopting
negative traits is that you feel unlovable. You can’t give or receive love.
The more you try to be loved by your parents, the more unlovable you
become. This is a vicious cycle: If you win you lose. It’s a Catch-22
situation. Negative Love compels you to sabotage yourself continually
by forcing you to reject others or to be rejected by them. (This
information comes from “The Negative Love Syndrome” by Bob
Hoffman, see Negative Love Syndrome)
Once You Name It, You Can Change It – in order to break a negative
habit or pattern, it is necessary to first move out of denial. Then, you
can name it. Example: “I feel angry.” Naming it brings it to
Consciousness. You are then at choice: to keep the negative pattern or
begin changing your negative thoughts, feelings, or behaviors around
the negative pattern. (see Steps to Change a Negative Feeling to Love)
ability to “see” on the Inner Planes. Others are the extended realms of
Consciousness, and so on.
Overt – external, negative behaviors that arise from all ego functions.
It is the ego-personality and all literal, negative behaviors from
childhood. These behaviors are present in all 4 of the lower bodies.
These external, negative behaviors have maintained survival from
childhood to the present time. (see Covert)
poor O
Path – an ancient term used to denote “the way” for one who is a seeker
of Truth and the Meaning of Life. Actually there is no special path to
follow because wherever one is, is where one is. There is no other road
to follow. It is the Pathless Path.
Pathless Path – wherever you are right now is your evolution back to the
full awareness of God, which you are.
Lite meaning: (X) you are here!
Wherever you go, there you are.
Payoff Lifetime – this is the lifetime when you finally “get” what is
going on. You know what life is all about. You move in full
Consciousness toward Self-Realization. This is the lifetime where it all
comes together for you, as in the “Payoff”.
1. Self Love is the bridge between all negative and positive polarities.
2. What takes one from the positive polarity back to the negative
polarity is self-doubt, self-hatred and self-loathing (all negative
perceptions of self and others.)
3. How do you move out of inertia or negative perception?
4. To move out of inertia or stuckness, you will need to find
something or someone which inspires you. Inspiration is the key
to Self-motivation, which will ultimately free you from inertia. A
Self-motivated person is the creator of his/her own reality rather
than being created by circumstances or individuals outside
him/herself. He/she is proactive rather than reactive.
Presence – a way of Being that one projects into the world, such as a
presence of peace; The I Am Presence; the Presence of God made
manifest through you.
Lite meaning: We are all gifts from God, also known as Presence.
it’s strong illusion. The ego thrives on psychic energy. It is the perfect
way not to take responsibility for what you are creating in your life.
Rage – the negative power behind all egoic functions; the energy which
runs all negative reactivity, negative thoughts, and negative feelings.
(see Egoic Functions)
Lite meaning: R-rapid ----------radical-------ridiculous
A-anger ----------angst---------asshole
G-grievous ------gone----------griping
E- energy --------extreme------expletives
Sacred – honoring the Divine nature of Life and God within all things.
The Work consists of bringing the mundane into sacredness. An
ordinary living becomes an extraordinary life, when lived as sacred.
Self-Love – the way you come into Self-Realization as God, which you
are. Learning to love every aspect of yourself and humanity is probably
the most challenging task of becoming enlightened. It takes complete
transformation of the ego-self to Love. Any aspects of the ego-self left
unloved keep you bound to the inner and outer drama.
Lite meaning: Practice random acts of kindness and senseless acts
of beauty.
ceases to be any more inner or outer drama. The personal ego-self has
surrendered fully and willingly into the loving embrace of the Soul.
(see Shadow)
Lite meaning: Oh my God, it’s me!
Serene Center of Your Being within Your Heart – this is the “place”
where you connect with your Soul. Your Soul resides here within you.
It is a “place” of utter peace and tranquility. It is a “place without
space” as it is not limited by, or to, time and space.
Shadow – all our negative thoughts, feelings, words, and actions, both
covert and overt. It is our unfinished Mommy/Daddy business and
what runs us 24 hours a day. It is all the negative imprinting from our
childhood that we carry with us into adulthood. From the Watcher’s
Silence, The – sitting silently within the Serene Center of your Being
within your Heart; observing any thoughts or feelings that occur. Not
engaging those thoughts or feelings, but bringing them into the Heart,
and continuing to practice being the Watcher/Soul. (see Soul, Watcher)
Soul – the medium through which the Divine (God) makes Itself,
Himself, Herself known to us; the personal/ impersonal connection to
God; your eternal Being. It acts as a transformer: stepping down the
Divine vibration to a vibrational frequency compatible with human
Soul Fragment – these are “lines” of energy that descend from the
Oversoul into the present embodiment. Soul fragments anchor in the
embodiment and have identities as you and me. They are also energies
such as Christ Consciousness and Buddhic Awareness. Soul fragments
are imprinted (like a handprint in soft clay) with all the experiences of
earthly life for clearing at a later time.
Soul Infused – that which carries the energy of Soul Awareness within
itself. All of the four lower bodies, (physical, emotional, mental, and
spiritual) are destined to become completely Soul infused, if that is your
choice. As one moves in Conscious Awareness as Soul, all the thoughts,
feelings, actions, creations, and mundane “doings” of everyday life
become Soul infused, sacred.
Soul Perspective – the Big picture, Love, the “Isness,” Neutrality. The
Soul perspective is seeing things as the Soul sees them. The Soul is The
Watcher of all drama, separation, death, birth and the ego. The Soul is
not effected by these earth plane illusions. The Soul does not hold any
of these earth plane illusions within itself. It knows the Continuum of
Consciousness, Being, Effortlessness, Love, Oneness, Joy, Peace,
Divinity, God, Eternity and much more.
2. Love
4 3. Joy
4. Spontaneity
5. Enthusiasm
6. Peace
(these are but a few of the Soul qualities)
Spirit Into Form – when that which is formless (pure Spirit) manifests
into form. For example: creative process; taking an inspiration and
creating a book, writing a song, etc…Making the mundane Sacred--to
do this, you must bring Spirit into form.
Spiritual Body – the subtle energy body that is of the highest vibration
of the 4 lower bodies. It holds the desires and inclinations of spiritual
matters. The ego is fully resident here. (see Bodies, Lower Bodies)
limiting and destructive patterns that have run your life. (see
The Beloved – God within all things, yourself; that which one cherishes
outside (seemingly) of oneself which is really oneself.
Lite meaning: I am the object of my affection.
Not the object of my affliction.
1. God is
2. God is love
3. I am love
4. I am God
5. Everything is God
6. Everything is important and nothing is important
7. Everything is illusion back to God
8. Everything is already accomplished; all you do is bring your
9. Consciousness to it
The Practices:
The 3 P’s – this refers to the patience and persistence to practice your
Truth 24 hours a day unceasingly.
The Work – the entire process of awakening to Soul and living a Soul-
centered life consciously 24 hours a day unceasingly, living as God. (see
Persecutor Savior
Turn Your Cup Over – releasing your personal attachment to your life;
letting your Soul be your point of reference, not your ego.
Lite meaning : letting Love run wild in your Impersonal affairs.
Union – the joining of two or more Souls in Love; the joining of ego-self
and Soul in Love; the joining of “I” and God in Love. This can occur
whether the Souls are in or out of embodiment.
Watcher – the pure Soul awareness that observes everything with Divine
Detachment. The Soul, quite literally, watches the “goings on” of the
personal ego-self. The Watcher does not judge any of the thoughts,
feelings, actions, or words of the personal ego-self. Rather the Soul, as
Watcher, sees the acting out of the personal ego-self as a character “that
struts and frets it’s hour upon the stage.” The Watcher asks us to
practice Divine Detachment, Divine Love, Divine Wisdom, and Divine
Wisdom – that which the Soul speaks; as opposed to that which the ego
speaks: accumulated knowledge.
Worst End Scenario – the most terrifying of all possible outcomes in any
given situation.