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A Business Research Presented to the Faculty of

the College of Business Administration

University of the Cordilleras

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Degree




This undergraduate thesis, entitled PERCEIVED EFFECTS

O.; VALDOBOYD, MALKIJAH D. in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the course Business Research, has been
examined and is recommended for acceptable and approval
for oral examination.



Thesis Committee




Member Member





Member Member

ACCEPTED AND APPROVED in partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the course Business Reasearch


Dean, College of Business


a. Total no. of Pages:
b. Text no. of Pages:

2. Researchers: King Ace T. Cabanting

John Kenneth N. Collado
Charles Aldwin P. Tambalque
Sushmina O. Thapa
Malkijah D. Valdoboyd

3. Type of Document: Thesis

4. Type of Publication: Unpublished

5. Accrediting Institution: University of the Cordilleras

Governor Pack Road,
Baguio City

6. Keywords: study habits, academic performance, time

management, study environment, availability of resources

7. Abstracts:

7.1 Background of the Study

Study habits play an important role in the
development of knowledge and visual perception abilities.
Students will be able to perceive how much they will gain
knowledge and how deep they can progress with overall
better study habits, especially in the attainment of good
academic performance. The purpose of this research is to
provide students and educators with knowledge about the
perceived effects of study habits on the academic
performance of the University of the Cordilleras College
students. The primary goal of this study is to measure
the effectiveness of study habits of students of the UC
College students during online distance learning and
face-to-face classes and their gender based perspectives.
The researchers want to attain a greater understanding of
the factors that affect students' study habits so that
this study can guide college students on how to improve
their study habits and educator on how they can guide
Thesis Abstract

7.2 Summary
This study aimed to find out the study habits of UC
College students and the effectiveness of study habits on
the academic performance of the students, specifically
determining the answers to the following research

1. What is the level of effectiveness of UC college

students post pandemic study habits on their academic
a. time management;
b. Study environment;
c. availability of resources?
2. What is the significant difference of post pandemic
study habits of UC college students along:
a. Online Distance Learning; and
b. Face-to-Face Learning?
3. What is the significant difference in post pandemic
study habits: perspectives that are based on gender?
a. Male
b. Female

The study used the descriptive correlation method in

order to achieve its purpose. The data were collected
through an questionnaire and treated using the Likert
scale. The data is then tested using weighted means, an
average mean, and an analysis of variance in order for
the researchers to come up with conclusions and

7.3 Findings

The following were the significant findings of this

1. Level of Effectiveness of Study Habits on the UC
College Students along:
a. Time Management: The study habit’s overall
effectiveness significantly improves student
academic performance. Spending a day studying and
studying before the examination day are the study
habits that the students find highly effective.
b. Study Environment: The study habit’s overall
effectiveness moderately improves student academic
performance. Studying alone is effective for
c. Availability of Resources: Availability of resources
and their overall effectiveness moderately improve
student academic performance. Using the internet to
get information and as a reference for assignments
Thesis Abstract

is effective in helping students prepare projects

and assignments that help them get better grades.
2. There was no significant difference between Online
Distance Learning (ODL) and Face to Face (F2F) limited
3. There was a significant difference between male and
female college students.

7.4 Conclusions

The following conclusions were deduced from the

findings of the study:
1.Level of Effectiveness of Study Habits on the Academic
Performance of the UC College students along:
a. Time Management: Time management set clear goals and
priorities in order to complete significant
priorities that will help improve academic
b. Study Environment: Students who study in a
comfortable environment are more likely to work much
harder and boost their academic performance.
c. Availability of Resources: Resources provide
learners opportunities to learn that allow them to
develop concepts and abilities while working in a
variety of situations that will help students get a
better grade.
2. There was no significant difference between Online
Distance Learning (ODL) and Face to Face (F2F) limited
3. There was a significant difference of Study Habits
between male and female college students.

7.5 Recommendations

In relation with the findings and conclusions of

this research, the followings are recommended:
1. Students should not have a long break intervals between
classes and the instructors should give graded recitations
or activities after discussion for them to make sure that
the students understand the discussion
2. Implement noise control measures in shared spaces, such
as installing soundproofing materials to minimize noise
transmission between rooms.
3. Professors should provide activities that involve a
visit to a library.

We, the researchers, would like to acknowledge and

give our warmest thanks to the following individuals for

the assistance and encouragement in completing our

Business Research and Statistics.


We researchers have dedicated this business research

to the family, who give their utmost support and never-

ending inspiration throughout the study. We also like to

express our gratitude to the instructor who helped make

this research possible by assisting the researcher in

completing the research. Also, this study is also

dedicated to the school that provided the researchers

with the chance to develop, practice, and collaborate on

this study. We acknowledge and thank our Almighty God who

gave the courage, knowledge, wisdom, protection, and will

to accomplish this research.




TITLE PAGE............................................ 1

APPROVAL SHEET ........................................ 2

ABSTRACT.............................................. 3

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT....................................... 6

DEDICATION............................................ 7

TABLE OF CONTENTS. .................................... 8

LIST OF TABLES ........................................ 10



Background of the Study. ..................... 12

Theoretical/Conceptual Framework ............. 21

Statement of the Problem and Hypothesis. ...... 22


Research Design and Methodology............... 23

Population and Locale of the Study............ 26

Data Gathering Tool. . . . . . . . . . . . . .27

Data Gathering Procedure. . . . . . . . . . . 28

Treatment of the Data. . . . . . . . . . . . .29


Level of Effectiveness of Study Habits on the

Academic Performance of the College of Business

Administration Students ...................... 33



Conclusions. ................................. 49

Recommendations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

REFERENCES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

APPENDICES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

CURRICULUM VITAE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71


Table No Table Title Page

1 Number of Respondents in each Department. . . .25

2 Demographic Profile of the Respondents. . . . .26

3 Four-Point Likert Scale of the Level of

Effectiveness of Study Habits on the Academic

Performance of the UC College students. . .30

4 Level of Effectiveness of Study Habits on the

Academic Performance of the UC College Male

Students Along Time Management. . . . . . .34

5 Level of Effectiveness of Study Habits on the

Academic Performance of the UC College Female

Students Along Time Management. . . . . . .35

6 Level of Effectiveness of Study Habits on the

Academic Performance of the UC College Male

Students Along Study Environment. . . . . .38

7 Level of Effectiveness of Study Habits on the

Academic Performance of the UC College Female

Students Along Study Environment. . . . . .38

8 Level of Effectiveness of Study Habits on the

Academic Performance of the UC College Male

Students Along Availability of Resources. .41

9 Level of Effectiveness of Study Habits on the

Academic Performance of the UC College Female

Students Along Availability of Resources. .42


10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44

11 Difference of Study Habits of UC College Students

Between Online Distance Learning and Face to Face

Learning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45

Chapter 1


Background of the Study

Academic performance is impacted by study habits,

according to international research. Data suggests that

students who lack knowledge about learning strategies do

not accomplish efficient and consistent studying, and

therefore do not achieve a proper level of academic

achievement. Students with higher academic accomplishment

use these abilities more than educators with lower levels

of achievement. Good (2019) stated that "the study habits

produce positive academic performance, while inefficient

study habits lead to academic failure".

Ozdamar-Keskin, Ozata, Banar, and Royle (2020),

students in online distance education in Asia have a

variety of learning preferences as well as problem-

solving and project management skills. Ambar and Boedhi

(2019) note that participation in a higher education

institution's open and distance learning program

necessitates autonomous study on the part of the

students. Students' performance in Open and Distance

Learning (ODL) courses is also influenced by their study

habits. According to Faize (2018), educators who work

with ODL students must look for learning environments

that support students' study habits. according to the

The Problem
13 13

technology used. Online settings can meet learners’ needs

in open and distance learning by ensuring that learners

utilize available media or material to enhance their

learning as they learn at their own place, pace and time

(Georgiadou & Siakas, 2020).

In Baguio City, study habits significantly

contribute to the development of knowledge and perceptual

capacities. With improved study habits, students will be

able to gauge how much they will learn and how far they

can go particularly in the accomplishment of learning

tasks stated in their self-learning modules. According to

Rabia as cited by Carino (2021), students’ study habits

are often disregarded as they rely on their teachers in

understanding their lessons in face-to-face interaction.

But this time, the pandemic paved the way for learners to

develop their study habits suitable to their needs. If

improved study habits result in improved academic

performance, then students’ self-confidence improves as

well. Moreover, the academic performance of the students

is the product of an inter-play of factors like effective

study habits and skills, good teachers, and congenial

school and home environment. Thus, students’ poor

performance in an examination could be attributed to

teacher non-performance, and poor study habits and skills

and uncongenial learning environment.

The Problem
14 14

Based on observation most of the University of the

Cordilleras students like the researchers, experience

poor study habits that negatively affects the academic

performance. Several studies indicate that a lack of ICT

equipment (e.g. printers) at home and limited knowledge

on its use, and even the lack of a quiet place to study

are among the negative impacts of Covid-19. An increasing

number of college courses are delivered online,

especially with the use of synchronous technologies,

which provides an opportunity for educators to search for

the most suitable learning environments for students’

study habits. According to the technology used, online

settings can meet learners’ needs. The synchronous

setting serves desktop sharing, video sharing, audio,

verbal chat, presentation, whiteboard, online survey

functions. The instructor presented the content during

synchronous sessions, and discussed students’ questions.

Emotional intelligence is a main area in educational

psychology and a key factor in the academic life of

students. It deals with deviant behavior through self-

awareness and self-motivation, regulates emotional and

social skills and converts emotional energy into positive

energy. (Iqbal, Asghar,Ashraf, Yi 2022) . Thus, they have

a positive impact on academic performance conditions.

Conversely, negative emotions such as hopelessness and

The Problem
15 15

boredom are set to reduce motivation and easy processing

of information, implying a negative impact on


Online learning platforms enable a wide variety of

videos, images, animations, texts, and audios to be

created and shared. In their study, Sharpe and Benfield

(2020) found that there were some connections among

habits and performances and suggested a deeper

investigation into eliciting the experiences, habits, and

strategies of effective e-learners. ODL students are,

therefore expected to exhibit a great level of digital

literacy (Maphosa & Bhebhe, 2019).

There are so many factors influencing the ability of

student to cultivate effective and efficient study habit.

The point to poor study habits as one of major causes of

poor academic performances among Nigerian University

students. Other researchers agree that good study habits

have positive effects on performance. According to Thomas

and Robinson as cited by Avenido et al. (2018), further

experiments on study habits have shown that the SQ3R

method has the main features of effective studies,

particularly when the purpose is to gain a thorough

understanding of content. To improve test performance

students should begin reviewing a week before a test. The

key to improving test performance is to employ effective

The Problem
16 16

study habits and techniques all semester and then employ

effective reviewing techniques one week before a test.

The four-step PRWR (Preview, Read, Write, and

Recite) study approach is more popular in the Philippines.

According to Langan, who was referenced by Avenido et al.

(2018), it entails scanning an entire chapter for several

minutes before reading it carefully. At both the high

school and college levels, students who adopt effective

study techniques, such as taking notes and analyzing

notes and texts, are more likely to retain what they have

learned. Students in distant education are more immersed

now in a web-based learning environment, as Harris (in

Peker Ünal, 2021) wrote. According to Radha et al.

(2020), online distance learning has become the solution

for most students to continue their schooling amidst the

pandemic, since people choose to learn at the comfort of

their home and the convenience attached to it.

Regrettably, this may not be similar nor applicable for

all students in a developing country like the Philippines

where internet connectivity is unstable and technological

resources are bounded due to high demands and costs.

During the pandemic, internet connectivity is a

popular complaint being highlighted among students of the

University of the Cordilleras since the internet is slow.

Wireless connectivity is another challenge as the nation

The Problem

has seen on television or read news reports of students

going up on flexibility in the curriculum for non-

mountain sides or on hilltops to catch wireless signals

to use the internet (Averia, 2020). Additionally, Adonis

(2020) mentioned a teacher who believed that the smaller

class size was caused by a bad internet connection

because millions of kids and parents were having trouble

adjusting to the new educational platforms brought on by

the recent coronavirus outbreak. Students, especially

those from outlying areas, struggled greatly due to the

slow internet connection. There is significant evidence

in the literature that online distance learning presented

difficulties for students.

The study was planned and carried out keeping in

mind the importance of the students' learning abilities

and habits as well as the crucial part they play in

academic performance, as well as the fact that different

people and places have different study habits and that

the findings of related studies can vary. The lackluster

study habits of college students, which have a

detrimental effect on their academic achievement,

motivated the researchers to carry out this study.

The primary achievement of distance learning and

regular students is managing time effectively.

Mismanagement disturbs the academic achievement of

The Problem
18 18

learners. Time Administration plays a significant role in

improving learner’s performance and accomplishments.

According to a study conducted by (Ahmad; Batool;

Choudhry 2019) Time managing is a massive distinction

between formal and web-based education, the capacity to

manage time effectively is identified with scholarly

achievement, and alternately, a poor timing leads towards

failure and achievement level is decreased. Furthermore

if a student manage time effectively then their

educational achievements are improved successfully. Thus

time management is very important for each students.

Further, the variables for study environment are:

are within reach, have radio, record player, and

television when studying, prefer to study alone rather

than with others, the area of study is free of noise and

distractions and is comfortable, and can study in the

area for at least half hour without getting up, walking

about, taking snack or TV or phone breaks.

Lastly, the variables used for the use of resources

are: go to the library at least once a week for studying

and reading and use books and other printed materials to

study, use the internet of online research engine, such

as Yahoo and Google to find out information, watch

videotapes, movies and short files to help me practice

listening to and speaking the English language, use

The Problem
19 19

people-resources available when needed in asking

questions and help, and attend review sessions when

offered. These variables are useful in the present study

to determine the study habits of Gulf College Students.

Expectancy Theory explains motivation in terms of an

individual's perception of the performance process

through assumptions. This includes that student expect

certain outcomes of behavior and performance along with

students believe the effort they put forth, the

performance they achieve, and the outcomes they receive.

To have good study habits, a student must stop

depending on their teachers for constant guidance. This

will enable them to develop into independent learners who

can retain information in their long-term memory. Some

habits are bad study habits, such as memorization,

bringing information to learn at the last minute,

learning in a dimly lit environment, and using messy or

disorganized workspace. As these practices have long-term

detrimental effects on students' academic performance, it

is expected that students will not take them into


The way that students approach their studies is

important. Each student's ability to succeed or fail is

based on his or her individual study habits. Studying

requires practice because it is an art. Some students put

The Problem
20 20

in more study time yet do not get better results. Some

students learn less yet accomplish more. Each student's

talent, intelligence, and effort have a direct impact on

their success. Without a doubt, successful study habits

have their own rewards in the form of success. Study

habits are the actions taken by students to enhance their

learning when they are engaged in the learning process.

Studying habits are meant to elicit and direct a

learner's cognitive processes.

The objective of the study is to determine the

effects of study habits students at the University of the

Cordilleras along time management, study environment, and

availability of resources in order to have a clear

understanding of the study habits of students that would

help in future plan formulations for a better study habit

towards improved academic performance.

The study's findings can be used as a starting point

for analyzing how pressures placed on students affect

their study habits. This study will serve as a guide and

aid the College students of University of Cordilleras in

developing tactics to enhance students' learning

techniques. It will also act as the cornerstone for the

college's upcoming innovation program, which aims to help

students develop better study habits. The results of this

study will help professors and deans better understand

21 The Problem

the study patterns of college students, enabling them to

give the students the support they need to improve their

academic performance.

This study will guide students in determining their

positive and undesirable learning strategies that affect

their performance in school. This study will serve as a

motivator to boost the academic performance of college

students through effective study routines. This study

would also serve as a guide for further research into the

study habits of college students at other universities in

Baguio City.

Theoretical/Conceptual Framework

The theory used to guide the study is Expectancy


Expectancy Theory. In this study, according Victor

Vroom as cited by Oluwandamilola (2019), the students

will behave in a way that will produce the results they

desire for. In other words, students make decisions

depending on what they anticipate the results to be.

Students anticipate that if they study with the correct

mindset, they will perform well on assessments. Vroom did

propose, however, that the decision-making process is

also influenced by how likely believe those rewards to

be. In this case, students may be more motivated to study

The Problem

more effectively if mid-term and final exam is

approaching and it is important for them to do well on

it. When scholarship opportunities are plentiful and will

give students an additional motivation to succeed, this

is another factor that motivates them to study.

This theory is related to the study habits because

it can be used to understand behavior and performance

based on how the individual expects certain outcomes from

the performance or behavior that occurred. A person could

want an 90-100 on a test so they would be very motivated

and driven to study days prior to receive the reward.

This would allow us to understand the individual behavior

towards work and to predict the performance. The key

constructs in the theory will also help to understand

ones behavior and predict performance when its applied to

a situation.

Statement of the Problem

To determine the effect of the post pandemic in the

study habits of the UC college students.

Specifically, determining the answers to the

following research questions:

1. What is the level of effectiveness of UC college

students post-pandemic study habits on their academic

performance along:
The Problem
23 23

a. time management;

b. Study environment;

c. availability of resources?

2. What is the significant difference of post-pandemic

study habits of UC college students along:

a. Online Distance Learning; and

b. Face-to-Face Learning?

3. What is the significant difference in post-pandemic

study habits perspectives that are based on gender:

a. Male

b. Female

Chapter 2


This chapter focuses on the research design, locale

and population of the study, research instruments and

tools for data gathering, data gathering procedures and

statistical treatment of the data.

Research Design and Methodology

The researchers used the descriptive-correlational

method as their research design. A descriptive

correlational study is one in which the researcher is

primarily focused on describing relationships between

variables rather than attempting to establish a causal

relationship. This quantitative research method seeks to

describe the relationship between two or more variables.

The purpose of this study was to provide a better

understanding of the effectiveness of study habits on the

academic performance of the University of the Cordilleras

college students between male and female, and the

significant difference between online distance learning

(ODL) and face-to-face learning methods.

Table 1

Number of Respondents in each Department

Population and Locale of the Study

Design and Methodology
25 25

Department Respondents Percentage

College of 43 11%

Criminal Justice


College of 43 11%


Technology and

Computer Science

College of 43 11%

Teacher Education

College of 43 11%


College of Arts 43 11%

and Sciences

College of 46 12%



College of 43 11%

Engineering and


College of 43 11%

Hospitality and


Design and Methodology
26 26

College of 43 11%


Total 390 100%

Table 2

Demographic Profile of the Respondents

Frequency (f) Percentage (%)


Male 189 49%

Female 201 51%

Total 390 100%

Population and Locale of the Study

The study was conducted in University of the

Cordilleras, Baguio City school year 2023-2024. This

study involved the UC college students. The researchers

chose UC College students as respondents to determine

their study habits along time management, study

environment and availability of resources.

The respondents of the study were the UC College

students that experience Limited Face to Face and Online

Distance Learning who were enrolled in the University of

the Cordilleras. The researchers used Slovin’s formula to

get the total number of respondents which is 390 in all.

Design and Methodology
27 27

A simple random sample is a randomly selected subset

of a population. In this sampling method, each member of

the population has an exactly equal chance of being

selected. This method is the most straightforward of all

the probability sampling methods, since it only involves

a single random selection and requires little advance

knowledge about the population. Because it uses

randomization, any research performed on this sample

should have high internal and external validity (Thomas,


Simple random sampling is used to make statistical

inferences about a population. It helps the researchers

ensure high internal validity: randomization is the best

method to reduce the impact of potential confounding

variables. Each member of the population has an equal

chance of being selected. Data is then collected from as

large a percentage as possible of this random subset.

Data Gathering Tool

The questionnaire is the primary tool for gathering

data from student-respondents. These questionnaires

comprised pertinent information that aimed to find out

the study habits of UC College students and the

effectiveness of study habits on the academic performance

of the students. A questionnaire is the research tool of

Design and Methodology
28 28

this study because this can provide a quick and effective

method for collecting a large amount of data from large

sample sizes. This tool was utilized for assessing the

attitudes, preferences, and behaviors of the UC College


The questionnaire's questions were adopted from

Puma-at and Hamed's study on "Study Habits of Business

Students Towards Achieving Academic Performance”. The

questionnaire’s reliability was evaluated with 10

respondents using Cronbach's Alpha, and the results

showed a 0.87 that is in the range of 0.80-0.89 and the

internal consistency is good which means that the

questionnaire has passed the reliability.

Part I comprised the personal profile of respondents.

Part II comprised the study habits of the UC College

students along time management, study environment, and

availability of resources. Part III comprised the level

of effectiveness of study habits on the academic

performance of the UC College students.

Data Gathering Procedure

The following stages were followed in carrying out

this research, which was effective in assessing the

effect of study habits on the academic performance of UC

College students: The researchers formulated a

Design and Methodology
29 29

questionnaire that was checked by the adviser for the

questionnaire validity. After that, the researchers

prepared a request letter and cover letter for the

respondents, stating the purpose of the research, which

is to be approved by the adviser and the dean. The

researchers then requested data from the registrar's

office on the total number of students in the UC Colleges

for the school year 2023-2024. In order to obtain the

total number of respondents, the researchers used

Slovin’s formula to determine the sample size. After

that, the researchers started collecting data by letting

UC college students answer the questionnaire form, the

researchers explained that in Part II of the

questionnaire, they would now determine the level of

effectiveness of study habits on their academic

performance. After the students finished answering the

questionnaires, the results were immediately tallied and

tabulated. The collected data formed the basis for the

presentation, analysis, and interpretation of the


Treatment of the Data

To be able to carefully analyze the findings in this

research, three methods were used because the

questionnaire varies and must be treated with different

Design and Methodology
30 30


The researchers will be using statistical

treatments to interpret the gathered data and answer the

research problems. Each question in the statement of the

problem has its own statistical treatment used to

interpret the data effectively. Mean Interpretation and

Analysis of Variance are the statistical treatments

needed for this study.

Average Weighted Mean. The average weighted mean

will be used to calculate the center of the data from the

respondents' answers to Part II of the questionnaire.

Likert Scale. To answer statement of the problem 1,

a four-point Likert scale was used to determine the level

of effectiveness of study habits on the academic

performance of the University of the Cordilleras college


The 4-Point Likert Scale on the level of effectiveness of

study habits on the academic performance of the UC

College were shown below:

Table 3

Four-Point Likert Scale of the Level of Effectiveness of

Study Habits on the Academic Performance of the UC

College students
Design and Methodology
31 31

Scale Descriptive Statistical Interpretation

Equivalent Limit

4 Very 3.26-4.00 The study habit's

Effective overall effectiveness

extremely improves

student academic


3 Effective 2.51-3.25 The study habit's

overall effectiveness

moderately improves

student academic


2 Moderately 1.76-2.50 The study habit's

Effective overall effectiveness

slightly improves

student academic


1 Not 1.00-1.75 The study habit's

Effective overall effectiveness

does not at all

improve student

academic performance.
Design and Methodology
32 32

To answer statement of problem 2 and 3, t-Test was

used to compare female and male variants and online

distance learning and Limited face to face. t-Test is a

statistical test that compares the means of two samples.

It is used in hypothesis testing with a null hypothesis

that the difference in group means is zero and an

alternate hypothesis that the difference in group means

is different from zero.


Chapter 3


This chapter presents the data, interpretation and

analysis of data gathered from the survey questionnaire

and and interview and review of of studies and resources

related to this research.

Level of Effectiveness of Study Habits on the Academic

Performance of the UC College Students

Tables 4 to 9 showed the indicators for the level of

effectiveness of study habits on the academic performance

of the UC College male and female students, along with

time management, study environment, and the availability

of resources. The level of effectiveness of study habits

on the academic performance of the UC College students is

effective, along with time management and environmental

factors and the availability of resources.

Time Management. Table 4 shows the level of

effectiveness of study habits on the academic performance

of the UC College Male students along with time

management, with an overall weighted mean of 3.16

interpreted as effective, Table 5 shows the level of

effectiveness of study habits on the academic performance

of the UC College female students along with time

management, with an overall weighted mean of 3.08 both

interpreted as effective which signifies that the study

Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

habit's overall effectiveness moderately improves student

academic performance. The factor time management is

effective which means that scheduling tasks and assigning

them the proper amount of time will help students to

accomplish their task on time and utilize the available

time productively.

Table 4

Level of Effectiveness of Study Habits on the Academic

Performance of the UC College Male Students Along Time


Weighted Qualitative
Average Interpretation

I spend more time in

2.97 Effective

I do advance reading
2.87 Effective
during vacant time

I study before the

3.41 Very Effective
examination day

I submit assignments
3.40 Very Effective
before deadline

Overall Weighted Mean 3.16 Effective

Table 5

Level of Effectiveness of Study Habits on the Academic

Performance of the UC College Female Students Along Time

Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data
35 35


Weighted Qualitative
Average Interpretation

I spend more time in

2.77 Effective

I do advance reading
2.61 Effective
during vacant time

I study before the

3.49 Very Effective
examination day

I submit assignments
3.48 Very Effective
before deadline

Overall Weighted Mean 3.08 Effective

The indicator with the highest weighted mean of 3.41

for male and highest weighted mean of 3.49 for female

describes that they usually spend a day in studying and

study before the examination day. It shows that studying

for long periods of time can help in the productive

retention of information. Preserving information comes

with time, thus highlighting the importance of studying

over a period of days to ensure that one’s brain is

efficiently registering the information presented to

them. To corroborate the highest weighted mean, it is a

good indication that students spend more time studying

before the examination day, which is a good study habit

Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data
36 36

for them to obtain higher grades and finish their course

as scheduled. If students can devote their time and pay

attention to acquiring information and knowledge, their

academic performance will improve (Yadav, Ansari, &

Savant, 2018). Students receive better grades if they

spend more time studying (Kim, 2019). They must take the

necessary approaches and apply those strategies in order

to be effective and more productive. Having these skills

gives students the ability to plan ahead and prioritize

upcoming assignments and events. This is an important

factor in keeping students organized and avoiding

procrastination, and ultimately leads to academic


The indicator with the lowest weighted mean of 2.87

for male and 2.61 for female describes that they do

advance reading during their vacant time. It implies that

students now prefer using the phone, rather than reading

a book during their vacant time. They are also more

distracted because the mall is near to the school. This

can only happen if students take the first steps if they

do advance reading during their vacant time. Good time

management skills from the issue of prioritizing one's

time effectively. This can be done by setting new

personal goals and striving to accomplish them with a new

and improved their advanced reading during their vacant

Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data
37 37

time. To corroborate the lowest weighted mean, it found

that the students should learn how to work smart. Reading

beforehand helps students to understand the material and

gives time to consider perspective and opinions.

These findings imply that the Level of Effectiveness

of Study Habits on Academic Performance of the UC College

students along Time Management is effective in their time

management skills students can have a positive impact on

students' study habits. When students learn to take

control of their time on a daily basis, it improves them

in their ability to get things done, good grades and make

better for their academic performance. To corroborate the

findings, Ahmad et al. (2019) stated that Pickle Jar

Theory expresses that human beings need to create balance

among things and activities while adopting time

management techniques effectively.

Study Environment. Table 6 and 7 shows the Level of

Effectiveness of Study Habits on the Academic Performance

of the UC College male and female students along study

environment with an overall weighted mean of 2.95 for

male and 2.84 for female interpreted as effective which

signifies that the study habit's overall effectiveness

moderately improves student academic performance. The

study environment is effective which means students

Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

prefer to study in a place where they can focus

completely and less likely to be distracted by others.

Table 6

Level of Effectiveness of Study Habits on the Academic

Performance of the UC College Male Students Along Study


Weighted Qualitative
Average Interpretation

My place of study is
3.36 Very Effective
quiet and comfortable

I study with radio,

2.85 Effective
record player or TV

I prefer to study alone 3.02 Effective

I study continuously

without standing,

walking, taking snacks, 2.57 Effective

TV and phone


Overall Weighted Mean 2.95 Effective

Table 7

Level of Effectiveness of Study Habits on the Academic

Performance of the UC College Female Students Along Study

Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data
39 39

Weighted Qualitative
Average Interpretation

My place of study is
3.33 Effective
quiet and comfortable

I study with radio, Moderately

record player or TV Effective

I prefer to study alone 3.12 Very Effective

I study continuously

without standing,
walking, taking snacks, 2.39
TV and phone


Overall Weighted Mean 2.84 Effective

As shown in the table, male 3.43 and female 3.33

students prefer to study in a quiet and comfortable

place. Students who study in a positive learning

environment have been shown to be more motivated,

engaged, and to have a higher overall learning ability.

On the other hand, students learning in poor environments

– those that are uncomfortable, loud, or full of

distractions – will find it far more difficult to absorb

information and stay engaged. With this in mind, let’s

look at how your surroundings affect the way you study,

Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data
40 40

and consider some of the best ways to create your ideal

learning environment (Hendrix, 2019). Studying alone

allows you to set the perfect study environment so you

get the most out of studying. Studying alone also allows

you to use the study tactics that are the most effective

for your learning style (Loeffler, 2022). However,

Effective study groups can help students learn course

material in a deeper, more concrete way. Groups that are

effective generate positive energy, encourage active

participation, instill discipline, and require

commitments from members. These skills are certainly

important for learning (Annenberg Institute at Brown

University, 2019).

The lowest indicator along environmental factors is

the statement “I study continuously without standing,

walking, taking snacks, TV and phone calls/messages” with

a weighted mean of 2.57 for male and weighted mean of

2.49 for female students. These findings imply that it

students prefer to take small brakes between study their

study period thus helping students to divide larger,

more, time-consuming task into smaller, more manageable

chunks. Taking a break while studying is a way to refresh

the brain and body to increase energy, productivity and

ability to focus. To corroborate the findings, based on

the study of Kisno (2020) students which have breaks in

Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data
41 41

between their study session improves student’s reading

ability accountability and manage distractions. Taking

breaks also helps reduce mental fatigue.

Availability of Resources. The use of internet to

get information and as a reference to accomplish the

assignments is a study habit that is very effective along

availability of resources which means that Table 8 and

Table 9 shows the Level of Effectiveness of Study Habits

on the Academic Performance of the UC College students

along Availability of Resources with an overall mean of

3.10 for males and 2.97 for females interpreted as

effective which signifies that the study habit's overall

effectiveness moderately improves student academic

performance. The factor availability of resources is

effective which means that resources give students

learning opportunities by allowing them to develop

concepts a while studying in a variety of situations,

which will help them to get a higher grade.

Table 8

Level of Effectiveness of Study Habits on the Academic

Performance of the UC College Male Students Along

Availability of Resources

Weighted Qualitative
Average Interpretation
Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data
42 42

I go to the library

for studying, reading 2.93 Effective

and borrowing books.

I use the internet to

get information and

3.26 Effective
as a reference for my


I use other people’s

books and other 3.20 Very Effective


I attend review

classes offered by

our teacher in 3.02 Effective

preparation for the


Overall Weighted Mean 3.10 Effective

Table 9

Level of Effectiveness of Study Habits on the Academic

Performance of the UC College Female Students Along

Availability of Resources

Weighted Qualitative
Average Interpretation
Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

I go to the library for

studying, reading and 2.65 Effective

borrowing books.

I use the internet to get

information and as a
3.40 Very Effective
reference for my


I use other people’s books

2.91 Effective
and other resources.

I attend review classes

offered by our teacher in 2.93 Effective

preparation for the exam.

Overall Weighted Mean 2.97 Effective

“I use the internet to get information and as a

reference for my assignments” which garnered the highest

weighted mean of 3.26 for male and 3.40 for female

students. Students use the internet to get meanings of

the terms that they do not know. They gather information

from various websites when they are preparing their

individual or group presentation as well as their

projects and assignments. This finding was also noted in

the study of Sharna (2019) wherein the importance of

internet in the education of students means that it makes

easier for them to research things and relearn the

Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data
44 44

content taught in the school. People use it according to

the needs and interests.

The statements " I go to the library for studying,

reading and borrowing books" and " I use other people’s

books and other resources" which garnered the lowest

weighted mean of 2.93 for male and 2.65 for female

students. Based on findings as researchers, students are

less likely to visit the library because they prefer to

utilize the internet and e- library in canvas, which is

faster than borrowing a book from the library. It implies

that the students do not frequently go to the library for

studying, reading and borrowing books and frequently use

other people’s books and other resources.

Table 10

Factors Mean of Difference Mean of Difference

Male Female

students students

Time 3.16 Effective 3.08 Effective


Study 2.95 Effective 2.84 Effective


Availability 3.10 Effective 2.97 Effective

of Resources

Mean 3.07 Effective 2.96 Effective

Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data
45 45

Mean 0.11


t-stat 5.33

P(T<=t) two- 0.01


Decision Reject



This finding was also noted in the study of Kim

(2019) in which the Korean students use resources such as

notes taken by students, text, internet, journals,

magazines, video tapes, maps, books, encyclopedias,

globes, drawing sets, library resources, and many others.

To corroborate the findings based on the study of Marcus

Bank (2019), students must still go to the library.

Yutchman and Seashore stated that Resource System Theory

is relevant to this study because school interaction with

its environment is critical for the acquisition of

educational resources which ones utilized effectively by

students in UC College students to have good academic


Table 11

Difference of Study Habits of UC College Students Between

Online Distance Learning and Face to Face Learning

Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

Factors Mean of F2F Differen Mean of Difference

ce ODL

Time 3.25 Effectiv 3.27 Very

Management e Effective

Study 3.08 Effectiv 3.01 Effective

Environment e

Availability 2.98 Effectiv 2.94 Effective

of Resources e

Mean 3.10 Effectiv 3.01 Effective

Mean 0.09


t-stat 5.33

P(T<=t) two- 0.37


Decision Accept null


*Significant at .05

The t-test value of 5.33 resulted to a p value of

0.01 which is greater than .05, hence, the hypothesis

that there is no significant difference between Online

Distance Learning (ODL) and Face to Face (F2F) classes is

accepted. The findings imply that there is a significant

difference between Online Distance Learning (ODL) and

47 Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

Face to Face (F2F) classes. More time to learn from

classmates and from family members, and more time given,

would mean more practice in completing the requirements

given in a subject. This implies that the significant

difference between face-to-face and online learning

relates to the role of the instructor and the

implications that this has for the learner. In face-to-

face learning situations, instructors can maintain a

stronger sense of leadership over classroom processes.

They can exercise greater control over learners’

attention, motivate learners, and make immediate

adjustments if communication breaks down. Although some

may decry a strong leadership role for the instructor,

others suggest that a teacher-directed approach in a

face-to-face environment is beneficial in certain


To corroborate the findings, based on the study of

Munirah (2021) wherein online learning is less

effective and inspired among students than face-to-face.

Students’ readiness for online learning is good, but it

must be accompanied by adequate internet connection and

technological equipment. Based on the study of Faith and

Hafize as cited by Mahlan et al. (2022), the level of

achievement of students who take online class is better

when compared to the face-to-face. In an in formal

Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data
48 48

interview conducted, implies that online learning was

more satisfying than face-to-face since online academic

achievement was at a relatively high rate due to the

availability of information shared online, which is more

creative than traditional methods. Students are more

satisfied with online learning. Similar study conducted

by Chalerm (2020), which evaluated the test scores

of students who have taken online and face-to-face tests.

The findings indicated a significant difference in scores

between the two approaches, with the online examination

scoring significantly higher. They also proposed that

more studies need to be done to discover new effects and

assessment to maintain the level of knowledge in the long


Chapter 4


This chapter presents the summary of findings,

conclusions, and recommendations of this research.


Based on the findings, the following are the

conclusions of this research study:

1.Level of Effectiveness of Study Habits on the

Academic Performance of the UC College students along:

d. Time Management: Time management set clear goals and

priorities in order to complete significant

priorities that will help improve academic


e. Study Environment: Students who study in a

comfortable environment are more likely to work much

harder and boost their academic performance.

f. Availability of Resources: Resources provide

learners opportunities to learn that allow them to

develop concepts and abilities while working in a

variety of situations that will help students get a

better grade.

2. There was no significant difference between Online

Distance Learning (ODL) and Face to Face (F2F) limited

Conclusion and Recommendation
50 50

3. There was a significant difference of Study Habits

between male and female college students.


Based on the findings, the recommendations are


4. Students should not have a long break intervals between

classes and the instructors should give graded

recitations or activities after discussion for them to

make sure that the students understand the discussion

5. Implement noise control measures in shared spaces, such

as installing soundproofing materials to minimize noise

transmission between rooms.

6. Professors should provide activities that involve a

visit to a library.


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Appendix A

Cover Letter
59 59
60 60

Appendix B

Request Letter for Data

61 61

62 62

Appendix C


PART I. Personal Profile of Respondents

1. College Department:

2. Sex

( ) Male

( ) Female

3. Learning Methods

( ) Online Distance Learning

( ) Limited Face to Face



Please check (⁄) the appropriate column which

correspond to your answer using the following



4 Strongly Agree

3 Agree

2 Disagree

1 Strongly Disagree
63 63

Items 4 3 2 1


A. Time Management

1. I spend more time in studying

2. I do advance reading during vacant


3. I study before the examination day

4. I submit assignments before


B. Study Environment

5. My place of study is quiet and


6. I study with radio, record player

or TV

7. I prefer to study alone

8. I study continuously without

standing, walking, taking snacks, TV

and phone calls/messages.

C. Availability of Resources

9. I go to the library for studying,

reading and borrowing books.

10. I use the internet to get

information and as a reference for my

64 Appendices


11. I use other people’s books and

other resources.

12. I attend review classes offered

by our teacher in preparation for the





Please check (⁄) the appropriate column which

correspond to your answer using the following



4 Very Effective

3 Effective

2 Moderately Effective

1 Not Effective
65 65

Items 4 3 2 1


A. Time Management

I perform well in class when:

1. I spend more time in studying

2. I do advance reading during vacant


3. I study before the examination day

4. I submit assignments before


B. Study Environment

I perform well in class when:

5. My place of study is quiet and


6. I study with radio, record player

or TV

7. I prefer to study alone

8. I study continuously without

standing, walking, taking snacks, TV

and phone calls/messages.

C. Availability of Resources

I perform well in class when:

9. I go to the library for studying,

reading and borrowing books.

66 66

10. I use the internet to get

information and as a reference for my


11. I use other people’s books and

other resources.

12. I attend review classes offered

by our teacher in preparation for the

67 67

Appendix D

Reliability Test Result of Questionnaire

Cronbach’s Alpha



K # of items 24 GOOD

Σ sum of the item 14.04

𝑠 y

𝑠2x Variance of total 82.64


α Cronbach’s alpha 0.87


𝐾 Σ 𝑠2 y
𝛼= [1 − ]
𝐾−1 𝑠2 𝑥
24 14.04
𝛼= 24−1 [1 − 82.64 ]

𝛼= 0.87

The reliability coefficient using Cronbach’s Alpha

is 0.87 which indicates that the questionnaire

distributed has a good and acceptable reliability

68 68

Appendix E

Sample Computations

Items 4 3 2 1


A. Time Management

1. I spend more time in studying 114 132 11 1

2. I do advance reading during vacant 85 150 20 3


3. I study before the examination day 121 134 2 1

4. I prepare assignments before the 122 129 7 0

final submission time

Average Weighted Mean Computation

1. 114(4)+132(3)+11(2)+1(1)/258

= 3.39

2. 85(4)+150(3)+20(2)+3(1)/258

= 3.23

3. 121(4)+134(3)+2(2)+1(1)/258

= 3.45

4. 122(4)+129(3)+7(2)+0(1)/204

= 3.45

Overall Mean Computation



= 3.38
70 70

Appendix F
Interviewee 1

Interviewer: Do you use your vacant time for advance


Interviewee: No

Interviewer: Why?

Interviewee: I have low enthusiasm towards reading and

ow motivation to read, and limited access to books

appropriate to our level

Interviewee 2

Interviewer: What learning method do you prefer?

Interviewee: Both

Interviewer: Because during online ODL I have enough

time to do my f2f activities and relax while during face-

to-face classes I can directly ask my teacher about the

things I don’t understand during the discussion


Curriculum Vitae
72 72
Curriculum Vitae
73 73
Curriculum Vitae
74 74
Curriculum Vitae
75 75

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