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Composites Part B 89 (2016) 219e229

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Influence of temperature on the curing of an epoxy adhesive and its

influence on bond behaviour of NSM-CFRP systems
 Sena-Cruz*, Miguel Azenha
 L. Granja, Jose
Andrea Benedetti, Pedro Fernandes, Jose
ISISE e Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering, University of Minho, School of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering,
Campus de Azur em, 4800-058 Guimara ~es, Portugal

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In NSM-CFRP installations, the mechanical behaviour of the strengthening system is strongly influenced
Received 1 September 2015 by the epoxy adhesive, particularly at early ages. In the present work, the influence of temperature on the
Received in revised form curing process of the epoxy was investigated. Three distinct temperatures were studied: 20, 30 and 40  C.
10 November 2015
The elastic modulus of the adhesive was monitored through EMM-ARM (Elasticity Modulus Monitoring
Accepted 24 November 2015
Available online 6 December 2015
through Ambient Response Method). Direct pull-out tests with concrete specimens strengthened with
NSM CFRP strips were carried out at the same three distinct temperatures to compare the evolution of
bond performance with the E-modulus of epoxy since early ages. The results showed that increasing the
A. Carbon fibre
curing temperature significantly accelerated both the curing process of the epoxy adhesive and the
A. Theromosetting resin evolution of bond performance. The EMM-ARM technique has revealed its ability in clearly identifying
B. Cure behaviour the hardening kinetics of epoxy adhesives, allowing also thermal activation analysis. Finally, existing
D. Non-destructive testing models for predicting temperature-dependent mechanical properties were extended to also describe the
Near-surface mounted reinforcement bond behaviour of NSM-CFRP applications.
© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction It is largely acknowledged that the bond performance of NSM-

FRP systems is mainly governed by the mechanical properties of
The potential of near-surface mounted (NSM) technique using the groove filler [4,9]. The most employed groove fillers in NSM-FRP
carbon fibre reinforced polymers (CFRP) for strengthening rein- systems are two-component epoxy resin-based adhesives [3,4]. The
forced concrete (RC) structures has been shown in many studies chemical reactions that occur during the curing period are known
and practical applications [1e5]. Compared to externally bonded to be exothermic and transform the two liquid components of the
reinforcement (EBR), the NSM system presents considerable ad- adhesive to a highly cross-linked space framework by means of
vantages, such as: larger bond surface induces better anchorage polymerization [10]. The parameter that represents the sensitivity
capacity [6]; no preparation work is needed other than grooving; of the reaction rate to temperature is the activation energy. This
the FRP reinforcement, due to the cover of the surrounding con- term is defined as the thermal energy required to start the chemical
crete, has an improved protection against environmental effects, reaction [11] and has to be experimentally determined.
such as freeze/thaw cycles, elevated temperatures, fire, and As the polymerization reactions proceed, the material gradually
vandalism [7,8]; less prone to premature debonding due to the transforms into a rigid solid glass with relevant mechanical prop-
larger bonded area and the confinement effect of the grooves, erties. Previous investigations indicate that the evolution of the
allowing a more efficient use of the reinforcement material. tensile properties (both strength and stiffness) of structural epoxy
Although a large number of experimental investigations have been adhesives strongly depends on the curing temperature [12e15].
carried out on the structural behaviour of NSM FRP strengthened Lower curing temperatures considerably decelerate the process and
RC structures [3,4], the effect of the curing conditions on the consequently the rate of development of mechanical properties
development of the bond performance is one of the less investi- [12e15]. However, the works mentioned above were focused
gated issues. mainly on the adhesive. Only a few investigations were found to be
aimed at describing the evolution of the interface behaviour be-
tween FRP and concrete (and not only the adhesive) under various
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ351 253 510 200; fax: þ351 253 510 217. distinct curing conditions. Dutta and Mosallam [16] studied the
E-mail address: (J. Sena-Cruz).
1359-8368/© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
220 A. Benedetti et al. / Composites Part B 89 (2016) 219e229

strengths of various adhesive bonds between FRP and concrete test), n is the specimen number within the series, Y is the testing
under different curing temperatures and durations by means of a time (in hours or days), and Z corresponds to the test temperature.
field bond strength measuring system. Czaderski et al. [17] carried It is noted that EMM-ARM testing provides continuous results, thus
out pull-off bond tests on externally bonded CFRP strips glued on the Y parameter is omitted in the labelling of EMM-ARM test
concrete at various curing conditions. specimens.
Both cited works reached similar conclusions: the time devel- A single batch of adhesive mixture (with a volume of ~0.9 litres)
opment of strength of an adhesive bond is entirely dependent on was made for all the specimens of each curing temperature, in or-
curing time and temperature. As both time and temperature in- der to avoid the variability that normally exists between different
crease, the epoxy bond strength increases. Although all experi- batches [21]. Moreover, it should be noted that the mixing pro-
mental observations pointed out the influence of the curing cedures took place in laboratory environment (with temperature of
conditions on the development of the mechanical parameters, no 20 ± 1  C) and all the tests were performed at the same respective
formulations have been proposed so far for expressing the rela- curing temperature.
tionship between the bond performance at a certain instant in time The whole mixing procedure lasted about 4 min and the instant
and the curing condition. In this context, quantifying the effect of t ¼ 0 was defined as the moment when the epoxy components
curing temperature and age on the development of mechanical started to be mixed.
properties of structural epoxy resins could significantly improve
the quality of the preparation and installation procedures for the 2.1. Materials
strengthening applications.
To bridge this gap, the present research focused on two different Four concrete cylindrical cores with a diameter of 100 mm and a
types of tests, carried out at three distinct temperatures: 20, 30 and height of 200 mm were used to obtain the compressive strength
40  C. On one hand, EMM-ARM (Elasticity Modulus Measurement and the elastic modulus of concrete used in the pull-out specimens,
through Ambient Response Method) tests were performed on in accordance to EN 12390-3:2009 [24] and LNEC E397-1993:1993
samples of epoxy resin cured at the mentioned temperatures with [25], respectively. An average compressive strength, fcm, of
the objective of describing the evolution of the adhesive stiffness 42.35 MPa, with a coefficient of variation CoV of 5.22%, and an
since early ages. The EMM-ARM is a variant of classic resonant average Young's modulus, Ecm, of 38.25 GPa (CoV ¼ 8.38%) were
frequency methods which allows continuous E-modulus mea- obtained at the age of the experimental program (approximately
surements, and was already used for concrete [18], cement pastes, three years after concrete casting). The CFRP strips and the epoxy
mortars [19], and cement-stabilized soils [20]. After the encour- resin were provided by S&P® Clever Reinforcement. The CFRP strip
aging results obtained in the first applications of EMM-ARM to was the ‘CFK 150/2000’, with a nominal thickness of 1.4 mm and a
epoxy adhesives [21,22], the present work extends the capability of width of 10.0 mm. This laminate is composed of unidirectional fi-
the methodology to thermal activation testing. Concomitantly, bres in a vinylester matrix and presents a smooth surface. From six
direct pull-out tests were carried out on CFRP strips embedded in uniaxial tensile tests carried out according to ISO 527-5:2009 [26]
concrete blocks and cured at different temperatures, for investi- recommendations, the following properties were obtained:
gation of how the concrete/adhesive/CFRP bond system is influ- Young's modulus equal to 169.5 GPa (CoV ¼ 2.5%), tensile strength
enced by the curing conditions. A comparison between the equal to 2650 MPa (CoV ¼ 1.8%), and ultimate strain equal to 1.6%
evolution of epoxy E-modulus and the maximum pull-out force (CoV ¼ 1.8%).
was performed, evaluating the possibility of a correlation between All experimental tests were performed with a commercially
these two entities. Finally, different existing analytical models were available epoxy adhesive termed ‘S&P Resin 220’. This two-
extended for describing the development of the temperature- component epoxy resin-based adhesive is employed for structural
depended mechanical properties of both the adhesive and the bonding between FRP composite and concrete or steel and is
CFRP-to-concrete interface. composed of two parts (Part A ¼ resin and part B ¼ hardener).
According to the material safety data sheets [27,28], the resin
2. Experimental program contains Bisphenol A and neopentyl glycol diglycidyl ether, while
the hardener is composed of poly(oxypropylene)diamine, pipera-
In order to characterize the influence of temperature on the zine, 3,6-diazaoctanethylenediamin and triethylenetetramine.
curing process of the epoxy adhesive and its impact on the bond Components A and B are mixed at a ratio of 4:1 by weight. Ac-
behaviour of NSM-FRP strips, three testing temperatures were cording to the manufacturer's product guide specification [29], the
considered: 20, 30, and 40  C. The experimental program, globally modulus of elasticity of the adhesive after 3 days of curing at 20  C,
presented in Table 1, can be subdivided into the following groups of is larger than 7.10 GPa and the bond strength on concrete is 3 MPa.
2.2. EMM-ARM tests
(i) EMM-ARM tests on adhesive samples to assess the evolution
of the adhesive elastic modulus of the epoxy at different The EMM-ARM is a variant of the traditional resonance fre-
curing temperatures; quency methods that allows the measuring of the material E-
(ii) direct pull-out tests on concrete cubic specimens strength- modulus since mixing and was already adapted for the study of
ened with CFRP laminate strips, aimed at describing the epoxy adhesives by Granja et al. [21]. This method is based on the
development of the interface behaviour under variable identification of the first resonance frequency of a cantilever
curing conditions; composite beam filled with the material to be tested. The beam is
(iii) tensile tests performed according to EN ISO 527-2:2012 [23], composed by a 330 mm acrylic tube with external and internal
in order to evaluate the E-modulus value of the hardened diameters of 20 mm and 16 mm, respectively (see Fig. 1). In one of
epoxy. the extremities, a custom made clamping device is attached to the
composite beam, in order to ensure the structural system, which is
A specific denomination was devised for the test specimens, a cantilever with a span of 250 mm.
each one being labelled as Xn_Y_Z, where X is the test type (EMM e In order to identify the natural frequency of the beam, a light-
EMM-ARM test, DPT e direct pull-out test, TT e monotonic tensile weight accelerometer (mass: 5.8 g; sensitivity: 100 mV/g;
A. Benedetti et al. / Composites Part B 89 (2016) 219e229 221

Table 1
Experimental program.

Testing method Testing time 20  C 30  C 40  C

Pull-out 4h e e DPT1_4h_T40
6h DPT1_6h_T20 DPT1_6h_T30 DPT2_6h_T40
8h e DPT2_8h_T30 DPT3_8h_T40
9h DPT2_9h_T20 e e
10 h e DPT3_10h_T30 DPT4_10h_T40
11 h DPT3_11h_T20 e e
12 h e DPT4_12h_T30 DPT5_12h_T40
13 h DPT4_13h_T20 e e
24 h DPT5_24h_T20 DPT5_24h_T30 DPT6_24h_T40
DPT6_24h_T20 DPT6_24h_T30 DPT7_24h_T40
72 h DPT7_72h_T20 DPT7_72h_T30 DPT8_72h_T40
DPT8_72h_T20 DPT8_72h_T30 DPT9_72h_T40
7d DPT9_7d_T20 DPT9_7d_T30 DPT10_7d_T40
DPT10_7d_T20 DPT10_7d_T30 e

EMM-ARM 0 he7 d EMM1_T20 EMM1_T30 EMM1_T40

EMM2_T20 EMM2_T30 e

Tensile test 7d TT_7d_T20 TT_7d_T30 TT_7d_T40

mass per unit length, mp is the concentrated mass at the free ex-
tremity of the cantilever, L is the span of the cantilever, f is the first
flexural resonant frequency, and w ¼ 2pf is the corresponding
angular frequency.
Therefore, for each identified resonant frequency, f, it is possible
to obtain the corresponding EI of the composite beam, and since the
acrylic E-modulus Ea is known, the Young modulus of the tested
epoxy adhesive Ee can be estimated through the equation:
p 44e  44i p44
EI ¼ Ea þ Ee i (2)
64 64

where 4e and 4i are the outer and inner diameters, respectively. In

this way, it is possible to relate the first natural frequency of the
composite beam with the elastic modulus of the tested epoxy
Fig. 1. Experimental setup of EMM-ARM tests (exploded view).
during the testing time. As in this work it was intended to perform
EMM-ARM measurements at different temperatures, the E-
frequency range: 0.5e10,000 Hz) is attached to the free end of the
Modulus of the acrylic mould was accessed before each test at the
cantilever beam that is solely excited by the ambient excitations
testing temperature through modal identification of the empty
(e.g., people walking nearby; room ventilation; vibrations produced
acrylic tubes [32], following the same protocol presented before. In
by mechanical equipment). However, in order to increase the in-
order to check the method's ability to obtain results with good
tensity of the ambient noise, a fan is placed in the vicinity of the
repeatability, two tests were performed simultaneously.
beam. Based on the vertical accelerations measured, and by means
of the Welch procedure [30] (using sub-sets of data with 4096
points (NFFT), Hanning windows with 50% overlap) and a peak 2.3. Pull-out tests
picking method [31], the resonance frequency is identified through
the peak with highest intensity in the power spectrum density. The As previously referred, in order to assess the evolution of bond
measured accelerations were acquired in a 24-bit data logger (NI- behaviour of concrete elements strengthened with NSM-CFRP
USB-9233) with a frequency of 500 Hz, and divided into sets of systems during the hardening of the epoxy adhesive under
5 min every 10 min. The monitoring procedures started immedi- different curing temperatures, thirty monotonic direct pull-out
ately after the correct placement of all components, which occurred tests were carried out for the specific ages (see Table 1). Fig. 2
within ~20 min after mixing the epoxy adhesive. After the modal shows the specimen geometry and the test configuration adopted
identification of the first flexural resonance frequency, the rigidity for the monotonic direct pull-out tests. The specimen consisted of a
of the composite beam can be analytically correlated to its fre- concrete cubic block of 200 mm edge, into which a NSM-CFRP
quency through the dynamic equations of the cantilevered struc- laminate strip with 1.4 mm thickness and 10 mm width was
tural system. The whole set of equations used for the inserted. The strengthening detail and a cross-section of the groove
characterization of E-modulus is explained in Ref. [19]. The final are presented in Fig. 2a. The groove was performed with a fix saw
solution is the differential equation shown below: cut machine. A constant bond length, Lb of 60 mm, filled with the
epoxy adhesive was adopted. The justification for such fixed value
w2 $mp of the bond length can be found elsewhere [33]. To avoid premature
a3 ½coshða$LÞ$cosða$LÞ þ 1 þ ½cosða$LÞ$sinhða$LÞ
EI (1) splitting in the concrete ahead the loaded end, the bond length
 coshða$LÞ$sinða$LÞ ¼ 0 started 100 mm far from the top of the block. To assure negligible
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi vertical displacement at the top of the concrete specimen during
where a ¼ 4 w2  m=EI , EI corresponds to the distributed flexural pull-out test, a steel plate with 20 mm thickness was applied at the
stiffness of the composite beam, m is the uniformly distributed top of the concrete block. This plate was fixed to the support base
222 A. Benedetti et al. / Composites Part B 89 (2016) 219e229

Fig. 2. Configuration of direct pull-out tests: (a) cross-section of the specimen; (b) view of the experimental setup.

through four M10 steel threaded rods. A torque of 30 N $ m was and RH ¼ 60 ± 5%. Detailed description about the specimen prep-
applied, inducing an initial compression to concrete of about aration and strengthening procedure can be found elsewhere [33].
2.0 MPa. The pull-out tests were performed on a closed steel frame
equipped with a servo-controlled equipment. As previously 3. Results and discussion
mentioned, the testing temperature was the same as that of the
corresponding curing. For this purpose, a custom-made tempera- 3.1. Epoxy E-modulus
ture chamber was manufactured with Expanded Polystyrene plates
(see Fig. 2b). A heater was placed inside a climatic chamber and an The development of the epoxy E-moduli obtained through
automatic system (thermostat equipped with a platinum resistor EMM-ARM at the three curing temperatures under test (20, 30 and
thermometer (PT100) sensor) was used to control the imposed 40  C) is presented in Fig. 3a. The results of tensile tests are shown
temperature. Additionally, a thermocouple type k was placed near in Fig. 4 and also added to Fig. 3a. The modulus of elasticity was
to the bond region. calculated from tensile test results based on the highest slope of the
A LVDT (range ±2.5 mm with a linearity error of ±0.05% F.S.) was stressestrain curve, in accordance with the work of Moussa et al.
used to measure the slip at the loaded end, sl. The applied force, F, [34]. Observation of EMM-ARM results in Fig. 3a allows verifying
was registered by a load cell of 200 kN of capacity (with a linearity that the E-modulus curves corresponding to the same temperature
error less than ±0.05% F.S.) placed between the load actuator and have very good coherence with each other, with absolute stiffness
the grip. The tests were performed under displacement control at a differences under 3.0% at all instants (~0.27 GPa at the age of 144 h
rate of 2 mm/s, assessed by another LVDT placed between the at 20  C), demonstrating adequate repeatability of EMM-ARM.
actuator and the grip. Before strengthening, several measurements Furthermore, there is a good agreement between the E-Modulus
were carried out for each specimen to assess the actual geometry of estimated through the EMM-ARM and the tensile tests, with stiff-
the grooves, using a digital calliper with an accuracy of ±0.01 mm ness differences under 3.2% (~0.31 GPa for the 40  C test).
(see Table 2). In addition, the results show that the reaction rates intensify
The strengthening of the specimens was carried out when the with the increase of the curing temperature, since it can be
grooves were completely dry and clean. The strengthening was observed that, for example, the elastic modulus of 4 GPa is achieved
performed at laboratory environment (T ¼ 21 ± 2  C) for all the at approximately 10.7 h at 20  C as opposed to the approximately
studied temperatures. Afterwards, the specimens were put into the 6.2 and 5.5 h at 30 and 40  C, respectively. These variations also
previously described temperature chamber (which occurred within occur in the duration of the dormant period. With the increase in
~20 min since the epoxy components started to be mixed) and were the curing temperature the duration of the dormant period be-
kept under controlled temperature until the age of testing. It is comes shorter, as can be observed in Fig. 3b. At the reference
important to remark that, before the strengthening procedure, the temperature (20  C) the setting time (herein defined as the time
adhesive epoxy was kept in the climatic chamber at T ¼ 20±1  C when the E-Modulus reached 0.25 GPa) was 4.5 ± 0.2 h, as opposed
to the shorter 2.6 h observed in the test at 40  C.
It should also be noted that the E-Modulus of the epoxy at 144 h
Table 2
increased slightly with the increase of the curing temperature,
Geometry measurements of the grooves (average values).
reaching final values of 8.9, 9.3 and 9.5 for the tests at 20, 30 and
Curing temperature Depth [mm] Width [mm] 40  C, respectively, in accordance with observations made by
DPT_T20 14.13 (2.66%) 5.21 (2.92%) several previous works on epoxy adhesives [34e36]. This phe-
DPT_T30 15.21 (2.86%) 5.03 (2.17%) nomenon can be mainly attributed to a higher cross-link density
DPT_T40 14.91 (1.48%) 4.94 (3.08%) formation of the epoxy resin cured at higher temperatures. Typi-
The values between parentheses are the corresponding coefficients of variation. cally, higher temperatures produce a more complete reaction with
A. Benedetti et al. / Composites Part B 89 (2016) 219e229 223

10 5.5

8 10

E-modulus [GPa] 8 4.5

Setting time [h]

6 6
4 2

0 3.0
0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24
2 EMM1_T20 EMM2_T20 TT_7d_T20
EMM1_T30 EMM2_T30 TT_7d_T30
EMM1_T40 TT_7d_T40
0 2.0
0 24 48 72 96 120 144 168 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Curing time [h] Curing temperature [°C]

(a) (b)
Fig. 3. (a) Evolution of epoxy E-modulus along curing time; (b) setting time versus curing temperature.

25 the pull-out force remains approximately zero at the age of 6 h,

since the epoxy has not yet begun to harden. On the other hand, at
E [GPa]
TT_7d_T20 8.72
the same testing age, the maximum pull-out forces of 5.36 kN and
TT_7d_T30 9.49 10.46 kN are achieved at 30 and 40  C, respectively. According to
TT_7d_T40 9.34 the obtained results for 20 and 30  C, the authors decided to
Stress [MPa]

15 perform a pull-out test at 40  C for the age of 4 h. As can be seen in

Fig. 5c, at the age of 4 h, the epoxy has already begun to harden,
with a maximum pull-out force of 2.6 kN.
For the three analysed temperatures, the bond stiffness had a
significant increase from 6 to 24 h, showed by the sharp slope
5 difference of the curves obtained by the tests performed between 6
TT_7d_T30 and 24 h. However, for 40  C, at 12 h the Fl  sl response exhibit the
TT_7d_T40 bond-slip behaviour similar for ages higher than 24 h, when the
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 epoxy has achieved a significant maturity level. In general, after the
first 24 h the bond stiffness did not show any significant variation.
Strain [%]
In terms of average maximum pull-out force considering the
Fig. 4. Average stressestrain curves obtained by tensile tests. specimens tested from 72 h at 30  C and 40  C the values were very
close (27.79 ± 0.03 kN) and were higher (9.2% on average) than
those of 20  C, that is consistent with the obtained final values of
a greater degree of cross-linking than lower temperatures, epoxy E-modulus (see Fig. 3a).
providing sufficient kinetic energy to quickly initiate chemical re- Regarding to the failure modes, it is possible to observe that at
actions at even the most hindered locations [36]. It is well-known the early ages until ~12 h the failure mode tend to be cohesive
that increasing the cross-link density leads to improvements in and occurring in the adhesive by shear failure (FE), as Table 3
the mechanical properties of epoxy polymers [37e39]. shows, confirming the low mechanical properties of the adhe-
sive at the beginning of the curing. This type of failure mode has
3.2. Pull-out force been also reported and observed by other researchers e.g. Refs.
[40,41]. Furthermore, in some specimens, the performed tests
The main results of the monotonic pull-out tests are summa- also led to cracking of the epoxy cover and fracture in the con-
rized in Table 3. In order to assess the evolution of bond perfor- crete along inclined planes (at ~72 h for 20  C and at 24 and 72 h
mance, the following parameters were analysed: the maximum for 40  C).
pull-out force, Fl,max; the slip at the loaded end at Fl,max, sl,max; It is important to underline that for high pull-out forces
the average bond strength at the CFRPeepoxy interface, tmax that is (~25 kN), for the test temperatures T30 and T40 the failure mode
evaluated by the expression Fl,max/(PfLb), where Pf is the perimeter still occurs by shear failure (cohesive in epoxy), when compared to
of the CFRP cross-section in contact with the adhesive and Lb is the the test temperature T20, where this type of failure mode only
bond length. Table 3 also provides information about the failure happens for low values of pull-out force (~14 kN). These results
mode of the tested specimens, with the following codes: indicate that the temperature of curing plays a key role on a global
D ¼ debonding at CFRPeepoxy interface; FE ¼ cohesive shear behaviour.
failure in epoxy; CC ¼ concrete cracking; SE ¼ splitting of epoxy. For the description of the pull-out test results, a fitting equation
The relationship between the pull-out force and slip at loaded based on the one proposed by Silva et al. [20] in the context of E-
end (Fl  sl) for all tested specimens at three different temperatures modulus predictions was used. The proposed equation expresses
(20, 30 and 40  C) of curing is presented in Fig. 5aec. It is possible to the evolution of pull-out force according to:
observe the increase on bond stiffness along the curing of epoxy
"   #
adhesive. This evolution process seems to be totally governed by 1 l b
the state of hardening of the adhesive. The process of hardening FðtÞ ¼ Fult exp  (3)
2 t
depends on the curing temperature, as can be seen in Fig. 5. At 20  C
224 A. Benedetti et al. / Composites Part B 89 (2016) 219e229

Table 3
Pull-out test results.

Curing temperature Time Real testing time [h] Denomination Fl,max [kN] tmax [MPa] sl,max [mm] Failure mode

20  C 6h 5.9 DPT1_6h_T20 0.02 0.01 e FE

9h 8.9 DPT2_9h_T20 3.07 2.24 0.97 FE
12 h 11.2 DPT3_11h_T20 9.11 6.66 1.64 FE
12.8 DPT4_13h_T20 13.63 9.96 1.27 FE
24 h 24.5 DPT5_24h_T20 26.27 19.20 0.64 D
25.9 DPT6_24h_T20 25.76 18.83 0.55 D
72 h 72.2 DPT7_72h_T20 26.17 19.13 0.72 D
73.2 DPT8_72h_T20 27.24 19.91 0.68 D þ SE þ CC
7d 168.6 DPT9_7d_T20 24.50 17.91 0.49 D
169.9 DPT10_7d_T20 23.87 17.45 0.56 D

30  C 6 h 6.02 DPT1_6h_T30 5.36 3.92 1.55 FE

8 h 7.98 DPT2_8h_T30 12.73 9.31 1.47 FE þD
10 h 10.0 DPT3_10h_T30 17.98 13.14 1.09 FE þD
12 h 12.0 DPT4_12h_T30 21.38 15.63 0.80 FE
24 h 24.2 DPT5_24h_T30 27.88 20.38 0.71 FE þD
25.3 DPT6_24h_T30 26.59 19.44 0.75 FE þD
72 h 72.4 DPT7_72h_T30 28.78 21.04 0.89 D
73.5 DPT8_72h_T30 25.70 18.79 0.72 D
7d 168.1 DPT9_7d_T30 26.71 19.52 0.72 D
169.5 DPT10_7d_T30 29.83 21.81 0.84 D

40  C 4 h 4.2 DPT1_4h_T40 2.60 1.90 1.01 FE

6 h 6.1 DPT2_6h_T40 10.46 7.65 1.49 FE
8 h 8.1 DPT3_8h_T40 19.49 14.25 1.12 FE
10 h 10.0 DPT4_10h_T40 22.73 16.62 0.88 FE
12 h 12.0 DPT5_12h_T40 25.02 18.29 0.78 D
24 h 24.0 DPT6_24h_T40 24.94 18.23 0.58 D þ SE þ CC
25.0 DPT7_24h_T40 24.82 18.14 0.62 D
72 h 72.2 DPT8_72h_T40 27.91 20.40 0.56 D þ CC
73.3 DPT9_72h_T40 27.57 20.15 0.73 D
7d 168.3 DPT10_7d_T40 27.97 20.45 0.72 D

Notes: FE ¼ cohesive shear failure in epoxy; D ¼ debonding at CFRPeepoxy interface; CC ¼ concrete cracking; SE ¼ splitting of epoxy.

where Fult is the average of experimental values for the specimens modulus obtained by EMM-ARM exhibit very similar evolution
tested from 72 h; b is the reaction shape parameter and l is the kinetics, thus indicating that the bond performance of NSM CFRP
reaction time parameter. This model was applied in order to use the system strongly depends on the stiffness of the adhesive regard-
methods for obtaining the activation energy that will be shown in less of the curing temperature. The increase on bond stiffness is
the next section. Regression analyses were performed to determine consistent with the stage at which the rate of thermosetting re-
these parameters, using experimental values (see Table 4). The best actions is higher, although its development was slightly delayed
fit was achieved using the method of least squares, in order to compared to E-modulus development. During the analysis of the
maximize the coefficient of determination between the model and results, the authors also analysed the possibility of correlating
the experimental curve. By observing Fig. 6 it is possible to verify bond stiffness obtained from the pullout tests and elastic modulus
that the use of Equation (3) allows to obtain a very good estimate of of the epoxy adhesive. However, due to the high dispersion ob-
pull-out force evolution (0.969  R2  0.982), even at the early tained in this correlation along the curing time, the comparison
stages of the curing. between both parameters was unfeasible, and the authors decided
Finally, it should be noted that Fult is variable with temperature. not to include it herein. As opposed, the correlation between
This happens because the failure modes occurred in the pullout elastic modulus and maximum pull-out force is valid taking into
tests were governed by the mechanical properties of the adhesive account the observed failure modes, which are governed by the
(see Table 3), which are improved by increased curing tempera- mechanical properties of the epoxy adhesive and/or the mecha-
tures (in the range tested here). Similar behaviours have also been nisms of adhesion between CFRP and epoxy (cohesive in epoxy
observed and reported by previous research works [42]. It is and debonding at CFRPeepoxy interface). Fig. 7b illustrates the
however noted that, according to the literature [43], for the cases relationship between the E-modulus of the epoxyeresin and the
where the failure is cohesive within the concrete, the maximum maximum pull-out force for the different curing temperatures: the
load carrying capacity of NSM-CFRP concrete systems are not scatter in the measured properties tended to be highest when the
affected by the curing temperature (in the range tested here). slope of the curves in Fig. 7a was steepest and then decreased for
later ages. The slight difference on the kinetics of the two prop-
3.3. Relationship between pull-out force and E-modulus erties seems to be similar for all temperatures and may be
attributed to a delay in the development of the molecular bond
With the purpose of evaluating the possibility of a correlation quality, which usually has less influence on the stiffness of the
between the interface behaviour of NSM systems and the epoxy epoxy resin than on its strength [12]. Based on this kind of rela-
stiffness, a comparison between the peak pull-out force and the tionship, EMM-ARM can be employed for estimating the
adhesive E-modulus is carried out for the three studied tempera- maximum pull-out force and the minimum curing time to reach a
tures, as shown in Fig. 7. In order to compare better the results threshold value of pull-out force. In this manner it is possible to
pertaining to different temperatures, all the values were normal- know the time required to put the strengthened structure in ser-
ized in regard to the measurements obtained at the age of 72 h. vice, taking into account the influence of different environmental
Fig. 7a highlights that the peak pull-out force and the epoxy E- curing conditions.
A. Benedetti et al. / Composites Part B 89 (2016) 219e229 225

Fig. 5. Pull-out force versus loaded end slip during curing time at different temperatures: (a) 20  C; (b) 30  C and (c) 40  C.

4. Kinetic modelling
Table 4
Regression parameters obtained from model for the evolution of pull-out force.
A kinetic analysis is presented in the following paragraphs to
Tcure Fult [kN] l b R2
describe the experimental results of both the adhesive E-modulus
20  C 25.45 14.275 3.374 0.982 and pull-out force. Two different approaches were considered for the
30  C 27.76 9.585 3.058 0.972 kinetic analysis. The first approach was based on fitting the experi-
40  C 27.82 7.312 3.012 0.969
mental data to an assumed reaction model, better known as
phenomenological model [44]. The data was fitted to a single-step
reaction model that yields a single averaged value of the activation
energy for the overall cure process. An alternative approach to the
phenomenological model is the model-free isoconversional method
[45], also used in the present work. Without assuming a particular
30 form of the reaction model, this latter method allows evaluating the
effective activation energy as a function of the extent of the cure. The
25 activation energy can be considered a timeetemperature shift factor
Pull-out force, Fl,max [kN]

and as such it is useful in predicting the time to reach a specific

30 curing degree as a function of temperature. This concept, well-
25 known as timeetemperature superposition [46], can be expressed
15 20 by a relationship which relates the times to reach a certain conver-
sion at two different temperatures (Tcure and Tref). Prime [47] pro-
10 posed the following isoconversion Arrhenius relationship:
5 T30 2  3
Ea Tcure  Tref
0 6 12 18 24
teq ¼ exp4 5$Dt (4)
0 R Tref Tcure
0 24 48 72 96 120 144 168 0

Curing time [hours]

where t is the instant at which the equivalent age is being
Fig. 6. Pull-out force versus curing time at different temperatures. computed, teq is the equivalent age at the reference temperature
226 A. Benedetti et al. / Composites Part B 89 (2016) 219e229


Normalized pull-out force

Pull-out force [norm] 0.8
E-modulus [norm]



0.2 EMM_T20 F _T20 0.2

EMM_T30 F _T30
EMM_T40 F _T40 T40
0.0 0.0
1 10 100 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Curing time [hours] Normalized E-modulus

(a) (b)
Fig. 7. (a) Epoxy E-modulus and peak pull-out force along curing time, normalized to 72 h; (b) Relationship between epoxy E-modulus and pull-out force.

Tref, Tcure is the temperature of cure, Ea is the activation energy, and Ea
R is the gas constant (8.314 kJ/mol$K). Therefore, a time-
kðTÞ ¼ A exp  (8)
etemperature shifting was performed using the activation energy
calculated for both phenomenological model and isoconversional A: proportionality constant; Ea: activation energy of epoxy resin (J/
method, thus allowing a comparison between the two different mol); R: gas constant (8.314 kJ/mol K). The kinetic rate equation can
methods. therefore be rewritten as:

4.1. Autocatalytic model

da Ea
In the context of curing process of different materials the ¼ f ðaÞA exp  (9)
dt RT
autocatalytic model has a widespread acceptance and is typically
used. The curing reaction can be described by a rate equation given By plotting the logarithms of the rate constant ln(k) versus 1/T, it
by the following expression [48]: was possible to obtain both the activation energy, Ea, and the nat-
ural logarithm of the pre-exponential factor, ln(A), from the slope
¼ kðTÞf ðaÞ (5) and the y intercept of a linear fit of the results shown in Fig. 9a.
dt Their values, together with the reaction parameters, are given in
where a is the curing degree, da/dt is the curing rate, T is absolute Table 5. The activation energy was determined to be 34.05 kJ/mol.
temperature (in K), k(T) is the rate constant, and f(a) is the function In Fig. 9b the curing degree values are plotted as a function of
that describes the curing reaction mechanism. Here, the curing equivalent age. From this figure, a poor quality of the superposition
degree is quantified as follows: can be visually identified. The fact that the points in Fig. 9a are not
aligned confirms that the autocatalytic model activation energy
EðtÞ concept was not effective for describing the obtained experimental
aðtÞ ¼ (6) results, since the activation energy depends on the temperature
interval. In fact, the obtained value ends up to be an intermediate
E(t), Eult: monitored E-modulus of epoxy resin at age t, and E- value.
modulus at 144 h. Based on the EMM-ARM results, a kinetic model
of autocatalytic curing reactions was assumed [46], namely:

f ðaÞ ¼ am ð1  aÞn (7)

where m and n are the reaction orders independent of temperature,

and am represents the catalytic effect. This function exhibits a
delayed cure rate peak, which occurs during the curing process,
while at the beginning of the reaction (t ¼ 0), the term curing rate,
da/dt, is zero for all temperatures. The reaction parameters k, m and
n were obtained by fitting the isothermal data [49] with the non-
linear least square regression method based on the Generalized
Reduced Gradient algorithm [50]. The relationship between the
curing rate and the curing degree is shown in Fig. 8. Experimental
results were satisfactorily simulated by the selected autocatalytic
model. At 20  C, the maximum curing rate occurred at a curing
degree of approximately 25%, while at higher curing temperatures
(30 and 40  C) the curves exhibited a lightly delayed peak at around
32% curing degree. The kinetic rate constant k follows an Arrhenius Fig. 8. Curing rate versus curing degree: comparison of experimental and autocatalytic
temperature dependence [51]: model results.
A. Benedetti et al. / Composites Part B 89 (2016) 219e229 227

Fig. 9. Autocatalytic model: (a) Arrhenius plot of rate coefficient; (b) Curing degree of epoxy adhesive versus equivalent age.

4.2. Model-free isoconversional method Taking account of the results obtained for the E-modulus, the
same strategy was applied to the pull-out force only by means of
This method is based on the single-step kinetic equation and is the model-free method. Here, the curing degree is quantified as
founded on the isoconversional principle, which states that at a follows:
constant extent of conversion, the reaction rate is only a function of
the temperature [45]. The Arrhenius equation for two different FðtÞ
aðtÞ ¼ (13)
tests can be described by the following expression: Fult
da Ea where F(t) is the pull-out force at age t and Fult is the ultimate pull-
¼ f ðai ÞA exp  (10) out force of the model. The evolution of the activation energy with
dt i RTi
the curing degree for the pull-out force is plotted in Fig. 11a. The
where i ¼ 1, 2 represents each of the two tests. By taking the same evolution of the Ea curves presented similar shape in comparison
fixed value of the curing degree (a1 ¼ a2) and dividing one equation with EMM-ARM specimens. Despite the similarity of between the
by the other yields: activation energy values obtained for the E-modulus and pull-out
force evolutions for the temperatures 20e40  C (e.g. both around
da da Ea 1 1 19.3 kJ/mol at curing degree of 0.5 with difference of 8.8%), there is
¼ exp   (11) a significant difference for the temperatures 20e30  C the values of
dt 1 dt 2 R T1 T2
the activation energy exhibit a considerable difference (difference
Thus, for each value of the curing degree a, a corresponding model- of 28.0% for the curing degree of 0.5). This fact indicates that the
free value of the activation energy is obtained: influence of temperature on the activation energy is different in
these two properties. In Fig. 11b the pull-out force curves are
plotted as a function of equivalent age. It is possible to confirm the
R dt capability of the method to predict the activation energy of both
Ea ðaÞ ¼  ln  1 (12) epoxy E-modulus and pull-out force as a timeetemperature shift
T1  T2 da
dt factor. Therefore it is possible to predict the time to reach a specific
conversion as a function of temperature.
This method allows calculation of the activation energy from two
different tests, and does not require any information about the cure
mechanism. However, this equation gives no indication about the 5. Conclusions
reaction order and Arrhenius pre-exponential factor. The analysis of
experimental results enabled to plot Ea as a function of the curing The present paper presented an experimental study for the
degree for each couple of EMM-ARM tests (see Fig. 10a). Comparing evaluation of the influence of temperature on the curing process of
the relationship of the curing degree with the equivalent age for the structural epoxy and its impact on the bond behaviour of NSM-
both studied models, it is possible to observe that the isoconver- CFRP strengthening applications. Three distinct temperatures were
sional method leads to better results, i.e. the superposition of the studied: 20, 30 and 40  C. The elastic modulus of the adhesive was
curves for all the tested specimens, as can be seen in Fig. 10b. continuously monitored through EMM-ARM. Concomitantly, direct
pull-out tests were carried out on CFRP strips embedded in con-
crete blocks and cured at different temperatures, in order to
Table 5 investigate how the bond between concrete and NSM-CFRP is
Kinetic parameters obtained from autocatalytic isothermal model.
influenced by the curing conditions. A comparison between the
Denomination m n k R2 Ea [kJ/mol] A [min1] evolution of epoxy E-modulus and the maximum pull-out force
EMM1_T20 0.672 1.873 11.455 0.839 34.55 57,192,529,545 was performed, evaluating the possibility of a correlation between
EMM2_T20 0.658 1.799 11.848 0.936 these two entities. Finally, different existing analytical models were
EMM1_T30 0.864 2.072 25.729 0.971 extended for describing the kinetic analysis of both the evolution of
EMM2_T30 0.837 1.969 25.316 0.975 E-modulus and the pull-out force. The main conclusions of the
EMM1_T40 0.875 1.986 25.969 0.963
study can be summarized as follows:
228 A. Benedetti et al. / Composites Part B 89 (2016) 219e229

Fig. 10. Model-free method applied to epoxy E-modulus: (a) Activation energy versus curing degree; (b) normalized E-modulus of epoxy adhesive versus equivalent age (reference:
20  C).

Fig. 11. Model-free method applied to pull-out force: (a) Activation energy versus curing degree for the pull-out force; (b) Pull-out force versus equivalent age (reference: 20  C).

1. EMM-ARM has confirmed its capability to access the E-modulus at the beginning of the curing, and after certain curing degree
of epoxies adhesives with adequate repeatability in accordance the failure mode changed from cohesive shear failure in epoxy
to previous works [21,22], and it further demonstrated capa- to debonding at CFRPeepoxy interface. However, the transition
bility to perform studies at temperatures up to 40  C. The point changed with curing temperature, i.e. increasing the
method was also able to assess the increase of the epoxy stiff- curing temperature, the transition occurs at higher values of
ness with the increase of the curing and testing temperatures. pull-out force (e.g. for the test temperatures T20 and T40, the
2. The E-modulus results show that the reaction rates intensify transition point occurs for 14 kN and 23 kN, respectively).
with the increase of the curing temperature during both the 5. The results obtained through EMM-ARM allowed the estimation
dormant and the hardening periods. of activation energy evolution throughout the whole epoxy curing
3. The bond behaviour of NSM-CFRP concrete systems is totally process by application of the model-free isoconversional method.
governed by the state of hardening of the adhesive. The process This model has further shown adequate performance to estimate
of hardening depends on the curing temperature. For the three the activation energy of pull-out force as a timeetemperature shift
analysed temperatures, the bond stiffness and maximum pull- factor when compared to the autocatalytic model.
out force had a significant increase from 6 to 24 h. For 40  C, 6. Despite the fact that the autocatalytic model has a widespread
after 12 h of curing the Fl  sl response exhibits a bond-slip acceptance, being typically used in similar contexts, for the
behaviour similar to ages when the epoxy can be considered present case it turned out to perform poorly for describing the
cured. The increase on bond stiffness and maximum pull-out obtained experimental results, since the activation energy de-
force are consistent with the stage at which the rate of ther- pends on the curing temperature.
mosetting reactions is higher, although its development was 7. The evolution of the activation energy presented similar shape
slightly delayed compared to E-modulus development. In gen- between the E-modulus and pull-out force. Furthermore the
eral, after the first 24 h the bond stiffness and bond strength did activation energy exhibits a significant temperature depen-
not show any significant variation. dence, i.e. increasing the curing temperature the activation en-
4. In terms of failures modes, the failure mode was cohesive in the ergy increase. This dependency was also different for the two
adhesive due to the low mechanical properties of the adhesive evaluated entities (E-modulus and pull-out force).
A. Benedetti et al. / Composites Part B 89 (2016) 219e229 229

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