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Embracing the Reset Agenda “Adopting mindset change will result in self-actualisation among our people” President Mokgweetsi


Monday December 4, 2023 No. 222

Business Dikgang Arts&

Chedza backpacks Makhanselara ba tshwentswe BK Proctor celebrates A he
shines at global level ke tiriso botlhaswa ya ditagi milestone in style hetjoge!
Page 6 Tsebe 10 Page 22

LLDCs challenges unique

DUBAI - President Dr Mokgweetsi Masisi (right) and United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres during the High Level Meeting of the Group of the Land-Locked
Developing Countries (LLDCs) on Addressing Unique Climate Vulnerability of LLDCs Through Partnerships, held on the margins of COP28 in United Arab Emirates
on Saturday. President Masisi, who is also Global Chair of LLDCs said the uniqueness of the countries meant that they were destined to face peculiar challenges and
vulnerability occasioned by climate change. President Masisi said LLDCs had high expectations from COP28. Photo: Thompson Keobaletswe


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DailyNews Monday December 4, 2023 No. 222 Page 2

Communities backbone of battle against HIV/AIDS

By Goitsemodimo Williams- to those nearing epidemic control. their input and commitment it of any country’s response to the 2 200 new infections annually. He
Madzonga Officiating at the World AIDS would not have been possible to pandemic. He said it drew attention added that the same survey showed
Day commemoration ceremony achieve the results that Botswana to what had been done by Botswana that for the first time at the national
NATA - Batswana have been in Nata on Friday, Assistant and the rest of the world were communities throughout the years level among those aged 15-64
praised for their efforts in the fight Minister of Health, Mr Sethomo seeing today. This year’s theme: of fighting the disease and that it years, the country had exceeded
against HlV/AIDS which has seen Lelatisitswe said communities Let Communities Lead, was fitting reminded countries that without the UNAIDS global target of 95-
the country emerge from being one were the backbone of the battle said Mr Lelatisitswe, noting that it the involvement of communities, 95-95.
of the highest burdened countries against the virus, and that without put emphasis on the sustainability success against pandemics such He said the target was a fast
as HIV/AIDS would be difficult to track strategy by the UN institution
realise. to end HIV/AIDS by 2030, and
He also highlighted that the that it indicated that 95 per cent
country had gained a lot of of people living with HIV in the
experience in the management country were aware of their status
of the disease from 1985 when it and that 98 per cent of them were
recorded its first HIV case. He on anti-retroviral-therapy and that
noted that at the time little was 98 per cent of them had achieved
known about the disease, but today viral load suppression.
‘we have made some impactful Mr Lelatisitswe added that
strides on the management of HIV’. further interrogation of the results
Mr Lelatisitswe noted that showed that men were lagging
the National AIDS and Health behind when it came to testing for
Promotion Agency concluded its HIV, noting that only 93 per cent of
fifth impact survey in 2021, and them were aware of their positive
that it showed that the national status.
HIV prevalence among the adult The assistant minister also said
population aged between 15-64 another category needing attention
years was 20.8 per cent, which in the battle against HIV/AIDS
translated to approximately 329 were adolescents aged between 15
000 people. and 24 years. He said only 84.5 per
He said the rate at which people cent of them were aware of their
contracted the disease was about positive status , which was way
0.2 per cent translating to almost below the 95 per cent target. BOPA

Countries to participate
First Lady Neo Masisi (right) with Ms RADP Tutume District Tshephang Balathi at the World AIDS
Day commemoration ceremony in Nata on Friday. Mr Lelatisitswe said communities were the backbone
as group in climate
of the battle against HIV/AIDS, and that without their input and commitment it would not have been
possible to achieve the results that Botswana and the rest of the world were seeing today.
Photo: Baldwin Nyamande
change negotiations
By Mooketsi Mojalemotho meeting learnt that the Botswana

Child neglect challenge in Maposa DUBAI - Landlocked Developing

Countries (LLDCs) intend to
gave priority to adaptation actions
that help reduce the vulnerability
of communities to climate-
By Goitsemodimo Williams- behaviour of their parents. She First Lady to find a benefactor participate in climate change related hazards thus protecting
Madzonga stated that there were instances to adopt the school, which has negotiations as a group. livelihoods and the eco-systems as
where the school had to intervene an impressive academic record President Dr Mokgweetsi Masisi well as enabling them to develop
MAPOSA - Child neglect has by taking some pupils from their despite its challenges. revealed this on Saturday during resilience.
been raised as a serious concern homes to have them housed in the In response, the First Lady the World Climate Action Summit He cited the development
in Maposa in the Nata/Gweta hostel because of sexual abuse at promised to find someone or an at the 28th Conference of the Parties of drought-tolerant crops and
constituency. home. entity to adopt the school by next to the United Nations Framework livestock species and the North-
Briefing First Lady Neo Masisi The school head, Ms Neo January. She said that she had Convention on Climate Change South water pipeline, which
on her visit to the village, Maposa Tafa noted that the school was realised that communities across (UNFCCC) at Expo City, in United transfers bulk water to the
Primary School hostel matron, Ms struggling financially mainly due the country experienced similar Arab Emirates. Southern parts of Botswana where
Okgalemile Dithabano decried to parents’ lack of participation in challenges of truancy and poverty Landlocked Developing there was a deficit as among the
truancy among learners, which she school activities. among families. Countries do not have territorial many adaptation actions that were
ascribed to a prevalent tendency of She said while other schools She reiterated her commitment access to the sea and are to some undertaken by the government.
child neglect. made fundraising activities to ensuring that these issues are extent isolated from world markets President Masisi was hopeful
She indicated that some children through Parents and Teachers addressed. and usually bear huge transit costs. that this year’s COP would present
lived on their own from a young Associations (PTA), that was not Ms Masisi said she often To this end, President Masisi, a perfect opportunity to close down
age while their parents were on the case in her school. interacted with learners to get their who is the Global Chair of the the curtains of the inventory of the
an alcohol drinking spree. She She explained that due to the views on development issues and Group of over 32 countries made Paris Agreement.
said the many cases of defilement socio-economic conditions, most the changes they wished to see in a clarion call to the UNFCCC not “The global stock-taking
that many learners experienced parents depended on Ipelegeng order to bring positive impact on only to support the position of the initiative will no doubt give us
could be partly attributed to the for income. She appealed to the their lives as young people. BOPA LLDCs but to also extend support a clear picture that is more than
for the group to make this a reality. anecdotal on progress towards

Masisi urges youth to contribute “We seek the support of the

United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change to
achieving the pact’s goal to limit
global warming to 1.5 degrees
Celsius,” he said.

towards better world provide the necessary assistance

for the group to achieve this
objective,” he said.
That withstanding, he said it
was critical that negotiations
at this year’s meeting result
By Mooketsi Mojalemotho generation that ever existed. to do was to help scale such On Botswana’s position on in strengthened actions and
“I know you also face challenges innovations and ensure they fully climate change agenda, President advancement of the Sharm El
DUBAI - Young people have but you should take advantage benefited from them. Masisi told delegates that the Sheik Implementation Plan.
been urged to use their time, of the enabling environment and On the inclusion of young country was doing well towards He said the fact that climate
energy and talent to contribute ecosystems around you such as people in the building of national transitioning from coal-fired finance had been realised as
towards a better world. ICT to advance your cause and frameworks, Dr Masisi was of electricity to renewable energy. an enabler to fight greenhouse
Engaging in chaos and mayhem that of your fellow youth and the view that governments from It is for this reason, he said, that emissions, was imperative to
that has the potential to wipe out general humanity,” he said. across the globe should welcome the government had as part of make such funding available and
the entire human race from the He said he was particularly aboard the young and vibrant who implementing the Energy Policy accessible to developing countries.
face of the earth would make inspired by young people who he said were endowed with skill and Renewable Strategy, decided He reminded the assembly of
history judge the youth harshly. had become solution-seekers and talent that could be of great to increase renewable energy the need to enhance its action of
President Dr Mokgweetsi and finders in their respective benefit to their nations and the rest penetration from two per cent to 30 building resilience and addressing
Masisi, who is the Africa Climate communities and cited Kedumetse of the world. per cent by the year 2030. loss and damage associated with the
Champion made the remarks Liphi of Ked-Liphi Company from “In Botswana, we believe in He stated that the Transitional adverse impact of climate change
during his interaction with the Botswana, which has innovated young people. We have embraced National Development Plan placed to accelerate the implementation of
young people of the world at the Chedza solar-powered backpacks. the notion of mindset change and climate change at the top of the the climate change agenda.
Climate Mobility Pavilion at Expo The backpacks are eco-friendly would stop at nothing to embrace agenda; a thing he accentuated had President Masisi was hopeful
City in Dubai on Saturday. and useful to learners who do not initiatives by young people,” he enabled the integration of climate that the operationalisation of
According to President Masisi, have electricity in their homes to said, adding that government was change risks into all aspects of the Loss and Damage Financial
contemporary youth stand a better peruse through school materials, more than ready to provide risk planning, decision-making as well mechanism would be concluded
chance to make the world a better he posited. venture capital for promising as implementation. before COP28 drew to a close on
place to live in than any other All that governments needed concepts. BOPA Furthermore, the COP28 December 12. BOPA
Monday December 4, 2023 No. 222 Page 3 DailyNews

Botswana, Africa good for investment

By Mooketsi Mojalemotho stead as investment destination for United Arab Emirates on Friday. General for Humanitarian Affairs Crisis and Human Settlements
green technologies, says President Panelists included President Dr as well as Mr Kamal Amakrane, Nexus in Africa, Preventing
DUBAI - Vast natural resources, Dr Mokgweetsi Masisi. Hage Geingob of Namibia, Mr Managing Director for Global further loss and damage
coupled with a vibrant and educated He was speaking during a Jean-Paul Adam, Deputy Special Centre for Climate Mobility. from climate impact through
youthful population put Botswana high-level panel discussion on Advisor to the UN on Africa, Ms The quartet deliberated on the technology.
and the African continent in better the sidelines of COP28 in Dubai, Joyce Msuya, Assistant Secretary- topic titled: Addressing the Climate President Dr Masisi, who
hosted the event in his capacity
as Chair for Knowledge and
Data for Africa Climate Mobility
Flagship Programme reminded
the audience that the harsh
realities occasioned by climate
change had led to loss of lives,
displaced people, degradation
of the environment and affected
agricultural throughput.
President Masisi was however,
quick to point out that Africa and
the rest of the developing world
should not just apportion the
blame on the developed world
because they too contributed to
the greenhouse effect albeit at a
small scale.
It is to this end, he stated, that
Africa should forge partnerships
with the rest of the world to bring
about lasting solutions to arrest
climate change.
“We have the responsibility to
avoid pitfalls,” he underscored.
He was happy that COP28 had
reached a major milestone by
delivering a historic agreement
to operationalise the fund,
DUBAI - President Masisi (second right), President Geingob (second left), Climate Envoy, Mr Amakrane (right) and Mr Adam during a which would assist developing
high-level panel discussion on the sidelines of COP28 in United Arab Emirates on Friday. They deliberated on the topic titled: Addressing nations that were vulnerable to
the Climate Crisis and Human Settlements Nexus in Africa, Preventing further loss and damage from climate impact through technology. the adverse effects of climate
Photo: Thompson Keobaletswe change referred to as the ‘loss
and damage’.

LLDCs climate change challenges unique The United Arab Emirates

has contributed US$100 million,
the United Kingdom 40 million
Pounds, Japan US$10 million and
By Mooketsi Mojalemotho trading system,” he remarked. ironic that LLDCs did not feature had not yet attracted the attention the United States has contributed
President Dr Masisi said for prominently in the mainstream of the international community US$17.5 million.
DUBAI - The Landlocked instance that between 2012 and climate negotiations. although well documented. Dr Masisi’s wish is to have
Developing Countries (LLDCs) 2022, 447 climate-related disasters To this end, he called on the “LLDCs are on the forefront of Botswana have partners in solar
are facing high exposure and affected 170 million people across international community to accord climate change chaos confronting harnessing and water harvesting;
vulnerability to an increasing the LLDCs, which was double the due consideration to the group of a wide range of dramatic impacts an undertaking, he relayed would
number of climate-related global average across the same countries that made LLDCs to desertification and prolonged not only improve the livelihoods
disasters such as droughts, period. participate in the climate change droughts, catastrophic belt sea of Batswana but would go a
desertification, floods, cyclones Moreover, he said millions negotiations as a group going loss,” he said adding however, that long way at keeping at bay the
and landslides, says President Dr of people had been affected by forward. the countries stood a better chance use of fossil fuels that were not
Mokgweetsi Masisi. droughts and floods annually in The group was pinning its hope to reap the rewards of renewable environmentally friendly.
Dr Masisi, who is also the the LLDCs, the most recent being on COP28 to promptly respond technologies. President Geingob’s main
Group’s Global Chairperson the 46 million people affected by to the many challenges they were To achieve high and sustainable concern was the lack of action
made these remarks during the disasters in 2022 alone. grappling with. levels of energy transition, the UN by the developed world that he
high-level meeting of the LLDCs He said cyclone Idai in 2019 “We fully share the urgency of chief stated that LLDCs would said was essential for the further
held under the theme; Addressing caused an estimated US$1 billion acting now with ambitious and need a lot of support from the development of the motherland
Unique Climate Vulnerability of infrastructure damage in Southern rapid emissions cut, responding international community. through the employment of
LLDCs through Partnerships. Africa while cyclone Freddy to the findings of the first-ever Boosting the loss and damage eco-friendly or renewable
The uniqueness of LLDCs, he in 2003 damaged over 5 000 global stocktake. We agree that fund and fulfilment of the technologies.
said meant that the countries were kilometres of roads affecting vital all countries need to act on this promises made towards the fund He said his country was
destined to face unique challenges transit routes between the port of to achieve the 1.5 degrees Celsius by the developed nation was endowed with huge resources
and vulnerability occasioned by Beira in Mozambique and Malawi. target,” said President Dr Masisi. therefore of utmost importance. that only needed investors to chip
climate change. Also, the President said land The group desires to have Mr Guterres said time in and turn things around.
He posited for instance that surface air temperatures in these the loss and damage fund fully had arrived to overhaul the Ms Msuya echoed President
the geographical locations of countries had risen nearly twice operationalised without delay and international financial architect Geingob’s words and called
LLDCs forced them to depend on as much as the global average. to on-board LLDCs. to be able to respond to the for action that she said would
neighbouring states for business He said they were affected by “We also want to have our current needs of LLDCs and the ensure progress as far as green
transactions with the rest of the desertification and recurring presence in the governing body of developing world as far as climate technology and capacity building
world; a thing that he said came at dry spells that undermined food the board,” said the President. change was concerned. of the developing nations were
a cost. security, livelihoods and economy. United Nations Secretary He promised the LLDCs of concerned.
“We have to go through complex “These challenges have far- Genral, Mr Antonio Guterres the UN support and pledged Mr Amakrane was of the
transit routes. These transit reaching consequences especially took part in the meeting and to mobilise the organisation’s view that people needed to be
systems often face serious threats for LLDCs as they trigger a commended President Masisi for system to make sure the next UN empowered in their habitats to
due to extreme weather events,” he vicious circle of food-water energy his strong leadership of the group conference slated for Kigali in curb mobility that may be caused
said citing extreme heat, floods, or insecurity, worsening poverty and and Botswana. Rwanda next year in June becomes by the harsh realities of climate
snow that he said could seriously increasing the risk of conflicts,” He expressed his admiration for a success. change.
damage road surfaces thereby he said. the great strides achieved by the King Letsie III of the Kingdom Once empowered, he said
jeopardising connectivity. These persistent challenges, Southern African nation in the of Lesotho shared other global people would stay put and not see
His audience learnt that all these Dr Masisi said had led to climate form of good governance, social leaders’ sentiments and the need the need to traverse elsewhere in
hindrances halted trade further migration. cohesion, middle-income status to act with promptness especially search of better livelihoods.
putting strain on the LLDC's Water scarcity has also become and sustainable development. the operationalisation of the loss Mr Adam’s take was to learn
ability to compete in dog-eat-dog a serious challenge and threat to Like President Masisi, the UN and damage fund to address the the world’s best practices of
global markets. the LLDC populace. chief was worried by the fact climate change chaos that LLDCs mitigation and adaptation that he
“These make us inherently With a plethora of challenges, that the specific challenges that were battling with. said would bring about a win-win
uncompetitive in the global President Masisi said that it was the LLDCs were grappling with BOPA solution for all. BOPA

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DailyNews Monday December 4, 2023 No. 222 Page 4

Reclaim Lepokole/Borotsi ward- Tsogwane

By Manowe Motsaathebe general elections when they voted and vote for Mr Letso Leshiba in all members should start working development as one of the avenues
for a member of Umbrella for superior numbers in order to bring hard for the party in order to of addressing unemployment
BOBONONG - Botswana Democratic Change (UDC). back the ward , which up until 2019 overwhelm the opposition with a as done in the diamond and
Democratic Party (BDP) Addressing a rally at Borotsi elections, had always been won by landslide victory. agriculture sectors.
chairperson, Mr Slumber freedom square Saturday, Mr the BDP. “With a landslide victory, Speaking at the same event, MP
Tsogwane says it is time for voters Tsogwane appealed to party He also called on the members the opposition would be so for Tonota, Mr Pono Moatlhodi
at Lepokole/Borotsi ward to fix a members to throng the polls in to use their vote as a yardstick emasculated of their regular claim called on democrats to reverse the
mistake they committed in 2019 large numbers on December 9 towards the 2024 elections saying of vote rigging. If we win this loss they suffered at the hands of
ward it will be a perfect launch pad UDC in 2019.
for 2024 elections where we will From the 3 012 voters who
have to retain it. If anyone wants registered to vote in 2019
to stand for this ward in 2024, elections, 600 voted for BDP
they must first work tirelessly while 1 071 voted for the UDC
to ensure that Mr Leshiba goes represented by Mr Motseothata
to the Bobirwa District Council Mafoko who resigned from his
chambers for the remaining 12 seat on September 14.
months,” he said. Of the 3 012 registered voters, 505
Mr Leshiba, it is said, requested were from Lepokole while 2 507
to stand and if successful, were registered in Borotsi.
complete the remaining 12 months Borotsi is a North West part of
before paving way for the eventual Bobonong.
winner of the 2024 primary While conceding that politics was
elections. In 2024 Lepokole will a game of numbers, Mr Moatlhodi
be a stand-alone ward following called on the BDP members in the
demarcation by delimitation ward to ‘enter every household’
commission. and plead for votes.
While canvassing for votes “Canvass for votes from everyone,
for the BDP candidate, Mr the UDC, BCP and the neutral…
Tsogwane called on the party we want to capture back this
youth to familiarise themselves ward,” he said.
with the BDP-led government’s Mr Moatlhodi also encouraged the
programmes to avoid falling party members to remain resolute
victims to the ‘opposition parties’ and watch against the opposition
hypocrisy.’ who may peddle untruths in dire
He took a swipe at opposition appeal for votes.
Members of Parliament for He said the campaign to get Mr
criticising the BDP-led government Leshiba to council was also a
against unemployment and mark for the beginning of a wider
poverty. campaign for general elections.
He said the statistics quoted by For his part, Mr Leshiba said
Mr Tsogwane (centre), Mr Leshiba (left) and artiste, Shumba Ratshega during the launch of BDP candidate
opposition MPs were a product going to council would afford
for the Lepokole/Borotsi ward bye-election in Bobonong on Saturday. This follows the resignation of UDC’s
of research sanctioned by the him a chance to call for tarring
Mr Motseothata Mafoko from active politics. Photo: Yobe Shonga
BDP-led government in order to of Lepokole/Borotsi gravel
devise strategies, programmes and road while also advocating for

Opportunities abundant - Gaolathe policies tailor-made for poverty

Despite it being hard to
installation of street lights in the
He would also advocate for potable
completely eradicate poverty and water for Lepokole, adding “all
By Keith Keti Gaolathe stressed the importance reducing the burden on residents unemployment, Mr Tsogwane these are feasible through working
of ensuring that Batswana benefit who currently had to travel long said the President, Dr Mokgweetsi together with the electorate.”
BOBONONG - In order to fully more than their partners, as distances for basic services.BOPA Masisi introduced value chain BOPA
harness the abundant opportunities compared to the current scenario.
available in Botswana, visionary Such a shift would ensure that
leaders with creative, analytical,
and diplomatic attributes are
wealth goes directly into the
pockets of Batswana and serve as
a catalyst for poverty eradication.
Bye-election litmus test - Kekgonegile
This sentiment was expressed by Mr Gaolathe believes that the
Mr Ndaba Gaolathe, the President potential of Botswana’s economy By Amogelang Makhabenyana either be in school or employed, Ramokgonami MP, Dr Kesitegile
of the Alliance for Progressives to generate sufficient employment but this is not the current reality. Gobotswang, addressed the
(AP), during the launch of the for its citizens is immense. BOBONONG -The upcoming Therefore, we urge you to effect importance of democracy for
Umbrella for Democratic Change He called for the empowerment December 9th Lepokole/Borotsi change by voting for Mr Afa in the the party and challenged voters
(UDC) council candidate for of fearless individuals capable of Council Ward bye election will bye election,” he stated. He also to scrutinize how other parties
the Borotsi/Lepokole ward bye- voicing their opinions to deliver serve as a litmus test for the 2024 mentioned that the BCP advocates were run, as it would aid them
election in Bobonong on Saturday. Batswana from economic bondage general elections, according to for child welfare allowance as a in selecting the right candidate.
The bye-election, scheduled for and other forms of oppression. speakers from the Botswana recognition that many women were Gobotswang explained the
December 9, 2023, will see a battle Supporting the UDC candidate, Congress Party (BCP) during the unemployed and solely responsible BCP’s decision to part ways
between Mr Boitumelo Nyambe Mr Motsamai Motsamai, MP for launch event of their candidate, for supporting their families. with the UDC, citing the latter’s
of the UDC, Mr Moalosi Afa of Ghantsi South, urged voters to Mr Moalosi Afa, in Bobonong on Mr Taolo Lucas, Area MP and indifference towards democracy.
the Botswana Congress Party support Mr Nyambe. He called on Saturday. party vice president, condemned He further criticised BDP
(BCP), and Mr Letso Leshiba of residents to rally behind UDC, as it Mr Goretetse Kekgonegile, the rising menace of ritual government for their discretionary
the Botswana Democratic Party represented the path to a promised Maun East MP and BCP secretary killings in the country. He firmly use of public funds without
(BDP) within the Bobonong land brimming with opportunities. general, said that voters should not expressed that anyone who consulting Parliament on certain
Constituency. Mr Motsamai advised electorates be deceived into believing that the believes that killing someone issues. To Mr Afa, Gobotswang
Mr Gaolathe highlighted the to scrutinize candidates and vote BCP was still part of the Umbrella could lead to riches is engaging in said that while he would be
numerous opportunities presented for the most capable contender, for Democratic Change (UDC). satanic practices and deserving of expected to serve everyone if
by the mining and beef industries, highlighting Mr. Nyambe’s “We have received reports that punishment. elected, his top priority should
as well as other natural resources. qualifications. there are people going around He emphasised the opportunity be the Lepokole/Borotsi Ward.
He emphasised the need for the He stressed the necessity of telling electorates that Comrade presented by the bye election for He said he should serve with
government to fully capitalise tapping into natural resources, Afa is standing under the UDC. the Lepokole/Borotsi electorate distinction, as it would pave the
on these prospects to create particularly water, to enhance This cannot be further from the to rally behind the BCP and send way for the BCP’s success in the
employment for Batswana. food security and self-sufficiency. truth,” he clarified, highlighting a strong message of the party’s 2024 elections.
He said Botswana, blessed with Botswana’s abundance of that this demonstrates the resurgence. As a resident of the Mr Afa outlined the three virtues
diverse natural resources, from perennial rivers provided an untrustworthiness of the UDC and ward himself, he pledged to lead of a leader: botho, bopelotele, and
minerals to veldt products, has the excellent opportunity to bolster the reason for the BCP’s separation by example and be the first to cast boikanyego, which he encouraged
perfect opportunity to establish these aspects. Mr Motsamai from the coalition. his vote come Saturday. voters to seek in tchosin a leader.
processing industries that could emphasized that UDC was a Mr Kekgonegile urged voters to Regarding employment creation, He promised to advance the
improve the lives of its citizens. creative party capable of creating send a clear message to the ruling Mr Lucas criticised BDP for interests of Lepokole/Borotsi
Mr Gaolathe also proposed the employment opportunities and Botswana Democratic Party failing the citizens of to the residents and be their voice at the
establishment of multilateral beef highlighted the significance of (BDP) on December 9 that their point where they perceive the council.
companies, owned by Batswana, visionary leadership in driving the time in power has come to an Ipelegeng programme, with its In the bye election, Mr Afa
akin to popular brands such as country to greater heights. end. He highlighted BCP’s unique meager remuneration, as a viable will be competing against Mr
McDonalds Burger and Burger Moreover, he touched on the standards, setting them apart from source of employment. He called Letso Leshiba of the BDP and
King in the United States. need to establish an elders’ fund the other contenders, BDP and on the government to at least Mr Boitumelo Nyambe of the
This would allow Batswana to to assist with health care for the UDC, as the BCP firmly believed double the salary of Ipelegeng UDC. The Lepokole/Borotsi
have a stake in the beef industry, elderly when the need arises. that jobs that should benefit workers, given the heavy reliance Ward seat became vacant after
ensuring that the economic For his part, Mr Nyambe said Batswana were being exported to many individuals have on the UDC councillor, Mr Motseothata
benefits stay within the country. if elected, he would advocate other nations by the ruling party. programme. Mafoko, resigned from active
Regarding mineral resources, Mr. for development in the area, “BCP believes that youth should Still at the launch, Sefhare/ politics in May. BOPA
Monday December 4, 2023 No. 222 Page 5 DailyNews

‘Work with institutions to address skills gap’

By Lesedi Thatayamodimo graduation ceremony on Saturday, reviewing the curriculum and dependence on ICTs over time, he Sunderland, praised the graduating
Mr Lesaso spoke about the need for teaching methods across various said it was crucial to leverage these class of 2023 as critical change
GABORONE - In an effort to efficient knowledge value chains disciplines and plans to introduce technologies to enhance output and agents in socio-economic
address the skills gap, industries to establish a knowledge-based new programs as per industry drive productivity.” development.
have been urged to collaborate economy and compete globally. requirements,” he said. During the graduation ceremony, She urged them to apply the
with educational institutions for He highlighted his ministry’s Mr Lesaso also called upon Ms One Dikhudu, the Valedictorian knowledge and skills they have
guidance. responsibility for human capital other educational and training of 2023, who achieved a first-class acquired and to be the solution and
Assistant Minister of Education development and pledged to providers to continuously innovate Professional BSc (Hons) Degree in change that the country needed.
and Skills Development, Mr ensure that Batswana possess the and improve educational outcomes. Insurance, encouraged her fellow Professor Walters commended
Aubrey Lesaso, emphasised necessary skills to transform the Mr Lesaso stated, “Through the graduates to believe in themselves the class of 2023 for their immense
the importance of articulating country into a knowledge-based SmartBots Digital Transformation and view graduation as a sign of strength, discipline, and agility in
requirements in the employment economy. Strategy, with the development and victory, inspiring them to embrace embracing change with courage
industry to ensure that institutions He said over the past two decades, deployment of digital solutions, we new beginnings. and enthusiasm. She implored
produce resources and skills that the government had invested more can take advantage of ensuring Professor Andrea Walters, the them to commit and work hard to
drive workplace productivity and, than 25 per cent of the annual that there are advancements in Secretary of the University of make a difference.BOPA
subsequently, economic growth. budget toward education and skills villages and effectively manage
During the
Accountancy College (BAC)
Botswana development.
“The ministry is currently
rural-urban migration.
Given our increasing
Multitudes bid
By Booster Mogapi had a bright future and the family
expected a lot from her.
MOLEPOLOLE - One Her friend, Ms Lepe Leburu said
Motlhabakgomo (19 years) who she met Motlhabakgomo at church
went missing on November 15 and and their friendship grew and went
later found dead, has been laid beyond church and became family.
to rest at Lekgwapheng Ward in She said Motlhabakgomo was a
Molepolole on Saturday. beautiful soul and an ever smiling
Multitudes of Bakwena, girl who was committed to church.
family and friends thronged Speaking on behalf of children
Motlhabakgomo’s residence to Ms Tebagano David said words
bid her farewell under a sombre cannot express their pain and
atmosphere. agony on the loss of their beloved
Member of Parliament for daughter.
Molepolole South also Minister She said as their aunt she cared
for State President, Mr Kabo for them after the death of their
Morwaeng said the circumstances mother.
under which Motlhabakgomo was Ms David added that they
murdered cannot be condoned. always knew Motlhabakgomo’s
Mr Morwaeng said after her whereabouts because she spent
disappearance, the community most of her time at church or her
came together to help the family grandmother’s house.
look for her but their hopes to find “One loved God and spent more
Mr Lesaso (left) and Botswana Accountancy College executive director, Ms Serty Leburu at the college’s her alive were shattered after she time at church where she grew
graduation ceremony in Gaborone on Saturday. Mr Lesaso appealed to industries to collaborate with was found dead. up and became a Sunday school
educational institutions to provide guidance on the skills gap. Photo: Godfrey Mpuse Nevertheless, he said it was teacher,” she said.
important that the family looked Mr Mathata Bakwadi, the

Ketlogetswe rejects recusal plea to God for comfort in such trying

He applauded those who stood
neighbour said he was friends
with Motlhabakgomo’s parents
and continued to give the family
with the family throughout such a support and care even after they
FRANCISTOWN - IEC argued that should Justice faintest case for the recusal of sad time, adding that standing with passed on.
Francistown High Court has Ketlogetswe preside over the case, the judge. Advocate Boko said one another encouraged the spirit He said the family however
dismissed the Independence he would be a judge in his cause the presumption of impartiality of selflessness and togetherness. continued to stick together and thus
Electoral Commission (IEC) as he would have to determine could only be displaced by cogent “Parents need to befriend their encouraged the remaining children
application seeking the recusal of whether the panel he sat in would evidence, which passed the double boy children and always talk to to be comforted and know that God
Justice Gaolapelwe Ketlogetswe in be lawfully constituted. reasonability test. them about relationship issues and had allowed His will to be done.
Umbrella for Democratic Change IEC lawyer, Mr Otsile Rammidi, He said the requirements for make them understand that when Kgosi Moffat Bakwena thanked
(UDC) case. argued that there was need to an application of this nature love ends, it is not the end of the the community for the support they
“The application for the recusal uphold the principle of a fair to succeed were clear and well world,” he added. rendered to the Motlhabakgomo’s
is dismissed with costs,” said hearing, which included litigant’s known. The parent, Mr Raoshimane family when they were going
Justice Ketlogetswe noting that the rights to be heard by an impartial, “The inquiry that must engage Boitumelo said they had to deal through a challenging time until
reasons would be given at a later unbiased and independent judge. this court is whether these with double tragedy as Phenyo the day their daughter was laid to
stage. In his submission, UDC lawyer, requirements have been satisfied Jakoba who was recently found rest.
The IEC application was a Advocate Duma Boko said the IEC in the circumstances of the present murdered with body parts missing Kgosi Bakwena implored the
case within a case where UDC application relied on a narrow and application.” was also part of their family. community to continue supporting
submitted a request to observe crisp set of factual assertions. Adv Boko said this matter Mr Boitumelo said they had each other and lending a helping
voters’ registration, a move He said the factual assertions was properly allocated to Judge been disheartened and saddened hand and a shoulder to cry on
opposed by IEC. presented by the applicant fell Ketlogetswe in terms of the rules by the death Motlhabakgomo’s because that was what made
In the recusal application, short of making out even the and applicable procedures. BOPA death since she was still young and Batswana special. BOPA
Seatbelts Are For Everyone

Monday December 4, 2023 No. 222

backpacks shines
at global level
By Mooketsi Mojalemotho the company a SEED climate
adaptation 2023 Botswana
DUBAI - A Botswana runners-up in October at regional
company dealing with electronics level had done it again, this time
engineering and innovations, Ked- around at a global stage.
Liphi, which has Chedza solar- “The innovation is getting a lot
powered backpacks as one of its of recognition and we also have a
trending innovations is shining partnership with the United States
brighter at the ongoing United of America Army where now we
Nations Framework Convention are developing the bag to be used
on Climate Change (UNFCCC) by the military personnel in the
summit in Dubai, United Arab jungles to avoid making bon-fires.
Emirates. They can employ the services of DUBAI - President Masisi (right) and Mr Liphi (left) on the sidelines of United Nations Framework
The company’s chief engineer the backpacks as a source of light Convention on Climate Change in Dubai recently. Chedza backpack, a brain child of Mr Liphi was one of
and founder, 33 year-old Mr and use stored energy to charge the trending innovations at the summit. Photo: Thompson Keobaletswe
Kedumetse Liphi relayed to BOPA their phones,” he said. The African
on the side-lines of UNFCCC that free trade-area, according to Mr
Chedza is a Kalanga name, which
means light.
Chedza backpack will be
conferred the Climate Change,
Adaptation and mitigation
Liphi would become an important
conduit for the innovation driven
enterprise to expand further and
conquer Africa and ultimately the
Masisi appreciates
innovators’ works
technology award at COP28. Mr Liphi said equipping young
Liphi said the backpack absorbs people with the right tools was the
sun rays during the day, and stores right way to wage a war against
them for later use, which has climate change. Innovations such
proven to be useful, particularly as the Chedza backpacks will
to students with no electricity at go a long way in changing the
home to go through their learning mindset of young people in as far By Mooketsi Mojalemotho He promised the aspiring President Masisi reminded the
material during the night. as climate change is concerned and innovators of government’s young people to build networks
“The bag uses stored power to make them better innovators in the DUBAI - President Dr Mokgweetsi support to help mobilise and scale and seek legal advice and financial
light LED in the back and has a future. The backpacks will soon Masisi walked tall Saturday after up their innovations for the benefit gurus to avoid underlying setbacks
component where such students hit the stores at the cost of around meeting the Botswana innovators of Botswana and the rest of the that come with venturing into the
can be able to charge their P812 (US$60) per bag. and appreciating their works at international community. innovation space. Also, President
government provided lap-tops,” he Due to the steep prizes, Ked- the Expo City in United Arab “We will assist you. You should Masisi challenged the private
said beaming with joy. Liphi partners with like-minded Emirates. not be doing this on your own. As sector, an important stakeholder as
The waterproof bag made of companies to procure the bags for The President, who himself had a government, we are mobilised far as development is concerned, to
canvas, has a life span of five the students in rural areas. many engagements as head of state and aligned to making sure we chip in and bankroll innovation in
years, a solar panel and lithium The Senete born young man and Global champion on Climate green our energy structure and Botswana.
batteries that helps store power encouraged the youth to keep Change, was especially thrilled development,” he said, calling on National Development Bank,
during the day, which can then be the faith and not only chase after that the majority of the innovators budding innovators to have their ABSA as well as First National
used for lighting at night. Also, money that could derail them from were young and vibrant Batswana, concepts registered and patented Bank Botswana (FNBB) form
the backpack has a USB port reaching their peak in terms of whose green technologies will so that they could be adopted. part of the Botswana private
that facilitates the charging of innovations. transcend the Botswana shores He assured the innovators that the sector that is taking part at the
cell phones as well as lap-tops, Currently, Ked-Liphi is and fight greenhouse emissions government was more than ready ongoing COP28 that is scheduled
explained Mr Liphi, mentoring two young Batswana that had negatively depleted the to take them through baby steps to end on December 12. Innovators
The solar powered backpacks whose ideas are being turned into Ozone layer and caused disaster of in their quest to realise their goals. covered areas such as medicine and
innovation, which had won proto-types. BOPA astronomical proportions. Giving them nuggets of wisdom, renewables. BOPA

FNB Botswana, Morupule Coal Mine launch MoU

By Portia Rapitsenyane surrounding areas. the vital role that Small, Medium, the importance of supporting pathway to financial prosperity for
He said FNBB’s partnership and Micro Enterprises (SMMEs) local enterprises in the supply citizen-owned businesses. He said
PALAPYE - First National Bank with Morupule Coal Mine under play in the economic fabric of the value chain. Mr Morris said MCM was committed to being a
of Botswana (FNBB) and Morupule the CEEP is not just a business nation. memorandums of agreements partner of choice in the global coal
Coal Mine (MCM) have launched agreement but a deliberate effort Therefore, he said their support have been signed with large transition and the partnerships
a Memorandum of Understanding to advance the socio-economic for SMMEs is not just a strategy corporates, including MCM, to that MCM envisage, are not
(MoU) on Wednesday. landscape of Botswana. Mr Morris but a vital part of their corporate provide working capital to these for handouts but real impactful
The two entities signed a MoU said the partnership signifies more ethos. He stated that they had enterprises. activities and outcomes.
a year ago aimed at bolstering than just a business collaboration implemented various programmes He said this approach not only Nhovo said MCM’s ambition
local businesses under the Citizen and it represents a real commitment and initiatives to assist SMMEs, stimulates local economic growth was to have 50 per cent of its spend
Economic Empowerment (CEEP) to the people of Botswana. providing them with access to but also creates a ripple effect, going to citizen companies and
and the partnership will avail Through this partnership, credit, business development driving a more resilient and self- supporting 3000 jobs by 2027.
P500 million in order to facilitate he said, they aim to provide support, and mentorship sufficient business environment. “Indications are this target
business. comprehensive banking solutions programmes. Further, he said the partnership will be reviewed upward so those
Speaking at the launch of the and access to funding for Morupule “These initiatives are designed signifies more than just a tasked with this cause keep earning
MoU, FNBB head of commercial Coal Mine contractors. to empower local businesses business collaboration, as it their money,” he said.
lending, Mr Tshepo Morris said the “By doing so, we contribute and contribute significantly to represents a real commitment to He said the partnership would
collaboration emphasised the two to business growth, expansion, economic growth,” he said. He the people of Botswana. MCM enhance financial literacy, provide
companies’ shared vision to bolster and the creation of meaningful stated that the bank was actively head of commercial, Mr Jonathan access to bespoke financial
economic development, empower job opportunities for our fellow engaged in increasing local Nhovo labelled the partnership solutions and empower individuals
local businesses, and drive citizens,” he said. procurement, particularly in the a commitment to unlocking to build a more secure and
meaningful change in Palapye and Mr Morris said FNBB recognised mining sector and it understood opportunities and creating a sustainable future. BOPA
Monday December 4, 2023 No. 222 Page 7 DailyNews

Okavango to have artificial insemination camp

By Kedirebofe Pelontle Molebatsi revealed during a funds for the developments at the programme provided the farmers depended on the same river
recent kgotla meeting addressed quarantine formed clusters. streams.
SERONGA - Government by the President Dr Mokgweetsi Pertaining the topline dip which In his welcome remarks, Kgosi Ndhowe cited stock theft
has taken a decision to set up an Masisi at Seronga. is being piloted in the North West Kgosi Disho Ndhowe of Seronga as another challenge, therefore
artificial insemination camp at “The President has agreed District to fight Bont tick Mr appreciated the government for implored the Botswana Police
Kgomokgwana quarantine near to your request that you need Molebatsi said it had proven to be procuring quality breeding cattle Service to intensify patrols.
Samochima, to benefit the people an artificial insemination effective. from United States of America for Beetsha Village Development
of Okavango. camp nearer at Kgomokgwana The assistant minister however, improvement of the local breed Committee chairperson Mr
The Assistant Minister of quarantine,” he said. advised farmers to refrain from through artificial insemination. Keapoletswe Moyenga said the
Agriculture Mr Molebatsi Mr Molebatsi said in the eating or selling the cattle before Kgosi Ndhowe had requested Bont tick and the opportunistic
meantime the Department of three months had elapsed, as that Kgomokgwana quarantine disease known as Senkobo
Veterinary had plans to refurbish the dip was harmful to humans be developed and to also provide continued to kill cattle in the

Kgatleng the kraals and electrify fence at

Kgomokgwana to make it durable
and resistant to destruction by
during that period.
Mr Molebatsi who was
responding to residents, said it
was possible for government
artificial insemination service the
people of Okavango.
He also talked about human-
wildlife conflict and appealed to
Mr Moyenga therefore appealed
to government to help farmers
by drilling boreholes at the dry
gets 1 He explained that setting up the
camp may take some time since
the department had to source
to drill boreholes for farmers
through Livestock Management
and Infrastructure Development
government to drill boreholes to
water wild animals as an effort
to curb the conflict since both
land to enable farmers to move
their cattle there since Bont tick
preferred swamps. BOPA

ear tags
By Mmoniemang Motsamai

MOCHUDI - Kgatleng District

has received 1 200 Botswana
Animal Information and
Traceability System (BAITS) ear
tags for cattle.
Briefing councillors during
a full council meeting recently,
the acting district agricultural


officer, Dr David Kitosi said only
50 000 ear tags were received by
the Ministry of Agriculture for
distribution across the country.

He said each farmer would be
allowed to buy a maximum of 50
ear tags until supply improved,
adding that another consignment
was expected.
Earlier on, councillors had
complained that farmers were
unable to sell their cattle due to
the unavailability of the tags. They
suggested that other means of
identifying cattle should be used
instead of waiting for ear tags that
do not have a reliable supply.
Councillors were also informed
that the extension of drought relief
was the prerogative of the President
following recommendations from OMANG
the drought and household food YO O MO
security vulnerability assessment TIRISONG
committee, adding that the
extension of the current livestock
feed subsidy would be determined
the same way.
Councillors had pleaded for
the extension of drought relief
owing to the prevailing conditions KARATA
which they said had affected most YA
farmers. DITLHOPHO
TSA 2019
Meanwhile, Dr Kitosi
acknowledged that there was a
delay in the payment of retailers
participating in the 30 per cent
livestock feed subsidy due to
challenges encountered with
the Government Accounting


and Budgeting System (GABS).
He added that government was
working round the clock to address
Councillors had argued that
small businesses were struggling
due to late payments.
Meanwhile, Mochudi Water
Utilities Corporation manager,
Mr Moses Dikgang also briefed
councillors on the upgrading of the
water reticulation network during
National Development Plan 12.
He said there were water
reticulation challenges in some
parts of the district due to aged
He also said they were expecting 6:30AM - 7:00PM
more vehicles to service the district
effectively, but that Ramodibe
settlement near Matebeleng was
not budgeted for water connection.
DailyNews Monday December 4, 2023 No. 222 Page 8

endorse Bail bill
By Moshe Galeragwe he said it was important to ensure Construction workers at Tsabong multi-species abattoir. Mr Gare said the COVID-19 pandemic and
that cases were expedited to ensure lockdowns disrupted the civil and building works of Tsabong abattoir resulting in more than a year delay.
GABORONE - Legislators have that they were concluded on time to Photo: Calviniah Kgautlhe
appealed to government to ensure avoid the risk of putting someone
that the proposed amendments to behind bars for a prolonged period
the bail law should also consider
the opinions of the victim.
The legislators were commenting
on Bail Bill No. 19 of 2023, which
and ultimately getting an acquittal.
Ghanzi South MP, Mr Motsamai
Motsamai also emphasised the
need to consider overcrowding in
‘COVID-19, lockdowns delayed
was tabled by Minister of Justice,
Mr Machana Shamukuni on
The bill is an act by government
prisons saying it might influence
Therefore, he said the proposed
amendments must also consider
Tsabong abattoir construction’
to provide for bail proceedings and additional prison facilities to GABORONE - The COVID-19 completion date for the civil and million but due to inflation and
for matters incidental or connected accommodate all those not eligible pandemic and a series of building works of Tsabong abattoir COVID-19, the amount increased
therewith. for bail while awaiting finalisation lockdowns disrupted the civil was set for December. to P179 million.
In support of the proposed bill, of the matter. and building works of Tsabong He said the official ground The increases he said were
Sefhare/Ramokgonami MP, Dr Mr Motsamai said even though abattoir, resulting in more than a breaking of the abattoir was carried driven by high global inflation
Kesitegile Gobotswang said bail being granted bail was somehow year delay. out on December 8, 2020 and the specifically affecting freight rates,
application must take into account payment for one’s freedom, the law Minister of Entrepreneurship, Mr actual construction commenced and commodity price increases on
the opinions of the victims. must in cases of murder take into Karabo Gare told Parliament that on January 12, 2021 with IPS inputs like structural steel, copper
He said the move would bring account that the victim had also there had been many extensions of Botswana as the main contractor. cabling, electronics and equipment.
a delicate balance between the been denied their freedom. time that were caused by the then Mr Gare said the contractor He also clarified that the current
rights of the accused and those He also added that in the event of COVID-19 pandemic. was supported by a team of local expenditure on the project as of the
of the victim. “We are aware that a serious offence, the police must The pandemic had both direct civil, building, electrical and last contractor claim was over P147
a person is innocent until proven be allowed to detain a suspect for and indirect impacts as various mechanical contractors together million.
guilty,” he said. longer while doing investigations. overseas suppliers were also forced with an international team of The minister was responding to
He said the justice system was He added that people who were to postpone their production and technical specialists from South a question from Kgalagadi South
slow in resolving matters within a facing offences of dealing in illicit delivery plans, he said. Africa, Finland and Denmark. MP, Mr Sam Brooks who wanted a
reasonable time. He therefore said drugs must also be denied bail. Nonetheless, he assured He pointed out that the initial detailed update on the construction
that based on the current pace of BOPA Parliament that the expected cost of the project was over P161 of the Tsabong abattoir. BOPA
disposing cases, denying a person
bail would result in a prolonged
stay in custody.
Dr Gobotswang said there must
be a balance to ensure that the
Bill addresses outcry on granting of bail
proposed changes were not in By Moshe Galeragwe codifies the law as well as addresses be released either conditionally grants of bail will also be taken
conflict with any provisions of the the mischiefs surrounding bail or upon reasonable conditions to into consideration,” he said.
constitution. GABORONE - The Minister of by laying down factors to be ensure that such a person appears Mr Shamukuni also said
Vice President and Boteti Justice, Mr Machana Shamukuni considered by the courts on at a later date for trial or for conversely, the security of the
West MP, Mr Slumber Tsogwane has tabled before Parliament Bail whether to grant or refuse bail. proceedings preliminary to the accused person must be considered
concurred with Dr Gobotswang Bill No. 19 of 2023, which seeks Mr Shamukuni said part nine trial,” he said. on whether to release him/her
that issues of bail had been a public to answer public outcry regarding of the Criminal Procedure and Mr Shamukuni said the Bail Bill on bail or there may be a risk of
outcry as some of those who were suspects who continues to commit Evidence (CP&E) Act makes contained provisions of section retaliation by the relatives of the
suspects in serious crimes repeated crimes while on bail. provision for bail setting out 90 and Part 9 of the CP&E Act victim of the crime he/she was
such offences while on bail. Presenting the Bail Bill of 2023, procedures and processes to be on bail as well as factors that the alleged to have committed.
Mr Tsogwane said the sight of a Mr Shamukuni said the objective followed from when an accused courts had previously considered He said the Bill was divided
person alleged to had committed of the bail was to provide for person makes an application for in refusing or granting bail. into nine parts of which part one
a serious crime in a public space circumstances under, which a bail until it was granted or refused. Furthermore, he said as the provided for the preliminaries
had the potential to incite anger suspect or an accused person may “Every person committed for Constitution was the supreme while part two provided for the
resulting in people taking the law be granted or refused bail. trial or sentenced in respect of any law, the bill codified factors to be constitutional principles upon,
into their own hands. Mr Shamukuni said in 2019, a offence except treason or murder considered by balancing the rights which bail was premixed and
He said bail application must Bail Pitso was convened at which may be admitted to bail at the of the accused person and public circumstances under, which bail
take into consideration the views various challenges surrounding discretion of a magistrate. Any interest. may be granted of refused.
of all affected parties to determine bail were discussed. person who is aggrieved by the He said the accused person’s He said part two further provided
whether to grant bail or not. He said the concerns included refusal of a magistrate to admit fundamental right to liberty and for what was expected from the
He said the law must be tightened that over the years there had been him/her to bail may appeal to the accused person’s fundamental right accused person while on bail.
through stringent penalties for widespread public outcry that High Court,” said Mr Shamukuni. to a fair trial within a reasonable He said the part made it
a person to think twice before accused persons were granted bail He said part of the CP&E Act time should be balanced with mandatory for the judicial officers
committing a crime. with relative ease. was read against Chapter 2 of the the delay in completing the not to release the accused person
Mr Tsogwane said even though He said the Pitso also Constitution, which guaranteed investigations, public interest and if one of the stated grounds was
cases were delayed, in most cases, established that the law obscured fundamental rights and freedoms interest of victims and witnesses of established like in a case where the
such delays were necessary for in favour of the accused and that of an individual subject to the the crime. accused was likely in the eyes of
investigations to be carried out bail was granted with little or respect for the rights and freedoms Mr Shamukuni said victims the court to commit offences like
thoroughly. no consideration for the safety of others and to the respect of and witnesses of crimes should murder, stock theft, motor vehicle
Dr Douglas Letsholathebe of concerns of victims and witnesses public interest. also be afforded an opportunity theft, rape and defilement amongst
Tati East stated that granting bail of the crime. He said sections 5 and 10 of the to be heard and responded to others. Mr Shamukuni said part
was temporary release while an Additionally, the Pitso reiterated Constitution made provision for before granting bail, especially in four provides for the rights of the
accused person was awaiting the that persons accused of serious the protection of personal liberty domestic violence cases and sexual complainants in cases of rape and
finalisation of the matter. As such, offences were granted bail and as well as providing for criminal offences. other offences the right to have
he said cases must be thoroughly went on to commit similar offences trials within a reasonable time. He said there must be serious a say in the bail proceedings by
assessed before granting bail based while on bail. “In terms of section 5 (2) of the consideration of level of risk posed allowing them an opportunity
on the seriousness of the alleged The minister said one of the Constitution if a person is arrested to a victim or witness or the nature to give to the prosecution any
crime. recommendations of the Pitso was upon reasonable suspicion of him/ and seriousness of the offence. information that may be deemed
He also suggested that repeated to come up with a Bill to have a law her having committed or about “Whether the accused was a useful in determining to grant
offenders and those alleged to have on bail codified in one enactment to commit a criminal offence repeat offender, including the or refuse bail or in determining
a hand in ritual killings must not be for ease of reference. and a person is not tried within a accused character, his history the conditions of recognisances.
considered for bail. Additionally, Therefore, he said Bill No. 19 reasonable time, the person shall and record in relation to previous BOPA
Monday December 4, 2023 No. 222 Page 9 DailyNews

Bill to advance Botswana ranking to tier one

By Moshe Galeragwe four possible tiers. of human trafficking. and at clause five the amendment pertaining to the victim’s right to
“It is my wish that the enactment He said the current Act allowed would introduce Section 9(a) privacy by increasing penalties of
GABORONE - The Anti-Human of this Bill will also cause for fines in lieu of imprisonment, dealing with severe forms of breach of the victim’s privacy from
Trafficking (Amendment) Bill is Botswana’s ranking to advance to which was contrary to international trafficking in persons which a sentence of 10 years to 15 years
a response to recommendations tier one,” he said. best practices especially given the included a child, a person with and new minimum fines of P20
made to Botswana by the USA Mr Shamukuni said Botswana evasive and debilitating effects of disability or victim who was 000.
trafficking in persons report, domesticated the United Nations human trafficking on the victim. particularly vulnerable. He said clause 12 of the Bill
which ranks all nations according Convention of transnational Furthermore, he said the current Mr Shamukuni said the penalties amended section 30 pertaining to
to a tier system, says Minister of organised crime through the law also imposed penalties, were increased such that they were extra territorial jurisdiction such
Justice Machana Shamukuni. enactment of the Anti-Human which were not commensurate sufficiently stringent. He said the that any citizen of Botswana or any
Presenting the Bill before Trafficking Act in 2014. with penalties for other forms of use of drugs and habit-forming person who permanently resides
Parliament on Thursday, Mr However, he said the current law serious crimes such rape and sex medication in trafficking a person in Botswana who commits serious
Shamukuni said in terms of had deficiencies, which if ratified, trafficking particularly where attracted a sentence of 30 years or offences of trafficking in person
international ranking, Botswana would facilitate the attainment of children were involved. a maximum of life imprisonment were liable to maximum penalties
had been packed at tier two out of minimal standards for elimination He said the Bill had 12 clauses and a fine of not less than P1 of life imprisonment and a fine of
million. P1 million.
He said clause six amended Mr Shamukuni said Anti-Human

Bail bill should curb cases section 10 of the Act by enhancing

penalties for acts that enhance
human trafficking from sentences
of 25 years and fines of P100 000
Trafficking (Amendment) Bill
No. 18 of 2023 was published on
October 20, 2023. He said Human
Trafficking was a multi-faceted,

of re-offending - MPs to sentences of life imprisonment

and fines of up to P1 million.
Additionally, he said clause seven
amended section 12 of the Act by
multi-layered and dynamic form of
trans-national organised crime.
He said the crime often manifests
itself in the most invasive forms
By Olekantse Sennamose Bill should include the Customary well thought out, especially that aggravating penalties pertaining of exploitation and offences
Court Act as it gave Dikgosi it gave magistrates liberty to use to the use of trafficked persons for against a person to include forced
GABORONE - There is a need to criminal jurisdiction. their discretion even when the sentences of 15 years and P400 000 labour, sexual exploitation and
revisit the Penalty Code and review Gaborone Bonnington North prosecution does not oppose bail. to sentences of life imprisonment organ removal. Mr Shamukuni
clause 10(2a), which deals with legislator, Ms Annah Mokgethi He said it was also good that and fines of up P1 million. He said in 2002, Botswana ratified
granting suspects bail, otherwise appreciated the Ministry of Justice the amendment would allow the said clause eight amended section the United Nations convention on
all efforts of dealing with the issue for finally being responsive to the victim to participate during the 12(a) of the Act pertaining to the trans-national organised crime
of bail will be in vain. outrage expressed by Batswana in trial, which he said would give smuggling of persons such that the representing a major step towards
The clause states that ‘Every relation to how bail had been freely them closure. offence attracted new penalties the fight against trans-national
person who is charged with a and indiscriminately granted For his part, Mahalapye East from 15 years to life imprisonment organised crime.
criminal offence shall be presumed to accused persons’ of heinous legislator, Mr Yandani Boko also and fines P200 000 to P1 million. He said the ratification was
to be innocent until he or she is crimes. applauded the minister for the Bill, As for clause nine, Mr supplemented by three protocols
proved or has pleaded guilty.’ She said the problem started saying he did an exceptional job. Shamukuni said it would insert a being the protocol to prevent,
Contributing to the Bail Bill No. with the courts being too liberal He, however, said it should be new section pertaining to attempts suppress and punish trafficking
19 of 2023 on Thursday, Palapye with the issue of bail, even when noted that the Bill did not seek to while it criminalises the act of any in person especially women and
MP, Mr Onneetse Ramogapi said all evidence was before the deny suspects their right to bail, person who attempts to commit children.
the clause was a major hindrance magistrate. rather only to make granting of any offence under the Act, while “The second protocol is that
to all efforts as the penalty code She said the Bill was, however, bail hard. BOPA clause 10 amended section 20 against the smuggling of migrants
was the most supreme law. by land, sea and air while the third
“There is clear evidence on the was a protocol against the illicit
ground that most suspects on bail manufacturing of and trafficking
had a propensity to re-offend,” he in fire arms, their parts and
said. components and ammunition,” he
He also advised that caution said.
should be exercised to ensure that Mr Shamukuni said once
bail denial was not abused, citing amended, the Anti-Human
cases where people had made false Trafficking Act would ensure that
accusations against others just to government met the minimum
punish them. standards for the elimination of
“The issue of false accusation human trafficking as espoused
should also be harshly punishable, in the UN convention of trans-
otherwise this Bill would be a national organised crime and its
double sword,” he said. supplementing protocol to prevent,
For his part, Member of suppress and punish human
Parliament for Mochudi West, Mr trafficking in persons especially
Mmusi Kgafela however, said it women and children.
would not be so easy for Botswana He said the Bill takes cognisance
to repeal legislature that preserved of present-day challenges in the
and protected the rights and lives of fluid landscape and complexities
individuals, such as Section 10(2a) of human trafficking. Minister
as they were part of international Shamukuni said it catered for
declarations that Botswana has Kgosi Rebagamang Rancholo of Nata (left), First lady Neo Masisi (second left), with District Commissioner, corporate criminal liability to
entered into. Ms Angelina Leano during a tour of the newly built Nata tribal administration building. She was on a tour ensure accountability not just
He also agreed that it was not of Nata prior to World AIDS Day Commemoration on the part of the individuals
easy for a judicial officer to deny Photo: Baldwin Nyamande but groups of individuals and
or grant bail. corporations. BOPA
“Sometimes you grant bail
and the suspect re-offends, and
sometimes you deny them bail
only to later emerge that they were
innocent,” he said.
Parliament adopts missing people motion
He also said the Bill did not By Olekantse Sennamose he cautioned. “This is too long a time for louder.
change the existing laws much, Mr Regoeng also called for the perpetrators to finish their job and Mr Lucas also complained that
but that it was just a codification GABORONE - Parliament establishment of a special police conceal evidence. So I plead that a there was currently little in the law
of existing clauses into a single on Thursday adopted an urgent unit to deal specifically with such person should be declared missing to address issues of ritual murders.
document for consideration by motion tabled by Molepolole cases. as soon as reasonably suspected, Member of Parliament for
Parliament. North legislator, Mr Oabile “I understand that we already and action taken sooner,” he said. Ngami, Mr Caterpillar Hikuama
He also said the challenge with Regoeng requesting government have special units such as the He also called for the resourcing also said it was ironic and selfish
bail was not the law itself, but to swiftly put in place measures to CID and DISS, but cases of such of the police to enable their speedy that one would want to improve
rather the administration part, such curb incidents of people reported nature are on the rise, therefore response to reports. their lives at the expense of another
as the slow pace of prosecution. missing and later found dead, or these existing special units are Gaborone North MP, Mr Mpho human being’s life.
He also cautioned against the never found at all. overwhelmed, hence the need for Balopi said magosi and churches Most legislators who contributed
practice of charging suspects Presenting the motion earlier on, an additional one,” he said. should be involved in seeking also pleaded that just as the motion
before concluding investigations, Mr Regoeng had raised a complaint Mr Regoeng also called for a solutions. was urgent, remedial measures
saying that was the cause of delays that such cases were on the rise specialised court to deal with such He also supported the formation should also be swiftly put in place
in prosecuting as investigations nationally, hence the matter needed issues. of a special unit in the form of to ensure the motion was not just
would now be done while suspects urgency. Contributing to the motion, Diamond Squad and Anti-stock talk.
were on remand. “As lawmakers, it is upon us to Member of Parliament for Selebi theft. For his part, Mr Regoeng
“This means that if it later come up with measures to curb Phikwe East, Mr Kgoberego For his part, Bobonong legislator, appreciated Parliament for
emerges that the suspect was this problem. We cannot risk being Nkawana requested a review of the Mr Taolo Lucas pleaded for a adopting the motion, saying it was
innocent, they would have wrongly slow in addressing it because this standard operating procedure that national address by the President, deliberately open-ended to allow
spent years behind bars,” he said. may lead to people losing trust and recognised a person as missing indicating that as the national them to bring in their suggestions.
Mr Kgafela also advised that the taking the matter into their hands,” after 24 hours. leader, his voice would be much BOPA
Dominating The
Stands Since 1962

Mosupologo Sedimonthole 4, 2023 Kgatiso 222

Babereki ba kopiwa go tsaya karolo

Ka Calviniah Kgautlhe
dira jalo a re go tlaa boloka nako le malatsi a matlhano e e ntseng e Rre Bigboy Mangwa a re kgaolo
TSABONG - Moeteledipele madi a a ka dirisiwang mo ditirong seyo ka fa molaong. “Re di dirile eo e bophara mme ebile seo se
wa bodirelapuso (Directorate tse dingwe tsa ditlhabololo. tsone tseo di etla, nonang pelo ka pateletsa banni go latela ditirelo
of Public Service Management) Mme Macholo a re lefatshe leno mathe,” Rre Motshwarakgole a dingwe kgakala. A re seemo sa
Mme Gaone Macholo a re go mo le santse le saletse kwa morago go bolela. motlakase le metsi mo kgaolong
maruding a mmereki mongwe ntsha maduo ka jalo mongwe le A re mengwe ya melao e e eo se santse se le boutsana ka gore
le mongwe go tsaya karolo fa a mongwe o tshwanetse a tlhatlosa fetotsweng ke gore molaodi mo motlakase wa kgaolo eo o tsewa
berekelang teng, go bona gore mosepele le go itshekatsheka fa a kgaolong ke ene a mogolwane kwa Afrika Borwa mme ebile o
itsholelo ya lefatshe leno e golela direlang teng. ka maemo le dithata mo kgaoga kgapetsakgapetsa.
kwa mangkalengkaleng, ebile e le Fa a tswa la gagwe, moeteledipele badirelapusong botlhe ka jalo a A re le fa go na le dikgwetlho
maitlamo a Tebelopele ya 2036. wa makgotla a babereki, Rre kopa gore molaodi a lomagane le bodiredi bo a leka, mme a kaya fa
A re maikaelelo magolo a lephata Johnson Motshwarakgole o makgotla a babereki gore dilo di go duela madi a badirelapuso a a
la khiro ya babereki ba puso ke go lebogetse neelano e ntle fa gare tsamaye ka thelelo. “A kgang di saletseng kwa morago a C-Band go
tokafatsa bodiredi, go tokafatsa ka ga mohiri le makgatla a babereki tshotlhiwe pele mo kgaolong pele le bonya.
fa go dirwang dilo ka teng gore a tlatsa ka gore ba dira melao e ga di ya kwa go mohiri ka gore E nngwe kgwetlho ke gore bontsi
go nolofadiwe mosepele wa go e amang babereki (policies) ba dikgaolo di a farologana,” Rre jwa badirelapuso mo kgaolong
fitlhelela itsholelo e e kwa godimo. lomagane le lephata la khiro. Motshwarakgole a tlhalosa. ba tsaya lobaka lo lo leele ba sa
Mme Macholo o ne a buisa O lebogetse boeteledipele O gokolotse lephata la khiro ya hudusiwe go ya go berekela kwa
Mme Macholo jwa ga Mme Macholo gore o badirelapuso gore go botlhokwa mafelong a mangwe mme seo
babereki kwa Tsabong bosheng.
A re ba berekisanya le makgotla nngwe, di dirwa gore di tsamaelane tlhatlositse dinao fa a s ale a gore fa go kwadilwe melao mme ke kgwetlho e kgolo ka e ama
a babereki mme ba ne ba bona le melao e mesha. tsena mo lephateng leo mme ba ebile ba e dumalane, go botlhokwa go isa ditirelo tsa boleng kwa
go le botlhokwa gore go fetolwe Mme Macholo a re ba dirile seo rerisanya sentle. A re mo melaong gore dinako tse di beilweng go Batswaneng. A re motho fa a nna
melao le ditumalano le makgotla ka go buisanya le makgotla a e mesha, tse di tokafaditsweng diragatsa ditshwetso di obamelwe golo go le gongwe lobaka, o felela
ao gore ba kgone go fetola ka fa go babereki, Business Botswana le ke gore go okeditswe maternity go itsa gore go kgopetsapetsanwe a tlwaela tikologo mme seo se tsise
dirwang dilo ka teng, gore lefatshe ba ba emetseng puso mme seo se leave ka dibeke tse pedi gape go kwa makgotla tshekelong. dikgwetlho ka bangwe ba felela ba
le kgone go fitlhelela itsholelo e e ne sa ba thusa go lebelela melao simolodisitswe paternity leave ya Molaodi wa Kgaolo ya Tsabong, itebala. BOPA
kwa godimo. yotlhe ka bophara.
O supile fa molao wa khiro Mo go tsa dituelo tsa babereki
(Public Service Act) o sa le o Mme Macholo o amogetse gore
dirilwe ka 2010 mme jaanong Fan shaped salary structure
nako e gorogile go o tlhabolola, a kana PEMANDU, e e saleng
kaya fa melao ya khiro e itshetletse e simolotswe ka 2018 e ne ya
mo matshegong a mararo e diega ka mabaka a go tlhagoga
leng Employment Act, Trade ga segajaja sa COVID-19 mme a
disputes Act le Trade Unions and tlhalosa gore ga e ise e agiwe, e
Employment Organisations Act santse e simololwa.
mme jaanong yotlhe e kopantswe A re e ne ya re ngogola makgotla
go nna molao o le mongwe, a babereki le mohiri ba dumalana
morago ga go dira ditshekatsheko. go tlhatlosa dituelo tsa A band
A re fa go dirisiwa molao gore tiro e e kwa tlase mo bodirela
wa 2010, dilo dingwe di ne di pusong e leng ya bophepafatsi, e
kgona go fosega ka melao e okelediwe dituelo go nna P2 500.
ne e le mafaratlhatlha mme O supile gape gore ba ne ba
jaanong molao o tlhabolotswe tshwanelwa ke go tsenyediwa five
go lepalepana le dinako tsa percent go simolola go ne ngogola
segompieno, go tlhofofatsa dilo. mme seo sa seka sa diragala
Mme Macholo a re e ne ya re mme ba itlamile gore seo se tlaa
ngogola a kopana le makgotla baakanngwa gore mongwe le
a babereki go buisana ka go mongwe yo o tshwanelang ke go Badirelapuso kwa phuthegong e e neng e buisiwa ke Mme Macholo kwa Tsabong bosheng.
tlhabolola bodiredi, fa go duelwa a bo a duetswe kgwedi eno Senepe: Calviniah Kgautlhe
berekelwang teng le ditsamaiso tsa ya Ngwanatsele.
khiro le pereko.
A re dingwaga tse pedi tse
di fetileng, ba ne ba tsena mo
A re sebe sa phiri ke gore go
santse go na le tiego, mme ebile
go na le dikgwetlho ka gore ba Makhanselara ba tshwentswe
ke tiriso botlhaswa ya ditagi
tumalanong ya ngwaga tse tharo ba duetsweng ba duelwa madi a
ya go oketsa dituelo tsa babereki ka a fetileng fa ba bangwe ba bone
seelo sa five pe rcent mo ngwageng ba duetswe a a kwa tlase. Mme
tse tharo, go itsa go boela kwa Macholo re go botlhokwa gore
tafoleng kgapetsakgapetsa. baeteledipele ba maphata ba ba Ka Bonang Masolotate morago mo ditlhabololong. ba rekisang mo mekgwatheng .
O supile fa go le botlhokwa tshwanetseng go tsaya boikarabelo Rre Manyapetsa a re kgaolo e, A re gona le mafelo a a sa
go lebelela ditsamaiso tse di mo diofising ba tlhatlose mosepele GABORONE - Mokhanselara e tlhoka ditlamelo di tshwana le dirisiweng mo toropong a a ka
tshwanetseng tsa tlhabololwa, go duela babereki. wa Ledumang, Rre Thuso diofisi tsa mapodisi, ka jalo, a re adimiwang Batswana go direla
go tokafatsa bodiredi a re Mo dituelong tsa babereki ba Khubamang a re tiriso ya ditagi puso e tshwanetse go sekaseka go dikgwebo mo go one ka nakwana.
go ne ga dumalanwa go C band a re kgang e ne ya isiwa ke bana ba dikole bogolo jang reka lefatshe mo kgaolong eo go Rre Molefhe o ne a tlhalosa fa go
tlhabolola Disciplinary Policy le kwa makgotla tshekelong mme ba Ledumang Senior Secondary tsisetsa banni ditlamelo di tshwana tlhabisa ditlhong gore batswakwa
Occupational Safety and Health lephata la khiro le ntsheditswe School e a tshwenya. le dikole, kokelo, kgotla le tse ba bo ba rekisa mo mekgwatheng
Policy gammogo le Learning and madi go duela babereki bao. A re Rre Khubamang, o buile se dingwe. ya toropo, fa bangwe ba gweba
Development Policy. baeteledipele ba maphata ba sa le kwa phuthegong ya Khansele ya O tlhalositse fa ditsela tsa kgaolo ka dikgwebo tse di seegetsweng
Mme Macholo a re konokono kgang e morago ka gore ba eletsa Gaborone bosheng. ya Gaborone North di tshwanelwa Batswana. Mokhanselara wa
ya tokafatso maduo mo tirong ke gore fa ngwaga o fela, go bo go A re theko le tiriso ya ditagi di ke go tsibogelwa. Itumeleng, Mme Motamma
gore go botlhokwa go lebelela sena ope yo o kolotiwang mo go jweleletse thata kwa mapalamelong Mokhanselara Manyapetsa a Horatius o ne a tlhalosa fa a
gore motho o ka rutuntshiwa jang bo ne. a dikoloi tsa setshaba kwa re dikgaolwana tsa Ledumang, lebogela go baakangwa ga ditsela
go ntsha maduo e seng ka go ya Mme Macholo gape o boletse ledumang. Tsogang, Marang le Tsholofelo di mo kgaolong.
sekoleng fela, le go sala morago gore lephata la khiro le gatetse Rre Khubamang o ne gape a saletse kwa morago ka kgopho ya A re gore toropo ya Gaborone
Performance Management and pele go dirisa boranyane go tlhalosa fa ba dikgwebo tsa go metsi. e fetole selebego, go tshwanetse
Development Policy ya go ntsha fokoletsa puso ditshenyegelo. A tlhatswa dikoloi gaufi le seporo kwa O ne gape a re seemo sa tiriso ga fefogelwa go baakanya ditsela
maduo. re ba mo letsholong la go fokotsa Ledumang, ba sale ba tshephisiwa botlhaswa ya ditagi ke baithuti ba le go nyeletsa ditsela tsa mmu
A re go tokafatsa tsa pereko, ba tiriso ya pampiri ka gore go tsaya ditlhabololo di akaretsa mantlwana sekole se segolwane sa Ledumang mo toropong. Mme Horatius o ne
tlaa tseya Public Service General nako le madi go ntsha di payslip a boiteketso, mme nako kgolo ke Senior School le kwelo tlase ya gape a lela ka kolelo ya matlakala
Orders ya 1996 e bo e tlhabololwa mme jaanong go simolotswe go eno. maduo se tlhoka go emelwa ka mo mafelong a a sa dirisiweng mo
e fetolwa e bidiwa, conditions dirisa maranyane go tlhofofatsa Fa Mokhanselara yo o dinao. toropong, a re mafelo a, a fetogile
of service, mme dilo tsotlhe tse dilo mo ditirong. A re le go ikopela itlhophetsweng, Rre Lotty Mokhanselara Isaac Molefhe wa kwa go latlhelwang matlakala teng
di amanang le pereko di tlaa malatsi a go itapolosa go dirwa mo Manyapetsa a supile fa Kgaolo Notwane o ne a kopa khansele go ese ka fa molaong, mme se a re se
kopanngwa mo bukaneng e le maranyaneng go simologile. Go ya Gaborone North e saletse kwa tsibogela dikgang tsa bagwebi ba tlhoka tharabololo. BOPA
Monday December 4, 2023 No. 222 Page 11 DailyNews

Kusi boon to agriculture sector

By Ndingililo Gaoswediwe and ease trade between African Mr Roos who is also the to secure regulatory approval when measurers we need to have in place
countries. Chairperson of the Tuli Block acquiring farmland to be some of the to execute a precision farming plant,
GABORONE - Kusi Ideas Festival He said with opportunities abound Horticultural Farmers Association major hindrances of progress. we have seen an increment in usage
is an interconnection platform that in the region, there was still lack of said farmers in the Tuli area benefit Despite challenges, he said of drones to spray pesticides which
will give participants exposure to activity from companies that already from the closed borders. farmers continue to look for reduces fuel usage but increases
great investment opportunities in the with operating internationally, which “This provides more market technologies in the market aimed efficiency and data production,
agriculture sector, says commercial could be a result of international security which enables us to at improving efficiency, yield and construction and connection of solar
farmer and managing director of JP players unaware of existing continue to make big investments in maintain sustainability, reduce and for pumping of water for irrigation
Roos Vegetables (Pty) Limited, Mr opportunities. expanding our production areas and or manage production costs, increase purposes, adoption of covered
Jan Pierre Roos. “The ease of doing business is also improving our farming technology crop quality and yields. structures for production of high
With African countries heavily an issue that African governments and post-harvest value addition,” he “Currently, prior to planting we value crops such as tomatoes which
reliant on imports, he says for as need to attend to. Governments adds. carry out soils and water precision protects crops from extreme weather
long as there are no manufacturing need to facilitate for investment by As an emerging market, Mr Roos analysis which assists us in conditions, pests and diseases,” he
entities with agricultural inputs, providing some form of comfort to said Botswana continued to avail determining the crop needs and what cites. BOPA
African farmers will continue to investors that their money will be opportunities in the agricultural
depend on imports from other safe,” says Mr Roos. sector, to date the country is yet to
regions, adding that, “there are Further, he commended Botswana ascertain its ‘food secure’ status
currently no programmes addressing for the vegetable import ban which meaning that there was still a gap
this issue, while we appreciate he said incentivised farmers to in production and supply of produce
government trying to lure investors increase production to meet the locally.
to set up in Botswana there is little country’s demand, adding that He said inputs supply chain in
activity.” farmers tackled the opportunity Botswana for chemicals, fertilizers,
Therefore, the coming Kusi Ideas head-on, and in some product lines, seeds and packaging material
Festival slated for December 7-8, production exceeded demand during was still dependent on South
Mr Roos said it would give exposure certain months of the year. Africa, therefore the need to lobby
of great investment opportunities He said all-year production manufacturing companies set up
in Botswana from a funding point of some vegetables was very operations in Botswana; including
of view, facilitation of long-term challenging due to Botswana’s suppliers of farming equipment,
relationship with international unfavorable climatic conditions. machinery and parts.
supply chain market players and Cool-weather crops such as potatoes Climate change remained a major
facilitation of markets for Botswana and onions were normally only challenge for the agricultural sector
goods internationally and finally risk produced in the winter, but farmers with extreme weather conditions
mitigations measures for farming were stretching production season shortening planting and harvesting
industry. to meet the 12-month demand seasons, increased risk of pests and
Expected to speak at the festival, period. Thus, the need for enormous diseases, affects crop quality and
Mr Roos, encouraged government to investments to acquire special seeds production volumes which in turn
on-board farmer programmes aimed and planting material, improved affects cashflows, he added.
at lobbying investors so that people farming technologies, cooling Though agriculture remained an
on the ground could provide critical facilities, and advanced storage important player in the country’s
information and data to investors facilities. GDP, Roos said inflation and
about opportunities in Botswana Farmers, therefore, needed increment in cost of agricultural
and the need for capital investment investment assistance to achieve the inputs since the Russia-Ukraine
in Africa and facilitation of free country’s food security vision. conflict had seen an increase of KNOW YOUR SPEAKER
cost of agricultural inputs, and this Mr Jan Pierre Roos
has been a major challenge with
farmers having to adopt to sourcing A Motswana prominent Born in Polokwane-South Africa
inputs from other markets leading commercial horticultural farmer and raised in Sherwood-Botswana,
to delays in supply, reducing the
born in 1984 in a farming family. JP completed his tertiary education
number of hectares they normally
plant, ordering in bulk with a view
He benefited from a Botswana at Friedenheim Agricultural Estate.
of negotiating lower prices and to government farming programme This was the very steppingstone
some extent a twist in the fertilizer Young Farmers Fund which was that was needed to launch his
and pesticides programs to reduce promoted by government owned passion for food production.
requirements per hectare citizen funding agency CEDA in At a very young age JP started
Lack of funding, he said was one 2007 with funding of P450 000 farming on his family land at
major challenge because Botswana to start what would become one the age of being natured by his
capital market was dominated of the largest commercial farming grandfather. Started off working
by commercial banks, with little businesses owned by a Botswana in farm in South Africa growing
participation by equity investors, the youth. mangoes and tobacco before
local commercial banks appetite for JP, as he is affectionately known, moving back to Botswana the
agribusiness remains low meaning started the company with just family farming business producing
that commercial farmers cannot 6 hectares under management oranges. JP completed a Business
expand their operations, even the and irrigation farming onions, and Marketing Strategy course
structures put together by the banks butternut and potatoes and to date in 2012 and also trained with the
do not allow some form of flexibility the company manages three farms Centre for the Development of
to generate buffer cashflows and across two locations in Botswana Enterprise, successfully completing
stabilize the business. with over 400 hectares under a seminar in Quality Management,
Ease of doing business in irrigation and employing over 200 Process Improvement, Product
Botswana is still a problem and people fulltime and supplying 70 Diversification and Financial
Mr Roos cites delays in clearance
per cent of own produce to local Management. BOPA
at borders and securing imports
permits for inputs, systems not
retail chain stores and 30 per cent
working, approval of export permits to smallholder traders.
taking forever to process, time taken

Potato harvest. Photos: Courtesy of Jan Pierre Roos

DailyNews Monday December 4, 2023 No. 222 Page 12

Community projects create employment

By Kgotsofalang Botsang Kopano Recreational Park were organisations and individuals to the business community and the and a citizen owned company
generating income for Ward fund the remaining components of general public as they continue to Agile in purchasing Pula Steel and
SELEBI PHIKWE - Selebi Development Committees (WDC). the park. assist the project with financial BCL hospital respectively.
Phikwe mayor, Mr Lucas He said the park had turned out to Thakomebosele Tswana Chicken donations for its sustenance,” said The first company, he said
Modimana has implored the be the most sought after venue for project, he said was doing well Mr Modimana. was working on licensing of the
town’s community to support social functions, church gatherings and applauded the beneficiaries Mr Modimana said Citizen steel plant factory after which
Thakomebosele Tswana Chicken and national events hosted by for diversifying by incorporating Entrepreneurial Development production would follow.
and Kopano Recreational Park various government departments. broiler chickens and cultivating Agency (CEDA) continued to make Mr Modimana said the
projects whose aim is to alleviate “Let me appreciate members vegetables. remarkable progress in providing investment totaled P40 million
poverty and create employment for of the public and the business “The project diversification is a financial and technical support for with potential to create 120 jobs
the residents. community as they heeded my call commendable effort and I appeal business development with a view when fully operational.
Mr Modimana, who was to assist the park with financial to residents of Selebi Phikwe to to promote viable and sustainable He said the project currently had
addressing a full council meeting assistance to complete remaining support this project by buying citizen owned enterprises. 50 employees.
on November 29, said community components of the layout,” he said. fresh chickens and vegetables. He said Selebi Phikwe Branch Mr Modimana said BCL hospital
development initiatives such as Mr Modimana appealed to Let me also applaud the efforts of invested P353m in more that 2 956 was now under new ownership of a
projects with a total employment of citizen owned company, Agile, and
5 809 in the Greater SPEDU region the hospital was operational at an
which covered five constituencies of investment value of P30m.
Selebi Phikwe East, Selebi Phikwe The project currently has
West, Bobonong, Mmadinare and 27 employees with potential
Lerala/Maunatlala. to increase to 65 when fully
He said SPEDU facilitated a operational, Mr Modimana said.
foreign owned company Sherashiya BOPA

!!!!My Machine!!My Pride !!!My Priority!!!!! Boteti water project

POSOTIONS: 44 per cent complete
JwanengDQGOrapa Debswana Mine cluster water supply rehabilitation comprising of 136 males and 56
project is 44 per cent complete. females. In addition, she said the
This is against 50 per cent design and construction of a reverse
‡6LWH0DQDJHU   ‡/LHEKHUU6SHFLDOLVW   ‡(OHFWULFLDQ progress that was expected by osmosis plant and electrification of
September. houses in Mmatshumo was 100 per
Briefing Boteti District cent complete.
councillors in Letlhakane recently, She stated that the upgrading
development officer, Ms Patience of the Mmatshumo pipeline and
Site manager will be developing detailed plans, ensuring
Fanikiso said the project included tank replacement budget was P6m,
resource availability and allocation, and delivering every
Skills Required villages of Kedia, Mokobaxane, adding that it was funded by Water
project on time within budget and scope.
‡ &RQWLQXRXVLPSURYHPHQW Mopipi, Toromoja, Xere, Xhumo, Utilities Corporation and entailed
Key Performance Areas ‡ 0DLQWHQDQFH3ODQQLQJ 0DQDJHPHQW Rakops and Mmadikola, and that replacing old pipelines and the
‡ &RRUGLQDWH LQWHUQDO UHVRXUFHV DQG WKLUG SDUWLHVYHQGRUV IRU ‡ 'RZQWLPHUHGXFWLRQ it was expected to be completed in construction of a tank.
‡ 3URYLGH HIIHFWLYH OHDGHUVKLS DQG PDQDJHPHQW RI FURVV She said the six per cent delay was of a booster station and construction
IXQFWLRQDO WHDP WR GHOLYHU SURMHFW DJDLQVW REMHFWLYHV E\ ([SHULHQFH TXDOLÀFDWLRQV attributed to delays in completing of a pipeline at Letlhakane was at
GH¿QLQJWKH]HURKDUP ‡ 0LQLPXPRI\HDUV¶H[SHULHQFHLQPDLQWHQDQFHRIPDFKLQH the plant design as there was a the award stage with construction
WKHVHVWDQGDUGVDQGWKHREMHFWLYHV PDFKLQH for future expansion. The project, she said, was
WHDP ‡ 'LSORPD LQ 0HFKDQLFDO (OHFWULFDO (QJLQHHULQJ /LHEKHUU P700m and that expenditure in Letlhakane by filling up the
‡ (QVXUHWKDWDOOSURMHFWVDUHGHOLYHUHGRQWLPHZLWKLQVFRSH 0DFKLQHV  currently stood at over P100m. distribution tank thus giving
DQGZLWKLQEXGJHW ‡ /LHEKHHU $IULFD WUDLQHG  \HDUV H[SRVXUH RQ /LHEKHUU She noted that the project was enough gravitational flow to reach
‡ 3HUIRUPULVNPDQDJHPHQWWRPLQLPL]HSURMHFWULVNV ELECTRICIAN challenges encountered included reverse osmosis plant was budgeted
rocky terrain in some sections. at P30m to treat water from Lucara
Skills Required Main Purpose of the Job She also said negotiations with Mine, adding that construction was
‡ ([FHOOHQWFRPPXQLFDWRUDQGFRPIRUWDEOHPDQDJLQJPXOWLSOH To install, inspect, repair, and maintain all the electrical parts the Department of Environmental expected to start in January 2024.
WDVNV contained in all machines. Affairs and Mines to mine suitable BOPA
FLUFXLWEUHDNHUV Loose Inserts Back by popular demand.
U 1« ̜ Ìܜ à iiÌà ­«iÀ Ì œÕÃ>˜`®P635.00
U ™ ̜ £Ó à iiÌà ­«iÀ Ì œÕÃ>˜`®P730.00
Main Purpose of the Job ([SHULHQFH 4XDOLÀFDWLRQ U £Î ̜ £È à iiÌà ­«iÀ Ì œÕÃ>˜`®P800.00
The incumbent will be required to provide technical expertise ‡ 1DWLRQDO&UDIW&HUWL¿FDWH 1&& LQHTXLYDOHQW
and know how to effectively manage the Mechanical function ‡ \HDUVSRVWTXDOLI\LQJH[SHULHQFHRUVXFFHVVIXOFRPSOHWLRQ U ,>Ìià vœÀ >À}iÀ ˆ˜ÃiÀÌà >Û>ˆ>Li œ˜ ÀiµÕiÃÌ
of the machines and related infrastructure and services to RIWKH$UWLVDQ'HYHORSPHQW3URJUDP $'3 LQUHOHYDQWWUDGH
support the Mine operation.
A valid class B driver’s license is a must for all positions œ˜Ì>VÌ\ 3653592, 3653620, 3653591,
Key Performance Areas
3653587, 3653593, 3653599
‡ 3HUIRUPLQJ0DFKLQHRYHUKDXOVDQGUHSDLUV Please submit a cover letter, résumé to: +XPDQ 5HVRXUFHV
‡ 3HUIRUP DOO DFWLYLWLHV DFFRUGLQJ WR LQVWUXFWLRQV SURFHGXUHV We thank all applicants for their interest however, only those
DQGHQJLQHHULQJUHTXLUHPHQWV selected for an interview will be contacted.
Monday December 4, 2023 No. 222 Page 13 DailyNews

Cultural heritage
vital in tourism
By Portia Ikgopoleng

KASANE - Cultural heritage is a vital

element, which needs to be infused into
travel and tourism packages, as cultural
tourism plays a critical role in setting
Botswana apart from the rest of the world.
Botswana food, song, dance and fashion
deserved to take centre stage on the travel
operator’s packages to allow tourists to
explore beautiful Botswana.
Minister of Youth, Gender, Sport and
Culture, Tumiso Rakgare said this when
giving a keynote address at the just ended
Botswana Travel and Tourism Expo
(BTTE) cultural night in Kasane on
“Our culture is one of the main reasons
tourism booms in Botswana because we
serve fresh and organic cuisine and our
song and dance have a beautiful rhythm,
which always leaves visitors in awe,” he
Rakgare stated that local tourism
operators and international buyers
immersed in the excursions over the past
week going on a boat cruise, visiting the
Kazungula Bridge and game drives in the
Chobe National Park.
This, he said, expanded the horizon for
BTTE so that the delegates were able to
appreciate and understand the importance
of incorporating all aspects of tourism
into a travel basket.
He highlighted that government, together
with Botswana Tourism Organisation
worked hard to uncover more cultural
stories and destinations and package them Kasane court president, Kgosi Thuso Wasetso (left), Minister Rakgare (centre) and Chobe District council chairperson, Mr Chimney
in a way that would attract visitors. Mululwani at the BTTE cultural night. Minister Rakgare said Botswana food, song, dance and fashion deserved to take centre stage on
the travel operator’s packages to allow tourists to explore beautiful Botswana. Photo: Portia Ikgopoleng
The Travel Agents Association of
Botswana chairperson Abel Monnakgotla
stated that the expo had accorded them
a platform to share ideas and build
‘Safeguard, celebrate cultural heritage’
He said Kasane was the capital of
tourism as espoused in the Meetings, By Ketshepile More “Mantsho a ngwana in itself is a tourism. “Over commercialisation is a
Incentives Conferences and Exhibitions festivity, a cultural expression because we problem,” he said. Once the concept of ICH
(MICE) strategy, hence thanked the GABORONE - An intangible cultural are celebrating a new life that we have,” came into being, communities realised that
people of Kasane for hosting a successful heritage (ICH) is a practice, representation, Lesolobe said. they can make livelihoods out of it, also
expo. expression, knowledge, or skill recognized Knowledge on cosmology is another creating economic social development
He highlighted that the success of the by UNESCO to be part of a place’s cultural domain which deals with knowledge on messages.
Expo would be reflected by the growth of heritage, are worth safeguarding and weather patterns. “This is a domain which “Practitioners were now starting getting
the tourism industry and the connections celebrating. our people are able to read and know in paid by corporates for entertainment,
made. ICH includes things such as taboos, advance of drought years, how they are eventually also hosting festivals especially
Monnakgotla said it was imperative proverbs and everyday things that we live able to tell that autumn is upon us and it is in the Kgatleng area with dikhwaere.”
to package and sell Botswana tourism and derived from cultural way of living. time to harvest and feast,” he said. Lesolobe said commercialisation also
products in an appealing manner that “The definition is divided into five This domain also included elements such brought in tourism, as people from other
would attract the world to visit Botswana. domains to describe ICH by the State as child ailments healing such as go rwesa communities would come and experience
Chobe District Council chairperson Parties of the 2003 UNESCO Convention ngwana phogwana as well as traditional what they do not have in their communities,
Chimney Mululwani thanked BTO for for the Safeguarding of ICH,” states healing and also some ailments, which ‘and this meant raising prices to attend such
choosing Kasane as the hosts of the BTTE National ICH Committee member expert required traditional healing. “We say activities as tourists come in numbers.’
for many years, noting that this stimulated Bathusi Lesolobe in an interview. traditional healing because we want people By raising prices, Lesolobe said the
the economy of the district. The 2003 convention deals with practices, to recognise that ke bongaka jwa setso community was unable to attend their own
He concurred that delegates should take representations, expressions, knowledge, which has nothing to do with witchcraft, activities, because it was now crafted for
advantage of the connections made during skills that communities recognize as but healing,” said Lesolobe. tourism.
the expo to build their businesses. BOPA their cultural heritage; communities and The last domain is traditional “The people who could be ensuring that
bearers are key actors for safeguarding and craftsmanship, which are cultural practices dikhwaere stay authentic are communities
transmission; experts are associated. done by hands; elements such as traditional but are not because of raised prices for the
Lesolobe said the definition describing decorations (lekgapho), pottery, woodwork, tourists.”
“Our culture is five domains of ICH included cultural go dira ditilo tsa dikgole, go suga diphate However, ICH can still be preserved and
one of the main expressions, where elements such as poetry, and others. safeguarded for the next generation and
proverbs, riddles, history of the people on With these five domains of ICH, it was sustainability, as the convention’s main
reasons tourism how they express themselves among others then that around the years of 2000 and late purpose is to safeguard and ensure they do
booms in Botswana were found. 1990s when internet started being popular not get instinct along the way.
Performing arts is also another domain that it was realised that countries could “We want to safeguard ICH because we
because we serve encompassing indigenous art such as easily share each other’s culture and even want the next generation to also practice
traditional games, poetry, dance and song. live it. them,” said Lesolobe.
fresh and organic “This domain deals with performing “The problem was that even though He said there were 12 safeguarding
cuisine and our arts,” he said.
The festive events domain, he said, had
everyone could do that, developing
countries were suffering as their youths
measures, but four critical ones were
identification, research, documentary and
song and dance have to do with festivities where communities were adopting hip hop styles of the west. inventory.
come together to celebrate and express And then UNESCO was able to intervene Other measures include recognition,
a beautiful rhythm, themselves in some way. to ensure that our cultures were not dying,” transmission, enhancement and revitalise
which always leaves Examples could be weddings, initiations Lesolobe said. among others. Lesolobe noted that any
(bogwera and bojale), mantsho a ngwana With modernity came threats to ICH; state or anyone can do their safeguarding
visitors in awe.” and others. due to over commercialisation as well as according to their territories. BOPA
DailyNews Monday December 4, 2023 No. 222 Page 14

Gaborone North informs owners
of plots 69050 69023 & 69024 Established Tourism Company
of intention to build boundary seek the Expertise Services of
rates. Call 76274598/ 76834659/
wall, for any objections contact a Specialist Advisor on MOSO
Gaborone City Council Physical
Planning Office @ 3657000 within
BAMBOO products with at
FARM WORKERS 14 days of notice. least 8 years’ experience.


at moloko farm mahalapye, apply PROPERTIES To work remotely in the Delta.
Send CV & Qualifications to
to francois jan viljoen, box 2872,
mahalapye. CORNELIUS SEGWABE WHO P.O. Box HA 143 HAK, Maun,
FARM WORKER DITEDU Lands. owns a ploughing field at Email:
P O BOX V1387 Ramotswa Olifants Drift wishes to sell it to,
71624693 Mr Andrew Romo, a Zimbabwean
national of passport Tel. no: 77 435 423.
no.FN892133.Any objections
Mantsho Farm. Apply: Amon
should be communicated to Closing Date:15 December 2023
Tapiwa Box 500307 Gaborone
Closing date: 17/ 12/ 2023.
Serovaas herbst P.O Box AD10ACJ VACANCIES Farm Manager Needed
Postnet Gaborone, Botswana
77833679. Form 5 certificate
workers at Lentsweletau,must needed. Qualification: Diploma
have knowledge in horticulture. in Fashion Design, experience: "QQMZUP5SJHPO'BSNJOH
Apply:Naledi Mipone Mlaudzi 8 years or more. P O Box PO Box 818 Ghanzi
Box 46203 Gaborone.Closing 80616 Gaborone. Closing date:
14/12/2023 Cell: 72 981 094
date: 17/12/2023
Contact : Trust Modo P O Box 190,
Ramokgwebana, cell 71636333 ADS 365 3620 Closing DateXJUIJO
A.Brilliant Star Diamonds Botswana (PTY) LTD is an established diamond cutting and polishing factory in
Gaborone Botswana. We hereby invite candidates who are experienced and passionate about the diamond
2 FARM WORKERS wanted. industry and with uncompromising standards of excellence to a career in the industry.
Apply to Olebogeng Nthologang


Matsaka Lands, Thamaga. Apply
P O Box 904 Thamaga. Mr David Lobatse District, Botswana on the 21st day May 2022. t5SPVCMFTIPPUJOHQSPCMFNTXJUIQFSGPSNBODFPSVTFSFYQFSJFODF
Ishianyana Mathe _______________________________________________________________________________________
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Debtors and Creditors in the above Estate are hereby required t(PPEJOCPUITQPLFOBOEXSJUUFO&OHMJTI
to pay their debts and claims of whatever nature with the undersigned within thirty ( 30) t$PNQVUFSMJUFSBUF
DATED at …. on this …. Day of .... 2023
The Executor
investigations: 3187306/ Keabaoka H. Mothibi t5SVTUXPSUIZBOETFMGESJWFO
71678321/ 74242812, Property Cell: 74479197 / 73545357 t(PPEFZFTJHIU
database paralegal t4UFBEZIBOET
school trans from door to door. Masters Reference:
Call me 74021180 or 71288630
Hospital, Molepolole, Kweneng District, Republic of Botswana on 14th August 2019. BDDPNQBOJFECZBDPWFSMFUUFS DFSUJöFEDPQJFTPGDFSUJöDBUFTBOEJEFOUJöDBUJPOEPDVNFOU *% UP

NEIGHBOUR CONSULTATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Debtors and Creditors in the above Estate are hereby

required to pay their debts and file claims of whatever nature with the undersigned $MPTJOHEBUFGPSBQQMJDBUJPOTJTPOUIFth %FDFNCFS
NEIGHBOURS OF PLOT number within thirty (30) days after the publication hereof.
4133 in Tlokweng Mafitlhakgosi DATED at ____________ on this ____________ Day of ____________ 2023.
Ward, are informed of eraction
of boundary wall. Any queries, Executrix Dative P O Box 164 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS Master’s Reference:
contact 71787890 Evelyn Boitshepo Tshoganetso MOLEPOLOLE ESHGB 000382/23
CELL: 74 153 297 / 72 607 270 IN THE ESTATE of the Late ONTALETSE JOSEPHINE SEMENTE who died at Palapye Primary
OWNER OF PLOT 12303 Lobatse
Hospital. Central District, Palapye, Republic of Botswana on 30th August 2022.
AirStrip, contact owner of plot
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Debtors and Creditors in the above Estate are hereby required
12304 regarding change of to pay their debts and file claims of whatever nature with the undersigned within (30 days)
land use from residential to after the publication hereof.
multi residential on 71729405 DATED at _____________ on this _____________ Day of _____________ 2023
or Lobatse Town Council for
Executor Dative
objection. Emmanuel Samson
OWNERS OF PLOT 4995, AT SEROWE CELL: 7281689 / 71664933
and 4997 and 5008 Lobatse, CCMSW-000118-22
Motswedi contact owner of plot IN THE MATTER BETWEEN:
4996 regarding construction Notice of Intention to Enter into a Transaction with a Non-Citizen
Matshidiso Thathana PLAINTIFF company in Terms of SECTION 34 OF TRIBAL LAND ACT, 2018
of boundary wall 71750895
or Lobatse Town Council for AND NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in terms of section 34 of the Tribal Land Act, that
1. Billy Mothibi
objection Paul Maphakwane DEFENDANT 2. Thuso Mothibi
N E I G H B O U R H O O D 3. Bashi Mosimanegape Mothibi

CONSULTATION. OWNER of Plot ORDER 4. Thapelo Mothibi

5. Kabelo Raymond Mothibi
16035 at Tsholofelo, Gaborone Before His Worship Onneile Ntwayapelo on the 13 – SEP – 2023 Intends to enter into a sales agreement with Lab Care Diagnosis (Pty) Ltd, a non-citizen
wishes to erect a boundary wall. UPON HEARING:4PEMRXMJJTVIWIRXHIJIRHERXEFWIRXERHLEZMRKVIEHHSGYQIRXW½PIHSJ owned company based in Francistown, in respect to the below-mentioned property, for the
record. sum of P275 000.00;
For any objections, please contact
Gaborone City Council Physical 1. Served through substituted service. CERTAIN: Commercial Plot
SITAUTED: Borolong
Planning office, Telephone no. 2. Judgement in favour of the plaintiff in the sum of P10 000.00
3657400. 3. Interest at 10% per annum. HELD UNDER: Agreement of grant of lease of commercial plot in favor of Billy Mothibi,
4. Costs of suit. Bashi Mosimanegape Mothibi, Kabelo Mothibi, Thuso Mothibi, and
OWNER OF PLOT 24391 intends 5. Order be served through substituted service. Thapelo Mothibi.
to change land use to multi- Any citizen interested in a similar transaction in respect of the above property shall be given
residential in Kanye, Ledubeng H/W O. NTWAYAPELO priority notwithstanding the agreement reached by the above parties. Any citizen objecting to
ward. for any objections contact this transaction should do so, in writing, giving reasons thereof, to the Ngwato Land Board,
Private Bag 12, Tonota, within (30) days of this publication.
Physical Planning at 5446057.
Monday December 4, 2023 No. 222 Page 15 DailyNews

Established Tourism Company seek the Expertise Services

of a Specialist Facilitator in MOSO BAMBOO products
with at least 8 years’ experience.
Landmark Projects invites applications for the following position:
To work remotely in the Delta. Send CV & Qualifications
to P.O. Box HA 143 HAK, Maun, email: bruce@

• Degree in Civil Engineering.

• A qualification in project management is an added advantage.
Tel. no: 77 435 423.
• Must be registered with Engineers Registration Board (ERB).
• Must possess a valid driver’s license.
Closing Date: 15 December 2023 • 12+ years experience in civil engineering infrastructure design and construction
• AutoCAD experience required

• Must have experience with project management, client-relations management,
design, and technical staff supervision.
NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR A LOST TITLE DEED • Solid technical writing, presentation and communication skills.
• Manage project budgets and schedules.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned intends to apply for a certified copy of lost Title Deed No.
228/2016 dated 29th day of January 2016 Made in favor of Galefele Ramapulane In respect of the Lot
• Problem solving and decision making

365 3587
CERTAIN : 58455 Job Summary: The Civil Engineer/Project Manager will be responsible for a variety
SITUATE : Gaborone West Extension 48 of tasks such as civil engineering infrastructure design and supervision. The ideal
MEASURING : 306m² (Three hundred and six square metres) candidate should have a strong background in technical, regulatory and CAD
HELD UNDER : Deed No. 228/2016 dated 29th January 2016 designs as well as project bidding and construction contract administration. The Civil
All persons having objections to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same with the Engineer/Project Manager will also be interacting with clients, sub-contractors, and
Registrar of Deeds for Botswana at Gaborone within three (3) weeks from the last publication of this notice. local government officials, as well as working closely with staff to progress projects.
Dated at Gaborone on this 24th Day of February 2023

Galefele Ramapulane
Applications with detailed CVs and certified copies of certificates should be hand
delivered or sent to:
The Managing Director or The Managing Director
365 3591
Name : Galefele Ramapulane Landmark Projects Landmark Projects

365 3592
Plot No. 20596 P. O. Box 601927
Block 3 Industrial Gaborone
Botswana Tel : 393 3154
Closing Date: 14 January 2024
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the undersigned intents to apply for a certified copy of Deed No:
T362/92 Dated 17 Day of March 1992 Made in favor of Gaseikanngwe Tax Mothawe Note: Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
All persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in
writing with the Registrar of Deeds, PRIVATE BAG 0020 GABORONE within three (3) weeks of the
last publication of this notice hereof.


TL 1239/2020 dated 29 October 2020, made in favour of Saviour Gaotlhobogwe
Nsumiwa in respect of:

MEASURING: 900M2 (nine hundred square meter)

All persons objecting to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing
to the Register of Deeds within 3(three) weeksJVSQXLIPEWXTYFPMGEXMSRSJXLMWRSXMGI

Dated on this 23rd day of November 2023

Address: P O Box 1889, Gaborone, Contact: 71644040

A role has arisen with Ultra care clinic-we are looking for self-motivated professional committed to
providing high level integrity and consistent accountability within an exciting environment. We invite


To holistically coordinate the activities of the retail pharmacy.


Print run: 20 000 daily
Distribution:155 places
(Towns and villages)

‘We grow your business’


, enclosing a detailed



Masters Reference: ESHGB 000567-22
IN THE ESTATE of the late MOFFAT TIROYAONE ALEFENG who died at Princess Marina
Hospital, Gaborone, Gaborone District Botswana on the 17th November 2022.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Debtors and creditors in the above Estate are hereby required to
Call marketing for more info
365 3500/87/91/92/93/99
publication hereof.

DATED at …. on this …. day of …. 2023

The Executor
Naledi S.Alefeng
Tel: 71354426
DailyNews Monday December 4, 2023 No. 222 Page 16

04 - 09 DECEMBER 2023

he 200 2003
03 Convention
Convventioon offers
offers numerous
numeer potential advantages to Botswana. Through
active participation
acctive ppar r ticipati the
p ion inn th implementation
he imple
p emen of this Convention, Botswana can ensure
the preservation,
preserr vation, safeguarding,
safeeguarding, g and
a global sharing of her cultural practices and
expr pressionss via th the Convention’s
he Coonvention’’s listing mechanisms and the Register of Good
Safeg Practices.
guardingg Pract tices. Inclusion
Innclusioon in these mechanisms can offer international
recogn gnition, ddrawing attention
rawingg atte t Botswana’s cultural richness and diversity. This,
entiion to
iinn turn, could sstimulate tourism,
timulatte tou m, ccultural exchanges, and collaborations with other
nnations, fostering
ations, fosteri economic
ing bothh eco onom mi and cultural benefits.
he ConConvention
nvention pplacess str strong
ron emphasis on the active involvement of the
oncerneed communities,
co commmunitiees, groups,
gr and individuals, empowering them and
osteringg a sensee of ownership
owwners and responsibility for their cultural practices.
AAss a me
ember of of the
the Inter-Governmental
Innte Committee of the Convention,
otswaana hhas
as tthe opportunity
he opp pppo to host Committee meetings, providing

a platformm for the
platform thhe world
wor ldd to experience its cultural diversity and further
nhancingg vvisibility
en the inscribed elements and information sharing on
isibilitty of tth
ood practices
practicess in rregard
in reg g to safeguarding intangible cultural heritage.

By actively
activelyy pparticipating
arrtic in the convention, Botswana can play a
crr uciaal rrole
ole iin the global preservation and diversification of
ulturaal hheritage.
Sinccee ratifying the 2003 Convention in 2020, Botswana

the implementation
p off tthe
as m
made significant strides, the nation has established
mplem me
evelss. TThe
hee Con
structures at both the national and
he National ICH Committee advises government on
nveennt at national level and oversees district-level
p g structures. DisDistrict
stricct ICH H CCommittees have been established in Kgatleng,
hobe, North
Nor th East,
East, aand
nd GGantsi
antsi di districts
istrictts to implement the Convention locally. To promote
ider aawareness,
wareness, over two hundre
hundred ed ffifty
ifft individuals, including community leaders, non-
ggovernmental organisati
g ppractitioners,
ions, pra actitione community researchers, and national trainers
who underwent a Training of Trainer Trainers r s pprogram, have been trained on the Convention.

otswana hhas
as ssuccessfully
uccessfullyy on its tan tangible
ngigi aspects, and raising awareness about its
inscribed three ICH elements significance.
siiggniificaance. In 2023, the ICH Fund supported the project
on the List of ICH in Need Sustainingg SSeperu Folk Dance and Associated Practices with
of Urgent g Safeguarding:
g g USD 94 44 447.00
47 Botswana has nominated Wosana Ritual and
Earthenware Potteryy Makingg Associatedd PPractices for inclusion on the List of ICH in Need
Skills in Bot tswana’’s KKgatleng
gatleng ooff Urgent
Urgent Safeguarding
Sa and will be considered by the Inter –
District (2012),
( ) Dikopelo
p Folk Governmental
Governmen nta Committee in 2024. In a spirit of international
Music of Bakgatla g ba Kgafela
g cooperation
p on and assistance, three nationals of Botswana
2016) andand SSeperu
eper u FFolk
olk Dance have been co competitively selected to be included in the Global
nd AAssociated
ssociated Practices FFacilitators
aciilitator s NNetwork through which they can be deployed to
((2019). ) The countryy hhas as ttrain
rain aabout
bout tthe Convention anywhere in the world. In 2020,
p j funded
one pproject Botswana se secured membership in the Inter – Governmental
hrough tthe he IICH
CH FFund,
und, with another Committee for fo a four – year term, which will conclude in 2024.
currentlyy underway.y The pproject j titled TThis
his mmembership
embe allowed Botswana to actively participate in
romottingg EEarthenware
ar thenware PPottery
otter y M Making
aking decision
the decisio ioon – making processes of the IGC and presented
Skills in Kgatleng
g g District received an amount opportunity
pp tu to host the 18th Session of the Committee
the opport
of USD 68, 261.10 in fundingg in 2017/18. The (18.Com)
18.Com)) in
((18.C i Kasane from the 4th December, 2023 to the 9th
j involved in-depth p research on taboos D
December, 2023
associ with
iattedd wiith tthe
he eelement,
lement, ttraining
raining yyoung
oungg ppeople

Ministry of Youth, Gender, Sport and Culture @myscbw myscbw

Monday December 4, 2023 No. 222 Page 17 DailyNews


Please be informed that the advertisements for the following positions which
were published on the Daily News and other private newspapers have been
withdrawn with immediate effect:

O Assistant Manager (Facilities Management) D2 salary scale - Vacancy Circular No 10 of 2023

O Director, Procurement and Project Management, E1 salary scale - Vacancy Circular No. 14 of

The Ministry of Minerals and Energy wishes to apologize for any inconvenience
caused by the withdrawal.

Thank you.
DailyNews Monday December 4, 2023 No. 222 Page 18

To COSBOTS members,


TRACK/SONG TITLE ARTIST Lalela Bana Ba Mpogo Pudi Ye BeatSLAYER;Noxie Slow Motion Brando
Buddy;DJ Lephirimile Caliba
Go Busy A.T.I O Ile Galalea Bana Ba Mpogo
Dumele A.T.I Jesu o tla Busa Bana Ba Mpogo Sukunyetsa Cannonball Adderley
Intro Before Four Quintet
AfterDawn A.T.I Bare Tswela Pelo Bang!Gae
Paradise Ben Lemoing Casdee The DJ-This Feeling Casdee The DJ
UpUp A.T.I Ndo Chililani Bangu
Intro Benjamin Wesley No Lo Ves Casper The Dj
Simo A.T.I Dream Bangu
Fire Benny Malibongwe Casper the Dj
Ceasar2Ceasar A.T.I Senwa Madi BANGU
Prayer Benny T No Lo Ves feat. KALI MIJA Casper The Dj
BUAAN A.T.I Maloliwe Bangu
Clubbin In Africa Benny T Emnandeni [feat. BeeTee Casper the Dj
Bilhazia A.T.I New Day Bangu
Year of Graduation Benny T 4071 & Shishi]
Cassette A.T.I I’m In Love Bangu Shagwa
Dreams Bensound Body Chantay Savage
Only You AaronK Garcia I Meant It Bangu Shagwa
Anymore Berry Bone Ba Mageba charma Gal
Motho Ke Motho Abidoza I’ll Be Alright Bangu Shagwa
U I Want Berry Bone Moloi Charma Gal
Killer Sax Afrikan Roots;Team b”I’m In Love” Bangu Shagwa
Letting Go Berry Heart Menemene Checkurbalance
Distant Hacked & Packed bant
To My Husband Berry Heart Ke Hustler Chef Gustos
Albusemupal Orotoriohd- Albusemupal Oroto- b”Don’t Fight It” Bant
Pitso Haufi riohd Kenya Berry Heart Mmago Ha Robale Chef Gustos
Band$ Up Bant
Amanandos-Fiesta Rea Amanandos Pyaar Berry Heart, Ekam Phoko Ke Phoko Chef Gustos
Dikenenela Desperate Need Bant Maanuke Mamat Chisa
Intro Amanda Black Helele BanT OH NO BFL Ace & Zay Deniro Rati Chisa
Paakanyo Amantle Brown Don’t Fight It Bant Save me BIG Foot They Don’t Know Chubbito
Kgantele Amantle Brown City Fever Bant Akere Big L WaSekai Jiva Sgub Chubbito
Mwakaluka Hujaitika Amon Mwakaluka Blowin’ Me Up Ban-T Morning Birds Bjorn Peters Love Rules The World Claude Senito Ndlovu
Secrets Andrew Reveals Morale Ban-T PRAY Bk Proctor Face To Face Claude Senito Ndlovu
Rocco Anthony Mugambwa Radikena Ban-T In Love Black Lemonade Lovin You Still Claude Senito Ndlovu
Kasirivu Monate Wa Summer Ban-T Africa Boago Fenju Mokgalaje Kgale A Ja Clement Jackson Qru
Long scene 26 Anthony Mugambwa Bounty Ban-T Without You Babe Boago Fenju
Kasirivu/Sarah Jannat Good Afternoon Col Lawton
Like Dat Ban-T Free Ur Heart Boago Fenju
Sky Antonelle Intrumental Comfort Leburu
Pull Up Ban-T A Re Bine Boago Fenju
Wena Fela A-Tang Intro Corey Ledet & His
Bantastic WKND Ban-T Obsessions Boago Fenju Zydeco Band
Vapours Ati;Leggacy DG Lord
Rage;Yung Amazing Fatty Ban-T Kgomo Ya Mmopa Boago Fenju Never Mine Cryptic_bw
Na So Attitude HennyIceTea Ban-T Ke Bolaile Boago Fenju Surry Sosa Accap D J Kem
Dreams Aubrey 10-Oct Ban-T Mmammati Boago Fenju Surry Sosa Original D J Kem
November;Souze Filler Going Hard Ban-T Pula Boago Fenju Surry Sosa Radio edit D J Kem
Ayo Brey-Senonnori Ayo Brey Instrumental Bantolo Marabi Boago Fenju Angels D!RTY
Your Love Azana Instrumental Baratwa It’s Gonna Be Alright Boago Ramontsho Ra Jaiva Da Healer
Instrumental Baba Chankura Wonders Baskho Bw DJ Particular 1 Bobby Majest Jebe Jebe Da Qutness
No Delay Badboy Brando Masgirlo Baskho Bw DJ Gbaba Egwu Bobby Majest Mmabatho Da Qutness
Pelo Yame Bafana Ba New Age Piano Baskho Bw DJ Pain and Gain Bobby Majest Daddy Blaiz-Kontrolla Kosha Daddy Blaiz
Naledi Bafana Ba iBoza Baskho Bw DJ Adamma Bobby Majest Abathandanayo Dalom Kids, Vee
Pearl Saga Bafana Ba 7r Baskho Bw DJ Hey Bobby Majest Mampeezy
Makhaveli Bafana Ba Believe in Yourself Baskho Bw DJ Kunzima Damage Control_rsa
Mmapula Bonnie Fisher
BA RE HUMBLER Bafana Ba Hamba Nami Baskho Bw DJ Mmalebopo Daniel Carvi
Mmamotho Bonnie Fisher
Khubama Bafana Ba Sabaweli Baskho Bw DJ Danielle Swagger-Sheba Danielle Swagger
Like That BosReek
Uncensored Kasi Stories Bafana Ba Le2000 Baxon Madibuseng Botlhale
Badass Danielle Swagger
Go Tla Siama Bafana Ba Mosoroto Baxon Ba Re Ra Swenka Botlhale
Phenyo Ke Yo Dato Seiko
Better Man Bafana Ba Nkueleng Baxon Sonoblomo Botlhale
Moonstone Dato Seiko
Only You Baiaz Project Raskanta Baxon Bagaka Botoka Moroke
Kaone Kario Dato Seiko
S`toki Sa Mmabiki Balaakgosi II Tlala BAXON Dramaboi Botswana Rap Music
Oh No Dato Seiko
Mmapula Balaakgosi II Se ileng Baxon Mmp Family Botswana Rap Music
Love Is On The Way Dave Koz
Botshelo Balaakgosi II Blow Up B-Blok Exclusive Roma Botswana Rap Music
Grateful D-Axis
Ha Nka Mmona Balaakgosi II Ride, Die B-Blok Exclusive Zeus Botswana Rap Music
No Way D-Axis
Baloi Bame Balaakgosi II I Say No to Corruption BCPI Presents Eugene Side 1 Bouncy
My Love D-Axis
Mama feat. Dr. Tawanda Balaakgosi II Jackson
Good Vibes Beats of Cydonia Hololo D-Axis BW
Lots Balaclava Blanco Unspoken Brando
Ba Kae feat. Fisa,Ohmz The Beatslayer Siphelele D-Axis feat. KayCee &
Re A Dumalana Bana Ba Mpogo A Song For Mama Brando B.Frnce
Monday December 4, 2023 No. 222 Page 19 DailyNews

Go Monate De General 1 Love DJ Gouveia Your Love Dreytunz Run To Christ G.I
Modimo o ta leng De General Tanki Morena DJ Gouveia Heart Beat Dtroy John Tseleng ee thata Gaone Rantlhoiwa
Wa legonyana De General Woza DJ Gouveia Afrika Dtroy John Lefitshwana Gaone Rantlhoiwa
Masego Le Matlhogonolo De General Mirela DJ Hero Soft Break Out Dtroy John Zhisa Gaone Rantlhoiwa
Rabeisane De General Pandemic Ft Macc Dj Jigga Yo Mhepo Dubblin Shake Your Body Gapruu For Lyf
Nyatsi De General Paradise DJ Kaygo Babereki Duke A Re Mo Roriseng Gatala Tau
Sukuru De General Bassline feat. Leano DJ Kenn featuring Tell Me Why Elektrik Disko BINELA JEHOVA General Tuco
Re to bina jang De General M,Bobby Majest Leano M and Bobby Mirror Mirror ELLAY Monate Girly BW
Mjolo De General Thank You Energy Goddess Lelanga Girly BW
Hold On DJ Kops
Fallen Heros De General Introduction Enzo Siffredi Mawalawala Girly BW
Never Before Dj Kops
Wa Lenyalo De General Stronger Erin-O Tsabana Girly BW x Baskho
Love Me Dj Kops BW DJ
Le Ntlhabetse De General O Ne O Eskimos
O Tsamaile DJ KSB Moya Wame Giwawa Productions
Jiki Jiki De General Lebandla le Maketse Eskimos
Mwari DJ KSB Go Monate Go Monate
Mogaka De General Why O Sa Nthuse Eskimos
Maloba feat. Han-C DJ KSB Dai God’s Kiddie
Debbie With a T-My Star Debbie With a T Haayo Eskimos
Dwala Lami DJ KSB 21 Entrance GoldenMuziQ_SA
MAPEVAH [with Lerato Deejay Bengwas Praise Explanations
Sikelela Dj KSB Monate Ft Mtizozo Gomah
Modiega & EpicMo] feat. God Bless Ipiano Ezra Musique
Kiyoshima Edits Uthando DJ KSB Came Back Gomolemo Motse
Under Pressure Ezra Neethings
Makgolo Deejay Bengwas Ndize DJ KSB These Feelings Gomolemo Motse
Good Times Ezra Neethings
MAPEVAH [with Lerato Deejay Bengwas Nyimele feat. Nadia DJ KSB feat. Nadia Lately Gomolemo Motse;Rori-
Modiega & EpicMo] Holy Father Ezra Neethings
Toro DJ Kuchi Sang
You Saved Me Deejay Bengwas Like This Ezra Neethings
Maponapona DJ Kuchi Ameno Amapiano Goya Menor
MAPEVAH [with Lerato Deejay Bengwas Ska Nconcluda Ezra Neethings
By My Side DJ Kuchi Ancient World Groove Cartel
Modiega & EpicMo] [Samuel Ole Ezra Neethings
April Remix] feat. Kiyoshima Wena DJ Kuchi She Dont Know Groove Cartel
Madila Mpeng Ezra Neethings
Edits Rejection DJ Kuchi Believe In Love Groove Cartel
Brighter Days Ezra Neethings
MAPEVAH [with Lerato Deejay Bengwas Okavango DJ Kuchi Reminisce Groove Cartel
Modiega & EpicMo] feat. Something to Talk About Ezra Neethings
Sky Anthem DJ Kuchi You Got Me Singing Groove Cartel
Kiyoshima Edits Sananapo EzzyMusica
Move DJ Kuchi Basking In The Sunlight Groove Cartel
MAPEVAH [with Lerato Deejay Bengwas Street War Fassounds
Modiega & EpicMo] [Zrust If It Ain’t for Love DJ Kuchi You Got Me Singing Groove Cartell
Right Now Fiction BW
dBe Remix] feat. Kiyoshima Owame Dj Kuchi Believe in Love Groove Cartell
Edits Heaven Weeps Fifi Afrika
Take Me Away DJ Kuchi Reminisce Groove Cartell
Your Love Deejay Bengwas Phezulu Fifi Afrika
Far Away DJ Kuchi Jewel in My Hand Groove Cartell
Somandla Deejay Bengwas Dumela Fela Filipo
Hands Up DJ Kuchi Believe in Love Groove Cartell & Har-
MAPEVAH [with Lerato Deejay Bengwas A Di Xale Flex The Ninja rison Crump
Love Hates Me DJ Kuchi
Modiega & EpicMo] [El’Tee How Does It Feel Flex the Ninja, Veezo Take You There Groove CarteLL;Bobby
Remix] feat. Kiyoshima Edits Imperfect DJ Kuchi View Majest
MAPEVAH [with Lerato Deejay Bengwas Kavechivombe DJ LaTimmy Banana Flor Keb I Have A Choice feat. Boyson G’word
Modiega & EpicMo] [Walk- The Ancestors DJ LaTimmy Number 1 Flow Bw Boipelo Mokone ,Boyson
man Alkhebu Remix] feat.
Ghost Amazon DJ LaTimmy Boipelo Mokone
Kiyoshima Edits S.E.X FLRbw
Middle Earth feat. Team DJ LaTimmy featuring Forever Gyakie
Savanna Deejay Bino My Lavi FME DJs
Distant Team Distant Ha Nne Ke Kgona Ha Nne Ke Kgona
Unstoppable Deejay Svidge Monalisa FME DJs
Intimidating Genius DJ Lyric SEBINKI HAN C
Let Me Love You Deril Da Profesa This Love FME DJs
Ga gona Yo Robalang Dj Modric Modimo O Teng HAN C
Mosadiwame,Kutlo Diego I-Lifestyle FME DJs
Morning Light DJ Ricky Lamar Lerato Han-C
Private Party Dintleonthetrack Private Jet FME DJs
DECEMBER Dj Skizoh Bw, Juizee, Dj Pepetetsa Han-C
Way to You DintleOnTheTrack Ksb & DJ Kap Star Dance FME DJs
Seroba Pelo Han-C
Keep It Rolling Dintleonthetrack Ema Retsamaya DJ Sly Merwalela FME DJs
Chelete Han-C
Cannot Be Your Fool Dintleonthetrack Mokhukhu DJ Sly Hennytizer FME DJs
Pelo Yame HashOne
You & I Ft Abrociah Dip Sick The Loop Culture DJ Sly Dilo Stofong FME DJs
Troubled Heartstrings &
Matlhomola Diphiri Sheika Ntho Tseo Dj Swagg Ispan Sam FME DJs Heartbeats
As Fate Would Have It Dj Boogie Sid Kissing Strangers DNCE Ae It’s Lit FME DJs Are Yeng Heroshima
Wa DJ Anthem Move DNCE 2016 Reflections Fosta Juliano Falling HHS
This Time DJ Antoine Passport DOBA bw All I Need feat. Didi Fosta Juliano featuring Swele HHS
teemane DJ Chabo Didi
Trust In The Lord DOBA bw Want You HHS
On my mind DJ Chabo All I Know feat. Ht-Tautona Fosta Juliano featuring
Passport - Live DOBA bw Ht-Tautona Ngiyasfela Hitcher
Fun Times DJ Chabo & Ms Abbey Lebitso DOBA bw Ako O Ntebale Ht Tautona
Eya le nna Babilone Franco & Afro Musica
Sekele Dj Chrispin The Drum- Candy DoctorNoSense Chocolate love Ht Tautona
Di eja Mmamotho Franco & Afro Musica
Sing Halleluya DON B Kea itse Franco & Afro Musica Ha Nne Ke Kgona Ht Tautona
Bazozwa Dj Chrispin The Drum-
mer Banyana ba Serowe Don B b”Do Me Right, I’m Lonely” Frost Legato Monate Wa Gaborone Ht Tautona
Gera Neni Dj Colastraw;TKP Bana Ba Di Dot.Com DON B Intro Frost Legato Motho Ka Batho Ht Tautona
Ndlunkulu Wa Sala Don B Azha’s Chant Frost Legato Fever Hugo Bass
Ndi’liyakayaka DJ Eddie BW False Promises Don B Lose Myself IceCold Mob
Freedom Frost Legato
Mogadikane DJ Fresh , Batsumi Naletsana Yaka Don B Changed IceCold Mob
Found Frost Legato
Traditional Group, DJ
Banna Wee Don B Morwalo Frost Legato About You IceCold Mob
Jaftos, DJ Skizoh BW,
Knowledge Kuvare, Baby Girl DON B Magic Frost Legato Into You IceCold Mob
Morweetsana, Chef Be Honest Don B Back IceCold Mob
Breathe Frost Legato
Love Me Don B BadBoy Frost Legato Zubula IceCold Mob
Metlholo feat. DJ Fresh , Gouveia feat.
Nthapelleng DoubleUp Too Much Frost Legato Just Do It IceCold Mob
MmaLaLoo,LB Thagas MmaLaLoo, LB Thagas
Monate DJ GEESPEEZY Real Bad DRAMABOI Be Out Frost Legato Hold On IceCold Mob,Samantha
Thari Ya Sechaba Dramaboi Mogwe
Africa DJ Geewave Do Me Right, I’m Lonely Frost Legato
Ya Wela Dramaboi Over You IceColdMob
Wife Material Dj Gouveia Flashing Lights Frost Legato,Dj
The Bag Dramaboi Wallay,Ohmz The KEABABIWA Ikegof Muzik
Chuwele Dj Gouveia
Tshela Metsi Dramaboi Don,Ray Bandz & Silas Kuru Njiba Indingo Johwa
DailyNews Monday December 4, 2023 No. 222 Page 20

Tsasa It’s About Time Ngwetsi KOOLKAT MOTYIKO Dedela Lord T Mmamalome Mmamalome
Mogolokwane Ivon Sedimo KOOLKAT MOTYIKO Sthandwa Same LORD T, Baskho Bw DJ Know the drill Mmemo
Glory J.T.Nkuna / Shorobe KOOLKAT MOTYIKO Mmamathi Lorraine Lionheart Ngwanangu Mmemo
T.G.Mkhabela / MOJAIVO NINE KSP SELEKE AND About a Girl Lorraine Lionheart Never let me go MMIPITWINZ
J.D.Mwale SANDILE FRY Wasn’t Easy M.X.C,IceCold Mob Tsenya Madi MMP Family
Kwaito 103 J.T.Nkuna / Batswana Tshwarang Ka KTM Choir
J.D.Mwale O Waga Mang MMP Family
Culture Spears Kulen Yane Like Me Madame Toya
Against All J.T.Nkuna / Foul Play Mmp Family
T.G.Mkhabela / Motswafere FT Nelly La Great In Motion Madwave Automatic Drive(T.H.A.B.O) MMP Family and
J.D.Mwale Nanzala Vuke La Timmy Re a kolota Maghebula Bapsido
Jeso Ke morena Jakes Dibulele La_Tondè Khola Makhwenkwe Knock Knock Modeno And Billima
Hold On Jamie Walters Askies La_Tondè Stars
Out The Streets Malcolm VX,Veezo
TITLE_ERROR Jeff Matheatau & Yakho Baby Lady of Rumba View,Ohmz The Don Allo Allo Momo
Band Nanzala Vuke LATIMMY Beautiful Mali Music Still Monocles
Masterpiece Jessie J
My Babe LATIMMY Christmas Malome Easily Monotone & Tpo
Ke Batla Wena Jethan Titus
Chiperu LATIMMY HENNY & HATERS Mane Dilla Ngaskhathi Monotone & Tpo
Marabele Jimmy Joseph
Chonilyiya feat. SASA KLAAS LATIMMY Nkarabe Mane Dilla Acapella Mooketsi Letlhalerwa
Mmamoghonya Jimmy Joseph
Got a Crush on You LATIMMY 267 OTW Mane Dilla Moratiwa Mosako
Diji Jimmy Moyambo
Chadze feat. DJ SIYA LATIMMY Pelo Mapetla Bad Gal Moshan
Woman John Lennon
Mukeke Wa Fandisi LATIMMY COMMUNICATION\ Mapetla Mma Motse Motlha
Again ft Sandy John Sheriff
Skitikiti LATIMMY Navajo Masego Sefolletse Motlha
Ho Dula Le Ntate Jonas Masotla
My Love LATIMMY Mystery Lady - Scorpion Masego Paralle Motswafere
Ginja Jordan Moozy Kings Remix
Mosa LATIMMY Black Mpho Hlahla
Chasing Dollar Jordan Moozy Sunday Vibes Masego
Dark Place LATTY BW Loving Mpho Kagiso
Banyana Ke Maaka Jordan Moozy Mystery Lady Masego
Rea Dikenela LATTY BW Memories Mpho Kagiso
Wicked Hours Jordan Moozy Queen Tings Masego
Booty Butt Chicks LATTY BW What You Like Mpho Kagiso
Black Butterfly Jordan Moozy Ooh My Love Master D
Sekala Lazarus Kgagudi Tsela Tshweu Mpho Sebina
Reflection JT Da Golden Child Blood in Blood Out Master Dee
Birthday Lazzie Dumelang Mpho Sebina
Do the Time JT Special Boy Mammaloee Matlakadibe
O Montle Leah BW Too Late for Mama Mpho Sebina
Njalo Njalo JT Special Boy Sephonono Matlakadibe
Ga O Fetoge Leah BW Tjuele Mpho Sebina
No Changes JT Special Boy Motse wa thubega Matlakadibe
Mopholosi Leah BW Pula Mpho Sebina
Malcom JT Special Boy Nisarasaxasa Matlakadibe
Come Holy Spirit Leah BW Dikeledi Mpho Sebina
Instrumental Jwaneng Assembly Tlhoka tsebe Matlakadibe
Awesome Wonder Leah BW No Evil Mpho Sebina
Of God Mmalebopo Matsieng
Kgosi e Kgolo Makunkur- Lebeko Ranyere (Ditl- Black Butterfly Mpho Sebina
Rhythm From You Ft Socca K Bos-Bosman
wane haka tsa Batlokwa) Thula Mabota Mawillies Mokoro Mpho Sebina
Wena Lee Nyawuka Solly Nyawuka Maxwell Ngadi Slip Away Mpho Sebina
K2-Zolask K2
Sweet Luv Lee No Pressure Maxx Tokeyo Lora Mpho Sebina
Kabamelo Warabi-Segajaja Kabamelo Warabi
Corona Virus A Go Nne Se Se Nnang Légaré Ahe Maxy My Love Mpho Zakes Malatsi
You’re Good Kabelo Eric Leherbo & the Easy Sounds Leherbo & the Easy Bua-Lenna Maxy Obvdo’s The Skununu single Mpho Zakes Malatsi
Khakhati Karabo Waves-Matshidiso Sounds Waves Ka-Zondo Maxy Grey Goose Mpho Zakes Malatsi
Mampe Lesego Moruti Maxy
Phoko G.O.A.T Kast My Broda Slime Mpho Zakes Malatsi
Matshidiso LES-EGO Cherikwa Maxy Khoisan
Re Mono Fela KAST Welcome to my city Mpho Zakes Malatsi
Angels LES-EGO Ee Kedumetse Maxy Khoisan
Maoto Kast BLM Mpho Zakes Malatsi
Katlholo Instrumental Letlotlo Ramosweu Rammata Maxy Khoisan
Quarantined Kast Too much Mpho Zakes Malatsi
Free Love Licky Makoti 10Cent Maxy Khoisan
Kgalema Kast Mpho Sebina’s See No Evil Mpho Zakes Malatsi
RUN AWAY Licky Wa Mpona Naa! Maxy Khoisan
No Chill Kašt Cava Mpho Zakes Malatsi
I Dont Mind Licky Iyele Marabele Maxy Khoisan
Matlwaneng Katlego Mojiwa Body Mpho Zakes Malatsi
Marameng Licky Banna Ba Mona Maxy Khoisan
W.I.H. Licky My Chocolate Maxy Khoisan
Official Licky Dikeledi Mayoress Mochankana
Thebelebe KATMO Obado
18 Again Licky Wena fela Accapela Mazakhula Mr Yummy-Love Mr Yummy
Phandla Kay Kay BW
Eeshe Licky Dreams MC SWM Tu-Wodisane Mrico Spider
Young and Free Kaycee
Push Away Licky;Bouncy Move Melo Iparty Mshayi
Ke Golokwe KBEE
Like a Movie Linxstar Intro Mic Greene Mamela Mthunzi;Sino Msolo
Love Is Curse K-Brielly
Money to Be Made Linxstar O ile kae Micah FTOS Musketeers
Thinking About You KD Bangers
On You Linxstar Go Monate Micah Bacardi Musketeers
No Dey Say KD Bangers
Mma Mmati Lister Boleseng Suta Micah Ayidl’ishiyele Mvzzle
Special Kind KD Bangers
MADO Lizibo Montsheng Micah Kea Rata Mvzzle
Drowning KD Bangers
DI OUT Lizibo Ditebogo Micah Sonke Mvzzle
Deliver Kd
Bangers,Brando,Bobby What Is Deep feat. Kali Mija Lloyd BW Because of You Michele Chiavarini Besty Naisiboy Da DJ
Majest More feat. Kali Mija Lloyd BW Sebonta instru Milly Milez The Ice Man Tulye Wonde Nandavwe Seperu
Go Sego Ke A Leboga Rara Have You Ever Lloyd BW group
Lebone Mingo Touch
Motherland Kealeboga Ross Organized Groove Lloyd BW You Are Greater Ndux Molatlhwa
Fame 3am Mingo Touch
Hold Me Kesebonye Sereto Don’t Go feat. Kali Mija Lloyd BW Fool for You Nicole Martinez
Tlayang Mingo Touch
Mpoledise Khoisan Don’t Go Lloyd BW Kgarebe Nicole Martinez
Part e ko kaePROD BY Jay Mjs Fam
Sethubege Khoisan Bleeding for Love Lloyd BW black Sananapo Nicole Martinez
Ke Samile KHOISAN Don’t Go - Chronical Deep Lloyd BW Bring back that lovePROD BY Mjs Fam Pharaoh Noello
Why Uvuma KhoiSan Maxy Remix Jay black I Still Stand Nomina
Mosalagae Khoisan,Raptured Darling You’re My Fire Lloyd BW I Need You Mk95 Fetish Daddy Nomina
Roots Xigera Lloyd BW Insomian Mk95 Komm mit mir Nomina
Mohau Kingdom Praise BW 24 Habits Of Deep feat. Shaft Lloyd BW Mmaweledi MmaAusi Amadlozi Nomina
I Will be There Kitso Tell Me Instru LOG Mariri sebatana MmaAusi Hello Nopety
Monday December 4, 2023 No. 222 Page 21 DailyNews

Jehofa ke modisa waka Obakeng Moseki Mmaabo O Thaile Bomo RAS LOGIC By Your Side Sora Tenshi Ngwana Msetsana Ubuntu Band
Odirile-Lemenemene Odirile Atamela RAS LOGIC The Word Souvenir WAR Ubuntu Band
Marocko Odirile Ditshupo Only You / Wena Wedwa Raul Bryan Sghubo’lisetion Star-Luu Nna Ke Motshola Thebe UCCSA Broadhurst
My City Og;Ati;Gonna Elvis Body Ray Bandz;Daddy Blaiz Dlala Name Star-Luu Choir
Ons es Saam Re Mmogo Polka Group BLM Staxxx Fire Ujean AllDay
Pull Up OHC.
Burning Up Reacxion BW My Love Staxxx Uthando Umsindo
Don’t Need Anymore Ohmz The Don
Refilwe Bianca-Just Breathe Refilwe Bianca KANGORO STIGER SOLA Mphele Bana UNA SELL
Wena Ohmz the Don
Retherendam-Becon My Retherendam So Long StillBlue, Westen Tlwayang Tsebe UNA SELL
Don’t Stop Ohmz The Don
Line Greene & Ghostwriter Sele Vee Mampeezy
All I Need Ohmz The Don
Feeling Like Rez Folomih Stretch;Sasa Moya Vee Mampeezy
Wena feat. Veezo Ohmz The Don
Because of You Robbie Rob n Brando Klaas;VEEZO VIEW Sekukuni Vee Mampeezy
The Weekend Drive Rock Fella Tanki Morena Swakaman Dipoo Vee Mampeezy
Dear You Ohmz The Don
TEEMANE Rolly Roland In My Zone Tay Boz Rea Leboga Vee Mampeezy
Ke Tla Re WOW Ohmz The Don
SEBETSA Rori Sang Face Myself Tay Boz Letlhale La Tsamaya Vee Mampeezy
Shining feat. Frostbite Ohmz The Don
Leg Day Rori Sang Ruthless, Pt. 3 Tay Boz Wa Ntshireletsa Vee Mampeezy
Madimo feat. Eli Earl Ohmz The Don
Mojo Rori Sang Let Her Live Tay Boz Mjolo Wame Vee Mampeezy
Intro One Legged Deer
Aku Rori Sang Grateful Tay Boz U Kondelela Vee Mampeezy
Legae Lame OneSpared
Happy Day RusyaWest Happy Song Tay Boz Tlhompha Vee Mampeezy
Take Courage Orty
Trending Topic Ryan Blaze Thunderstorm Team Distant Pelo Vee Mampeezy
Wash me ft Pastor Cliff B Orty
Last Valentine Sal AngeL Ringtone Team Distant Sumuka Vee Mampeezy
Loving you Ottie
Heal Sal AngeL Sesa Team Distant Meleko Vee Mampeezy
Body Bag 3 Ozi F Teddy
Call Me Back Sal AngeL Mama Teggo Kumbaya Vee Mampeezy
Freakend Ozi F Teddy
Segotlholo Sal AngeL Sunday Ballads Testify Impilo Yami Vee Mampeezy
Bodybag V Ozi F Teddy
Sally & Da Cat Family-Ditoro Sally & Da Cat Family Savage Thato Jessica Tshwarelela Vee Mampeezy
Started It Ozi F Teddy
Tsame dia Ntshwenya Honest. Thato Jessica Another Level Vee Mampeezy;DJ
Bend you over Ozi F Teddy
Prodigal Saltie Addicted Thato Jessica Sumbody
Tshaba Tsotsi Ozi F Teddy
Omaatla Saltie Count On Me Thato Jessicca Money, Sex, Clothes, Girls Veezo
3 Star Ozi F Teddy
Believe Saltie Location Thato Tladi My Wun Veezo View
Movedto the City Ozi F Teddy
Queen Samantha Mogwe Wena feat. B.O 6eatz Thato Tladi Mazoe Veezo View
Negotiate Ozi F Teddy
Secrets Samantha Mogwe Wena Thato Tladi Mpulele Veezo View
No joke Ozi F Teddy
Amazing Savage Gate Crusher The Queens Zero Owes Veezo View
Late night Ozi F Teddy
Raising the Bar Scar Handsup The Real Stars Amazing VEEZO VIEW
Forever Sdala B Friends The Temptations Vibes Never Lie Veezo View
Cannonball Ozi F Teddy
Stimela Sdudla Noma1000 What Racks Therealk I’m a Star X Ozi F Teddy VEEZO VIEW
Keys to the city Ozi F Teddy
Sgubu Selvin Junior All for Me feat. THOMAS CHILUME Come & Go VEEZO VIEW
On my way Ozi F Teddy
Change SEO7G Danxelle_,Taffiny This Moment Vergel Evans
From My Heart Ozi F Teddy
It Ain’t Right Serkkyii GOOD OLD DAYS THOMAS CHILUME By Your Side Vigos
Balls Ozi F Teddy
IOU Shaba Stele Need You to Stay Thomas Chilume Magnet Wada
On my grind Ozi F Teddy
African Gyal Shaba Stele Nakuhaka Me Thomas Chilume Bamphethe. Way Kay Bw
T.T.G Ozi F Teddy
Star Struck Shaba Stele The Weekend Thomas Chilume, Be Mine Way Kay BW
Take My Heart Ozzy Kiyoshima Edits and
Hey Kalanga Girl Shaba Stele Nick Gift I Love You White Knight Instru-
Ben 10 Page
Come Closer Shaba Stele mental
Slow Down Paperboi Drive Thomas Chilume/juan
Do You Like It Shaba Stele Yolo William Last KRM
Intro PARTY HITS PROJECT Need You to Stay Thomas Chilume/Oneal
Boys Over Flowers Shaba Stele James Vele Vele William Last KRM
Magic PGLM
Zwakala feat. Galecktik Shacks Mach, FME DJs Teemane Thuntsha Dithole Thank You Mama William Last KRM
Turn Around Phats
feat. Galecktik Maratafole Tlhomelang Nkgopo- Help William Last KRM
Tsala Yame Philah lang
Mongani Wame Shada Mera How It Feels William Last KRM
Wena Philah Maratafole Tlhomelang
Lerato Shalate 36 Bars William Last KRM
Pelo Philah Nkgopolang(Ex-Cut-
Ameni Shathi Ndoda William Last KRM
Uwe Philah Edge)
Contradiction Shawn Ellery Re Gorogile Tlhomelang Iy-Yi William Last KRM
Folk Tale Philah
Xo Loving Sheillah Mo Nkgopolang(Ex-Cut- Aah William Last KRM
I Believe Piano Tribute Players Edge)
Mmantuduetse Sheleng Pimping William Last KRM
Party Animals P’Jay Circus Topher Kash
Sgubu Shuffle Muzik Heavenly Sent William Last KRM
Re Batswana Poifo Le Wena [feat. Ozi F Teddy & Touch
Get Busy With It Sifiso Peter Mkhwanazi Tsholohelo William Last KRM
Rra-Tshiamo Poifo Kago Goveya]
Nkatumele feat. Sul SIR DIAMOND-INT Bucket William Last KRM
Ipiano Lam Pontsho Moono and Pull Up Tr3’vion
-Q,Thato Tladi A Song for Papa William Last KRM
Thapelo Mabusa Hlobola Skizo Wait Trilla
KOKO Wizards
Circles Popular Kid Summer Flame Trippy Rhe
Intando Skizo Looking For My Baby Yaw Bannerman
After The Love Has Gone Princess Silver & Gold Trippy Rhe
Vus’ Abalele - Instrumental Skizo Yuh Toto Yaw Bannerman
Naked Truth Priscilla Ke Mang Tshepiso
Vus’ Abalele Skizo Dance & Jute Yaw Bannerman
King Priscilla Running Chants Tshepo Lesole
Savage Skye X Nicko One27 Yaz
Drip on My Skin Priscilla;German Dollar The Last Lap Tshepo Lesole
Forever SkyeWanda;Sithelo Believe in yourself Young Dreamers
Thandaza feat. Ey Pro Lanez BTV Small Ident Option 1 Tshepo Lesole
Ball Sleaze Ride Young Gibby
Brizzy,Ht Tautona,Jackalass
Go Monate Selemo Slizer, Petit Poison Jesus Got My Back feat. Tshepo Lesole
Onetym,Neiler Yung Amazing DG Yung Amazing DG
Naomi Classik
Hamba Q Twinz Bout Me Slow G I Can’t Wait Zebio
Ko Gae Tshepo Lesole
Rak.0 Rak.0 Intro Smoke Town Kotsi Zeus
The One I Live For Tshepo Lesole
Kgomo Ramosobya Barulag- Like That Snaz Kwela Man Zeus
Have Your Way Tshepo Lesole
anye Tex Informer Snow
36 Avenue Tshepo Lesole Fast 5 Zeus
Tsala yame Ranngaro Rantlhog- Magic SOJIJIBELE
onyane D.N.K.M.V TSS BW Gotta Get Mine Zeus
Troubled Solly Sebotso Hamen Hlebanna Zolasko & Mambo
Ke tla bereka Ranngaro Rantlhog- Lorato TSS BW
onyane Tsibiri SONGØ Dhuterere
Change TwoTonetheArtist
Hero Ft Listoe Ras KB Back Again Sonnenblumentaxi
Dominating The
Stands Since 1962

Monday December 4, 2023 No. 222

BK Proctor celebrates milestone in style

By Bakang Wren Yourself Fashion Gala hosted by providing the perfect backdrop welcoming guests to the event as Models continued showcasing
Collections by Bk Proctor. for the Bk Proctor’s Collections the brand celebrated five-years the impeccable craftsmanship
GABORONE - The Grand The water fall area was fashion show. anniversary. and attention to detail of the
Palm Resort was a place to be transformed into a balance Bokang Proctor, the brand Dressed in one of his designs, garments.
on Saturday as it hosted Express between fauna and modern design, owner, stood at the entrance, he displayed confidence and The choreography and music
passion for his brand. added to the overall experience,
The back of his suit was creating a sense of excitement
engraved Made on Earth, a and anticipation.
subtle yet powerful proof of his Captivating performances
commitment to the craft. by Thato Modukanele, widely
This display not only known as Chef Gustos’s new
showcased his impeccable style, album, Expensive Music also left
but also highlighted his humility. guests in awe as one of the artistes
The show kick started with in the album, Samantha Mogwe
an opening by Mafitlhakgosi gave a splendid performance.
traditional dance troupe. The event wrapped up with old
The talented rapper, Luvuyo school kind of music through he
Lejowa, also known as Veezo likes of Neyo’s Sexy love, Bongo
View did his thing as the models Maffin’s Thati sghubu among
showcased the latest collection others.
from the brand. BK Proctor gifted all the
As models waltzed the ramp, guests with various packages
the hip hop artiste, Baanthata worth more than P3 000.
Mokgwathi, popularly known as Since their establishment in
Ban T, gave a stellar performance, 2017 Collections by BK Proctor
giving models confidence to was official launched in August
showcase designs from elegant 2018 and it has steadily grown
wear to edgy street wear. and now, in 2023, they are proud
On one hand, award-winning to celebrate their fifth year
artiste Hanceford Magapatona, milestone in the industry.
better known as Han-C, also Throughout these years, the
served guests with his Setswana brand has continuously explored
songs such as Maloba jaanong diverse lifestyles and they have
Models showcasing different designs by Collections by BK Proctor during the Express Yourself Fashion kare le go tlhabetse kind of vibe utilised their creativity as a
Gala in Gaborone on Saturday. The collections comprised different ranges such as denim design, sports and his collaboration song with means to drive positive change.
wear, winter collection, traveling bags and backpacks. Charma Gal, Itsatsaula BOPA

Artistes spice up BDF

concert in Maun
By Esther Mmolai Diwambara also gave his all, newly registered, Matamo Men
displaying passion, enthusiasm and Society Group received P25 000
MAUN - Some upcoming local energy, which left the audience in from concert’s proceedings.
artistes in Maun have appreciated stitches. The group aims to device ways
the opportunity accorded to “This is a great achievement for of fighting social ills such as
them by Department of Youth us as upcoming artistes to share gender-based violence, alcohol
to participate in this year’s BDF a stage with the renowned BDF abuse, violation of children’s rights
Bands Concert in Style aimed Bands and this will also help us and criminal activities, among
to raise funds to assist the less in terms of marketing as well other things.
privileged members society. as establishing a strong musical In an interview, the group’s
The organisers gave upcoming foundation,” said Diwambara. acting coordinator, Itumeleng
artistes a platform to spice the He appreciated that the Takhwiri appreciated the financial
event by showcasing their brilliant concert had helped to nurture assistance saying it came at the
indigenous talents. and developed them so that right time as the movement was
Held at Maitlamo Junior they could become professional struggling to secure sponsors to
Secondary School multipurpose musicians in future and wished drive its mandate of reaching out to
hall over the weekend, the the organisers could continue with men in the Nhabe region.
identified artistes included Kwelo the arrangement saying that would He said they had planned
Setlholo, Pantsula Skeem Sam give upcoming artistes exposure activities and believed that the
and the Jazz sensational Sereta and, which would lead to growth of funding would help achieve them.
Diwambara commonly known as the music industry. “Although the funding is
‘Histo’ in the music circles. In future, he wished artistes not enough, we appreciate the
They hailed the concert saying it could also emulate the BDF bands assistance and we are hopeful that
was creating a positive impact by and extend a helping a hand to the we will be able to host some of
supporting local musical talent. needy. our activities in the pipeline such
First to electrify the stage was However, hundreds of revellers as panel discussions with men and
the Maun-based legend, Setlholo, thronged the much hyped bonfire chilling sessions where we
who performed the popular South event popularised by its live will discuss issues affecting men,”
African song Meadowlands using performances and as always the he added. Takhwiri acknowledged
a traditional flute popularly known event lived up to expectations as that since the formation of the
as phala and leaving spectators in a different BDF groups displayed group, they had achieved a lot as
very festive mood. amazing energy, beautiful talents they had reduced defaulters from
He had the audience glued to his and skills throughout the night. their HIV treatment due to alcohol
performance to the end. Meanwhile, the Maun-based consumption. BOPA One of the models showcasing BK Proctor’s outfit.
Photos: Phenyo Moalosi
Monday December 4, 2023 No. 222 Page 23

BNOC faces securing funds challenges

By Anastacia Sibanda Tshenyego said because of the sport locally and abroad. such as Botswana National participation at international
above mentioned challenges However, he said BNOC was Sport Commission (BNSC) the competitions such as the
GABORONE - The Russia sport and recreation funding has looking ahead and forging a path Ministry of Youth, Sport, Gender Commonwealth and Olympic
versus Ukraine war, COVID-19, become less of a priority. towards Paris 2024 olympics, and Culture (MYSC) and “friends Games. He said both BNOC
deglobalisation and oil and He called on sport leaders to adding that they continue to amass of sport” to ensure the holistic and BNSC must drive initiatives
commodity prices seem to have join forces and find solutions milestones on the road to Paris achievement of joint goals. aimed at overhauling sport for the
nothing to do with Botswana to the challenges. Tshenyego with varying levels of success. He added that it included their future. BOPA
National Olympic Committee added that deglobalisation meant He said the late release of funds
(BNOC), but they actually increased prices in the short run to prepare athletes for the games
have a lot to say in terms of the
committee securing funds for its
Addressing the BNOC ordinary
at least and inflationary pressures.
He said the challenges had
led to the tightening of belts in
the corporate sector, who were
was a contributing factor to Team
Botswana’s poor performance in
recent international competitions.
He said it was clear that
Gaborone United
general meeting in Gaborone
on Saturday, president Botsang
sources of supplementary funding
for sport development and elite
BNOC should work in tandem
with other sport stakeholders remains top of the
premier league
By Jeremiah Sejabosigo Basiamisi Sebapalo.
However, the normally prolific
LOBATSE- Gaborone United Kgamanyane had an off day in
(GU) remain at the top of the front of goals and started the
Botswana Premier League wastefulness as early as the fifth
standings despite wasting minute by shooting wide from
numerous chances before close range after exchanging
overwhelming Police XI 4-0 on passes with Kgaswane.
Saturday afternoon. GU took the lead in the 17th
With better finishing, the Reds minute through Tlhalefang, who
could have reached double figures tapped home inside the penalty
in the one-sided encounter played area after Mothusi Cooper’s shot
at Lobatse Sport Complex. deflected into his path off a Police
The combination of Mpho XI defender.
Kgaswane, Thatayaone Kgamanyane then missed
Kgamanyane, Sheikh Sesay and another sitter in the 22nd minute
BNOC senior vice president, Tshepo Sitale (left) and Col Tshenyego at the general assembly in Gaborone
Molaodi Tlhalefang easily broke after Kgaswane sent him clear
on Saturday. Col Tshenyego said they would continue to engage with partners to release games funding down the Jungle Kings’ defence with a deft pass behind the
sooner rather than later to allow for team’s preparation camps and logistics ahead of the up-coming marshalled by Buang Dithebe and defence.
major games. Photo: Ogopoleng Kgomoethata He hesitated to shoot with just
goalkeeper Lesego Bosekeng to

Same old problems cost Ext Gunners

By Olekantse Sennamose lack of proper training. “This Mwanga said he was not feeling Chiefs gaffer, Oupa Kowa said that
beat until the Police defenders
recovered and dispossessed him.
Two minutes later, the referee
awarded GU a penalty after
was one of the few games that we well. “The medical team did not he was happy to have corrected his Sebapalo brought down Tlhalefang
GABORONE - When former did not play well in defence, but tell us that he was not feeling team’s defensive lapses. inside the area. Kgamanyane’s
premier league giants, Mochudi if you looked at the whole team, well, only to realise later that he In the past games, Chiefs had a tame spot kick was however saved
Centre and Extension Gunners physically we were not there. We was feeling dizzy and all that. tendency of scoring first only to by Bosekeng.
met under floodlights at the did not train well this week as we Otherwise we could have long let the lead slip in the second half. The goalkeeper watched
National stadium on Saturday, only had two days of training, and substituted him or not played him A typical example being their helplessly as GU doubled their
their supporters were expecting in two days there is nothing much at all,” he said. previous game against Notwane, lead through another close range
a closely contested First Division you can do,” he said. He said that he only realised that where they led 3-0 at halftime, finish by Kgaswane in the 27th
South League encounter. Mwanga would however not be something was wrong with him only to allow Notwane a 3-3 minute. Kgamanyane then came
Many were astonished as drawn into reasons for missing when he missed easy pickings. comeback in the second half. close to extending the lead, but his
Chiefs walked away with a wide training, instead calling it an Concerning the general play, “Our main task this time around low shot came off the post.
4-1 winning margin, and the ‘administrative issue’. Mwaanga said they were not that was to make sure that players The Jungle Kings’ attackers
difference in the score line could “I cannot go much into that, I bad as they managed to move lasted the whole 90 minutes, and were starved of opportunities and
be attributed chiefly to two errors am a technical person and I can forward as team. I am happy we smoothly did that,” only managed a few forages inside
by Gunners goalkeeper, Ofentse only talk about technical things,” He said that his team produced he said. the GU penalty area in the first
Tauyatswala rather than poor play. he said. numerous crosses, which they Such as Mwaanga, Kowa also half.
However, Gunners assistant He said that all the four goals failed to even attempt to score. revealed that they also had some However, their two good
coach Stanley Mwanga instead they conceded were really The assistant coach promised internal problems as a team, opportunities were fired narrowly
pointed fingers at their usual schoolboy errors emanating from Mapantsula faithfuls that they will although he said they did not allow over Thabo Motswagole’s goal
challenges. poor defending. work on the problem and do better such to affect their performance posts by Thabiso Boti and
Mwanga indicated that their Concerning the performance in the coming games. on the field. Thabang Toko in the closing
poor performance was due to of his first choice goalkeeper, For his part, they visibly ecstatic “On Wednesday we decided to stages of the first half.
forfeit our training and instead, sat GU continued missing easy
down as a team to discuss these chances in the second half with
issues. We told the players as the Kgaswane and Kgamanyane as
technical team that we could not the main culprits.
continue not training because of However, Kgamanyane
the off-the-field issues they were eventually extended the lead in
aware of, and am happy that our the 64th minute, tucking home his
talk produced this result,” he said. eighth goal of the campaign from
He also said that they always close range after good work by
tried to go into their next game Tlhalefang.
with a positive mind regardless of Tlhalefang wrapped up the
the past result. victory five minutes later by
Kowa also appealed to Magosi flicking a shot from Kgaswane
supporters to always come in large into the top corner.
numbers and rally behind the team GU then eased off with coach
like they did on Saturday. Pontsho Moloi introducing
In other First Division South teenage midfielders Omphile
games, Desert Nxau are still on Ramoagi and Omphile Phale.
the hunt for their first win of the The victory left the Reds at
season. the top with 19 points from eight
The Tsabong based outfit played matches.
to a 1-1 draw against City Polar. They lead their arch rivals
Black Forest were held to a 2-2 Township Rollers, who also have
draw by Mogoditshane Fighters in 19 points from eight matches,
their own backyard while Jwaneng by goal difference. Police XI on
Extension Gunners fans as their team was humiliated by Mochudi Centre Chiefs during First Division Young Stars beat UB Hawks 1-0 the other hand slumped into the
South League encounter in Gaborone on Saturday. Chiefs walloped Gunners 4-1. at the Galaxy Stadium to maintain relegation zone with seven points
Photo: Ogopoleng Kgomoethata their lead. BOPA from nine games. BOPA
Monday December 4, 2023 No. 222

Tanzania’s Simba SC striker Jean Othos (left), tussling for the ball with Jwaneng
Galaxy’s defender Kebonyemodisa Leinanyane. Looking on is Galaxy’s goalie
Goitseone Phoko during their TotalEnergies CAF Championship league
encounter, Group B in Francistown on Saturday. The game ended in a nil all
draw. Galaxy is in position two with four points and will lock horns with ASEC
Mimosas on Saturday. Photo: Gaseitsiwe Moruakgomo

Galaxy coach happy with players

By Anastacia Sibanda performance and that it was a the likes of Daniel Msendami of minute, but Phoko rose to the ball over the bar.
tough game. He however, said they Galaxy missing half-chances. occasion once again and grabbed As both teams reached the last
GABORONE - Jwaneng missed a lot of opportunities that They launched attacks and the ball on the line. stages of the game and players
Galaxy and Tanzania’s Simba SC could have changed the tide of the counter-attacks with Simba Msendami, who was looking starting to get tired, many scoring
have played to a goalless draw in game, adding that they would take enjoying more ball possession. sharp for Galaxy, took on Simba opportunities were created but
a CAF Champions League first- the point and move forward. Galaxy goalie, Goitseone Phoko defenders in the 34th minute only both teams still could not find the
round Group B match played at He said Simba was a very tough made a crucial save from a well to find the side of the net. back of the net.
Obed Itani Chilume on Saturday and competitive team and that his taken free kick by Ossomba The game went into recess Galaxy defenders played as
in Francistown. players showed a lot of character. Onana who curled the ball around with the score sheet reading 0-0 a unit and thwarted dangerous
Despite the home draw, Galaxy The game started on a high note the wall. and immediately after the break moves from Simba’s players,
coach Morena Ramoreboli said with both teams launching attacks Jean Othos had the first clear Galaxy were awarded a free kick, particularly Othos who was a
he was happy with his players’ in search of an early goal with chance of the game in the 15th but Gilbert Baruti ballooned the thorn on the side of Galaxy. BOPA


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