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Q3G10 Health Reviewer

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*Texts in bold font are the most essential, text in normal font are the supporting details that
may help.

8 Millenial Development Goals

Development Targets

❖ To halve the proportion of people whose daily income is less than

❖ To achieve full and productive employment, as well as decent work for
all, including young people and women
❖ To halve the proportion of individuals suffering from hunger in the
period between 1990 and 2015.

❖ To ensure that children universally – including both boys and girls –

will be able to complete a full course of primary education by 2015.

❖ To eliminate gender disparity in primary and secondary education by

2005, and in all levels of education by 2015.

❖ To reduce the under-five mortality rate by two-thirds in the period

between 1990 and 2015
❖ To reduce the maternal mortality ratio by 75 percent.
❖ To achieve universal access to reproductive health.

❖ To halt by 2015 and have started to reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS

❖ To achieve global access to treatment for HIV/AIDS for those who
need it by 2010.
❖ To have ceased and started reversal of the incidence of malaria and
other major diseases by 2015

❖ To integrate the principles of sustainable development into all nation’s

policies and programs, and also reverse the depletion of
environmental resources.
❖ To reduce biodiversity loss and achieve a substantial reduction in the
rate of loss by 2010.
❖ To halve the proportion of the universal population without
sustainable access to clean and safe drinking water and basic
sanitation by 2015.
❖ To achieve substantial improvement in the lives of a minimum of one
hundred million slum dwellers by 2020.

❖ To further develop an open, predictable, rule-based, non-

discriminatory trading and economic system
❖ To address the special needs of the least developed countries
❖ To address the special needs of small island developing States and
landlocked developing countries
❖ To deal exhaustively with the debt problems of developing nations
❖ To provide access to affordable essential drugs in the developing
world – in collaboration with pharmaceutical companies
❖ To avail benefits of modern technologies, especially information and
communications, in collaboration with the private sector
Global Health Initiatives

Global Fund

A partnership, that has a financing mechanism rather than an

implementing agency, designed to accelerate the end of AIDS,
Tuberculosis, and Malaria as epidemics.


The fund bolsters initiatives and programs that fight TB, Malaria and
Sufficient budget gives the mechanism to sustain certain programs
anchored on such noble objective.

Issues in the
Health Initiatives Positive Impacts

❖ The Results Report 2019 shows ❖ The evolution of

Accelerating the great progress against some of the epidemic.
end of AIDS, TB, the biggest challenges in the fight
Malaria as against the three diseases ❖ Stigma and
epidemics achieved in countries where the discrimination
Global Fund invested: that discouraged
Mobilizes and o 18.9 million people people from
invests more than 4 received antiretroviral seeking
billion dollars a year therapy for HIV. treatment.
to support programs o 719,000 HIV-positive
run by local experts mothers received ❖ Widespread
in more than 100 medicine to keep them disruptions to
countries. alive and prevent HIV, TB, and
The money comes transmitting HIV to their Malaria service
from 92% from babies. delivery as a
donor government o 5.3 million people tested result of the
and 8% from the and treated for TB. COVID-19
private sectors and o 131 million mosquito nets pandemic,
foundations and distributed to protect impacting
spent to support families from malaria. approximately
programs that fight ❖ In Rwanda in East Africa, the three-quarters of
Global Fund has supported the HIV, TB, and
AIDS, TB, and expansion of community health Malaria
Malaria. insurance coverage for 3.3 million programs.
people on low incomes, including
The effective approximately 300 000 people ❖ HIV prevention;
implementation and living with HIV/AIDS and 150 000 testing and case
monitoring of grants orphans. finding for HIV,
is at the core of our ❖ About one-third of expenditures TB, and malaria;
work to end of HIV, supported by the Global Fund are cancelled or
TB and malaria as already devoted to upgrading delayed
epidemics and health-care infrastructures and to prevention
forms the longest training and capacity building for activities; and
part of the funding health-care personnel. medical and
cycle. laboratory staff
being reassigned
to the fight
against COVID-

Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations (GAVI)

Bringing Public and Private sectors together with the shared goal:
Creating equal access to new and
underused vaccines for children living in the world’s poorest


Ensures that vaccines for immunity are sufficient in target

Helps boost the immune system of target beneficiaries.

Issues in the
Health Initiatives Positive Impacts

❖ Since 2016, nearly 200 million ❖ Urbanization and

Innovation for children have been immunized rapid growth of
Uptake, Scale and are ahead of reaching 300 million population lived
Equity in children by 2020. in urban settings.
Immunization ❖ Breadth of protection has
(INFUSE) increased by 10 percentage ❖ Lack of incentive
points in the last year alone and to develop
It seeks to bridge 21 percentage points since the vaccines for
the gap between beginning of the strategy period. neglected
vaccine delivery ❖ Since its inception in 2000, diseases that
innovators and helped to avert 7.5 million deaths affect low- and
implementing in Africa by supported middle-income
countries. immunization programs. countries.
❖ Since 2000, over 250 million
children were immunized with ❖ Lack of
pentavalent vaccine (diphtheria, immunization
tetanus, pertussis, Hep B and infrastructure,
Hib). health care
❖ Since inception, nearly 130 workforce.
million children were immunized
with pneumococcal vaccine
against the leading cause of
❖ Nearly 78 million children were
immunized since 2000 with
rotavirus vaccine against the
leading cause of severe diarrhea.
❖ Over 3.1 million girls in Africa
have been immunized against
human papillomavirus (HPV),
which is the main cause of
cervical cancer.
World Health Organization (WHO)

Designated to serve as the lead agency tasked to direct and

coordinate with all member nations regarding leadership,
supervision, technical support, and education on matters about

Issues in the
Health Initiatives Positive Impacts

Alliance for ❖ The first Healthy Cities Programs ❖ Arise of urban

Healthy Cities were launched in developed health problems
countries (i.e. Canada, USA, due to fast
An international Australia, many European changing
network aiming to nations). globalization and
protect and o The programs have urbanization in
enhance the health proven successful in both developed
of city dwellers thru increasing understanding as well as
legislations and of health and developing
issuance. environment linkages and countries.
in the creation of
Importance intersectoral partnerships ❖ Lack of program
to ensure a sustainable, permanence and
widespread programs. other outcomes-
Encourages local Taiwan was able to related issues.
governments to develop a well-organized
incorporate health framework and model to ❖ Developing
issues and health encourage strong countries, lack
concerns into all leadership in local the resources to
aspects of public governments and to develop good
policy. promote participation and guidance to lead
engagement in their the project.

WHO Framework ❖ Nearly 22 million future ❖ Limited

Convention on premature smoking-attributable administrative
Tobacco Control deaths were averted because of and technical
(WHO-FCTC) strong implementation of capacity,
demand reduction measures inadequate
The first treaty adopted by countries between financial
negotiated under 2007 and 2014. resources, and
the auspices of the o In Kenya since 2013, there pervasive
World Health has been 20% increase in interference by
Organization that the tobacco
seeks to control Tobacco tax revenues due industry
tobacco to new regulations. contributed to
consumption. o Between 2001 and 2007, insufficient and
the proportion of uneven
currently smoking implementation
students who wanted to between
Importance stop smoking increased. countries and
o The budget for health in regions.
Aims at protecting the Philippines has
present and future increased, particularly for ❖ Poor
generations from universal health care after intersectoral
the devastating raising the tax imposed to coordination
health, social, cigarette. together with low
environmental, public and
and economic government
consequences of awareness of
tobacco tobacco control
consumption and as a development
exposure to issue that has
tobacco implications far
secondhand beyond health is
smoking. a major

WHO's Global ❖ The United States saw a 16% ❖ Poor progress

Strategy to Reduce median decline in motor vehicle since the
the Harmful Use of crashes. endorsement of
Alcohol ❖ Brazil reduced the opening hours the program by
of bars from 24 hours a day to the World Health
Resolution on closure at 11 pm was associated Assembly.
public health with a 44% drop in homicides.
problems caused by ❖ The Russian Federation ❖ Most countries,
harmful use of implemented alcohol control particularly low-
alcohol approved by measures in 2003. By 2016, and middle-
World Health recorded consumption of alcohol income
Assembly year 2005 had fallen by 40%. Over the same countries, have
(WHA 58.26); thus, period all-cause mortality not implemented
recognizing that dropped by 39% in men and 36% a comprehensive
alcohol has a in women, with the sharpest set of alcohol
worldwide impact decline in causes of death linked policies.
and that strategies to alcohol consumption.
exist to reduce such ❖ In 2019, the WHO European ❖ Many countries
an impact. region is the only region that has are failing to
a significant reduction on alcohol implement the
per capita consumption which best buys, with
Importance surpassed a 10% relative low and middle-
Establishes norms reduction in comparison with income countries
and creates a 2010. more likely to
framework to have weaker
support both policies.
domestic action
and international
cooperation on

It reduces harmful
use of alcohol
through effective
policy measures
and by providing
infrastructures for
tobacco control in
target countries in
the whole world.

United Nations Development Program (UNDP)

The United Nations' global development network.

It advocates for change and connects countries to knowledge,
experience, and resources to help people build a better life for


Help countries in achieving sustainable development by eradicating

poverty in all its forms and dimensions.
Accelerates structural transformations for sustainable
development and building resilience to crises and shocks.
Issues in the
Health Initiatives Positive Impacts

❖ Global poverty has fallen from 35 ❖ Unmet health

UNDP Strategic per cent in 1990 to under 10 per needs
Plan cent in 2016, reducing the
number of poor people in the While the world has
Anchored on the world by over 1 billion. seen tremendous
2030 Agenda for ❖ Panama achieved high-income health progress in
Sustainable status in 2018, leading to a recent years, millions
Development and decline in core regular resources of people still don’t
committed to the from UNDP. have access to the
principles of ❖ Malaysia’s commitment to health technologies
universality, women’s rights and gender they need to survive
equality and leaving equality has developed over time and thrive.
no one behind It in both the domestic and
helps countries in international arenas. The country Diseases affecting the
achieving effectively responded to human world’s poorest
sustainable development challenges and people failed to
development by reduced inequalities with the attract the attention
eradicating poverty help of UNDP. and funding needed to
in all its forms and develop new health
dimensions. technologies.

It accelerates Even when treatments

structural are developed, they
transformations. are often not available
or delivered at the
country level,
remaining out of reach
for the people who
need them most.
United Nations International Children's Fund (UNICEF)

United Nations’ agency responsible for providing humanitarian and

developmental aid to children worldwide. It is among the most
widespread and recognizable social welfare organizations in the
world, with presence in 192 countries and territories.

Issues in the
Health Initiatives Positive Impacts

❖ UNICEF has harnessed the power ❖ Lack of strong,

Digital Health of ICT to support countries to innovative
Initiative ensure that every child survives systems that can
and thrives. Around the world, give governments
It is an initiative to 85.8 million mothers, community the information
strengthen health health workers, vaccinators, and and tools they
systems by health facility staff in 18 countries need to respond
designing and have benefited from digital health quickly to disease
deploying digitally platforms and the communities outbreaks and
enabled solutions. they connect to the health deliver on
system. In October 2018, more emergency health
than 37 million Pakistan children needs.
Importance received measles vaccination
during a 12-day supplementary ❖ Innovation for
immunization campaign, using development –
It lessens the real-time monitoring powered by exploring new
number of children RapidPro, according to ways of delivering
that misses life- government reports. As of programs to reach
saving December 2019, in Bangladesh, the hardest-to-
vaccinations, initial results indicate that 89 per reach children and
treatment, and cent of registered pregnant those most in
health monitoring women using the real-time need.
which outdated monitoring by Rapidpro have
health system fails received antenatal care and 99 ❖ Digital health
to keep on track. percent reported satisfaction portfolio from
with those services; and 91 per birth registration
cent of registered lactating to vaccine
women received postnatal care management and
and 97 reported that they are disease tracking.
satisfied with that support.
Strengthening ❖ Since 1990, through the UNICEF ❖ The health-related
Health Systems Health Systems Strengthening sustainable
Approach remarkable gains have development
It is an inclusive been made in improving goals (SDGs)
health system for outcomes for children and require integrated
children to survive women. The number of children action on system-
and thrive and dying before the age of five years wide challenges.
become a resilient has almost halved and similar To address gaps in
individual progress has been made in health service
maternal mortality. delivery, there is a
Importance ❖ Stunting (chronic undernutrition) need of evidence
among children below age five on which
decreased from 40 per cent in government
It provides access 1990 to 25 percent in 2013. agencies,
to safe water, However, stunting continues to research
sanitation, hygiene affect an estimated 161 million institutions,
and provide children globally. donors and civil
support to primary ❖ In Afghanistan, nearly 1.2 million society can act.
health care children under one year receive ❖ There is plenty of
especially at the life-saving vaccines. evidence for the
community level. ❖ On a yearly basis, 6 million effectiveness of
pregnant women receive standard
vaccines that prevent nine interventions to
diseases. In 2020, 50,364 prevent maternal
pregnant women and 79,362 and child deaths,
children who live more than two but countries vary
hours away from a health facility widely in the
received essential health care degree to which
through mobile health teams. these
interventions have
Extra: (Just in case po that this will be included in the exam.)

Thank you po for reading. Good luck po for our periodic exam. Stay safe and Godbless everyone.


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