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A Copy Paste and Semantic Segmentation-Based Approach for
the Classification and Assessment of Significant Rice Diseases
Zhiyong Li 1,2,† , Peng Chen 1,2,† , Luyu Shuai 1,2,† , Mantao Wang 1,2 , Liang Zhang 1,2 , Yuchao Wang 3
and Jiong Mu 1,2, *

1 College of Information Engineering, Sichuan Agricultural University, Ya’an 625000, China

2 Sichuan Key Laboratory of Agricultural Information Engineering, Ya’an 625000, China
3 College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Sichuan Agricultural University, Ya’an 625000, China
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +86-133-4060-8699
† These authors contributed equally to this work.

Abstract: The accurate segmentation of significant rice diseases and assessment of the degree of
disease damage are the keys to their early diagnosis and intelligent monitoring and are the core of
accurate pest control and information management. Deep learning applied to rice disease detection
and segmentation can significantly improve the accuracy of disease detection and identification but
requires a large number of training samples to determine the optimal parameters of the model. This
study proposed a lightweight network based on copy paste and semantic segmentation for accurate
disease region segmentation and severity assessment. First, a dataset for rice significant disease
segmentation was selected and collated based on 3 open-source datasets, containing 450 sample
images belonging to 3 categories of rice leaf bacterial blight, blast and brown spot. Then, to increase
the diversity of samples, a data augmentation method, rice leaf disease copy paste (RLDCP), was
proposed that expanded the collected disease samples with the concept of copy and paste. The new
RSegformer model was then trained by replacing the new backbone network with the lightweight
Citation: Li, Z.; Chen, P.; Shuai, L.; semantic segmentation network Segformer, combining the attention mechanism and changing the
Wang, M.; Zhang, L.; Wang, Y.; Mu, J.
upsampling operator, so that the model could better balance local and global information, speed up
A Copy Paste and Semantic
the training process and reduce the degree of overfitting of the network. The results show that RLDCP
Segmentation-Based Approach for
could effectively improve the accuracy and generalisation performance of the semantic segmentation
the Classification and Assessment of
model compared with traditional data augmentation methods and could improve the MIoU of the
Significant Rice Diseases. Plants 2022,
11, 3174.
semantic segmentation model by about 5% with a dataset only twice the size. RSegformer can achieve
plants11223174 an 85.38% MIoU at a model size of 14.36 M. The method proposed in this paper can quickly, easily
and accurately identify disease occurrence areas, their species and the degree of disease damage,
Academic Editor: Mukhtar Ahmed
providing a reference for timely and effective rice disease control.
Received: 28 August 2022
Accepted: 18 November 2022 Keywords: disease type recognition; disease level differentiation; object detection; semantic segmentation
Published: 20 November 2022

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1. Introduction
iations. Rice diseases are one of the most complex, variable and insurmountable factors
affecting the growth of rice, causing not only reductions in yield and quality but also food
security problems. Some more severe diseases in rice production are bacterial blight, blast
and brown spot [1]. Due to the ambiguity, complexity and similarity of the symptoms
Copyright: © 2022 by the authors. between different diseases, and the fact that some newbie farmers are unable to accurately
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
diagnose and grasp the occurrence and development of rice diseases [2], quickly, efficiently
This article is an open access article
and accurately detecting areas where rice diseases occur and identifying their disease
distributed under the terms and
types and degree of incidence to provide the necessary information for disease control has
conditions of the Creative Commons
become an important issue facing rice cultivation.
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
Rice disease detection uses computer vision technology to detect rice disease-infested
areas and their exact locations under complex natural conditions. It is a prerequisite for

Plants 2022, 11, 3174.

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the accurate classification and identification of rice diseases and the assessment of disease
damage levels. It is also a key to accurately locating rice disease areas and guiding plant
protection equipment to target spraying. Early rice disease target detection algorithms used
a sliding window strategy to select region proposals, extracted region proposal features
and finally used a classifier to classify them to obtain the target area [3]. Although this
method can locate disease targets without missing them, the redundant region proposal
generated can be computationally intensive. It takes more time to traverse all the disease
images, resulting in poor detection performance. In addition, the feature extraction of
region proposal uses manual methods such as grey-scale co-occurrence matrix [4], textural
descriptors [5] and local binary patterns [6], and the extracted features are more focused on
the underlying features such as disease colour and shape, resulting in poor robustness of
disease detection; the classifier uses support vector machines [7], Bayesian classifiers [8],
unsupervised clustering [9] and other machine learning algorithms for disease recognition,
with slow recognition speed and low accuracy rate.
Deep learning can automatically learn features from disease image data, which has
the advantages of high learning ability, high upper-performance limit, good portability
and wide coverage compared with traditional machine learning, which can avoid the
limitations of manual feature engineering [10]. Datasets are the basis for building deep
learning models, and the dataset’s quality determines whether the deep learning model can
be trained successfully. According to the survey, several publicly available plant disease
image datasets have been formed [11]. The datasets for rice disease research are fragmented,
scattered and redundant, and few datasets are publicly available. Therefore, most of the
existing deep learning-based plant disease diagnosis methods use data augmentation to im-
prove the models’ recognition, detection and segmentation accuracy. The commonly used
data augmentation methods are classified into traditional, supervised and unsupervised.
Bhagat et al. used traditional data enhancement methods such as geometric transformation,
colour transformation and fuzzy transformation to expand crop disease image data that
are simple and easy to operate, but the amount of information they add is limited [12].
Therefore, the accuracy of the model is also limited. Hu et al. used SinGAN to generate
many plant leaf disease images [13], but the method requires additional training overhead.
The copy-paste method was proposed by snapping out instances, then dithering, flipping
and pasting them onto another image, where each operation had large randomness [14].
Still, the randomness of its dithering, flipping, pasting position and number of pastes
made the synthesised images challenging to understand because they did not match the
actual scene.
With the rapid development of semantic segmentation models, many models have
been introduced into plant disease segmentation and classification. However, it is challeng-
ing with existing models to achieve a good trade-off between accuracy and scale. Gonçalves
et al. compared six pixel-level classification prediction methods and obtained relatively
high accuracy with three models, FPN, UNet and DeepLabv3+ (Xception), all of which had
parameter data sizes above 25 m, and SegNet, PSPNet and DeepLabv3+ (Moblienetv2) all
had model parameter counts of less than 8.0 million, despite the relatively weak model gen-
eralization [15]. However, high-accuracy and lightweight models are required for accurate
plant disease segmentation and easy deployment on mobile devices. Furthermore, there are
many challenges with semantic segmentation models for plant foliar disease classification
and segmentation studies, with the overall difficulties centred on the complexity of the
context and the characteristics of the disease itself. To overcome these challenges, some
researchers have improved the model architecture for plant disease segmentation and
classification and produced a richer dataset [16–18]. Hu et al. used the UNet network
model to reduce the influence of complex backgrounds on the assessment results and then
used a multiconvolutional neural network model to automatically identify tea diseases in
small samples [13]. Ji et al. used a two-step approach to detect grapevine black measles
disease and estimate the severity to better extract disease features, first by segmenting the
leaves and disease using the DeepLabv3+ semantic segmentation model based on ResNet50
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and second by developing a fuzzy rule-based system for each feature to predict the degree
of damage caused by the disease [19]. However, most of these models only target a single
disease of a single crop in the same period and do not consider the impact of similarities
between symptoms of different diseases of the same crop and changes in symptoms of the
same disease of the same crop in different periods on the accuracy of the models; therefore,
so the robustness of the trained models is poor, and their generalisability is weak.
Traditional plant disease severity estimation relies on manual experience. However,
this method is inefficient and requires large labour and time expenditures, and the as-
sessment results are often subjective and unreliable. In addition, more research has been
carried out to automatically estimate plant disease severity by building direct models, i.e.,
by qualitative classification and the detection of plant disease images [20–22]. However,
most of these models cannot achieve refined quantitative estimates, and direct models
have disadvantages such as poor interpretability and weak migration performance and
require retraining the model when the evaluation criteria change [23]. A novel method
proposed for plant disease severity estimation is a semantic segmentation model to achieve
the pixel-level classification of plant disease images and thus obtain the percentage of the
lesion-to-leaf area required for plant disease severity estimation. Wang et al. proposed a
two-stage model fusing DeepLabv3+ and UNet to segment cucumber leaves and disease
spots based on the ratio of segmented disease spots to the leaf pixel area [24] and classified
disease severity based on the percentage of segmented marks in the leaf pixel area. Chen
et al. proposed a new segmentation model, BLSNet, for rice bacterial streak disease and
classified severity classes based on the ratio of lesion area to total leaf area [23]. However,
different plant diseases have different severity estimation criteria, and studies on the fine
assessment of rice disease severity are few and limited to evaluation criteria based on area
percentage, but the timely prevention and control of mid- to late-stage diseases cannot be
accurately assessed with small but densely distributed disease areas.
To solve the above problems, this paper proposes a new rice leaf disease identification
and segmentation model, RSegformer. The main contributions of this paper are:
(1) A publicly available dataset of common rice diseases was collected and annotated
with semantic segmentation.
(2) A data enhancement method for rice disease images was proposed based on the
copy-and-paste idea to generate more images that match the symptoms of rice diseases.
(3) A new rice disease segmentation model, RSegformer, was proposed, with MIoU
reaching 85.38% on a parametric count of 14.36 million.
(4) An index for classifying rice leaf disease classes by combining the ratio of spots
to leaf area and the number of spots is proposed to provide a valuable reference for the
practical application of leaf disease severity estimation in other plants.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Data
2.1.1. Data Acquisition
This dataset consists of partial data from three publicly available datasets. Dataset 1
contains 5832 images of rice leaf bacterial blight, blast, brown spot and tungro [25]. The
dataset was acquired using a Nikon DSLR-D5600 camera in different rice fields in western
Orissa. The paper provides images with a resolution of 300 × 300, from which we selected
193 original images that contain our subjects and are relatively clear. These images are
unenhanced with traditional data and have large differences in image content. Dataset 2
includes 120 images of rice leaves affected by bacterial blight, brown spot and leaf blotch [2].
The dataset was taken using a NIKON D90 digital SLR camera with a white background in
direct sunlight. The paper provided images with a resolution of 897 × 3081, from which we
selected a total of 80 images containing rice bacterial leaf blight and brown spot diseases.
Dataset 3 included 240 images of rice leaves affected by leaf blight, rice blast and tungro
disease [26]. This dataset was taken against a white background with an image resolution
of 1440 × 1920, and we selected 177 highly variable and clearer original images from this
[2]. The dataset was taken using a NIKON D90 digital SLR camera with a white back-
ground in direct sunlight. The paper provided images with a resolution of 897 × 3081,
Plants 2022, 11, 3174
from which we selected a total of 80 images containing rice bacterial leaf blight and brown
4 of 20
spot diseases. Dataset 3 included 240 images of rice leaves affected by leaf blight, rice blast
and tungro disease [26]. This dataset was taken against a white background with an image
resolution of 1440 × 1920, and we selected 177 highly variable and clearer original im-
ages fromIt is worth
this noting
dataset. It isthat since
worth the least
noting amount
that since theof dataamount
least we obtained
of datawas
we found
obtained in
the preliminary data collation session for the rice leaf disease category of rice blast, which
was found in the preliminary data collation session for the rice leaf disease category of
specifically had 150 images, we determined 150 images for each disease category in order
rice blast, which specifically had 150 images, we determined 150 images for each disease
to balance the amount of data for different disease categories. Table 1 shows the amount
category in order to balance the amount of data for different disease categories. Table 1
of sample data collected for each disease category in the three datasets. Figure 1 shows
shows the amount of sample data collected for each disease category in the three datasets.
examples of images for each disease type in all datasets.
Figure 1 shows examples of images for each disease type in all datasets.
Table 1. Dataset structure.
Table 1. Dataset structure.
Bacterial Blight Brown Spot Blast Total
Bacterial Blight Brown Spot Blast Total
Dataset 11
Dataset 48
48 95
95 50
50 193
Dataset 2 40 40 0 80
Dataset 2 40 40 0 80
Dataset 3 62 15 100 177
Total 3 62
150 15
150 100
150 177
Total 150 150 150 450

Figure 1.
Figure 1. Sample
(a)(a) dataset
dataset 1—bacterial
1—bacterial blight,
blight, (b) (b) dataset
dataset 1—blast,
1—blast, (c) da-
(c) dataset
taset 1—brown
1—brown spot, spot, (d) dataset
(d) dataset 2—bacterial
2—bacterial blight,
blight, (e) dataset
(e) dataset 2—brown
2—brown spot,spot, (f) dataset
(f) dataset 3—bacte-
rial blight,
blight, (g) dataset
(g) dataset 3—blast,
3—blast, (h) dataset
(h) dataset 3—brown

2.1.2. Data Annotation
The dataset used
dataset used for
for this
this work
work consisted
consisted of
of 450
450 images.
images. Of these, 150
150 images
images were
were of
each of the three types of diseases:
each of the three types of diseases: rice bacterial blight, rice blast and brown spot. Consid-
ering the
the inconsistent
inconsistent resolution
resolution of different
different data, in order to facilitate data augmentation,
all images
resizedtoto × 640
640640 pixels,
× 640 and and
pixels, 450 images were were
450 images annotated using the
annotated EISeg
using the
annotation software
EISeg annotation [27], some
software [27],of which
some are shown
of which in Figure
are shown 2.
in Figure 2.
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Figure 2. Sample
imageand andsegmentation
segmentation label:
label:(a) (a)
bacterial blight,
bacterial (b) (b)
blight, blast, (c)
(c) spot,
brown (d) (d)
spot, bacterial blight
bacterial label,
blight (e) blast
label, label,
(e) blast (f) brown
label, spotspot
(f) brown label,label,
where orange,
where mauve,
orange, red,
blue and and
red, blue black represent
black representricerice
bacterialblight, blast,
blight, brown
blast, brownspot,
leaves and
and background
areas, respectively.
areas, respectively.

2.1.3. Data Augmentation

To avoid
avoid model
model overfitting
overfitting and improve improve model generalisation,
generalisation, we proposed a data
enhancement method based on the idea of copy-paste called rice leaf disease copy paste
(RLDCP). The RLDCP algorithm algorithm is is as
as follows:
① Select a set of rice
1 Select a set of rice leaf disease images and their corresponding mask maps, noted as
“org1-image” and “org1-mask”, respectively. respectively.
②2 AA randomly
randomly selected
selectedset setofofimages
images and their
and corresponding
their corresponding mask mapsmaps
mask from fromthe same
same dataset
disease are noted
dataset as “org2-image”
are noted as “org2-image”and “org2-mask”,
and “org2-mask”, respectively.
③3 Use the
Use the edge
operator Canny
Canny to obtain the the
to obtain edges of the
edges ofleaves in “org1-mask”
the leaves in “org1-
and “org2-mask” and find the minimum outer rectangle
mask” and “org2-mask” and find the minimum outer rectangle based on the based on the edges obtained,
then calculate the rotation angle of the minimum external
obtained, then calculate the rotation angle of the minimum external rectangle rectangle ff 1 and ff2 and
rotate “org2-mask” and “org2-image” by ff2 − by
and “org2-image” ff1 . − .
④4 Key out
Key out all
all the
the lesioned
lesioned pixelpixel points
points according
according to to the
the RGB
RGB difference
difference ofof “org2-mask”,
paste them
paste theminto intothe
nonbackgroundarea areaonon “org1-mask”,
“org1-mask”, key
key outout
pixel pixel points
points on
on the same position of “org2-image” and “org2-mask”
the same position of “org2-image” and “org2-mask” and paste them into “org1-im- and paste them into “org1-
age”, thusthus composing
composing a new
a new “res-image”
“res-image” andand
thethe corresponding
corresponding “res-mask”.
⑤ Random flipping, horizontal flipping and random largescale dithering were
5 Random flipping, horizontal flipping and random largescale dithering were used for
used for
the synthetic set of rice disease data “res-image”
the synthetic set of rice disease data “res-image” and “res-mask”. and “res-mask”.
The method
method has hasboth
randomnessand andrestriction
restrictionin in
steps 2 to 5 ; for instance, 2 can
steps ② to ⑤; for instance, ②
randomly select the object to be copied. Still, the object must be the same kind of disease.
can randomly select the object to be copied. Still, the object must be the same kind of dis-
In 3 , you can make the distribution direction of the disease in the composite image more
ease. In ③, you can make the distribution direction of the disease in the composite image
in line with the actual symptoms of the disease so that the leaves in the two sets of images
more in line with the actual symptoms of the disease so that the leaves in the ◦ two sets of
keep the same direction by rotation but can choose to rotate to ff2 − ff1 or 180 − (ff2 − ff1 ).
images keep the same direction by rotation but can choose to rotate to − or 180 −
In 4 , you can randomly select the range of keying, the starting position of paste and paste
( − ) .In ④, you can randomly select the range of keying, the starting position of
the number of times but must be in the nonbackground area. In 5 , you can choose whether
paste and paste the number of ◦ times ◦but must be in the nonbackground area. In ⑤, you
to flip horizontally, rotate ( 0 ∼ 180 ) Jitter ( −1.0 ∼ 2.0) or manipulate the scale of the
can choose whether to flip horizontally, rotate (0 ~180 ) Jitter(−1.0~2.0) or manipulate
composite image, but the new set of images generated must contain both the disease and
the scale of the composite image, but the new set of images generated must contain both
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the leaf area.

disease andOtherwise, this Otherwise,
the leaf area. operation isthis
operationagain. The effect
is performed of the
again. Thedata after
effect of
using theafter
the data RLDCP data
using theenhancement
RLDCP data method is shown
enhancement in Figure
method 3. in Figure 3.
is shown

Figure 3. RLDCP data enhancement example: (a) RGB image of the pasted object, (b) RGB image of
the copied object, (c) newly synthesised RGB image, (d) mask image of the pasted object, (e) mask
image of
image of the
the copied
copied object,
object, (f)
(f) newly
newly synthesised
synthesised mask
mask image.

2.1.4. Rice
Rice Leaf
Leaf Disease
Disease Severity
Severity Label
Different criteria
criteria for
for measuring
measuring disease
disease severity
severity were
were designed
designed for for different
different disease
types toto solve
solve the
the problem
problem of of multiple
multiple spots
spots with
with aa small
small total
total area
area covered,
covered, as as in
in the
the rice
brown spot
spot inin the
the middle
middle andand late
late stages
stages of of disease
disease development.
development. For For rice
rice bacterial
bacterial blight
and rice
rice blast,
blast, the
the criteria
criteria are
are based
based onon the
the percentage
percentage of of the
the total
total leaf
leaf area
area covered
covered by by thethe
lesion; for rice brown spot, the criteria are based on the percentage of
lesion; for rice brown spot, the criteria are based on the percentage of the area covered by the area covered
thethe lesion
lesion andand
the the number
number of lesions
of lesions of which
of which the higher
the higher level level is selected
is selected as theas thelevel.
final final
level. In the area-based criteria, grade 0 is for healthy leaves without disease,
In the area-based criteria, grade 0 is for healthy leaves without disease, grade 1 is for those grade 1 is for
those withto
with 0.1% 0.1%
10%to 10% coverage,
lesion lesion coverage,
grade 2grade 2 is for
is for those those
with 11%with 11%grade
to 25%, to 25%, 3 isgrade
for those3 is
for those with 26% to 45%, grade 4 is for those with 46% to 65% and
with 26% to 45%, grade 4 is for those with 46% to 65% and grade 5 is for those with more grade 5 is for those
than more
65%. In than
the65%. In the
criteria criteria
based on the based on the
number number of measurements:
of measurements: grade 0 is a grade
healthy0 leaf is a
healthy leaf without disease, grade 1 is for 1–5 spots in a single image,
without disease, grade 1 is for 1–5 spots in a single image, grade 2 for 6–10, grade 3 for grade 2 for 6–10,
11–15, 3grade
for 11–15, grade and
4 for 16–20 4 forgrade
16–205and grade 5than
for greater for greater
25. Figurethan4 25.
the 4distribution
shows the
distribution of the severity levels of the rice leaf disease dataset according to the above
of the severity levels of the rice leaf disease dataset according to the above classification
classification criteria.
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Figure 4. Distribution of five severity levels of three diseases in the rice leaf disease dataset.
Figure 4. Distribution of five severity levels of three diseases in the rice leaf disease dataset.
2.2. Model Architecture
2.2. Model
Model Architecture Overview
This semantic
2.2.1. Model segmentation
Architecture Overview and image classification are very much related, and seman-
tic segmentation can be seen as an extension of image classification from the image level to
This semantic segmentation and image classification are very much related, and se-
the pixel level. In fact, since FCN [28], many semantic segmentation frameworks have been
mantic segmentation can be seen as an extension of image classification from the image
derived from image classification variants of ImageNet [29]. Some current semantic segmen-
level to the pixel level. In fact, since FCN [28], many semantic segmentation frameworks
tation networks based on the convolutional neural network family adopt different networks
have been derived from image classification variants of ImageNet [29]. Some current se-
as the feature extraction backbone, such as VGG [30], ResNet [31] and MobileNetv2 [32],
mantic segmentation networks based on the convolutional neural network family adopt
or design modules and methods such as dilated convolution [33], atrous spatial pyramid
pooling networks as the feature
[34], cross-attention extraction[35]
mechanisms backbone, such as VGG
and point-space [30], [36]
attention ResNet [31] and
to expand the
MobileNetv2 [32], or design modules and methods such as dilated
perceptual field to obtain rich contextual information. However, these methods introduce convolution [33],
manyspatial pyramid
empirical modules, pooling
resulting frameworkmechanisms [35] and point-space
computationally intensive at- and
tention [36] to expand the perceptual field to obtain rich contextual
complex. With the rapid development of transformers [37] in the field of computer vision, information. However,
these methods
the use introduce many
of transformers as the empirical
backbone modules,
of networks making the resulting
to effectively expand framework com-
the perceptual
field to extract rich feature information through self-attentive mechanisms is one of in
intensive and complex. With the rapid development of transformers [37] the
the field of computer
mainstream vision,
approaches, ofthe use Segformer
which of transformers [38] isasonethe of
backbone of networks
the typical to effec-of
tively expand applied
this method the perceptual field to
to semantic extract rich feature
segmentation tasks. information through self-attentive
Segformeris one of the mainstream
discards approaches,
positional encoding, usesofa which Segformer transformer
novel multilevel [38] is one ofasthe the
structure to of this method
output multiscaleapplied to semantic
features and usessegmentation
a simple andtasks. lightweight mul-
tilayer discards
perceptron (MLP) positional encoding,
as the decoder uses a novel
to combine localmultilevel
and global transformer
attention to asshow
encoding structure to output multiscale features and uses a simple
good segmentation performance. However, the model specifies a similar field of perception and lightweight mul-
for eachperceptron (MLP)within
token feature as theeach
layer,toandcombine local andinevitably
this constraint global attention
limits theto show
good segmentation
of each self-attentiveperformance. However,
layer to capture the model
multiscale specifies
features. The ashunted
similar field of percep-
transformer [39]
tion for each
proposes token shunted
a novel feature within each layer,
self-attentive thatand thismultiscale
unifies constraint feature
inevitably limits the
extraction abil- a
ity of each
single self-attentive
self-attentive layer
layer to capture
through multiscale
multiscale token features.
aggregation. The Inshunted
addition,transformer [39]
in Segformer’s
novel shunted self-attentive
using that unifies multiscale
bilinear interpolation feature extraction
is computationally intensive, within
and the a
single self-attentive layer through multiscale token aggregation.
recovered image edges become blurred to a certain extent. The lightweight up-sampling In addition, in Seg-
operatordecoder, up-sampling
Content-Aware using bilinear
ReAssembly interpolation
of Features (CARAFE) is computationally
[40] can betterintensive,
solve this
and the recovered
problem. image
In this study, weedges become
designed blurred to
RSegformer, a certain extent.
a lightweight The lightweight
and efficient up-
rice leaf disease
sampling model
operator based on Segformer
Content-Aware ReAssemblyand combined
of Features shunted transformer,
(CARAFE) [40] cancoordinate
solve (CA) [41]Inand
this problem. thisCARAFE.
study, weFigure
designed 5 shows the overall
RSegformer, network model
a lightweight architecture
and efficient rice
of RSegformer.
leaf disease segmentation model based on Segformer and combined shunted transformer,
coordinate attention (CA) [41] and CARAFE. Figure 5 shows the overall network model
architecture of RSegformer.
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x FOR PEER REVIEW 88 of 20
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Figure 5.
Figure 5. The
The overall
overall architecture
architecture of
of the

Similar to
Similar tothe
Segformer, RSegformer
RSegformer is divided
is divided intointo
twotwo parts:
parts: en-
ing and decoding.
and decoding. The encoding
The encoding part extracts
part extracts multiscale
multiscale featuresfeatures
through through four
four shunted
transformer blocks and
shunted transformer subsequently
blocks embeds CA
and subsequently attention
embeds into the encoder–decoder
CA attention con-
into the encoder–de-
nection part. In contrast,
coder connection part. Inthe decoding
contrast, the part restores
decoding partthe featurethe
restores map to themap
feature original
to theimage
inal via the size
image CARAFE
via theup-sampling operator. operator.
CARAFE up-sampling

2.2.2. Encoding
Encoding Section
Different criteria for
criteria for measuring
measuring disease
disease severity
severity were
were designed
designed for
for different
different disease
types to solve the problem of multiple spots with a small total area covered, as
to solve the problem of multiple spots with a small total area covered, as in
in the
the rice
brown spotspot in
in the
the middle
and late
(1) Shunted
Shunted transformer
transformer block
The shunted transformer
shunted transformer block
block consists
consists of
of shunted
shunted self-attention
self-attention and
and aa detail-specific
feed-forward layer.
feed-forward layer.
Shunted self-attention (SSA) in the shunted transformer block: SSA divides multiple
Shunted self-attention (SSA) in the shunted transformer block: SSA divides multiple
attention heads within the same layer into groups, each of which explains a specific
attention heads within the same layer into groups, each of which explains a specific gran-
granularity of features by aggregating a different number of tokens before calculating
ularity of features by aggregating a different number of tokens before calculating the self-
the self-attention matrix, thus enabling different attention heads within the same layer to
attention matrix, thus enabling different attention heads within the same layer to simul-
simultaneously allow objects of various scales to be modelled efficiently and simultaneously
taneously allow objects of various scales to be modelled efficiently and simultaneously on
different attention heads within the same layer. The SSA calculation can be expressed as
Plants 2022, 11, 3174 9 of 20

on different attention heads within the same layer. The SSA calculation can be expressed as
Qi = XWiQ (1)

Ki , Vi = MTA( X, ri )WiK , MTA( X, ri )Wi V (2)

Vi = Vi + LE(Vi ) (3)
hi = So f tmax √i i Vi (4)
In the above equations, i denotes the ith head, Wi Q , Wi K , Wi V is the linear projection
layer parameter of the ith head, ri denotes the downsampling rate, MTA(·) denotes the
token aggregation in the ith head, LE(·) the locally augmented component of the value V
by deep convolution of MTA(·), and dh denotes a vector dimension of query and key. The
input sequence X = Rh×w×c is first projected into the Qi , Ki , Vi tensor via the Wi Q , Wi K , Wi V
linear mapping parameter, where Ki , Vi is downsampled to different sizes by convolutional
layers of kernel and stride size ri and then aggregated at multiple scales by MTA(·). Next,
Vi is added to the locally enhanced component obtained by deep convolution using via
LE(·). Finally, the output hi is obtained by performing a self-attentive calculation of Qi
with at different scales Ki , Vi .
Detail-specific feed-forward in the shunted transformer block: In the detail-specific
feed-forward layer, to learn the cross-token information, a depth-separated convolutional
branch is added to the original features before the activation layer in the two fully connected
layers to enhance the connection of adjacent pixels and thus supplement the local detail
information, as shown in Equations (5) and (6):

x 0 = FC ( x; θ1 ) (5)

x00 = FC σ x 0 + DS x 0 ; θ
; θ2 (6)
where θ1 and θ2 represent the output dimensions of the first and second fully connected
layers, respectively, and DS(·) illustrates a detail-specific layer with parameters θ imple-
mented by deep-separated convolution.
(2) Encoding process
Given an input image of size H × W × 3, the image is first transformed into a sequence
of tokens containing more valid information using  the patch embedding mechanism. The
− 1 − 1

length of the sequence is H × 4 × W × 4 , and the dimensionality of each token
vector is C. Patch embedding uses multiple layers of convolution, each of which includes
a specific convolution, BatchNorm2d and the ReLU activation function. The first layer
uses a kernel = 7 × 7, stride = 2, padding = 3 convolutional layer; the second layer stacks
zero or multiple kernel = 3 × 3, stride = 2, padding = 1 convolutional layers depending
on the required model size; and finally, a two-dimensional convolutional mapping with
kernel = 2 × 2, stride = 2 generates an input sequence of length H × 4−1 × W × 4−1 .

The token sequence is sequentially entered into four stages to obtain multiscale feature
information, each containing a linear embedding and multiple shunted transformer blocks.
The linear embedding uses a convolutional layer with a stride size of 2 to achieve down-
sampling, while each shunted transformer block outputs a feature map of the same size.
Thus, four feature maps  are obtained  atF1 , F2 , F3 , F4 , and each stage outputs a feature
−( i + 1 ) −( i + 1 ) i − 1

map of the size of Fi at H × 2 × W×2 × C×2 . Table 2 shows the
parameter settings for the different stages.
Plants 2022, 11, 3174 10 of 20

Table 2. Selected parameters in different phases of the shunted-tiny model. Head indicates the
number of heads in a shunted transformer block, Ni indicates the number of shunted transformer
blocks in a phase, Ci indicates the output dimension.

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4

Shunted Shunted Shunted Shunted
Layer Name Transformer Transformer Transformer Transformer
Block Block Block Block

head head head

4, i < 2 2, i < 2 1, i < 2 r=1
ri = head ri = head ri = head
8, i ≥ 2 4, i ≥ 2 2, i ≥ 2

C1 = 64, C2 = 128, C1 = 256, C4 = 512,
head = 2, head = 4, head = 8, head = 16,
N1 = 1 N2 = 2 N3 = 4 N4 = 1

2.2.3. Decoding Section

(1) Coordinate Attention
CA consists of two parts: position attention encoding and position attention generation.
In the position attention encoding stage, the input feature map of shape C × H × W is
encoded for each channel in both width and height directions to generate a feature map
with a global perceptual field. In the location attention generation part, the two feature
maps are stitched together. The stitched feature map goes through the convolution layer
of 1 × 1, batch normalisation and the activation layer to obtain the feature map F of shape
C × r −1 × 1 × (W + H ). Then the F is split into two independent tensors Fh and Fw along
the spatial dimension, which is transformed by the convolution of 1 × 1 into a tensor with
the same number of channels as the input feature map. The final feature map with attention
weights in the width and height directions is obtained by multiplying and weighting the
original feature map.
(2) Content-Aware ReAssembly of Features
CARAFE is divided into two modules, the up-sampling kernel prediction module and
the feature reassembly module. Assuming an up-sampling multiplier of σ and given an
input feature map of the shape H × W × C, after the up-sampling kernel is predicted, the
feature reassembly module is used to complete the up-sampling to obtain an output feature
map of the shape σH × σW × C.
(3) Decoding process
If the graded transformer as an encoder has a larger acceptance domain than the
CNN as an encoder, the decoding part is composed of a lightweight decoder consisting
of only MLP layers. The all-MLP decoder consists of four main steps, first unifying the
channel dimension by passing the multilevel features Fi obtained from the encoder shunted
transformer through an MLP layer, then using the CARAFE operator to up-sample the
multilevel features to H × 4−1 × W × 4−1 , followed by fusing the connected features

using MLP and finally using the MLP prediction segmentation mask. Equations (7)–(10)
can express the decoding part:

F̂i = Linear (C I , C )( FI ), ∀i (7)

W W 
F̂i = CARAFE × F̂i , ∀i (8)
4 4

F = Linear (4C, C ) Concat F̂i , ∀i (9)
M = Linear (C, Ncls )( F ) (10)
Plants 2022, 11, 3174 11 of 20

where CARAFE(·) is the up-sampling operation for the feature map using the CARAFE
operator, Ncls is the number of categories and M is the final prediction segmentation
mask obtained.

3. Experimental Process
3.1. Realisation Details
Our model was trained using 128 GB of memory powered by a Quadro RTX5000
graphics processing unit (GPU) under the Ubuntu20.04 LTS system environment. In order
to validate the effectiveness of the data augmentation method, the PSPNet [42], HRNet [43]
and OCRNet [44] networks were used to train raw data, traditionally augmented data and
RLDCP augmented data, respectively. To verify the validity of the models, data obtained by
RLDCP augmentation were used, trained with models of similar size (DeepLabv3+ model
with ResNet18 as the backbone and Segformer model with MiT-B1 as the backbone). All
of the experimental models used in our comparison experiments were derived from the
MMSegmentation [45] codebase. Therefore, the pretraining weights and hyperparameters
for the comparison experiments inherited the default settings from MMSegmentation, with
a training image size of 512 × 512. Furthermore, the model proposed in this paper is
also based on the MMSegmentation codebase implementation. The pretraining weights
used are obtained from the shunted transformer backbone trained on the ImageNet-1k
dataset. For this model, we inherited the default settings of MMSegmentation and the
shunted transformer: an initial learning rate of 0.00006, a “poly” learning strategy with
a default factor of 1.0, and 80k iterations using the Adam-W optimiser. In addition, the
batch size during training and validation was set to 2, and the results were evaluated every
500 iterations using a multiclass cross-entropy loss function to calculate the loss, as shown
in Equation (11):
1 K
Loss = − ∑ [yn logŷ] (11)
K n =1
where yn indicates the pixel point accurate class label, ŷ indicates the pixel point predicted
class label and K indicates the total number of classes.

3.2. Assessment Indicators

We used IoU and MIoU as performance evaluation metrics for semantic segmentation
models. Intersection over union (IoU): This is used to calculate the proportion of meetings
and mergers between the model’s predicted and actual values for a given category, as
shown in Equation (12):
T ∩ P
IoU = (12)
T ∪ P
where T denotes the labelled mask map and P denotes the predicted mask map.
Mean intersection over union (MIoU): Calculates the ratio of the intersection of the
model’s predicted outcomes and the true values for each category to the merged set,
summing and then averaging the results, as shown in Equation (13):

1 pii
MIoU = ∑
k + 1 i=0 ∑ j=0 pij + ∑kj=0 p ji − pii

where pij denotes quantities that were originally in the class but were predicted to be in the
class, p ji denotes amounts that were originally in the class but were predicted to be in the
class, pii denotes true quantities, pij , p ji is interpreted as false positive and false negative,
respectively, and k denotes class numbers.
Plants 2022, 11, 3174 12 of 20

4. Discussion
4.1. Validation of Data Augmentation Methods
In this experiment, we chose three of the more popular network models, namely
PSPNet, HRNet and OCRNet. To verify the effectiveness and superiority of our proposed
data augmentation method and to validate the performance change when RLDCP was
used a different number of times, we compared the segmentation accuracy of four datasets
(the original dataset, the dataset obtained after running the traditional data augmentation
method twice and the dataset obtained after running the RLDCP augmentation method
once and then twice) on three classical semantic segmentation models, using MIoU as the
evaluation metric. The original dataset contained 450 disease images, and with each data
enhancement, the number of datasets increased by 450. Thus, a single data augmentation
produced a dataset with 900 disease images and double data augmentation produced a
dataset with 1350 disease images. It is worth noting that in order to obtain more valid
information from the original image by traditional data augmentation methods, we chose
two classical traditional data augmentation methods, namely random rotation and the
addition of pretzel noise. In particular, we divided the data within each level of the three
diseases in turn in a ratio of 8:2 to form the training and validation sets required for our
experiments. The experimental results are shown in Table 3. We found that the MIOU
values of the dataset enhanced using the RLDCP method increased on the different network
models, demonstrating the effectiveness of RLDCP in the segmentation process.

Table 3. Comparison of MIoU of different augmentation methods.


Without augmentation 77.52% 78.36% 79.48%
Rotate + Noise augmentation 76.36% 78.09% 78.73%
RLDCP augmentation (once) 82.05% 83.64% 83.60%
RLDCP augmentation (twice) 82.99% 84.70% 84.52%

Observation of Table 3 revealed that (1) traditional data enhancement methods reduced
the segmentation performance of the model. We analysed the reason for this, probably
because the datasets we used originated from three different environments with widely
varying data distributions. The limited amount of information added by random rotation
and pretzel noise amplified this imbalance by repeating memory on the data. (2) The
RLDCP data enhancement method effectively improves model segmentation accuracy.
Compared with the original datasets PSPNet, HRNet and OCRNet, MIoU improved by
5.47%, 6.34% and 5.04% after two RLDCP data augmentations, respectively. We analyse that
this may be because the rice leaf disease copy paste method synthesises reasonable rice leaf
disease images by restricted copy-paste, which effectively expands the sample data volume,
reduces the impact of data distribution differences and improves the generalisability of
the model. (3) Training with the data augmented with one RLDCP data augmentation,
MIOU increased significantly for all three models. When we added another RLDCP data
augmentation, MIOU also increased for all three models. We believe that as the amount
of data increases, MIoU will tend to saturate. Although the traditional data enhancement
method also increased the amount of data, it did not increase the MIOU, so our proposed
RLDCP method is effective.

4.2. Model Comparison Experiments

In this experiment, we split the 1350 disease images obtained using two RLDCP data
augmentations into a training and validation set in a ratio of 8:2. Figure 6 shows the MIoU
validation curves for the Deeplabv3+, Segformer and RSegformer models. It can be seen
that compared with the Deeplabv3+ and Segformer models, the RSegformer model starts
with relatively high accuracy, converges faster, has less oscillation and has the highest MIoU
throughout, indicating that the network model has high stability and generalisability.
Plants 2022, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 13 of 20
Plants 2022, 11, 3174 13 of 20

Figure 6. MIoU validation curves for different models.

Figure 6. MIoU validation curves for different models.
Table 4 shows the number of parameters, flops and their comparative performance in
rice leaf 4 shows
disease the numberfor
segmentation ofthe
parameters, flopsThe
three models. andRSegformer
their comparative performance
was experimentally
in rice leaf
shown disease segmentation
to outperform DeepLabv3+ forand
three models. The of
in terms RSegformer was experimen-
MIoU. Relative to the Seg-
formershown to outperform
model, RSegformerDeepLabv3+
improved IoU andforSegformer in terms
bacterial blight, of MIoU.
blast, brownRelative to leaf
spot and the
Segformer by 1.44%,
model, 2.28%, 1.96%
RSegformer and 1.34%,
improved IoU forrespectively.
bacterial blight, blast, brown spot and
leaf segmentation by 1.44%, 2.28%, 1.96% and 1.34%, respectively.
Table 4. Comparison of Deeplabv3+, Segformer and RSegformer models.
Table 4. Comparison of Deeplabv3+, Segformer and RSegformer models.
RSegformer DeepLabv3+ Segformer-B1 Segformer-B2
MIoU (%)↑ DeepLabv3+
85.38 Segformer-B183.95
83.47 Segformer-B2
MIoU (%)↑ 85.38
IoU of Background (%)↑ 83.47
99.33 99.25 83.95 99.21 84.93
IoU of Background (%)↑ IoU of Leaf (%)↑
99.33 92.08
99.25 90.95 99.21 90.74 91.64
IoU of Leaf (%)↑ 92.08 blight (%)↑
IoU of Bacterial 80.91
90.95 79.21 90.74 79.47 73.65
IoU of Blast (%)↑ 79.96 78.73 77.68 79.65
IoU of Bacterial blight (%)↑ IoU of Brown 80.91spot (%)↑ 79.21
74.61 69.22
79.47 72.65
IoU of Blast (%)↑ 79.96(M)↓
Params 78.73
14.36 12.47 77.68 13.74 79.65
IoU of Brown spot (%)↑ 74.61
Flops (G)↓ 69.22
26.13 54.31 72.65 15.94 80.61
Params (M)↓ 14.36 12.47 13.74 27.48
Flops (G)↓ 26.13 the segmentation
To compare 54.31performance of different
15.94 62.45
models, we calculated the
number of parameters and FLOPs of RSegformer and models of different sizes such as
To compare
DeepLabv3+ the segmentation
(ResNet18), performance
Segformer (MiT-B1) of different(MiT-B2)
and Segformer models,and weobtained
calculated the
number of parameters and FLOPs of RSegformer and models of different
based on the training and validation results. From Table 4, we can see that the RSegformer sizes such as
DeepLabv3+ (ResNet18), Segformer (MiT-B1) and Segformer
model has the second highest number of parameters and GFLOPs after Segformer (MiT-B1)(MiT-B2) and obtained
MIoU based on
but achieves thethe training
highest MIoU andandvalidation
a betterFrom Table
balance of 4, we can
model see thatand
accuracy the speed.
formerIn model has the second
this experiment, highest
a fivefold number of parameters
cross-validation and chosen
approach was GFLOPs inafter
to obtain
more accuratebut achieves the highest
training results MIoU
to verify thatand
ourachieves a better
chosen model wasbalance of model
valid and accuracy
reliable. Firstly,
and speed. obtained after twice using RLDCP data augmentation was divided into five
the dataset
In this
subsets, andexperiment,
in each subset,a fivefold cross-validation
the number of each levelapproach
of eachwas chosen
disease wasinequally
order to obtain
more accurate training results to verify that our chosen model was
Secondly, during the training process, one of these five subsets was sequentially used as valid and reliable.
Firstly, the dataset
the validation obtained
set and after twicefour
the remaining usingsubsets
RLDCPwere dataused
augmentation was divided
as the training set forinto
five subsets,constituting
and in eachfive sets of
subset, training
the number andofvalidation
each leveldata.
of eachFinally, these
disease fiveequally
was sets of
data wereSecondly,
divided. trained on each of
during thethe three models.
training process,Itone
is noticeable that
of these five we setwas
subsets the batch size to
4 thisas
used timetheand the total
validation setnumber
and theof iterationsfour
remaining trained remained
subsets were usedthe same.
as the The results
training set are
the in Figure constituting
experiment, 7. five sets of training and validation data. Finally, these five
sets of data were trained on each of the three models. It is noticeable that we set the batch
size to 4 this time and the total number of iterations trained remained the same. The results
are shown in Figure 7.
Plants 2022, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 14 of 20

Plants 2022, 11, 3174 14 of 20

Figure 7. MIoUs for the three models were validated using 5-fold cross-validation. The dataset was
divided into 5 parts, set as data-1 to data-5. fold-i is equal to the experimental results obtained by
treating 7. MIoUs
data-i as thefor the threeset
validation models were
and the restvalidated using
of the data 5-fold
as the cross-validation.
training set. The dataset was
divided into 5 parts, set as data-1 to data-5. fold-i is equal to the experimental results obtained by
Firstly,data-i as the validation
the MIoUs set and
of the three the rest
models of the dataless
fluctuated as the training
among theset.
five sets of experi-
ments. Secondly, the differences between the three models were relatively stable in each
experiment. the MIoUs
Finally, of thethat
it is evident three models fluctuated
RSegformer performed less among
best amongthethefive setsmodels,
three of experi-
on average the1.5%
and 2.5%between the three
higher than models
Segformer andwere relativelyrespectively.
Deeplabv3+, stable in each
experiment. Finally,
To verify that it is evident that RSegformer
the cross-validation results of theperformed best among
three models the three models,
were statistically sig-
with MIoUs on average 1.5% and 2.5% higher than Segformer and
nificantly different, and because the crossover experiments for the three models were Deeplabv3+, respec-
independent of each other and their results were consistent with continuity, normality
To verify that
and homogeneity the cross-validation
of variance, we chose a results
one-way of analysis
the threeof models were
variance statistically
(ANOVA) andsig-
usednificantly different,
SPSS software for and because
statistical the crossover
analysis. The ANOVAexperiments
resultsfor the three
showed thatmodels were in-
the different
models of each other
had significantly and their
different results
effects were consistent
on MIoU, F = 39.853,with
p =continuity,
0.000005, asnormality
shown inand
Table of variance,
5. The multiple we chose a results
mean comparison one-way analysis
showed thatofthe
variance (ANOVA)
RSegformer model and
significantly betterfor
SPSS software than Segformer
statistical and Deeplabv3+.
analysis. The ANOVA results showed that the different mod-
els had significantly different effects on MIoU, F = 39.853, p = 0.000005, as shown in Table
Table 5. One-way
5. The multipleanalysis
variance results for different
results showedmodels.
that the RSegformer model was signifi-
cantly better than Segformer and Deeplabv3+.
Model MIoU (%) F-Test Multiple Comparisons
(x ± s) F P
RSegformer 87.56 ± 0.45 39.853 0.000005 RSegformer > Segformer
Segformer 86.02 ± 0.46 RSegformer > DeepLabv3+
DeepLabv3+ 84.80 ± 0.54 Segformer > DeepLabv3+
Plants 2022, 11, 3174 15 of 20

4.3. Model Ablation Study

The ablation experiments were designed to investigate the effectiveness of the sam-
pling operators on the shunted transformer, CA attention and CARAFE. We compared the
IoUs of background, leaf, bacterial blight, blast, brown spot and the overall MIoU, as shown
in Table 6. The segmentation performance of the models that did not use these methods
was below the maximum accuracy of RSegformer.

Table 6. MIoU comparison in ablation study when removing some blocks.

Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 RSegformer

MIoU 83.95% 84.50% 84.43% 85.13% 85.22%
Background 99.21% 99.27% 99.26% 99.31% 99.35%
Leaf 90.74% 91.20% 91.43% 91.61% 92.15%
Bacterial blight 79.47% 79.31% 79.65% 80.16% 80.46%
Blast 77.68% 78.44% 78.23% 79.57% 79.67%
Brown spot 72.65% 74.29% 73.60% 75.03% 74.50%

Model 1 is the original Segformer model, Model 2 is the model after replacing the
encoding part of the Segformer model with shunted transformer and Model 3 is the model
after adding CA attention to the middle part of encoding and decoding on top of Model
2. Model 4 is the model after replacing the bilinear up-sampling with CARAFE in the
decoding part on top of Model 2.
After replacing the coding backbone with shunted transformer, the segmentation
accuracy improved for almost all diseases and leaves and backgrounds except for rice
bacterial blight. This may be because SSA has better feature extraction for small targets
through multiscale token aggregation, which unifies multiscale feature extraction within
a single self-attentive layer and therefore has better segmentation capability for dense
micro-miniature disease spots such as brown spots and rice blast.
The segmentation accuracy of rice bacterial blight disease improved with the addition
of CA attention. This may be because CA attention takes into account the relationships
of the location information in the feature space, which enables the model to capture the
long-distance dependence between spatial locations. Therefore, there is an improvement in
segmenting images of rice bacterial blight, which has an onset colour similar to that of rice
ears and a wide distribution area.
All disease segmentation accuracies improved significantly with the addition of the
CARAFE operator. This may be because the CARAFE up-sampling method has a larger
perceptual field and can make better use of the surrounding information and also the
up-sampling kernel in CARAFE is related to the semantic information of the feature map,
enabling up-sampling based on the input content. Thus, it can significantly improve the
overall segmentation performance of the network.
When CA attention and CARAFE cooperate, the segmentation accuracy of all diseases
except brown spot improved. We determined that this may be because since CARAFE
can better capture semantic information, CA attention can better capture feature spatial
location information, and the combination of the two to complement each other effectively
improves the model’s segmentation performance.

4.4. Comparison of Model Inference Results

To investigate the segmentation performance of Deeplabv3+, Segformer and RSeg-
former, we analysed the inference results. This is shown in Figure 8. From the first row,
it can be seen that RSegformer identifies leaf edge contours better than the other models
in the presence of complex background interference. The second row shows that RSeg-
former can still detect rice blast onset areas and achieve fine segmentation under dark light
conditions. In the third row, Deeplabv3+ misdetects the white-grey area above the leaf
as a bacterial blight lesion in the segmentation, but Segformer and RSegformer do not,
as the rice blast onset area exhibits very similar colour symptoms to the background. In
To investigate the segmentation performance of Deeplabv3+, Segformer and
RSegformer, we analysed the inference results. This is shown in Figure 8. From the first
row, it can be seen that RSegformer identifies leaf edge contours better than the other
models in the presence of complex background interference. The second row shows that
RSegformer can still detect rice blast onset areas and achieve fine segmentation under
Plants 2022, 11, 3174 dark light conditions. In the third row, Deeplabv3+ misdetects the white-grey area16above of 20

the leaf as a bacterial blight lesion in the segmentation, but Segformer and RSegformer do
not, as the rice blast onset area exhibits very similar colour symptoms to the background.
the fourth
In the row,
fourth it can
row, be seen
it can thatthat
be seen the the
RSegformer model
blurred edges
blurred edges of
of brownspot disease
spot diseasevery well,
very in in
well, line with
line withthe
that CA
CA attention
attention significantly
significantly improved
improved the the fine
segmentationof ofmargins.
margins. InIn the
the fifth
Deeplabv3+,and andSegformer
Segformerboth bothshow
RSegformercan cansegment
segment accurately, which
accurately, has important
which implications
has important for the for
implications timelythe
monitoring and early warning of rice diseases. The sixth row uses the
timely monitoring and early warning of rice diseases. The sixth row uses the syntheticsynthetic leaf of rice
bacterial blight disease
of rice bacterial blightand its inference
disease results after
and its inference data enhancement,
results and the segmented
after data enhancement, and the
area of RSegformer
segmented was closer towas
area of RSegformer the closer
to image.
the labelled image.

Figure 8. Example inference results for the validation sets on the three models. The first column
represents the real images, the second column represents the real labels, the third column shows
the inference results for the DeepLabv3+ network model, the fourth column shows the inference
results for the Segformer network model, and the fifth column shows the inference results for the
RSegformer network model.

4.5. Comparison of Rice Disease Severity Estimates

Based on the model segmentation results, rice disease areas and leaf areas can be
extracted, the disease percentage of leaf area can be calculated based on the area pixel
area and severity classes can be calculated based on the rice disease classification criteria
inference results for the DeepLabv3+ network model, the fourth column shows the inference results
for the Segformer network model, and the fifth column shows the inference results for the RSeg-
former network model.

4.5. Comparison of Rice Disease Severity Estimates

Plants 2022, 11, 3174 Based on the model segmentation results, rice disease areas and leaf areas can 17 ofbe
extracted, the disease percentage of leaf area can be calculated based on the area pixel area
and severity classes can be calculated based on the rice disease classification criteria in
Section 2.1.4.
in Section In this
2.1.4. experiment,
In this the confusion
experiment, matrices
the confusion of DeepLabv3+,
matrices of DeepLabv3+,Segformer and
RSegformer for determining the severity of rice bacterial blight, rice blast and brown
and RSegformer for determining the severity of rice bacterial blight, rice blast and brown spot,
respectively, were compared,
spot, respectively, as shown
were compared, in Figure
as shown 9. In the
in Figure 9. Inconfusion matrix,
the confusion each row
matrix, each
represents the correct
row represents category,
the correct and each
category, andcolumn represents
each column the predicted
represents category.
the predicted category.

Confusion matrices
Figure matrices for the
classesofofdifferent rice
different diseases
rice under
diseases underdifferent network
different net-
work The first
models. Therow
the is
confusion matrixmatrix
the confusion of the three
of themodels for the for
three models estimation of the severity
the estimation of the
severity of rice bacterial
of rice bacterial blight disease,
blight disease, the second
the second rowconfusion
row is the is the confusion
matrix matrix of themodels
of the three three models
for the
for the estimation
estimation of the severity
of the severity of rice
of rice blast blast disease
disease and theandthirdthe third
row row
is the is the confusion
confusion matrix ofmatrix of
the three
the three models for the estimation of the severity of brown
models for the estimation of the severity of brown spot disease. spot disease.

To improve our understanding of the causes of this phenomenon, we further analysed

the misclassification problem. Analysis of the confusion matrix showed that our model
was more accurate than other models in grading the severity estimates for the two diseases
other than rice bacterial blight. For rice bacterial blight, rice blight and brown spot, 16,
15 and 15 samples were misclassified by RSegformer, respectively, with disease severity
overestimated in 12, 10 and 5 of these samples. Possible reasons for this misclassification
were blurred leaf edges and similarity of leaf colour to the background, resulting in the
segmented leaf area being smaller than the actual area.
RSegformer was below average for accuracy at level 3, with rice bacterial blight and
rice blast mostly overestimated at level 4, which we determined was a result of the difficulty
in defining the edges of the yellow halo for some diseases, resulting in the model predicting
Plants 2022, 11, 3174 18 of 20

a larger lesion area than the marked area. Brown spot was mostly underestimated at level 2,
probably due to the clustering of spots, which made it difficult to split the predicted spots.

5. Conclusions
In this study, a semantic segmentation method based on Segformer, shunted trans-
former encoder, CA attention mechanism and CARAFE up-sampling operator was pro-
posed to identify and segment rice bacterial blight, rice blast and brown spot; improve
segmentation accuracy using the RLDCP data enhancement method and calculate the
area and number of spots based on the segmentation results; then, the disease severity
classification criteria were used to determine the rating. The results show that: (1) the
proposed RLDCP data enhancement method outperforms traditional data enhancement
methods in generalisation and significantly improves the detection performance of the se-
mantic segmentation model without additional training costs compared with GAN models.
(2) The RSegformer semantic segmentation model achieves MIOU of 85.38%, in contrast
with DeepLabV3+ and Segformer, with minor increases in the numbers of parameters
and computational effort, exceeding DeepLabV3+ by 1.91% and the Segformer-B1 model
by 1.43%. (3) The model has greater accuracy in classifying lesion severity on the newly
established severity criteria.
The semantic segmentation model proposed in this study achieves pixel-level classifi-
cations of different rice diseases and provides a reference for related plant disease detection
studies. In the future, we suggest designing semantic segmentation models with higher
accuracy and smaller size, expanding the dataset of different disease types and disease
stages of rice, producing more fine-grained semantic segmentation labels and adopting
more concise and efficient data enhancement methods to achieve rice disease segmentation
and severity ranking.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, Z.L., P.C. and L.S.; Data curation, P.C. and L.S.; Formal
analysis, Z.L., M.W. and L.Z.; Funding acquisition, Z.L. and Y.W.; Investigation, P.C. and L.S.;
Methodology, Z.L., P.C. and L.S.; Project administration, Z.L., M.W. and L.Z.; Resources, Z.L., P.C.
and L.S.; Software, L.S.; Supervision, Y.W. and J.M.; Validation, P.C. and L.S.; Visualization, P.C. and
L.S.; Writing—original draft, P.C. and L.S.; Writing—review & editing, Z.L., P.C. and L.S. All authors
have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This work was funded by the Research on intelligent monitoring and early warning
technology for major rice pests and diseases of the Sichuan Provincial Department of Science and
Technology (grant number 2022NSFSC0172) and the Research and application of key technologies for
intelligent spraying based on machine vision (key technology research project) of Sichuan Provincial
Department of Science and Technology (grant number 22ZDYF0095).
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: The three varieties of diseased rice leaf images and masks used
in this study are available at
segmentation-labels (accessed on 3 November 2022) and can be shared on request.
Acknowledgments: Thanks to Xueqin Jiang, Xingyu Jia and Boda Zhang for their advice throughout
the research process. Thanks to all the partners of AI Studio for their support.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare that they have no known conflicting financial interests or
personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.

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