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Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 119 (2023) 105754

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AgriDet: Plant Leaf Disease severity classification using agriculture detection

Arunangshu Pal ∗, Vinay Kumar
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, National Institute of Technology Jamshedpur, Adityapur, Jharkhand, 831014, India


Keywords: In the field of modern agriculture, plant disease detection plays a vital role in improving crop productivity.
Plant disease detection To increase the yield on a large scale, it is necessary to predict the onset of the disease and give advice
Severity classes to farmers. Previous methods for detecting plant diseases rely on manual feature extraction, which is more
Deep learning
expensive. Therefore, image-based techniques are gaining interest in the research area of plant disease
detection. However, existing methods have several problems due to the improper nature of the captured
image, including improper background conditions that lead to occlusion, illumination, orientation, and size.
Also, cost complexity, misclassifications, and overfitting problems occur in several real-time applications. To
solve these issues, we proposed an Agriculture Detection (AgriDet) framework that incorporates conventional
Inception-Visual Geometry Group Network (INC-VGGN) and Kohonen-based deep learning networks to detect
plant diseases and classify the severity level of diseased plants. In this framework, image pre-processing is done
to remove all the constraints in the captured image. Then, the occlusion problem is tackled by the proposed
multi-variate grabcut algorithm for effective segmentation. Furthermore, the framework performs accurate
disease detection and classification by utilizing an improved base network, namely a pre-trained conventionally
based INC-VGGN model. Here, the pre-trained INC-VGGN model is a deep convolutional neural network for
prediction of plant diseases that was previously trained for the distinctive dataset. The pre-trained weights and
the features learned in this base network are transferred into the newly developed neural network to perform
the specific task of plant disease detection for our dataset. In order to overcome the overfitting problem, a
dropout layer is introduced, and the deep learning of features is performed using the Kohonen learning layer.
After percentage computation, the improved base network classifies the severity classes in the training sets.
Finally, the performance of the framework is computed for different performance metrics and achieves better
accuracy than previous models. Also, the performance of the statistical analysis is validated to prove the results
in terms of accuracy, specificity, and sensitivity.

1. Introduction (2019), Ale et al. (2019). To provide a reliable treatment for the
disease, the diagnosis of leaf diseases must be incorporated into the
Agriculture is the most primary and essential source of furnishing tools. Therefore, raising crops for the livelihood of the people and
national income based on a country’s quality and quantity of products, increasing their productivity are the essential goals of a farmer. The
especially crops and plants. According to the report of the Ministry of growth and yield of the crops are adversely affected due to plant
Agriculture and Farmers Welfare (MAFW) community, 58% of people diseases. Hence, the diagnosis of plant diseases is a major concern
primarily depend on agriculture for their occupation, mainly in India. for the management and production of crops (Barbedo, 2019; Thomas
Natural disorder factors such as pests, weeds, and diseases account et al., 2018; Shruthi et al., 2019). This involves a huge amount of labour
for 15%–25% of crop production losses. Monitoring of disease plays and takes a long time to process. Techniques for image processing can
a significant part in the successful development of crops on the farm be used to determine plant diseases. Disease symptoms are often visible
with the support of efficient farming procedures. In the beginning, a on the fruit, stem, and leaves. The plant leaf is taken into consideration
specialist in that sector would manually monitor and analyse plant for disease identification as it exhibits disease symptoms.
illnesses. Several monitoring-based devices are used in plant disease Numerous methods have been introduced by the researchers to
detection, but this adds complexity and raises hardware costs. Hence, achieve better results in identifying the types of diseases in the
farmers with limited income cannot afford to buy such monitoring leaves. In earlier days, manual detection methods were used in the
devices for detecting diseases. Vishnoi et al. (2020), Sharath et al. prediction of crop diseases. This is where experts classify the disease

∗ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (A. Pal).
Received 5 May 2022; Received in revised form 10 November 2022; Accepted 19 December 2022
Available online xxxx
0952-1976/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Pal and V. Kumar Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 119 (2023) 105754

and recommend a treatment plan. This process becomes challenging • Lastly, a pre-trained model based on conventional INC-VGGN is
due to the high cost of labour as the disease detection process is employed to construct a Quantifying Disease Severity Classifica-
difficult and has a high computational overhead. Golhani et al. (2018), tion (QDSC) strategy that extracts the pre-learned features and
Sandhu and Kaur (2019). The image-based detection and classification classifies the disease severity classes.
methods were determined based on Plant Leaf Disease (PLD) measures. • The performance of the proposed method is compared with other
This reduces the labour costs as well as the processing complexity existing approaches under different performance metrics.
(Radovanović and Ðukanovic, 2020; Indumathi et al., 2017; Nafi and
Hsu, 2020; Prathusha et al., 2019). Therefore, an automatic image- The structure of the paper is organized as follows: In Section 2 the
based method for disease classification needs to be developed for literature survey is presented. Followed by this the working process
agricultural applications. Many state-of-the-art algorithms in image of the AgriDet framework is explained in detail in Section 3. Sec-
processing, such as deep learning, neural networks, Support Vector tion 4 presents the performance evaluation of the proposed work.
Machine (SVM), and Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT), are The applicability of the proposed approach in real-time testing and
used for plant leaf disease detection and classification. But most of detection is discussed in Section 5. Finally, Section 6 provides the
these systems are inaccurate and involve millions of parameters for overall conclusion, limitations and future works.
training the images to provide classification (Tete and Kamlu, 2017;
Goncharov et al., 2018; Sardogan et al., 2018). Also, convolutional 2. Literature survey
auto-encoder–decoder-based approaches are used for detecting plant
diseases. Further, the system incorporates hybrid techniques to detect In this section, a survey of various existing plant disease detection
the disease spot in the leaves. These models, however, suffer from techniques is presented to better understand their workings, and flaws
multiple complex backgrounds, complex processes in training huge are discussed as follows:
datasets, a lack of multi-scale features, misclassified patches caused by With the rapid growth of the population, agriculture is an es-
samples being affected by environmental factors, and a high execution sential part of all countries’ energy sources. However, plant diseases
time due to the large training set. Hence, there is a need to develop an have an influence on the quantity and quality of crops for agricul-
efficient, cost-effective image processing system for accurate detection tural expansion. In order to prevent and control plant diseases, it is
and severity classification of plant diseases. crucial to first diagnose them. The approach used for plant disease
detection is performed manually by professionals. However, it takes
more time to process. An automated plant disease detection model has
In the current era, plant disease detection has become a major focus
been developed to solve these problems. Deep learning (DL) models
in agricultural applications involving the improvement or modification
have been successfully applied to a number of tasks in the context of
of soil, crops, livestock, poultry, fish, or shellfish and their resulting
current image processing technology, including disease detection, seg-
products as they relate to human health using machine learning mod-
mentation, recognition, and classification. For plant disease prediction,
els (Ramesh et al., 2018; Daniya and Vigneshwari, 2019). Further,
traditional state-of-the-art methods such as panoramic image stitching,
it relates to bacteria, fungi, and viruses, as well as pest organisms.
SVM, Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), VGG-19, and VGG-M were
This detection model will make it easier for many farmers to detect
used (Karthik et al., 2013; Lee et al., 2015; Khan et al., 2020). To
plant diseases early, prevent plant waste, and protect disease trans-
solve the classification problems, Wang et al. (2016) introduced a Self-
mission from diseased to healthy plants. Several existing studies on
adaptive Extreme Learning Machine (SaELM) model for obtaining a
plant disease detection have used network models such as GoogleNet,
unique optimal solution with a faster learning period. This model does
AlexNet (Jadhav et al., 2021), ImageNet, or VGG19 (Chen et al.,
not need to have any parameters adjusted during the training process.
2020). However, these models cannot update the network, and the
For the purpose of different image data, (Wang et al., 2022) designed an
higher computational cost and network structure were relatively high.
automatic architecture named Expressive Neural Function Unit (ENFU)
Furthermore, automated systems based on the deep learning model
that combines three networks (DensNet, GoogleNet, and ResNet) to
(Chohan et al., 2020) have several issues, including complex multiple
facilitate the joint search of CNN model depth. This architecture ex-
backgrounds, complex processes in training massive datasets, a lack
ploits evolutionary operators to improve the architecture’s operations,
of multi-scale features, and extensive knowledge. As a result, failure
frequently based on Monarch Butterfly Optimization (MBO). However,
to detect and classify plant disease stage level is a major problem in
these models lead to suboptimal results and cause major degradation
agriculture. Therefore, the existing methods have gaps in satisfying
in classification tasks.
the above requirements for image detection tasks from plant disease
In Pantazi et al. (2016), a vital technique is employed for pattern
images. Motivated by these facts and existing studies, the AgriDet
recognition using the One Class SVM (OCSVM) method to process
framework is proposed in this paper to accurately detect plant disease
complex structures when the data is large. However, this method
and classify the stage level of plant disease with high accuracy.
is not suitable for real-time applications. Another author Mat et al.
The major contributions of the proposed AgriDet framework is
(2016) used the Greenhouse Management System on Wireless Sen-
presented as follows,
sor Network (GHMS-WSN). This system cannot be processed when
• The AgriDet framework is designed for detecting diseases in the data is large. Ferentinos (2018) introduced five basic CNN ar-
plants through image processing techniques. This incorporates the chitectures to detect plant disease, and further diagnosis is carried
conventional INC-VGGN as the base network with a new neural out using deep learning methods. The CNN architectures considered
network architecture built for disease prediction. are AlexNet, AlexNetOWTBn, GoogleNet, Overfeat, and Visual Geom-
• The proposed framework performs pre-processing of images to etry Group (VGG). Then, these architectures were implemented in
eliminate the issues in image acquisition, and further, a multi- the Torch7 machine learning computational framework. However, this
variate grab-cut algorithm is proposed for image segmentation method is not suitable for low-quality images and does not work
to tackle the occlusion problem when considering multiple back- well for real-time applications. Another author Nandhini et al. (2018)
grounds in images. introduced the Web Enabled Disease Detection System based on Com-
• The Kohonen-based deep learning is performed to more accu- pressed Sensing (WEDDS-CS) algorithm for detecting diseases in plants.
rately learn the multi-scale features of the leaf disease by using Initially, the images are acquired using the camera and segmented using
the previously learned features in the INC-VGGN model to im- a threshold to extract only the essential regions to predict the skin
prove the detection accuracy. Further, overfitting is avoided by disease. Next, CS compresses only the essential segmented parts of the
using the dropout layer in the network. image and passes it to the cloud. Further, the features are extracted

A. Pal and V. Kumar Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 119 (2023) 105754

from the image to predict the type of disease. But, this method is not Grabcut algorithm (MGA) is used in a segmentation process to extract
suitable for low quality images. the diseased part of the leaf region. Then Kohonen-based deep learning
Moreover, Karthik et al. (2020) used attention based residual CNN is performed to learn the multi-scale features of the leaf disease using
for effective learning of the features that cause disease in the tomato previously learned features of the INC-VGGN model, responsible for
plant. At first, residual learning is applied to find the essential features detection. Further, a Quantifying Disease Severity Classification (QDSC)
for classification. Then, in the second type, the attention mechanism strategy extracts the pre-learned features and classifies the disease
is applied to the top of the residual learning network. Three types of severity into three classes: mild, moderate, and severe, using a conven-
diseases are addressed using this model, such as the blight disease in its tional pre-trained INC-VGGN network based on the severity measure
early and later stages and the leaf mold disease. But, large number of of Percentage of Disease Severity (PDS). Thus, the model achieves
parameters are required in this model. Zhang et al. (2019) proposed good efficiency in detection, and the validity accuracy is increased
a hybrid clustering algorithm for segmentation in the detection of compared to other approaches when experimented on the PlantDoc and
plant disease. In this, the colour leaf images are split up into different PlantVillage datasets.
compacts and then clustered into super pixels. This provides the cues Plant disease detection and recognition are considered vital factors
for clustering to perform segmentation, and the speed of convergence in the field of agriculture. This image-based detection is useful to miti-
is increased by the Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm. The gate the challenges of using sensor based products to protect their crops
initial parameters are found by combining the two Gaussian distri- from diseases. For this, developing an advanced mobile application is
butions using the EM algorithm. This method leads to an increase indispensable to assist the farmers. Here, the farmers can upload the
in computational complexity and time. Another author Liang et al. suspicious images of the crops and get the required feedback regarding
(2019) presented an image-based Plant Disease Diagnosis and Severity the disease. The development of the AgriDet framework involves the
Estimation Network (PD2 SE-Net) for real-time disease diagnosis in following procedures:
plants. This model comprises the residual structure with shuffle units.
• At first, the base network is determined, and the network weights
Then, residual learning is performed for image classification using the
are acquired from the pre-trained CNN model. Here, INC-VGGN
residual function. Finally, a shuffle block is placed to effectively analyse
(Chen et al., 2020) is used as the base network.
the image, and the channel split operator is used to learn the features
• Secondly, the new neural network is established with its own
in two branches. But the performance accuracy is low for some classes.
layers by inserting, changing, or removing the layers from the
Chen et al. (2020) used Deep CNN-based INC-VGGN (DCNN-INC-
pre-trained network.
VGGN) for identifying the disease of the plant. Here, VGGNet with the
• Finally, the newly formed network is tuned to minimize the
inception module is considered to perform disease classification. The
occurrence of loss while performing suitable tasks.
performance is improved by replacing the convolutional layer present
at the end with another convolutional layer. Also, the Swish activation The proposed AgriDet framework consists of two parts: the first portion
function is used in place of the Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU). This extracts the features using the pre-trained model, and the second
is done to improve the selection of features in the image. But these portion comprises the extended layers used in the extraction of the
methods cannot work under complex background conditions. Another high-level features. These feature maps are used in disease prediction.
author Iniyan et al. (2020) used SVM and Artificial Neural Network Here, the CNN pre-trained for a particular task is reused to perform
(ANN) for detecting the plant disease. At first, image pre-processing is the task of the second model. In this way, efficiency is improved and
carried out, and the image is converted into a suitable colour space. training time is reduced by using the initialized weights from the
Then, filtering is done to remove the noise. For this, the type of noise pre-trained network. These weights were previously acquired by pre-
is identified and then it is filtered. Finally, the disease classification is training the model on public datasets such as ImageNet. Then, these
carried out using SVM and ANN-based models. weights are used in the present model to perform disease detection. The
From the existing studies, it is evident that the earlier techniques architecture of the proposed AgriDet framework is shown in Fig. 1.
suffer from several limitations involving: (a) the improper nature of The developed neural network is modelled here, which incorpo-
the captured image and complex background conditions that lead rates Kohonen’s associative multi-layer deep neural network to pro-
to occlusion, illumination, orientation, and size (b) In several real- vide suggestions to the farmer. This allows for accurate diagnosis and
time applications, cost complexity, training loss, overfitting problems, detection of plant diseases. This framework comprises five different
and inaccurate detection occur; (c) misclassified patches occur due to processes, such as data collection, pre-processing, segmentation, deep
samples being affected by environmental factors; (d) long execution neural model training, and real-time testing. The general block diagram
times due to a large training set; and (e) irregular shape problems for of the proposed AgriDet framework is shown in Fig. 2.
some images. Focused on these challenges, there is a need to design an The proposed AgriDet framework involves five phases: data collec-
improved pre-trained model that can accurately detect plant diseases tion and dataset description, pre-processing, segmentation, proposed
and classify the stage level of plant disease with high accuracy. improved base network for detection and classification, Quantifying
The positive and negative aspects of each technique are shown Disease Severity Classification (QDSC). These phases are described as
in Table 1. The proposed AgriDet framework findings, as shown in follows:
Table 2, observe more fully covered and evaluated measures than
other method findings. The overall comparative analysis of existing 3.1. Data collection and dataset description
approaches and the findings of the proposed approach are summarized
in Table 2. Leaf disease detection is initiated through the collection of images
of the leaves. Once the image is collected, the data is prepared to
3. Proposed AgriDet framework make it suitable for further processing, since the raw image cannot
be processed. This is done to avoid the anomalies and errors that
In the proposed framework, we have proposed an Agriculture De- occur during the image acquisition process. In this work, the images
tection (AgriDet) framework that incorporates conventional INC-VGGN from two different datasets are considered. They are the Plantdoc and
and Kohonen-based deep learning networks to detect plant diseases and Plantvillage datasets, which comprise the single background image and
classify the severity level of diseased plants. Initially, the preprocessing multiple background images, respectively. This leads to the occlusion
step is performed to eliminate the unequal and improper size of the problem, and other distortions may occur due to poor illumination,
images using image scaling, enhancement, and contrast adjustments. noise, etc. Therefore, it requires pre-processing before the detection
To solve complex multiple background problems, the Multi-variant process.

A. Pal and V. Kumar Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 119 (2023) 105754

Fig. 1. Proposed AgriDet architecture.

Fig. 2. Block diagram of proposed AgriDet framework.

A. Pal and V. Kumar Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 119 (2023) 105754

Table 1
Positive and negative aspects of each technique.
Technique Positive aspects Negative aspects
Panoramic image -Reduces the computational -Fed low features as input
stitching approach complexity
(Karthik et al.,
CNN (Lee et al., -Learns discriminative features -High time-consuming due to high
2015) -Different plant species were level of training set
identified -Misclassified patches occurred
-High classification accuracy due to samples being affected by
environmental factors
SaELM (Wang et al., -Faster learning period -High computational overhead.
2016) -Does not need to adjust any
parameters during the training
ENFU-MBO (Wang -Less execution time -Leads to sub-optimal results
et al., 2022)
VGG-19 and VGG-M -Most prominent features were -Similar feature problem
(Khan et al., 2020) selected for feature extraction
-Less computational time
OCSVM (Pantazi -High recognition of each disease -Irregular shape problem occurred
et al., 2016) -Early stage diseases was for some images
GHMS-WSN (Mat -Obtain optimum irrigation -High energy consumption
et al., 2016) -Acquire crop production -Lack of disease sample
environment condition
VGG-CNN -Suitable for automated detection -Need expansion for the dataset
(Ferentinos, 2018) of plant disease -Large-scale on open-field
-Presence of real time images in cultivations
the training data
WEDDS-CS -Reduces the storage capacity -Repeat reconstruction process
(Nandhini et al., -High detection and classification -High processing time
2018) accuracy
Attention embedded -Process with more contextual -Numerous parameters needed for
residual CNN information detection
(Karthik et al.,
Hybrid clustering -Provide useful clustering cues to -Complexity of different regions.
algorithm (Zhang guide image segmentation
et al., 2019) -High practical value for disease
PD2 SE-Net (Liang -Enable information among -Not applicable for agriculture
et al., 2019) channels sector
-Low computational cost
DCNN-INC-VGGN -Exacts high dimensional features -Not applied for real-time
(Chen et al., 2020) applications
SVM-ANN (Iniyan -Used small number of samples - Still the performance were
et al., 2020) and features prone to misclassification
-Low space complexity and time

Pennsylvania University provided the Plant Village dataset (Hughes with 13 species and 2,598 images. The statistics of the PlantDoc and
and Salathé, 2015). This dataset is appropriate for plant disease re- PlantVillage datasets are shown in Tables 3 and 4, respectively.
search. Here, more than 152 crops were considered, and 38 classes are
included. There are more than 56,000 images collected from the same 3.2. Pre-processing
source. This includes collecting images of crops grown locally with the
appropriate set of diseases to which the crop is exposed. It consists of In the pre-processing stage, three different processes are carried
out, such as image scaling, enhancement, and contrast adjustment
high-quality images collected from the plants. The image format is a
(Pooja et al., 2017). Due to the unequal and improper size of the
jpeg with a suitable width and height of 5472 and 3648, respectively.
images, it cannot be directly used in image processing tasks. For plant
Further, it is subjected to preprocessing to eliminate the occurrence of
disease detection, the images collected are from different backgrounds.
noise, and the size of the images in the dataset is reduced further to a
Therefore, they require images to be resized to a fixed height and width
size of 256 to 256. before being processed. Here, scaling is done in order to resize the
The PlantDoc dataset (Singh et al., 2020) consists of nearly 29,000 image, and the magnification process is called ‘‘up scaling’’. The image
images downloaded from the internet using the common and scientific resizing is done without any loss of image quality. Then, the resultant
names of 38 different classes of plants. Filtering is also performed to resized image comprises a larger or smaller number of pixels. Next, for
remove images that are inappropriate, such as non-leaf plants, out- the dark background images, the colour and contrast are enhanced to
of-scope images, duplicate images, and lab-controlled images. Further, make it easier for processing. The image segmentation can easily be
every image is checked properly, and the labelling errors are removed. performed in the L×a×b format rather than the RGB format. Therefore,
Finally, after elimination, the PlantDoc dataset comprises 27 classes the RGB image is converted into the L×a×b format.

A. Pal and V. Kumar Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 119 (2023) 105754

Table 2 Table 4
Comparative analysis of existing approach findings (✔ : fully covered and evaluated; Statistics of PlantVillage dataset.
x: not evaluated). Sr.No. Category Classes Sample frequencies

Computational complexity
Papers 1. Fungi 18000

PLD severity measure

2. Bacteria 11000

Validation accuracy

Detection accuracy
3. Mold 3000

Training accuracy

Area under curve

4. Virus 5900

Validation loss

Average error
Training loss

Success rate
5. Mite 1900


6. Healthy 15 000
7. Apple 3500
8. Blueberry 1800
Karthik et al. (2013) x x x x x x x x x x x x ✔ 9. Cherry 1900
Plant Leaf
Lee et al. (2015) x x x x x x x ✔ x x x x x 10. Corn 3900
Khan et al. (2020) x x x x x ✔ x ✔ ✔ ✔ x x x 11. Grape 4000
Pantazi et al. (2016) x x x x x x x ✔ x x x x x 12. Orange 5800
Mat et al. (2016) x x x ✔ x x x x x x x x x 13. Peach 3000
Ferentinos (2018) x x x x x x x x x x ✔ ✔ x 14. Bell pepper 2500
Nandhini et al. (2018) x x x x x x x ✔ x x x x x 15. Potato 2200
Karthik et al. (2020) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ x x x ✔ x x x x x 16. Raspberry 500
Zhang et al. (2019) x x x x x x x x x x x x ✔ 17. Soya bean 5000
Liang et al. (2019) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ x x ✔ x x x x x 18. Squash 1900
Chen et al. (2020) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ x ✔ ✔ ✔ x x x x x 19. Strawberry 1800
Iniyan et al. (2020) x x x x x x x ✔ x x x x x 20. Tomato 18 000
Wang et al. (2016) x x ✔ ✔ x x x x x x x x x
Wang et al. (2022) x x x x x x x x x x x x ✔
Proposed AgriDet ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ x x x x ✔
Markov random field over the estimated pixel region that comprises the
energy function used in connecting the selected pixel regions, and then
Table 3 optimization is done based upon the graph cut algorithm to infer the
Statistics of PlantDoc dataset. values. This process will be repeated until convergence is obtained, and
Sr.No. Category Plant leaf Disease Sample frequencies then further estimates will be done to predict the misclassified regions.
1. Apple Rust 90 The PlantDoc dataset contains images obtained from the real cul-
2. Scab 99 tivation field, and therefore the acquired images comprise multiple
3. Bell Pepper Leaf Spot 70 backgrounds. Therefore, the background has to be discarded, and only
4. Corn Blight 185 the leaf region must be selected to perform disease detection. Here,
5. Grey Leaf Spot 70 we use the Multivariate Grabcut Algorithm (MGA) for extracting the
6. Rust 115
diseased part of the leaf region. The working process of the MGA is
7. Grape Black Rot 65 listed as follows:
8. Potato Early Blight 118 Step 1 The pre-processed image of the diseased leaf is acquired.
9. Late Blight 100
Step 2: Apply the image segmentation algorithm to acquire the
10. Squash Powdery Mildew 130 specific diseased leaf region and discard the background. Further, Hue
11. Tomato Bacterial Spot 110 Saturation Value (HSV) is applied to the segmented image.
12. Early Blight 85 Step 3: The selected focal points of the leaf image are considered
13. Late Blight 120
14. Mold 90
the foreground, and their surroundings are considered the background.
15. Mosaic Virus 50 The unknown part of the image is considered either background or
16. Septoria Leaf Spot 150 foreground.
17. Yellow Virus 75 Step 4: A random region is selected around the diseased leaf target
18. Apple 95 area, and the pixels inside the target area are considered unknown and
19. Bell Pepper 65
the pixels outside are considered known.
20. Blueberry 115
21. Cherry 60 Step 5: Model the foreground and background as the Gaussian
22. Grape 70 Mixture Model (GMM).
Healthy No disease
23. Peach 125 Step 6: Allocate the most vital Gaussian components to the fore-
24. Raspberry 125 ground and background pixels in the image, respectively.
25. Soya Bean 75
26. Strawberry 100
Step 7: Create a new GMM based upon the learning procedure to
27. Tomato 65 develop the pixel sets.
Step 8: Build the graph and apply the GrabCut algorithm, and then
define the new foreground class.
Step 9: Repeat steps 4–6 until the disease region is completely
3.3. Segmentation
Step 10: Formulate l-components of the multivariate features such
Once the preprocessing is done on the leaf images, image segmenta- as colour, size, texture, and shape for the background and foreground
tion is done. This is particularly suitable for the PlantDoc dataset, which regions, respectively.
contains images with multiple backgrounds. The common algorithm for Step 11: Acquire the values of the GMM from the colour statistics
segmentation is GrabCut (Pantazi et al., 2019), which uses graph cuts of each cluster. The colour clusters that are homogenous possess low
for extracting the essential diseased leaf regions. The algorithm works variance and offer efficient segmentation.
by drawing the user-specific bounding box around the specific object Step 12: Then, image segmentation is carried out by modelling
that requires segmentation (say, the diseased leaf part). The colour these regions using multivariate features such as colour, shape, and
distribution of the estimated region and its background are estimated texture. Finally, the pixel set is generated with l-components corre-
from the Gaussian mixture model. This helps in the development of the sponding to the leaf region.

A. Pal and V. Kumar Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 119 (2023) 105754

3.4. Proposed improved base network for detection and classification 3.4.2. Kohonen learning layer
In this layer, the competitive learning of the features is combined
After segmentation, the images from the PlantDoc and PlantVillage with the supervised learning mechanism. This layer is responsible for
datasets are subjected to the training process. The base network is solving the problems in classification using the heuristic approach.
initially placed to learn the characteristics of plant disease. Here, the Here, the reference vectors possess weights and they are used to denote
pre-trained model INC-VGGN is involved in the feature extraction. This which class is being learned. During the learning process, the com-
acts as an elementary feature extractor and eliminates the need for parison between the reference and the input vector is found and the
training. In this model, the first few layers are responsible for extracting value 1 is assigned to a single reference vector and all other vectors
the colour features. Here, inception is used to extract the features. Then,
are assigned the 0. The reference vector obtains the value 1 and outputs
during the feature extraction stage at multi-scale, the following layers
the class to which the input vector belongs to. Here, the winner utilizes
of convolution and pooling layers are used to extract rich features. To
all approaches and the weight update is only made to the winning
speed up the network, the swish activation function is employed after
reference vector during every iteration. In order to find the winning
the third pooling layer. Followed by this, a global pooling layer and
reference vector, the Euclidean distance between the input and the
a softmax classifier are placed in INC-VGGN. Using this base network,
the features of the plant diseases are learned more accurately. reference vector is found. This is given by the following equation.
{ }
The disease samples are then learned by the base INC-VGGN. This ‖ ‖
𝑑𝑖𝑠 = arg min ‖ 𝑢 − 𝑣𝑗 ‖ (5)
can be extended to the newly developed neural network that is involved 𝑗 ‖ ‖
in performing the disease detection task. The newly developed neural where, u is the input vector, 𝑣𝑗 is the reference vector. If the classifi-
network comprises the following layers: input, convolution, Kohonen cation is correct the reference vector is updated by (6) otherwise the
learning, pooling, soft max, dropout, fully connected, and output. In update is made by (7) as given in,
this neural network, the process of disease detection is learned more
deeply in order to extract every vital feature found for each category 𝑣𝑗 (𝑡 + 1) = 𝑣𝑗 (𝑡) + 𝜂(𝑡)(𝑢 − 𝑣𝑗 (𝑡)) (6)
of disease. In order to avoid the misclassification problem, the texture,
𝑣𝑗 (𝑡 + 1) = 𝑣𝑗 (𝑡) − 𝜂(𝑡)(𝑢 − 𝑣𝑗 (𝑡)) (7)
shape, size, colour, and other features are learned more accurately.
This is carried out using the Kohonen associative multi-layer deep Here, 𝜂 represents the learning rate and its value ranges from 0
neural network (Zhang et al., 2020). In this, Kohonen learning is to 1 and the value decreases monotonically with increase in time.
incorporated into the layers of the deep neural network. The functions If a match is found between the classes of the reference and input
of the different layers are listed as follows: Each layer of the neural vectors, the reference point is stimulated towards the input vector else
network performs a unique function.
it moved away from the input vector. The process is repeated till the
classification rate is achieved and the number of epochs is maximum.
3.4.1. Convolution
The convolution layer performs the most representative function in
the deep learning model. It performs the vital function such as feature 3.4.3. Pooling
extraction, image reconstruction and non-linear mapping. The feature Pooling layer is used in performing the classification tasks. In plant
extraction involves extraction of blocks from the segmented image in disease identification, the Kohonen layer learns the features of the plant
order to obtain the feature map for the input image. The equation to disease more accurately. The pooling layer present next to the Kohonen
perform convolution operation on the image is given as, layer classifies the type of disease based upon the features learned
𝑓1 (𝑢) = max(0, 𝑣1 ∗ 𝑢 + 𝑒1 ) (1) earlier. Also, it reduces the number of parameters which in turn reduces
the cost of computation required.
In this u represents the image, * denotes the convolution operator, 𝑣1
The pooling layer takes the largest vector (element) of every non-
is the kernel for convolution and 𝑒1 denotes the neuron bias vector.
overlapping regions present in the feature map. It performs the discrim-
Then, the vectors of the features are transferred from the low
inative task of disease classification from the image of the plant. The
resolution to the high resolution space using the non-linear mapping
disease prediction is done based upon what is present in the image and
function as given as,
does not focus on the location. The pooling layer reduces the size of the
𝑓2 (𝑢) = max(0, 𝑣2 ∗ 𝑢 + 𝑒2 ) (2) matrix obtained after the Kohonen learning. Here, the filter with stride
of 2 is commonly used.
The final image is reconstructed with high resolution using the gener-
ated feature graph and this is illustrated as,
3.4.4. Soft-max
𝐹 (𝑢) = 𝑣3 ∗ 𝑢 + 𝑒3 (3)
The soft-max layer speeds up the training process. Also, it is respon-
Here, 𝑣3 performs the functions of the linear filter and the recon- sible for making the model less variant to the variations produced at
struction of the image follows a linear operation. During training, the the input. Here, we use n-type soft-max layer in which the image is
parameters are estimated and optimized. In order to find the mean classified under one type of n-categories. In this n denotes the different
square error the following computation is done. types of diseases that occur in the plant. The loss produced during this
1 ∑ (
) process is given by,
𝐸(𝛩) = ( 𝐹 𝑢𝑖 , 𝛩 − 𝑋𝑖 )2 (4)
𝑗 𝑗=1 ∑
𝐿𝑜𝑠𝑠 = − 𝑣𝑖 log(𝑓 (𝑢)𝑖 ) (8)
The feature extraction from the segmented image is done at this layer. 𝑗
It involves different mathematical operations to perform feature extrac-
tion. Initially, the size of the input image is reduced by means of a filter. Here, 𝑓 (𝑢)𝑖 represents the conditional probability 𝑃 (𝑥 = 𝑥𝑗∕𝑡𝑖 ) for
During every iteration, a shift in the filter is made and the image is 𝛬
training. In this for 𝑡𝑗 the predicted value is 𝑥𝑗 . For softmax activation
multiplied with filter value and obtains the summed up result finally.
the probability function is given by,
Next, a new matrix is formed according to the input image size. Here
the convolutional operation is done with the input image of size 5 × 5 𝑒 𝑡𝑗
𝑓 (𝑢)𝑖 = ∑𝑘 (9)
and the filter size is 3 × 3. 𝑡𝑗
𝑗 𝑒

A. Pal and V. Kumar Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 119 (2023) 105754

3.4.5. Drop out layer Table 5

The drop out layer is responsible for the reduction of spatial dimen- Standards for the assessment of plant diseased images with the
severity classes.
sion and computational complexity and also avoids over-fitting issues.
Disease grading Disease severity classes
At 𝑛th pooling layer, the features are mitigated and the computation of
the available features is given by, PDS = 0% Normal
PDS ≥ 30% Severe
𝑢𝑙𝑗 = 𝑑𝑜𝑤𝑛(𝑢𝑙−1
𝑗 , 𝑡) (10) PDS < 30% Moderate
PDS < 20% Mild
Here, down (.) denotes the function of down-sampling, 𝑢𝑙−1𝑗 represents
the feature vectors from previous layer and t denotes the size of pool-
Table 6
ing. For real time applications in plant disease prediction, overfitting Pseudocode of the QDSC model.
seems to be a complex problem. Therefore, dropout layer drops the Pseudocode 1: QDSC model
neurons randomly during the process to avoid overfitting.
Input: Detected spots of diseased leaf images
Output: Quantifying disease severity classification results
3.4.6. Fully connected 1. Define set of detected spots in the diseased leaf area from the training process
The main function of the fully connected layer is to incorporate all 2. Divide the training data into three severity classes with approximately equal
the features learned in the previous layers. The final matrix obtained distribution of grading cases
is given to the fully connected layer. In this layer, the detection and 3. Calculate percentage calculation of PDS according to the diseased area per leaf
4. Assign PDS level in the training sets:
classification tasks are performed.
4 a. Set PDS = 0%, as the disease grading ∈ normal level
4 b. Set PDS ≥ 30%, as the disease grading ∈ severe level
3.4.7. Output layer 4 c. Set PDS < 30%, as the disease grading ∈ moderate level
This is the final layer in which the output is displayed. For any input 4 d. Set PDS < 20%, as the disease grading ∈ mild level
given to the AgriDet framework, the disease to which the leaf is exposed 5. Pre-trained conventional INC-VGGN model ← input images trained into the
conventional pre-trained INC-VGGN and SGD algorithm can reduce the loss during
is given as output. The farmers can visualize the type of disease through
this framework. 4 Detection results ← detected diseased leaves are spotted using detection method
and fed it to the pre-trained conventional INC-VGGN model
3.5. Quantifying Disease Severity Classification (QDSC) 5 Quantifying disease severity model ← classification results are obtained

After detecting the spots of diseased leaf area, an accurate analysis

of plant disease severity can cut to avoid the causes of diseases infected
by the insufficient drug usage, climate changes and environmental steps for the assessment of plant diseased images with the severity
pollution. In the present study, we used conventional pre-trained INC- classes are represented as,
VGGN is employed to construct a Quantifying Disease Severity Clas- • If the PDS = 0%, the detected diseased leaf images belongs to
sification (QDSC) Model that extracts the pre-learned features and normal level in the training dataset.
classifies the disease severity classes.
• If the PDS ≥ 30%, the detected diseased leaf images belongs to
severe level in the training dataset.
3.5.1. Quantifying Disease Severity Classification (QDSC) procedures
• If the PDS < 30%, the detected diseased leaf image belongs to
The QDSC procedure examines the assignment of plant diseased
moderate level in the training dataset.
images with the severity classes for training datasets. From the com-
pilation of training datasets, the severity can be classified into four • If the PDS < 20%, the detected diseased leaf image belongs to
classes such as Normal, Mild, Moderate and Severe. With the help mild level in the training dataset.
of plant pathologist and disease detection techniques, the severity
classes observes the diseased leaf area and computes the rating score, Step 3: Once the percentage of severity classes were computed, a
observations, maximum disease index for disease stage computation in conventional pre-trained INC-VGGN network is used to classify the
percentage. Based on the plant variety and disease types, the procedure tested plant disease images among three severity classes.
may change during percentage calculation. For this model, we compute
Step 4: For all diseased leaf images, the same procedure is repeated
the Percentage of Disease Severity (PDS) to derive the QDSC procedures
until sufficient datasets were accumulated into the conventional pre-
for the assignment of plant disease images with its severity classes. It
trained INC-VGGN model, and the Stochastic Gradient Decent (SGD)
is expressed as,
algorithm can reduce the loss and optimize the model during iterations.

Number of detected spots of diseased area per leaf Table 6 shows the pseudocode of the QDSC model.
%𝑃 𝐷𝑆 = × 100
Total leaf area
(11) 4. Experimental results and discussion

After calculating the disease percentage level, the diseased leaf area is This section comprises of details about the experimental settings,
used to derive the QDSC procedures for the assessment of plant diseased dataset used, metrics, visualization results and comparison results.
images with the severity classes. This procedure classifies the several
level into four classes: 0 = normal, ≥ 30% = severe, < 30% = moderate,
4.1. Experimental settings
< 20% = mild. The chosen percentages are decided based on number of
severity classes in the training sets. In the experimental work, we split
severity classes (normal, mild, moderate and severe) of images into four The proposed system is simulated using the Python tool and the
parts for severity measurement. The disease grading standards used for Kohonen based deep learning framework is accelerated using the GPU.
the QDSC is illustrated in Table 5. The experimental hardware setup comprise of Intel® Core™ i7-8750
The procedure for QDSC is presented as follows: CPU at 2.20 GHz and NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060. This is used for both
training and testing the model. The specification of training parameters
Step 1 The detected spots of diseased leaf area can be obtained from used for the proposed method is shown in Table 7.
the training set during the process of detection.
The proposed system is trained with the improved collection of
Step 2: After obtaining the detected leaf images, the disease severity two different benchmarked datasets such as Plant Village and PlantDoc
classes were accumulated in the training dataset. The disease grading datasets.

A. Pal and V. Kumar Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 119 (2023) 105754

Fig. 3. (a–j). Sample images (Leaf types (crops)) from Plantdoc and Plantvillage datasets.

Table 7 models. By using our approach, the complex background image as well
Specification of training parameters.
as different position variations are also detected.
Parameters Values Fig. 3(a–j) shows the sample of images taken from Plantdoc and
Batch size 32 Plantvillage datasets, which is used for detecting the diseased leaf
Epoch 30
images, segmenting the leaf region, and evaluate diseased leaf image
Momentum 0.9
Learning rate 0.01–0.00001 during the training and validation process.
Weight decay 0.0005 Fig. 4(a–j) shows the segmented output image from the sample
Optimizer ADAM images. After preprocessing, the diseased part of the leaf region is
extracted using MGA algorithm for accurate segmentation. Also, the
segmented eye region segmented various position variations from the
4.2. Metrics used sample images.
Fig. 5(a–j) shows the leaf disease detection results of different
The three different metrics used for the evaluation of the proposed segmented images. From the evaluated results, the proposed model
model are accuracy, sensitivity and specificity. Here, the correct de- achieves accurate detection performance for all images. As shown in
tections are considered as True Positives (TP), misdetections as false Fig. 5, blue colour represents the detection output of leaf disease.
negatives (FN). Along with this false positives and true negatives are
also considered. 4.4. Comparative evaluation
Accuracy = (12) For qualitative evaluation, we used several deep learning methods
𝑇𝑃 + 𝑇𝑁 + 𝐹𝑃 + 𝐹𝑁
𝑇𝑃 for comparison. The evaluated results of the proposed approach are
Sensitivity = (13)
𝑇𝑃 + 𝐹𝑁 compared with existing methods in terms of accuracy and loss for
𝑇𝑁 different epochs of training, statistical results of PLD severity, and
Specificity = (14)
𝐹𝑃 + 𝑇𝑁 statistical measures of sensitivity, specificity and accuracy for different
Here, TP and True negative (TN) denotes the correct and incorrect diseases from the collected Plantdoc and Plantvillage datasets. For
detection of number of instances that belong to the specific category. accuracy and loss comparison, the training and validation in terms of
False positive (FP) denotes incorrect classification of number of in- epoch is computed for disease detection from the plant leaf until the
stances that do not belong to the specific category but FN denotes segmentation is achieved. The performance evaluation is analysed in
the samples that do not belongs to specific category but are correctly the following sub-sections.
detected. The accuracy and loss comparison is made with the other existing
methods such as INC-VGGN (Chen et al., 2020), ResNet-50 (He et al.,
4.3. Visualization results 2016), VGGNet-19 (Simonyan and Zisserman, 2015) DenseNet-201
(Huang et al., 2017) and Inception V3 (Chollet, 2017) on comparison
This section presents the visual evaluation results that analyse var- with the proposed AgriDet framework. The accuracy of the AgriDet
ious experimental results on Plantdoc and Plantvillage datasets using framework is higher than the other existing methods and loss value
the proposed approach. In this, the proposed framework is simulated on is less than the other existing methods. The accuracy and loss values
diseased and healthy plant leaf databases with different leaf types such incurred during 30 epoch training is presented in Table 8.
as apple leaf, bell pepper leaf, corn leaf, grape leaf, potato leaf, tomato In the above Table 8, the computed values for the corresponding
leaf, potato leaf, corn leaf, tomato leaf, and squash leaf. Furthermore, training and validation process are presented clearly. Here, the measure
the proposed approach is processed under three main steps: prepro- of accuracy and loss is carried out for 10 and 30 epochs in training
cessing, segmentation, and detection. In many cases, the complete view and validation. The proposed AgriDet framework achieves a higher
of diseased leaf images could not be accurately detected using several accuracy and lower loss in all concerns. The performance of the existing

A. Pal and V. Kumar Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 119 (2023) 105754

Fig. 4. Results of segmented image of various position variations from the sample images.

Fig. 5. Results of accurate detection output (where blue colour represents the detection of leaf disease).

Table 8
Accuracy and loss for different epochs of training.
Models TA % (10 VA % (10 TL (10 VL (10 TA % (30 VA % (30 TL (30 VL (30
epoch) epoch) epoch) epoch) epoch) epoch) epoch) epoch)
ResNet-50 65.19 64.67 1.0028 1.0031 70.41 69.67 0.8338 0.8442
VGGNet-19 65.19 66.67 1.1640 1.3254 74.20 74.83 0.9026 0.9162
DenseNet-201 80.27 76.33 0.5726 0.6875 84.13 79.00 0.4451 0.4987
INC-VGGN 93.78 90.17 0.2122 0.2567 97.57 91.83 0.0856 0.2409
Inception V3 65.19 66.67 0.4087 0.5234 92.14 85.00 0.2576 0.3717
Proposed AgriDet 95.64 93.24 0.125 0.2 98.9 96.00 0.03 0.15

Training Loss (TL); Validation Loss (AL); Training Accuracy (TA); Validation Accuracy (VA).

A. Pal and V. Kumar Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 119 (2023) 105754

Fig. 6. Validation and training accuracy.

INC-VGGN method is comparable than the other methods. However, the training sets and the PLD severity level in the testing sets. This
the result obtained by the proposed AgriDet framework achieves a analysis can help the agriculture fields to control and prevent the causes
much influential accuracy and loss rate compared to INC-VGGN. of diseases infected by insufficient drug usage, climate changes and
The validation accuracy and training accuracy of the proposed environmental pollution.
method is shown in Fig. 6(a) and (b), respectively. Here, the different The measures of accuracy, sensitivity and specificity values for the
number of epochs considered are 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 for varying different diseases using proposed approach is presented in Table 9.
values of accuracy. The performance comparison is made for the other This tabulation presents the results for the sensitivity, specificity and
existing methods and the increase in accuracy is due to the use of accuracy metrics used in the evaluation of the performance. For ten dif-
the Kohonen based deep learning that learns the inherent features of ferent diseases the evaluation is carried out. The result obtained reveals
the disease more accurately. Hence, the accuracy is improved in the the efficiency of the AgriDet framework and the misclassifications made
proposed AgriDet framework. in disease prediction is reduced. Here, the detection and classification
The validation and training loss of the proposed method is shown in for varieties of diseases are performed with improved accuracy.
Fig. 7(a) and (b). Here, the different number of epochs considered are
5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 for varying values of loss. The performance 4.4.1. Statistical evaluation
comparison is made for the other existing methods and the decrease in For statistical evaluation, the proposed AgriDet method is tested us-
loss is due to the effective pre-training of the model for varying number ing Tukey’s honest significance test based on SPSS Statistics Version 26
of diseases. (Su et al., 2020), and compared with ResNet-50, VGGNet-19, DenseNet-
Statistical results of Plant Leaf Disease (PLD) severity for all test 201, INC-VGGN, Inception V3 to obtain the effectiveness under accu-
images using the proposed approach, is shown in Fig. 8. The severity racy, specificity and sensitivity parameter values for classification of
levels of mild, moderate and severe levels are classified based on the ten different diseases from Plantdoc and Plantvillage datasets.
number of images in the training sets. For this case, statistics are The Tukey’s honest significance test is performed to prove the
used to determine the number of detected spots of diseased leaves in results among the classification models, based on the results obtained

A. Pal and V. Kumar Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 119 (2023) 105754

Fig. 7. Validation and training loss.

Fig. 8. Statistical results of PLD severity using proposed approach.

A. Pal and V. Kumar Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 119 (2023) 105754

Table 9 in the leaf. Using the pre-learned features for any kind of disease in
Measures of sensitivity, specificity and accuracy for different diseases from the collected
the network, the type of disease is predicted more accurately, and the
output is displayed to the farmer. Since the framework involves the
Diseases Sensitivity Specificity Accuracy
usage of a base pre-trained model and the newly developed neural
Apple rust leaf 54.23 88.94 85.75
network in training and feature extraction, the prediction is done more
Bell pepper leaf spot 87.61 90.59 94.50
Corn grey leaf spot 47.25 93.25 81.56 accurately. Therefore, misclassifications are avoided, and the farmer
Grape leaf black rot 89.35 96.54 79.00 can take precautions for the specific disease to acquire an enormous
Potato leaf late blight 90.72 95.47 85.25 yield. Hence, the model is suitable for real-time applications, especially
Tomato leaf late blight 56.47 97.32 96.76
in the fields of agriculture. However, in the training sets, the difference
Potato leaf early blight 64.56 92.14 95.03
Corn leaf blight 87.24 98.64 92.58 between the predicted and actual value models has varied due to
Tomato leaf bacterial spot 91.37 96.58 90.80 unexpected situations caused by high label errors, as it is impossible
Squash powdery mildew leaf 88.03 98.93 97.84 to ensure a correct prediction value when accessing the classification
Apple scab leaf 77.05 93.4 95.84
model. Hence, the proposed model fails due to high labelling errors
Corn rust leaf 68.88 85.5 96.7
Potato early blight 88.6 87.99 93.55 that cannot provide 100% accuracy in the disease severity classification
Potato late blight 91.66 89.77 94.66 model.
Tomato early blight leaf 89.65 91.43 96.44
Tomato leaf mosaic virus 82.44 84.67 95.77
Tomato leaf yellow virus 79.99 96.23 96..8 6. Conclusion
Tomato mold leaf 86.44 93.2 94.44
Tomato septoria leaf spot 89.66 77.99 96.99 This paper presents an AgriDet framework that incorporates conven-
Tomato target spot 87.99 92.4 95.33
Tomato yellow leaf curly virus 90.2 89.44 96.7
tional INC-VGGN and Kohonen-based deep learning networks to detect
Tomato spider mites two 91.33 91.22 96.88 plant diseases and classify the severity level of diseased plants. Initially,
spotted spider mite the preprocessing step is performed to eliminate the unequal and im-
proper size of the images using image scaling, enhancement, and con-
Table 10
trast adjustment samples collected from the PlantDoc and PlantVillage
Statistical analysis of different classification models (where bold font defines best datasets. To solve complex multiple background problems, a segmenta-
results). tion process is used to extract the diseased part of the leaf region using
Classification Accuracy Specificity Sensitivity the MGA algorithm. Then, to improve detection accuracy, Kohonen-
models based deep learning is performed to learn the multi-scale features of
ResNet-50 .08413443712324 .08744576651208 .08726509642466 the leaf disease using previously learned features of the INC-VGGN
VGGNet-19 .07537854124234 .07556237658433 .07543778695342
model. Further, overfitting is avoided by using the dropout layer in the
DenseNet-201 .07124523474365 .07151738437434 .07135543236354
INC-VGGN .07714581432354 .07734509167622 .07725644299076 network. Finally, using a conventional, pre-trained INC-VGGN model,
Inception V3 .06745634923475 .06745752486352 .06716073684363 a QDSC strategy extracts the pre-learned features and classifies the
AgriDet .05434679865230 .05426470327522 .05410437697603 disease severity classes. Hence, the AgriDet framework demonstrates
Note: Tukey’s honest significance test, smaller value (p < 0.05) is defined to be that the statistical results of PLD severity measures achieve higher accu-
statistically significant. racy for different diseases from the collected datasets. From the overall
facts, this framework observed that various computational intelligence-
based techniques such as MBO, Earthworm Optimization Algorithm
from 10 and 30 epochs during training and validation. As shown in Ta- (EWA), Elephant Herding Optimization (EHO), Moth Search (MS) Al-
ble 10, the observed results of existing classification models in terms gorithm, Slime Mould Algorithm (SMA), Hunger Games Search (HGS),
of accuracy, specificity and sensitivity are statistically insignificant to Runge Kutta Optimizer (RUN), Colony Predation Algorithm (CPA),
each other because which are all part of the same subset. The statistical and Harris Hawks Optimization (HHO) are generally used for image
significance level of 𝑝-value is defined between 0 and 1, where the segmentation, and these approaches perform better than traditional
𝑝-value is the function of mean and standard deviations of data. The approaches for image segmentation. This process is highly accepted
smaller value (𝑝 < 0.05) is defined to be statistically significant results. by several researchers in this domain and provides a demonstration
So the statistical analysis is carried out to prove the best classification for future research. In this research work, there are some limitations,
model. For this analysis, the accuracy, specificity and sensitivity p- which are mentioned as follows: (i) In the available datasets, there
values are measured between 0 and 1. The obtained results of each are no integrated and labelled images from practical scenarios. So the
metrics in terms of 𝑝-value for ResNet-50, VGGNet-19, DenseNet-201, images are conducted for training in a controlled environment, and
INC-VGGN and Inception V3 are 0.08, 0.075, 0.071, 0.077 and 0.067, (ii) the proposed method is unable to detect numerous diseases in a
respectively. According to Table 10, the obtained 𝑝-value of proposed single image or multiple occurrences of the same disease in one image.
AgriDet approach is 0.054 which is equally than the typical value As for future work, the proposed approach will further concentrate
0.05. Thus the classification model of AgriDet approach is statistically on detecting plant disease at different disease phases and different
significant than all other models. locations of plants. Further, it could be extended to implement the
plant disease detection system as a mobile application, which certainly
5. Discussion improves the farmer’s trust.

The vital purpose of the AgriDet framework is to support the farmers

in getting a clear result on the type of plant disease that has occurred in
the field. During real-time testing, any farmer whose field is affected by
There is no funding for this study.
the plant disease captures images of the crop. This image is sent as input
into the AgriDet framework, where disease detection is performed.
Initially, the image is subjected to pre-processing and segmentation. Ethical approval
Then, the learned features from the pre-trained model are employed in
the newly developed neural network. Here, deep learning is performed This article does not contain any studies with human participants
to learn the multi-scale information of the disease that has occurred and/or animals performed by any of the authors.

A. Pal and V. Kumar Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 119 (2023) 105754

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