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Contextual Topic Discovery Using Unsupervised Keyphrase Extraction and Hierarchical Semantic Graph Model

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Du et al.

Journal of Big Data (2023) 10:156 Journal of Big Data

RESEARCH Open Access

Contextual topic discovery using

unsupervised keyphrase extraction
and hierarchical semantic graph model
Hung Du1, Srikanth Thudumu1*, Antonio Giardina1, Rajesh Vasa1, Kon Mouzakis1, Li Jiang2, John Chisholm2 and
Sanat Bista2

srikanth.thudumu@deakin. Abstract Recent technological advancements have led to a significant increase in digital docu-
Applied Artificial Intelligence ments. A document’s key information is generally represented by the keyphrases
Institute (A2I2), Deakin University,
Geelong, VIC 3216, Australia
that provide the abstract description contained therein. With traditional keyphrase
Department of Defence, techniques, however, it is difficult to identify relevant information based on context.
Defence Science and Technology Several studies in the literature have explored graph-based unsupervised keyphrase
Group (DSTG), Canberra 2609,
extraction techniques for automatic keyphrase extraction. However, there is only lim-
ited existing work that embeds contextual information for keyphrase extraction. To
understand keyphrases, it is essential to grasp both the concept and the context
of the document. Hence, a hybrid unsupervised keyphrase extraction technique
is presented in this paper called ContextualRank, which embeds contextual informa-
tion such as sentences and paragraphs that are relevant to keyphrases in the keyphrase
extraction process. We propose a hierarchical topic modeling approach for topic
discovery based on aggregating the extracted keyphrases from ContextualRank.
Based on the evaluation on two short-text datasets and one long-text dataset, Con-
textualRank obtains remarkable improvements in performance over other baselines
in the short-text datasets.
Keywords: Context-awareness, Contextual topic discovery, Hierarchical semantic
graph, Keyphrase extraction, Topic modeling

Technology advancements have resulted in the rapid growth of digital documents over
the last two decades. Research communities and industry professionals are now sur-
rounded by vast knowledge bases that contain millions of documents. While these
knowledge bases offer significant benefits to research and industry, it has become
increasingly difficult to obtain pertinent information in a specific context. In general, the
primary information of a document can be distilled down to a few keyphrases. The key-
phrases provide abstract information about the document and can be used to summarise
what the document is about. A keyphrase can be categorised into topics derived from
the document’s high-level concepts. Effective keyphrases and topic annotations facilitate

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Du et al. Journal of Big Data (2023) 10:156 Page 2 of 19

efficient information retrieval and processing. However, annotating and extracting such
keyphrases and topics manually is inefficient and time-consuming. Automating the pro-
cess of extracting keyphrases and topics is, therefore, an important step toward improv-
ing the efficiency. Existing approaches in the literature can be categorised into two
groups: supervised and unsupervised techniques [1–3].
The extraction of keyphrases from the corpus of a document is the first step in a
keyphrase and topic annotation process. This process consists of two tasks: extracting
words from the text and detecting keyphrase candidates. A document’s text is first bro-
ken down into a set of words that do not contain white space. Using the set of words,
a phrase is then constructed by applying the following techniques: N-Gram methods,
Part-Of-Speech (POS) based methods or both [4]. An N-Gram method aims to extract N
consecutive words, whereas a POS tag of a word such as a noun, a verb, an adjective, and
others is used to form a linguistic pattern of a phrase. As the importance of an extracted
phrase has not yet been determined, the phrase is referred to as a keyphrase candidate.
To estimate such importance, supervised or unsupervised techniques are utilised. This
results in a set of top-ranking keyphrase candidates that are defined as keyphrases.
Supervised techniques aim to classify the extracted phrases based on the provided
classification semantics [4–6]. Logistic regression, support vector machines, decision
trees and fully-connected neural networks are commonly used as binary classifiers.
Annotated keyphrases are required for each document in order to train the classifier.
However, annotating exemplar keyphrases from the same context as the document, to
improve the classifier’s performance, requires considerable human effort. Furthermore,
it is impractical to process documents with domain-specific keyphrases that are not
labelled at the outset. Due to these challenges, existing approaches in the literature have
largely been focused on the development of unsupervised techniques.
Unsupervised techniques aim to extract keyphrases by ranking the extracted
phrases according to their importance. Methods for estimating the importance of
phrases can be divided into two categories: statistical-based methods and graph-
based methods. The statistical method assigns a quantitative value to each word in a
document, such as its number of occurrences. Sequences of words are then estimated
according to their statistical features, such as the co-occurrence of words within the
sequence, the occurrences of a sequence, etc [4, 7, 8]. Graph-based methods construct
a graph of text in which nodes represent words and edges represent word relation-
ships. PageRank [9, 10] and HITS [11] are commonly used techniques to rank nodes
in many existing approaches [10, 12–15]. Those phrases that rank highest are then
selected as keyphrases. Existing graph-based approaches often establish the relation-
ship between a pair of phrases based on the conceptual meaning of a word [16, 17],
its position [14], or statistical measures, such as its co-occurrences [12, 15, 18]. We
hypothesise that contextual information may also be significant in determining the
relationship between phrases. Contextual information can be extracted from phrases
belonging to sentences or paragraphs. Consider the “environment” keyword in the
excerpt: “The air quality in the polluted environment can be measured and predicted
by a machine learning model. The model is operated in a virtual environment.” In this
example, the meaning of the “environment” keyword in the first sentence refers to
the context of ecology whereas the second sentence refers to the context of computer
Du et al. Journal of Big Data (2023) 10:156 Page 3 of 19

science. The distinction between the two uses of the keyword “environment” is dif-
ficult without considering the surrounding information. The most effective way to
comprehend the contextual meaning of the keyword “environment” is to model how
the word refers to an aggregate of its surrounding words, conditions, and influencing
Topic modeling is the second step in keyphrase and topic annotation. By grouping
keyphrases together, topic models are designed to discover the main ideas within a
document’s corpus. Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) [19] is one of the most com-
monly used topic modeling techniques. Using this technique, extracted words or
phrases are projected into high-dimensional latent spaces and grouped into clusters
representing specific topics. A hierarchical topic model, on the other hand, deter-
mines the relationship among topics in the hierarchical order formed by statistical
estimation [20, 21]. Hierarchical topic graphs are often used to explore document
representations and mine meaningful taxonomies.
A conventional method for evaluating extracted keyphrases and topics is to use the
exact matching method. As the name implies, it is based on the principle that two key-
phrases or topics are matched if they contain the same type of text. Although exact
matching can successfully match keyphrases or topics with similar lexical forms, it is less
effective when matching those that have subtle variations in their lexical form. For exam-
ple, the term “neural network” cannot be equated with the term “neural net”. Another
technique for evaluating extracted keyphrases and topics is the approximate matching
method [22]. Using this method, two keyphrases or topics can be partially matched if
they include the same words or contain words that overlap. As an example, “C pro-
gramming” partially matches “programming language” since it is its overlapping term.
Precision and mean reciprocal rank are two well-known evaluation metrics used for
assessing the relevance of extracted keyphrases or topics following the application of
matching techniques. Precision measures how many relevant keyphrases or topics are
retrieved from a fixed set of results, and mean reciprocal rank measures the quality of
those relevant keyphrases or topics. Contributions of our study include the following:

• A technique for extracting keyphrases that consider both conceptual and contextual
facets or aspects called ContextualRank. In order to rank phrases, the approach con-
siders the position of the phrases as a biased factor in the TextRank algorithm.
• A hierarchical topic modeling technique that extracts topics from a hierarchical
graph derived from extracted keyphrases and their semantic similarity.
• Evaluation of the performance of ContextualRank and the hierarchical topic mod-
eling approach using three different datasets by applying BLEU, one of the evalua-
tion metrics used in machine translation.

The rest of the paper is organised as follows: We summarise related work in “Related
work” section. ContextualRank for keyphrase extraction is presented in “Contextual-
Rank” section. Hierarchical topic modeling for topic discovery is covered in “Hierar-
chical topic modeling” section. The results of this study are discussed in “Experiments
and results” section followed by the conclusions and future work in “Conclusion and
future work” section.
Du et al. Journal of Big Data (2023) 10:156 Page 4 of 19

Related work
Keyphrases and topics are essential elements that represent the key concepts of doc-
uments and provide a means of determining their relationship with one another. In
order to improve the robustness of retrieving the relevant documents for search que-
ries, extracting accurate and relevant keyphrases and topics is critical. While keyphrases
refer to the main concepts of the content, topics encapsulate those concepts to derive
the main concept.
In the supervised techniques for automatic keyphrase extraction, the classifier is
trained using human-annotated keyphrases. The training process consists of two
phases such as feature extraction and classification. Logistic regression, support vec-
tor machine, decision trees and fully-connected neural network are the commonly used
techniques for the classification in many existing approaches. The feature extraction, on
the other hand, is the main focus of each approach in the literature. Hulth et al. [23] inte-
grated the thesaurus as the domain knowledge to Term Frequency-inverse Document
Frequency (TFIDF) to create domain specific features of phrases. Hulth [4] also applied
linguistic knowledge such as POS to the proposed four feature-based methods by Frank
et al. [24] in order to create features of phrases. As a method of automatically extracting
keyphrases from documents, Witten et al. [5] employed statistical methods such as the
TFIDF and the first occurrence of a phrase in a document. Caragea et al. [25] used the
citation network of documents to represent features of phrases in a document.
In the unsupervised techniques for automatic keyphrase extraction, words and their
properties such as the position in text, the associated POS tag, etc. are converted into
features based on statistical measures such as Term Frequency (TF), TFIDF, BM25
[26], etc. The word features are then concatenated to the phrase features using statisti-
cal measures such as N-gram TFIDF [7, 27, 28], language models [8, 17, 29] or other
probabilistic models. While existing approaches utilises one feature of phrases in the
keyphrase extraction, Campos et al. [30] proposed the YAKE! algorithm that weighs the
extracted phrases by aggregating multiple features of phrases within a document. The
YAKE! algorithm was demonstrated to outperform the other approaches, though faces
the following challenges: (i) the extracted keyphrases are often not in the form of noun
phrases, and (ii) the importance of the extracted keyphrases can be biased to their posi-
tion in text as the early occurred keyphrases tend to be in the top ranks.
It is important to understand that the knowledge of the relationships among phrases
are absent from existing statistical models. The graph-based approaches, on the other
hand, addresses this by reinforcing the relationship among words or phrases in the esti-
mation for ranking. The common process of a graph-based approach consists of four
phases: (i) constructing a graph of words or phrases; (ii) estimating the semantic rela-
tionship among words or phrases based on statistical measures; (iii) reinforcing the
relationship to weigh each word or phrase; and (iv) ranking phrases based on their rein-
forced weights. TextRank [10] which is the variation of PageRank [9] on a word graph
within a document is the commonly used technique to reinforce the relationship among
words or phrases and rank them according to their reinforced weights. Wan and Xiao
[31] proposed SingleRank that is the extension of TextRank by estimating the relation-
ship among words based on their co-occurrences in fixed-size windows within a docu-
ment. Wan and Xiao [32] then proposed ExpandRank that is the extension of SingleRank
Du et al. Journal of Big Data (2023) 10:156 Page 5 of 19

by adding the importance of nearest neighbor documents close to a particular docu-

ment to weigh phrases in that document. One of the challenges of SingleRank and
ExpandRank is that reinforced weights of keyphrases significantly depend on the fea-
tures of documents. This results in the fact that non importance phrases tend to gain
the high weights. Bougouin et al. [12] proposed TopicRank which applies the clustering
algorithm to create clusters of phrases and uses those clusters as additional features to
identify keyphrases of a document. Boundin [15] extended TopicRank by adding multi-
partite graphs that represent the relationships between words in one cluster and that in
another cluster. The technique also attempted to integrate the position of phrases into
the weighting scheme of the graph by adjusting weights of the first occurring keyphrases
in a document. Florescu and Caragea [14] proposed PositionRank that extends TextRank
by incorporating all positions of a word’s occurrences into the weighting scheme of the
graph algorithm. Our ContextualRank differs from PositionRank by estimating the posi-
tions of phrases and their occurrences in the content.
The relationship of keyphrases is not only represented by the homogeneous relation-
ships among words but also by the heterogeneous relationships between keyphrases and
their belonging sentences. Wan et al. [33] proposed the iterative reinforcement approach
to extract keyphrases by reinforcing the relationship between sentences and words via
three types of graphs such as the sentence-to-sentence graph, the word-to-word graph
and the sentence-to-word graph. In this approach, the homogeneous relationships
between sentences or words are represented by the semantic similarity between their
TFIDF vector representations. Bennani-Smires et al. [16], on the other hand, proposed
EmbedRank that projects documents and keyphrases to the high-dimensional vector
space with the support of existing pre-trained models such as Sent2Vec1 and Doc2Vec.2
EmbedRank ranks keyphrases in a document based on the cosine distance between their
vector representations and the vector representation of that document. Sun et al. [17]
then proposed SIFRank which differs from EmbedRank by applying the pre-trained lan-
guage model ELMo [34] to capture context-dependent semantic information of words
via their vector representations. Similar to PositionRank, SIFRank further incorporates
all positions of a word’s occurrences in the estimation to handle long documents. Our
ContextualRank differs from EmbedRank and SIFRank by two folds. In the first fold,
ContextualRank establishes the homogeneous relationships between phrases by utilis-
ing their conceptual information. In the second fold, ContextualRank incorporates the
homogeneous relationships between sentences or paragraphs into the weighting scheme
of the graph algorithm.
The enhancement of contextual information of a keyphrase can be expressed via the
global context and the local context [35, 36]. In particular, the global context is the theme
of the document containing keyphrases, and the local context refers to sentences or par-
agraphs where the keyphrases are utilised. Liang et al. [35] proposed an approach that
ranks keyphrases by aggregating the global and local information. Specifically, the global
context was modelled by estimating the Manhattan distance between documents and
keyphrases, while the boundary-aware centrality was employed on top of the position

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of keyphrases in the particular document to model the local context. On the other hand,
Ding & Lou [36] proposed AGRank that applies PageRank [9] on the universal graph
bewteen documents, sentences and keyphrases to rank keyphrases. In particular, the
document-keyphrase and sentence-keyphrase relationships in the universal graph were
utilised to represent the global context and the local context of keyphrases, respectively.
These techniques mainly focus on using the contextual facet to model the weighting
estimation for ranking keyphrases. However, the conceptual facet of a keyphrase is also
important to understand the relationships between keyphrases. Our ContextualRank
integrates both conceptual facet and contextual facet into the considerations while esti-
mating weights of keyphrases.
Topic modeling techniques aim to discover topics that represent the main idea in con-
tent by grouping the extracted keyphrases together. Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA)
[19] is the commonly used technique to discover a topic (i.e., a cluster of words) via the
high-dimensional latent space among words. The technique, however, does not infer the
relationship among topics which is one of the important factor to derive the topic taxon-
omies for information retrieval and text summarisation. Paisley et al. [20] proposed the
nested Hierarchical Dirichlet Process (nHDP) that derives the hierarchical order of top-
ics based on the probability distribution that those topics belong to. Viegas et al. [21], on
the other hand, proposed the CluHTM algorithm that is a non-probabilistic Hierarchical
Topic model for exploring richer text representation of a topic via both statistical and
semantic information of words and stabilising the hierarchical structure. Existing topic
modeling approaches return clusters of words as topics, and hence, it is necessary for
human to provide the encapsulated text representation of those topics. To address this,
Duan et al. [37] proposed TopicNet that incorporates the prior structural knowledge
such as WordNet [38] to the hierarchical topic model by measuring the semantic simi-
larity between them in the high-dimensional latent space. Being different from the other
approaches, our approach derives topics via the hierarchical graph of the keyphrases
obtained from various keyphrase extraction techniques. We hypothesise that the encap-
sulated text representation of a topic in the content may be a high-level keyphrase in the
hierarchical graph.

ContextualRank is an unsupervised hybrid keyphrase extraction technique that embeds
conceptual and contextual aspects of phrases in order to weight those phrases. This is
then combined with the TextRank algorithm that uses the position of phrases as a bias-
ing factor to rank the phrase. Word2Vec, Glove [39], Fasttext [40], Bidirectional Encoder
Representations from Transformers (BERT) [41], and other embedding techniques are
used to transform words or phrases into their numeric representations which are vec-
tors. The vectors generated by these techniques were trained on an extremely large cor-
pus of text, and therefore the vectors are likely to reflect the conceptual meaning of the
word or phrase. In order to infer the contextual significance of phrases or sentences,
ContextualRank utilises vector representations of the sentences or paragraphs that con-
tain contextual information. Graph-based algorithms, such as PageRank [9], are further
employed to estimate the importance of individual nodes within a graph by recur-
sively determining the edges that connect the nodes. The ContextualRank algorithm
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Fig. 1 The workflow for keyphrase extraction using ContextualRank

incorporates the positions of phrases into the biased Textrank algorithm in order to rank
phrases by their importance in a particular document.
As shown in Fig. 1, the ContextualRank technique consists of four phases:
(i) extracting phrases from the text; (ii) estimating the importance of phrases; (iii) con-
structing the undirected graph and using Textrank to rank phrases, and (iv) selecting top
phrases as keyphrases. Details of these phases are provided below.

Phrase extraction
In ContextualRank, keyphrase candidates are represented as noun phrases. The given
text is first tokenised into words with each having its own POS tag3. The text is then
purged of words such as is, am, are, for, the, and others that do not have any inherent
meaning. Based on POS tags, the following linguistic pattern is used to extract noun

(N )∗ | (JJ )∗ (N )+ (1)

where ‘N’ and ‘JJ’ represent nouns and adjectives, respectively. It is possible to extract
noun phrases in two ways, such as (1) one or more nouns (for example, “text summa-
rization”) or (2) nouns plus one or more preceding adjectives (for example, “powerful

Weighting estimation
Conceptual facet
A pre-trained BERT model is used to transform the extracted keyphrase candidates
into their vector representation [41]. There are several reasons of selecting BERT
model against the traditional techniques such as Word2Vec, Glove [39], Fasttext
[40] to generate the vector representation of the given text. First, BERT is a language
model trained the large dataset that contains 800 million words from BooksCorpus
[42] and 2.5 billion words from English Wikipedia. This demonstrates the generality

The nltk library was used to identify POS tags.
Du et al. Journal of Big Data (2023) 10:156 Page 8 of 19

of BERT to comprehend and process natural language across diverse tasks and
domains. Second, BERT captures the contextual relationship between words and
then generates the vector representation that expresses the semantic meaning of the
given text. This enables the language contextualisation as a word may have the differ-
ent meanings based on the context where that word is used. A sequence of words is
transformed into a vector of 768 dimensions by the model. As an estimate of semantic
similarity between two keyphrase candidates, the cosine similarity between their vec-
tor representations is used.

v�k · v�k ′
simconcept (k, k ′ ) = cos(v�k , v�k ′ ) = (2)
�v�k � · �v�k ′ �

where k and k ′ are keyphrase candidates, and vk and v�k ′ are the vector representation of k
and k ′ , respectively. It is important to note that the vector for each keyphrase candidate
contains more likely the conceptual significance of the phrase than its context.

Contextual facet
From an intuitive standpoint, it is reasonable to assume that the context of a phrase
can be determined by observing its placement within the sentence. Depending on its
placement within a sentence or paragraph, a single word may have more than one
meaning. Consider the ‘model’ keyword in the excerpt: “Software engineers typically
use a model to represent data. In data science, however, a model is referred to as a
learning algorithm.” It is important to note that the meaning of the term ‘model’ in
the first sentence differs from that in the second sentence. The context is different
between the two sentences. In order to fully understand the meaning of a word, it is
important to understand its context. In light of this behaviour, we estimate the degree
of similarity between keyphrase candidates based on the sentences they belong to.
The given text is divided into sentences where each sentence contains the contex-
tual information. Based on an average of the embedded vectors of each sentence’s
constituent words, ContextualRank estimates this contextual information and gen-
erates a vector representation of each sentence. For instance, if a sentence consists
of n-words, s = (w1 , . . . , wn ), then �s ≈ n1 (w�1 + . . . + w�n ), where (w1 , . . . , wn ) are the
embedded vectors of (w1 , . . . , wn ).
Following that, the cosine similarity is used to determine the semantic similarity
between two sentences, denoted as sim(s, s′ ), and the similarity between keyphrase
candidates is estimated as:

simcontext (k, k ′ ) = sim(si , sj ) (3)

where si indicates the ith sentence containing k, sj indicates the jth sentence containing k ′ ,
and C consists of pairs of sentences that k and/or k ′ belong to. For example, if k is in the
1 st and the 2nd sentences whereas k ′ is in the 1 st and the 3rd sentences, C will consist of
the following pairs: (1, 1), (1, 3), (2, 1) and (2, 3). To avoid double-weighting, Contextual-
Rank ignores one pair in two symmetric pairs (e.g., (1, 2) and (2, 1)).
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Weight adjustment mechanism

The semantic similarity of keyphrase candidates can be interpreted through either the
conceptual or the contextual facet. When it is only interpreted conceptually, the mean-
ing of the keyphrase candidate may be more general and not applicable to the context
in which it is used. On the other hand, if keyphrase candidates are interpreted strictly
based on its contextual facet, it is difficult to determine a relationship between them
based on their semantics. The adjusted semantic similarity is thus estimated as follows in
order to balance the conceptual and contextual facets:

simadjusted (k, k ′ ) = (1 − ) · simconcept (k, k ′ ) +  · simcontext (k, k ′ ) (4)

where  ∈ [0, 1] is the dampening factor. The higher value of  indicates a higher impor-
tance for the contextual aspect of keyphrase candidates.

Graph construction and keyphrase selection

We build an undirected graph of keyphrase candidates, denoted as G = (V , E), for each
document where V is a set of nodes and the edges E is a subset of V × V . Note that the
performance of keyphrase extraction is not significantly affected by the type of graph
[10]. Nodes are keyphrase candidates, and an edge between two keyphrase candidates
(ki , kj ) ∈ E interprets the relationship between those candidates. An edge is weighted
according to the adjusted semantic similarity between them, as simadjusted (ki , kj ), where
simadjusted (ki , kj ) = 0 means there is no relationship between ki and kj.
After the graph is constructed, the Textrank algorithm is used to rank keyphrase can-
didates, and top N keyphrase candidates whose weight is higher than others are selected
as keyphrases. As an adaptation from the PageRank algorithm, Textrank [10] recursively
ranks text (such as a phrase, a sentence, or a paragraph) based on its weight or probabil-
ity and the transition between nodes. The weight of each node in the graph is estimated
by Textrank as follows:
 wj,i · S(kj )
S(ki ) = (1 − α) · p̃i + α ·  (5)
kj ∈In(ki ) kl ∈Out(kj ) wj,l

where In(ki ) is the set of incoming edges of ki , Out(kj ) is the set of outgoing edges of kj , α
is a damping factor that controls the convergence of the algorithm per time step, wj,i or
wj,l is a weight of an edge, and p̃ is the biased factor that controls the randomness of the
transition between nodes. In ContextualRank, p̃ is formulated as:

1 1
p̃ = (6)
|P| p

where P is the set of the positions of a keyphrase candidate in the content, and the
inverse of the position indicates that a keyphrase candidate in the early position is rela-
tively more important than that in the later position. In contrast to PositionRank [14], p̃
is estimated on the basis of positions of keyphrase candidates and their occurrences in
the content. Moreover, by omitting the normalisation, the p̃ value of one keyphrase can-
didate is not influenced by the value of other keyphrase candidates.
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Fig. 2 The workflow for hierarchical topic modeling

Hierarchical topic modeling

Hierarchical topic modeling (HTM) aims to extract topics as keyphrases that are
the highest in order in the hierarchical graph. As shown in Fig. 2, it consists of three
steps: (1) extracting keyphrases from text as topic candidates; (2) constructing a hier-
archical graph; and (3) selecting topics from the graph.

Keyphrase extraction
Keyphrase extraction techniques such as Multipartite Graph [15], PositionRank [14]
and ContextualRank are used to extract top-N keyphrases per technique. All of these
keyphrases are grouped into one cluster, and those that have the same string of text
are excluded. A pre-trained BERT model [41] is then used to convert these keyphrases
into vector representations in which each vector is comprised of 768 dimensions. The
cosine similarity, as illustrated in Eq. 2, is applied to measure the semantic similarity
between keyphrases.

Hierarchical graph construction

A semi-complete directed graph of topic candidates is built, denoted as H = (V , E),
where V is a set of nodes and the edges E is a subset of V × V . In particular, a directed
edge is represented as an ordered pair of nodes ti and tj and denoted by ( ti , tj ) or
ti → tj . The weight of a directed edge is estimated according to the cosine similar-
ity between ti and tj where simconcept (ki , kj ) = 0 indicates that there is no relationship
between them. The number of directed edges can be exponentially large, and many
of them are of no significant importance. A filtering threshold is therefore used to
reduce the number of edges. Filtering thresholds are computed based on frequency
distributions of weights, rather than being manually dictated. This can be formulated
   1, if w ≥ θ 
min (1 − β)· | E | − ≥0 (7)
0, otherwise

where | E | is a total number of edges, wi,j is a weight of a directed edge ti → tj , β ∈ [0, 1]

is the bounded ratio of the number of edges, θ ∈ (0, 1) is the filtering threshold. Given
the value of β, the value of θ is determined to fulfil Eq. 7. After identifying θ and filter-
ing edges, incoming directed edges of each node that do not have the highest weight are
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Table 1 A summary of three datasets used for the evaluation

Type Dataset No. Documents No. Tokens per doc No. Sections

Short text Semeval2017 493 176 493

WWW​ 675 152 675
Long text Wiki20 20 4977 251

further removed. The significance of this is that only one root node is selected for each
leaf node, and this can be expressed as follows:

R(ti ) = argmax wi,j

tj ∈In(ti )∧i� =j (8)

where R(ti ) indicates a root node of a topic candidate ti , In(ti ) indicates incoming edges
of ti , wi,j is a weight of a directed edge ti → tj . It is worth noting that self-referencing
edges are also removed from Eq. 8. The number of incoming edges and their weights are
applied to select an edge for each pair of symmetric edges such as (ti → tj and tj → ti ).
Specifically, a node of a pair of symmetric edges can be considered a root node if the
weighted sum of its outgoing edges is greater than that of the other node. A node’s
weighted sum of its outgoing edges is estimated as follows:

wt = wt,t ′

t ∈Out(t)

where t is a topic candidate, Out(t) is a set of outgoing edges of t, t ′ is another topic can-
didate that t points to, and wt,t ′ is the weight of a directed edge t → t ′.

Topic selection
Topic candidates are organised in the separate groups. Each group is a hierarchical graph
that contains only one root node at the highest level. Topics are then selected from these
root nodes. Furthermore, it is possible that there are topic candidates with no incoming
and outgoing edges due to the choice of θ in Eq. 7 and the root selection using Eq. 8. In
theory, these topic candidates differ significantly from the other topic candidates, and
as a result, they neither have references nor refer to any other topic candidates. As such,
they are also considered as topics.

Experiments and results

In this section, we discuss three datasets that were used to evaluate ContextualRank
and our hierarchical topic modeling (HTM) approach. We then propose the BLEU-
based evaluation metric that measures both the exact match and the approximate match
between the extracted keyphrases and the human-annotated ones to evaluate the per-
formance of ContextualRank and HTM. Finally, we analyse the obtained results that
compare our approaches with some existing baselines such as PositionRank [14] and
Multipartite Graph [15].
Du et al. Journal of Big Data (2023) 10:156 Page 12 of 19

Table 2 A summary of three categories of the number of ground-truth keyphrases in three datasets
Semeval2017 WWW​ Wiki20

IN_DOC 17 2 14
PART_IN_DOC 0 2 19
NOT_IN_DOC 0 1 3
Total 17 5 36

ContextualRank and HTM were evaluated on three open-source datasets4 which are
classified into two types such as short text and long text, as shown in Table 1. Short-
text documents have only one section while long-text documents have several sec-
tions. Detailed descriptions of each dataset follow.

• Semeval2017 [43] dataset consists of 493 paragraphs collected from ScienceDirect

journal articles covering topics related to Computer Science, Material Sciences,
and Physics. Each paragraph contains 17 ground-truth keyphrases and 176 tokens
on average. These keyphrases were annotated by undergraduate students studying
Computer Science, Material Science, or Physics and validated by experts.
• The WWW [44] dataset was compiled from abstracts found in 1330 papers pre-
sented at the World Wide Web (WWW) Conference. There are a few abstracts
that do not provide enough detail or provide no information, so these abstracts
are annotated as “No contact provided yet” or “An abstract is not available”. Having
filtered out all missing data, there remain 675 abstracts. Each paper in the WWW
collection also consists of the Keyword field where keyphrases were extracted. The
average abstract contains five ground-truth keyphrases and 152 tokens.
• The Wiki20 [45] dataset comprises 20 full-text technical reports in the field of com-
puter science. There are 251 sections in each document and sections can be divided
into several paragraphs depending on their length. Approximately 30 computer sci-
ence students worked independently to extract key phrases. The average number of
keyphrases in each document is 36, and there are 4977 tokens in each document.

The ground-truth keyphrases for each document are not always present in the doc-
ument. Thus, they are categorized as follows:

• IN_DOC consists of keyphrases that are mentioned in the document.

• PART_IN_DOC consists of keyphrases that are partially mentioned in the docu-
ment. Specifically, words in a keyphrase can be found in the document but not
the exact form of that keyphrase. For instance, “programming language” cannot be
found in a particular scientific paper related to computer science, but its constitu-
ent words such as ‘programming’ and ‘language’.
• NOT_IN_DOC consists of keyphrases that are not explicitly mentioned in the doc-
ument. We hypothesised that this type of keyphrase may be obtained from exter-

Du et al. Journal of Big Data (2023) 10:156 Page 13 of 19

nal resources, such as an external corpus of text, or it may be derived from expert

Each word in a ground-truth keyphrase is stemmed using the Porter stemming algo-
rithm, which inflects a word into its base form. For instance, ‘programming’ and ‘pro-
grammer’ are stemmed to ‘program’. The exact matching approach is used at the phrase
level and the word level to classify stemmed keyphrases into the IN_DOC group and
the PART_IN_DOC group, respectively. The remaining stemmed keyphrases are clas-
sified into the NOT_IN_DOC group. A summary of these categories of ground-truth
keyphrases per dataset is provided in Table 2.

Evaluation metrics
Exact matching is a conventional approach to match the extracted keyphrase as a can-
didate to the ground-truth keyphrase as a reference. This approach, however, fails to
evaluate the ground-truth keyphrases that belong to the PART_IN_DOC group, as
discussed in Sect. . Furthermore, Table 2 shows that the number of PART_IN_DOC
keyphrases are mostly equal or greater than that of IN_DOC keyphrases, except for the
Semeval2017 dataset. As a result, the BLEU method with modified n-gram precision
[46], one of the approximate matching approaches, was applied to evaluate keyphrases
in both IN_DOC and PART_IN_DOC groups. In addition, BLUE was selected over
ROUGE [47] which is another approach of approximating string matches because BLEU
is more effective in measuring the n-gram overlap than ROUGE. In machine translation,
the modified n-gram precision between a candidate sentence and a reference sentence is
estimated as:

CountClip = min (Count(n-gram), max Count(n-gram′′ ∈ r))

c∈C n-gram∈c CountClip (n-gram)
pn =   ′
c′ ∈C ′ n-gram′ ∈c′ Count(n-gram )

where pn is the modified n-gram precision, C and C ′ are the same set of candidate sen-
tences, r refers to a reference keyphrase, and R is a set of reference sentences, n-gram,
n-gram′ and n-gram′′ are n-gram phrases in a sentence, the numerator indicates a num-
ber of n-gram matches between candidate sentences and reference sentences, and the
denominator indicates a number of n-gram phrases in candidate sentences.5 As an
example, “C programming language is popular” consists the following bigram phrases:
“C programming”, “programming languages”, “language is” and “is popular”.
In the context of this evaluation, the modified n-gram precision was applied to meas-
ure the approximate match between a candidate keyphrase and a reference keyphrase.
Therefore, Eq. 10 can be simplified as:

n-gram∈c CountClip (n-gram)
pn =  ′ (11)
n-gram′ ∈c′ Count(n-gram )

The description for CountClip can be found in [46].
Du et al. Journal of Big Data (2023) 10:156 Page 14 of 19

where c and c′ refer to a candidate keyphrase. Due to the dynamic in the number of
words per candidate keyphrase or reference keyphrase, choosing a single value for n
introduces the inappropriate quality of a candidate keyphrase. For instance, a modified
unigram precision of a pair of “machine learning algorithm” and “learning machine algo-
rithm” is 1.0, whereas a modified bigram precision and a modified trigram precision of
that pair are both equal to 0.0. To address this issue, an average modified n-gram preci-
sion is applied, and the quality of a particular candidate keyphrase after matching with
all reference candidates is, then, estimated as:
qc = max pn (12)
r∈R | r |

where pn is a modified n-gram precision between c and r, and |r| is a number of words
in the reference keyphrase. It is worth noting that n is greater than 1 for several reasons.
First, a keyphrase contains more than 1 word. Second, there are potential noise while
applying unigram estimation. As an example, “machine learning” differs from “visual
learning”, but the modified unigram precision between them is equal to 0.5. Precision is
used to evaluate the relevancy of a set of candidate keyphrases as:

1  1, if qc > 0
P= (13)
|C| 0, otherwise

where | C | is a number of candidate keyphrases. It is worth noting that Precision at N

(P@N) indicates the precision of N candiate keyphrases where N =| C |. The quality of a
set of candidate keyphrases is further evaluated by using Mean Reciprocal Rank (MRR)

1  1
MRR = (14)
|C| rank(c)

The technique computes the reciprocal rank of relevant candidate keyphrases such that
a particular relevant candidate that appears first obtains the highest rank. Before com-
puting MRR, a set of candidate keyphrases is sorted according to the value of qc . Simi-
larly, MRR@N indicates the MRR of N candidate keyphrases.

Results and discussion

The performance of ContextualRank and HTM is compared against two baselines. The
first baseline is Multipartite Graph [15] which extracts keyphrases by mutually rein-
forcing relationship of words in the multipartite graph. The second baseline is Posi-
tionRank [14] which leverages the position of the word and its frequency in ranking
keyphrases. An open-source software, called pke,6 was used to compute these baselines
[48]. The hyperparameters of Multipartite Graph are derived from [15] and used with-
out any amendments. We fine-tuned the hyperparameters of PositionRank such that
an extracted keyphrases should consist at least 2 words and at most 4 words and the

pke is available at https://​github.​com/​boudi​nfl/​pke.
Du et al. Journal of Big Data (2023) 10:156 Page 15 of 19

Table 3 The performance of four approaches across three datasets using the average P@15
Approach Semeval2017 WWW​ Wiki20

Multipartite Graph 0.332 0.074 0.038

PositionRank 0.46 0.104 0.077
ContextualRank 0.533 0.132 0.077
HTM 0.328 0.076 0.05

Fig. 3 The performance comparison between approaches such as Multipartie Graph, PositionRank,
ContextualRAnk and HTM across three datasets such as Wiki20, WWW, and Semeval2017 (P@15)

window size for estimating all positions of a word’s occurrences is 8. In regards to Con-
textualRank, we identified  = 0.05 as the optimal value of  in Eq. 4 and α = 0.95 as the
optimal value of α in Eq. 5. This shows the slight effect of the contextual information on
the keyphrase extraction process in the context of three datasets in Sect. . In our empiri-
cal experiments, we observed the optimal performance of four approaches while select-
ing top-15 keyphrases, and hence, N = 15. These keyphrases were then used in HTM to
create the hierarchical graph, and we identified β = 0.7 as the optimal value of β in Eq. 7.
Precision at 15 (P@15) was computed to compare the performance of each approach
in extracting relevant keyphrases across three datasets. As demonstrated in Table 3,
ContextualRank achieves the best results when extracting relevant keyphrases, fol-
lowed by PositionRank, HTM and Multipartite Graph. Furthermore, Fig. 3 shows that
ContextulRank achieves the high consistency in certain ranges such as 0.2–0.3 in the
WWW dataset and 0.6–1.0 in the Semeval2017 dataset. It is worth noting that these
datasets consists of short text documents. Meanwhile, the performance of Contextual-
Rank in Wiki20 dataset which contains long text documents is equivalent to that of Posi-
tionRank. MRR at 15 (MRR@15) was then computed to compare the performance of
each approach in extracting high-quality keyphrases across three datasets. Table 4 shows

Table 4 The performance of four approaches across three datasets using the average MRR@15
Approach Semeval2017 WWW​ Wiki20

Multipartite graph 0.09 0.025 0.010

PositionRank 0.136 0.04 0.023
ContextualRank 0.136 0.04 0.015
HTM 0.1 0.022 0.011
Du et al. Journal of Big Data (2023) 10:156 Page 16 of 19

that the performance of ContextualRank and PositionRank are the same in Semeval2017
and WWW datasets, followed by HTM and Multipartite Graph. PositionRank, however,
achieves the considerably high performance in the Wiki20 dataset compared to the other
approaches. Overall, ContextualRank achieves the best results in the Semeval2017 and
WWW datasets, followed by PositionRank, HTM and Mutipartite Graph. Furthermore,
the difference in performance provided in Tables 3 and 4 is significant because it reflects
the average performance of four approaches in extracting keyphrases and topics across
all documents per dataset. Specifically, 1% increment in the performance of a particular
approach indicates 27 and 6 correctly extracted keyphrases more in the WWW dataset
and the Wiki20 dataset, respectively.
ContextualRank was further tested at the paragraph-level. Sections were subdivided
into paragraphs, which affected the position of phrases in the estimation of Contextual-
Rank. The experiment was conducted using the Wiki20 dataset, whose sections can be
divided into paragraphs. P@15 and MRR@15 were utilised to compare the performance
between ContextualRank and ContextualRank (paragraph). The difference between
two distributions was calculated to observe the improvement of ContextualRank when
being experimented in the paragraph-level scale. Compared with ContextualRank with-
out paragraphs, ContextualRank with paragraphs achieved 0.313% higher in P@15 and
10.466% higher in MRR@15.

Conclusion and future work

We proposed a novel hybrid unsupervised approach for keyphrase extraction, called
ContextualRank, which embeds conceptual and contextual aspects of phrases (in order
to weight those phrases) and combines both aspects with the position of phrases as a
biasing factor in TextRank to rank phrases. We also proposed the hierarchical topic
modeling which leverages the semantic similarity between the extracted phrases from
various unsupervised keyphrase extraction techniques including ContextualRank. Our
experiments on three datasets including two short-text datasets and one long-text data-
set show that ContextualRank achieves better results in both the retrieval of keyphrases
and their ranks than our selected baselines in short-text datasets. We further evaluated
the effect of the contextual information in the keyphrase extraction by utilising para-
graphs as the contextual information in ContextualRank. The experiment showed that
the performance of ContextualRank with paragraphs as the contextual information is
slightly higher than that without paragraphs.
The overall performance of ContextualRank has potential for improvement through
several avenues of future research. First, due to the simplicity and generality of BERT
[41], it was utilised in this research work to generate the vector representation of text
that supports the weight estimation in ContextualRank. As the other large language
models (LLMs) such as T5 [49], GPT-3 [50], PaLM [51], Flan UL2 [52] and Gopher [53,
54] are open access, it would be interesting to utilise these LLMs as alternatives to BERT
in ContextualRank. Second, the intermediate layers of these LLMs may contain more
linguistic information [55]. The accuracy improvement of the keyphrase extraction was
demonstrated by combining such layers of BERT [56]. Therefore, altering the last layer of
BERT with the aggregation of its intermediate layers can potentially improve the accu-
racy of ContextualRank. Third, the empirical analysis in [57, 58] demonstrates that the
Du et al. Journal of Big Data (2023) 10:156 Page 17 of 19

dot-product is another potential approach for estimating the text similarity aside from
the cosine similarity in ContextualRank.
The integration of ContextualRank into the information retrieval system may provide
the relevant information that is conceptually and contextually relevant to a given query
as a possible future direction. The investigation of the contextual embedding technique
is essential as it will provide the richer contextual information to ContextualRank. The
encapsulation of HTM to generate topics from the extracted keyphrases may reduce the
performance of HTM as multiple human-annotated keyphrases may refer to a single
topic. It is therefore necessary to further evaluate HTM against existing topic modeling
approaches on large datasets that suit the context of topic discovery.

BERT Bidirectional encoder representations from transformers
nHDP Hierarchical Dirichlet process
HTM Hierarchical topic modeling
LDA Latent Dirichlet allocation
MRR Mean Reciprocal Rank
POS Part-Of-Speech
P@N Precision at N
TF Term frequency
TFIDF Term frequency-inverse document frequency
WWW​ World Wide Web

We would like to thank Sharon Boswell, Paul Lancaster, and Reynalyn Hayes from Defence Science and Technology
Group (DSTG), Australia for their support and feedback.

Author Contributions
The authors contributed equally to the research and publication.

This is part of a collaborative research initiative between the Applied Artificial Intelligence Institute (­ A2I2) at Deakin
University and the Defence Science and Technology Group (DSTG), Australia.

Availability of dat and materials

All datasets used in this manuscript are publicly available.

Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Received: 28 May 2023 Accepted: 26 September 2023

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