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Binary Shape Analysis

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Binary shape analysis

Our current focus: geometrical properties of objects in the


Last week:
{ Mathematical morphology
z Operators
z Applications
{ image cleaning (dilation, erosion, opening, closing)
{ Binary ‘region growing’ (conditional dilation)
{ Binary template matching (hit-and-miss operator)
{ Shape representations: convex hull, skeleton

This week:
z Shape description and representation
{ Contour-based (Sonka 8.2)
{ Region-based (Sonka 8.3)

Note: the following slides are from the lecture notes of Dr. Morse
(Computer Vision 1) 1
Boundary Description and Representation

Shape Description

I Once you have segmented an image into objects, how do

you describe them?
I Applications:
I Object identification
I Content-based image retrieval
I Object searching/finding/tracking
I Image registration (especially multimodality)
I Often used as inputs to
I matching algorithms
I machine learning algorithms
Boundary Description and Representation

Shape Description

I Once you have segmented an image into objects, how do

you describe them?
I Applications:
I Object identification
I Content-based image retrieval
I Object searching/finding/tracking
I Image registration (especially multimodality)
I Often used as inputs to
I matching algorithms
I machine learning algorithms
Boundary Description and Representation

Shape Description

I Once you have segmented an image into objects, how do

you describe them?
I Applications:
I Object identification
I Content-based image retrieval
I Object searching/finding/tracking
I Image registration (especially multimodality)
I Often used as inputs to
I matching algorithms
I machine learning algorithms
Boundary Description and Representation

Shape Description (cont’d)

I Desirable properties:
I Compact representation
I Invariant to as many transformations as possible
(translation, rotation, scale, etc.)
I Useful for matching—
relatively insensitive to small variations
I Approaches:
I Describe the boundary (contour) of the object
I Describe the region occupied by the object (next lecture)
Boundary Description and Representation

Shape Description (cont’d)

I Desirable properties:
I Compact representation
I Invariant to as many transformations as possible
(translation, rotation, scale, etc.)
I Useful for matching—
relatively insensitive to small variations
I Approaches:
I Describe the boundary (contour) of the object
I Describe the region occupied by the object (next lecture)
Boundary Description and Representation
Global Properties

Simple Geometric Descriptors

I Boundary length (perimeter)
I Bending energy
I Basic Idea: How much work do you have to do to bend a
straight line into the shape?
I Calculation: Z 1
κ(s)2 ds

where κ(s) is the curvature at point s

I Histograms of geometric properties

I Orientations
I Curvature
I ...
Example of using bending energy for
contour description

Boundary Description and Representation
Chain Codes

Chain Codes and Variations

I Chain code: encode direction around the border between pixels
I Differential chain code: change in direction around the border
(differences between chain code numbers modulo 4 or 8)
I Shape number: differential CCs normalized for starting point–
rotate differential chain code to be as small a number as possible

3 2 1

4 0

5 6 7

Chain 0066002200666446464644222222
Differential 6060202060600602626260600000
Shape No. 0000060602020606006026262606
Data Structures for Image Analysis
Simple Structures

Contour Encoding: Chains

I Encode the border of the region only.
I Only need to encode relative direction around the border.
Boundary Description and Representation
Chain Codes

Chain Codes and Variations

I Chain code: encode direction around the border between pixels
I Differential chain code: change in direction around the border
(differences between chain code numbers modulo 4 or 8)
I Shape number: differential CCs normalized for starting point–
rotate differential chain code to be as small a number as possible

3 2 1

4 0

5 6 7

Chain 0066002200666446464644222222
Differential 6060202060600602626260600000
Shape No. 0000060602020606006026262606
Boundary Description and Representation
Chain Codes

Chain Codes and Variations

I Chain code: encode direction around the border between pixels
I Differential chain code: change in direction around the border
(differences between chain code numbers modulo 4 or 8)
I Shape number: differential CCs normalized for starting point–
rotate differential chain code to be as small a number as possible

3 2 1

4 0

5 6 7

Chain 0066002200666446464644222222
Differential 6060202060600602626260600000
Shape No. 0000060602020606006026262606
Boundary Description and Representation
Chain Codes

Chain Codes: Smoothing and Resampling

I Problem:
Pixel grid and noise cause change in chain code
(and its length)
I Approach:
Smooth the shape and/or resample to some fixed number
of points (code length)
Boundary Description and Representation
Tangential Representations

Tangential Representations: ψ-s curves

I Encodes the tangent angle as a function of arclength
I Similar to differential chain codes, but not limited to grid (average
orientation over small sections of the boundary)
I Sample a fixed number of points around the boundary





Boundary Description and Representation
Radial Representations

Radial Representations: r -s Curves

I Encodes the distance from the center as a function of

Boundary Description and Representation
Curvature Representations

Curvature Representations
I Encodes the curvature κ(s) as a function of arclength
I Differentiates the tangent vector (not quite the same as
differentiating the ψ-s curve, but close)



Boundary Description and Representation
Other Representations

I In general, a signature is a 1-dimensional function
describing a shape (chain code, differential chain code,
ψ-s curve, r -s curve, etc.)
I Here’s another: orthogonal distance d(s) to opposing side
as a function of arclength s
Boundary Description and Representation
Statistical Representations

Chord Distribution

I Measure length of all chord from one point on the

boundary to another.
I Histogram of lengths: invariant to rotation
I Histogram of angles: invariant to scale
Boundary Description and Representation
Representation by Significant Points

Points of Extreme Curvature

I Another approach to describing a shape is to decompose it

into parts based on extrema of boundary curvature
I Decompose into parts
→ compare parts
→ build relationship graphs
I Some evidence that this corresponds to human perception
Boundary Description and Representation
Representation by Significant Points

Convex Hulls

I Build the convex hull of the shape, look at where the shape
touches its convex hull—gives you an idea of the
“extremal” points or sections of the curve.
Boundary Description and Representation
Fourier-Based Representations

Fourier Descriptors
I Can think of the boundary pixels (xk , yk ) as a curve in the
complex plane:
s(k) = x(k) + iy(k )
Boundary Description and Representation
Fourier-Based Representations

Fourier Descriptors (cont’d)

I A Fourier descriptor is the Fourier Transform of the
complex-valued boundary curve:
a(ν) = F (s(k ))

I Relatively insensitive to transformations:

I Most of the time, just

I use the magnitude (invariant to start point)
I ignore the zero-frequency term (invariant to translation)
I normalize sum (invariant to overall size)
Boundary Description and Representation
Fourier-Based Representations

Why Fourier Descriptors?

I Separates
I low-frequency components of shape (general properties)
I high-frequency ones (detail, small perturbations)
I Can filter shape!
I Low-pass filtering the Fourier descriptor smooths the shape
Boundary Description and Representation
Fourier-Based Representations

Why Fourier Descriptors?

I Separates
I low-frequency components of shape (general properties)
I high-frequency ones (detail, small perturbations)
I Can filter shape!
I Low-pass filtering the Fourier descriptor smooths the shape
Boundary Description and Representation
Fourier-Based Representations

Why Fourier Descriptors?

Computer-aided diagnosis: Comparing two

Circumscribed (benign) Spiculated lesions in

lesions in digital (digital mammography)

The feature of interest: regularity of contour

-The circumscribed shape will have its Fourier coefficients at lower
frequencies than the spiculated shape

Alexandra Branzan Albu ELEC 310-Spring 2008-Lecture 9 11

Alexandra Branzan Albu ELEC 310-Spring 2008-Lecture 9 10
Boundary Description and Representation
Affine and Projective Invariants


I There are lots of ways to try to describe/quantify the shape

of an object from points on the boundary
I Remember the objectives:
I Compact representation
I Invariant to as many transformations as possible
(translation, rotation, scale, projection, etc.)
I Relatively insensitive to small variations
Boundary Description and Representation
Affine and Projective Invariants


I There are lots of ways to try to describe/quantify the shape

of an object from points on the boundary
I Remember the objectives:
I Compact representation
I Invariant to as many transformations as possible
(translation, rotation, scale, projection, etc.)
I Relatively insensitive to small variations
Example of using contour descriptors

z ELEC 536
{ Jeong and Radke, “Reslicing axially sampled 3D
shapes using elliptic Fourier descriptors”,
Medical Image Analysis 2007

Main idea:
{ Contour-based interpolation
{ Interpolation between parallel slices from a
3D shape is necessary for reslicing and
putting into correspondence organ shapes
acquired from volumetric medical imagery


Interpolation using Elliptic Fourier

{ The main goal of the elliptical Fourier

analysis is to approximate a closed contour
as the sum of elliptical harmonics.

Contour Interpolation via EFD
{ Input: 2 or more contour images

{ Convert each contour to EFDs

{ Assign a z-value to each contour (frame #, or distance

between MRI slices)

{ Choose z-value(s) at which to interpolate

{ Use bicubic interpolation for EFDs at those values of z

{ Convert interpolated EFDs back into x,y contour

Experimental validation


EFD algorithm does not account for

cases where multiple contours are
present in the same image

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