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Digital Control System for Solar Power plant using IoT

Article in International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering · December 2020

DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.A1181.078219


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2 authors:

Ganesh V. Karbhari Pragya Nema

Oriental University Private university Indore


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International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-2, July 2019

Digital Control System for Solar Power plant

using IoT
Ganesh V. Karbhari, Pragya Nema

Abstract: The Internet of Things (IoT) or Web of Things (WoT)
is a modern technology which is relating computing machines
with digital and mechanical devices and various objects. Today
energy crisis is one of the major issues in the world. To overcome
this issue, different renewable energy sources are being used.
Nowadays solar energy has become a best alternative resource for
satisfying power demands. Selected Solar power plant for
implementation is of 1 MW capacity and generating power of 1.5
Million units per year with the use of Poly crystalline type of solar
panel technology. Currently this power plant is monitored by PLC.
All records of energy can be monitored only at plant on SCADA
Device. In this Proposed work, we develop a model of online solar
power monitoring as well as controlling so authorized person can
monitor or control panels remotely by home also. As per the
change in the atmospheric or weather conditions, user can control
the solar panels also.

Index Terms: IoT (Internet of Things), Solar energy, SCADA, Fig.1. Internet of Things (IoT)
PLC etc.
Fig. 1 explains the functioning of IoT. IoT will make a
tremendous impact in the retail industry.
Nowadays the use of various renewable energy sources, II. TRADITIONAL METHODS FOR SOLAR PLANT
especially solar energy and wind energy has been MONITORING
tremendously increased .The prices of this renewable energy
equipment are decreased due to advancement of technologies There has been lot of work already done with solar power
motivating huge scale solar photovoltaic installations. As monitoring using PLC, SCADA, Zigbee, Bluetooth,
most of the newest products in IoT are applied for the LOWPAN and other technologies. Here we are categorizing
consumer industry, smart grids are used for all your energy this review in two sections; one is methods used for
need solutions. Visit at “Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar solar monitoring and second is controlling methods of solar power
thermal power plant, Osmanabad, Maharashtra, India” is plant. Here some traditional methods are discussed in detail.
beneficial for collecting detailed information about solar MPTTs are depending on Zigbee modules. Single host
photovoltaic plant. Basic required terms are heterogeneous controller is used to gather all information and records for the
network for communication of objects, required hardware of low price manufacturing. The method of gateway is combined
each object, and processing / computing power of each object with GPRS [6] and solar panels used to modify all in an
and security of each element in the IOT. The online intelligent systems using Internet of Things. Wireless Sensor
monitoring of the solar energy power plant can have carried Networks and Internet of Things are getting more
out for displaying the power and energy usage. In this concentrated to smart environments and our day to day life as
Proposed work, We are going to develop a model of online they are being used for health, facility and security
solar power monitoring as well as controlling so authorized applications. Smart grid provides the additional modifications
person can monitor or control panels remotely by home also. in information and communication technologies to beneficial
The parameters of performance will highly enhance by using to a more reliable and appropriate electricity system. In case
the IoT based Technology for observing and controlling solar
study [13], difficulties with non-intrusive load monitoring
photovoltaic plant. Internet of things is a combination of
type technique are discussed in details and especially for
various technologies. With present infrastructure and
security applications. For implementing the cost effective
facilities, internet of things is useful to sense and control the
parameters remotely. The monetary benefits, accuracy, Data Acquisition System with continuous tracking of
performance can be highly enhanced with use of IoT performance parameters and to provide remote energy,
technology. various concepts are discussed in paper [14]. All the solutions
and results of this work can be used for direct access of
generated electric power at
the rural sites. The method
Revised Manuscript Received on July 15, 2019. proposed having both the
Ganesh V. Karbhari, ECE, Oriental University, Indore, India. hardware and software. The
Dr. Pragya Nema, ECE, Oriental University, Indore, India.

Published By:
Retrieval Number: A1181058119/19©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.A1181.078219 3394 & Sciences Publication
Digital Control System for Solar Power plant using IoT

photovoltaic type of module discussed in case study [3] in the

technology can monitor the sun continuously, after that the
maximum sun energy will be achieved, which has effectively
modified the utilization ratio of solar energy and efficiency of
photovoltaic power generation system. Telecommunication
plants can be monitored remotely has been developed and
started various procedures in it, also in paper [12] suggested
about such integrated system. Main Key features of these
systems [12] are that they combine the remote monitoring
functions and the management into the one system so it has
modified user interfaces. Within wind turbines and solar
panels, implementation of real time solar power monitoring
infrastructure is also discussed [10].

Fig.3. Solar power monitoring using IoT-Hardware

An open source IoT application provides the creation of
sensor logging applications and location tracking and
monitoring applications, and a social type of network of
things with status modifications. In this proposed work, a
solar power panels are linked to sensors which are sensing
voltage and current value. This sensed voltage value given as
input to microcontroller, who displays all records and data on
Fig.2. Solar power monitoring using PLC & SCADA
webpage. Microcontroller plays a very essential role in this
process to intermediate between input modules and output
Further, the less cost android devices [5] can be replaced
modules. Once the system is successfully designed and
instead of LCDs which are graphical type devices. With
simulated on the software it will be ready for fabrication. The
advanced graphical visualization and screen touch user
proposed online control system using IoT will be
interface, internet modem RES Power Conditioning Unit
(PCU) enhanced the capacity of system. This specific
application requires Bluetooth interface and internet
connection for the android Tablet or laptop. The PCU has a
Digital Signal Processing section and Field Programmable The outcome of this work is to monitor, track and control
Gate Array depending on digital platform with hardware and the photovoltaic system i.e. solar panel arrays in solar power
support of Bluetooth technology and serial communication plants like voltage and the current values. This output will
protocols like UART. Applications like Smart city, smart have sent those parameters to the created web page using
environment and smart enterprise are also transformed to the LAN or internet facility. The proposed work is concern to
present level to Internet of Things [15] system. In all tracking and monitoring of solar power panels with use of IoT
atmospheric conditions, new type of PLC i.e. Delta PLC [16] , this tracking can be done over cloud. So data and panels can
is able to track and monitor solar system more accurately and be handled at remote places also. This monitoring is carried
process is also simpler. out through controller using flask framework as interface.
Physical devices are not connected these systems but can be
III. PROPOSED METHOD controlled remotely through the internet connections. Smart
tracking or monitoring of solar power plant will highly
For the appropriate implementation and remotely access all
increase day by day use of renewable strength in solar power
the records of solar power plant, following methodology will
stations. This will help the user to analyze the power
be followed: Before manufacturing the proposed system
utilization, it impacts on the renewable power utilization and
based on IoT the different modules will be designed and
energy issues in solar power stations. Fig. 4 and 5 shows the
simulated. After analyzing the results particular optimization
software implementation of proposed method. All the records
will be considered. HTTP protocol over the LAN or Internet
are remotely accessed by user through this created webpage.
along with open source application of Internet of Things and
This proposed work will enhance the efficiency of solar
API used to store and recollect data from various things.
power stations to generate more power.

Published By:
Retrieval Number: A1181058119/19©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.A1181.078219 3395 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-2, July 2019

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Fig.5. Energy database available on webpage

The graphical visualization of the collected information Ganesh V. Karbhari is a Research Scholar,
represents that all records will be available to authenticated pursuing his Ph.D. degree in ECE at Oriental
University, Indore, India. He received Master of
user over cloud, so all panels and system can be monitored Engineering degree in E&TC from S.P. Pune
and tracked online with the help of IoT. Applications of University. He received Bachelor of Engineering
tracking systems are in the Rooftop Solar panels; Ground (Electronics) degree in 2013 from SRTMU,
mounted Solar panels, solar cities, Smart villages, smart Nanded, MS, India. His research interests are
Renewable Energy sources, Automation, Signal
environments, smart micro grids and Solar Street lights. This
Processing etc.
internet of things or web of things era finds many applications
and so on. For the efficient energy management system,
various traditional methods were used like PLC, SCADA, Dr. Pragya Nema completed her Ph.D. in Energy
Bluetooth, Zigbee but IoT makes it easier to track the solar System from Maulana Azad National Institute of
Technology, Bhopal in 2010 and B.E. (Electrical
panels and remotely access all the records of Energy Engineering) from Government engineering
generated at solar power plant. college, Sagar, in 1995. She completed her
M.Tech. (Heavy Electrical Enginnering) from
Maulana Azad College of Technology, Bhopal in
2001 and Her research interests are power system,
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5. Jiju K, Brijesh P, Ramesh P, Sreekumari B, “Development of Android
based on-line monitoring and control system for Renewable Energy
Sources” presented in IEEE I4CT 2014.
6. Ravi Tejwani, Girish Kumar, ChetanSolanki, “Remote Monitoring
System For Solar Photovoltaic Systems In Rural Application Using Gsm
Voice Channel” 2013, ISES SolarWorld Congress.

Published By:
Retrieval Number: A1181058119/19©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.A1181.078219 3396 & Sciences Publication
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