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Chap 1 Whole Numbers

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Mathematics Form 1 Chapter 1 Whole Number

1.1 Whole Numbers

A. Understanding whole Number
1. Whole numbers are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ……
2. A whole number can be written in words or figures.

Q1. Write the following numbers in words or figures.

Words Figure
(a) One thousand eight hundred and two
(b) 57316
(c) Nine million six hundred thousand and thirteen
(d) 14 000 546

B. Place value and value of each digit in the whole number.

1. Each digit in a whole number represents a certain value according to its place value.

For example,
Ten thousands Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones
8 6 2 3 7
Digit 6 is in the thousands place. Therefore the value of the digit 6 is 6000.

Q2 State the place value and digit value of each underlined digit below.

Number Place value Digit value

(a) 3489
(b) 12675
(c) 339802
(d) 1988754
(e) 426708

C. Rounding off the whole numbers

1. Steps to round off a whole number to a certain place value:

• Look for the digit in the place value to be rounded off.
• Observe the first digit to the right of the digit to be rounded off.
• If the digit is 5 or greater than 5, add 1 to the digit to be rounded off and replace all the digits to
its right with zeros.
• If the digit is less than 5, retain the digit to be rounded off and replace all the digits to its right
with zeros.

2. We use rounding off to estimate values. An estimate is an approximate value.

Mathematics Form 1 Chapter 1 Whole Number

Q3. Round off each number below to the nearest place values stated in each column.

Number Tens Hundreds Thousands Ten Hundred Millions

Thousands Thousand
(a) 2 394 567
(b) 988 045
(c) 342 672 -
(d) 588 773
(e) 54 379 - -

Q4. Round off each of the following to the nearest value stated in the bracket.
(a) 4388 (tens) (b) 195 129 (hundreds) (c) 37 709 (thousands)

(d) 492 656 (ten thousands) (e) 3 207 948 (hundred (f) 2 988 455 (millions)

Homework 1.1

1. Write each of the following numbers in words.

(a) 9458 (b) 52 116 (c) 683 427 (d) 1 732 615

2. Write each of the following numbers in figures.

(a) Six thousand two hundred and one
(b) Thirteen thousand four hundred and eighty three
(c) Nine hundred and eleven thousand one hundred and seventy-six
(d) Two million two hundred and fifty-three thousand six hundred and forty-nine

3. Write down the place value and the value of the underlined digit in each of the following
(a) 3276 (b) 75 164 (c) 165 324 (d) 6 718 439

4. Round off 1 352 867 to the nearest

(a) ten, (b) hundred, (c) thousand, (d) ten thousand,
(e) hundred thousand, (f) million.

5. Estimate the value of each of the following.

(a) 497 + 611 + 380
(b) 289 x 29

Mathematics Form 1 Chapter 1 Whole Number

1.2 Addition and subtraction

A. Addition of whole numbers

1. Addition is a process of finding the sum of two or more numbers.

Q5. Find the sum of the following.

(a) 3674 + 15 987 (b) 2683 + 705 + 84 569 (c) 66 381 + 51 435 + 916

(d) 43 951 + 7008 + 18 669 (e) 71 344 + 67 098 + 53 436 (f) 93 746 + 824 008 + 58 169

Q6. Solve each of the following problems.

(a) Syafik sold 673 durians on Sunday and (b) The number of spectators for three
417 durians on Monday. On Tuesday, football matches was 3497, 5058 and
he sold another 548 durians. How many 1906. Find the total number of spectators
durians has he sold on the three days? for the three matches.

Mathematics Form 1 Chapter 1 Whole Number

(c) Shamil saved RM196, RM1017 and (d) On a particular day, there are 102 white
RM388 in three consecutive months. cars, 87 red cars, 36 black cars and 17
How much money did Shamil save in green cars in a car park. How many cars
the three months? are there in the car park?

(e) There are 413 male workers and 298 (f) The table below shows the length of four
female workers in a factory. How many strings. Calculate the total length of the
workers are there in the factory? strings.
String A B C D
Length 376 292 187 66

B. Subtraction of whole numbers

1. Subtraction is a process of finding the difference between two numbers.

Q7 Subtract each of the following:

(a) 38601 – 5794 (b) 6720 – 345

(c) 8015 – 905 – 4328 (d) 52000 – 3621 – 1386

Mathematics Form 1 Chapter 1 Whole Number

(e) 70643 – 4281 – 17803 (f) 113704 – 8995

(g) 478632 – 269745 (h) 712093 – 194 – 1673

Q8. Solve the following problems.

(a) Nora and Johan scored 83 points and 68 (b) At the beginning of January, a book shop
points respectively in a Mathematics had 3600 exercise books to be sold. By
quiz. Calculate the difference between the end of January, 2948 exercise books
their scores. were sold. How many exercise books
were left unsold?

(c) The sum of two numbers is 30 917. If one (d) At the end of a game, Razak had 512
of the numbers is 21 858, what is the marbles. Mohan had 86 marbles less
other number? than Razak while Kelvin had 138 marbles
less than Mohan. How many marbles did
Kelvin have?

(e) A factory manufactured 132 096 pens in (f) Mrs Johnson has RM8300. If she spends
February. If 4187 of the pens are found RM 1680 on a refrigerator and RM915 on
with defects, calculate the number of a washing machine, how much money
pens without defects. does she still have?

Mathematics Form 1 Chapter 1 Whole Number

1.3 Multiplication and Division

A. Multiplication
1. Multiplication is a process of repeated addition.
For example, 4 x 7 = 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 = 28.
28 is the product of 4 and 7.

Q9. Find the product for each of the following.

(a) 136 x58 x 9 = (b) 19 746 x 26 x 0 =

(c) 7389 x 654 = (d) 4028 x 302 x 8 =

(e) 56 x 74 x 92 = (f) 3629 x 40 x 73 =

Mathematics Form 1 Chapter 1 Whole Number

Q10. Solve the following problems.

(a) A shopkeeper sold 56 cartons of can (b) During a sale, Pak Ramli bought 1250
drinks in a day. Given that each carton chairs at the cost of RM18 each.
contains 24 cans of drink, how many cans Calculate the total cost of the chairs.
of drink were sold on that day?

(c) Safuan earns a salary of RM239 daily. (d) A dictionary consists of 1428 pages. How
Calculate the total amount of his salary many pages are there in 126 such
earned for a period of 24 days. dictionaries?

(e) There are 54 classes in a school. If each (f) There are 6 boxes of sweets. Each box
class consists of 45 pupils, how many contains 48 packets of sweets that
pupils are there in the school? weighs 256 g per packet. What is the
total weight of the sweets?

Mathematics Form 1 Chapter 1 Whole Number

B. Division
1. Division is a process of equal sharing or equal gathering.

For example, 8  2 = 4

Dividend Divisor Quotient

Q11. Divide each of the following.

(a) 1152 24 = (b) 12204  9 =

(c) 3984  16 = (d) 25428  78 =

(e) 5780  152 = (f) 19312  136 =

Mathematics Form 1 Chapter 1 Whole Number

Q12. Solve the following problems.

(a) There are 3072 oranges to be distributed (b) A printer can print 288 720 copies of a
equally among 256 pupils. How many book within 30 working days. How many
oranges will each pupil get? copies of the book can be printed in a
working day?

(c) On a Canteen Day. 9 pupils sold 1584 (d) Encik Azmi earns an annual salary of
pieces of fried chicken nuggets. If each RM104 592. If he receives the same
pupil sold the same number of fried salary every month, how much salary
chicken nuggets, how many pieces of does he earn each month?
chicken nuggets sold by each of them?

(e) Hamid paid a total of RM3024 for 84 (f) Ranjit arranges 2688 chairs in 96 rows. If
similar shirts. What is the cost of each every row has the same number of
shirt? chairs, how many chairs are there in
each row?

Mathematics Form 1 Chapter 1 Whole Number

1.4 Combined Operations

1. To perform computations involving combined operations of addition and subtraction or

multiplication and division of whole numbers, always work from left to right.
2. Steps to perform computation involving any combination of the four basic operations and
• Work out the calculations within the brackets first.
• Then, perform the multiplication or division followed by the addition or subtraction,
working from left to right.

Q13. Calculate each of the following.

(a) 195 – 58 – 39 + 27 = (b) ) 37 + 43 –12+8 =

(c) 24x8  2 x 3  6 = (d) 96+24 3 x 5 – 64 =

(e) 576  8 – 4 x 12 + 18 = (f) 36 x 3 – 280  8 + 24 =

Mathematics Form 1 Chapter 1 Whole Number

Q14. Solve each of the following problems.

(a) Rukiah bought 16 boxes of persimmons. (b) A school bus carries 34 pupils where 18
Each box contains 12 persimmons. The of them are girls. At a bus stop, 11 pupils
persimmons were distributed equally board the bus where 6 of them are girls.
among 48 children. How many Calculate the number of boys in the bus
persimmons will each child receive? now.

(c) Azman had 32 pencils. He gave 8 of the (d) A blouse costs RM42 and a skirt costs
pencils to his friends. After a week, his RM37, If Lina buys 4 blouses and 3 skirts,
mother gave him another 16 pencils. how much money does she have to pay
How many pencils did he have now? altogether?

(e) Kamal had RM48. He spent RM13 on a (f) Gayathri is 5 years old now. Her mother
Mathematics revision book and RM8 on is 6 times her age. What is her mother's
some stationeries. His brother and sister age 18 years later?
gave him another RM11 and RM26
respectively. How much money did
Kamal have now?

Mathematics Form 1 Chapter 1 Whole Number

Q15. Calculate each of the following.

(a) 3x(24 – 4  2 ) – 12 = (b) ) 72  (8 + 4) + 2x(15 – 8 ) =

(c) 12 + 6 x3 – 6x(9  3) = (d) (156 – 24 ) 3 + 12 =

(e) 48 – 120  (4 x 3 +8) = (f) (56  8 x 2)  (10 – 3 ) =

Mathematics Form 1 Chapter 1 Whole Number

Q16. Solve each of the following.

(a) Cikgu Rohana has 108 exercise books. If (b) Sow Chin bought 6 boxes of apples. Each
she gives 3 exercise books to each pupil box contained 56 apples. After throwing
in her class, she will need 6 more away 12 rotten apples, she distributed
exercise books. How many pupils are the rest of the apples equally among 54
there in her class? girls. Calculate the number of apples that
each girl received.

(c) The cost of 3 story books is RM54. Roslin (d) The entrance fees to a bird park were
buys 7 of the story books and pays RM5 for an adult and RM3 per pupil. Mr
RM150 to the cashier. Find the change Tan took along his pupils to the park and
that she will receive from the cashier? paid a sum of RM59 for the entrance
fees. How many pupils did Mr Tan take
along to the bird park?

(e) There are 17 boys and 25 girls in a class. (f) Jamal bought 120 compact discs at a cost
The price of a uniform for boys and girls of RM2 each. He found that 25 of the
are RM28 and RM32 respectively. compact discs couldn't be used. The
Calculate the total cost of uniforms for all remaining of the compact discs were sold
the pupils in the class. at a cost of RM4 each. How much money
did Jamal earn from the sale?

Mathematics Form 1 Chapter 1 Whole Number

Homework 1.2

1. Round off 64 389 to the nearest thousand.

2. Round off 365 019 to the nearest ten thousand.

3. Find the value of (132 – 24) x 34.

4. Calculate the value of 318 + 192  6.

5. Find the value of 72 + 16 x 4 – 47.

6. Seven pairs of scissors cost RM112. Find the cost of 13 pairs of such scissors.

7. A carton of drinking water contains 24 bottles of the drinking water. Mr Chong bought 14 cartons
of the drink and distributed them equally among 8 classes. How many bottles of drinking water
did each class receive?

8. A shirt and a neck tie cost RM37 and RM18 respectively. Nazli buys 3 shirts and 4 neck ties.
Calculate the total amount of money need to be paid by Nazli.

9. John and Jeremy earn a monthly salary of RM1080 and RM1360 respectively. Find the sum of
their annual salary.
10. Two Science books cost as much as five Mathematics books. If Kai Lin pays RM25 for 10
Mathematics books, find the number of Science books she can buy with a RM50 note.


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