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4th Lecture Second Semester

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2nd semester lectures

the 4th class

Dr. Ahmed Al-Ghaban
Thin Film Deposition

•Chemical Vapor Deposition
•Physical Vapor Deposition
•Strengths and Weaknesses
•Basic Calculations
Issues related to thin film deposition
• Quality:
– Composition
– Defect density (e.g. pinholes)
– Contamination
– Mechanical and electrical properties
– Good adhesion
– Minimum stress
• Topography
– Uniform thickness on non-planar surfaces
– Step coverage
– Conformal coverage: uniform
– Space filling in holes, channels
– Voids
Thin film filling issues:
(a) shows good metal filling of a via or
contact hole in a dielectric layer
(b) silicon dioxide dielectric filling the SEM photo showing typical coverage and
space between metal lines, with poor filling problems
filling leading to void formation
(c) poor filling of the bottom of a via
hole with barrier or metal
Classification of Thin Films

(a) single crystals

(b) epitaxial
(c) polycrystalline
(d) amorphous.
Properties of Thin Films

(a) high surface to volume ratio

(b) geometrical control (dictated
by substrate)
(c) compact
(d) single crystal like properties
Uses of Thin Films

(a) microelectronic devices

(b) telecommunication devices
(c) wear resistant coatings
(d) decorative coatings
(e) optical coatings (windows,
solar cells, etc.)
(f) sensors
(g) catalysts
liquid phase deposition process, LPD)
SEM images of the deposited h-FeOOH films at various
concentrations. Concentration of H3BO3:
(A) 0.30, (B) 0.40, (C) 0.45, (D) 0.50, (E) 0.55, and (F) 0.60 mol
• LPD-grown silica has been widely
tested for application in integrated circuit
• and in metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS)
• and in complementary metal-oxide-
semiconductor (CMOS)
• LPD silica is being explored for use in
• and in MOS solar cells
Chemical bath deposition (CBD)
Some Principles involved
• while the water itself provides oxygen, initially in
the form of OH- ions.
• Hydrolysis can occur even in acidic solutions when
the metal cation is easily hydrolyzable,
as with Fe3+ , Ti4+ , Zr4+ , and Al3+
• CBD requires supersaturated solutions, i.e. the
concentrations must exceed the solubility product
• In a closed system, growth cannot continue once
the reactants have been depleted below this point,
which determines the thickness of the film
Chemical Vapor Deposition

• Involves one or more gas phase species

which react on a solid surface (substrate) to
deposit a solid flim.
• Typically, the reaction is initiated by heating
the substrate. Other mechanisms of
supplying the activation energy necessary
to initiate reactions include: laser CVD,
photo CVD, and plasma enhanced CVD.
• Typical Parameters
• Pressure 0.1 torr – 1 atm
Substrate Temp. 100° C - 1500° C
Deposition Rate 60Å/min – 300,000Å/min
• The use of organometallic precursors as gas phase
species (MOCVD) can result in significant
reduction of the substrate temperature.
• Examples
WCl6 (g) + 3H2 (g)  W (s) + 6HCl (g)
SiH4 (g) + O2 (g) SiO2 (s) + 2H2 (g)
6TiCl4 (g) + 8NH3 (g)  6TiN (s) + 24HCl (g) + N2 (g)

• High deposition rates

• Capable of accurate stoichiometry
• High quality films (low defect
• No need for high vacuum components
• Favored in industrial settings

• High operating temperatures

• Toxic Gases
• Generally applicable to binary and
elemental films
• Not suitable for production of
metastable products
Highly Organized Carbon Nanotube by Chemical
Vapor Deposition
B. Q. Wei, R. Vajtai, Y. Jung, J. Ward, R. Zhang, G. Ramanath, P. M.

xylene + [Fe(C5H5)2]

with flowing argon to 100mTorr

and heated gradually to 800 °C
Examples of Epitaxy film
Epitaxial stabilization of oxides in thin films
Gorbenko OY, Samoilenkov SV, Graboy IE, Kaul AR
14 (10): 4026-4043 OCT 2002
Two types of thin film deposition: CVD and
– Reactive gases interact with substrate
– Used to deposit Si and dielectrics
– Good film quality
– Good step coverage
– Used to deposit metals
– High purity
– Line of sight
Physical Vapor Deposition: PVD
2 types: evaporation and Advantages:
Versatile – deposits almost any
Very few chemical reactions
Little wafer damage
Thickness uniformity
Difficult to evaporate materials with
low vapor pressures
Flux from a point source

Fk  cos  k
r 2

Deposition rate from a surface source:

v cos  k cos  i
Geometries of flux and deposition of small areas on a flat
wafer holder for (a) a point source and (b) a small planar Nr 2

surface source

1/ 2
m 2
Revap  5.83 10 As   Pe
T 
Deposition rate of evaporated film as function of
position on substrate for point and surface sources. i
= k in this configuration for both point and surface
Mean free path l: l
2d 2 Pe
k = 1.36 x 10-2 erg/at-K
d≈.4 x 10-8 cm
Pe = partial pressure (torr)

Vapor pressure as a function of temperature of

commonly evaporated metals
Sticking coefficient: Sc = Freacted/Fincident

The depositing species have a high sticking coefficient (close to

1) in (a), so that they are deposited where they first strike. In (b)
the depositing species have a low sticking coefficient (<<1) so
that man are reemitted and deposit elsewhere on the
topography, such as the sidewalls.

Schematic diagram of DC-powered sputter

deposition equipment Plasma structure and voltage
distribution in DC sputter system
Distribution of arrival fluxes for (a) uniform or
isotropic arrival distribution and (b) directed or
anisotropic arrival distribution. Arrival angle
distribution (cosn) is defined by arrival flux
relative to unit surface area. This flux is equal to
the normal component of incoming flux, relative
to the vertical direction for a horizontal surface.
Processes in sputter deposition
Effect of arrival angle distribution of
depositing species on filling trenches or
holes. In (a) a relatively wide arrival angle
distribution leads to poor bottom filling or
coverage, while (b) a narrower arrival
Schematic diagram of ionized sputter
angle distribution leads to better bottom
deposition system (ionized PVD) showing
filling. The higher the aspect ratio of the
atomic flux lines
feature, the narrower the arrival angle
distribution must be for adequate
Sputter Deposition
DC Sputter
Sputter deposition is a physical vapor
deposition (PVD) method of depositing thin
films by sputtering, that is ejecting, material
from a "target," source, which then deposits
onto a "substrate," such as a silicon
wafer. Sputtered atoms ejected from the target
have a wide energy distribution, typically up to
tens of eV (100,000 K). The sputtered ions
(typically only a small fraction (~1% of the
ejected particles are ionized) can ballistically fly
from the target in straight lines and impact
energetically on the substrates or vacuum
chamber (causing resputtering). Energetic ions
sputter material off the target which diffuse
through the plasma towards the substrate
where it is deposited. There is no strong plasma
glow around the cathode since it takes a certain
distance for the plasma to be generated by
electron avalanches started by a few secondary
electrons from the sputtering process.
DC Sputtering

DC Sputtering Schematic
RF Sputter Deposition

RF Sputter Deposition Schematic

RF Sputter Deposition

RF Sputtering Schematic
Reactive Sputtering
Elements of Thin Film Growth

Growth Modes
Microscopic View of
• Sputtering
The impact of an atom or ion on a surface produces
sputtering from the surface as a result of the
momentum transfer from the incoming particle. Unlike
many other vapor phase techniques there is no melting
of the material.
• History of Sputtering
– The verb to SPUTTER originates from Latin SPUTARE(To
emit saliva with noise).
– Phenomenon first described 150 years ago ...
Grove (1852) and plücker (1858) first reported vaporization
and film formation of metal films by sputtering.
– Key for understanding discovery of electrons and positive
ions in low pressure gas discharges and atom structure (J.J.
Thomson, Rutherford), 1897--
– Other names for SPUTTERING were SPLUTTERING and

Target Erosion

• Target erosion is greatest where the magnetic field and the

subsequent plasma density is greatest.
• This leads to inefficient use of target material, particularly in the case
of ferromagnetic targets.
Magnetron Guns

The Latest in UHV Sputtering

• A UHV, magnetron sputter source that fits through the port of a 2.75" CF flange
complete with its tilt gimbals assembly.
• The AJA International new A310-XP only needs a 2.75" CF to accommodate the
source head, tilt gimbals and gas injection/isolation chimney.
• This revolutionary new design is true UHV - all ceramic to metal construction.
Ion Implantation

•Deposition methods
-Depth & Distribution
-Masking effects
•Damage annealing
Manufacturing Methods
Applying a magnetic induction,
B, to speeding atoms causes
them to bend around the curve
of radius R:
½ mv2 = q.v x B
Velocity can be expressed as:
v = √(2E/m) = √(2qVext/m)
B can be expressed as a
Schematic of an ion implanter function of current:
Ion source: Vaporized solids or gases – e.g., - B = aI
- Arsine
Vapors form various species, suchThus
- Phosphine ++ + + +
as B , B , BF , BF2 , along with
neutral atoms √m = q/√2E(aR)I
- BF2
By adjusting current, I, ions
These gases are extremely toxic! Mixed in can be separated by mass
15% concentrations with H2
Neutrals are separated by the electrostatic
deviation of the focus beam

Ions are precisely

counted using a
“Faraday cup”
Ion Path and Distribution

Schematic of the actual range

of an implanted ion and the Distribution of ions implanted into
projected range normal to the crystalline silicon at an energy of 200 keV.
surface. Light ions penetrate more deeply, and have
more asymmetric distribution than heavy

Definitions: Cp = peak concentration

Rp = average projected depth
1 N
DRp = Standard Deviation = 
N  1 i 1
( xi  x ) 2
Dopant concentration curves are modeled
using Gaussian distribution:

 x  R p 2 
C ( x)  C p exp   
 2 DR 
 p 

Total number of ions implanted:

Q   C ( x)dx  2 DR pC p
This relates the dose to the peak
Plots of Rp and DRp for common
dopants in crystalline Si tilted and
rotated to simulate random direction.
Lateral distributions are also
modeled using a Gaussian:

 2 
C ( x, y )  Cvert ( x) exp   
 2DR p2 
 

Simulated 3D distribution of 1000 P atoms

implanted at 35 keV (top). Axis units are nm.
Masking Layers
Solving for xm:

 ( x  R* ) 2 
C * ( xm )  C *p exp   C
m p
 *2
2DR p   B

 C *p 
xm  R*p  DR*p 2 ln    R*p  mDR*p
C 
Schematic of masking process, where  B
dose Qp penetrates the mask of
thickness xm. * denotes mask 2
  x  R *p 
* 
Qp  exp    dx
2DR p xm  2DR p 

The dose that

penetrates is:
Q  xm  R *p 
Q p  erfc  
 2DR p 
Implantation not Perpendicular to Mask
The dopant distribution resulting from tilt
implantation followed by diffusion is given
by combining implantation concentration
and diffusion equations:
 xm  R p 2 
C ( x)  C p exp  
 2 DR 2
p 
Simulation of 50 keV P implant at a tilt angle of
30o, showing asymmetrical implant distribution Diffusion
and shadowing caused by the gate polysilicon  x2 
C ( x)  C (0, t ) exp   
 4 Dt 

x  Rp 
Q  2
 C (0, t ) 
 C ( x, t )  exp   2 Dt

2 DR p  2 Dt

 2 D R 2

p  2 Dt 
Actual distributions

Simulated profiles of B implanted in Evolution of Gaussian profile after annealing.

amorphous or polycrystalline Si over a The Gaussian preserves its shape as it diffuses
range of energies. Profiles show in an infinite medium.
noticeable skew toward surface due to
backscattering of light B ions. Skewed
profiles are described by a 4-factor
Pearson distribution. Gaussian fit to 500
keV profile is shown by dashed line.
To accurately model, we need to include 4
1. Projected range, Rp
2. Scatter, DRp
3. “Skewness” due to mass effects, g
4. Kurtusis, or variation due to
occasional extremes, b
f(curve) = f(Rp, DRp, g, b)

Simulation of ion-implanted B and

Sb profiles with implant energy
adjusted to give the same range.
Light B ion skews toward surface,
while heavy antimony ion skews
toward bulk.
The role of crystal structure

Ions undergo many small angle

deflections when traveling in a channel

Clockwise from top left: Image

of a silicon crystal looking down
the 110 axial channels, the 111
planar channels, the 100 axial
channels, and with tilt and
rotation to simulate a “random”
Simulated boron profiles implanted into
<100> Si wafers with zero tilt &
Implantation Damage & Annealing
Goal: to remove damage from implantation and return Si to a
crystalline state leaving dopants in substitutional sites.

Simulation of recombination of
vacancy (V) and interstitial (I) Si interstitials condense into ribbons
damage resulting from of Si atoms (I-dimers) lying on {311}
implantation. At 800 oC, planes and grow by extending in the
recombination takes place very <110> directions. On right is a TEM
quickly. After a short time, only image of clusters
excess interstitial clusters remain
At high temperatures, ribbons condense and grow, creating dislocation
loops that populate the boundary between crystalline and amorphous

TEM of EOR dislocation loops for

annealing times of 5, 60 and 960
minutes at 850 oC (a-c), and for 1,
Schematic of stable End-of-Range 60 and 400 sec. at 1000 oC (d-f).
(EOR) dislocation loops that form Loops show some ripening (large
at amorphous/crystalline interface loops grow at the expense of small
loops) but are very stable at typical
annealing temperatures.
Implantation Processes: Damage
• Ion collides with lattice atoms and knock
them out of lattice grid
• Implant area on substrate becomes
amorphous structure

Before Implantation After Implantation

Implantation Processes: Anneal

• Dopant atom must in single crystal

structure and bond with four silicon atoms
to be activated as donor (N-type) or
acceptor (P-type)

• Thermal energy from high temperature

helps amorphous atoms to recover single
crystal structure.

Thermal Annealing

Lattice Atoms Dopant Atom

Thermal Annealing

Lattice Atoms Dopant Atom

Thermal Annealing

Lattice Atoms Dopant Atom

Thermal Annealing

Lattice Atoms Dopant Atom

Thermal Annealing

Lattice Atoms Dopant Atom

Thermal Annealing

Lattice Atoms Dopant Atom

Thermal Annealing

Lattice Atoms Dopant Atom

Thermal Annealing

Lattice Atoms Dopant Atoms

Implantation Processes:

Before Annealing After Annealing

Rapid Thermal Annealing (RTA)

• At high temperature, annealing out pace

• Rapid thermal process (RTP) is widely
used for post-implantation anneal
• RTA is fast (less than a minute), better
WTW uniformity, better thermal budget
control, and minimized the dopant
Lattice Damage With One Ion

Light Ion

Damaged Region

Heavy Ion

Single Crystal Silicon

Implantation Processes: Damage
• Ion collides with lattice atoms and knock
them out of lattice grid
• Implant area on substrate becomes
amorphous structure

Before Implantation After Implantation


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