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7-Run-Together Sentences (RTS)

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Run-Together Sentences (RTS)

What are they? Connections

See also the “Subject
Contrary to popular belief, run-together sentences are not simply & Verb Identification,”
sentences that are too long. Instead, run-together sentences are the “Coordination,” and
result of combining two or more complete sentences together “Subordination.”
without an acceptable joiner.

A complete sentence, also known as an independent clause, contains a subject-verb unit

and can stand alone.

Acceptable joiners for connecting independent clauses include:

 Coordinators (FANBOYS: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so)
 Subordinators (words such as although, since, when, even though, if)
 Semi-colons ( ; )

We’ll look at these acceptable joiners more closely in a moment, but first let’s take a look at
what CANNOT connect complete sentences. In the example sentences below, subjects are
underlined once and verbs underlined twice so you can see the different independent clauses.

Problem RTS example:

Commas cannot connect two

complete sentences—this type of His older sister hit him, the boy started to cry.
RTS also referred to as a comma

Transition words, with or without a He took four ibuprofen, then his headache faded away.
comma, cannot connect two
complete sentences—this can be
another type of comma splice

Not using anything to connect My teacher writes RTS in the margins of my essay I do
complete sentences is also not know what she means.
incorrect—this is also known as a
run-on sentence

Since it is easy to confuse transition words with coordinators and subordinators, we’ve included a
chart on the next page to help you out.
Logical Coordinators Subordinators Words
(CAN join (CAN join
Relationship (CANNOT join
sentences) sentences)

also, further,
Addition and
moreover, similarly

however, still,
although, while,
otherwise, on the
Contrast but, yet even though, even if,
other hand, instead,
whereas, though

Cause for because, since

therefore, thus,
so that, in that,
Effect so consequently, hence,
in order that
as a result

Choice/ on the other hand,

or, nor
Alternative conversely

if, unless,
Condition otherwise
provided that

after, before, then, next, previously,

Time as soon as, since, subsequently,
when, while, until, as afterwards
How to Fix Run-Together Sentences

Use a coordinator (also known as a conjunction)

One way to fix a run-together sentence is to insert a comma and a coordinator to join the two
independent clauses. For example:

Original RTS Grammatically Correct Sentence

Her older sister hit him, the boy started His older sister hit him, so the boy started to
to cry. cry.

When you use a coordinator to fix a run-together sentence, make sure that you choose one that
indicates the correct logical relationship between the two ideas you are connecting; the chart on the
previous page can help you figure this out.

Use a subordinator
Another way to fix a run-together sentence is to use a subordinator to join the two independent
clauses. For example:

Original RTS Grammatically Correct Sentence

His headache faded away as soon as he

took four ibuprofen.
He took four ibuprofen, his headache
faded away.
As soon as he took four ibuprofen, his
headache faded away.

As you can see from the examples above, subordinators don’t always need to be placed in the middle
of sentence; they can also come at the beginning. When you do place the subordinator at the
beginning of a sentence, you need to put a comma after the end of the first clause.

As with coordinators, when you use a subordinator to fix a run-together sentence, you need to make
sure that you choose one that indicates the correct logical relationship between the two ideas you are
Use a semi-colon
A third way fix run-together sentences is by joining the two independent clauses with a semi-colon.

Original RTS Grammatically Correct Sentence

My teacher writes RTS in the margins My teacher writes RTS in the margins of my
of my essay I do not know what she essay; (however) I don’t know what she
means. means.

You can pair a semi-colon with a transition word, but remember that transition words alone cannot
join sentences. If you do use a transition word, be sure that it is one that indicates the correct logical
relationship between the ideas you are connecting.

Split the RTS into two sentences

One final way to fix a run-together sentence is to spit it up into two independent clauses. For

Original RTS Grammatically Correct Sentence

My teacher writes RTS in the margins

My teacher writes RTS in the margins of my
of my essay I do not know what she
essay. I don’t know what she means.

When you fix run-together sentences in this way, just be careful that you don’t end up with a series of
short, choppy sentences.

A) Fix the following run-together sentences using one of the seven coordinators (FANBOYS: for, and,
nor, but, or, yet, so).

For example: I don’t usually watch reality TV, I do love a show called Project Runway.

1. At the beginning of the season there are fourteen aspiring fashion designers, in the end only three
people get to show at Olympus Fashion Week in New York.

2. The supermodel Heidi Klum hosts, famous designers serve as guest judges.

3. The contestants must take the design challenges seriously every week the loser goes home.

4. Some of the contestants have huge egos, they are unnecessarily competitive.

5. I don’t have TiVo I am going to my friend’s house to watch the season finale.

B) Fix the following run-together sentences using a subordinator.


For example: Many students have to cover their own living expenses, they work full-time.

1. She needed a part-time job, books and tuition were expensive this year.

2. She would have preferred not to have to work retail, the only job she could find was at a shoe
store in the mall.

3. The customers were frequently demanding and rude, she liked her co-workers.

4. She had been working for a month, her employee discount kicked in.

5. She paid off her credit card bill, she was planning to buy a new pair of shoes.
C) Fix the following run-together sentences using a semi-colon; you can also include an appropriate
transition word.

For example: As people get older they tend to get wiser; sometimes they also get fatter.

1. Orville was almost thirty-five his tummy had started to stick out.

2. His wife worried that his eating habits were unhealthy, she tried to encourage him to eat more
fruits and vegetables.

3. Orville was not as concerned he would eat six cookies a meal without feeling guilty.

4. On the radio, Orville had heard that drinking green tea could help you lose weight he decided to
stop drinking coffee that very day and put his coffee machine away.

5. Only he didn’t really stop drinking coffee, he just stopped making it at home and went to the
neighborhood café instead.

D) The following sentences are taken from actual student essays. Fix the RTS errors using an
appropriate strategy; remember to think about the logical relationship between ideas when choosing a

1. The legalization of prostitution would actually help reduce crime, the prostitute wouldn't be a
victim of extortion or beatings.

2. Police could stake out a street crime area instead of a brothel the effect would be safer streets
and more efficient use of the police.

3. Not everybody is going to be so ambitious and work many will probably do nothing.

4. At one time people had responsibilities to their families and communities, now you only have to
answer to yourself and no one else.

5. To some, divorce provides an easy out to their problems of getting along together, therefore they
dissolve the marriage rather than work it out.
E) Now that you’ve had a chance to correct isolated sentences, try to find and fix the run-together
sentences in the following paragraph.

Sleep is a subject we should all know a lot about, we spend one third of our lives sleeping.

Even though everyone sleeps, scientists have only recently begun to understand what goes on when

we sleep. They used to believe that the body repairs itself while asleep, there is some truth to this but

the body also does this while awake. The brain does not simply shut itself off at night, it goes through

a complicated series of chemical changes. Scientists have begun to chart these changes, working

with complex instruments that measure brain-wave patterns. They have found that we do not move

smoothly from being awake to being asleep, we pass through a cycle of four sleep stages. At each

stage blood pressure and pulse rate drop, the body temperature also goes down. In the second stage

the number and length of brain waves go up, while the sleeper’s eyes begin to move rapidly back and

forth behind their lids. Scientists call this activity rapid eye movements, or REMs, the activity that

accompanies most of our dreaming. If a person is deprived of REM sleep, that person will soon

become bad-tempered and irritable. A full night’s sleep is not a single, unbroken state but consists of

four or five of these multi-stage sleep cycles.1

Altman, Pam and Doreen Deicke, Eds. Fog City Fundamentals, 4th ed. Pearson Custom Publishing: Boston.
1998 p. 19. Sill need to correctly format citation.
F) One more time! Some of the sentences in the following paragraph are run-together; find these
sentences and fix them using the most appropriate strategy.

In 1867, a chef at a hotel in Saratoga Springs accidentally dropped some thinly sliced potatoes

into hot cooking oil, instantly the world found a new delicacy: the potato chip. At the time, Saratoga

Springs was America’s most fashionable resort, fads that started there usually found immediate

success. Almost overnight, the potato chip became Saratoga’s hottest item. The wide, tree-lined

avenues were filled with people eating potato chips, the huge veranda of the United States Hotel was

no different; it was filled with chip-eaters too. Some of the richest, most powerful people in the world

consumed them regularly, for instance, the Vanderbilts could often be seen daintily plucking chips

from paper cups on their stroll back to their mansion. The elegant “Saratoga chips” remained the

delicacy of the wealthy until 1925, when the first chip factory was constructed in Albany, New York.

The potato chip was no longer the snack of only the rich and famous, it became a common household

item. Of course potato chips have changed a great deal in the last hundred years, now they come in

various textures and flavors, some even stacked in paper tubes. Still, the next time you grab a

handful of greasy, flavor-dusted chips, you might pause to remember the noble origins of that humble


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