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Analysis of Compressionexpansion Stage On Compress

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TYPE Original Research

PUBLISHED 19 September 2023

DOI 10.3389/fenrg.2023.1278289

Analysis of compression/
OPEN ACCESS expansion stage on compressed
Xiaoye Dai,
Tsinghua University, China
air energy storage cogeneration
Yu Qiu,
Central South University, China
Yongqiang Feng,
Jiangsu University, China
Dou An 1, Yuquan Li 2*, Xixiang Lin 1 and Shiyang Teng 3*
Kun Wang, 1
Faculty of Electronics and Information Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China, 2Key
Hebei University of Technology, China
Laboratory of Thermo-Fluid Science and Engineering of Ministry of Education, School of Energy and
*CORRESPONDENCE Power Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China, 3School of Future Technology, Xi’an Jiaotong
Yuquan Li, University, Xi’an, China
Shiyang Teng,

RECEIVED 16 August 2023 Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) technology has risen as a promising approach
ACCEPTED 08 September 2023
PUBLISHED 19 September 2023
to effectively store renewable energy. Optimizing the efficient cascading utilization of
multi-grade heat can greatly improve the efficiency and overall system performance.
An D, Li Y, Lin X and Teng S (2023), Particularly, the number of compressor and expander stages is a critical factor in
Analysis of compression/expansion stage determining the system’s performance. In this study, we focused on the Advanced
on compressed air energy storage
Adiabatic Compressed Air Energy Storage system with Combined Heat and Power
cogeneration system.
Front. Energy Res. 11:1278289. (AA-CAES -CHP). Both economic and thermodynamic models were established for
doi: 10.3389/fenrg.2023.1278289 the AA-CAES-CHP system. To systematically study the effects of compression and
COPYRIGHT expansion stages, the influence of 3 different compressor stages and expander stages
© 2023 An, Li, Lin and Teng. This is an was comprehensively analyzed under 4 operating conditions. Key findings reveal that
open-access article distributed under the
the count of compressor and expander stages have a notable impact on the exergy
terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (CC BY). The use, losses of the AA-CAES-CHP system. As for the investment cost, the proportion of
distribution or reproduction in other investment cost for expanders decreases when the stage numbers of compressors
forums is permitted, provided the original
and expanders are the same. Furthermore, both thermodynamic and economic
author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are
credited and that the original publication characteristics allow us to optimize the AA-CAES-CHP system’s performance. One
in this journal is cited, in accordance with of our cases demonstrates that doubling the air mass flow rate results in a doubled
accepted academic practice. No use,
total energy output with a relatively modest increase (41.1%–65.1%) in the total
distribution or reproduction is permitted
which does not comply with these terms. investment cost.


combined heating and power system (CHP), compressed air energy storage (CAES),
economic analysis, thermodynamic analysis, compressors and expanders stages

1 Introduction
The continuous development of society and the economy heavily relies on the fossil
energy. However, the crude exploitation and use of fossil fuel s have led to various issues. The
maturity of renewable energy industry has accelerated the installed capacity of wind and
solar energy. However, renewable energy production still faces multiple drawbacks such as
intermittency and fluctuations. The substantial influx of unstable energy into the grid can
lead to power fluctuations and potential safety hazards. Efficient energy storage technology
has now become a crucial solution for the power grid to accommodate renewable energy.
Energy storage facilities are crucial for peak-load management and grid stability. Energy
storage has evolved into a crucial element of the energy infrastructure and promotes
renewable energy in turn. Overall, the accommodation of renewable energy through
efficient energy storage technology gives a significant boost to the power industry.

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Energy storage technology can be categorized into the following improved by 44.3 kWh, 2.03%, and 0.15 kWh/m3. Diyoke and
five main methods: mechanical, electrochemical, electrical, thermal, Wu (2020) presented a thermodynamic analysis of a hybrid
and chemical energy storage (Akinyele and Rayudu, 2014). Among power system coupled with A-CAES and biomass gasification
these methods, mechanical energy storage comprises pumped energy storage for simultaneous electricity and heat production.
storage, compressed air energy storage (CAES), and flywheel The system achieved the energy efficiency of approximately 38%,
energy storage, offering distinct advantages. Compared with electrical efficiency of 30%, and exergy efficiency of 29%.
others, CAES systems have several benefits: When contrasted Second, in the studies of advanced AA-CAES power cycle, sub-
with pumped storage, the CAES system offers greater scalability, cycles such as ORC, Kalina cycle (KC) and absorption heat pump
locational flexibility and capacity for centralized storage. Compared have been extensively studied. Wang et al. (2020) proposed a novel
with electrochemical energy storage, CAES can provide longer and CH-CAES system integrated with ORC to enhance system capacity.
safer service and achieve higher energy storage density. Moreover, The charge capacity increased by 21.3% and the unit energy density
compared with chemical energy storage, CAES is suitable for increased by 10.2%. Fu et al. (2021) introduced an innovative AA-
multiple applications. Currently, several megawatt-level new CAES system using an ORC with an adjustable pressure ratio. The
CAES projects have been conducted and completed (Wang et al., efficiency is increased up to 70.53%. Compression power
2016). consumption is reduced by 12.45% and expander output power
CAES systems can be categorized into types, notably the is increased by 37.29%. Li et al. (2018) proposed A-CAES coupled
traditional CAES, adiabatic CAES (A-CAES), advanced adiabatic with KC for heat recovery. Optimum design achieved 47.17% exergy
CAES (AA-CAES), liquid air energy storage, and supercritical efficiency. Piri et al. (2023) introduced an innovative A-CAES
CAES. The Huntorf power facility stands as the first A-CAES system with multiple KC, improving power production by 3.38%
power station and marked a significant milestone in the CAES and round trip exergy (RTE) efficiency by 3.12%, offering a
technology. The high-pressure air flows into the combustion significant enhancement in system performance. Li et al. (2023)
chamber and subsequently drives the turbine, obtaining an introduced an innovative CAES system that utilizes a KC to
operational efficiency of 42% (Tong et al., 2021). However, effectively utilize pre-compression heat, achieving a 2.7%
traditional CAES with combustion chambers face significant improvement in electrical efficiency. Han et al. (2021) proposed
energy loss and environmental harm due to the essence of an Integrated Energy System (IES) combining AA-CAES, ORC, and
thermal power. To address these issues, the AA-CAES system has ICE for peak-load regulation and improved performance. The
emerged. This system introduces inter-stage heat exchange during system achieves cascade energy utilization and diversified energy
multi-stage compression, reducing the loads and energy demand, optimizing operation cost, CO2 emissions, and energy
consumption of the compressors. Moreover, it can efficiently consumption by 14.84%, 13.06%, and 11.69%. Bai et al. (2023)
collect heat effectively during compression and leverages this heat introduced a system that combines AA-CAES with a double-effect
to preheat the air before expansion. In summary, AA-CAES offers compression-absorption refrigeration process. Sensitivity analyses
notable advantages, including high energy conversion efficiency, are conducted to optimize key parameters, achieving at least 14.97%
relatively low cost, and significant development potential compared higher energy efficiency than traditional AA-CAES. Third, in the
to traditional CAES systems. study of cogeneration CAES systems, Jiajun et al. (2023) proposed
Studies on AA-CAES systems primarily focus on enhancing three AA-CAES refrigeration systems that can provide cooling, heat,
cycle efficiency and energy storage density. First, because of its and electricity output, achieving a static payback period of
scalability, studies have combined CAES with a variety of renewable 11.88 years. (Li et al., 2022). established a trigenerative system
energy sources, such as solar and wind power, biomass energy and based on AA-CAES, exploring four modes with different working
chemical energy. Han et al. (2020) proposed an AA-CAES system mediums. Case with air and water has the highest exergy efficiency
with concentrating solar power (CSP). The AA-CAES-CSP system and energy density. Influences of ambient temperature, cold tank
achieved a 9% increase in storage efficiency and a nearly 2% increase temperature, and heat transfer coefficient on performance are
in coupled storage efficiency. The design of both the solar heating revealed. Optimal exergy efficiency ranged from 42.59% to
subsystem and regenerative subsystem affected system performance. 53.51%. Bai et al. (2022) proposed a solar-coupled A-CAES
(Li et al. (2021) introduced a cogeneration system model that system with ejector refrigeration cycles. Analysis and
integrates AA-CAES with solar auxiliary heating, presenting five optimization results show significant improvement, including
different heat distribution configurations (100%, 75%, 50%, 25%, 35.87% RTE, 33.23% exergy efficiency, and a 7.72-year payback
0%). The study found that smaller heat distribution ratios lead to period. Cai et al. (2018) proposed integrating a lithium bromide
higher exergy efficiency, while larger ratios increase energy storage absorption chiller with CAES to improve the performance. Results
density. Bu et al. (2022) designed an AA-CAES-SAH-ORC system show that efficiency is influenced by adiabatic efficiency of
for cascade energy utilization, rearranging the solar auxiliary heat compressors and refrigerating water temperature difference. Liu
(SAH), and using exhaust air as the organic Rankine cycle (ORC). et al. (2021) proposed a trigeneration system based on A-CAES
Heat source. Optimal operating parameters are studied, achieving with an absorption heat pump, Through the increasing of storage
maximum energy efficiency of 64.71% and exergy efficiency of pressure and optimizing thermal oil allocation, the system achieved
71.88%. Fu et al. (2023) proposed a 3-stage expansion, 2-stage improved RTE and exergy efficiency by 20.57%–31.69% and
high-temperature reheat photothermal-assisted AA-CAES system. 23.64%–30.62%, respectively. Yan and Gao (2022) integrate an
Optimal performance was achieved at 10 MPa and 4 MPa pressures. A-CAES system with an ejector refrigeration cycle to generate
When the solar irradiance is below 690, 660, and 600 W/m2, the power and cooling. Through comprehensive analyses, the
output power, exergy efficiency, and energy storage density are proposed system achieves 35.55% RTE, 33.21% exergy efficiency,

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and 8.55 years’ payback period. In summary, previous researches by 0.57–0.85 cents/kWh. Lv et al. (2022) proposed a isobaric
have focused on improvement of system performance, such as cycle A-CAES with a single-stage compressor and dual-usage
efficiency and energy storage density of CAES systems, with little expander. The system achieved a RTE of 66.6% and a theoretical
research specifically optimizing the efficient cascading utilization of energy storage density of 16.5 kWh.m-3 under specific conditions.
multi-grade heat in the system. In the AA-CAES system, even after Jiang et al. (2021) proposed an AA-CAES system that can operate as
heating the high-pressure air, a portion of the compression heat either a cogeneration or trigeneration system. The optimal design for
remains underutilized. A large amount of heat in the energy storage a cogeneration system with two compression/expansion stages and a
system has not been fully utilized. trigeneration system with three compression and one expansion
Studies on AA-CAES also focus on analyzing the effect of stages achieved exergy efficiency of 0.68 and 0.555. Ran et al. (2022)
components of the CAES system, such as compressors, air introduced a steam injection A-CAES system, increasing turbine
storage units, thermal storage units, expanders, etc. Compressors power by 6.63MW, RTE by 3.7%, compression heat utilization
and expanders, as the core components, have been extensively efficiency by 9.3%, and exergy RTE by 2.1%. Song et al. (2020)
studied. Hartmann et al. (2012) established thermodynamic introduced a multi-stage compression and heat recovery system for
models for four types of AA-CAES systems and analyzed the A-CAES. Results demonstrated a noteworthy enhancement in
compressor in the system. They concluded that employing a two- energy storage efficiency and density through the utilization of
stage compression leads to higher energy conversion efficiency. constant pressure air storage, with the highest efficiency
Kemble et al. (2012) introduced an AA-CAES system with seven exceeding 70% using adiabatic design. In summary, researches on
compression stages and six expansion stages. They performed compressors and expanders mainly focus on the parameter
parameter sensitivity analysis and conducted a techno-economic sensitivity analysis of these components in the system. However,
assessment of the system. Wang et al. (2019) introduce the concept there has been relatively limited research focusing comprehensively
of Combined Heat CAES (CH-CAES) to enhance energy storage on the impact of varying the number of compressor and expander
efficiency. By coupling an electric heater with conventional CAES stages on the performance and cost-effectiveness of a system, as well
system, the system partially relies on electrical heating during as the influence of different scales on the thermodynamic and
charging and uses stored heat to boost turbine inlet temperature economic performance of the system. Particularly, the number of
during discharging. In AA-CAES research, some scholars have compressor and expander stages is a critical factor in determining
explored the impact of the system operating under non-design both the thermodynamic and economic performance of the system,
conditions on its overall performance. Liu et al. (2019) compared when viewed from the perspectives of thermodynamics and
the three generations of CAES systems under the same condition. economics.
Results reveal that AA-CAES with mediums of oil and water Drawing from the aforementioned researches, to
achieves the highest efficiency (63.17% and 58.71%). Han et al. systematically study the effects of compression and expansion
(2020) introduced three operation modes of AA-CAES—sliding stages, this study presents an integrated AA-CAES-Combined
pressure, constant sliding, and constant pressure. These three Heat and Power (AA-CAES-CHP) system, aiming to attain
modes achieve the highest energy storage efficiency of 51.48%, enhanced and comprehensive energy utilization within the
the highest thermal efficiency of 94.99%, and the highest energy AA-CAES framework. Thermodynamic and economic models
storage density of 17.60 MJ/m³, respectively. Huang et al. (2021) for the AA-CAES-CHP system are established. The correlation
introduced a novel CAES system, the optimized heat storage between the quantity of compression and expansion stages in
medium and exhaust temperature reduced the exhaust energy terms of cost and efficacy is examined. The impact of different
loss. The design achieved better heat utilization and efficiency compressor and expander stages on system is analyzed from both
compared to conventional constant-pressure ratio designs. thermodynamic and economic standpoints. This analysis
Courtois et al. (2021) presented a reformulated cycle efficiency contributes to a deeper comprehension of the interconnected
equation for the A-CAES system, clarifying the effect of traits of energy conversion concerning the number of compressor
compressor pressure ratio and discharge temperature on and expander stages. The characteristics of energy conversion
efficiency. Numerical models and external studies have shown and economics of the system under different scales and designs
strong reliability in the initial sizing of multi-stage A-CAES are revealed.
systems with a discrepancy between −4.1% and +1.0%. Cao et al.
(2022) introduced an A-CAES system featuring an ejector integrated
into the last-stage compressor to alleviate choke problems during 2 System design
sliding-pressure operations. The backpressure variation is reduced
by 39.87%. The proposed system has improved RTE and exergy The AA-CAES-CHP system primarily comprises components
efficiency compared to constant-pressure operation, with maximum including compressors, expanders, heat exchangers (HXs), thermal
efficiencies reaching 57.94% and 58.32%. Chen et al. (2022) propose storage tanks, air storage equipment, cold storage tanks, motors, and
a re-compressed A-CAES system with a compressor in the generators. The system’s operation involves distinct processes for
discharging process to raise the operating pressure of the energy storage and energy release. Figure 1 illustrates the structure of
expansion train, resulting in a higher RTE of 69.89% compared the AA-CAES-CHP system, featuring three-stage compression and
to 65.23% for conventional A-CAES. Zhang et al. (2021) introduced expansion. The system operates between three modes: energy
an A-CAES system incorporating an inverter-driven compressor, storage, energy release, and system halt. During the halt, only the
which effectively decreased throttling losses and enhanced the RTE air storage equipment dissipates heat. Therefore, in the analysis of
by 1.8%–2.7%. The system also lowers the levelized cost of electricity the proposed AA-CAES-CHP system, only the charging and

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Schematic diagram of AA-CAES combined heat and power system.

discharging modes are considered. The air storage equipment of this TABLE 1 Designed parameters of the system.
system is based on the previous study (Zhao et al., 2015). Parameters Unit Value
The energy storage process includes three compressors (Com1,
Com2, Com3), intercoolers and aftercooler (HX1, HX2, HX3), an air Air Mass Flow Rate kg·s−1 1.0
storage tank (AST), a hot water storage tank (HWT), and pumps. The Inlet Air Temperature K 298.15
air enters the compressors and undergoes a three-stage compression.
Inlet Air Pressure MPa 0.101
To ensure an optimal design with maximum compression efficiency
and minimal power consumption, all three compressors adopt the Air Outlet Temperature K 298.15
same compression ratio. Intercoolers are employed to recover the
Air Tank Range MPa 10.0–15.0
compression heat, thereby reducing energy dissipation and isentropic
losses. Water serves as the heat transfer medium to absorb the Cooling Water Temperature K 293.12

generated heat. During the energy storage process, extra electricity Heat Exchanger Temperature Difference K 5.0 (Xi et al., 2021)
generated during low-demand periods drives the compressors,
Isentropic Efficiency of Expander — 88% (Mousavi et al., 2021)
transforming some of the electricity into high-pressure air. The
heat generated in this process is captured by the water and stored Isentropic Efficiency of Compressor — 88% (Mousavi et al., 2021)
in the HWT. The cooled high-pressure air is then stored in the AST.
Isentropic Efficiency of Pump — 80% (Xi et al., 2021)
Overall, in the energy storage stage, surplus electricity is effectively
converted into high-pressure air and stored in the AST, while the hot Charging Time h 6 (Shi and Asgari, 2022)

water is stored in the HWT. Discharging Time h 6 (Shi and Asgari, 2022)
The primary objective of the system is to discharge the
accumulated electricity and heat during periods of peak demand.
This energy discharge process involves the utilization of valves, 3 System model
turbines (Tur1, Tur2, Tur3), and heat exchangers (HX4, HX5, HX6).
During the process, the compressed air stored is released from the A comprehensive analysis of components in the AA-CAES-CHP
AST. It then enters HX4 and undergoes heat exchange with hot system is conducted, including HXs, compressors, expanders, valves,
water, raising its temperature to a specific level. The heated and so on. Mass, energy, and exergy balance analyses are presented.
compressed air then enters Tur1 for expansion, followed by Enthalpy and exergy are calculated at each point. The economic
sequential paths through HX5, Tur2, HX6, and Tur3, undergoing efficiency and characteristics of each component and the whole
multiple heating and expansion processes. Ultimately, when the air system are also analyzed.
drops to near-ambient pressure, it is discharged into the To simplify the mathematical model and enhance its clarity, the
environment. Overall, during the discharging phase, the following assumptions are proposed before conducting system
compressed air is heated by the stored heat, and is subsequently performance calculations (Teng and Xi, 2022): 1) The system
utilized to drive the expander for power generation. The hot water reaches a steady state in operating. 2) Evaluation is carried out
then provides heat to the end-users, thus achieving a combined heat under constant operating conditions, and the time of energy storage
and power generation approach. and release processes are equal. 3) Heat dissipation and pressure loss

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TABLE 2 Exergy balance equations of components. where Tin c,i denotes the inlet air temperature of the intercooler after
the i th stage compressor, εc denotes the efficiency of the HX for the
Components Equations
compressor, Tcwc denotes the initial temperature of cold water.
Compressor _ D
Ex Com
_ Com
 Ex in
_ Com
− Ex out
_ Com
+W During the energy release process, the outlet air temperature of
_ D _ Hot _ Hot _ Cold _ Cold
the i th HX is:
Heat Exchanger Ex HX  Ex in − Ex out + Ex in − Ex out

e,i  (1 − εe )Te,i + εe Tcwh

Tout in in
_ D _ Pump _ Pump _ Pump
Pump Ex Pump  Ex in − Ex out + Ex

Expander _ D
Ex Tur
_ Tur
 Ex in
_ Tur
− Ex out
_ Tur
−W where εe denotes the efficiency of HX for the expander, Tin
e,i denotes
the inlet air temperature of the HX before the i th expander, Tin
denotes the temperature of the hot water in the HWT.
Furthermore, considering the pressure loss when fluid passes
in the heat exchangers and pipelines are neglected. 4) No heat through the HX, the pressure loss coefficient is denoted as
transfer between the components or between the system and (Saravanamuttoo et al., 2001):
environment. 5) Phase and state changes in the AST and HWT 0.0083ε
are neglected. ϕ (6)
Table 1 presents the parameters of the system and Table 2 shows
the energy balance equations of the components. A regulating valve where ε denotes the efficiency of heat exchangers.
is utilized to maintain a constant pressure before the expander,
ensuring stable and efficient discharging. The simulations in this 3.1.3 Expander
paper assume the conventional constant-pressure discharging that is During the energy release, passing through the inter-stage heat
employed in existing CAES power plants. As a result, the pressure exchanger of the i th stage expander, the temperature of air entering
variations in the AST during the energy release phase are not taken the expander is denoted as Tout
e,i . When the air enters the i th expander,
into account (Chen et al., 2022). the output power is given by (Saravanamuttoo et al., 2001):
w_ e,i  m_ air cp Tout
e,i 1 − βt,i ηts
k (7)

3.1 Energy model where m_ air denotes the air mass flow rate, βe,i denotes the expansion
ratio of the i th stage expander, ηts denotes the isentropic efficiency
3.1.1 Compressor of the expander.
The compressor is one of the key components in the AA-CAES The outlet temperature of the i th expander is denoted as:
system, and its compression process is considered adiabatic under 1−k
e,i+1  Te,i 1 − 1 − βe,i ηts
Tin out
ideal conditions. The inlet temperature of the i th compressor is k (8)
c,i . Considering the isentropic efficiency, the outlet temperature
The summed output power of the energy release process is:
of the compressor is (Saravanamuttoo et al., 2001):
k−1 _ TUR  w_ e,i
W (9)

in ⎡
βc,i k − 1⎦
c,i  Tc,i 1 +
Tout ⎤ (1) i1

where βc,i denotes the i th stage compression ratio, k denotes the 3.1.4 Compressed air storage and hot water tank
specific heat ratio and ηcs denotes the isentropic efficiency. Assuming isothermal and isobaric conditions for the AST and
The input power of the i th stage compressor is given by: HWT, any changes in the state of the storage tank during the energy
k−1 storage and release processes are not taken into account. As a result,
w_ c,i  m_ air cp Tin
c,i βc,i − 1/ηcs
k (2)
the compressed air must follow the equations (Cao et al., 2022):
where w_ c,i denotes the input power of the compressor, m_ air denotes TAST  TAST (10)
in out
the air mass flow rate, cp denotes the specific heat capacity of air at
PAST in  PAST out (11)
constant pressure.
Therefore, the summed input power is given by: where TAST in and TAST out denote the inlet and outlet temperature of
N AST, PAST in and PAST out denote the inlet and outlet pressure of AST.
_ COM  w_ c,i
W (3) The water in HWT should satisfy the following equation (Teng
i1 and Xi, 2022):
THWT in  THWT out (12)
3.1.2 Heat exchanger PHWT in  PHWT out (13)
During the energy storage stage, the outlet air temperature of the
i th stage HX is given by (Saravanamuttoo et al., 2001): where THWT in and THWT out denote the inlet and outlet
temperature of HWT, PHWT in and PHWT out denote the inlet
c,i  (1 − εc )Tc,i + εc Tcwc
Tout in
(4) and outlet pressure of HWT.

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3.1.5 Regulating valve where U denotes the overall heat transfer coefficient. ΔTC denotes
A regulating valve is used to discharge air at a certain pressure. the corrected mean temperature difference. F denotes the correction
The mass and energy balance equations can be expressed as (Teng factor, and according to reference (Ludwig, 1997), F is taken as 1.0.
and Xi, 2022): ΔTM denotes the logarithmic mean temperature difference:
m_ in  m_ out (14) (TH in − TC out ) − (TH out − TC in )
ΔTM  T in −TC out (22)
m_ in · hin  m_ out · hout (15) lnTHH out −TC in

where m_ in and m_ out denotes the mass flow rate of inlet and outlet, hin where TH in and TH out denote the inlet and outlet temperature of
and hout denote the specific enthalpy of inlet and outlet air. the hot-side working fluid, TC in and TC out denote the inlet and
outlet temperature of the cold-side working fluid.
The overall heat transfer coefficient can be calculated by (Cao
3.2 Exergy model et al., 2018):
Exergy analysis, based on the principles of the Second Law of U δ
+ λwall + Rw + hcold
Thermodynamics, constitutes a vital analytical approach for
enhancing system efficiency. This methodology elucidates both where hhot and hcold denote the convection heat transfer coefficient
irreversibility and exergy losses intrinsic to system components. of the hot and cold side, Rw denotes the fouling resistance, δ and
Through quantifying exergy losses, main components that λwall denotes the thickness and thermal conductivity of the plate
accountable for exergy losses can be found, thus establishing the (Cao et al., 2018). The values of overall heat transfer coefficients are
foundation for optimizing system design and operation. listed in Table 4.
The exergy balance equation of the system can be expressed as: The cost of the compressor is (Couper et al., 2009):
· · ·
 Exin   Exout + ExD (16) Cc  9.4763(WCOM )0.62 (24)
· · ·
where  Exin ,  Exout and ExD denote the exergy entering the where WCOM denotes the input power of the compressor.
system component, the exergy exiting the system component, and The cost of the expander is (Couper et al., 2009):
the exergy loss generated within the system component.
Ce  1.3951(WTUR )0.81 (25)
For the exergy of the mass flow in the system, it can be
expressed as: where WTUR denotes the output power of the expander
· The Chemical Engineering Plant Cost Index (CEPCI) is used to
Ex  m_ [(h − h0 ) − T0 (s − s0 )] (17)
convert costs into current costs (Yang et al., 2017), and it is
where m_ denotes the mass flow rate, h0 and s0 denotes the specific calculated by:
enthalpy and specific exergy of under ambient condition of 298.15 K CEPCI2019
and 1 atm pressure. C2019  C2001 (26)

where CEPCI2019  652.9, CEPCI2001  394.3.

3.3 Economic model The total investment cost can be obtained (Xi et al., 2021):

INVtot   CTur +  CCom +  CPump +  CHX (27)

Economic efficiency plays a vital role in evaluating the CAES
system’s overall effectiveness. The Module Costing Technique In this paper, the cost of water is considered to be zero. The
(MCT) serves as a common method for calculating investment net annual income (NAI) of the system is calculated by (Xi et al.,
costs and conducting economic analysis. Costs of each 2021):
component can be calculated as follows (Xi et al., 2021):
NAI  ENE + ENH − Com (28)
CPM  Cp FBM  Cp (B1 + B2 FM FP ) (18)
where Com denotes the operating and maintenance costs, which can
logCp  K1 + K2 log X + K3 log X (19) be calculated by (Zhang et al., 2017):
logFp  C1 + C2 log p + C3 log p (20)
Com  1.65%INVtot (29)
where CPM denotes the corrected cost, FM denotes the material
moreover, ENE denotes the income from the system’s electricity
correction factor, FP denotes the pressure correction factor, Cp
generation, and ENH denotes the income from the system’s heat
denotes the basic cost when operating at ambient pressure, X
generation. These can be calculated by (Xi et al., 2021):
denotes the designed parameters. The correction factors used in
Eqs 18–20 are shown in Table 3.
_ Tur topt Pe
ENE  W (30)
For the HXs, the heat transfer area holds the most crucial
parameter to calculate the cost, and can be represented by: ENH  m_ hw topt Phw (31)

Q Q where topt denotes the operating time, which is 7,500 h in this paper
A  (21)
UΔTC UFΔTM (Li et al., 2023). Pe denotes the unit price of industrial electricity,

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TABLE 3 Coefficients used for cost calculation (Zhang et al., 2018; Xi et al., 2021).

Components K1 K2 K3 C1 C2 C3 B1 B2 FM FBM
Heat Exchanger 4.3427 −0.303 0.1634 0.039 0.082 0.012 1.63 1.66 1.35 —

Expander 2.705 1.440 −0.177 — — — — — — 6.2

Pump 3.870 0.316 0.122 0.245 0.259 0.014 1.89 1.35 2.35 —

Compressor 2.2897 1.3604 −0.1027 — — — — — — 2.2

TABLE 4 Assumed values of overall heat transfer coefficients (Ludwig, 1997; storage time td and the energy release time tc are equal
Cao et al., 2018). during a complete cycle.
Hot fluid Cold fluid Assumed value (kW·m-2·K−1)
1) Cycle Efficiency: The efficiency of thermodynamic processes is
Water Gas 0.450 defined as the ratio of the output useful power to the input. The
Gas Water 0.150 cyclic efficiency (Courtois et al., 2021; Fu et al., 2021) of a system
denotes the ability of the system to generate power by storing and
consuming power and the ratio between the generated power and
which is 0.1212$/kWh (Li et al., 2023). m_ hw denotes the mass flow the consumed power over a complete cycle. It demonstrates the
rate of hot water. It is important to note that the price of hot water system’s capability to produce power for external use. It is
may differ at different temperatures. To calculate the income from computed using the following equation:
the hot water accurately, the following correction equation is _ TUR · td
introduced (Xi et al., 2021): ηpower  (34)
_ COM + W
W _ Pump  · tc
m_ ′hw  mhw (0.025tcw − 0.502) (32)
where W_ TUR denotes the total power output, W _ COM denotes the total
where m_ ′hw denotes the corrected mass flow rate of hot water, and tcw input power consumed by compressors, td denotes the time of
denotes the temperature of the hot water. The income from the heat _ Pump denotes
energy release, tc denotes the time of energy storage, W
generation can be calculated by (Xi et al., 2021): the power consumed by the pumps, calculated by:
_ t P  17m′hw  0.017m′
ENH  m′ _
hw opt hw hw (33)
_ Pump  m_ Pump (hP m_ Pump (hP out − hP in is)
1000 W out − hP in )  (35)
where Phw denotes the price of domestic hot water at 333.15 K and is
2.2356$·t−1 (Zhang et al., 2017). where m_ pump denotes the mass flow rate of water through the
pump, hP in and hP out denotes the specific enthalpy of water at
the inlet and outlet of the pump, hP in is denotes the isentropic
3.4 Evaluation metrics specific enthalpy of water at the inlet, ηPump denotes the
isentropic efficiency of the pump, and is assumed to be 0.8 (Xi
The comprehensive evaluation of the system should take the et al., 2021).
overall thermal characteristics into account. Therefore, cycle
(round-trip) efficiency, thermal efficiency, and exergy 2) Exergy Efficiency: The metric based on the first law of
efficiency are adopted as metrics for the AA-CAES-CHP thermodynamics cannot reflect the grade of energy utilization,
system. According to the assumptions above, the energy so the exergy efficiency (Chen et al., 2021; Tian et al., 2023) is

TABLE 5 Comparison between key simulation parameters and literature values.

Process Term Parameter Value Simulation result Relative error/%

Compressor Inlet Temperature/K 298.15 (Teng and Xi, 2022) 298.15 —

Initial Values Compressor Inlet Pressure/MPa 0.101 (Teng and Xi, 2022) 0.101 —

Compressor outlet Pressure/MPa 0.900 (Teng and Xi, 2022) 0.900 —

Compared Value Compressor Outlet Temperature/K 580.27 (Teng and Xi, 2022) 579.74 0.09
Multi-stage Compression
Compressor Inlet Temperature/K 298.15 (Wang et al., 2016) 298.15 —

Initial Values Compressor Inlet Pressure/MPa 0.1 (Wang et al., 2016) 0.101 —

Compressor Outlet Pressure/MPa 2.4 (Wang et al., 2016) 2.4 —

Compared Value Compressor Power/kW 183.70 (Wang et al., 2016) 193.9 5.26

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Effect of compression/expansion stages under Condition 1 on (A) exergy Losses; (B) relative exergy losses; (C) input and output energy; (D)

defined for analyzing system performance to provide a more 4 Results and analysis
detailed and applicable evaluation. The ratio of the exergy output
to the exergy input of the system. It is calculated by: 4.1 Model validation
_ in − Ex
Ex _ D  · tc
ηex  The proposed model’s validation incorporated publicly
Exin · td
(36) available data from simulation cases (Teng and Xi, 2022) and
W_ TUR − W _ Pump + Q_ heat 1 − T0  · tc experimental cases (Wang et al., 2016). In this section, the initial

_ in · td
Ex parameters used were set to be the same as those provided in the
Ex _ air + Ex
_ in  Ex _ water + W
_ COM (37) previous studies. By comparing simulation results, differences
between the proposed model and the model from the previous
_ in denotes the exergy input to the system,  Ex
where Ex _ D denotes studies were analyzed to validate the accuracy. Table 5 presents the
the total exergy losses in the system, Ex_ heat denotes the exergy model validation results.
output from the output heat, Th denotes the temperature of the In comparison with the previous study (Teng and Xi, 2022), the
_ air and Ex
output hot water, Ex _ water denote the exergy input of air relative error for the compressor outlet temperature compared to the
and water. published data is 0.09%. In comparison with study (Wang et al.,
2016), the relative error for the compressor power compared to the
3) Dynamic Payback Period (DPP) and Simple Payback Period published data is 5.26%. Thus, the key parameters have relatively
(SPB): DPP and SPB describe the economics of the system in small relative errors, indicating the reliability of this model.
terms of cost recovery, and can be calculated by (Xi et al., 2021):
DPP  tot
(38) 4.2 Analysis of compression/expansion
ln(1 + k)
SPB  (39)
The effect of compression/expansion stages on the
where k denotes the discount rate, which is 5% in this paper. performance of AA-CAES-CHP systems varies with different

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Effect of compression/expansion stages under Condition 1 on (A) investment cost; (B) relative investment cost; (C) system investment and profit; (D)
DPP and SPB.

TABLE 6 Operating conditions of different scales in the AA-CAES-CHP system.

Operating condition Air Mass flow rate m_ air /kg · s−1 Pressure range of storage Tank/MPa
Condition 1 1 2.5–5 (Alirahmi et al., 2021)

Condition 2 2 2.5–5 (Alirahmi et al., 2021)

Condition 3 2 3–9 (Lashgari et al., 2022)

Condition 4 2 10–15

scales. Based on the design parameters (Alirahmi et al., 2021), this compressors and HX of compressors remain constant, regardless of the
section investigates the effect of compression/expansion stages change in N. This arises from the constant compression ratio of a single-
with different scales and designs. Four operating conditions are stage compressor, which maintains a stable inlet air to the compressor
shown in Table 6. unit. The compression ratio is determined by the designed range of the
MATLAB software is utilized to model the process of the AA- pressure in storage tank and the rate of airflow. Consequently, the
CAES system. In the process of computation, acquiring the number of N does not influence the components significantly. The
thermodynamic characteristics of fluid at a specific point exergy losses in the HX of expanders are highest when N = 3 and
becomes imperative. Hence, the subroutine REFPROP 9.0 is decrease as N increases. This trend is a result of the decreasing
utilized to evaluate the thermodynamic states of each substance. expansion ratio, leading to higher air temperature at the expander
outlet. As a result, except for the first-stage HX, the exergy losses in the
4.2.1 Condition 1 HXs decrease, resulting in a gradual reduction of the exergy losses in the Thermodynamic performance HXs of expanders. Moreover, a larger N results in a reduction in the
Figure 2A illustrates the effect of compression and expansion expansion ratio of a single-stage expander, thus resulting in lower
stages (M and N) on exergy losses under Condition 1. The figure exergy losses within the expanders. Additionally, the impact of exergy
demonstrates that when the M remains the same, exergy losses in the losses caused by pumps on the system is minimal.

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Effect of compression/expansion stages under Condition 2 on (A) exergy Losses; (B) relative exergy losses; (C) input and output energy; (D)

For the overall system, the exergy losses are highest when N = 3, the expanders increase. This is primarily due to the reduction in exergy
primarily due to the exergy losses in the HX of expanders. However, by losses in the HX of compressors.
increasing N to 5, the system’s exergy losses are minimized. As M Figure 2C illustrates the effect of M and N on the input and
increases from 3 to 5, the exergy losses gradually decrease, primarily due output energy of the system under Condition 1. During the energy
to the reduction in exergy losses in the HXs of compressors. This storage process, an increase of M leads to a decrease in the energy
decrease is due to the reduction in compression ratio as M increases. consumed by the compressor unit. This reduction is because,
Consequently, the outlet air temperature drops, which in turn decreases according to Eq. 2, with an increase of M, the compression ratio
the temperature difference between the inlet and outlet of the HX. This of a single compressor decreases, resulting in lower power
ultimately leads to the decrease in exergy losses of HXs. consumption. However, during the energy release process, M
As M increases, there is a slight rise in the compressor exergy does not affect the power output of the system, but it does lead
losses, while the expanders remain consistent. Additionally, the exergy to a reduction in the heat output of the system. The decrease in heat
losses in the HX of the expanders exhibit a slight reduction because of output is due to the decrease in the input energy of the system.
larger M. This leads to a reduction in the air temperature at the Meanwhile, the power output remains unchanged regardless of M.
compressor outlet, subsequently resulting in a decrease in the mass On the other hand, the change of N does not affect the energy
flow rate of water. Consequently, the exergy losses in the heat consumption of the compressor during the energy storage process.
exchanger of the expanders experience a minor decrease. However, during the energy release process, an increase in N results
In conclusion, increasing M effectively reduces the exergy losses in higher power output of the expanders. This is due to the decrease
in the AA-CAES-CHP system, but this effect gradually diminishes as in the expansion ratio of a single expander as N increases, according
M increases. On the other hand, increasing N can slightly mitigate to Eq. 7. Furthermore, the increase in N leads to a decrease in heat
the system’s exergy losses. The decrease in exergy losses becomes output. This is due to the constant input energy to the system
noticeable when M is greater. coupled with the rise in power output, resulting in a reduction in the
Figure 2B illustrates how the M and N effect the exergy losses under heat output to the environment.
Condition 1. When M is small, the HX of compressors is the primary Figure 2D illustrates the effect of M and N on the efficiency. During
source of exergy losses. However, as M increases, the proportion of the the energy storage process, increasing M leads to an improvement in the
HX of compressors decreases, while the proportion the compressors and overall cycle efficiency and exergy efficiency of the system. This

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Effect of compression/expansion stages under Condition 2 on (A) investment cost; (B) relative investment cost; (C) system investment and profit; (D)
DPP and SPB.

improvement is because the power output remains unchanged, while because the larger N causes an increase in the inlet pressure, resulting
the power input decreases with larger M, increasing the cycle efficiency. in higher investment costs. Moreover, the investment cost of the
The exergy efficiency also increases due to the reduction in exergy losses expander unit, contributing to the most significant cost in the system,
in the HXs, as mentioned in Figure 2A. However, this increase tends to also increases with an increase in N. This is mainly due to the
recede as M continue to increase. additional expanders required for larger N. However, for a single-
stage expander, an increase in N results in a decrease in its investment Economic performance cost. The reason is that the rise in N reduces the expansion ratio of the
Figure 3A illustrates the effect of M and N on the investment single-stage expander, thereby decreasing its output power and
cost of components in the system under Condition 1. Varying N consequently reducing its investment cost. On the other hand, M
does not affect the investment cost of the compressor unit and the has no effect on the components during the energy release process.
HX of compressors when M remains constant. This is because N has Figure 3B illustrates the effect of M and N on the investment cost
no influence on the energy consumption of the compressor during of components under Condition 1. The cost of the compressor unit
the energy storage process. The energy consumed by the compressor is most significant, accounting for 46.1%–54.2% of the total system
unit remains consistent, determined by the working range of the cost. The next is the HX of compressors, accounting for 15.9%–
storage tank and the air mass flow, as shown in Figure 3C, leading to 26.5% of the total system cost.
an unchanged investment cost for the compressor unit. Similarly, Figure 3C illustrates the effect of M and N on the total
the outlet air temperature of each compressor remains constant, investment cost and annual profit. The overall investment cost
resulting in a constant heat exchange rate and logarithmic mean increases with the increase of M and N, aligning with the trend
temperature difference for the HX of compressors, thus keeping its shown in Figure 3A. As M and N increase, the annual profit
investment cost unaffected, according to Eqs 18–21. gradually decreases. This reduction is due to the increased
However, during the energy release process, the investment cost operational costs as the number of components rises, leading to a
of HXs of expanders gradually increases. This is primarily due to the decrease in the annual profit.
increase in the number of HXs. For the HXs after the first stage, an Figure 3D illustrates the effect of M and N on the DPP and SPB.
increase in N leads to a slight increase in their investment cost. This is As the number of M and N increases, the system’s investment cost

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Effect of compression/expansion stages under Condition 3 on (A) exergy Losses; (B) relative exergy losses; (C) input and output energy; (D)

rises, and the annual profit decreases. Therefore, both the DPP and efficiency remains unchanged under Condition 2. As displayed in
SPB increase. Figure 4D, changing the inlet air flow rate does not affect the overall
cycle efficiency and exergy efficiency.
4.2.2 Condition 2 Thermodynamic performance Economic performance
Figure 4A illustrates the effect of the number of M and N on the Figure 5A illustrates the effect of M and N on the investment
exergy losses of components in the system under Condition 2. It is costs of components in the system under Condition 2. The trend of
evident that increasing M effectively reduces the overall exergy loss the influence of M and N on the investment costs of components
in the system. This reduction primarily results from the decrease in remains consistent with that observed in operating conditions 1.
exergy losses of the HXs of compressors. Consequently, the However, comparing Figure 3A with Figure 5A, the investment cost
proportion of exergy loss decreases, while the exergy losses of M of the compressors in Condition 2 increases by 73%, and the
and N become the main contributors. Increasing M proves to be an investment cost of the HXs between compressors increases by
effective way to lower the exergy loss. 80%. Consequently, the proportion of investment in the HXs
Considering that the air mass flow rate in Condition 2 is twice between compressors in the system increases.
that of Condition 1, a comparison with Figure 3A reveals that the Figure 5B illustrates the relative investment costs of components in
trends of exergy loss for components in both operating conditions the AA-CAES-CHP system under Condition 2. Comparing Figure 3B
are similar. Moreover, the overall exergy loss in Condition 2 is twice with Figure 5B, the overall trends in the relative investment costs of
that of Condition 1. By comparing Figure 4B with Figure 3B, it is components are similar for both Conditions 1 and 2. However, in
evident that changing the inlet air flow rate does not affect the Condition 2, the investment cost of the compressors and the HX of
proportion of exergy loss for components or the efficiency. compressors are higher than in Condition 1.
Similarly, a comparison with Figure 3C and Figure 4C reveals Figure 5C illustrates the effect of M and N on the total investment
that the input and output energy in Condition 2 are both twice that cost and annual income under Condition 2. Comparing Figure 5C
of Condition 1, and their trends are similar. This is expected given with Figure 3C shows that the trend of the change in the overall
the doubled increase in the air mass flow rate in Condition 2. investment cost in Condition 2 is similar to that observed in
However, it is important to note that the influence of M and N on the Condition 1. However, as N increases, the annual income first

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Effect of compression/expansion stages under Condition 3 on (A) investment cost; (B) relative investment cost; (C) system investment and profit; (D)
DPP and SPB.

increases and then decreases. This is because the increase in the total compressors, which increases the compression ratio of the
investment cost with an increase in N leads to a significant rise in compressors, raises the air temperature at the outlet of the
operating costs, which subsequently reduces the annual income of the compressors, and enlarges the temperature difference at the inlet
system. Compared to Condition 1, the total investment cost in and outlet of the HXs, resulting in a higher relative exergy loss of the
Condition 2 increased by 41.1%–65.1%. HXs between compressors.
Figure 5D illustrates the effect of M and N on the DPP and SPB. Figures 6C, D respectively illustrate the effect of M and N on
The investment payback period in Condition 2 follows the same the input and output energy and the efficiency under Condition
trend as that in Condition 1. Moreover, for the same M and N, the 3. The cycle efficiency and exergy efficiency are lower compared
investment payback period in Condition 2 is shorter than that in to Condition 1. This is due to the higher compression ratio,
Condition 1. This indicates that the system has a faster return on which increases the compression heat, resulting in a greater
investment in Condition 2 due to its higher annual income despite increase in output heat than output electricity, causing the
the increased investment cost. system’s energy output to be more concentrated in heat
output. The increase in the compression ratio leads to an
4.2.3 Condition 3 increase in both the compressor exergy loss and the Thermodynamic performance temperature difference at the inlet and outlet of the HXs
Figures 6A, B illustrate the effect of M and N on the exergy loss between compressors, resulting in higher exergy loss of the
(irreversible losses) of components in the AA-CAES-CHP system HXs and a decrease in the exergy efficiency.
under Condition 3. Comparing Figure 6A with Figure 3A reveals that
the trend of the exergy loss of components in the system is the same Economic performance
for operating conditions 3 and 1. Under Condition 3, the air mass flow Figures 7A, B respectively illustrate the effect of M and N on the
rate is 2 kg·s−1, and the working range of the storage tank is 3–9 MPa. investment costs and relative costs of components under
By comparing Figure 6B with Figure 4B, the proportion of Condition 3.
exergy loss attributed to the HXs between compressors is higher As shown in Figure 7A, when M increases from 3 to 5, the total
in Condition 3. This is because of the higher outlet pressure of the investment cost increases from 1,973 k$ to 2,333 k$, with the

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Effect of compression/expansion stages under Condition 4 on (A) exergy Losses; (B) relative exergy losses; (C) input and output energy; (D)

compressor investment cost increasing by 160 k$ and the compressor Condition 1. By comparing Conditions 1, 2, 3, and 4, with
HX cost increasing by 200 k$. When N increases from 3 to 5, the total the increase in system scale, the proportion of exergy loss in
investment cost increases from 1,973 k$ to 2,146 k$, with the the HXs gradually rises. This indicates that the performance of
expansion machine investment cost increasing by 45 k$ and the HXs has a greater effect on the overall system performance.
expander HX cost increasing by 128 k$. Compared to Condition 2, When the compressor stage number is 3, HXs account for the
with the same M and N, the proportion of the investment cost of the majority of system exergy losses. However, when the
expansion unit during the discharging process decreases by 3.68%. compressor stage number is greater than 3, the main
Figure 7C illustrates the effect of M and N on the total investment contributors to exergy losses become the expanders and the
cost and annual income under Condition 3. The overall investment compressors.
cost increases with the increase of N, consistent with the trend in The effects of M and N on the input and output energy are
Figure 7A. The annual income decreases with the increase of N, as the shown in Figure 8C. By comparing Figure 8C with Figure 3C, the
overall investment cost increases, resulting in higher operational costs trends of input and output energy follow a similar trend of
and, in turn, a decrease in annual income. Condition 1. The efficiency also follows the same trend with the
Figure 7D illustrates the effect of M and N on the DPP and SPB. varying M and N.
The investment payback period increases with the increase in M and The effect of the M and N on efficiency in Condition 4 is
N. Compared to operating conditions 1 and 2, Condition 3 has a illustrated in Figure 8D. Compared to Condition 2, the cycle
shorter investment payback period, indicating a faster return on efficiency and exergy efficiency are lower in Condition 4. This is
investment. due to the higher compression ratio, resulting in increased
compression heat, where the increase in heat output is larger
4.2.4 Condition 4 than the increase in power output, causing the overall energy to Thermodynamic performance be more concentrated in thermal energy. The increased compression
Figures 8A, B illustrate the effects of M and N on the exergy ratio leads to higher compressor exergy losses and a greater
losses of components under Condition 4. The trend of exergy temperature difference of the compressor HXs, resulting in
losses in components follows a similar pattern as observed in increased exergy losses in the HXs. Moreover, the system’s

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Effect of compression/expansion stages under Condition 4 on (A) investment cost; (B) relative investment cost; (C) system investment and profit; (D)
DPP and SPB.

TABLE 7 Simulation results and comparison of performance.

m_ air Pressure of Cycle Exergy DPP Compression Expansion Reference

AST/MPa efficiency efficiency stages stages
/kg · s−1
1 2.5–5 57.17%–65.58% 62.23%–67.75% 7.14–12.18 3–5 3–5 —

2 2.5–5 57.17%–65.58% 61.67%–67.75% 4.61–7.24 3–5 3–5 —

2 3–9 50.41%–58.82% 57.36%–61.99% 4.61–7.24 3–5 3–5 —

2 10–15 56.01%–67.75% 62.43%–70.07% 3.80–5.47 3–5 3–5 —

1.5 15 24.63% 67.57% 17.68 3 1 Li et al. (2023b)

1.6 5.2–7.4 63.63% 66.46% — 2 2 Chen et al. (2021)

— 4.9369–8.949 — 68% — 2 3 Jiang et al. (2021)

— 4.0691–8.0696 — 55.5% — 2 1 Jiang et al. (2021)

5 1.5–4.5 35.55% 33.21% 8.55 3 1 Yan and Gao


5 1.5–4.5 35.82% 33.19% 7.75 3 1 Bai et al. (2022)

output energy is more concentrated in thermal energy, reducing the Economic performance
exergy output and consequently leading to a decrease in the exergy Figure 9A illustrates the effect of M and N on the investment
efficiency. cost of components under Condition 4. Comparing Figure 7A with

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Figure 9A, the investment cost of components under Condition (1) The exergy loss of the system is influenced by the number of
4 follows a similar trend as observed in Condition 3. compressor and expander stages. When the compressor stage
Figure 9B illustrates the effect of M and N on the investment cost number is 3, the HXs contribute significantly to the exergy loss
of components in the system. The investment cost of the expanders (46.8%–50.3%). However, when the compressor stage number is
and the compressors account for 14.7%–16.9% and 53.5%–64.1% of 4 or 5, the expanders and compressors become the main sources
the total investment cost, respectively. The compressors are the main of exergy loss (60.5%–76.5%).
contributor to the system’s investment cost. Compared to Condition (2) Increasing the compressor stage number from 3 to 5 increases the
3, the higher compressor outlet pressure leads to a higher proportion total investment cost from 1973 k$ to 2,333 k$. The compressor
of investment cost in the compressors and the compressor HXs. investment cost rises by 160 k$, and the cost of compressor HXs
Figure 9C illustrates the effect of M and N on the total investment increases by 200 k$. On the other hand, increasing the expander
cost and annual profit under Condition 4. From Figure 9C, the overall stage number from 3 to 5 results in an 18.2% increase in the total
investment cost increases with the increase in the number of expander investment cost, from 1973 k$ to 2,146 k$. The expander investment
and compressor stages, following a similar trend as shown in cost increases by 45 k$, and the cost of expander HXs cost increases
Figure 9A. The system’s annual profit increases with the increase by 128 k$. However, despite these increases, the proportion of
in the number of expander stages (N), as the efficiency increases, investment cost for the energy release unit decreases by 3.68%.
resulting in higher output energy and greater income. (3) Considering both thermodynamic and economic characteristics
Figure 9D illustrates the effect of M and N on the DPP and SPB. helps in improving the performance of the AA-CAES-CHP
The investment payback period increases with the increase in the system. For instance, Condition 2, which doubles the air mass
number of compressor and expander stages. Compared to flow rate while maintaining the system’s exergy loss, results in a
Conditions 1, 2, and 3, Condition 4 has a shorter investment doubled total energy output. However, the total investment cost
payback period, which suggests better economic performance in increases by only 41.1%–65.1% compared to Condition 1.
Condition 4 despite the higher investment costs.
The performance of the system under the four operational In conclusion, optimizing the compressor and expander stage
conditions, along with a comparison to relevant studies, is numbers can significantly influence the performance and economics
presented in Table 7. The system’s performance across these four of the AA-CAES-CHP system, thereby contributing to the
conditions follows a consistent trend: A higher upper limit of AST development and implementation of efficient energy storage.
pressure leads to improved overall system performance, while the
increasing compression and expansion stages result in increased
efficiency but decreased economic efficiency. Data availability statement
The cycle efficiency obtained is relatively higher than that in
the references. This disparity is due to variations in the The original contributions presented in the study are included in
distribution of thermal and electrical energy during the the article/supplementary material, further inquiries can be directed
combined heat and power generation. In terms of exergy to the corresponding authors.
efficiency, this study’s results align closely with the efficiency
levels in the references. Additionally, it is worth noting that the
relatively lower exergy efficiencies in (Yan and Gao, 2022; Bai Author contributions
et al., 2022) stem from the integration of solar energy.
Comparison with other studies highlights that this study has DA: Writing–original draft, Writing–review and editing. YL:
amassed extensive simulation results considering the range of AST Writing–review and editing. XL: Writing–original draft. ST:
pressure, compression stages, and expansion stages. This offers a Writing–review and editing.
comprehensive reference for further design and optimization of the
AA-CAES-CHP system, thereby providing valuable insights and
directions for the advancement of CAES technology. Funding
The author(s) declare financial support was received for the
Conclusion research, authorship, and/or publication of this article. This work
was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of
This study focused on the AA-CAES-CHP system, and the China under Grant 62173268, Grant 61803295, Grant 61973247,
thermodynamic and economic models were established. Optimizing and Grant 61673315; in part by the Major Research Plan of the
the efficient energy-cascading utilization of the AA-CAES-CHP system National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant
can greatly improve the efficiency and overall system performance. 61833015.
Particularly, the number of compressor and expander stages is a critical
factor in determining the system’s performance. The researchers have
proved that the number of compressor and expander stages is a critical Conflict of interest
factor in the system’s performance. The effects of different compressor
and expander stage numbers on system characteristics were analyzed to The authors declare that the research was conducted in the
better guide the possible optimization of the AA-CAES-CHP system. absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be
The main findings are summarized as follows: construed as a potential conflict of interest.

Frontiers in Energy Research 16

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Publisher’s note organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the
reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or
All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or
and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated endorsed by the publisher.

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AC air compression

AST air storage tank

CW cooling water

E exergy, kW

h specific enthalpy, kJ/kg

HWT hot water tank

HX heat exchanger

INV investment
m mass flow rate, kg/s

NAI net annual income

PG power generation

p pressure, MPa
Q heat, kW

Q heat, kWh

T temperature, K

w power of components, kW

W summed power of system, kW

λ compression ratio

Greek symbols

ƞ efficiency

μ cold mass fraction

β compression and expansion ratio

ϕ pressure loss coefficient


a air

Com compressor

ex exergy

hw hot water

in inlet

is isentropic

net net power

out outlet

opt operation time

Tur turbine

tot total

w water

Frontiers in Energy Research 19

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