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Chapter 7 Advertising Media

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Advertising media is a wide range of channels aimed at promotion.

Media the channels of communication used to send a message to the target market.

Traditional types of advertising media.

• Television advertising —A type of advertising that usually comes in the form of

commercials and infomercials.

• Radio advertising —A type of advertising that can be created and produced in a relatively
short period of time at a much lower cost than television commercial.

• Print advertising — A type of advertising that promote a business and its products
includes newspapers, magazines, direct, mail, flyers, and brochures.

Types of publications of print ad:

• Newspapers —allows businesses to target a specific geographic area.

• Magazines —the ability to target specific market.
• Direct mail —a highly segmented advertising strategy when businesses use mailing lists
that correlate with their target markets.
• Flyers and Brochures —a product or service in an easy-to-read, and eye catching format

• Outdoor advertising —A type of advertising that can take variety of forms and any other
space designed specifically for ads outside the home.


several key factors to consider:

Reach — the total number of people who will be exposed to an advertisement over a period of

Frequency — the number of times a person is exposed to an advertisement.

Continuous advertising — is a strategy in which advertisement are run steadily over an extended
period of time to continuously remind comsumers of a product or service.

Lead Time — the amount of time required to produce and place an advertisement.

Cost — the most important factor when it comes to selecting advertising media.

The Internet's Role in advertising

- The internet has had a major impact on the advertising industry.


-Is a form of promotion that uses the internet and world wide web as the advertising medium to deliver
marketing messages that attract customers.

Types of online Advertising

✓E-mail Advertising - E-mail is one of the quickest and easiest ways to reach customers.

✓Banner and Pop-up advertising

•Banner ad- is a small, rectangular advertisement that usually appears at the top or side of the web
page and contains a link to the advertiser's site. Banner ads are also referred to as dispay ads

•Pop-up ad- is an online advertisement that opens on top of the current web page being viewed.

✓Search Engine Advertising

-A popular approach to online advertising is a search engine ad. A search engine ad is also known as paid
search because the advertiser pays the search engine to place ads near relevant search results based on

✓Website advertising

-Today, website advertising is specially critical for businesses—both internet and traditional brick-and-
mortar businesses. A brick-and-mortar business is onw that has physical presence, such as building or
store, not just an online presence.

•Blogs A blog (Web log) is a website maintained by an individual or business were entries (posts) that
are intended for public access are made on a regular basis.

✓Social Media advertising

-Advertisers are realizing the value of social media and have begun to shift significant amounts of their
advertising dollars into this technology. Social media are websites where users create and share
•Twitter- twitter is a social networking and micro-blogging service that allows individuals to send ahort
text messages of 140 characters in length, called "tweets", to friends and other followers.

Threats to online advertising

•Spamming- spamming involves flooding the internet with mass copies of the same message in an
attempt to reach the largest audience possible.

•Pishing- is an internet scam in which an e-mail falsely claims to be a legitimate business or other
organization in an attempt to get personal information.

Online advertising consideration

Before a business places an advertisement on the internet, it should understand the costs involved. In
addition, business should be familiar with the different ways to track the effectiveness of online

Cost of online advertising

There is a variety of methods used to determine the cost of online advertising:

•Cost-per-click(CPC) advertising, advertisers pay for each click that their ad receives.

•Cost-per-thousand impressions(CPM) advertising, allows a company to pay for a certain number of

impressions (on a per-thousand basis) instead of paying per click.

•Cost-per-action(CPA) advertising, in growing popularity. With CPA, the advertiser pays only when the
website visitor takes a specifically defined action in response to an ad.

The effectiveness of online advertising

Companies wants to be able to measure the effectiveness of their online advertising. They may count
hits, page views, visits, and unique visitors.

•Hits- represents the number of elements (files) on a requested web page.

•Page views- is a web page in its entirety, including all images on the page. A page view could contain
hundreds of hits, which would not provide an accurate measurement.

•Visits- track the number of times a specific user has visited a businesse's website. Visits are tracked
using cookies, which are data files that a business's website can store on a visitors hard drive for retrieval

•Unique visitors- include the number of new people visiting the site.

• Transit Advertising

Includes ads that appear on the interior or exterior of public transportation ( buses, taxis, subways )
and other vehicles. This form of advertising is closely related to billboard advertising.

• Aerial Advertising

Advertising in the sky is known as aerial advertising. Banners with advertising messages are hooked
onto planes that fly over Stadiums, beaches, and entertainment venues to capture the interest of
potential customers. some of the airplane use loud speakers, combining audio and visual elements.

• Cinema Advertising

includes ads that run in a movie theaters before the start of movies. advertising is also included in
popcorn boxes and cups that are sold at movie concession stands. Upcoming movies are advertised using
trailers ( previews ) shown before the feature presentation.

• Product Placement Advertising

Is a form of advertising in which a business's product, service, renamed is used in a television show,
movie, video game or other form of entertainment.

Video Game Advertising - also called advergaming is a way to promote brand using video game.

• Directory Advertising

Is an advertising medium that consumer use to seek out products or services. Larger ads that use
color and higher-quality graphics attracts more attention. Directory advertising if often used to
supplement other advertising media. As people turn to the internet to search for product and services
information, they use telephone directories less often.


• Video Advertising

one of the fastest growing forms of online advertising. While traditional advertising is on the decline,
the number of video ads seen online is rising.

Webisodes- are video ads that run as a series of episodes on a website.

• Mobile Advertising

Another trend that is having a major impact on the advertising industry is mobile advertising. Mobile
advertising direct messages to consumer's internet enabled mobile devices such as Smart Phones, MP3
player and digital table like the iPad.

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