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Advertising Media: Presented by Rahul Kumar Singh Somnath Maity Bodhisatva Sengupta

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Bodhisatva sengupta
• Advertising media refers to the various media channels through
which advertising is done.
• Advertising media is used for showcasing promotional content
which communicated in various forms such as text, speech, images,
videos using TV, radio, online, outdoor etc.
• Basically they are channels through which companies can advertise
their products and services to reach to customers.
• Advertising media plays a pivotal role in business and marketing for companies.
There are many companies who offer products and services to companies.
• It is impossible for every customer to know about every brand or product. This is
why companies advertise and use advertising media to reach to customers.
• Depending upon the customer demographics, advertising budget, targets of the
company, advertising objectives etc, companies can choose the type of media
they want and they can do an advertising campaign.
• This helps to create a buzz about the brand, showcase the product and service
utilities to the customer and build a strong brand.
Advertising media is an important domain in business and advertising. With the passage of time,
there have been several ways in which ads are being showcased and can be communicated to
customers. There are different types of advertising media present. Depending upon various
parameters like budget, reach, customer preferences etc companies can choose the required
advertising media and help boost their brand. Some of the most important types of advertising
media are:
1. Broadcast media- TV and radio are two of the most important advertising media known as
broadcast media.
• Television- Televisions have become a very important tool to advertise for companies.
Companies can targets serials, reality shows, sports events, live events etc which are showcased
on TV's and understand the demographics of the people watching the TV. TV channels are
anyways classified as news, sports, knowledge, entertainment, movies, kids etc. This helps
advertisers to pick and choose the channel.
• Radio- As a tool for marketing and advertising, radio is the most cost effective tool which a
customer can have. Since radios have are high penetration and are easy for customers to buy,
they are a good tool for advertising. Radios enable companies to reach out to a wide range of
customers. Since radio cater to the needs of a particular city or region, it is a good way to
advertise based on customers selected from geographic segmentation. Thus, radio is one of the
most effective tools as advertising media.
• 2. Print Media: Advertising media like newspapers, magazines, leaflets, brochures, billboards,
signages, direct mail and other print publications come under print media. With the massive
reach of print media, it became a popular tool for advertising. Print media caters to a regional
audience and is published in different languages.
3. Online Media: With the consistent growth in internet penetration, companies have started
using online media for promotion through advertising. People are connected to the internet
through social media, website browsing etc. This gives an opportunity to companies to use this
advertising media and cater to customers using online advertising. Online ads, blogs, content
advertising, affiliate marketing etc are all done using online as an advertising media .
4. Outdoor Media: Another popular form of advertising is using outdoor hoardings, billboards,
OOH (out of home) media etc. Outdoor advertising it basically useful in capturing those
customers who are travelling from one place to another. This gives an opportunity to
companies to use outdoor advertising media to create brand awareness by putting large bill
boards and hoardings above buildings, near streets etc to give maximum visibility.
5. Mobile: With the increasing usage of mobile phones, mobile advertising has become a critical
aspect for every business. Mobile as an advertising media helps to reach out to customer by
promoting messages through SMS, social media chat groups etc. Online and mobile media are
also overlapping at times as websites can be accessible both through desktop, laptop and
6. Specialty Media: These consist of items that are given away to the consumer on which the
name of the company or brand is printed so that more people get to know about it. For
example- carry bags, membership cards, free merchandise like caps or bags, etc. These type of
advertising media are more niche and have a narrow reach as compared to the above
mentioned media.
7. Other forms: Apart from the ones discussed above, advertising can be done through transit signs i.e. the
small posters that we see on trains or buses, electronic billboards, etc. Some ads can be advertised before
the movies in cinema halls as well, where it can reach out to a large group of similar audience in terms of
demography or geography.
For companies, it is important to have a clear cut plan in the
selection of advertising media. Some steps followed in
advertising media selection are:
• The objective of the company is analysed as to what product
and to which customers it is to be advertised.
• The next stage is to have a complete understanding about the
customer demographics who are to be targeted.
• After that, depending upon the type of product, type of
customers, the advertising budget set, companies can choose
from the various types of advertising media.
• Over a period of time, this processing of selecting the
appropriate advertising media can be repeated for increasing
cost benefit to the company.
For every type of advertising media, there are different
parameters based on which they can be measured:
• For a print or a TV/radio ad, a phone number or email can
be given for customers to contact the company if they
want, and through the number of people who have tried to
contact, we can measure the impact of the ad.
• For an internet ad which is placed on different website
homepages, if the company or brand has an online website
too, the number of clicks which direct the customer to the
company website measures the impact of the ad.
• In general, feedback devices like coupons, toll-free
numbers, or feedback registers in shops can estimate the
impact of advertising media.
In this ever-cluttered marketplace, many advertisers are making a critical mistake.
They focus too heavily on budget when developing their campaigns and completely
neglect something far more important: their media plan.
1. Define Your Goal
What is the goal of your particular campaign? Is it to extend your brand awareness?
To announce a new product line? Promote a sale? Get people to sign up for your
webinar or newsletter? Each of your ad campaigns must be assigned just one specific
goal. You can’t plan media without a goal in mind.
2. Determine Your Ideal Prospect
Before you can begin to brainstorm potential media channels, you’ve first got to
determine, if you don’t know already, who your ideal prospect is. Start by looking at
your current customer base. Who buys from you and why do they buy from you?
Which customers bring you the most business? Chances are other people like these
customers would also buy from you.
3. Conduct the Necessary Research
Once you know your target market you’ll need to conduct the necessary research so
you can determine the best channels to reach prospects. What are the most trusted
media outlets in your industry? What are your prospects’ interests? How do they get
their news? Which social media platforms do they prefer?
4. Plan Ahead for the Greatest Value
Planning your media buys well in advance will ultimately help you get better
value because it will allow you to sign contracts ahead of time. Doing so offers
three main cost benefits:
• By signing frequency agreements you can often obtain discounted rates.
• You can usually sign contracts and be able to lock in present year rates which will
extend through the following year.
• Signing contracts well in advance allows you to negotiate with digital publishers
and print sales reps.
• Be sure to inquire about premium positions which go fast and go early.
5. Get Some Help
Media buyers are specialists who make it their business to be efficient in market
and data analysis as well as understanding the performance of all channels from
outdoor to print and mobile. Media buyers also have longstanding relationships
with publishers and vendors so they can effectively work on your behalf.
And finally, media buyers are able to negotiate and get the best prices for their
clients because they bring so much business to vendors and sales reps. Beyond
better terms and rates, buyers can often negotiate bonus media space and
extended contract times.

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