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2012 Histologic Observation of A Human Immature

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Case Report/Clinical Techniques

Histologic Observation of a Human Immature

Permanent Tooth with Irreversible Pulpitis after
Revascularization/Regeneration Procedure
Emi Shimizu, DDS, PhD,* George Jong, DDS,* Nicola Partridge, PhD,† Paul A. Rosenberg, DDS,*
and Louis M. Lin, BDS, DMD, PhD*

Introduction: Histological studies of immature human
permanent necrotic teeth with or without apical perio-
dontitis after revascularization have not been reported.
I waya et al (1) showed that a human immature permanent tooth with necrotic pulp
and apical periodontitis/abscess after a revascularization procedure could induce
increased thickening of the canal walls and continued root development. Since
This case report describes the histological findings of then, many similar cases have been reported (2–5). Radiographically, in some
tissue formed in the canal space of an immature perma- cases, revascularized human immature permanent teeth appear to show continued
nent tooth #9 with irreversible pulpitis without apical development as evidenced by the deposition of hard tissue on the canal walls and
periodontitis after revascularization. Methods: An continued root development. Therefore, the revascularization of human immature
immature human permanent tooth #9 was fractured permanent teeth with necrotic pulp and apical periodontitis/abscess has been
3.5 weeks after revascularization and could not be re- considered to be a regenerative process (2–6). Regeneration is defined as the
tained. The tooth was extracted and prepared for replacement of damaged tissue by the same parenchymal cells (7). However, regen-
routine histological and immunohistochemical evalua- eration is a histologic observation and cannot be determined radiographically. The
tion in order to examine the nature of tissue formed in nature of the tissue formed in the canal space in human revascularized immature
the root canal following the revascularization procedure. permanent teeth with apical periodontitis is speculative because no histologic studies
Results: At 3.5 weeks after revascularization, more are available.
than one half of the canal was filled with loose connec- Currently, the available animal studies of immature teeth with pulp necrosis and
tive tissue similar to the pulp tissue. A layer of flattened apical periodontitis after revascularization procedures show that the tissues formed in
odontoblast-like cells lined along the predentin. Layers the canal space are cementoid or osteoid tissue and periodontal ligament–like tissue
of epithelial-like cells, similar to the Hertwig’s epithelial (8–11). However, no studies have investigated the nature of the tissue present in
root sheath, surrounded the root apex. No hard tissue immature teeth with irreversible pulpitis with normal periapical tissues after
was formed in the canal. Conclusions: Based on the a revascularization/regeneration procedure in animals or humans. The purpose of
histological findings in the present case, regeneration this case report is to describe the histologic observation of a human immature
of pulp-like tissue is possible after revascularization. In permanent tooth clinically diagnosed as having irreversible pulpitis with normal
this case, both the apical papilla and the Hertwig’s periapical tissues after a revascularization/regeneration procedure. To our
epithelial root sheath survived in an immature perma- knowledge, this is the first histologic observation of a human revascularized
nent tooth despite irreversible pulpitis but without immature permanent tooth with irreversible pulpitis.
apical periodontitis. (J Endod 2012;38:1293–1297)
Materials and Methods
Key Words A 10-year-old boy was referred from the Postgraduate Pediatric Clinic at New York
Immature permanent tooth, irreversible pulpitis, pulp- University College of Dentistry to the Postgraduate Endodontic Clinic for the treatment of
like tissue regeneration, revascularization tooth #9. The child had a traumatic injury to his maxilla, which caused an uncompli-
cated crown fracture of tooth #8 and a complicated crown fracture with pulp exposure
of tooth #9. The coronal one half of the crown of tooth #9 was horizontally fractured.
According to the patient’s mother, the general dentist removed part of the pulp, placed
From the Departments of *Endodontics and †Basic Science medication inside tooth #9, and advised the mother to bring the child to New York
and Craniofacial Biology, New York University College of
Dentistry, New York, New York.
University College of Dentistry for further treatment. The patient and his mother visited
Address requests for reprints to Dr Louis M. Lin, Depart- the Postgraduate Pediatric Clinic approximately 1 month after treatment by the general
ment of Endodontics, New York University College of Dentistry, dentist.
345 East 24th Street, New York, NY 10010. E-mail address: Pulp sensibility tests with Endo-Ice (Coltene/Whaledent Inc, Cuyahoga, OH), heated gutta-percha, and electric current with the Vitality Scanner (SybronEndo, Glen-
0099-2399/$ - see front matter
Copyright ª 2012 American Association of Endodontists. dora, CA) of teeth #8, #9, and #10 were conducted in the Postgraduate Endodontic Clinic. Teeth #8 and #10 responded to heated gutta-percha, Endo-Ice, and electric
current within normal limits and were not sensitive to palpation or percussion.
The crown of tooth #9 had an Intermediate Restorative Material (Dentsply Internation,
Milford, DE) restoration. It was asymptomatic and responded erratically to pulp sensi-
bility tests because the patient was apprehensive and perhaps also because of the
attempt at pulp therapy performed by the general dentist. The tooth had a large canal

JOE — Volume 38, Number 9, September 2012 Histologic Observation of an Immature Permanent Tooth 1293
Case Report/Clinical Techniques
space and an open apex surrounded by a well-circumscribed radiolu- imately 5 mm below the access opening against induced bleeding, and
cent area (Fig. 1A). The provisional clinical diagnosis of the pulp- an adequate access cavity was provided for a composite resin restora-
periapical tissue complex of tooth #9 was pulp necrosis with normal tion. The access cavity was restored with light-cured composite resin
periapical tissues. A cotton pellet was found in the canal after tooth #9 (Amelogen Plus; Ultradent, South Jordan, UT).
was accessed after adequate local anesthesia. Bleeding was noted near Three and a half weeks after completion of the revascularization/
the midroot under a Zeiss surgical microscope (Carl Zeiss Meditac regeneration procedure, the lingual aspect of the crown fractured
Inc, Dublin, CA). It appeared that a deep pulpotomy or a partial pul- below the alveolar crest bone (Fig. 1) and the tooth could not be re-
pectomy might have been previously performed on tooth #9. Conse- tained. No pulp sensitivity tests were performed. The tooth was extracted
quently, the clinical diagnosis of irreversible pulpitis instead of pulp and processed for histologic and immunohistochemical evaluation. The
necrosis with normal periapical tissues was confirmed. The patient’s crown and MTA plug were removed from the tooth to ensure adequate
dentist could not be contacted to confirm the prior treatment. It penetration of fixative into the canal. The tooth was immediately fixed in
was not known if a deep pulpotomy or partial pulpectomy was per- 4% formaldehyde for a week and decalcified in 10% EDTA (pH = 7.5)
formed under the rubber dam or the pulp had become infected after for 4 weeks at 4 C. The specimen was then soaked in 10% sucrose for 2
deep pulpotomy or partial pulpectomy because the crown was badly hours, in 20% sucrose for 6 hours, and in 30% sucrose overnight and
fractured. Therefore, a revascularization/regenerative procedure embedded in optimal cutting temperature compound. Frozen series
instead of apexogenesis was selected for tooth #9 in an attempt to sections of approximately 10 mm thickness were cut along the long
promote possible pulp tissue regeneration, increased thickening of axis of the tooth and dried overnight.
the canal walls, and continued root development by Hertwig’s epithe-
lial root sheath (HERS) and apical papilla. The revascularization/ Hematoxylin-Eosin Staining
regenerative procedure was performed according to the protocol sug- The dried sections were stained with 0.1% Mayer’s hematoxylin
gested in our previous study with slight modifications (12). Briefly, at solution for 10 minutes. They were then rinsed in cool running
the first visit, the working length was determined, and the canal was double-distilled water for 5 minutes, dipped in 0.5 eosin 12 times, dip-
minimally instrumented with hand K-files (Dentsply Mailefer, Bal- ped in distilled water, and dehydrated in ascending concentrations of
laigues, Switzerland) and gently irrigated with copious amounts of ethanol. The sections were dipped in xylene several times, mounted
5.25% sodium hypochlorite solution (Sultan Healthcare, Hackensack, on slides, and covered with a coverslip with Cytoseal (Thermo Fisher
NJ) with an irrigation syringe penetrating to the apical portion of the Scientific, Waltham, MA) and examined under a light microscope.
canal. Calcium hydroxide (Henry Schein, Melville, NY) mixed with
saline solution was used as an interappointment intracanal medication
and carried into the canal with files to apical one third of the canal. At Immunohistochemical Staining
the second visit 2 weeks later, the tooth was asymptomatic. Under To evaluate the localization of mesenchymal stem cells, STRO-1 (R
a surgical microscope, K-files were used to induce bleeding into the and D System, Minneapolis, MN) was used. Immunohistochemical stain-
canal by irritating the periapical tissues. A thick mixture of ProRoot ing was performed using the avidin-biotin complex staining system (Santa
mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) (Dentsply Tulsa Dental, Tulsa, Cruz Biotechnology, Santa Cruz, CA) according to the manufacturer’s
OK) and saline solution was used as a coronal seal in the revascular- instructions. The sections were washed in phosphate-buffered saline
ized tooth. The MTA paste was placed into the coronal canal approx- (PBS) and immersed in methanol containing 1% hydrogen peroxide
to block endogenous peroxidase activity. The sections were incubated
with 2% blocking serum and then with anti–STRO-1 antibodies or
normal immunoglobulin G as a negative control at 4 C overnight and
washed in PBS. The sections were incubated with biotin-labeled anti–
immunoglobulin G and washed in PBS. Staining was completed by 10
minutes of incubation with 3,3’-diaminobenzidine (Santa Cruz Biotech-
nology, Santa Cruz, CA).

At 3.5 weeks after the revascularization/regeneration procedure of
the immature permanent tooth with clinically diagnosed irreversible
pulpitis, a loose connective tissue with few collagen fibers filled the
canal space up to the coronal MTA plug (Fig. 2A). The tissue in the canal
and periapical tissues were devoid of inflammatory cells. The majority of
cells in the canal space and in the periapical area were spindle-shaped
young fibroblasts or mesenchymal cells. There were more blood vessels
and cellular components in the canal than that at the apical area (Fig. 2B
and C). No nerve-like fibers running alongside the blood vessels were
observed. The tissue in the canal space appeared to be an extension
of the periapical tissue (Fig. 2A). There was a layer of flattened
odontoblast-like cells polarized along the predentin in the apical canal
(Fig. 2B). No hard tissue was seen in the canal space and on the canal
walls. Layers of epithelial-like cells, similar to HERS, surrounded the
Figure 1. (A) A preoperative radiograph of tooth #9. (B) A radiograph of the root apex (Fig. 2D). Strol-1–positive cells (solid arrows) were observed
fractured tooth 3.5 weeks after revascularization. (C) A photograph of the ex- in the loose connective tissue near the apical foramen (Fig. 3A and B)
tracted tooth. Note a small mass of soft tissue attached to the root apex and in the epithelial-like HERS surrounding the root apex. Compared
(arrow). M, mineral trioxide aggregate plug. with the mature dental pulp, the loose connective tissue in the canal

1294 Shimizu et al. JOE — Volume 38, Number 9, September 2012

Case Report/Clinical Techniques

Figure 2. (A) Histology of the section of extracted revascularized tooth #9. A loose connective tissue with few collagen fibers has filled the canal space up to the
coronal MTA plug (hematoxylin-eosin, original magnification  200). The MTA plug was removed before histologic tissue processing. (B) High magnification of
the square in A (the apical root canal). Flattened odontoblast-like cells lined along the predentin (solid arrows). Many blood vessels filled with red blood cells
(open arrows). No mature nerve-like bundles along the blood vessels are observed. Most cells are spindle shaped. (C) High magnification of the rectangle in A (the
apical foramen). There are fewer blood vessels (arrow) and cellular components at the apical foramen than that in the canal. (D) High magnification of the square
in C (part of the root apex). Layers of epithelial-like HERS (arrow) surrounding the root apex. Spaces in the tissue are artifacts caused by histologic preparation.

was similar to an immature pulp tissue consisting of numerous spindle- ible pulpitis can be caused by trauma, chemical irritation, or bacterial
shaped young fibroblasts or mesenchymal cells, many blood vessels, infection. In this case, bacterial contamination was the major concern
few collagen fibers, and no mature nerve-like tissue. as described previously. If apexogenesis was selected, it was not known
how much of the infected pulp tissue would have to be removed from the
canal. Importantly, apexogenesis in the present case can only
Discussion encourage root maturation. It cannot promote pulp tissue regeneration
It is reasonable to ask why apexogenesis was not attempted in this or ingrowth of vital tissue into the coronal canal space because of a calci-
case, which was initially diagnosed as an irreversible pulpitis. Irrevers- fied tissue barrier formed in the canal induced by calcium hydroxide or

Figure 3. (A) The immunohistochemistry of the section of extracted revascularized tooth #9 (immunohistochemical staining, original magnification  200). (B)
High magnification of square in A. Strol-1–positive cells in the pulp-like tissue near the apical foramen (arrows) and in the epithelial-like HERS surrounding the
root apex (not shown in high magnification).

JOE — Volume 38, Number 9, September 2012 Histologic Observation of an Immature Permanent Tooth 1295
Case Report/Clinical Techniques
mineral trioxide aggregate in apexogenesis. A revascularization/regen- tissue destruction. It has to be controlled for wound healing
eration procedure of immature permanent teeth with irreversible pul- (regeneration or repair) to occur. Second, the pulp-like tissue could
pitis involving the pulp tissue in the apical portion of the root canal be caused by the proliferation and differentiation of the apical papilla
might have the potential of pulp tissue regeneration into the coronal into the canal space. It has been shown that stem cells from the apical
canal space, thickening of the canal walls, and continued root develop- papilla have more potential than stem cells from the dental pulp to
ment because of the survival of HERS and the apical papilla. In addition, differentiate into odontoblast-like cells upon receiving appropriate
if apexogenesis fails and apical periodontitis develops, the apical papilla inductive signals (15, 20, 21). Stem cells from the apical papilla are
will likely be destroyed, and pulp regeneration will not occur as in derived from a developing tissue that may represent a population of
animal studies (8–11). early stem/progenitor cells that may have a superior cell source for
Based on the present case study, the tissue in the canal space ap- tissue regeneration (20). Therefore, the pulp-like tissue in the present
peared to be an extension from the periapical tissue after the revascu- case might be derived from the apical papilla. Nevertheless, the rela-
larization/regeneration procedure of the immature permanent tooth tionship between the apical papilla and the dental pulp needs to be
with clinically diagnosed irreversible pulpitis. Three and a half weeks characterized. If the revascularized tooth in the present case was not
after the revascularization/regeneration procedure, loose connective fractured, thickening of the canal walls by deposition of dentin and
tissue filled the canal space up to the coronal MTA plug. The tissue in continued root development could occur because of the survival of
the apical canal space was cell rich and well vascularized. This tissue HERS and the apical papilla and presence of odontoblast-like cells
is similar to cell-rich, well-vascularized connective tissue in the canal along the predentin (15, 22).
space described by Skoglund and Tronstad (13) in replanted and au-
totransplanted immature teeth of dogs at 30 days of histologic observa- Conclusion
tions. It is also similar to cell-rich, well-vascularized connective tissue Based on histologic observation of the present case, regeneration
reported by Claus et al (14) in autotransplanted immature teeth after of the pulp-like tissue is possible after a revascularization/regeneration
removal of the original pulp tissue in beagle dogs at 4 weeks of histo- procedure because both HERS and the apical papilla survived in an
logic observations. The loose connective tissue near the apical foramen immature permanent tooth clinically diagnosed as having irreversible
contained fewer blood vessels and cell components than the tissue in the pulpitis. The ideal cases for pulp regeneration in revascularization/
apical canal space. This tissue is similar to the apical papilla described regeneration procedures are likely to be immature permanent teeth
by Sonoyama et al (15). with irreversible pulpitis involving the canal pulp without radiographic
The majority of the cells in the periapical tissue and loose connec- evidence of apical periodontitis or traumatized immature permanent
tive tissue in the canal were spindle-shaped young fibroblasts or mesen- teeth with a necrotic pulp without radiographic evidence of apical pe-
chymal cells. A layer of flattened cells similar to root odontoblasts were riodontitis. Apexogenesis is more suitable for irreversible pulpitis
polarized along the predentin in the apical canal. It is not known if these involving only the coronal pulp. Infection and/or inflammation hinder
odontoblast-like cells were preexisting primary odontoblasts or newly the potential of tissue regeneration and stem cell function (23). Accord-
differentiated odontoblasts from the apical papilla after revasculariza- ingly, infection/inflammation must be controlled for wound healing
tion/regeneration procedure of the immature permanent tooth with (regeneration or repair) to occur (23).
irreversible pulpitis. There were few collagen fibers. No nerve-like
fibers running alongside the blood vessels as in mature dental pulp
were observed (16). This may indicate that the loose connective tissue Acknowledgments
in the canal is a newly developed immature pulp-like tissue. No hard The authors deny any conflicts of interest related to this study.
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