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Seminar On Problems in Educ'l Admin Course Requirements - 064251

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Educational administration refers to the process of managing educational

institutions and overseeing their operations to ensure effective teaching and
learning environments. It involves the strategic planning, organization,
coordination, and evaluation of educational programs, policies, and resources to
facilitate optimal student outcomes.

In essence, educational administration encompasses the roles and

responsibilities of school principals, superintendents, administrators, and other
educational leaders who are entrusted with the task of providing quality education
to students. These professionals are responsible for creating and maintaining
conducive learning environments, fostering collaboration among staff,
implementing effective instructional strategies, and ensuring the overall success
of educational institutions.

Educational administrators are responsible for ensuring that schools meet

their legal and financial obligations. They ensure that qualified and trained
teachers are present in each classroom, monitor student progress, and maintain
clean and safe learning environments. Administrators also handle financial
responsibilities, such as timely payment of bills, protecting intellectual property
rights, and maintaining school buildings,

Educational administration serves as a bridge between policy implementation

and students’ achievement. School administrators should ensure that schools
operate efficiently, comply with regulations, prioritize students’ needs and
address the problems as early as possible for a fluent flow in administration.

Neglectful teachers Our jobs had to do with Our school head
attending to the forms of reprimand these
our learners, transferred- neglectful teachers as
in learners with well as the LIS
incomplete documents coordinator and calls out
must be attend to as early for their immediate
as possible. Some action. These teachers
teachers fail to do these, reach out for the parents
that the LIS Division and the school where
coordinator calls up on these learners were
our school head for there transferred out. Filing of
were some grades who administrative case must
are unable to finalize the also be deemed
grades and appending necessary for continuing
document of their neglect of duty as per
learners. DO. No. 49, series of
Collection of Collection of ticket for Banning these
miscellaneous fees like raffle are still in practice institutions from selling
ticket fee by some institutions like tickets as per DO No. 19,
the BSP/GSP series of 2008.
Solicitation in times of School heads, teachers, Tapping stakeholders in
Brigada-Eskwela and other school participation of Brigada-
personnel are strictly Eskwela through DO No.
prohibited from soliciting 21, series of 2023.
or collecting any form of
contribution including but
not limited to Brigada
Eskwela fees from
parents or legal
guardians, volunteers,
partners, and
Shortages of school A growing population of A two standardized
buidings. learners in a school classroom was made into
should be addressed. The three classrooms for the
school head’s office was enrollees of the next
grade. Request
even an attached office to
additional building
a classroom. through DO No. 36,
series of 2022
Engaging on illegal Drinking on office hours School head should give
activities of teachers while on vacant is not an reprimand or warning at
such as drinking on excuse to commit these first. But a continuous
office hours.
illegal acts. As long as its act of these should have
office hours, teachers be of suspension,
must utilize this time for expulsion, or dismissal
his/her profession. according to Batas
Pambansa Blg. 232

Education is one of the necessities of every individual. It enables a person

to become a better version of their own selves through learning. It is through
learning that we are able to think critically about our judgements in life that could
lead us to a happy and meaningful life. It is through learning that we are able to
discover our skills and potentials that could help us in achieving success. It equips
us the knowledge we need to become effective citizens and enable ourselves to
face and overcome the different problems in life. That is why education must not
be taken for granted as Nelson Mandela would say, “Education is the most
powerful weapon we can use to change the world.” With the right education,
people can change for the better.

One of the avenues of education is the formal education that is concretized

in schools and universities. I believe that an effective school does not only focus
on the development academic endeavor; it is more than teaching. A school must
be ardent towards the student and to the education they received. A school must
cater the basic needs of the student which includes the physical aspect, emotional,
psychological, spiritual, and intellectual to make the learning of the student
integral and holistic. Most of the schools promotes this kind of goal that would
prepare the students in their future endeavor, and in order to achieve this goal
there must be an educational system that must be followed in order to realize the
school’s objectives. Here lies the role of school administration that ensures the
development of the educational system of the school and maintain its operation
effective and efficient. School administrators such as the principal, dean, and
other educational leaders must have proper leadership training and skill that could
convey the vision of the school to its workforces. They are the one that will
communicate about the ways how will the school achieve its goals and objectives.
They serve as a navigator to guarantee that the direction of the school is on the
right path. Hence, I can say that the school administration is important to guide
the operation of the schools. This may include the observance of the policy of the
school, managing the budget pf the school and its maintenance, evaluating the
effectivity of the different forms of pedagogy that can help the students in
learning, and to ensure that the students’ academic progress is met. It is also part
of the job of school administrator to update the parents of the learners regarding
the attitude and academic performance of their children that is why detailed
record must be kept showing to the parents the personal development of their
child. This may also at the same time guarantee to the parents that their children
are in safe learning environment since all concerns are being brough up in the
Parents and Teachers Assembly which is part of the role of school administration
in managing communications with the parents. Moreover, for the school
administration to be effective, the school administrators are the one in charge on
the evaluation regarding school’s strategic decision to improve and continue in
rendering a high-quality education to the students. This may include forming a
research team that could seek some innovations in imparting knowledge to the
students. Since the world is rapidly evolving into more advanced technology, the
research team can be a great help to delve into the new technologies of the world
to help in upgrading the school.

It can also be noted that the effectivity of the school does not only depend
to the school administration, for the school administration is more on giving
instructions and guidelines to the school. The main efficient cause or the one that
really put the instructions into reality are the faculty and staff particularly the
teachers. How can we know if their way of teaching to the students is effective, or
are they in the right path in carrying out the visions of the school? Here we can
find the value of supervision aids the teacher to improve in their way of teaching
or in learning interaction of the students with them. This may include giving
advice on the appropriateness of the teaching-learning materials in use, giving
support services available to the teacher, or attending to the welfare of the teacher
such as giving feedbacks to their performance and the like in order to improve the
quality of teaching and learning. This can also be an avenue to appreciate the
work of the teachers and inspire them to continue or even bring out their best in
the daily grind. These are the things that I think very significant to give emphasis.

An awareness of the lawful system also provides the foundation from

which one can begin to understand and apply the principles of constitutional,
administrative, and judicial law to school settings.

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