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Design and Construction of A Portable Charger by U

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Design and construction of a portable Charger By using Solar Cap

Research · January 2017

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.24254.13122/1


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3 authors, including:

Md Rakib Hasan Md.Sabbir Hossain

Khulna University of Engineering and Technology Khulna University of Engineering and Technology


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Global Journal of Researches in Engineering: A
Mechanical and Mechanics Engineering
Volume 17 Issue 5 Version 1.0 Year 2017
Type: Double Blind Peer Reviewed International Research Journal
Publisher: Global Journals Inc. (USA)
Online ISSN:2249-4596 Print ISSN:0975-5861

Design and Construction of a Portable Charger by using Solar

By Md. Rakib Hasan, Md. Sabbir Hossain & Kazi Pavel Rahman
Khulna University of Engineering & Technology
Abstract- Sun is a source of renewable energy called solar energy. Solar energy is a basic need
of living plants and human being on the earth. By the use of solar energy there is no pollution
and no waste. There are many fields of using solar energy. It can be used directly in a variety of
thermal applications like heating of water or air, charging batteries, drying, distillation, cooking
Bangladesh is an under developing country. It is a country of lot of problems. Energy
crisis is one of the important problems. To overcome this problem solar energy may be used as
an alternative. It is not possible to solve the giant problem over a night but it can be decreased.
Solar energy is one kind of renewable energy. Everyday a lot of power is used for charging
purpose like mobile, camera, light etc.
Keywords: solar energy, energy, renewable energy, solar cap, reservoir.
GJRE-A Classification: FOR Code: 290501


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© 2017. Md Rakib Hasan, Md Sabbir Hossain & Kazi Pavel Rahman. This is a research/review paper, distributed under the terms
of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 Unported License,
permitting all non commercial use, distribution, and reproduction inany medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Design and Construction of a Portable Charger
by using Solar Cap
Md. Rakib Hasan α, Md. Sabbir Hossain σ & Kazi Pavel Rahman ρ

Abstract- Sun is a source of renewable energy called solar Sun is responsible for most of accessible
energy. Solar energy is a basic need of living plants and energy resources. Solar energy can be used both
human being on the earth. By the use of solar energy there is directly and indirectly. It can be used directly in a variety
no pollution and no waste. There are many fields of using solar
of thermal applications like charging of batteries,
energy. It can be used directly in a variety of thermal

heating water or air, drying, distillation, cooking etc. The
applications like heating of water or air, charging batteries,
drying, distillation, cooking etc. heated fluids can in turn be used for applications like

Bangladesh is an under developing country. It is a power generation. A second way in which solar energy
country of lot of problems. Energy crisis is one of the important can be directly through the photovoltaic effect in which it
problems. To overcome this problem solar energy may be is converted to electrical energy. Indirectly, the sun 15
used as an alternative. It is not possible to solve the giant causes winds to blow, plants to grow, rain to fall and

Global Journal of Researches in Engineering ( A ) Volume XVII Issue V Version I

problem over a night but it can be decreased. Solar energy is temperature differences to occur from the surface to the
one kind of renewable energy. Everyday a lot of power is bottom of oceans. Useful energy can be obtained for
used for charging purpose like mobile, camera, light etc.
commercial and non-commercial purposes through all
Those devices can be easily charged by using solar charger.
In this project a solar cap is designed and constructed for
these renewable sources. Solar portable charger is one
charging mobile phone, camera etc. which is nothing but a type of chargers which can be carried any place at any
solar panel based charging system. Here a solar panel is time. In addition, a good portable solar charger should
placed on a cap. An USB port is attached with the panel. A be straightforward and easy to use. In this type of
cable is connected with the solar panel and the device that portable charger, solar panel is placed on the cap which
will be charged. At day time the device can be easily charged is put on the head. When sun strikes on the solar panel
by using this solar cap. If the device is fully charged then the photons release from it. Then electron starts flow though
extra charge can be stored in a reservoir. So, by using the the cable which is connected with solar panel. A PCB
charger the devices can be charged day and night.
board is also connected with solar panel. Solder the
Keywords: solar energy, energy, renewable energy, solar positive output wire of the voltage regulator to the USB's
cap, reservoir. positive. Similarly, connect the negative output of
I. Introduction regulator to the negative of USB. The USB port must be
fixed properly to the PCB board. A reservoir is used

nergy crisis is one of the basic problem in which store charge and supply charge to the battery
developing country like Bangladesh. One step to when require.
overcome this problem may be the use of solar Solar portable charger is very effective for
energy as an alternative. A huge amount solar energy is everyday use. It is suitable for use in rural area where
available in the environment that can be utilized and also electricity is not available or load shading frequently
could be stored to use any suitable time. occur. Travelers and advantageous people can also use
Solar energy, radiant light and heat from the this type portable charger.
sun, is harnessed using a range of ever-evolving
technologies such as solar heating, solar photovoltaic, II. Design
solar thermal electricity, solar architecture and artificial
photosynthesis. Solar technologies are broadly a) Assumptions for Design
characterized as either passive solar or active solar • Solar panel should be capable of supplying 5-6
depending on the way they capture, convert and volts.
distribute solar energy. Active solar techniques include • The cap should be easily carried.
the use of photovoltaic panels and solar thermal • Reservoir should store charge properly and supply it
collectors to harness the energy. Passive solar when require.
techniques include orienting a building to the sun, b) Design of Components
selecting materials with favorable thermal mass or light Different components needed for this system
dispersing properties, and designing spaces that are designed. When designing above assumptions are
naturally circulated with air. taken under consideration.
Author α σ ρ: Department of Mechanical Engineering, khulna University
of Engineering & Technology, Khulna, Bangladesh.
© 2017 Global Journals Inc. (US)
Design and Construction of a Portable Charger by Using Solar Cap

• Solar panel width=2cm.USB port and LED lamp attached with PCB
There were various types of solar panel. In this board. Finally a cable was connected between battery
construction TYN355-366 type solar panel was used. cell and USB port. The length of the cable was used
The capacity of this type of solar panel was 5V (volt) and according to required.
5W (watt).It could able to supply 800-1000 mA current
which was required for charging a battery (mobile, c) Description of the designed system
camera etc.). It was required to place the solar panel There are two types of charging method a)
perfectly on the head. So that the dimension is selected Direct charging b) Charging by use reservoir. In ‘direct
Length= 16 cm, Width= 12 cm charging’ method, one end of cable is connected with
• Reservoir USB port of solar panel and other end of the cable is
The length of the reservoir was 10.3 cm and connected with battery cell. In ‘charging by reservoir’
width is 2.8 cm. Reservoir had charged storing method, only different from the previous method is that it
capacity. It was able to supply charge to battery when uses a reservoir which primarily store charge. The
storage charge from the reservoir then supply to the

• Charging system battery cell by cable.

A PCB board was connected with solar panel.

The length of the PCB board was 3 cm and
d) Circuit diagram
Global Journal of Researches in Engineering ( A ) Volume XVII Issue V Version I

Figure 2.1: Circuit diagram (mobile phone connects with solar panel)
Fig. shows that, a solar panel is connected with  Semiconductor material silicon (Si).There are two
IC 7805. This integrated circuit(IC) is divided with 3 types of silicon i) p-type silicon ii) n-type silicon. This
section and amount of current flow is 100µF. Now, IC is two types of silicon produce pnp junction or npn
connected with the output of USB. A data cable is junction.
connected with USB port. Finally current flows though
the data cable and charges the battery of mobile,
camera etc.

III. Construction
Components Required:
a) The required components are
i. Solar Panel
ii. Cap
iii. PCB board
iv. USB port
v. Reservoir
vi. Wire
vii. LED lamp
viii. Battery (mobile, camera, torch etc.) Figure 3.1: PNP junction and NPN junction

b) Description of Construction
 A PCB board is connected with solar panel. Solar
panel consists of

© 2017 Global Journals Inc. (US)

Design and Construction of a Portable Charger by Using Solar Cap

 Solder the positive output wire of the voltage 3) 10uF

regulator to the USB's positive. Similarly, connect 4) 4) 100nF
the negative output of regulator to the negative of
• USB port and LED lamp is attached with PCB
USB. The USB port must be fixed properly to the
board. When sun light strikes on the panel photon
PCB. Next, connect the solar panel to the input of
release and electron start to flow.
the voltage regulator (positive of solar panel to
• A cable is connected with USB port. Once
positive input of voltage regulator and negative of
everything is connected, measure the output
solar panel to negative input).
voltage in open sun light. It should be around 5V.
• The regulator circuit consists of the following Now, connect batteries of mobile phone or camera
components. and it starts charging.
1) IC7805
2) 100uF

2017 Year

Global Journal of Researches in Engineering ( A ) Volume XVII Issue V Version I

Figure 3.2: Direct charging of battery of a mobile phone

Figure 3.3: Charging the battery of mobile from reservoir Test Procedure

IV. Test Procedure portable charger depends on solar intensity that was
also observed while charging in sunny and cloudy sky.
Batteries were charged both at stationary and
moving conditions. In both the cases it was observed to Storing of charge in the reservoir was checked by
charging battery at night successfully.
charge the battery successfully. The performance of

© 2017 Global Journals Inc. (US)

Design and Construction of a Portable Charger by Using Solar Cap

V. Result and Discussion

Test results of battery charger was found
satisfactory. It took almost same amount of time to be
fully charged from main. Storing of charge and also
charging from the reservoir were checked and found
Performance of storing of charge and charging
of battery were found satisfactory and both were found
satisfactory and both were delayed in cloudy sky was
also observed.

VI. Conclusion

A portable solar charger by using a solar cap

has been designed and constructed successfully.

Battery has been charged directly by the dc voltage

produced by a solar panel through a USB port.
Performance of the devices has been tested and
following results are obtained.
Global Journal of Researches in Engineering ( A ) Volume XVII Issue V Version I

1. Batteries can be charged both stationary and moving

2. Charging time takes almost same amount of time to
be fully charged from main.
3. Performance of portable charger depends on solar
4. Charge can be stored in the reservoir.
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© 2017 Global Journals Inc. (US)

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