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Thirteen Ghoulies Are All That Haunt Co-Created With Matthew Lillard

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Dexter Norville’s Insightful Commentary:

Dagger Dexter’s eyes bug out as he reaches for the dagger.
It smells sharply of blood. “Looks just like the one I used in Yell!” He traces the
Your blood. blade with his finger. “You’ve seen that one, right?
People love it. It’s a scream, baby.”
Dog Dexter glares at the dog until it yaps, causing him to
It stares at you with a flinch. “Zoinks! It’s always the little ones that getchya.
keen intelligence. Wouldn’t be surprised if those freaky jerks tried to kill
all humanity someday. Maybe I should make a movie
about that.”
Mask “OooOooO, maybe there’s an unmasked killer on the
You can’t tell what it’s loose,” Dexter jokes as he lifts the mask to his face.

Scenario: Writer's BLock made of, but it’s very “Maybe there are two! Haha! Hey, that would make
smooth and slightly warm a great plot twist.”

Dexter Norville—the sorta famous actor most people know as Ring Dexter twirls the ring and spots two letters engraved
It twists on itself. inside. “BS. Huh, those were the initials of that real
“that guy” from cult-classics Yell! and P.I. Pup—is in town to estate agent who ghosted me. I heard he got so
spooked that he dropped this listing and fled to Hawaii.
shoot his next film: Thirteen Ghoulies Are All That. Dying to
Looks like he forgot his wedding band.”
prove himself a serious quadruple threat (actor/writer/director/
producer), he needs a killer location for his film’s haunted Idol “Oh come on, it’s clearly a Tweens Pick Award.
The idol is made of a You know, I was almost nominated for one of those.
setting—and it looks like this house could make the final cut. strange, worn stone. You And I would have gotten it, too, if it weren’t for that
To ease Norville’s (very legitimate) concern of “drawing a mob can’t quite make out what Teddy King Sr. and his meddling good looks. As if
he’s all that!”
of fans,” you agree to give him a midnight tour. it is supposed to represent.
Book “Oh, these scribbles are Latin. I know because I went
Special Rules for this scenario: Strange scribbles cover to Harvard at the end of a movie once. Hang onto that
the pages. for me—it’s the perfect prop for the part in my film
• Players cannot select Josef Brosef Hooper or Oliver Swift where the gang uncovers these spells that imprison
(the two sides of the red hero board) as a playable character. a bunch of tortured souls.”
This game can only be played with 3-5 players. Armor “Maybe this flick could use a little genre-bending,”
Rusty, but sturdy Dexter muses as he knocks the helmet. “An evil
wizard. A treasonous duke. Perhaps a buff farmer?”
• During set up, place the red figure in the entrance with the
other figures. This is Dexter Norville, and he will be joining Skull “You think skulls are cool? You should have seen the
Delicately etched with disco ball skull on my last set: Super big. Spikey head.
you for this scenario. strange marks. Really good at killing demons.”

• Dexter Norville doesn’t take his own turns, instead he shows up

Holy Symbol Running his hand over the symbol, Dexter mutters
A silver symbol that glows “I understood as a child, thought as a child, but when
whenever someone finds an omen. Do not make any haunt rolls in the dark. I became a man, I put away childish things.” He looks
at you expectantly. “It’s... Corinthians? No duh dude,
when anyone finds an omen. Instead, move Dexter Norville to Chapter 1, verse... ugh. Never mind.”
the tile where the omen was discovered, then consult the chart
to the right and read the matching entry.

• The fourth time you draw an omen card, begin Haunt 1.

CLues... If You Win
Read entry 04 from
Add 1 to the result of your trait rolls for each trait token
Story Entries.
you have matching the roll. Trait tokens can be traded
like items and omens.

When a monster enters a tile with a Food token, flip it
to Trap. Traps have different effects depending on who

triggers them.

If a Cat Creature triggered the trap, remove the

Twist! (and shout) Cat Creature from the board.

If Spirit Face triggered the trap, roll 4 dice and move

Scenario Card: Writer's Block
Spirit Face up to that many tiles.
Haunt Trigger: Twist in Haunt 1 (Thirteen Ghoulies)
Traitor: First Player to Die Once a trap triggers, it will not do so again until a hero
enters the tile. When they do, flip the token back to food.
It has been reset.
Read First!
SETUP... capturing Spirit Face...
When a trap moves Spirit Face onto another tile with
1. Shuffle the Trait Tokens face down. a food token or a trap token, roll 4 dice and move him
2. The player to the left of the traitor takes the first turn. again. Repeat this as long as he keeps landing on tiles
with new food or trap tokens. If Spirit Face lands on
Once during your turn, you may {3/4/5/x} different tiles with food or traps on them,
OBJECTIVE... Make a plan... you have captured him. The heroes win!
You win when you
capture Spirit Face While on an Item or Event tile without any monsters
or Food/Trap tokens, and you have one of the listed (If Spirit Face does not land on enough trapped tiles,
• Set traps using items cards, make a Might or Knowledge roll. he may resume moving if he has any moves left.)
and omens.
mask, dog, armor, mystical stopwatch, flashlight,
• Lure Spirit Face into magic camera, gun, creepy doll, mirror, dynamite,
the traps. crossbow
• Search for clues to • 4+ Bury the card and place a Food token
help you. on your tile.
Tokens Needed... • 0-3 Nothing happens.
Food/Trap Tokens –
Once during your turn, you may
Searched Tokens Search for Clues...
Searched Rooms While on an Item or Event tile without a searched
Trait Tokens – token, make a Speed or Sanity roll.
Clues • 4+ If you’re on an item tile, take any item
from the item deck and shuffle the deck,
then put a searched token on your tile.
If you’re on an event tile, draw a random
trait token. It’s a clue which will help you Not for resale. Permission granted
in the future. to print or photocopy for personal,
non-commercial use only. BETRAYAL
• 0-3 Nothing happens. AT THE HOUSE ON THE HILL,
and all related trademarks and logos
are trademarks of Hasbro, Inc.
© 2023 Hasbro
Once during your turn, you may
If You Win
Make a Heroic Sacrifice... Dexter faces the last of the
While in the Ritual Room, make a Sanity roll. Draw
Cat Creatures and grumbles,
that many omen cards, keep one, and bury the rest.
Take that much general damage and stun any {3/2/1/x} “Now you got to die—those
Cat Creatures. If this kills you, read entry 01 from are the rules,” before
Story Entries.
charging and dispatching
it. The Cat Creature lets out

the book, the ring and the mask... a curling mew as it falls,
When you attack a Cat Creature, if you have the Book and the doors and windows
or the Ring, you can attack with Knowledge (book) or
Thirteen Ghoulies are all that Sanity (ring). The Cat Creature defends with the same
trait you attack with. If you win, remove the Cat
begin to unlock themselves.
“Geez,” he breathes “that
Scenario Card: Writer's Block Creature from the board instead of stunning it. was like, the Charlie Manson
Haunt Trigger: "Fourth Omen" of cats.” You wait for him
Traitor: None Bury the Mask after you use it on the Cat Creatures.
They snatch it as they flee. Actually, it kind of resembles to calm down a little bit,
Read First! their faces... noticing his chest is still

INTRODUCTION... heaving and there’s a rogue

tear rolling down his cheek.
As you and Dexter study the mysterious artifact, you hear the door behind you
scrape across the floor. You whirl around as it slams shut. Suddenly, out of the Monster: Cat Creature You ask him if everything is

Might: 4 Speed: 4 Sanity: 4 Knowledge: 4

corner of your eye, you see the lock mechanism on one of the windows move on its okay. “It’s nothing,” he sighs.
own. The house is locking itself down! You’re about to speak when a deep purring “It’s just... sometimes I hate
sounds from within the darkness. Sweat beads on your forehead as one, two... At the Start of the Monster Turn my job.” You suggest that he
several bipedal feline creatures stalk out from the shadows. “You,” Dexter breathes If Dexter is in the Entrance Hall, read entry
could leave behind acting/
with a hint of vengeance. It seems this isn't the first time they’ve met each other. 02 from Story Entries. Otherwise, if all the Cat
Creatures are stunned, the heroes win! directing/ writing/whatever
SETUP... • Move all Cat Creature before any attack.
else he said he does. He
They move towards Dexter by the looks at you as if you’re
1. Place 13 small monster tokens in the house on different tiles. If there
shortest route, stopping if they reach him speaking another language.
aren’t enough tiles, distribute them as evenly as possible. These are
or a hero.
catlike creatures. Then, his head implodes.
• After all Cat Creatures have moved, each
2. The player to the left of the Haunt Revealer takes the first turn. one on a tile with a hero attacks that hero
Cat Creatures are not stunned while
• If any Cat Creatures are on the same tile
Once during your turn, you may as Dexter, roll a die for each one that isn’t
OBJECTIVE... Escort Dexter... stunned. Move Dexter and the unstunned
You win when you stun all Cat Creatures that many tiles toward
of the cat creatures. While on the same tile as Dexter, make a Knowledge the Entrance Hall by the shortest route,
roll. Move Dexter up to that many tiles. Each tile ignoring all obstacles.
• Use the Book and Ring to with Cat Creatures on it costs an additional move
permanently remove a per unstunned Cat Creature to exit, and Dexter
cat creature.
cannot leave that tile if he doesn’t have enough moves
Not for resale. Permission granted
left. You cannot move Dexter onto the crawlspace,
Tokens Needed... cramped passageway, mystic elevator, or laundry the first time a player dies...
to print or photocopy for personal,
non-commercial use only. BETRAYAL
Small Monster Tokens –
Cat Creatures chute this way. He doesn't like confined spaces. Read entry 03 from Story Entries. AT THE HOUSE ON THE HILL,
and all related trademarks and logos
are trademarks of Hasbro, Inc.
© 2023 Hasbro
Twist! (and shout) - TRAItor's Tome Story Entries...
Scenario Card: Writer's Block
Haunt Trigger: Twist in Haunt 1 (Thirteen Ghoulies)
Traitor: First Player to Die
Read First!
Lights dim, flare, and flicker. The walls of the house creak and moan,
almost as if speaking. Overwhelmed with vertigo, you close your eyes
and struggle to retain control of your bladder. The house quiets.
When you open them again, Dexter has vanished, and you find
yourself face-to-mask with a mysterious figure. At its feet, your friend
lies dead, a television smashed on their head. Well, shit.
1. Remove Dexter from the board. He has been carried off by the Cat Creatures.
End the turn. The player that died is now Spirit Face,
2. Place the Faceless Man on your tile. Your hero is now dead. the traitor. Both teams should turn to Haunt 2.
(Their corpse retains any items/omens)
3. Give each hero their hero token.

4. Unstun all of the Cat Creatures.
The Cat Creatures unsheathe their claws, battling Dexter into the
entrance hall. He slams into the house’s front door with a dull THUD.
OBJECTIVE... On your turn, first take a turn with the Cat Creatures... In the same terrifying breath, the Cat Creatures swipe at one of your
You win when all the friends, snagging them with sharpened talons and shoving them against
heroes are dead. the wall next to Dexter! Suddenly, a masked figure appears. It raises
its bloodied dagger – and sinks it into your friend’s side! Blood splatter
Tokens Needed... Monster: Cat Creature across the decorative wallpaper as your friend slumps to the floor.
Faceless Man Token – Might: 4 Speed: 4 Sanity: 4 Knowledge: 4 End the turn. The haunt revealer’s hero is dead. They are now Spirit
Spirit Face Face, the traitor. Both teams should turn to Haunt 2.

Small Monster Tokens – Move all Cat Creatures before any attack.
Cat Creatures A lone Cat Creature corners your friend. “Meorrr.” Several more
Hero Tokens – appear from the shadows (peer pressure—these creatures are far too
Then take a turn with Spirit Face. sensitive). They lurk toward their terrified victim, purring—then
Horror Trivia
POUNCE! They slam your friend into the wall. You hear the rending
If You Win of flesh. The snap, crackle, pop of bone. Just like cereal. Killer.
Your friend is dead.
Read entry 05 from
Story Entries. Monster: Spirit Face End the turn. The player that died is now Spirit Face, the traitor.
Might: 7 Speed: 4 Sanity: 4 Knowledge: 4
Both teams should turn to Haunt 2.

With bloody hands, you snatch the mask off the mysterious killer and
He has a strange fascination with Dexter’s reveal...none other than Dexter Norville himself! He launches into
previous movies… his Villain Monologue, explaining this was nothing but an elaborate
plot to purchase property throughout the town at discounted rates
Spirit Face cannot be stunned. once the news of these grisly murders hit the press. It’s all about the
money, baby.

Spirit Face must move towards and attempt to
attack a hero each turn if able. If there is more Corpses stiffen at your feet. You tear off your mask—God, it was stuffy
than one hero within range, you may choose under there. You catch your reflection in a cracked window.
which. If none are within range, you must move Dexter Norville, you devilish bastard, it’s all going to plan. With these
towards a hero by the shortest path. meddling nobodies out of the way, there’s no one left to stop you from
It’s killing time… using your expert hacking skills to hijack a Terran Confederation
satellite and enact your dastardly plot: to plummet local property
When Spirit Face attacks a hero who still values by changing their Wizlow listings, flooding their small businesses
has their hero token, first he must test their with complaints on Welp, and editing Street View images so every
knowledge of horror trivia. You both make yard is full of inflatable holiday decorations, year-round. With prices
Knowledge rolls. If you roll higher, you may low enough to afford on your residuals, you buy up the whole town.
make a Might attack as normal. If you roll equal It’ll be the perfect set for your next movie… and not just a straight-to-
or lower, you cannot attack anyone this turn, streaming remake… a masterpiece… a film.
but you take the other player’s hero token. You
do not have to make this roll the next time you
attack that hero.

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