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ISO 9001:2015 QMS

21st-25th NOVEMBER 2023
Damal Hotel –Hargeisa

9001:2015 QMS
Participant Introduction
and Expectations

• The Somtel & Bluekom Team

• The RMC Team
 George Opiyo
 Anthony Okoth
1. To attend all sessions without missing any
2. Observe time discipline
3. Respect each others opinion
4. Phones to be on silent mode
5. Everyone to participate
6. There will be an examination at the end of the
Purpose of training
 To introduce the participants to the ISO 9000
family of QMS standards

 To enable participants understand the structure,

design, content and compliance requirements of
the ISO 9001:2015 QMS international standard
as internal auditor trainees.
What is ISO?

 The term ISO has two meanings:

1. ISO as an abbreviation stands for:
 International Organization for Standardization

1. ISO as a complete word meaning:

 Similar or equal or uniform as in ISOBARS; ISOTOPES;
What is ISO?

 In this training we are dealing with ISO the standards ISO

as international standards organization:
 ISO standards are developed by ISO technical committees.
 ISO Committees are based at the Geneva -Switzerland
 There are very many ISO standards
 Each standard is specific for a particular area or process
History of ISO?
 ISO technical committee was established in 1947

 Head office in Geneva , Switzerland

 Mandated to develop internationally recognized


 Membership come from close to 200 national standards


 The ISO creates many different types of standards.

How many ISO standards are

 There are many ISO international standards

around the world.
 Almost all human creations have an ISO
standard to guide it
Common Examples of ISO

 ISO 9000 standards-Quality Management Systems

 ISO 14000 standards-Environmental Management standards

 ISO 18000 Standards-Occupational Safety and Health standards

 ISO 31000 standards-Risk Assessment Standards

 ISO 26000 Standards-Social Responsibility standards

 ISO 22000 Standards-Food Quality and Safety Standards

 ISO 27000 Standards- ICT Standards

What ISO standards Family?

 All ISO standards that guide the same activity or

outcome are put together and given a specific number.
What ISO standards Family?

ISO Number Family name Areas of use

9000 Quality Management All sectors

14000 Environment management All sectors
45000 Occupational safety All sectors
55000 Asset management All sectors
31000 Risk Management All sectors
22000 Food quality and safety All sectors
27000 Information security ICT/Cyber security
26000 Corporate social All sectors
What do the numbers next to
standard name mean?

ISO Number Family name Areas of use

9000:2018 Quality Management All sectors

14000:2015 Environment management All sectors
45000:2018 Occupational safety All sectors
55000:2015 Asset management All sectors
31000 Risk Management All sectors
22000 Food quality and safety All sectors
27000 Information security ICT/Cyber security
26000 Corporate social All sectors
What do the numbers next to
standard name mean?

 The numbers next to the standard family code is


 Meaning ISO 9001:2015 was released or last

revised in the year 2015…
What is ISO 9000?

 The term ISO 9000 has two different meanings:

1. It refers to a single standard i.e ISO 9000:2018

2. It also a name of a set of standards in the family

Quality management system standards family
What is ISO 9000 Family?
 ISO 9000:2015- Quality management systems
—Fundamentals and vocabulary;

 ISO 9001:2015- Quality management systems


 ISO 9004:2018- Quality management — Quality

of an organization — Guidance to achieve
sustained success.
 All three standards are referred to as QUALITY
What is ISO 9001:2015
 ISO 9001:2015 Certification means that
Somtel and Bluekom have fulfilled all the
applicable requirements of the ISO
9001:2015- Quality management systems —
requirements as assessed by a certification body

 That means the organization has used the

guidelines given in the ISO 9001:2015
international standard to establish its quality
management system
Why is ISO 9000 so important?
 ISO 9000 is sweeping the world.

 It is rapidly becoming the most important

quality standard.

 1000s of organizations in close to 200 countries

have already adopted it, and many more are in
the process of doing so.
Why ISO 9000?

 ISO 9000 applies to all types of organizations.

 Regardless of size or what they do.

 It helps both product and service organizations

achieve standards of quality that are recognized
and respected throughout the world.
The ISO 9000 QMS Family of Standards?

 ISO 9000: 2015 QMS Fundamentals & Vocabulary

 ISO 9001: 2015 QMS Requirements

 ISO 9002 & ISO 9003: Incorporated into 9001,withdrawn

 ISO 9004: 2009 Managing for the sustained success of
an organization — A quality management approach-
under review
Why adopt ISO 9000?

• Adoption of a QMS is a strategic decision for your


• To help improve its overall performance and

provide a sound basis for sustainable
development initiatives.
Potential benefits

a. Consistently provide products and services that

meet customer and applicable statutory and
regulatory requirements;

b. Facilitate opportunities to enhance customer


c. Addressing risks and opportunities associated with

your company context and objectives;

d. Demonstrate conformity to ISO 9001:2015 QMS

certification requirements.
Key QMS Concepts & Principles
every auditor should know
 Quality-a spirit and culture of excellence
 Cost of quality
 Scope of your company QMS
 Interested parties
 Value proposition
 7 QMS principles
 Risk-based thinking
 Management Review
 The process approach
 The PDCA cycle
Meaning of quality?
 3.6.2 quality (ISO 9000:2015)
 degree to which a set of inherent characteristics
(3.10.1) of an object (3.6.1) fulfils requirements
 Note 1: The term “quality” can be used with
adjectives such as poor, good or excellent.
 Note 2: “Inherent”, as opposed to “assigned”,
means existing in the object (3.6.1).
Meaning of quality?
 Quality Of an organization

 An organization focused on quality promotes

a culture that results in the behavior,
attitudes, activities and processes that
deliver value through fulfilling the needs
and expectations of customers and other
relevant interested parties.
Meaning of quality?
 2.2.1 Quality
 The quality of an organization’s products and
services is determined by the ability to satisfy
customers and the intended and unintended
impact on relevant interested parties.
 The quality of products and services includes not
only their intended function and performance, but
also their perceived value and benefit to the
customer.e.g a V8 and Probox have different
value for different people.
Cost of Quality
 Organizations make decisions based on their own or
government policy requirements
 For most NPOs direct costs of quality are nor
 The Cost Of Quality theory provides the vocabulary to
communicate between the quality professionals and
their managers.
Cost of quality
The Meaning of "Quality Costs "

 The term “quality costs” has different

meanings to different people.
 Some equate “quality costs” with the costs of
poor quality due to finding and correcting
defective work.
 Others equate the term with the costs to
attain good quality.
 Others use the term to mean the costs of
running the quality department.
Categories Of Cost Of Quality
1-Internal Failure Costs.
2-External Failure Costs.
3-Appraisal Costs.
4-Prevention Costs.
Categories Of Cost Of Quality

1-Internal Failure Costs.

The costs of deficiencies discovered
before service delivery or project
• Associated with deficiencies or
nonconformities with the failure to meet
explicit requirements or implicit needs
of external or internal Customer
Categories Of Cost Of Quality

2-External Failure Costs.

• The costs associated with deficiencies
found after service or project is
received by the Customer.
• These may include:
• Lost opportunities for revenue.
• Costs of legal suits
• Cost of Customer compensations
• Cost of redoing projects
Categories Of Cost Of Quality

3-Appraisal Costs.
 The costs incurred to determine the
degree of conformance to quality
 Include internal, second party and
certification audit costs.
Categories Of Cost Of Quality

4-Prevention Costs.
• The costs incurred to keep failure and
appraisal costs to a minimum.
• In telecoms sector these may include
project design Community needs
assessment /PR events costs .
• The total cost of quality is the sum
of the four above categories.
Questions Comments and
Didn’t we
That’s it... have fun!!!

G. Opiyo


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