Project Synopsis Format
Project Synopsis Format
Project Synopsis Format
Submitted by:
The above mentioned students shall be working under the supervision of the undersigned on
the “Title of the project”
Signature Signature
Supervisor Head of the Department
Table of Contents
Chapter No. Description Page No.
Chapter 1 Introduction and Problem Statement
Chapter 2 Background/ Literature Survey
Chapter 3 Objectives
Chapter 4 Hardware and Software Requirements
Chapter 5 Possible Approach/ Algorithms
Chapter 1
Introduction and Problem Statement
(2 to 3 pages)
In the following sections, a brief introduction and the problem statement for the work has
been included.
1.1 Introduction
As estimated by John et al. in [1], ……..The detailed review of related techniques has been given in
[2, 3].
Chapter 2
Background/ Literature Survey
(2 to 3 pages)
In the present times, research work is going on in context of ……In this chapter some of the
major existing work in these areas has been reviewed.
Chapter 3
The objectives of the proposed work are as follows:
3 to 5 Objectives in pointwise
(1 page)
Chapter 4
Hardware and Software Requirements
Chapter 5
Possible Approach/ Algorithms
(2 to 4 pages)
√ ( p1−q 1)2 +…+( pn−qn )2
Table 4.1 Pseudo code of the ABC algorithm
D- the dataset, k-the number of clusters and α-the fuzzifier
1. Initialize Z by choosing k points from D randomly;
2. Initialize W with wjh = (1≤ j ≤ k ,1 ≤ h ≤ d);
3. Estimate U from initial values of W and Z according to Eq. 2.7.
4. Let error = 1 and Obj = Eα,ε(W,Z);
5. while error > 0 do
6. Update Z according to Eq. 2.6 ;
7. Update W according to Eq. 2.5;
8. Update U according to Eq. 2.7;
9. Calculate NewObj= Eα,ε(W,Z);
10. Let error = | NewObj – Obj|, and then Obj <= NewObj
11. end while
12. Output W, Z and U
[1] N. K. Kanhere and S. T. Birchfied, “Real-time incremental segmentation and tracking of vehicles
at low camera angles using stable features,” IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst., vol. 9, no. 1,
pp.148-160, March 2008 (Example : Journal papers)
[2] K. Onoguchi, “Moving object detection using a cross correlation between a short accumulated
histogram and a long accumulated histogram”, Proc. 18th Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition,
Hong Kong, August 20 - 24, 2006, vol. 4, pp. 896 – 899 (Example : Conference papers)
[3] T. H. Cormen, C. E. Leiserson, R. L. Rivest and C. Stein, “Introduction to Algorithms”, 2nd ed.,
The MIT Press, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 2001 (Example : Text Book/ Magazine)
[4] Open Source Computer Vision (OpanCV) [Online]. Accessed on 21st April 2022: (Example : Website)