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Elsa Cardigan

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To fit age 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 years See next page.


Chest 63 66 69 73 cm
25 26 27 29 in

Length to 32 35 38 41 cm
Rustic Baby Bright Sweetpea Bright
shoulder 12 ½ 13 ¾ 15 16 ¼ in
Rose Blue Red 352 Purple
343 323 331 334
Sleeve 21 23 25 27 cm
length 8¼ 9 9¾ 10 ½ in

MillaMia Naturally Soft Cotton is exclusively available at
• 3(4:4:5) 50g/1 ¾oz balls of MillaMia Naturally Soft Cotton in
• Off White (311) (A)
• Pair each of 3mm (US 2) and 3.25mm (US 3) needles 31 ½ ( 33 : 34 ½ : 36 ½ ) cm
• 7 buttons approx 12mm / ½in in diameter 12 ½ ( 13 : 13 ½ : 14 ½ ) in

25 sts and 34 rows to 10cm/4in square over st st using 3.25mm

12 ½ ( 13 ¾ : 15 : 16 ¼ ) in
32 ( 35 : 38 : 41 ) cm
(US 3) needles.


This might be a back to front cardigan, but the way the pattern is
written and designed, you can also wear this cardigan front to back
as well. See the last image to see how this looks. Remember however
21 ( 23 : 25 : 27 ) cm
that the buttons are just decorative as only the top button has a 8 ¼ ( 9 : 9 ¾ : 10 ½ ) in
buttonhole, the rest are sewn onto the garment directly.

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approx approximately
beg begin(ning) UK US
cont continue Cast off Bind off
dec decrease(ing) Colour Color
foll(s) follow(s)(ing) Grey Gray
g-st garter stitch Join Sew
inc increase(ing) Moss stitch Seed stitch
k or K knit Tension Gauge
k2 tog knit two stitches together Stocking stitch Stockinette stitch
m1 make one stitch by picking up the loop lying before the next Yarn forward Yarn over
stitch and knitting into back of it Yarn over needle Yarn over
m1p make one stitch by picking up the loop lying before the next Yarn round needle Yarn over
stitch and purling into back of it y2rn yo2
mths months
p2 tog purl two stitches together
patt pattern Metric, mm US size
psso pass slipped stitch over 2 0
pwise purlwise 2.25 1
rib2 tog rib two stitches together according to rib pattern being followed 2.5 1
rem remain(ing) 2.75 2
rep repeat(ing) 3 2
rev st st reverse stocking stitch 3.25 3
skpo slip one, knit one, pass slipped stitch over – one stitch 3.5 4
decreased 3.75 5
sl slip stitch 4 6
st(s) stitch(es) 4.25 6
st st stocking stitch 4.5 7
tbl through back of loop 5 8
tog together 5.5 9
wrap 1 on a k row, ytf, sl 1 pwise, ytb, place slipped st back on left 6 10
hand needle. On a p row, ytb, sl 1 pwise, ytf, place slipped st 6.5 10.5
back on left hand needle 7 10.5
yf yarn forward 7.5 11
yo yarn over 8 11
yon yarn over needle to make a st 9 13
yrn yarn round needle 10 15
y2rn wrap the yarn two times around needle. On the following row
work into each loop separately working tbl into second loop
ytb yarn to back
ytf yarn to front
[] work instructions within brackets as many times as directed
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FRONT 1st row K to last 8 sts, p1, k6, p1.
2nd row P to end.
With 3mm (US 2) needles cast on 79(83:87:91) sts. These 2 rows form the st st with front border.
1st rib row P1, [k1, p1] to end. Work straight until 5 rows fewer have been worked than on front to
2nd rib row K1, [p1, k1]to end shoulder shaping, ending with a p row.
These 2 rows form the rib. Shape neck
Work a further 8(8:10:10) rows. Next row K27(28:29:30), skpo, turn and work on these sts, leave rem
Change to 3.25mm (US 3) needles. 14(15:16:17) sts on a holder.
Beg with a k row, work in st st until front measures 30(33:36:39)cm Dec one st at neck edge on next 4 rows, ending at neck edge.
/11 ¾(13:14 ¼:15 ½) in from cast on edge, ending with a p row. 24(25:26:27) sts.
Shape front neck Shape shoulder
Next row K26(27:28:29), turn and work on these sts. Next 2 rows P2 tog, p to last 4 sts, wrap 1, turn, k to last 2 sts, k2
Dec one st at neck edge on next 4 rows. 22(23:24:25) sts. tog.
Work 2 rows, ending at neck edge. Next 2 rows P to last 8 sts, wrap 1, turn, k to end.
Shape shoulder Next 2 rows P to last 12 sts, wrap 1, turn, k to end.
Next 2 rows P to last 4 sts, wrap 1, turn, k to end. Next 2 rows P to last 16 sts, wrap 1, turn, k to end.
Next 2 rows P to last 8 sts, wrap 1, turn, k to end. Next row P across all sts, working wraps together with wrapped st.
Next 2 rows P to last 12 sts, wrap 1, turn, k to end. Cast off.
Next 2 rows P to last 16 sts, wrap 1, turn, k to end.
Next row P across all sts, working wraps together with wrapped st.
Cast off all sts.
With right side facing rejoin yarn to rem sts, cast off centre
27(29:31:33) sts, k to end.
Dec one st at neck edge on next 4 rows. 22(23:24:25) sts.
Work 1 row, ending at neck edge.
Shape shoulder
Next 2 rows K to last 4 sts, wrap 1, turn, p to end.
Next 2 rows K to last 8 sts, wrap 1, turn, p to end.
Next 2 rows K to last 12 sts, wrap 1, turn, p to end.
Next 2 rows K to last 16 sts, wrap 1, turn, p to end.
Next row K across all sts, working wraps together with wrapped st.
Cast off.

With 3mm (US 2) needles cast on 43(45:47:49) sts.
1st rib row [K1, p1] to last 9 sts, k1, p8.
2nd rib row P9, [k1, p1] to end.
3rd rib row [K1, p1] to last 7 sts, k6, p1.
The 2nd and 3rd rows form the rib with front border.
Work a further 7(7:9:9) rows.
Change to 3.25mm (US 3) needles.

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LEFT BACK 8 ¼(9:9 ¾:10 ½)in from cast on edge, ending with a p row.
Cast off.
With 3mm (US 2) needles cast on 43(45:47:49) sts.
1st rib row P8, [k1, p1] to last st, k1. COLLAR
2nd rib row [P1, k1] to last 9 sts, p9.
3rd rib row P1, k6, [p1, k1] to end. Join shoulder seams.
The 2nd and 3rd rows form the rib with front border. With right side facing, using 3mm (US 2) needle, place 14(15:16:17)
Work a further 7(7:9:9) rows. sts on needle, pick up and k12 sts up left side of back neck, 14 sts
Change to 3.25mm (US 3) needles. down left side of front neck, 28(30:32:34) sts from centre front, 14
1st row P1, k6, p1, k to end. sts up right side of front neck, 12 sts down right side of back neck,
2nd row P to end. k14(15:16:17) sts from right back holder. 108(112:116:120) sts.
These 2 rows form the st st with front border. 1st row Cast off 5 sts, k to last 8 sts, p8.
Work straight until 9 rows fewer have been worked than on front to 2nd row Cast off 5 sts, k next 2 sts, p to last 3 sts, k3.
shoulder, ending with a p row. 98(102:106:110) sts.
Buttonhole row P1, k2, k2 tog, yf, k2, p1, k to end. 3rd row K to end.
Work 3 rows. 4th row K3, p to last 3 sts, k3.
Shape neck 5th and 6th rows As 3rd and 4th rows.
Next row P1, k6, p1, k6(7:8:9), leave these sts on a holder, skpo, Change to 3.25mm (US 3) needles.
k to end. 28(29:30:31) sts. 7th row and 8th rows As 5th and 6th rows.
Dec one st at neck edge on next 5 rows, ending at neck edge. 9th row (inc row) K4(6:8:10), [m1, k10] 9 times, m1, k4(6:8:10).
23(24:25:26) sts. 108(112:116:120) sts.
Shape shoulder Work 5 rows.
Next 2 rows K2 tog, k to last 4 sts, wrap 1, turn, p to end. 15th row (inc row) K10(12:14:16), [m1, k11] 8 times, m1,
Next 2 rows K to last 8 sts, wrap 1, turn, p to end. k10(12:14:16). 117(128:125:129) sts.
Next 2 rows K to last 12 sts, wrap 1, turn, p to end. Work 5 rows.
Next 2 rows K to last 16 sts, wrap 1, turn, p to end. 21st row (inc row) K4(6:8:10), [m1, k12] 9 times, m1, k5(7:9:11).
Next row K across all sts, working wraps together with wrapped st. 127(131:135:139) sts
Cast off. Change to 3mm (US 2) needles.
K 2 rows.
SLEEVES Cast off.

With 3mm (US 2) needles cast on 44(48:48:52) sts. TO MAKE UP

1st rib row [K1, p1] to end.
This row forms the rib. Lap left back over right back and tack in place. Sew one button on
Work a further 7(8:10:11) rows. right back to correspond with buttonhole. Place remaining buttons
Change to 3.25mm (US 3) needles. evenly down centre back and sew through both thicknesses to
Beg with a k row, cont in st st. secure backs. Sew on sleeves. Join side and sleeve seams.
Work 2 rows.
Inc row K3, m1, k to last 3 sts, m1, k3.
Work 5 rows.
Rep the last 6 rows 7(8:10:11
) times more and then the inc row again. 62(68:72:78) sts.
Cont straight until sleeve measures 21(23:25:27)cm/

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