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Journey To Karak-Rorkar

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Journey to Karak-Rorkar

An Adventure for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th Edition by Leo E Gunnemarsson

This adventure is set on the path to the Mountains of optional side-adventures they can volunteer for or
Mourn and in these fabled lands far away. The ad- not in order to get a bonus and plenty of locations to
venturers will be some of the people recruited by explore by themselves while the caravan stops for
Ukrird Okrisson to journey to the hold of Karaz- resupplying and repairs. Should the adventurers pre-
Rorkar in the Mountains of Mourn, thought lost by fer they may even terminate their contract early and
most dwarfs. It will be a perilous journey through stop at a place on the way (though if they do you
far off lands where the adventurers will likely feel a may want to point out that it means this adventure
bit out of place. This adventure works well with my effectively ends now just so they don’t think any-
supplement for Ogres, Gnoblars and Pigbarter Folk. thing else).
The Story
The hold of Karaz-Rorkar has been struggling for a Chapter one: Through Hel to the
long time after Karak-Azorn, Karak-Vrag and Karak Edge
-Krakaten fell. Ukrird Okrisson is a longbeard from The first stretch of the adventure takes the charac-
a dwarf clan of goldsmiths in Karaz-Rorkar, a pres- ters through Stirland, including the cursed lands of
tigious job in dwarf society and thus a clan of high Sylvania in a journey some would deem ill-fated.
status. Ukrird has volunteered to travel west to the Eerie things happen in the cursed lands where vam-
Worlds Edge Mountains to seek aid from other pires once ruled but the caravan travels on and
dwarfs and establish trade routes. As he arrived at reaches the worlds edge mountains.
Karaz-a-Karak his tale was however not believed.
Many have claimed to bring words from distant
dwarf holds over the years and such claims have Chapter Two: No Heir to Go
been found as frauds each time. Disheartened he The second part of their travels bring the caravan
travelled to the Empire with his small band to ac- through peak pass in the Worlds Edge Mountains
quire a caravan with guards and supplies. Seeking and to Karak-Kadrin, the Slayer Hold.
mainly gunpowder of which the stocks of Karaz-
Rorkar are dangerously low. Karak Krakaten used to Chapter three: Crossfire and Brim-
mine the nitre for them and what they can produce stone
from other sources does not cover it. With this in The third stretch of the journey brings the characters
mind the dwarf is gathering people and resources in through the Dark Lands where a military campaign
Nuln where the adventurers get offered employ- between the Hobgoblin Khanates and the Chaos
ment. Ukrird will when he speaks of his hold exag- Dwarfs places them in the crossfire. This dangerous
gerate its importance, wealth and power quite a lot, war they don’t belong in must now be navigated
both during employment and the travels, building with great care.
unrealistic expectations. Then starts the dangerous
travels East with the caravan in which the adventur-
ers will see both dangers and amazing sights.
Chapter Four: An Eye for an Eye-
Themes biter
The adventure is one of a journey to a far off land. The fourth part of the adventure brings the charac-
It’s meant to show the hardships of these journeys ters to the Sentinel of the Eyebiter tribe where they
and the promises of wealth from it. It is however make new enemies, and down to the city of Pigbar-
even more than that meant to bring the characters to ter.
environments they are not used to and let them visit
strange new lands. It’s meant to bring the characters Chapter Five: Tis but the foothills
out of the relative comfort of the Empire. It is jour- The fifth stretch of the journey gets them into the
neys where even the mundane can be wondrous and foothills of the Mountains of Mourn by the spice
where you do well to both build up expectations and road. From there they will travel further up into the
give payoff with good descriptions of the sights. mountains seeing the magnificent peaks and mighty
Caravan-trailing the adventure beasts for themselves at last.
The adventure, by its premise, is a bit of a caravan
trail as the adventurers are hired specifically to fol- Chapter Six: Through hidden paths
low the caravan and help it. To a certain degree this in Ogre Lands
is unavoidable in such an adventure. If the players The sixth and final stretch of the journey has the
are offered job on a caravan they are likely to expect caravan travel with the help of hidden paths to the
that the adventure has a set route to follow. This hold itself. With tense parts of the journey where
doesn’t mean the adventure must be a railroad they can not move hidden and finally the hold itself
through and through however. Far from it. On the which proves lesser than promised.
contrary the adventure is quite open in what the ad-
venturers do during the travels. There are plenty of
Chapter One: Through Hel to the Edge
An Adventure for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th Edition by Leo E Gunnemarsson

Image by Midjourney ai beta

This part of the adventure sees the characters join a to guide a caravan to his home. On the road the ad-
caravan to travel towards the far off Mountains of venturers get to meet both the colourful cast hired as
Mourn. This journey takes them from Nuln to peak- well as the equally colourful inhabitants of Stirland
pass as they move through the whole of Stirland on with their strange customs. Among such Stirlanders
foot, even venturing into the bleak and cursed lands they will meet a small band of tomb robbers, friend-
of Sylvania. Should you wish this part can be played ly men who do not present themselves as having
as a stand alone, you need only state that Ukrird on- that occupation. One of the gnoblars travelling with
ly seeks hirelings for this first stretch and the adven-
the caravan will however snatch up a cursed crown
ture can be self contained as a reason to bring the from these men setting both the tomb robbers and an
adventurers into Sylvania where no doubt you have errant wizard on their trail through rural Stirland and
other plans for them. accursed Sylvania. The fate of the Wight crown will
depend on the characters actions and the adventurers
The Story will come to play an important role in who ends up
Ukrird Okrisson, a longbeard from a goldsmith clan with it.
of Karaz-Rorkar, has reached Nuln during Vorhexen
and with his wealth is purchasing black powder and
other resources to bring home as well as hiring staff
Starting the Adventure some streetpedlars pester the characters as they
The adventure starts in Nuln with the adventurers move about. Use the following offers or come up
looking for work. The characters will be offered with some of your own.
jobs on the caravan at higher rates than their stand-
ard pay though not extremely so. They are also of-  Roasted Almonds, 2p a bag. “If ya missed
fered a path out of the empire with it so if they need breakfast Hanseinfülts roasted Almonds will get
to make a getaway from trouble the job offers that ya through the day!” Effect: The tasty treat
too. As the adventure starts simply introduce the makes the poor weather more bearable. The
characters as being in Nuln looking for work. Ask character gets +10 to the next Endurance test for
the players how it comes they are there looking for the slush.
employment and give them time to answer in as  Sharpening service, 2p per weapon or tool.
much detail as they wish. If someone struggles you “Sharpen your knives, swords and scissors sirs
can suggest they had a hard time getting work in and sirettes! Just 2p and your slick scissors are
their regular venues and travelled there on a rumour as sharp as new!” Effect: If bought adds an in-
it was a good place to find work in their field. stance of the Practical quality for the three next
uses of the weapon or tool.
 Festag Pies, 5p a pie or two for 8p. “Buy Pegs
Early a Festag morning Sweet halfling pies for five p a pie. Granny
It is festag in Nuln and the city is a busy as ever. Peghamilion Rumsters own recipe. Sweetest pies
Merchants, pedlars, mercenaries and others try to in Nuln. Take the Festag grand offer and get two
find customers and as dawn strikes many move to for eight.” Effect: Sharing the pie with one or
the Reikplatz to do so as this central square is where two others gets you waking up from the sugary
most notices for work are found. The adventurers sweet. Eating a whole pie by yourself gives a
have learnt this early as they went to Nuln (so men- sugary high granting +10 Intuition and +1
tion it to them) and may want to go there. They may Movement for one hour. Eating two pies by
also seek employment elsewhere, let such search be yourself gives the sugar high bonus as well but
mostly fruitless giving “no” or “maybe later” as an- also requires you to take an Endurance +40 test
swers but a +20 Gossip test may yield them some or suffer a terrible toothache and the tooth will
info (see ‘Rumours in Nuln’, rumour list 1:1). need to be pulled. “Amputation +40 (Single
Deep sooty slush ice and pooled ice-cold water lays
on the roads of Nuln quickly Image by Midjourney ai beta
soaking through boots not
made for this weather and dirt-
ying any footwear the charac-
ters may wear. Any character
without good winter footwear
must test Endurance +10 every
hour as his feet are soaked in
the icy slush. A failure causes
a “Frozen Feet” condition that
gives –5 to Agility tests. Dry-
ing off the feet and warming
them by a fire lets the charac-
ter test Endurance with a bo-
nus of +2 per minute spent
warming them. A success re-
moves one “Frozen Feet” con-
dition plus one additional fro-
zen feet condition per SL.
When a character goes to sleep
for the night remove all Frozen
Feet conditions, the character
suffers wounds equal to the
number of conditions (after
which he can roll to regain
wounds as per the rules for

To show the busy streets let

weapon as a Helblaster Volley Gun. An expensive
 Morr-blessed Bullets, 1 Silver for bullet and and powerful weapon able to fire large amounts of
powder “Initiate Frida is blessing bullets. Pur- shots in a short time.
chase thy holy handgun fire here! Send thy foes
to Morr for a mere silver.” Effect: These bullets On one of the dwarf carts a dwarf in bejewelled
work as bullet and powder but the blessings plate armour stands and shouts out a call for hire.
make it so they can hurt undead enemies with
the ethereal trait. “Hear ye! Hear ye! I am looking for men and wom-
 Ranald’s Delight, 1 Silver. “Psst...hey...over- en willing to journey east to the Grand Hold of
here. Wanna buy some Ranald’s Delight? Pure Karak-Rorkar! We will journey past the Worlds
as Grey Mountain snow and worlds better than Edge Mountains and out of what you call the ‘Old
any other you’ll find in the Neuestadt district. A World’ to the most magnificent peaks in the whole
silver for the bag.” Effect: If bought works like world, the Mountains of Mourn! I need a large staff
Ranald’s Delight, pg 307 of the core rulebook. so men of all professions are welcome to seek job
 Cutlery, 1 Silver. “Honest Genes non-stolen here. Hell, I’ll even hire elves and gnoblars for this
cutlery. One silver per silverware piece with a expedition if they’re willing to work. So gather here
fast deal. Prices these low should get me arrest- ye jobseekers and let Ukrird ‘The goldbeard’ Okris-
ed...well, never mind low prices aren’t illegal, son grant you employ! I am also looking for carts,
don’t tell the watch.” Effect: This is cutlery wagons and coaches to hire.”
with the fine quality. It also has a guild seal, an-
yone with “Etiquette (Guilders)” or “Secret Someone with “Lore (Dwarfs)” can remark they
signs (Merchant Guild)” will recognize it as of- never heard of that hold and on a successful lore test
ficial guild cutlery of the merchant guild of Nuln may recall that the holds of the Mountains of Mourn
and definitively stolen. are thought to have been all destroyed or aban-
doned. Someone who speaks Khazalid knows that
At the Reikplatz the name roughly translates to “Mountain of the
The Reikplatz is a large central square in Nuln and endless shouting match”, a name that likely has an
in the middle of it grows a massive tree called the interesting story behind it.
Deuz Elm with a trunk as wide as a small house and
to which a plethora of advertisements, hiring ads People crowd the dwarf offering services yet he
and other notes are stapled, some old and most un- does not seem to run out of people to employ. When
readable due to the current weather. Around it stand the adventurers reach him he has a sizeable entou-
paymasters, foremen and other employers on crates rage gathered. He will offer the characters twice the
or other improvised raised platforms shouting out standard weekly pay for someone of their status or
for the employees they are looking for. A more ex- two silver a week for people with so low status that
otic sight meets the characters as they get there it would be more than twice the weekly pay for
however. Three large coaches that rise above the them normally. He also offers a bonus of an extra
masses. Two of them of clear dwarf design and weeks pay when they reach their destination. While
pulled by massive long-haired creatures with two its possible the characters sign on right away its also
sharp horns at their head. A Rhinox from the moun- fairly likely they will have some questions before
tain of Mourn pulling each such cart. Around the taking the job.
dwarf wagons a group of five ogres tower over the  How long will it take?: Ah, with some luck
gathered crowds. Anyone with “Lore (Ogres)” can three months but it might be as long as four or
test it at +40 to identify the rhinoxen as creatures five if the weather is bad.
from the mountains of Mourn that one does best not  Isn’t it very dangerous to travel there?: Aye.
to provoke and whose eyesight is very bad. Anyone That’s why I’m hiring so much people. With
with “Lore (Animals)” or “Lore (Monsters)” can numbers and skill we should be able to handle
test it at +0 to learn the same. anything brought our way.
The third cart is clearly a military cart of Nuln, clad  Karaz-Rorkar? What hold is that?: A distant
in the black heraldry of the city and drawn by four one, last left in the Mountains of Mourn and not
horses. An artillery piece is placed at the top of a well known. I hope to be able to establish proper
tower like raised part of the vehicle where clever trade routes there from the empire. It is quite a
contraptions make it easy to swivel around to fire glorious hold too. The mountains there...well not
where needed. Artillerists of Nuln man it but some- to put shame on the Worlds Edge Mountains but
one with “Etiquette (Soldiers)” or “Etiquette growing up in Karaz-Rorkar they seem mighty
(Mercenaries)” will identify them as mercenaries small to me.
through some of the subtle marks on their uniforms
and the vehicle itself. Anyone with Lore (Engineer)
can test it at +20 and at a success will identify the
 When will the caravan leave?: Day after to- Mingling
morrow if I get enough crew till then and it The people hired are shown as “Caravan Crew” in
looks like I will. We’ll have some more carts the section for NPCs in this part. There the carts of
then and plenty more staff. the caravan and the people on it are described in bet-
 What’s the sleeping arrangements on the ter detail. See that section to help with the mingling.
road?: If you can bring a cart or coach I’ll pay
you extra for that and you can sleep there. If not
I have brought plenty of good dwarf tents to Gearing up
cover the people I hire. Gearing up follows the normal rules for “Going to
 You were looking for coaches, carts and wag- Market” (pg 290 of the core rulebook) with the fol-
ons. What do you pay for that?: Depends on lowing exceptions.
the vehicle itself, will need to inspect it closer -Re-roll failed availability rolls for weapon s and
but two gold a week for a standard coach is ammunition of the Explosives, Blackpowder and
manageable, in addition to paying for your work Engineering groups.
of course. -Weapons of the Explosives, Blackpowder and En-
The group can haggle for better pay though you’ll gineering groups with an availability of ‘Exotic’
note that Ukrird is quite skilled at it so the opposed count as ‘Rare’ instead.’
rolls won’t be easy to win. Should they win the hag- -Availability rolls for Books and Documents receive
gle with him he will increase their pay by 10% per a +20 bonus.
SL (if won with no SLs he’ll instead increase the
bonus on arrival by 50%). Once hired they can join Gossip and Local Rumours
the caravan and mingle with the hired folk but you Looking for local rumours and gossip can be enter-
might suggest that they look at gearing up for the taining enough. Let people seek gossip as they wish
journey. with whatever gossip rolls you want to ask for. Ru-
mour List 1:1 has a list of available rumours that can
turn up. Feel free to add extra as you see fit.

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Von Hinkleikopf’s Excellent Experi- 10GC.
 Von Hinkleikopf’s launcher of conflagrations
ments to increased distances: This gunpowder device
If the adventurers are looking for the gunpowder is carefully balanced to launch incendiary bombs
and engineering weaponry Nuln is quite famous for further than they could be thrown. This is an en-
direct them towards Von Hinkleikopf’s Excellent gineering weapon with a range of 10. It launches
Experiments a newly opened shop which has plenty Incendiary Explosives as its ammunition and
of marketing at this time (Pamphleteers, Town- deals damage as with thrown such devices. It
criers and signwavers paid to advertise its recent costs 50GC but comes with three Incendiary ex-
opening). The shop is run by the wealthy and eccen- plosives at that cost.
tric Fride von Hinkleikopf, a recently graduated en-  Von Hinkleikopf’s mechanichal Ovis-
gineer and noblewoman who as the sixth daughter simulacra of Ram-style for the herding of the
of the von Hinkleikopf’s was free to pursue an aca- future: This mechanical life-sized wind-up
demic career. Using some family wealth she now sheep can move and make noise. The sound
funds her various projects. If a character visits have does not well match that of a sheep though audi-
her try to sell them some of the following and feel tory replication was the intention. When winded
free to come up with further strange devices to sell up for one minute it walks for five minutes
as well. straight ahead. If it encounters an obstacle parts
 Von Hinkleikopf’s handheld bullet dis- of its legs will trigger new mechanics and it will
charger for protection of a Lady’s life and first make noise and then ram it with its horns
honour: This is a pistol made to fit in a handbag causing 7 damage to targets that don’t defend
and ornate enough to work as an accessory for a themselves or move. This little marvel costs
noblewoman. It looks dainty and works as a pis- 80GC.
tol with one instance each of the fine and light-
weight qualities. It costs 10GC.
 Von Hinkleikopf’s stylized stellar shaped Leaving Nuln
shrapnel throwing explosive: The insides of When the characters are ready let the caravan depart
this bomb is filled with a form of shuriken that the city and move on the Nuln Road, a proper Impe-
should increase the lethality of the explosion. It rial Highway that’s well maintained and allows oth-
does not quite work that well and the weapon is ers to pass you by with ease. The caravan travels out
a bomb that costs 5GC but has no extra rules. into rural Stirland under light snowfall as the jour-
 Von Hinkleikopf’s Far Reaching Distributor ney begins.
of powder-propelled demise: This handgun has
been constructed with a longer barrel and with
more powder packed. All to increase its range. It
works as a handgun with 75 in range and costs

Images by Midjourney ai beta

Rumours in Nuln
Rumour List 1:1

 “Countess Emmanuelle von Liebwitz is hav-  “Don’t buy Grenzstadter White at the Golden
ing an affair with her Judicial Champion Oak Tavern. I hear they water down their
Theodore Bruckner. I heard she’s the only wine.” This rumour is true though unless you
one that can handle him and that’s why he’s have a very fine palette you won’t notice.
so loyal.” This rumour is completely false but  “I heard a witchhunter found no less than
quite popular as both are famous and eye- eight witches in Sonningswiese and burnt half
striking individuals of Nuln. the town as heretics!” This rumour is false, the
 “I heard the city of Flensburg along the Nuln witchhunter found a pig with a minor mutation
road has hired a large number of Reikland and had it burnt but that was all that happened
mercenaries and even a battlewizard for Hex- on his visit. The rumour helps show the unease
enstag to avoid what happened last year.” that spreads each Vorhexen in dreaded anticipa-
This rumour is true. Last Hexenstag a necro- tion for Hexenacht.
mancer created a diversion while a thief associ-  “I hear some graverobbers were caught try-
ate stole a precious piece of jewellery from the ing to smuggle wightblades into Nuln. Don’t
vault of the city and the Burgomeister is deter- they understand what this could do to our
mined to be better prepared this year. city?” This rumour is true. The two men have
 “I hear the legendary gemcutter Dodin Za- been executed and the magic swords are being
makrisson from Karak-Hirn is visiting the destroyed by priests of Morr in sacred rituals.
city. His jewellery is legendary and criminals This rumour helps set the thought of graverob-
must be gathering to mug him.” This rumour bers and tombrobbers in the mind of the players
is partially true. He is in town selling a master- for later in their travels in this chapter.
work necklace to the grand countess. Criminals  “It is said the Burgomeister of Hundham is a
are however not gathering to mug him as he is vampire. A bloodsucking fiend.” This rumour
well protected by both his own clansmen and the is false and similar rumours about Sylvanian
palace guard. leaders often crop up.
 “I hear the walls of Blood Keep are once  “We might be going towards an especially
more guarded, though now with skeletal sen- rough Hexennacht. I hear that garlic and
tries and the shades of the damned. Perhaps wolfbane harvests were horrible this year.”
on Hexennacht the cursed knights will ride This rumour isn’t false but it is greatly exagger-
out.” Perhaps it is and perhaps they will. The ated, the growth was worse than normal but
GM decides if the rumour is valid or not. The while there might be a slight markup in prices
rumour helps show the unease that spreads each there is not a big shortage that will leave people
Vorhexen in dreaded anticipation for Hexenacht. fully without. The rumour helps show the unease
 “I hear the Baron of Colmfähre proposed to that spreads each Vorhexen in dreaded anticipa-
our dear countess Liebwitz under great pomp tion for Hexenacht.
and extravaganza. Of course she turned him  “The dead are rising in Hel Fenn and have
down. How embarrassing.” This rumour is already overrun Mikalsdorf. Vlad is return-
true and not too surprising. The Countess has ing and we will perish this Hexenacht.” This
many suitors. The turndown was quite embar- rumour is completely false and few believe it.
rassing however giving to the popularity of the The rumour helps show the unease that spreads
gossip. each Vorhexen in dreaded anticipation for Hex-
 “I heard the accursed beastman known as enacht.
Malagor was recently encountered near Car-  “I hear a wealthy dwarf from the east is visit-
roburg just before a new pox started to ing throwing money around him and hiring
spread. This may perhaps be a pox that caravans to do his bidding.” This rumour re-
dooms the old town. Malagor the Dark Omen fers to Ukrird Okrisson and the caravan he em-
has never been known for weak curses.” This ploys the players to. This rumour mostly just
rumour may be true. A group of hunters encoun- serves to show that people are talking about it
tered a powerful bray shaman they think was and it didn’t go unnoticed. If someone choses
Malagor near Carroburg before a mild pox not to go to the Reikplatz first it can also help to
spread to the city. The GM decides if the events give them a hint of where to look for work.
are related and if the shaman was indeed
Malagor. The rumour helps show the unease that
spreads each Vorhexen in dreaded anticipation
for Hexenacht.
Travel in this Adventure
A description of how travel is handled in this game

Days see how well they are doing their job make dramatic
Travel is measured day for day and each day is giv- tests for their earning skill at +20. If the characters
en a description of its weather, where they travel are doing an especially good and/or useful job then
during it and what happens on the day. It is not al- make other people of the caravan more positive to-
ways needed to go into detail of each day, the travel wards them and give the character +10 to social
takes time and you might want to “fast forward” tests with them.
some travel times. Still as you do so remember to
give a short summary of the time that passed and its Provisions
weather. This also lets you keep check on current Provisions are sorted for the caravan but there are
date of the travel. risks they may run out. For the first two parts of the
adventure do not keep track of provisions. They will
Events be resupplied in Karak-Kadrin and the provisions
Events are things that happen to (or in) the caravan will easily cover the travel there. After that set a val-
during the travels. They can be mandatory, the GM ue of 12 provisions, this will need to be tracked as it
should not skip them, they will have a role for future can run out. Opportunities and events can affect it
parts of the adventure or are integral to this part. Or and should they run out new events will be trig-
they can be optional, the GM can skip or use them gered. This will be discussed in part three which is
as he wishes. It is recommended to use some option- the first time it could potentially happen. In the ex-
al events. treme event you deem it would happen earlier see
that chapter.
Sights are interesting or impressive places passed by Death and retirement on the road
the caravan. The GM should present them to the During a game it is not unheard of (or that uncom-
players as they pass by. The caravan may stop at mon) for characters to die or be retired and this can
some and may pass them by. Many of these are not happen far from civilization. In the cases of death or
there as dangers or adventures but as places to show retirement of characters it is suggested that if the
off how impressive the world can be. caravan is near a settlement you employ the new
character at that settlement. If far from one ask the
player to take the role of an NPC until the caravan
Opportunities can reach a place where hiring new crew is possible.
If you have played computer games what I call op-
portunities here you might call side-quests. Chances
to earn a bit extra fame and money by doing some- Other adventures during the journey
thing you don’t really have to do. There will be It is possible you want to throw in homemade or
many opportunities during the adventure and these other pre-made adventures during this. That works
are in many ways like optional events with the ex- well but keep an eye on the schedule for the travel
ception that with optional events it is up to the GM and try to sort it right so the important dates fit, per-
chose if they happen while with opportunities it is haps setting some events earlier or later to accom-
up to the players to decide if they take them. Some plish this. Worst case scenario just add it between
opportunities will have consequences for not taking the dates and hope no-one notices, most of the time
them, this will be written in their descriptions if it is the exact right date is low on player characters
the case. minds.

Behind schedule
The adventure assumes the caravan manages to keep
schedule and it likely will most of the time but there
are never any guarantees. Delays can happen and in
such cases it is up to the GM to decide how being
late will affect the journey.

Work on the Caravan

The adventure are hired in the role of their profes-
sions and are assumed to work on the caravan for
their pay. Describe or let them describe their days
based on this and when it is especially important to
Day 1 –5th of Vorhexen, Aubentag ingly quite interested in the rhinoxen. They seem on
The day is clear with but a few clouds and some of friendly terms and after a while Ukrird climbs up on
the winter living birds are singing on the trees and his wagon and taps on its side with his axe to get
bushes of the Nattern Forest. The road is well main- peoples attention.
tained and trails upwards towards the highlands for
which Stirland is famous. “Fine caravaneers and crewmen, we are about to
start the second day of this great journey and I say
Travellin to Ogre lands, love? Wha ya it could not start better. Not only are we amongst
friendly people and have good food and tobacco but
fink we’ll see? the fine hunters of Blutdorf has just offered to let
(Optional Event) some of us join them on a hunt for the beautiful and
The halfling Gransimeri ‘Grasi’Brambledown who delicious Firsqueak, some sort of small pretty bird
also works on the caravan walks over to the adven- we could catch and eat. They say they can keep pace
turers to get some moments away from the kids and through the woods easy even with hunting and will
talk about what they can expect in the Mountains of meet us in Ramsau. Now I must stay here and take
Mourn. He doesn’t know much but is excited to care of the caravan, not that I’m much of a hunter
learn and will parrot Ukrird Okrissons claim that the anyway, and they say the ogres are a bit large for
place has the tallest mountains and the best meat. If hunting a bird that small but any of the rest who’d
the adventurers don’t want to talk he takes the clue like to join are welcome to do so. Volunteers?”
and goes to talk to other people instead but if they
do he’ll happily gossip away the day. Inventing new The players can chose to join or not and may even
tales if he runs out of true ones to tell. split the party, it’s but for a day anyway. Apart from
them ‘Grasi’Brambledown and Valle Meckler joins.

Image by Midjourney ai beta

(Sight) The hunt sees them trav-
Late in the day the caravan passes the village of el through the Nattern
Kirchham. Peasants watch the wagons and carts as Forest in thick snow.
they pass, marvelling at the Rhinoxen and the fine The hunters speak about
dwarf carts. Some brave children dare approach a the birds and the diffi-
bit but turn back when an ogre or dwarf glances culty of hunting them
their way. but also their delicious
taste, especially when
Blutdorf fried in butter with clas-
(Sight) sic Stirland herbs. After
In the early and clear winter night the caravan two hours of tracking and making lure calls the
reaches Blutdorf and sets up camp by the village. group starts to make their way near and the hunters
Some sleepy watchmen go out to see what the com- ask the adventurers to have an ear open for the bird.
motion is but Ukrird Okrisson talks to them and set- A character with Accute senses (Hearing) can now
tles it. test Perception and on a success does hear it, allow-
There is a decent sized inn (“Two pigs and a Fox”) ing the group to sneak close. If no such character is
in the village should the characters prefer beds and present the hunters will a bit later hear it (and soon
fireplaces to tents in the snow. Anyone who spends after the rest of the group) and stealth tests can be
his night in the inn gets one “Well-rested” condition done to approach the now wary bird. Someone that
for the next day. succeeds can move within 50 feet, if anyone fails
Well-Rested: Ignore the next Fatigued condition the bird gets spooked and flies away. The Firsqueak
you suffer. Once a fatigued condition has been ig- is the size of a halfling fist and bright blue, it gives a
nored lose one Well-Rested condition. squeaking call. If anyone sneaks forward the hunters
will stay back to make sure it doesn’t spook and if
no-one sneaks forward one of them will. If someone
Day 2 –6th of Vorhexen, Marktag asks what to do (or says something else) this will
The day is clear in the morning with some clouds spook the bird and it will fly away.
and by the evening light snowfall starts. It is a very During the day six more opportunities to kill such a
cold day and all characters must take an endurance bird will come, similar to the first in execution.
test every four hours or suffer one fatigued condi- After this they will meet up with the caravan on the
tion, if the character is wearing proper winter cloth- end of the day. The group will split the birds as
ing he has +40 on the endurance test. evenly as they can without cutting birds apart. A
Firsqueak is indeed delicious and grants +30 to a
Firsqueak Hunt trade (cook) test if used as an ingredient, it will also
(Opportunity) be seen as a very generous and nice gift if offered to
As the caravan is starting to wake a small group of someone else in the caravan.
hunters are seen talking to Ukrird Okrisson, seem-
to be quite a large temple with more finery than ex-
Ramsau pected for the Shallayans. A result of the ruling Har-
(Sight) ding family of the city having donated very gener-
By the evening the groups meet up in the village of ously as a part in overcompensating for the stereo-
Ramsau. Villagers look at the caravan with curiosity type and rumour of Stirlanders being poor.
and as it stops for the night kids move up and ask
questions about the caravan and its people. Make
sure some kids are curious about the adventurers too -Svenja and her graverobbers: This group of six
even if the ogres, beasts, artillery pieces and wealthy are graverobbers, or rather five graverobbers and a
dwarfs might seem more interesting, the kids are fence. They are led by the rugged looking Svenja
generally curious and will bother anyone with ques- but in the city she will take a back seat and let her
tions. It is clear the village is quite poor and no inns younger sister Mina, the groups fence, take the lead.
or taverns exist here. At the edge of the village are They will approach the caravan and offer wares in
the animal pens but all seem to be inside now but the form of magical amulets and old shields. At least
for one. A very large and lone goat stands out in the so they claim. An evaluate +40 test reveals all the
cold on a fenced in hill. If asked about it the villag- goods they offer are extremely old. A lore (History)
ers will simply remark that it prefers it that way test at +20 will identify them as from the old Styr-
even when they try to bring it in and some will state igen tribe and thus likely predating the empire or at
it is blessed by Taal for it has killed a wolf on two least coming from its early history. Amulets will be
separate occasions. sold for 15GC and shields for 25GC. The shields
can be used and work as shields with the shoddy
quality. Someone with witch sight can see that the
Day 3 –7th of amulets carry old enchantments of some type. The
Vorhexen, Back- enchantments protect from the coming of death and
ertag someone buried with one will if risen through necro-
Image by Midjourney ai beta

The day is cloudy with mancy hold some weak memories of his life and
light snowfall as the cara- carry on some of his training to his undead state. No
van trails upwards into -one in the caravan will purchase an item unless the
the Stirhügel hill lands. players do so but as they try to sell their wares a
For a while a pack of gnoblar of the cart manages to get its hands on a
massive wolves trail the wightcrown the graverobbers carry and hide it.
caravan from a distance Svenja and her band won’t notice this until after the
but they move on after caravan left. If the characters report the graverob-
about an hour. bers likely criminal activity Svenjas band will
quickly split and move away, leave it unsaid if they
Flensburg made it or not for now.
(Sight) -Magister Astromantic Felix Gottschalk of the
By midday the group reaches the market town of Celestial College: A wizard in fine robes and vest-
Flensburg. A fair contingent of mercenaries are ments move towards the caravan. Giving a puzzled
found there, anyone with “Lore (Reikland)” will look at one of the fine dwarf wagons and stroking
identify their accent as a Reikland accent. The town his long white beard. He moves to the lead wagon
moves to greet the visiting caravan offering wool and asks Ukrird if they carry any runes or other
clothes, garlic and small icons of Shallaya. Amongst magic items. Ukrird will answer this with a long
the hustle of commerce some stand out however. rant of how runes are runes and not magic. That it’s
insulting to equate them and that the wizard should
-Mother Caroline Brandler and the sisters: A be ashamed of it. Going off into a rant he drives the
sizeable group of Shallaya sisters ask for donations wizard away and never comes to answer him. If the
to the ‘Temple of Flensburg’, a large Shallayan tem- player characters ask him later if he has any rune
ple. The asking is done publicly and with many eyes items with him he’ll state he has a rune ring on his
watching. A silver status character that doesn’t give finger that protects from sorcery.
a donation of brass or supplies temporarily lowers
his status as per keeping up appearances. A gold sta- The caravan doesn’t take a long stop in the town
tus character who doesn’t donate at least a silver however and moves through it further on the Nuln
temporarily lowers his status as per the keeping up road. Emely Sauer will complain that the wizard
appearances rules. Anyone that donated will be in- was strange and likely a bad omen. Telling anyone
vited to visit the temple. Being Shallayans they will that has energy enough to listen that they may be
not turn away anyone that comes to visit regardless cursed now.
but they will give a verbal invitation to characters
that donated. Should the temple be visited it is noted
Doomsayers Day 4 –8th of Vorhexen, Bezahltag
(Optional Encounter) The day is windy with heavy snowfall, difficult weather
As the caravan drives on a group of flagellants, close to a to travel in. Each hour of the trek this day characters
dozen, approach from the other way. Calling out for Sig- must test endurance or suffer a fatigued condition. Char-
mar and whipping themselves bloody. The men and acters with proper winter clothing get a +30 bonus to this
women of the pack are clearly underdressed for the sea- test. An hour of rest by a fire will remove one such fa-
son and it is a wonder they don’t freeze to death. Ukrird tigued condition with each 30 minutes extra removing
and his dwarfs are clearly not fully understanding of one more.
what is happening, readying weapons and standing pre- Morning in Lochen
pared to defend the caravan. Play up the tension a bit to (Mandatory Encounter)
make the characters feel they may need to intervene. As the characters wake so do the village. People go out
Have the ogres (and their gnoblars) prepare to fight and the woman from last night goes out with an old man
alongside the dwarfs and the artillerymen and other peo- and the two excuse the way they greeted the visitors last
ple of the caravan look confused at the dwarfs behaviour. night, offering some strange man-shaped small cookies
If the characters step in they can talk Ukrird out of his with their apology as they explain that it was a rite of the
tense defence by explaining what the flagellants are. He village. Each night before Bezahltag during Vorhexen
won’t like it but he’ll accept it and order his men down. they dress up a mule and a woman to guard the village
If they are not talked out of it he will order his men to with light and in return no massive vampire-led armies
push them back when they get to close to the wagons and will rise the following Hexentag and destroy the village.
this will escalate into violence. The dwarfs and ogres are To any scepticism of it they will state no vampire armies
better trained and will easily deal with the flagellants but have attacked the town since they started with the rite in
this will not sit well with imperial caravan members. 2126.
Lochen When the villagers are told the caravan will travel on the
(Sight) road (Ukrird will state this unless one of the adventurers
By late evening the lights of the Lochen village are seen do it first) they will tell the group that the bridge found
and the caravan moves up to the small place past snow- between Lochen and Pürgg was destroyed by greenskins
covered farms. At the entrance to the village by the piti- last week so it can be difficult. This will be met with
ful gate-less palisade stands a mule in a small well-lit plenty of grumbling from the dwarfs and learning it
shed with open windows so its seen. It is dressed in spe- Ukrird will direct the caravan over the hills towards
cially made fur clothing and a crown with candles in it sit Ohlsdorf.
on its head. Emily Sauer suggests it may be a heretical Scouts wanted
witchcraft rite of the backwater village while the gnoblar (Opportunity)
Foo goes up and greets the mule with a crude bow the With less ideal terrain ahead Ukrird wants a few scouts
creature doesn’t take notice of. Out in the streets a wom- to help and calls out an offer of a bonus for those willing
an walks through the night in what looks like a night- to take on such job.
gown and wearing a crown like that of the mule as well
as holding a candle. She pauses in shock as she sees the “Fellows. Seems the damned greenskins have been on it
caravan, mumbles something about foul omens and hur- again, ruining the bridge on our intended path. So we
ries back into her home. No-one will come out during the will go across the hillands without a proper road. Now
night even if folk of the caravan bang on doors or try to this could lead to us happening upon dead ends where
get them out. the carts can’t go so I would like to get a few scouts
helping. Any of you lads willing to put in some scouting
work for a day or two? I’ll throw in a bonus of five silver
each for the lot that scouts ahead for the caravan til we
reach the Nuln road again.”

The adventurers can chose to take the opportunity or not

and may split between those that do and those that don’t.
Apart from whichever player characters chose to join
Valle Meckler, Engineer Student Ivonne, Ludwing Swei-
mann and Sissi Lorenz take on the job. For the first three
hours of travel they will simply see hills and the odd ani-
mal taking shelter from the snowstorms, needing no tests
to find paths for the caravan to travel. As they move on
that no longer is the only thing found however.
Have the characters test perception at +0. A character
that succeeds will see a large quadruped dark shape mov-
ing about in the snowfall seemingly digging for some-
thing in the snow. This is a Razorgor. If no character suc-
ceeds the perception test then it will notice the adventur-
ers at the same time they notice it and attack. If it is no-
ticed the characters can decide their path, having the car-
avan go around it will however cause a big delay. It’s
stats can be found later in this chapter.
However the Razorgor is dealt with the group will be Making camp at last
able to move on through the snowy hills. This travel (Mandatory Encounter)
goes on relatively uneventful for three hours if the After a long days trek through difficult terrain Ukrird
beast was dealt with and five if the caravan went finally orders camp to be set up. How long it took to
around. In either case they end up on the same route. this depends on the success or failure of the scouting
On the path ahead stones and branches are set up in a mission as Ukrird refused to fall too far behind
way that does not seem to be a coincidence. A char- schedule largely due to the heavy snowfall and the
acter with the skill ‘Secret Signs (Hunter, Scout or risks of getting stuck in the hills. The camp is cold
Ranger)’ can identify the mark as a warning of curs- and even after a good nights sleep most are quite
ed hunting grounds to pass around. A test of Lore tired. Adventurers remove up to five fatigued condi-
(Stirland) can reveal a second meaning of some tions after the night.
marks here. Points to an old Stirhügel tradition
where offering a garlic coloured red by halfling
blood by the post will make the spirits leave you Day 5 –9th of Vorhexen, Koningstag
alone. If this is pointed out Valle Meckler mentions The wind has died down a bit but the snowfall is as
buying some garlic on the way and offers to use one. heavy as before and the snow now lays deep on the
Of course halfling blood would be needed too and its ground making it very difficult to move on. Each
also likely that several people in the group or the car- two hours of the trek this day characters must test
avan will dismiss it as stupid superstition. A charac- endurance +10 or suffer a fatigued condition. Char-
ter with Holy Visions will sense the touch of a local acters with proper winter clothing get a +30 bonus to
deity upon the sign. this test. An hour of rest by a fire will remove one
such fatigued condition with each 30 minutes extra
Travel around the area will take two hours, through removing one more. In addition, during this day, all
it half an hour. characters without the talent “Strider (Snow)” count
If they move through the hills and did not sacrifice as carrying two more encumbrance of gear.
garlic with halfling blood before a sudden wave of
terror will wash across the adventurers as they walk Dreams of Doom
through, requiring a terror 3 test for each. Nothing (Optional Event)
follows this but don’t let the players know that and During the night before waking to the fifth day of the
point out to both those that succeeded and those that journey the characters dream uneasy dreams. They
failed that they have a very bad feeling about this. A see themselves lost within these hill lands freezing to
character with ‘Holy Visions (Morr)’ will see the death, their bones reappearing as the winter snows
place as imbued with powers of the afterlife but not disappear. They wake cold and with a feeling of
ones sanctified by Morr. If the caravan moves dread in the back of their minds. At the end of the
through it another wave of panic will wash over it day any character tests willpower +40 or pray +50,
and scatter wagons and folk. It will be possible to on a failure the energies of the Stirhügel under
gather all but it takes a further hour. If the garlic sac- Vorhexen has imbued them with a point of corrup-
rifice was made no terror is brought and all goes tion. Keep in mind that fatigue affects this roll as
well. well and having overexerted themselves during the
day will make it harder to resist the baleful energies.

Fräulein Stirhügel
Fräulein Stirhügel is one of countless minor deities of the empire and
one local to the Stirhügel hills of Stirland. She has no official cults or
temples, nor any priests or nuns, but some temples of Morr in the
area contain small altars to her. She was once a woman but her name
has been lost in legend. She was a young woman who got lost in the
Stirhügel hills and died. Once dead she met a wightking who offered
her wealth beyond wealth and unimaginable power to be his bride.
She refused and in return he cursed her to become a ghost. As a
ghost she did not mourn however but helped travellers who as her
got lost in the hills find their way home. Having done so selflessly
for centuries Morr saw her value and helped lift the curse of undeath
from her and gave her an honoured throne within his domain. Now
from this seat does she aid those lost in the Stirhügel hills. Or so the
legend goes at least, it is quite likely it was all made up.

Playing a devoted of Fräulein Stirhügel: This minor godess has no

priests or religious officials of her own. Some Morr priests in the
area do serve her as well however. To play a religious career to her
build the character as a Morr character and serve both.The only stric-
ture she has unique to her (sharing all of Morrs) is to always help
someone asking for directions to the best of your ability unless they
are halflings.
Wounded Winter Woman bow arrows with the fine quality can also be found
(Optional Event) on him. During the investigation of him the body
As the caravan travels on they see the shape of a person suddenly twitches however causing a fear (1) test in
in the snow and hear weak calls for help. On closer in- the adventurers and getting NPCs to back off and do
spection if one is made they see a human woman lying in whatever religious signs are fitting for them (dwarfs
the snow wounded. Blood is splattered across the snow. and ogres of the caravan instead draw weapons to be
In her leg an iron bolt is found and across her belly is a ready and gnoblars hide behind cover or ogres). Af-
deep cut which she tries to hold together weakly. Her ter a few moments of twitching a blood-soaked furry
dark leather armour is torn and damaged. If the snow creature escapes from the mans intestines. A Stir-
around her is searched her bloody dagger and axe can be hügel Bloodweasel, a scavenger that sometimes
found under about a foot of snow. She is weak and can
sleeps in carcasses. This animal can be identified
hardly speak. Fixing her up requires healing but can be
done to stabilize her. If asked what happened she blames with a Lore (Stirland) test at +20 or an intelligence
beastmen (in truth she is an outlaw and was attacked by a test at +0. A character of the ranger class gets +10 to
roadwarden who shot her in the leg and rode by cutting the test.
open her belly and leaving her for dead wishing to get out Ohlsdorf
of the hill lands before something found him. (Sight)
An evaluate test –10 can reveal the bolt in her leg is By the evening the characters will see Ohlsdorf
marked as an official Stirland military bolt of the kind ahead, the snow is heavy now and the caravan can
used by state troops, watchmen, river patrol and road-
wardens, this test has a +10 bonus if the character has a barely move through it. As they get near some kids
warrior background. The bolt if inspected also reveals run out and throw frozen pieces of manure at the ad-
this automatically to a character with “Secret Signs venturers. A superstition meant to ward of bad spir-
(Smith Guild)”. If asked about it she will say the beast- its, when an ogre (or one of the players if they get to
men must have stolen it. it first) gets mad and roars or shouts at them they
She introduces herself as Betruga Bennenungonce when will afraid scamper away. Some suspicious villagers
she has gotten a little bit of energy back and asks to travel go out to meet them and there are calls to get Baron
with the caravan to safety. Guerino Ottfried von Schnappentrüfft though one of
If asked what she was doing she will state she was travel- his staff comes out instead. Welcoming the caravan
ling to an uncle in Wolfsbach, a plausible enough story. to Ohlsdorf and telling them to set up at the town
She will thank for the help and if it seems she may be left square and rest for the night but cause no trouble so
will offer payment to be brought with and not left to die,
she only has 18 silver but will make empty promises to
that they can meet properly with the right authorities
people if its not enough. tomorrow. If pressed for why it must wait the servant
She will then either be left to die or travel with the char- will annoyed state “Because the Baron says so.” and
acters. If travelling with the caravan she will try to hide while that isn’t the sole reason it’s the only reason a
until they are out of the Worlds Edge Mountains and a servant like him needs and if someone says its rude
wanted poster for her will turn up in one of the towns he can only apologize and can’t really be expected to
they pass in Stirland, marking her as the outlaw Gretzlant do more.
if the character seeing it can read or as someone that’s
most likely a criminal if they can’t. RESOLUTION
With the first part of the journey done the characters
Actual roads again have gotten a bit of a feel for Stirland (hopefully)
(Sight) and a feeling that something might be about to hap-
Late in the day the scouts and then the caravan find pen now that Hexennacht draws near. Before the
their way to the road on the other side of the hills. next part of the first chapter, “Snowed in at
The scouts can be relieved they get to travel with the Ohlsdorf” they should be rewarded for their travels
actual caravan again rather than scout ahead and also so far. Apart from standard exp for roleplaying and
gets thanked for their help. It also shows that they bright ideas the following can awards extra experi-
are closer and in better terrain even if the deep snow ence:
covering the road makes it far from easy to traverse.
 5 exp for each friend made in the caravan crew
Death on the road (to a maximum of +30)
(Optional Encounter)  5 exp for killing a firsqueak at the firsqueak hunt
By the night one of people in the caravan (possibly a and +5 for each two after the first if more are
player character) walks into something large buried killed.
in the snow. Brushing aside the snow a corpse is  5 exp for being part in killing or driving away the
found. Looking for identification shows some pin on Razorgor if that is done.
his shirt and for money he had 26 brass pennies on  5 exp for each optional encounter the GM used
him. The pin can be identified with a Secret Signs on the way.
(Fletcher) +30 test as showing he is a guild licensed  5 exp for handling the cold and weather especial-
fletcher from Pürghh. Fletcher tools and eight long- ly well
CARAVAN CREW Engon, Gurni, Fodri and Grimwold
The caravan is a sizeable bunch by now travelling (Goldsmiths and Caravan Hands)
along with the adventurers. Here I’ll list the people Engon, Gurni, Fodri and Grimwold are young
of the caravan. The GM is of course free to add more dwarfs, under the age of 50 all. Much like Ukrird
crew to the caravan as he sees fit. For ease of refer- they wear fine armour and good weapons. Hammers,
ence the crew with carts or caravans will be listed picks and axes paired with shields. They never be-
first along their vehicles after which the ones without fore left their hold and look with a bit of curiosity at
will be listed. After this a section on other NPCs will the world revealed to them.
be presented.
(Clan Galkulal) M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
These two carts belong to Clan Galkulal of Karak-
3 40 30 32 41 26 18 44 29 48 21 15
Rorkar. The name of the clan, for anyone speaking
Khazalid roughly translates to “a group with the
Skills: Lore (Metallurgy) 30, Trade (Goldsmith) 50, Haggle 26,
mastery of gold of particular ornamental value”, re- Melee (Basic) 45
flecting that they are a clan of goldsmiths. The clans-
men are well armed and armoured as befits their task Talents: Read/Write, Dealmaker, Craftsman (Goldsmith), Mag-
but they are proud goldsmiths and don’t hide it. It is ic Resistance, Night Vision, Sturdy
likely people may due to their arms mistake them for
Traits: Armour (Full chain armour over leather) 4, Weapons
warriors but asking them they will proudly state their (Axe, Pick or Hammer) +7
jobs as goldsmiths. The leader is Ukrird Okrisson
and he is likely the person the players will have the Trappings: Handweapon and shield with fine quality, armour
most interactions with, still there are seven others in
the band. Grum and Dorrin
(Rhinox Drivers)
Ukrird Okrisson Grum and Dorrin drive the carts and tend to the rhi-
(Caravan Leader) noxen that pull them. They are not as wealthy as the
Ukrird Okrisson is tall for a dwarf at five foot one goldsmiths that lead the expedition but make up for
and his long white beard reaches the floor when not it in experience and skill. Much like Ukrird they
braided though it tends to be heavily braided and speak well of their home talking of the massive
filled with luxurious gold ornaments. He wears fine peaks of the Mountains of Mourn and the wondrous
chainmail armour, carries an ornate shield and hefts beasts that dwell there. Their beards are less well-
a beautifully crafted axe that he lets double as a kept than that of Ukrird and share the same brown
walking staff. He is friendly to the caravan people colour as the Rhinoxen they work with, and the same
though he is quick to get into a rant about how he lice though Grum and Dorrin don’t acknowledge
thinks things should be. that.
He also shares with those willing to listen exaggerat-
ed tales of Karak-Rorkar, if these are lies, part of his GRUM AND DORRIN –DWARF RHINOX
view of the hold or something in-between can be left DRIVERS SILVER 2
to the GM but whichever is chosen they are told for M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
the benefit of the hold as he wishes what it best for it
beyond anything else. 3 40 35 34 50 25 28 36 30 51 14 18
GOLDBEARD –DWARF MASTER ARTISAN Skills: Lore (Rhinoxen) 35, Animal Care (52), Drive 40, Melee
(Basic) 45
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W Talents: Relentless, Strong-Minded, Magic Resistance, Night
Vision, Sturdy
3 49 28 51 65 30 16 60 34 69 40 23
Skills: Lore (Metallurgy) 43, Trade (Goldsmith) 90, Haggle 60, Traits: Armour (Full chain armour over leather) 4, Weapons
Melee (Basic) 54. Leadership 45 (Axe, Pick or Hammer) +7

Talents: Read/Write, Dealmaker rank 2, Craftsman (Goldsmith) Trappings: Handweapon, Armour, Rinox brush and feeding
rank 5, Master Tradesman (Goldsmith) rank 3, Magic Re- tools
sistance, Night Vision, Sturdy

Traits: Armour (Full chain armour over leather) 4, Weapons

(Axe and shield) +9

Trappings: Axe and shield with fine quality, armour, beard or-
naments, rune talisman halving damage caused by magic
(before TB and AP)
Harga Sifnasdaughter Morg
(Young Dwarf) (Ogre “Bull”)
Harga Sifnasdaughter is Ukrird Okrissons daughter Morg is a woman (or cow to use the ogres terms)
and an adventurous young dwarf who joined her fa- from the Skragglegut tribe who ‘cleverly’ disguised
ther in the hope of seeing distant lands and interest- herself as a man to join the group. While she at times
ing sights. She has long golden-blond hair she keeps forgets to deepen her voice and doesn’t always re-
braided with fine ornaments in a style similar to her member to put on her fake beard none of the ogres
fathers. Ukrird is traditional and does not want his have yet noticed that she isn’t an ogre bull like them.
daughter fighting or taking unnecessary risks but you She has noticed that in the empire women seem to be
would not know this from looking at her for just like fighters too, at least some of them, and intrigued by
the other travellers she has been given armours and this she mimics their culture a bit more when picking
weapons just in case. Ukrird agreed to bring her just up habits. If she is found out to be a woman the
so he could keep an eye on her but is not fond of her ogres will be displeased and shun her, not letting her
going on the journey. eat or walk with them as well as perhaps calling her
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W 6 30 25 41 42 20 31 15 22 34 26 30
3 39 31 33 41 35 22 39 29 52 23 16 Skills: Melee (Basic) 35, Melee (Parrying) 35, Entertain
Skills: Lore (Metallurgy) 30, Trade (Goldsmith) 41, Melee (Acting) 30
(Basic) 41, Ranged (Crossbow) 36
Talents: Berserk Charge, Implacable
Talents: Read/Write, Magic Resistance, Night Vision, Sturdy
Traits: Armour (Gutplate) 1, Weapons (Club and Ironfist) +8,
Traits: Armour (Full chain armour over leather) 4, Weapons Size (Large), Prejudice (Thin People), Hungry
(Hammer) +7, Ranged (Crossbow) +9
Cánrěnde Bigmouth Skragglegut
Trappings: Hammer with fine quality, armour, hair ornaments,
Crossbow with 12 bolts (Ogre Bellower)
The bellower of the group is more well-travelled
THE OGRES than the other ogres having spent much time in
(Ogre guards) Pigbarter working various extortion gigs. He is
With the two lead carts also walks the ogres hired to proudly loud and quick to become hostile if someone
keep guard of them and their group of gnoblars. The complains about his volume. As the adventure pro-
unit hails from the Skraggleguts tribe and is made up gresses he will be more and more interested in the
of five ogres. None of these are particularly experi- god Handrich, being slowly converted and by the
enced and some have barely even been in a fight be- time the Mountains of Mourn are reached he will
fore but their size alone make them a useful asset. have converted to the religion unless the players ac-
tions change this.
Borb and Hig
Borb and Hig are new ogre bulls of fairly small stat-
ure who are looking forward to getting to fight and M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
adventure. As with many ogres they pick up the cul- 6 31 26 48 45 21 30 13 17 33 31 30
ture of those they travel with and have started brag-
ging about the Mountains of Mourn just like the Skills: Melee (Basic) 35, Melee (Parrying) 35, Entertain
(Bellower) 51, Charm 40
dwarfs...though they are from swamps near the
mountains and not from the mountains themselves. Talents: Berserk Charge, Implacable

BORB AND HIG –OGRE BULLS BRASS 5 Traits: Armour (Gutplate) 1, Weapons (Club and Ironfist) +8,
Size (Large), Prejudice (Thin People), Hungry
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
6 28 26 43 45 21 30 13 17 33 21 30
Skills: Endurance 50, Melee (Basic) 33

Talents: Berserk Charge rank 2, Implacable

Traits: Armour (Gutplate) 1, Weapons (Club) +8, Size (Large),

Prejudice (Thin People), Hungry
Brukk Gres Skragglegut MOU –GNOBLAR THIEF BRASS 5
(Ogre Crusher) M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
The leader of the ogre band is Brukk and his status is 4 19 17 15 18 47 35 42 14 15 21 3
visible by size for he is well-fed and fat as befits one
of his status. His club is iron with gold details and of Skills: Melee (Brawling) 20, Ranged (Throwing) 18, Sleight of
very good quality. It has been forged by the Galkulal Hand 56, Urban Stealth 40, Rural Stealth 45, Perception 57
clandwarfs and constitutes a good deal of the pay-
Talents: Combat Aware, Heightened Senses (Hearing, Smell),
ment for Brukks work this trip. Brukk is quite proud Beneath Notice
of both the club and his status as leader of the ogre
band here and will not hesitate to pull rank within Traits: Weapons (Teeth and tiny fists) +3, Size (Small)
the caravan.
BRUKK GRES SKRAGGLEGUT –OGRE (Nuln Artillerymen and Engineers)
CRUSHER SILVER 2 Alongside the dwarf carts the most impressive vehi-
cle in the caravan is the fine warwagon of the Nuln
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
Artillerymen which impressively holds a hellblaster
6 50 31 52 60 35 25 22 33 45 25 42 volleygun at it’s highest point able to swivel to face
Skills: Melee (Basic) 65, Melee (Parrying) 55, Melee whatever direction desired. The engineers and artil-
(Brawling) 55, Leadership 35 lerymen of the wagon are proud Nulners all dressed
in fine black uniforms of Nuln.
Talents: Berserk Charge Rank 2, Implacable

Traits: Armour (Gutplate) 1, Weapons (Club) +10, Size Jörg Mann

(Large), Prejudice (Thin People), Hungry (Chartered Engineer)
Jörg Mann is an experienced engineer of some re-
THE GNOBLARS nown in Nuln not only for his engineering work but
(Ogre owned greenskins) also for his sharp aim. This is somewhat undeserved
As is often the case with ogre mercenaries the Skrag- for it is not his aim that is good but his weapons that
glegut bulls hired for the expedition bring a bunch of are unusually precise. Having studied rifling
gnoblars along. The crusher unfortunately sat on his amongst dwarf thunderer veterans and passing mer-
gnoblar and now no longer has one. chants from the dwarf holds he has managed to cre-
ate highly precise weapons and only the high mainte-
Foo, Gege and Fif nance costs of them have stopped them from being
(Various Gnoblars) widely adopted amongst the Nuln forces. He wears a
These three gnoblars are owned by Borb, Hig and fine Nuln uniform with the rank of captain (he has
Morg respectively. They mainly scurry around the been allowed to keep the uniform and the honorary
carts fetching various items for their masters, rank despite retiring from the army four years ago)
fighting over scraps and occasionally begging for which he compliments with a wellkept moustache.
food and shinies. None of them speak a language
other than Grumbarath. JÖRG MANN –CHARTERED ENGINEER
4 26 49 31 36 37 30 50 55 43 32 13
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
Skills: Language (Classical) 60, Ranged (Blackpowder) 59,
4 18 20 16 16 40 30 38 20 18 21 3 Trade (Engineer) 75, Leadership 47, Language (Guilder) 60,
Lore (Engineer) 75, Lore (Metallurgy) 70, Language (Battle)
Skills: Melee (Brawling) 23, Ranged (Throwing) 25, Sleight of 60, Melee (Parrying) 36, Lore (Warfare) 70
Hand 35, Perception 55
Talents: Gunner, Read/Write, Etiquette (Guilder, Soldier), Un-
Talents: Combat Aware, Heightened Senses (Hearing, Smell) shakable, Magnum Opus (Jörgs Rifle), Magnum Opus (Jörgs
far-reaching pistol)
Traits: Weapons (Teeth and tiny fists) +3, Size (Small)
Trappings: Uniform, Engineering tools, Jörgs Rifle, Jörgs far-
Mou reaching pistol, Main gauche
(Gnoblar Thief) Jörgs Rifle: Jörgs rifle is a handgun with two instances of the
The gnoblar owned by Cánrěnde is a thieving bas- accurate quality. It only gains the benefit of the accurate quality
tard that always gets his hand on shiny things and if used with bullet and powder, improvised shot and powder
hide them in the carts. In the first part of the adven- removes the bonus.
ture he manages to steal and hide the crown of a
wight. If someone finds out about him stealing Jörgs far-reaching pistol: Jörgs far-reaching pistol is a pistol
with a range of 50. It only gains the benefit of the increased
something he can easily be convinced to give it back range if used with bullet and powder, improvised shot and pow-
for he isn’t all that brave. er removes the bonus.
Ivonne Bater
(Engineer Student)
Ivonne Bater is the student of Jörg Mann and with
her masters experience in the army she has been
asked to join the expedition to gain field experience.
Jörg also pushes for her to take opportunities to do
more dangerous missions to learn. Ivonne didn’t ex-
pect this from an engineering education but she is
ambitious and accepts these risks, though she’s not a
fan of them.


M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W BRASS 4
4 36 55 40 41 23 32 36 32 44 24 16 M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
4 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 12

Skills: Trade (Engineer) 37, Ranged (Blacpowder) 46, Lore

(Engineer) 50
Essme “Sooty Bess” Bechwald Talents: Read/Write, Tinker
The most senior artilleryman of the cart is Essme Trappings: Pistol with twelve shots, leather armour, trade tools
engineer, book on engineering, writing kit
Bechwald, nicknamed Sooty Bess for the blackpow-
der stains that cover her and which she seldoms
bothers to wash off. She is almost deaf from long Simple Kuno
work with hellblasters and as a result rarely speaks, (Indentured Servant)
mostly just nodding and smiling when someone Kuno is an indentured servant under the gunnery
looks like they are talking to her. school of Nuln who Jörg Mann chose would accom-
pany them on this journey. He is unhappy about his
ESSME “SOOTY BESS” BECHWALD – lot in life having been indentured as his only way to
SENIOR ARTILLERYMAN –SILVER 5 pay for very expensive medicine needed to save his
sons life. The crew of his cart boss him around a lot
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W making him start the journey with few friends but as
4 31 41 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 12 the travels goes on he becomes friends with Grum
Skills: Melee (Basic) 41, Ranged (Engineering) 75, Cool 54,
and Dorrin who appreciate his honest hard work ra-
Endurance 52 ther than see it as simple menial grunt work like his
Talents: Unshakable, Rapid Reload, Gunner
Vinzenz and Vinzenz
(Artillerymen) Downtrodden: Kuno has had it with fancy folk treating him
These two other artillerymen of the cart are Vinzenz like shit and has lost his respect for higher status. Sure he won’t
and Vinzenz. They are usually referred to as Tall state it to people of high status but he also won’t see them as
Vinzenz and Short Vinzenz despite both being taller charming or good company just because of their status. Kuno
than average (though Tall Vinzenz is almost absurd- bypasses the normal rules for status. Instead people of Silver
and Gold status suffer a –10 penalty to social tests with him and
ly tall). Knowing the life-expectancy of artillerymen people of brass status gain a +10 bonus on social tests with
they make sure to enjoy the good pay the job offers him.
through drinks, gambling and women (and men for
that matter, short Vinzenz being bisexual). They
both have bushy moustaches.



M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W

4 32 36 31 30 29 34 31 40 32 28 12
Skills: Melee (Basic) 41, Ranged (Engineering) 51

Talents: Unshakable, Gunner

(Handrich priest and merchant cart) (Priest of Handrich)
While paling in comparison to the gunwagon and the Neeltje Tijs is a priest of Handrich that has worked
fine dwarf carts ‘Prosperity’ is still a fine cart hold- her way out of the gutter by tireless toil and smart
ing a bit of finery and flying pennants with the holy investments. Born in the Marienburg slums she start-
symbols of Handrich. The merchant-priests of the ed working to help her family as but a kid and over-
cart are hopeful to spread the influence of their god hearing the rich merchants discuss business as she
through trade to this far away land and this may yet shined their shoes or carried their luggage for a few
succeed for a few weeks in to the journey Cánrěnde brass she decided it might be worth it to try and fol-
Bigmouth Skragglegut starts to spend a lot of time low their examples and thus she invested what little
by the cart listening to the priests tales. The ogre, she had according to the rumours of the merchants
being quite fond of money, finds a god that’s all and this had her money increase. Seeing the success
about that very appealing and by the time the group in this path she made sure to take jobs where she
reaches the Mountains of Mourn he will, unless worked for merchants as much as she could and it
something unexpected happens, be a full on convert was in such a job she met Father Plaizier. The priest
to the god ready to abandon his mercenary ways for saw promise in her and offered her the path of an
a merchant career. initiate of Handrich. That was five years ago and she
is now a priest of Handrich working for Plaizier. She
Louwrens-Penning Reinier Plaizier holds a crush on Father Plaizier but is too shy to act
(Priest of Handrich) on in.
The leader of the Handrich cart is father Plaizer, a
man in his late twenties with fine clothes, well-kept NEELTJE TIJS –PRIEST OF HANDRICH –
hair, a clean shave and the fragrance of a classy and SILVER 1
relatively subtle after-shave. He talks with a slight M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
Marienburg accent. He is an excellent merchant 4 30 29 31 32 31 41 34 45 33 30 12
thanks to both his charisma, his good looks and his
knowledge of economics. He has studied economics Skills: Lore (Economics) 54, Lore (Theology) 50, Pray 43,
at the finer institutes of Marienburg for a long time Haggle 40
leading to his excellence in that field. His wealth,
Talents: Read/Write
appearance and status would make him quite a catch
but he shows little interest in getting married, blam- Tatiana Rehorst
ing his priestly duties while concealing the truth. He (Templeguard of Handrich)
is beguiled by the charm of a sea elf from his home Tatiana was born of a wealthy merchant family in
of Marienburg, Lathriella Splendoursea. Lathriella Marienburg and they wanted her to follow in their
being an elf holds a similar view on relations with a footsteps. She showed little aptitude in the field of
human as most folk outside Stirland would hold on trade however. Thus instead she was to be married to
relationships with sheep and thus his love is bound join their family to another, the marriage did not last
to remain unfulfilled. But at least this gives him long however as her husband was killed in a pirate
more time to focus on his work. attack during one of his trade journeys. Having
failed twice in her attempts to support herself and
LOUWRENS-PENNING REINIER PLAIZIER – make the family proud the Handrich temple she had
HIGH PRIEST OF HANDRICH –GOLD 1 gone to all her life took pity upon her and offered her
a job. She found herself a good guard as she had a
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W knack for catching thieves eyeing the offerings. It
4 24 27 31 36 35 41 32 51 48 44 13 was there she met father Plaizier and fell in love with
the man. When he declared his intent to leave for
Skills: Lore (Economics) 75, Lore (Theology) 56, Pray 60,
Charm 54, Entertain (Storytelling) 54, Leadership 51, Haggle merchant and missionary work she offered to join
64 and now she follows him on this caravan journey.
Talents: Read/Write, Bless (Handrich), Invoke (Handrich), TATIANA REHORST –TEMPLEGUARD OF
Blather rank 2, Savant (Economics), Attractive rank 4 HANDRICH –BRASS 5
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
4 35 35 36 41 35 30 31 26 38 27 14

Skills: Melee (Polearm) 50, Ranged (Throwing) 45

Talents: Read/Write, Enclosed Fighter, Wealthy rank 2

Traits: Weapon (Spear) +7, Ranged 6 (Throwing Knives) +5

THE SKELFDOWN CART courted him for but a few months before they wed in
(Halfling cart) a small ceremony. Lis was happy to abandon her for-
Guisi Brambledown and his wife Lis Skelfsider mer work to care for the family and loves the fact
drive this cart with their large family in tow as they that they all get to travel together to interesting plac-
go out on this grand adventure. The cart makes plen- es where before she hadn’t left her hometown.
ty of noise as it moves around due to the plethora of
pots and pans that hang on the outside of it in num- YLVELISE ’LIS’ SKELFSIDER –
bers none but a halfling family could need. ”HOUSE”WIFE –SILVER 1
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
Gransimeri ‘Grasi’Brambledown
3 31 35 24 31 34 32 40 31 40 40 9
(Halfling Pathfinder)
Grasi like many of his fellow Brambledowns were Skills: Lore (Halflings) 36, Melee (Basic) 40, Set Trap 50,
Trade (Cook) 41
born on the road and grew up travelling the Rei-
kland. Unlike most of his kin he didn’t like it howev- Talents: Night Vision, Small, Fearless (Rats)
er, not due to a dislike of adventure. No he loves ad-
ventures and seeing new places. But his family were Equipment: Vicious looking sickle (Handweapon), Fine Apron
boatmen and riverlife never agreed with Grasi. He Various ingredients and spices
has always been a poor swimmer and he easily gets
seasick. Thus as soon as he was old enough he left Pip, Tom, Ella, Wim, Jr, Mag, Tea, Iggy,
the rivers and enlisted with the state troops where he Ros, Ami, Long Tom, Hat, Fiw
became an army scout. After a decade of work there (Halfling Kids)
his service ended and he decided to continue his These are the thirteen kids of the halflings, all under
work as freelancer journeying on foot through the the age of ten. Taking care of them all is difficult but
Reikwald until he gained fame as one of the best the family manages it well enough and both parents
pathfinders of the place. It was as such he met his agree its good for them to see the world as they grow
wife Lis Skelfsider and as they got a growing group up. Neither Grasi nor Lis had a formal education as
of kids he saved up for a proper cart for them to trav- they grew up and neither thinks its something that
el with, taking other jobs and now seeing the offer of helps kids.
going to the splendorous Mountains of Mourn as a
great opportunity for him and his family. HALFLING KIDS –BRASS 0
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
FAMOUS PATHFINDER –SILVER 3 3 15 25 15 25 25 25 35 25 35 35 6
Skills: Charm (45)
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
3 25 45 22 31 41 35 39 36 40 38 9 Talents: Small, Night Vision
Skills: Lore (Reikland) 60, Ranged (Bow) 55, Tracking 50,
Perception 60, Intuition 51 Princess
(Family Dog)
Talents: Orientation, Strider (Forest), Night Vision, Small Princess was once Lis rat hunting dog with a mean
Equipment: Shortbow and twenty arrows, Sturdy clothing,
and vicious streak but much like her “mum” she has
Leather Jacket changed her work and when the halfling kids came
around she adopted them as part of the family as
Ylvelise ‘Lis’ Skelfsider well switching her viciousness against rats to an
(Ex-Ratcatcher) overprotectiveness of the kids.
Lis Skelfsiders childhood was one of poverty where
hard work from the many kids of the family was PRINCESS –DOG
needed to keep them fed and housed. She didn’t have M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
the luxury of an education or a choice of work and
so she found an apprenticeship as a ratcatcher when 4 33 - 35 35 35 30 - 14 25 12 11
she was young enough for many of the rats they
fought to be as large as her. Hard work by the Talents and Traits: Bestial, Night Vision, Stride, Weapon (+7),
Trained (Broken, Fetch), Fearless (Rats)
Reikwald where rats grow wild and large was a sta-
ple of her life for her first fifty years. But then her Equipment: Spiked collar with the text ‘Princess’
fortune changed when she met the famous and hand-
some Pathfinder ‘Grasi’ Brambledown. While she
was afraid someone of his status would have no in-
terest in someone as poor as her she decided she had
to try and now she is very happy that she did. She
Image by Midjourney ai beta

(People without carts)
Along the carts various people march with the cara-
van. Most of them having joined alone. A rag-tag
bunch of adventurers hired as extra hands to help on
the journey.

Valle Meckler
(Caravan Guard)
Valle Meckler was for a long time a bandit terroriz-
ing the roads of Averland until when an orc attack
threatened nearby villages the lord offered the ban-
dits and outlaws pardon in exchange for employ in
the army as free company for the coming year. Valle
accepted and got his chance to turn his life around.
Knowing little other than how to threaten and kill he
has been looking for honest work that lets him do it
and was happy when this opportunity revealed itself.


M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W (Pedlar)
Ludwig Sweimann is an annoyingly positive pedlar
4 45 40 35 31 30 28 25 25 30 26 12
quick to point out that “it could be worse” or suggest
Skills: Melee (Basic) 60, Melee (Parrying) 55, Ranged that people should “put that frown upside down”. He
(Throwing) 50, Ranged (Crossbow) 45, Intimidate 50 is often whistling happily and spends most of the
coin he earns on the job buying souvenirs from “all
Talents: Ambidextrous, Free Company, Menacing, In-Fighter
rank 2, Warrior Born,
these wonderful places we visit”.

Equipment: Dagger, Main Gauche, Leather Jack, Leather Leg- LUDWIG SWEIMANN –HUMAN PEDLAR-
gings BRASS 4
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
Emely Sauer
4 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 12
Emely Sauer was a beggar in Nuln getting by Skills: Charm (41), Entertain (Whistle) 41, Haggle 41
through the alms of others. Hearing the caravan offer
jobs to anyone she enlisted to it getting a menial job Talents: Sturdy
to help. She is a very superstitious woman who
spends most of the journey mumblings different Equipment: Backpack slowly filling with souvenirs, Tent,
rhymes to ward off evil, do silly rituals or complain
at things being bad luck. Sissi Lorenz
Sissi Lorenz is a former river warden who deserted,
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W though she keeps quiet about her past. She is self-
4 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 40 8 serving, greedy and open to betrayal if offers are
good enough. In short she encapsulates all the worst
Skills: Lore (Nuln) 31, Charm 50, Lore (Astrology) 27 prejudices against Tileans. Her ancestry has had little
Talents: Panhandle rank 2, Stone Soup
effect on her though, she has never been to Tilea and
barely even speaks the language. She is a Reiklander
Equipment: Blanket, Wooden talisman in culture and upbringing.
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
4 41 31 31 41 31 31 31 31 31 31 14

Skills: Melee (Basic) 51, Ranged (Blackpowder) 41, Dodge 51

Talents: Strong Swimmer, Criminal Rank 3

Equipment: Sword, Pistol with 10 improvised shots and pow-

der, Leather Jack, Shield
This part will be present in most sections of the ad-
venture and vary in how much it adds. In this first
journey it only adds the rules of Razorgors as that is
the only monster which appears so far.

(Massive Mutant Boars)
Razorgors are boars the size of coachwagons heavily
mutated by chaos. A razorgor is a vilely mutated
creature covered in vicious spines, coarse hair and
boasting lethally sharp tusks and fangs. Such is the
beast's bloody-minded temperament that it will fight
and kill almost any creature it comes across, rav-
enously consuming the flesh of its victim with glut-
tonous delight. .

M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
7 50 - 55 60 25 40 - 10 30 - 40
Traits: Bestial, Horns 12+ (Tusks), Night Vision, Stride, Weap-
on 9+, Belligerent, Infected, Size (Large), Animosity
(Everything Except other Razorgors)

Here are the people that may come to join the cara-
van as you travel on. Images by Midjourney ai beta

Betruga Bennenungonce
(Actually the outlaw Gretzlant)
Bertruga is an outlaw looking out for herself and no-
one else. She’s vicious, violent, egoistic and not to
be trusted. For the time being she is however wound-
ed and in trouble so will be happy to lay low with the
caravan and not stir up any trouble. For now...


M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
5* 49 30 40 30 40 40* 30 30 30 30 16

Skills: Melee (Basic) 59, Ranged (Bow) 35, Dodge 50, Charm

Talents: Fleet Footed, Hardy

Special Rules:
-Injured: Bertruga is injured when found and the wound will
cause complications for a while. For the next three weeks she
reduces her Agility to 20 and her Movement to 3.

Equipment: Axe, Dagger, Full Leather Armour (Damaged to

the body)
Snowed in at Ohlsdorf
Section two of chapter one

This part of the adventure sees the caravan snowed at the end of the meeting when the visitors are asked
in at Ohlsdorf where talk is of the dead moving and to leave his manse. During this meeting the players,
an ancient curse on the town. All is not what it if present, may ask the Baron things about the town,
seems however. his family or anything else and he is willing to an-
swer most questions gold or silver status characters
The Story have (brass status characters will be ignored and if
Guerino Ottfried von Schnappentrüfft, Baron of persistent he will ask Ukrird to have his servants
Ohlsdorf, has long been overtaxing his people and beaten. Ukrird won’t punish characters for asking
using cruel and unusual punishments for the crimes question but will ask them to leave the meeting if
made in his lands. He states his noble right to do so the Baron takes offence with them). Some of the
when questioned. That is if he actually dignifies the questions that can be asked will be listed below with
question with an answer. People have been fed up their answers but that is by no means a limit to what
with this and the miller, Caspar Blanke, has orga- can be asked.
nized dissidents for a plan on driving the baron out  Could you please tell us a bit about
without bloodshed. Bringing up old legends of a Ohlsdorf?: Ah. Of course. It’s a small town but
necromancer who once ruled the lands they have its mine. My family has ruled it for four hundred
made strange messages and staged frightening years and we are proud of our achievements.
events that start to scare the village. Their hope is Under our rule it has nearly doubled in size and
that escalating “hauntings” will come to drive the my grandfather drove off a large beastman at-
baron away and let them live in peace. When the tack here needing no reinforcements from other
adventurers arrive the plan is put in jeopardy and cities.
while Caspar and his allies considered leaving their  Could you tell us about the Schnap-
schemes for the visit they decided against it as the pentrüffts?: My great family. Yes we are no-
relentlessness of the necromancer would be an im- bles of Stirland and the rightful owners of these
portant part in the fear they were to cause. Besides lands. We hail from the Schnappens family and
more witnesses could potentially help whipping up broke off from the main family four hundred
fear. years ago when leadership for this town was
needed. I don’t have an heir yet but am seeking
Starting the Adventure a wife to continue on the line.
The section of the adventure starts as the players  How long do you think we will be snowed in?:
reach Ohlsdorf but it could potentially be played as It’s hard to tell. Could be until spring if we’re
a stand alone adventure in which case you need to unlucky.
get the adventurers snowed in at the town of  Do you fear something will happen at Hexen-
Ohlsdorf near hexennacht. The events as described nacht?: To tell the truth, yes. There have been
would transpire this way without player interfer- strange goings on already and my men whisper
ence. The GM should modify them according to the about old curses and dead men walking. We will
players actions during the adventure. stay alert but it’s hard to know what could hap-
Day 6 –10th of Vorhexen, Angestag
No wife you say?
While sure to complicate the adventure a player that learns of
The Baron will see you now the Barons relationship status can veer things in new flirta-
(Opportunity) tious directions. If so follow the following guidelines;
The following morning the Baron will as promised  Peasants need not apply: He will not consider anyone
without the Noble Blood talent as suitable. If a
meet the visitors. Ukrird Okrisson will go to meet “commoner” insists on flirtatious behaviour he will
the Baron as will Louwrens-Penning Reinier Plaiz- threaten to have them arrested but he won’t follow
ier. If the players have impressed any of them through with the threat unless they become a serious dis-
enough they may ask them to join them and if a turbance.
player asks to go with they will be allowed to do so  Is that even legal?: He will only consider humans and
unless they have presented themselves in a way that will be genuinely disgusted by the idea of relations with
anything other (despite the rumours of Stirlanders and
makes Ukrird worry they will ruin the meeting. The their sheep). So Dwarfs, Elves, Halflings, Ogres, etc will
Baron welcomes the caravan to the town and asks not be able to seduce him. He will however try to be po-
for high taxes. Ukrird argues against them. He man- lite to any non-human nobles flirting with him. Such a
ages to haggle them down a bit thanks to the Baron character failing a +30 Intuition test can believe he is in-
realizing that he is unlikely to win should he pick a terested as he unintentionally leads them on.
 But we’re both…: The Baron is looking for a wife, char-
fight with the caravan. The Baron is visibly unhappy acters meeting the other criteria but who are not women
suffer a –30 penalty to charm tests to seduce the Baron.
The Meeting they will decipher the message as simply being written
backwards and spelling “Fear the wrath of Malahans”
(Special) but if they don’t let a priest of Morr do so an hour later
With the new people arriving the rebels meet again to and point out how stupid he feels for it taking that long.
discuss their plans. They meet in secret and while they
decide they can’t delay their fake attacks because of the Investigating the site can yield some information as can
guests as that would seem mighty suspicious their plan- asking around.
ning got slowed down by the meeting and they won’t act -Anyone that asks can learn that pretty much anyone
until the following day. During this day all conspirators could have sneaked off and gotten to the room during the
are out until the evening. It is assumed the characters sermon. They would move out the same way as if going
won’t know of the meeting nor get to learn of it. It is to the outhouse so people paid that no mind.
written here only for the GMs benefit so that he can keep -A character that succeeds a Heal –10 test or a Lore
track of where the conspirators are and what they are (Anatomy) +40 test can determine that the skulls are be-
doing. tween twenty and fifty years old and have been buried.
-A character that succeeds a +20 Heal or Outdoor Sur-
Thank Morr you’re here! vival test or a +60 Tracking test sees that the blood is
(Optional Encounter) fresh. If succeeded with 5 or more SLs the character can
A frightened farmer comes up to one of the players prais- confirm the kill was made last night and used to write on
ing them for turning up when they did and calling them the floor less than ten minutes ago. A character who has
heroes for standing with the village against the undead of “Heightened Senses (Smell)” can test a –30 Perception
Malahans. A player that acts the heroes role and making test. If successful he can identify the blood as deerblood.
him or herself up as a saviour will gain her adoration and A character with heightened senses (Taste) can make the
perhaps even get her romantic attention. On the other same test to identify it provided he is foolish enough to
hand if the players state they aren’t there to help she gets just taste random floorblood (in this case it won’t cause
extremely disappointed and disheartened and starts to any diseases but it could have).
plead loudly, causing a scene. -Allow anyone with Lore (Necromancy) to test it if they
ask but regardless of result just tell them that this is not
the components for any spell or ritual they know of.
Fruitless Hunt -Someone that wishes to test Lore (Chaos) or (Theology)
(Optional Encounter) can learn that Khorne favours skulls and blood for his
In the evening the ten hunters of the town return with no symbols. This is however coincidental in this case and
game in tow. They will say that they failed to find any the show made to scare people has nothing to do with
prey this day and muse that perhaps the curse of Mala- Khorne.
hans is starting to affect the beasts of the land. In truth
they were away for the meeting and have not been hunt-
ing at all. A fruitless hunt this time of year isn’t too rare
however and shouldn’t raise much of a concern.

Image by Midjourney ai beta

Day 7 –11th of Vorhexen, Festag
Morning Sermon
Early the following morning the characters, and the rest
of the town, are woken up by the bells of the Morr chapel
and streams of people can be seen moving over to it wel-
comed by the priests. The characters can attend the ser-
mon if they wish or spend the morning in other ways. If
they go there the sermon speak of having hope in these
dark times and that what is undead can be given true rest.
They speak of the power of Morr and the sanctity of the
final rest. Anyone there will notice that while heartening
many in the audience seem unconvinced. The baron is in But I kept watch
the audience and this will prove another chance for the It is presumed that the encounter will happen without the play-
players to approach him and talk to him should they ers noticing who did it. This is not guaranteed however. The
wish. As the sermon starts to draw to a close Initiate culprit is Enni Rübenbauer, one of the villages farmers. She is
Yosefine goes to ring the bells to signal the end as is her not the only one that sneaked off during the sermon if players
duty. But rather than the ringing of heavy bells the guests keep check. About twelve people did so and each returned. All
hear a scream of alarm from the tower. In the bellroom a but Enni snuck out to go to the toilet and the door used is the
same as the one Enni used (the path share the same hallway).
carefully stacked pyramid of ten skulls is placed and on If the players both keep check and manage to learn when the
the floor is written “snahalaM fo htarw eht raeF” in blood was applied it is however possible they can pin it to
blood (deerblood though it’s highly unlikely the charac- Enni and then manage to get her to confess. This is not intend-
ters have the means to identify what kind of blood it is). ed and will make the adventure a lot faster. But it can happen,
If the group has characters that can read it is very likely sometimes good thinking and the right skills can fast-track an
adventure and that’s fine.
Image by Midjourney ai beta
Farmhouse Thief
(Optional Encounter)
The next part of the conspirators plan requires a few
farming implements, scythes more specifically. Vincent
Rübenbauer is sent out to gather these and will steal the
needed ones one at a time and drop at a secure place to
be picked up by the hunters. He is used to sneaking
around in deep snow and with the snowfall his tracks
will be well covered. He will make most thefts success-
fully but not all. When he gets to the farm of old man
Edgar Wolfsohn he gets discovered as an owl made an
awful ruckus there. The large owl moved in to the house
a few weeks back and the old man after a few unsuccess-
ful attempts to shoo away accepted her as part of the
family. This allowed old man Edgar to discover the thief
and he is holding him at gunpoint with his old rusty blun-
derbuss. The ruckus is heard and calls of “thief” as well.
People gather there and see Vincent. Signs of the Wraiths
The thief will claim to have snuck in hoping to steal food (Mandatory Encounter)
as he was desperate and much of the crowd are calling At midnight eerie loud singing is heard from the forest. It
for severe punishments. The Baron will ride out and de- is a Morr funeral hymn but the words have been twisted
cide his “justice”, he will have the mans two hands cut and changed to sing of Malahans and his curse. People,
off and hung up as a warning to others. A character with likely including the players wake to this and get out as
the Noble Blood talent may be able to persuade the baron people start to swarm the streets wondering what is hap-
to change his punishment and any character pointing out pening and guards prepare for a fight. The song finishes
the danger of leaving bodyparts out when a necromancer after about two and a half minute at which point green
is about can convince the baron not to hang them up as a lights start to shine at the outskirts of the forest. The
warning and have them burnt instead. guards will carefully approach and find torches burning
with a green flame, this is due to an alchemical compo-
While people generally are happy (or not but unwilling nent that is quite common and should a character have
to say so) that “justice” has been met the characters may “Lore (Alchemy)” a +20 test (+40 with heightened sens-
not be and may want to investigate more. If so a tour to es smell) can identify this as “Brightspark fuse”, an easy
the Rübenbauer hovel will show that Vincent and his recipe used to make torches and candles burn brighter.
sister Enni have plenty of beets and aren’t starving at all. The torches is not the only thing there however. Near
While the food would certainly be painfully one-sided by each one, from a tree hangs a black cloak with a skull
this time is that enough to risk severe punishments for placed where its head should be and a scythe placed as if
theft? Vincent will claim so but it can be possible to get held by its hands. A character with Lore (Necromancy)
him or Enni to talk though Vincent having lost his hands can immediately identify it as being meant to represent a
will be hard to convince to change his story unless Enni wraith but not being one nor being possible to resurrect
is threatened. If gotten to talk they will first claim that as one. Another character can test “Lore (Any province)”
the spirit of Malahans came to them and forced them to to identify it as a wraith but they will not know if they
steal objects from farms which would keep evil at bay. If are unawaken wraiths or mere icons.
the players do not buy this story and press on they will There are twelve such torches and wraiths put around the
admit to having staged some of the Malahans village and they are set up to surround it.
“appearances” to get the baron to renounce his claim After a bit of chaos and fear people will start to look
faster and get back to normal. They will however never closer and twelve villagers will identify their scythes as
admit to there being other conspirators. those used. Eight of the people identifying them such are
conspirators but they all act surprised at the fact. While
Talking to Edgar Wolfsohn will yield little, the charac- people reclaim their property a bit fearfully Caspar Blan-
ters will soon understand he knows nothing about these ke, the Miller will point out that only people who didn’t
goings as he has barely left his house since winter began. put up wolfsbane seemed to have been robbed and that
If the characters have the right magic for it talking to the they should try to get some. If the players check Edgar
owl can yield a little bit. It will point out it moved in be- Wolfsohns house did indeed lack wolfsbane.
cause of the rats and mice but flies around at night a lot.
It will say it saw a hunter out in the Garden of Morr one If a player enters the woods to find tracks or the singers
night digging about and scaring all the mice and moles. they can test Tracking at +10 to find tracks that lead out
If the player carries on with his “Dolittle operation” and of the village to a place where the song might have come
talks to the moles at the Garden of Morr they will con- from only to loop back towards the village again, the
firm that people are there and dig, several days a week in wide number of tracks in the village unfortunately makes
fact and the gravewarden is never there anymore. any further tracking impossible. Should they fail the
tracking test by 2SL or less they will find tracks leading
out of the village but quickly lose them.
Day 8 –12th of Vorhexen, Wellentag would have twelve graves of great necromancers, all
insufficiently warded, that also have caused no
Heavy snowfall throughout the day. Windy at times. problem before now. This does not add up.
Regardless of what the characters know frightened
Rumours in the Morning rumours of wraiths being on their way are spread
(Optional Encounter) and a frightened and fearful atmosphere in dread
The following morning people have not slept well anticipation of the coming night is spread.
and whispered rumours about last night are every-
where. The most prevalent theory seems to be that it Emelys idea
is a warning of what to come. That Malahans is
threatening to send his wraiths to destroy the vil- (Optional Encounter)
lage. This rumour has been purposefully spread by Emely Sauer has heard many tales of wraiths and
the conspirators but when asking anyone about it the one has come to mind now. The folkstory “Hermann
answer is that it’s what “they” say and no-one seems and the Wraith” in which the hero faces and defeats
able to tell a source properly. There can absolutely a wraith by wrapping his old trusty hayflail in reli-
be other rumours as well and if you wish you can gious icons of seven gods of the empire, which ones
come up with any number of weird theories to add they are depend on the telling but as she heard it
to it. was Shallaya, Taal, Sigmar, Ulric, Grandfather
Reik, Rhya and Morr. The story originally comes
from Bretonnia as “Herma et le spectre” where it
March of the Twelve Wraiths was a peasant girl named Herma using a hayflail
(Mandatory Encounter) once touched by a passing grailknight rather than
A bit later in the day as the snowfall lightens tempo- one with several religious icons. In that story the
rarily and the sun peaks out for a short while an heroes skill is played down as not great and the
alarmed scream comes from the Garden of Morr power of the blessing played up as the grail knight
where Father Edmont is just discovering a strange working through her. If a character has Lore
phenomena. Footsteps appear in the snow out of (Bretonnian Folktales) you can let them test to know
thin air as if someone invisible is walking from the this but otherwise it remains a little bit of flavour for
grave. Soon another set turns up and then another, the GM. Regardless Emely will tell the characters of
and another. All that rush to see it will see the phe- this and try to get them to join her in a quest to gath-
nomena and people will be in shock. Terrified of er or make the icons and add to all their weapons.
what is happening. In truth an alchemical powder Doing so will make her thankful but has no other
has been spread in the snow that when the sun advantage.
strikes the snow around it would start to heat up and
melt it. By carefully applying less and less it was Death comes for Anni
possible to time it to happen in order. Such precision
is difficult and a character can with a –30 perception (Mandatory Encounter)
test notice that some of the footsteps appear out of As midnight nears a panicked scream is heard from
order. The footsteps lead in to the surrounding outside the village. People quickly wake and start
woods and disappear as soon as they would reach moving towards the sound. An Intuition test at –20
the shadows (due to the nature of the powder no trail tells a character who succeeds that the hunters seem
could be made there). Someone will be fairly quick strangely sure on the direction it comes from. A sec-
to point out that the twelve sets of footprints match ond almost identical scream soon confirms that the
in number the twelve sets of wraith icons seen last mob is moving in the right direction. Ten minutes or
night. so of brisk march intercut with a third and fourth
scream leads the people to an old ruin. Through the
A character with lore (theology, necromancy or window a woman of the village is seen facing a
magic) can test it at +20 to know that powerful spir- wraith. The wraith glows spectrally green and simi-
its being invisible when they wish and affecting the lar light is seen streaming from the tower of the ru-
world as they desire is indeed possible. in. The wraith stands before the woman seemingly
A character with lore (necromancy) can test it at +0. held at bay by an icon of Morr which it struggles
On a success they know that Wraiths are the spirits against. An owl gives a frightened hoot behind the
of necromancers who tried and failed to reach im- group a moment before the wraith steps forward and
mortality. While this is not so uncommon that you strikes its spectral scythe at the woman who falls
couldn’t find, in rare cases, a gathering of twelve down dead in a bloodless strike. Then a horrid
there are other things that do not match. Them rising screech is heard. A character must succeed a –10
from their graves at the call of a necromancer rather Endurance test or fall to the ground covering their
than being found already risen and then being bound ears with their hands.
by ancient rites is odd. That the Garden of Morr
As the screech is heard the window is shattered and were going from the first scream then they will state
glass showers the ruin. A character not covering his that Erich has a really good ear for it.
ears at the ground can test perception at –10. On a
success they think they see the woman and a few What really happened: Using the same alchemical
other shapes quickly move away. After this the powder for bright green flames as before Anni Pep-
wraith is gone as is Anni. The characters will not per and her family set up an illuminated actor dis-
have a chance to reach the ruin before this (the owl guised as wraith to be reflected in the glass window
hoot was the signal) but will be able to investigate below creating the illusion of a ghost standing be-
after. Some people in the crowd will identify the fore Anni, visible as if truly taking that physical
woman killed by the wraith as Anni Pepper, a place but only for those seeing it through the win-
farmer in the village. Investigating will show a ruin dow. As the audience was in place a hunter made
now covered in shards of glass. In the tower a few the sound of a panicked owl alerting the performers
knocked down torches and a large broken mirror can to enact the murder. The wraith then “killed” Anni
be found. After some time of searching a hidden and to rid themselves of the evidence an extremely
hatch is found leading to an underground path. This high pitched instrument was used to break the glass
path goes a mere fifty metres before leading to a and distract with its horrid sound. Anni and her fam-
broken door back out into the hills. The hunters will ily was however too close to this sound and their
say they see no tracks. A character with tracking can hearing has been damaged by it. The family then ran
test it at +0 and if succeeded does find some. If down the hidden hatch and away. When reaching
pointed out the hunters will compliment it as a good the ravine and starting to climb Henri Pepper how-
find and say they must have missed it. If followed ever dropped the instrument and did not notice.
the tracks will eventually be lost when they reach a Henri and John Pepper now return to their home
ravine (Anni and the others have climbed it but have while Anni goes to Caspar Blankes mill and hide in
too much of a head start by now for the characters to the basement as she is supposed to be dead.
catch up before the track is lost). If a character can
succeed a Per-
ception –10
test (+10 if the
character has
night vision)
they will no-
tice something
shining at the
bottom of the
ravine. If
climbed down
to retrieve it
(or otherwise
getting down)
they will find a
strange instru-
ment. Blowing
it as hard as
you can will
cause the hor-
rid screech
from before,
blowing it
gently will
cause an eerie
screech still
and may make
glass shake a
If the charac-
ters ask the
hunters how
they could be
so sure on
where they
Day 9 –13th of Vorhexen, Aubentag manor. He is rattled by the events but does not wish
to show his weakness to commoners. Still he is con-
Continued heavy snowfall that lightens a bit towards sidering his options and is thinking about moving
the evening. out. Perhaps getting himself a place in a city. He
doesn’t want to leave lands he sees as his but he also
does not wish to bring legions of undead upon him-
Disappearances in the guard self to rip his village asunder.
(Mandatory Encounter)
The following morning people are frightened of the Burn the Witch!
undead, most stay in their homes and some angry
foremen trod around the place trying to get their (Mandatory Encounter)
workers to brave the outside and get to work. As So far things have gone mostly to plan for the con-
this happens the Barons guards raise an alarm. They spirators but scared people are unpredictable and
point out that eight men have disappeared since last something was bound to go wrong eventually. In
night and blame the wraiths. They seem terrified fear of the unknown a guard named Jörn Jahnke ac-
and desperate. If the players wish to investigate the cuses the apothecary and alchemist Nina Bittermann
missing guards they are allowed to do so and the of witchcraft, stating he saw strange lights coming
baron and his men are thankful for their help. An from her home. Many villagers jump on the accusa-
easy (+40) Intuition or Perception test at the missing tions and suggest burning her. The conspirators of
mens quarters tells a character that they didn’t leave course knows she is not a witch and will want to
empty handed but took their backpacks, valuables stop her untimely demise. Thus they instead speak
and some food. Pointing to deserting rather than up against it. Leaving the side that wants her burnt
death by wraith. as a slight minority. Unfortunately for Nina however
Ohlsdorf is not a democracy and it is the Baron who
Indeed the men deserted, they had no wish to fight gets to decide. The Baron rides out to judge and he
the wraiths and decided to get out of town. Heavy states that Nina Bittermann is guilty. As punishment
snowfall covers their tracks and finding them will be her eyes will be poked out with scolding hot forks,
nigh-impossible. If told of the deserters the baron each bone in her legs broken and then finally, she
will be furious at them and give a public promise will be burnt alive. All of it publicly to show all
that those that don’t stay and face the wraiths he will what happens to witches and those who side with
make sure dies in even more horrid ways. Malahans.

The conspirators must act quick to save her and as a

Hexennacht Nears result their rescue plan becomes a bit sloppy.
(Mandatory Encounter)
As evening comes one of the hunters returns to the The return of Anni Pepper
village from his hunt. With him he brings an enve-
lope addressed to the Baron. It is sealed with a wax- (Mandatory Encounter)
As the execution nears ghostly songs are heard from
seal showing a grinning skull. He claims it floated in
the woods and a woman, pale in skin and with blood
the air before him and a ghostly voice called out for
dripping from her clothes walks out towards the
him to take it and bring it to the Baron. He states he
dared not refuse. The Baron will accept the enve- gathered people. Ten steps behind her twelve
lope. He will have one of his servants open it leastwraiths follow, green fire burning in braziers at-
the seal be cursed. Then he will read it. The note tached to the end of their scythes. As she draws near
reads as follows: gasps will exclaim that it’s Anni and that they saw
her die. She addresses the crowd but the words do
“Baron Schnappentrüfft, you rule over land that be- not come from her mouth but echo in the eerie song
longs to me. I will not stand for such an insult. (in fact the singers give the message and she merely
lip-syncs to it as a simple way to cause this illusion).
You may believe that the priests can guard you or
that courage may prevail. “Fools!

To cling on such empty promises is foolish. My pow- You dare compare me to such a simpleton!
er grows with every passing night as Hexennacht
nears. If you remain then my legions of the dead You dare think me as weak as a lowly peasant girl!
shall overrun your pitiful defences.
I am Malahans! Master of death! Lord of Wraiths!
Sincerely, the true master of these lands, Malahans”
Flee this place and beg forgiveness for your insults
The Baron will not comment it and will return to his and I may yet let you live. Stand and you shall fight
in my army.”
As the message is delivered soldiers start to back off other conspirators are found. Confronted by the
and flee. The Baron rides up and grabs one but is characters they will admit to faking Malahans return
met with a panicked punch, throwing him off the and try to gain the sympathy of the characters, tell-
horse and into the snow with a bloodied nose as his ing of the extreme taxes, cruel punishments and hor-
guards scurry off. The peasants and priests of the rid conditions caused by the Baron.
village huddle together in fear, and when the con-
spirators in the crowd start to flee most others fol- From this point it will be up to the players to chose
low suit. Some however remain and the caravan is what shall happen, if they try to arrest the conspira-
amongst them. The dwarfs and ogres form a defen- tors they will fight back as they are desperate but
sive line to meet the threat, give the players a apart from the hunters none of them are good fight-
chance to join them or not. Ukrird Okrisson starts ers and as soon as things start to go bad most will
singing in Khazalid and his clansmen soon follow surrender, at least if they believe there can be mercy
suit, their coarse dwarf voices drowning out the ee- in that, else they will attempt to flee and if stopped
rie song accompanying the “wraiths”. The wraiths from that fight. If the players side with them they
menacingly approach the line however something is need not reveal anything, the plan has all but suc-
off. A +0 Intuition test can tell the players that the ceeded.
wraiths seem afraid of the dwarfs and ogres, some-
thing that shouldn’t be possible as far as they know Should the conspirators be brought in to justice,
(if someone has Lore (Necromancy) indeed confirm then, despite making up roughly a third of the vil-
it as impossible). lage, the Baron will order them all to be executed,
burnt alive on a massive pyre. A player with noble
While this is happening one of the hunters is up by blood could potentially convince him to spare some
Nina Bittermann and quickly frees her of her re- (others he will not listen to) but he is not easily
straints. Letting her run off to safety. swayed.

As the dwarfs and Ogres hold fast the wraiths even- Epilogue
tually stop advancing and Anni sees the need to im- With the mystery solved let the aftermath play out
provise. She speaks again but this time it is her accordingly, if the conspirators are not revealed the
voice, not the song, that brings the words. Her voice Baron will take some guards and money before
will almost be drowned out by the dwarfs singing. making his leave. If they are revealed the Baron will
meet out harsh punishments but give the characters
“Leave! Dwarf! two gold each for their help as well as a feast in the
manor to their honour.
We have no quarrel with you!
Regardless of the outcome the caravan remains
The Baron usurper of my lands is gone! snowed in two more days and can leave early the
16th of Vorhexen.
You may leave when the weather allows!”

With the message delivered she starts backing off

into the forest, as does the wraiths, and as soon as
they are out of direct sight they put out the braziers
and run off.

Unfortunately for them the snowfall stopped to-

wards the evening so it is possible to follow their
tracks should the characters so wish. Ukrird Okris-
son orders his dwarfs, ogres and artillerymen to pre-
pare the defences of the carts for their potential re-
turn but believes that will suffice and is positive to
the idea of letting others of the caravan, such as the
players, follow. The priests of Handrich will chose
not to, others may or may not depending on their
relationships with the characters and the way events
here have played out. The fact that tracks can be fol-
lowed also further gives a clue things are not as they
seem given that ghosts generally don’t leave tracks.

Following them will lead the characters to the mill

where the Miller, the peppers, the hunters and some
Image by Midjourney ai beta
Investigation nificance. In the dream he walks around a shadowy
What follows are investigations available during the castle filled with a multitude of mirrors. He is always
entire stay. Some may not make sense to go after un- lost and when he finally finds the exit he is nowhere
til certain events have happened. Some will work near where he thought he would be. The players may
from the beginning. also go to the small shrine to Taal at the edge of town
but it holds no priesthood and is maintained by local
What has happened so far hunters.
Some days ago the first sign was made at midnight. A -Hunters The ten huntsmen of the town returned a
hymn song over the woods at midnight stating Mala- year and a half ago from a military campaign they
hans is back and wants these lands as his own. A day were drafted into. They lost most of the gains in the
later a massive skull was painted onto the snowy following year due to the high taxes and are all in on
ground of the town square in blood as a sign. the conspiracy. They will answer that they tried
A mirror has been stolen (but this has not been dis- fighting the undead but that their arrows had no effect
covered) from the basement of the Morr temple. and that their lives are in the hands of the gods now.
If the test was failed they will instead just ask the
Asking around players to leave them alone.
Asking around can be done with a Gossip test at +20
with further bonuses for status (compared to Brass 2) Talking to the Baron
or buying people a drink or two. Alternatively any The Baron will generally not talk to the common peo-
offer of money can give the same information with a ple on their terms. To get a meeting the characters
+60 test for bribery. Below are what different groups will need either the “Noble Blood” talent (in which
can tell the players: case he makes time for them to the best of his ability)
-Commoners: The common folk of the town, regard- or have gotten on suitably good terms with him earli-
less if they are in on the conspiracy or not, can give er. Trying to book a meeting the servant or soldier
the information that the necromancer Malahans they talk with will however offer to pass on a mes-
seems to have returned to claim these lands. They sage should the characters wish. If they meet with
will tell of zombies and ghosts seen at the edges of him he will hold to etiquette and may end a meeting
the town as well as of any events that have happened should the characters fail to follow it but will other-
in the campaign regarding this. They seem scared wise try to help them as best he can. He wants Mala-
though in the conspirators case this is an act. hans banished more than anyone and if he genuinely
-Guards and Soldiers: The small force of troops believes the characters can help (which need not be
held by the Baron will be anxious of the upcoming the case, he holds very little faith in the abilities of
Hexennacht, thinking it could be their last. They will commoners) he is happy to gain that help.
be thankful for the caravan having stopped seeing it
as improving their odds. Any character of a warrior
class (wearing his career trappings so it is clearly Checking the forest and hills
shown he is one) will be extra welcome and get a +20 Checking the wilds without a more definitive place to
bonus to the gossip or bribe test. look yields little. A –20 Tracking test can however
-Rogues and Criminals: A character of the rogue show that there is a fair bit of game around even this
class, or who has etiquette (criminals) or who knows time of year.
secret signs (thieves) can find the less lawful people
of the town and talk to them. They will inform that Talking to the Gravewarden
everyone is riled up about the necromancer business Gravewarden Marie Feigenarr can usually be found
and willing to buy any charms and trinkets you can in her hut near the Garden of Morr though she attends
tell them helps. They will also admit to a bit of grav- many of the events as well. She has the last week
erobbing traffic moving through Ohlsdorf and that been making stakes that could be fired by her cross-
such an item could be the reason. A bribery test at bow or stuck into someone's heart. It will be immedi-
+10 along with at least ten silver (increase modifier if ately clear she fears Malahans and what will happen.
offered more) or an intimidate test at –10 can direct She will speak of vampires, necromancers, terror-
the player to the Fence Greta “Peg” Marzt who gheists, wraiths and the dreaded chaos-wights of the
should know who bought what. Stirhügel hills. Her beliefs of them are as filled with
-Clergy The one temple in town is the temple to dreadful and terrible information as they are inaccu-
Morr where the clergy is happy to talk to the players, rate. She holds a superficial understanding of what
and anyone else really. Regardless of the success or the monsters are but an exaggerated understanding of
failure of the Gossip test the priests will say that they their powers. Words like “Immortal”, “Invincible”
find the news of Malahans troubling and that he in- and “The bane of all” are thrown around.
deed is recorded as having lived in the area many Pressing about her duties she will not be very talka-
centuries past. They will also state that dead necro- tive and pressed enough she will admit to have aban-
mancers often rest easier than others though they tend doned them out of fear, instead locking herself inside
to rise as wraiths, not as leaders of undead. If the test her hut with prayers and readied weapons hoping
is successful father Edmont will tell of a dream he nothing would harm her there.
has had the last few weeks that he believes holds sig-
The Fence
Guarding the Graveyard If the characters asked around for black market
With Gravewarden Feigenarr shrinking from her deals or graverobbing they may have come upon the
duties it is possible, and not a bad idea, for the play- name Greta “Peg” Marzt and may wish to ask more.
ers to want to cover her shift. Watching the Garden This doesn’t really help with their current predica-
of Morr during a night leads to a –10 Endurance ment but may give some clues for later. She will
against cold, on a failure it causes one fatigue only mention that a woman sold her an old amulet a
removed by spending half an hour or more inside a while ago which she believes comes from the Stir-
warm building. Appropriate clothing should give hügel hills. The woman didn’t give a name and just
bonuses to this test. How eventful the night is varies called herself “Hilltrader”. She was short and skin-
depending on night. ny, fairly young and had dark-brown hair. If asked
10th of Vorhexen, Angestag: Nothing of note takes to see the amulet Greta says she can’t quite remem-
place during the night. ber where she put it but maybe a few coins can help
11th of Vorhexen, Festag: The night holds the with her memory, they do, a bribe of any amount
“arrival of the wraiths”, while people are distracted will automatically succeed and get her to show it. It
there the alchemist sneaks up and prepares for the is identical to the amulets sold by Svenja and her
morning. If she sees someone there she will turn and Graverobbers (See page 8 –WIP, page number could
sneak away instead, skipping the plan. This may be innacurate at this point of editing) as the woman
very well be noticed by a player standing guard described is Mina and the gang was by here.
however. Let such a player test perception at +0 to
notice someone looking at the graveyard and turning RESOLUTION
to leave. Add +20 to this test for each of the follow- As their stay in Ohlsdorf ends a mystery has played
ing talents the character has; Night Vision, Acute out around them and the characters have likely
Senses (Sight), Acute Senses (Hearing). This is the solved it. Apart from standard exp for roleplaying
town alchemist Nina Bittermann, she will try to flee and bright ideas the following can awards extra ex-
into the woods and can be hard to follow as tracks perience:
quickly disappear, if a player would be fast enough
to catch her however much can be revealed. She will  10 exp for ending the adventure on good terms
first claim to have fled the wraith apparitions' but if with either the conspirators or the Baron.
the players do not buy this she will eventually turn  10 exp for figuring out there is no necromancer,
to tell the truth before they get the baron and plead 20 exp for figuring it out before the final en-
them to help the rebels with the plan. Should she counter.
skip her business at the Garden of Morr this night  5 exp for learning that Marie Feigenarr isn’t do-
the “March of the Twelve Wraiths” mandatory ing her job.
event will not come to pass.  5 exp for managing the adventure without get-
12th of Vorhexen, Wellentag: No-one moves to ting in a fight.
the graveyard this night.
13th of Vorhexen, Aubentag: After being freed
Nina Bittermann flees past the Garden of Morr on
her way to safety.

Checking up on the Peppers

After “the death of Anni” it’s fairly reasonable to
want to check up with her family. Henri and John
both play the role of grieving well but their hearing
was damaged in the earlier event. As GM make sure
it becomes apparent neither Pepper hears that well,
have them often mishear words or ask the characters
to repeat what they said. If asked about it they will
try to play it off as nothing or, if that fails, say they
may be getting down with some disease. Asked
about Anni and why she would have been killed by
the Wraiths they will claim she investigated Mala-
hans against their pleading she wouldn’t and that is
likely what got her killed. All of this is of course a
lie but the family will stick to it and won’t give any
other explanations. If the players act suspicious of
them they will however sneak off to the mill to re- Image by Midjourney ai beta
port this and may be shadowed there.
The conspirators of the village are many, the most (Hunters and Military Veterans)
important ones are given stats and descriptions here, The hunters of the conspiracy are ten individuals
for others use the villager stats. ready to fight for their cause. Being veterans of the
empire, being drafted for a period into the Stirland
THE PEPPERS army and having returned after their tour of duty was
(Family in the village) complete. Their names are; Erich, Thomhart, Sig-
John and Anni pepper are a married couple living in mannd, Benno, August, Ralph, Friedrike, Wanda,
the village with their son Henry. Anni will come to Denise and Nayla
play a most crucial part in the conspiracy.
Anni Pepper SILVER 3
(The “first victim of the wraiths”) M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
Anni Pepper is a thin woman of average height. She 4 36 46 41 41 31 31 41 31 36 31 19
has long black hair almost reaching her waist and
somewhat pale skin. Her eyes are piercing blue. Her Skills: Charm Animal 46, Climb 46, Endurance 51, Lore
involvement in the events will likely come “at her (Beasts) 36, Outdoor Survival 41, Perception 41, Ranged
(Bow) 56, Set Trap 46, Cool 46, Melee (Basic) 46, Stealth
death” but at this point it is likely the characters will (Rural) 41, Athletics 46, Dodge 36, Language (Battle), Play
want to learn more about her in which case they can (Fife) 36
learn that she was a swineherd, that the family strug-
gled economically (like most of the village) and that Talents: Hardy, Marksman, Accurate Shot, Etiquette (Soldiers)
she held a hatred for halflings (like most Stirland-
Trappings: Bow, quiver with 12 arrows, dagger, full leather
ers). armour (1 AP everywhere)


3 (Village Alchemist)
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W Nina Bittermann is the village alchemist, she is short
4 31 32 31 33 30 31 30 34 32 36 12 at 4’11 (1,5m) though if she didn’t walk with a
hunch she’d likely reach 1,6m. Her hair is black and
Skills: Charm 46, Intimidate 36, Outdoor Survival 40, Perform stripy, her eyes pale blue. She is a skilled alchemist
(Act) 51, Charm Animal 51 and plies her trade making minor tinctures, fertilizer
Talents: Animal Affinity and gunpowder. With the Barons heavy taxes she
barely gets by and she is very thin as a result, look-
Trappings: In most situations the players may encounter her she ing like naught but skin and bone. She keeps mostly
tends to carry little. to herself but if someone talks to her doesn’t mind
that at all and is happy to discuss her trade or any-
John and Henry Pepper thing else. These days she will of course be cautious
(Swineherds) to not mention anything that can reveal the conspira-
John is a thin man of above average height. He has cy however.
short black hair and pale blue eyes. Henry, their
teenage son, looks very much like a younger version NINA BITTERMANN –ALCHEMIST SILVER 1
of his father, which in many ways he is. The two of
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
them are worried the plan won’t work and after the
“death of Anni” they hear poorly. They will play the 4 31 31 36 36 31 31 41 31 31 31 -
roles of grieving men. Skills: Athletics 41, Cool, 41, Consume Alcohol 41, Dodge 36,
Stats: John and Henry Pepper can use the same Endurance, 41, Evaluate 41, Stealth (Urban) 36, Trade
characteristics as Anni Pepper since they share the (Alchemist) 56
same job (tending pigs together) and all play a role
in the same deception. Talents: Craftsman (Alchemist), Nimble Fingered, Read/Write

Trappings: Various trade tools for alchemy, worksmans ham-

mer (count as dagger in combat)
Image by Midjourney ai beta

(Family in the village)
As many people of the empire the Rübenbauers are
named after their trade, beet farming. They have sev-
eral fields where they grow beets.

Vincent Rübenbauer
(The scythe-thief)
Vincent is a fairly tall man with green eyes and gin-
ger hair. He is a beetfarmer and with the cruel pun-
ishments of the Baron he has joined the conspirators.
Something that will have consequences in the com-
ing days.
Unhand him at once!: If met after the punishment
from the Baron reduce his Dex and BS to zero and
his WS to ten. Also keep in mind he can’t use any
tools or weapons, nor grab or lift anything without CASPAR BLANKE
assistance. (Miller and Conspiracy Mastermind)
Caspar Blanke is a man of average build with short
VINCENT RÛBENBAUER –HUMAN PEAS- blond hair and brown eyes. He is a clever man who
ANT BRASS 2 saw his sick son die when the Barons taxes made
help unaffordable and his plead to go to a nearby city
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
and seek help from the Shallaya sisters was denied
4 31 31 31 31 31 36 31 31 31 31 12 by the Baron under threat of his sons execution
should he abandon his work even for a while. That
Skills: Athletics 46, Consume Alcohol 36, Endurance 36, Gos-
sip 36, Lore (Ohlsdorf) 41, Outdoor Survival 36, Stealth was the last straw for him and he devised the plan to
(Rural) 41 get rid of the Baron once and for all, not through vio-
lence like the Baron and his men but through cun-
Talents: Stonesoup ning and scare tactics. Thus he sought out others
who shared the hate of him and began the plan. Cas-
Trappings: d10 brass pennies
par is mainly the mastermind behind it and the dif-
Enni Rübenbauer ferent steps of it tend to be carried out by others.
(The church threat planter)
Enni is a tall woman, almost as tall as her brother CASPAR BLANKE –HUMAN MILLER BRASS
Vincent. Just like him she has green eyes and ginger 3
hair. She dislikes the Baron and his cruel punish-
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
ments and was immediately aboard with the idea to
do something about it. 4 36 31 36 36 31 36 31 45 31 31 12

ENNI RÛBENBAUER –HUMAN PEASANT Skills: Animal Care 36, Athletics, 41, Consume Alcohol, 41,
Endurance 41, Gossip, 41, Melee (Brawling) 41, Lore
BRASS 2 (Ohlsdorf) 55, Outdoor Survival 50, Entertain (Storytelling) 41,
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W Haggle 41, Melee (Basic) 41, Trade (Miller) 36
4 31 31 31 31 31 36 31 31 31 31 12 Talents: Savvy, Tenacious, Read/Write
Skills: Athletics 46, Consume Alcohol 36, Endurance 36, Gos- Trappings: Baguette, Club (Handweapon), Gambeson shirt (1
sip 36, Lore (Ohlsdorf) 41, Outdoor Survival 36, Melee AP to body and Arms)
(Brawling) 36

Talents: Stonesoup OTHER VILLAGERS

(Various people of the village)
Trappings: d10 brass pennies While these key-figures are more likely to play a
larger part of it there are more conspirators than
them. Use the characteristics, skills and talents of
Enni Rübenbauer for others unspecified conspirators
and if needed add a work skill at +10 to represent
their specific job.
Day 12 –16th of Vorhexen, Bezahltag Pötting
Clear sunny day, not too cold. One endurance test at By the early evening the caravan reaches Pötting.
+0 (at +40 if wearing appropriate winter clothing) Tollkeepers press for money and Ukrird gets stuck in
for the days travel or gain one fatigue from the cold negotiations with them. People of the village eye the
and long walks. The caravan leaves early in the Skelfdown cart and its halflings with suspicion and
morning and moves at a good tempo. some brave kids throw stones at them before quickly
hurrying off once someone in the caravan looks their
The Shrine of the Unborn way. The village holds one tavern, “The Bitter”
(Sight) which boasts that it serves the hottest and most bitter
Passing through the hills a small wooden shrine is beer on the dwarf road. This is true but may also be
found, a sign overgrown with dead vines mark it as something non-Stirlanders fail to see as a good thing.
“The Shrine of the Unborn”. Its small roofed struc- The prices are however quite good, a room goes for
ture can not hold more than three people at a time at a few brass depending on quality and a pitcher of hot
most and old dead plants and withered flowers cover beer can be bought for a mere 2p. Beet and potato
it giving an eerie appearance. An eerie appearance soup is free for anyone buying three pitchers or more
not made less so by the two dozens creepy wicker or else costs 2p. Unlike most such establishments
dolls depicting babies found amongst all the dead “The Bitter” is open to barter as payment. The tavern
plants. Dolls which seem to follow the characters however doesn’t allow halflings as a sign on the
with their gazes. No less scary is the small skull, door points out, or the tavern staff should any try to
probably that of a child, laying with some coins on enter.
the altar. Pötting has a market and a small theatre stage but
A character with lore (Anatomy) can test it at +20 to both stand empty, if asked about it people will simp-
identify the skull as that of an adult halfling man. ly state that they don’t see use during the winter. A
A character with lore (theology) can with a +20 test monastery to Rhya is found on a hill overlooking the
identify some archaic symbols of Rhya on the shrine. village and should there be a wish to visit it they will
A character with the “Holy Visions” talent will get a state its closed to outsiders, the exception being if
vision of people praying for and “making” babies the character follows a religious career devoted to
here in celebration of holy Rhya. They will also in- Rhya in which case the nuns will happily invite her
stinctively understand that this holy place is season in and offer food and housing to their guest.
dependant and its rituals are for summer and spring.
A follower of Rhya or Taal who damages the shrine Day 13 –17th of Vorhexen, Konistag
will receive Sin points with a value between 1 and 8
depending on how much they damage it (8 being de- Mostly clear with light snowfall. One endurance test
stroying it completely). at +0 (at +40 if wearing appropriate winter clothing)
The truth of the shrine: This is a local shrine to for the days travel or gain one fatigue from the cold
Rhya following old archaic rituals. The shrine of the and long walks. For the stretch between Pötting and
unborn is there to call those souls not yet born to Wördern the caravan travels on the Old Dwarf Road
willing wombs and good families. It is not dark or which, while in a state of disrepair is still better than
chaotic in nature and had the caravan passed during the roads previously travelled here. Ukrird will talk
spring or summer it probably wouldn’t seem omi- of dwarf roads and how they would never let them
nous. The halfling skull is a bit dark in origin, given fall in such disrepair back home in the mountains of
by a proud Stirlander who managed to catch and kill Mourn.
an innocent halfling, but that is born of ignorance
and stupidity, not dark rituals and bids of power. Halflings not Welcome
Potato thieves! As the caravan moves along the road a small road-
(Sight) side hovel is seen. On a sign next to it is a painting
As the caravan comes within roughly half a mile of a halfling, a quite unflattering one, with a red
(about 800m) from Pötting they see an old gnarled cross over. On the porch a man sits in a rocking chair
tree and from its boughs eight individuals have been holding a crossbow, he spits demonstratively when
hanged. Halflings all, one of them a child. Grasi and the halfling cart of the caravan passes by and the
Lis hurry to get their kids inside the cart and get large dog chained to a pole in the yard starts growl-
them to not look at the horror. Beneath the tree a ing menacingly at that cart specifically. Unless the
sign has been hammered in which says “Pototo players get involved or convince someone else to
Tiefs”. If none of the characters remark upon the nothing more will come of it but if any of the
spelling one of the scholars, engineers or priest, of halflings are on good terms with them they may
the caravan will. want to talk a bit about all this halfling hostility seen
around these parts as it makes them quite uneasy.
Wördern their carts through villages and towns, collecting old
(Sight) bones, rags, and other junk and disposing of it in return
for a few pennies or a small item in trade. Bone Pickers
The small town of Wördern is where the caravan must
are also petty traders. What is trash to a wealthy Burgh-
divert from the old dwarf road and go a while by the
er is treasure to a poor Peasant. One such individual, an
Moot road. As its fairly early the caravan just passes the
old hunchbacked woman with only one eye and a bit of a
place by. When the halfling cart is seen children run out,
limp approaches the caravan. She offers to carry off waste
pelt it with frozen manure and start to chant a weird little
for a penny or so and some of the carts accept, as can the
characters should they wish. It’s not much to throw away
“Candy thief! Candy Thief!
at the time but the homesteads found all around at this
Candy Thief! Come get a piece!”
stretch means just dumping it wayside could get people
After a while some of their parents hear the childrens
mad. She also tries to peddle some poor quality items to
commotion and join in. After a few minutes of this not
those that look poor enough, Fif gets itself a pot with a
tiring the kids in the least Cánrěnde Bigmouth Skrag-
hole in it in exchange for a shiny stone it found at some
glegut gives his loudest bellow at them and gets them to
point. Old Agdaschwill will follow the caravan for a
scurry away.
while. This may be to the next town, to the town after
that, out of
Halstedt Stirland, over
(Sight) the Worlds
Early evening the caravan reaches the small town of Edge Moun-
Halstedt. Large frozen fields that in the summer fills with tains, to
cattle surround the settlement which holds a small wall Pigbarter, all
around its core though most buildings of the settlement the way to
find themselves outside it. People stare as the caravan Karak-Rorkar
moves through the roads. Looking with suspicion on the or wherever
people and carts. Especially the halflings. People can be the GM feels
heard muttering louder than they perhaps should that out- like dropping
siders this time of year may bring witchcraft and misfor- her. In short,
tune upon them. Parents will usher their children inside she can make
and bar the doors at the sight of the caravan carts, espe- a new addition
cially at “dangerous” things like ogres, rhinoxen and to the caravan
halflings. The town has two taverns, one inside the walls, if desired.
the oldest of them, “The Great Green Goat”. While it is Image by Midjourney ai beta
the towns finest its still not a high-class establishment. Tenneck
The one outside the walls, “Old Boiler”, is even cheaper (Sight)
and doesn’t even offer private rooms. What it does offer About midday the caravan passes through the small vil-
is hot beer, hot soup and hot baths at discount prices (and lage of Tenneck. As they draw near people go to their
with quality to match). The town has three temples, one homes and bar the doors. When the carts and coaches ar-
each to Shallaya, Morr and Taal, each one placed inside rive the place could be mistaken for a ghost town as not a
the walls. The townspeople here are not a welcoming soul is seen. Ukrird does not want to overstay his wel-
bunch, some may instead of answering questions make come and even passing through seems to do that so the
signs to the gods and hurry off. Others may mutter about caravan quickly moves on, even driving a bit faster to get
witchcraft whenever an outsider is near, claiming they out of Tenneck quickly.
bring it. Others still may give directions and help in a
frightened state believing they will be cursed by the
“intruders” should they not. The Mad Whaler of the Stirhügel Sea
(Optional Encounter)
Day 14 –18th of Vorhexen, Angestag As the caravan moves on a man in a sailors outfit that
must surely be cold this time of year looks at the coaches
with a spyglass before sauntering up to the group.
Cloudy with occasional snowfall. One endurance test at “Greetings fellow seafarers!” he says “Have you per-
+0 (at +40 if wearing appropriate winter clothing) per chance seen the great black whale of the Stirhügel sea?”
four hours of walking or gain one fatigue from the cold He will continue to ask about it until given a satisfying
and long walks. The hills continue but its clear the cara- answer and it is not unlikely Ukrird will get annoyed at
van moves at their outskirts now with periods of flat land this. The ogres will get a bit confused by the ordeal and
and more welcoming terrain. Homesteads with large most others will impatiently and confused wait for it to
barns and, given the season, empty pastures dot the land- blow over. Grum however finds it a bit amusing and goes
scape between Halstedt and Tenneck. with it, if on good terms with a PC trying to get them to
join in too. At some point when he thinks the joke has
Old Agdaschwill gone long enough the “Whaler” will reveal he does this as
(Optional Encounter) a dare from his brother and is really a goatherd from Raab
The empire is full of people of little wealth and nowhere named Maelish Haba. He’ll offer Grum and any players
is this more apparent than with the bonepickers travelling who were good sports about it a goatcheese sandwich for
through the realm. Bone Pickers are scavengers, scraping playing along.
a living together off the refuse of others. They lead
Raab hours to join the caravan before it leaves. She will
(Sight) then lead them back roughly 547 yards (500m) to
By early night the caravan reaches the small village where she saw the signs of goblins. These signs turn
of Raab, it seems to be a gathering of hovels that out to be a small totem made of frozen manure with
have popped up around a fortified coaching inn that a troll skull on the top and some simple wooden
makes up the centre of the village. The coaching inn icons draped around it. A dead crow has been given
named “The drunken swordsman” features an image as offering and is still fresh, and footprints in the
of a clearly drunk Stirland swordsman accidentally snow leads away over the plains to a wooded hill
killing an orc as its motif. Guards, seeing the caravan from which a bit of smoke rises. Harga wants to
approach, open the gates and let them in the Inn. push on there and unless the characters protest, in
Ukrird negotiates payment for the carts staying there which case she threatens to not pay unless they help,
but any player desiring a warm bed, a warm meal or she will lead the way on there.
a warm beer must pay for it. There are plenty of lo- Unless a character sneaks ahead and succeeds a –10
cals in the Inn enjoying some drinks and tales. They Stealth (Rural) test the group will be discovered as
will happily listen to the caravaners tales and may they sneak near and the goblins launch a disor-
even offer a beer or two for the privilege of a good ganized attack.
The Goblins: The goblins is a group of three gob-
lins, four lesser goblins and one boss. There are also
Day 15 –19th of Vorhexen, Festag five snotlings but they run away rather than charge
when the attack is called and are unlikely to cause
Cloudy with continuous but light snowfall. One en- any trouble. The boss is named Dirty Murkbag and
durance test at +0 (at +40 if wearing appropriate wields the slightly enchanted dagger “Mincerchib”
winter clothing) per three hours of walking or gain The two guards are lesser goblins. The rest are cur-
one fatigue from the cold and long walks. The hills rently barbecuing various fowl they have poached.
now give way to plains and as they approach Zipf
the Rohrwald forest flanks them on the western side. If the fight starts to go poorly the goblins will con-
sider fleeing though they are very hungry and would
Toll station prefer not to leave their food behind. Should the
(Sight) players flee the goblins will pursue a little bit but
A mile or so after leaving Raab a toll station lays will soon return to their food instead least someone
across the road and Ukrird is forced to make further steals it.
payments. This makes for a longer break as the carts
are gone through and tolled. It becomes clear that Killing them satisfies Harga and ensures the players
this will take hours as the tollkeepers must check get paid but the goblin camp has little of value. The
prices for exotic goods, how ogres are to be handled goblin weapons, while possible to take, are of low
and much more, even sending a rider to get a bureau- quality, poor for use and trying to sell them makes
crat from Zipf to sort out things they can’t find in the people first assume they are offering money to get
books. This annoys the dwarfs to no end but they rid of them, once cleared up that the character wants
don’t want to cause any diplomatic incidents and money in exchange for them they will be laughed at
comply. and told to leave. Unless the group took long breaks
or otherwise delayed they will return in time before
the caravan can leave.
Goldbraid and the goblins
Having stopped, Harga Sifnasdaughter Goldbraid
sneaks up to the characters and takes them to the side
to whisper with them. She says she saw some signs
of goblins on the way here and suggests having a
little adventure to scout them out and if they aren’t
too many deal with them. She says her father can’t
know or he’ll be furious but she can pay the adven-
turers a gold each for adventuring with her. Should
the adventurers decline she’ll be disappointed but
will accept it and should they tell her father he will
indeed be furious and scold her for the risk and how
it’s unladylike behaviour. Should they accept how-
ever she gets excited, gets her gear and sneaks them
off. She promises they will be back in at most two
Goblin by Lady of Hats, Wikimedia Commons
THE GOBLINS Lesser Goblins
(Small Goblin Gang) (The bosses uvva gits)
Far from a warparty this small gathering of green- There is little real physiological difference between
skins are currently living as poachers in these lands the shorter and taller Goblin types, other than their
until they grow in numbers or find a more powerful height. Both kinds live together often and orcs make
tribe to attach themselves to. None of them speak a no distinction between them. In Goblin society, the
language other than goblin tongue so communication shorter (and weaker) lesser Goblins tend to end up as
in Reikspeil will yield nothing slaves and, occasionally, as food. However, what
they lack in size they more than make up in cruelty
Dirty Murkbag and wickedness. They are not adverse to waiting for
(The boss) their larger relatives to fall asleep before performing
Dirty Murkbag is the boss of these goblins (called unspeakable acts of petty revenge. The need to sur-
“Dirty Murkbags Gitz”) and he is a devious and vive the whims of their Goblin masters endows them
sneaky goblin happy to fight dirty whenever possi- with unusually quick reactions and nimble wits for
ble. His dagger Mincerchib is blessed by Mork (or goblinoids. In this gang they are the ones tasked with
possibly Gork) to always seek its way to a targets the poaching while their larger kin are the muscle
eyes. that keeps them in line and according to themselves
provide some safety.
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W PER BRASS 2
4 35 35 40 40 20 35 30 30 20 30 14 M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
Skills: Cool 30, Dodge 45, Endurance 50, Intimidate 50, Melee 4 25 35 30 30 20 35 45 30 20 20 8
(Brawling) 45, Melee (Basic) 50,
Skills: Climb 35, Endurance 35, Lore (Beasts) 25, Outdoor
Traits: Animosity, Afraid (Elves), Infected, Night Vision, Survival 35, Perception 25, Ranged (Bow) 40, Set Trap 50
Weapon +9 (see Mincerchib special rules), Bite +2
Traits: Animosity, Afraid (Elves), Infected, Night Vision,
Talents: Menacing, Strike Mighty Blow Weapon +5, Ranged +7 (25), Size (Small)

Trappings: Leather armour with odd pieces of metal (1 AP on Talents: Rover, Trapper
all locations)
Mincerchib: This magic dagger works like a normal dagger Trappings: Shortbow with arrows and sharp sticks improvised
unless wielded by a greenskin. If wielded by a greenskin its as arrows
attacks always hit the head location and ignore all AP offered
by armour with the weakpoints flaw, such armour may also not Not that tough is it?
be spent to remove crits caused by Mincerchib.
(GM notes)
Goblins This fight is likely an easy one and is designed to be
(The bosses best gits) just that. Something the characters don’t know ahead
of time of course so do let them worry before.
The goblins wield short swords and wear leather ar-
However should there be a wish to increase the dan-
mour. They will be quick to pick up the weapons of
ger the GM should feel free to do so. Any of these
their foes should they be dropped or the foes killed.
foes can be increased in numbers and should you
GOBLINS –GOBLIN THUG BRASS 3 wish to up it further then “Wogz an ‘is arrer
boyz”happened to be around adding three (or more)
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W of the following.
4 30 35 35 35 20 35 30 30 20 20 11
Skills: Cool 25, Dodge 40, Endurance 40, Intimidate 40, Melee
(Brawling) 35, Melee (Basic) 35 M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
4 35 35 35 45 25 30 20 25 35 20 14
Traits: Animosity, Afraid (Elves), Infected, Night Vision,
Weapon +7 Skills: Athletics 35, Climb 40, Consume Alcohol 50, Dodge 35,
Endurance 50, Language (Battle) 30, Perception 30, Play
Talents: Menacing (Horn) 25, Ranged (Bow) 40, Stealth (Rural) 35
Trappings: Leather armour (1 AP at all locations), Sword or Traits: Armour 3, Belligerent, Die Hard, Infected, Night Vi-
scimitar sion, Weapon +8, Ranged +9 (50)

Talents: Fast Shot, Accurate Shot

Trappings: Various armour (see traits), Bow with arrows,

Choppa, One has a horn to blow at battles start
Don’t stop for Gablitz! overlooking the local garden of Morr and bordering
(Optional Encounter) the best kept piece of wall in the settlement. The
Just a bit off the main road aroung 1,24 miles (2km) small park “Weide Garden” and the various inns and
lies Gablitz but having no business there the caravan tavern of the place can also be of interest but there is
had no plan to make a detour to the place. However as said little time before the caravan leaves.
as they pass the crossing where they could turn that
way a group of five men run out towards them, stop- Day 16 –20th of Vorhexen, Wellentag
ping and showing their empty hands when weapons
were drawn to protect the caravan. The men look Dark clouds but no or little snowfall. One endurance
like farmers but are bloodied and hurt. They speak test at +0 (at +40 if wearing appropriate winter cloth-
warning that the caravan shouldn’t go to Gablitz as ing) per three hours of walking or gain one fatigue
vile and wicked witchery wrecks wrathful vengeance from the cold and long walks. The caravan will trav-
on valiant witchhunters of the local land. When they el alongside the frozen river during the day and the
have had a few moments to rest and are asked to ex- gnoblars will push each others onto the ice to test it
plain further they state that led by a witch whose two in a deadly game that results in no accidents, I mean
sisters where burnt at the stake (she unfortunately the whole caravan passed over the ice earlier, what’s
got away) a group of beastmen attacked the village a single gnoblar gonna do?
going after the Sigmar temple and the witchhunter
order office in particular but slaughtering and pillag- Go with my blessing master dwarf
ing wildly. They state they were lucky to have es- (Optional Encounter)
caped and ask to get to travel with the caravan to Father Mankau, the priest of the local Sigmar temple
Zipf to report it to authorities and find safety. Ukrird walks out to meet the caravan before it leaves. He is
agrees in return for them helping with work as long in his fifties but most would assume he is over sixty
as they travel with you. when looking at him. He seems tired but states that
This encounter help to remind of the dangers lurking his creed suggests he help dwarfs when opportunity
in the world even when the players themselves don’t presents itself for it and as it now does he offers a
encounter them. basket filled with jars of pickled beets. Not the
grandest of presents but extra rations are always wel-
The Fate of Gablitz: The men were indeed lucky to come.
get away when they did for the town was taken and
burnt down. A few people managed to survive hid- Leogang
ing in hidden basements or fleeing before it was too
late but the temple was defiled and the town burnt. (Sight)
When he learns of it Alberich Haupt-Anderssen, Less than an hour after leaving Zipf the caravan
Grand Count of Stirland, Prince of Wurt- reaches the small village Leogang where the hot beer
bad and Overlord of Sylvania personally leads a bat- offered in most of Stirland is switched for a sweet
talion there to secure the place. The witch and the white wine from a nearby vineyard. Bottles of it are
beastmen were found by the Stirland army and it is sold cheaply and the visitors are proudly offered
said in the tales of the battle that Alberich parried a glasses to taste. The dwarfs don’t seem thrilled but
lightningbolt with his runefang Orc Hewer before an try to not insult the townspeople and drink, grimac-
arrow felled the witch. After an inspiring speech the ing as they try to not show their disgust. The artiller-
grand count orders the construction of a small fort at ymen welcome the offer and take a drink but find
the old site of Gablitz and sets a permanent state themselves spitting it out in disgust. The Handrich
troop garrison there. The town will never recover priests take small sips and shaking their heads hand
fully but a few refugees and survivors will return to back the rest. Grasi, Lis and their many kids take a
their owned land and raise new hovels in the ruins glass each, down it and end up vomiting it out
with the garrison near for protection. (except Iggy who manages to keep it down, bare-
ly).Valle Meckler, Emely Sauer and Sissi Lorenz all
pass after seeing others reactions but Ludwig Swei-
Zipf mann takes a glass and remarks its not that bad. The
(Sight) ogres each down a glass but do the unthinkable for
It is late in the night when the caravan crosses the an ogre and turns down seconds. The gnoblars man-
river melk thankfully frozen solid and reaches the age to steal some bottles and get drunk on it, finding
town of Zipf. The town is encircled by a stone wall the taste superb (though to be fair you have noticed
topped with six watchtowers and so the caravan them being that excited for three days old leftovers
stops outside. The caravan will not be staying long, so their taste may not be to be trusted).
starting on their way again the following morning After this polite offering of near-undrinkable swill
but for characters that want to check around before the caravan speeds up and moves out quickly.
leaving the local “sight to see” is the manor of Mar- See the following page if the characters want to taste
grave Otto von Mecklenburg, a fine stone building it.
Kappenmüller White
Kappenmüller white is the wine hailing from the Kappenmüller vineyard. It is an incredibly sweet wine
sometimes compared to drinking concentrated syrup that’s gone bad. It is sold in the surrounding villages
and towns where the locals seem to enjoy it. Most outsiders however find this difficult to understand as
they tend to find it disgusting or even completely undrinkable.

A bottle of Kappenmüller white can be bought in Zipf, Leogang or surrounding settlements for 3 silver, to
drink it roll a d10 on the following table and add appropriate modifiers. Unless you vomit also test Con-
sume Alcohol at +20.
D10 roll with modifiers Effect
0 or less Gain d5 poisoned conditions and two stunned conditions
1 Vomit and pass out
2-3 Vomit
4-5 Almost vomit
6-7 Twist your face into a grimace regardless if you want to
or not
8-9 You find it disgusting but can avoid showing that should
you wish
10 You find it nigh-drinkable
11 You’ve had worse
12 You find it drinkable in small ammounts
13-15 You’re fine with drinking this
16+ You like it

 Elf: If you are an elf apply a –2 penalty to the roll.
 Halfling or Gnome: If you are an halfling or Gnome apply a +1 modifier to the roll.
 Ogre or Gnoblar: If you are an Ogre or Gnoblar apply a +4 bonus to the roll.
 Brass Status: If you are of Brass status apply a +1 bonus to the roll.
 Silver Status: If you are of Silver status apply a -1 bonus to the roll.
 Gold Status: If you are of Gold status apply a –2 bonus to the roll.
 Stirlander: If you are from Stirland and/or have lived in Stirland for several years apply a +4
bonus to the roll.
 Leogang, Zipf or its surroundings: If you hail from Leogang, Zipf or their surroundings apply
a further +4 bonus to the roll (stacking with the Stirlander bonus).
 Bretonnian: If you are from Bretonnia and/or have lived in Bretonnia for several years apply a -
1 penalty to the roll.

Kappenmüller Gravy
Image by Midjourney ai beta
Kappenmüller white is also boiled down along with meat juices to
make a sickenly sweet gravy. The only reason for this is to hide the
taste of old food with sweetness but this is of course not stated. This
gravy is only sold if specifically asked for it and can then be sold for
a few silver. Normally however it is offered in low-quality taverns
alongside servings of suspicious smelling mystery meat. Eating a
meal with the gravy gives the same roll as drinking the wine with the
same modifiers but does not require a consume alcohol test.
Kapenmüller vineyard The Festival of Kracht
(Sight) (Mandatory Encounter)
Moving on along the road would take the caravan to What follows is a short adventure in the village of
the Kappenmüller vineyard from which the wine Enzesburg. It follows the type of adventure structure
previously offered comes. In order to avoid any fur- you find in “Rough Nights and Hard Days” with a
ther polite offerings of drink Ukrird however orders very exact timetable of events that player characters
the caravan to take the long way around and trudge may or may not experience. A set of plots that exist
through difficult terrain. It may be hard work and side by side and a set of NPCs involved in it all.
delay them but at least you won’t need to take anoth-
er sip of that horrid, horrid wine. This adventure is a smaller and less involved adven-
ture of such structure which both offers a shorter
Steinbrücke Bridge game giving a taste of this adventure structure and
(Sight) eases the GM into this structure for future adventures
Late in the night the caravan reaches the sturdy in this campaign using it.
Steinbrücke bridge. A large stone bridge that should
have no problem carrying the caravan over and Location: The adventure takes place fully within
whose sturdy old construction has stood for more the village of Enzesburg. A village built in the ruins
than six centuries. Statues of old grand counts of of old Enzesburg, a town almost completely de-
Stirland rise as pillars on each side of it showing a stroyed during the vampire wars but saved from
finery of architecture uncommon for Stirland. Since complete annihilation by Willy Kracht, the militia
its late camp is set up next to the bridge. commander of the time. He is a local hero the town
is very proud of and hail for his greatness. See “The
Day 17 –21st of Vorhexen, Aubentag Legend of Willy Kracht” in the following pages.
There are some key places in the village that play a
Plenty of snowfall and the roads get rough. It eases role in the adventure.
to the evening though. One endurance test at –10 (at
+30 if wearing appropriate winter clothing) per three The statue: The statue of Kracht is a focal point of
hours of walking or gain one fatigue from the cold the village and the festival utilizes it in the celebra-
and long walks. The caravan will move across the tion.
bridge and into hill lands with a small frozen river at Vlads Demise: The inn called “Vlads Demise”
their right side. claims to be placed on the location where Willy
Kracht slew Vlad von Carstein. Its sign show Kracht
staking Vlad to death.
Enzesburg Heroes Blood: This inn is the second one of the vil-
(Sight) lage and show a sign that is just painted red without
Early in the day the caravan reaches Enzesburg, a any particular forms or images.
city of hovels and huts built on and in old stone ruins Von Crapsteins: This inn is the third and final and
of what must once have been a much more impres- shows a caricature image of Mannfred von Carstein
sive settlement. A lone stone structure stands unbro- holding his sword the wrong way while chewing on
ken, a large statue depicting a man raising a spear in a bat.
one hand and holding a wooden stake in the other. The garden of Morr: The towns old temple of Morr
On a plaque on the plinth can be read the inscription has been repaired somewhat, with wood replacing
“In honour of brave Willy Kracht Vampireslayer, the the torn down parts previously made by stone. It
saviour of Enzeburg”. As the caravan moves in peo- stands by the garden of Morr where the Mausoleum
ple move out to greet them stating it is time for the of Kracht is found. Celebration around his Mausole-
festival of Kracht and that they simply must stay for um is prevalent during the festival.
warm food and warm beer. As you moved into the The stage: A ruin of a temple has been repurposed
night yesterday and many are very tired Ukrird de- to a theatre stage, some of the old stone benches in-
cides you can stay a few hours. The people seem side the old temple still stand and others have been
very happy about it and start putting up decorations replaced with newer wooden ones. The old raised
on the old ruins whistling happy tunes. Others in- altarplace has lost its finery but with some wooden
stead start to warm up beer and food for the festival. stairs and floors added it makes for a decent stage.
A character keen of eye and mind may notice that it The place has no roof and is clearly more appropri-
seems they just started the festival right now when ate in the summer but that doesn’t mean they won’t
Ukrird agreed to staying a while. This is indeed the try to hold a celebration.
case as will be described in the coming short adven-
The tale of Kracht
Before the turn of the millennium it came to be that a man destined for greatness was born. In the town of Enzenburg
under favourful stars was birthed Willy Kracht. It is said that when he came into the world the birds sang more beau-
tifully than they ever had before and the sun shone brighter than it ever had or ever would again.
While born in a commoners home with humble beginnings, in his blood flowed greatness for he was the direct de-
scendant of an ancient Styrigen chieftain who fought alongside Sigmar against vile Nagash and while this noble line
was forgotten it was not extinguished for its greatness would rise again in Willy Kracht.
In his youth Willy Kracht was an exemplary man, working at his parents farm and in his free time volunteering for
the militia where he through talent and hard work rose to the rank of militia captain of Enzenburg. The rank he held
when the dead rose and Vlad launched his attack to unite the empire in undeath.
All over Sylvania and Stirland the dead rose and assaulted the living and Enzenburg was no exception.
One thing however sat Enzenburg apart from the rest, they had Willy Kracht. When the dead arrived he rallied the
people and fought back. Bullets and arrows rained into the ranks of undead that tried to reach the walls and as hours
passed the ammunition ran out. With spears and swords the defenders threw the undead off the walls as they scaled
and as dawn came the walls still held. All over Stirland and Sylvania dark clouds covered the lands as dawn came
and so the sun was kept away letting Vlads dark forces move on. Everywhere but in Enzenburg, here brave Willy
Kracht led the people in prayer as the night moved on and great Sigmar answered, pushing the clouds away and
crumbling the dead with rays of holy light from the sun. It is said a voice called out from the heavens saying:
“Brave Willy Kracht, as your ancestor stood by my side fighting the undead,
so shall I stand by you in your fight against the forces of the vampires.
Raise your spear and my hammer shall be with you.”
Letting his men get sleep as the dead crumbled away Willy knew they would not stop now and guarded the town
awaiting their return.
And return they did. Vlad could not accept the towns defiance and in person he rode to Enzenburg. His dark magic
pushed away the holy sun and his hordes rose again but Willy Kracht stood firm in face of this supernatural foe.
Spear in hand and with a sharpened wooden stake in his belt. For he knew vampires would come and had ordered
the men to make stakes to fight them, cutting off parts of brooms, mops, scythes, and other implements to sharpen and
be ready.
The dead assaulted again and with a renewed fury only those led by the dark lord Vlad himself could hold. Willy
Kracht fought like a hero of old, like Sigmar himself, cutting down the foe in their thousands and holding the line
against this darkest of force even as the necromantic spells of Vlad blew apart the wall and crushed the buildings.
Willy knew he needed to face the leader to save the town and so he cut his way through hordes of undead and Vlads
elite guard to face the vampire in battle one on one.
Man against undead monster they fought, their blows a flurry too fast to follow. They were evenly matched.
Vlad seeing the need for cheating and dishonourable means to win cast a deadly spell upon Willy. This spell would
doom the great hero but the time the incantation took allowed Willy to find an opening and stick his stake through
Vlads heart. The vampire and his force crumbled to dust and Enzenburg was saved.
Willy however was struck by sorcery and in minutes he aged his full life, dying an old man moments later.

Vlad would continue his war against the empire for his accursed ring brought him back to life but he would never
again return to Enzenburg. Willy Kracht had given his life to save the town and while much stood in ruins it had not
fallen. The heroic spirit of Willy remains, watching over
the town from his mausoleum and its people to this day
give praise to the hero of Enzenburg, the man they call
Willy Kracht.

That is the tale that’s told but is it true? There is likely a
kernel of truth in the tale, many fought against the undead
during the vampire wars and a militia captain would likely
be one of them. One doing a good job may certainly be
remembered and deserving praise and there is no reason to
believe Willy Kracht did not do a good job. The tale is
however filled with quite amazing feats that seem highly
unlikely and this would put Willy Kracht as the first slayer
of Vlad before the first acknowledge one. The most likely
explanation is that the tale has been exaggerated over the
years becoming less and less grounded in truth, though one
can’t be certain of course. Perhaps Willy Kracht really was
the hero the tale makes him to be. Regardless of what is
actually true the town treats the tale as absolute truth and
hold extreme pride in their hero and devotion to his
PLOT SUMMARIES Plot 6-Half a problem: Denis Schoenherr
smelled trouble as soon as halflings came into the
Plot 1-Pride in Kracht: Feasts to Willy Kracht town and when things started disappearing he put the
are held any time a large number of guests reach the blame on the halflings, something that greatly trou-
town. In days of old it was an annual event instead bles the mayors plan on making the caravan feel
but these days it is far more common and far more welcome. Still he doesn’t quite quit.
political. For it is the line of Kracht which hold the Minor Plots: The above are “long-reaching” plots
mayoral office of the town and the reminding of affecting several events. In addition to these people
guests and population of their greatness ensures this at the festival have their various ideas of what to do
remains the case and none tries to bring back the old and plans. These are either very simple (like “have a
system of voting for mayoral office, and especially good time” or “get good seats to the play”) or ones
that no outsiders suggest it. If drunk on ale and hero- affecting but a single event (like “sell a relic to the
ic tales the leadership is not likely to be questioned. visitors to get rich” or “learn if the caravan job is
Thus mayor Nora Kracht organises a grand feast to worth it”).
get the visitors, drunk, happy and unquestioning of
the greatness of Willy Kracht. EVENTS
Plot 2-Four drunken Gnoblars: The gnoblars 10:10 am: The caravan arrives and agrees to stay a
somehow took a shine to the local wine in an undeni- few hours. People start putting up decorations on the
able proof of their poor taste. Getting here where old ruins whistling happy tunes. Others instead start
drinks and food are freely offered they soon get to warm up beer and food for the festival. Nora
wasted. Untrustworthy and thieving at the best of Kracht tells her servants to get the finer drinks and
time this drunkenness releases the inhibitions that food as this caravan seems “fancier” than their more
made them consider the fact that it could lead to common guests.
beatings or worse and now they steal various items 10:15 am: The ogres are offered large jugs of the
and cause trouble during the festival. local wine. Even with their palette they don’t want to
Plot 3-Investment opportunities: Eduard drink it and discard it by their carts less subtle than
Landauer, Harry Heitz and Mike Segert have a con they think. The gnoblars go for it right away starting
to try on outsiders. They will ensure that people of to messily drink large quantities.
the caravan overhear them talking about troubles 10:20 am: The mayors servants go around to the
when looking for a treasure, troubles that a person of people of the caravan and say that the ovens aren’t
the caravan could overcome but they seem unable to. warm quite yet but they’ll be out with beer and sau-
They will make it look like these conversations are sages as soon as they’ve got it warm. They offer
secret and finish with an argument between the three cubed cheese and pickled beetroots in the meantime.
of if they should sell the map or keep trying where 10:22 am: Bertruga Bennenungonce, aka
Eduard Landdauer “steals” the map and runs away, Gretzlant, attracts the attention of a local, Helge
managing to “hide” from Harry and Mike but being Stockhausen, who starts to flirt with her. They move
seen by the eavesdropping man of the caravan. The on to ‘Heroes Blood’.
trio now hopes Eduard will be approached and asked 10:24 am: One of the gnoblars steals a pair of pots
to sell it. from ‘Von Crapsteins’ and hides them in their cart.
Plot 4-Necromancers attention: Grażyna 10:26 am: Denis Schoenherr goes to the halfling
Landa, also called Grażyna the grim, a necromancer cart and threatening tells them that “They better not
of Ungol lineage born and raised in Ostermark has steal nuthin.” The militia will turn up and drive him
travelled to Stirland seeking ancient tombs and dark off stating he should be nice to guests. He goes away
artefacts. She senses something by the caravan, casts with no further trouble but doesn’t seem happy about
a mundane aura upon herself and tries to find out it.
what it is. She will snoop around the carts and be-
come (rightly) convinced an artefact of undeath is 10:30 am: Local peddlar Janina Weisz comes to
found there but fail to acquire it now. She will return the characters offering ‘genuine’ relics of Willy
later in the campaign. Kracht for two gold each. They range from fin-
gerbones, amulets and scrolls. A character with one
Plot 5-Bounties to find: The bounty hunter of the following will notice that the number of fin-
Josua Diekwisch is in the area seeking the outlaw gerbones available are more than those available in a
Gretzlant who has plagued the Stirhügel hills. If the human;
group picked up Bertruga Bennenungonce on the -An Intelligence of 25 or more (after penalties for
way then Josua will go after her. Should that not be intoxication), Super Numerate, Lore (Anatomy)
the case he however keeps in mind other bounties
too and will instead seek Sissi Lorenz, the deserter. 10:32 am: The gnoblars acquire through illegal
Note: The descriptions of events will assume he ways a small bag of tobacco and an especially ugly
seeks Gretzlant, just replace Gretzlant with Sissi Lo- garden figurine in the style of a pink stork.
renz in all situations should Gretzlant not be there.
10:35-10.45 am: The local choir goes out to sing thinks it may be Gretzlant and so pursues her. A
some hymns of Willy Krachts heroism while every- short chase ensues and (unless stopped) Josua catch-
one waits for beer and food to warm up. es her. Josua notices it’s the wrong person and
10:38 am: The gnoblars steal a shovel, 2kg of swears about that. Grażyna Landa is asked why she
flour, a pen and a live chicken. ran (if a character is present likely by them as Josua
10:40 am: Bounty Hunter Josua Diekwisch arrives takes a moment or two before asking, thinking more
during the performance. He watches and listens but of Gretzlant who eludes him). Her answer is quite
scans the crowd for his bounty. believable however, fleeing because it was clear a
scary looking man was going after her.
10:45 am: Following the choir performance warm
beer is served, a table is set up giving it out and serv- 11:11 am: The gnoblars steal a cuckoo clock, one
ants go around giving it out to the caravan members. of them vomits in a chamber pot in the house with
The dwarfs mumble that between the watery taste, the clock.
weak strength and warm temperature it’s closer to 11:15 am: The main festival moves to the garden
tea than beer. They still drink it. Josua Diekwisch of Morr and the Mausoleum of Willy Kracht. This
starts asking around for Gretzlant. move comes with the promise of various sausages as
10:48 am: Bertruga Bennenungonce, and Helge well as a dance contest. Beer remains free for the
Stockhausen, decide to switch tavern and move on to visitors.
‘Vlads demise’. 11:17 am: Josua Diekwisch decides to check the
10:50 am: Bounty Hunter Josua Diekwisch learns taverns for Gretzlant, starting with ‘Von Crapsteins’,
that someone matching Gretzlants description was then going to ‘Vlads Demise’ and ending with
seen going to Heroes blood and heads there. He soon ‘Heroes Blood’.
learns they have left but not where to. 11:18 am: Helge Stockhausen suggests to
10:52 am: The gnoblars steal a bucket of nails, a Gretzlant they go and join the dance contest. She
pot of roses, a red tophat and a cane. agrees and they leave Vlads Demise and head to the
Garden of Morr.
10:55 am: Guided by her magical senses Grażyna 11:20 am: The Dance contest is about to begin, a
Landa rides into town on a black horse. She accepts
some offered beer but keeps to herself. Eyeing the basket of paprika würst is put up as the prize. Multi-
caravan. If approached she will steer the conversa- ple couples sign up including Helge Stockhausen
tion towards the caravan, asking about it trying to and Gretzlant, Grasi and Lis, Short Vinzenz and lo-
learn as much as possible. cal Luis Fersen, Nora Kracht and Ben Dörflinger,
Louwrens-Penning Reinier Plaizier and Tatiana Re-
11:00 am: Eduard Landauer, Harry Heitz and horst as well as various local couples. See
Mike Segert ensure they are overheard by people of “Competition” for rules if the players want to join.
the caravan (I suggest the GM makes that people the
players) arguing about their troubles looking for a 11:25 am: If he has not been sought out before this
treasure, Eduard saying they’ll never get past those Eduard Landauer will now “drop” his map where
five goblins while Harry and Mike maintain they someone from the caravan can see it, preferably a
may with a lot of luck. A small fight breaks out and player. He will “scramble to pick it up” but the per-
Eduard Landauer runs off. If chased by the charac- son will get a decent look at the map first.
ters the others will get in the way seemingly out of 11:26 am: Drunk and happy with their stealings
clumsiness. Regardless Harry and Mike will swear at the gnoblars take a nap in their cart.
Eduard stealing the map. If asked if the map is really 11:28 am: A crash and barking will be heard from
necessary they will confirm it is as the exact place to the Skelfdown Cart as Denis Schoenherr threw a
dig is marked there and they could dig forever in the stone through a window and then ran away. He will
hills without it. deny having done it if asked and no-one saw it was
11:04 am: Denis Schoenherr notices his bucket of him though his previous interactions makes him the
nails and ornamental pink garden stork are both most likely suspect.
missing. He marches over to the halflings and start to 11:30 am: Grażyna Landa skulks by the carts
accuse them loudly. The militia comes and protects again as the dance contest goes on. Unable to find
the visiting halflings reminding Denis they have no the item she seeks she starts to meditate to seek it
proof. He swears they will regret it before skulking out.
off. The mayor sends more beer to the halflings try- 11:40 am: The dance contest ends and a winning
ing to compensate for the trouble. Which is appreci- couple is declared with a bit of ceremony and sau-
ated. sage. The mayor declares that a play of Willy
11:10 am: Necromancer Grażyna Landa sneaks Krachts life will start at the stage in twenty minutes.
about the carts and sees Josua Diekwisch. She mis- Actors start preparing and a lot of people make their
takes the bounty hunter for having seen her and fear- way there early to try and snatch up good seats.
ing investigation quickly moves away. Josua
Diekwisch sees a woman hurriedly move away and
11:41 am: With the dance contest over Helge moving off. The villagers stand looking in disbelief,
Stockhausen and Gretzlant stroll over to the carts wondering what happened.
where Gretzlant talk about them and give a short
“guided tour” of sorts before stopping by one and But what did the characters do?
making out. This is what happens without the characters influ-
11:43 am: Not finding them at the taverns Josua encing events. Likely they will (though there is no
Diekwisch returns to the Garden of Morr which peo- need to force it, it’s okay if they don’t, this still es-
ple have now left. He makes his way towards the tablishes characters for later even if the players take
stage to see if someone there has seen something. a passive role) and you will need to adjust this ac-
11:45 am: Denis Schoenherr starts sneaking back cordingly. It would not be possible to take into ac-
but Princess catches his scent and starts barking. count every way the characters may effect things so
This makes Denis turn and head away. Grasi and Lis you will just have to consider the options when they
check it out however and find Grażyna Landa. She do.
has a hard time explaining what she was doing
skulking around the carts and is an immediate sus- And now what?
pect. A commotion is made. Leaving the place there may be a bunch of questions
11:48 am: The commotion attracts a large group of unanswered and a desire to check into Gretzlant or
people, among them Josua Diekwisch, Helge Stock- Sissi Lorenz criminal pasts. Ukrird is not happy
hausen and Gretzlant. The three have not yet seen about learning that he has been harbouring a criminal
each other. and unless convinced otherwise will have them im-
11:52 am: Getting close to being captured for at- prisoned for now to be left at the next town visited.
tacking halflings and fearing what a closer investiga- If this happens they will manage to escape their
tion would reveal Grażyna Landa turns to magic to bonds and flee during the night, if a PC is keeping
escape. Holding up a shining spectral gem, a pow- watch allow a chance of stopping it but keep it diffi-
erstone with a ghost bound within it, she casts cult, it helps with later encounters if she gets away.
‘Teleport’(core rulebook page 244) and disappears
(turning up just out of sight and making a dash for The dance contest
her horse before running away). Confusion and panic The contest is made with a few tests of Agility +10
spreads. or Perform (Dance) +20. Two such tests are made,
11:55 am: The bellower Cánrěnde manages to get one per dancer. Add the SLs (positive and negative)
the people to stop and listen with a mighty bellow. A together to see how the PCs did. If the PCs get a
better organised discussion begins. negative result they are laughed at, if they score
more than 5 positive SLs they are seen as good and
11:57 am: Josua Diekwisch sees Gretzlant and if they score 11 or more SLs they win the contest
goes after her, calling for her arrest. and with it a basket of Paprika sausage.
12:00 pm: The stolen cuckoo clock goes off and
manages to poke a rhinox which reacts by starting RESOLUTION
charging off. The other rhinoxen follow it leading As they leave Enzenburg, after having had some
the lead carts away. The dwarfs and ogres rush to get time to process the events, you may want to give fur-
on it. Essme “Sooty Bess” Bechwald who has heard ther exp. Apart from standard exp for roleplaying
very little of the conversation on account of nearly and bright ideas the following can awards extra ex-
being deaf sets the artillerywagon in motion and with perience:
the three most important carts moving off the others
scramble to follow suit. Gretzlant dashes and jumps  5 exp for dealing with Dirty Murkbagz gitz.
onto the back of one of the rhinox carts hurridly  5 exp for experiencing the horror of
“Kappenmüller white” by drinking it at least
 10 exp for deducing that the gnoblars have been
stealing in Enzenburg
 10 exp for understanding that Eduard Landauer,
Harry Heitz and Mike Segert were trying to con
 5-10 exp for actively helping either Josua
Diekwisch to get Gretzlant (or Sissi Lorenz) or
Gretzlant to avoid Josua Diekwisch.
 5 exp for helping the halflings after Denis
Schoenherrs attacks.
Image by Midjourney ai beta
the mayors success and power in return for helping her
keep it. They are rarely used like thugs, criminals or mus-
cle but the mayor has made it clear they are to fill that
role should it be required. Most of the time they are just
near the mayor in a role similar to bodyguards.


M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
4 36 31 36 41 31 36 31 26 26 31 13
Skills: Athletics 41, Consume Alcohol 51, Cool 31, Dodge 41,
Endurance 46, Language (Battle) 31, Melee (Basic) 46, Melee
(Polearm) 51, Perform (Parade) 36

Talents: Strong Back

Trappings: Spear (+7, Impale), Leather and mail armour (2AP

on all locations), d10 silver and 2d10 brass, parade uniform

THE MAYOR AND HER POSSE Jonas, Benedikt, Lulu and Sahra
(The village leadership) (Servants)
Nora Kracht is a corrupt leader motivated by a desire to The servants Jonas, Benedikt, Lulu and Sahra work di-
hold on to her power and enjoy it. She ensures this by rectly for the mayor. Tending to her gatherings and events
reminding people of her lineage despite clearly being as well as running errands. During the festival they will
nothing like the ancestral hero she refers to. But she also be very busy, running about helping in setting things up
ensures it by keeping a well paid posse in on it. They or instructing others on what the mayor want done and
know the gig and help her and in return she ensures they how.
are rewarded with money reliant on her keeping her posi- JONAS, BENEDIKT, LULU AND SAHRA –
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
Nora Kracht 4 31 31 41 41 41 41 31 31 31 31 15
(Burgomeister) SERVANT SILVER 3
Nora Kracht is the leader of the town by “right” of her Skills: Athletics 46, Climb 46, Drive 46, Dodge 51, Endurance
lineage as a direct descendant of Willy Kracht. She does 46, Intuition 51, Perception 51, Stealth (Rural) 51, Evaluate 41,
not share his heroism or noble ideas however. She is a Haggle 41, Gossip 41, Gamble 41
power hungry individual who ensures her public image is
well so that her right to rule remains unquestioned. Talents: Strong Back, Well-prepared

Trappings: Festival garbs, work clothes, various tools for their

Skills: Bribery 61, Consume Alcohol 46, Charm 61, Entertain
Ben Dörflinger
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W (Arm candy)
4 31 31 31 31 46 46 46 46 41 46 13
Ben Dörflinger is an attractive young man who accompa-
nies Nora on most of her public appearances. In return for
(Storytelling) 56, Gamble 56, Gossip 56, Haggle 61, Sleight of his affections she ensures he is kept with gifts and com-
Hand 51, Entertain (Acting) 56, Lore (Enzenburg) 61, Lore fort. Publicly they act appropriate for a courting couple
(Law) 61, Lore (Politics) 61, Intimidate 46 not yet married but everyone really knows they are not
“waiting till marriage” and many doubt a marriage would
Traits: Famed Heritage: Willy Kracht is not a recognized no-
ble nor is his line nobility but in the town of Enzesburg the
ever come.
pride and propaganda ensures the line is treated as if they were.
In Enzenburg Nora Kracht counts as having the “Noble Blood” BEN DÖRFLINGER –ENTOURAGE SILVER 4
talent, note that this does not work outside the city. Skills: Athletics 51, Entertain (Poetry) 63, Gossip 63, Haggle
58, Perform (Dancer) 63, Play (Harp) 63, Sleight of hand 46,
Talents: Blather, Etiquette (Nobility), Read/Write, Public
Speaker Rank 4, Master Orator Rank 2, Schemer Rank 2 M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
4 26 23 41 31 31 41 41 31 24 53 -
Trappings: Fine clothing, jewellery, purse containing 15 gold,
35 silver and 12 brass Ride (Horse) 51, Entertain (Storytelling) 63, Charm 63

Kim, Timm and Ludwig Talents: Attractive Rank 3, Suave

(Muscle) Trappings: Fine clothing, jewellery worth 30gc, wristwatch
The militiamen Kim, Timm and Ludwig get to share in with two fine qualities
THE CONMEN Skills: Channeling (Dhar) 66, Drive 51, Intuition 36, Language
(Magick) 61, Lore (Necromancy) 61, Melee (Basic) 56, Re-
(Local Conmen) search 51, Perception 36, Ride (Horse) 56, Ride (Skeletal
Eduard Landauer, Harry Heitz and Mike Segert have Steed) 56, Cool 61, Deceive 46, Melee (Polearm) 56, Ride
their con to make and now there are promising (Nightmare) 56
marks here. They know they can’t seem to eager to
Talents: Read/Write, Petty Magic, Coolheaded, Magical Sense,
sell for it to work so will wait to be approached, if Second Sight, Arcane Lore (Necromancy), Resistance (Cold),
that does not happen, well, better luck next time out- Night Vision, Hardy rank 2
siders visit.
Eduard Landauer is six feet tall (183cm) with dark Spells: Careful Step, Drain, Gust, Shock, Sly Hands, Blast,
brown hair and blue eyes. He jokes around a bit and Entangle, Mundane Aura, Teleport, Raise Dead, Screaming
Skull, Vanhel’s Call
doesn’t mind being laughed at.
Harry Heitz is a bit shorter at 5’9 (175cm) and has Trappings: Powerstone with lesser elemental (spirit) prepared
blond hair and blue eyes. He wears a pair of glasses with teleport. Sword, 8 gold, 5 silver, 9 brass, black horse
which he pairs with a calm demeanour. THE BOUNTY HUNTER
Mike Segert is slightly taller than Harry Heitz at 5 (Josua Diekwisch)
feet and 9,68 inches (177cm). He has black hair and Josua Diekwisch is a Stirland bounty hunter. He
dark brown eyes. He has a raspy voice that comes stands 5 feet and 10,85 inches tall (180cm) with long
from starting smoking at the age of 9. He is almost brown hair. He tends to squint but behind that his
always seen with a pipe in mouth. eyes are brown with a bronze tint. He has an unusu-
ally small nose. He is quite polite to most but stern
EDUARD, HARRY AND SEGERT – and unyielding to criminals.
4 31 31 31 31 41 31 41 31 41 41 13
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
Skills: Bribery 51, Consume Alcohol 41, Charm 51, Entertain
(Storytelling) 51, Gamble 46, Gossip 46, Haggle 51, Sleight of 4 41 41 31 41 31 41 31 31 31 36 14
Hand 46, Entertain (Acting) 51, Evaluate 51, Intuition 51
Skills: Bribery 41, Charm 46, Gossip 46, Haggle 41, Intuition
Talents: Luck, Blather 36, Melee (Basic) 51, Outdoor Survival 36, Perception 36, Ath-
letics 51, Endurance 51, Intimidate 36, Ranged (Crossbow) 51,
Trappings: Map forgery, Daggers, Backpack, Two Torches Ranged (Entangling) 51, Track 41, Ride (Horse) 46

Talents: Suave, Strong Back

(Grażyna the Grim) Trappings: Handweapon (Mace), Full leather armour, Cross-
Grażyna Lan- bow pistol, Net, Manacles, Warrant papers, Horse with riding
da, also called gear
Grażyna the
grim, is a nec- THE RACIST
Image by Midjourney ai beta

romancer of (Denis Schoenherr )

Ungol lineage Denis Schoenherr is a beet farmer in the village. He
born and stands 5 feet and 10,85 inches tall (180cm) with
raised in Os- short dark brown hair and stubble. He has large
termark. She round glasses. Can often be heard remarking that
has travelled halflings should get out of Stirland and go back to
to Stirland where they came from.
seeking an-
and dark arte-
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
facts. She is
short and 4 36 31 36 36 31 36 31 31 31 31 12
muscular, standing 5 feet and 1,42 inches (156cm). Skills: Animal Care 36, Athletics 41, Consume Alcohol 41,
She has long thick black hair hidden by her cloak Endurance 41, Gossip 41, Melee (Brawling) 41, Lore
and dark brown eyes. Her skin is brown and she (Enzesburg) 36, Outdoor Survival 36, Entertain (Storytelling)
wears dark cloaks. 36


Trappings: Patched and worn clothing, 8 brass, glasses, bag of
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W beets
4 46 31 31 46 31 46 31 46 51 31 24
What if there is no guide?
Day 17 –21st of Vorhexen, Aubentag- ”The guide” is an optional encounter so it’s possible Vivi-
Continued anne Bethmann never joins the caravan. Yet she is referenced
After the Enzesburg stop and the festival the path goes in various encounters and sights during the travels. Don’t
worry about that, if you skipped her joining the caravan then
ever on. simply ignore any references to her.
As evening draws close the caravan reaches Langwald, a these mists will make contact with the caravan, forcing
town a short distance from the Hunger Wood. Baron Er- +0 endurance tests against cold with a failure causing a
ich von Langwald controls the barony of Langwald from wound. Characters without watches or other time-keeping
this town, the only proper settlement in the barony with pieces will find it impossible to keep track of time, hours
most others being small homesteads or coaching inns. can feel like minutes and minutes like hours, Vivianne
The closeness to Hunger Wood makes settlements hard to Bethmann seems able to keep straight the passing of time
protect proper. Langwald is surrounded by a sturdy stone however. Soon after entering the woods characters will
wall patrolled by crossbowmen, over the gate a single start to get really hungry. Eating sates it but very tempo-
helstorm rocket battery stands manned by artillerymen in rarily, within minutes (though keep in mind, these
fine Stirland uniforms to show that they too can afford minutes need not feel like minutes) the hunger will return.
fine equipment and troops just like richer provinces. Cas- Vivianne Bethmann will work to stop people from eating
tle Langwald is a small and compact castle but a castle too often and tell them how it’s common for those travel-
none the less, it holds three towers, two by the gate and ling the forest to blaze through their rations and then,
one central lookout tower where the hired celestial wiz- driven by the unnatural hunger, fall upon each other.
ard, Angelina Stier, lives. The town itself is quite poor Characters with Sixth Sense will feel this forest is filled
with many businesses just getting by. Taxes are high to with strong evils that threaten those that enter, they will
pay for the military and constructions needed to keep the also sense the drifting mists before they arrive and get
town safe from the ghouls and spirits of Hunger Wood. +10 to tests to resist them.
The caravan is welcomed in and hurried past the double Characters with Second Sight will sense that the forest is
gate before they once again close it. The town has a sin- saturated with Dhar.
gle inn named “The White Ail Bakery, Tavern and Hos- Characters with the Lore of Necromancy will feel that
tel” which offers warm beer and garlic filled food, includ- the forest resonates the magic to ghouls. Any lore of Nec-
ing the local speciality of “Langwald Garlic Bread”. Pric- romancy spells (including arcane spells chosen to be used
es are higher than average for Stirland but not high. The as lore of necromancy spells) targeting an allied ghoul
town has temples to Morr, Sigmar, Shallaya, Verena and within the forest receives +2SL.

Day 18 –22nd of Vorhexen, Marktag

Dark and ominous clouds but no snowfall. One endurance
Image by Midjourney ai beta

test at +0 (at +40 if wearing appropriate winter clothing)

for the days travel or gain one fatigue from the cold and
long walks. The caravan travels into hunger wood by a
well worn path, the main road through the place.

The guide
(Optional Encounter)
Ukrird has heard of the woods reputation of having peo-
ple get lost, lured by evil spirits, and as a result decides to
hire a guide despite her high costs. The rugged out-
doorswoman Vivianne Bethmann joins the caravan ready
to aid. She will at various times come with helpful advice
or shush people. She will be with the group until Eisigfurt Ogres and the Hunger
when her duty as guide is done. One may think that the unnatural hunger of Hunger
Wood would affect ogres worse than others but the
Welcome to Verhungern opposite is true. Their connection to the Maw ma-
(Sight) kes ogres eternally hungry, an effect simmilar to
The plains between Langwald and the dark imposing that of the forest, so an ogre will notice little diffe-
Hunger Wood are quickly passed. Faster than many may rence from how things normally feel. This is very
like. Stepping into the woods the barren, frost-covered, good, the last thing the caravan needs is for the
trees seem to stretch like grasping hands after the caravan ogres to eat all their rations within the first hours.
and sometimes they sway in winds that don’t exist. Freez-
ing mists periodically sweep between the trees and it al-
most seems like there are faces in the mists though that
must surely be nothing but imagination. D5 times per day
Vivianne Bethmann is a tall woman at 6 foot and SILVER 3
2,79 inches (190cm) with short mousy hair and sharp M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
green eyes. Her pale skin is rugged and scarred. She 4 31 51 31 51 51 51 31 51 51 31 18
tells much of the woods, giving advice to those she
guides and warnings of what may lurk there. But at a Skills: Cool 71, Endurance 71, Intuition 71, Lore (Hunger
moments notice her storytelling can cease and her Wood) 71, Navigation 71, Outdoor Survival 71, Perception 71,
personality switch to still and quiet, hushing others, Stealth (Rural) 71, Dodge 71, Entertain (Storytelling) 51, Lore
(Ghouls) 61, Secret Signs
physically covering their mouths if need be, (Ranger) 61, Track 61, Lore
as some instinct tells her there may be danger (Crypt Horrors) 61, Lore
nearby. At times this is annoying as noth- (Vampires) 61, Ranged
ing seems to happen but in other instanc- (Sling) 71
es this turns out to save the lives of those
Talents: Stone Soup, Pure
she guides.

Image by Midjourney ai beta

Soul, Combat Aware, Fleet
Footed, Night Vision, Ori-
entation Rank 2, Sixth
Sense, Combat Reflexes

Trappings: Leather Armour,

Cloak, Sling with 8 bullets

WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel

Verhungern Ranger
      Human, Halfling
“No that’s not the same tree we passed before,
Career Path that’s just what they want you to think.
Who they are? Malevolent spirits seeking your
Wanderer of Hunger Wood — Brass 5
doom of course.”
-Vivianne Bethmann, Verhungern Ranger
Skills: Cool, Endurance, Intuition, Lore (Hunger Wood), Navigation, Out-
door Survival, Perception, Stealth (Rural)
Hunger Wood, also known as Verhungern is the
Talents: Acute Sense (Hearing), Coolheaded, Rover, Stone Soup forest most despised by the Sylvanian folk. It is
a spirit-infested maze of briars and bogs, in which
Trappings: Flask of spirits, Dark cloak, Cloth face mask in dark colours
the unwary are easily trapped. Travellers that ven-
Verhungern Ranger — Silver 1 ture beneath the contorted boughs do not return.
Instead, they are doomed to wander until they are
Skills: Athletics, Dodge, Entertain (Storytelling), Lore (Ghouls), Secret
Signs (Ranger), Track
lost and crazed with hunger and thirst, forced to
fall upon each other to feed and drink, devour-
Talents: Acute Sense (Smell), Combat Aware, Flee, Pure Soul ing human flesh and drinking blood to survive. For
Trappings: Dark leather armour (full set)
centuries, several tribes of Crypt Ghouls have
claimed it as their territory.
Dark Ranger — Silver 2

Skills: Climb, Intimidate, Lore (Crypt Horrors), Ranged (Sling) Few are those that can learn to cope with these
curses but they do exist. Brave Stirlanders taught
Talents: Fleet Footed, Night Vision, Orientation, Resistance ancient family secrets for travelling through Hun-
ger Wood and who guide others beneath their
Trappings: Rope with practical quality boughs, for the right price that is.
Cursed Ranger— Silver 3
A Human or Halfling from Stirland that ran-
Skills: Lore (Vampires), Ranged (Crossbow) domizes their career may replace scout with
Verhungern Ranger if they wish.
Talents: Combat Reflexes, Second Sight, Sixth Sense, Sharp

Trappings: Ranged weapon with practical quality, six shots of an ammu-

nition appropriate for the ranged weapon you carry

Ranger Career
Echoes of Horror weak of will often succumb to such instincts within these
(Optional Encounter) cursed woods and that the character likely wasn’t fully in
As the caravan travels on a scream is heard in the forest.
Vivianne Bethmann immediately hurries to tell everyone
not to go towards it. Soon more screams are heard, Plauged by nightmares
screams and sounds of struggle. The sounds get more and (Optional Encounter)
more morbid, The caravan sets camp at night. At Vivianne Bethmanns
turning to what suggestion no fires are lit and only dry rations eaten.
is unmistaka- Guards are kept on alert all night and people sleep in
bly the sound shifts. During the night the characters do not rest easy
of people be- however.
ing eaten alive. Take aside each character for mysterious dreams and nar-
Image by Midjourney ai beta

Ukrird will not rate to each in turn. Chose or randomize one to have a
like it, and different dream to the others.
many of the All but one Player: Describe how they dream of ghouls
caravan think hunting them down and eating them alive. Describe in
the same but some detail in each of these dreams the death of each PC
they will stay having this dream.
away as per One player: Describe the same scene but from the point
Vivianne Beth- of view of a ghoul and describe it as if the player is the
manns sugges- ghoul. When this character awakens he gains one corrup-
tion. Only the tion point and increases his base weaponskill by one point
nearly deaf and his “Melee (brawling)” skill by one point.
Essme “Sooty
Bess” Bechwald seems undisturbed by the sound. Should
everyone stay away the sounds eventually end. But make
Day 19 –23nd of Vorhexen, Back-
sure to play up the sounds until then, to make them feel ertag
like they are begging for help and none but the caravan
can help them. If this is the way it plays out the sounds The party is deep in Hunger Wood now and walk the
count as a minor exposure to corrupting influence. toughest part of the journey. Thick fog hang around them
If Vivianne Bethmann is not present or the GM feels her making it hard to tell if its night or day. The days journey
presence isn’t enough to keep them from trying to inter- count as a minor exposure to corrupting influence resisted
fere then this can play out very differently. Following the by cool.
sounds is to, quite literally, chase ghosts. It will sound as
if you get closer but there is nothing to get closer to. I don’t feel so good
Then, before you know it, you will find you know not
where you are. The paths you walked are now gone and (Optional Encounter)
thick mists cover the woods. The caravan will eventually The ground in Hunger Wood holds a type of moss unique
return to the path but all will seem years older from the to the forest. When stepped on it releases spores as a de-
event. Players will instead need to roll to find their way fence mechanism that makes animals that breathe it ill.
back alongside the caravan, or alone if they left it to pur- While ghouls seem to hold an immunity or at least re-
sue the sound. Roll an extended Intuition test at –20, sistance to it the same can not be said for the people of
count both positive and negative SLs until you reach a the caravan. Each character that has not worn a face cov-
result of either +6SL or –6SL. If the result is +6SL count ering mask for the duration of the travel must test Endur-
it as a minor exposure to a corrupting influence and age ance +10 or become afflicted with the disease
the character one year. If –6SLs are achieved count it as a “Verhungern Malady”.
moderate exposure to a corrupting influence and age the Verhungern Malady
character d10+1 years. A disease specific to Hunger Wood causing fatigue and
Dark Hunger disorientation.
Contraction: Travelling for an extended period in Hun-
(Optional Encounter) ger Wood without face-mask causes an Endurance test at
A hunger and craving for human flesh comes over some- +10 to not contract this disease. Ghouls and ghoul vari-
one. Will they resist or will they try to sate this appetite. ants are immune.
Give one or more characters in the group the following Incubation: 6d10 minutes
note as a Dark Whisper (Core book pg 183).
If this happens Vivianne Bethmann will remark that those
Duration: D10-TB days (minimum of one day)
Symptoms: Malaise, Disorientation (40)
Dark Whisper Permanent: Increase duration for this disease by one
The darkness within you makes the beast surface day if you suffer it again. This keeps stacking with each
and a hunger for flesh comes upon you. You may time you suffer it.
succumb to this dark whisper to lose one corrupt-
ion point. If you do you must try to attack and eat New Symptom: Disorientation (X)
another member of the caravan. Once this has You have a hard time telling exactly where you are and
been done, regardless if you succeed or fail, the tend to forget where you were going. Tests for Navigation
beast within withdraws and you are back to nor- and Track get a penalty equal to the number in parenthe-
mal. sis.
Treatment: None, you must let it take its time.
(Optional Encounter) (Crypt Ghouls)
Vivianne Bethmann suddenly signals all to silence, Roza Hardt is a crypt horror, a ghoul allowed to
after a few moments she nods grimly. In hushed drink some blood of her vampire master to gain un-
tones she confirms a pack of ghouls has found the natural strength and size. A horrid beast somewhere
caravan and is tracking them. She says she will try to between ghoul and vampire. When her vampiric
learn of their numbers and tells the caravan to stay master was slain she fled deep into the woods where
put and set up guard. An hour passes without her her dark nature attracted other ghouls. With her
with various sounds heard from the forest. She even- strength she took control of a large pack which she
tually returns. She says the pack was twelve ghouls now leads. A caravan moving through “her woods”
strong and that it after sneaking up to the caravan proved too tantilizing a treat to pass up and so she
left, hopefully thinking it was too dangerous but pos- directs an attack to devour this flesh. Under her com-
sibly to get others. She ushers the caravan forward mand are countless crypt horrors hungering for flesh.
pointing out it needs to move.
Roza Hardt and her Midnight Murders M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
(Optional Encounter) 4 35 - 40 35 30 35 25 20 20 5 12
Night once again falls and the caravan sets camp.
Avoiding to light fires or otherwise revealing their Skills: Athletics 40, Cool 25, Endurance 40, Intimidate 45, Me-
position. But they are found. They are found by a lee (Brawling) 40, Outdoor Survival 35
large pack of Ghouls that attack at midnight.
Talents: Rover, Flee
The pack is massive and is led by a Crypt Horror, a
hulking ghoul given unnatural size and strength from Traits: Bite +5, Infected, Night Vision, Weapon +7, Venom
consuming the blood of a vampire. (Easy)
As the fight starts divide the action, set the players
with a few allies separate and narrate that battle rag- Trappings: Various bones and human remains
es all around. The players face a number of ghouls CRYPT GHAST
equal to the characters (and allies) on their side at the
start with reinforcements each round. For every six M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
ghouls replace one with a “Crypt Ghast”. As the 4 40 - 45 40 30 35 25 20 20 5 14
fight starts the ghouls are 60 yards away and the
characters and allies are surprised (remember to roll Skills: Athletics 40, Cool 25, Endurance 45, Intimidate 50, Me-
lee (Brawling) 45, Outdoor Survival 35
for combat aware and sixth-sense if characters have
those talents). If the characters are especially power- Talents: Rover, Flee
ful or you give them powerful allies (like the ogre
group) you may add Roza Hardt to their fight, other- Traits: Bite +5, Infected, Night Vision, Weapon +7, Venom
wise she is assumed to fight at another part of the (Easy)
battle. Trappings: Various bones and human remains
The battle progresses through these stages:
Round 1: Ghouls arrive, character and allies are sur- ROZA HARDT –CRYPT HORROR
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
Round 2: Ghouls equal to the number of player
characters and allies arrive 60 yards away. 5 45 - 45 45 45 35 25 20 35 5 38
Round 3: Ghouls equal to the number of player
Skills: Athletics 40, Cool 40, Endurance 55, Intimidate 55, Me-
characters and allies arrive 60 yards away. lee (Brawling) 55, Outdoor Survival 35, Dodge 45, Climb 50,
Round 4: Ghouls equal to the number of player
characters and allies arrive 60 yards away. Talents: Rover, Unshakable, Hardy Rank 2
Round 5: Ghouls equal to the number of player
characters and allies arrive 60 yards away. Traits: Bite +7, Infected, Night Vision, Weapon +9, Venom
(Hard), Size (Large), Regenerate
Round 6: An ally from another part of the battle
manages to help and fires his or her gun, killing one Trappings: Various bones and human remains
of the ghouls engaging the player or ally facing the
most (GMs choice if equal).
Round 7: An ally from another part of the battle
joins this flank, add the character to the battle.
Round 8 or when Roza Hardt dies: If Roza Hardt
is part of the players battle trigger this when she is
killed, otherwise trigger it at round 8 when their al-
lies are assumed to bring her down. At this point the
ghouls, losing their leadership, revert to their more
cautious nature. Those in melee try to grab their foes
and scurry off with these new victims, others simply
Day 20 –24th of Vorhexen, Bezahltag be finished as not to disrespect the deities. Then he
speaks again.
Dark clouds cover the sky. Light snowfall in periods. “Fredricks magic was formed to keep the divine
Cold winds. Twice during the day ask endurance power of most deities away. Those prayers won’t
tests at –20 (+20 if well dressed for winter), failure help you.”
causes fatigue. The journey takes them through Hun- Angry voices, potentially the players, will interrupt
ger Wood and to Vanhaldenschlosse at its edge. this. The man will listen but raise his hand to silence
it and let him continue.
On the path “You may call it blasphemous but his curses do in-
deed keep that which is holy at bay. However his
(Sight) castle is made with ancient techniques from the land
As the caravan moves on they reach a proper road of the dead and in his power hungry will to gain
again, overgrown and old perhaps but a proper road their ancient power he built his Séance chamber to
none the less. An old stone sign points along it and invoke the magic of that land, and thus also their
spells the name Vanhaldensclosse. The old, now ru- gods. So it is that their holy power can trespass. So
ined fortress of necromancer Frederick van Hal. when you step into the shadows of that place ask for
A character with lore (History), (Magic) or help. Ask with sincerity for Ptras light to guide and
(Necromancy) knows of it’s history as the home of guard you. If you do, the evil of the place won’t hurt
the powerful necromancer Frederick van Hal, the you.”
creator of several necromantic spells, most famously There are likely protests against this and questions to
“Van Hals Danse Macabre” on a successful +40 lore the man. He is very patient to it all. Some questions
test. Add further information depending on SLs, add- may include;
ing the current SL and all lower SLs. A character How do you know this?: “I am Noah van Hel, I am
with lore (Stirland) or Lore (Sylvania) can test that at devoted to atone for the sins of my ancestor Freder-
+0 instead. ick van Hal, as are all of my line. We may never suc-
1SL-2SL: In the time of the black plague during the ceed in paying for these sins but we must try.”
12th century Frederick van Hal raised the dead Styr- This sounds like sorcery and heresy!: “Aye, it
igen from their tombs to conquer the lands of Stir- does. I didn’t believe in those gods either back when
land, but was resisted by the newly arrived army I was alive. But they have power.”
of Mandred von Zelt, Elector Wait. You’re dead?: “I am. But my spirit remains
Count of Middenland who had rode to support Stir- to warn others of the dangers of Vanhalden-
land. schlosse.”
2SL-3SL: Frederick van Hal had an apprentice Who is Ptra?: “The god of the sun, worshipped in a
named Lothar von Diehl, a powerful necromancer far away land.”
said to have ultimately betrayed and killed his mas- Why are you telling us this?: “I wish to help those
ter. that travel that cursed place.”
4SL-5SL: Vanhaldenschlosse was built to be a per- Will you come with us?: “I can’t”
manent fulcrum of necromantic power for Frederick
van Hal to use, the area is permeated with dark mag- The man will leave after the caravan has passed. He
ic as a result of this. is the ghost of Noah van Hel and his advice has been
6SL+: There are legends of ratmen warring in the genuine.
empire at the time of the Black Plague and these If a character follows his advice and calls upon Ptra
myths seem to claim that van Hal fought against to protect him then he does not count Vanhalden-
them with his undead legions. schlosse as a corrupting influence.
Friendly Advice
(Optional Encounter)
Further ahead, on a stone by a waypost a man sits,
smoking a pipe. He wears the uniform of a witch
hunter and on his hips rest a pair of crossbow pistols,
a hammer slung across his back.
He tips his hat at the caravan when it nears and then
“Be careful if you journey to Vanhaldenschloss. A
thousand years have not washed away the dark mag-
ic of Frederick van Hal.”
Give people time to react to this. Ukrird gives a
prayer to Valaya along his clansmen and many oth-
ers pray to their respective gods.
The man nods at the prayers and gives each time to
Vanhaldenschlosse But not all that dwells inside is alive. Probe its depths and
you may also find the vicious Vampire Bats known to be
(Sight) used by vampires in their wars on the living. Vampire
A large imposing ruin towers before the caravan. With- Bats closely resemble more normal bats in general out-
ered plant life mark it as a place of death and the screech- line, but they are far larger, with bodies the size of large
ing of bats can be heard from inside the ruins. Characters dogs. A Vampire Bat is further distinguished from a mere
with Second Sight or Holy Visions will sense that the bat by its obviously Undead nature. Although its body is
place is corrupted though most will likely assume so even usually in far better condition than a Zombie or other
without talents to guide them. lesser Undead, its pallid skin and red-glowing eyes are a
Vanhal constructed his castle at a convergence line clear warning to anyone who sees it.
of magical power, with a large menhir made by prehuman Replace any number of “Bat Swarms of Vanhalden-
hands at its heart. The site had already been befouled by schlosse” with “Vampire Bats” as you desire.
the warpstone that had rained down from the sky in Vampire Bats are undead and do have a commander, in
1111 IC. Vanhal sought to create a perma- this case it is the castle itself that acts as the commander
nent fulcrum that would magnify his arcane power a and its command is “Protect Vanhaldenschlosse”. Nor-
thousandfold. While this plan was never fully completed mally a castle can’t command undead, but Vanhalden-
his work has still managed to forever corrupt the lands the schlosse is hardly normal.
castle is built upon.
The lands are corrupted by Necromantic power granting VAMPIRE BATS
+1SL to casting attempts of Dark Magic and ensuring that
bodies that fall here later rise as undead. It’s position uti- M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
lizes leylines, granting all spellcasting a +1SL to casting
attempts, which stacks with the dark magic bonus SL. 1 35 - 55 50 25 25 10 15 20 - 85
The old menhir on the site counts as an amplification
waystone (see Winds of Magic pg 194) granting a further Traits: Bestial, Infected, Dark Vision, Weapon +7, Swarm (WS
+2SL to spellcasting attempts, which stacks with the pre- increase included), Undead, Bite +6, Flight (40), Hungry, Vam-
vious sources of SLs. piric, Wallcrawler
In addition to this strengthening of arcane magic the site
Larger still, there are some Fellbats found within this an-
holds ancient curses to keep gods, particularly Morr, at
cient ruin. With a body as long as a grown man, Fell
bay. Any pray test for gods (except those from ancient
Bats are a fearsome sight. They are darker than midnight
Nehekara) suffer a –20 penalty. Passing through the cas- and silent as death, even when in full flight. In fact, the
tle counts as a source of minor corruption. Attempting to
only noises that a Fell Bat makes on the hunt are horrible
cast spells or use prayers on the site increases it from a gobbling slurps when it sinks its distended mouth into
source of minor corruption to a source of moderate cor-
living flesh. In truth, a Fell Bat bears as much resem-
ruption (Core rulebook pg 182).
blance to an ordinary bat as a maddened lion does to a
As long as everyone stays outside the actual ruins and domestic cat. Those who have encountered them, and
only travel by them the bats will leave them alone but lived, tell how they hunt with unerring accuracy, swoop-
should they step inside they will disturb these animals, ing down to knock knights from their saddles or pick off
attack them with a batswarm. Further exploration may
lone warriors unawares.
disturb further batswarms. Should the GM wish then Fell-
bats may also be disturbed. FELLBAT
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
BATS OF VANHALDENSCHLOSSE 1 35 - 55 50 35 30 10 15 25 - 17
(Bat Swarms)
Skills: Stealth (All) 70, Dodge 40
The bats of Sylvania, and especially dark places like
Vanhaldenschlosse are vicious creatures. Predators who Traits: Bestial, Infected, Dark Vision, Weapon +9, Bite +9,
rip asunder smaller prey and drink the blood of larger Flight (50), Hungry, Wallcrawler, Fear 1, Stealthy
creatures. Mutated by the dark magic that saturates the
ancient towers and caves where they roost, these bats can Optional Traits: Undead, Big, Vampiric
grow so large their wingspan can be as wide as a man's
outstretched arms. In dark clouds, they descend upon the
enemy, chittering and biting and generally making con-
centration impossible. When numbered in their scores,
they can tear the skin from a man and strip the flesh from
his bones in a few heartbeats.
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
1 35 - 45 40 25 30 10 15 20 - 50

Traits: Bestial, Infected, Dark Vision, Weapon +6, Swarm (WS

increase included), Afraid (Lore of Light spells), Bite +5, Flight
(40), Hungry, Vampiric, Wallcrawler, Size (Small)
Tempelhof bers and bandits. The parcel he delivered was fine
(Sight) dwarf tobacco coming all the way from Barak-Varr,
From Vanhaldenschlosse the road goes alongside very exclusive and very expensive. His buyer was
Hunger Wood towards Tempelhof. The caravan Bors Ratsnatcher who managed to put aside enough
moves quickly, no-one wants to be near Vanhalden- money to grant himself that luxury and the man
schlosse when night falls. picking up the delivery was one of his staff, Oscar
Templehof is a town within the county of Sylvania Blum. The scroll was a fairly common one, as far as
of the Imperial province of Stirland. It is named for magical scrolls go at least, a fine-made dispel scroll
its famed temple of Morr, which has not held an offi- from the college of light. Legal to own and use for a
cial priest in 800 years. Within the village is a cabal person with a wizard license and Ronald himself has
of light wizards led by prime magus Jovi Sunscryer, papers showing it as an official delivery. It was de-
their home is a manse upon a crag near the village. livered to the light wizard Rita Hönigmann.
The cabal is seen with suspicion and sometimes even
hostility. Burgomeister Isaac von Templehof tolerate Resolving it: As you know but the players yet don’t,
them as per the empires official views on wizards the whole thing is a red herring. There is nothing
but does not like it. wrong with this. How far the characters want to take
One tavern exists in Tempelhof, the Drunken Goat things will be up to them but let them investigate the
Inn, a popular place offering the famous hare and mysterious deliveries. Ronald Raedler will say he is
turnip soup of Tempelhof as well as warm and a deliveryman of rare items, he will show employ-
hearty ales. Bors Ratsnatcher is the young and eager ment papers to “Dahn and Daughters”, a merchant
innkeeper of the place always happy to discuss good house in Averheim. As for what he gave he will site
tobacco with customers or offer some respite from confidentiality but it may be possible to get him to
the doom and gloom of Sylvania. Most of the cara- talk with bribery, threats or charm.
van will chose to utilize this inn tonight, happy to be Oscar Blum knows nothing. He only knows he was
out of the woods. Though Ukrird makes sure some asked to go out and pay for a parcel and bring it back
still guard it. to his boss Bors Ratsnatcher. He didn’t check the
money or the parcel and has no idea what it’s all
The mysterious parcel about. Had it not been such a stressful night he might
have paused to think about it but there is way too
(Optional Encounter) much to do for that.
At some point during the night one, or more, of the If Bors is asked about it he doesn’t mind telling peo-
player characters sees two hooded persons meet. One ple about his tobacco, its too expensive to share
hands over a moneybag, likely with money in it, and though so he will refuse to hand it over. Rita Hönig-
receives a parcel from the other. mann will tell them it’s a dispel scroll ordered as a
The exchange looks quite suspicious. precaution. She is willing to show license and scroll
The two men then move on, the person who received as desired and knowing that wizards aren’t too popu-
the parcel goes into a backroom of the tavern, the lar she goes out of her way to act polite to any accu-
man who received the money goes on and meets up sations levelled.
with another person. A woman and guessing by her
white robes a wizard. She too hands over money and End and move on: Regardless if your players have
receives something in return, some sort of scroll it accepted that it was nothing or not they will eventu-
seems. This too is done discreetly and looks suspi- ally be required to move on. The caravan doesn’t
cious. stop for this.
So what is happening?: Nothing illegal or suspi-
cious really, despite appearances to the contrary. The Day 21 –25th of Vorhexen, Konistag
man delivering the items is Ronald Raedler, an ex-
smuggler that has the last months gone legit. He still The day is clear and cold. The sun shines but the
transports rare and expensive wares but now sells cold is biting. The travel goes alongside the river
only legal items and goes through the proper ways. Eisig, frozen solid this time of year, with Hunger
He still keeps a low profile, knowing how attractive Woods a short distance away on the other side of the
a target a merchant dealing in such items is to rob- road. The day is uneventful, a bit too uneventful.
Things are very quiet, barely no sounds heard. Feel
Inconsistencies in Tempelhof free to play up that things are eerily still, given the
You may have read that the wizards of Tempelhof were travel through hunger wood it makes sense that the
popular and that the mayor was Vincent von Tempelhof. characters are on edge.
That is because of a difference in the date at which the
game is set. The fourth edition of Warhammer Fantasy
Roleplay is set at 2511, ten years before the Ghoul Attack
where the wizard cabal win the adoration of the village and
at a time when Vincent von Tempelhofs father still ruled.
A feeling of unease Got ‘im!
(Optional Encounter) (Optional Encounter)
Roll a set of dice in secret and pause for a moment. Suddenly a blackpowder shot echoes across the fen.
Ask the players their locations in the caravan, if a Looking around the source is quickly found. Essme
player has sixth sense ask for his intuition value. “Sooty Bess” Bechwald holds a smoking handgun
Roll a set of dice again. Take up a note and scribble pointed out into the fen. She nods a bit, takes up a
something. flask of alcohol and takes a chug. Then sets the
All of this is for show, nothing has happened but it weapon back. When she understands that people are
helps create a feeling of unease. wondering why she shot and what’s happening
(something that may take some time since she
Eisigfurt doesn’t hear what they are saying and doesn’t care
(Sight) much) she eventually says “Zombie. Got ‘im.” and
By evening the caravan reaches Eisigfurt. A small then lays down in the cart for a nap.
Sylvanian fishing village. The fishing port and the
smokery lay silent this season and most seem to stay Mikalsdorf
inside. A fort stands by the bridge over river Eisig, (Sight)
contrasting the cheap building standard of the village It is dark when the group reaches the next settlement.
with a fine, if old, fort. This fort from which the vil- By the edges of Hel Fenn lays Mikalsdorf built atop
lage gets its name is connected to the bridge via a a large hill to keep away from the accursed fens.
gatehouse and toll-station. On the fort the green and What first meets the caravan as they approach is the
white banners of the river patrol hang, marking it as lights of the houses peeking up behind the palisade
theirs. Three Imperial Great Cannons stand upon the at the bottom of the hill. As they move closer the
ramparts, proudly displayed both as a sign of wealth wide ditch filled with spikes that surround the pali-
and of intimidation, many of the river patrols sta- sade becomes apparent and the two well-constructed
tions have to settle for smaller carronades as the watchtowers by the palisade gate that seem to com-
great cannons usually get reserved for the army pensate for the rest of the defences cheap construc-
proper. But the closeness to Hel Fenn has ensured tion. The guards in the towers will look out at the
this fort is well defended beyond the villages size. caravan. They do not bother to call out a “Who goes
there?” as is cus-

Image by Midjourney ai beta

Louwrens-Penning Reinier Plaizier asks Ukrird to tom, they only
wait a moment while he goes to check something. state “No-one en-
He walks up to the gatehouse, reads the signs and ters after sun-
decrees carefully, and then walks back. Then he down.”. Ukrird
takes his cart and leads it across the frozen river to will try to offer
the other side, a few moments later the rest of the gold but despite
caravan follows suit. Then about two hours from the the poverty of the
village camp is set up. The two moons are almost place the guards
full now, not quite but it still leaves the winter night refuse. Eventually
unnaturally bright. he gives up and
orders to set up
Day 22 –26th of Vorhexen, Angestag camp outside.
Like jesterday the weather is clear and cold. This Bad omens
time the journey goes past Hel Fenn. The bleak fen (Optional Encounter)
is frozen this time of year which may keep the dead As camp is set Emely Sauer looks worried up at
from stretching their arms through the dark waters to Morrsleib and the night sky. She looks at different
drag you to your doom. Even the gnoblars carefully stars and makes some sounds. Eventually she walks
stay on the road this day. up to one of the player characters and creepily starts
with an ancient rhyme.
Unnatural Fauna “Be wary, the jealous one is near. Curses and hexes.
(Optional Encounter) Rituals foul. When the master is sleeping the green
As the group walks on a pack of massive wolves are witch comes out.”
seen in the distance, they seem to sniff about and She says that when Morrsleib blocks Gnuthus that
look for scavenge. Ukrird orders the men to be ready rhyme is told. She doesn’t know it’s origin or full
to fight them off should need arise. The beasts move meaning other than it being bad. What the character
closer and now it is clear they are undead. Parts of does with this information is up to him but being
their bodies lack fur, exposing bone and rotten flesh. somewhat vigilant may help given what the night has
The leader of the pack snarls at the caravan and then in store.
the pack turns and runs off, further into Hel Fenn.
Image by Midjourney ai beta
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
4 51 20 50 70 35 30 30 30 40 10 30
Skills: Melee (Two-handed) 61, Melee (Basic) 61, Cool 60, Endurance

Traits: Undead, Fear 1, Champion, Dark Vision, Die Hard, Hardy,

Immune to Psychology, Unstable, Weapon +12,

Flammable: Attacks using fire deal +4 damage against the Emblamed

One. Ablaze conditions deal twice as much damage to the Embalmed
One. If the Embalmed One has one or more Ablaze conditions when it
dies ignore its “Die Hard” trait.
After its defeat the player will likely want to know what it
was, who sent it and much more. Let them seek answers
as they wish but Grażyna is beyond their reach for now.
Worry not however, she will be back.
The Mikalsdorf Mummy
(Mandatory Encounter)
Grażyna the Grim has followed the caravan and expecting Day 23 –25th of Vorhexen, Festag
their path rode ahead to Mikalsdorf. There she searched The weather remains clear and cold but now as Hexen-
her books and scrolls for the ritual she needed. An incan- nacht draws near the moons are visible during the day
tation to call forth one of the better preserved undead. An too, an eerie phenomenon. The journey moves on along-
embalmed one, what is sometimes called a mummified side Hel Fenn with guards vigilant after last nights attack.
dead or mummy. Such an undead retains more of his The tower of Veronica
memories and can be given more complex tasks than a (Sight)
zombie or skeleton could. But they also take more power Moving by the fen some ruined wallpieces are seen by the
to control and Grażyna will not be able to do anything but water. As the caravan comes closer more ruins are seen, it
keep the embalmed one going for the duration of the looks like a toppled tower, most of it buried under fen
spell. vegetation. A very old sign by it says “The tower of Ve-
When the caravan set up camp she finished her ritual and ronica –May her tower serve the roadwardens as well as
gave her new servant the order to seek out the cursed ar- she served them in life”. Under the text a small heraldic
tefact she had felt and bring it to her, but to do so with as device is engraved and someone with lore (heraldry) can
much stealth as he could muster. with a –20 test identify it as belonging to the
“Prachthoffs”, a local house with no living members.
The Embalmed one will attempt to follow this command, The farms outside Egling
sneaking past the guards and up to the ogre cart where it
begins to dig around. Give an awake player character a (Sight)
chance to catch it looking around but should that not be As they move on the desolate landscape starts to be dot-
the case a gnoblar will eventually awaken and with a ted with farms. These farms are a bit unique in their style.
scream reveal it. Start everyone as surprised and add in an Around the farm, in whatever soil is available are fields
ally per round to the scrap. The Embalmed One will like- of clover. Though not growing this time of year there are
ly be overrun fairly quickly, that is as it should. It is a signs with clovers painted on them clearly marking them
dangerous foe but it takes on a warband when it faces the as grown there. By these are sheds were the growth is
caravan alone. likely stored. A character of the peasant class can test in-
telligence at +20 to know it’s a crop able to grow in poor
conditions and mainly used for animal feed. Shelves on
THE MIKALSDORF MUMMY the sheds hold pots growing peas, standing high to be out
(Embalmed one ) of the way from at least some animals.
Surrounded by some such fields and sheds in irregular
Most associate mummification with southern realms. shapes the farms themselves appear like small forts. Palli-
With rituals done in the land of the dead and its surround- sades keep the hovels and barns in. Little of the space
ings. But the practice has been more widespread than so. behind the palisades is for living, most, almost all, is to
Many tribes of the old world used their own versions of it tend to the pigs and keep them safe from the various
in ages before the empire. In the barrows near Hel Fenn it predators outside. Where the soil allows, which is not
was bondsmen who served the ancient kings who were every farm, wolfsbane is planted outside the palisade as
mummified. They chose this willingly and some were an additional deterrent.
even sacrificed alive as part of the rite. The caravan is set to move past them but Ukrird could be
Though the techniques used in their preservation are convinced to slow down to ask for rumours or barter for
primitive when compared to those mastered in an- wares. If so the pigfarmers are suspicious of outsiders but
cient Nehekhara, the corpses have endured centuries in a willing to trade for other food. Carefully rationed pig
remarkably intact state. meat, clover blossom jelly and peas may keep them alive
through the winter but they would like to be able to have
bigger portions and so are more than willing to trade ham
for larger amounts of poorer rations.
Egling The inside of the city follows the style seen at the
(Sight) bridge and gatehouse. Contrasting the cheaper hov-
Eventually the outlaying farms make way for the vil- els found over most of Sylvania and Stirland. It is
lage of Egling. A small walled-in collection of hous- clear it was built long ago in a more prosperous time.
es. It is not much of a village, most of its people live Almost every structure is tall, imposing and cut from
in the outlaying farms. An abandoned temple of dark stone. Gargoyles, tracery and flying buttresses
Morr stands by the city-square in a state of disrepair. are commonplace giving even the poorer quarters a
What was once the garden of Morr has become a feeling of finery. In contrast to this the people of the
shanty-town where hovels are pressed together to city are mostly poor. Most buildings, while fine, are
house some of the people of Sylvania that no longer overcrowded with rooms filled with people.
dare dwell outside of walls but are too poor to find Amongst the nobles such overcrowding is not need-
proper town housing. Two streets go through the ed, their homes being old estates they have sole
town, pretty much parallel and hold less than a dozen claim to, so instead large empty halls are walked
houses between them, giving little but the most es- where parts are barely used as they lack the money
sential, a smith mostly making tools and horseshoes, to keep enough servants for that. Their wealth is
a leatherworker, a herbalist and a candlemaker are hailing from old money of their families, but it’s
the business found inside. The town hall is large and slowly dwindling away as little in the way of income
imposing, a massive stone structure reminiscent of reaches them. Some buildings are even fully aban-
the architecture of nearby Waldenhof with dark col- doned, having once belonged to von Carstein vam-
ouring and a plenitude of gargoyles peeking from its pires back in the vampire wars they were sealed off
walls. The entrance to the hall is a double-gate of a when their old masters were killed.
style almost only seen in castles. By this gate is a
sharp tower with a small single-person room where The caravan parks itself on Platz der Geisterhand, a
Castellan Kim Haas of the knights of Morr stays, the town plaza that stand open and empty. An empty
tower belongs to the Knights of Morr for they are statue-plinth stands in the middle of the plaza, it’s
sworn to keep a knight as the defender of the town sign removed so nothing tells who or what it repre-
hall. A town hall has many functions but for Egling sented.
the one that matters the most is its ability to act as a
shelter when the village is under attack. The village RESOLUTION
is built on this principle, that should the outlaying Before travelling on to Hundham and the finale of
farms come under attack all may flee to this central the first chapter it’s fitting to grant some exp. Apart
keep for safety. from standard exp for roleplaying and bright ideas
The caravan makes a short stop here and utilizes the the following can awards extra experience:
low prices to re-shoe the horses of the caravan.
 5 exp for playing through the ‘Echoes of Horror’
Waldenhof optional encounter.
(Sight)  5 exp for playing through the ‘I don’t feel so
Its late when the caravan reaches Waldenhof bridge. good’ optional encounter.
A long stone bridge adorned with spiked pillars and  10 exp for playing through the ‘Roza Hardt and
leering gargoyles. Small lanterns set in blue glass her Midnight Murders’ optional encounter.
light up the long walk over the dark river below. The  Pass Vanhaldenschlosse unharmed 5exp
wide bridge gives room for some brave citizens to  Learning the truth about the mysterious deliver-
set up lean-tos from which they peer out at the pass- ies in Tempelhof 5-10exp
ing caravan. Occasionally passage over an uneven  Defeating the Embalmed One 5exp
stone causes enough sound to waken a hibernating  Using
bat from under the bridge which quickly swoops up fire to
and circles the lanterns a bit. If it can’t quickly get fight
some food it will not be able to re-enter hibernation the Em-
and will die, perhaps waking in undeath instead. balmed
Past the bridge a massive gatehouse stands before One
them. It is cut from dark stone, almost black, and 5exp
adorned with hundreds of gargoyles. The gate sits in
a pointed arch and sharp tracery line its edges lead-
ing up to pointed towers. Despite the late hour the
gate is not closed, but it is guarded, a sizable unit of
spearmen in Stirlands green and yellow uniform
stand there. They talk a bit to Ukrird and the caravan
is let through.
Day 24 –26th of Vorhexen, Wellentag MARKUS VON SINCKLER – VAMPIRE NO-
The skies are cloudy with light snowfall this day. M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
This is appreciated as it hides the moon. The path 6 76 45 56 45 61 70 43 42 73 47 20
this day goes from Waldenhof to Hundham along-
side the north Stir river. Ukrird checks his maps Skills: Channeling (Dhar) 78, Cool 78, Endurance 50, Gossip
more than usual and talks about a path to the under- 57, Intimidate 61, Language (Magick) 47, Sleight of Hand 48,
way that should be in the area. Stealth (Rural) 75, Bribery 57, Gamble 47, Leadership 57, Lore
(Heraldry) 57, Melee (Fencing) 81, Play (Fife) 52, Charm 57,
Herr Sinckler and Servant Language (Classical) 52, Lore (Waldenhof) 62, Lore (Von Car-
stein) 52, Secret Signs (Von Carstein) 52, Lore (Geology) 47,
(Mandatory Encounter) Evaluate 62, Trade (Jeweller) 53
Early in the morning a well-dressed nobleman and
his short servant walks up to the caravan. He re- Talents: Petty Magic, Etiquette (Nobles), Noble Blood, Read/
moves his hat and goes up to talk to the dwarfs of the Write, Briber, Fast Hands
lead cart. He presents himself as Markus von Sinck- Traits; Bite +8, Night Vision, Undead, Vampiric, Vampire
ler and says that he couldn’t help but notice the fine Weaknesses (See following page), Vampire Powers (See fol-
gold ornaments worn by the dwarfs. Learning that lowing page)
the dwarfs are goldsmiths he seems quite excited. He
says he is an enthusiastic collector of jewellery and Spells: Bearings, Drain, Protection from Rain, Sleep, Shock,
Sly Hands, Twitch
has tried making his own in a hobby capacity,
though it comes nowhere near that of Clan Galkulal Trappings: Courtly Garb, Foil, Jewellery worth 106GC, Riding
he admits. His flattery and genuine interest quickly Horse with Saddle
makes him popular with the dwarfs and when he
asks to travel with them for a day or two they accept. THE SERVANT
(Hamish Darkcap)
The truth: Markus von Sinckler is indeed interested Hamish Darkcap is a gnome of the Frayne clan who
in jewellery but that is but a lucky coincidence on his came into Markus service 120 years ago. He is a loy-
part. His reasoning to check and follow the caravan al servant to his vampire master, knowing his nature
is to find if they are interesting or not and report that yet still choosing to serve. Partly due to his master
to his kinsmen. Markus von Sinckler is one of the treating him well and offering protection in an un-
von Carstein vampires and a part in their network of safe world but also due to his upbringing teaching
loyal nobility. His mission this time is however com- him the importance of loyalty as one of the highest
paratively benign for a vampire, there is no killing virtues. Hamish has white hair and pale green eyes.
planned, only reconnaissance. He stands 114cm tall (roughly 3 foot 9 inches).


(Markus von Sinckler) SILVER 4
Markus von Sinckler stands roughly 174cm tall (5 M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
feet and 8,5 inches) with black hair and grey eyes.
He wears fine garments in black and white with 3 50 22 30 18 69 55 42 64 71 49 9
some well-displayed jewellery. He is not as rich as Image by Midjourney ai beta
Skills: Channeling
he looks but he does not plan to let anyone know (Ulgu) 61, Lore
this. He has been a vampire for a long time but has (Sylvania) 74, Gossip
kept hidden. Now as Mannfred has awakened again 59, Charm 54, Stealth
he looks forward to what he believes will be a new (Urban) 65, Drive 75,
age of prosperity and greatness for Sylvania once the Entertain (Stage magic)
54, Secret Signs (Von
count sees fit to reveal his return. Carstein) 84, Haggle 59,
Markus von Sinckler is interested in jewellery, hav- Melee (Fencing) 60,
ing a large collection he refuses to part with even as Ranged (Sling) 32, Lore
money is short. Like many vampires he holds some (Von Carstein) 81
control over the winds of magic but he is far from a
Talents: Suffused with
great wizard and his casting is but conjuration of Ulgu (Rough Nights &
cheap tricks. Hard Days pg88), Mim-
Markus von Sinckler can be cruel when its called for ic, Night Vision, Read/Write, Second Sight, Small, Shadow,
and may one day serve the von Carsteins more vio- Read/Write, Etiquette (Von Carstein)
lently but most of the time he is courteous and polite,
Trappings: Courtly Garb, Foil, Sling with six bullets, Deck of
especially to those of high status. cards
Image by Midjourney ai beta
feral, becoming a Vargheist and forever losing his ability
to turn back.

Flamesilver of the Annulii: Markus von Sinckler has

had the fortune never to encounter the elven metal of
Ithilmar yet instinctively knows the danger it poses to
him. The magic within it can set wounds ablaze if wield-
ed against him. Any damage from Ithilmar weapons to
Markus von Sinckler also cause SL ablaze conditions.

Rosewood Stake: A Rosewood stake through his heart

will slay Markus von Sinckler instantly.

Running Water: Markus von Sinckler has trouble

crossing running water without crossings enchanted to
allow undead to pass (such as the bridge into Waldenhof).
This is highly unlikely to come into play in this game giv-
en it’s the middle of winter and all water the group comes
across is frozen solid.

Barriers: Markus von Sinckler can not enter a home

uninvited. This weakness only affects homes someone
MARKUS VON SINCKLER High Magic: The corrupted powers in his blood react
violently to a separation of winds in a purer manner, rip-
ping apart his flesh. High magic spells deal an additional
Many citizens believe that vampires all share the same +10 damage and ignore TB and AP when used against
weaknesses, perhaps believing some of the mightiest to Markus von Sinckler, even if they normally would not
be strong enough to ignore some and using that as an ex- cause damage. In addition Channelling (Qhaysh) can be
planation for when one doesn’t work. This is not even used to defend against attacks (ranged, melee and spell)
remotely true however, the weaknesses of vampires vary made by Markus von Sinckler and defending in this way
wildly, some will fear silver as it has the power to destroy allows you to deal damage to him as if you had the
them while others will laugh at weapons made by the ma- Champion creature trait.
terial as nothing but sub-standard swords. Some can not
step into the sun without dying while others have no more
trouble with it than humans. Similarly the powers of vam- Despised by the Birds of Morr: Ravens recognize
pires vary greatly, some stand with superhuman strength, Markus dark nature and dislike him. Shunning him and
some with an innate mastery over the arcane, some can reacting to him as they would a natural predator.
take the form of beasts and some can sprout wings.
What follows below is a list of the powers and weakness-
es held by Markus von Sinckler. These are known only to POWERS
Markus himself and his loyal servant Hamish but it is
important you as a GM know of them, should they come Pass for human: Markus von Sinckler does not need to
into play. Keep in mind these are not universal to vam- wear his vampiric form openly. He can hide his fangs and
pires nor is there a set of weaknesses or powers that are, claws, soften his features and let his flesh take on natural
these are simply the ones of Markus von Sinckler. tones. Markus von Sinckler can freely shift between ap-
pearing human or looking like a vampire.
Winged Horror: In his vampiric form Markus von
The Hunger: Markus von Sinckler feeds by drinking Sinckler has large lethery wings in place of his arms, giv-
blood. He had recently fed when meeting the party how- ing him the Flight (60) trait. The wings end in clawed
ever so holds no need to do so soon. While he does not hands that he can use to carry and use items when he is
enjoy the taste he can force down some meat to appear not flying.
mortal. He will eat with the group but eat very little.
Hamish Darkcap will excuse his masters low appetite Dark Talons: In his vampiric form his feet twist to
saying he always eats small portions. wicked talons with which to grab his enemies. In this
form he has the Weapon +10 trait.
The Beast brought forth: The hunger brings out the
beast within for any vampire but for one who like Markus Unnatural Reflexes: Markus von Sinckler has in-
can pass for human this may be an unfortunate reveal. creased movement, weaponskill, initiative and agility
Should Markus go a month without feeding he will revert from his bloodline. This also grants him the Fast Hands
into his vampire form and be unable to enter his human talent. All modifications from “Unnatural Reflexes” are
form until he has fed. Should several months pass without already included in his characteristics and talents on the
a source of human blood he will grow larger and more previous page.
Moving from Waldenhof towards Hundham the While the race is the main event the celebration is
group comes upon a fresh sign. On it is painted a more than that, to a large degree it is just a collection
happy chicken (or a chicken whose face is frozen of music, drink, food and joyous time. A moment to
into a rictus smile, the bird on the image is smiling at forget the harsh winter and have fun before the two
least) and written above it is “Come see the Chicken- moons are full and the risk returns of the dead awak-
Race at Hundham”. No further explanation is given. ening and killing them all. So drink, dance and be
merry for in a weeks time you may be dead.
Shortly before noon the caravan arrives at Hundham
and instead of the suspicious meetings they have had Plot 1-Landas obsession: Grażyna Landa, has
so far people cheer as they arrive and raise their cups continued to trail the caravan and seeks to enact her
of warm ale. Less people cheer the halflings but plan and get her hands on the artefact of undeath.
some still do. Happy calls of ‘Puiul fericit’ ring, She has come to know the cart it is in and will do her
words the group likely won’t understand (they are best to steal it and get away.
words in an old Sylvanian dialect and roughly trans- Plot 2-Svenja and her Graverobbers: The
late to “Happy Chicken”). Ukrird tells those he trusts graverobbers met in Flensburg have noticed their
more in the caravan, which may or may not include missing crown and deduced that the caravan must
some of the player characters depending on how the have stolen it. They have finally tracked it down but
journey has played out so far, that he will take some given the artefacts illegal nature will not involve any
of his kinsmen and go look for the passage into the law enforcement in their attempts to get it back.
underway while the caravan should stay here and Plot 3-Secret passages? The count will be
politely join in the celebration. These trusted confi- pleased: Markus von Sinckler will notice the
dants will then pass on the word that Ukrird has an dwarfs sneaking off on other errands and curious
errand and won’t be available for a time so all are will send Hamish to shadow them and learn more.
free to enjoy whatever is happening here. To keep his cover he thus needs to act as if he is en-
joying the celebrations despite his views of it as vul-
The Chicken-Race of Hundham gar and peasant-like.
(Mandatory Encounter) Plot 4-Expensive dog: Ex-Smuggler turned hon-
What follows is an adventure in Hundham where a est deliveryman of expensive goods Ronald Raedler
few elements of the campaign so far come together is in town to deliver ranch-owner Laurenz Homann a
to a finale. It follows the type of adventure structure prized hunting dog. The dog, named Zwycięzca is an
you find in “Rough Nights and Hard Days” with a Ungolian troll-tracker, a breed famed for their relent-
very exact timetable of events that player characters less pursuit and fearless nature. It is possible some
may or may not experience. A set of plots that exist characters may remember Ronald Raedler from
side by side and a set of NPCs involved in it all. Tempelhof.
These plots and times may and probably will change Plot 5-Not Gambling either?: Cánrěnde Big-
a bit depending on the PCs actions. Keep that in mouth Skragglegut having listened to the priests
mind. speak about Handrich thought he’d try this “profit
without violence” thing but gets confused as they say
Having held a shorter such adventure in Enzesburg gambling is unfitting too, falling under another guys
the GM and players should know a little what to ex- domain, some human god with gnoblar-like qualities
pect in adventure structure. named Randyll or something from what Cánrěnde
gathers. So, Cánrěnde tries to come up with other
The adventure takes place around a festival where a money-making schemes to please the money god.
classic Stirland race is held. Competitions where Plot 6-I thought you loved me?: The local
farm animals, in this case chickens, are raced. The noblewoman Doris Übertölpeln is eloping with her
winning beast is often awarded "ribbons and re- lover Fabi Aust. Her family insist she marry some-
prieve," meaning it will never be destined for the ta- one of higher status and is looking for her. When she
ble. In this case that prize is coupled with “the mid- eloped she brought her dowry and an important fam-
winter cheese”, a small piece from the well-aged ily heirloom. Fabi Aust turns out to not be the most
cheese brought out for this festival. trustworthy of people and steals the money and jew-
ellery. Leaving poor Doris behind.
Ominous times near Hexennacht may not seem like
the time for celebration to an outsider but it is the
darkness of these times that decides the day (a week
before Hexentag) as this is the time when happiness
and celebration is most needed.
Plot 7-The love of a good cock: Young Tor- D10-roll Effect
ben Übertölpeln loves his cock Sebastian, pampering 1 Confused: The chicken does not
the bird. It is a very fast rooster that has won several move this turn.
races and is young Torbens favorite pet and, accord-
2 Wander: The chicken moves
ing to himself, best friend. This year the kid has ahead its speed +1.
heard that Little Jerry, another rooster, may win
however and he does not like that at all. So he snuck 3-4 Walk: The chicken moves ahead
its speed +2.
around the mansion, stole some money and hired
thugs to deal with Little Jerry. Torben is way too 5-6 Strut: The chicken moves ahead
young to know what he’s doing however and should its speed +3.
not have involved himself with criminals. 7-8 Run: The chicken moves ahead its
Plot 8-Three Brothers want Morr: Brothers speed +4.
Grumm, Grimm and Schazhafendurfz from a local 9 Rush: The chicken moves ahead
monastery of Morr has seen the signs of darkness its speed +5.
coming and dreamt of each others deaths should they 10 Warpath: The chicken moves to
stay. Thus when the caravan arrives they try to gain the closest other chicken and fights
employ there, trying to impress various caravan it. Each rolls a d10 and adds their
members to increase their chances once Ukrird re- CnB, the winner increases his
speed by one for the race. The lo-
turns. ser retreats d10 back towards the
Plot 9-Ordo Iterum Occidere: The secret so- startline.
ciety of Ordo Iterum Occidere, roughly translating to
“The Order of Killing Again” in classical, looks, as Winning: The race ends at the end of a round where
they often do, with suspicion on the visitors. This a chicken passed the goal line. At the end of that
anti-necromancer cult with dark secrets will try to round compare the initiative of all the chickens that
find clues on if the caravan harbour necromancers, have passed the goal, the one with the best initiative
undead or artefacts related to the same. of those wins the race.

THE CHICKEN RACE The flair: While this is the basics for it the race
Or ‘A guide to running the running of birds’ would be very dry if you just roll and move. Try to
get into a sport commentator mindset and describe
The chicken race is a large competition where a lot the race. Let your players make some of the rolls,
of the residents of Hundham (and some visitors) race especially for chickens they cheer for. Make jokes,
their chickens. There is betting, there is cheering, remove chickens mid-race if they slow it down. Be
there is friendly and unfriendly competition. Bets creative with it.
can be placed and give a return of 3:1 for any
‘challenger’ and 2:1 for former champions. Bets Thanks for help: The varied and fun names of the
above three gold are not allowed, the village is not competing chickens come from the Facebook Group
too rich and this is not supposed to have such high ‘Warhammer Fantasy Role Play 4th Edition’. Plot 6,
stakes, that can invite scummy people the villagers 7 and 8 were made with help from the ‘WFRP Game
reckon. Masters’ Facebook group

Running the Race: The race is done by marking out

all interesting chickens (this may be all or some as
decided by the GM though I don’t recommend using
all) and then setting markers for them up on a race-
track with 25 steps. Each round in order of their ini-
tiative the chickens take their turns.

Chicken Stats: The chickens, listed on their own

page, are described with a name, an initiative order
(1 is first, 2 after, then 3, etc), a speed value between
–1 and +2 and a CnB (Claw and Beak) score from 1-
10. If a chicken is a former champion it’s name will
be set in bold.

A turn: A chickens turn is a single d10 roll and a

reference to the following simple table. Public domain image from: Leys, Thomson W. (1883). Brett's
Colonists' Guide and Cyclopædia of Useful Knowledge. Auck-
land: H. Brett. Evening Star office, Wyndham Street.
Chickens for the Chicken Race
Name Description Initiative Speed CnB
Sebastian Large and impressive black rooster. 1 +2 7
Little Jerry Small colourful rooster 2 +2 4
Sigmar Caws Large brown hen 3 +0 5
Little Red Small red hen, wild eyes 4 +1 5
Gumdrop Round little hen with pinkish-brown feathers 5 +0 2
Frau Schmidt Huge speckled black and white hen 6 -1 7
Colonel Sandorf Old white rooster, has a scar across the back 7 +0 9
Cluckersby Feat- Colourful rooster with intense eyes 8 +1 6
Sven Green and red rooster with a constantly confused 9 +1 6
Old Speckled Old speckled rooster 10 -1 5
The Kernel Small yellow-white hen 11 +1 1
Lunch Fat, brown, happy looking hen 12 -1 3
Sam Brownish rooster 13 +0 4
Ella Brownish hen 14 +0 3
Fowl Play Grey rooster with red eyes 15 +1 8
Ghurkin Brown-yellow hen 16 +0 5
Breton Bravery Small yellow chicken 17 -1 1
Sigmar's Hammer Speckled yellow-white and black rooster 18 +1 9
The Cocky Gent Small bright red rooster 19 +0 9
Rudolf's Rush Speckled blue-white hen 20 +2 4
The other side White hen with funny looking beak 21 +1 3
Gudrun the fast White hen with unusually long legs 22 +2 5
Victor Kugelblitz Black rooster with mean look 23 +0 10
Maximilian Eilig Large green and red rooster 24 +0 8
Helmut Schleunig Small white rooster with black head 25 +1 6
Chickatrice Black hen with a mean stare 26 +0 7
Snotling's bane Large green rooster 27 +1 8
Wyrm slayer Small speckled white-brown hen 28 +0 1
Sir peckalot Small grey rooster 29 +1 6
Deathclaw Large red and green roster 30 +1 10
Mildred White hen of average size 31 +0 4
His Eggcelency Red and brown rooster with proud look 32 +0 6
Scratching out a Small brown hen 33 +1 3
Pecking order Speckled brown and black hen 34 +1 4
Gustav owes me Large white rooster 35 +0 7
No I don’t Small black hen 36 +1 4
Graf Boris Peck- Large grey rooster with one eye 37 +0 10
Ralph Maccho Small colourful rooster 38 +2 7
Hellish Hellen Large red hen 39 +1 9
EVENTS nalena, paying them to break ‘Little Jerrys’ legs be-
11:55 am: The caravan arrives. Ukrird excuses fore the race.
himself and his clansmen and encourages the rest to 12:30 pm: Doris Übertölpeln and Fabi Aust, wear-
enjoy the festivities. ing disguises sneak off to the tavern for a celebratory
11:55 am: Markus von Sinckler sends Hamish drink and lovemaking. Fabi slips Doris a potion that
Darkcap to shadow Ukrird. Von Sinckler puts on a will have her fall asleep in a short while to allow him
fake smile and tries to look like he is looking for- to sneak off with the money and jewellery.
ward to these local festivities. 12:35 pm: Having been told by the Handrich
11:55 am: Ordo Iterum Occidere Huntmaster Kai priests that betting isn’t really the right way to make
Rehberg and hunter Tim Kampf move to the caravan money in Handrich name Cánrěnde Bigmouth
amongst the many curious people. They start asking Skragglegut tries to find other work without vio-
about necromancers and the undead, if the people of lence. Svenja finds this useful and offers him a job
the caravan aren’t afraid of them. How they’ve got- telling them important details about the caravan.
ten so far despite them. Why they travel through 12:40 pm: Cheers rise up as people call for ’Troll
these lands and more. Tower’, a game that turns out to be a form of giant
12:00 pm: The clock declares noon and a chanting jenga. A tower of two foot long wooden pieces is
mass of people declare it is time for the ‘two hours placed and next to it a keg of beer. Each round the
to the race chug’. Pints of hot beer are placed in eve- current player takes a piece of the tower, if the tower
ryone's hands and people start to chug almost imme- stands he or she chugs a beer. If the tower falls they
diately. A person who refuses to drink will become get punched in the face by the next player and the
subject to peer pressure and should that not work tower is reset. It lasts until the tower has fallen five
will be seen as highly suspect (suffering a –20 penal- times. Since there is a lot of players most only get a
ty to fellowship for the duration of the festival or un- few pulls of pieces.
til he gets very drunk). Markus von Sinckler drinks 12:45 pm: Doris Übertölpeln falls asleep in the
his pint and then hurries off to an alleyway where he tavern bed and Fabi gets dressed, steals her things
vomits it back up hidden from the crowd. and leaves.
12:05 pm: The Brothers Grumm, Grimm and 12:50 pm: A frightened and then pained cry of a
Schazhafendurfz turn up from the monastery and ask rooster is heard and some rush to check it. On the
to see the leader of the caravan. They are disappoint- ground, bleeding onto the snow is a small colourful
ed to hear he is not there but point out that they are rooster quickly identified as ‘Little Jerry’. ‘Little Jer-
good, hard working people. rys’ legs have been ruined, he might recover but it’s
12:10 pm: It is announced the sack race will soon going to take weeks, he can’t race. A track in the
begin. The Übertölpelns withdraw at this as does snow leads away from it but it soon mixes with the
many of the older people in the village temporarily. many others to be unrecognizable. Asking around is
During this withdrawal Doris Ûbertölpeln takes a likely to suggest Timon and Annalena as perhaps
good deal of money and the Übertölpeln ring and involved and a great success may even have had
sneaks off to meet her lover Fabi. someone seen someone matching their description
12:15 pm: The sack race begins, turns out it con- run off. They will deny it if confronted but may spill
sists of large burly men running after everyone try- the beans if incentivized enough.
ing to put sacks over their head. Anyone with a sack 12:55 pm: Cánrěnde finishes telling important de-
over their head is already “sacked” and is ignored. tails about the caravan and leaves Svenja. Happy
The last person without a sack over their head is re- with his pay he thinks there might be something to
warded with a pint of warm beer. Markus von Sinck- this and seeks more job. The Brothers Grumm,
ler tries to smile at this but someone watching him Grimm and Schazhafendurfz hire him to put in a
will see his right eye twitching as he has trouble hid- good word for them with the caravan, especially
ing his wrath at the ‘stupid demeaning game’. with Ukrird.
12:25 pm: The sack race ends and Svenja and her 1:00 pm: The clock declares it’s one and a chant-
graverobbers appear. They check out the carts and ing mass of people declare it is time for the ‘one
start to plan their search and retaking of the crown. hour to the race chug’. Just like last hour pints of hot
12:25 pm: Cánrěnde Bigmouth Skragglegut de- beer are placed in everyone's hands and people start
cides he’s gonna try this “earning money without to chug almost immediately.
violence” thing the priests of Handrich are talking 1:00 pm: Noticing his daughter isn’t chugging
about and starts to plan for betting. Looking for ru- Uggvard the VII wonders where she is and starts
mours he hears that ‘Little Jerry’ is a promising new- asking around.
comer. He muses about this fairly loudly. 1:05 pm: Ronald Raedler arrives by cart with the
12:30 pm: Torben Übertölpeln, after hearing dog. He starts to make his way to ranch-owner Lau-
Cánrěnde talk about ‘Little Jerry’ decides he needs renz Homann keeping strict check on the dog so it
to do something and meets up with Timon and An- doesn’t hunt anything.
1:05 pm: Markus von Sinckler starts to look and 1:45 pm: Noticing the time it is called out that the
feel really bad from consuming some food and alco- race must be prepared for, unfortunately without
hol in need to blend in. If asked about it he will state ’Little Jerry’. Chickens are gathered and warm beers
he has had too much to drink, you may let this be a handed out. Markus von Sinckler acts drunk and pre-
charm test from him opposed by a players intuition tends to slip, fall and spill his beer as he simply can
with a success suggesting there may be another prob- not get himself to consume any more of it.
lem. If someone has kept check of him they will 1:55 pm: Svenja finds the crown and grabs it from
know he hasn’t had that much. the cart.
1:05 pm: Landa arrives outside the village and 2:00-2:05 pm: The race is held under great cheer.
moves to a secluded glen where she begins a ritual to 2:02 pm: Landa sneaks into the town leading
raise the dead. twelve skeletons (Core rulebook pg 327), she senses
1:10 pm: Ordo Iterum Occidere Huntmaster Kai the crown has moved and goes after Svenja.
Rehberg hears voices of Khorne that alert him a nec- 2:05 pm: Seeing the undead the Ordo Iterum Oc-
romancer is near. He and his hunters become more cidere springs to action, with one huntsmaster, four
aggressive in their questionings. hunters and one ritualist. The ritualist then stabs
1:15 pm: Doris Übertölpeln is found in the tavern himself and carves his flesh, a stream of blood shoot
and woken up. She refuses to believe Fabi stole from out and form a bloodletter (Core rulebook pg335)
her at first but understand it after a while and be- that joins the hunt.
comes inconsolable. The Übertölpelns start to search 2:06 pm: The town notices the unnatural enemies
for Fabi and what he has stolen. The Brothers and panic ensues. Most of the caravaners are either
Grumm, Grimm and Schazhafendurfz decide finding too drunk to act properly or rush to guard the cara-
this will be a good way to impress and start search- van. A fight between Svenjas gang, Landa and the
ing. Fabi is currently hiding in a barn planning to Ordo Iterum Occidere ensues and the characters ac-
make his getaway during the distraction of the race. tions can play a role in its outcome. While the grav-
1:20 pm: Ronald Raedler delivers the dog to Lau- erobbers and Landa wants to get away with the
renz Homann who is really excited over his new ani- crown the hunters want the others dead.
mal and starts to walk it around his ranch. 2:06 pm: In the chaos Fabi tries to escape, he is
1:25 pm: Snow-mixed rain start to fall and Markus noticed by the monks but throw them to the ground
von Sinckler sneaks off a bit and casts ‘Protection with the rings magic and runs off into the woods.
from Rain’. Ordo Iterum Occidere Huntmaster Kai 2:10 pm: Hamish Darkcap returns and after learn-
Rehberg hears this and notices who is using magic, ing of the goings on help Markus von Sinckler sneak
even if he can’t tell what spell it is. He informs his off.
hunters and then goes to ask the player characters 2:20 pm: Ukrird returns with the other dwarfs and
how well they know this person who has been travel- wonders what has happened. He has found the pas-
ling with them and if they tell him they do not know sage and as soon as things are sorted out here he will
him that well straight out ask if they know he is a take them there. The three monks ask for jobs and
witch. Kai would welcome if they would turn on him are recruited.
but does not expect it, just sowing some doubt is
enough for now in his mind. THE FATE OF THE CROWN
So what happened to the crown? Well that depends
1:30 pm: Fearing he is about to be found out on who got it. If it came into the hands of Svenja the
(which likely isn’t true) Torben Übertölpeln hires group will travel with it for a while and eventually
Cánrěnde, who walks around looking for jobs, to say sell it to count Mannfred von Carstein for a small
he (Cánrěnde) did it. The ogre misunderstands the fortune (though he does not reveal himself to them
command and after being paid steps up and loudly nor state it is he who buys it).
tells everyone that Torben did it. This is seen as a Should Grażyna Landa take it and get away with it
very serious offense and a great commotion is she will use it to further her powers and become a
caused. more powerful necromancer. Creating an army to
1:35 pm: The noise shakes the dog Zwycięzca who fight the living with.
sets off towards it. Getting near it finds a wounded Should the Ordo Iterum Occidere get ahold of it they
bird and attacks it in view of everyone. Killing will destroy it in a ritual to Khorne and the soul of
‘Little Jerry’. Ranch-owner Laurenz Homann runs the king trapped within the artefact gets twisted into
up right after the dog and tries to get it back to him. a daemon, creating a new herald of the bloodgod.
He is now also accused of sabotage and the uproar at Should the Übertölpelns be given it to care for as the
the foul play increases further. leaders of the village then the crown will slowly cor-
1:40 pm: Svenja and her crew moves about the rupt Torbern who when Mannfred reveals himself
carts during the distraction trying to find the crown. fully will swear the house to the vampire.
They try to be discreet but someone checking Should it remain with the caravan, well then we’ll
properly will see they are rooting around in stuff that just have to see where it ends up won’t we.
doesn’t belong to them.
THE LOCAL NOBILITY 61, Lore (Hundham) 56, Ride (Horse) 36, Melee (Parry) 51,
(House Übertölpeln) M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
Hundham belongs to the Übertölpelns since the fall of
Mannfred von Carstein at Hel Fenn in 2145 IC, before 4 46 31 31 31 46 31 46 46 31 46 12
that Marie von Carstein had held dominion there as vassal Lore (Politics) 51, Language (Gospodarinyi) 51
to her sire, Mannfred. The first of the Übertölpeln line,
Uggvard Übertölpeln, was raised to the rank of land- Talents: Read/Write, Etiquette (Nobles) Rank 4, Noble Blood
owning nobility from castellan under the Knights of the
Blazing sun, despite having been a commoner when re- Trappings: Courtly Garbs, Purse with 10GC, Jewellery worth
cruited onto the knights. These days the family has five 20GC, Foil, main Gauche, Quality Cloak
members, as detailed below. They rule from the old man-
sion Marie had when she ruled though it has in part been Göthilda Madlen Übertölpeln
renovated. Their heraldry shows a sword piercing a skele- (The Lady of the House)
tal wolf with the iconography in white placed on a field Göthilda Übertölpeln, born Göthilda Madlen Esche-
of black. rich, is the wife of Uggvard the young. She is the
The Übertölpelns are generally seen as a bit naïve by oth-
eighth daughter of the Escherich house in Nordland.
er nobles of Sylvania as their family has been spared from
She finds her life as lady of a house enjoyable and
much of the worst hardships and tragedies of the land. knows she is lucky to have it given her position in
her own house but she sometimes misses the wide
Uggvard the VI sea and salty winds of her childhood home. She has
(Old man) a fine sailboat, “Spirit of the Sea” that she takes out
Uggvard the VI, or Uggvard the elder as he is often on the northern Stir in the summers but it’s not the
called is an old man with stripy white hair and a long same. She has red hair and blue eyes.
white beard. He dresses in what was fine fashion for-
ty years ago and is wheeled around the festival in a
wheelchair. He has given over control of the house
to his son these days, deeming himself too old to
rule. He wants to enjoy the festivities but finds it too
cold even when wrapped in blankets to goes out in
short intervals.

Image by Midjourney ai beta

Skills: Bribery 45, Gamble 50, Intimidate 25, Leadership 40,
Lore (Heraldry) 58, Lore (Hundham) 68

Talents: Read/Write, Etiquette (Nobles), Noble Blood

M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
4 12 17 21 18 12 5 26 48 51 35 9

Trappings: Wheelchair, Servants, Purse with 6GC worth of

money in different values

Uggvard the VII

(Head of House)
Uggvard the VII, or Uggvard the young as he is of- GÖTHILDA ÜBERTÖLPELN–NOBLE GOLD 3
ten called is a man in his forties and the leader of
house Übertölpeln. He is a short man with a small M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
turned-up nose, short black hair and a thin mous- 4 41 31 31 31 41 41 41 31 31 41 12
tache. Uggvard the young is a man keeping to eti-
quette and holding to the rules of his status. Ensuring Skills: Climb 36, Consume Alcohol 36, Gamble 36, Gossip 46, Row
41, Melee (Brawling) 46, Sail 51, Swim 41, Athletics 46, Dodge 46,
his children know and follow all the rules. Family Endurance 36, Entertain (Singing) 51, Language (Norscan) 34, Melee
dinners at his household are a strict affair where eve- (Basic) 46, Bribery 46, Intimidate 36, Leadership 51, Lore (Heraldry)
rything from cutlery choice to conversation is judged 36, Play (Drum) 46,
by Uggvard and the children given feedback after Talents: Read/Write, Etiquette (Nobles), Noble Blood, Strong Swim-
each dinner. mer, Sea Legs
This strict adherence to rules and etiquette is unsur-
prisingly not too appreciated by his children who Longing for the Sea: While she isn’t unhappy with her life she
does long for the sea and likes to discuss the goings of ships, the wa-
find it uncaring and rules-heavy. terways of the empire and adventures on the high seas. A character of
UGGVARD THE VII –MAGNATE GOLD 5 the riverfolk class gains +10 to friendly interaction tests with Göthilda.
Skills: Bribery 51, Consume Alcohol 36, Gamble 51, Intimi-
date 41, Lore (Heraldry) 61, Melee (Fencing) 51, Play (Piano) Trappings: Courtly Garbs, Purse with 10GC, Jewellery worth 30GC
56, Leadership 56, Charm 56, Gossip 56, Language (Classical)
(Untrue love) (Torben and Toughs)
Doris is eloping with Fabi and plans to spend her life Torben Übertölpeln is an eight year old kid who
with him. Fabis plans are less focussed on love and loves his prized rooster Sebastian and wants him to
he steals the dowry and the ‘Übertölpeln Ring’, an win the race as he has done the previous two years.
enchanted heirloom of the family. He has heard that ‘Little Jerry’ might be a challenge
to Sebastian this year and had this concern dismissed
Doris Übertölpeln by his relatives who say that the possibility of losing
(The Daughter) must be part of racing. Not liking that one bit he de-
Doris Übertölpeln is the daughter to Uggvard VII cided that since he is a nobleman and his family is
and Göthilda. She is eighteen years old and in love rich he should be allowed to get people to fix this
with Fabi Aust. When he betrays her she doesn’t and hired a pair of thugs to sabotage ‘Little Jerry’
want to believe it and makes excuses for him saying by, as Torben said, “breaking his legs”.
it must all be a mistake. She has black hair and blue
eyes. Torben Übertölpeln
Torben Übertölpeln is a young noble scion merely
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W eight years old. He spends much time with his be-
4 31 31 31 31 26 31 31 31 31 31 12 loved pet rooster Sebastian. Going on walks with
Skills: Consume Alcohol 41, Lore (Heraldry) 36, Melee him, playing with him and petting him. The two are
(Fencing) 36 nearly inseparable. Torben is a short boy with long
black hair and blue eyes. He usually dresses in black
Talents: Read/Write, Etiquette (Nobles), Noble Blood to match the feathers of Sebastian.
Trappings: Her trappings have been stolen by Fabi
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
Fabi Aust
4 21 21 21 21 21 21 26 21 21 21 6
Fabi Aust is a handsome man in his early twenties Skills: Animal Care 26, Charm Animal 31, Animal Training
(Rooster) 31, Lore (Heraldry) 26, Play (Harmonica) 31
who uses his good looks to trick women out of their
belongings. He has short brown hair and piercing Talents: Small, Etiquette (Nobles), Noble Blood
blue eyes. Born the son of a dentist he takes very
good care of his teeth and as a result his white smile Trappings: Purse filled with chicken feed, Fine outdoor cloth-
stands out in a crowd. He is in good shape and car- ing (Black), Fine Harmonica (Child sized), Purse with 2GC and
ries himself with confidence.
The Thugs
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W (Timon and Annalena)
4 31 31 31 31 51 51 51 51 51 56 14 Timon and Annalena are the muscle hired by Torben
to break the legs of a chicken. They are people of
Skills: Bribery 61, Consume Alcohol 36, Charm 76, Entertain
(Storytelling) 61, Gamble 61, Gossip 76, Haggle 66, Sleight of flexible morals and known for it by the watch and
Hand 56, Dodge 71, Entertain (Acting) 76, Evaluate 71, Intui- indeed most of the village. Their reputation for crime
tion 71, Lore (Heraldry) 61, Lore (Genealogy) 61 is not much of a secret. Still despite this, most of the
time they do manual labour. A willingness to supple-
Talents: Etiquette (Nobles), Blather, Attractive Rank 5, Suave ment their income by illegal means is not the same

Trappings: Decent clothing as a life of crime. Both of them are muscular with
short hair and durable leather clothing doubling as
Stolen Trappings: 30GC, Jewellery worth 40GC, The Übertöl- armour.
The Übertölpeln Ring M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
(Heirloom Item) 4 36 31 41 41 31 31 31 31 31 31 15
The Übertölpeln ring originally comes was taken Skills: Consume Alcohol 51, Cool 41, Endurance 51, Intimi-
from the corpse of a vampire and renamed by date 51, Lore (Hundham) 41, Melee (Brawling) 46, Stealth
Uggvard Übertölpeln the first. The house has since (Urban) 36
had it appraised to learn its magic and found it to be
a spell ring carrying the Push spell (Core rulebook Talents: Criminal Rank 2
pg 244) as a Lore of Death Spell. A Spell Ring al- Trappings: Leather jack, Knuckle duster
lows the wearer to cast a single spell. Unlike a scroll,
the ring is not destroyed after casting the spell and
the wearer does not need to make a Test. After the
wearer casts the spell, the ring may not be used again
for a period of 24 hours.
(Svenjas Crew) M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
This group of six are graverobbers, or rather five
graverobbers and a fence. They are led by the rugged 4 46 31 46 31 46 31 46 31 46 31 14
looking Svenja. They were first met in Flensburg on Skills: Climb 56, Cool 61, Dodge 41, Endurance 36, Gossip 36,
the 7th of Vorhexen trying to sell the caravan objects Intuition 51, Perception 56, Stealth (Underground) 46, Lore
stolen from tombs. After this they noticed that a (Medicine) 36, Melee (Basic) 51, Lore (History) 36, Pick Lock
Wight Crown they owned had been stolen and de-
duced it was stolen by the caravan. Delayed by legal Talents: Break and Enter, Night Vision, Read/Write, Tunnel
authorities they could not immediately pursue and Rat
trailing the caravan proved difficult with the graver-
obbers always a few steps behind. First now have Actions delayed: Noah isn’t quick to spring to action. When
determining combat initiative any round when Noah isn’t sur-
they caught up and they intend to reclaim the unholy prised treat his initiative as 20 less.
Trappings: Hooded Cloak, Military Entrenching Shovel (Can
Svenja also be used as a handweapon), Backpack, Storm Lantern and
Oil, Leatherjack, Tradetools (Thief)
(The boss)
Svenja is menacing. She’s not larger than most, she’s Julie Paysanne
of a fairly average build, but she still manages to be
quite menacing. Her looks are scarred and rugged, (The bretonnian)
giving an appearance as if she fights badgers un- Julie is a small woman that looks much younger than
armed as her hobby. Her dark brown, almost black, she is, something she isn’t too pleased about. She
eyes hold a penetrating gaze that seems to say ‘Yeah, hails from Arden in Bretonnia where she robbed
I’m gonna stab ya’. The dirty mousy hair that spo- graves. She was found out and fled to the empire
radically sticks up between the scab on her scalp where she continued her work of robbing graves and
(from where a wight almost cut open her head, the eventually joined Svenja. While she wants to be as
cursed blade ensures it never fully heals) seems to scary and cool as Svenja she does not give off sim-
say ‘That needs to be looked at but I’m not gonna be milar vibes and many people have a hard time taking
the one that tells her that’. Her style of leadership is her serious when she threatens them, even when she
not one of intricate plans or of rousing speeches. She holds a weapon to them.
leads cause people fear her and that’s good enough JULIE PAYSANNE – GRAVE ROBBER
for her. BRASS 3
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W 5 36 31 36 31 36 31 31 31 36 31 12
4 51 31 51 51 36 31 31 36 51 36 20
Skills: Language (Breton) 41, Climb 41, Cool 41, Dodge 36,
Endurance 36, Gossip 36, Intuition 46, Perception 46, Stealth
Skills: Climb 56, Cool 61, Dodge 36, Endurance 61, Gossip 41, (Underground) 41, Melee (Polearm) 46
Intuition 41, Perception 41, Stealth (Underground) 36, Con-
sume Alcohol 71, Intimidate 71, Lore (Stirhügel) 46, Melee Talents: Flee!, Fleet Footed
(Brawling) 61, Evaluate 41, Melee (Basic) 61, Ranged
(Crossbow) 36 Nobility? You are not even blessed by ze ladi: Julie Paysanne
ignores the noble blood talent from people who are not
Talents: Criminal, Menacing Rank 2, Iron Will, Robust, Fright- Bretonnians or Woodelves.
Trappings: Crowbar, Hooded Cloak, Backpack, Bill, Spade,
Trappings: Leather Jack, Mail shirt, Handweapon (Mace), Stormlantern and Oil
Hooded Cloak

Noah Fuchs
(Tomb Robber)
Noah Fuchs is a tall slender man with long golden A Bill? For What?
brown hair kept up in a ponytail. He has grey eyes
Julie Paysanne is armed with a Bill, a new pole-
and an unusually small mouth that rarely shows any arm added in Up in Arms and found on page 96.
emotion. With him he carries a military entrenching If you do not have the Up in Arms supplement
shovel everywhere he goes clearly visible in his belt. replace her Bill with a spear.
Many mistake him for a mute as the man prefers not
to talk and is happy to take this to the extreme. Often
going days without speaking. He is slow and deliber-
ate in his actions but while his companions would
perhaps prefer speed at times his skill makes him
Pauline Pöpel Skills: Charm 51, Dodge 46, Evaluate 51, Gamble 51, Gossip
51, Haggle 51, Melee (Basic) 36, Secret Signs (Thief) 51
(Grave robber)
Pauline Pöpel is a short woman with blond hair and a Talents: Dealmaker, Read/write, Etiquette (Criminals)
pair of green, cross-eyed eyes. She is a somewhat
strange woman with no friends outside Svenjas gang. Trappings: Eyeglass, Writing kit
She tends to lie a lot, making up stories and telling of
many adventures of hers, most of which she never Wight Crown of King Casimir
went on and some of which she has greatly exagger- (The Wight Crown)
ated. When called out on it she goes silent for a In ages before the empire rose King Casimir was a
while but a few minutes later will be back to her old king over a small tribe in the Stirhügel hills. With his
tall tales. witch-queen Milena he ruled from a small keep. But
PAULINE PÖPEL –GRAVE ROBBER BRASS 3 this, like the rest of his tribes history is lost to time.
His tomb, however, was not. It was broken open and
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W braved by Svenja and her crew. Here they fought
4 41 31 41 31 41 31 31 31 41 26 14 King Casimir in his wight form and as he perished
they took his crown. The crown is a magical artefact
Skills: Climb 46, Cool 51, Dodge 36, Endurance 36. Intuition
46, Perception 46, Stealth (Underground) 41, Evaluate 36, Me- of great power imbued by dark curses from Milena
lee (Basic) 51 and prayers to old gods spoken by Casimirs priest
cabal. It was stolen by gnoblars in Flensburg and has
Talents: Strong Back, Break and Enter travelled with the caravan for a while now, where it
Trappings: Leather Jack, Crowbar, Hooded cloak, Storm Lan-
will end up is soon to be revealed.
tern and Oil Rules: Any Undead awakened within 24 yards of
this crown are awakened with one of the following
Irma Rossel blessings active (casters choice); Blessing of Battle,
(The girl with the gun) Blessing of Fortune, Blessing of Might, Blessing of
Irma Rossel is a stylishly dressed girl with a big gun. Savagery. The duration of the blessing is changed
Her clothing closely resembles an officers riding from ‘6 rounds’ to ‘as long as the risen remains un-
outfit while her gun is a large-barrelled handgun. dead and is within 24 yards of the crown’.
While she lacks the proficiency for tomb robbing of
the others the dead do not always rest easy and when THE EX-SMUGGLER
they don’t her gun is most needed. It tends to also be (Ronald Readler)
appreciated when others try to mess with them. Ronald Readler is an ex-smuggler turned honest de-
IRMA ROSSEL –OUTLAW GUNNER BRASS 3 liveryman. But while he no longer moves illegal
goods he still utilizes many of his old methods for he
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W transports rare and expensive goods that thieves and
4 41 41 41 41 31 31 31 31 31 31 15 robbers would love to lift from him if they knew of
Skills: Athletics 41, Consume Alcohol 51, Cool 41, Endurance
them. He is a short dark-haired man with brown
51, Gamble 41, Intimidate 51, Ranged (Gunpowder) 51 eyes.

Talents: Marksman, Criminal RONALD READLER –TRADER SILVER 2

Trappings: Fine clothing, Handgun, 10 shots and powder M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
4 31 31 31 31 51 51 51 51 51 51 14
Skills: Athletics 61, Bribery 71, Cool 61, Consume Alcohol 41,
(The Fence) Row, 36, Sail 56, Stealth (Rural) 61, Swim 36, Haggle 71,
Mina is the sister of Svenja, much smaller and less Charm 61, Gossip 66, Lore (Averheim) 61, Melee (Basic) 36,
intimidating. She complements her sisters strength Perception 61, Secret Signs (Smuggler) 71, Evaluate 71, Intui-
and menace with smooth talking and sales pitches. tion 61, Lore (Waterways) 71
She is short and skinny, fairly young and has dark- Talents: Dealmaker, Briber
brown hair. It is Minas job to find buyers for the
things found in the graves and tombs, something she Trappings: Dark winter cloak, Simple clothing, Purse with a
is quite skilled at. If Mina tries to be “too charming” few gold
her big sister Svenja can however become a bit pro-
tective of her and ruin things by threatening the ones
flirted with.


M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
4 31 31 31 31 41 41 41 41 31 41 12
THE MORR MONKS Skills: Cool 51, Drive 36, Endurance 36. Gossip 46, Heal 46,
Perception 36, Sleight of Hand 36, Lore (Anatomy) 46, Art
(Grimm, Grumm and Schazhafendurfz) (Calligraphy) 46, Entertain (Storyteller) 46, Lore (Theology)
Three monks from the local monastery who wish to get 51, Pray 46, Research 51, Trade (Embalmer) 51, Melee
away. The three have dreamt of each others deaths should (Polearm) 36
they stay and now they want to get out. Unfortunately
they are three of four monks at the monastery so the ab- Talents: Read/Write, Field Dressing, Etiquette (Cult of Morr)
bot is not happy to see them leave...
Trappings: Symbol of Morr, Robes, Book of Morr, Trade tools
Nick Grimm (Embalmer), Quarterstaff
Nick Grimm looks the part of a Morr monk perfectly.
Tall, pale, clad in dark and with a stern look. He believes

Image by Midjourney ai beta

Morr wants him to leave and sent the vision for that rea-
son. He will try to impress by showing off his knowledge
of embalming and anatomy.
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
4 31 31 31 31 31 31 41 41 41 41 13

Skills: Cool 51, Drive 36, Endurance 36. Gossip 46, Heal 46,
Perception 36, Sleight of Hand 36, Lore (Anatomy) 46, Art
(Calligraphy) 46, Entertain (Storyteller) 46, Lore (Theology)
51, Pray 46, Research 51, Trade (Embalmer) 51, Melee
(Polearm) 36
Talents: Read/Write, Field Dressing, Etiquette (Cult of Morr) (The re-killers of the dead)
The Ordo Iterum Occidere at first appears to new mem-
Trappings: Symbol of Morr, Robes, Book of Morr, Trade tools bers as an order hunting necromancers, witches and vam-
(Embalmer), Quarterstaff pires. And it is, but it’s more than that. For while the or-
der hunts necromancers with great fervour much like the
Nück Grumm witch hunters they do so in the name of darker powers. In
(Monk) Stirland and Sylvania there is plenty of hatred around for
Nück Grumm is a short fat man who enjoys wine, garden- necromancers and witches, hatred that fuels the Ordo Iter-
ing and long silent times of contemplation. He has the um Occidere and the dark god from whom the order
unfortunate tendency to laugh when nervous, this would draws its rituals. The order is a mystic society that calls
not be so bad had his laughter reflected his nervousness upon the bloodgod Khorne to vanquish their shared ene-
but it does not. His laugh is deep and hearty which in mo- mies, the wizards, witches and necromancers that plague
ments of stress and death makes him seem quite unset- the lands.
tling. Structure: The cult is structured into various ‘hunts’,
NÜCK GRUMM –MONK BRASS 4 temporary cells joined together for a mission or series of
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W missions. Each hunt has a huntmaster, decided by ritual
combat as the hunt is formed. The huntmaster leads the
4 36 31 31 36 31 31 36 36 36 36 12 hunt and its rituals. Apart from these hunts the leadership
is held in Regrakhof in Stirland in an old candlemaker
Skills: Cool 46, Dodge 36, Endurance 46, Heal 46, Leadership guildhouse that was abandoned and bought by the order.
41, Lore (Theology) 46, Melee (Brawling) 41, Pray 41, Art This leadership does not manage the hunts, the huntsmas-
(Calligraphy) 41, Entertain (Storyteller) 41, Gossip 41, Pray 41, ters lead them freely, instead they gather information and
Trade (Vintner) 46, Consume Alcohol 51
rumours and suggests the forming of new hunts. Such
Talents: Read/Write, Etiquette (Cult of Morr) new hunts are formed by volunteers for them. In the dun-
geons beneath the keep a second purpose stands however,
Trappings: Symbol of Morr, Robes, Book of Morr, Trade tools to safeguard the rituals of the order.
(Vintner) Worship: The cult does not see themselves as worship-
ping Khorne. They don’t pray to the Bloodgod or devote
Nock Schazhafendurfz themselves to him. But they acknowledge his power and
(Monk) use it in their wars. They call upon his powers and bless-
ings through old rituals and sends his daemons against
Nock Schazhafendurfz is near identical to brother Grimm
their foes. Still for people who do not worship the blood-
in the monastery in all from looks to skills to manner-
god they sure follow the rules of his faith much. They
isms. It can be very difficult to tell the two men apart.
claim skulls to his throne for use in their rituals, they call
Nock does speak a bit louder on average however. Not so
upon him for duels (with the words ‘Sanguis deus meus
it’s noticeable unless you are actively listening for it but
telum dirige’) and they paint his mark upon important
weapons, they revere his gifts as weapons to fight the
NOCK SCHAZHAFENDURFZ dead with. They may not see themselves as his servants,
MONK BRASS 4 believing themselves to use his powers for their own pur-
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W pose, but they are his, body and soul.
4 31 31 31 31 31 31 41 41 41 41 13
Symbols: The symbol of the order is the skull of a Ritualist
vampire. Sometimes in red, sometimes in white and Those of the order able to perform rituals to Khorne.
sometimes in black. All three colours are accepted as Warrior-mystics of the order.
symbols and the order uses them all. The mark of RITUALIST
Khorne appears in iconography amongst some mem-
bers but it is not a mark of the order, its use is always M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
ritualistic. 4 40 30 40 30 30 30 30 40 40 30 14
Recruitment: The order recruits mainly from those
affected by necromancers and the undead. Those that Skills: Melee (Basic) 50, Melee (Two-handed) 50, Lore
have lost something to the forces of undeath and (Khorne) 45, Language (Magick) 45
whose hearts desire vengeance. Amongst such peo-
Traits: Weapon +8, Armour 1, Corruption (Minor)
ple they look for those that could be useful in the
fight and introduce them. At first they do not reveal Incantations of the Bloodgod: A Ritualist can dispel with
their connections to the bloodgod, only their mission Language (Magick) despite having no spellcasting talents.
to destroy necromancers. Then as time goes on and
the new member becomes more involved they gradu- Optional Traits: Mutation, Corruption (Moderate)
ally reveal the rituals they have with which to fight
the undead. Making their recruits more and more Aruk, The Herald Ritualis
dependant on Khorne in their fights. The mightiest daemon the order can call upon is
Methods: Each ’hunt’ has its own methods to fight Aruk, the Herald Ritualis. A mighty herald of
the undead. Apart from utilizing rituals of the blood Khorne. He is not called upon in this scenario, such a
god in their fights there is no unifying method to summoning is not done lightly and requires much
their war against necromancy. Each ’hunt’ has peo- preparation. But his rules are included for those that
ple of different experiences and the way they can be wish to utilize the cult for further adventures. He is a
utilized decides the huntmasters tactics. daemon several millenia old who has fought the un-
dead and the children of necromancy for his whole
existence, made by the bloodgod to deal with such
Order Members foes. The skin of Aruk is darker than his bloodletter
(Quick rules for order members) brethren, almost black in colour. This matches his
The members of the cult are many and varied, be- demeanour for unlike his kin he keeps his rage just
yond a few single profiles in scope. For a fight the under the surface, not roaring in fury but keeping a
below stats can suffice but if more accurate represen- grimace of cold hatred and rage kept just under con-
tation is needed take them through careers. Take a trol. His grand horns are adorned with the skulls of
hunter through two ranks of a random career. A vampires, the five he killed in single combat. In the
huntmaster through three ranks of a random career pommel of his sword is set the head of a liche high-
and a ritualist through three ranks of a random ca- priest, it’s spirit trapped inside the cursed weapon in
reer. a cycle of eternal torment.
Hunter ARUK
The rank and file of the order, the men and women
who make up the majority of the ‘hunts’. M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
HUNTER 5 88 45 55 45 70 50 40 35 80 25 23
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
Skills: Melee (Basic) 108
4 40 30 40 30 30 30 30 30 40 30 14
Skills: Melee (Basic) 50, Melee (Two-handed) 50 Traits: Armour 6, Champion, Claws, Corruption (Moderate),
Daemonic 7+, Fear 3, Terror 1, Frenzy, Horns +9, Painless,
Traits: Weapon +8, Armour 1 Unstable, Weapon +11

Optional Traits: Mutation, Corruption (Minor) Nehekaran Incantations: The wielder of the sword can force
the liche priest within to cast spells from the lore of light on his
behalf. Aruk does not do
Huntmaster so, magic is not accepted
The leaders of a hunt as decided by ritual combat. by Khorne, but he could if
Mighty warriors in the fight against undeath. he wanted to.
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
4 50 30 50 40 30 30 30 30 50 30 18
Skills: Melee (Basic) 60, Melee (Two-handed) 60

Traits: Weapon +10, Armour 2, Corruption (Minor), Champion

Optional Traits: Mutation

Image by Midjourney ai beta
The Secret Passage
As business in Hundham has been sorted out Ukrird Before travelling on to the next chapter grant some
leads the caravan to an ancient opening into the un- experience for the deeds done so far. Apart from
derway, the old dwarf network of tunnels and pas- standard exp for roleplaying and bright ideas the fol-
sages that ensured their old empire was connected lowing can awards extra experience:
entirely underground. The paths under Misty wood
have clearly not been used for a long time. The  25 exp for ensuring neither Landa nor Svenja
dwarfs remark how nice it is to get to travel under- gets the crown.
ground for a change and not have to worry about  15 exp for deducing that Markus von Sinckler is
sunmadness or blizzards. a vampire
 20 exp for stopping Fabi Aust from getting away
THE END OF CHAPTER ONE  10 exp for saving ‘Little Jerry’
And so ends the journey through Stirland and makes  10 exp for defeating the daemon
way for the Worlds Edge Mountains with their maj-
esty and dangers. The Slayer Hold awaits as does
hexennacht. Should you wish to run only the first
chapter then it is fitting to leave the players at Hund-
ham as the caravan moves on. On the other hand
should you wish to skip the first chapter letting them
meet the caravan in Hundham, forgoing the adven-
ture there, and move east from the edge of Stirland
will do well.

Woodelves and Chapter two

Dwarfs and elves are not on the best terms
over all but Karak-Kadrin and Athel Loren
are on very bad terms. Considering each
other enemies.
This is troublesome in a campaign if the
group has a PC woodelf. There are ways to
get past it however:
-Lower the hostility: The GM may chose
to lower the hostility a bit from open con-
flict to current cease-fire. Letting the
woodelf be part of the game but extremely
-Wait outside: Let the woodelf wait out-
side and make another character for that
player to use while in Karak-Kadrin.
Hide his nature: Let the woodelf claim to
be a high-elf or sea-elf instead to be mist-
rusted but not openly killed.

Image by Midjourney ai beta

Chapter Two: No Heir to Go
An Adventure for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th Edition by Leo E Gunnemarsson

This part of the adventure sees the characters move then halts the caravan to set camp and cleans off the stat-
through the dangerous Peak-Pass and make a stop for ue and removes what he can. The statue is still broken, a
some adventuring in Karak-Kadrin, the famous Slayer dwarf warrior raising a stick that once must have been a
Hold. It is an adventure of trolls, slayers and mountain weapon and whose face is smashed asunder, but its better
hazards. than before when goblin excrement covered it and foul
icons had been nailed to its head.
The Story
The Caravan (see chapter one for descriptions of it) trav- Day 26 –28th of Vorhexen, Marktag
el through the underway under Mist Wood and into Peak
Pass. Here many dangers are found, it is rightly seen as The travel this day goes much like jesterday but by the
one of the deadliest routes through the Worlds Edge end of the day, or a
Mountains and the closeness to Hexennacht does not bit in to the night
help. As the fateful night comes a massive troll gathering rather, the group
attacks, the caravan gets split and eventually the survi- finds the exit.

Image by Midjourney ai beta

vors meet up and continue on, in bad need of repairs and
recruitment the caravan stops at Karak-Kadrin. Seeking Trollbones
help from Queen Alrika for the expedition the visitors
gets roped into the internal politics of Karak-Kadrin (Sight)
where the royal Drakebeard clans thanes compete to be Fairly early in the
nominated heirs after Garagrim died. After weeks in the day a skeleton is
intrigues there the journey goes on with a deadly green- found, anyone with
skin presence threatening them. lore (anatomy) or
lore (trolls) will im-
mediately identify it
Starting the Adventure as a troll skeleton,
The adventure likely continues from the previous chapter otherwise the dwarfs
but that’s not the only possibility. If you want to start the of the lead cart point out its species soon after. The troll
adventure at this chapter have them meet the caravan is unusually large, a good 18ft (roughly 4 and a half me-
outside Peak Pass, either by the entrance to the underway tre), caravan members will remark on its great size and
or, skipping the underway segment completely, by a path how lucky they are that it is long dead.
into Peak Pass. There they get hired by Ukrird much as
adventurers were in Nuln in the previous chapter. If you Exit
want to end the adventure with this chapter then they hire
the PCs only to escort them through Peak Pass. (Sight)
Late, well into the night, the path starts to slope upwards
and after a steep climb the caravan reaches the exit. A
Day 25 –27th of Vorhexen, Aubentag cave entrance, once a gate likely sat here guarded by
dwarf structures but any signs of that are long gone. It
The travel this day goes underground through the tunnels looks out from a cliff into some dark woods below. It’s
of the underway. The weather above is unknown. The late and the twin moons, both nearly full, illuminate the
road is old but still serviceable. Torches and lanterns are landscape. Wolves call out in the distance. The cold win-
lit and carried in the caravan. ter winds chill you as you step outside the cover of the
tunnels. Ukrird orders to set camp by the cave entrance.
Eyes in the Dark
(Optional Encounter) Day 27 –29th of Vorhexen, Back-
Allow a few perception tests. Each successful one lets a
character spot a goblin peering from a cavern and then
scurrying off. This happens several times. The caravan is
passing the territory of ‘Da Red Slicerz’ tribe. The tribe The winds are freezing this day and even during the short
will not dare attack such a well-armed caravan so there is hours of sun Morrsleib is visible, leering down on the
little going on more than just scurrying back and forth caravan. A test against cold is needed every 4 hours at –0
with information. But the PCs don’t know that. Report- (+40 if dressed appropriately) or a character suffers a
ing this will have the caravan set on alert. fatigue. Any character that goes the entire day without
praying tests cool from a minor corrupting influence. At
the GMs discretion warding spells may work as well as
Statue of a past hero prayers here.
Many hours into the long trek when night should have
fallen the caravan comes upon an old dwarf statue de-
filed by greenskins. The dwarfs grumble in anger at the
slight and it is entered into a book of grudges. Ukrird
Forests and rivers you may pass at any time but I strongly advice you set
(Sight) camp by our wall this night and wait a week or so before
Travel this day takes them down into the pine and fir
Ukrird will agree to set camp for now but says they
woods where they encounter the river Blut, frozen solid.
won’t stay that long. The Kastellan will be available for a
On the other side of it a road is seen. A road the caravan
bit more and can answer questions, he takes his duty of
soon will follow towards and into Peak Pass. Snow lays
not hindering any dwarf caravans, a demand set by
very heavy over the lands and travels are excruciatingly
Karak-Kadrin to allow the fort to be built, very serious
and will answer any questions to the best of his ability.
Some examples of questions are listed here, for others
Itsy bitsy dinner the GM will have to decide.
(Opportunity) • What is this place?: This is Blutfort, chapter house
Hibernating giant spiders, pony sized and a common for- of the Peaklancers and guard to Peak Pass. This
est variety, are seen slightly through their woven web wall and fort marks the place where Ostermark ends
‘cocoons’ up in the fir trees the caravan pass. The ogre and the domain of Slayerhold begins.
bull Hig Skragglegut talks to a few other ogres who ig- • Who are the Peaklancers?: We are a knightly order
nore him and then, looking on for help goes to the char- founded more than two centuries ago. Our task is to
acters. He has an idea he states, he or the characters can protect Blutfort and the parts of the Kadrin road
climb up and cut down a spider cocoon and then the ones placed in Ostermark.
that didn’t climb catch it as it falls, so it’s not ruined. • What is your agreement with Slayerhold?: We
Then they can kill, roast and eat the spider. He promises must let any dwarf caravan through and aid them if
to share with the characters so they get half, he gets half they come under attack near our fort. If we are sent
and the crusher gets the third half. Climb or Strength word from the Slayerking not to let someone through
tests will be required to help and if the characters do he we are to follow that command.
keeps his promise (kinda, each gets a third but most play- • Why should we wait so long?: Hexennacht draws
ers likely figured that was what he meant). They all get near. Peak Pass is always dangerous but to travel
extra meals that evening. The spider is very crunchy to there during such unfortunate times...well I advise
eat but for those getting past it the arachnoid has a dis- against it.
tinct but not bad taste. • I am wounded, can you help?: Ah, certainly, we
have a priest of Sigmar at the fort, she is quite a
Day 28 –30th of Vorhexen, Bezhaltag skilled healer.
• What can we expect to face in Peak Pass?: Green-
The winds are as freezing and the snow as deep as yes- skins, Trolls, Squigs, Griffons, Mutants and a fair bit
terday. A test against cold is needed every 4 hours at –0 more. Be prepared for anything but dragons, a
(+40 if dressed appropriately) or a character suffers a famed slayer killed the last around six years ago. Or
fatigue. Morrsleib is not quite as oppressive in its pres- was it his human friend?
ence this day however and while it still is nearly full in • Is it far to Slayerhold?: Not really, two days walk-
the sky it does not count as a corrupting influence today. ing in normal conditions but in this weather...well
Travel remains very slow and the dwarfs mumble about that’ll be a good deal more.
how it would be a shame if they can’t reach a dwarf hold While its still a night outside standing by the fort the
in time for the upcoming holiday of ‘Kegs End’. camp is safer than usual and the night watches can be a
bit more relaxed. The night passes without incident.
The winter days are short and it’s well in the night when
the group sees lights ahead of torches burning. Ascend-
ing the snowy slope they see the road lined with banners
of Ostermark on both sides, at the top of each a brazier is
kept burning. Even at this late hour plate armoured war-
riors stand out in the snow and witness the caravan draw-
ing near. Nods are given to show they won’t stop the
carts. At the end of this avenue of flags and fires stand
Blutfort, a sizeable fortress. From its battlements hang
banners of Ostermark but also another symbol. A red
Mountain Range on a field of white. A lore heraldry test
at +0 or lore Ostermark test at –20 can reveal it as the
flag of the Peaklancers, a knightly order with Blutfort as
its chapter house. By the fort a tall stone wall stretches
through the pass, its gate closed. A short time passes be-
fore a knight in fine armour steps out. He turns to Ukrird
with a bow before speaking loudly, unless actively trying
not to the characters will hear him speak.
“Welcome master dwarf. I am Kastellan Sandro Einhorn
of Blutfort, Grand Master of the Peaklancers and Un-
landed Nobleman. As per our agreement with Slayerhold
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Day 29 –31st of Vorhexen, Konistag PEAKPASS ICE RAVEN
(Bird Swarms)
The winds are as freezing and the snow as deep as
before but this day the pass gives some more shelter The Ice Ravens of the Worlds Edge Mountains are
from the howling winds. A test against cold is need- named for their white colour and their increased vicious-
ed every 4 hours at +10 (+50 if dressed appropriate- ness during the winter months. They are most common
ly) or a character suffers a fatigue. Morrsleib hangs in Peakpass and its surroundings where scavenging is
low in the sky, somewhat hidden behind the moun- good. Their beaks are as adept at crushing bone to access
tains almost making it appear as if a climb to their the marrow as to cut through skin and flesh to devour
peaks would allow a jump to it. Travels go slow and men and beast.
scattered gnawed bones lay in crevasses, nooks and PEAKPASS RAVEN SWARM
crannies of the peak. Plenty of them visibly human
or dwarf bones. M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
2 45 - 60 40 30 30 10 15 20 - 80
Ice Ravens of Peak Pass
(Optional Encounter) Traits: Bestial, Infected, Dark Vision, Grim 1, Weapon +10,
Moving forward the group starts to notice large Swarm (WS increase included), Flight (40)
white crows or ravens moving about, scavenging
from the bones and corpses found in the pass. At Goddri Gheistslayers Shrine
first they are few and jump away as the caravan ap- (Sight)
proaches. But as you move on they become more Most slayers find their doom to the relief of their
numerous and bolder. They no longer jump away as clans as their honour is posthumously restored, and
early, some moving only when a caravan member then their deeds, while recorded, are given little
kicks at it or throws something at it. Then suddenly more thought. Some few bring additional honour to
they stop moving away at all. Instead they gather, their clan with deeds and dooms even greater. One
they start screeching and cawing at the caravan, be- such slayer was Goddri Gheistslayer. Third son of a
coming a terrifying cacophony. The caravan gets a former Slayerking who took the oath for a now for-
few moments to ready themselves before the birds gotten reason. Goddri faced at Terrorpeak five of
attack. the titanic bats that are used by vampires and necro-
Split the attack, set one swarm per three characters mancers to become Terrorgheists upon death. He
(rounded up) against the PCs and give them the sup- slew all five alone, dying as he cut the head of the
port of one NPC in the caravan of your choice. Then fifth while on its back and plummeted into the rocky
explain that the whole caravan is under attack so the ground below. A small statue of a slayer now stands
others are busy with these birds as well. at the foot of the mountain. In Khazalid a plate
Once the swarms fighting the PCs have lost a third states it is Goddri Gheistslayer, on a –20 Lore Karak
of their wounds (split between all of them) then they -Kadrin test a character can know his story, other-
fly away, if someone wishes to get in a last attack or wise none in the caravan knows anything other than
shot as they leave let them make such an attack. For it being a statue of a slayer. Someone has placed a
this encounter fleeing after wound-threshold replac- mug of ale, now frozen solid, there as an offering to
es normal psychology for the Ice Ravens. this ancestor. A lore heraldry test at +10 or lore
dwarfs test at +0 reveals the mug as marked with the
heraldry of the royal clan Angrulok (or Drakebeard
as they are called in human tongues), rulers of

Day 30 –32nd of Vorhexen, Angestag

This day the winds have stopped and it is eerily si-
lent. The snow remains as deep as before. A test
against cold is needed every 5 hours at +10 (+50 if
dressed appropriately) or a character suffers a fa-
tigue. Morrsleib hangs near Mannsleib in the sky,
the two moons seemingly staring down together at
those that dare move through the pass. Bones re-
main scattered across the pass and it is not uncom-
mon to step on one as you wade through the deep
The Death of Khordag Gorunsson Witness a bad moon rising
(Optional Encounter) (Mandatory Encounter)
Suddenly, high above the caravan on the mountains, As darkness fall across peak pass the mountains
a mighty roar is heard, this is followed by some start to reverberate with goblin chanting. Night gob-
shouted out swearing in Khazalid. Then a wet rip- lins worshipping Morrsleib, or “Da bad moon” as
ping sound and another roar. Soon after the sound of they call it, call out to its greatness. The caravan is
something falling towards you is heard, people take set on high alert even before a monstrous chorus
cover and moments later something hits the deep joins in. Roars of wolves, trolls and wyverns answer
snow, sending blood everywhere. Checking closer and call to the moon in their own ways. This lasts
one sees it is the right side of a dwarf slayer who has for nearly two hours.
seemingly been ripped in two. Seems he found the
doom he was looking for. The slayer was ripped Day 31 –Hexentag/Hexennacht, Wel-
apart by a stone troll which now happily eats his
meal. The characters are not on the menu this time. lentag
The winds have returned, quickly blowing away the
Rhinox Migration tracks made in the snow. A test against cold is need-
(Optional Encounter) ed every 4 hours at +0 (+40 if dressed appropriately)
As the caravan moves on the earth starts to rumble or a character suffers a fatigue. The two moons are
and after a while, ahead of them, a large herd of rhi- now both full and their dark presence is felt. Any
noxen appear, crossing the mountain pass. They who do not pray this day/night count as being ex-
walk at a brisk pace. There is little to do but wait posed to a minor source of corruption.
until they have passed. Grum and Dorrin remark
that they seem afraid, as if they are moving away to Da Shrine uv Stuntydeff
avoid predators. They pass after about half an hour.
Should a player character be stupid enough to en- (Sight)
rage one of the Rhinoxen their rules are found at pg Moving through the pass the caravan gazes up at a
25 of “The Imperial Zoo” and 2d10 of them will newly carved night goblin shrine cut into the cliff
turn to trample the disturbing element. Once they above. It holds the shape of a half moon with a
think the threat has been dealt with they will rejoin wicked goblin-like face. It’s shape is not the eerie
the others and move on. thing though, it is the items adorning it. From it
hang ten dead slayers, each has a noose around its
Day 30 –33rd of Vorhexen, Festag neck but it is clear to any seeing that they have also
been stabbed, cut and shot with arrows prior to this.
The eerie silence remains as does the heavy snow. A The dying
test against cold is needed every 5 hours at +10 (+50
if dressed appropriately) or a character suffers a fa- (Optional Encounter)
tigue. The two moons are nearly full and hang large In the distance the shape of a broken cart is seen, not
in the sky, visible both during the short day and the too uncommon a sight in the pass but it looks fresh.
long night. Blood lays splattered on the snow. Ukrird asks for
volunteers to scout ahead and see that it’s not a trap.
If the characters don’t chose to be part of this then
King of the sky others in the caravan will. At the cart are four hu-
(Optional Encounter) man corpses and one man not yet dead. By them is
A raptors call is heard above and a great eagle found the severed arm of a large stone troll. The sur-
sweeps across the sky. Soon after a roar is heard fol- vivor lays propped up against the cart, his right leg
lowed by the heavy flapping of wings as a wyvern is is missing and the stump is stuck down into the red
seen in pursuit of the noble beast. The eagle has the snow. There is no trap or ambush, allow whatever
speed and manoeuvrability to keep away but not the ideas the PCs come up with to check, such as per-
stamina and their hunt has been going on for a while ception tests, scrying or more to reveal as much if
now. The eagle, in its desperation, manoeuvres aside successful. Talking to the merchant he is very weak
and makes an attack, clawing and pecking at the wy- and can’t tell much. Talking to them he will with
verns neck. Letting blood rain down beneath, drop- raspy breath shakily say the word “Trolls.” twice
ping onto the caravan. The wyvern answers with a before collapsing of exhaustion. He can be saved
tail swipe that unbalances the eagle. A moment after with heal tests and brought to Karak-Kadrin but he
its fearsome jaws clasp onto the wing of the great will need rest and recuperation the coming weeks so
eagle and starts to shake it violently. The eagle stops waking him to have him say more is a bad idea for
moving and the wyvern flies off. Leaving most his wellbeing. If done he can however tell them the
thankful that they didn’t have to fight it and perhaps cart was attacked by three trolls and smashed apart.
worried that it will return.
The troll attack remaining at this point.
(Mandatory Encounter) Travelling the Caverns: These Night Goblin cav-
Then comes a cackling laughter echoing through the erns are deadly, filled with various dangers. They
mountains and soon after a stone troll jumps down a are however not only filled with enemies. The
cliff ahead and starts to run towards the caravan. chanting of night goblins and roaring of monsters
The hellblaster crew react quickly, swivelling to has not been missed in Karak-Kadrin and many
face it and unleashing a volley of fire. The troll is slayers have moved out to search their dooms
thrown to the ground riddled with holes. But before against these creatures. Let the sounds of fighting be
it can be burnt to ensure it is dead a rumbling be- heard echoing through the passages as the PCs move
gins. An avalanche rolls down the mountain towards about. The PCs begin at A and the path out is found
the caravan. Give a quick attempt to find cover or beyond Q, where a passage leads off the map. At
run for it. each letter there is a description of the place and the
Then the white wall reaches them and sweeps them foes found there. When the players take their time
off. Characters take 12 damage modified by TB and too long at a place roll a d10 on the following table:
AP as normal, this counts as striking the body. A D10-Roll Result
character with the small trait takes four less damage, 1-5 Nothing happens for now, add +1 to further rolls
a character that went for cover takes 5 less damage. on the table.
The characters awaken a bit later half buried in 6-7 Two Night Goblins run into the characters, one
snow, it is dark, it seems they were swept into a of them starts with the surprised condition
cave and the entrance seems blocked. There are oth- 8-10 Three Night Goblins launch an attack
er paths however. There are also sounds of fighting,
roars of trolls and the cackling laughter of goblin 11 Two squigs attack
spellcasters echoing through the caves. Digging 12 A squig and three night goblins attack, reset mo-
themselves up is not too difficult. Near them they difiers to the roll
also find Tatiana Rehorst, she is knocked out but 13 A Common Troll attacks, reset modifiers to the
can be woken up by the PCs in which case she will roll
help them in fights and escaping, she has 10 wounds 14+ A Stone Troll attacks, reset modifiers to the roll
Getting Past: Fighting the foes in the chambers need alone. A lore (medicine) test at +20 reveals that
not be necessary, sneaking past is often a good idea. ground up wyvern bones can be used as a cure for
To do so the one with the worst stealth value rolls Blood Rot.
against the foe with the best perception an opposed L: A Stone troll fights the slayer Garamraz Matriks-
roll. If succeeded the group can move past the foes. If son here, if helped to defeat it he will sigh and grum-
the foe is fighting sneaking past is automatic if tried. ble a bit over not needing it but offer to help the PCs
Making a run for it can also work, if attempted do a out.
pursuit (pg 166 Core rulebook), however in the small M: Twice as many night goblins as there are players
and dark caverns here where other fighting is going on can be found here. If they lose half of their numbers
the distance needed to get away is only 7+ rather than they will turn and retreat.
10+. N: A group of night goblins twice as many as the
Remember: Before entering dangerous caverns roll players and their two squigs are found here. They have
for sixth sense for any characters that have it. tied up a slayer who sits next to a large black caul-
A: This cavern is mostly snow filled after the ava- dron, they clearly intend to boil and eat him. Needless
lanche. The PCs and temple guard Tatiana Rehorst of to say this is not a worthy doom. If the dwarf
the caravan are found here somewhat buried in snow. Thuzgoth Mamnofsson is freed he is very grateful and
The path in is completely snow covered and digging swears to get them out alive or die trying.
out would take forever, the sounds of battle in the cav- O: A group of ten night goblins is fighting another
erns also suggest it is a bad idea to stay put and await group of eleven night goblins here. The dirtfilled cav-
attacks. ern has mushrooms growing all about and trampled
B: This cave opening has a pair of trolls in it. They are patches, some with blankets. Looks like it could be a
currently ripping apart and eating a slayer they have sleeping hall for the greenskins.
killed. It can be possible to sneak past them or surprise P: Strange glowing mushrooms are found here, travel-
attack them. Sneaking past gives a +40 bonus to ling through it you will notice their glowing spores
stealth. sticking to your clothes. These will illuminate your
C: Here the Slayer Rodruk Sharpaxe is found along- surroundings giving you a –20 penalty to stealth. In
side his pig fighting six cave squigs. If aided he will addition any Waaagh! Magic spells cast at you gain
grumble about it being unfortunate they helped him +1SL.
but will agree to travel with them to help them escape Q: In this room is the dread shaman Nibzgit
if asked, else he will run off to find his doom closely Spleensplitta as well as a number of night goblins
followed by the large sow. equal to twice the amount of players and half as many
D: This cavern is filled with mushrooms, someone can squigs (rounded) up.
with a +20 lore (herbs) test identify them as madcap Outside
mushrooms (Core rulebook pg 306) and can pick up to The exit: The path out leads to a small cave in the cliff.
twenty of them to take with them. The corpse of a From there having the Orientation talent, testing navigation
nightgoblin can also be found there. at +20 or climbing up to a vantage point will get the char-
E: Here the Halfling kid Pip is found guarded by the acters knowing the way back to the pass. Fighting is heard
dog Princess. The kid will recognize the characters in the mountains. Echoing with warcries of dwarfs and
and ask for help out. Princess will follow Pip and keep roars of trolls.
The pass: Getting to Peak Pass the caravan is found. A
him safe. group of slayers is seen with them and they have formed a
F: Here two dead slayers and eight dead goblins are protective circle around the carts. Dead lay in the pass,
found, three living but wounded (half original wounds most of them night goblins but some slayers too and even a
remaining) night goblins and one stone troll stand few trolls. The characters are welcomed back, if Pip was
here. found and brought back the halflings are exceptionally hap-
G: Here the Slayer Modrindal Grimcrag is found py for that, if not they will be very sad and disappointed he
fighting against three common trolls. If aided he will did not make it.
be furious they stopped him from dying and storm off. The characters will be informed the ogre Hig and the River
H: A cave troll and five night goblins with shortbows Warden Sissi Lorenz did not make it, they were killed in
are found in this cave, in front of them lay three dead the attack. Hig got his head melted off by troll vomit and
slayers, two riddled with arrows, one with his head Sissi was struck by Waaagh! magic that made her head ex-
plode in a shower of brainmatter and green energy.
crushed by a boulder. Standing out from the other slayers a dwarf slayer woman
I: In this chamber is found five dead night goblins and has come across the caravan and the dwarfs. Snoraya
one dead slayer. Beletnarrisdaughter, she looks unfit for being a slayer and
J: A stone troll is standing in this cavern staring into she carries armour over her body. Characters with second
space with a vacant look. Upon the characters entering sight will see incredibly powerful magic coming from her
start a fight but start it with a surprised condition for (this is the rune weapons in her backpack).
the troll unless they sneak past which can be done Both Snoraya and the Slayers suggest they travel together
with a +50 bonus to stealth. to Karak-Kadrin, some slayers grumble about losing op-
K: The skeleton of a wyvern is found here, how it got tions for a glorious death but the oldest scolds them and
into this cave to die is a mystery. A single nightgoblin reminds them that by the laws of Karak-Kadrin they are
is found here and will flee as soon as it finds it isn’t required to help.
THE DANGERS IN THE PASS Nibzgit Spleensplitta
(Goblins, Trolls and Squigs) Nibzgit Spleensplitta is a powerful night goblin
Peakpass is filled with dangers and this Hexennacht shaman with a wicked psychopathic demeanour. It
is a dangerous night to be here. is blessed by Mork (or possibly Gork) and cackles
madly at its own powers whenever anything goes
Night Goblin well with them (and fumes and grumbles when they
Night Goblins are a distinct sub-species of subterra- go wrong). While he only speaks goblin tongue he
nean Goblins whom are known famously for dwell- has learnt the words “Idiot” and “Fool” in Khazalid
ing within the dark tunnel networks of the Worlds and will use them to insult dwarfs fighting him.
Edge Mountains. The Night Goblins are truly a
creature of the darkness, for they mortally hate the NIBZGIT SPLEENSPLITTA –NIGHT GOBLIN
light of any source, preferring instead to live in near GREAT SHAMAN
total darkness. M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
Though they are considered slightly smaller,
scrawnier and much more cowardly then even the 4 40 35 35 50 45 55 50 65 40 30 17
average Goblin, what Night Goblins lack in size and Skills: Athletics 60, Consume Alcohol 55, Cool 65, Dodge 75,
stature they make up for with sheer psychotic aban- Endurance 55, Melee (Basic) 45, Melee (Polearm) 50, Chan-
donment. neling (Waaagh!) 60, Entertain (Storytelling) 55, Intuition 75,
Leadership 45, Lore (Waaagh!) 85, Perception 75, Language
(Magick) 85
Traits: Animosity, Afraid (Elves, The sun), Infected, Night
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W Vision, Weapon +7 (Defensive)
4 30 35 30 35 25 40 30 30 10 20 10
Waaagh! Magic: Nibzgit uses Waaagh! magic, in addition to
Skills: Athletics 45, Consume Alcohol 40, Cool 15, Dodge 45, allowing a unique spell selection the following rules apply.
Endurance 40, Melee (Basic) 35, Melee (Polearm) 35, Nibzgit adds +5 to all channeling tests for each fighting green-
skin within WP yards. Nibzgit adds +1 to spell damage for
Traits: Animosity, Armour 1, Afraid (Elves, The sun), Infect- each fighting greenskin within WPB yards. Nibzgit adds +10
ed, Night Vision, Weapon +7 to any roll on the miscast table for each fleeing greenskin with-
in WP yards. Nibzgit may not cast spells in a round in which
Proppa Stikkaz an Sneaky Stabbaz: These night goblins he flees or retreats. Spells taken from other lores or arcane
carry an assortment of spears and daggers and are skilled at spells use these rules instead of their lore attributes.
switching which to attack or defend with. For any roll to attack
or defend in melee they can chose if they want their weapon to Talents: Aetheric Atunement, Instinctive Diction Rank 2,
count as Very Long (using the spear) or Very Short (using the Luck, Magical Sense, Menacing, Petty Magic, Second Sight
Trappings: Staff, dark robes, Bad moon amulet uv surviviness
Talents: Enclosed Fighter
Bad moon amulet uv surviviness: This small amulet is
Trappings: Spear, Dark Robes, Dagger, Fungus Brew shaped like a moon and glows green when charged. It charges
Fungus Brew: A small flask or waterskin of fungus brew up each time Morrsleib becomes full. When worn by a green-
hangs in a rope by the waist. A goblin can drink it as a free skin it grants Ward (1). Each time it rolls for ward increase the
action. It then tests Consume Alcohol, if successful it gains a ward number in parenthesis by two. When it reaches Ward
+20 bonus to its next test, if failed it suffers a wound and (11) it has fully lost it charge until the next time Morrsleib is
counts as having failed one consume alcohol test. full.

Petty Magic Spells: Dazzle, Rot, Shock, Sly Hands, Open

Lock, Drain
Trying to sell or use goblin items Waaagh! Magic spells: Aethyric Arms, Bolt, Entangle,
Goblin weapons are small and of poor quality. Virtual- Steal Life (Lore of Death), Shadowstep (Lore of Shadows),
ly no-one would be interested in purchasing them. Sneaky Stabbin, Night Shroud, Curse of da Bad Moon, Spore
If selling them have merchants and traders assume
they want to get rid of them and offer to do so for a
few brass (ie, the player is offered to pay a few brass
for the trader to dispose of it), if the PC makes it clear
he wants to sell them he will likely be laughed at.
If a character wants to use them count them as weap-
ons of their type that suffer one damage at the end of
each battle in which they were used.
Fungus Brew can be used but if the flask is ever put in
direct sunlight it goes bad and drinking it will then
give “Galloping Trots” (Core rulebook pg 187) to any-
one drinking it (in addition to smelling and tasting hor-
rible before that).
Sneaky Stabbin Spore Maws
CN: 9 CN: 12
Range: Willpower yards Range: Centered on caster
Target: WPB greenskin allies (which may include the Target: AoE, WPB yards
caster) Duration: Immediate
Duration: WPB rounds With a cry, the Shaman causes thick spores around him
to coalesce into gnashing green mouths. All enemies
The targets of this spell are driven to go right after "hurty
within the spell must defend against an attack from the
bitz" or sneak up on opponents at unexpected angles.
Shaman using “Language (Magic)” opposed by dodge or
Attacks made by the targets of this spell gain the Pene-
melee, crits on defence can not hurt the shaman in this
trating weapon quality.
case and doubles from the shaman does not cause mis-
casts or fumbles on the attack rolls (but can cause mis-
Night Shroud casts for the original spellcasting roll). This attack deals
CN: 4 a damage of WPB+SL and has the damaging quality.
Range: Centered on caster
Cave Squig
Target: AoE. Willpower yards Cave Squigs are found far beneath the Worlds Edge
Duration: WPB rounds Mountains They are improbable creatures, part fun-
gus and part flesh with spheroid bodies, beady eyes
The shaman throws a black-capped nightshade mush- and gaping maws dominated by row upon row of
room into the air, which bursts to form a cloud of pitch
blackness. The area covered is considered to be in dark- dagger-like teeth.
ness and is not affected by any lightsource outside of the
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
Curse of da Bad Moon 4 45 - 60 40 10 30 - 5 15 - 15
CN: 10
Range: Willpower Yards Traits: Bestial, Belligerent, Bounce, Infected, Dark Vision,
Target: AoE, 4 yards wide. Weapon +9
Duration: WPB rounds Squig Body: Squigs are not remotely humanoid, their phy-
With a chilling howl, the Shaman summons a great pale sique is quite unique. They use the following table for hit loca-
tions: 01-70: Head, 71-85: Right Leg, 86-100 Left Leg.
moon with a leering goblinoid face and large, tusk-like
fangs. Place the “Moon” as an AoE within range, after
placing it chose a direction and move it D10+WPB yards
in that direction. Anyone covered by the moon must roll
on the “Curse of da Bad Moon table” below. Each round
after the first it moves D10 yards in a random direction.

D10 Roll Effect

1 Test your highest characteristic, if
you fail the test lose one fortune
point as if you had spent it. Also
suffer one wound ignoring AP and
2-4 Test your strength, if you fail the
test gain one Stunned Condition.
Also suffer one wound ignoring AP
and TB.
5-7 Test your Toughness, if you fail the
test gain one Bleeding Condition.
Also suffer one wound ignoring AP
and TB.
8-10 Test your Initiative, if you fail the
test gain one Surprised Condition.
Also suffer one wound ignoring AP
and TB.
Image by Midjourney ai beta
Common Troll Troll Talents
A Common Troll is still a deadly foe with its regen- A list of new talents for the trolls featured here. For
erating flesh and acidic vomit. The ones in this cave more information about trolls see my fan-made sup-
are used by the goblins. plement “The Encyclopedia Trollae”.


The creature has learnt to defend itself with tools despite its bes-
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W tial nature. The creature can use the melee skill to defend in close
5 35 15 60 50 20 15 15 10 25 10 44 combat despite having the bestial trait.

Skills: Perception 25, Melee (Brawling) 45, Endurance 60, Goblob

Cool 35, Dodge 25, Melee (Basic) 45, Swim 65 The creature has a way with goblins. A way with throwing goblins
that is. The creature can use both its movement and action to pick
Traits: Armour 2, Bestial, Bite +9, Block, Die Hard, Goblob, up and throw a goblin, gnoblar or snotling.
Gutburst 5, Hungry, Infected, Regenerate, Size (Large), Stu- This has a range in yards decided by size and SB as per the below;
pid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit, Weapon
+10 • Size Average or Less: Range is equal to SB divided by two
(rounded down to a minimum of 1).
• Size Large: Range is equal to SB.
Stone Troll • Size Enormous: Range is equal to SB+4
Stone trolls are one of the most famous breeds of • Size Monstrous: Range is equal to SB+8.
troll. Known for their thick scales and tough hides. The throwing creature now decides a target, this can be an enemy
Less known but no less impressive is their resistance or a point of landing. The creature then tests BS to launch the
to magic. Spells often wash harmlessly off them or goblin. If it hits either roll for impact or landing depending on the
do little but anger these beasts. Some believe this is type of launch chosen.
from the stones they eat causing a magic inertia that • Impact: To decide damage from impact treat it as a pro-
jectile attack with a base damage of throwers SB +thrown
dispels magic. creatures SB +thrown creatures TB and deal this damage
to both the target and the thrown goblin. If the goblin is
STONE TROLL not killed by this roll for landing in front of the target.
• Landing: The goblin tries to land somewhat safely. The
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W goblin suffers damage equal to the amount of yards
6 40 20 65 60 25 20 20 20 35 15 52 thrown but this can be reduced. The goblin takes an ath-
letics test at +0 and for each SL reduces the damage suf-
Skills: Perception 30, Melee (Brawling) 50, Endurance 70, fered by one. If the Athletics test is succeeded the goblin
Cool 45, Dodge 25, Melee (Basic) 50 stands, otherwise it is prone.
If the BS test failed however the goblin misses the target and scat-
Traits: Armour 4, Bite +9, Die Hard, Goblob, Gutburst 4, Grim ters a number of yards equal to the failed SLs in a random direc-
1, Hungry, Infected, Magic Resistance 2, Night Vision, Regen- tion. It then rolls for landing counting the failed SLs as extra yards
erate, Size (Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll travelled.
Tough, Vomit, Weapon +10 In Core rulebook add ’Goblob’ as Optional trait to; Wyvern, Orc,
Giant, Ogre. A wyvern with this optional trait gains a BS of 10
Cave Troll that the GM is of course free to increase or decrease as he sees
Cave trolls are also known as horned trolls due to
the imposing horns they sprout. It is not uncommon
for them to have more than one pair adorning their Gutburst (Rating)
The creatures stomach is large and filled with acid. Should a blade
heads. Cave Trolls live mostly amongst cliffs and pierce it the vile acid will spill around it. If the creature suffers a
mountains where they can fight in their specialized critical hit to its body roll a d10, if the roll is equal to or more than
way of hurling boulders on prey and enemies below. the rating then the attack pierced the gut with enough force to
burst its gut. The creature loses an additional number of wounds
equal to the rating and must make a free Vomit attack (see pg 343
CAVE TROLL of the core rulebook) against each creature engaged with it, this
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W attack is made even if the creature lacks the Vomit trait.

6 30 40 65 45 20 15 15 10 25 10 40 Troll Tough
Skills: Perception 25, Melee (Brawling) 40, Endurance 55, The creature has an additional eight wounds. Note that the troll in
Cool 35, Dodge 25, Swim 70 Ranged (Throwing) 55 the core rulebook has this in effect but not in name, this talent is
mainly here to make it clear trolls have additional wounds for
Traits: Bestial, Bite +10, Die Hard, Goblob, Gutburst 5, Horns their size so its easier for a GM that increases (or decreases) char-
+6, Hungry, Infected, Ranged +10 (18), Regenerate, Size acteristics to take into account.
(Large), Stupid, Territorial (Lair), Tough, Troll Tough, Vomit,
Weapon +10,
Talents: Magic Resistance, Night Vision. Read/Write, Reso-
lute, Sturdy, Strong Back, Fearless (All), Slayer
The dwarfs met during Hexennacht found in the
pass can become useful allies, die at the hands or Trappings: Axe, Pants, Small icon of Grimnir
trolls or end up with stranger fates yet.
Garamraz Matriksson
Rodruk Sharpaxe Garamraz was a huffer plying the river Reik for near
Rodruk Sharpaxe is a slayer who started his life as eighty years before river pirates hunted him down
an imperial dwarf in an Ostermark village. Then he and took out his ship. Unable to live with the loss of
failed to keep check on the pigs under his responsi- ship and friends he took the oath to end it all.
bility and they came into the local monastery’s herb
garden, ruining it completely. To atone for his fail- GARAMRAZ MATRIKSSON –DWARF
ure in his job he took the oath. As he left one of his TROLLSLAYER BRASS 2
pigs, a large sow called Hrueina, broke out and fol- M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
lowed him. He now travels with her figuring they’ll 3 47 34 35 43 29 24 47 35 47 24 15
likely find their doom together.
Skills: Language (Khazalid) 40, Lore (Dwarfs) 40, Lore
RODRUK SHARPAXE –DWARF (Geology) 40, Lore (Metallurgy) 38, Endurance 51, Consume
TROLLSLAYER BRASS 2 Alcohol 62, Cool 52, Dodge 29, Gamble 40, Heal 40, Lore
(Trolls) 40, Melee (Basic) 52, Gossip 29, Intuition 34, Lore
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W (The river Reik) 40, Lore (Riverways) 40, Perception 34, Row
3 54 25 29 44 39 31 41 37 56 12 15 40, Swim 40

Talents: Magic Resistance, Night Vision. Read/Write, Reso-

Skills: Animal Care 42, Athletics 36, Language (Khazalid) 42, lute, Fearless (All), Frenzy, Orientation
Lore (Dwarfs) 42, Lore (Geology) 42, Trade (Brewer) 44,
Consume Alcohol 57, Evaluate 40, Endurance 54, Gossip 17, Trappings: Axe, warm clothing, compass
Melee (Brawling) 59, Lore (Karak-Kadrin) 42, Outdoor Sur-
vival 42, Cool 61, Dodge 36, Gamble 42, Heal 42, Lore
(Trolls) 42, Melee (Basic) 59 Thuzgoth Mamnofsson
Thuzgoth is a former dwarf entertainer who has tak-
Talents: Magic Resistance, Night Vision. Relentless, Resolute, en the oath for the shame of having killed another
Sturdy, Strong Minded, Dual Wielder, Fearless (All) dwarf in a drunken rage.
Trappings: Two axes, pants, Sow
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
3 52 31 36 50 36 28 51 32 54 27 18
7 35 - 33 35 43 35 - 30 20 5 14
Traits: Bestial, Clever, Night Vision, Skittish, Stride, Weapon Skills: Language (Khazalid) 37, Lore (Dwarfs) 37, Athletics
+5, Trained (Broken, War) 33, Charm 32, Entertain (Stoyteller) 35, Gossip 32, Haggle 32,
Perform (Sword swallowing) 32, Play (Drums) 32, Sleight of
Talents: Hardy hand 56, Consume Alcohol 58, Cool 59, Dodge 33, Endurance
55, Gamble 37, Heal 37, Lore (Trolls) 37, Melee (Basic) 57
Modrindal Grimcrag Talents: Magic Resistance, Night Vision. Read/Write, Reso-
Modrindal Grimcrag was a servant working for a lute, Fearless (All), Suave, Dual Wielder
dwarf thane in Zhufbar until, during a fateful even-
ing, the thane was assassinated, skaven poison Trappings: Pair of Axes, pants, small drum
snuck into his ale. Modrindal blames himself for not
testing it and dying in his masters stead. The shame
has made him take the slayer oath.


M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
3 38 33 34 45 25 26 38 29 57 19 16
Skills: Athletics 31, Language (Khazalid) 34, Lore (Dwarfs)
34, Entertain (Storytelling) 24, Melee (Basic) 46, Consume
Alcohol 53, Trade (Stonecutter) 41, Climb 39, Drive 31,
Dodge 36, Endurance 55, Intuition 30, Perception 30, Stealth
(Underground) 31, Cool 62, Gamble 34, Heal 34, Lore (Trolls)
Image by Midjourney ai beta
Snoraya Beletnarrisdottir Dwarf Slayers
Snoraya Beletnarrisdottir took the oath after unan- There are many slayers at Karak-Kadrin. Not all of them
swered love. She loved her betrothed and looked detailed. To quickly get characteristics for a slayer look
forward to marrying him. When the day came he below.
however disappeared, shaming them both. Snoraya DWARF TROLLSLAYER BRASS 2
took the oath the same night. She travelled a long Skills: Consume Alcohol 50, Cool 60, Dodge 25, Endurance 50,
time, failing to find her doom. Eventually she met
and fought alongside Garagrim Ironfist, Prince of M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
Karak-Kadrin. She was there when he died, fighting 3 45 30 35 40 30 20 40 30 55 20 16
a trio of mutated giants from the waste, bringing two Gamble 35, Heal 35, Lore (Trolls) 35, Melee (Basic) 50
of them down with him. Laying dying War-mourner
Garagrim tasked her with returning his rune-axes to Traits: Animosity (Elves), Hatred (Greenskins). Night Vision
Karak-Kadrin and his clan. This put her doomseek- Talents: Magic Resistance, Read/Write, Fearless (All), Slayer
ing on hold, needing to complete this task. Howev-
er, she was also pregnant, not with Garagrim but Trappings: Axe, Flask of Spirits, Tattoos
with another slayer that had found his doom. She
knew that a child of hers would have little future, Skills: Consume Alcohol 55, Cool 65, Dodge 25, Endurance 55,
orphaned. Thus she came up with a plan, a dishon- Gamble 35, Heal 35, Lore (Trolls) 35, Melee (Basic) 55, Evaluate 35,
ourable one but she was not doing this for herself.
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
She would go to Karak-Kadrin and claim the child
was Garagrims. This would make the kid the heir 3 50 30 40 50 30 20 40 30 60 20 25
and give it a chance to live a good life. With Garag- Intimidate 45, Language (Battle) 35, Lore (Giants) 35, Melee (Two-
rims axes returned by her the claim would not seem handed) 55, Outdoor Survival 35
out of question she reasons.
Traits: Animosity (Elves), Hatred (Greenskins). Night Vision

SNORAYA BELETNARRISDOTTIR –DWARF Talents: Magic Resistance, Read/Write, Fearless (All), Slayer, Hardy
Trappings: Axe, Flask of Spirits, Tattoos, Great Axe, Jewellery
3 57 31 43 54 47 34 38 28 66 22 20 Skills: Consume Alcohol 60, Cool 70, Dodge 40, Endurance 60,
Gamble 35, Heal 35, Lore (Trolls) 35, Melee (Basic) 60, Evaluate 35,
Skills: Lore (Dwarfs) 33, Language (Khazalid) 33, Consume Intimidate 50, Language (Battle) 35, Lore (Giants) 35, Melee (Two-
Alcohol 64, Endurance 64, Entertain (Storytelling) 32, Gamble handed) 60, Outdoor Survival 35, Entertain (Storytelling) 25, Lore
38, Gossip 27, Intuition 52, Melee (Basic) 67, Perception 57, (Dragons) 35, Perception 35, Ranged (Throwing) 35
Athletics 39, Cool 76, Dodge 44, Intimidate 53, Melee
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
(Polearm) 62, Ranged (Crossbow) 36, Heal 33, Lore (Trolls)
33, Evaluate 33, Language (Battle) 33, Lore (Giants) 33, Me- 3 55 30 45 55 30 35 40 30 65 20 25
lee (Twohanded) 62, Outdoor Survival 33, Lore (Dragons) 33,
Ranged (Thrown) 36
Traits: Animosity (Elves), Hatred (Greenskins). Night Vision
Talents: Magic Resistance, Night Vision. Read/Write, Reso-
lute, Sturdy, Strike to Stun, Strike Mighty Blow, Fearless Talents: Magic Resistance, Read/Write, Fearless (All), Slayer, Hardy,
(Everything), Slayer, Implacable Furious Assault

Trappings: Axe, Flask of Spirits, Tattoos, Great Axe, Jewellery,

Trappings: Clothing, Chaincloak, Greataxe, Three throwing Throwing Axes
axes, Backpack with the rune axes of Garagrim Ironfist

M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W

3 60 30 50 60 30 40 40 30 70 20 30
Skills: Consume Alcohol 65, Cool 75, Dodge 45, Endurance 65,
Gamble 35, Heal 35, Lore (Trolls) 35, Melee (Basic) 65, Evaluate 35,
Intimidate 55, Language (Battle) 35, Lore (Giants) 35, Melee (Two-
handed) 65, Outdoor Survival 35, Entertain (Storytelling) 25, Lore
(Dragons) 35, Perception 35, Ranged (Throwing) 35, Intuition 35,
Lore (Chaos) 35

Traits: Animosity (Elves), Hatred (Greenskins). Night Vision

Talents: Magic Resistance, Read/Write, Fearless (All), Slayer, Hardy,

Furious Assault, Combat Master

Trappings: Axe, Flask of Spirits, Tattoos, Great Axe, Jewellery,

Throwing Axes
Escort to Karak-Kadrin that King Ungrim Ironfist is away on campaign but
(Mandatory Encounter) that Queen Alrika can see them tomorrow. The cara-
With a contingent of slayers the caravan is led forth van is led to the Human Quarter, where the scale is
towards Karak-Kadrin. more fitting for those that are not dwarfs.
The GM may throw additional attacks from night
goblins, trolls or both as he sees fit on this journey. RESOLUTION
The march goes throughout the night and it is dawn Before properly starting the intrigue and adventure
when they finally see the great hold of Karak- in Karak-Kadrin it’s fitting to grant some exp. Apart
Kadrin. Hundreds of freshly killed nightgoblins lit- from standard exp for roleplaying and bright ideas
ter the ground and frozen river outside the hold. the following can awards extra experience:
Closest to the gate two piles of still burning oil and
greenskin bodies lay like massive bonfires lighting  5 exp for driving away the ice ravens if used
the way, the work of dwarf flamecannons.  5 exp per character saved during the “Troll at-
A horn blasts a signal at their return and the gate tack” scenario.
starts to open, letting the caravan in. Both Ukrird  5 exp for each troll killed.
Okrisson and Snoraya Beletnarrisdottir will declare  10 exp for killing Nibzgit Spleensplitta
their wish to meet with the king. It will be revealed Image by Midjourney ai beta
City Guide: Karak-Kadrin
A city-guide for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th Edition by Leo E Gunnemarsson

“Karak Kadrin. The city of the Slayer ey thus made. Priests of Grimnir too dwell here,
King. Tis a grim wee place.” more comfortable with slayers than common
-Malakai Makaisson dwarfkind as they help guide the cult in spiritual
matters and keep record of dooms.
Karak-Kadrin, often called Slayerkeep, is one of the
great holds of the dwarfs. And one of the oldest, For their use of Khaz Drengi slayers in Karak-
amongst those with foundations placed by the an- Kadrin must serve the military of the hold. A price
cestor gods themselves near seven thousand years most gladly pay though there can be grumbling
ago. It is a massive fortress carved from the very about having to patrol a wall or guard a gate instead
rock of the mountain peak. It’s veins of iron and of hunting a monster or fight at the thick of battle.
coal have been mined for millenia and show no sign Warriors of the hold all tend to have experience
of drying up. It is these materials that make up the fighting alongside slayers as a result of this and this
famed Kadrin Steel, a fine metal said to make the takes a toll. These brothers-in-arms, considered dead
best axeheads, save for those forged of legendary already in the eyes of most dwarfs, rarely last long
Gromril of course. and Karak-Kadrin veterans will have seen more
The forests of Wutroth, a now near extinct specie of shamed dwarfs come and go than they would like to
mountain oak, that once covered the valley of Karak remember.
-Kadrin have long since been cut down and the
lands around the hold are barren. An excellent de- Today the hold is known as Slayerkeep but that was
fense as any approaching by land are seen and can not always the case. It was king Baragor who set
be targeted long before they get near, but a grim this path. In ages past, roughly seven hundred years
look. Kadrin Peak itself is not the highest of the lo- before the empire was founded, the king was greatly
cal mountains by any means, but it stands apart from shamed and swore the slayers oath. He was however
all its surroundings, dominating a massive valley also bound by his oath of kingship to lead the hold
between two chains of higher, grander mountains. A for all his life and could not fully seek a death.
river runs below the mountain acting as yet another Trapped between oaths he instead chose to serve
barrier for attackers in the spring and summer Grimnir in other ways, becoming a patron of the
months. slayer cult, building a great shrine to them in his
Clouds of dark polluted smoke hang over the moun- halls and ensuring them a place to rest between
tain, from the industries of Karak-Kadrin. Their soot seeking their deaths. These trapped oaths have then
darkening the stonework of the grim fortress of been passed down through the generations making
crudely cut stone. The crudeness of the architecture each king since a slayerking. All until Garagrim
is rare amongst dwarf forts and its meaning debated. Ironfist, late son of the current king found a solu-
Some runekeepers claim the ancestors chose to tion. Taking an ancient oath of warmourner to take
make it such to show its purpose as a fortress above upon him the oaths of the king he became a slayer
any other. Others say it was once grander in design and sought his doom. A doom he found. His father
but repairs over countless sieges have removed the could not undo his slayerdom, once taken the oath
finery and kept only crude yet effective stonework. remains. But the shame had finally been attoned and
Inside the hold the style more resembles that of oth- the future of the line looks brighter than it has done
er holds, yet a grim atmosphere remains in the halls in three millennia. A problem remains however, the
of dark stone and deep mines. For this is the Slayer- king has no heir. The shame may be settled with a
keep, home to the great slayer shrine and a constant mighty doom but the throne shall stand empty can
reminder of honour lost. none be chosen. His clan Angrulok, also known as
The slayers keep mostly to Khaz Drengi, the slayers Drakebeard, now compete for Ungrim Ironfists fa-
hall. An area that can be likened to a miniature hold vour, wanting one of their own families to be made
within the hold. At its centre stand the great Slayer heir to both clan leadership and the royal throne.
Shrine of Karak Kadrin. Khaz Drengi is a home to Much of this competition is found on the field of
all slayers, here most that dwell have taken the oath battle for Ungrim is a mighty warrior enjoying feats
and few dwell there long, though times of great of weaponskill and strategy. Proving courage and
trouble in the peak pass gather larger gatherings skill in wars to settle grudges is a good way to im-
staying longer as they hope to find their doom in a press on the king.
coming war. Some tradesmen have taken a home in But as is the case in matters diplomatic there are
the forbidding Khaz Drengi without having the oath. other battlefields than war. Intrigue and subterfuge
Tattooists, weapon smiths and tavernkeeps that rec- too find their way here, even amongst the honoura-
ognize the need for slayers to purchase and the mon- ble dwarfs and many families are eager to prove
others as unfitting
Places of Note
Outer Walls The Great Slayer Shrine
The walls around the fortress is the one structure Also known as the Shrine of Grimnir this large
above ground in the hold not cut from the mountain structure stands as the centre of Khaz Drengi, the
itself. It is constructed from crude hewn, lichen en- structure the rest of the slayerhall is built around.
crusted stone and repaired countless times. While Built year –650 IC the shrine is older than the em-
the wall has rarely been breached it has been dam- pire and countless slayers have sworn their oath in
aged times beyond counting and each such time a its halls, entering their names to the great pillars of
new repair has been made. The wall is manned by it, to be remembered as dead. The shrinekeepers and
warriors, warmachines and slayers at all times. other priests of Grimnir walk the halls offering guid-
ance and training to slayers seeking it as well as re-
The Ironfist Castle cording their deeds.
The Ironfist castle is the home of the royal family While the ancestor church in theory is apolitical the
and stick out from the top of the mountain though reality is not such in Karak-Kadrin for the shrine
much of it is hidden below ground. Royal libraries, owes its grandeur and greatness to the close patron-
vaults and the throne room are found here. In the age of the royal clan Angrulok. As a result the
roof a massive sculpture of two crossed axes sit, on priesthood hold high thoughts of the Slayer Kings
them are strange runes that blaze with ancient pow- and spread the word that they are to be trusted and
er. respected by any under the oath. It may also be this
Runes of Protection: Magic directed at the castle patronage that made them support Garagrim Iron-
halve its range and damage. fists wish to become warmourner by ancient tradi-
tions long forgotten. A slayer may take his oath
The Human Quarters wherever he wants but most Slayers take their vow
The human quarters are not too accurately named before the great altar of Grimnir at the Slayer
for halflings, gnomes and ogres can be found here as Shrine, that is where they shave their heads, then
well from time to time. It is a place where guests of they burn their hair in the great furnace. Fires are
the hold and merchants travelling through can find a always kept burning in the shrine and the smell of
place to rest. Here one can find the taverns “The incense and burning hair is ever present. In the inner
Emperor’s Griffon” and “Eastern Rest” amongst sanctum are found the tombs of the slayer kings
others. along the walls while a central altar holds a statue of
Grimnir. While his body is lost a tomb to Garagrim
The Deep Mines is planned to be made here in memory of his death.
The mines of Karak Kadrin have been mined for
millennia and have yet to run dry. Such long use The street of skin artists
does however cause them to go very deep indeed. Outside the Slayer Shrine is the street of skin artists,
The distances to the deeper mines to seek iron and a road of dwarf tattooists ready to give the new slay-
coal have increased with each century and they are ers their first tattoos or old slayers new ones. Here
now amongst the most dangerous of dwarf mines on traditions of tattoos older than the shrine itself are
account of how far beneath the earth they stretch. carried on with clans dedicated to the craft dwelling
Many parts of them are closed off and a set of mas- near.
sive gates and numerous guardposts stand between Slayer Tattoos: Slayer tattoos often have meaning,
the mines and the rest of Karak-Kadrin. Apart from at times it can be a proof of their deeds. A slayer
the Ironbreakers that patrol the underway visitors with a career trapping can order a tattoo from the
are not allowed into this part of the hold. street of skin artists as proof of his deeds. This tat-
too will now count as that trapping for career pur-
Khaz Drengi poses, a good option to carrying Giant’s heads
Inside the hold of Karak-Kadrin lay the slayer hall, a wherever you go.
miniature hold in itself. With taverns, tattoists, spar-
ring-rings and weaponsmiths. In the centre of this The Lower Shrine of Grimnir
place lays the Shrine of Grimnir, the most holy Under the Great Slayer Shrine, just outside Khaz
place of the slayer cult. Drengi is a smaller shrine to the ancestor god. But
Khaz Drengi is a place for slayers but many of those calling it small would be a disservice for even this
that run it are not. The profits that can be gained and one holds a size comparable to large temples in hu-
the importance of assisting those defending the hold man lands. Here those that have not taken the oath
is a good motivation for staying there despite having can pray to Grimnir and seek the counsel of his
to interact so much with slayers. The area is not for- priests. This shrine is connected to the Great Slayer
bidden for non-slayers to enter. Most simply chose Shrine by stairs and pathways open only to the
to stay away and leave it to slayers. priests of Grimnir. Thus the same men tend to both
shrines, guiding slayers and warriors alike.
History of Karak-Kadrin
Ca –4450IC Karak-Kadrin founded Kadrin seals its hold to wait it out.
Karak Kadrin is founded over large veins of iron and
coal in a lush mountain valley. 1200IC The Daemon Battles of Karak-Kadrin
Mur'gagh the Thrice Pustulent led his Coterie of Dis-
-3480IC The Joining ease up through the catacombs and tunnels of Karak-
The two largest noble clans of Karak-Kadrin, Drake- Kadrin. Even the armour of Ironbreakers was little
tooth and Angrukaz join together and become the An- protection against the filth they unleashed and it took
grulak clan, also known as the Drakebeard. only a few hours for the Plaguebearers to overrun the
Under Wardens and fill the lower levels with a putrid
-1991IC King Grundins proposal mixture of blood and effluent. The king led a counter-
King Grundin was plagued by greenskins in the lead attack and banished the daemons but as so was done a
up to the War of Vengeance, citing them as a much trio of Bloodthirsters appeared, the Tetragore of
bigger threat than the rumours of the Skaven. He at- Skullgrind. These bloodthirsters slew Runeloed Skalf
tempted to strengthen his links with the High Ironbrow but were eventually driven away.
King Gotrek Starbreaker, but Gotrek's son Snorri re-
fused to marry his daughter Helga. 1420IC Return of Skaladrak
The massive dragon Skaladrak Incarnadine returns,
-1843IC Death of Garafindor Beardtaker facing Karak-Kadrin once more and again destroying
Prince Thudar Ironfist of Karak-Kadrin leads a settlements near Slayerkeep.
warband in pursuit of the elf general Garafindor
Beardtaker and face him at the banks of the river Stir. 2476IC Warmourner
The elfs are defeated in a pyrrhic victory and the magi- Garagrim Ironfist finds a solution to the problem of the
cal sword of Garafindor is kept in the vaults of Karak- slayerkings and in discussion with the cult of Grimnir
Kadrin to this very day. becomes the Warmourner. Thus when he dies the
shame would be repaid and future heirs would not
-1712IC Grundins Doom need to be trapped by oaths.
King Grundin of Karak-Kadrin faces Caledor II in sin-
gle battle. The Phoenix King cuts down King Grundin. 2505IC Legends of Slayerdom
Prince Thudar takes the throne and swears to avenge The airship “Spirit of Grungni” arrives bearing survi-
his fathers death. vors from Karag Dum who move into Karak-Kadrin as
well as legendary slayer Gotrek Gurnisson and his
-1500IC Time of Woes companion Felix Jaeger. The heroes defeat the dragon
Earthquakes and volcanic activity cascades across the Skjalandir terrorizing the hold before moving on.
Worlds Edge Mountains weakening many holds and
isolating them. The goblin wars start. 2510IC Battle of Broken Leg Gully
Ungrim Ironfist marched out of Karak Kadrin to
-1493-1476IC Zogz Siege seek Gnashrak Badtoof, a crafty Orc leader whose
A mighty goblin great shaman leads a Waaagh! rampaging army had already eluded Thorgrim Grudge-
Against Karak-Kadrin, besieging it. The siege lasts 17 bearer. Three times, Ungrim's throng defeated
years until the goblins are defeated. the Greenskin host, but in each instance, the Orcs es-
caped, largely due to the bloody ferocity of Gnashrak’s
-811IC The great shame mercenary Ogre contingent. Soon after the third battle,
King Baragor Ironfist of Karak-Kadrin takes the slayer however, Gnashrak had a falling out with his Ogre
oath. Torn between oaths he becomes the first Slayer Captain, the fearsome brute Golgfag. Defecting to
King and takes the name Ungrim Ironfist. the Dwarfs, Golgfag and his Ogres delivered Gnash-
rak's arm as proof of their ‘new’ loyalty. Ungrim ac-
-720IC Desolation of Skaladrak cepted the Ogres' offer, and together, the forces made
The massive dragon Skaladrak Incarnadine razes a se- short work of the remaining greenskins. All would
ries of mines near Karak-Kadrin. have been well had Golgfag, a greedy and grasping
Ogre, not betrayed the Slayer King. Before leaving for
-650IC The great Patronage of Grimnir greener pastures, the Ogre mercenaries looted the
The Shrine of Grimnir is built and the Slayer kings of Dwarfs' baggage train, stealing all the ale for them-
Karak-Kadrin begin their long period of supporting the selves.
cult of Grimnir and the Slayercult. The hold over the
following century gains the monicker ‘Slayerkeep’. 2511IC Shame repaid
Garagrim Ironfist, sole heir of Karak-Kadrin, dies
1111IC The Sealing fighting chaos and fulfils his duty as warmourner.
The Black Plauge sweeps the old world and Karak-
Slayer Traditions of Karak-Kadrin
Doomseekers Slayer Shrine Guidance
All slayers are Doomseekers by their nature but Many Slayers take a pilgrimage to the Great Shrine
when a warrior of Karak-Kadrin calls one by that of Grimnir in Karak-Kadrin. If not to swear the
name there is another meaning. Some Slayers fight oath, often later in life to seek guidance from their
using a tradition famed for being even more crazed god to a worthy doom. A slayer in Karak-Kadrin
than normal. Wielding axeblades at the end of long may spend time training and seeking guidance from
chains or using vicious flails these fighters enter thethe Priests of Grimnir that tend the shrine. Learning
fray like a whirling storm of death. Most doomseek- old traditions of the Slayer Cult.
ers are not always fighting in such a way, rather it isA slayer character in Karak-Kadrin can spend time
a method of fighting taught at the great slayer shrine to learn from the priests of Grimnir. If he does so
of Karak-Kadrin. skills and talents are added to each rank of his career
as per the below list, time must be spent for each
Doomseeker Axe: An axeblade at the end of a long rank adding and the GM decides how much is need-
chain. Hard to use but offering a reach a normal axe ed:
can not.
First Tier –Troll Slayer:
Weapon Weapo Price En Availability Reach Damage Qualities
n c and Flaws Skill: Lore (Karak-Kadrin)
Group Talent: Etiquette (Soldiers)
Doomseeker Flail 4GC 3 Rare Very +SB+4 Distract,
Axe Long Wrap,
Second Tier –Giant Slayer:
Damaging, Skill: Lore (Grimnir)
Fast, Im-
Talent: Battle Rage

Military Service Third Tier –Dragon Slayer:

Slayers dwelling in Karak-Kadrin are required to Skill: Melee (Flail)
stand ready to serve the military of the place. In re- Talent: Berserk Charge
turn they are given access to Khaz Drengi and of-
fered training from the priests. Fourth Tier –Daemon Slayer:
This has greatly bolstered the armies of Karak- Skill: Lore (Monsters)
Kadrin and holds a big part in its survival over the Talent: Coolheaded
ages. It is not merely a boon however. Slayers are
often difficult to work with and the Slayer King
himself can not be everywhere to keep them in
At times whole armies are gathered of
little but slayers, deadly forces but leg-
endarily difficult to lead.
To keep these parts of the army working
special officers tasked with slayer liaison
are kept. Dwarfs that spend much time
with the Slayers ensuring the orders are
understood and followed. Much of their
work tends to be keeping check on slayer
numbers and making sure those on duty
don’t run off seeking a doom they just
heard rumours of.

A character of Karak-Kadrin or a char-

acter spending time working for the army
of Karak-Kadrin may enter the “Slayer
Army Officer” career to represent one
that keeps check on the slayer military. A
slayer may be this career, representing
one serving Karak-Kadrin for a long
time and keeping check on the many slay-
ers that come and go.

Image by Midjourney ai beta

New Careers
Slayer Army Officer Shrinekeeper of Grimnir
“If Ungrim wants you to hold you hold dammit.
Don’t run off chasing monsters and shame your- “No, slayer. Your oath means no shame. It is your
self further. Do your duty!” past deeds that bring shame. The oath restores
-Dadin the Stern honour. You serve Grimnir now, do not dwell on
your shame, look forth to the honour that will re-
The Slayer army holds many warriors hard to con- move it.”
trol and the leaders of Karak-Kadrin need them -Alarim
controlled. For this reason some thanes and veter-
ans are given the job to keep close to the slayers Clad in red clothes with icons of crossed axes the
and learn to command them well in battle, ensur- shrinekeepers and priests of Grimnir are those
ing their effective use. that keep his faith and guide his faithful. Much of
While most would prefer leading honourable warri- their time goes to prayer and study as they learn
ors the need for the slayers in Karak Kadrins de- the life of Grimnir and guide those seeking guid-
fence is understood and the work done. At times ance.
slayers more understanding of their role in Karak- Karak-Kadrin holds most such priests but most
Kadrin take up this role, benefitting from more holds have them, tending their own shrines to the
trust amongst the slayers as one of their own. ancestor god Grimnir.
This career is of the Courtier Class. This career is of the Academic Class.

WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int Wp Fel

           

Career Path Career Path

Kadrin Cadet — Brass 2
Shrinetender of Grimnir — Brass 2
Skills: Bribery, Charm, Consume Alcohol, Cool, Entertain (Storytelling),
Language (Battle Tongue), Leadership, Lore (Karak Kadrin) Skills: Consume Alcohol, Cool, Entertain (Storytelling), Intimidate, Langu-
age (Khazalid), Lore (Theology), Lore (Dwarfs), Pray
Talents: Argumentative, Battle Rage, Carouser, Suave
Talents: Coolheaded, Etiquette (Soldiers), Pure Soul, Resistance (Magic)
Trappings: Icons of Karak-Kadrin, Handweapon (Axe)
Trappings: Handweapon (Axe), Clothing (Red)
Slayer Army Officer — Brass 4
Shrinekeeper of Grimnir — Brass 5
Skills: Art (Tattoo), Athletics, Dodge, Endurance, Entertain (Singing),
Haggle Skills: Charm, Endurance, Entertain (Singing), Evaluate, Heal, Lore
Talents: Combat Aware, Public Speaker, Seasoned Traveller, Well-
prepared Talents: Etiquette (Slayers), Hatred (Greenskins), Hatred (Skaven), Savvy

Trappings: Tattoos of Karak-Kadrin Trappings: Icons of Grimnir

Herald of Ironfist — Silver 1 Priest of Grimnir — Silver 2

Skills: Entertain (Taunting), Intimidate, Intuition, Play (Horn) Skills: Language (Battle), Leadership, Melee (Basic), Melee (Two-handed)

Talents: Coolheaded, Hatred (any), Inspiring, Menacing Talents: Hatred (Any), Iron Will, Savant (Grimnir), Stout Hearted

Trappings: Icons of the Ironfist Royal Family Trappings: Armour with the fine quality

Slayer Army Battle Standard Bearer— Silver 2 Ancestral Exemplar of Grimnir— Silver 4

Skills: Melee (Polearm), Navigation Skills: Art (Tattooist), Melee (Any)

Talents: Commanding Presence, Etiquette (Slayers), Iron Will, War Lea- Talents: Frenzy, Battle Rage, Fearless (Daemons), Strongminded
Trappings: Rune item
Trappings: Bannerpole (can be used as Quarterstaff), the right to use
banners of the royal armoury of Karak-Kadrin in times of war
Dwarfs of Importance, Karak-Kadrin
King Ungrim Ironfist of Karak-Kadrin, Talents: Magic Resistance, Night Vision. Read/Write, Reso-
lute, Noble Blood, Drilled rank 3, Commanding Presence, In-
sixth of his name, Slayer King, Lord of spiring, Menacing, Hardy Rank 4, Iron Will, War Leader, Sa-
Peak Pass vant (Grudges of Karak Kadrin), Fearless (Everything). Slayer,
Ungrim Ironfist is destined to be the last of the slay- Frenzy, Dual Wielder, Implacable Rank 2, Ambidextrous, Fu-
rious Assault, Relentless, Robust rank 4, Combat Master Rank
er kings of Karak Kadrin for Garagrim has repaid 5, Frightening rank 2, Strike Mighty Blow Rank 5
the shame that force the kings upon such a path.
This is little joy for Ungrim however, he dearly Trappings: Full Gromril Armour, Dagger, Axe of Dargo,
loved his son and did not want to lose him. Garag- Dragon Cloak of Fyrskar, The Slayer Crown
rim was his only child and with his recent demise,
Axe of Dargo: This rune axe of monstrous size was made from
even though it was for the good of the hold, gives the shards of King Baragor’s broken axe, tempered with Drag-
him much grief. on’s blood and iron-oaths of vengeance. This weapon is a two-
His son had in the texts of the hold found the old handed weapon from the two-handed weapon group. It deals
tradition of warmourner, a way to in times of need +SB+6 damage with Hack, Impact and Impale as qualities and
take someone elses oaths for a time. Doing so he no flaws. It has a reach of long and an encumberance of 3. It is
a magical weapon.
took the oath of slayer from Ungrim and repaid the
shame that had plagued the last five kings of the Dragon Cloak of Fyrskar: This rune-enhanced dragon cloak
hold. Ungrim was sad to see his son take the oath is a recent gift from Thorgrim Grudgebearer to represent the
but he did not feel he could deny him that wish. grudges struck and oaths fulfilled that Karak-Kadrin has
Now that Garagrim is dead he is without heir. achieved under their latest king. This cloak grants the Ward
(6) and Immunity (Fire) traits. It has an encumbrance of 3.
Despite thesacrifice Ungrim himself remains a slay-
er, the oath can not be undone once taken, even by The Slayer crown:: This runic helmet and grand crown has
means of the warmourer, the sacrifice but ensures been worn by every slayer king of Karak-Kadrin. This helmet
that the next king need not swear it. Thus he re- is a Gromril helmet. In addition it increases the wearers tough-
mains torn between his duties. As the King of Karak ness by 20. It has an Encumberance of 2.
Kadrin, he is oathbound to protect his kingdom and
his people. As the all-father of the Drakebeard Clan,
he had to ensure that his blood relations succeeded,
and as a sworn Slayer who had taken the oath, Un-
grim is also bound to seek his doom against the
most powerful foe he can find.
Even before Ungrim was not content to sit back on
his throne and wait and looked for any opportunity
to lead his throngs to war but after Garagrim swore
the oath he became ever more restless, dealing with
his sorrow through battle.
Ungrim is rarely home in Karak-Kadrin, being off
on campaigns most of the time and leaving the day
to day affairs to his wife Alrika Ironfist. Many
praise this for the grudges it repays and honour it
wins but some see the danger of such wars as each
costs Karak-Kadrin both wealth, and worse, dwarf
M WS B S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
3 60 30 50 60 50 40 30 50 70 40 48

Skills: Leadership 60, Lore (History) 70, Lore (Dwarfs) 70,

Melee (Basic) 80, Charm 45, Consume Alcohol 80 (100), Cool
90, Haggle 45, Lore (Strategy) 55, Ranged (Throwing) 35,
Melee (Two-handed) 80, Entertain (Storytelling) 50, Intuition
55, Language (Khazalid) 70, Intimidate 70, Melee (Flail) 65,
Entertain (Sing) 45, Lore (Greenskins) 60, Lore (Skaven) 60,
Dodge 60, Endurance 80 (100), Gamble 60, Heal 55, Lore
(Trolls) 60, Language (Battle) 70, Lore (Giants) 60, Outdoor
Survival 55, Lore (Dragons) 60, Perception 60, Lore (Chaos)
Image by Midjourney ai beta
Queen Alrika Kemma Ironfist of Karak-
In dwarf society it is kings that lead the holds as the
head of house and kingdom. However a queens duty
is not free from leadership. It stands for her to lead
when the king is absent. For many queens this is a
rare occurrence. For Queen Alrika Ironfist it is more
common than not. Ungrims constant campaigns en-
sure she must stand as the leader at Karak-Kadrin
dealing with the running of the hold as Ungrim
deals with the wars.

Like her husband she mourns the recent death of her

son but unlike him she does not channel it into de-
structive wars. Instead she holds it inside, masking
such signs and giving none reason to doubt her lead-
ership. Still it is with heavy heart she accepts the
duty to help her husband find a new heir to replace
her dead son. Thane Hrutan Wargaze Svetgirsson
Hrutan Svetgirsson is a thane of clan Drakebeard
ALRIKA KEMMA IRONFIST –QUEEN and one of the many that hope to be named heir. He
GOLD 7 has fought alongside Ungrim Ironfist in many cam-
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W paigns as has his son Baranrin Hrutansson. Hrutan is
3 55 30 45 55 40 20 50 50 70 45 21
untrusting of peoples that are not dwarfs, wanting to
isolate the hold further. Limiting outsider access to
Skills: Bribery 55, Consume Alcohol 75, Gamble 60, Intimi- it and the pass at large. Pointing to the risks they
date 65, Leadership 55, Lore (Heraldry) 60, Play (Horn) 55, cause and the costs in dwarf lives keeping the pass
Charm 65, Gossip 55, Lore (Karak-Kadrin) 60, Melee (Parry) safe for humans has.
65, Lore (History) 70, Lore (Dwarfs) 70, Melee (Basic) 65,
Cool 80, Haggle 65, Lore (Strategy) 60, Ranged (Crossbow) Such a shift would cost much as tolls would disap-
40, Melee (Two-handed) 65, Entertain (Storytelling) 65, Intui- pear but Hrutan argues for the costs in lives to be
tion 50, Entertain (Sing) 65 greater.
Talents: Magic Resistance, Night Vision. Read/Write, Reso- Ungrim and Alrika both see some merit to his ideas,
lute, Noble Blood, Etiquette (Nobles), Attractive, Carouser,
Suave, Wealthy, Dealmaker, Commanding Presence, Inspiring, their son however did not and Garagrim was a vocal
Iron Will opponent to Hrutans ideas.

Trappings: Queenly Chainmail and Full plate Armour, Courtly HRUTAN WARGAZE SVETGIRSSON –
Garb, Priceless Jewellery, Shield, Sceptre of Karak-Kadrin THANE GOLD 3
Sceptre of Karak-Kadrin: This rune enchanted sceptre is by M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
tradition bound to remain in the crown room where the current 3 55 40 30 50 30 20 40 40 60 30 19
leader holds it. It is said to guard the wearer against any
spells of the mind. The sceptre can be used as a magic, inde-
Skills: Athletics 40, Climb 40, Cool 75, Dodge 30, Endurance
structible handweapon. In addition someone carrying it is im-
60, Language (Battle) 50, Melee (Basic) 65, Play (Drum) 40,
mune to spells affecting their minds in any ways.
Consume Alcohol 65, Gamble 50, Gossip 40, Melee (Two-
Handed) 70, Ranged (Crossbow) 50, Outdoor Survival 50,
Leadership 40, Lore (History) 50, Lore (Dwarfs) 50, Charm
40, Haggle 40, Lore (Strategy) 50, Ranged (Blackpowder) 50,
Melee (Brawling) 65, Entertain (Storytelling) 40, Intuition 40,
Language (Khazalid) 50

Talents: Magic Resistance, Night Vision. Read/Write, Reso-

lute, Noble Blood, Warrior Born, Drilled rank 2, Etiquette
(Soldiers) rank 2, Wealthy, Etiquette (Nobles)

Trappings: Two handed Warhammer, Rune Armour, Courtly


Rune Armour: His armour is plate over chain over leather.

The plate chestplate carries a rune of stone. His armour total is;
Head-5, Arms-5, Legs –5, Body-6

Image by Midjourney ai beta

Image by Midjourney ai beta
Thane Stodrimm Thumricsson of Karak-
Kadrin, Minebrother
Stodrimm Thumricsson is a thane of the Drakebeard
clan. He is a strong warrior but unlike many that
fight hard to gain Ungrims approval and title as heir
he is content leading on smaller scale. Standing with
the miners of the clan in the depths, helping them
stand strong against threats from below. On his lan-
tern shines a rune of brotherhood and all who stands
with him in the dark mines recognize him as one of
With such a focus taken by Stodrimm it is annoying
to many other thanes of the Drakebeard clan that he
has impressed Ungrim Ironfist in a war in the deep.


M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
3 50 30 30 45 30 20 40 40 60 30 17

Skills: Leadership 40, Lore (History) 50, Lore (Dwarfs) 40, Thane Stottin Hrugansson Drakebeard
Melee (Basic) 65, Charm 40, Consume Alcohol 55, Cool 75,
Haggle 40, Lore (Strategy) 50, Ranged (Explosives) 40, Melee
Stottin is a thane of the Drakebeard clan who seeks
(Two-handed) 60, Entertain (Storytelling) 40, Intuition 40, the approval of Ungrim Ironfist as many and hopes
Language (Khazalid) 50, Climb 35, Endurance 50, Athletics for a place as heir for him or his son. He is not lucky
35, Stealth (Underground) 25, Perception 35, Navigation 45 in this endeavour however. Despite his skill as a
strategist the respect of Ungrim eludes him and he
Talents: Magic Resistance, Night Vision. Read/Write, Reso-
lute, Noble Blood, Drilled rank 2, Ambidextrous, Enclosed
has grown ever more bitter with time. Seeing him-
Fighter self as worthy but always overlooked.

Trappings: Handweapon (Pick), Shield, Full leather armour, Stottin is a skilled marksman and siege strategist
Full chain armour, plate helmet, plate bracers, plate leggings, who have stood in defence of Karak-Kadrin count-
Gromril Breastplate, Amulet of Brotherhood
less times.
Amulet of Brotherhood: This amulet carries a rune of broth-
erhood making Stodrimm one with the miners in the depths of STOTTIN HRUGANSSON DRAKEBEARD –
Karak-Kadrin. The rune of brotherhood lets the wearer chose a THANE GOLD 3
talent known by an ally within twice his WPB yards and count
as having that talent trained with one rank. As long as the ally M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
is within that distance the wearer counts as knowing the talent.
3 50 45 40 40 30 30 40 40 60 30 -
Melee (Basic) 65, Charm 40, Consume Alcohol 55, Cool 70,
Haggle 40, Lore (Strategy) 50, Ranged (Crossbows) 60, Melee
(Two-handed) 65, Entertain (Storytelling) 40, Intuition 45,
Language (Khazalid) 50, Athletics 40, Climb 50, Endurance
50, Gamble 50, Gossip 40, Language (Battle) 50, Outdoor Sur-
vival 40, Lore (Engineering) 50, Perception 45, Set trap 50,
Trade (Miner) 50

Talents: Magic Resistance, Night Vision. Read/Write, Reso-

lute, Noble Blood, Marksman, Enclosed Fighter rank 2

Trappings: Full leather armour, full gromril chainmail armour,

Crossbow with 12 bolts, Handweapon (Hammer)

Image by Midjourney ai beta

Image by Midjourney ai beta
Thane Mazoth Anazgizsson Drakebeard
the Merciless, Wielder of the Blackaxe,
Killer of Ugdag Umiebreaker
Mazoth Anazgizsson is a thane of the Drakebeard
clan and one many believe may be Ungrims choice
for heir. He is a skilled war-veteran and the thane
who in single combat fought and slayed the orc war-
boss Ugdag Umiebreaker and his oversized boar
“Gore-grunta”. Mazoth Anazgizsson is also one of
the harshest leaders one can imagine who treats oth-
ers with disdain and often violence. Should he suc-
ceed Ungrim then the time of striking out grudges
will continue beyond any chance of recovery and
Karak-Kadrin stands likely to fall. For after Ungrim
Ironfists campaigns what the city needs is stability
and time, not courage and battlelust.


M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W Snonrirsson, Old Lightcrown
3 55 30 40 40 40 20 40 40 60 30 18 Droggoth Drakebeard is a thane of the Drakebeard
clan and the bearer of the ancient rune relic “The
Skills: Leadership 40, Lore (History) 50, Lore (Dwarfs) 40, Lightcrown”. He has hope his young son could earn
Melee (Basic) 70, Charm 40, Consume Alcohol 55, Cool 75,
Haggle 40, Lore (Strategy) 50, Ranged (Crossbows) 40, Melee Ungrims favour one day. To this goal he employs
(Two-handed) 70, Entertain (Storytelling) 40, Intuition 50, the finest tutors in war he can to make the boy grow
Language (Khazalid) 50, Athletics 30, Dodge 30, Endurance up a mighty warrior. He spends much time tending
50, Gossip 40, Language (Battle) 50, Play (Drum) 50, Gamble to internal matters in Karak-Kadrin but as he does
50, Intimidate 50, Lore (Heraldry) 50, Melee (Brawling) 65, so he always works to better the chances of his son
Outdoor Survival 50, Perception 50
Drodgik Droggothsson.
Talents: Magic Resistance, Night Vision. Read/Write, Reso-
lute, Noble Blood, Warrior Born, Strike Mighty Blow rank 2, DROGGOTH DRAKEBEARD SNONRIRSSON
Fearless (Greenskins) -THANE GOLD 3
Trappings: Full leather armour, Full gromril chain armour, M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
Open helmet, orc dagger trophy (handweapon) The Blackaxe
3 50 30 40 50 35 20 40 40 60 30 -
The Blackaxe: This mighty axe is made of dark iron, almost Skills: Leadership 40, Lore (History) 50, Lore (Dwarfs) 40,
black, and carries three curse runes. A foe struck by the weap- Melee (Basic) 65, Charm 40, Consume Alcohol 65, Cool 75,
on loses d10 Strength and D10 Toughness which are regained Haggle 40, Lore (Strategy) 50, Ranged (Crossbows) 45, Melee
at a rate of 1 point of characteristic damage per day. (Two-handed) 60, Entertain (Storytelling) 40, Intuition 50,
Language (Khazalid) 50, Athletics 30, Charm Animal 40, En-
durance 60, Lore (Karak-Kadrin) 50, Perception 45, Animal
Care 50, Outdoor Survival 50, Swim 50

Talents: Magic Resistance, Night Vision. Read/Write, Reso-

lute, Noble Blood, Sharp, Strider (Mountain)

Trappings: Courtly Garb, Full leather armour, Full Chainmail

armour, Full Plate Armour (with open helm), The Lightcrown

The Lightcrown: The Lightcrown is an ancient relic of clan

Angrukaz that stayed with the families when the clan joined
with Draketooth and became clan Drakebeard. The wearer of
the crown has the Ward (6) trait and illuminates its surround-
ings like a lantern.

Image by Midjourney ai beta

Image by Midjourney ai beta
Thane Durrik Drakebeard Svengirsson
Durrik Drakebeard is one of the most trusted gener-
als of the Drakebeard clan. A mighty thane used to
leading throngs into battle alongside Ungrim Iron-
fist. Unlike many of the thanes aspiring to be named
heir Durrik has not reached his spot by skill in battle
and rushed ambition. He has reached his place by
long service and experience. He is a skilled warrior
and a skilled leader but more than that he is an expe-
rienced veteran of countless wars. Where many
dwarfs of Karak-Kadrin seem overeager for battle
Durrik is calm and collected.


M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
3 55 30 30 55 30 20 55 45 65 30 19 Thane Thordek Drakebeard Thordeks-
Skills: Leadership 45, Lore (History) 60, Lore (Dwarfs) 60,
son, Banner-bearer of Karak Kadrin
Melee (Basic) 75, Charm 40, Consume Alcohol 70, Cool 75, Thordek Thordeksson is a brave thane of the
Haggle 40, Lore (Strategy) 55, Ranged (Crossbows) 45, Melee Drakebeard clan holding the honour of carrying the
(Two-handed) 70, Entertain (Storytelling) 45, Intuition 45, standard of Karak-Kadrin into battle. It is an honour
Language (Khazalid) 60, Trade (Cook) 65, Endurance 65, Lore he takes seriously and he is favoured by the royal
(Metallurgy) 55, Evaluate 55, Intimidate 40, Lore (Geology)
55, Lore (Warfare) 55 family for it. Standing as a possible choice for heir.
What holds him back somewhat however is his
Talents: Magic Resistance, Night Vision. Read/Write, Reso- young age. At a mere 80 years he is one of the
lute, Noble Blood, Relentless, Stout Hearted, Inspiring, Eti- youngest officers of the Karak-Kadrin army and
quette (Dwarf Old-timers and veterans) while his deeds have proven his skill he has yet to
Trappings: Full leather armour, Full chainmail Armour, Full win enough respect to be considered a true leader of
Gromril Plate Armour, Fireaxe of Karak-Kadrin, Durriks Karak-Kadrin.
Durriks Shield: This shield is inscribed with runes to keep its
wielder safe. Apart from counting like a shield ranged attacks M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
and magic missiles targeting the wearer count as having the
undamaging quality. 3 50 30 40 50 30 30 40 40 60 30 20
Skills: Leadership 40, Lore (History) 50, Lore (Dwarfs) 50,
Fireaxe of Karak-Kadrin: A relatively recent rune weapon Melee (Basic) 65, Charm 40, Consume Alcohol 65, Cool 75,
with but a century of use behind it, less than its wielder. This Haggle 40, Lore (Strategy) 50, Ranged (Crossbows) 40, Melee
handweapon gives two ablaze conditions to anyone struck. (Two-handed) 60, Entertain (Storytelling) 40, Intuition 40,
Language (Khazalid) 50, Athletics 40, Dodge 40, Endurance
60, Language (Battle) 50, Perform (Parade) 40, Melee
(Polearm) 60, Climb 50, Gamble 50, Gossip 40, Intimidate 50,
Outdoor Survival 50, Perception 40

Talents: Magic Resistance, Night Vision. Read/Write, Reso-

lute, Noble Blood, Drilled rank 2, Strong Back

Trappings: Full leather armour, Full gromril chainmail, full

plate armour, Axe (handweapon), The Banner of Karak-Kadrin

The Banner of Karak-Kadrin: This is the rune banner of

Karak-Kadrin, carried as a representation of the hold. In me-
lee can be used as a quarterstaff. It is a rune banner affecting
up to Fellowship allies within 2xFel yards. Those affected re-
roll all rolls of 96-00 and get a +20 bonus to cool.

Image by Midjourney ai beta

Image by Midjourney ai beta
Mad Kranok, Kranok Stozrothsson, Bat-
tle Standard Bearer of the Slayer Army of
Kranok Stozrothsson, or Mad Kranok as he often is
called, is a mighty slayer travelled far and wide.
Having slain an exalted champion of khorne on the
back of a Chimera he journeyed to Karak-Kadrin so
the daemonic axe of the champion could be set into
a vault and kept from use. Coming to the hold the
sun-mad slayer felt weary of his travels and took
time in the slayer army of Karak-Kadrin, getting to
spend time with kin. He has been with those armies
for five years now and is given the honour of carry-
ing the battle standard of Grimnirs Shrine.
He is well respected and honoured, even if some
protest that he doesn’t seek his death actively

MAD KRANOK-SLAYER ARMY BATTLE Old Rordak Godgicsson, Chief Ranger of

None know Peak Pass as well as old Rordak, the
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
chief ranger of Karak Kadrin. Often gone for
3 60 30 45 60 50 35 40 50 70 40 35 months at a time, Rordak leads his troops over
Skills: Bribery 45, Charm 45, Consume Alcohol 85, Cool 95, the highest mountains, taking them along little
Entertain (Storytelling) 65, Language (Battle) 75, Lore known game trails and secret paths that only he can
(Dwarfs) 55, Language (Khazalid) 55, Leadership 50, Lore find. As he is an old drinking buddy of Karak
(Karak-Kadrin) 60, Lore (Praag) 55, Art (Tattoo) 50, Athletics
55, Dodge 60, Endurance 85, Entertain (Singing) 45, Haggle
Kadrin's chief engineer, Grumblesson, Rordak's
45, Entertain (Taunting) 45, Intimidate 70, Intuition 55, Play Rangers bear a few unusual gadgets - cinderblast
(Horn) 45, Melee (Polearm) 80, Navigation 60, Gamble 60, bombs, trollhammer torpedoes and their own keg of
Heal 60, Lore (Trolls) 60, Melee (Basic) 80, Evaluate 55, Lore Bugman's XXXXXX for when the going really gets
(Giants) 60, Melee (Two-handed) 80, Outdoor Survival 60, rough.
Lore (Dragons) 60, Perception 60, Ranged (Thrown) 50

Talents: Magic Resistance, Night Vision. Read/Write, Reso- OLD RORDAK GODGICSSON –CHIEF
lute, Battle Rage, Seasoned Traveller, Hatred (Chaos), Com- RANGER SILVER 5
manding Presence, War Leader, Fearless (Everything), Frenzy,
Slayer, Hardy rank 2, Implacable Rank 2, Robust Rank 3 M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
3 60 50 50 60 30 40 40 50 50 20 -
Trappings: Axe, Banner of the Slayer Army, Shame, Tattoos
Skills: Lore (Dwarfs) 55, Language (Khazalid) 55, Climb 70,
The Banner of the Slayer Army: This is the rune banner of Dodge 60, Endurance 80, Trade (Cartographer) 60, Melee
carried to war by the slayer army. In melee can be used as a (Basic) 70, Outdoor Survival 70, Perception 50, Row 60,
quarterstaff. It is a rune banner affecting up to Fellowship al- Charm Animal 30, Intuition 50, Ranged (Blackpowder) 70,
lies within 2xFel yards. Those affected have the warding (9) Secret Signs (Ranger) 70, Secret Signs (Scout) 70, Track 50,
trait against ranged attacks and re-roll dice rolls of 96-00. Lore (Engineering) 70, Stealth (Underground) 60, Cool 70,
Language (Battle) 70, Ranged (Crossbow) 70, Ranged
(Explosives) 70, Melee (Two-handed) 80

Talents: Magic Resistance, Night Vision. Read/Write, Reso-

lute, Strider (Mountain), Orientation, Scale Sheer Surface,
Rover, Strong Legs, Savant (Dwarf Holds and Routes),
Teancious, Robust

Trappings: Two-handed axe, Cask of Bugmans XXXXXX,

Full leather armour, full chain armour, The Grumblesson Gift,
Three cinderblas bombs (see archives of the empire volume

The Grumblesson Gift: This masterfully made dwarf hand-

gun holds precision and accuracy rivalling that of skaven jez-
zails. According to Grumblesson surpassing it. This blackpow-
der weapon has an enc of 2, a range of 150, damage +9, Re-
load 3, and Accurate.

Image by Midjourney ai beta

Image by Midjourney ai beta
Drodriz Grumblesson, Chief Engineer of
Drodriz Grumblesson is the chief engineer of Karak
-Kadrin and a veteran of many battles. He fought
long as a thunderer before he learnt the craft of an
engineer. A period in which he got to know Rordak
Godricsson and befriended this chief ranger of the
hold. Drodriz has reached his rank not only through
skill as an engineer. In truth there are many skilled
engineers that could have gained this place. But his
military background has made him popular with the
royal family and many other dwarfs of importance
and through this his rise has been ensured.


M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
3 40 50 30 60 50 30 60 50 70 20 22

Skills: Lore (Dwarfs) 70, Language (Khazalid) 70, Consume

Alcohol 85, Cool 95, Endurance 85, Lore (Engineer) 70, Per- Okri Damisson, Master Chef, Royal Chef
ception 75, Ranged (Blackpowder) 75, Trade (Engineer) 80,
Dodge 55, Navigation 70, Ranged (Engineering) 70, Research of Karak-Kadrin
70, Language (Guilder) 70, Leadership 40, Secret Signs Kulgur is the dwarf art of cooking troll meat. And
(Guilder) 70, Athletics 40, Language (Battle) 60, Melee there are few dwarfs that can match Master Damis-
(Basic) 50, Play (Flute) 30, Climb 40, Gamble 60, Gossip 30,
Intuition 60, Outdoor Survival 60, Trade (Gunsmith) 60
son in this art. Born of a ranger clan and trained in
Kulgur Okri Damisson is very proud of his status
Talents: Magic Resistance, Night Vision. Read/Write, Reso- and skill. He may lack the apparent importance of
lute, Gunner, Tinker, Etiquette (Guilder), Unshakable, Sniper, others of the court but carries his duty well and as a
Rapid Reload, Accurate Shot, Etiquette (Soldiers) Rank 2 result has become appreciated by the royal family.
Trappings: 4 Dwarf Pistols, 1 Dwarf Handgun, Full leather
His advice has thus become highly valued and at
armour, full chain armour, full plate armour, Grumblessons times has helped pull back the battle eager nature of
Rocket Ungrim to keep some time at the hold.
Grumblessons Rocket: This is a version of the Trollhammer OKRI DAMISSON –KULGUR MASTER SIL-
Torpedo that Grumblesson has constructed and weighed for VER 5
personal use. This weapon must be braced before firing, brac-
ing takes a move. It is an engineering weapon. It has a range of M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
30 a damage of 14+ Impact and Reload (7)
3 40 30 30 60 50 20 60 50 70 40 22
Skills: Lore (Dwarfs) 55, Language (Khazalid) 70, Consume
Alcohol 80, Gossip 60, Lore (Trolls) 70, Outdoor Survival 70,
Perception 70, Trade (Cook) 80, Trade (Skinner) 80, Bribery
60, Cool 90, Endurance 80, Entertain (Storytelling) 60, Haggle
60, Navigation 70, Entertain (Singing) 60, Evaluate 70, Intui-
tion 70, Research 70, Climb 50, Heal 70

Talents: Magic Resistance, Night Vision. Read/Write, Reso-

lute, Craftsman (Cook), Etiquette (Rangers), Well-prepared,
Master Tradesman (Cook), Etiquette (Nobility)

Trappings: Tough Leather apron (Count as Leather Jerkin),

Courtly Garb, Trade tools (Chef)

Image by Midjourney ai beta

Image by Midjourney ai beta
Ori Ironbeater, Master Smith, Kadrin
Ori Ironbeater is one of the greatest metalworkers in
all of Peak pass, a master of Kadrin Steel and a
weaponsmith of great renown. He is also a man lov-
ing spicy food and strong ale. Often does he meet
returning caravans seeking to see what strong spices
of the east they bring. Ori is happily married with
many sons and daughters, some who follow in his


M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
3 40 30 45 55 30 20 55 45 65 35 20

Skills: Lore (Dwarfs) 50, Language (Khazalid) 50, Athletics

35, Cool 80, Consume Alcohol 75, Dodge 35, Endurance 70,
Stealth (Urban) 35, Trade (Smith) 65, Charm 50, Haggle 50,
Lore (Karak Kadrin) 60, Gossip 50, Language (Guilder) 60,
Perception 45, Intuition 45, Leadership 50, Research 60, Secret
Signs (Guilder) 60, Melee (Basic) 45 Olif Thumpcrush Orisson, Champion of
Talents: Magic Resistance, Night Vision. Read/Write, Reso-
War, Sorcererbane
lute, Craftsman (Smith), Deal Maker, Acute Sense (Taste), Olif Thumpcrush is the second son to Ori Ironbeat-
Master Tradesman (Smith) er, one of Karak-Kadrins oldest and most renowned
Trappings: Full Leather Armour, Full Chainmail armour, Full Olif has a love for strong food and strong ale and
Plate Armour, The Ironbeater
few can match him in bouts of drinking. Olif carries
a mistrust of anything taller than five feet, a distrust
The Ironbeater: This is fine hammer showing off Oris great that may come from the time he was captured by a
skill as a metalworker. It may not carry runes but is is most chaos sorcerer and thrown into a portal to face a
impressive still. This is a handweapon (hammer) with three deadly chaos beast. A beast he slayed even if it cost
fine qualities, three durable qualities and one practical quality.
him a leg.


M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
2 55 30 45 55 45 35 40 30 50 20 19
Skills: Lore (Dwarfs) 35, Language (Khazalid) 35, Athletics
50, Cool 65, Dodge 50, Endurance 70, Gamble 45, Intimidate
60, Melee (Basic) 70, Melee (Brawling) 70, Haggle 35, Intui-
tion 60, Melee (Two-handed) 70, Perception 60, Ranged
(Entangling) 45, Consume Alcohol 85, Gossip 35, Lore
(Anatomy) 45, Perform (Fight) 35

Talents: Magic Resistance, Night Vision. Read/Write, Reso-

lute, Iron Jaw rank 4, Ambidextrous, Combat Master Rank 2,

Trappings: Handweapon (Hammer), Full leather armour, Full

Chain armour, Full Plate Armour, The Thumpcrusher Leg

The Thumpcrusher Leg: The fine metal pegleg of Olif

Thumpcrusher is one he has grown used to by now. With this
prosthetic the only penalty for being one-legged is a –1 penalty
to movement. As a benefit from the axeblades on the peg Olif
Thumpcrushers unarmed attacks lose the undamaging quality.

Image by Midjourney ai beta

Image by Midjourney ai beta
Bowli Griefwing, Veteran Quarreler,
Goatmaster of Karak-Kadrin
Long ago Bowli Griefwings four times great grand-
sire Baldi Bluebeard slew a mighty carrion bird of
Peak Pass with a single crossbow bolt but perished
at the beasts deathplunge. Ever after the sires of
Baldi have carried the name Griefwing in memory
of the event and the great winged “Spanglehelm of
Baldi” was made as an inheritance of the Grief-
wings. Now it rests with Bowli. Bowli is a sour-
faced and gruff dwarf with a long white beard. His
weapon of choice, as per Griefwing tradition, is the
dwarf crossbow and he is famed for his skill as a
quarreller and a goatherd.


M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
3 50 55 30 55 45 20 40 30 65 20 19
Skills: Lore (Dwarfs) 35, Language (Khazalid) 35, Athletics
35, Climb 45, Cool 80, Dodge 35, Endurance 70, Language Thane Ethgrim Paingrinder, Runewielder
(Battle) 45, Melee (Basic) 60, Play (Drum) 35, Consume Alco-
hol 70, Gamble 45, Gossip 35, Melee (Two-handed) 55,
Ethgrim, Eth to his friends, is an old respected
Ranged (Crossbow) 75, Outdoor Survival 45, Animal Care 45, dwarf. Eth is large of belly and beard, strong of
Charm Animal 35, Perception 60, Leadership 35 arms. Wielding the mighty two-handed runeaxe
Paingrinder from which him and his clan takes its
Talents: Magic Resistance, Night Vision. Read/Write, Reso- name. Ethgrim is a runewielder, a dwarf famed for
lute, Marksman, Rapid Reload Rank 2, Combat Aware
carrying mighty rune items. Not only the axe but
Trappings: Full leather armour, Full Chainmail armour, Full also the dagger Thagaz and a suit of rune armour.
Plate Armour, Crossbow with twenty bolts, Handweapon
(Axe), Spangelhelm of Baldi ETHGRIM PAINGRINDER –THANE GOLD 3
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
Spangelhelm of Baldi: This winged helm glows with runic 3 55 30 30 55 30 20 40 45 65 35 19
might and is the fine inheritance of the Griefwing clan. This is
an open helmet that grants two fortune points. Skills: Leadership 50, Lore (History) 50, Lore (Dwarfs) 50,
Melee (Basic) 70, Charm 50, Consume Alcohol 70, Cool 80,
Haggle 50, Lore (Strategy) 60, Ranged (Throwing) 45, Melee
(Two-handed) 70, Entertain (Storytelling) 50, Intuition 45,
Language (Khazalid) 60,

Talents: Magic Resistance, Night Vision. Read/Write, Reso-

lute, Wealthy, Inspiring, Dealmaker

Trappings: Full leather armour, full chain armour, full plate

armour (with open helmet), Paingrinder, Thagaz, Armour of
Runic Might

Paingrinder: Carrying fine runes this greataxe is a mighty

weapon indeed. This is a greataxe that adds 1SL to all rolls to
attack, adds +3 to its damage and has the impale quality.

Thagaz: This rune dagger is Ethgrims fine sidearm. This is a

dagger. When attacking with this dagger the wielder may at-
tack twice if he wishes, this must be declared before rolling the
first attack.

Armour of Runic Might: This rune armour is another of the

clans fine relics and a sign that you do not want to mess with
Ethgrim. This is a plate chestplate. When the wearer or is tar-
geted with an enemy spell increase the spells CN with 5.When
the wearer is targeted with an enemy blessing or miracle the
caster gains one Sin point before using it.

Image by Midjourney ai beta

Image by Midjourney ai beta
Baraim Mountainhammer Gromriksson,
Ancestral Exemplar of Grimnir, Master of
the Slayer Shrine
Baraim has dedicated his life to the warrior god
Grimnir. A choice he made as a child when his fa-
ther Gromrik Shaggothbreaker took the slayers oath
for losing a priceless rune artefact in his battles with
the beastmen in Ostermark. His place as Shrine-
keeper kept him close to his fathers memory and
lifestyle yet carried honour to his family. Now more
than ever as the small Mountainhammer clan can
write the Master of the Slayer Shrine into their an-
nals as one of them.

M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
3 60 30 30 60 50 20 40 50 70 40 22 Runelord Bararoth Udgicsson
Bararoth is one of the oldest and most mysterious
Skills: Consume Alcohol 80, Cool 90, Entertain (Storytelling) dwarfs of Karak-Kadrin. Spending most of his time
60, Intimidate 50, Language (Khazalid) 70, Lore (Theology) in the ancient libraries of the hold seemingly seek-
70, Lore (Dwarfs) 70, Pray 60, Charm 60, Endurance 80, En- ing answers to questions he does not share. Most
tertain (Singing) 60, Evaluate 70, Heal 70, Lore (History) 70, Runelords take of their time to bring counsel to the
Language (Battle) 70, Leadership 60, Melee (Basic) 80, Melee
(Two-handed) 80, Art (Tattooist) 60, Melee (Flail) 80 royal families of their hold but Bararoth rarely does
so, often going years without giving Ungrim any
Talents: Magic Resistance, Night Vision. Read/Write, Reso- advice and even when he does it often feels cryptic.
lute, Etiquette (Slayers) Rank 2, Resistance (Magic) Rank 2,
Savant (Grimnir), Fearless (Daemons) BARAROTH UDGICSSON –RUNELORD
Trappings: Clothing (Red), Icons of Grimnir, Fine Chainmail GOLD 3
armour, Daemonbane M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
3 60 30 50 60 30 20 60 50 70 20 26
Daemonbane: This axe belongs to the shrine and is tradition- (70)
ally carried by one of its priests in defence of Karak-Kadrin. It
is engraved with two runes of Daemon Slaying. This is a hand- Skills: Lore (Dwarfs) 70, Lore (Karak-Kadrin) 70, Language
weapon (axe) that deals an additional 2xWPB damage when (Magick) 70, Lore (Runes) 70, Trade (Smith) 80, Trade
wielded against daemons. (Jeweller) 80, Language (Khazalid) 70, Lore (Metallurgy) 70,
Cool 90, Empower Rune 90, Haggle 40, Trade (Weaver) 80,
Melee (Basic) 80, Melee (Two-handed) 80, Melee (Polearm)
80, Art (Engraving) 80, Consume Alcohol 80, Art (Tattoo) 80,
Evaluate 70, Leadership 40, Research 70, Trade (Stonecutter)
80, Endurance 60 (90)

Talents: Magic Resistance, Night Vision. Read/Write, Reso-

lute, Spellbreaker, Detect Artefact, Fearless (Spellcasters),
Pure Soul

Trappings: Full leather armour, Full Chainmail Armour, Full

Gromril Plate Armour, Handweapon (Axe), The Runemasters
shield, The Tome of Kadrin

The Runemasters Shield: This shield is a sturdy metal arte-

fact forged over decades. Baroths finest work. This is a shield
that grants its wielder +10 Toughness and +20 Endurance.
Grants the wielder the “Horns (Rune Impact)” trait dealing
+TB damage, and has +1 Shielding value.

The Book of Kadrin: This ancient tome carries runes of pow-

er able to stop the vile sorcery threatening the armies of Karak
-Kadrin. As it has since its making during the war of Venge-
ance. Can only be used by someone with the Spellbreaker tal-
ent. Three uses only, use this instead of rolling to dispel a
spell, it is automatically dispelled. In addition, if the spell was
memorized the caster permanently forgets it. If it was cast
Image by Midjourney ai beta from a spellbook the spell is permanently erased from the
No heir to go
Intrigue within Karak-Kadrin

Karak-Kadrin has welcomed the characters to its Drodriz long service and values him as an advisor
hold and a new city opens up for them. A mighty and friend.
dwarf hold with its own secrets and intrigues. In the Okri Damisson: As royal chef and master of Kul-
previous city guide there were nineteen important gur Okri Damisson is one of those who meet the
dwarfs described. Slayer King Ungrim Ironfist is queen the most when not at the throne. She trusts
away at war for this campaign but the other eighteen him completely and shares secrets with him when
remain and each of them have their own goals and she feels a need for that.
plans. The arrival of a dwarf who claims to be from
a hold in the Mountains of Mourn naturally finds Thane Hrutan Wargaze Svetgirsson
itself a part of these intrigues thus involving the car- Hrutan Wargaze Svetgirsson holds dreams of isola-
avan and by extension the PCs. The intrigues and tionism and of a Karak-Kadrin less involved in the
wishes of each important NPC will be described in affairs of men and other races. He has a fair bit of
the following pages along important thoughts about support for these thoughts though not all agree with
other important NPCs. A list for their plots will then his visions. To further gain favour he plans on using
follow. Keep in mind this list can change depending the visiting caravan as scapegoats for incidents that
on player actions and should be seen as a guideline. come to pass. Ogres, humans and even gnoblars are
In addition the arrival and claims of Snoraya there so the dwarfs leading it must have lost their
Beletnarrisdottir shake the holds social structure to minds he argues. No matter if the PCs want to or not
the core as her expected child can come to become they will be dragged into this conflict.
Thoughts about important NPCs
Queen Alrika Kemma Ironfist of Karak- Queen Alrika: Hrutan has high confidence in the
Kadrin queen and is glad that she values his council. He
Alrika Kemma Ironfist is often tried as she is set to regrets not being able to be completely honest with
lead in her husbands common absence. While her her.
husband deals with their only childs death by Stottin Hrugansson: Hrutan finds Stottins feeling
fighting she tries to devote herself fully to her job to of being overlooked useful to his cause and by
stay strong. This is however made harder with the standing with him in formal claims and discussions
reveal that she may have a grandchild on the way. has gained some support for his ideas from Stottin.
She wants to believe it but there are many that ad- Mazoth Anazgizsson: Mazoth Anazgizsson is a
vise caution. The talk of Ukrirds expedition also rival for the title of heir and that is how Hrutan sees
gives different advise and while none suggest the him.
holds should fully support it some few talk of send- Durrik Svengirsson: Hrutan has much respect for
ing some people to check, often people they deem Durrik Drakebeard. Hrutan would not want to
rivals and would want away for a few years. Here wrong him or get him drawn into his plans.
she must make a decision before it leaves and she Thordek Thordeksson: Hrutan finds Thordek too
will take the counsel she can for it. Her goals are to young to be a serious contender for the role of heir
find out what she can about the situations and make or a serious player in the holds intrigue. Overlook-
the decisions that are best for the hold. ing him.
Ori Ironbeater and Olif Orisson: Hrutan thought
Thoughts about important NPCs Olif Thumpcrushs distrust of people taller than 5ft
Hrutan Svetgirsson: The queen finds some wisdom would make it easy to win his support in isolation
in Hrutans isolationistic ideas and values the mans but the attempt to gain it backfired. Olif and his fa-
council. ther love spicy food and would hate to see trade to
Mazoth Anazgizsson: Queen Ironfist does not the east dwindle. As a result they are now vocal op-
show her husbands favour towards Anazgizsson. On ponents to Hrutan and his ideas.
the contrary she sees him as lacking wisdom and Baraim Mountainhammer: Hrutan works on get-
would not want him to be named heir. ting Baraim on board with his plan and the dwarf is
Durrik Drakebeard: Roughly twenty years ago at on the fence. His father became a slayer for losing
a feast Durrik and Kemma, both highly intoxicated, an artefact fighting in Ostermark, something that
had a single night of adultery shared. Both agree to wouldn’t have happened had the hold been more
it being a mistake and that they can not let anyone isolated. On the other hand the fact that his father
know. Kemma would find it awkward should Durrik fought side by side with humans makes him feel a
be named heir. need to honour that.
Drodriz Grumblesson: The Queen appreciates
Thane Stodrimm Thumricsson of Karak- his skill and tactical mind. Often commending the
Kadrin dwarfs actions in war and defence.
Stodrimm Thumricsson does not seek to gain more
power or work for a lofty goal. He is content in Thane Mazoth Anazgizsson Drakebeard
fighting for hold and people in the depths of Karak- Mazoth Anazgizsson seeks the place as heir and he
Kadrin. He is a Drakebeard but he stands with the sees a clear obstacle to it. Others seeking the same.
miners, protecting the deep paths. But not seeking Thus he wishes to clear them off and to do so he
power and politics does not guarantee one to be left supports the idea of sending people with the cara-
out of it. He has impressed Ungrim with his stalwart van, trying to suggest other Drakebeard thanes for
defence of the hold and become a possible choice the role and get them out of the way either tempo-
for heir. rarily by being far off or as he would prefer, perma-
nently gone, dealt with by the dangers of the jour-
Thoughts about important NPCs ney. Though he will of course not admit to the later
Stottin Hrugansson: Stodrimm has noticed that wish. Mazoth is questioning the legitimacy of the
Stottin holds a dislike for him and through Stottins child, though he does not question it too openly.
words and actions it has grown mutual.
Droggoth Drakebeard Snonrirsson: Stodrimm has Thoughts about important NPCs
a dislike for Droggoth due to Droggoths tendency to Queen Alrika Kemma: Mazoth knows he is not a
favour the central hold over the depths in his work favorite of the queen and has but her husbands fa-
as thane. When Snonrirsson played an important vour to rely on. Still he tries to make sure to, if not
part in denying the repair of an underground defence better their relationship at least not make it worse.
station Stodrimm felt greatly slighted on behalf of Hrutan Wargaze: Mazoth sees Hrutan as a worthy
the miners that needed its protection. rival.
Mad Kranok: Stodrimm fought side by side with Durrik Drakebeard Svengirsson: Mazoth sees
Mad Kranok in a three month long campaign deep Durrik as a rival that may be hard to overcome and
under Karak-Kadrin. At the end of it Mad Kranok one he will be unlikely to send away.
saved Stodrimms life from a colossal cave squig. Thordrek Thordreksson: Mazoth believes Thor-
Stodrimm owes a debt of gratitude to Kranok. drek to be an excellent mark for his plan to send
Drodriz Grumblesson: Stodrimm has some deal- away a rival.
ings with Drodriz ensuring blasting charges and cin- Baraim Mountainhammer Gromriksson: Mazoth
derblast bombs for the mines. It is not a close bond honours the master of Grimnirs shrine with gener-
but as a thane Stodrimms wealth has allowed him to ous donations and frequent visits. All to ensure his
be a valued client of Grumblesson. public image. As a result he has gotten to know
Ethgrim Paingrinder: Stodrimm has fought by Baraim Mountainhammer fairly well.
Ethgrims side in the depths and been impressed by
him. In these battles they became friends and drink- Thane Droggoth Drakebeard Snonrirsson
ing buddies. Droggoth seeks to make his son a great warrior the
kind that Ungrim appreciates. To succeed with this
Thane Stottin Hrugansson Drakebeard he is willing to do almost anything. This includes
Stottin Hrugansson seeks a position as heir as many striking a deal with Runelord Bararoth Udgicsson
of the thanes of his clan. But the royal family over- for his son to receive a rune axe. In return for this he
looks him and he stands far from such a position, no must journey deep into the depths below Karak-
matter how much he seeks it. He seeks to improve Kadrin and find a mushroom growing only on the
this position and has joined forces with Hrutan to corpses of goblin shamans. He will try to employ
achieve that. some of the newcomers for this alongside slayers.
As for the newcomer he will trust the queen to find
Thoughts about important NPCs the truth and holds hope it is not a legitimate heir. If
Queen Alrika: Stottin feels overlooked by the royal that is the case however, he will accept that.
family and the queen is no exception.
Hrutan Wargaze: Stottin considers Hrutan one of Thoughts about important NPCs
few friends and allies of his. Queen Alrika Kemma: Droggoth sees Alrika as a
Stodrimm Thumriccsson: Stottin considers Sto- great way to reach his goal and encourages his son
drimm undeserving of the attention he has gotten to spend time at court and talk to her.
and resents him, seeing himself as having worked Stodrimm Thumricsson: Droggoth has noticed
harder and to be more deserving. Stodrimm does not like him which can prove trou-
Thordrek Thordreksson: Stottin dislikes Thordrek blesome when he is to travel to the depths. He may
for being more favoured by Ungrim despite his need to overcome whatever slight has caused this.
young age. Drodriz Grumblesson: Droggoth has ensured that
Rordak Godgicsson: Stottin respects Rordak for his son knows of modern weaponry and tactics by
employing Drodriz as a tutor for him. Owing Dro- sabotaged him right? As the news of the new child
driz a favour in return. comes he suspects foulplay and trickery and will try
Okri Damisson: Droggoth has his son learn about to learn of it. Perhaps employing outsiders like the
Kulgur and about trolls from Okri Damisson. The PCs for this task.
two have also become friends with time as Droggoth
shows much appreciation for the chefs skill. Thoughts about important NPCs
Bowli Griefwing: Droggoth employs Bowli as a Queen Alrika Kemma: The queen Thordek be-
tutor for his son to ensure he masters the use of the lieves to be honourable but influenced by dishonour-
crossbow as well. able people.
Baraim Mountainhammer: Droggoth employs Other Drakebears: Other Drakebeard thanes are
Baraim as a tutor for his son as well. Ensuring he clearly out to take the heir position instead of him
stays true to Grimnir. and are willing to take to paths lacking honour to get
Bararoth Udgicsson: Droggoth has struck a deal it.
with the runelord to retrieve a rare ingredient from
the deepest depths in return for a runeweapon to his Kranok Stozrothsson
son. Kranok Stozrothsson, or Mad Kranok as he is often
called, is tired of his search of doom. He does not
Thane Durrik Drakebeard Svengirsson actively seek it out now not because he is not ready
Durrik Drakebeard aspires to the title of heir but to find it but because he has grown weary of the long
more than that he desires for the defences of Karak- search. The endless treks in lands unknown to find
Kadrin to be safe. He wishes to cut down on the another monster he doesn’t care about and kill.
many campaigns of Ungrim to keep a strong military Then, with no respite, seek the next. Bringing a dan-
in the town. This is not something he can state to gerous artefact back to be hid away in vaults gave
Ungrim he knows and thus he tries to ensure it in him reason to seek Karak-Kadrin. A place to call
different ways. Such as always calling in new de- home and a duty to carry the Slayer Army banner
fence drills. As for the new heir, he is sceptical. gave him reason to stay. He knows it can’t last for-
ever but he hopes and wishes his doom will now
Thoughts about important NPCs seek him and the hold out rather than the other way
Queen Alrika Kemma: Roughly twenty years ago around.
at a feast Durrik and Kemma, both highly intoxicat-
ed, had a single night of adultery shared. Both agree Thoughts about important NPCs
to it being a mistake and that they can not let anyone Stodrimm Thumricsson: Kranok has fought along-
know. Durrik finds this sets his honour in question side Stodrimm before. Kranok recalls him as a de-
already and asking for anything from the queen cent fighter.
would do so much worse. Rordak Godgicsson: Kranok admires Rordaks skill
Mazoth Anazgizsson: Durrik finds Mazoth a strict at what he does.
and unpleasant thane and they hold a rivalry of sort Olif Thumpcrush: Kranok respects Olif as one of
between them. few people that can drink him under the table.
Rordak Godgicsson: Durrik and Rordak have Baraim Mountainhammer: Kranok holds respect
worked together many times and they have come to for the priest but feels ashamed at Baraims sugges-
trust each other well. Even if their goals not always tions for him to more actively seek his death. As
align. Kranok knows he should.
Bowli Griefwing: Durrik has fought alongside
Bowli Griefwing and is impressed by Bowlis prow- Rordak Godgicsson
ess with a crossbow. Rordak Godicsson is the chief ranger of Karak-
Kadrin and a well respected man. He is relieved to
Thane Thordek Drakebeard Thordeksson hear a true heir may exist, seeing it as a way to stop
Thordrek Thordreksson desires to prove himself the intrigues and allow the betterment of the hold to
worthy to be named heir despite his young age. As be set first again.
banner bearer of Karak-Kadrin he stands a good
chance for it but he has noticed many hold his young Thoughts about important NPCs
age against him and who see him as a rival. This has Queen Alrika Kemma: Rordak finds Queen Kem-
grown his caution almost to the point of paranoia, ma a good leader, a better leader than Ungrim even,
unable to trust his clan which he sees as being though he keeps that silent.
against him. Often also questioning the loyalty of Stottin Hrugansson: Stottin has made it clear he
others as well as they may be under the sway of a appreciates Rordaks skill, openly praising his
rival. Thordrek believes that if he can just ensure no achievements in war and defence. Rordak also finds
one else ruins his chances then he will be made heir, Stottin a good strategist and likes to work with him.
and should he not be...well then clearly someone Durrik Svengirsson: Durrik and Rordak have
worked together many times and they have come to preciates Okri Damissons skill and buys from him at
trust each other well. Even if their goals not always times. A fact that makes Okri appreciate him in re-
align. turn.
Drodriz Grumblesson: Drodriz and Rordak are Ori Ironbeater: Ori Ironbeater and Okri Damisson
good friends and old drinking buddies. Either would have unfinished grudges between them after Ori in-
be ready to give his life for the other. sulted a meal made by Okri as tasting like it had
Bowli Griefwing: Rordak knows Bowli from many been “seasoned by elves”.
missions and admires his skill. He also appreciates Olif Thumpcrush: As Oris child the grudge be-
his work outside with the goats of the hold. tween them extend to Olif too.
Bararoth Udgicsson: The runelord of Karak-Kadrin
Drodriz Grumblesson is a bit of a loner and has few strong allies but Okri
Drodriz Grumblesson, chief engineer of Karak- Damisson has seen what he can do and swears by
Kadrin is fairly content with his life and while there him.
is some wish for innovation he is quite content to
rest on his laurels and enjoy the good life. He does Ori Ironbeater
however ensure that Rordak and his rangers receive Ori Ironbeater is a lover of spicy food and strong
excellent gear to do their job for Rordak is his best drink. With Hrutans Wargaze showing a desire to
friend. isolate the hold these passions are threatened and he
now seeks support to ensure the trade is kept open
Thoughts about important NPCs and these ideas are rejected.
Queen Alrika Kemma Drakebeard: Drodriz has
served the queen a long time and is not uncommonly Thoughts about important NPCs
asked for advice, something he enjoys to give her. Hrutan Wargaze: Hrutan thought Olif Thump-
Stodrimm Thumricsson: Stodrimm makes a lot of crushs distrust of people taller than 5ft would make
purchases for the mines and is thus a contributing it easy to win his support in isolation but the attempt
factor to Drodriz Grumblesson living the good life. to gain it backfired. Olif and his father love spicy
Droggoth Snonrirsson: Droggoth owes Grumbles- food and would hate to see trade to the east dwindle.
son a favour in return for Grumblesson tutoring his As a result they are now vocal opponents to Hrutan
son in matters of dwarf firearms. and his ideas.
Rordak Godgicsson: Drodriz and Rordak are good Drodriz Grumblesson: Drodriz has known Ori a
friends and old drinking buddies. Either would be long time, as both are very successful tradesmen of
ready to give his life for the other. the hold. Both also enjoys to spend their free time
Okri Damisson: Okri Damisson is the holds best drinkin which has strengthen their bonds of friend-
chef and Drodriz appreciates this. Sometimes paying ship.
the royal chef for fine delicacies. Okri Damisson: Ori Ironbeater and Okri Damisson
Ori Ironbeater: Drodriz has known Ori a long time, have unfinished grudges between them after Ori in-
as both are very successful tradesmen of the hold. sulted a meal made by Okri as tasting like it had
Both also enjoys to spend their free time drinkin been “seasoned by elves”.
which has strengthen their bonds of friendship. Olif Thumpcrush: Ori may have preferred if Olif
became a metalworker like him but he is still proud
Okri Damisson of his sons skill as a warrior and loves him dearly.
Okri Damisson is proud of his position as head chef
of Karak-Kadrin and the trust the royal family puts Olif Thumpcrush Orisson
in him. He has their ear and is happy they value his Olif Thumpcrush agrees with his father in regards to
advice to them. He is glad that a child of Garagrim is the fight to ensure that good spices keep travelling to
presented and while he doubts the truth behind it he the lands of Karak-Kadrin. Siding with him in oppo-
is less concerned about that and more about the sta- sition of Hrutan Wargaze.
bility of the hold. A stability he believes best served
by the place of heir being given to a child to be Thoughts about important NPCs
raised by the royal family. Thus he makes his best to Hrutan Wargaze: Hrutan thought Olif Thump-
crushs distrust of people taller than 5ft would make
ensure this child's claimed heritage is not questioned.
it easy to win his support in isolation but the attempt
Thoughts about important NPCs to gain it backfired. Olif and his father love spicy
Queen Alrika Kemma Drakebeard: As royal chef food and would hate to see trade to the east dwindle.
and master of Kulgur Okri Damisson is one of those As a result they are now vocal opponents to Hrutan
who meet the queen the most when not at the throne. and his ideas.
As a result she trusts him with secrets and he stands Kranok Stozrothsson: Olif enjoys drinking with
loyal to the Ironfist family. Kranok. Both enjoy very strong ales and outlandish
Drodriz Grumblesson: Drodriz Grumblesson ap- tales.
Okri Damisson: Ori Ironbeater has unfinished Baraim Mountainhammer Gromriksson
grudges with Okri and thus Olif has so too. For that Baraim knows his opinion on the matters of heir is
is how it works. wanted and valued but he does not want to involve
Ori Ironbeater: Ori is Olifs father and while they himself in intrigues. It is not the way of Grimnir.
do not share a profession Olif respects and loves his Thus he has chosen to give no straight answers in the
father. matter and reserve his judgement for a situation
Bowli Griefwing and Ethgrim Paingrinder: Olif where it is really needed.
has been on some wild adventures with Bowli and
Eth. Forming strong bonds this way. Thoughts about important NPCs
Hrutan Wargaze Svetgirsson: Hrutan works on
Bowli Griefwing getting Baraim on board with his plan and the dwarf
Bowli is annoyed at the intrigues and scheming is on the fence. His father became a slayer for losing
within the Drakebeard clan and makes this view an artefact fighting in Ostermark, something that
known. While he has no plan to do anything about it wouldn’t have happened had the hold been more iso-
he also won´t be silent which is of course not too lated. On the other hand the fact that his father
popular. fought side by side with humans makes him feel a
need to honour that.
Thoughts about important NPCs Mazoth Anazgizsson: Mazoth honours the master
Droggoth Snonrirsson: Droggoth employs Bowli of Grimnirs shrine with generous donations and fre-
as a tutor for his son to ensure he masters the use of quent visits and thus they have come to know each
the crossbow. Bowli finds this kid too impatient and other fairly well and Baraim respects Mazoth for his
does not enjoy this. battle prowess.
Durrik Svengirsson: Durrik has fought alongside Droggoth Drakebeard Snonrirsson: Droggoth em-
Bowli Griefwing and Bowli finds him okay. High ploys Baraim as a tutor for his son as well. Ensuring
praise when it comes from Bowli. he stays true to Grimnir. Baraim finds the kid a good
Rordak Godgicsson: Bowli finds Rordak a skilled child but does not like Droggoth. Baraim sees
and important ranger of the hold. If it wasn´t for the Snonrirsson as too far from Grimnirs teachings.
ranger using newfangled weaponry and spreading it Kranok Stozrothsson: Baraim tries to convince
amongst the rangers they could have been good Kranok to more actively seek his doom as intended
friends. with the oath. Finding it hard to accept Kranoks re-
Olif Thumpcrush and Ethgrim Paingrinder: fusal to do so.
Bowli has been on some wild adventures with Olif
and Eth. Forming strong bonds this way. Bararoth Udgicsson
Bararoth is little concerned with who inherits the
Ethgrim Paingrinder hold, instead focussing on his work and his develop-
Ethgrim has aligned himself with his friend Sto- ment of new runes. Currently seeking rare ingredi-
drimm and his desire to protect the depths. Some- ents to forge one. However with such a goal he is
thing that annoys some thanes that would like the willing to lend his voice to others, if they can help
runewielder by their side as they work to gain the him.
appreciation of Ungrim Ironfist.
Thoughts about important NPCs
Thoughts about important NPCs Droggoth Snonrirsson: Droggoth has struck a deal
Stodrimm Thumricsson: Stodrimm has fought by with the runelord to retrieve a rare ingredient from
Ethgrims side in the depths and been impressed by the deepest depths in return for a runeweapon to his
him. In these battles they became friends and drink- son.
ing buddies. Ethgrim Paingrinder: Runelord Bararoth Udgics-
Bowli Griefwing and Olif Thumpcrush: Eth has son has a fair bit of contact with Ethgrim as the
been on some wild adventures with Bowli and Olif. dwarf is a runewielder and Bararoth will have a role
Forming strong bonds this way. in keeping the artefacts safe should something hap-
Bararoth Udgicsson: Runelord Bararoth Udgicsson pen. Ethgrim is thus one of few people Bararoth reg-
has a fair bit of contact with Ethgrim as the dwarf is ularly meets. While Bararoth doesn´t admit it he ap-
a runewielder and Bararoth will have a role in keep- preciates having someone to talk runes with outside
ing the artefacts safe should something happen. of direct work contacts.
Ethgrim is thus one of few people Bararoth regularly
No heir to go
Weeks in Karak-Kadrin

The group will stay in Karak-Kadrin for three What do you know?
weeks. Not only are the carts badly damaged and in The characters don’t have much to do with the
need of repairs but an opportunity to gain support Snorayas child but they arrived together and thus
seems to turn up. Something that Ukrird desperately those suspicious of the claim naturally seek them
needs. True support from a mayor hold is what he out to see what they know and if they are willing to
has sought this whole time and what could save talk about it. Let thanes of the drakebeard clan seek
Karak-Rorkar. them out, offering drinks and food to talk and have
For much of this campaign time is kept quite strictly them ask about Snoraya, Garagrim and the child.
with events set for different days. With a longer
stretch of time spent in Karak-Kadrin this is looser Thordrekssons Suspicions
in scheduling. Instead plots and events set in Karak- Thordrek Drakebeard Thordreksson is suspicious of
Kadrin are listed without times giving the GM more the revealed heir to be born. He believes it is a way
flexibility. Additional hooks are also listed here, of- to trick Ungrim to snub him of his rightful position
fering further things to do. There need not be any as heir of Karak-Kadrin. But he does not trust
slow moments in Karak-Kadrin unless the PCs seek dwarfs in the hold to be neutral in this question and
them. so seeks out characters from the caravan, perhaps
Rather than be listed chronologically the events and the PCs, to seek answers for them. He is willing to
hooks will be listed by plot. Allowing a check of pay well for answers, and even more for proof. He is
progress that can be set to different starts depending however quite paranoid and should the PCs not be
on player involvement, given how the caravan is of careful he may turn on them, believing them to be
interest to different people in this hold. traitors and double agents.
Damissons Objections
Plot 1– The Child Okri Damisson wants to see the new child as the
heir. For him it is not about truth, it’s about stability,
Snoraya Beletnarrisdottir met and fought alongside he believes that would be best for the hold. He will
Garagrim Ironfist, Prince of Karak-Kadrin. She was not intervene actively (apart from advising the
there when he died, fighting a trio of mutated giants queen to honour the Snorayas claim) unless some-
from the waste, bringing two of them down with thing suggests to him that the child is likely to be
him. Laying dying War-mourner Garagrim tasked rejected as heir. If that would be the case he will
her with returning his rune-axes to Karak-Kadrin contact those involved, which may be the PCs, and
and his clan. This put her doomseeking on hold, try to convince them that the child is the true heir or
needing to complete this task. However, she was at least the best heir. Reasoning, logic, intimidation
also pregnant, not with Garagrim but with another or bribery may all be attempted here.
slayer that had found his doom. She knew that a
child of hers would have little future, orphaned. Call for witnesses
Thus she came up with a plan, a dishonourable one A problem with Snorayas claim is the lack of wit-
but she was not doing this for herself. She would go nesses. This is not surprising, they were at war up
to Karak-Kadrin and claim the child was Garagrims. north and few survived the battles. But it does make
This would make the kid the heir and give it a the claim hard to prove. There will be a search for
chance to live a good life. With Garagrims axes re- witnesses to confirm or deny it. An old slayer can be
turned by her the claim would not seem out of ques- found here. Mongok Grundabane, he confirms their
tion she reasons. relationship. He is however bribed and convinced by
The Meeting Okri Damisson to claim this.
This plot is revealed at the meeting at the start of Master Runes and ”The Sight”
their visit here. Ungrim is there too as he has busi- Magic often flows wildly like winds. Sometimes pool-
ness with the queen after and thus there is a good ing to certain places like water. At times formed into
chance PCs get to be there for it. spells and seen clearer. This is part of what can make it
Coming to the meeting she will first give condolenc- hard to identify and see for wizards and others with the
es to the queen for her sons death and hand over the sight. Runes are different, in dwarf runes the magic has
been trapped and used by powerful forces and it shines
War-Mourners two axes, both inscribed with master clear through the sight. In Master Runes the magic
runes. Then she will go on to speak her lie of the trapped is very strong and highly concentrated. This is
child she carries. The one she claims is Garagrims. often overwhelming for a spellcasters senses. Being
This will set off intrigues putting it to question or blinded by its magic light, feeling a taste of metal for
supporting it. The players may like it or not but being near that makes everything else lose taste, feel-
these intrigues will be ever present during the visit. ing a heat from it on their skin or similar. With two
axes, each bearing a master rune, shown at the same
time here it is quite likely any wizards in the group will
have a hard time focussing. Be sure to describe it.
Call to War mediate takers rush to it but there is some thought
The laws of Karak-Kadrin require slayers staying about it, especially as he offers to help sponsor an
there to stand ready to serve the army of the hold in expedition from the clan to go there.
defence. Thus when night goblin raids in the mines Slayers join up
come up Thane Mazoth Anazgizsson Drakebeard With Mazoth Anazgirssons call to join along with
point this out and manages to get a muster for slay- the promised dangers of a journey east slayers start
ers to help deal with it. With the command already to flock to the cause. Ten such dwarfs take hire on
set Snoraya gets called as well. When the queen the caravan (see new recruits at page –page– for
learns of it a group is sent down to retrieve her and more info) over the period of the stay.
get her back up. She is thankfully okay but there is a Conclusion
risk this could have harmed the child. Mazoth will At the end of the stay it is unlikely any thane will
deny any claims that he meant for her to be sent join (though not entirely impossible should the PCs
when he called for the slayers. involve themselves in the intrigues) but should that
Conclusion happen the thane brings a cohort of eight dwarfs
At the end of the stay a child is born at the slayer along, this is brought with a dwarf cart drawn by six
shrine. Unless her place as legitimate royal grand- sturdy dwarf ponies. More likely however Ukrird
child or not has been decided with the help of the finds no such support and is displeased over the
players her fate is yet unknown. She is named Grim- time spent here leading nowhere. If he is close to a
na Snorayasdottir and left with the temple until her PC he might confide in them regarding his disap-
fate is decided. If she is deemed to not be legitimate pointment.
she stays there, if deemed legitimate she is sent to
the Ironfist family to raise as princess of Karak-
Plot 3– Frame the Outsiders
Hrutan Wargaze Svetgirsson aspires for Karak-
Kadrin to close off its help to non-dwarfs. Feeling
Plot 2– The Expedition their blood and gold should not be sacrificed to
Ukrird once again lifts the issue of Karak-Rorkar those of other lands. He has support for this idea but
needing help and it is not as immediately dismissed he needs more support for it to enact change. Thus
here as it was in Karaz-a-Karak. However, what he plans to get the newcomers, Ukrird and his gath-
Ukrird does not see is the reasons behind the ering of people, framed as troublemakers and no-
thoughts being entertained. None of the important goods to shift public opinion.
people of the hold really believe him, but many see Trouble in the human quarters
here an option to utilize this call to aid in their polit- At one point or another the characters are likely to
ical games. If others can be sent away to help that find themselves drinking in a tavern in the human
would be good, if others can be shown as hearless quarters. Here one of Hrutans servants will bribe the
and uncaring to the plight of dwarfs, that too would innkeep to spike the drink of the caravan-members,
be good. As long as they themselves do not need to at least the non-dwarfs. An extract of madcap mush-
be involved in this this offers many opportunities. room (core rulebook pg306) is slipped in causing
The Meeting the drinker to enter a berserk rage. This will obvi-
Ukrird makes his claim at the same meeting where ously cause a barbrawl and in worst case scenario
the heir is revealed. The queen now remarks that he may lead to someone dying. This will shift opinion
made the same plea to Thorgrim and was rejected. of the newcomers. Someone with an experience of
She does not reject the request outright however. the drug may however very well recognize it and
Stating it will be taken into consideration and dis- while any claims to have given them it will be de-
cussed with her council. nied this does point to foulplay. If the trail of the
A hold unknown mushrooms is followed the characters can with
Hrutan Wargaze Drakebeard goes to openly ques- some gossiping or bribes find that they can be
tion Ukrirds honour as he states Karak-Rorkar is searched for in the depths and further sleuthing may
found in none of the holds tomes or archives. Hrutan even find the shady dwarf Algrum Darkbrow who
calls it a scam and a challenge between the two sells them, if it is
breaks out as honour is question. A fight to first made worth it for
blood. Hrutan wins and Ukrird returns with shame him he can reveal
and anger. Hrutan as a buyer but
will not go public
Someone else should go! with any such info.
Thane Mazoth Anazgizsson Drakebeard calls to a
meeting again many from clan Drakebeard as well
as Ukrird. He says that the possibility of there being
truth to the claim can’t be discarded and makes an
open and public call to arms to brave thanes. No im-
Gold gone missing Plot 4– Rune Research
Hrutan knows of the thieving nature of gnoblars and Runelord Bararoth Udgicsson is working on runes
if it was up to him they would be killed on entry, and improvements. Caring little for the politics he
though the guard has allowed them as long as they wants to develop mighty rune items. He however
are in the presence of their ogre masters and kept in does involve others in this.
check. The ogres have done so but its not enough. Got any runes of the easts, hmm?
Hrutan has a servant drop a golden amulet near the Runelord Bararoth Udgicsson goes to the caravan
gnoblars who of course pick it up and hide it. He
and speaks to the people. The dwarfs mostly. He is
then goes to the guard and tells it as stolen, he says
fairly blunt and direct, asking if they bring runes
he saw a gnoblar run off with it. The Karak-Kadrin
from the east he can see. He eventually gets to see
watch will check the carts and find it. Setting them
Ukrirds ring but is apparently not impressed.
in trouble. No gnoblar will admit to having stolen it,
even when all are threatened with death. The serv- Droggoths Expedition
ant, Madrithni Stodnilsdottir, is determined to keep Thane Droggoth Drakebeard Snonrirsson has made
the lie, she believes the end justifies the means here. a deal with Bararoth Udgicsson to be granted a rune
However it could be possible to get a confession weapon for his son in return for rare and valuable
from her. The gnoblars on the other hand can be ingredients. He needs to make an expedition into the
convinced to bring the thief (it’s not the right one depths and for this he hires adventurers and slayers.
but they can through backstabbing, scheming and The PCs may take such jobs if they wish, he pays a
violence “decide” who the thief is) and the direct gold for it with a chance of a bonus. Should it be
threat be dealt with by the amulet being returned agreed upon then it is a journey into the depths to
and the thief killed. night-goblin infested caverns. Use the characteris-
tics from page 76 and forward to create nightgoblin
Wrongfully Accused encounters in the cave. However these nightgoblins
are not alone in the cave. The orc tribe “Da Cave
The dwarf Garadnaz Silverhoard saw someone try
Choppaz” also dwells under Karak-Kadrin and gets
to break into a hall near the human quarters last involved in these fights.
night and when talking about it get convinced it
might have been one of the PCs. The watch comes Da Cave Choppaz
to arrest the person on suspicion of burglary. If the Da Cave Choppaz is an orc tribe under Karak-
PC flees and hides Ukrird will dislike it, it will be Kadrin known for living exclusively underground
seen as proof of guilt and Hrutan will use it to fan and for often cooperating with the local nightgob-
the flames of distrust for non-dwarfs. If the person is lins, or conquering them. Their warboss, Slayaba-
taken in Hrutan will have the word of his arrest for sha, wields a stolen runeaxe and likes to sneak up on
burglary spread. After a day they will state he is free people to get them “proppa scared” before killing
to go as the true burglar was found, Halgrim them.
Whiteshield, and he has agreed to take the oath for Cave Choppa boy
his crime. Either way the publics eye will have shift- Orc Boyz of this tribe tend to fight with a pair of
ed regarding the wrongfully accused PC and to a weapons, often axes and daggers.
lesser extent non-dwarfs in general.
Hrutan has patience in his acts here and these three M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
framings are all he does this time. It shifts opinion
in his favour and next time outsiders turn up new 4 45 30 45 55 30 25 20 25 35 20 17
attempts can be made. Thus it is likely the conclu-
sion isn’t too dramatic. However, if the PCs find
Skills: Athletics 35, Cool 45, Dodge 35, Endurance 65, Gam-
proof or suggestions he is behind it then it can be. ble 30, Melee (Basic) 55, Melee (Brawling) 55, Haggle 25,
Levelling the claim someone is behind it makes peo- Intuition 35, Melee (Two-handed) 55, Perception 35, Ranged
ple think they are making excuses. The claim (Entangling) 35
Hrutan is will be seen much worse and without
proof can get them in trouble. Should they however Traits: Armour 3, Belligerent, Die Hard, Infected, Night Vi-
sion, Weapon +9
have strong proof this could show his deception and
lose him status and honour. Cause a push for him to Chop an Stab: Fighting with a choppa and a dagger the at-
take the oath or otherwise repay his shame. To real- tacks are not equally deadly. The second attack with dual-
ly get him overwhelming proof will however be wielder deals three damage less than normal to represent it
needed. He is a thane of the royal Drakebeard clan being done with a smaller weapon.
and that is not a position taken lightly. Talents: Ambidextrous, Dual Wielder, In-fighter

Trappings: Choppa, Dagger, Armour

Cave Choppa big ‘un I have not listed out exact locations and foes for Drog-
Bigger, badder and tougher than the normal boyz goths expedition here and that is not by accident. How
these are deadly foes. much time you want to take with it and how difficult
you want to set it is up to the GM to decide. But do let
CAVE CHOPPA BIG ’UN –ORC VETERAN the pressure and danger be there and keep it up with a
decent number of combat encounters.
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W Conclusion
The ingredients may or may not have reached the ru-
4 50 30 50 60 35 40 20 25 35 20 20 nelord by the end. If they have an axe with a rune of
fire is handed over to Droggoths son, if not he does
Skills: Athletics 50, Cool 45, Dodge 50, Endurance 70, Gamble
not get it and their relationships sour. A new rune will
30, Melee (Basic) 65, Melee (Brawling) 65, Haggle 25, Intuition not be invented yet however, regardless of result.
40, Melee (Two-handed) 60, Perception 40, Ranged (Entangling) Such things take many decades.
35, Consume Alcohol 70, Perform (Fight) 35

Traits: Armour 3, Belligerent, Die Hard, Infected, Night Vision, Plot 5– Debates of Isolation
Weapon +10 Thane Hrutan Wargaze with a fair amount of support
works to make Karak-Kadrin more isolationist than
Chop an Stab: Fighting with a choppa and a dagger the attacks before. On the other hand Ori Ironbeater tries to stop
are not equally deadly. The second attack with dualwielder deals
three damage less than normal to represent it being done with a this and potentially even go the other way. Much of
smaller weapon. this weaves together with Hrutans plot to frame the
outsiders but the open debates are a part in it too.
Talents: Ambidextrous, Dual Wielder, In-fighter, Robust, Com-
bat Master The Debates
A few times during these weeks there are debates, of-
Trappings: Choppa, Dagger, Armour ficial and unofficial, between Ori Ironbeater and
Hrutan Wargaze as well as supporters of their sides.
Cave Choppa Shaman Let the PCs get to witness at least a few of them. The
Shamans of this tribe are known for their sneaky na- official ones are fairly polite affairs being kept under
ture and equally sneaky spells. proper etiquette, the unofficial ones much less so and
likely to end in bar brawls. It is possible the PCs may
CAVE CHOPPA SHAMAN –ORC SHAMAN want to get involved. That’s interesting, but keep in
mind as outsiders the way they act here will be scruti-
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W nized a lot and Hrutan will try to turn it against them.
4 45 30 45 60 45 25 30 40 50 20 21
This won’t conclude with a decision, but may end
with the call to suggest one to Ungrim as he returns.
Skills: Athletics 35, Cool 75, Dodge 45, Endurance 70, Gamble This will be affected by the plot to frame the players.
30, Melee (Basic) 65, Melee (Brawling) 55, Haggle 25, Intuition In either way the conclusion is less a final choice and
65, Melee (Two-handed) 55, Perception 70, Ranged (Entangling) more a shift in what side is likely to gain an ad-
35, Channeling (Waaagh!) 55, Entertain (Storytelling) 30, Lan- vantage.
guage (Magick) 50, Lore (Magic) 50,

Traits: Belligerent, Die Hard, Infected, Night Vision, Weapon +6 RESOLUTION

Before moving on from Karak-Kadrin it is time to
Waaagh! Magic: Shamans use Waaagh! magic, in addition to grant exp. Apart from standard exp for roleplaying
allowing a unique spell selection the following rules apply.
The Shaman adds +5 to all channeling tests for each fighting and bright ideas the following can awards extra expe-
greenskin within WP yards. The Shaman adds +1 to spell dam- rience:
age for each fighting greenskin within WPB yards. The Shaman
adds +10 to any roll on the miscast table for each fleeing green-  20 exp for each mayor plot a PC has taken an ac-
skin within WP yards. The Shaman may not cast spells in a tive role in.
round in which he flees. Spells taken from other lores or arcane
spells use these rules instead of their lore attributes
 10 exp per important NPC a character can count
as an ally when leaving Karak-Kadrin
Talents: Ambidextrous, Dual Wielder, In-fighter Rank 2, Petty
Magic, Arcane Magic (Waaagh!), Second Sight

Petty: Dart, Shock, Sly Hands
Arcane: Shadowstep (Lore of Shadows), Shroud of In-
visibility (Lore of Shadows), Creeping Menace (Lore of
Trappings: Two Daggers
He took the oath for his failures as a herdsman, his
Redbeards joined clan job, and sees himself as a far better warrior,
As the caravan is leaving they do so with a generous which he is sure to point out.
group of slayers in tow. Twelve more specifically.
These slayers out, during the adventure. Gronroth Grimgaze
Eager for danger and death they will find both. They Gronroth Grimgaze fought the Asrai in Athel-Loren
use the trollslayer stats at page 80. They are de- and found his mind taken over by one of the fey wiz-
scribed here. ards which forced him to kill a battle brother. Re-
turning he could not bear the guilt and took the oath.
Baratgok Brewbeard
Baratgok Brewbeard is a short-bearded trollslayer Snodnoth Battlehold
and an alcoholic. He has a serious problem which Snodnoth Battlehold is an old slayer but has not long
caused him to sell a family heirloom just to keep on carried the oath. He was a jeweller before and when
drinking more and more. This was of course discov- his son died in a rockslide his sorrow drove him to
ered and he had to take the oath. take the oath.

Unek Coinslayer Thormgiz Blusterman

Unek Coinslayer has been given the name ironically Thormgiz Blusterman was a thaneling in Zhufbar
for his greedy nature and refusal to spend money, who fell in love with a commoner rather than his be-
even now as he is seeking his doom. He refuses to trothed. When this affair came to light he was pres-
reveal his reasons for becoming a slayer and none sured to take the oath. He carries a small painting of
but a priest of Grimnir knows, not even his family. It his true love with him still.
was after stealing, he was never found out but the
guilt made him take the oath. Garadric Hasselmane
Garadric Hasslemane was of a warriorclan and fled
Anadgindal Pikelock as he faced a giant. The shame of this made him take
Anandgindal Pikelock was a dwarf in Tilea and had the oath and seek to regain his honour by a worthy
almost completely given up his dwarf roots. Living death. He does however hope to slay a giant before
amongst the humans, fighting in a pikeline. Drinking he dies to prove himself.
mostly wine. Even shaving. There was little to mark
him as a dwarf. What made him realize he wanted to Hrutrin Stoutfist
return to his roots and right these wrongs was in a Hrutin Stoutfist lost his left eye to a goblin arrow.
war against the skaven when he saw the glory of a While clan and longbeards agreed there was no
true dwarf throng and felt what he had turned his shame in such a battlewound he disagreed and chose
back on. He thus travelled to Karak-Kadrin and took the oath anyway.
the oath. He still shaves his beard as a reminder of
his shame, but has the classic mohawk. Thunrok Damminforge
Thunrok Damminforge came from a small outpost in
Kumroth Broadbrow the north of the World Edge Mountains. When he
Kumroth Broadbow is a sombre character who has learnt he had ancestors that had become Dawi-Zharr
taken the oath not for need but because he could not he could not bear the shame and took the oath.
bear to live anymore. His depression drives him to
seek death. He is covered in scars, most of them self-

Anagnan Ironhammer Dooms found

Anagnan Ironhammer is a dwarf slayer who took the During the adventure these slayers will find the
oath after fleeing from an arranged marriage that doom they seek. Who dies when is mainly
would have brought prosperity and honour to the written in the scenario but feel free to shift
clan. But Anagnan being attracted to men rather than around the order based on the ones your players
women made him unable to go through with it and enjoy having around. The exact order of their
thus he left and took the oath over the shame of be- deaths is not really important.
ing unable to serve his family as they wished him to.

Dromroth Gruffsworn
Dromroth Gruffsworn is a confident and muscular
slayer sure that he will find a most glorious death.
Day 55 –24th of Nachhexen, The griffon however, was but resting, it is not hunt-
ing now and flies away.
It’s a fairly mild winterday and the mountains give
Remember great Moir
shelter from the winds. The sun makes some appear- (Optional Encounter)
ances. The journey leaves Karak-Kadrin and goes A Bretonnian questing knight by the name Lucien
along peak pass. Deloffre carrying a large two-handed mace comes
riding from the opposite direction. He slows down as
Hadgrin’s Watch he approaches the caravan and asks if he is close to
Karak-Kadrin. If asked his business there he will say
(Sight) that he swore to bring news of the slayer Moir
About two hours from Karak-Kadrin guardin a pas- Thugrizssons epic doom to the hold when the slayer
sage to Kadrin valley from the south-east lays the fell. And an epic doom he confirms it was as none
dwarf outpost of Hadgrin’s watch. From this side other than the king of Athel-Loren, Orion himself,
well apparent but from the sout-east approach hidden slew the slayer. If pressed Lucien will reluctantly
amongst the mountains. A massive tower rise from admit to having fled that battle against the avatar of
its midst surrounded by barracks, a brewery, a gy- Kuronous. Lucien will talk down to peasants which
rocopter hangar and gun batteries. The defenders of may be annoying, he is also likely to tip them a few
the outpost accept the characters passage by without brass for their answers to his questions. To dwarfs
much ado. and elves he will be more polite.
You reckon it’s dangerous then? Gelt
(Optional Encounter) (Sight)
As the hold has been left the new slayers show a de- The mining village of Gelt is one of few settlements
sire to find their dooms. Let them talk to the players still standing in Peak Pass. It is built on a knob of
and other caravan members. Discuss where they are rock rising from the midst of a small valley. A for-
going. Ask questions and generally get to know peo- mation carrying high stone walls topped with wood-
ple. Try to get them to feel, if not like friends at least en palisades and crowned by several tall stone tow-
familiar to the players. ers. The buildings are simple stone cottages roofed
with turf. At the centre stood an inn with the name
Unrithnis Cave “The Broken Pickaxe” and the mine entrance. The
(Sight) settlement held hundreds of people, a mix of humans
By evening the group comes upon an old cave. and dwarfs, all swearing allegiance to Karak-Kadrin.
Small, simple statues of dwarf women stand by the The caravan moves into the settlement and are wel-
entrance. This is, as one of the newly joined slayers comed. A good place to spend the night.
can tell, Unrithinis Cave. Unrithini was a queen of
Karak-Kadrin millenia ago who, highly pregnant, Day 57 –26th of Nachhexen, Back-
was on her way back to the hold. She could not
reach the halls before the child came and gave birth ertag
in the cave. The prince born that day got the nick-
name “Caveborn” after. The caravan sets up camp The day is like the one before cold and during the
by the cave. travel a test at +0 (+40 if appropriately dressed)
should be taken not to suffer fatigue from the cold.
The journey leaves Gelt and with it the more civi-
Day 56 –25th of Nachhexen, Marktag lized parts of Peak Pass.
Today is colder and during the travel a test at +0
(+40 if appropriately dressed) should be taken not to
Dragoneye Cliff
suffer fatigue from the cold. The journey continues (Sight)
through the pass and reaches the settlement of Gelt After several long hours of walking the group reach
by the end of the day. a small cliff coloured a sooty black. As they get clos-
er skulls and bones of goblins and trolls are seen,
Griffons Presence equally sooty, scattered upon it. In places molten
metal has fused with the stone. This is the Dragon-
(Optional Encounter) eye cliff where a sizable warband of Red eye goblins
After a few hours of travel the trail ahead of you were killed by the dragon Skjalandir. Dromroth
slopes down about midway down the trail. A mighty Gruffsworn will relate the tale and mourn the fact
griffon is sitting at the top of the trail, watching you. that he wasn’t here to face the dragon when it was
The caravan halts and prepares the volleygun for if a alive.
battle breaks out. The slayers are hopeful it does.
Bat-squigs in the night Bonechewers
(Optional Encounter) Bonechewers are the reason that the Skaven have no
As night falls and camp has been set up one of the need to worry about burying their dead. These five-
most disliked types of squigs descend upon the cara- foot-long mole-like rodents feed on bones, and they
van with fluttering wings and biting maws A swarm find plenty available around Skaven cities and settle-
of bat-squigs have decided to try and eat the caravan. ments. They are entirely sightless, but their height-
Divide the attack for ease of play. Set a number of ened sense of smell leads them unerringly to fresh
bat-squigs equal to the players minus one against the corpses where they use their huge saw-like incisors
player characters. Start the player characters sur- to devour the entire skeleton. They have little taste
prised (representing them waking up). This battle for the living, but fight ferociously if their breeding
should be quickly over but may cause a bit of trouble areas are invaded or food supply threatened. Occa-
during its short time. sionally, a clutch of these beasts find their way into
a Human graveyard, and many an adventurer has
Bat-Squig earned some coin from the Priest of Morr by driving
Bat-Squigs are a flying type of the more common the beasts back to their usual diet.
cave squig that descend upon their victims in a flurry
of gnashing jaws and spattering guano. A larger type BONECHEWER
of bat-squig exists with grander wings, that beast is M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
known as a “Dragon-Squig”.
4 32 - 40 32 55 36 5 18 41 10 14
BAT SQUIG Skills: Stealth (Underground) 46, Tracking 60, Perception 60,

M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W Traits: Bestial, Infected, Dark Vision, Weapon +8,
4 45 - 50 30 20 40 - 5 15 - 12 Bonechewing Teeth: Bonechewers can bite through almost
Traits: Bestial, Belligerent, Bounce, Infected, Dark Vision, anything. Their attacks ignore two points of armour.
Weapon +8, Flight (50)
The Blue Rock
Squig Body: Squigs are not remotely humanoid, their physique
is quite unique. They use the following table for hit locations:
01-70: Head, 71-85: Right Wing (treat as leg), 86-100 Left By the edge of the pass a massive boulder of a blue
Wing (treat as leg). colouration is found. It is a boulder of a rare type of
stone. It has no significance for the dwarfs of Peak
Pass other than as a landmark but none the less
Day 58 –27th of Nachhexen, stands out enough to draw a persons gaze. As it is
beginning to turn dark the caravan sets up camp for
Bezahltag the night.
The day is colder than before and during the travel
two tests at +0 (+40 if appropriately dressed) should Day 59 –28th of Nachhexen,
be taken not to suffer fatigue from the cold. The Konistag
journey goes forth through Peak Pass.
Bloody Murder The day is not quite as cold as the previous one but
(Mandatory Encounter) has heavy snowfall and during the travel two tests at
Ahead in the pass there are overturned destroyed +0 (+40 if appropriately dressed) should be taken not
carts and bloody bodies. The carts have already been to suffer fatigue from the cold. The journey goes
picked clean as will be apparent when checked, forth through Peak Pass.
wicked deeds done by human bandits that live a dan-
gerous life in the pass. Around the overturned carts Red Eyes Lookin
strange five-foot-long mole-like rodents move about (Optional Encounter)
eating of the dead. The slayer Dromroth Gruffsworn During the day for a few hours the caravan is spied
says they are Bonechewers and easily enough dealt upon by goblins of the Red Eye tribe. Give a few
with. He quickly draws his axe and approaches them chances to spot these vicious creatures as the cara-
before any discussion can start. A bonechewer that van moves about. A test of Lore (Greenskins) at +20
sees him immediately lunges at Dromroth and rips can tell that the tribe, which has a large portion of
out his throat, killing the dwarf near instantly. The night goblins, is unlikely to attack during the day as
beasts will defend their kills and must be dealt with. they prefer to fight in the dark.
A clever player may however suggest attacks from
afar or to utilize fire. Both things that will confuse
the creatures and make them less effective.
There are thirty bonechewers there in total.
Hurgoth da Hitta and his Land Wyvern Day 60 –29th of Nachhexen, Angestag
(Mandatory Encounter)
As night nears camp is set up. But before a fire is even The day is fairly mild with light snowfall and during
started a mighty roar is heard followed by screams of the travel a test at +10 (+50 if appropriately dressed)
“Waaagh!”. A large orc on the back of a strange type should be taken not to suffer fatigue from the cold.
of creature, a land wyvern, leads a charge towards the The journey goes forth through Peak Pass.
caravan. Despite calls to stop Snodnoth Battlehold
starts a countercharge which unfortunately sets him Red Eyes Still Lookin
between the helblaster and the wyvern as it starts to (Optional Encounter)
fire. The warmachine rips through both slayer, wyvern Just as the previous day the caravan is spied upon by
and orc boss in a devastating crescendo of death. They goblins of the Red Eye tribe. Give a few chances to
are destroyed. The many goblins, and the less numer- spot these vicious creatures as the caravan moves
ous orcs, turn tail and flee. about.
Now this should not require any rolls against the foes Red Eyes Trap
but as players are unpredictable the rules for both wy-
vern and bigboss are included here. (Optional Encounter)
As the group passes a large cave opening above ar-
rows, javelins and rocks start to rain from above.
Land Wyvern Nightgoblins dodge in and out of a cave overhead to
This is a rare breed of Wyvern — one slightly smaller assault. While they hope their projectiles will cause
and meaner than others of its kind but without wings. harm in truth it is a trap. Inside they have caged up a
These are generally solitary creatures unless they’ve squigosaur. If people of the caravan take the bait and
been tamed by the Orcs, and appear quite similar to move into the cave the goblins retreat and unleash the
normal Wyverns, complete with a poisonous beast. If the group get suspicious before and stop out-
tail. Land Wyverns are famously stupid and one will side the cave to listen they will hear the creatures loud
fling itself into combat without concern for numbers breathing and grunts. Should there be no engagement
or the threat to its own life. the goblins are displeased but the caravan can move
on. Before the cave is reached make four attacks a
round against the caravan with a hit chance of 40 and
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
a damage of +6.
5 55 - 50 45 25 55 - 10 50 - 72
Traits: Bestial, Armour 2, Size (Enormous), Weapon +11, Ven-
Squigosaurs are large two legged squigs rivalling
om (Challenging), Trained (Broken, Mount, War)
ogres in shear size. These bad-tempered creatures eat
Hurgoth da Hitta everything they come across and are nearly impervi-
Hurgoth da Hitta is a large and ferocious orc bigboss ous to attacks, their gnarled hide as tough as armour.
who could have risen to be a deadly threat had it not Night goblins hold legends of warbosses that have
been for his attack against a caravan with a helblaster. managed to tame and ride them, such legends are un-
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
4 55 30 55 45 40 45 20 25 55 40 36
5 55 - 60 50 10 30 - 5 45 - -
Skills: Athletics 65, Animal Care 30, Charm Animal 45, Heal 30,
Lore (Waaagh!) 30, Melee (Cavalry) 75, Ride (Wyvern) 65, Traits: Bestial, Infected, Night Vision, Weapon +10, Size (Large)
Trade (Claw sharpener) 25, Cool 75, Dodge 65, Endurance 65, Fury, Armour 5, Grim 2
Intimidate 75, Language (Battle) 30, Melee (Basic) 75, Charm
45, Consume Alcohol 65, Leadership 50, Lore (Warfare) 30, Squigosaur Shake: When a squigosaur bites onto their prey they
Lore (Greenskins) 30, Secret Signs (Hurgoth da Hitta) 30 have a tendency to shake them viciously back and forth so their
flesh rips. A squigosaur that has hit an opponent that is smaller
Talents: Roughrider, Sturdy, Strike Mighty Blow Rank 3, War- than it may spend two advantage to shake it viciously, increasing
leader, Iron Will damage by +d10.

Traits: Armour 3, Belligerent, Die Hard, Infected, Night Vision, Squiggly Feet and poor Balance: A Squigosaur is not the nim-
Size (Large) blest of beasts and can not effectively use its limbs for attacks. A
Squigosaur can not make stomp attacks on smaller foes as nor-
Trappings: Armour, Lance (+14, impact, impale, only usable on mally allowed by the size rules.
charge), Choppa (+9)
Squig Body: Squigs are not remotely humanoid, their physique
is quite unique. They use the following table for hit locations: 01-
70: Head, 71-85: Right Leg, 86-100 Left Leg.
Chemisquigal Warfare A calm day in Peak Pass
(Optional Encounter) (Mandatory Encounter)
As night came a group of squig herders moved up Once in a while, despite the greenskin presence
towards the caravan all sneaky like. With them they there. Despite the many beasts. Despite the various
bring not the more common cave squigs but beasts dangers. There is a calm day in Peak Pass. This is
known as “Gas-Squigs” with which they can attack one of those and the caravan gets to move on with-
fairly silently from afar. The attackers bring sixteen out incident...for now.
gas-squigs and five squig herders. As the attack is
launched divvy up defenders and attackers into rele- Day 62 –31st of Nachhexen, Wellen-
vant groups and play it out.
Gas Squig The day is cold with light snowfall and during the
Gas squigs are a special type of squigs that hunt not
travel two tests at +0 (+40 if appropriately dressed)
by charging straight ahead like most but by standing
should be taken not to suffer fatigue from the cold.
back and launching poisonous gas from the “spore- The journey goes forth through Peak Pass and is now
chimneys” that grow on their backs. Only when their getting near Gnashrak’s Lair.
prey is barely moving do they move in and eat it.

GAS SQUIG Gnashrak’s third best Choppa

M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W It is not long since Gnashrak Badtoof was defeated,
4 35 45 40 35 10 40 - 10 10 - 11 less than two years. The grudges against this orc
were many and while his armies were defeated and
Traits: Bestial, Bounce, Night Vision, Weapon +8, Ranged +6
(30), Immunity (Gas) scattered they were not fully destroyed. One of the
survivors was Big boss Urodrak Legsnappa. This
Venomspore-Gas: The gas launched by the Gas Squigs is boss managed to pick up one of Gnashrak’s several
highly venomous. Their ranged attacks bypass armour and magical weapons, more specifically Gnashreak’s
cause two poisoned conditions. Shields can not be used to de- third best Choppa. Furious over the losses they have
fend against a Gas Squigs ranged attacks.
had against the dwarfs Gnashrak wants to drive
Squig herder some foes to him to get a “proppa bloody scrap” go-
ing and to do so he has stuck down a stolen dwarf
Its all about the Squigs – at least as far as the Squig
banner into the ground and written in, admittedly
Herder is concerned – and he knows all there is to
know about these feisty critters. Commanding a pack very poor, Khazalid a message roughly translated to;
of Squigs culled from those types he has learned to
train, the Squig Herder can inflict serious damage on “Hear me, hear me. Me will kill all your friend.
his enemies. These night-goblin specialists are never To make not that. Come fight me. Grudges an such.
I have magic weapon that kill many all dwarfs.
encountered without their beasts.
Look, head of thane on banner-sticks.
SQUIG HERDER (QUICK SHOOTIN) –NIGHT I built fort to south of specific place*.
GOBLIN SQUIG HERDER Come for battle.”
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W *probably meant to say “Here” as Ukrird guesses
4 30 45 30 35 30 45 30 30 25 20 11
Urodraks challenge is seen by the caravan and the
Skills: Dodge 55, Perception 40, Ranged (Bow) 55, Stealth slayers are all willing to answer, as is Jörg Mann and
(Underground) 55, Animal Care 40, Charm Animal 40, Animal
Training (Squig) 40
the ogres. Ukrird is not as sure. Let there be a discus-
sion on if an attack should be made on the fort or
Talents: Flee!, Marksman not. If not, move on and give it no more thought. If
an attack is to be launched move on to it and let the
Traits: Animosity (Greenskins), Afraid (Elves), players partake in strategizing. The helblaster will be
Dark Vision, Hatred (Dwarfs), Infected, Ranged (Snazzy
shortbow) +6 (35), Weapon (Stikkaz an stuff) +6
needed to assault the wall and allow an attack. Other
than that the exact use of troops can vary though any
Day 61 –30th of Nachhexen, Festag slayer will protest if not set in a frontline fighting
Should the attack be won and Urodrak slain then his
The day is mild with light snowfall and during the magic choppa can be taken and wielded, a mighty
travel a test at +0 (+40 if appropriately dressed) weapon to someone willing to use items of orc
should be taken not to suffer fatigue from the cold.
The journey goes forth through Peak Pass.
The Fort be in light cover.
Scouting out the fort and learning the defences may
be required to take it on. A group to do so will be 5– The main building: The main building of the
chosen, players may be part of it. Once that is done fort holds the homes of the elites and a cooking area.
the fort will be shown. It is a wooden fort of decent
size set to a mighty mountainwall. The wall stands 6– The yard: The yard is a place where the green-
10 feet tall. skin dumps resources, scraps and other things they
aren’t currently using. It’s basically just a bunch of
1- Spear Chukka: This is a crudely made emplace- poorly organized debris.
ment where a greenskin bolt thrower is placed keep-
ing guard against any approaching the gate. The 7– The camp: A collection of tents makes up the
crew in the emplacement are considered to be behind camp and gives the greenskins a place to sleep.
heavy cover.
The Attack
2– Gatehouse: This is a wooden gatehouse with When making the attack divide up the attackers into
double gates on the approach. Neither gate is of high units. The PCs amongst them. There are many ways
quality but they are guarded by towers and the fact to divide them so let that be decided during the tac-
there are two gates after each other ensure it remains tics phase before the battle itself.
a tough breach. The gates have a TB of 8 and 90 The Helblaster will be a very effective weapon here.
wounds each. Against a stone fort its munitions would need to be
larger to bring it down but this fort is wooden and
3– The big tower: The forts largest tower by far. A the helblaster will be able to rip through the wood to
wooden ork face representing Gork (or possibly bring down defences. Let it open up a path where it
Mork) sits on it leering down on the battlefield. Ene- is set with a few salvoes.
mies in the tower are considered in heavy cover. Following will be a list of the defenders and where
they normally keep guard. Remember however that
4– Small towers: These smaller watchtowers are these defenders (with the exception of the spear
enough for a pair of orcs or 3-4 goblins to keep chukka) can move around and will do so to defend
guard from. Enemies in the towers are considered to the fort to their best ability.
The Defenders The Gatewatch
The gate with its two smaller towers and various
The fort holds forty defenders split into a few groups nooks, crannies and crenelations holds a group of
as described here. Utilize them as units and roll in eight goblins defending it. A group of javelineers led
groups to keep the fight flowing. by boss Stibsnik.

The Spear Chukka Goblins by the gate

The spear chukka is a crude looking but effective These goblin javelineers are fast to duck out of cover
warmachine and the ranged weapon that poses a and send down sharp sticks on the attackers.
proper threat to one of the wagons itself. The Spear
chukka is operated by a group of four goblins and GOBLIN JAVELINEER –GOBLIN
overseen by an orc bully. M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
4 30 45 30 35 20 35 30 30 20 20 11
The Spear Chukka if attacked itself has a TB of 5
and 50 wounds. It has a range of 120, a damage of Skills: Athletics 40, Climb 40, Cool 25, Dodge 40, Endurance
+14, Damaging, Impale, Penetrating, Reload (4) 40, Language (Battle) 35, Melee (Basic) 35, Ranged
(Throwing) 50
Chukka Crew Talents: Marksman
The four goblins manning the ballistae are not too
bright, skilled or brave but they have a big weapon Traits: Animosity, Armour 1, Afraid (Elves), Night Vision,
and that is enough to make them a real threat. Weapon +7, Ranged +7 (9)

Duck and Cower: Defending the gate by quickly looking out

CHUKKA CREW –GOBLIN ARTILLERIST from cover and ducking back in these goblins can be hard to
get to. These goblin javelineers can defend against ranged at-
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W tacks with dodge as long as they are fighting from the gate.
4 25 40 30 30 25 35 30 35 20 20 11
Skills: Animal Care 40, Cool 25, Drive 40, Endurance 35,
Evaluate 40, Language (Battle) 40, Melee (Brawling) 30, Navi- M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
gation 40, Perception 30, Ranged (Crossbow) 45
4 35 50 30 40 20 35 30 30 30 20 14
Talents: Strong Back
Skills: Athletics 40, Climb 40, Cool 25, Dodge 40, Endurance
Traits: Animosity, Armour 1, Afraid (Elves), Night Vision, 40, Language (Battle) 35, Melee (Basic) 40, Ranged
Weapon +5 (Throwing) 55

Not ‘ere by choice: The Chukka crew are forced to work here Talents: Marksman, Unshakable
and should their Bully overseer die they may not necessarily
stick around. If Ol’ Dazak dies they each test a cool test at +20, Traits: Animosity, Armour 1, Afraid (Elves), Night Vision,
those that fail gain one broken condition. Grim 1, Weapon +7, Ranged +7 (9)

Duck and Cower: Defending the gate by quickly looking out

The bully from cover and ducking back in these goblins can be hard to
Orc bullies are old or injured orcs no good on the get to. These goblin javelineers can defend against ranged at-
frontlines who are set to keep the goblins in line. tacks with dodge as long as they are fighting from the gate.
They are often used with greenskin warmachines.
The Small tower shooties
OL’ DAZAK –ORC BULLY The three smaller towers all have troops defending
them. In two of them stand two orc arrer boyz, in
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W one stands three goblins with bows. These troops are
4 35 35 35 50 20 25 20 25 40 20 - not amongst the best of the camp. Use the base orc
and goblin characteristics from pg 325 of the core
Skills: Intimidate 40, Bribe 25, Climb 40, Drive 30, Endurance
55, Perception 25, Ranged (Entangling) 40, Melee (Basic) 40 rulebook with the optional ranged trait as described
Talents: Tenacious

Traits: Armour 3, Belligerent, Die Hard, Infected, Night Vision

Trappings: Armour, three large silver coins

Stabba: Short reach, damage +6

Whip: Range 6, damage +5, entangle

Borolgas Bows an Arrers
Borolga is a large and muscular orc, almost a big ‘EAVY GIT –GOBLIN ELITE
boss himself. Borolga is also a great archer and the
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
leader of the defenders holding the large tower. He
leads a mob numbering ten arrer boyz himself in- 4 35 35 40 40 40 45 30 30 35 20 15
cluded. Skills: Cool 50, Dodge 60, Intimidate 50, Leadership 25, Melee
(Basic) 55
Talents: Shieldsman, Combat Aware, Combat Reflexes, Reso-
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W lute, Feint
4 35 35 35 45 25 30 20 25 35 20 14 Traits: Animosity, Armour 5, Afraid (Elves), Night Vision,
Skills: Athletics 35, Climb 40, Consume Alcohol 50, Dodge Weapon +7 (Shielding 3, Defensive)
35, Endurance 50, Language (Battle) 30, Perception 30, Play
(Horn) 25, Ranged (Bow) 40, Stealth (Rural) 35 Mockery uv Stunties: The icons on their armour is of Karak-
Kadrin and the weapons clearly meant for high-raking and re-
Traits: Armour 3, Belligerent, Die Hard, Infected, Night Vi- spectable dwarfs. The very appearance of these goblins taunt
sion, Weapon +8, Ranged +9 (50) dwarfs. Dwarfs are subject to the Hatred psychology against
these goblins.
Talents: Fast Shot, Accurate Shot
Urodraks Boyz
Trappings: Various armour (see traits), Bow with arrows, These four orcs are tough troops leading the charge
Choppa alongside their great boss, shield and choppa in
4 35 45 50 60 50 20 20 35 60 30 46
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
Skills: Athletics 35, Climb 60, Consume Alcohol 70, Dodge 4 45 30 45 55 40 35 20 25 50 20 19
50, Endurance 80, Language (Battle) 40, Perception 70, Play
(Horn) 35, Ranged (Bow) 65, Stealth (Rural) 35, Cool 75, In- Skills: Cool 65, Dodge 50, Intimidate 55, Leadership 25, Melee
timidate 65, Intuition 65, Leadership 45, Lore (Warfare) 45, (Basic) 65
Melee (Basic) 55
Talents: Shieldsman, Combat Aware, Combat Reflexes, Reso-
Traits: Armour 3, Belligerent, Die Hard, Infected, Night Vi- lute, Feint
sion, Weapon +9, Ranged +10 (50), Size (Large)
Traits: Animosity, Armour 4, Afraid (Elves), Night Vision,
Talents: Fast Shot, Accurate Shot Weapon +7 (Shielding 2, Defensive)

Trappings: Various armour (see traits), Bow with arrows, Urodrak

Choppa Urodrak is a hulking big-boss who once was one of
Gnashraks closest henchmen. He is also a cunning
creature. In battle he wields the magical halberd
Urodraks Tough Ones “Gnashrak’s third best Choppa”.
Urodrak is a strong orc with a mighty weapon, more
than a match for most opponents. With him he URODRAK–ORC BIGBOSS
brings four orcs and five goblins that all enjoy the
thrill of a good melee. M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
4 70 40 60 75 50 50 20 40 70 35 54
Da ‘eavy gits
These five goblins are the toughest goblins under Skills: Cool 95, Dodge 65, Intimidate 85, Intuition 75, Leader-
ship 65, Lore (Warfare) 60, Melee Polearm 90, Melee
Urodraks command and in many other tribes they (Brawling) 90, Perception 70
would perhaps have been bosses over their own
mobs. Here instead they fight in stolen dwarf armour Talents: Combat Aware, Combat Reflexes, Feint, Inspiring,
as a mockery of the brave warriors of Karak-Kadrin. Luck, Resolute, Unshakable, Warleader

Traits: Animosity, Armour 4, Afraid (Elves), Night Vision,

Size (Large)

Trappings: Armour, Gnashrak’s third best choppa

Gnashrak’s Third Best Choppa: This is a magic halberd. It

has the normal rules for a halberd but it has the qualities Un-
breakable and penetrating in addition to its normal qualities. In
addition when its wielder makes a charge he counts his Move-
ment as one higher.
After the Siege continue on further and would wish to turn back. No
Having taken the fort the benefits are fairly low. It is NPCs take this offer.
good that those orcs are gone but they didn’t hold
much of value to get. There is however one excep- THE END OF CHAPTER TWO
tion, the magic weapon held by their boss. While of And so ends the journey through Peak Pass and
clear orc make, something not everyone will accept, makes for the deadly path across the dark lands. The
it is a powerful magic item and can be taken by empires of those lands await, Chaos Dwarfs and
someone. Ukrird and the other dwarfs will refuse to Hobgoblins, ever warring. Should you wish to run
use it but should no player character take it an NPC only the second chapter then leave the players at the
of the caravan will. edge of the Worlds Edge Mountains as the caravan
moves on. On the other hand should you wish to skip
Day 63 –32nd of Nachhexen, the first two chapters letting them meet the caravan
in Karak-Kadrin at the end of its stay and making the
Aubentag travel through Peak Pass uneventful achieves that
The day is cold and clear and during the travel one
test at +0 (+40 if appropriately dressed) should be
taken not to suffer fatigue from the cold. The jour- RESOLUTION
ney goes out through peak pass, out of the Worlds Before moving on to the third chapter it is time to
Edge Mountains and into the Dark Lands. grant exp. Apart from standard exp for roleplaying
and bright ideas the following can awards extra ex-
Darkness and Desolation perience:
It is evening when the mountains give way to plains.  5 exp for each optional encounter involving a
Ukrird decides that camp is to be set rather than en- fight.
ter the dark lands now. He will now talk to all of the  20 exp for fighting and taking Urodraks fort
caravan. Saying that he understands if they dare not
Chapter Three: Crossfire and Brimstone
An Adventure for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th Edition by Leo E Gunnemarsson

Tracking Provisions tional value and actually being bad for your health.
Characters other than gnoblars must test Endurance
Provisions are sorted for the caravan but there are at +10 or suffer from the ‘Malnutrition’ disease.
risks they may run out. For the first two chapters you Ogres instead test Endurance at –20.
didn’t need to keep track of provisions. But now you
do. Set a value of 12 provisions, this will need to be But where did the food go
tracked as it can run out. Opportunities and events (Encounter at 0 Provisions)
can affect it and should they run out new events will The food is basically gone. What little the caravan
be triggered. scavenges is not enough. There are thoughts about
killing animals. All characters not already suffering
Provision Value: The provision value is an abstract Malnutrition start suffering Malnutrition.
for how many provisions the group has, they are ra-
tioned to last but things can happen. Set this value to Malnutrition
12 at the start of this chapter. Less a disease and more just a lack of food this is none
the less something to avoid for your healths sake.
Spending Provisions: Provisions are lowered at set Contraction: Contracted by starvation or by eating food
points in the travel representing normal use. without proper nutrition for a longer time.
Incubation: 1 day
Gaining and Losing Provisions: Provisions can be Duration: Until you can start to reverse it with proper
gained or lost by encounters during travel. These en- meals, it takes as long to reverse with proper thought out
meals as you suffered it until you started that treatment.
counters will clearly state so.
Symptoms: Malaise, Slowed Healing, Muscle Loss
Special Encounters: When provisions reach certain New Symptoms:
numbers special encounters happen. See below.
Slowed Healing
Feast Your wounds do not heal as fast as they used to. Your
(Encounter at 13+ Provisions) body lacking the “building blocks” it needs to repair you.
The caravan has more drink and food than it can car- The Endurance test to regain wounds after a rest is at –10.
ry and a small feast is held. Play it out and give char- Treatment: There are some potions of springwater and
acters a +10 bonus to willpower this and the follow- carefully picked flowers that can alleviate this. A dose
ing day as morale soars from good food and drink. tends to cost roughly 4 silver and last three days.

Muscle Loss
Rationing Your body strains and your muscles are damaged. You
(Encounter at 4 Provisions) actively see yourself become weaker. You lower your
As provisions are starting to go low rationing be- strength by one per day. It can be reversed when the sick-
comes stricter and everyone gets less food. Until the ness is over at which point it is regained at a rate of 1 per
situation is fixed ogres and halflings in the caravan day.
suffer a –5 penalty to willpower from hunger and Treatment: The rare Tigerlotus of Ind, if consumed,
lower morale. removes this condition.

Harsh Rationing We can’t starve no more

(Encounter at 2 Provisions) (Encounter at –1 Provisions)
As provisions are getting scary low everyone lives The food is completely gone and the sacrifice of a
on barely enough to get by. Caravan members (other carts animals, and thus the cart itself which must be
than gnoblars who are used to living on scraps) have left, has to be made. A cart is chosen, its animals
–5 willpower which is increased to –10 willpower killed, what can be brought from it is. Then set Pro-
for ogres and halflings. This lasts until the situation visions to 4.
is fixed and replaces the “Rationing” situation.

Can’t live on this

(Encounter at 1 Provisions)
The food given is mixed with powdered stone in the
famous stone bread and stone porridge of the dwarfs,
creating a feeling of being full but lacking any nutri-
Chapter Three: Crossfire and Brimstone
An Adventure for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th Edition by Leo E Gunnemarsson
This part of the adventure sees the characters move
through the dangerous Dark Lands and find themselves in
But military might is not the only tool these forces have.
the crossfire of a military conflict between the Hobgoblin Diplomacy can also be used. Normally a dwarf caravan
Khanates and the Chaos Dwarf Empire. It is an adventure would refuse any such interaction with Hobgoblins and
of war, monsters and treacherous treaties. Chaos Dwarfs but Ukrird is no fool, he hates these forces
with all his heart but he knows that he must tolerate their
The Story envoys and attempts at diplomacy for the sake of surviv-
The Caravan (see chapter one for descriptions of it) travel al.
across the Dark Lands between Peak Pass and the Senti-
nel. These vast wastes are dangerous but even more so The Legion of Ivory will offer finery and money for join-
now. For the caravan finds itself in the lands where Chaos ing them in the war against the Supreme Slittaz. The Le-
Dwarfs and Hobgoblins are currently fighting a military gion does not plan to let the caravan live after the deal
campaign. Either side could easily destroy the caravan and so can give large offers.
but neither can afford to waste any manpower in this
deadly conflict. Careful manoeuvring of the situation will The Supreme Slittaz offer status and food to take their
be needed, both military and political. side or even smaller payments to just let hobgoblins shel-
ter amongst them while the campaign is ongoing. They
may stand by their words, it depends on what is practical
Starting the Adventure for them at the end.
The adventure likely continues from the previous chapter
but that’s not the only possibility. If you want to start the
adventure at this chapter have them meet the caravan at Player effect on the war
Karak-Kadrin and leave soon after with an uneventful The caravans movement in the campaign and how it deals
journey through Peak Pass. with the dwarfs and goblins will play an important part in
how their respective militaries fare. As such the events
here will change depending on how the campaign goes.
The Legion of Ivory There will be guidelines for how to track this and how
These Chaos Dwarfs have had most of their campaigns in this changes the events but it is impossible to cover all
the frozen north against Kurgan tribes. Here they have such changes so you as a GM must modify according to
specialized in fighting the dread chaos mammoths, hunt- the specific way it plays out in your campaign.
ing them with heavy weaponry and using their ivory to
make wondrous trophies of their victories. Chaos Dwarfs
of this legion are seen as vain, to a large degree due to Tracking War Effort
their overlords vanity, but one should be careful to re- The sides should each have a paper to track their efforts.
member that this doesn’t make them worse fighters...and On them write down the following information.
the manner of beasts they slay to get their ivory finery. Numbers: Numbers is an abstract stat representing
roughly how much of their original forces remain on a
scale from 1 to 10. Should it reach zero that side has too
The Supreme Slittaz few fighters left to continue the campaign and retreats.
One of countless tribes and warbands amongst the hob- These numbers represent not only bodies to throw at the
goblins the Supreme Slittaz pride themselves in their skill enemy but also warmachines, equipment, mounts and
with the curved daggers of the hobgoblins. They of more. Both start at 10.
course utilize other weaponry as well, a military force Morale: Morale is an indication of current morale for a
that does not would not be long-lasting. Still a Supreme side, it will shift up and down during the chapter. It is on
Slitta holds the dagger as his first and proudest blade. a scale from 1-10 and can not go over or under that, it
starts at 10. If morale reaches zero remove d5 from num-
The Military Campaign bers and regain d5+1 morale. Representing the most cow-
The Legion of Ivory is sent to deal with the Supreme Slit- ardly or mutinous taking action.
taz and the hobgoblins do not back down, or when they Envoys: This part starts empty and gives space to write
do its just part of a hit-and-run tactics. This is not a cam- envoys at the caravan the faction has. As described in this
paign of pitched battles, neither side trusts the other chapter there are rules for PCs to play such envoys and
enough for that nor do they want to fight with honour. participate in these politics.
Instead both armies send their companies to try and out- Important Characters: Important characters is a list of
manoeuvre or trick the other to win a crucial advantage. It the important leadership of the faction with room for
is between these many battles, skirmishes and ritual at- notes on them to describe their attitudes, suffered wounds
tempts that the caravan appears. Both the Legion of Ivory and more. There are some blank “Important Characters”
and the Supreme Slittaz could easily wipe out the caravan space for the GM to add his own or upgrade side charac-
if they wanted. But would they do so they would bear the ters the players deem important or interesting.
cost of this attack and their foes would get an advantage. Notes: Room for further notes as may be needed.
Thus they try to get the other to engage them and pay the
price of taking it in blood before they can go in and claim
the prices.
The Legion of Ivory Characters of Note
Overlord Rhatath the Vain of Throngi- Ring of Splendrous promises: This ring of gold and gems
holds magic that awakens the greed in those its owner wish to
Tuskgali, Master of the Legion of Ivory, buy. The wearer of this ring gains +1SL to all his Bribery rolls.
Overlord Rhatath the Vain is a wealthy overlord of
the Chaos Dwarfs and the leader of the Legion of Morningstar of the Eight: This chaos weapon was once
Ivory. An army and moving society journeying in wielded by a mighty exalted champion of the dark gods and
leader of a Kurgan tribe. As Rhatath outmanoeuvred and de-
the north bringing down chaos mammoths and en- feated him he took it as his. This weapon is a magical flail.
slaving the chaos worshippers of the wastes. Wounds caused by the Morningstar of the Eight can not be
regenerated with the regenerate trait or healed by magic.
This job is one Rhatath takes as much pride and glo-
ry in as he can. Unlike most Overlords who rule cit- The Palace-yurt of Throngi-Tuskgali: The tent of Rhatath is
enchanted, rune enforced and daemon-bound to show the
ies or at least outposts Rhatath holds no lands. To splendour of the legion. To be a worthy symbol of might for an
compensate for this he ensures he holds his tent, a overlord that lacks a true keep of his own. This tent is as tough
construction enchanted by the sorcerers of his peo- to harm as a fort of stone. Inside spells of glamour makes treas-
ple, filled with finery and wealth to show and to ures gleam with unnatural splendour doubling bonuses and
keep his own appearance fine. His braided beard is penalties to social tests from status.
accessorized with a wealth of gems and gold more
precious than most men could dream of ever seeing. Sorcerer of Hashut Mordibrak
His tusks kept shining white with a snotling slave Zharrskuful, The burning Slaughterer
trained to polish them that is kept in a silver chain. While chaos dwarfs are often known as cruel, harsh
On his black armour hang countless ivory charms, and unforgiving Mordibrak stands out. For most this
many burning with wicked runes. cruelty is to a large part practicality. The chaos
dwarfs believe it necessary to rule and lead effec-
In diplomacy he insists on being shown respect for tively and use it to drive their slaves and lead their
his wealth and power, in war, he enforces it with his troops. But some hold a sadistic pleasure in these
well-equipped legions. While he doesn’t mind ruling acts that goes beyond their jobs. Mordibrak
with fear as is the tradition of many overlords his Zharrskuful is one such dwarf. He enjoys fighting up
leadership style is more often one of bribery. Troops close with his fiery powers enhancing his skills as a
in his command get increasingly better gear with warrior. He loves the burning melee where he can
loyalty and proven value to him. see the pain of his victims as his spells burn them.

RHATATH –LANDLESS OVERLORD GOLD 3 So much does he love it that he abandons other du-
ties in its favour. Rarely preaching the words of
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W Hashut as he instead seeks fighting pits and battle-
3 61 28 27 41 42 47 41 54 74 46 29 fields to sate his bloodlust. The last decade he has
Skills: Animal Care 59, Bribery 66, Charm 61, Consume Alco-
found his aid set in the legion of Ivory fighting the
hol 51, Drive 52, Gamble 74, Gossip 61, Haggle 61, Evaluate Kurgans, a people fond of challenges under their
79, Intuition 52, Intimidate 47, Language (Khazalid) 64, Lan- dark gods gazes. Now, forced to fight hobgoblins his
guage (Kurgan) 59, Lore (Chaos Dwarfs) 57, Lore (Chaos patience is thinning. These troops favour hit-and-run
Mammoths) 64, Perception 52, Cool 94, Language (Daemonic) and rarely agree to face him up-close.
64, Navigation 74, Lore (Warfare) 74, Melee (Basic) 81, Melee
(Flail) 81
Talents: Night Vision, Sturdy, Attractive, Read/Write, Magnifi- GOLD 1
cent Tusks, Suave, Embezzle rank 2, Briber rank 4, Noble
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
Blood, Numinastic, Etiquette (Nobility) Rank 3, Wealthy Rank
6, Hardy Rank 3 3 61 26 52 66 49 56 43 33 57 22 22

Trappings: Chaos Dwarf Plate Armour (5 All), Jewellery worth Skills: Endurance 86, Lore (Chaos Dwarfs) 36, Channelling
925GC (Aqshy) 67, Dodge 76, Intimidate 72, Intuition 59, Language
(Battle) 43, Language (Magick) 43, Lore (Magic) 43, Melee
Amulet of the Mammoth-father: This rune enhanced amulet (Basic) 81, Melee (Polearm) 71, Perception 59, Charm 27,
is made from the ivory of the largest chaos mammoth any of Cool 77, Gossip 27, Language (Khazalid) 43, Leadership 27,
Hashuts servants have ever seen. A character carrying this am- Lore (Warfare) 43, Athletics 76, Gamble 38, Melee (Brawling)
ulet and any allies within 12 yards of him ignore fear and terror 81, Melee (Parrying) 81, Melee (Two-handed) 81, Ranged
caused from size difference. (Entangling) 46, Lore (Anatomy) 53, Ranged (Throwing) 46

Talisman of the Ivory Despots: This talisman is an enchanted Talents: Night Vision, Sturdy, Resolute, Relentless, Magnifi-
item carrying imps trapped inside its fine ivory frame. Unleash- cent Tusks, Read/Write, Petty Magic, Aethyric Attunement
ing its power the wielder can call upon their minor magic pow- Rank 2, Arcane Lore (Fire), In-fighter, Iron Jaw Rank 3, Ambi-
er. Thrice per day the wielder can as an action activate this dextrous, Combat Reflexes Rank 2, Combat Master, Disarm,
talisman to cast any petty magic spell. It is cast with no over- Robust Rank 2, Furious Assault
cast and can be dispelled as if cast with a 0SL success.
The Legion of Ivory Characters of Note
Petty Magic Spells: Dart, Magic Flame, Light, Drain Dhok Dazheran, Adept of Hashut, Unholy
Arcane Spells (Fire): Aethyric Arms, Aethyric Armour, Body of Dirgemaster,
Fire, Flaming Sword of Rhuin The Acolytes and Adepts of Hashut consists of elite
fighting units formed from religious fanatics among
Trappings: Spellbook (Grimoire) containing Aethyric Arms the Dawi Zharr. They are divided into seven different
(Fire), Aethyric Armour (Fire), Body of Fire and Sword of
Rhuin, Robes, Knuckle-dusters
cabals, each venerating a different aspect of Hashut,
as represented by his daemon children. Dhok
Drazherani Gurkh, Despot-Bride of Rhat- Dazheran is one such adept, the leader of the acolytes
fighting under the command of the Ivory Legion.
ath, The Ivory Skinned Warrior Dhok is a proud dwarf, carrying his work with utmost
Drazherani Gurkh is Rhataths favorite bride and a
leader and warrior in her own right. Her husband and
overlord supplies her with luxuries to show the
His pride in his duty and zealous devotion makes him
wealth he holds and she finds this wealth and influ-
a dangerous foe for any getting in the way of him and
ence agreeable. In return she has become fiercely loy-
his acolytes.
al to Rhatath both from the treatment this gives her
but also as she knows it shall all end should the over-
lord fall.
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
It is not common amongst the chaos dwarfs with 3 62 35 49 63 60 22 38 29 73 45 -
women as warriors but two things have allowed to
make Drazherani an exception. The first is the sup- Skills: Cool 93, Dodge 42, Endurance 83, Heal 49, Leadership
65, Lore (Theology) 49, Melee (Polearm) 82, Pray 65, Intimi-
port of her overlord who finds her loyalty to him date 59, Language (Battle) 49
worth breaking tradition for. The other is her physical
attributes. Drazherani is mutated with skin as white as Talents: Night Vision, Sturdy, Resolute, Read/Write, Magnifi-
marble and almost as hard, making her a near inde- cent Tusks, Etiquette (Cult of Hashut), Invoke (Hashut), Holy
structible force on the field of battle. To not utilize Vision, Furious Assault
such an asset in war would be folly. Miracles: Dirge of Fury, Dirge of Brutality, Dirge of Defiance

DRAZHERANI –DESPOT GOLD 1 Trappings: Chaos Dwarf Armour (5 All), Halberd of Dark
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
Halberd of Dark Blessings: This halberd glows with the vile
3 66 38 51 70 47 48 45 52 49 18 23 power of Hashut, burning those that dare approach it. This is a
magic halberd. Enemies without the talent “Arcane Magic
Skills: Consume Alcohol 80, Endurance 90, Entertain (Fire)” within 5 yards reduce their WS, WP and T by 5 each
(Storytelling) 28, Gamble 62, Gossip 28, Melee (Basic) 86, Per- while within this range.
ception 67, Cool 69, Intimidate 61, Melee (Polearm) 86, Ranged
(Blackpowder) 58, Language (Battle) 62, Lore (Etiquette) 62, Miracles:
Melee (Two-handed) 86, Leadership 28, Lore (Warfare) 62 Dirge of Fury
Range: Willpower yards
Talents: Night Vision, Sturdy, Resolute, Relentless, Magnificent Target: You or one ally in range
Tusks, Tenacious, Reversal, Unshakable, Robust Rank 7 Duration: One minute or until you cast another miracle.
The target gets the hatred psychology for a foe of your choice.
Trappings: Ruby Mace, Jewellery worth 80GC
Dirge of Brutality
Ruby Mace: This mace holds a massive magical ruby as its Range: Willpower yards
head which glows with magic power. This is a magic handweap- Target: You or one ally in range
on, foes struck by it are pushed back d5m and must test athletics Duration: One minute or until you cast another miracle.
at +0 or be knocked prone. The target increases all damage he causes by +2 while in effect..

Mutations: Dirge of Defiance

Range: Willpower yards
Marble Skin: Her skin is as white as marble and nearly as Target: You or one ally in range
hard. Making her known as the ‘The Ivory Skinned Warrior’. Duration: One minute or until you cast another miracle.
Drazherani counts as having 6 armour in all locations. For the The target increases his TB by 2 while in effect.
purpose of the ’penetrating’ quality it counts as metal armour
(even though it is stone). Acolytes and Adepts of Hashut
These elite warriors and fanatics of the chaos
dwarfs are not official. They come from
”Warhammer Armies Project” and are used
with their makers permission. The same goes
for their dirges which I, in game terms, have
chosen to represent as miracles of Hashut.
The Supreme Slittaz Characters of Note
Khan Korlug, Master of the Supreme Slit- Glitnat Venomtooth, Darkland Poisonéer
taz Glitnat Venomtooth is a master of poisons, herbs and
Khan Korlug is a master of daggers and a vicious potions. A skillset that has made him one of Khan
warrior. While hobgoblins do rule with scheming and Korlugs most trusted henchmen. Glitnat loves his
backstabbing, and Korlug is no exception, he tries to craft, loving the power his trade offers him and the
make himself seem like an exception to this rule. He interesting ways things mix. In return for his service
ensures his rivals are dispatched publicly in duels, as poison master to the Supreme Slittaz Korlug sup-
sometimes they are under the effect of poisons at the plies Glitnat with materials and subjects to ensure he
time, sometimes weakened before, sometimes they is happy and content. And so far it has worked.
have been robbed of the advantages they expected,
but never are killed in the background. This ensures He rarely fights himself, preferring to keep other hob-
that he is known as a deadly fighter and one you dare goblins between him and the action. Instead he sup-
not mess with. plies them with potions and poisons for the war, mak-
ing sure many still owe him their lives. Something he
It is not merely a façade though, he is a great fighter comes to remind them of from time to time in return
and alongside his cunning and a few magic items he for various favours to make his life more comfortable.
is an enemy to respect. As leader there is one thing he
avoids at all cost. To show weakness. He is always GLITNAT –POISON MASTER GOLD 1
thinking about how his actions will be perceived and M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
does his best to be a legendary, larger-than-life leader
to his horde. He may not be the greatest but he’s
4 33 31 28 54 56 36 55 55 46 45 -
damn sure gonna make his men believe he is.
Skills: Consume Alcohol 74, Heal 65, Language (Cathayan) 65,
KORLUG –KHAN GOLD 3 Lore (Chemistry) 75, Lore (Medicine) 65, Lore (Plants) 65,
Trade (Apothecary) 75, Trade (Poisoner) 75, Charm 55, Haggle
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W 55, Lore (Science) 60, Gossip 50, Language (Kurgan) 65, Per-
ception 66, Intuition 66, Leadership 50, Secret Signs (Supreme
Slittaz) 75, Intimidate 48, Ride (Great Wolf) 56
4 62 50 37 55 47 54 38 32 23 53 35
Skills: Athletics 74, Dodge 74, Endurance 75, Entertain (Taunt) Talents: Night Vision, Ambidextrous, Careful Strike, In-Fighter,
73, Gossip 73, Haggle 73, Intimidate 57, Melee (Basic) 82, Brib- Roughrider, Concoct, Craftsman (Apothecary), Pharmacist,
ery 58, Charm 73, Intuition 67, Melee (Parrying) 82,Perception Master Tradesman (Apothecary), Resistance (Poison), Master
67, Ride (Great Wolf) 74, Climb 57, Cool 43, Navigation 52, Tradesman (Poisoner), Savant (Apothecary)
Ranged (Thrown) 70, Entertain (Acting) 73, Ranged (Crossbow)
70 Trappings: Armour (1 All), Pair of daggers, Trade tools
(Poisoner, Apothecary)
Talents: Night Vision, Ambidextrous, Careful Strike, In-Fighter
Rank 3, Warrior Born, Combat Reflexes Rank 2, Careful Strike, Poisons and Potions: Glitnat can supply his allies with potions
Furious Assault, Strike to Injure, Hardy Rank 4 and poisons, in any encounter he partakes in use five potions/
poisons for his allies. In other encounters use one for one ally.
Trappings: Various sets of daggers and throwing knives, Fine The potions and poisons available are those of the core rulebook
armour (5 All), and the following extra ones.

Cloak of the Supreme: This cloak swirls with a life of its own Potion of Perceptive Clarity: This potion enhances the drink-
aiding its master in war. The character may make an additional ers senses and to a larger degree help the drinker be aware of
attack with a dagger as a free attack each round. his surroundings. The drinker increases his Initiative with +10
for five hours. After the effects wears off he takes one fatigue.
Knife of wyrd: This psychically charged blade seems to have a Worth 2GC per dose.
malign intellect of its own as it flies to strike its masters foes and
curse its victims before returning home. This throwing knife has Potion of Endless Bombs: This potion is a holy recipe of the
a range of 30 and does not need line of sight to be used. Cover chaos dwarfs that Glitnat tortured out of a daemonsmith years
does not protect against it and a foe struck can not gain ad- past. Their patron is Hashut, Father of Darkness and Flame,
vantages for d5 rounds. It returns to wielder after each use. It is who favours the imbiber of this draft with an unlimited supply of
magical. bitter explosives for a brief time. How is this achieved? No one
really knows. The drinker counts as being armed with a bomb.
Slitta-curse Dagger: This wicked dagger carries dark powers When thrown a new bomb appears in his hands. The effect lasts
within. This is a magical dagger. An attack with it causes 2 poi- for d5+1 round. These bombs cause magical damage. Worth
soned conditions, resisted with a –10 Endurance test. 10GC per dose.

Boots of false flight: This enchanted footgear enables its wear- Potion of Growth: This potion makes the drinker grow to mas-
er great feats of travel. Letting him jump through the air. The sive proportions. The drinker increases his size one step and his
wearer of these boots get a +120 bonus to athletics tests to jump Strength and Toughness by +10 each but Dex and Agility is de-
further. creased by –10. Gear worn is broken in the transformation. After
3d10 rounds the drinker shrinks back to normal size. Worth
10GC per dose.
The Supreme Slittaz Characters of Note
Shaman Snuffstik Sickspite, Wolf-Wizard, Dagzot Badtoof, Magic-chief
Wolfmaster of the Supreme Slittaz Dagzot Badtoof is a skilled scout who came to prom-
Snuffstik Sickspite is the head shaman of the Su- inence when he got his grubby little hands on a magic
preme Slittaz and their wolfmaster, the hobgoblin item that allowed him to utilize spellcraft against his
chief of tending to their deadly steeds. Snuffstik is foes. This marked his use for the Supreme Slittaz as
clad in old enchanted wolfpelts and carries a wolfcub great and as the Khan got him to swear loyalty and
familiar wherever he goes. see enough other chiefs dispatched to understand the
problems with challenging the boss Dagzot got pro-
The mind of Snuffstik Sickspite is not one of clarity moted to a chieftain under the Khan.
and healthy thoughts. The shaman seems to think
himself half-wolf and often exhibits dog-like behav- Dagzot is a cunning little creature always looking out
iours. He acts like a father to his familiar ‘Runtface’ for himself first and foremost. He is however quite
and it is unclear if he actually believes himself the good at faking true loyalty and as his cowardice keeps
creatures real father. him from challenging his boss there has been no rea-
son yet to question it.
GOLD 2 In battle Dagzot tries to sneak about and relay infor-
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W mation to his troops though at times a flanking ma-
noeuvre with his magic item is utilized to devastating
4 45 33 36 48 61 58 36 60 42 26 23


Skills: Animal Care 80, Channelling (Ghur) 62, Cool 62, Dodge 5
68, Intuition 71, Language (Magick) 80, Lore (Magic) 70, Melee
(Polearm) 55, Outdoor Survival 80, Perception 81, Animal M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
Training (Wolf) 80, Charm Animal 46, Intimidate 46, Ranged
(Bow) 53, Stealth (Rural) 68, Track 81, Evaluate 70, Navigation
80, Ride (Great Wolf) 78, Lore (Wolves) 80 4 27 45 36 50 52 54 62 51 24 37 25

Talents: Night Vision, Ambidextrous, Careful Strike, In-Fighter, Skills: Charm Animal 57, Climb 56, Endurance 70, Gossip 57,
Roughrider, Aethyric Attunement rank 2, Petty Magic, Second Lore (Hobgoblins) 71, Melee (Basic) 47, Outdoor Survival 71,
Sight, Arcane Magic (Lore of Beasts), Animal Affinity, Instinc- Perception 72, Athletics 74, Navigation 72, Ranged (Bow) 65,
tive Diction rank 2, War Wizard, Hardy Rank 2 Ride (Great Wolf) 74, Stealth (Rural) 74, Track 72, Animal Care
71, Haggle 57, Secret Signs (Hunter) 71, Swim 56, Language
Petty Magic: Dart, Gust, Produce Small Animal, Animal Friend (Grumbarath) 71, Trade (Cartographer) 71

Spells: Bolt, Entangle, Amber Talons, Beast Form, Beast Mas- Talents: Night Vision, Ambidextrous, Careful Strike, In-Fighter,
ter, Wyssans Wildform Roughrider, Orientation, Strider (Ash wastes), Combat Aware,
Sixth Sense, Hardy Rank 2, Linguistics
Trappings: Quarterstaff
Trappings: Shortbow, 12 arrows, Armour (2 All), Sword
Sickspite Cloaks: These sacred cloaks are enchanted with the
spirits of countless wolves. These cloaks transform along with its The icon of Versha: This icon to the Ind god Versha can un-
wearer when using beast magic. They grant 2AP at all locations leash her power over lotus-dwelling blood butterflies to make a
and when the wearer transforms into a wolf it gains the ’Armour blast of these insects envelop and sting her foes. This icon can
(4)’ trait. unleash the blast power counting as being cast with the lore of
beasts. No test to cast is needed but it still takes an action. After
RUNTFACE –COMBAT FAMILLIAR being used it can not be used again for 24h.

M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W

4 56 22 42 32 42 53 33 22 21 28 8

Skills: Athletics 63, Climb 52, Cool 31, Dodge 63, Endurance
42, Intuition 52, Language (Battle) 32, Melee (Brawling) 61,
Perception 52

Talents: Lightning Reflexes, Small, Sturdy, Suffuse With

(Ghur), Very Resilient, Warrior Born, Combat Reflexes

Traits: Armour (5), Weapon +8

Chapter Three: Crossfire and Brimstone
An Adventure for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th Edition by Leo E Gunnemarsson

Envoys of the Dark Lands as Players Careers:

As the caravan gets stuck between the two powers each seek to
use it against their foes. At times they utilize diplomacy for this D100-roll Chaos Dwarf Hobgoblin
and they may even send envoys to represent their interests. Had Apothecary 01 01
the caravan felt it had a choice such envoys would be refused
but it is in a delicate situation. As a result this part of the ad- Engineer 02-05 02
venture could allow the unique experience to play as a Chaos Physician 06 03
Dwarf or Hobgoblin should the GM be okay with it. If so wait
until a fitting event to introduce such an envoy and let the char- Scholar 07 04
acter join the caravan representing his sides interests. This
character fits in chapter three where the caravan has no choice Wizard 08-09 05-07
but to tolerate their presence and must even deal with them. In Agitator - 08
the following chapter, an eye for an eyebiter the caravan will
distance themselves from such envoys but the eyebiter tribe Artisan 10-14 09-10
accepts messengers and envoys (as long as they respect ‘the Investigator 15 11
tribe’) so could still be played. Beyond that the caravan will
however leave them behind. Make this situation very clear for Merchant 16-20 12-17
someone that wants to play such a character.
Rat Catcher - 18
Envoys of Rhatath the Vain and the Le- Townsman 21 -
gion of Ivory Watchman 22 19
A chaos dwarf from this legion generates his characteris- Advisor 23-25 20-24
tics like a normal dwarf but replaces species skills and
species talents with the following: Artist 26-27 25
Duellist 28 26-27
Species Skills: Charm, Consume Alcohol, Cool, Endur-
ance Entertain (Storytelling), Evaluate, Intimidate, Lan- Envoy 29-32 28-31
guage (Khazalid), Lore (Chaos Dwarfs), Lore (Chaos Noble 33 32
Mammoths), Melee (Basic), Trade (Ivory Carving)
Servant 34 33
Species Talents: Night Vision, Sturdy, Resolute or At- Spy 35-44 34-44
tractive, Read/Write or Relentless, Magnificent Tusks or
Warden 45 45
Magic Resistance
Bailiff 46-47 -
Envoys of Khan Korlug and the Supreme Hunter 48-50 46-52
Slittaz Miner 51-52 -
A hobgoblin from this khanate generates his characteristics
rolling 2d10 for each and adding as follows; Mystic 53-54 53-54
WS 20, BS 20, S 20, T 20, I 25, Ag 25, Dex 25, Int 20,
Scout 55 55-60
WP 10, Fel 20
Bounty Hunter 56-57 -
A Hobgoblin starts with one Fate and two resolve. It has
three extra points to distribute. Entertainer 58-60 61
Messenger 61-65 61-66
Species Skills: Animal Care, Animal Training (Wolf),
Art (Scarrification), Gamble, Intimidate, Language Pedlar 66 67
(Goblin Tongue), Lore (Hobgoblins), Melee (Basic), Me- Wrecker 67-68 68
lee (Any), Ride (Great Wolf)
Grave Robber 69-72 69-72
Species Talents: Night Vision, Ambidextrous, Careful Outlaw 73-75 73-76
Strike, In-Fighter, Roughrider or Warrior Born Racketeer 76-80 77
Thief 81 78-81
New Talents:
Witch 82-83 82-83
Magnificent Tusks Cavalryman - 84-90
Max: 1
You are proud of your fine and large tusks. The mark of a Guard 84-88 91
true child of Hashut. When talking to another chaos dwarf Pit Fighter 89-90 92
you always count as having the higher status unless they
also have this talent in which case status is tracked as Protagonist 91 93
normal. Soldier 92-00 94-00
Day 63 –32nd of Nachhexen, Bloodsucker
Aubentag (Optional Encounter)
As the caravan makes camp for night they attract a
The day is cold with no snowfall and light snow cov- few Crachdreoz that decide they make for a fine
ering on the plains. Harsh winds blow. Frozen sand meal. Play out a ‘Common Crachdreoz Encounter’
covers the ground and vegetation is very sparse and as per the rules in the Blasted Wastes and Wolf
rare. These are the Blasted Wastes in the colder Lands bestiary.
Day 65 –2nd of Jahrdrung, Back-
Gonllou ertag
(Optional Encounter)
The Blasted Wastes are not hospitable lands but they The day is cold with periods of strong winds. Lower
are not without fauna of their own. Such as Gonllou. Rations by one
Armoured rodent-swine hybrids that dwell in small
packs. A group of twelve of these animals will move Ashfalls
about near the caravan. They are omnivores and (Optional Encounter)
while the caravan is too big a target if anyone breaks The Dark Lands hold much volcanic activity and
off from it they will act and try to get a meal. while there are no such mountains near the caravans
See ‘Blasted Wastes Bestiary’. current location ash can travel far on the winds of
these wastes and fall upon the ground like snow. So
Ruins of the last watch is the case now. What first appears like dirty snow
(Sight) soon becomes apparent as volcanic ash falling from
A days travel from Peak Pass is found a cliff with a the sky. Breathing becomes difficult and eyes start to
dwarf watchtower cut into it. The tower is an old ru- tear up. All characters now test Endurance at +20 or
in by now. As the caravan approaches a group of suffer from the disease “Azgorh Lung”.
lesser goblins flee out. Ukrird orders a careful ap- Azorgh Lung
proach to check if the tower holds foes. Let this A disease caused by breathing in too much volcanic ash
search be as tense or calm as you desire but there are and named after the largest volcano to have existed with-
none there now. The caravan can make camp by the in the Dark Lands.
old ruin and benefit a bit from its protection during Contraction: Breathing in a lot of volcanic ash and fail-
the night. ing an endurance test of a difficulty set by GM.
Incubation: d5 hours
Duration: Eight Days
Day 64 –1st of Jahrdrung, Marktag Symptoms: Malaise, Nausea, Lungpain
The day is cold. Skies are clear and winds are strong. New Symptom: Lungpain
Jahrdrung has begun but while that technically Your lung hurts and you cough with echoing unpleasant
makes it spring it´s not clear from the weather. sounds. Tests to hold your breath or to resist breathed-in
poisons suffer a –20 penalty.
Signs of War Treatment: The ogre Firebellies have developed special
(Optional Encounter) meat-based incense. Breathing in its smoke relieves
Moving ahead the caravan comes upon a small battle lungpain and has a 10% chance of curing other symptoms
of Azorgh Lung. This relief lasts 10+TB hours.
site. No fighting is going on at the time but bloody
bodies of dead wolves, hobgoblins and chaos dwarfs
lay strewn about. The casualties number around
twenty per side. It´s not clear who won but the victor
has looted the bodies of the losing side. Vultures and
Hobhounds feast on the dead but move off as the
caravan approaches. Some may growl a bit at the
approaching adventurers but they still move off
when the caravan gets close. Appropriate lores may
identify the hobgoblins as from the ‘Supreme Slittaz’
and the dwarfs as from ‘The Legion of Ivory’.
The Red Oasis ing each other and not a serious attack. Ukrird will
(Sight) be troubled by the news stating they can´t afford a
By dusk the caravan comes upon an otherworldly large conflict and must hope these forces let the car-
sight. In the middle of the wastes plants rise like a avan be or even better never find it.
thicket and in the midst of this thick gathering of un-
usual bushes is a pond as red as blood. This is a Uneasy Rest
strange and unnerving sight. It is not as sinister as it (Optional Encounter)
first seems though. The plants and the pond are both When the caravan sets camp for the night Ukrird or-
coloured from a mineral that is plentiful in the earth ders to not make a fire and keep many watches. He
here. Drinking the water holds no danger to people is clearly very worried. The risk that Chaos Dwarfs
or animals. The plants make decent food for the rhi- or Hobgoblins will find them and bring too large
noxen but others will not be able to digest them. numbers is very clear and it is wise to dread it. To
Ukrird can find the oasis on his maps and confirm it much of the caravan he will try to keep hope high
is not dangerous and will suggest setting up camp but to ones he trusts more he may speak more can-
there. didly about his fears. Fortunately no foes find the
caravan this night but how long can that luck last?

Day 67 –4th of Jahrdrung, Konistag

The day is cold and dark for ashclouds lay heavy
above blocking out the sun. It is hard to tell night
from day. Lower rations by one.
Image by Midjourney ai beta

Drums in the dark

(Mandatory Encounter)
It is hard to know exact time but at some time during
the day drums start to echo around the caravan and
torches light up. These echoing drums and flaming
torches let the caravan stew for a while. The caravan
is surrounded. Then emissaries come, three hobgob-
lin wolfriders. Ukrird orders the caravan to hold (and
should a PC be about not to listen you may as GM
point out how the situation looks horrid for picking a
fight, should they still do it decide how to play it af-
ter they have all burnt fatepoints to survive). These
emissaries say they just wish to have a talk. They
Day 66 –3rd of Jahrdrung, Bezahltag will state they are from “The Supreme Slittaz” and
things need not get ugly. As long as the caravan pays
a toll and shows respect for Khan Korlug things can
The day is cold with strong winds blowing. The turn out just fine. Ukrird is not happy about it but he
landscape holds the desert wastes as before. pays. The emissaries are willing to speak of the Su-
preme Slittaz and their Khan. Well willing to brag
War has come about his accomplishments. The encounter with the
(Mandatory Encounter) hobgoblins can be as long or short as you wish. A
By midday the caravan hears the sounds of battle short payment work but a long meeting with discus-
ahead. Warcries mix with the howling of wolves and sion where the PCs can spend time talking to Hob-
the bangs of gunpowder. Ukrird will ask for scouts goblins also works well and can lead to interesting
to seek ahead, accepting volunteers but otherwise roleplaying opportunities. More emissaries can also
picking up what he deems the best group. They will join if that makes for a better encounter. The hob-
be tasked to sneak ahead and see what is happening. goblins are numerous and can send as many as they
wish. The important thing is that they have many
Doing so will reveal the conflict about. A skirmish more surrounding the caravan and that this too is but
between the Supreme Slittaz and the Legion of Ivo- a small number of their full army.
ry. Neither has a large force committed, a few doz-
ens per side. And neither chose to fight to the last.
As each side has lost about a third each they will re-
treat and move away to their own sides. For a char-
acter with military experience it is quite clear this
was a small skirmish like scouting parties encounter-
Day 68 –5th of Jahrdrung, Angestag ment than he would believe. The master poisoner has
no gold to pay with, but that does not mean he will
The ashclouds have moved on and the day is bright- expect them to work for free. He offers each person
er. Bright but cold. Winds sweep the plains small accepting the job 20GC worth of poisons, drugs and
dark cliffs jut out from the ground. potions. A very generous payment. (Let those ac-
cepting chose from the list in the corebook and his
The Hanging Tree own list). Taunting the sorcerer will be the easy
thing. As long as they can get out words to him, and
(Sight) he is traversing the lands. He has a temper, he also
On the plains a single tree stands, dominating the enjoys a challenge and will foolishly not bring
surroundings. Hobhounds move about it and try to enough troops to outnumber them if they move away
jump for something hanging in the branches. As the from the caravan. He will then bring as many chaos
caravan moves closer the details become apparent. dwarf warriors as he faces enemies (with two more
From the branches hang nineteen chaos dwarfs. for each ogre part of the enemy group). He will ac-
Their bodies have been cut in by wicked daggers and cept challenges to duels in melee and will revel in
their beards and tusks have been cut off and lay in a slaughter. He will not accept pleas of mercy and he
morbid pile by the roots. Wicked hobgoblin charms will not take prisoners. Killing the sorcerer lowers
sit at the lower branches to invoke their various gods the chaos dwarf numbers by 1 and morale by two. It
and spirits. will increase hobgoblin morale by 2.
A character with the “Holy Visions” talent will Apart from angering the hobgoblins taking their pay-
when getting here see rites of hobgoblin shamans by ment and not doing what they ask lowers their mo-
this tree and wolves that drive off massive bulls. rale by 1. The Poisoneér will now seek to gain
vengeance however and there are hobgoblin raiders
The Legion Comes trailing the caravan ready to pick off any that fall
(Mandatory Encounter) behind or wander off.
Fine banners of gold and white are seen on the hori-
zon and a generous unit of chaos dwarfs is moving Day 70 –7th of Jahrdrung, Wellentag
towards the caravan. They hold banners to show they The day is freezing cold. There are no clouds in the
wish to parlay and Ukrird orders the caravan to hold, sky and no winds blowing across the plains. Still the
fearing what will happen if they don´t. Drazherani cold is strong. An Endurance test (+40 if appropri-
Gurkh leads the entourage and she claims that these ately dressed) to not gain a fatigue from the cold is
lands belong to the Legion of Ivory and her husband required.
Overlord Rhatath . They demand toll and for the car-
avan to not get involved with the hobgoblins of the
lands. Ukrird agrees and pays. He is nervous and Legion of Ivory Emissaries
will confide in PCs he has gotten close to how fear- (Optional Encounter)
ful he is that either goblins or chaos dwarfs will at- Yesterdays events can have gone in many different
tack. Let this encounter take as long or short as you ways the sorcerer may be dead, or perhaps not. Re-
want. gardless of the events the Legion of Ivory sends an
emissary as they believe hobgoblins travelled there
Day 69 –6th of Jahrdrung, Festag yesterday. They will ask questions about this and try
to learn as much as possible. They will not attack
The day is fairly mild in temperature and with little now regardless of what they learn. They are there to
wind. It is however plagued by drizzles of highly learn what they can and report to their overlord.
acidic rain. It won´t burn away flesh or melt through However, should the overlord learn that they killed
equipment or anything. But it will sting in open the sorcerer the overlord will be quite displeased
wounds causing anyone with such to suffer a fatigue. with the caravan and consider the best ways to make
Lower Rations by one. them suffer his vengeance.
Poisons as Payment
A group of Hobgoblins approach holding banners of
negotiation. Glitnat Venomtooth leads a group of
sneaky gits and says he has an opportunity for ambi-
tious mercenaries. The chaos dwarf Mordibrak
Zharrskuful, The burning Slaughterer is out for
blood and it is but a question of time Glitnat says,
before he will take a larger contingent and go after
the caravan. The Khan has devised a plan, taunt the
sorcerer to act before ready and then surprise him
with the group he goes after having far better equip-
Image by Midjourney ai beta
RESOLUTION the weapon. A curved blade with skaven runes. If no
After a week in the Dark Lands the characters have PC does then Valle Meckler takes it.
been introduced to the dangers and seen what the
place offers. Before the next part of the chapter, they The Flamestopper Blade
should be rewarded for their travels so far. Apart This curved sword is covered in dark skaven runes
from standard exp for roleplaying and bright ideas of power and is always cold to the touch, even in the
the following can awards extra experience: midst of a raging inferno. It is a magical handweap-
on with the unbreakable quality. In addition the
 10 exp for making a good impression on the Su- flamestopper blade removes up to three ablaze con-
preme Slittaz ditions from its wielder at the end of each round and
 10 exp for making a good impression on the Le- its wielder can not suffer critical damage from spells
gion of Ivory. from the lore of fire.
 40 exp for killing Mordibrak Zharrskuful
Daemon of Steel and Fire
Day 71 –8th of Jahrdrung, Festag (Optional Encounter)
In the camp of the Legion of Ivory a mighty K'daai
The day is very warm, weirdly so for the season. Destroyer is prepared to be unleashed upon the hob-
Warm winds blow from volcanoes. Embers are on goblins of the Supreme Slittaz. Something goes awry
the wind. Ukrird and Jörg Mann will be adamant in however and the daemon breaks its binding. Killing
keeping the gunpowder as safely contained as possi- a dozen chaos dwarfs it then charges out into the
ble. wastes. Rampaging on a path that is about to take it
The Flamestopper Blade onto the caravan. The Chaos Dwarfs suffer one in
(Optional Encounter-Special) numbers and Morale.
This optional encounter should only be used if the It´s assault starts as the mighty daemon approaches
Optional Encounter “Daemon of Steel and Fire” over a hill. It starts three rounds away and will move
is used. The latter being used doesn´t necessarily straight ahead and slam into the gunwagon on the
mean this should, decide that depending on if you third turn (unless killed before). It will not stop (see
want to give them aid in the upcoming fight or “unstoppable rampage”).
not. Turn 1: The daemon appears with 180 wounds re-
Approaching the caravan a chained human walks. maining. Most NPCs become frightened, Ukrird and
He holds a sword in his chained up hands and a rat his daughter hold. The ogres lose a round from the
sits at his shoulder. Branding marks cover his body. shock before recovering. The artillerycart holds.
Someone with “lore (Skaven)” can recognize them Turn 2: The helblaster fires, removing 60 wounds
as runes of the council. Others instinctively feel that from the beast. Valle Meckler rallies.
the runes are vile and evil. The marks number thir- Turn 3: The daemon smashes into the artillerywag-
teen in total. The slave walks forward and stops on toppling it. The artillerists hurry to ensure no
when told to, ten metres or so from the lead cart by gunpowder is ignited by embers on the air or the
Ukrird if not earlier by a PC. He will introduce him- fiery beast.
self. Turn 4+: Let the fight play out, roll to rally NPCs
each round.
“I am ‘Filth No-tail’, I come from Crienq the great Turn 10: The K’daai has gathered enough power to
bearing gifts. Two gifts. Myself to serve as you truly break free and explodes. The daemon within
please. But more importantly the flamestopper escapes.
blade. A magic sword to help you in an upcoming
struggle. Magic will soon go awry and unleash a
daemon from its bindings. My master has foreseen
this. It will come for you and should you lose he for-
sees the daemon will grow in strength and become a
threat most dire. The sword and the warning will

The slave will try to speak as sure as he can these

words but will shake in fear. Slaves sent as gifts are
rarely lucky. Ukrird will however grant him his free-
dom and offer to let him work on the caravan until
they reach a place where he wants to leave. ‘Filth No
-tail’ accepts. As for the sword Ukrird does not take
it and Emily says it is evil. A PC can take it. Doing
so gives two corruption points but rewards him with
K’daai Destroyer Another Bloodsucker
K'daai Destroyers are singular constructs, fashioned to (Optional Encounter)
the desires and diabolical whims of As the caravan makes camp for night they attract a
the Daemonsmiths and Sorcerer-Prophets that forge few Crachdreoz that decide they make for a fine meal.
them in Hashut’s deadly fires. Accordingly, although Play out a ‘Common Crachdreoz Encounter’ as per the
all are large and bestial, some may be created in the rules in the Blasted Wastes and Wolf Lands bestiary.
image of a great bull, another a Rhinox as the one
faced here or even a dragon or some twisted creature Day 73 –10th of Jahrdrung, Aubentag
conjured from the dark imagination of its creator. All,
however, are beasts of blackened and jagged metal The day is cold, windy and dark. The caravan will
suffused with glowing runes of binding and alive with move again and just in time as they find themselves at
hellish flame. the site of a skirmish.
Marble and Magic
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W (Mandatory Encounter)
As dawn breaks the caravan awakens to the sounds of
9 60 35 75 60 50 40 - 30 80 - 216
battle. A sizeable force of about forty chaos dwarfs,
half armed with gunpowder weaponry, led by Dra-
Traits: Armour (5), Corrupted (Major), Daemonic (9), Frenzy, zherani Gurkh engage a warband of eighty hobgob-
Immunity (Fire), Immunity to Psychology, Size (Monstrous),
Weapon +11, Unstable, Grim 1 lins, half on wolves, led by Dazgot Badtooth. This en-
gagement happen to be around the caravan, each side
Blazing Body: At the end of each round anyone engaged with hoping the other will fall prey to attacks from Ukrird
the K’daai must test an easy +40 agility test or gain one ablaze and his men and force a conflict between them. De-
condition. spite Ukrird urging caution Thunrok Damminforge
Burning Bright: The power of the daemon consumes itself. At
the end of each round the K’daai tests Endurance at –20. If failed will charge the chaos dwarf lines and be riddled by
it suffers –SL wounds. If it rolls a 1 on its save from ‘Daemonic’ shrapnel and killed right away. In the chaos of battle
it suffers eight extra wounds. there will be attacks from both sides occasionally tar-
Unstoppable Rampage: The massive daemon does not stop for geting people of the caravan. There will also be at-
anything. It disengages freely and moves through foes as if not tempts of bribery and intimidation to make them take
there. In addition ther is no bonus for outnumbering it.
sides. Don´t roll for each fight between hobgoblins
Day 72 –9th of Jahrdrung, Wellentag and chaos dwarfs, just the attacks from and against the
caravan. Instead lower the amount of chaos dwarfs by
1 each round and the amount of hobgoblins by 2 each
The day is cold. A drastic change from yesterday. The round to represent that fighting.
caravan sets camp to ensure necessary repairs and get As soon as a side reaches half its original number they
things back in shape. will withdraw.
A side that reaches half its fighters lowers numbers by
Maintenance 1. If one side was the clear winner lower the others
(Mandatory Encounter) morale by 1. If any of the leaders die cross them off
The terrain and hazards have taken their toll on the important people and lower that sides morale by 2.
caravan and it needs to be fixed up. Any characters of
careers fitting for maintenance (such as engineers, car- Retaliation
penters and smiths) are asked to help and should test (Special Encounter)
their earning skills to get a bonus (see earning money If the caravan took down either leader in the “Marble
with status pg 51 of the core rulebook). and Magic” encounter then that side will retaliate. But
this attempt at revenge is not as well ordered as it
Food could be. The chaos dwarfs would send ten bull-
(Mandatory Encounter) centaurs and ten chaos dwarf warriors with greatweap-
The terrain is not the best but there are life in the on in this event. The hobgoblins would send thirty
wastes and a skilled outdoorsman may supply the car- wolfraiders, half with spears, half with bows. Fight
avan with local catch. Let any characters with outdoor such fights by dividing it up into small enough por-
survival or tracking test it. If the total SLs of all such tions with one portion held by the PCs.
characters reach 2+the number of players in the group
then they are able to feed the caravan. Otherwise low-
er rations by one.
Day 74 –11th of Jahrdrung, Marktag A proposition of position
The day is warmer than the previous though hardly Once again Rhatath the Vain contacts the caravan.
warm. It feels like the wind whispers mockeries but More specifically one of his agents does. The Over-
that must be nought but imagination. lord offers a payment of 20 gold for a group of brave
mercenaries of the caravan to scout out the enemy
Onto the Silver road position so he can utilize his artillery on them at a
(Sight) short time when they are still. The payment will be
The silver road is not a true road. It is not built or given upon telling their location to Rhatath the Vain
laid. It started merely as the path most commonly but maps of the area will be given right away.
taken over the dark lands towards the east. By time it Should the characters do so lower hobgoblin num-
has been trampled into a well-trodden path over the bers by two and morale by one. Should the charac-
wilderness. The caravan comes upon this and steps ters give a false coordinate to Rhatath he will not
onto it. Moving along the road they are now in the realize this until later and will to a degree respect
wolf lands. Though the difference is not immediate- them for such a “ballsy” move as to come to him and
ly apparent. lie to his face when surrounded by his soldiers.
Though he will still hold it against them.
(Optional Encounter) Day 76–13th of Jahrdrung,
By midday the caravan finds the road blocked by a Bezahltag
small number of chaos dwarf emissaries and guards
from the Legion of Ivory. They point out their ac- This day the sky is clear and the winds strong. It´s
cess to artillery pointed at the direction and demand cold. An endurance test at –10 (+30 if appropriately
a group from the caravan comes to meet with Rhat- dressed) must be made or the character will suffer a
ath the Vain. It is made clear that “no” is not an op- fatigue from cold.
tion. Ukrird does not like it and asks for volunteers
to go. The PCs may be amongst these. The meeting Hogs of War
is quite formal in the overlords fine tent and he tries (Opportunity)
to convince the caravan representatives to align Ahead on the road a group of orcs stand, their ban-
themselves formally with the Legion of Ivory using ners showing allegiance to the hobgoblins of the Su-
bribery, charm, coercion and any other method he preme Slittaz. Ukrird does not like it but he orders
could. Regardless the group will need to return to the caravan to not pick a fight with them. These orcs
Ukrird for any decisions and Ukrird will try to stallnumber twelve in total. Ten boar riders and a boar
that, leaving trusted PCs in with the plan of stalling
chariot carrying a pair of the hulking brutes. These
as long as possible in hope to reach “the Sentinel” are “Mornduggs Hogs of War”, a “Lore
and its eyebiter tribe before things get to their ex-(Mercenaries)” or “Lore (Warfare)” roll may reveal
tremes. them as a group of experienced mercenaries where
most all members have been replaced over the years
Day 75–12th of Jahrdrung, Back- with the exception of their boss Morndugg. A char-
ertag acter with magic sight will feel strong life-magic
come from the boss and one with detect artefact will
Ashclouds blanket the sky. The day is cold and dark. see it comes from his amulet.
Reduce provisions by one.

Thieves in the dark Morndugg says he has been paid to ‘privateer’

against the Legion of Ivory and wants some troops
(Optional Encounter) to share both dangers and looting rights with for an
Aware of yesterdays meeting the hobgoblins wish to attack. He is especially interested in ranged troops
ensure the caravan is weak if they become forced to wanting to soften and shake up the foe before crash-
face them. To do so at low risk they send a band of ing in with the cavalry. He wants to pay with looting
thieves to take rations from the caravan. Use hob- rights but can be convinced to pay money if haggled
goblin stealth opposed by the caravan guards percep- with. Characters with “Etiquette (Mercenaries)” get
tion. Should the hobgoblins not be seen lower provi- +20 to all interactions with Morndugg who really
sions by one. If they are found the six hobgoblins only feels at home amongst such troops.
will try to ride away with their price. Should the
hobgoblins get away with the food lower provisions
by one just as if they weren´t found in the first place.
If they are stopped lower hobgoblin morale by one.
Day 77–14th of Jahrdrung, Konistag
The ogres are up for it and agree. Any PCs may too.
Morndugg says his scouts have found chaos-dwarf This day the sky is clear and the winds calm. Reduce
warriors transporting a relic of the chaos dwarfs. A Provisions by one.
petrified sorcerer useful for rituals. The plan is to at-
tack before it reaches the ritual site and to take it. The Mighty Wolfs of the Wolflands
Morndugg gets the relic to extort and the other loot is
given to the caravan mercenaries. The enemy is 25 (Optional Encounter)
chaos-dwarfs strong. Let the players and Morndugg The wolfs of the wolflands are not like the giant
make up plans together and then play out the battle, wolves found within the empire. That much is appar-
dividing up the fight as appropriate. If agreed upon ent as a large pack starts to circle the caravan. These
and Morndugg and the players win then lower num- beasts are massive and with grizzled, battle-hardened
bers and morale by one each for the chaos dwarfs. looks. They look at the caravan and circle it but de-
Otherwise the ritual succeeds and hobgoblin numbers cide not to attack. For now.
and morale lowers by one each.
The Wolf-kings War
Morndugg (Optional Encounter)
Morndugg is a mercenary leader and a strong orc The large pack of great wolves in the vicinity has not
boss. He is no less warlike than his kin but has learnt been missed by the hobgoblins and to use them Snuff-
to work with other species in his search for battle. stik Sickspite takes the form of a great wolf and as-
sumes command. Messenger familliars from both the
MORNDUGG –ORC MERCENARY CAPTAIN hobgoblins (in the form of a small hobhound speaking
GOLD 1 coarsly) and the chaos dwarfs (a small metal automa-
ton carried by mechanical wings) come saying that a
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
clash is near and that they must aid them in it or suffer
4 50 45 50 45 20 40 20 25 35 35 16 the consequences. The hobgoblin side has 15 great
wolves and Snuffstik Sickspite. The chaos dwarf side
Skills: Dodge 50, Haggle 50, Language (Battle Tongue) 35, Me- a cannon with crew and twenty-five chaos dwarf war-
lee (Basic) 60, Melee (Cavalry) 65, Ranged (Throwing) 60, Cool riors, five with blunderbusses, the others with two-
50, Lore (Warfare) 40, Consume Alcohol 55, Gamble 35, Athlet- handweapons each. Not helping a side makes them
ics 50, Endurance 60, Ride (Boar) 55, Language (Goblin
Tongue) 50, Bribery 45, Leadership 45, Language (Grumbarath)
displeased with the caravan and may at the GMs dis-
30, Melee (Brawling) 60, Lore (The Border Princes) 30, cretion come with retaliation. If the caravan stays out
of it lower eachs morale by one. If the caravan joins it
Talents: Etiquette (Mercenaries) rank 2, Ambidextrous rank 2, lower the losing sides number by one and morale by
Seasoned Traveller, Combat Master two.
Traits: Armour 3, Belligerent, Die Hard, Infected, Night Vision,
Weapon +10, Ranged (15) +8 RESOLUTION
After roughly two weeks in the Dark Lands the char-
Trappings: Lance, Shield, Armour, Four Javelins, Handweapon, acters have likely encountered some quite dangerous
situations and may worry about their future. Before
The Bramblehog Amulet: As payment from the woodelf the next part of the chapter, they should be rewarded
spellsinger Marithindra for their employ against a necromancer for their travels so far. Apart from standard exp for
this amulet was formed in the shape of a boar by magic of the roleplaying and bright ideas the following can awards
Asrai. It aids the movement of Morndugg by arcane means. extra experience:
Morndugg and any mount he rides has the “Strider (all)” talent.

Riding a Boar (Core book pg 314) with the Size (Large), Trained  50 exp and one Fate Point for defeating the K´daii
(Broken, War, Mount, Magic) and Elite traits. destroyer before the daemon bound within es-
BOAR BOY –ORC MERCENARY SILVER 5  40 exp for killing Drazheriani Gurkh
 40 exp for killing Dazgot Badtooth
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W  25 exp for ensuring neither side of the war see
4 45 40 45 45 20 35 20 25 35 20 15 them as enemies
 10 exp for scouting for the Chaos Dwarfs
Traits: Armour 3, Belligerent, Die Hard, Infected, Night Vision,  15 exp for fighting alongside Mornduggs Hogs of
Weapon +10
Riding a Boar (Core book pg 314) with the Size (Large), Trained  40 exp for killing Snuffstik Sickspite (and his little
(Broken, War, Mount, Magic) and Elite traits. dog too)
 10 exp for helping Snuffstik Sickspite defeat the
Two orcs instead drive a chariot, those have the skill Drive at 50. chaos dwarfs
Arcane Ruins
Day 78–15th of Jahrdrung, Angestag (Sight)
Late in the evening the caravan finds an old ruin by
The day is cloudy and windy. the side of the road. It consists of an obelisk topped
The shrine of Silberyin plinth and several stone-pillars and arches. Arcane
(Sight) power comes from it. This counts as a amplification
On the silver road stands a lonely shrine. At first it waystone on a natural leyline (see Winds of Magic pg
looks like a small stone ruin but as one comes close a 193). In addition the arcane runes on the ruin teaches
shimmer falls about it and it looks whole and made of magic and counts as a grimoire that can not be
finest silver. A statue shows a woman with two pairs moved. It contains the following spells; Dark Vision
of wings and six arms. She is Silberyin, guardian (Death), Fearsome (Death), Move Object (Death) and
goddess of the Silver Road. A sign by the shrine tells Push (Death). A character with Language (Magic),
this to anyone, it is a magic sign and those that see it Resaerch and Read/Write can test Research +20 to
can read it regardless of languages and talents. Any copy over the spells to a new grimoire (provided he
attempt at stealing from the shrine or defiling it has paper). On a success copy over one spell +1 more
makes the shimmer disappear and the shrine return to per two SLs.
its ruined state, impossible to steal from or defile. A
character that gives a gift of Silver at the shrine will Day 80–17th of Jahrdrung, Angestag
feel the goddess knowledge come to him and gain
“Lore (Silver Road)” at +3 or increase the lore by This day the sky is cloudy and ash snows down from
three if he already has it. above.
Seekers of Blood Fugitives ahead
(Optional Encounter) (Mandatory Encounter-Special)
As the caravan makes camp for night they attract a Unless the Legion of Ivory are on very bad terms
few Crachdreoz that decide they make for a fine with the caravan a trio of Bull-centaurs will arrive as
meal. Play out a ‘Common Crachdreoz Encounter’ as envoys. They will carry gold and give a small amount
per the rules in the Blasted Wastes and Wolf Lands as a token of good will. They say a small village
bestiary. ahead exists and is made from escaped slaves. They
claim the Chaos Dwarfs are guaranteed to retrieve
Day 79–16th of Jahrdrung, Festag them and thus it would benefit everyone if this re-
trieval is as soon and as painless as possible. They
The day is clear and the winds are still. ask the caravan to spy for them as they travel past,
A Third Faction enters saying they will pay gold for any information that
(Mandatory Encounter) will help them take the village easier later on.
As the caravan travels on they find the path ahead The great Liberators Arrive
blocked by a conflict between the Supreme Slittaz (Mandatory Encounter-Special)
(with 40 hobgoblins and two spear chukkaz), the Le- Unless the Supreme Slittaz are on very bad terms
gion of Ivory (30 chaos dwarfs, ten with blunderbuss- with the caravan a small group of wolf riders will ar-
es) and, strangely enough, a third group. Humans and rive as envoys. They say a village up ahead exists
gnoblars numbering around thirty using simple weap- with reasons to hate the chaos dwarfs. They offer
ons and showing icons of a bearded bull. The three payment to the caravan in order to fan those flames of
groups seem at a standstill and if listened in the hob- hatred and make them siding with the Supreme Slit-
goblins and chaos dwarfs each try to convince the taz more likely.
others to aid them. As the caravan approaches the Kaz-Lamma
sides see the chaos of a four-way battle. If either hob- (Sight)
goblins or chaos dwarfs feel they have a good rela- By early evening the caravan will come upon a vil-
tionship with the caravan from before they will see lage built inside an old ruin of unknown origin.
this as tipping things in their favour and try to get Strange architecture rise in stone from the wastelands
their support in this conflict. If not they will withdraw and in it shelters and shanties fill the cracks. The
seeing the battle as too risky. The humans and gno- stone wall circling it has cracks repaired not nearly as
blars will not withdraw. They will state to come from well as the original construction. With unknown
Kaz-Lamma and be followers of the bull of death origin the ruins do hold some unique marks. Strange
(Kaz-Lamma is described further later in this chap- statues of bird-winged creatures that appear a mix of
ter). They will be heading back quickly. Faster than human, bull and lion. The villagers, upon seeing the
the caravan can keep pace. caravans makeup of peoples, open the gates and wel-
A side that withdrew lowers its Morale by 1. A side come them. Knowing it is best to seem to act in the
that suffered heavy casualties lowers Morale and chaos dwarfs and hobgoblins interests Ukrird accepts.
Numbers by 1. This is the village of Kaz-Lamma. (See cityguide on
the following page).
The ruin-village of the Silver Road

By the silver road stands Kaz-Lamma. A small vil- The Witching District
lage built inside an ancient ruin. Strange architecture The three largest statues of the ruin, one complete,
rise in stone from the wastelands and in it shelters one missing a head, one missing a wing, stand as a
and shanties fill the cracks. The stone wall circling it triangle surrounding four obelisks that in turn sur-
has cracks repaired not nearly as well as the original round an old tower. This tower is quite ruined but
construction. With unknown origin the ruins do hold holds enough little nooks and crannies to keep a
some unique marks. Strange statues of bird-winged small population relatively warm and dry. It has be-
creatures that appear a mix of human, bull and lion. come the residence of the witches of Kaz-Lamma,
for the general populace, while accepting their help,
The people of Kaz-Lamma are escaped slaves from want to keep a bit of distance to them. A group of
the tower of Gorgoth. A mix of species, mainly hu- seven witches dwell here. They are all, for reasons
mans and gnoblars, live there. The village is poor unknown, men and over time superstition has led to
and have no exports to speak of. The meagre re- a belief that it is bad luck for women to enter “The
sources they manage to gather is barely enough to Witching District”. These witches are supplied with
keep their small numbers alive. food without needing to work and in return are ex-
pected to use their magic only for the good of Kaz-
It is a young society, barely a decade old it is unlike- Lamma.
ly to survive long. With hobgoblin raiders bound to
eventually mark it as a target, chaos dwarfs hunting Witch-Baron Darkspittle
them down and reclaiming them as slaves or eyebiter Witch-Baron Darkspittle is the leader of the witches
ogres seeing them as rivals of toll-claiming on the in Kaz-Lamma. A man in his forties with long black
silver road. There is however an ace up their sleave hair and beard. A giant wood-louse clambers on him
that can keep them around, the protection of their as a familiar. He is a mysterious person but that is
‘god’. largely a choice to ensure he is awed and respected
enough to keep his position.
The Walls of Kaz-Lamma
In most societies the walls are just walls. An outer DARKSPITTLE –WITCH-BARON GOLD 1
defence keeping the town safe. The walls of Kaz- M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
Lamma of course hold this function as well. Ancient
large walls, partially ruined and repaired, circle the 4 51 31 31 51 51 31 31 51 51 51 18
settlement. But these thick walls had in their heyday Skills: Channeling 71, Cool 71, Endurance 71, Intimidate 51,
room for large units to walk four wide within their Language (Magick) 71, Sleight of Hand 51, Stealth (Rural) 51,
corridors and their towers held room for squads up- Charm Animal 71, Dodge 51, Intuition 71, Melee (Polearm)
71, Perception 71, Trade (Herbalist) 51, Charm 71, Haggle 71,
on squads of archers to fire from. As such the walls
are not mere walls for Kaz-Lamma, they are homes, Talents: Petty Magic, Instinctive Diction rank 3, Menacing
shops and more. The walls is its own district, the rank 2, Arcane Magic (Witchery), Witch!, Animal Affinity,
district where most citizen lives. A shanty-town Aethyric Attunement rank 3
grows within the walls and towers making them as
Petty Magic Spells: Animal Friend, Dazzle, Dart, Light, Shock
cramped to move through as a regular castle wall, if
not more. At the top of the towers live the warrior- Memorized Spells: Blast, Ward, The Evil Eye, Enchant Weap-
elite of Kaz-Lamma. Former fighting-pit gladiators on (Lore of Metal-Witch!)
that now defend the village.
Trappings: Quarterstaff, Power Familiar (Winds of Magic pg
182), The tablet of Witchcraft, Ingredients for 3d10 spells
The Tablet of Witchcraft: This old tablet seems to contain
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W secrets only a witch can understand. This is a grimoire that can
only be read by someone with Arcane Lore (Witchery), it does
4 46 31 46 46 46 46 31 31 31 31 15 not require Read/Write to read nor a language to understand. It
Skills: Athletics 61, Cool 46, Dodge 61, Endurance 61, Gamble contains the spells: Blast (Witchery), Breath (Witchery), Ward
46, Intimidate 61, Melee (Brawling) 61, Melee (Basic) 61, Per- (Witchery), Blight, Curse of Crippling Pain, Curse of Ill-
form (Fight) 46 Fortune, The Evil Eye

Talents: Iron Jaw, In-fighting, Ambidextrous rank 2, Shields-

man, Robust rank 2

Traits: Armour 2, Weapon +8

The ruin-village of the Silver Road

The Gnoblyn Caves The Grand Temple of Shedu

Once upon a time this ruin held a magnificent silver The largest and least ruined building in the village is
mine. It ran dry millenia ago and as Kaz-Lamma the Grand Temple of Shedu where the bull-god that
gained its new population the caverns became the led the slaves to Kaz-Lamma is worshipped. Burial
home of the gnoblars. Needing little food and find- palace, temple and courthouse all in one this build-
ing the cover from the weather offered by the laby- ing is the most important of the village.
rinthian caves pleasant this became their first choice And here dwells their ‘god’ Shedu.
of home. But it is not merely gnoblars that dwell Shedu is not a god, not a true god at least. Shedu is
here. The leader of this place is a demi-dragon of mortal though ancient. A beast that has lived for
Cathayan stock. Kuángrén the unbalanced, while more than a millennia. A mighty and clever Lamma-
power flows in her veins she has been broken by tor- su.
ture from the chaos dwarfs to a point where she can´t A Lammasu is a creature with magical proper-
recall her origin and her ancient lineage. Her yang ties, one that is not only acclimated to magic, but
magic now manifests sporadically and out of her that also lives and breathes the very stuff of sorcery.
control while she leads her gnoblar servants like a It is a Manticore-like Chaos creature with the body
beggar-queen. of a gigantic bull, a powerful mace-tipped tail and a
massive, ugly head. It is a wise and crafty beast that
KUÁNGRÉN THE UNBALANCED– makes its lair in the Dark Lands.
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
Shedu is oracle, god and high-priest of Kaz-Lamma.
4 41 21 41 66 41 41 21 11 41 41 44 His plans for the village are yet to fully reveal them-
Skills: Athletics 51, Charm 51, Consume Alcohol 71, Dodge selves but he does speak of the importance of the
46, Endurance 86, Stealth (Urban) 61, Entertain (Maddened place to his followers. For now, he asks little as a
Rant) 51, Sleight of Hand 31, Leadership 51, Intimidate 51 god, offering aid and asking only for the village to
be filled with life.
Talents: Panhandle rank 2, Resistance (Disease) rank 6, Very
Resilient, Criminal, Hardy rank 4, Kingpin
Yang unbalanced: The dragon blood within a shugengan
strives for balance but Kuángrén has forgotten the rituals need- M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
ed to hone this and in her unbalance has lost control of her
power. Whenever Kuángrén collects three advantage she im- 6 55 80 55 55 50 65 - 90 80 50 92
mediately spends them to cast the petty magic spell dart on a
target of choice. It is automatically cast with 4SL. Then she Skills: Channeling 100, Cool 100, Language (Magick) 110,
rolls on the major miscast table. This effect is a free action and Lore (Magic) 130
breaks normal turn order. The spell can be dispelled as normal
but the major miscast will come into play regardless. Talents: Arcane Magic (Death), Instinctive Diction rank 4, Ae-
thyric Attunement rank 4, Noble Blood
Trappings: Poor quality blanker, cup, bowl, Group of Gnoblar
beggars, Lair Memorized Spells: Blast, Bolt,Terrifying, Purple Pall of Shy-
ish, Soul Vortex
The Pool of Water Fair and Foul
In the ruin is a reservoir of water of unknown depth. Traits: Flight 80, Size (Enormous), Tail +10, Weapon +9,
It is about ten metres across. By all logic it should be Breath (Sorcery), Magical, Ward (10)
befouled and useless by now, and it times.
Some strange enchantment exists there that makes it
shift in place or time. Every other day it is a ruined
reservoir of very foul water where strange poisonous
fish dwell. Every other day it is as it was in the days
of its construction, perfectly maintained and with
crystal clear water smelling a hint of rose. How this
magic works no-one knows but if it didn´t this vil-
lage would not be possible.
Day 81–18th of Jahrdrung, Festag Day 83–20th of Jahrdrung, Aubentag
The sky remains dark but the ash doesn´t fall this The day is clear and windy. The trail goes on by the
day. The entire day will be spent in Kaz-Lamma at- silver road. Reduce provisions by 1.
tempting to resupply, enjoying the temporary in-
creased safety and seeing what the villagers know. The Obelisks of Gorgoth
The village doesn´t have a food surplus so are not (Sight)
too interested in selling. If the characters can con- By midday the caravan comes upon a massive obe-
vince them to do so anyways then the caravan gets lisk in dark stone rising from the plains. Unlike other
to increase provisions by one. constructions the caravan has come upon on their
journey through the dark lands this is well main-
tained and intact. Not a ruin by any means. It is a
Day 82–19th of Jahrdrung, Wellen- waystone attracting winds towards the tower of Gor-
tag goth where the chaos dwarfs use it for their dark in-
dustries. The bonus from this leyline junction is
The sky clears up a bit and winds are gaining in +2SL (see Winds of Magic pg 197).
strength. The caravan will leave this day.
Day 84–21st of Jahrdrung, Marktag
Battle of Kaz-Lamma
(Mandatory Encounter) The day is clear and windy. The trail goes on by the
It is not long after the caravan has left Kaz-Lamma silver road. Reduce provisions by 1.
the Legion of Ivory contacts them, envoys have hid-
den by a rock formation near the village, still within The Final Battle
view and when the caravan comes there asks for re- (Mandatory Encounter)
ports. They will pay for information and relay it to As the caravan now nears the Sentinels where they
the legion quickly, asking the caravan to wait in the will be out of reach from the chaos dwarfs and hob-
relative cover of the rocks for safety. Then the Le- goblins the two factions decide it is time to take the
gion will attack to retake their slaves. 120 Chaos prizes for themselves before it is too late. Their plans
Dwarf Warriors, including a battery of three cannons of letting the others die on their defences feel too
and a battery of three mortars, attack. They march up late now. Each side (that is not depleted) send what
towards the village breaking parts of the wall with they can afford to use to attack the caravan. This will
their infernal machines. This is the signal the hob- become a three-way battle unless one side has been
goblins have been waiting on, they will send in fifty reduced to zero.
wolfriders and a hundred infantrymen to clash with The chaos dwarfs send one of their leaders. Ten cha-
the dwarfs. Depending on if the PCs have affected os dwarf warriors per number they have and five
public opinion of the hobgoblins they may be seen bull centaurs.
as allies or enemies by the village. Let the fight The hobgoblins send one of their leaders. Ten hob-
begin. PCs can take sides and even convince the car- goblin wolfriders per number they have and twenty
avan to do so. If that is done divide the fight to allow hobgoblin infantry.
it to play smoothly, otherwise describe a fairly even
struggle. About ten rounds in the mysterious “god” Let the defenders make up tactics for their defence
of the village will take to the sky. The Lammasu will and then divide the battle in manageable chunks to
cast an aura of terror (players test against terror as play out. Don´t forget to let the chaos dwarfs and
well) and the hobgoblins and chaos dwarfs will start hobgoblins divide resources on each other as well
to flee. It will chase down some and then return. The but give the PCs a chance to face the leaders. Once a
future of Kaz-Lamma is not settled today but at least side is reduced to a third of its numbers they will call
it won´t fall now. Lower Numbers and Loyalty by a retreat.
one each for both the Legion of Ivory and the Su- Day 85–22nd of Jahrdrung, Back-
preme Slittaz.
(Mandatory Encounter-Special) The day is clear and sunny. It’s not very cold.
If the chaos dwarfs were not told of the Lammasu The Sentinel
they will retaliate against the caravan sending a
small unit of fifteen bull-centaurs. If the hobgoblins (Sight)
were seen as enemies by the village they will retali- By dusk a lone mountain towers in the distance, the
ate with 25 wolfriders. A retaliating side that loses sentinel. It will be a days more walking to get there
decreases numbers by one. but soon this stretch of the journey is over.
After just short of three weeks in the Dark Lands the
caravan is about to reach the Sentinels and end this
chapter. Before the next chapter, “And Eye for an
Eyebiter”, they should be rewarded for their travels
so far. Apart from standard exp for roleplaying and
bright ideas the following can awards extra experi-

 40 exp for each enemy leader killed

 20 exp for learning the truth about the Kaz-
Lamma ‘god’ before it reveals itself in the battle.
 10 exp for each important NPC in Kaz-Lamma

M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
3 50 40 40 40 30 20 30 30 50 20 17
Traits: Armour 5, Hatred (Greenskins), Night Vision, Weapon

-If armed with blunderbuss: Ranged +9 (30)

-Otherwise: Shield (2) trait on weapon

M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
7 50 40 50 50 40 30 30 30 50 20 25
Traits: Armour 4, Hardy, Hatred (Greenskins), Night Vision,
Weapon +9

M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
4 40 30 30 30 35 35 35 30 20 30 11
Traits: Armour 1, Night Vision, Weapon +7, Ranged +7 (50)

M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
4 50 40 40 30 35 45 35 30 30 30 13
Traits: Armour 3, Night Vision, Weapon +8, Ranged +8 (50)

Wolfriders: Wolfriders ride wolves (pg 317 core rulebook)

with the the optional traits Trained (Broken, Magic, Mount,
War). For every ten riders one replaces his wolf with a great
wolf (see Blasted Wastes and Wolf Lands Bestiary) with the
same optional traits.
Blasted Wastes and Wolf Lands Bestiary
Gonllou are armoured rodent-swine hybrids that Great Wolves
dwell in small packs. They have a height of roughly The wolf lands are of course named after the wolves
1,4m and weigh around 400kg. They are omnivores found there, yet many misunderstand the name
and well able to take down errant hobgoblins, chaos thinking it refers to their numbers. It does not, the
dwarfs, wolves or even young ogres. wolf lands doesn´t have great numbers of wolves, it
Their skin is very tough, extremely thick it is like has wolves of great strength and quality. Hobgoblins
layers of leather plate. dwell here to seek the greatest mounts to ride and
with good reason. The Great Wolves of the wolf
GONLLOU –ANIMAL lands are to the giant wolves ridden by ‘common’
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
goblins to the west what those wolves are to the dogs
of the empire. Many are those that have faced the
5 40 - 33 55 30 30 - 10 40 - 22 hobgoblin khans of these lands thinking their mounts
no worse than those of other goblin riders and find-
Traits: Armour 4, Bestial, Stride, Weapon +6, Hardy
ing doom at the jaws of battle-hardened creatures at
least as deadly as their riders.


M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W

4 45 - 45 40 35 40 - 15 45 - 32
Traits: Armour 1, Bestial, Bite +8, Night Vision, Stride, Track-
er, Weapon +7, Size (Large), Infected, Grim 1
Image by Midjourney ai beta

Optional: Champion, Trained (Broken, Drive, Fetch, Guard,

Magic, Mount, War)

Phoessim are creatures looking as beings of another
dimension. Six-legged five-horned beasts that are
believed to be the result of mutation in ages past.
What the original Phoessim looked like no-one
knows. These creatures stand a good 3m tall with
Image by Midjourney ai beta

muscular bodies. Despite their terrifying appearance

they are however not predators, they graze of the
sparse plantlife of the plains and are a favoured prey
of the great wolves dwelling in the wolflands. The
wolfs of the Old World to the west would not take
down animals like these, but the wolves of the wolf
lands are not like them.

M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
6 35 - 55 45 30 35 - 10 35 - 32
Traits: Bestial, Stride, Weapon +9, Horns +10. Size (Large),
Blasted Wastes and Wolf Lands Bestiary
The skies of the Blasted Wastes are home to a
strange category of species known as Crachdreoz.

Image by Midjourney ai beta

Not quite insect, not quite lizard, not quite bird.
These are bizarre creatures that glide far on the vol-
canic thermals from the dark lands and freezing
winds from the Worlds Edge Mountains to move
vast distances expending little energy. A Crachdreoz
is no match to a human or most fauna of the lands
when encountered awake, with a few exceptions
amongst the largest species. They are however not
hunters in that sense but blooddrinkers. They land by
sleeping prey and drink their blood. Most life in
these wastes don´t awaken from their bites but pass-
ing humans sure do and will react, likely violently. A
Crachdreoz is however quick to flutter away at sign
of trouble, leaving only an infected disease ridden
bite in its wake.

Common Crachdreoz Encounter

The Crachdreoz species are varied but most fall between one Jecclak
and two feet in wingspan. They are not given characteristics The Jecclak, the wings of doom. This bird is one of
here, an encounter would not be a fight, if it was the Crach- the deadliest beasts in the Blasted Wastes and Wolf
dreoz had already lost. Instead make an encounter of Crach- Lands. An apex predator equal parts feared and
dreoz as a –10 perception test for someone watching during the revered by the hobgoblin locals. It is claimed only
night. If successful the Crachdreoz is found before it bites and
can be driven off or killed. If failed one random sleeping char- the chosen of death can ride it and legends tell of a
acter gains the ‘Festering Wound’ disease. Khan a millennia ago that did tame a Jecclak and
united the tribes. The truth behind that is unknown
but none can dispute its terrifying presence. Larger
than a wyvern this skull-headed vulture is no easy
Image by Midjourney ai beta

foe to face and an aura of dread seems to hang over

it as its mere gaze can terrify. It also appears to be
steeped in death magic, perhaps as a result of the
magic saturating the wastes. Whatever the reason it
has surprised some facing it to find their magic ab-
sorbed by it.
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W

2 65 - 70 65 25 35 - 10 60 - 100

Traits: Armour 1, Bestial, Flight 80. Size (Enormous), Weapon

+12, Belligerent, Grim 3, Immunity (Lore of Death), Magical,
Night Vision, Terror (3)

Fear no Spell: Spells does not scare Jecclaks or give them bro-
ken conditions despite them being bestial.
Blasted Wastes and Wolf Lands Bestiary
Hobhounds are not as large or deadly as the wolves
of the Wolf Lands but they are not to be underesti-

Image by Midjourney ai beta

mated. They may be primarily scavengers but their
bites can crush bone and when the odds seem fa-
vourable they can make very dangerous attacks.
They are mammals that carry some similarities with
dogs in both appearance and behaviour. Hobgoblins
at times tame them and utilize them in hunting and
sometimes even in war. Many Hobhounds live in
volcanic environments and as a result the species is
well adapted to heat and fire. Unlike many beasts the
Hobhounds do not fear fire, even that of blazing

M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
4 25 - 20 30 35 30 - 15 10 5 10

Traits: Bestial, Night Vision, Skittish, Stride, Size (Small),

Weapon +7, Infected, Tracker, Hardy

Used to fire: Despite having Bestial and Skittish fire and spells Greater Kruyhoe
from the lore of fire do not cause Hobhounds broken conditions The Kruyhoe is a type of furred reptile found in the
or fear tests. dark lands. There are two species of these, the lesser
and greater Kruyhoe, both with poisonous flesh. The
Fireproof Fur: Attacks using fire (such as fire spells, fire- lesser Kruyhoe is less than a foot in length and live
breathing or torches) count as undamaging, cause two less
damage and one less ablaze condition when targeting a Hob- as omnivores that forage and scavenge for food. The
hound. greater Kruyhoe however is larger with a length of
near three metres with the tail and a look a bit like a
Optional Traits: Trained (Broken, Entertain, Fetch, Guard, jackal with a scaled underside. Its wicked claws are
Magic, War), Belligerent, Bite +7 used in hunting and it often goes after Hobhounds,
sometimes making traps for them by laying out meat
to attract them.

M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
5 40 - 35 35 40 35 - 25 20 - 11
Traits: Bestial, Night Vision, Stride, Weapon +8, Infected, Ar-
mour 1, Cold Blooded

Poisonous flesh: The flesh of a Kruyhoe is poisonous to most

Image by Midjourney ai beta

lifeforms. If you eat it receive D10+2 Poisoned conditions with

further given for eating large amounts. It can be used as an in-
gested poison to others but it is difficult to hide in other food as
it smells a lot and is a flesh rather than a powder or liquid as is
more practical for the purpose of poisoning.

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