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Empire of The Ghouls Campaign Brief

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Empire of the Ghouls

Campaign Overview
This campaign is about a group of heroes who
slowly discover a dastardly plot to end the world.
The heroes travel across Midgard as they follow
the threads of that scheme and uncover the story’s
true villains. The trail eventually leads the heroes
into the Underworld where intelligent ghouls have
built an empire.

Campaign Goal 3. City at the Heart of the World. The Free City of
Zobeck stands at a great crossroads, south of the vampire-
Stop the ghoul threat to the surface lands. filled Blood Kingdom, east of the dwarvish cantons,
north of the chivalrous Magdar Kingdom, and west of the
Five Truths of ancient Margreve Forest. It is a city where adventurers,
merchants, and scoundrels from all nations intermingle
Empire of the Ghouls and a place where wondrous inventions of steam and brass
These five “truths” are common knowledge to your are forged. It is the city where this campaign begins.
character and are intended to help you better understand 4. Within the Last Century. The citizens of Zobeck
the world and purview of this campaign. overthrew House Stross, rulers of the city for 600 years,
1. Flat, Diverse World. Midgard is a flat world that and Zobeck became a free city, governed by a mayor and
is surrounded by a great serpent and floats in a vast space 11 consuls. The Mharoti Empire conquered neighboring
of living stars. Midgard is a diverse world with raiding territories, reminding all that the dragons of Midgard have
barbarians in the north, merchants in the south, and city- no interest in sitting in lonely caves, counting coins.
states with seasonal wars in the lands between them.
5. Within the Last Decade. The vampires who
2. Ley Lines and Shadow Roads. Midgard is alive rule Morgau and Doresh, known collectively as the
with magic that runs in great, invisible rivers through it. Blood Kingdom, joined forces with the ghouls who
Centuries ago, the elves used these rivers, known as ley live underground to conquer the Electoral Kingdom of
lines, to create fey roads across their vast empire. After Krakova, which sits a few hundred miles north of Zobeck.
the elves’ retreat, most of these magical roads fell into The surviving members of the royal family went into
disrepair. They are now known as the dangerous and hiding, and the common folk now suffer under undead
unstable shadow roads. rule in the new province of Krakovar.

Factions and Deities Faction: Shield Maidens of Huldramose. These
all-female, (primarily) trollkin warriors worship Sif and
These factions and deities are adjacent to or appear at least value strong fighters and the bonds of sisterhood.
once in Empire of the Ghouls, making them very easy to
fold into the main campaign if you want your character to Deity: Anu-Akma. The Judge of the Dead and Guardian
have an extra tie to the story. of Tombs. He promotes purity and preserves order,
Faction: Graveslayers. These (primarily) dwarven watching over the timely and dignified death of all.
warriors dedicate themselves to the destruction of the Deity: Rava. The Gear Goddess, Mother of Industry, and
undead, especially those that threaten the cantons in the Spinner of Fate. She is the patron goddess of the Free City
Ironcrags. of Zobeck and sponsor of magic, knowledge, and industry.
Faction: Krakova. Though Krakova is no longer a Deity: Sarastra. The Queen of Night and Magic,
kingdom, many former citizens actively work against their goddess of the shadow fey, and ruler of the Shadow Realm.
vampire overlords. Some do so from within Krakovar’s She demands her followers understand and celebrate the
borders while others aid the Court-in-Exile as it gathers beauty and mystery of magic.
allies to take back their homeland.
Deity: Sif. The Goddess of Family and Marriage and
Faction: Order of the Ebon Star. This group of Mistress of Valkyries. She is the goddess of archers and
(primarily) darakhul (intelligent ghouls) split from the women warriors, demanding her followers be fierce and
Ghoul Imperium after its allegiance with the vampires. fight for what they believe in.
They worship Sarastra.
Faction: Red Winter. This cult is a heretical sect of
the Blood Goddess Marena’s clergy. They seek to unseat
the vampires in the Blood Kingdom, believing those with
blood are superior to those without it.

From duels and intrigue in the courts of the
shadow fey to a torchlit crawl through a buried
pyramid, Kobold Press offers high‑quality 5th
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MSRP 936781-87-4
ISBN 978-1-

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A 5t h-Edition Kobold Press logo is a trademark of Open Design LLC.

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