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Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.834406
R Square 0.696233
Adjusted R 0.685384
Standard E 0.136052
Observatio 30

df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 1 1.187905 1.187905 64.17596 1.006E-08
Residual 28 0.518284 0.01851
Total 29 1.706189

Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95%Upper 95%Lower 95.0%
Upper 95.0%
Intercept 0.648931 0.04769 13.60715 7.268E-14 0.551242 0.746621 0.551242 0.746621
X Variable -1.68E-12 2.097E-13 -8.01099 1.006E-08 -2.11E-12 -1.25E-12 -2.11E-12 -1.25E-12
Poverty (% of Volume of trade
population) (in USD) Poverty headcount ratio at $2.15 a day (% of population) fi
1991 88.00% 55,011,182,592
1992 82.39% 61,246,576,640 Poverty (% of
1993 62.10% 65,150,490,624
1994 64.60% 72,036,886,528 100.00%

1995 57.70% 86,046,666,752 90.00%

1996 51.30% 92,743,159,808 80.00%

1997 53.20% 95,123,324,928 70.00%
1998 69.10% 76,184,348,672 60.00%
1999 46.00% 72,668,669,019 50.00%
2000 43.60% 95,638,811,769 40.00%
2001 39.90% 87,279,007,783 30.00%
2002 26.80% 88,447,593,154 20.00%
2003 26.40% 93,608,868,870 10.00%
2004 27.00% 118,106,999,480 0.00%
2005 24.60% 143,360,828,419 1985 1990 1995 2000

2006 30.60% 161,864,080,900

2007 25.20% 188,574,301,534
2008 24.70% 266,264,474,693
2009 21.00% 213,339,154,357
2010 18.30% 293,442,383,684
2011 15.70% 380,932,169,492 Output obtained from Eviews:
2012 13.70% 381,722,747,313
Dependent Variable: POVERTY____OF_POPULAT
2013 11.20% 369,180,385,003 Method: Least Squares
2014 9.30% 354,215,534,530 Date: 11/22/22 Time: 12:25
2015 8.30% 293,061,083,493 Sample: 1991 2020
2016 7.50% 280,142,596,210 Included observations: 30
2017 6.60% 325,813,055,164 Variable Coefficient
2018 5.40% 368,926,205,712
2019 4.40% 338,958,703,817 C 0.648931
2020 3.80% 304,760,598,545
R-squared 0.696233 M
Adjusted R-squared 0.685384 S
SUMMARY OUTPUT S.E. of regression 0.136052 A
Sum squared resid 0.518284 S
Log likelihood 18.30830 H
Regression Statistics F-statistic 64.17596 D
Multiple R 0.834405867570693 Prob(F-statistic) 0.000000
R Square 0.696233151836401
Adjusted R Square 0.685384335830559
Standard Error 0.136051923410093
Observations 30

df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 1 1.18790504548626 1.187905 64.17596 1.005903E-08
Residual 28 0.5182835241804 0.01851
Total 29 1.70618856966667

Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95%

Intercept 0.64893120244461 0.0476904695255 13.60715 7.268E-14 0.5512417041
X Variable 1 -1.6799942613578E-12 2.0971119774E-13 -8.01099 1.006E-08 -2.109568E-12
at $2.15 a day (% of population) figure

Poverty (% of Population)

990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025

ed from Eviews:

Time: 12:25
vations: 30

ariable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.

C 0.648931 0.047690 13.60715 0.0000

TRADE__IN_USD_ -1.68E-12 2.10E-13 -8.010990 0.0000

0.696233 Mean dependent var 0.322797

ared 0.685384 S.D. dependent var 0.242557
ion 0.136052 Akaike info criterion -1.087220
esid 0.518284 Schwarz criterion -0.993807
18.30830 Hannan-Quinn criter. -1.057336
64.17596 Durbin-Watson stat 0.466574
) 0.000000
Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0%
0.7466207008 0.5512417041 0.7466207008
-1.25042E-12 -2.109568E-12 -1.25042E-12

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