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‫ﻧﻈﻤﺔ ﻏﻴﺮ اﻟﻤﺄﻫﻮﻟﺔ واﻟﻤﺤﺎﻛﺎة واﻟﺘﺪرﻳﺐ‬7‫ﻣﻌﺮض ا‬

Unmanned Systems Simulation & Training

ABU DHABI - UAE ‫ﻣﺎرات اﻟﻌﺮﺑﻴﺔ اﻟﻤﺘﺤﺪة‬1‫ ا‬- ‫أﺑﻮﻇﺒﻲ‬
20 - 22 February 2022 ‫ ﻓﺒﺮاﻳﺮ‬22 - 20


Please fax, post, email or deliver to:
Fax +971 (0) 2 444 5749
Address Capital Events LLC, Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre (ADNEC)
P.O. Box 5546, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates


Company Name


City County/State

Postcode/Zip code Country

Telephone Fax



Contact Name


Direct Dial Mobile


Strategic Partner Organised by Host Venu In association with

LEGAL REF: LD-14-01 Pg. 1 of 7

Please tick all items that are applicable to you and complete the relevant shaded areas.


(Minimum 12m2)
Indoor exhibition space will
Indoor exhibition space rate*


m2 $

US$ 580 per m2

comprise of indoor space
Space (Atrium)
marked out to the required m2 $
Standard rate US$ 625 per m2
dimensions: no walls, Corner site fee
platforms, or electricity are corners $
US$ 230 per corner
provided. Height allowed Double decker & over height fee**
is up to 4 metres: higher is US$ 265 per m2 upper lever floor m2 $
subject to approval and may space
incur additional charges. Sharers' fee
companies $
US$ 680 per sharing company



(Minimum 9m2)
A 9m2 shell scheme stand
Standard scheme

Standard rate US$ 656 per m2 m2 $

comprises of the space,
carpet, walls, 3 spotlights,
one 13A socket (220V), Upgraded shell scheme
Standard rate US$ 680 per m2 m2 $
name board, information
counter, stool, one table,
two chairs, lockable Maxima shell scheme
storage room and standing Standard rate US$ 735 per m2 m2 $
literature rack.
(Shell scheme stands of 12m2 Corner site fee
and above will have a 1m x 1m US$ 230 per corner corners $
storage room in addition to the
package above)
Sharers' fee
US$ 680 per sharing company companies $


(Minimum 50m2)
Outdoor exhibition space
Outdoor space rate

m2 $

US$ 265 per m2

will comprise of the
Corner site fee
outdoor space marked US$ 230 per corner
corners $
out to the required
Sharers' fee
dimensions: no walls, US$ 680 per sharing company
companies $
platforms or electricity
are provided. 'C' TOTAL $

LEGAL REF: LD-14-01 Pg. 2 of 7

Please tick all items that are applicable to you and complete the relevant shaded areas.


Capital suites are unfurnished

and decorated to a high standard US$ 265 per m2
including carpeting. Suites
are priced individually and are 'D' TOTAL $
available for the same tenancy
period as space-only stands.

A 6m2 (3m x 2m) shell scheme stand
First-time exhibitor stand package

Standard Rate US$ 3,390 per 6m2 m2 $

comprises of the space, carpet, walls, 2
x 50w spot lights, 1 x 13A socket (220V),
name board, one table, two chairs.
Note: This package is a) limited to one 6m2
stand per company and b) only available
to companies who have not exhibited at
previous editions of UMEX/SimTEX.

A + B + C + D = US$
+ VAT (5%) US$
* Please note that all designs and plans are subject to prior written approval of the Organisers.
** Permission to build double storey stands on divided sites is subject to agreement from the neighbouring stands within the block. The organisers reserve the right to
deny permission to build double storey stands on divided sites.

LEGAL REF: LD-14-01 Pg. 3 of 7

Please indicate if you are interested in the following opportunities:
Sponsorship at UMEX SimTEX Unmanned Systems Conference
Sponsorship at live flying demonstrations On-Site branding opportunities

Please indicate the live demonstrations that your company may wish to participate in:
On-water demonstrations UAV demonstrations Live-mobility demonstrations

INVOICE DETAILS (if different from company details)

Name of Company
Full Address
Telephone Fax Email

1) First payment of 25% of the total amount due is payable to Capital Events LLC 30 days from signing date of contract.
2) Second Payment of 50% of original total amount is payable to Capital Events LLC not later than 30 April 2021.
3) Final Payment of 25% of original total amount is payable to Capital Events LLC not later than 30 September 2021.
4) Exhibition space contract received by Capital Events LLC after 1 October 2021, will be payable in full upon receipt of invoice.
5) Capital Events LLC reserves the right to cancel any Exhibition Space Contract and withdraw admission to facilities if any payment fails to
be made by the due date.

EXHIBITS: Description of the product and/or services, which the exhibitors wish to promote at UMEX SimTEX 2022

Please tick the appropriate box and complete the required information/action:
Wire transfer (AED)
Please send wire transfer payments only to: First Abu Dhabi Bank, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Account Number: 4021003477185013 IBAN No: AE510354021003477185013 Account Name: Capital Events LLC
Swift Code: NBADAEAAXXX ADNEC VAT Registration: 100305367300003
Wire transfer (US$)
Account Number: 4021003477185024 IBAN No: AE450354021003477185024 Account Name: Capital Events LLC
Swift Code: NBADAEAAXXX ADNEC VAT Registration: 100305367300003
Cheque (UAE only)
Please make the cheque payable to Capital Events LLC
Credit Card (UAE only)
Please complete the following information to authorise Capital Events LLC to debit your chosen credit card for US$.
Visa Mastercard Diners Club AMEX*
Credit Card Number
Expiry Date Name As Appears On Card
Card Billing Address
By signing below, the card holder acknowledges that he/she has read this form and agrees to be bound by all its terms and conditions.
Cardholder Signature Date

1. The exhibitor is to incur all bank charges. * If making a payment by AMEX card, Capital Events LLC require a copy of the front of the credit card.
2. Any changes in the above Capital Events LLC Bank accounts details or Organizer name, should be done only through an official amendment of this contract.

DECLARATION: the duly authorised signatory, acting for and on behalf of the applicant company, hereby declares that he is acting in the
full knowledge that this is a legally binding contract which enters into force immediately on signature and which incorporates UMEX SimTEX
2022 regulations as set out in this contract.

Name: Signature: Date: / /

Name: Signature: Date: / /


LEGAL REF: LD-14-01 Pg. 4 of 7

‫ﻧﻈﻤﺔ ﻏﻴﺮ اﻟﻤﺄﻫﻮﻟﺔ واﻟﻤﺤﺎﻛﺎة واﻟﺘﺪرﻳﺐ‬7‫ﻣﻌﺮض ا‬
Unmanned Systems Simulation & Training
ABU DHABI - UAE ‫ﻣﺎرات اﻟﻌﺮﺑﻴﺔ اﻟﻤﺘﺤﺪة‬1‫ ا‬- ‫أﺑﻮﻇﺒﻲ‬
20 - 22 February 2022 ‫ ﻓﺒﺮاﻳﺮ‬22 - 20


1. ORGANISER expressly agrees that, without the prior written consent of the Organiser, its
The Exhibition is organised by Capital Events LLC, located at the Abu Dhabi personnel will not exhibit any goods, wares, or merchandise in the official
National Exhibition Centre (ADNEC), Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. hotels during the period of the Exhibition. All official matters relating to the
2. LICENCE Exhibition are to be conducted in a manner by the Organiser.
Upon the payment of the full contract price the Exhibitor shall have 8. EMPLOYMENT EXHIBITS
conditional and revocable license to participate in the Exhibition. Where Exhibits for the purpose of soliciting prospective employees, or employee
necessary the Organiser may allocate the space that the Exhibitor may recruiting activity of any kind, are specifically prohibited, unless approved in
occupy. The parties hereto declare and agree that this Agreement is not and writing by the Organiser.
shall not be deemed to be a Lease or an Agreement for Lease. 9. EXHIBITS & APPLIANCES
3. ALLOCATION Common sense governs the kind of exhibits permitted at the Exhibition.
Exhibit space will be allocated according to the date on which this Exhibit Attractive and informative exhibits are encouraged. Exhibit dimensions shall
Space Contract of the Exhibitor is received and in any case at the full conform to the specific dimensions and restrictions specified in the Exhibitor
discretion of the Organiser. The Organiser reserves the right in the interest Manual to be supplied by the Organiser and additional documents supplied
of optimum traffic control and exhibit exposure, to relocate the exhibit or by the Organiser from time to time. In no event, however, shall any exhibit
display of the Exhibitor (the exhibit) which may be affected by a change in interfere with any neighbouring exhibit. If the Organiser is of the view that
the floor plan. Such a change would not be made unless deemed necessary there is such interference the Exhibitor shall remove or relocate such an
by the Organiser. The Organiser agrees to advise the Exhibitor if such a exhibit. The Exhibitor shall not display at the exhibition any products not
change is necessary. The Organiser’s determination with respect to allocation described in this application. Equipment, services, documentation and all
of exhibit space is to be binding on the Exhibitor. The full contract price other forms of visual promotion and display, exhibited or proposed and the
shall at all times be payable even if the Exhibitor eventually does not utilise import and export of all such equipment must comply with all applicable
all the exhibit space allocated to him. In the event the Exhibitor’s choice of laws, rules and regulations (including without limitation those issued by the
exhibit space(s) is not available, the Organiser will, where possible, allocate UN, the UAE and the UK).
other space. If desired, the Exhibitor may provide the Organiser with a list of 10. SOUND LEVEL
competitors whose exhibits (if any) should not be near that of the Exhibitor. Mechanical or Electrical devices which produce sound must be operated so
The Organiser will, where practicable, accommodate such requests. In as not to prove disturbing to other Exhibitors. The Organiser reserves the
the event that no exhibit space is available for the Exhibitor then the sole right to determine the acceptable sound level in all such instances and to
obligation of the Organiser is to refund to the Exhibitor such amount of the require the removal of any such devices.
money as shall have been received by the Organiser from the Exhibitor, and
the Organiser shall have no other liability whatsoever. The Exhibitor shall not 11. STAND FITTING SERVICE
be entitled to make any claim in connection with the foregoing against the The Organiser will appoint an Official Stand Fitting Contractor to provide
Organiser. stand fitting services for the Exhibition. For exhibits under the Shell Scheme,
stand fitting works can be carried out by the Official Stand Fitting Contractor.
4. EXHIBITORS For exhibits other than those under the Shell Scheme, stand fitting works can
Exhibits will, unless the Organiser agrees otherwise, be limited to materials, only be carried out by the Official Stand Fitting Contractor or by a Contractor
products, or services of specific interest to registrants of the Exhibition. The appointed by the Exhibitor provided that such a contractor shall have been
Organiser reserves the right to determine the eligibility of any material, approved by the Organiser and shall have provided the Organiser with
product or service for display. Exhibition manufacturers, representatives a security deposit (or a banker’s guarantee in lieu thereof) in an amount
and/or distributors must list their participating principals as the Exhibitors of acceptable to the Organiser. The Exhibitor shall bear the cost of all such stand
record. The Organiser reserves the right to limit the number of principals that fitting works whether relating to the Shell Scheme or otherwise.
can be represented by the Exhibitor in a single booth.
5. WARRANTY Lighting, lighting mains, power plugs, power mains and motors are available
Except as otherwise approved by the Organiser or disclosed in writing to the as provided in the Exhibitor Manual. Where the Exhibitor requires any
Organiser; the Exhibitor represents, warrants and undertakes that: electrical work in connection with its exhibit, such work shall only be carried
a)They are entering into this Agreement as principal and not as agent or out by the Official Electrical Contractor appointed by the Organiser. The
nominee of any third party. Exhibitors shall bear the cost of all such electrical work.
b) None of the exhibits on display or present at the exhibition premises 13. PHOTOGRAPHY
including decorations and presentations of the exhibit and exhibition booths, All photographic rights for the exhibition are reserved by the Organiser.
product labels and product or service demonstrations or performance Photography during the exhibition shall only be carried out by the Official
infringe, or is likely to infringe, any patent, trademark, copyright and other Photographers appointed by the Organiser at charges set out in the
intellectual property right of any party and agrees that in the event of any Exhibitor Manual. Exhibitors wishing to make their own arrangements for
breach of the representative, warranties and undertakings herein contained photographing their exhibits must obtain the permission of the Organiser
in this Agreement and the licence herein granted may be terminated by the whose permission shall not be unreasonably withheld.
Organiser (without the Organiser being liable for any damages or claims 14. EXHIBIT CLEANING
whatsoever and without prejudice to the Organiser’s other rights and needs) The Exhibitors must make arrangements for its exhibits to be kept
and the Exhibitor shall indemnify the Organiser against any and all costs, presentable, clean and free from accumulated rubbish to the satisfaction of
claims, demands, losses, liabilities, charges, actions and expenses. the Organiser. All material for disposal as waste must be deposited in the
6. ADMISSION areas designated by the Organiser.
Exhibits will be open to all exhibition registrants. The Organiser reserves the 15. ADVERTISING MATTER
right to refuse admission to any person, including children of exhibitors and The Exhibitor may distribute, only within the confines of its stand, hand bills
visitors, in the interest of the exhibition or the safety and welfare of exhibitors or other printed advertising matter with respect to its exhibit. The Organiser
and visitors. reserves the right to prohibit the distribution of any advertising material for
7. PERSONNEL & ATTIRE any reason whatsoever.
The Organiser reserves the right to determine whether the character and/or 16. CANCELLATION FOR CONVENIENCE
attire of the Exhibitor’s personnel at its exhibit is acceptable and in keeping The Exhibitor has the right to terminate this Agreement for convenience at
with the best interests of exhibitors and the Exhibition. Further, the exhibitor any time on written notice to the Organiser. If the Exhibitor terminates this

LEGAL REF: LD-14-01 Pg. 5 of 7

Agreement under this clause on or before 18 October 2021, the Exhibitor exhibition site and to continue until all his exhibits and properties have been
shall be liable to pay the Organiser 75% of the total area cost booked under removed.
this Agreement within 7 (seven) days of the date of its written notice to (xi) The Exhibitor shall insure, indemnify and hold the Organiser harmless in
terminate. If the Exhibitor terminates this Agreement under this clause at any respect of all cost, claims, demands and expenses to which the Organiser may
time after 18 October 2021, the Exhibitor shall be liable to pay the Organiser in any way be subject as a result of any loss or injury arising to any person
100% of the total area cost booked under this Agreement within 7 (seven) (including members of the delegations, visitors, public, Organiser’s staff,
days of the date of its written notice to terminate. Subject to the foregoing, agents or contractors) howsoever caused as a result of any act or default of
the Exhibitor does not have any right to decrease the amount of space the Exhibitor, his servants, agents, contractors or invitees. If the Organiser
booked under this Agreement. finds it necessary, the Exhibitor shall provide proof that he has adequate
17. ASSISTANCE insurance cover. The Organiser shall not in any event be held responsible
As far as practicable the Organiser shall keep the Exhibitor informed for any restriction or condition which prevents the construction, erection,
about the Exhibition, providing such available promotional materials (as completion, alteration or dismantling of stands, or for the entry, sitting,
the Organiser considers necessary) for use by the Exhibitor and promote removal of exhibits, or for the failure of any service amenities provided by the
attendance at the Exhibition through such means of advertising, public hall landlord, for the cancellation of part-time opening of Exhibition either as
relations or publicity as the Organiser considers appropriate. Application a whole or in part, or for amendments or alterations to all or any of the Rules
for official exhibitor badges for the Exhibitor’s own employees and and Regulations caused by circumstances not under their control.
representatives in attendance at the Exhibition should be made to the 19. WAIVER OF SUBROGATION
Organiser. The Exhibitor shall procure the company or companies which issued the
18. PUBLIC SAFETY INSURANCE AND EXHIBITION LIABILITIES insurance policy referred to in the preceding paragraph to waive their right
(a) Security: of subrogation against the Government of the UAE, the Organiser, their
Exhibitors and their representatives should be present at their stands at all respective officers, directors, employees and agents. The Exhibitor shall
times during the opening hours of the Exhibition in order to receive visitors. provide the Organiser with evidence of such waiver.
They may not close their stand before the official appointed time of closing. 20. SAFETY, FIRE, HEALTH AND OTHER LAWS
(b) Fire: All fire, safety, health and other laws, rules and regulations imposed by local
All inflammable materials (such as empty boxes and other wrappings) should authorities and agencies or the lessor of the premises where the Exhibition
be immediately removed from the exhibition premises. is held must be strictly observed by the Exhibitor. Aisles and fire exits shall
(c) Inflammable Materials: not be blocked by exhibits. Decoration of the exhibits shall only be carried
The use of inflammable materials for the decoration of the stand is prohibited out in such manner approved by the Organiser. No storage behind exhibits is
unless such decorations have been treated with fire-retarding substance. All provided or permitted.
heating appliances should be mounted on fire-proof stands. 21. PROHIBITED EXHIBITS
(d) Insurance & Exhibition Liabilities: Unless approved in writing by the Organiser, strictly no live military
(i) The Organiser shall insure the Exhibition Hall, and any other adjoining equipment, including but not limited to such items as munitions, aircraft
constructions against fire risk, and shall insure third party (visitors to the armament, small arms ammunition and explosives, weapon systems tactical
Exhibition) against accidents that may occur during the hours that the missiles, rockets, etc., shall be brought onto the Exhibition premises. Other
Exhibition is officially open to visitors. kinds of exhibits may be prohibited by the Organiser. The details of such
prohibited exhibits are contained in the Exhibitor Manual. The Exhibitor is
(ii) The Exhibitor is solely responsible for damage which may occur to his solely responsible for ensuring that all governmental and other regulatory
exhibits, equipment, decorations, his stock or his stand or any other of his approval required for the exhibits and its participation in the Exhibition
possessions due to fire, theft, deterioration, loss or damage, by water or shall have been obtained prior to the date of the Exhibition. No alcoholic
damage suffered during any fire-fighting operations. drinks, smoking, illegal drugs or pornographic material may be used, sold or
(iii) The Exhibitor is responsible for all accidents that may occur to staff displayed.
(including the Organiser’s personnel), technicians, employees or exhibitors 22. LOSSES
on duty on his own or neighbouring stands, together with any visitors on The Organiser does not take any responsibility for damage to the Exhibitor’s
his stand or neighbouring stands, due to the use by him or anyone else property, or lost shipments either coming in or going out, nor for moving
delegated by him of machines, motors or other appliances or electric power. costs. Damage to inadequately packed property is the Exhibitor’s own
(iv) The Exhibitor is responsible for all other damages, injuries or accidents responsibility. If an exhibit fails to arrive, the Exhibitor is nevertheless
other than those already mentioned or those that he himself may foresee, responsible for the full contract price payable under this Agreement. The
and any other damage which may result from his participation in the Exhibitor is advised to insure against these risks.
Exhibition, whether directly through his own fault or through the fault of a 23. TERMINATION
third party under the Exhibitor’s instructions, and effecting the possessions, The Organiser may terminate or suspend this Agreement without liability to
furniture or building belonging to either, the Organiser or to another party. Exhibitor immediately on giving notice to the Exhibitor if: (i) the Exhibitor is
(v) The Organiser disclaims all responsibilities for risks as mentioned in the in breach of this Agreement; or (ii) the Exhibitor suspends, or threatens to
paragraphs above and the Exhibitor shall not be entitled to make a claim, suspend, payment of its debts, is unable to pay its debts as they fall due or
whatever the factors causing such risks. admits inability to pay its debts. Failure by the Exhibitor to pay any payment
(vi) Exhibitors will have to obtain third party liability insurance from a local due to the Organiser under this Agreement by the due date for payment shall
insurance company of good standing. This compulsory insurance will have constitute a breach of this Agreement.
to cover accidents suffered possibly by third parties in the buildings or on If the Organiser terminates this Agreement in accordance with its terms on
the grounds of the exhibition premises and that involves the liability of the or before 18 October 2021, the Exhibitor shall be liable to pay the Organiser
Exhibitor or any of the employees. as a penalty 75% of the total area cost booked under this Agreement within
(vii) Exhibitors will have to take out with an insurance company of good 7 (seven) days of the date of its written notice to terminate. If the Exhibitor
standing, an ‘all risks’ insurance policy covering the stand equipment and terminates this Agreement under this clause at any time after 18 October
the articles exhibited by them if this equipment or these articles are their 2021, the Exhibitor shall be liable to pay the Organiser as a penalty 100% of
property or not. the total area cost booked under this Agreement within 7 (seven) days of the
date of its written notice to terminate.
(viii) Each Exhibitor is reminded that he is responsible for effecting insurance
cover for expenses incurred due to abandonment or postponement of the 24. RIGHT TO REJECT OR EJECT
Exhibition for any reason. The Exhibitor agrees that its exhibits shall be admitted and shall remain from
day to day solely in strict compliance with the Rules and Regulations herein
(ix) The insurance policies mentioned above will have to include insurer’s
contained and as may be published or communicated by the Organiser from
renunciation of any recourse against the parties below, in the event of
time to time. The Organiser reserves the absolute right to reject, eject or
-damages, or accidents: prohibit any Exhibit in whole or in part, or any Exhibitor or its representatives
-Capital Events LLC with or without giving cause. If cause is not given, the maximum liability of
-UAE Armed Forces GHQ the Organiser (if any) shall not exceed the return to the Exhibitor of the pro
rata amount of the contract price paid by the Exhibitor based on the number
-Municipality of Abu Dhabi of days of the Exhibition remaining at the time of ejection. If an exhibit or
-Executives, representatives, directors and employees of all these persons or Exhibitor is ejected for violation of any provisions of this Agreement or for
organisations. any other stated reason, no refund of all or any portion of the contract price
(x) The period of liability of the Exhibitor shall be deemed to run from the shall be made.
time the Exhibitor or any of his servants, agents or contractors first enters the

LEGAL REF: LD-14-01 Pg. 6 of 7

During the term of this Agreement and so long as any property of the Further rules and regulations pertaining to the Exhibition can be found in
Exhibitor, including but not limited to the exhibit and any goods, wares and the Exhibitor Manual and other documents supplied by the Organiser from
merchandise related thereto is on the Exhibition premises, the Exhibitor time to time, and on the Exhibit Floor Plan. Such rules and regulations shall,
hereby grants to the Organiser the right for purposes of ensuring the due unless waived by the Organiser, be deemed to form part of this Agreement,
performance by the Exhibitor of its obligations under this Agreement to and shall be binding on the Exhibitor. The Organiser may from time to time
possession of all such property. Such right to possession shall be superior be entitled to change the exhibit floor plan.
to that of any person. In the event of any breach of any provisions of this 33. NOTICES
Agreement all such property shall be deemed to be pledged to the Organiser Any notice or document requiring to be served on either of the parties in
as security for the performance by the Exhibitors of its obligations under this relation to the provisions of this Agreement may be served at the respective
Agreement and the Organiser may remove, sell or otherwise dispose of all of addresses of the parties specified on the participation contract. Any such
the same upon such terms and conditions as it deems fit. In the event that notice shall be delivered by hand or fax or sent by registered post, postage
for any reason whatsoever such property is not removed by the Exhibitor prepaid, and if sent by hand shall be deemed to have been received on the
from the Exhibition premises within six days after the close of the Exhibition, date of receipt, or if sent by fax shall be deemed to have been received on
and in accordance with the timetable specified in the Exhibitor Manual, then the date of transmission with confirmed answer back, or if sent by registered
the Organiser shall be at liberty to remove, sell or otherwise dispose of such post shall be deemed to have been received seven days after the date of
property, and the net proceeds whereof will be credited to the account of the posting.
Exhibitor. The Exhibitor shall indemnify the Organiser against all costs and
expenses incurred in connection with such removal, sale or disposal and any 34. FORCE MAJEURE
claim by a third party to any such property so sold or disposed of as aforesaid (a) In the event that the premises in which the Exhibition is or is to be
in which such third party has or claims an interest. conducted shall become, in the sole discretion of the Organiser, unfit for
occupancy, or in the event the holding of the Exhibition or the performance
26. SUB-LICENSING of the Organiser of any of the provisions of this Agreement substantially
This licence to participate in the Exhibition is personal to the Exhibitor, or materially interfering with, by virtue of any cause or causes not within
is non-transferable and no licensing or sub-licensing may be granted by the control of the Organiser, this Agreement and/or the Exhibition (or any
the Exhibitor to any other party. The Exhibitor shall not assign or sublet part thereof), may forthwith be terminated or cancelled by the Organiser,
the exhibit space that may be allocated to it pursuant to this Agreement, without the Organiser being liable in damages or otherwise to the Exhibitor.
or any part thereof, or permit anything not specified in this Agreement to The Organiser shall also not be responsible for delays, damage, loss,
be exhibited in the allocated Exhibit space. Any attempted assignment, increased costs, or other unfavourable conditions arising by virtue of cause
subletting or licence in violation of the terms of this clause shall be null and or causes not within the control of the Organiser.
void. Except with the prior written consent of the Organiser, the Exhibitor
shall not exhibit, offer for sale, give as a premium or advertise articles not (b) If either Organiser terminates this Agreement and/or the Exhibition
manufactured or sold in its own name, except and to the extent that such (or any part thereof) as aforesaid in this clause 34, then the Organiser
articles are required for the proper demonstration or operation of the shall not be liable to the Exhibitor other than for a prorated refund of the
Exhibitor’s display, in which case identification of such articles shall be limited contract price paid by the Exhibitor on the basis of the number of exhibit
to the regular nameplate, imprint or other identification which in standard days remaining. For purposes, hereof, the phrase ‘cause or causes not
practice normally appears on them. The Exhibitor shall not permit in its within the control of the Organiser’ shall include, but not be limited to fire,
exhibit representatives of companies other than the Exhibitor, except with casualty, flood, epidemic, earthquake, explosion or accident, blockade,
the prior written consent of the Organiser. The decision of the Organiser embargo, inclement weather, governmental restraints, restraints or orders
shall in all instances be final with regard to whether any proposed use of of civil defence of military authorities, act of public enemy, riot or civil
Exhibitor’s exhibit space is permitted under this Agreement. disturbance, strike, lockout, boycott or other labour dispute or disturbance,
inability to secure sufficient labour, technical or other personnel, absence of
27. ORGANISER RIGHT TO ASSIGN AND NOVATE premises required for the Exhibition, failure, impairment or lack of adequate
The Organiser may assign and/or novate this Agreement to any acquirer of transportation facilities, inability to obtain or condemnation, requisition
all or a material part of the Organiser’s rights in the Exhibition or to any entity or commandeering of necessary supplies or equipment, local state or
controlled by, that controls, or is under common control with the Organiser other law, ordinance, rule, order, decree or regulation, whether legislative,
and Exhibitor hereby agrees to all such assignments and/or novations. executive or judicial, and whether constitutional or unconstitutional or
28. LIABILITY LIMITATION Act of God. The termination of this Agreement for any reason is without
The Organiser does not warrant any particular outcome in respect of the prejudice to any rights or obligations which have already accrued before
exercise or enjoyment of the rights granted under this Agreement and the date of termination and will not affect the coming into force or
all warranties not expressly set out in this Agreement for the benefit of the continuation in force of any of its provisions which expressly or by
the Exhibitor are hereby excluded to the maximum extent permitted by implication are intended to come into force or to continue in force on or
law. In no circumstances shall the Organiser be liable for: (i) any indirect after termination.
or consequential loss or damage; and/or (ii) any financial loss or damage 35. GOVERNING LAW AND DISPUTE RESOLUTION
(including loss of revenue or profits). Without prejudice to the above (a) This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the UAE as applied in
provisions of this clause, the Organiser’s maximum aggregate liability in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.
contract, tort, negligence or otherwise howsoever arising in respect of this
Agreement shall be limited to a sum equal to the amount of money actually (b) The Parties hereby agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the
paid to the Organiser by the Exhibitor pursuant to this Agreement. The courts of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, UAE in relation to any matter or dispute
persons appointed by the Organiser to undertake any official tasks including arising out of or in connection with this Agreement (including any question
but not limited to the Official Stand Fitting Contractor and the Official regarding its existence, validity or termination).
Electrical Contractor are independent contractors and not agents of the 36. GENERAL TERMS
Organiser. (a) If any sum payable by the Exhibitor to the Organiser under or in
29. NUISANCE connection with this Agreement is not paid in cleared funds by the due date
The Exhibitor shall not do or permit or suffer to be done anything in or upon (whether or not demanded or invoiced), ADNEC shall be entitled at any time
the Exhibition premises or any part thereof which may be or become a or times to charge the Exhibitor interest on the overdue amount, from the
nuisance or annoyance or cause damage or inconvenience to the Organiser due date up to the date of actual payment in cleared funds, after as well as
or other Exhibitors or any local regulatory authority or agency or the lessor of before judgment or termination of this Agreement, at the rate of twelve (12)
the Exhibition premises. per cent per annum.
30. REVOCATION (b) This Agreement when executed constitutes legal, valid, and binding
In the event of any breach or non-observance of any of the provisions of this obligations enforceable in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.
Agreement by the Exhibitor, the Organiser shall be entitled to revoke the (c) The representative of the Exhibitor who signs this Agreement on behalf
licence granted and thereupon the Exhibitor shall immediately leave the of the Exhibitor is fully authorized by the Exhibitor to do so.
Exhibition premises and remove all his Exhibits.
(d) No remedy conferred by any provision of this Agreement is intended
31. VALUE ADDED TAX to be exclusive of any other remedy and each and every remedy shall be
All sums payable to the Organiser under this Agreement are exclusive of VAT cumulative and shall be in addition to every other remedy given under this
and the Exhibitor shall in addition pay to the Organiser any amount equal Agreement or exist¬ing at law by statute or otherwise.
to any VAT chargeable on those sums on delivery of a VAT invoice. For the
purposes of this Agreement “VAT” means value added tax or equivalent tax
chargeable in the United Arab Emirates from time to time.

LEGAL REF: LD-14-01 Pg. 7 of 7

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