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MMS 5 Unit-8-Transformations-Extra-Practice

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Master 8.17 Extra Practice 1

Lesson 1: Translations
Use grid paper.
Draw a trapezoid near the centre of the paper.

1. Translate the trapezoid 5 squares right and 4 squares down.

Draw its translation image.
Describe the position and orientation of the image.

2. Translate the trapezoid 4 squares right and 3 squares up.

Draw its translation image.
Describe the position and orientation of the image.

3. Translate the trapezoid 6 squares left and 2 squares down.

Draw its translation image.
Describe the position and orientation of the image.

4. Translate the trapezoid 7 squares left and 3 squares up.

Draw its translation image.
Describe the position and orientation of the image.

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Master 8.18 Extra Practice 3

Lesson 3: Reflections
1. Use dot paper.
a) Draw a parallelogram and a vertical line of reflection.
Draw the reflection image.
Describe the position and orientation of the image.

b) Draw a rectangle and a horizontal line of reflection.

Draw the reflection image.
Describe the position and orientation of the image.

c) Draw a kite and a slanted line of reflection.

Draw the reflection image.
Describe the position and orientation of the image.

2. Here are 4 Pattern Blocks.

A line is drawn below each block.

A Mira is placed on the line.
Which blocks look the same in the Mira?

How do you know?

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Master 8.19 Extra Practice 4

Lesson 4: Rotations
1. Use dot paper.
Draw a quadrilateral near the centre of the paper.
Rotate the quadrilateral about a point of rotation.
Draw the rotation image.
Describe the rotation.

2. Describe the transformation that moves the shape to each image.

Draw the line of reflection.
Draw the translation arrow.
Show the point of rotation.

a) Image 1:
b) Image 2:
c) Image 3:

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Master 8.20 Extra Practice 5

Lesson 5: Exploring Different Points of Rotation

1. Use grid paper.
Draw a trapezoid.
Choose a point outside the trapezoid. Label it N.
a) Rotate the trapezoid a 4 turn clockwise about point N.
Draw the rotation image.
Describe the position and orientation of the image.

b) Rotate the trapezoid a 4 turn clockwise about point N.
Draw the rotation image.
Describe the position and orientation of the image.

c) Rotate the trapezoid a 2 turn about point N.
Draw the rotation image.
Describe the position and orientation of the image.

Why do we not need to say “clockwise” or “counterclockwise”

when we describe a 2 turn?

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Master 8.21 Extra Practice Sample Solutions

Extra Practice 1 – Master 8.17 Extra Practice 3 – Master 8.18

1. The shape and orientation of the trapezoid may 1. The shape and orientation of each shape may
vary. vary.
a) The image faces the same way as the
a) The image faces the opposite way to the
shape. The image is to the right of and
shape; the image points right, the shape
below the shape.
points left. The image is to the left of the

b) The image faces the opposite way to the

shape; the image points up, the shape
points down. The image is above the shape.
b) The image faces the same way as the
shape. The image is to the right of and
above the shape.

c) The image faces a different way to the

shape; the image points left, the shape
points down. The image is to the right of
c) The image faces the same way as the and below the shape.
shape. The image is to the left of and below
the shape.

2. Both the square and the hexagon look the

same in the Mira. Both these shapes have a
line of symmetry parallel to the line of
reflection, so the image has the same
orientation as the shape.
d) The image faces the same way as the
shape. The image is to the left of and above
the shape.

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Extra Practice 4 – Master 8.19 Extra Practice 5 – Master 8.20

1. The shape and position of the quadrilateral 1. The position and orientation of the trapezoid
may vary. For example: may vary.
The shape has been rotated a quarter-turn
clockwise about the indicated point of rotation. a) The image points right and the shape points
down. The image is below and to the right
of the shape.

2. a) Image 1: a translation of 2 squares left and b) The image points left and the shape points
3 squares up down. The image is above and to the right
b) Image 2: a rotation of a quarter-turn of the shape.
clockwise about the point of rotation shown,
or a three-quarter turn counterclockwise
about the point of rotation shown
c) Image 3: a reflection in the slanted line of
reflection shown

c) The image points up and the shape points

down. The image is to the right of the

After a half turn clockwise or

counterclockwise, the image is in the same
position, so we do not need to say the
direction for a half turn.

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