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Chapter 1 - Research

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Usage of TikTok Application to the Self-Esteem

of Grade 11 HUMSS Students


This chapter contains of five parts: (1)Background and

Theoretical Framework of the Study, (2)Statement of the Problem
and Hypothesis, (3)Significance of the Study, (4) Definition of
Terms, (5) Scope and Limitation of the Study.
Part one, Background and Theoretical Framework of the Study,
present the reason why the researcher decided to conduct the
study and show the theoretical framework to support the reason
for investigation.
Part two, Statement of the Problem and Hypothesis of the
Study, states the main and the specific objective think about in
the study and the hypothesis to be tested.
Part three, Significance of the Study, identifies the
possible beneficiaries of the study and discusses the benefits
each beneficiary could get from the study.
Part four, Definition of Terms,introduces the conceptual and
operational definition of terms to be used in the study.
Part five, Scope and Limitations, sets the limits, scope or
boundaries of the study.

Background and Theoritical Framework of The Study

Information technology is currently experiencing significant

developments. One of the proofs, it is easy for users to access
information anywhere and anytime by using a Widespread internet
network. Technological sophistication has an impact in affecting
life. Especially for teenage users, many use the internet as a
means of showing and seeking popularity and public attention.
Social media as a place for users to easily participate, share,
and create content. The Tiktok application is an audio-visual
social media application, the tiktok application presents videos
and music. It is the second best-selling social media under
WhatsApp. Users can share creative ideas so that their videos can
get a lot of viewers and likers and can be used as inspiration by
other Users.Videos on the tiktok application will be appreciated
more if they have interesting content, creators and good
confidence. This self-confidence is actualized through unique and
attractive behavior in nature. According to Setiyo, self-
confidence is a person’s belief In all their strengths and makes
them feel capable of achieving various goals (Puspitasari and
Laksmiwati, 2012). Tiktok application users can create at one’s
pleasure, test their creativity, and present themselves so they
can reduce embarrassment and increase self-confidence. The Tiktok
application can be used by all groups, one of them is among
students, namely students of communication science at 2016 class
in the Islamic University of Balitar. Tiktok is used by students
as a place to express themselves or what is commonly known as
narcissism. Narcissistic behavior comes from the concept of self-
confidence; this Self-confidence is actualized through behaviors
such as being a unique, attractive, highly Intelligent
individual, and having more potential than others. The Tiktok
application can Help to increase self-confidence by frequently
making videos and uploading them, so they Get appreciation from
other people as viewers.
TikTok is one of the most popular apps on Social media. This app
is the world’s prominent destination for creating short-form
Mobile videos in Asia, United States and other parts of the
world. It emerged from the Founders of the app called Musically.
TikTok, also known as Douyin in China, started in September 2016
and is maintained by Byte Dance (Lauren Hallanan, 2018). This
media App is accessible in over 150 marketplaces and In 75
languages (Mehvish Mushtaq, 2018). TikTok has generated a modern
trend among teenagers and permits users to make and share Short
15 to 60-second short video and lets them choose songs, effects,
or soundbites. An Additional benefit is that collaboration which
Is a major motivation where they can do a ,,‟duet‟‟ with someone
by responding to their video which results in a limitless chain
of responses. In September, it exceeded impacts than positive.
TikTok is a video-sharing social network service owned by
ByteDance that, according to Its website, seeks to “inspire
creativity” of users and “bring joy” to the users (TikTok –
RealShort Videos, 2020). It is a typical User-generated content
platform (UGC), where content is produced by users, rather than
the company. Accessible via mobile phone, the application allows
users to create short lip-sync, dancing’s, gaming, DIY, food
videos, etc., in 3 to 15 seconds or 3 to 60 seconds.. Other than
video production, users engage in TikTok by viewing, sharing, and
commenting on videos created by other users. Among various
interaction of users, memes, the remix and reinterpretation of
catchphrases, storylines, and songs, and other formulaic
elements, were often used to reflect user’s thoughts and culture,
which is similar to the meme practiced Discussed by Ryan Miller
in other social media platforms (2018). Through the process of
constantly producing video content, some users gradually gain
more followers or recognition from the community. These
community-recognized users are called “microcelebrities” or
“influencers”, microcelebrities” introduced by senft,
characterizes users who systematically manage its platform
practices to amp up its popularity. It involves techniques of
self-branding, such as” curating, rearranging and recirculating”
videos to present themselves in what they think as the best way
to do it (Senft 2008, 349). “Influencers” introduced by Abidin
are “high profile micro Celebrities” who “accumulate a relatively
large following” on their digital platform (2015,1).
Several scholars have also examined the issue of TikTok
addiction: Zhang et al. proved that social interaction anxiety
and social isolation have positive influences on short-form video
apps (2019), and Kumar and Prabha predict that narcissism and
insecurity will lead to excessive use of TikTok (2019). However,
these studies focused more on the types of personal traits and
characteristics of users that are vulnerable to TikTok and did
not consider the design of the platform’s interface that may
trigger addiction. In my research, I will take account of the
technology, specifically user interface, in shaping users’
addiction issues.

Self-esteem ,how we feel about ourselves, was first introduced

as a psychological theory by William James(1890), who defined
self-esteem as a measure of our success divided by our
pretensions, but it was Cooley and Mead who both connected self-
esteem with social interactionism, or the idea that people
determine how they feel about someone or something from
preconceived ideas and information gained from interacting with
others. Coopersmith and Rosenberg, working around the same time
period, attributed it to experiences during childhood. Stanley
Coopersmith attributed self-esteem to security and love during
early childhood, while Morris Rosenberg saw self-esteem as
developing in adolescence when teens constantly compare
themselves with others.
Contemporary theories are more interested in why we have self-
esteem. Self-determination theory sees self-esteem as an
indicator of whether our psychological needs are met. Terror
management theory suggests that self-esteem helps us cope with
the knowledge that we will eventually die. Finally, sociometer
theory argues that self-esteem is a gauge measuring our success
in group inclusion and forming interpersonal relationships.
According to Rosenberg theory (1965), self-esteem is one’s
positive or negative attitude toward oneself and one’s evaluation
of one’s own thoughts and feelings overall in relation to
oneself. Self-esteem is regarded as a personal psychological
characteristic relating to self-judgment based on one’s values
about humans (Alesi et al., 2012). Self- esteem implies an
awareness of one’s value system and one’s emotional evaluation of
one’s self-worth (Schunk, 1985).

In this study, conceptual framework shows the usage of tiktok

application and self-esteem of Grade 11 HUMSS Students at
Jamindan National High School in Jamindan, Capiz. The independent
variable is Usage of Tiktok and the dependent variables in Self-
esteem of a student.

Antecedent dependent Variable Independent Variables


SEX Usage of Tiktok Self-esteem

Figure 1. A schematic diagram showing the usage of tiktok

application and self-esteem of Grade 11 Humss Student
Statement of the Problem and Hypothesis

This study aims to determine the Usage of Tiktok application and

Self- Esteem of grade 11 Humss students in Jamindan National High
School, Jamindan, Capiz in school Year 2023-2024.

Specifically, it seeks to answer to the following questions:

1. To what extent does the usage of TikTok application affect the

self-esteem of grade 11 Humss students?
2. How does the amount of time spent using the TikTok application
relate to the self-esteem of grade 11 Humss students?
3. What are the perceived effects of TikTok usage on self-esteem
among grade 11 Humss students?
4. Are there any significant gender differences in the
relationship between TikTok usage and self-esteem among grade 11
Humss students?
5. Does the content consumed on TikTok have an impact on the
self-esteem of grade 11 Humss students?

Based on the preceding problems, the following hypothesis will be


1.There is no significant difference in the extent of TikTok

usage and its impact on the self-esteem of grade 11 HUMSS
2.There is no significant relationship between the amount of time
spent using the TikTok application and the self-esteem of grade
11 HUMSS students.
3.There is no significant difference in the perceived effects of
TikTok usage on self-esteem among grade 11 HUMSS students.
Significance of the Study

This study is beneficial in the light of the following


Application and self-esteem of Grade 11 HUMSS (Humanities and

Social Sciences) students can be important for various
stakeholders such as students, teachers, principals, and future
STUDENTS. Understanding the impact of TikTok usage on the self-
esteem of Grade 11 HUMSS students can be significant for the
students themselves. It will provide insights into the potential
effects of this popular social media platform on their self-
esteem, allowing them to make informed decisions about their
online activities. It may also help students identify any
negative effects of TikTok on their self-esteem and enable them
to develop strategies to mitigate them. Additionally, the
findings can empower students by raising awareness about the
influence of social media on self-esteem and promoting self-
TEACHER’S. Teachers can benefit from the findings of this study
by gaining a deeper understanding of the role TikTok plays in the
self-esteem of their Grade 11 HUMSS students. Armed with this
knowledge, teachers can incorporate discussions or educational
activities in the classroom to address potential concerns related
to self-esteem, body image, and online behavior. This can help
create a supportive environment for students and foster healthy
social media usage habits.
PRINCIPAL’S. Principals can use the findings of this study to
develop policies and guidelines around social media usage within
the school environment. By understanding the potential impact
TikTok has on students’ self-esteem, principals can implement
measures to support students’ mental well-being and educate them
on responsible digital citizenship. Additionally, this research
can inform the creation of intervention programs or workshops
aimed at fostering positive self-esteem and providing students
with the necessary tools to navigate online platforms safely.
FUTURE RESEARCHER’S. The significance of this study for future
researchers lies in its potential to serve as a foundation for
further investigations and analysis. It can inspire researchers
to delve deeper into the relationship between social media usage
and self-esteem in different student populations or examine the
effectiveness of interventions aimed at improving online well-
being. The findings may also contribute to the development of
theories and frameworks related to social media’s impact on self-
esteem, eventually leading to evidence-based strategies for
digital literacy and mental health initiatives.

Definition of Terms

Self-esteem refers to an individual’s overall evaluation and

perception of their own worth, value, and capabilities. It
involves how one feels about themselves, their abilities, and
their overall sense of self-worth.
In the context of your research, self-esteem refers to the
confidence and positive or negative feelings that grade 11
students have about themselves. And how the tiktok helps them to
improve Self-Esteem
TikTok is a social media application that allows users to create,
share, and discover short videos.
It has become increasingly popular among young people and offers
a platform for creative expression, entertainment, and social
interactions. TikTok usage refers to the frequency and extent to
which grade 11 students engage with the application, including
activities such as watching videos, creating content, interacting
with other users, and exploring different features of the app.

Scope and Limitations

This research aims to investigate the relationship between the
usage of the TikTok application and the self-esteem of Grade 11
Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) students at Jamindan
National High School, Jamindan Capiz school year 2023-2024.
The scope of this study includes assessing the frequency and
duration of TikTok usage, exploring its impact on self-esteem,
and identifying any Self-improvement or behavioral factors that
may influence the outcomes.
The study will focus on Grade 11 HUMSS students within a specific
timeframe to ensure relevance and accuracy. In this study we will
utilized a test sourced from The question will
be 25 items , the Usage of tiktok application will be gathered
through Survey questionaire prepared by the researcher.
A personal data sheet will be attached to collect the personal
data of the respondents such as their section.
The research employ a descriptive-correlational design.
Descriptive statistics including frequency, mean, and standard
deviation , will be utilized in the analysis. The choices in the
questionaire are Always(5),Often (4), Sometimes (3) Rarely (2)
and Very rarely (1).

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