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1. Overcome: Ultrapassar um problema ou uma dificuldade;

2. Equivalent: Money; Amount; Quantum;
3. To trace: Turn up; Discover; Find; Track down;
4. Heredity: The passing on of physical or mental characteristics genetically from one
generation to another; genes;
5. Closely: De perto;
6. As to: Como a;
7. One: Only; a single; solenly;
8. Concerning: Sobre; Relativa;
9. Not: Right; even; (Mesmo; Sequer); or; Same; Really;
10. In the main: No todo; No principal;
11. Ill health: Doença;
12. To ail: Bother; aquentar;
13. Nonchalant: Relaxado; sossegado;
14. To cast a spell: Enfeitiçar; amaldiçoar; encantar alguém com magia;
15. Grin: Laughter; Smirk; smile; laugh or smile broadly; gargalhada;
16. Play upon: Coagir; chantagear;
17. Mighty: Almighty; Potent; Powerful; Poderoso;
18. Toll: Payment; Charge; Tax; Fee;
19. Patent: Franchise; License;
20. Overtake: Reach; achieve; alcançar;
EXAMPLE: I input (inserir ou pôr) the disc into the computer;
22. Recibos verdes: são faturas ou recibos emitidos em nome de um trabalhador independente;
23. Crime de colarinho branco: a expressão refere-se a situações de fraudes ou de trafico de
influencias, uso de informações privilegiadas, subornos;
24. Output: produto, resultado, quantidade produzida por uma máquina, indústria;
25. Gigo: Mean that if I use material of pure quality to produce a certain product, the result of that
production will be of poor quality;
26. Cold-Blooded: Agir sem consideração; Frio;
27. Ruthless: Cruel, “Merciless”;
28. Induce: Persuadir or convencer; feito sem consideração
29. Ease: Well-being; bem-estar;
30. Attune: Harmonizar;
31. Eagerness: Craiziness (Loucura);
32. Bountifully: Dado ou provido abundantemente;
33. Noteworthily: Notável; Observável;
34. Awareness: Atenção, Consciência; Advertência;
35. Bestowing: Aplicar; colocar para usar;
36. Struggle: Fazer um esforço tremendo;
37. Mystic: Transcendente;
38. Lunatic: Maniac; Madman; Mantal ill;
39. Labled: To attach a label to something:
40. Lable: A small piece of paper; Plastic;
41. Trip: To walk; slip; Stumble;
42. Women threw filth: (Excrement; disgusting dirt):
43. Shrewd: Astute (Astuto);
44. Heresy: Blasphemy;
45. Coutyard: Court;
46. Wincing: Reacting with a slight involuntary grimace or shrinking movement of the body;
47. Warfare: Combat; Conflict;
48. Ongoing: Contínuo;
49. Foregoing: Just Stated (Declarado);
50. Lable: To mark;
51. Err: To make mistake;
52. Elusive: Difficult to find; achieve or to catch;
53. Maiden: young woman; unmarried girl;
54. To Undergo: Receive; Face; Sustain;
55. Mankind: Human being; Human race;
56. Transmutation: Transformation, Change: Changing;
57. Biased: Unfairly prejudiced or antipathy for against someone or something.
58. Harnessed: Tack; Tackle;
59. Queer food: Strange food; Odd food;
60. Memes: imagens, videos, excertos de textos que sao lançadas para internet;
61. Indulge: to allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of; give oneself up; to give away; to offer;
62. Prejudiced: Having or showing a dislike
63. Strip: To clean; to remove all the coverings covers from; deixar a descoberto;
64. Impoverish: To make (a person) poor;
65. Routes: A way, Course;
66. Nurture: Take care of; Bring up;
67. Vicarious: Experiencia de sentimentos e accoes atraves de outra pessoa;
68. Look upon: Look after;
69. With: In the company of;
70. Wandering: To travel to one place to another; itinerant;
71. Moslem: Follower of Islam;
72. Spare: Extra; Para alem do que è normal;
73. Crusader: Expediçao guerreira para libertar Jerusalema do poder dos Maometanos;
74. To spare: Restar; deixar restos;
75. Swift: Happening quickly or promptly; prompt;
76. Doves: A stocky bird with a small head; Short legs;
77. Boasted Culture and education: To talk with excessive pride and self-satisfaction about one’s
achievements, possessions or abilities;
78. Haphazard: Desleixo; Lacking any obvious principle of organization; Chaos;
79. Squander: To Waste; Run through; Misuse;
80. Stocky: Havilly built; robusto; stout; bodied;
81. Ciphers: Code; A secret or disguised way of writing;
82. Remarkeble: Worthy of attantion; Striking (Noticeable; obvious);
83. Hunch: Arch; Bend; Curva;
84. The “depression” (Depression is a common mental disorder affecting more than 264 million
people worldwide. It is characterized by persistent sadness and a lack of interest or pleasure
in previously rewarding or enjoyable activities ) was a blessing in “disguise” (disfarçar;
85. Apex: The top or the highest point of something; auge;
86. Infinte Intelligence converts acorns (fruits of oak tree) into oak (tree) trees, causes water to flow
down hill (Elevaçåo; rising ground) in risponse to the flaw of gravity, follows night with day, and
winter with summer:
87. Skeptical: Not easily convinced; Having doubts or reservations;
88. Espelvicar:
89. Moreover: Besides; as well; in additional;
90. Endeavor: To try hard to do or to achieve something;
91. Divest: Dispossess; Strip;
92. Reshaping: Ameliorate; Better; Emprove;
93. Council: Body; Committee;
94. Handicap: Difficult; Impediment; Barrier; Hindrace;
95. Earnest (Student): Serious; Grave;
96. Shed: To part in a depot (storage);
97. Thorns: Prickle; Spike (Espinho); Spicule;
98. Cactus: Cacto;
99. Acorn: Fruit of oak tree;
100. Oak (Noun): Carvalho (arvore que da fruto chamado Bolota, que se usa para a producao
de farinha usada para fabricar bolos, produtos cosmeticos ou de beleza)Tree
101. Deposiçao: Efeito ou acto de depositar (Ex: Deposiçao de flores....);
102. Bias; Preconceito; Ideia feita;
103. Prejudice: Preconcepçao; Ideia ou opiniao pre-concebida nao baseada na razao ou na
experiencia coeva ou coectânea;
104. Solemn Parade: Formal and dignified march; cavalcade
105. Clasped: Grasp; Hold;
106. Sundered: a Separation; example: ending of relationship or partnership;
107. To split up: to divide, separate;
108. Repartee: Conversation caracterized by quick and witty comments or replies;
109. Overwhelming: Huge; too big;
110. Uppetite: Apetite;
111. Witty: Funny; Comic; Humorous;
112. Cabinet: Cupboard; Case; Container; Estante;
113. Cônsul: Diplomata; Embaixador;
114. Heretofore: Before now;
115. Regardless: Anyhow; anyway; nevertheless;
116. Embolden: To encourage;
117. Lest: to a avoid the risk of, with the intention of preventing;
118. Appreciate: To recognize the worth of; Example: I appreciate your need, but I can’t help
119. Appreciate: To be grateful of;
120. Split: Break;
121. Knock down: Fall over; Tumble down; Collapse;
122. Trend: Tendency;
123. Astonishing: Impressive; Amazing;
124. Debt: Money that is owed or due; Bill; account; Arreas; Tally;
125. Through: Far side of;
126. To mature: to be fully grown; Amadurecer;
127. Unerring: Always right or accurate;
128. Laymen: Church;
129. Acomplish: Realize; Fulfill; Perform;
130. Foretell: To Preview or Predict sth; Prever; Antever;
131. Humility: Humbleness; modèstia; Example: Along her speech, she showd humbldness
and modesty.
132. Busy: Envolvido em; Example: Many problems of partnership money is busy. Or In
several situations of marriadge crisis money is busy.
133. Eager: Ambicioso;
134. Plaintiff: a person who brings a case against another in a court of Law; Litigator;
135. Trial: Court case; Case; lawsuit; litigation;
136. Disclose: Reveal; Tell; divulge;
137. Fence: Barreira; Bloqueio;
138. Envy: Jealousy;
139. Scowling: Bravura; Ira;
140. Poise: Balance; Presence;
141. Stiff: Hard; Rigid;
142. Bargain: to negotiate; to deal;
143. Sound: To seem; to appear;
144. Thrift: Poupança;
145. Reasoning: The action of thinking about sth in a logical; sensible way;
146. Besmirch: Stain (manchar; blacken);
147. Petty: Of little importance; Trivial;
148. Likewise: In the same way; also; too; as well;
149. Lest: In case; to avoid the risk of;
150. Fable: Moral tale; a short story;
151. Bondage: Slavery; The state of being slave;
152. Resiliencia: Capacidade de recuperar rapidamente das dificuldades; Bravura;
153. Persevarance: Persistencia; Capacidade de decisao;
154. Reformatory: Penal institution; Prison; Jail;
155. Gratis: For free; Gratuitously; Free of charge;
156. Fulfil: Realize, achieve;
157. Hand out: Distribute;
158. Sinergia: Esforço conjunto para a realizacao de uma actividade;
159. Resentement: Ressentimento; Irritation; indignation;
160. Shifting: Changing of sth suddenly; Mudança repentina;
161. Timidity: Lack of courage or confidence;
162. Awkward: Hard to do or to deal with or tackle;
163. Limb: Braço do pè; perna;
164. Bare: naked; undressed;
165. Clown: Palhaço;
166. Squarely: Directamete; sem meandros ou sinuosidades;
167. Deceit: Falsidade;
168. Assertion: Asseveracao; declaracao; pronunciamento; opniao;
169. Flattering: Praising; Elogio;
170. Undertaking: Promise; Agreement;
171. Tactfulness: Tactica; Entendimento;
172. To downgrade: To reduce a level of importance; to reduce the value;
173. Downgrade: Reduçao; Baixa;
174. Flour: Fine; dusty; a powder obtained by grinding;
175. Hover between: Estar suspenso entre duas coisas;
176. Hoax: Joke; Practical joke; confident trick;
177. Premium: Superior;
178. Alongside: Ao lado; Paralelamente;
179. Fad: Moda; Modismo: Estilo;
180. Ism: Persuasao; crença;
181. As being: Como sendo;
182. As having: Como tendo;
183. Guidance: Diretrizes; Orientaçao; Conselho;
184. Quack: Charlatao; quà; grasnado;
185. Outdoor: Exterior: ao ar livre;
186. Break down: Quebrar; Break;
187. Burial: Funeral; Enterro; Cemetèrio; Enterro; Sepultamento;
188. Bid: Oferta; lance; licitaçao;
189. To lure: atrair;
190. Lure: Atracçao; isca;
191. To Resort: Recorrer;
192. To Feign: Fingir; Camuflar; dissimular;
193. Stricken: Sinistradas; Atingidas; Afectada; Golpeado;
194. Liberty: Liberdade;
195. Mate: Companheiro; Parceiro;
196. Grow out: Grow up; Crescer;
197. Dementia praecox: Esquizofrenia;
198. Havoc: Destruiçao macissa; devastacao; razia;
199. Rather than: Maios do que, do que;
200. Play: Fazer;
201. To date back: to date; Remontar;
202. Bait: Atraçcao; atiçador
203. Dawn civilisation: Inicio ou nascimento da civilizacao;
204. Sufficient ground: base adequada; causa fundada; justo motivo;
205. Whatsoever: At all; qualquer coisa; absoluto; any; nenhuma;
206. Hazardous: Perigoso;
207. To take a chance: arriscar;
208. Meanwhile: For now; For the moment; Meantime;
209. Rainbow: Brilhante;
210. Gamble: Apostar; bet;
211. Bogies: An evil or mischievous spirit; demon; devil; ghost;
212. Score: Outcome; Result;
213. Stroke: Pancada;
214. Cunning: Astucia; ardil;
215. Enslave: Subjugar; escravizar;
216. Brainstorm: The second death;
217. Kill off: Exterminate; Excise;
218. Thereby: Como resultado de;
219. Pang: Emocao dolorosa; pain;
220. Heathen: Pagao; infiel;
221. Whence: From what place; from where; from which;
222. Whither: to what place or state;
223. Crafty: artful; sly; Astuto; Manhoso;
224. Pious: Piedoso;
225. Trickery: Truque; malandragem; artifìcio;
226. Spotlight: Holofotes; Ribalta;
227. To grippe: causar gripe; cause Influenza;
228. Dispel: Dissipar; acabar;
229. Youthful: Jovem; juventude;
230. Asylums: Manicomios; Hospicios;
231. Thrilling: Emocionante; excitante; eletrizante;
232. Matter: Materia;
233. Unsettled (mind): Instavel;
234. Helpless: Impotente; Inapto;
235. Willpower: Poder de vontade;
236. Worry over: Preocupar-se com;
237. Mouthful: De boca cheia;
238. Await: Aguardar;
239. To whip: Chicotear;
240. Acquit: Libertar-se; absolver-se;
241. Calmness; Acalmia;
242. Bee: Abelha;
243. Honey-bee: Mel de abelhas;
244. Sting: Picada; picar;
245. Honey-bee: Mel das abelhas;
246. To Kick-back: Relaxar;
247. Soil: Solo; terra; chao;
248. Quirky: Subtlel, special; particular;
250. Forfeit: Perder;
251. Ambush: Emboscada;
252. Accounting: Reprsentando;
253. Highway: Estrada; auto-estrada;
254. Well-meant: Bem significativa; Mais valia; vantagem;
255. Set up: Fundar, estabelecer; configurar;
256. Depress: Deprimir; Humilhar;
257. Pander: Ceder; agradar;
258. Cater: Atender; servir;
259. Framework: Estrutura; Schem;
260. Award: To give; to compensate; pay;
261. Onshore: Devolver;
262. Procurement: Obtain; Procuring; Apropriaçao
263. Substation: Station House;
264. Insulate: Enclose; cover; encase;
265. Nearby: Nao longe; perto; ao lado;
266. Inquire: Perguntar;
267. Around the corner: Pròxima esquina;
268. Hereunder: Below; underneath;
269. To set out: Partir; começar; deixar;
270. Appendix: Anexo;
271. Tentative: Provisorio; Temporario;
272. Binding (force): Necessary;
273. Time to time: Sometimes; occasionally;
274. Lot: Quantidade; montante;
275. Liability: Responsabilidade civil;
276. Responsibility: Serio; Zeloso; Cuidadoso;
277. Prevail: Ganhar; obter;
278. Issue: Supply; Provide; Distribute for sale or use;
279. Levy: Cobrar; exigir; Colectar; Taxar:
280. Exempt: Exonerar; isentar:
281. Outdated: Expirado; obsolete;
282. Wage:Payment gained by a work;
283. Invoice: Conta; Factura;
284. Toll: Fee; Tax; Charge; payment;
285. Proforma Invoice: Cheque; Bill; Account;
286. Challan: VD; Factura; Recibo;
287. Accuracy: Precisao; Perfeicao;
288. Acknowledge: Admit; accept; confess; allow;
289. Store Yard:
290. Amicable: Friendly; Peaceful; Courteous:
291. To settle: Sort out; resolve; solve;
292. Enforce: Fulfil; observe;
293. To be hold:
294. On behalf of: Em nome de:
295. Insoluble matter: Impasse;
296. Loss in ignition: acto de dar um restart ou start;
297. Steam: Condensacao;
298. Mist: Vapor;
299. Astound: Surprise; Amaze;
300. Astounded: Surpreendido;
301. To be certain: Ter Certeza; To be sure;
302. Counsel: Conselho;
303. Over: Mais; More than;
304. To: Para; Pelo;
305. Entitle: Permit; Allow; Authorize; Sanction; Qualify;
306. Royalty: Grandeur; Dignity; Dignidade; Grandeza;
307. Either by: Seja por;
308. Herd: Flock; Group; Set;
309. Pile up: Acumular; ganhar; obter;
310. Stripes: Riscas;
311. Scornfully: Com desprezo; com desdèm;
312. Scoff: Ridicularizar;
313. Contraption: Machine;
314. Belt: Encompass; tie; gird;
315. Trait: Traço; caracteristica;
316. Pastime: Passatempo;
317. Outstanding: Excellent; Exceptionally goog;
318. Interest: Juros;
319. Cling: Hold on to;
320. Pet: Domestic estimation animal;
321. Rooted habit: Habito enraizado;
322. To root: Enraizar;
323. Self: Identity; ego;
324. Vile: Ofensivo;
325. Canny: Astute;
326. Toss: Projectar;
327. Merry: Cheerful; Bright
328. Twinkle: Shine;
329. Riches: Money; wealth;
330. Meager: Falta; Escassez;
331. Turn down: Reduzir; Lower; Reduce;
332. Convey: Transport; move; Carry; Take;
333. Throughout: Em toda parte de; all over; all around;
334. Clue: Sign; signal;
335. Come about: Happen; Take place;
336. One sitting: Numa sentada; I gained much money at one sitting.
337. Chief: Principal; main; master; head; headman;
338. Flash: Shine; Light up;
339. Impulse: Desire; instict; drive; need; notion; fancy;
340. Tramp: Gagabond; vagrant; beggar;
341. Turn: Revolucao; Rotacao;
342. Merchandise: Mercadoria; solucoes; Estoque;
343. Go by: Pass;
344. To Covet: To desire;
345. Remainder: To sell by a cheaper price; vender barato;
346. Mow down: Kill; slaughter; massacre; cut down;
347. Crawl: Pass;

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