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Silent Drills Script 2023

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Adelyn: Ladies and Gentlemen, once again good afternoon, welcome to the silent drill
exhibition of the cadet officers from the Sultan Kudarat State University ROTC Main
Unit. The Silent Drill Exhibition is composed of all our hardwork and training especially
made for this competition.
Almark: ROTC is an abbreviation for Reserve Officers Training Corps The Sultan
Kudarat State University ROTC MAIN Unit is composed of 1 Activated Institution and 4
Affiliated School the Notre Dame of Tacurong College Incorporated, The VMC Asian
College Foundation Incorporated, South Central Mindanao College of Science and
Technology Incorporated and Goodwill North Eastern Foundation College They are
united to shape the cadets to build a foundation for themselves to become good
warriors of the Country. The SKSU-ROTC MAIN UNIT is under the supervision and
administration of 1202 Community Defense Center, 12 Regional Community Defence
Group Reserve Command, Philippine Army Headed by MAJOR LIBRADO R OLUNAN
One of the three parts of the National Service Training Program, which provides
Filipino college students with civic education and defense preparation, is the Reserve
Officers Training Corps (ROTC). In order to educate students for national defense
readiness, ROTC aspires to provide military education and training. Its specific goals
include preparing college students to serve in the AFP in case of an emergency and
preparing them to join the reserve forces and maybe become commissioned officers in
the future.
Adelyn: The Silent Drill Company Commander is Cdt/LTC Kenneth Naz H Sacramento
1CL. A resident of Isulan, Sultan Kudarat and a Criminology Student of VMS Asian
College Foundation Incorporated. Salute to the board of Judges for this significant
Almark: You're about to witness, the impressive, proud performance of the Cadet
Officers of the Sultan Kudarat State University ROTC MAIN UNIT, the Silent Drill.
Adelyn: This school year marks another challenge in the lives of the cadets especially
among advance ROTC cadets for they will be experiencing more innovative methods of
training as part of their enhancement program. ROTC programs focus on developing
leadership skills. Through various training activities, students learn to lead and manage
teams, make decisions under pressure, and develop effective communication skills.
These leadership qualities can be valuable in both military and civilian careers. H and I,
Hi welcome to the silent drill exhibition Sultan Kudarat State University ROTC Main Unit.
Almark: You're about to witness the SKSU formation of the cadet officers, It symbolize
their pride and honour to represent Sultan Kudarat State University-Main ROTC Unit.
Sultan Kudarat State University (SKSU) is named after Sultan Muhammad Dipatuan
Kudarat, a prominent historical figure in Mindanao, Philippines. The university's name
symbolizes its connection to the region's cultural and historical heritage, honoring the
legacy of Sultan Kudarat. ROTC involves working in teams and emphasizes the
importance of collaboration and cooperation. Civilians can learn how to work effectively
with others, build relationships, and contribute to a team's success.

"SIKAT KA!" Formation

Adelyn: "SIKAT KA!" in Sultan Kudarat is a Filipino expression that roughly translates
to "You're famous!" or "You're well-known!" in English. It's often used in a positive and
congratulatory context. ROTC introduces civilians to basic military skills, such as drill
and ceremony, military customs and courtesies, and basic tactics. While these skills are
specific to military settings, they can also foster discipline, attention to detail, and
respect for authority.

Almark: Two circles, it symbolizes the interface between the Spiritual and Physical
worlds of being a Cadets. It seems that these activities help to build a community of
integrity, excellence, and compassion that causes all involved to prosper. ROTC
encourages participants to think critically and develop problem-solving skills. The two
circles can represent unity and partnership in a relationship. Each circle represents an
individual, and when they come together, they form a unified bond. It symbolizes the
idea of two individuals joining forces, supporting each other, and working together to
create a strong and harmonious relationship.

Adelyn: Now, the cadets execute the passing of rifles next to them. It also shows the
trust beyond each cadet. It means trust and Camaraderie. A mutual trust and friendship
among the cadets who spend a lot of time together. A spirit of familiarity and trust exists
between them. The ROTC is a military organization that trains people to become
officers in the armed forces so that they are ready to join a military operation if they are
Almark: The banner unit symbolizes excellence and serves as a source of pride for the
cadets and the unit as a whole. A team in ROTC refers to a group of cadets who work
together collaboratively to achieve a shared objective or complete a mission. Teamwork
is essential as cadets learn to rely on each other, communicate effectively, and leverage
their individual strengths to accomplish tasks and overcome challenges. Teamwork in
ROTC fosters camaraderie, mutual support, and the ability to work cohesively in a
military environment.

SUN Formation
Adelyn: The sun formation in silent drill typically symbolizes precision, discipline, and
excellence in military training. It is a display of synchronized movements and
coordination among drill participants, highlighting their skill, focus, and adherence to
strict standards. The sun formation itself may represent various elements, such as unity,
strength, or the core values of the military organization conducting the drill.

Almark: Now, you are about to witness, the Peace sign Formation of the cadets.
Symbolizing peace from war. Also, a symbol of several significant moments in history,
and still significant today, the peace sign represents many things: calmness, feeling
grounded or rational thinking. Or perhaps it represents being at peace with oneself, with
those around us, or in our world.


Adelyn: Cadets shows Cooperation and Coordination of the Cadets. Its main aim is to
help each other. Cooperation arises due to the desire of the people to work together
Effective coordination cannot be achieved without cooperation, so a manager should try
to achieve both coordination and cooperation. In many military organizations, including
ROTC (Reserve Officers' Training Corps), seniority is important and plays a significant
role. Seniority often correlates with experience and knowledge gained through years of
participation in the program. Senior cadets have typically undergone more training,
attended more leadership development courses, and have a deeper understanding of
military concepts and practices. Their experience allows them to provide guidance,
mentorship, and support to junior cadets.
Almark: The cadets forming heart formation. It symbolizes the love as being cadets and
as cadets their heart are the true representation of courage, Loyalty, and Integrity to
serve our loving country. The primary objectives of ROTC are to indoctrinate, train, and
provide the ROTC cadets with the basic knowledge on military subjects and practical
exercises that will enable them to acquire skills and capabilities to lead, move, survive,
shoot & communicate. Also, is to prepare college students for possible service in the
defense establishment in the event of emergency. To train and develop the ROTC
cadets as future enlisted reservists for the reserve component of the armed forces of
the Philippines. Other is to inculcate in the youth the spirit of patriotism and nationalism,
to prepare the youth for the vital role in nation-building. Moreover, is to develop and
promote the physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual, and social well-being of the youth and
to train the youth as potential community leaders. Lastly, is to develop the civic
consciousness and good citizenship among the youth.

"I Love You" Formation

Adelyn: The "I Love You" formation in cadet drills serves both a symbolic and aesthetic
purpose. Symbolically, it represents camaraderie and unity among the cadets.
Aesthetically, it adds a visually appealing element to the drill routine, showcasing
precision and teamwork. This type of formation often highlights the discipline and
coordination developed through training, contributing to an overall impressive and
engaging performance during drill displays or ceremonies. The ROTC aims to bring
better sense of purpose among the youth by building upon valuable "leader-follower"
relationship. ROTC will teach younger generations about the essence of patriotism. It
will inculcate in their minds and hearts a deep love for one's country. More so, it will
prepare and mold them to become disciplined and respectful Filipino citizens. On top of
that, they will obtain skills and knowledge on basic soldiery, which in turn helps personal
development and builds up one's character.


Almark: Cadets performing the crescent moon and cross, symbolize the unity of
religion between Christians and Muslims inside the SKSU-ROTC MAIN UNIT. Truly a
symbol of concinnity and peace. The crescent moon and cross symbol also respect in
cadet corps that aims to promote interfaith dialogue, understanding, and cooperation. It
may represent the coming together of different religious traditions, such as Islam and
Christianity, in the pursuit of common values and goals. Also, the crescent moon and
cross symbolize the AFP commitment to serving people of diverse religious
backgrounds and its dedication to promoting peace, compassion, and unity.

Adelyn: ROTC cadets are committed to serving their country in times of war and peace.
They are willing to put their lives on the line to defend their country and its people. They
understand the importance of national security and are dedicated to upholding the
values and principles of their country. They are also committed to serving their
communities and making a positive impact on society. ROTC is a program that instills
the values of dedication and commitment among young people. It provides them with
the necessary skills and knowledge to serve their country and their communities. ROTC
cadets are dedicated to upholding the values of honor, duty, and loyalty, and are
committed to serving their country in times of war and peace. The dedication and
commitment of ROTC cadets to their country is a testament to the strength and
resilience of the youth, and a source of inspiration for all.

Almark: The core values of ROTC that they will gain throughout the 3rd years of
training, which are (1) integrity first, (2) service before self, and (3) excellence in all we
do, there are the foundation upon which a true quality life is built.

Adelyn: Again Magandang Hapon sa ating lahat, the Sultan Kudarat State University
ROTC Main Unit is one of the foundations of the brave warriors of the Philippines who
are ready to fight for the country they were born. It will be able to develop strong fighters
in the future who will be a pillar and instrument in maintaining order in the country.
Meanwhile, the aim of teaching basic military training is contrary to the idea that ROTC
is the government's way of "militarizing the youth. Aside from values that will be
developed among the youth of today, the program is designed to teach and help ROTC
cadets to understand and appreciate the soldiers' sacrifices for the nation, why they
chose to staunchly serve our motherland, and defend and keep the Filipinos safe while
risking their own lives.


Mabuhay tayong lahat..... Mabuhay ang sandatahang lakas ng Pilipinas. Happy
25 Kalimudan Festival and 50th Foundation Anniversary Sultan Kudarat, Tayo ang


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