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Development of Detailed FE Numerical Models for Assessing
the Replacement of Metal with Composite Materials Applied to
an Executive Aircraft Wing
Valerio Acanfora 1, * , Roberto Petillo 2 , Salvatore Incognito 2 , Gerardo Mario Mirra 1 and Aniello Riccio 1

1 Department of Engineering, University of Campania “L. Vanvitelli”, Via Roma, 29, 81031 Aversa, Italy; (G.M.M.); (A.R.)
2 Protom Group s.p.a., Via Vicinale S.M. del Pianto, 80143 Napoli, Italy; (R.P.); (S.I.)
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +39-0815010407

Abstract: This work provides a feasibility and effectiveness analysis, through numerical investigation,
of metal replacement of primary components with composite material for an executive aircraft wing.
In particular, benefits and disadvantages of replacing metal, usually adopted to manufacture this
structural component, with composite material are explored. To accomplish this task, a detailed
FEM numerical model of the composite aircraft wing was deployed by taking into account process
constraints related to Liquid Resin Infusion, which was selected as the preferred manufacturing
technique to fabricate the wing. We obtained a geometric and material layup definition for the
 CFRP components of the wing, which demonstrated that the replacement of the metal elements

with composite materials did not affect the structural performance and can guarantee a substantial
Citation: Acanfora, V.; Petillo, R.;
advantage for the structure in terms of weight reduction when compared to the equivalent metallic
Incognito, S.; Mirra, G.M.; Riccio, A.
configuration, even for existing executive wing configurations.
Development of Detailed FE
Numerical Models for Assessing the
Keywords: composite materials; numerical simulations; wing; CFRP; FE model
Replacement of Metal with
Composite Materials Applied to an
Executive Aircraft Wing. Aerospace
2021, 8, 178.
1. Introduction
Weight reduction together with the improvement of damage tolerance capabilities
Academic Editor: Carlo E.D. Riboldi have always been the key design aspects in the development of structural components for
the aerospace/aeronautical industry.
Received: 28 May 2021 As a consequence of this everlasting challenge, composite materials have been intro-
Accepted: 28 June 2021 duced in aerospace applications more than 40 years ago, and now aerospace is still the
Published: 1 July 2021 industrial sector where composite are of major practice. Indeed, composites are charac-
terised by significantly higher strength-to-weight and stiffness-to-weight ratios compared to
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral metallic materials; hence, they have been, in the last years, heavily adopted to replace met-
with regard to jurisdictional claims in als [1–7]. Examples of replacement activities can be found in the work of Baker, A. A., et al.
published maps and institutional affil-
that describes a cost-efficient methodology to replace metallic honeycomb panels with
more durable stiffened graphite/epoxy composite panels [6].
Another example of metal replacement can be found in [7], where a new approach to
aircraft design, replacing the classic metal structure with a composite wing whose shape
was inspired by the Voronoi pattern (dragonfly wing), was established. This approach
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. allowed considerably saving weight if compared to the equivalent metallic structure.
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. The adoption of composite materials as a substitute of metal alloys has also extended
This article is an open access article to industrial sectors other than aerospace. Indeed, Ning Haibin et al. [8] designed and
distributed under the terms and
produced an air conditioning roof door of a transport bus by replacing aluminium compo-
conditions of the Creative Commons
nents with composites, allowing the achievement of excellent results in terms of mechanical
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
performance and weight saving.

Aerospace 2021, 8, 178.

Aerospace 2021, 8, 178 2 of 20

Metal replacement with composite has become a common practice in the last years,
leading to the growth of focused research centres over the world finalised to promoting the
development of advanced manufacturing and design technologies for composites [9].
However, even if composites may help to reduce weight and increase mechanical perfor-
mances, they are characterised by damage mechanisms which are radically different from
those exhibited by metallic materials and, in many circumstances, can become critical for
composites applications. Damage mechanisms in composites can be easily classified into
intra-laminar (fibre and matrix breakage) and inter-laminar (delaminations) damage [10–14].
Due to this critical damage behaviour, it can be mandatory, during the design phase
of a new structural component, to perform detailed numerical analyses taking into account
the failure mechanisms and their interactions.
In the present work, a detailed finite element model was developed, aimed to evaluate
the feasibility and effectiveness of replacing metal components with carbon fibre-reinforced
polymers in an executive aircraft wing. This numerical model takes into account the
constraints arising from the manufacturing process to support, step by step, the fabrication
of the component. The manufacturing technology considered for the fabrication of the
investigated composite wing was the “Liquid Resin Infusion” (LRI).
LRI is a closed mould technology which, thanks to an imposed depression generated
by a vacuum pump, allows “infusion” in liquid form through a dry preform. The LRI can
be defined as an out-of-autoclave cost-efficient technology compared to other technolo-
gies, especially for the low materials and storage costs, even if the tooling cost may be
relevant [15–18]. Although the LRI infusion process adopts low-cost materials it is still
able to provide the composite component with considerable mechanical performance and
stunning geometric tolerances, which can be compared to those of other more expensive
manufactured technologies such as autoclave with Pre-Preg.
However, LRI technology performances are strongly dependent on the permeability
of the fibres to resin during the process. For example, fabrics with more space between
fibres are more permeable, and this greatly influences the LRI technology output in terms
or rich resin areas. Hence, with this technology, it is necessary to define not only the
correct layup to be used according to the required mechanical performances, but also the
manufacturing constraints. All these process constraints were carefully considered in the
FE model preparation. In particular, the transition between the different stacking sequence
zones was controlled by implementing ramps in which the number of layers of the laminate
was gradually reduced. Furthermore, in order to guarantee the symmetry conditions of the
laminate, the elimination layers process was always carried out from the outside towards
the middle plane of the laminate.
In the second section of this paper, the theoretical background considered for the
developed numerical model to accurately represent the real physical behaviour of the
composite structure subjected to the service loads is introduced. In the third section,
the characteristics of the FE model developed in the finite element environment MSC
NASTRAN are described. The fourth section is focused on the assessment of the numerical
results obtained from the model. Actually, in this section, the numerical outputs (from linear
and buckling analyses), in terms of strains and failure criteria, are verified and discussed
together with instability performances of the designed wing with metal components
replaced with CFRP.

2. Theoretical Background
In order to take into account the real operational conditions in describing the physical
behaviour of the composite wing, it was necessary to consider, in the frame of the design
activities, the following numerical and analytical (hand) methodologies:
• the Huth–Schwarmann method was used to calculate the shear and stiffness of the fasteners;
• a Nodal Constraint approach was used to link the degrees of freedom of the nodes of
the different geometric model parts (separately meshed);
Aerospace 2021, 8, 178 3 of 20

• failure criteria for metallic alloys and composite materials were adopted to assess the
structural integrity of both composite and metal components;
• bearing factors were taken into account to investigate the stress distribution in the
fastening zones for both metal and composite components;
• linearized buckling analyses were adopted to investigate the structural stability under
service loads.
The description of these methodologies is presented in the following subsections.

2.1. Huth–Schwarmann Method

There are many different types of fasteners in an airplane wing. A list of the fasteners
considered in this work is provided below:
• Fastener: HL11/HL70-D4.8; HL11/HL70-D6.35; HL12/HL86-D4.0; HL12/HL86-D4.8;
HL12/HL86-D6.35; HL12/HL86-D7.93; MBF2011-D4.2; MBF2011-D4.8; MBF2011-D6.35;
MBF2012/13-D4.2; NAS1097-D3.2; NAS7902-D4.2; NAS8803/7603-D4.8; NAS9302B-D3.2.
To calculate the shear and stiffness of these fasteners, several semi-empirical methods
can be implemented. In this work, the Huth–Schwarmann method was adopted by evalu-
ating the axial and shear stiffness of one-dimensional FEM elements called “Cbush”, used
to model the fastener in the adopted finite element environment MSC NASTRAN.
According to the adopted method, the stiffnesses to be attributed to each fastener are
evaluated by means of the following relations.

Ef Af
Kx = (1)
t1 + t2
 a !
t1 + t2 b 1 1 1 1 1
f Shear = + + + ⇒ KShear = (2)
2D n t1 E1 nt2 E2 2t1 E f 2nt2 E f f Shear

• D is the fastener diameter
• t1 and t2 represent the panels thickness
• E1 and E2 are the in plane Young Modulus of the material considered
• Ef is the Young Modulus of the fasteners.
According to the adopted formulation, the stiffness depends on the diameter of the
fastener, on the properties of the plate, on the type of connection (bolted metallic, riveted
metallic or bolted graphite/epoxy) and, finally, on the coefficient “n”, which is related to
the joint type (single or double lap). The shear stress in single-lap joints is:

τs = (3)
The shear stress in double-lap joints is:

τd = (4)
• τ = shear stress;
• F = force;
• A = cross-sectional area of the bolt.
Equations (3) and (4) highlight that in single-lap joints, the shear stress P is equal to
the applied tension force F, while in the case of double-lap joints, the shear stress P is equal
to half the applied tension force F. Figure 1 shows a schematic illustration of single-lap and
double-lap joints.
Equations (3) and (4) highlight that in single-lap joints, the shear stress P is equal to
the applied tension force F, while in the case of double-lap joints, the shear stress P is equal
half the applied
(3) and tension force that
(4) highlight F. Figure 1 showsjoints,
in single-lap a schematic
the shearillustration
stress P isofequal
and double-lap joints.
the applied tension force F, while in the case of double-lap joints, the shear stress P is equal
Aerospace 2021, 8, 178 4 of 20
to half the applied tension force F. Figure 1 shows a schematic illustration of single-lap
and double-lap joints.

Figure 1. Single-lap and double-lap joints shear stresses.

Figure 1. Single-lap and double-lap joints shear stresses.
Figure 1. Since the composite
Single-lap materials
and double-lap are not
joints shear isotropic, the previous formulation was slightly
varied bythe composite materials
differentiating the shearare not isotropic,
stiffness the previous
along direction 1 (0°)formulation
and directionwas 2slightly
(90°) of
varied by differentiating the shear stiffness along direction 1 (0 ◦ ) and direction 2 (90◦ ) of
the laminate.
Since the composite materials are not isotropic, the previous formulation was slightly
the laminate.
varied by differentiating the shear stiffness along direction 1 (0°) and direction 2 (90°) of
𝑡 +𝑡 𝑏 1  1 1 1 ! ° 1
𝑓 = the laminate. 
t1 + t°2+a b 1° + 1 + 1 1⇒ 𝐾 = 1 (5)
2𝐷 f Shear 𝑛= 𝑡 𝐸 𝑛𝑡 𝐸 0◦ +2𝑡 𝐸0◦ + 2𝑛𝑡 𝐸+ ⇒ KShear𝑓=° 0◦
0 ◦ 0 ◦
𝑡 +𝑡 𝑏 1 2D 1n t1 E1 1nt2 E2 2t 1 1 E f 2nt2 E f ° 1 f Shear
𝑓 = + + + ⇒ 𝐾 = (5)
𝑡 + 𝑡 ◦𝑛 𝑏𝑡 𝐸t 1°+ t 𝑛𝑡
2𝐷 °
 a 𝐸 1 2𝑡 𝐸 1 2𝑛𝑡 𝐸 1 ! 𝑓 °
𝑓 = 90 1 2 +b
1 + 1
◦° +
+ 1 + 1⇒ 𝐾 ⇒° KShear =◦ = ° 1◦
90 (6)
2𝐷 f Shear 𝑛= 𝑡 𝐸 2D n𝑛𝑡 t1𝐸E190 2𝑡
nt2 E2𝐸
90 ◦ +
2t E 𝐸 2nt E 𝑓 f Shear
𝑡 +𝑡 𝑏 1 1 1 1 1 f 2 f
𝑓 = Figure22shows+ aaview
° viewof+ ofthe
° thesolid +model
solid modelofofthe ⇒
the 𝐾 without
wing, = the
without theupper
(6) toto
2𝐷 𝑛 𝑡 𝐸
𝑛𝑡 𝐸 2𝑡 𝐸 2𝑛𝑡 𝐸 wing,
highlight theribs
BL0and andST225
ST225where wherethetheHuth–Schwarmann
Huth–Schwarmannmethod methodwas wasused
Figure the2the shearaand
shows and
view stiffness
of the of offasteners.
model In InFigure
of Figure
the wing,3,3,the
without ofofthe
upper ribs BL0to
skin and
highlight connections
the ribs BL0 are
are given.
and ST225 where the Huth–Schwarmann method was used to
calculate InIntheparticular,
shear and instiffness
in Figure Figure
3a, itof3a, it is possible
possible to
Figureto the
the the
BL0 ofRib
and BL0
the and andsplices
ST225 components,
connections areguarantee
These components,
given. airfoil shape preservation
guarantee airfoil shapeat the root andatallow
preservation the roottheand
stresses from the skin to the spars. Figure 3b shows the
In particular, in Figure 3a, it is possible to observe the Rib BL0 and splices the
transfer of stresses from the skin to the spars. Figure 3b Rib
showsST 225
the RibandST the
225 fittings
for connection
connections. for tocomponents,
the spars.
These to theFinally, in airfoil
spars. Finally,
guarantee Figure 4, anpreservation
Figure example of at
4, an example thethe
ofapplication of theof
the application
root and allow
transfer of stresses method
Huth–Schwarmann thetoskin
frommethod thetoto
the BL0
theRib connection
spars. is introduced.
3b is introduced.
shows the Rib ST 225 and the
fittings for connection to the spars. Finally, in Figure 4, an example of the application of
the Huth–Schwarmann method to the Rib BL0 connection is introduced.

Figure Wingwithout

Figure 2. Wing without upper skin-rib BL0 and rib ST225 positioning in the wing.
Aerospace 2021, 8, 178 5 of 20
REVIEW 55 ofof 22

Figure 3. Joints details: (a) Rib BL0 zone; (b) Rib ST 225 connections.

Figure 4.4.4.
Figure Example
Example ofof
Example fastener
of application
fastenerapplication via
applicationvia CBUSH
viaCBUSH elements
CBUSHelements for
elementsfor the
forthe Rib
theRib BL0
RibBL0 connection.
Aerospace 2021, 8, 178 6 of 20
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Aerospace 2021, 8, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 22

2.2. Nodal
2.2. NodalConstraints
2.2. Nodal Constraints
Multi Pointsnodal
constraints allow
The Points allow to to connect
connect nodes
nodes andandDOFsDOFs
in aninFEanmodel.
FE model.
They can simulate a “rigid connection” or create a “continuous distribution” of the model.
They The
can Multi Points
simulate a nodal
“rigid constraints
connection” allow
or to
create connect
a nodes
“continuous and DOFs in
distribution”an FE
of the
from can
one simulate
node to a “rigid
another connection”
according to or
theircreate a
from one node to another according to their geometric parameters. “continuous
parameters. distribution” of the load
from one
Two node
types to
of another
Nodal according
Constraints to their
can be
Two types of Nodal Constraints can be introduced: geometric
introduced: parameters.
Two types of Nodal Constraints can be introduced:

• “Single-PointConstraint”,
“Single-Point Constraint”,which
limitsone one oror more
more DOFs
DOFs of of a single
a single node;

•• “Single-Point Constraint”, which limits one or more DOFs
“Multi-Points Constraints” (MPC) that allow defining the movement of aofgroup
“Multi-Points Constraints” (MPC) that allow defining the of a single
movement node; a group of of
• “Slave”
nodes, Constraints”
controlled by(MPC)
an that
equation allow
or a
“Slave” nodes, controlled by an equation or a “Master” node.defining
“Master” the movement
node. of a group of
“Slave” nodes, controlled by an equation or a “Master” node.
The approach
The approachselected
employedMPCs. MPCs.Therefore,
meansofof MPCs, a
rigid The approach
coupling selected
a rigid coupling between two in this
nodes work
able employed
to transfer MPCs.
the Therefore,
same by
translational means
nodes able to transfer the same translational and rotational and of MPCs,
a rigid coupling between two nodes able to transfer the same translational
deformations from the independent node (Master) to the dependent nodes (Slave) cancan
deformations from the independent node (Master) to the dependent nodes and rotational
(Slave) be be
simulated. from
Here,this the independent
approachwas node
wasemployed (Master)
employed to to to the
apply dependent
loads nodes
(Figure (Slave)
5) and
5) and can be
to connect
to connect
surfaces Here, this approach
non-coincidentmeshes, was employed
meshes,suchsuchasasthat to
that apply
of of panels
panels loads (Figure
with spars
spars 5) and
shown to connect
in Figure
in Figure 6. 6.
surfaces with non-coincident meshes, such as that of panels with spars shown in Figure 6.

Figure 5.5.MPCs
MPCsused for for
used loadload
applications (transfer
applications of loads
(transfer of from
loadsone master
from one node to anode
master set ofto a set of
Figure 5. MPCs
predefined used for load applications (transfer of loads from one master node to a set of
predefined nodes).
predefined nodes).

Figure 6. Spar (red)–upper skin (blue) MPCs connection.

Figure Spar (red)–upper
(red)–upper skin (blue) MPCs
MPCs connection.
2.3. Failure Criteria for Damage Assessment
Failure Criteria
Criteria for
for Damage
Damage Assessment
By performing static analyses in which different failure criteria for both composite
and metallic
performing static
components ininwhich
were included,
analyses whichdifferent
the failure
different criteria
failure for
criteria both
offorthe composite
bothwing wasand
metallic components
and metallicThe were included,
failure criteria
components the structural
adopted for
were included, integrity
the composite of
structural parts the wing was
wereof based
integrity investigated.
on the
the wing was
The failureofcriteria
investigated. the adopted
The failure for composite
criteriaboth parts
in tension
adopted for andwere based on the
in compression.
composite parts wereevaluation
based onofthe the
evaluation strain,
The check was
of the both
maximumin tension
performed and
at the
strain, in in
both level inand
tension theincomposite laminates for layers
oriented check was performed at the lamina level in the
The check was performed at the lamina level in the compositefollowing
at 0°, 90° and 45°. For the Margin of Safety composite
calculation, the laminates
laminates forlayers
oriented at 0 ◦ , 90◦ and 45◦ . For the Margin of Safety calculation, the following relations
were used for tensile, compression and shear margins evaluation at each
oriented at 0°, 90° and 45°. For the Margin of Safety calculation, the following relations layer.
tensile, compression
compression and and shear margins evaluation
evaluationat ateach
shear margins
𝑀𝑆 = ε𝜀t − 1 (7)
𝑀𝑆 =𝜀εUL −−1 1
MSt = (7)(7)
MSc = −1 (8)
𝑀𝑆 = −1 (8)
Aerospace 2021, 8, 178
𝛾 7 of 20
𝑀𝑆 = −1 (9)
where: γs
MSs = UL − 1 (9)
𝜀 e 𝜀 = Maximum Allowable Tensiles Strain and Maximum Tensile Strain at
Ultimate Load;
𝜀ε t e εeUL
t 𝜀= Maximum
= Maximum Allowable
Allowable Compressive
Tensile Strain Strain Tensile
and Maximum and Maximum Compressive
Strain at Ultimate Load;
ε c e εUL
Strain c at=Ultimate
Maximum Load;
Allowable Compressive Strain and Maximum Compressive Strain at
𝛾 e UL
Ultimate 𝛾 = Maximum Allowable Shear Strain and Maximum Shear Strain at Ultimate
γt e γt = Maximum Allowable Shear Strain and Maximum Shear Strain at Ultimate Load;
On the other hand, for metallic components, the Von Mises Mises Maximum
Maximum Allowable
Stress compared to the Ultimate Stress 𝐹 of the discussed metallic alloy was checked
Stress compared to the Ultimate Stress Ftu of the discussed metallic alloy was checked for
the margin of safety calculation (Equation (10)).
for the margin of safety calculation (Equation (10)).

MSVon Mises = UL𝐹 − 1

𝑀𝑆 =σV M − 1 (10)
where σ𝜎V M is is
where the Von
the Mises
Von Maximum
Mises Stress
Maximum at at
Stress Ultimate Load.
Ultimate Load.

2.4. Bearing
2.4. Bearing
The use of fasteners leads to the presence of holes in the components and the re-
The use of fasteners leads to the presence of holes in the components and the resulting
sulting localization of stresses, introducing a redistribution of loads within the laminate.
localization of stresses, introducing a redistribution of loads within the laminate. High
High stress concentrations occurring around the holes cause the fasteners regions to be
stress concentrations occurring around the holes cause the fasteners regions to be
particularly exposed to failure and/or delamination.
particularly exposed to failure and/or delamination.
As shown in Figure 7, failure of the laminate at the fasteners regions usually occurs
As shown in Figure 7, failure of the laminate at the fasteners regions usually occurs
following three different modes (or a combination of them):
following three different modes (or a combination of them):
• tensile failure;
• tensile failure;
• shear failure;
• shear failure;
• bearing failure.
• bearing failure.

Figure 7. Tensile (a), Shear (b), and Bearing (c) failure.


The bearing
The bearing mode
mode ofof failure
failure depends
depends essentially
essentially on
on geometric
geometric parameters,
parameters, stacking
sequence and
sequence and fibre
fibre orientation. Bearing failure
orientation. Bearing failure usually
usually occurs
occurs when
when the
the rivet
rivet diameter
diameter isis
small if compared to the specimen width. This mode of failure results in the elongation
small if compared to the specimen width. This mode of failure results in the elongation of of
the hole.
the hole.
Therefore, aa careful
Therefore, careful study
study ofof the
the Bearing
Bearing phenomenon
phenomenon is is needed
needed whenwhen fasteners
connections are considered.
connections are considered.
To correctly
To correctly perform
perform this
this verification,
verification, it
it is
is mandatory
mandatory toto distinguish
distinguish between
between metallic
and composite components.
and composite components.
For the
For the metal
metal parts,
parts, it
it is
is necessary
necessary to
to study
study the
the maximum
maximum allowable
allowable safety
safety factor.
As shown in Equations (11) and (12), the margin of safety is evaluated as a function
of the Allowable Bearing Load (Pbru ), the Maximum Bearing Stress (Fbru ), a Fitting Factor
(FF), geometric forming factors (Dt ) and the Bearing Distribution Factor (θ).

MS = −1 (11)
FF ∗ Psh

Pbru = Fbru Dtθ (12)

Aerospace 2021, 8, 178 8 of 20

Psh = Shear load acting on the pin;
D = hole diameter;
T = thickness;
Pbru (Allowable Bearing Load) = Fbru × D × t (is the theoretical maximum pressure which
can be supported without Bearing failure;
Fbru = Maximum Bearing Stress of the Material (is the theoretical maximum stress which
can be supported without Bearing failure);
θ = Bearing Distribution Factor (θ takes into account the actual Bearing stress distribution
around the hole and is a function of the t/D ratio);
FF = Fitting Factor (a design analysis of structural joints and fittings shall consider a fitting
factor of 1.15 to be applied to limit and ultimate the load conditions for all phases of
service life.
The fitting factor is used to account for potential variations in internal load paths
within the actual structure that are not covered by idealized analytical models. (JSC 65,828
Rev. B, change).
From Equation (12) and Figure 8, it is clear that the Bearing Distribution Factor takes
into account the real distribution of the Bearing Stress around the hole and is a function of
the t/D ratio. Therefore, it assumes a different distribution for each fastener and differs9 for
Aerospace 2021, 8, x FOR PEER REVIEW of 22
single- or double-lap joints discussed in the previous subsection.

Figure 8. Bearing
Figure Distribution
8. Bearing Factor.
Distribution (a)(a)
Factor. Analytical evolution;
Analytical (b)(b)
evolution; geometrical parameters.
geometrical parameters.

To study the maximum allowable safety margin for composite materials, in addition
2.5. Linear Buckling
to the parameters considered for the metallic components, the Bearing Strength Variation
To assess
Factor (BV) has tothe
bestructural stability under service loads, a linearized buckling analysis
was performed. In linearized buckling analyses, a static load is applied to the structure,
and the phenomenon is numerically investigated by solving the eigenvalue problem
described in the following equation:
𝐾 +𝜆 𝐾 𝜙 (15)
Aerospace 2021, 8, 178 9 of 20

The maximum allowable safety margin for composite materials is then evaluated
according to Equation (13).
MS = −1 (13)
FF ∗ Psh
where, differently from Equation (12), the allowable bearing load ids given by:

Pbru = Fbru Dt (14)
Indeed, as extensively illustrated by [19–23], differently from metallic configurations,
the allowable bearing load depends on the layer orientation. Hence, according to the table
in [22,23], the Bearing Strength Variation Factor can be considered as a factor taking into
account the laminate stacking sequence.

2.5. Linear Buckling

To assess the structural stability under service loads, a linearized buckling analysis
was performed. In linearized buckling analyses, a static load is applied to the structure, and
the phenomenon is numerically investigated by solving the eigenvalue problem described
in the following equation: h i
Kaa + λi Kaa {φi } (15)

Kaa = Linear Stiffness;
d = Differential Stiffness (load-dependent stiffness)
λi = eigenvalues (critical loads multipliers);
φi = eigenvectors (Buckling Modes).
Once the eigenvalues is identified, the critical buckling loads can be calculated by the
following Equation (16): n o
PiCrit = λi { Pa } (16)

In this equation, Pa , is the applied static load vector.

3. FE Model
The development of the finite element model started from a preliminary geometry
of the full metal wing defined in a CAD project. From this CAD project, the definition of
surfaces for shell meshes and of all the geometrical parameters of the composite and metal
components of the wing was carried out. The CAD model of the investigated half-wing is
shown in Figure 9a. It consists of 14 components detailed in Table 1, where the constituent
materials are highlighted.
As can be seen from Table 1, all the primary structural elements were replaced by
CFRP IM7/977-2 composite material, whereas mainly the joining components, such as
fittings, were still made of metal alloys.
For an immediate detection of the composite and metal components, Figure 9b shows
the half-wing without the upper skin, in which the composite structural components are in
red, while the metal components are in blue.
The mechanical properties of the adopted materials are shown in Tables 2 and 3 for
the aluminium alloys and in Table 4 for the composite single layer (0.21 mm thickness)
As can be seen from Table 1, all the primary structural elements were replaced by
CFRP IM7/977-2 composite material, whereas mainly the joining components, such as
fittings, were still made of metal alloys.
Aerospace 2021, 8, 178 For an immediate detection of the composite and metal components, Figure 9b shows
10 of 20
the half-wing without the upper skin, in which the composite structural components are
in red, while the metal components are in blue.

Figure Half-Wing: (a)
(a) whole
whole wing CAD model;
wing CAD model; (b)
(blue) components.
Table 1. Half-wing parts (constituent materials).

Part Material
Rib BL0 Al 7050-T7451
Fuselage Fitting Al 7050-T7451
Rib ST 225 Fitting Al 7050-T7451
Flap Fitting Al 7050-T7451
Splice Al 7050-T7451
Rib TE Al 2024-T3
Upper Panel CFRP-IM7/977-2
Lower Panel CFRP-IM7/977-2
Rear spar CFRP-IM7/977-2
Front spar CFRP-IM7/977-2
Upper Stringer CFRP-IM7/977-2
Lower Stringer CFRP-IM7/977-2
Rib ST 225 CFRP-IM7/977-2
Closing Rib CFRP-IM7/977-2

Table 2. Al 7050-T7451 properties.

Al 7050-T7451 Properties
Density [t/mm3 ] 2.83 × 10−9
Ftu [GPa] 0.468
Fty [GPa] 0.406
Fcy [GPa] 0.420
Fsu [GPa] 0.296
Fbru (e/D = 2.0) [GPa] 0.972
E [GPa] 71.016
Ec [GPa] 73.084
Aerospace 2021, 8, 178 11 of 20

Table 3. Al 2024-T3 properties.

Al 2024-T3 Properties
Density [t/mm3 ] 2.78 × 10−9
Ftu [GPa] 0.434
Fty [GPa] 0.289
Fcy [GPa] 0.268
Fsu [GPa] 0.268
Fbru (e/D = 2.0) [GPa] 0.889
E [GPa] 72.394
Ec [GPa] 73.773
M 0.33

Table 4. IM7/977-2 Composite properties.

IM7/977-2 Composite Properties

Density [t/mm3 ] 1.58 × 10−9
E1 [GPa] 153.0
E2 = E3 [GPa] 10.30
G12 = G13 [GPa] 6.0
G23 [GPa] 3.7
ν12 = ν13 0.30
ν23 0.40

From the CAD model, by means of the preprocessor software Hypermesh, the middle
surfaces of each component were obtained. These surfaces were used as supporting
geometry for the definition of a mesh based on shell elements.
To ensure a good quality of the numerical results, sensitivity analyses on the mesh
size by applying a unitary flexural load on the investigated wing were performed. At each
step, the size of the calculation grid element was halved by developing three different
mesh configurations:
• Configuration 1: mesh size 10 mm
• Configuration 2: mesh size 5 mm
• Configuration 3: mesh size 2.5 mm
In comparison to configuration 3, configuration 2 exhibited a 10% lower stress value
and, at the same time, a computational time reduction of approximately 50%.
The trivial approach used for the design of the composite component layup for the
replacement of metallic components consisted of the following steps:
1. Thickness extrapolation from the original metal component;
2. Plies number assignment;
3. Stacking sequence definition based on stiffness requirements and basic design rules
with composites;
4. FEM analysis verification of component strength and stiffness requirements.
A trial-and-error approach started from a first tentative configuration with final verifi-
cation by FEM analysis to check the strength and stiffness requirements satisfaction at each
iteration. In case of no satisfaction of stiffness and strength requirements, a reformulation of
the stacking sequence was performed, and a new design iteration was started. Specifically,
three stacking sequences were defined:
• Quasi-Isotropic: uniform stiffness in all directions;
• Hard (more Plies at 0◦ )-Resistance for loads across the wingspan;
• Soft (more Plies 45◦ )-Improve Bearing issues for joints.
In the frame of the design iterations, for each composite component, the stacking
sequence was switched between the three basic sequences in order to magnify the afore-
mentioned three different structural behaviours.
Aerospace 2021, 8, 178 12 of 20

After performing all the iterations, it was possible to obtain a minimum mass con-
figuration, able to fulfil the required safety conditions. Where possible, a quasi-isotropic
sequence was preferred, in order to achieve uniform stiffness in all directions.
However, to enable the transition from one stacking sequence to another on the same
component lightening the structure and allowing effective manufacturing through the LRI
technology, series of ramps were set up.
These ramps allowed a progressive reduction in the number of plies, with a gradual
transition from one sequence to another. Figure 10a shows the top panel discretized
in different colours, representing the different stacking sequences employed, which
Aerospace 2021, 8, x FOR PEER REVIEW 13 ofare
detailed in Figure 10b.

Figure 10. Geometrical information. (a) Half-wing dimensions and stacking sequence view of the upper skin highlighted
Figure 10. Geometrical information. (a) Half-wing dimensions and stacking sequence view of the upper skin highlighted
by different
by different colours;
colours; (b)
(b) stacking
stacking sequence
sequence details
details of
of the
the composite
composite upper
upper half
half wing;
wing; (c)
(c) thickness
thickness trend
trend of
of the
the aluminium
upper half
upper half wing.

Moreover, in Figure 10, it is possible appreciate some geometrical information about

the examined wing.
Aerospace 2021, 8, 178 13 of 20

In particular, Figure 10a shows the half-wing span L and the length of the chord at the
root and at the tip. Due to company directives, these three parameters are reported as ratio
of L.
Figure 10b shows the thickness trend and the stacking sequences of the composite
upper wing, highlighting the ramps adopted, and, finally, Figure 10c shows the thickness
trend of the original aluminium upper wing.
Aerospace 2021, 8, x FOR PEER REVIEW The specifications provided for the upper wing in Figure 10 are also indicated in
14 of 22
Figure 11 for the lower wing.

Ply number
Total Thickness
− − − −

Stacking sequence

− − − −


3.36 2.55 2.18 1.68

Figure 11. Geometrical information. (a) Stacking sequence view of the lower skin highlighted by different colours;
Figure 11. Geometrical information. (a) Stacking sequence view of the lower skin highlighted by different colours; (b)
(b) stacking sequence details of the composite lower half wing; (c) thickness trend of the aluminium lower half wing.
stacking sequence details of the composite lower half wing; (c) thickness trend of the aluminium lower half wing.
It should be highlight that the approach followed, in the frame of this work, for metal
It should be highlight that the approach followed, in the frame of this work, for metal
replacement with composites, is quite trivial. Actually, this approach allows obtaining
replacement with composites, is quite trivial. Actually, this approach allows obtaining
weight reduction and comparable stiffness and strengths with respect to metal solutions but
does not reduction
make useand comparable
of all stiffness
the potential and strengths
of composites with Indeed,
structures. respect atoreal
metal solutions
but does not make use of all the potential of composites structures.
of the stacking sequence should have been performed without considering constraints Indeed, a real
optimization of the stacking sequence should have been performed without
the orientation of the layers by adopting, for example, a double concept [24,25], bringing to considering
constraints on the orientation
the homogenization of thesequence
of the stacking layers bywithout
adopting, thefor example,
need a double
of symmetry concept
In this work, the trivial trial-and-error procedure, described above, was preferred due of
bringing to the homogenization of the stacking sequence without the need to
process and constraints. In this work,
available material the trivial
constraints trial-and-error
on the investigatedprocedure,
executive described above,
aircraft wing.
was preferred
For boundary dueconditions
to process andand available
loads material
definitions, constraints
five different on therepresentative
conditions, investigated
executive aircraft wing.
of the most common operating loads, were simulated. As shown in Figures 5 and 12, these
For boundary
conditions were applied conditions and wing
at 15 different loadsstations
by usingfive
MPCs. different conditions,
representative of the most common operating loads, were simulated. As shown in Figures
5 and 12, these conditions were applied at 15 different wing stations by using MPCs.
In particular, two loading stations were chosen at the flap interface points, in order to
simulate the loads generated by the flaps. The applied load conditions are listed in Table
Loading Condition Description
Bending Up Aerodynamic Loads + Flap Loads
Bending Down Aerodynamic Loads + Flap Loads
Flap Only Flap Loading Introduction
Aerospace 2021, 8, 178 14 of 20
Take-off Aerodynamic Loads + Flap Loads
Landing Aerodynamic Loads + Flap Loads
Aerospace 2021, 8, x FOR PEER REVIEW 15 of 22

Table 5. Loading conditions.

Loading Condition Description

Bending Up Aerodynamic Loads + Flap Loads
Bending Down Aerodynamic Loads + Flap Loads
Flap Only Flap Loading Introduction
Take-off Aerodynamic Loads + Flap Loads
Landing Aerodynamic Loads + Flap Loads

Figure 12. (a) Loading conditions; (b) detailed View.

Figure 12. (a) Loading conditions; (b) detailed View.
In particular, two loading stations were chosen at the flap interface points, in order to
As illustrated
simulate in Figureby
the loads generated 13,thetoflaps.
simulate the connection
The applied with the
load conditions are fuselage, nodal5.
listed in Table
constraint conditions were introduced (MPCs) in the fuselage fittings.
Table 5. Loading conditions.

Loading Condition Description

Bending Up Aerodynamic Loads + Flap Loads
Bending Down Aerodynamic Loads + Flap Loads
Flap Only Flap Loading Introduction
Take-off Aerodynamic Loads + Flap Loads
Landing Aerodynamic Loads + Flap Loads
Figure 12. (a) Loading conditions; (b) detailed View.
Boundary Conditions (wing–fuselage
in Figure 13, to simulateconnection by MPCs).
the connection with the fuselage, nodal con-
As illustrated in Figure 13, to simulate the connection with the fuselage, nodal
straint conditions werewere
introduced (MPCs) in theinfuselage fittings.
4. Numericalconditions
constraint Results introduced (MPCs) the fuselage fittings.

In this section the results from the numerical analyses performed on the investigated
executive aircraft wing are introduced and commented.
First, the structural integrity was verified by means of numerical linear analysis
simulations by performing the following checks:

Figure 13.Boundary

this sectionthe
section theresults
executive aircraft wing are introduced and commented.
executive aircraft wing are introduced and commented.
First, the structural integrity was verified by means of numerical linear analysis
simulations by performing the following checks:
Aerospace 2021, 8, 178 15 of 20

First, the structural integrity was verified by means of numerical linear analysis
simulations by performing the following checks:
• Maximum Allowable Strain for the composite components;
• Maximum Allowable Stress (Von Mises) for metallic components.
The composite parts were evaluated in terms of both tension and compression criteria
at the layer level for each layer orientation (0◦ , 90◦ or ±45◦ ).
The safety margins used to verify the structural integrity are the following:
• eT = 4500 µe;
• eC = −3500 µe;
• σT = 496 MPa (Al 7050-T7451);
• σT = 434 MPa (Al 2024-T3).
Subsequently, the following analyses were performed:
• Joint analysis;
• Bearing analysis of the metallic components;
• Bearing analysis of the composite components.
Finally, a linear Buckling analysis was performed. In this simulation, through the
application of a static load to the structure, which assumed a linear elastic behaviour, it was
possible to verify the stability of the structure through the determination of the eigenvalues.

4.1. Failure Criteria Applied to the Composite Components

In this section, the results obtained by applying the failure criteria for composite
components are presented. Figure 14 shows the tensile strains produced on the structure in
the different layers.
The images shown plot the contour lines obtained as averages of the results of the
individual loads applied. This allows an overall view in which it is evident that the
configurations examined satisfied the design requirements.
The most stressed area, as can be seen from the results, was found at the connections to
the fuselage, resulting from the application of the boundary conditions and the proximity
to the constraint. It was possible to satisfy the requirements in this constrained region by
introducing modifications to the fittings and to the thickness of the spars, followed by the
correct choice of bolts, in the trial-and-error design procedure. The maximum deflection
trend was consistent with the expectations and decreased towards the closure rib. As
indicated in Figure 14, strains decreased for plies oriented at 90◦ and/or ±45◦ .
In Figure 15, the compressive strains produced on the structure are reported. As
for the tensile case, images from a combination of the applied loads are shown for the
compressive strains for the different layer orientations.
This time, as expected, in addition to the criticalities near the fuselage attachments, the
upper skin seemed to be the most stressed component, especially in correspondence of Rib
0, which was compressed in the blue areas. These criticalities were considerably reduced
by modifying the layup of the skin in the frame of the trial-and-error design procedure.
The skin was reinforced with the addition of further layers and longer ramps near the
critical areas.
Comparing the tensile and compressive strains, it is clear that, generally, the most
critical conditions were obtained for compression strains.

4.2. Failure Criteria Applied to Metallic Components

By analysing the Von Mises allowable stress, as illustrated in Figure 16, it was clear
that the metallic components did not exceed the safety margins.
One of the most heavily loaded components was, once again, the fuselage fitting.
to the fuselage, resulting from the application of the boundary conditions and the
proximity to the constraint. It was possible to satisfy the requirements in this constrained
region by introducing modifications to the fittings and to the thickness of the spars,
followed by the correct choice of bolts, in the trial-and-error design procedure. The
Aerospace 2021, 8, 178 maximum deflection trend was consistent with the expectations and decreased towards 16 of 20
the closure rib. As indicated in Figure 14, strains decreased for plies oriented at 90° and/or
± 45°.

Aerospace 2021, 8, x FOR PEER REVIEW 17 of 22

Figure 14. Maximum tensile strain. (a) Laminae direction 0◦ ; (b) laminae direction 90◦ ; (c) laminae
Figure 14. Maximum tensile strain. (a) Laminae direction 0°; (b) laminae direction 90°; (c) laminae
direction ±45◦ .
direction ± 45°.
4.3. Buckling Analysis
In Figure 15, the compressive strains produced on the structure are reported. As for
Linearised buckling analyses were used to check for instability (which can be a
the tensile case, images from a combination of the applied loads are shown for the
critical phenomenon for composite materials under compression) under the five considered
compressive strains
loading for the different layer orientations.
This time, as expected,
The objective was in to
derive to
thethe criticalitiesneeded
eigenvalues, near theto fuselage
the critical loads, by
the upper skin seemed to be the most stressed component,
assuming a linear elastic behaviour of the structure. especially in correspondence
of Rib 0, which
Thewas compressed
minimum in the
eigenvalue forblue
eachareas. These criticalities
load configuration were considerably
gave information on the percent-
reducedageby of
modifying the layup of the skin in the frame of the trial-and-error
service load needed to bring the structure into instability for each loading designcondition.
procedure. The skin17
Figure was reinforced
shows with the
the buckling addition
modes of further
and the layers
eigenvalues and longer
obtained ramps
for each of the five
near theloading
critical areas.
conditions defined in Table 5.
compressive strains for the different layer orientations.
This time, as expected, in addition to the criticalities near the fuselage attachments,
the upper skin seemed to be the most stressed component, especially in correspondence
of Rib 0, which was compressed in the blue areas. These criticalities were considerably
Aerospace 2021, 8, 178reduced by modifying the layup of the skin in the frame of the trial-and-error design 17 of 20
procedure. The skin was reinforced with the addition of further layers and longer ramps
Aerospace 2021, 8, x FOR PEER REVIEW 18 of 22
near the critical areas.

pace 2021, 8, x FOR PEER REVIEW 18 of 22

Figure 15. Maximum compressive strain. (a) Laminae direction 0°; (b) laminae direction 90°; (c)
laminae direction ± 45°.

Comparing the tensile and compressive strains, it is clear that, generally, the most
critical conditions were obtained for compression strains.

4.2. Failure Criteria Applied to Metallic Components

By analysing the Von Mises allowable stress, as illustrated in Figure 16, it was clear
Figure 15. Maximum compressivemetallic
that the strain. (a)components 0◦ ;exceed
did not
Laminae direction the safety
(b) laminae 90◦ ; (c) laminae direction ±45◦ .
Figure 15. Maximum compressive strain. (a) Laminae direction 0°; (b) laminae direction 90°; (c)
One of the most heavily loaded components was, once again, the fuselage fitting.
laminae direction ± 45°.

Comparing the tensile and compressive strains, it is clear that, generally, the most
critical conditions were obtained for compression strains.

4.2. Failure Criteria Applied to Metallic Components

By analysing the Von Mises allowable stress, as illustrated in Figure 16, it was clear
that the metallic components did not exceed the safety margins.
One of the most heavily loaded components was, once again, the fuselage fitting.

Figure 16. Maximum stress—Von Mises.

Figure 16. Maximum stress—Von Mises.
considered loading conditions.
The objective was to derive the eigenvalues, needed to calculate the critical loads, by
assuming a linear elastic behaviour of the structure.
The minimum eigenvalue for each load configuration gave information on the
percentage of service load needed to bring the structure into instability for each loading
Aerospace 2021, 8, 178 18 of 20
Figure 17 shows the buckling modes and the eigenvalues obtained for each of the five
loading conditions defined in Table 5.

Aerospace 2021, 8, x FOR PEER REVIEW 20 of 22

FigureFigure 17. Buckling

17. Buckling analysis
analysis output. (a)output. (a) (b)
Bending up; Bending
bendingup; (b) (c)
down; bending down;
flap only; (c)off;
(d) take flap only; (d) take off;
(e) landing.
(e) landing.

As can be seen in Figure 17, all eigenvalues were greater than 1 (this means that the
service load must be multiplied for the eigenvalue to obtain the first critical buckling load;
therefore structural stability was kept under the service load envelope). The most critical
condition was the one obtained in the bending up phase, where the eigenvalue assumed
Aerospace 2021, 8, 178 19 of 20

As can be seen in Figure 17, all eigenvalues were greater than 1 (this means that the
service load must be multiplied for the eigenvalue to obtain the first critical buckling load;
therefore structural stability was kept under the service load envelope). The most critical
condition was the one obtained in the bending up phase, where the eigenvalue assumed
the minimum value of 1.97.

4.4. Final Considerations

As seen in the frame of the last subsections, all the stiffness, strength and stability
requirements were satisfied by the composite configurations. In addition, the substitution
of metal alloy with composites as the primary structural elements of the wing led to a
weight reduction of about 33.7% with respect to the full metal wing configuration. This
result is very promising because, as already remarked, for this application, a real stacking
sequence optimization was not performed. Actually, instead of adopting advanced layup
optimization techniques for composites, a trivial trial-and-error procedure was applied
due to manufacturing techniques and material constraints. Hence, weight saving can be
strongly increased if the constraints on the manufacturing process and on the material are
released. This will be the topic of a future research.

5. Conclusions
This work was focused on metal replacement with CFRP composites as primary
structural components of an executive aircraft wing. The substitution of metal components
with composite manufactured ones, led to a reduction in weight of about 33.7% and
satisfied all the requirements in terms of safety margins and structural stability. An
advanced numerical Fem model was developed taking into account stiffness, strength
and stability constraints by means of a trial-and-error design procedure able to tailor the
stacking sequence and to taper the composite laminate to trivially optimise the weight of
the resulting wing configurations.
The manufacturing process selected for the CFRP composite was the low-cost Liq-
uid Resin Infusion (LRI) process. The main objective, in a follow-on development on
this subject, will be to tailor the manufacturing process in order to perform a one-shot
manufacturing run of the wing (i.e., a production of a monolithic component), which will
not only drastically reduce the assembly problems, but also allow the repeatability of
the component.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, V.A. and A.R.; Data curation, V.A. and A.R.; Formal
analysis, G.M.M.; Funding acquisition, S.I. and A.R.; Investigation, G.M.M. and A.R.; Methodology,
V.A. and A.R.; Project administration, R.P., S.I. and A.R.; Resources, A.R.; Software, V.A. and G.M.M.;
Supervision, V.A. and A.R.; Validation, A.R.; Writing–original draft, G.M.M.; Writing–review &
editing, V.A. and A.R. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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