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Composites Part C: Open Access 8 (2022) 100269

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Effects of welding process conditions on friction stir welding of polymer

composites: A review
Ramesh Rudrapati
Industrial Engineering Department, Bule Hora University, Ethiopia


Keywords: Industrial revolution progressing with extensive utilization of the lightweight materials to make parts using
Friction stir welding thermoplastic, fiber reinforced polymer and other light-weight metals in transportation, building, automobile,
Process parameters aeronautics, space, etc., due to large degree of freedom in manufacturing of complex shapes. Joining of light
Polymer welding
weight parts are necessary to produce various structures. Joining of these materials with using traditional
Dissimilar polymer welding
Weld joint quality
welding techniques are difficult task. Friction stir welding (FSW) is an evolving fabrication technique which used
join light-weight parts. Obtaining desired weld joint quality characteristics are more likely depends on the
appropriate control of processing conditions like tool rotation speed, pass number, travel speed, tool geometry,
tilt angle, etc. Appropriate selection of welding input parameters in FSW can enhance the properties of light-
weight polymer weld joints. Present study has been planned to review the various aspects of FSW of similar
and dissimilar polymer sheets. From the study, it is noticed that process parameters selection plays important
role to conduct FSW efficiently. The concluding remarks has been drawn from the study.

1. Introduction weight ratio [4,5]. Among all the other materials, polymers are light­
weight materials which gained excellent growth in almost all
Manufacturing industries are initiating to use polymer composites manufacturing industries [6] by possessing better properties in-term of
alone and combining with other materials to various industrial appli­ formability, machinability, easy manufacturable, lower material costs,
cations to implement the new economic and environmental policies by etc. [7]. These materials need to be joined for producing structural parts
which reduction of fuel consumption and CO2 emissions [1]. Welding is which are difficult with traditional welding processes, due to low
one of the primary manufacturing processes which employed for melting temperature, poor thermal properties, sorting nature, volume
numerous industrial appliances like ship building, naval, space vehicles, changes during solidification or crystallization, specific rheology under
etc., for joining of various jobs to make one complete part or structure. shear loads [8]. Innovative joining techniques required to assembling or
Ferrous and non-ferrous materials and its alloys are the most useful joining the plastic/light-weight materials. Various welding techniques
materials for industrial applications. One can find that steel and for joining of light-weight materials like polymers [9] are shown in
aluminum (Al) alloys have a wide range of applications in advanced Fig. 1(a).
technologies [2]. There are numerous advantages of steel and Al alloys, FSW was first invented and used by in 1990 to join light materials
and these materials have limitations includes corrosion, cost, avail­ like aluminum [11] and plastics and later, it was applied for welding of
ability, weight, transportation, difficulties in production, etc. Hence, the fiber reinforced polymers [4], dissimilar polymers [12], polymers to
most of industries are started replacing heavy materials with aluminum [13], polymers to metals, etc. FSW is an efficient welding
light-weight materials such as composite, and plastics [3]. technique to form a uniform weld region with minimum weld defects
The implementation of light weight parts made of thermoplastic, while having great welding economics and flexibility [14]. Therefore,
fiber reinforced polymer and aluminum based alloys are progressing FSW is well-suited for joining of polymer composites. The applications of
applications like transportation, building, automobile, aeronautics, etc., FSW includes aerospace, shipbuilding, railway, automotive, automobile,
due to their specific features such as high strength and toughness to transport, etc., [15]. Development of polymer-based structures has got

Abbreviations: FSW, Friction stir welding; CFRP, Carbon fiber-reinforced polymer; FSP, Friction stir processing; HDPE, High-density polyethylene; UTS, Ultimate
tensile strength; ABS, Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene; PC, Polycarbonate; AL, Aluminum.
E-mail address:
Received 22 January 2022; Received in revised form 14 April 2022; Accepted 17 April 2022
Available online 19 April 2022
2666-6820/© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
R. Rudrapati Composites Part C: Open Access 8 (2022) 100269

much interest; for example, the Boeing 787 was made over 50 wt% of its parameters involved in the FSW process. The quality parameters on
structures with the use of advanced polymer composites and almost welded specimen in FSW is depends on heat generation rate, tempera­
saving 20% weight reduction of aircraft as compared to conventional ture ranges, cooling rate, x-direction force, torque, power during process
aluminum structures [16]. Similarly, automotive industry like BMW had [28]. Factors influencing the welding measures of FSW are shown in
produced novel generation electric cars like i3 and i8 by using carbon Fig. 1(b). Dada [29] also mentioned that cost-effectiveness, environment
fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) composites by replacing steel and they affability, higher super plasticity, better mechanical properties made
observed that 50% of energy usage and 70% of water consumption FSW best choice as compared to other techniques like metal inert gas
during production were reduced apart from the weight reduction of car (MIG) and tungsten inert gas welding (TIG). It can also use for mass
[17]. The focused industries where FSW is applying and applicable is production [30] for welding polymer to polymer, polymer to metal and
shown in Fig. 2. metal-to metal in variety of industrial applications [10]. The systematic
study of FSW needs to conduct to enhance the performance of FSW.
2. Principle of FSW Magalhães et al. [18] conducted a review on the industrialization
and research status of FSW and stated that welding of light-weight
FSW is a mature solid state joining procedure that uses temperature, materials using FSW was emerging area of research due to progressing
mechanics, metallurgy, and interactions to create a solid-state bond [19] trends of these materials in diversity of industrial applications [31].
and it is one of the fastest emerging welding methodologies being Design of the welding tool such as geometry, welding configurations
implemented for joining of light-weight materials of similar or dissimilar with respect to parts being joined and all the input welding parameters
materials [20]. FSW is energy efficient, environment friendly, and ver­ are significantly influence the weld quality obtained in FSW [32]. In the
satile process which used to join different light weight parts [21]. In FSW present work, a review has been explored about the effect of processing
process, a non-consumable welding tool (i.e., rotating tool) which conditions on weld quality obtained from FSW of polymer materials.
pushed in between the parts across the joint area to from a sound bond of FSW of polymers is inducing area of research. The graphic representa­
materials to be welded. The heat is caused between the rotating tool and tion of principle of FSW for polymers is presented in Fig. 3. The details of
the work-material due to friction. The generated heat during welding is the literature review are given in next section.
sufficient to elevate the temperature below melting point which plasti­
cally soften the workpiece without melting. Resulted in welding joint is 3. Literature survey
made with fine microstructure with excellent mechanical properties.
FSW does not required filler material. Literature survey of FSW of polymer parts has been made to study the
Friction stir welding technique had developed due to friction heating various aspects of welding process. Many researchers were presented on
at the faying surfaces of two pieces to be fabricated into one piece with welding of polymeric material by FSW, among them thermo-mechanical
the use of rotating tool [22]. The tool design has substantial effect on the phenomena occurring during polymer welding, synthesis/trans­
FSW operations [23]. Therefore, tool design for FSW is important to formation of polymer materials and the effects of welding processing
perform the process effectively. FSW is useful to make defect free joints variables on performance of FSW process have been explored.
because, it is solid state process, can be possible to avoid state changes Mishra and Ma [21] given brief information related to the current
like solidification, porosity, liquation, hot cracking in metals [24]. The state of understanding and developments of FSW of light-weight mate­
qualities tool is key to obtaining a defect-free, uniform and void-free rials. They also discussed that friction stir processing (FSP) which was
joint thereby enhanced weld performances [25]. Temperature and tool basically developed to microstructural modification of metallic mate­
profile affect the flow of material, so it is important to minimize heat rials. Researchers had been observed from their works that mechanism
input and optimize tool geometry to obtain optimal weld conditions and effects of welding input parameters are responsible for micro­
[26]. Defective weld thinning needs to be eliminated to achieve a structural refinement and mechanical properties of weldment. Huang
high-quality weld joint with superior mechanical properties [27]. Like et al. [34] conducted a comprehensive review on friction stir welding /
other joining processes, the joint quality depending on the proper se­ processing (FSW/P) of polymers with polymer matrix composites and
lection of friction stir welding processing variables. The notable oper­ dissimilar metals to polymers and stated that FSW/P is advantageous for
ating combinations in FSW process are welding speed, tool rotational welding similar polymers, dissimilar polymers, and dissimilar metals to
speed, vertical pressure on the tool, tilt angle of the tool, axial force, tool polymers. Moreno-Moreno et al. [35] reported an experimental analysis
geometry, tool material, etc. [28]. Fig. 1(b) indicating that process on FSW of high-density polyethylene materials. In which the effects of

Fig. 1. (a) Various joining methods of polymers (b) Factors effecting FSW [10].

R. Rudrapati Composites Part C: Open Access 8 (2022) 100269

Fig. 2. Applications of FSW process [18].

Fig. 3. The principle of FSW for polymers materials [33].

rotational and welding speed on mechanical measures: tensile strength, influenced by process parameters and systematic analysis was required
hardness, and crystallinity, and thermal behavior of welded joint was to optimize it to obtain desired welding performance. Hoseinlaghab
observed. In most of the research, the rotational speed parameter has the et al. [38] had been analyzed and studied the significance of rotational
most significant impact compared to other processing variables. The speed, welding speed, tool geometry and tilt angle on creep properties of
quality levels of the weldment were decreased with increase of rota­ polyethylene plates in friction stir welding process. They stated that
tional speed. Simoes and Rodrigues [36] made an investigation on the welding input parameters and pin geometry were most significant fac­
material flow and thermomechanical requirements of polymers in FSW tors which influences quality obtained in FSW of polyethylene materials.
process. The effects of pin and shoulder flow on weldability of polymer Eslami at el. [32] made an experimental analysis to join thermoplastics
materials were studied. The effect of pin and shoulder were very crucial in FSW with the use of Teflon stationery shoulder. They tested the
for weld joint quality responses. It was found that differences between different combinations welding input parameters on quality of weld
the pin and shoulder flow caused severe problems of polymer welding in strength. The temperature generation during FSW was crucial for joint
FSW. Therefore, fine coordination between the pin and shoulder pro­ strength of weldment. The parameters namely tool diameter, welding
duced desired joint strength for FSW of polymer composites. and rotational speed were most significant for temperature generation.
Rezgui et al. [37] analyzed the significance of FSW conditions on From all the above works, researchers were optimized FSW process
quality of welded joints of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) parts in in-terms of parameters and found better weld qualities of thermoplastics
FSW. They used statistical analysis of variance (ANOVA) technique to joints compared to conventional welding techniques.
determine the influential process parameters which had detrimental Bilici et al. [39] studied the mechanical properties such as tensile and
effects on joint strength. From the work, they mentioned that weld shear strength of FSW joints of high-density polyethylene (HDPE). For
quality responses of HDPE materials in FSW were significantly making the welded joints, selected the different combinations of process

R. Rudrapati Composites Part C: Open Access 8 (2022) 100269

parameters and identified that tool rotation speed, plunge depth, and optimized FSW joints made of dissimilar aluminum alloy and poly
dwell time were most significant for obtaining desired joint strength. methyl methacrylate. For experimentation, tool rotational velocity,
Sheikh-Ahmad et al. [8] illuminated the importance of welding process traverse speed, tilt angle and plunge depth as processing welding pa­
parameters and process temperature in FSW of polymers. They used rameters and tensile strength and hardness were chosen as performance
inverse heat conduction technique to determine the temperature dis­ responses. They observed that tool rotational velocity and traverse speed
tribution in the workpiece numerically. Equal distribution temperature were most significant for achieving better weld responses on FSW wel­
through-out joint area and low levels of welding speed important for ded joint and they stated that FSW technique provide better opportu­
enhancing the weld qualities on high density polyethylene – carbon nities for joining of dissimilar metals with polymers. Yan et al. [47]
black composite materials. Kiss and Czigány [33] analyzed the micro­ adopted friction lap welding to weld the dissimilar glass fiber reinforced
structural properties of polyproplyene materials in FSW joints. They nylon 6 with aluminum alloy and analyzed the influences of welding
premeditated the super-molecular structure of polyproplyene seam processing conditions and number and geometry of grooves on me­
prepared by FSW by using optical and electron microscopy. Rezugi et al. chanical properties of welded joint. Input parameters: welding speed,
[40] studied effectible parameters on quality characteristics of welded tool rotational speed and plunge depth were most significant for
joint of polyethylene in friction stir welding operation. Investigators achieving better welding economics for dissimilar welding. Kumar and
explored the influences of tool geometry and selection of input welding Roy [10] studied the significances of welding processing conditions: tool
parametric setting and stated that the surface of the welding tool and its rotational speed, traverse speed and tilt angle on ultimate tensile
rotation speed had more influence on the strength of the joint. strength (UTS), extensibility, joint efficiency and fracture locations in
Developing hybrid structures using polymers with other materials FSW of dissimilar acrylonitrile butadiene styrene and polycarbonate.
such as metal and non-metal are giving promising solutions for many Researchers observed in their investigation that selection optimal
industrial needs as it possesses better optimum specific strength and parametric settings were crucial for obtaining better qualities in weld­
stiffness, as already mentioned in the previous section. But the possi­ ment. Gao et al. [48] had been examined and optimized the processing
bility of joining polymer composites with other materials (i.e. metals conditions in FSW when joining of ABS and PC sheets to achieve better
and non-metals) is indeed a great challenge. This is because polymer qualities in welded joints and observed inconsistency nature in UTS with
composites and other materials present a high degree of dissimilarity in increase of tool rotational speed and traverse speed. They stated that
physicochemical properties and different melting points. Therefore, selection of welding parameters was plays critical role in dissimilar
creating of large and complex structures by combining these types of welding by FSW process. Kumar et al. [49] analyzed the dissimilar
materials is required special joining techniques. Adibeig et al. [41] acrylonitrile butadiene styrene and thermoplastic materials using FSW
stated that FSW was an efficient joining technology to produce parts joints through the mechanical, morphological, and thermal properties.
with dissimilar materials like polymer to metal and polymer to In the similar manner, there were many research articles published
non-metals as well. Also mentioned that long curing time and surface on FSW of polymer composites in literature and determined the in­
treatments were eliminated during dissimilar welding by using FSW fluences of process welding parameter on efficiency of welding process,
process. Stress concentration and bubble formation in joint area during some of the reported articles of similar polymer welding and dissimilar
melting and or solidification of job were not a problem in FSW. There­ polymers with materials are given in Tables 1 and 2, respectively.
fore, dissimilar joining of lightweight materials like polymers with other From the extensive literature review made and as discussed above,
materials by FSW have recently attracted significant attention [7]. one can drag the concept on similar or dissimilar welding of polymer
Huang et al. [13] mentioned that FSW was expedient to weld composites with other light-weight materials using FSW process is
different polymers and metals or other materials due to the low energy emerging area of research. FSW is not well-known joining technology,
utilization, very less / no fume emission and teeny degradation of various aspects like influences of friction stir parameters on weld qual­
polymeric jobs. Employing FSW technologies to weld polymer parts with ity, effects of rotational tool design and geometry on efficiency of
other materials examined by many investigators and huge discoveries welding process, and other aspects related to understand FSW process
had been made. Huang et al. [13] studied the feasibilities of joining of need to explore to conduct FSW in optimum manner.
aluminum with polyether materials using FSW with a tapered thread pin
with the triple facets. They stated that mechanical interlocking and 4. Conclusions
adhesive bonding were important factors for obtaining high-quality
joint strength in FSW. Investigators also observed that increasing In the present study, recent advances of influences of processing
welding speed was deteriorating the mechanical interlocking thereby welding conditions on FSW joining polymers that are similar, dissimilar,
decreasing mechanical properties. They concluded that tapered thread or combining polymers with other lightweight materials and polymers
pin with the triple facets useful to enhance the mechanical interlocking with metals are reviewed:
in FSW of aluminum with polyether parts from their research. Nagatsuka
et al. [42] carried out research investigation to weld the light-weight i The innovative use of polymer-based structures has attracted
materials like aluminum alloy with carbon fiber-reinforced thermo­ much attention for a wide range of advanced applications
plastics using friction stir welding process. Researcher stated that se­ ii Initially FSW was developed to join aluminum and its alloys that
lection of optimum welding process parameters had great influence for are difficult to weld by using traditional fusion methods, but now
accusing the better mechanical properties on weldment of dissimilar it is one of the potentials welding methods which used to join
aluminum alloy and CFRP’s in FSW. Karami Pabandi et al. [43] pre­ polymer-based structures replacing other welding
sented a research work to join aluminum to polymer sheets by using methodologies.
threaded hole friction spot welding process. Input parameter, tool iii With its economics and flexibility, FSW can produce uniform
rotational speed was most significant for achieving better mechanical weld regions without melting adjacent parts
properties of welded joint as observed by investigators. Huang et al. [44] iv Creating a fault-free, uniform, and void-free joint requires a
had joined aluminum alloy to polypropylene using novel technique quality tool in FSW of polymers that enhances the weld perfor­
friction filling staking joining methodology. Again, Meng et al. [45] had mance and overall quality of the joint
developed friction self-riveting welding (FSRW) to join dissimilar metals v In FSW, the selection of welding factors has the most profound
and polymer matrix composites. Eslami et al. [12] conducted a work to effect on the joint strength of polymers
assess the fatigue life of dissimilar lap joining of vi To achieve optimal welding economics in FSW of polymers,
polypropylene-to-polyethylene materials in FSW. processing conditions such as tool rotation speed, welding speed,
Derazkola and Simchi [46] investigated on process analysis and

R. Rudrapati Composites Part C: Open Access 8 (2022) 100269

Table 1 Table 2
Effects of welding processing combinations on weld responses in FSW of similar Effects of welding processing conditions on weld responses in FSW of dissimilar
polymer composites. polymers with other materials.
Refs. Work material Processing Weld measure Impact Refs. Work material Operating Quality Impact
conditions parameters responses

[41] HDPE tool rotational joint strength dwell time is [59] AA 7075 to Tool rotational Tensile strength Both input
speed, dwell (JS) more polycarbonate speed and (TS) parameters
time and significant on (PC) traverse speeds significant for
plunge rate JS TS
[50] HDPE sheets Tool rotation Ultimate tensile Tool rotation [60] Porous TC4 Welding welding All the input
speed, Tool strength (UTS) speed most titanium alloy/ condition, temperature parameters
traverse speed significant for ultrahigh welding and force and significant on
and tilt angle UTS molecular procedure, joint strength all the
[51] polycarbonate Tool’s travel Tensile strength Nanoalumina weight preheating responses
nanocomposites and rotational percentage is polyethylene time and dwell
speeds, most time
nanoalumina significant, [43] AA5052 Tool rotational Mechanical Tool rotational
percentage next is tool’s aluminum alloy/ speed strength and speed is
travel speed short-carbon- fracture energy significant for
and followed fiber-reinforced both the
by rotational polypropylene responses
speeds [61] AA5052 heat-input Shear strength heat-input is
[52] Polycarbonate Rotational Maximum shear Tool plunge aluminum alloy most
sheets speed, tool strength, rate, dwell and significant for
plunge rate, stiffness and time and polypropylene shear strength
pre-heating absorbed energy waiting time (PP)
time, dwell are the most [62] 7075 aluminum traverse and Weld strength Both the
time and influencing alloy and spindle speed parameters are
waiting time parameters for polycarbonate most
the joint sheet significant for
strength and weld strength
weld extension [63] aluminum alloy rotational joint strength translational
[53] Nylon 6 plate Rotation of the Weld quality Flute direction (AA 6111) and speed, and morphology speed is
threaded pin and tool thermoplastics translational significant for
profile in rotating speed and JS and
clockwise and direction are distance to morphology
counter- different backing
clockwise [64] Aluminum alloy tool rotational Tensile strength tool rotational
directions to HDPE speed, tool speed, tool
[54] Thermoplastic Dwell time, Mechanical Tool plunge travel speed, travel speed
polymers tool plunge behaviors of rate and pin size, tool and pin
rate, waiting weld rotational penetration geometry are
time, pre- speed are most depth, tool tilt significant on
heating time & significant for angle and pin TS
rotational mechanical geometry
speed properties [59] polycarbonate tool rotational Temperature, Processing
[55] Acrylonitrile Pin profile, Tensile yield Conical pinned and aluminum and traverse Microhardness conditions
butadiene diameters stress tool, higher alloy speeds and tensile were most
styrene (ABS) ratio, levels of tilt strength significant on
sheets rotational and angle and all the
linear speeds diameters responses
and tilt angle ratio, and low [65] polymethyl tool rotational weld strength All control
levels of methacrylate speed, tool parameters are
rotational and acrylonitrile plunge rate and significant for
speed and butadiene dwell time weld strength
linear speed styrene
are good for [42] aluminum to Surface tensile shear Surface
tensile strength cfrp treatment and strength treatment and
[56] Polyethylene Speeds and Macrostructure, Both welding joining speed joining speed
sheets traverse microstructure, parameters are most
speeds and mechanical have significant for
property significant TSS
effect on weld
[57] polycarbonate tilt angle and Tensile strength Both the as well as precision tool design are the most significant factors to
sheets welding speed parameters
vii Several aspects related to the impact that choosing input pa­
effect on TS rameters has on the output responses in friction welded polymer-
[58] UHMW- Rotational Tensile strength Both input based joint(s) have been discussed.
polyethylene speeds and and hardness parameters viii The creation of custom polymer-based structures and joints is
10–20 mm/ have
being facilitated by the development of different types of inno­
min transverse significant
speeds effect on both vative variants of FSW that are tailored to fit the needs of such
the responses applications.
ix It may be necessary to develop a systematic and analytical
methodology for analyzing FSW, to enable the joining of

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