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Romeo&Juliet Comprehension Questions Dana Vitou

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I, Dana Vitou, would like to declare that the answers below are my own work, based on my reading of
the given text. I have not copied any part(s) from the work of other(s).

Romeo and Juliet

Read the given text and answer the following questions. Download the file to work on your device.
Label the file with your name and submit it in LS301 File-Week 2 Folder by 5 pm, Friday 20 October
Prepare for Week 2 Open-Book Quiz.
Parts I
1. When and where did the story Romeo and Juliet take place?
a. Verona, Italy
b. early fourteenth century
2. What were the causes and effects of the dispute between the two families, the Montagues and
the Capulets?
a. the cause of the dispute had been long forgotten
b. Whenever a servant from the Montagues and the Capulets met, there would be a fight.
3. How did the governor of Verona, Prince Escalus, try to solve the problems created by the two
a. The governor threatens to kill the heads of the Montagues and the Capulets' houses.
4. What problem was faced by Romeo Montague at the beginning of the story?
a. He is in love with Rosaline, who has vowed that she will never love anyone.

Part II
1. How old was Juliet Capulet?
a. thirteen years old
2. Why was there a party for Juliet?
a. It was a feast mainly for Juliet to meet with the handsome Count Paris
3. Why did Romeo go to the Capulets’ party?
a. Romeo wanted to meet Rosaline
4. Who was Tybalt? What was his reaction when he saw Romeo at the party?
a. Tybalt is Juliet’s cousin
b. Tybalt was angry and wanted to fight Romeo
5. When Romeo learned that Juliet was the daughter of Lord Capulet, what did he say?
a. Romeo said, “his new love promised to be as hopeless and unhappy as his old. How
could he hope to marry the daughter of his father’s ancient enemy?”

Part III
1. Who were Benvolio and Mercutio? How were they related to Romeo?
a. Benvolio and Mercutio are Romeo’s friends. Benvolio is Romeo’s cousin.
2. Why did Romeo decide to return to the Capulet’s house?
a. Romeo wanted to know if Juliet loved him as he loved her
3. What did Mercutio think of Romeo’s behaviour?
a. Mercutio makes humorous comments about Romeo’s lovesick state.
4. What part of the Capulets’ house did Romeo meet Juliet?

a. Romeo met Juliet at the upstairs window directly above him.
5. What did they agree to do the next day? Why?
a. They agreed to get married secretly the next day because they both loved each other
Part IV
1. Where and why did Benvolio and Mercutio try to find Romeo?
a. They were wandering the streets looking for Romeo to warn him about Tybalt who was
out for Romeo’s blood.
2. What caused the quarrel between Tybalt and Mercutio?
What did Benvolio do about it?
a. The quarrel was started due to the family feud. Benvolio suggested they go somewhere
more private or argue without fighting.
3. What did Romeo feel when he saw Tybalt? Why?
a. Romeo felt he loved Tybalt because he was Juliet’s cousin.
4. What caused the fight between Mercutio and Tybalt?
What did Romeo do about it?
a. Mercutio was furious at Tybalt for insulting Romeo. Romeo rushed in between them and
told them that the Prince forbids them from fighting in the city streets.
5. What caused the fight between Romeo and Tybolt? What was the result?
a. Mercutio’s death from the fatal wound caused Romeo to fight Tybalt. Romeo had killed
6. Describe the reactions of the following people at the crime scene after Romeo had left:
a. The citizens of Verona
i. They were furious about who killed Mercutio. But they also looked up to
Tybalt’s bravery.
b. Benvolio
i. He justifies the death of Tybalt because Tybalt had killed the Prince’s kinship,
c. Lady Capulet
i. She wanted Romeo to die because Tybalt a Capulet had died.
d. Prince Escalus
i. He blames both the Montagues and Capulets and banishes Romeo
What can be learned from these people’s reactions?
- It can be shown that people are only willing to support those on their side. Benvolio
explains that Tybalt was at fault for starting that fight., While Lady Capulet wants
Romeo to die because he killed a Capulet.
- The Prince punished the people fairly as he was the judge and did not use his emotions
to punish the Capulets more for killing his kinship.

Part V
1. What was Juliet’s reaction when she heard the news of Romeo?
a. Juliet was shocked when she heard the news of Romeo’s banishment. Then the thought
of Romeo’s banishment was more than she could bear.
2. How did the nurse try to comfort Juliet? What did Juliet think about this plan?
a. The nurse told her she would go get Romeo to comfort her. She was excited as she
passed her ring to the nurse to give to Romeo. So that he would come to take his last

3. Where and in what condition did the nurse find Romeo?
How did Friar Laurence manage to cheer Romeo up?
a. The nurse found Romeo lost in misery at the thought of his banishment from Verona at
Friar Laurence’s home.
b. Friar Laurence told Romeo that he could have been slain by Tybalt and it is only an
exile not execution.
4. Where was Romeo exiled to?
a. Mantua

Part VI
1. What plan did Lord and Lady Capulet make for Juliet? Why?
a. Lord and Lady Capulet offered Juliet’s love to Paris because they were anxious and
believed this was best for their one and only daughter.
2. When and how did Romeo get into Juliet’s room?
a. On the night of their wedding, Romeo climbs up a rope to get into Juliet’s room.
3. Who broke the unpleasant news to Juliet the next morning?
What was Juliet’s reaction to it and what excuse did she give?
a. Lady Capulet
b. Juliet was shocked and did not want to marry Paris.
4. What did her mother and father think and react to her behaviour?
a. Both her mother and father were annoyed and irritated that her daughter did not want to
marry Count Paris. Her father called her a disobedient wretch. If Juliet did not marry
Paris, she would be disowned.
5. Who did Juliet turn to for help?
a. Friar Laurence

Part VII
1. What was Friar Laurence’s plan to help Juliet escape from the marriage with Paris?
a. Friar Laurence told Juliet to accept the marriage and to drink this medicine that would
put her into a deep and deathlike sleep. So that everyone will think that Juliet has died.
2. How did Friar Laurence’s plan go wrong?
a. Friar Laurence could not find Romeo’s servant Balthasar, and sent the letter to Friar
John instead, who unfortunately did not reach Mantua. Which did not reach Romeo,
stating that Juliet isn’t dead.
3. What was Romeo’s reaction when he heard the news from Balthasar?
a. He plans to return to Verona and poison himself in the Capulet vault beside his beloved

1. When did Romeo arrive at the Capulets’ vault?
a. Romeo arrived at the Capulets’ vault on Friday night.
2. What was the cause of the fight between Romeo and Paris? What was the result of the fight?
a. Paris thought that Romeo being a Montague, was here to violate the bodies of Tybalt
and Juliet, this resulted in Paris’s death.
3. How did Romeo and Juliet die?
a. Romeo drank poison and Juliet killed herself with Romeo’s dagger.
4. Why didn’t Friar Laurence save Juliet?

a. He heard footsteps and shouting voices coming towards the vault, and ran out while
crying to Juliet to follow him. Since he was in a rush, he didn’t notice that Juliet stayed
inside the tomb.

Part IX
1. Why did the Prince, Montagues and Capulets come to the vault?
a. The page went to fetch the Prince, Montagues, and Capulets due to the bloodshed of
their kins.
2. What was the relationship between the Prince and Count Paris?
a. The prince and Count Paris are cousins.
3. Who came out to explain what had happened?
a. Friar Laurence
4. What happened to the Montagues and the Capulets at the end?
a. They united in sorrow and remorse, and put behind their hate and promised not to
quarrel anymore.
5. What is the value of Romeo and Juliet’s death?
a. The value of Romeo and Juliet’s death proved that their forbidden love is stronger than
any hate. Even though they are both from families that have quarreled for years,
Montagues and Capulets, they still love each other to the point where they can’t live
without one another.
Do you appreciate the way they sacrifice their lives? Why/why not?
- I do appreciate the way they sacrificed their love because it helped solve the family feud
between the two families. Although the deaths of the two lovers were very
What other possible choices you may take if you were in their situation?
- Another possible choice that I would have taken if I were in their situation would be for
Juliet to refuse the marriage and get disowned by her family. By doing so, Juliet can run
off to Mantua with Romeo. She wouldn’t have to worry about a second marriage, and
both families wouldn’t have to worry about their children. Romeo and Juliet would be
able to have a happy life together without the worry of their family feud affecting them.

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