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Test Bank For Entrepreneurship 4th Edition Zacharakis

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Test Bank for Entrepreneurship 4th

Edition Zacharakis
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12. The amount of venture capital under management has grown from $3.7 billion in 1980 to $156.5
billion in 2015. (pg.

13. Today, approximately 700 universities have offices for technology transfer. (pg. 15)

14. Virtual companies are so called because they outsource much of their work. (pg. 17)

15. In 2012, North American incubators assisted more than 350,000 startup companies. (pg. 17)

16. The professionalization of the entrepreneurial process, which has developed over the last 20
years, has almost eliminated the need for young entrepreneurs to write business plans themselves.
(pg. 18)

17. Five percent of American adults report they “invested” in someone else’s venture in the last
three years. (pg. 18)

18. Churning is a main component of a healthy economy. (pg. 18)


19. The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) is an organization created to gather information
about the most successful start-ups for potential investors. (pg. 20)

20. Baby business managers are owners-managers who are actively trying to start a new business
but who have not yet done so. (pg. 20)

21. The Total Entrepreneurial Activity (TEA) index tracks the percent of the adult population that is
trying to start or has started an infant business because all other options for work are either absent or
unsatisfactory. (pg. 20)

22. Norway is among the leading countries, in terms of entrepreneurial activity. (pg. 21)

26. Approximately 66% of all businesses start in the owner’s home, but fail to grow primarily
because the entrepreneur hires too many full-time workers. (pg. 4)
27. The former dean of the Nomura School of Advanced Management in Japan, Jiro Tokuyama,
once said that the venture capital firms in Japan comprise one of the chief advantages for Japanese,
technology start-ups. (pg. 10)

28. General Motors became the first company to earn over one billion dollars in a single year on
December 31, 1985. (pg. 2)

31. In 1928, the DJIA comprised 50 companies. (pg. 5)


Multiple Choice

1. What was the world’s largest corporation in 2012? (pg. 2)

A) Southwest Airlines
B) General Motors
C) Walmart
D) Google
E) Apple
(Answer – C)

2. What percentage of new business ventures typically survive their first 5 years of operation? (pg.
A) 100
B) 81
C) 65
D) 40
E) 25
(Answer – D)

3. What percentage of Americans dream of starting a business? (pg.4)

A) 68%
B) 39%
C) 48%
D) 58%
E) 28%
(Answer – B)

4. According to the survey cited in this chapter, which of the following was not one of the most
important innovations since 1980? (pg. 5)
A) The Internet
B) Cell phones
C) Personal computers
D) Digital imagery
E) E-mail
(Answer – D)

5. Which software application was the predecessor to the Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet? (pg. 7)
A) Microsoft Excel
B) MasterFile
C) Financial Works
D) FileMaker
E) VisiCalc
(Answer – E)

6. Which of the trends below converged to spark the Internet revolution of the 1990’s? (pg. 9)
A) Personal Computers, Cell Phones, and Laser Printing
B) Digital Technology, Information Technology, and Entrepreneurship
C) Personal Computers, Modems, and Floppy Disks
D) Entrepreneurship, Venture Capital, and Computer Software
E) Venture Capital, Biotechnology, and Telecommunications
(Answer – B)

7. By 2015, what percentage of the world’s population had become Internet users? (pg. 10)
A) 2
B) 16
C) 46
D) 60
E) 57
(Answer – C)

8. Which of the following industries was the prime example of venture capital fueling the pace of
commercial innovation? (pg. 10)
A) Semi-Conductors
B) Mini-Computers
C) Biotechnology
D) Personal Computers
E) All of the Above
(Answer – E)

9. What percent of GDP did venture capital backed companies generated in 2010? (pg. 10)
A) 7
B) 21
C) 28
D) 31
E) 41
(Answer – B)

10. What was the increase in Benchmark Capital’s investment of $5 million in eBay? (pg. 10)
A) 30-fold in two years
B) 300-fold in two years
C) 700-fold in two years
D) 1500-fold in two years
E) 4000-fold in two years
(Answer – D)

11. The stock market collapse that led to the Great Depression occurred in what year? (pg. 12)
A) 1928
B) 1929
C) 1930
D) 1931
E) 1932
(Answer – B)

12. Who reasoned that capitalism would be inevitably destroyed by elites? (pg. 12)
A) Whyte
B) Servan-Schreiber
C) Schumpeter
D) Lenin
E) Marx
(Answer – C)

13. According to the GEM model, how many sets of activities create the basis for national economic
growth? (pg. 13)
A) 2
B) 3
C) 4
D) 5
E) 6
(Answer – A)

14. Which term is used to describe business churning? (pg. 13)

A) Artificial evolution
B) Evolving transition
C) Making the butter
D) Business expansion
E) Creative destruction
(Answer – E)

15. “Baby boomers” is the term used for Americans born in: (pg. 14)
A) Early 1920’s
B) 1920’s
C) Early 1930’s
D) Late 1930’s – 1940’s
E) Mid 1940’s – early 1960’s
(Answer – E)

16. What percent of the workforce did Fortune 500 companies employ in 1960’s? (pg. 14)
A) 10
B) 15
C) 20
D) 25
E) 30
(Answer – C)

17. What percent of the executives downsized in the 1980’s and 1990’s started their own
businesses? (pg. 14)
A) 10
B) 15
C) 20
D) 25
E) 30
(Answer – C)

18. How much new VC money was committed in 1975? (pg. 14)
A) $10 million
B) $45 million
C) $145 million
D) $430 million
E) $930 million
(Answer – A)

19. What does SBIR stand for? (pg. 15)

A) Savings, Brokerage, and Investment Reserve
B) Small Business Innovation Research
C) Space Based Infra Red
D) Speaker Boundary Interference Response
E) Small Business Interest Rate
(Answer – B)

20. How much does the Bayh-Dole Act contribute annually to the US economy? (pg. 15)
A) $300 million
B) $950 million
C) $12 billion
D) $32 billion
E) $40 billion
(Answer – E)

21. What was the primary objective of the Bayh-Dole Act? (pg. 15)
A) Commercial development of intellectual property
B) Investment of pension funds in venture capital companies
C) Gender equality among entrepreneurs.
D) Support for young entrepreneurs
E) All of the above
(Answer – A)

22. How many business incubators were in the US in 2006? (pg. 17)
A) 240
B) 764
C) 850
D) 1115
E) 2076
(Answer – D)

23. What percent of American, four-year colleges have courses in entrepreneurship? (pg. 17)
A) 13
B) 43
C) 55
D) 60
E) 78
(Answer – D)

24. How much do informal investors contribute to startup businesses annually? (pg. 17)
A) $12 billion
B) $50 billion
C) $67 billion
D) $86 billion
E) $100 billion
(Answer – E)

25. At the turn of the 20th century, about 50% of US workers worked in either the agricultural or the
domestic service spheres. Approximately 100 years later that percentage had decreased to which of
the following figures? (pg. 5)
A) 4%
B) 10%
C) 16%
D) 22%
E) 35%
(Answer – A)

26. Which of the following entrepreneurs was one of the pioneers of the biotechnology industry?
(pg. 7)
A) Robert Noyce
B) Arthur Blank
C) Tim Nerners-Lee
D) George Gendron
E) Robert Swanson
(Answer – E)

27. Jim Clark, an IT entrepreneur, became the first Internet billionaire because of his investment in
what company? (pg. 9)
A) Yahoo! Inc.
B) Netscape Communications
C) Inc.
D) Google Inc.
E) Microsoft Corp.
(Answer – B)

28. In general, the most important source of capital for a new entrepreneurial venture is which of
the following? (pg. 18)
A) Informal investors
B) Venture Capital
C) Banks
D) Profits from the venture
E) Incubators
(Answer – A)

29. What is the most successful US airline? (pg. 19)

A) United Airlines
B) Delta
C) Continental
D) Southwest Airlines
E) Pan-Am
(Answer – D)

30. The highest average TEA rates are found in? (pg. 21)
A) Middle East & North Africa
B) European Union
C) United States
D) Asia Pacific/South Asia
E) Africa and Latin America/Caribbean
(Answer – E)

Open ended

1. Why are small businesses an important consideration for state and federal politicians? (pgs.
2 – 3)
 In the U.S. there are 28 million or so businesses, of which approximately 99.9 percent are
small businesses.
 More than fifteen hundred new businesses are born every hour of every working day in the
United States.
 Small businesses create most of the jobs in the US.

2. Explain, in your own words, Schumpeter’s view of entrepreneurship’s role in an economy

and society. (pgs. 1 – 2)
 Schumpeter argued that the innovation and technological change of a nation come from
 He believed that entrepreneurs are the ones who facilitate the functionality of an economy.
 He claimed that by destroying old businesses and creating new ones, entrepreneurs keep the
economy healthy.

3. Describe the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) 3 phases of economic development. (pgs. 20 –
 The factor-driven phase is dominated by subsistence agriculture and extraction businesses,
with a heavy reliance on (unskilled) labor and natural resources. The focus of development
efforts tends toward building a sufficient foundation of basic requirements.
 The efficiency-driven phase: an economy has become more competitive with further
development accompanied by industrialization and an increased reliance on economies of
scale, with capital-intensive large organizations more dominant. Generally accompanied by
improved (and improving) basic requirements, and attention is then directed toward
developing the efficiency enhancers.
 In the innovation-driven phase, businesses are more knowledge-intensive, and the service
sector expands.

4. What was the most critical step in Federal Express’ rapid growth? (pgs. 6 – 7)
 In the mid-1970s, Federal Express had taken a leading role in lobbying for air cargo
deregulation that finally passed in 1977.
 These changes allowed Federal Express to use larger aircraft and spurred the company's
rapid growth. Today FedEx has the world's largest all-cargo air fleet, including McDonnell-
Douglass MD-11s and Airbus A-300s and A-310s.

5. Give two examples of how companies strengthened their businesses through changes in
regulations. (pgs. 6 – 7)
 Federal Express had taken a leading role in lobbying for air cargo deregulation that finally
passed in 1977. These changes allowed Federal Express to use larger aircraft and spurred the
company's rapid growth
 Herb Kelleher, the charismatic co-founder of Southwest Airlines, is often credited with
triggering airline deregulation by persevering with his legal battle to get Southwest airborne,
in the face of fierce legal opposition from Braniff, Trans-Texas, and Continental Airlines.

6. Why is the Internet one of the most revolutionary developments in the history of
commercial innovation? (pg. 8 – 10)
 The internet provided businesses with millions of flexible space in which to conduct
 Small businesses gained a platform that allowed them to compete with multi-billion
 The internet spurred the proliferation of information. Any entrepreneur now has access to
virtually any information he or she needs.

7. Why was the Netscape’s IPO so popular and successful? (pgs. 9 – 10)
 Netscape Navigator was an instant hit with users, gaining 75 percent of the browser market
within four months of its introduction.
 Marc Andreessen, the creator of Netscape, was well known among investors by the time he
decided to take his company public.
 Venture capitalists saw huge potential in Netscape and believed that the company could
become a legitimate rival to Microsoft.

8. How did the advent of the PC churn up the entire computer industry? (pg. 19)
 It wiped out the typewriter industry.
 Changed the way office work is organized – secretaries had to learn computer skills

9. Which factors led to American entrepreneurial revolution? (pg. 12)

 In the 1960s a generation of Americans who had no first-hand memory of the Great
Depression and did not believe an economy should be built on corporations only came of
 In the 1970s, Washington, after bailing out Penn Central, Lockheed, and Chrysler, started to
pay more attention to small businesses
 Congress took steps in 1978 to stimulate the venture capital industry, which, in turn, led to
more investments in start-ups
 Bayh-Dole Act, implemented in 1980 fostered the growth of technology-based small
businesses by allowing them to own the patents that arose from federally sponsored research

10. What was the effect of the Bayh-Dole Act? (pg. 15)
 10 years ago, The Economist estimated that Bayh-Dole had created 2,000 new companies
and 260,000 new jobs and had contributed $40 billion annually to the U.S. economy. More
progress has been made since then.
 More than 1,200 universities have offices for technology transfer.

11. Who, in your opinion, would benefit from the creative destruction process and why? (pgs.
13 – 14)
 Economy – stays healthy and primed for growth.
 The customer – new ventures create better products.
 The companies themselves – the threat of creative destruction leads companies to constantly
improve their operating and production processes and leads to faster learning curves.

12. Describe the three main measures of entrepreneurial activity. (pg. 20)
 TEA (total entrepreneurial activity) is the percentage of the adult population that is either
nascent entrepreneurs or baby businesses owner-managers or both. It measures the
overall entrepreneurial activity of a nation.
 TEA (opportunity) is the percentage of the adult population that is trying to start or has
started a baby business to exploit a perceived opportunity. They are classified as
improvement-driven opportunity motivated if they additionally seek to improve their
income or independence through entrepreneurship.
 TEA (necessity) is the percentage of the adult population that is trying to start or has
started a baby business because all other options for work are either absent or

14. Explain what the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) is. (PG. 20)
 It was conceived in 1997 to study the economic impact and the determinants of national-
level entrepreneurial activity.
 It is the largest coordinated research effort ever undertaken to study population-level
entrepreneurial activity.
 GEM has become the world’s most influential and authoritative source of empirical data
and expertise on the entrepreneurial potential of nations.

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