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1ZSE 5492-156 en, Rev.

On-load tap-changers, type UBB

User’s manual
Original instruction

The information provided in this document is intended to be general and does not
cover all possible applications. Any specific application not covered should be
referred directly to ABB or its authorized representative.

ABB makes no warranty or representation and assumes no liability for the

accuracy of the information in this document or for the use of such information. All
information in this document is subject to change without notice.

This document must not be copied without our written permission, and the contents
thereof must not be imparted to a third party nor be used for any unauthorized
purpose. Contravention will be prosecuted.
Manufacturer’s declaration
The manufacturer ABB AB
Hereby declares that
The products On-load tap-changers, type UB
with motor-drive mechanisms, types BUE and BUL
comply with the following requirements:

By design, the machine, considered as a component of a mineral oil filled power transformer, complies
with the requirements of
• Machinery Directive 89/392/EEC (amended 91/368/EEC and 93/44/EEC) and 93/68/EEC (marking)
provided that the installation and the electrical connection are correctly realized by the manufacturer
of the transformer (e.g. in compliance with our Installation Instructions)
• EMC Directive 89/336/EEC regarding the intrinsic characteristics to emission and immunity levels
• Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC (modified by Directive 93/68/EEC) concerning the built-in motor
and apparatus in the control circuits.
Certificate of Incorporation:
The machines above must not be put into service until the machinery into which they have been
incorporated has been declared in conformity with the Machinery Directive.

Date 2013-02-15

Signed by .........................................................................

Hans Linder

Title Manager Tap-Changers, Local Product Group Unit Components

Introduction Safety precautions
The UB range of on-load tap-changers manufactured by ABB
has been developed over many years to provide maximum WARNING
reliability. The simple and rugged design gives a service
life equal to the service life of the transformer. Minimum Personnel operating and inspecting the tap-changer
maintenance is required for trouble-free operation. The only must have good knowledge of the apparatus and
parts requiring maintenance are contacts that might need must be aware of the risks pointed out in this manual.
replacement during the service life, the insulating oil and the
motor-drive mechanism. Personnel making electrical connections in the motor-
drive mechanism have to be certified.
The design allows ready access to all parts, making
inspection and maintenance quick and simple. WARNING

The on-load tap-changers, type UB, is housed in the Small amounts of explosive gases might come out
transformer tank. The motor-drive mechanism, type BUE or from the breathing devices (dehydrating breather
BUL, is attached to the transformer tank and connected to or one-way breather). Make sure that no open
the tap-changer by means of drive-shafts and a bevel gear. fire, hot surfaces or sparks occur in the immediate
surroundings of the breathing devices.
Safety warnings
The following warnings and notes are used in the manual: CAUTION

After a trip from a supervisory device, an inspection

WARNING must be made by a specialist. The diverter switch
housing must be drained and the diverter switch lifted
WARNING indicates an imminently hazardous and carefully investigated before the transformer is
situation, which if not avoided will result in death or reenergized.
serious injury. This signal word is to be limited to the
most extreme situations.

WARNING also indicates a potentially hazardous

situation, which if not avoided could result in death or
serious injury.


CAUTION indicates a potentially hazardous situation,

which if not avoided may result in minor or moderate
injury. It may also be used to alert of unsafe practices.

CAUTION may also indicate property-damage-only


4 User's manual UBB | 1ZSE 5492-156 en, Rev. 4

Operation for one step is also shown on the rating plate. When the
handcrank is inserted all electrical operations are rendered
WARNING impossible. Continue cranking until the tap-changer in
progress indicator shows POSITION for BUE or white
The handcrank must not be inserted during electrical colour for BUL.
– – Thermostat for extra heater (option). We recommend a
WARNING setting at +5 °C.

If the tap-changer is not in the exact position and the – – Hygrostat for extra heater (option). We recommend a
handcrank is pulled out, the motor-drive mechanism setting at approximately 60 %.
will start and go to the exact position if the power
supply is on. – – Outlet (option) with earth fault protector.

WARNING Normally the tap-changer is controlled by a voltage regulator

and no manual operation of the tap-changer and the motor-
If a failure in power supply occurs during operation, drive mechanism is needed.
the operation will be completed when the power
returns. Maintenance schedule

–– The position indicator shows the actual tap-position. CAUTION

–– The draghands show the max. and min. tap-position To maintain the high reliability of the tap-changer it is
between which the tap-changer has been working since important that the inspections and the overhauls be
last resetting. carried out at the interval stated on the rating plate.

–– For BUE: The tap-change in progress indicator shows CAUTION

POSITION in service position, RAISE when operating in
a raise operation and LOWER when operating in a lower If the frequency of operations is very low and the tap-
operation. changer is filled with degassed oil after commissioning
or overhaul, the gas cushion should be restored one
–– For BUL: The tap-change in progress indicator shows month after filling. The absence of a gas cushion
RED during operation and WHITE when the tap-changer is means a risk for a false trip of the pressure relay. See
in service position. Restoring the gas cushion.

–– For resetting of the emergency stop turn the knob Maintenance of the tap-changer consists of three major steps:
– – Inspection to be carried out by site personnel once a year
–– The LOCAL/REMOTE switch. In position LOCAL the tap- (see below)
changer can be operated by the RAISE/LOWER switch. In
position LOCAL remote operation is rendered impossible. – – Overhaul to be carried out by a specialist at intervals stated
In position REMOTE the tap-changer is operated from the on the rating plate
control room or by a voltage regulator. Local operation is
not possible in remote position. – – Contact replacement to be carried out by a specialist. The
possible need for replacement is decided during overhaul.
–– In case of a failure in power supply for the motor-drive
mechanism, it is possible to handcrank the tap-changer. A specialist is a service engineer from ABB or an authorized
Put the handcrank on the shaft. Make sure it has entered person trained by ABB for maintenance work on UB tap-
the slot in the shaft. Crank in the desired direction as per changers.
the information plate above the shaft. The number of turns

1ZSE 5492-156 en, Rev. 4 | User's manual UBB 5

Inspection Procedure


Approval should be given by the site engineer in Checking of the breather and the oil level must be
charge for inspection as well as for operating the tap- carried out from ground level since the transformer is
changer. energized.

It is recommended to inspect the tap-changer once a year. 1. Checking of the breather

This principally concerns the motor-drive mechanism and
refers to a visual inspection inside the BUE/BUL cabinet to WARNING
check that nothing is loose, and that the heater is functioning.
The breathers and the tube from the conservator
In the motor-drive mechanism a counter registers every tap- might contain explosive gases. No open fire, hot
change operation. During inspection the counter is read and surfaces or sparks may be present when removing the
noted. If possible, motor and counter are to be tested by breather.
operating one step and then back.
Check the breather according to the instructions for the
If the tap-changer has its own oil conservator, the breather transformer.
and the oil level indicator on the oil conservator are to be
checked according to the instructions from the transformer If more than half of the drying agent has changed colour, it
manufacturer. must be dried or replaced.

The inspection is to be carried out while the transformer is in The drying agent usually starts to change colour from the
service. bottom of the breather. If it changes colour at the top of
the breather, there is a leakage in the connections to the
On the conservator the following are to be checked: conservator. Locate the leakage and seal it.
– – Oil level
– – Breather 2. Checking of the oil level in the conservator
The oil level in the conservator should be according to the
In the motor-drive mechanism the following items are to be instructions in the transformer documentation.
– – Motor and counter 3. Checking of the motor and the counter
– – Emergency stop Open the motor-drive cabinet door and turn the selector-
– – Heater switch to the LOCAL position. Then turn the control switch to
– – Earth fault protector for the outlet (option) the RAISE (LOWER) position.

If the tap-changer is equipped with an oil filter unit, the Check that the motor works properly, the position indicator
pressure drop over the filter is to be checked. increases (decreases) one step, and the counter advances
one step for each operation. Record the counter’s value. The
Required tools counter shows the number of operations run by the tap-
The following eq uipment is required for the inspection: changer (the overhaul schedule can be determined with the
– – Set of screwdrivers help of this information).
– – Pen and note pad
Turn the control switch to the LOWER (RAISE) position.
Check that the motor also works properly in that direction,
the position indicator decreases (increases) one step and the
counter advances one step more.

Reset the draghands.

6 User's manual UBB | 1ZSE 5492-156 en, Rev. 4

4. Checking of the emergency stop 7. Checking of the oil filter unit (option)
Give a RAISE or LOWER impulse and after about one If the tap-changer is equipped with an oil filter unit from ABB:
second press the emergency stop. The operation should be
interrupted. Reset the emergency stop by turning the knob – – Read the pressure gauge.
clockwise and set the protective motorswitch to ON. The – – Note the reading so the change from year to year can be
started operation should now be completed. Operate back to seen.
service position.
If the pressure is 2.0 bar or more, or close to 2.0 bar, the filter
5. Checking of the earth fault protector (option) insert should be replaced.
If the motor-drive mechanism is equipped with an outlet, the
earth fault protector should be tested by pressing the test If moisture is suspected to have come into the tap-changer
knob on the outlet on BUE or on the separate earth fault compartment, the filter insert should be replaced.
protector on BUL.
If a filter insert replacement is needed, call a specialist.
6. Checking of the heater
Also check for leakages. All leakages should be repaired!
Restoring the gas cushion
Before starting any work inside the motor-drive In case the tap changer has an oil filter unit from ABB that
mechanism the auxiliary power must be switched off. is installed according to our instructions, no outage of the
transformer is necessary. See the manual for oil filter unit.
N. B. The motor, contactors and heating element may
be energized from separate sources.
Disconnect the incoming auxiliary power.
Before any work is carried out on the tap-changer:
Open the control panel (BUE only). Make sure that the transformer is disconnected and
that earthing is properly carried out. Obtain a signed
Check by feeling with a finger on the protection plate that the certificate from the engineer in charge.
heater has been functioning.
Proceed as follows:
Close the control panel (BUE only). Reconnect the incoming
auxiliary power. 1. Shut the conservator valve.
2. Connect a hand pump to the oil valve and start to suck
Complete the inspection by turning the selector-switch to the out oil. Open the air release valve to the tap-changer and
REMOTE position and closing the cabinet door. let air in. Stop pumping after about 2 litres of oil have been
sucked out from the tap-changer.
3. Shut the air release valve and the oil valve and disconnect
the pump.
4. Open the conservator valve and an appropriate gas
cushion will be formed.

1ZSE 5492-156 en, Rev. 4 | User's manual UBB 7

12 13 14










Layout of on-load tap-changer, type UBB.

1. Bevel gear 12. Valve R½” for filling and draining of oil
2. Lifting eye 13. Top cover
3. Flange 14. Connection to conservator
4. Cylinder 15. Pressure relay
5. Change-over selector moving contacts 16. Air release valve to transformer tank
6. Change-over selector fixed contacts 17. Air release valve for tap-changer
7. Selector switch fixed contacts 18. Position indicator window
8. Selector switch moving contacts 19. Current collector terminal
9. Selector switch shaft 20. Transition resistor
10. Bottom drain screw 21. Shielding rings
11. Bottom

8 User's manual UBB | 1ZSE 5492-156 en, Rev. 4


Layout of on-load tap-changer system.

1. Bevel gear
2. Horizontal shaft with protection cover
3. Vertical shaft with protection cover
4. Rating plate
5. On-load tap-changer
6. Motor-drive mechanism

1ZSE 5492-156 en, Rev. 4 | User's manual UBB 9

1 3 2 8 4 6 5 7 9 10 11 8



14 13 16

Cabinet layout of motor-drive mechanism, type BUE.

1. Locking device prepared for padlock 10. Tap-change in progress indicator

2. Emergency stop 11. Position indicator with drag hands for max. and min.
3. Air vent position
4. LOCAL/REMOTE switch 12. Shaft for hand crank
5. RAISE/LOWER switch 13. Protective motor switch
6. Outgoing shaft 14. Door-operated switch for lamp
7. Lamp (40 W socket E27) 15. Hand crank
8. Lifting eye 16. Descriptions and circuit diagram
9. Counter

10 User's manual UBB | 1ZSE 5492-156 en, Rev. 4

1 2 14 4 3 5


8 6





Cabinet layout of motor-drive mechanism, type BUL2.

1. Position indicator with drag hands for max. and min. 8. Emergency stop
position 9. RAISE/LOWER switch
2. Tap-change in progress indicator 10. LOCAL/REMOTE switch
(Red: in progress, White: in position) 11. Protective motor switch
3. Counter 12. Air vent
4. Outgoing shaft with multi-hole coupling half 13. Door-operated switch for lamp
5. Shaft for hand crank 14. Lamp
6. Locking device prepared for padlock 15. Descriptions and circuit diagram
7. (Option) Outlet 16. Hand crank

1ZSE 5492-156 en, Rev. 4 | User's manual UBB 11

Contact us


© Copyright 2013 ABB, All rights reserved. 1ZSE 5492-156 en, Rev. 4, 2013-04-15
SE-771 80 Ludvika, Sweden
Phone: +46 240 78 20 00
Fax: +46 240 121 57

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