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Bell B50E

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B40E I B45E I B50E

Articulated Dump Trucks

Stage IIIA Certified

E is for
• Extensive use of high-strength,
lightweight materials give our
trucks the best payload-to-mass
ratios and hauling efficiencies in
each class.

• With their oscillating frame

and high-flotation tyres, Bell
trucks won’t leave you stuck in

Your business is our business. Bell muddy, rutted or hilly terrain.

Articulated Dump Trucks haul more, • The redesigned, sound-

suppressed cab features

for longer at the lowest cost-per-ton fatigue-beating controls, an

advanced diagnostic monitor

to deliver more on your profit margins. with B-drive and a sealed switch
module for convenient, fingertip
operation of machine functions.

As a global leader in Articulated Dump Trucks, Bell Equipment • Fuel-efficient emission-rated

brings you the world class E-series range. The evolutionary engines deliver clean power
E-series is packed with class leading features that deliver without compromise in all
conditions. Leading-edge
production boosting payloads, lower daily operating costs,
emissions technology ensures
superior ride quality and uncompromised safety standards. rapid engine response and
dependable cold-start
Bell E-series ADTs will give your business the competitive edge performance.
you need.

The E-series range takes

ADT functionality to new
industry standards, with
delivering the highest
level of automated
operator and machine
protection available.
Through substantial investments
in research and development
and employing industry-leading
technology, advancements in the
key areas of performance and
fuel efficiency help you to move
more material at lower operating
costs with even less impact on the

2 l
Specifications B40E B45E B50E
Net power 380 kW (510 hp) 390 kW (523 hp) 430 kW (577 hp)
Operating mass

Empty 34 596 kg (76 284 lb) 35 479 kg (78 231 lb) 38 287 kg (84 423 lb)

Loaded 73 596 kg (162 279 lb) 76 479 kg (168 636 lb) 83 687 kg (184 530 lb)

Rated payload 39 000 kg (85 995 lb) 41 000 kg (90 405 lb) 45 400 kg (100 107 lb)

2:1 heaped capacity 24 m3 (31 yd3) 25 m3 (33 yd3) 27,5 m3 (36 yd3) l 3
Building on
pedigree Planetary powershift transmission
optimises shift points to match
conditions and vehicle weight while
protecting the transmission from
Building on from the proven operator error and abuse. Allison
FuelSense® calibration optimises
D-series platform, Bell Equipment’s production and fuel burn.

evolutionary approach to design

delivers optimised power-to-weight
ratios and legendary fuel efficiency.

The transfer case inter-axle differential

delivers equal torque to each axle
when traction is favourable. When
conditions deteriorate, the diff-lock
automatically engages to deliver
torque to the tyres that can best
use it.

• High-travel suspension keeps • Electronic common rail fuel

all tyres in constant contact system provides high injection
with the ground, for optimum pressures even at low engine
traction. speed for improved cold-
starting ability, low-speed
• Automatic Traction Control response and reduced
(ATC) is achieved with speed emissions.
sensors providing feedback to High-strength steel and widely spaced
the truck’s on-board • Bell ADTs have the best taper roller bearings in the articulation
computer, which controls the approach angle to attack area enhance long-term durability.
differential lock activation as steep terrain owing to careful
required. Coupled with, best engine packaging and the
in class rear suspension travel, front chairs design.
this results in unparalleled
off-road ability. • Improved payloads, faster
haul cycles and industry
• Automatic retardation slows leading fuel economy all help
the truck when the operator you move more material at a
backs off the accelerator lower-cost-per-tonne than the
pedal providing more competitors.
confidence on steep grades.
• Optimised payload-to-weight A tailgate is available as an option for
• An industry leading, fully ratios decrease your cost-per- better material retention. The tailgate
automatic seven-speed tonne meaning more of your opens as the bin is raised for dumping.
planetary transmission with fuel cost is spent moving the Unlike chains, the spring steel straps in
torque converter lock-up material rather than running a Bell ADT bin maintain a positive seal
maximises fuel efficiency. the machine. throughout the haul ensuring minimal
material is lost.
4 l
Our innovative front and rear comfort ride suspension options are
offered to even further enhance ride quality and ensure minimal whole
body vibration exposure.

Productivity increases through reduced cycle times, and reduced haul road maintenance are even further
benefits of these extremely successful systems. Experienced ADT operators who have driven trucks
installed with these systems have come away amazed by the comfort of the machine, as well as the
confidence that the adaptive front suspension engenders. l 5
Built smarter, to work harder.
Bell ADTs offer optimised machine
weights so you spend more time and
money on moving material and not
• Fully enclosed, flooded, dual
running the machine. circuit wet disc brakes offer
superior braking performance
and extended service life
With decades of ADT experience, the Bell E-series articulated essential for wet and muddy
hauler is designed and manufactured using purpose built, reliable conditions. Oil-immersed
wet-disc brakes are virtually
Bell components best suited for the toughest of conditions.
maintenance-free and
feature a high flow circulation
The central oscillation joint, high suspension travel on all axles, and system with cooling and
balanced weight distribution provide the agility and ability to filtration.
navigate hostile terrain.
• Viscous, electronically
controlled, direct-drive engine
fans provide effective cooling
and the best efficiency.

• Class leading engine braking,

coupled with automated brake
retardation, provides superior
braking power whilst brake
retardation occurs at pressures
low enough to ensure no
contact between wet brake
plates resulting in zero wear.

The high-strength steel chassis delivers strength and rigidity without excess weight.

For comfortable productivity, the A-frame suspension Rough terrain demands tough suspensions. Heavy-duty
system coupled with hydropneumatic suspension struts components absorb shocks and come back for more.
reduce the discomfort of lateral vibration often experienced You get best-in-class suspension travel and ground
with off-road conditions. A superior suspension seat provides clearance, too.
additional isolation for the operator.
6 l
Other uptime-boosting features include world class on-board diagnostics with
live stream functionality, solid-state sealed switches and satellite fleet
management system.

High-strength welded-alloy steel chassis and reinforced articulation joints, offer superior strength and
durability with optimised weight for class leading power-to-weight ratio. Lower machine mass reduces
powertrain and structural stress. l 7
with ease Easy-to-understand instruments and
intuitive controls wrap around the
operator so they’re easier to view and

Using the latest in automotive

technology and state-of-the-art
tooling, the E-series takes operator
experience to new heights.
Climb into the cab of a Bell ADT and you will feel right at home. A user friendly, multi-language,
Its quiet, spacious interior, ergonomically positioned operator
10” colour display unit offers vital
station and climate-controlled cabin is loaded with operating information, safety
productivity boosting comfort and convenience features that warnings, detailed diagnostic
minimise operator fatigue and enhance the operator’s readings and dump body function
experience. settings.

Modern flowing lines, in keeping with current styling trends on

road vehicles, offer unsurpassed levels of visibility.

From the state-of-the-art 10” full colour screen, automotive

mouse interface and sealed switch module to air suspension
seat, tilt/telescoping steering wheel and optional CD player with
high-output speakers, the E-series provides everything your
operators need to perform at their best.
The Bell automotive sealed display
controller, B-drive, enables easy
navigation of the CDU for access of
• The standard sound- • The adaptive transmission machine information and adjustment
suppression package control adjusts clutch of machine settings.
significantly reduces noise engagement to ensure
levels and operator fatigue. smooth, consistent shifts
throughout the life of the
• A fully adjustable air- truck.
suspension seat with variable
damping, auto height adjust • A purpose designed HVAC
according to operator weight, climate control system with
pneumatic lumbar support and automotive-style louvres keeps
multipoint harness for class- the glass clear and the cab
leading comfort and safety. comfortable.

• New machine styling and • You won’t find retarder Convenient sealed switch module
cabin design improvements, pedals or levers in a Bell truck. provides fingertip control of numerous
which include full glass access Retarder aggressiveness is productivity enhancing functions
door and high visibility mirror simply set on the switch pad. including: Keyless Start, I-Tip, Dump
package, provide exceptional Everything else is automatic. Body Upper Limit, Soft Stop/Hard Stop
all-round visibility. Selection, Retarder Aggressiveness
and Speed Control.
8 l l 9
Safety, our
business Our quiet operator cabins are ROPS/
FOPS certified with an air suspension
operator seat. The trainer seat has a

retractable lap belt while the
operator seat has a standard 3 point
seat belt. Both have automatically
locking retractors.

By listening to users and delivering

on expectations in an ever changing
workplace, we provide a truck
that leads in application safety
An optional integrated reverse
with numerous groundbreaking camera and high visibility mirrors
ensure superior all round visibility.
Independent features such as Keyless Start, Hill Assist, Bin Tip
Prevention, Auto Park Application (APA), Standard Turbo Spin
Protection and On-Board Weighing (OBW) are still standard on
the E-series.

For improved safety and productivity, the E-series has Automatic

Traction Control (ATC).

Keyless start, driver identity and

access codes ensure no unauthorised
operation of your equipment.
• Full handrails (to ISO 2876) • Best-in-class retarder and
can be installed to offer engine braking automatically
improved safety when applies when the operator lifts
performing engine checks. his foot off the accelerator.
Retarder aggressiveness can
• The park brake automatically be simply adjusted on the
applies when neutral is sealed switch module ensuring
selected and it is not possible maximum descent control for
to engage neutral at speed. all conditions.
Torque dependent park brake
release (Hill Assist) ensures no • Multiple geofencing in
roll back on slopes. challenging site conditions
ensures safe machine The exclusive on-board weighing
• All trucks can be set up to operation, such as downhill presents the operator with real
automatically sound the horn speed control, geofence time information on the payload
when starting or switching speed limits and bin while the machine is being loaded.
between forward and restrictions. A ‘speed restriction’ mode can
reverse. also be activated if the machine is
significantly overloaded.
10 ll
The incorporation of a pitch and roll
sensor in the vehicle prevents bin
operation if the truck is in an unsafe

Both operator or site selectable

maximum speed control allows the
vehicle to automatically decelerate
and apply the retarder to prevent
onsite speeding. l 11
uptime If something goes wrong, the
diagnostic monitor provides service
codes and supporting info to help
diagnose the problem.

The E-series is loaded with features

that make it as easy to maintain as
it is to operate. Spend less time and
expense getting ready for work and
more time getting work done. The cab can be tilted in minutes
without special tools, for convenient
service access to drivetrain
Easy-to-reach dipsticks and grouped service points make quick components.
work of the daily routine. Quick-change filters, extended engine
and hydraulic oil-service intervals lower daily operating costs and
provide superior machine uptime.

The industry leading, 10” colour monitor offers on-board machine

diagnostics as well as automated daily service functionality,
coupled with diagnostic test ports, for ease of troubleshooting
and informing maintenance decisions on site.

An in-cab load centre simplifies

fuse replacement. Fewer relays,
connectors and harnesses mean
higher reliability.

The remote transmission filter option

makes transmission filter replacement
an even faster and cleaner task.
12 l
• Automated daily service
checks can be done with
ease and comfort from
inside the operator station
using the 10” colour LCD
monitor and sealed display

• The load-sensing
hydraulic system was
designed with simplicity in
mind, while maintaining
efficiency. Fewer
components for improved
reliability and serviceability.

See-through fluid reservoirs and sight Easily accessible test ports allow • Extended engine
gauges let you check fluid levels at a technicians to troubleshoot problems transmission and hydraulic
glance. more quickly. oil-change for increased
uptime and lower operating

• Available environmental
drains allow quick, no-spill

• Your Bell Service Centre

has the parts and backup
you need to stay productive
and offers a wide variety of
preventative maintenance
and support programmes
The centralised lube bank places The convenient and easy to to help you control costs.
difficult-to-reach grease points within understand RSG decal details daily
reach. checks and actions (eg: greasing). l 13
Through our living motto ‘Strong Reliable Machines, Strong Reliable Support’,
we offer both exceptional equipment and aftermarket support products because
we want your Bell ownership experience to be a happy one.

14l |

Smarter fleet


Hours Operated

Fuel Consump


Hours Operat
Fuel Consump





Cutting edge technology, helping you run your fleet smarter. Providing
accurate, up-to-date operational data, production data and diagnostic data.
The key to a productive and profitable fleet, lies in the ability to monitor and manage your machines and operators
efficiently. Machine operational data is processed and compiled into useful production and performance statistics,
accessible via the Bell Fleetm@tic® website. These reports are also automated and emailed directly to you. The two
monitoring packages that we have available, are:

• The Classic Package supplies you with good enough information for you to have a very good understanding of how
your machine is operating for each shift that it runs. This package comes standard with the machine for 2 years.

• The Premium Package is focused on customers who need to have extremely detailed information of the machine’s
operation. For this package we offer similar information to that of the Classic Package but for each individual laden -
unladen cycle. In addition, live tracking is available on the Fleetm@tic® website on a per minute basis.


• Maximise productivity • Receive machine fault codes as

well as suggested trouble shooting
• Generate machine utilisation reports
• Identify operator training
• Protect investments
• Receive real time geospatial data
• Pro-active maintenance planning

• Implement safety features l 15
B40E Articulated Dump Truck
Manufacturer Manufacturer Type Two double-acting, single
Mercedes Benz (MTU) Kessler Radial Earthmover stage, dump cylinders

Model Series Tyre Raise Time

OM471LA (MTU 6R 1300) W2400 29.5 R 25 (875/65 R 29 optional) 11 seconds

Configuration Layout Lowering Time

Inline 6, turbocharged and Remote mounted FRONT SUSPENSION 6 seconds
intercooled Semi-independent, leading
Gear Layout A-frame supported by hydro- Tipping Angle
Net Power Three in-line helical gears pneumatic suspension struts 70 deg standard, or any lower
380 kW (510 hp) @ 1 600 rpm angle programmable
Output Differential Option: Electronically controlled
Gross Torque Interaxle 29/71 proportional adaptive suspension with ride
2 600 Nm (1 918 lbft) @ 1 300 rpm differential. Automatic inter-axle height adjustment PNEUMATIC SYSTEM
differential lock. Air drier with heater and integral
Displacement unloader valve, serving park
12,8 litres (781 REAR SUSPENSION brake and auxiliary functions
AXLES Pivoting walking beams with
Auxiliary Brake Manufacturer laminated rubber suspension System Pressure
Jacobs Engine Brake® Bell blocks 810 kPa (117 psi)
Fuel Tank Capacity Option: Comfort Ride
Model suspension walking beams, with
533 litres (140.8 US gal) ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
30T two-stage sandwich block Voltage
Certification 24 V
OM471LA (MTU 6R 1300) is Differential
EU Stage IIIA / EPA Tier 3 High input controlled traction HYDRAULIC SYSTEM Battery Type
emission level equivalent differential with spiral bevel Full load sensing system serving Two AGM (Absorption Glass
gears the prioritised steering, body Mat) type
tipping and brake functions.
TRANSMISSION Final Drive A ground-driven, load sensing Battery Capacity
Manufacturer Outboard heavy duty planetary emergency steering pump is 2 X 75 Ah
Allison on all axles integrated into the main system.
Alternator Rating
Model Pump Type 28V 80A
4700 ORS Variable displacement load
Service Brake
sensing piston MAX. VEHICLE SPEED
Configuration Dual circuit, full hydraulic
Fully automatic planetary actuation wet disc brakes on Flow 1st 4 km/h 2,5 mph
transmission front and middle axles. Wet 330 L/min (87 gal/min) 2nd 9 km/h 6 mph
brake oil is circulated through a 3rd 17 km/h 11 mph
Layout filtration and cooling system. Pressure 4th 23 km/h 14 mph
Engine mounted 315 bar (4 569 psi) 5th 33 km/h 21 mph
Maximum brake force: 6th 44 km/h 27,3 mph
Gear Layout 305 kN (68 567 lbf) Filter
7th 51 km/h 32 mph
Constant meshing planetary 5 microns
Park & Emergency R 7 km/h 4 mph
gears, clutch operated
Spring applied, air released
Gears driveline mounted disc STEERING SYSTEM
7 Forward, 1 reverse Double acting cylinders, with
Maximum brake force: ground-driven emergency ROPS/FOPS certified 76 dBA
Clutch Type 218 kN (49 008 lbf) steering pump internal sound level measured
Hydraulically operated multi- according to ISO 6396
disc Auxiliary Brake Lock to lock turns
Jacobs Engine Brake®. 5
Control Type Automatic retardation through
Electronic electronic activation of wet Steering Angle
brake system. 42º
Torque Control
Hydrodynamic with lock-up in Total Retardation Power
all gears Continuous: 442 kW (593 hp)
Maximum: 854 kW (1 145 hp)

Load Capacity & Ground Pressure

UNLADEN kg (lb) LADEN BODY m (yd )
3 3
kg (lb)
Front 16 816 (37 079) (No sinkage/Total Contact Area Method) Struck Capacity 19 (25) Bin liner 1 369 (3 018)
Middle 8 997 (19 837) 29.5 R 25 kPa (Psi) SAE 2:1 Capacity 24 (31) Tailgate 984 (2 169)
Rear 8 784 (19 368) Front 310 (45) SAE 1:1 Capacity 28,5 (37) 875/65 R29
Total 34 596 (76 284) Mid & Rear 341 (50) SAE 2:1 Capacity (per vehicle) Add 1 182 (2 606)
LADEN with Tailgate 24,5 (32)
Front 21 691 (47 828) 875/65 R29 kPa (Psi) EXTRA WHEELSET
Middle 26 059 (57 460) Front 293 (43) Rated Payload 39 000 kg 29.5 R 25 800 (1 764)
Rear 25 846 (56 990) Mid & Rear 329 (48) (85 995 lb) 875/65 R29 1 024 (2 258)
Total 73 596 ( 162 279)
* Includes additional equipment. ** 29.5R25 Groundpressures calculated with Michelin XADN+ Tyre. 875/65R29 Groundpressures calculated with Michelin XAD65-1 Tyre.

16 l



B1 B2

A1 V




F 1


Machine Dimensions
A Length - Transport Position with Tailgate 11 197 mm (36 ft. 9 in.) K Bin Lip Height - Transport Position 2 519 mm (8 ft. 3 in.)
A Length - Transport Position w/o Tailgate 11 186 mm (36 ft. 8 in.) L Bin Length 5 742 mm (18 ft. 10 in.)
A1 Length - Bin Fully Tipped 11 742 mm (38 ft. 6 in.) M Load over Height 3 271 mm (10 ft. 9 in.)
B Height - Transport Position 3 804 mm (12 ft. 6 in.) N Rear Axle Centre to Bin Rear 1 543 mm (5 ft.)
B1 Height - Rotating Beacon 4 040 mm (13 ft. 3 in.) O Mid Axle Centre to Rear Axle Centre 1 950 mm (6 ft. 5 in.)
B2 Height - Load Light 4 129 mm (13 ft. 7 in.) P Mid Axle Centre to Front Axle Centre 4 438 mm (14 ft. 7 in.)
B3 Bin Height - Fully Tipped 7 316 mm (24 ft.) Q Front Axle Centre to Machine Front 3 255 mm (10 ft. 8 in.)
C Width over Mudguards 3 495 mm (11 ft. 6 in.) R Front Axle Centre to Artic Centre 1 558 mm (5 ft. 1 in.)
D Width over Tyres - 875/65 R29 3 656 mm (12 ft.) S Approach Angle 24 °
D Width over Tyres - 29.5R25 3 487 mm (11 ft. 5 in.) T Maximum Bin Tip Angle 70 °
E Tyre Track Width - 875/65 R29 2 773 mm (9 ft. 1 in.) U Maximum Articulation Angle 42 °
E Tyre Track Width - 29.5R25 2 725 mm (8 ft. 11 in.) V Front Tie Down Height 1 265 mm (4 ft. 2 in.)
F Width over Bin 3 372 mm (11 ft.) W Machine Lifting Centres 10 594 mm (34 ft. 9 in.)
F1 Width over Tailgate 3 662 mm (12 ft.) X Inner Turning Circle Radius - 875/65 R29 4 782 mm (15 ft. 8 in.)
G Width over Mirrors - Operating Position 3 614 mm (11 ft. 10 in.) X Inner Turning Circle Radius - 29.5R25 4 866 mm (16 ft.)
H Ground Clearance - Artic 545 mm (21.46 in.) Y Outer Turning Circle Radius - 875/65 R29 9 320 mm (30 ft. 7 in.)
I Ground Clearance - Front Axle 545 mm (21.46 in.) Y Outer Turning Circle Radius - 29.5R25 9 235 mm (30 ft. 4 in.)
J Ground Clearance - Bin Fully Tipped 876 mm (34.5 in.) l 17
1. Determine tractive resistance by finding intersection of vehicle mass line and grade line. NOTE: 2% typical rolling resistance is already
assumed in chart and grade line.
2. From this intersection, move straight right across charts until line intersects rimpull curve.
3. Read down from this point to determine maximum speed attained at that tractive resistance.

32 233 kg 71 233 kg
71 062 lb 157 042 lb ADT, B40E 6X6 - Tractive Effort
380 380
360 360
340 340
320 320
300 300
280 280
Total Resistance = % Grade + % Rolling resistance

260 260
240 240
220 220
200 60% 200
180 180
160 160
140 140
Gross Tractive Effort [kN]

120 30% 15% 120

100 25% 100
80 80
60 6% 60
40 4% 40
20 20
0 0
32233 42233 52233 62233 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
Mass (kg) Speed [km/h]

1. Determine retardation force required by finding intersection of vehicle mass line.
2. From this intersection, move straight right across charts until line intersects the curve. NOTE: 2% typical rolling resistance is already
assumed in chart.
3. Read down from this point to determine maximum speed.

32 233 kg 71 233 kg
71 062 lb 157 042 lb ADT, B40E 6X6 - Retardation
400 400
380 380
360 360
340 340
320 320
300 300
Total Resistance = % Grade - % Rolling resistance

280 280
260 260
240 240
220 220
200 200
180 180
160 160
Gross Retardation Force [kN]

140 50%
120 20% 120
100 100
80 30% 80
60 10% 60
40 8% 40
20 4%
0 2% 0
32233 42233 52233 62233 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
Mass (kg) Speed [km/h]

18 l
B45E Articulated Dump Truck
Manufacturer Manufacturer Type Two double-acting, single
Mercedes Benz (MTU) Kessler Radial Earthmover stage, dump cylinders

Model Model Tyre Raise Time

OM471LA (MTU 6R 1300) W2400 29.5 R 25 (875/65 R 29 optional) 11 seconds

Configuration Layout Lowering Time

Inline 6, turbocharged and Remote mounted FRONT SUSPENSION 6 seconds
intercooled Semi-independent, leading
Gear Layout A-frame supported by hydro- Tipping Angle
Net Power Three in-line helical gears pneumatic suspension struts 70 deg standard, or any lower
390 kW (523 hp) @ 1 600 rpm angle programmable
Output Differential Option: Electronically controlled
Gross Torque Interaxle 29/71 proportional adaptive suspension with ride
2 600 Nm (1 918 lbft) @ 1 300 rpm differential. Automatic inter-axle height adjustment PNEUMATIC SYSTEM
differential lock. Air drier with heater and integral
Displacement unloader valve, serving park
12,8 litres (781 REAR SUSPENSION brake and auxiliary functions
AXLES Pivoting walking beams with
Auxiliary Brake Manufacturer laminated rubber suspension System Pressure
Jacobs Engine Brake® Bell blocks 810 kPa (117 psi)
Fuel Tank Capacity Option: Comfort Ride
Model suspension walking beams, with
533 litres (140.8 US gal) ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
30T two-stage sandwich block Voltage
Certification 24 V
OM471LA (MTU 6R 1300) is EU Differential
Stage IIIA / EPA Tier 3 emission High input controlled traction HYDRAULIC SYSTEM Battery Type
level equivalent differential with spiral bevel Full load sensing system serving Two AGM (Absorption Glass
gears the prioritised steering, body Mat) type
tipping and brake functions.
TRANSMISSION Final Drive Battery Capacity
A ground-driven, load sensing
Manufacturer Outboard heavy duty planetary 2 X 75 Ah
emergency steering pump is
Allison on all axles
integrated into the main system.
Alternator Rating
Model Pump Type 28V 80A
4700 ORS Variable displacement load
Service Brake
Dual circuit, full hydraulic sensing piston MAX. VEHICLE SPEED
Fully automatic planetary actuation wet disc brakes on Flow 1st 4 km/h 2,5 mph
transmission front and middle axles. Wet 330 L/min (87 gal/min) 2nd 9 km/h 6 mph
brake oil is circulated through a 3rd 17 km/h 11 mph
Layout filtration and cooling system. Pressure 4th 23 km/h 14 mph
Engine mounted 315 bar (4 569 psi) 5th 33 km/h 21 mph
Maximum brake force: 6th 44 km/h 27,3 mph
Gear Layout 330 kN (74 187 lbf) Filter
7th 51 km/h 32 mph
Constant meshing planetary 5 microns
Park & Emergency R 7 km/h 4 mph
gears, clutch operated
Spring applied, air released
Gears driveline mounted disc STEERING SYSTEM
7 Forward, 1 reverse Double acting cylinders, with
Maximum brake force: ground-driven emergency ROPS/FOPS certified 76 dBA
Clutch Type 218 kN (49 008 lbf) steering pump internal sound level measured
Hydraulically operated multi- according to ISO 6396
disc Auxiliary Brake Lock to lock turns
Jacobs Engine Brake®. 5
Control Type Automatic retardation through
Electronic electronic activation of wet Steering Angle
brake system. 42º
Torque Control
Hydrodynamic with lock-up in Total Retardation Power
all gears Continuous: 442 kW (593 hp)
Maximum: 854 kW (1 145 hp)

Load Capacity & Ground Pressure

UNLADEN kg (lb) LADEN BODY m (yd )
3 3
kg (lb)
Front 17 614 (38 838) (No sinkage/Total Contact Area Method) Struck Capacity 19,5 (25,5) Bin liner 1 404 (3 095)
Middle 9 177 (20 236) 29.5 R 25 kPa (Psi) SAE 2:1 Capacity 25 (33) Tailgate 1 013 (2 233)
Rear 8 688 (19 157) Front 321 (47) SAE 1:1 Capacity 29,5 (38) 875/65 R29
Total 35 479 (78 231) Mid & Rear 370 (54) SAE 2:1 Capacity (per vehicle) Add 1 182 (2 606)
LADEN with Tailgate 26 (34)
Front 22 739 (50 139) 875/65 R29 kPa (Psi) EXTRA WHEELSET
Middle 27 115 (59 788) Front 294 (43) Rated Payload 41 000 kg 29.5 R 25 800 (1 764)
Rear 26 626 (58 710) Mid & Rear 331 (48) (90 405 lb) 875/65 R29 1 024 (2 258)
Total 76 479 (168 636)
* Includes additional equipment. ** 29.5R25 Groundpressures calculated with Michelin XADN+ Tyre. 875/65R29 Groundpressures calculated with Michelin XAD65-1 Tyre. l 19




B5 B1 B2





F 1


Machine Dimensions
A Length - Transport Position with Tailgate 11 184 mm (36 ft. 8 in.) I Ground Clearance - Front Axle 543 mm (21.34 in.)
A Length - Transport Position w/o Tailgate 11 184 mm (36 ft. 8 in.) J Ground Clearance - Bin Fully Tipped 880 mm (34.65 in.)
A1 Length - Bin Fully Tipped 11 778 mm (38 ft. 8 in.) K Bin Lip Height - Transport Position 2 521 mm (8 ft. 3 in.)
B Height - Transport Position w/o Rock Guard 3 802 mm (12 ft. 6 in.) L Bin Length 5 753 mm (18 ft. 10in.)
B Height - Transport Position with Rock Guard 3 844 mm (12 ft. 7 in.) M Load over Height 3 316 mm (10 ft. 11 in.)
B1 Height - Rotating Beacon 4 038 mm (13 ft. 3 in.) N Rear Axle Centre to Bin Rear 1 540 mm (5 ft.)
B2 Height - Load Light 4 127 mm (13 ft. 6 in.) O Mid Axle Centre to Rear Axle Centre 1 950 mm (6 ft. 5 in.)
B3 Bin Height - Fully Tipped w/o Rock Guard 7 340 mm (24 ft. 1 in.) P Mid Axle Centre to Front Axle Centre 4 438 mm (14 ft. 7 in.)
B4 Bin Height - Fully Tipped with Rock Guard 7 448 mm (24 ft. 5 in.) Q Front Axle Centre to Machine Front 3 256 mm (10 ft. 8 in.)
B5 Height - Rock Guard Operating Position 4 123 mm (13 ft. 6 in.) R Front Axle Centre to Artic Centre 1 558 mm (5 ft. 1 in.)
B6 Height - Cab 3 802 mm (12 ft. 6 in.) S Approach Angle 24 °
C Width over Mudguards 3 495 mm (11 ft. 6 in.) T Maximum Bin Tip Angle 70 °
D Width over Tyres - 875/65 R29 3 656 mm (12 ft.) U Maximum Articulation Angle 42 °
D Width over Tyres - 29.5R25 3 487 mm (11 ft. 5 in.) V Front Tie Down Height 1 262 mm (4 ft. 2 in.)
E Tyre Track Width - 875/65 R29 2 773 mm (9 ft. 1 in.) W Machine Lifting Centres 10 569 mm (34 ft. 8 in.)
E Tyre Track Width - 29.5R25 2 725 mm (8 ft. 11 in.) X Inner Turning Circle Radius - 875/65 R29 4 782 mm (15 ft. 8 in.)
F Width over Bin 3 448 mm (11 ft. 4 in.) X Inner Turning Circle Radius - 29.5R25 4 866 mm (16 ft.)
F1 Width over Tailgate 3 738 mm (12 ft. 3 in.) Y Outer Turning Circle Radius - 875/65 R29 9 320 mm (30 ft. 7 in.)
G Width over Mirrors - Operating Position 4 027 mm (13 ft. 3 in.) Y Outer Turning Circle Radius - 29.5R25 9 235 mm (30 ft. 4 in.)
H Ground Clearance - Artic 545 mm (21.46 in.)
20 l
1. Determine tractive resistance by finding intersection of vehicle mass line and grade line. NOTE: 2% typical rolling resistance is already
assumed in chart and grade line.
2. From this intersection, move straight right across charts until line intersects rimpull curve.
3. Read down from this point to determine maximum speed attained at that tractive resistance.

32 326 kg 73 326 kg
71 267 lb 161 656 lb ADT, B45E 6X6 - Tractive Effort
400 400
380 380
360 360
340 340
320 320
300 300
280 280
Total Resistance = % Grade + % Rolling resistance

260 260
240 240
220 220
200 60% 200
180 180
160 20%
140 140
Gross Tractive Effort [kN]

120 30% 15% 120

100 25% 100
80 80
60 6% 60
40 40
20 0% 20
0 0
32326 42326 52326 62326 72326 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
Mass (kg) Speed [km/h]

1. Determine retardation force required by finding intersection of vehicle mass line.
2. From this intersection, move straight right across charts until line intersects the curve. NOTE: 2% typical rolling resistance is already
assumed in chart.
3. Read down from this point to determine maximum speed.

32 326 kg 73 326 kg
71 267 lb 161 656 lb ADT, B45E 6X6 - Retardation
420 420
400 400
380 380
360 360
340 340
320 320
300 300
Total Resistance = % Grade - % Rolling resistance

280 280
260 260
240 240
220 220
200 200
180 180
160 60% 160
Gross Retardation Force [kN]

140 50%
120 120
100 100
80 30% 80
60 10% 60
40 8% 40
20 4%
0 2% 0
32326 42326 52326 62326 72326 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
Mass (kg) Speed [km/h] l 21
B50E Articulated Dump Truck
Manufacturer Manufacturer Type Two double-acting, single
Mercedes Benz (MTU) Kessler Radial Earthmover stage, dump cylinders

Model Series Tyre Raise Time

OM473LA (MTU 6R 1500) W2400 875/65 R 29 (29.5 R 25 optional) 11,5 seconds

Configuration Layout Lowering Time

Inline 6, turbocharged and Remote mounted FRONT SUSPENSION 6 seconds
intercooled Semi-independent, leading
Gear Layout Tipping Angle
A-frame supported by hydro-
Net Power Three in-line helical gears 70 deg standard, or any lower
pneumatic suspension struts.
430 kW (577 hp) @ 1 600 rpm angle programmable
Suspension is electronically
Output Differential
controlled adaptive suspension
Gross Torque Interaxle 29/71 proportional
2 850 Nm (2 102 lbft) @ 1 300 rpm differential. Automatic inter-axle
with ride height adjustment. PNEUMATIC SYSTEM
differential lock. Air drier with heater and integral
Displacement REAR SUSPENSION unloader valve, serving park
15,6 litres (952 brake and auxiliary functions
Pivoting walking beams with
Auxiliary Brake laminated rubber suspension System Pressure
Manufacturer blocks.
Jacobs Engine Brake® Bell 810 kPa (117 psi)
Option: Comfort Ride
Fuel Tank Capacity
Model suspension walking beams, with ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
630 litres (166 US gal)
30T two-stage sandwich block.
Certification 24 V
OM473LA (MTU 6R 1500) is Differential
High input controlled traction HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
EU Stage IIIA / EPA Tier 3 Battery Type
differential with spiral bevel Full load sensing system serving
emission level equivalent Two AGM (Absorption Glass
gears the prioritised steering, body
Mat) type
tipping, suspension and brake
TRANSMISSION Final Drive functions. A ground-driven, load Battery Capacity
Manufacturer Outboard heavy duty planetary sensing emergency steering 2 X 75 Ah
Allison on all axles pump is integrated into the
main system. Alternator Rating
Model 28V 80A
4800 ORS
Service Brake Variable displacement load
Configuration Dual circuit, full hydraulic sensing piston MAX. VEHICLE SPEED
Fully automatic planetary actuation wet disc brakes on 1st 4 km/h 2,5 mph
transmission front, middle and rear axles. Wet Flow 2nd 9 km/h 6 mph
brake oil is circulated through a 330 L/min (87 gal/min) 3rd 17 km/h 11 mph
Layout filtration and cooling system. 4th 23 km/h 14 mph
Engine mounted Pressure 5th 33 km/h 21 mph
Maximum brake force: 315 bar (4 569 psi) 6th 44 km/h 27,3 mph
Gear Layout 458 kN (102 962 lbf) 7th 51 km/h 32 mph
Constant meshing planetary Filter
Park & Emergency 5 microns R 7 km/h 4 mph
gears, clutch operated
Spring applied, air released
Gears driveline mounted disc CAB
7 Forward, 1 reverse STEERING SYSTEM
Maximum brake force: Double acting cylinders, with ROPS/FOPS certified 77 dBA
Clutch Type 215,5 kN (48 446 lbf) ground-driven emergency internal sound level measured
Hydraulically operated multi- steering pump according to ISO 6396
disc Auxiliary Brake
Jacobs Engine Brake®. Lock to lock turns
Control Type Automatic retardation through 4,9
Electronic electronic activation of wet
Steering Angle
brake system.
Torque Control 42º
Hydrodynamic with lock-up in Total Retardation Power
all gears Continuous: 546 kW (732 hp)
Maximum: 963 kW (1 291 hp)

Load Capacity & Ground Pressure

UNLADEN kg (lb) LADEN BODY m (yd )
3 3
kg (lb)
Front 18 313 (40 381) (No sinkage/Total Contact Area Method) Struck Capacity 21,5 (28) Bin liner 1 495 (3 296)
Middle 10 039 (22 137) 875/65 R29 kPa (Psi) SAE 2:1 Capacity 27,5 (36) Tailgate 1 117 (2 463)
Rear 9 934 (21 905) Front 296 (43) SAE 1:1 Capacity 33 (43) 29.5 R 25
Total 38 287 (84 423) Mid & Rear 366 (53) SAE 2:1 Capacity (per vehicle) Minus 1 182 (2 606)
LADEN with Tailgate 29 (38)
Front 24 034 (52 994) 29.5 R 25 kPa (Psi) EXTRA WHEELSET
Middle 29 879 (65 884) Front 326 (47) Rated Payload 45 400 kg 29.5 R 25 800 (1 764)
Rear 29 774 (65 652) Mid & Rear 395 (57) (100 107 lb) 875/65 R29 1 024 (2 258)
Total 83 687 (184 530)
* Includes additional equipment. * 29.5R25 Groundpressures calculated with Michelin XADN+ Tyre. 875/65 R29 Groundpressures calculated with Michelin XAD65-1 Tyre.

22 l




B5 B1 B2





F 1


Machine Dimensions
A Length - Transport Position with Tailgate 11 272 mm (37 ft.) I Ground Clearance - Front Axle 555 mm (21.85 in.)
A Length - Transport Position w/o Tailgate 11 272 mm (37 ft.) J Ground Clearance - Bin Fully Tipped 907 mm (35.71 in.)
A1 Length - Bin Fully Tipped 11 916 mm (39 ft. 1 in.) K Bin Lip Height - Transport Position 2 542 mm (8 ft. 4 in.)
B Height - Transport Position w/o Rock Guard 3 822 mm (12 ft. 6 in.) L Bin Length 5 714 mm (18 ft. 9 in.)
B Height - Transport Position with Rock Guard 3 870 mm (12 ft. 8 in.) M Load over Height 3 390 mm (11 ft. 1 in.)
B1 Height - Rotating Beacon 4 050 mm (13 ft. 3 in.) N Rear Axle Centre to Bin Rear 1 533 mm (5 ft.)
B2 Height - Load Light 4 141 mm (13 ft. 7 in.) O Mid Axle Centre to Rear Axle Centre 1 950 mm (6 ft. 5 in.)
B3 Bin Height - Fully Tipped w/o Rock Guard 7 325 mm (24 ft.) P Mid Axle Centre to Front Axle Centre 4 438 mm (14 ft. 7 in.)
B4 Bin Height - Fully Tipped with Rock Guard 7 430 mm (24 ft. 5 in.) Q Front Axle Centre to Machine Front 3 351 mm (11 ft.)
B5 Height - Rock Guard Operating Position 4 148 mm (13 ft. 7 in.) R Front Axle Centre to Artic Centre 1 558 mm (5 ft. 1 in.)
B6 Height - Cab 3 813 mm (12 ft. 6 in.) S Approach Angle 23 °
C Width over Mudguards 3 790 mm (12 ft. 5 in.) T Maximum Bin Tip Angle 70 °
D Width over Tyres - 875/65 R29 3 832 mm (12 ft. 7 in.) U Maximum Articulation Angle 42 °
D Width over Tyres - 29.5R25 3 714 mm (12 ft. 2 in.) V Front Tie Down Height 1 269 mm (4 ft. 2 in.)
E Tyre Track Width - 875/65 R29 2 949 mm (9 ft. 8 in.) W Machine Lifting Centres 10 632 mm (34 ft. 11 in.)
E Tyre Track Width - 29.5R25 2 952 mm (9 ft. 8 in.) X Inner Turning Circle Radius - 875/65 R29 4 694 mm (15 ft. 5 in.)
F Width over Bin 3 735 mm (12 ft. 3 in.) X Inner Turning Circle Radius - 29.5R25 4 753 mm (15 ft. 7 in.)
F1 Width over Tailgate 4 057 mm (13 ft. 4 in.) Y Outer Turning Circle Radius - 875/65 R29 9 408 mm (30 ft. 10 in.)
G Width over Mirrors - Operating Position 4 027 mm (13 ft. 3 in.) Y Outer Turning Circle Radius - 29.5R25 9 349 mm (30 ft. 8 in.)
H Ground Clearance - Artic 558 mm (21.97 in.) l 23
1. Determine tractive resistance by finding intersection of vehicle mass line and grade line. NOTE: 2% typical rolling resistance is already
assumed in chart and grade line.
2. From this intersection, move straight right across charts until line intersects rimpull curve.
3. Read down from this point to determine maximum speed attained at that tractive resistance.

35 675 kg 81 075 kg
78 650 lb 178 740 lb ADT, B50E 6X6 - Tractive Effort
400 400
380 380
360 360
340 340
320 320
300 300
280 280
Total Resistance = % Grade + % Rolling resistance

260 260
240 240
220 60% 220
200 200
180 180
160 40% 160
140 140
Gross Tractive Effort [kN]

120 120
100 10% 100
80 8% 80
60 60
40 40
20 0% 20
0 0
35675 45675 55675 65675 75675 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
Mass (kg) Speed [km/h]

1. Determine retardation force required by finding intersection of vehicle mass line.
2. From this intersection, move straight right across charts until line intersects the curve. NOTE: 2% typical rolling resistance is already
assumed in chart.
3. Read down from this point to determine maximum speed.

35 675 kg 81 075 kg
78 650 lb 178 740 lb ADT, B50E 6X6 - Retardation
540 540
520 520
500 500
480 480
460 460
440 440
420 420
400 400
380 380
Total Resistance = % Grade - % Rolling resistance

360 360
340 340
320 320
300 300
280 280
260 260
240 240
220 220
Gross Retardation Force [kN]

200 200
180 60%
160 160
140 20% 140
120 40% 120
100 30%
15% 100
80 25% 80
60 10% 60
40 6%
20 4% 20
0 2% 0
35675 45675 55675 65675 75675 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
Mass (kg) Speed [km/h]

24 l
Features and Options l STANDARD s OPTION


ENGINE CAB (continued)
l l l Jacobs Brake Engine® l l l Manually adjusted mirrors
l l l Dual element air cleaner with dust ejector valve l l l Electrically adjusted and heated mirrors
l l l Precleaner with automatic dust scavenging l l l Deluxe 10” colour LCD:
l l l Water separator Speedometer / Fuel gauge /
l l l Serpentine drive belt with automatic tensioner Transmission oil temperature gauge /
l l l Provision for fast fill Engine coolant temperature gauge /
l l l Wet-sleeve cylinder liners LED function/warning indicators and
audible alarm / Transmission gear selection /
COOLING Tachometer / Battery voltage / Hour meter /
l l l Crankshaft mounted electronically controlled Odometer / Fuel consumption / Tip counter /
viscous fan drive Trip timer / Trip distance / Metric/English units /
l l l Fan guard Service codes/diagnostics
l l l Backlit sealed switch module functions with:
PNEUMATIC SYSTEM Wiper control / Lights / Heated mirrors /
l l l Engine-mounted compressor Retarding aggressiveness / Transfer case
l l l Air drier with heater differential lock / Transmission gear hold /
l l l Integral unloader valve Dump-body tip limit / Automatic dump-body
tip settings / Airconditioner/ Heater controls /
ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Preselected Speed Control
l l l Battery disconnect
l l l Drive lights DUMP BODY
s s s LED Drive lights l l l Dump body mechanical locks (x2). Partially up
l l l Air horn and fully up
l l l Reverse alarm s s s Body liner
s s s White noise reverse alarm s s s Tailgate
l l l LED reverse lights s s s Body heater
l l l Rotating beacon s s s Less dump body and cylinders
l l l Pitch Roll Sensor s s s Low SG bin extensions
l l l Halogen Artic reverse light s s s Bin pole lockout
s s s LED Artic reverse light
STEERING SYSTEM l l l Automatic Traction Control (ATC)
l l l Bi-directional ground-driven secondary steering l l l Wet disc brakes
pump l l s 29.5 R 25 Radial Earthmover tyres
s s l 875/65 R 29 Radial Earthmover tyres
CAB l l Remote grease banks
l l l ROPS/FOPS certification s s l Automatic greasing
l l l Tilt cab l l l Onboard weighing
l l l Gas strut-supported door s s s Load lights: stack
l l l I-Tip programmable dump-body tip settings s s l Comfort ride suspension (front)
l l l HVAC Climate control system s s s Comfort ride suspension (rear)
l l l AM/FM radio with Aux + USB l l l Reverse camera
l l l Rear window guard l l l Hand rails
l l l Wiper/washer with intermittent control l l l Cab peak
l l l Tilt and telescoping steering wheel s s s High pressure hydraulic filter
l l l Centre-mount air-suspension seat s s s Fuel heater
l l l Halogen work lights l l l Belly cover
s s s LED work lights s s s Remote transmission filters
s s s Rotating beacon: seat belt installation l l l Engine and transmission remote drain-gravity
s s s Remote engine and machine isolation s s s Engine and transmission remote drain-scavenge
l l l Remote battery jump start s s s Window smash button
l l l Retractable 3-point seat belt l l l High visibility mirrors
l l l Foldaway trainer seat with retractable seat belt l l l Fleetm@tic® Classic package for 2 years
l l l 12-volt power outlet l l l Electronic bonnet opening
l l l Cab utility bin (removable)
l l l Cup holder
l l l Cooled/heated lunch box l 25

26 l
Notes l 27
All dimensions are shown in millimetres, unless otherwise stated between brackets.
Under our policy of continuous improvement, we reserve the right to change technical BELL INTERNATIONAL: Tel: +27 (0)35-907 9431
data and design without prior notice. Photographs featured in this brochure may E-mail: Web:
include optional equipment. Blu@dvantage™ is a trademark of Bell Equipment Co.
(PTY) Ltd AdBlue® is a registered trademark of VDA.
Tel: +61 (0)8-9355-2442 Tel: +27 (0)11-928-9700
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Tel: +33 (0)5-55-89-23-56 Tel: +1 (704) 655 2802

• A840E30 • A845E30 • A850E30

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