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Spin 1 2 Þ, Spin 3 2 Þ, and Transition Magnetic Moments of Low Lying and Charmed Baryons

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PHYSICAL REVIEW D 81, 073001 (2010)

Spin 12þ , spin 32þ , and transition magnetic moments of low lying and charmed baryons
Neetika Sharma,1 Harleen Dahiya,1 P. K. Chatley,1 and Manmohan Gupta2
Department of Physics, Doctor B. R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar, 144011, India
Department of Physics, Centre of Advanced Study in Physics, Panjab University, Chandigarh 160014, India
(Received 25 February 2010; published 12 April 2010)
Magnetic moments of the low lying and charmed spin 12þ and spin 32þ baryons have been calculated in
the SUð4Þ chiral constituent quark model (CQM) by including the contribution from cc fluctuations.
Explicit calculations have been carried out for the contribution coming from the valence quarks, ‘‘quark
sea’’ polarizations and their orbital angular momentum. The implications of such a model have also been
studied for magnetic moments of the low lying spin 32þ ! 12þ and 12þ ! 12þ transitions as well as the
transitions involving charmed baryons. The predictions of CQM not only give a satisfactory fit for the
baryons where experimental data is available but also show improvement over the other models. In
particular, for the case of ðpÞ, ðþ Þ, ð0 Þ, ðÞ, Coleman-Glashow sum rule for the low lying spin
1þ þ  3þ
2 baryons and ð Þ, ð Þ for the low lying spin 2 baryons, we are able to achieve an excellent
1þ 3þ
agreement with data. For the spin 2 and spin 2 charmed baryon magnetic moments, our results are
consistent with the predictions of the QCD sum rules, light cone sum rules and spectral sum rules. For the
cases where light quarks dominate in the valence structure, the sea and orbital contributions are found to
be fairly significant however, they cancel in the right direction to give the correct magnitude of the total
magnetic moment. On the other hand, when there is an excess of heavy quarks, the contribution of the
quark sea is almost negligible, for example, ð0c Þ, ðþ þ 0 þ  0
c Þ, ðc Þ, ðc Þ, ðcc Þ, ð Þ, ðc Þ,
þ þþ
ðcc Þ, and ðccc Þ. The effects of configuration mixing and quark masses have also been

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.81.073001 PACS numbers: 13.40.Em, 12.39.Fe, 14.20.Lq

lated in the relativistic three-quark model where the inter-

nal quark structure of baryons is modeled by three-quark
The possible size of the intrinsic charm (IC) content of currents [10]. More recently, magnetic moments have been
the nucleon [1] has been estimated to understand the studied by considering the effective mass of quark bound
phenomenological implications of the presence of heavy inside the baryon [11]. The magnetic moments of spin 12þ
quarks in the nucleon. The heavy flavor charmed baryons and spin 32þ including transition magnetic moments of
play an important role to understand the dynamics of light charmed baryons have been also investigated in QCD
quarks in the bound state as well as to understand QCD at sum rules (QCDSR) [12], QCD spectral sum rules
the hadronic scale [2]. On the other hand, the static and (QSSR) [13], and light cone QCD sum rules (LCQSR)
electromagnetic properties like masses, magnetic mo- [14–16].
ments, etc. give valuable information regarding the internal It would be important to mention here that the intrinsic
structure of baryons [3] in the nonperturbative regime. heavy quarks are created from the quantum fluctuations
Since there is no direct experimental data on the IC con- associated with the bound state hadron dynamics and the
tent, one has to resort to the nucleon models to obtain process is completely determined by nonperturbative
information on its contribution. mechanisms [17]. Recently, it has been shown that one of
The magnetic moments of spin 12þ , spin 32þ charmed the important model which finds application in the non-
baryons and their transition magnetic moments have been perturbative regime of QCD is the chiral constituent quark
considered in different approaches in literature, however, model (CQM) [18–20]. The CQM with spin-spin gen-
none of the phenomenological models is able to give a erated configuration mixing [21,22] is able to give the
complete description. Calculations based on different real- satisfactory explanation for the spin and flavor distribution
izations of spin-flavor symmetries have been done in the functions [23,24], strangeness content of the nucleon [25],
nonrelativistic quark model (NRQM) [4] which have been weak vector and axial-vector form factors [26], etc. When
further extended to incorporate the confinement [5], chiral coupled with the ‘‘quark sea’’ polarization, orbit angular
symmetry with exchange currents [6], and Poincaré co- momentum of the quark sea (referred as the Cheng-Li
variance [7]. The charmed baryons magnetic moments mechanism) and confinement effects it is able to give a
have been investigated in the Skyrme model [8] and the excellent fit to the octet and decuplet baryon magnetic
bound state approach [9] considering the heavy baryons as moments and a perfect fit to the violation of Coleman-
heavy mesons bound in the field of light baryons. Recently, Glashow sum rule [27–30]. The quantum fluctuations gen-
the charmed baryons magnetic moments have been calcu- erated by broken chiral symmetry in CQM should be able

1550-7998= 2010=81(7)=073001(14) 073001-1 Ó 2010 The American Physical Society

SHARMA et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW D 81, 073001 (2010)
to provide a viable estimate of the heavier quark flavor, for The plan of work is as follows. To facilitate discussion,
example, cc,  and tt. However, it is known that these
 bb, in Sec. II, SUð4Þ CQM is revisited with an emphasis on
flavor fluctuations are much suppressed in the case of bb the details of spin dynamics. In Sec. III, we first present the
and tt as compared to the cc because the intrinsic heavy essential details of Cheng-Li mechanism to obtain the
quark contributions scale as 1=Mq2 , where Mq is the mass of magnetic moments of baryons and in the subsequent sub-
the heavy quark [17,31]. In this context, the scope of model sections, we discuss the baryon magnetic moments with
was extended to the broken SUð4Þ symmetry which suc- spin 12þ , spin 32þ and their transition magnetic moments,
cessfully predicted the important role played by IC content respectively. Few typical cases pertaining to charmed bary-
in determining the spin and flavor structure of the nucleon ons have been worked out in detail in each case. Discussion
[32,33]. In the light of above investigations, it becomes on the various inputs used in the analysis is presented in
desirable to broaden the scope of Ref. [33] by extending Sec. IV. In Sec. V, we present our numerical results and
the calculations to magnetic moments and transition mag- their comparison with the other model predictions. Finally,
netic moments of the charmed baryons. we summarize our results in Sec. VI. The details pertaining
The purpose of the present paper is to formulate in detail to the wave functions for charmed baryons have been
the magnetic moments of spin 12þ and spin 32þ charmed presented in the Appendix.
baryons in the SUð4Þ framework of CQM. The magnetic
moments of the low lying spin 32þ ! 12þ and 12þ ! 12þ II. SPIN STRUCTURE IN CHIRAL CONSTITUENT
transitions as well as the transitions involving charmed QUARK MODEL
baryons would also be calculated. The generalized The basic process in the CQM [18] is the internal
Cheng-Li mechanism has been incorporated to calculate emission of a Goldstone boson (GB) by a constituent quark
explicitly the contribution coming from the valence spin which further splits into a qq pair as q ! GB0 þ q0 !
polarization, quark sea polarization and its orbital angular ðqq 0 Þ þ q0 , where qq 0 þ q0 constitutes the quark sea
momentum. In order to understand the implications of [20,23,24,29]. The details of CQM in the SUð4Þ frame-
charm quarks in the baryons without any valence charm work have already been discussed in literature [32,33],
quarks and to make our analysis more responsive, we however, for the sake of the readability of this manuscript,
would also like to calculate the low lying octet and dec- we discuss here the essentials of the spin structure of the
uplet baryons magnetic moments in the SUð4Þ framework baryons used in the calculations of magnetic moments.
of CQM. Further, it would also be interesting to examine The effective Lagrangian describing interaction between
the effects of the configuration mixing, symmetry breaking quarks and 16 GBs, consisting of 15-plet and a singlet, can
parameters, confinement effects, quark masses, etc. on the 
be expressed as L ¼ g15 qðÞq, where g15 is the coupling
magnetic moments. constant and GBs field  is

0 0 0 1
pffiffi þ  pffiffi þ  
2 6 4
pffiffi   c
3 4 þ K þ D 0
B 0 0 C
B   pffiffi þ  pffiffi þ  pffiffi

  4c K 0 D C
2 6 4 3
C : (1)
@ K  K 0  p2ffiffi6 þ  4pffiffi3   4c D s C
D0 Dþ Dþ
s  43
pffiffi þ  3c
3 4

SUð4Þ symmetry breaking is introduced by considering N ¼ nuþ uþ þ nu u þ ndþ dþ þ nd d þ nsþ sþ
Mc > Ms > Mu;d as well as by considering the masses of
GBs to be nondegenerate (Mc > M0 > MK; > M ) þ ns s þ ncþ cþ þ nc c ; (3)
[20,32,33]. The parameter að¼ jg15 j2 Þ denotes the transi- nq being the number of q quarks. The valence spin
tion probability of chiral fluctuation of the splitting uðdÞ ! polarizations (qval ¼ qþ  q ) for a given baryon can
dðuÞ þ þðÞ , whereas a2 , a2 , a 2 , and a2 denote the be calculated using the spin and flavor wave functions
probabilities of transitions of uðdÞ ! s þ KðoÞ , uðd; sÞ ! detailed in the Appendix. The quark sea spin polarizations
uðd; sÞ þ , uðd; sÞ ! uðd; sÞ þ 0 , and uðdÞ ! (qsea ) can be calculated by substituting for each valence
c þ D ðD Þ, respectively. quark
The spin structure of the baryon is defined as [20,23,29]
q ! Pq q þ j c ðq Þj2 ; (4)
B^  hBjN jBi; (2)
where Pq is the probability of emission of GBs from a q
where jBi is the baryon wave function and N is the quark and j c ðq Þj2 is the probability of transforming a q
number operator defined as quark [33].

1þ 3þ
SPIN 2 , SPIN 2 , AND . . . PHYSICAL REVIEW D 81, 073001 (2010)
1 2  2 2
½ðd !Þ ¼ a ðdþ ! u Þ þ þ þ þ
The magnetic moment of a given baryon receives con- 2 6 48 16
tributions from the valence quarks, quark sea and orbital  ðdþ ! d Þ þ  ðdþ ! s Þ
angular momentum of the quark sea following Cheng and 
Li [20,25,28,30] and is expressed as þ  ðdþ ! c Þ ; (9)

ðBÞtotal ¼ ðBÞval þ ðBÞsea þ ðBÞorbit ; (5)

where ðBÞval and ðBÞsea represent the contributions of 

the valence quarks and the quark sea to the magnetic mo- ½ðs !Þ ¼ a 2 ðsþ ! u Þ þ 2 ðsþ ! d Þ
ments due to spin polarizations. The term ðBÞorbit corre-  
sponds to the orbital angular momentum contribution of 2 2  2 2
þ  þ þ ðsþ ! s Þ
the quark sea. 3 48 16
In terms of quark magnetic moments and spin polar- 
izations, the valence, sea, and orbital contributions can be þ 2 ðsþ ! c Þ ; (10)
defined as
X and
ðBÞval ¼ qval q ;
ðBÞsea ¼ qsea q ; (6) ½ðc !Þ ¼ a 2 ðcþ ! u Þ þ 2 ðcþ ! d Þ
2 3 2 9 2
ðBÞorbit ¼ qval ðqþ ! q0 Þ; þ  ðcþ ! s Þ þ  þ 
16 16
e  ðcþ ! c Þ : (11)
where q ¼ 2Mq q (q ¼ u, d, s, c) is the quark magnetic
moment, ðqþ ! q0 Þ is the orbital moment for any chiral
fluctuation, eq and Mq are the electric charge and the mass, The above equations can easily be generalized by including
respectively, for the quark q. the coupling breaking and mass breaking terms. The orbital
The valence and sea quark spin polarizations (qval and moments of u, d, s, and c quarks in terms of the CQM
qsea ) for a given baryon can be calculated as discussed in parameters ða; ; ; ; Þ, quark masses ðMu ; Md ; Ms ; Mc Þ,
the previous section and Ref. [30]. The orbital angular and GB masses ðM ; Mk ; M ; M0 ; MD ; MDs ; Mc Þ, are,
momentum contribution of each chiral fluctuation is given respectively, given as
as [28,30]

eq0 eq  eq0 3Mu2 2 ðMK2  3Mu2 Þ
ðqþ ! q0 Þ ¼ hlq i þ hl i; (7) ½ðuþ !Þ ¼ a 
2Mq 2MGB GB 2M ðMu þ M Þ 2MK ðMu þ MK Þ
2 MD 2 M
Mq þ þ
where hlq i ¼ MGB
Mq þMGBand hlGB i ¼ . The quantities
Mq þMGB ðMu þ MD Þ 6ðMu þ M Þ
ðlq ; lGB Þ and ðMq ; MGB Þ are the orbital angular momenta 
 2 M0 2 Mc
and masses of quark and GBs, respectively. The orbital þ þ  ;
48ðMu þ M0 Þ 16ðMu þ Mc Þ N
moment of each process in Eq. (7) is then multiplied by the
probability for such a process to take place to yield the (12)
magnetic moment due to all the transitions starting with a
given valence quark. The details of the orbital moment in
the SUð3Þ framework has already been worked out in 
Ref. [30]. In this work, we extend our calculations to Mu 3ðM2  2Md2 Þ 2 MK
½ðdþ !Þ ¼ a 
include the contribution from cc fluctuations. For example, Md 4M ðMd þ M Þ 2ðMd þ MK Þ
  2 ð2MD 2
 3Md2 Þ 2 M
1 2  2 2 þ 
½ðu !Þ ¼ a þ þ þ ðuþ ! u Þ 2MD ðMd þ MD Þ 12ðMd þ M Þ
2 6 48 16 
þ ðuþ ! d Þ þ 2 ðuþ ! s Þ  2 M0 2 Mc
 96ðMd þ M0 Þ 32ðMd þ Mc Þ N
þ 2 ðuþ ! c ; (8) (13)

SHARMA et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW D 81, 073001 (2010)
 2 ð2MD
2  3M2 Þ magnetic moment of 0þ
M 2 ðMK2  3Ms2 Þ s c expressed as
½ðsþ !Þ ¼ a u þ s
Ms 2MK ðMs þ MK Þ 2MDs ðMs þ MD s
2 M  2 M0  
  a 2 2 2 9
3ðMs þ M Þ 96ðMs þ M0 Þ ð0þ
c Þsea ¼  cos 4 þ 42 þ 2 þ þ 2 u
3 3 12 8
2 Mc 8 2
  ; (14) þ ð2 þ 22  2 Þd þ 62 þ 2 þ
32ðMs þ Mc Þ N 3 12
9 2 1
 þ  s  ð3 2 þ 2 Þc
Mu 2 ðMD
2 þ 3M2 Þ
c 2 ðMD
 3Mc2 Þ 8 8
½ðcþ !Þ ¼ a  s

Mc 2MD ðMc þ MD 2MDs ðMc þ MD 2 Þ a 2 2  2 33
 sin 2 þ 22 þ þ þ 2 u
2 2  3 3 24 16
3 M0 9 Mc
þ þ  ; 
16ðMc þ M Þ 16ðMc þ Mc Þ N 4 2
þ ð1 þ 2 þ 2 Þd þ 32 þ 2 þ
3 24
33 1
þ  2 s þ ð3 2 þ 492 Þc : (19)
where N is the nuclear magneton. 16 8
After discussing the general formalism to calculate the
valence, sea, and orbital contributions to the magnetic
moments, we now discuss the explicit calculations for the The orbital contribution of the quark sea to the total
low lying and charmed spin 12þ and spin 32þ baryons as well magnetic moment of 0þc , obtained using Eqs. (6) and (18),
as their transition magnetic moments. can be expressed as

A. Magnetic moments of spin 12þ baryons 

The magnetic moments of all the spin 12þ baryons can be 2 2
c Þorbit ¼ cos
2 ðuþ !Þ þ ðsþ !Þ
calculated using Eq. (5). The spin structure of a spin 12þ 3 3
baryon (from the Appendix) is given as 1 1
 ðcþ !Þ þ sin2 ðuþ !Þ
3 3
B^  hBjN jBi 
1 1
þ ðsþ !Þ þ ðcþ !Þ : (20)
¼ cos2 h120; 2 20M jN j120; 2 20M iB 3 3
þ sin2 h168; 2 20M jN j168; 2 20M iB : (16)
In this section, as an example, we detail the calculations of Substituting the valence, sea, and orbital contribution from
the one single and one double charmed baryon 0þ c and Eqs. (18)–(20) into Eq. (5), we can calculate the total
þþcc . magnetic moment of 0þ c .
The valence spin structure for the single charmed baryon For the double charmed baryon þþ cc , the valence spin
0þc can be expressed as structure can be expressed as
^ 0þ 2 5 1 5 1 1 2
c ¼ cos u þ u þ s þ s þ c þ c
6 þ 6  6 þ 6  3 þ 3  
1 2 5 1

  ^ þþ 2
2 1 2 1 2 1  cc ¼ cos uþ þ u þ cþ þ c
þ sin 2
u þ u þ s þ s þ c þ c ; 3 3 3 3
3 þ 3  3 þ 3  3 þ 3   
2 1 4 2
(17) þ sin2 uþ þ u þ c þ þ c  ; (21)
3 3 3 3
leading to the valence contribution to the magnetic moment
of 0þ
  giving the valence, sea, and orbital contribution to the
2 2 1 magnetic moment of þþ
ð0þ Þ
c val ¼ cos2
 þ    cc as
3 u 3 s 3 c
1 1 1
þ sin2 u þ s þ c : (18)  
3 3 3 1 4
cc Þval ¼ cos
 u þ c
3 3
The spin structure of the quark sea (qsea ) can be calcu-  
1 2
lated by substituting Eq. (4) for every valence quark in þ sin2 u þ c ; (22)
Eq. (17), leading to the quark sea contribution to the 3 3

1þ 3þ
SPIN 2 , SPIN 2 , AND . . . PHYSICAL REVIEW D 81, 073001 (2010)
a 2  2 47 2 1 4
cc Þsea ¼ cos2 2 þ 2 þ þ   u ðþþ
cc Þorbit ¼ cos
2  ðuþ !Þ þ ðcþ !Þ
3 3 24 16 3 3
þ ð1  4 Þd þ ð  42 Þs
2 2 1 2
þ sin2 ðuþ !Þ þ ðcþ !Þ : (24)
 3 3
1 2 2
 ð3 þ 31 Þc
2 The valence, sea, and orbital contribution from Eqs. (22)–

2  2 49 2
 (24) gives the total magnetic moment of þþ cc . Similarly,
 sin2 2 þ 2 þ þ þ  u one can calculate the valence, sea, and orbital contributions
3 3 24 16 to the magnetic moments of all the spin 12þ baryons. The
2 2 2
þ ð1 þ 2 Þd þ ð þ 2 Þs expressions for the valence and sea contributions to the
 magnetic moments of the low lying and charmed spin 12þ
þ ð3 2 þ 372 Þc ; (23) baryons have been presented in the Table I.

B. Magnetic moments of spin 32þ baryons

In this section, we detail the calculations of magnetic
moments of spin 32þ baryons by taking the example of a

TABLE I. Valence and sea contribution of the charmed spin 12þ baryons in terms of CQM parameters and configuration mixing
parameter . The spin polarizations for the other baryons can be found from isospin symmetry.

Baryon Valence and sea contribution to the magnetic moments

p val cos2 ½43 u  13 d  þ sin2 ½23 u þ 13 d 
2 2 2
sea cos2 ½ a3 ð7 þ 42 þ 43 2 þ 6 þ 17 2 2 17 2 2
4  Þu  3 ð2    3 2 24 2 16  Þd  ða Þs  ða Þc 
a 2
2 2 17 2 17 2
þsin ½ 3 ð5 þ 2 þ 3  þ 12 þ 8  Þu  3 ð4 þ  þ 3 þ 24 þ 16  Þd  ða Þs  ða2 Þc 
2 a 2  a 2   2

þ val cos2 ½43 u  13 s  þ sin2 ½23 u þ 13 s 

2 2
sea cos ½ 3 ð8 þ 3 þ 3  þ 6 þ 17
2 a 2 4 2 2 a 2 a 2 4 2 17 2
4  Þu  3 ð4   Þd  3 ð2  3   24  16  Þs  ða Þc 
2 2
2 17 4 17
þsin2 ½ 3 ð4 þ 62 þ 3 2 þ 12 þ 8 2 Þu  3 ð2 þ 2 Þd  3 ð42 þ 3 2 þ 24 þ 16 2 Þs  ða2 Þc 
a  a a 

0 val cos2 ½23 u þ 23 d  13 s  þ sin2 ½13 u þ 13 d þ 13 s 

2 2 2 2 2
sea 2 2
cos ½ 3 ð6 þ  þ 3  þ 12
þ 17 2
8  Þu  3 ð6 þ
2 þ 23 2 þ 12 þ 17 2
8  Þd  3 ðþ2
a 2
 43 2  24  17 2
16  Þs
2 2 2 2
2 2 2 17 2 2 17 2
ða Þc  þ sin ½ 3 ð3 þ 2 þ 3 þ 24 þ 16  Þu  3 ð3 þ 2 þ 3 þ 24 þ 16  Þd
a   a  
 a3 ð42 þ 43 2 þ 24 
þ 17 2
16  Þs  ða Þc 

0 val cos ½ 3 u þ 3 s  þ sin ½3 u þ 23 s 

2 1 4 2 1
2 2 2
sea cos ½ 3 ð2 þ 3  3  24  17
2 a 2 2 a 2 a 2
16  Þu  3 ð1 þ 4 Þd  3 ð7 þ 3  þ2 6 þ 4  Þs  ða Þc 
16 2 17 2 2
2 2
2 2 17 2 2 2 8 2 17 2 2
þsin ½ 3 ð2 þ 3 þ 3 þ 24 þ 16  Þu  3 ð1 þ 2 Þd  3 ð5 þ 3  þ 12 þ 8  Þs  ða Þc 
a   a a 

 val cos2 ½s  þ sin2 ½13 u þ 13 d þ 13 s 

2 2
sea cos ½ða Þu  ða Þd  að2 þ 43 2 þ 24
2 2 2 2
þ 17 2
16  Þs  ða Þc  þ sin
2 2
½ a3 ð2 þ 22 þ 3 þ 24 þ 17 2
16  Þu
2 2 2
2 17 2 2 4 2 17 2 2
 3 ð2 þ 2 þ 3 þ 24 þ 16  Þd  3 ð4 þ 3  þ 24 þ 16  Þs  ða Þc 
a   a 

c val cos2 ½43 u  13 c  þ sin2 ½23 u þ 13 c 
sea cos ½ 3 ð8 þ 4 þ 3  þ 6 þ 13
2 a 2 4 2 2 2 2
4  Þu  3 ð4   Þd  3 ð4   Þs þ 24 ð3 þ  Þc 
a a 2 a 2 2
2 2 25 2
sin ½ 3 ð4 þ 2 þ 3  þ 12 þ 8  Þu  3 ð2 þ  Þd  3 ð2 þ  Þs  24 ð3 þ 492 Þc 
2 a 2  a 2 a 2 2 a 2

c val cos2 ½23 u þ 23 d  13 c  þ sin2 ½13 u þ 13 d þ 13 c 
2 2
sea cos2 ½ a3 ð6 þ 22 þ 23 2 þ 12 þ 98 2 Þu  a3 ð6 þ 22 þ 23 2 þ 12 þ 98 2 Þd  a3 ð42  2 Þs þ 24 a
ð3 2 þ 2 Þc 
2 2 2 2
sin2 ½ a3 ð3 þ 2 þ 3 þ 24 þ 33
16  2 Þ  a ð3 þ 2 þ
u 3

3 þ 
24 þ 33 2
16  Þ d  a
3 ð2 2 þ 2 Þ  a ð3 2 þ 492 Þ 
s 24 c
0c val cos2 ½43 s  13 c  þ sin2 ½23 s þ 13 c 
sea cos2 ½ a3 ð42  2 Þu  a3 ð42  2 Þd  a3 ð82 þ 16 2 13 2
3  þ 6 þ 4  Þs þ 24 ð3 þ  Þc 
a 2 2
8 2 2 33 2
sin ½ 3 ð2 þ  Þu  3 ð2 þ  Þd  3 ð4 þ 3  þ 12 þ 8  Þs  24 ð3 þ 492 Þc 
2 a 2 2 a 2 2 a 2 a 2

c val cos2 ½c  þ 13 sin2 ½u þ d þ c 
2 2
sea cos2 ½ða2 Þu  ða2 Þd  ða2 Þs  38 að 2 þ 112 Þc  þ sin2 ½ a3 ð3 þ 2 þ 3 þ 24 þ 33 2
16  Þu
2 2 2 33 2 2 2 2 2
 3 ð3 þ  þ 3 þ 24 þ 16  Þd  3 ð2 þ  Þs  24 ð3 þ 49 Þc 
a a a

c val cos2 ½c  þ 13 sin2 ½u þ s þ c 
sea cos2 ½ða2 Þu  ða2 Þd  ða2 Þs  38 að 2 þ 112 Þc  þ sin2 ½ a3 ð2 þ 22 þ 3 þ 24 þ 33 2
16  Þu
2 2 2 4 2 2 33 2 2 2
 3 ð1 þ  þ  Þd  3 ð3 þ 3  þ 24 þ 16  Þs  24 ð3 þ 49 Þc 
a a a

cc val cos2 ½ 13 s þ 43 c  þ sin2 ½13 s þ 23 c 
sea cos ½3 ð  4 Þu þ a3 ð2  42 Þd þ a3 ð22 þ 43 2 þ 24
2 a 2 2  47 2 a 2
16  Þs  2 ð þ 3  Þc 
31 2
þsin ½ 3 ð þ 2 Þu  3 ð þ 2 Þd  3 ð2 þ 3  þ 24 þ 16  Þs  4 ð þ 37
2 a 2 2 a 2 2 a 2 4 2 49 2 a 2 2
3  Þc 

SHARMA et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW D 81, 073001 (2010)
charmed baryon þ
c . From the Appendix, the spin struc- ðþ
c Þorbit ¼ ðuþ !Þ þ ðsþ !Þ þ ðcþ !Þ: (29)
ture of a spin 32þ baryon is given as
Substituting the valence, sea, and orbital contribution from
B^   hB jN jB i ¼ h120; 4 20S jN j120; 4 20S iB : (25) Eqs. (27)–(29) in Eq. (5), we can calculate the total mag-
netic moment of þ c . The valence, sea, and orbital con-
The valence spin structure of þ
c can be expressed as tribution to the magnetic moments of other spin 32þ
^ þ
 c ¼ uþ þ sþ þ cþ ; (26) charmed baryons can similarly be calculated and the ex-
pressions for the valence and sea contribution to the total
giving the valence contribution to the magnetic moment as magnetic moment of the spin 32þ charmed baryons have
been presented in Table II.
c Þval ¼ u þ s þ c : (27)
The quark sea contribution to the magnetic moment of 0 C. Transition magnetic moments
can be calculated by substituting Eq. (4) for every valence In this section, we calculate the transition magnetic
quark in Eq. (26), giving the sea contribution as moments for the radiative decays Bi ! Bf þ , where Bi
  and Bf are the initial and final baryons, for the spin 32þ !
2  2 33 2 1þ 1þ 1þ
2 and 2 ! 2 transitions of the baryons. In particular, the

ðc Þsea ¼ a 2 þ 2 þ 2 þ þ  u
3 24 16 transition magnetic moments considered in this work are

4 2 for spin 32þ ! 12þ transitions corresponding to the charm-
þ ð1 þ 2 þ 2 Þd þ 32 þ 2 þ
3 24 less decuplet to octet transitions (10 ! 8), single charmed
  sextet to antitriplet transitions (6 ! 3),  single charmed
33 2 1
þ  s þ ð3 2 þ 492 Þc : (28) sextet to sextet transitions (6 ! 6), and double charmed
16 8
triplet to triplet transitions (3 ! 3) transitions. On the other
The orbital angular momentum contribution to the mag- hand, the spin 12þ ! 12þ transitions considered are for the
netic moment of þ
c is given as charmless octet to octet transitions (8 ! 8) and single

TABLE II. Valence and sea contributions of the low lying and charmed spin 32þ baryons in terms of the CQM parameters. The spin
polarizations for the other baryons can be found from isospin symmetry.

Baryon Valence and sea contribution to the magnetic moments

þþ val 3u
sea að6 þ 32 þ 2 þ 8 þ 51 16  2 Þ  3a  3a2   3a2 
u d s c
þ val 2u þ d
2 2 2
sea að5 þ 22 þ 23 2 þ 12 þ 17 2 2 17 2
8  Þu  að4 þ  þ 3 þ 24 þ 16  Þd  3a s  3a c
2 2

þ val 2u þ s

2 2
sea að4 þ 32 þ 23 2 þ 12 þ 17 2 2 2 4 2
8  Þu  að2 þ  Þd  að4 þ 3  þ 24 þ 16  Þs  3a c
17 2 2

0 val u þ d þ s
2 2
2 2 2
sea að3 þ 22 þ 3 þ 24 þ 17 2 2 17 2 2
16  Þu  að3 þ 2 þ 3 þ 24 þ 16  Þd  að4 þ 3  þ 24 þ 16  Þs  3a c
4 2 17 2 2

0 val u þ 2s

2 2 Þ  að1 þ 22 Þ  að52 þ 8 2 þ  2 þ 17 2 Þ  3a2 
sea að2 þ 32 þ 3 þ 24 þ 1716  u d 3 12 8 s c
 val 3s
sea 3a2 u  3a2 d  að62 þ 42 þ 8 þ 51 2
16  Þs  3a c

c val 2u þ c
sea að4 þ 22 þ 23 2 þ 12 þ 25 2 2 2 2
8  Þu  að2 þ  Þd  að2 þ  Þs  8 ð3 þ 49 Þc
a 2 2

c val u þ d þ c
2 2
2 2
sea að3 þ 2 þ 3 þ 24 þ 33 2 2 33 2
16  Þu  að3 þ  þ 3 þ 24 þ 16  Þd  að2 þ  Þs  8 ð3 þ 49 Þc
2 2 a 2 2

c val u þ s þ c
2 2
sea að2 þ 22 þ 3 þ 24 þ 33
16  2
Þ u  að1 þ  2
þ 2 Þd  að32 þ 43 2 þ 24 þ 33 2 2
16  Þs  8 ð3 þ 49 Þc
a 2

c val 2s þ c
sea að22 þ 2 Þu  að22 þ 2 Þd  að42 þ 83 2 þ 12 þ 25 2 2
8  Þs  8 ð3 þ 49 Þc
a 2

cc val u þ 2c
sea að2 þ 2 þ 3 þ 24 þ 49 2 2 2 2
16  Þu  að1 þ 2 Þd  að þ 2 Þs  4 ð3 þ 37 Þc
a 2 2

cc val s þ 2c
sea að2 þ 22 Þu  að2 þ 22 Þd  að22 þ 43 2 þ 24 þ 49 2 2
16  Þs  4 ð3 þ 37 Þc
a 2

ccc val 3c
sea 3a2 u  3a2 d  3a2 s  98 að 2 þ 112 Þc

1þ 3þ
SPIN 2 , SPIN 2 , AND . . . PHYSICAL REVIEW D 81, 073001 (2010)
charmed antitriplet to sextet transitions (3 ! 6). The de- giving the valence contribution to the magnetic moment of
tails of the structure have been presented in the Appendix. (þ 0þ
c c ) transition as
The transition magnetic moment can be calculated from
the matrix element

 k:z  1 pffiffiffi
Bd B ðkÞ ¼ B ; J ¼  N e  B ; J ¼ ; (30) 2
i f f z
 i z 2 ðþ 0þ
c c Þval ¼
2 2
ðu  s þ 2c Þ  e1=6k R :
where k is the momentum of the photon. As an example, (32)
we discuss here the case of transition magnetic moment of
the 6 ! 6 transition (þ 0þ
c c ). The spin structure for the
þ 0þ
(c c ) transition is given as The quark sea contribution can be calculated by making
pffiffiffi substitution Eq. (4) for every valence quark. The quark sea
þ 0þ 2 2 2 contribution for the magnetic moment of (þ 0þ
c c ) tran-
c c ðkÞ ¼ ðuþ  sþ þ 2cþ Þ  e1=6k R ; (31)
3 sition is then expressed as

TABLE III. Valence and sea contributions of the low lying and charmed spin 32þ ! 12þ and 12þ ! 12þ transition magnetic moments in
terms of the CQM parameters. The spin polarizations for the other transitions can be found from isospin symmetry.

Transition Valence and sea contribution to the transition magnetic moments

pffiffi pffiffi
2 2 2 2
p val pffiffi 3 u  3 pffiffid
2 2
2 2
sea  2 3 2 að1 þ 2 þ 3 þ 24 þ 17 2 Þu þ 2 3 2 að1 þ 2 þ 3 þ 24
16 p þ 17 2
16  Þd
ffiffi pffiffi
þ þ val 2 2
u  2 3 2 s
pffiffi 2 2
p3ffiffi pffiffi
sea  2 3 2 að2 þ 3 þ 24 þ 17
16  Þu p ffiffi
2 2
3 að1pffiffi
Þ pffiffi
d þ 2 2 2 4 2 17 2
3 að þ 3  þ 24 þ 16  Þs
0 0 val 2 2
u þ 3 d  3 s 2 2
pffiffi 2
pffiffi 3 2
2 2 2
sea  32 að3  2 þ 3 þ 24 þ 17
16  2
Þ u  3
að3 pffiffi2 þ 3 pþffiffi 24 þ 17 2 2 2 2 4 2 17 2
16  Þd þ 3 að þ 3  þ 24 þ 16  Þs
2 2 2 2
0 0 val   
p3ffiffi 3
u s
pffiffi 2
2 2
sea  2 3 2 að2 þ 3 þ 24 þ 17
16  2
Þ u  2 2
3qffiffi að1   2
qffiffi Þ d þ 2 3 2 að2 þ 43 2 þ 24 þ 17 2
16  Þs
0  val 2 2
qffiffi 3u  q 3ffiffi d
2 2 2 2
sea  þ 2 þ 3 þ 24

þ 17 2 2 2 17 2
16 pffiffiÞu þ p3ffiffiað1 þ  þ 3 þ 24 þ 16  Þd

c þþ
c val  2 3 2 u þ 2 3 2 c
pffiffi pffiffi pffiffi pffiffi
2 2 2 2 2 2 2
sea 2
3 að2 þ  þ 3 þ 24 þ 16Þu þ 3 pað1  2 Þd þ 2 3 2 að2  2 Þs  122 að3 2 þ 252 Þc
ffiffi pffiffi pffiffi
þ þ
c c val  32 u  32 d þ 2 3 2 c
pffiffi p ffiffi pffiffi pffiffi
2 2 2 2 2 2
sea 2 15 2 2
3 að2 þ  þ 3 þ 24  16  Þu þ 3 að2 þ  þ p3ffiffi þ 24 p16
15 2
 Þd þ 2 3 2 að2  2 Þs  122 að3 2 þ 252 Þc
0 0
c c val  2 3 2 s þ 2 3 2 c
pffiffi pffiffi pffiffi pffiffi
sea 2 2
að 2  2 Þ þ 2 2 að2  2 Þ þ 2 2 að22 þ 4 2 þ  2 þ 2 Þ  2 að3 2 þ 252 Þ
3 3
u d
qffiffi3 qffiffi 3 24 16 s 12 c
þ þ
c c val 2 2
qffiffi 3u  q 3ffiffi d
2 2 2 2
sea  3að1 þ 2 þ 3 þ 24 
þ 17 2 2 2
16  Þu þ 3að1 þ  þ 3 þ 24 þ 16  Þd
  17 2

þ þ qffiffi qffiffi

c c val 2
qffiffi qffiffi 3 u qffiffi
sea 2 2
2 Þ  2að1  2 Þ þ 2að2 þ 4 2 þ  2 þ 17 2 Þ
 23að2 þ 3 þ 24 
þ 1716  3 ffiffi 3 3 24 16
u d s
þþ þþ
cc cc val 2 2 2 2
pffiffi 2 2
pffiffi 3 u  3 c pffiffi pffiffi
sea  2 3 2 að2 þ 2 þ 3 þ 24 þ 16Þu  2 3 2 að1  2 Þd  2 3 2 að2  2 Þs þ 122 að3 2 þ 252 Þc
pffiffi pffiffi
þ þ
cc cc val 2 2 2 2
pffiffi pffiffi 3 sp ffiffi 3 c 2
sea  2 3 2 að2  2 Þu  2 3 2 að2  2 Þd  2 3 2 að22 þ 43 2 þ 24 þ 16Þs þ 122 að3 2 þ 252 Þ
0  val p1ffiffi u  p1ffiffi d
3 3
2 2 2 2
sea  paffiffi3 ð1 þ 2 þ 3 þ 24 þ 17
  2 paffiffi 2
16  Þu þ 3 ð1 þ  þ 3 þ 24 þ 16  Þd
17 2
1 1
þ þ
c c val pffiffi u  pffiffi d
3 3
2 2
2 2
sea  p1ffiffi að1 þ 2 þ 3 þ 24
þ 17
16  2
Þ u
þ p1ffiffi að1 þ 2 þ  þ  þ 17 2 Þd
3 24 16
0þ þ
c c val p1ffiffi u  p1ffiffi s
3 3
2 2 2
sea  p1ffiffi3 að2 þ 3 þ 24

þ 17 2
16  Þu 
p1ffiffi að1  2 Þd
þ p1ffiffi3 að2 þ 43 2 þ 24

þ 17 2
16  Þs

SHARMA et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW D 81, 073001 (2010)
2 2  2 15 2 uating their contribution, we have used their on shell mass
ðþ 0þ
c c Þsea ¼ 2
a 2 þ 2 þ þ   u values in accordance with several other similar calculations
3 3 24 16
2 2
[22,40]. For the constituent quark masses u, d, s, c, we
þ ð1 þ   2 Þd have used their widely accepted values in hadron spectros-
  copy Mu ¼ Md ¼ 0:33 GeV, Ms ¼ 0:51 GeV, Mc ¼
4  2 15
þ 32 þ 2 þ  2 s 1:70 GeV. The quark masses and corresponding magnetic
3 24 16
 moments have to be further adjusted by the quark confine-
1 2 2
 ð3 2 þ 252 Þc  e1=6k R : (33) ment effects [30,41]. For the low lying baryons, Kerbikov
4 et al. [42] have given a successful description of the
magnetic moment with confinement effects playing a lead-
The orbital angular momentum contribution in this case is ing role. However, in the present case the simplest way to
incorporate this adjustment [41] is to first express Mq in the
pffiffiffi magnetic moment operator in terms of MB , the mass of the
ðþ 0þ
c c Þorbit ¼ ððuþ !Þ  ðsþ !Þ baryon obtained additively from the quark masses, which
3 then is replaced by MB þ M, M being the mass differ-
2 2
þ 2ðcþ !ÞÞ  e1=6k R : (34) ence between the experimental value and MB . This leads to
the following adjustments in the quark magnetic moments:
The total magnetic moment for the transition (þ 0þ
c c ) u ¼ 2½1  ðM=MB ÞN , d ¼ ½1  ðM=MB ÞN ,
can be calculated by adding Eqs. (32)–(34). The detailed s ¼ Mu =Ms ½1  ðM=MB ÞN , and c ¼
expressions for the valence, sea and orbital contribution to 2Mu =Mc ½1  ðM=MB ÞN .
the magnetic moments for all other transitions can be
calculated similarly and the expressions are presented in V. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Table III.
The parameters discussed above have been used to
calculate the various spin polarization functions, nonsing-
IV. INPUT PARAMETERS let components 3 and 8 and flavor distribution functions
in SUð4Þ CQM. The values obtained for the case of
In this section, we discuss the various input parameters
proton are as follows:
needed for the numeric calculation of the magnetic mo-
ments of spin 12þ and spin 32þ baryons. The valence, sea, and u ¼ 0:93; d ¼ 0:34; s ¼ 0:03;
orbital contributions to the magnetic moment in CQM (35)
with SUð4Þ broken symmetry involve the symmetry break- c ¼ 0:002; 3 ¼ 1:2696; 8 ¼ 0:64;
ing parameters and mixing angle . The symmetry break-
ing parameters a, a2 , a2 , a 2 , a2 representing,, u ¼ 0:23; d ¼ 0:34; s ¼ 0:086;
respectively, the probabilities of fluctuations of a constitu- d (36)
ent quark into pions, K, , 0 , c , are expected to follow c ¼ 0:005; u  d ¼ 0:11; ¼ 1:49:
the hierarchy a > a2 > a2 > a 2 > a2 as they are
dominated by the mass differences. As a consequence, We find that a fairly good fit is achieved in the parameters
the probability of emitting a heavier meson such as D listed above when compared with the latest data [3,17,35].
from a lighter quark is much smaller than that of emitting In particular, the agreement corresponding to the strange-
the light meson such as K, , 0 , etc. The symmetry ness and intrinsic charm contribution to the nucleon in
breaking parameters are usually fixed by the spin polariza- terms of the magnitude as well as the sign is quite satis-
tion functions u, d, and Q2 independent parameter factory when compared with the latest data [3,17,35]. A
3 ð¼ u  dÞ [34–36] as well as the flavor distribution detailed implications of these parameters have already
functions u  d and u=
 d [37,38], measured from the deep been discussed in Ref. [33]. It is interesting to mention
inelastic scattering experiments. The mixing angle is here that these strangeness and charm related parameters
fixed by fitting neutron charge radius [39]. A fine grained have not been taken as inputs in our calculations and still a
analysis with the symmetry breaking lead to the following satisfactory agreement is obtained. In addition, SUð4Þ
set of symmetry breaking parameters as the best fit CQM leads to many new predictions on observables
which are directly related to the charm content of nucleon
a ¼ 0:12;  ’  ¼ 0:45; and are found to be almost an order of magnitude smaller
 ¼ 0:21; and  ¼ 0:11: than the strange quark contributions but not entirely insig-
nificant. Consistency of these charm related parameters
In addition to the parameters of CQM and mixing can be checked by future experiments.
angle as discussed above, the orbital angular momentum The spin polarization functions discussed above have
contributions are characterized by the quark, GB masses, been used to calculate the baryon magnetic moments. In
and the harmonic-oscillator radius parameter R. For eval- Tables IV and V, we have presented the results for the

1þ 3þ
SPIN 2 , SPIN 2 , AND . . . PHYSICAL REVIEW D 81, 073001 (2010)

TABLE IV. Magnetic moment of the low lying and charmed spin 2 baryons with configuration mixing (in units of N ).
Baryon Data [3] NRQM [4] Lattice QCD [43] QCDSR [12] QSSR [13] LCQSR [14] Valence Sea Orbital Total
ðpÞ 2:79  0:00 3 2.793 2:82  0:26 2:7  0:5 2.90 0:58 0.48 2.80
ðnÞ 1:91  0:00 2 1:59  0:21 1:97  0:15 1:8  0:35 1:85 0.18 0:44 2:11
ðþ Þ 2:46  0:01 2.88 2:37  0:18 2:31  0:25 2:2  0:4 2.50 0:51 0.40 2.39
ð0 Þ  0.88 0:65  0:06 0:69  0:07 0:5  0:10 0.74 0:22 0.02 0.54
ð Þ 1:16  0:025 1:12 1:07  0:11 1:16  0:10 0:8  0:2 1:02 0.06 0:36 1:32
ð0 Þ 1:25  0:014 1:53 1:17  0:10 1:17  0:10 1:3  0:3 1:29 0.14 0:09 1:24
ð Þ 0:651  0:003 0:53 0:51  0:07 0:64  0:06 0:7  0:2 0:59 0.03 0.06 0:50
CG 0:49  0:05 0.0    0.53 0:08 0.01 0.46
ðÞ 0:613  0:004 0:65 0:50  0:07 0:56  0:15 0:7  0:2 0:59 0.02 0:01 0:58
c Þ  2.54  2:1  0:3  2.32 0:52 0.40 2.20
ðþc Þ  0.54  0:6  0:1  0.51 0:23 0.02 0.30
ð0c Þ  1:46  1:6  0:2  1:30 0.06 0:36 1:60
c Þ  0.77    0.78 0:21 0.19 0.76
cÞ  1:23    1:16 0.03 0:19 1:32
ð0c Þ  0:99    0:93 0.04 0:01 0:90
ðþc Þ  0.39  0:15  0:05 0:40  0:05 0.409 0:019 0.002 0.392
ðþc Þ  0.39   0:50  0:05 0.41 0:02 0.01 0.40
ð0c Þ  0.39   0:35  0:05 0.29 0:0003 0:01 0.28
cc Þ  0:15    0:025 0.111 0:080 0.006
ðþcc Þ   0.85    0.79 0:02 0.07 0.84
ðþcc Þ  0.73    0.706 0:013 0.004 0.697

magnetic moments of low lying and charmed spin 12þ , spin with the predictions of NRQM [4], lattice QCD [43], and
3þ recent experimental data available [3]. Since there is no
2 baryons. In Table VI, we have presented the magnetic
moments for the low lying spin 32þ ! 12þ and 12þ ! 12þ experimental information available for charmed baryon
transitions as well as the transitions involving charmed magnetic moments, we have presented the predictions of
baryons. In the tables, we have presented the explicit QCDSR [12], QSSR [13], and LCQSR [14–16].
results for the valence, sea and orbital contributions to A cursory look at the tables reveal that the our results are
the magnetic moments. We have also compared our results smaller than the NRQM predictions in most of the cases

TABLE V. The magnetic moments of the low lying and charmed spin 2 baryons (in units of N ).

Baryon Data [3] NRQM [4] Lattice QCD [43] QCDSR [12] LCQSR [15] Valence Sea Orbital Total
ðþþ Þ 3:7 7:5 6 4:99  0:56 4:13  1:30 4:4  0:8 4.53 0:97 0.95 4.51
ðþ Þ 2:7þ1:0
1:3  1:5  3 [44] 3 2:49  0:27 2:07  0:65 2:2  0:4 2.27 0:61 0.34 2.00
ð0 Þ  0.0 0:06  0:0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0:25 0:26 0:51
ð Þ  3 2:45  0:27 2:07  0:65 2:2  0:4 2:27 0.12 0:87 3:02
ðþ Þ  3.35 2:55  0:26 2:13  0:82 2:7  0:6 2.74 0:67 0.62 2.69
ð0 Þ  0.35 0:27  0:05 0:32  0:15 0:20  0:05 0.29 0:29 0.02 0.02
ð Þ  2:65 2:02  0:18 1:66  0:73 2:28  0:5 2:16 0.11 0:59 2:64
ð0 Þ  0.71 0:46  0:07 0:69  0:29 0:40  0:08 0.51 0:26 0.29 0.54
ð Þ  2:29 1:68  0:12 1:51  0:52 2:0  0:4 1:64 0.08 0:31 1:87
ð Þ 2:02  0:06 1:94 1:40  0:10 1:49  0:45 1:65  0:35 1:76 0.08 0:03 1:71
1:94  0:31 [45]
c Þ  4.39   4:81  1:22 4.09 0:80 0.63 3.92
c Þ  1.39   2:00  0:46 1.30 0:36 0.03 0.97
c Þ  1:61   0:81  0:20 1:50 0.09 0:58 1:99
c Þ  1.74   1:68  0:42 1.67 0:39 0.31 1.59
c Þ  1:26   0:68  0:18 1:21 0.08 0:30 1:43
c Þ  0:91   0:62  0:18 0:89 0.05 0:02 0:86
cc Þ  2.78    2.78 0:44 0.32 2.66
cc Þ  0:22    0:22 0.04 0:29 0:47
cc Þ  0.13    0.13 0.02 0:01 0.14
ccc Þ  1.17    0.165 0.011 0:002 0.155

SHARMA et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW D 81, 073001 (2010)

TABLE VI. The baryon magnetic moments for the low lying and charmed spin 2 ! 12þ and 12þ ! 12þ transitions (in units of N ).

Spin 2 ! 12þ transitions
Transition Data NRQM [4] Lattice QCD [43] LCQSR [16] Valence Sea Orbital Total
10 ! 8 ðpÞ 3:46  0:03 [46] 2.65 2:46  0:43 2:5  1:3 2.78 0:44 0.53 2.87
ðþ þ Þ  2.42 2:61  0:35 2:1  0:85 2.38 0:41 0.29 2.26
ð0 0 Þ  1.05 1:07  0:13 0:89  0:38 1.03 0:20 0.02 0.85
ð  Þ  0:32 0:47  0:09 0:31  0:10 0:32 0.02 0:25 0:55
ð0 0 Þ  2.18 2:77  0:31 2:2  0:74 2.24 0:39 0.27 2.12
ð  Þ  0:29 0:47  0:08 0:31  0:11 0:26 0.02 0:23 0:47
ð0 Þ  2.31  2:3  1:4 2.42 0:39 0.47 2.50
6!6 ðþþ
c þþ
c Þ  1:51  2:8  1:0 1:45 0.38 0:30 1:37
ðþc þ
c Þ  0:11  1:2  0:3 0:101 0.110 0:012 0:003
0 0
ðc c Þ  1.30  0:5  0:2 1.25 0:04 0.27 1.48
ðþ 0þ
c c Þ  0:26   0:27 0.18 0:14 0:23
0 00
ðc c Þ  1.11   1.14 0:04 0.14 1.24
ð0 0
c c Þ  0.97   0.98 0:03 0.01 0.96
6 ! 3 þ
ðc c Þ þ  2.33  3:8  1:4 2.30 0:37 0.47 2.40
ð0 0
c c Þ  0:29  0:45  0:18 0:29 0.02 0:23 0:50
ðþc  þÞ
c  2.14  4:0  1:8 2.20 0:38 0.26 2.08
3!3 ðcc þþ
cc Þ  1.42   1.42 0:37 0.28 1.33
ðþ þ
cc cc Þ  1:22   1:22 0.07 0:26 1:41
ðþ þ
cc cc Þ  0:91   0:91 0.03 0:01 0:89
Spin 12þ ! 12þ transitions
8!8 ð0 Þ 1:61  0:08 [3] 1.52 1:16  0:15 1:6  0:3 1.59 0:30 0.31 1.60
3 ! 6 ðþ þ
c c Þ  1.46  1:5  0:4 1.51 0:24 0.29 1.56
ð00c  0
cÞ  0:18   0:18 0.01 0:14 0:31
ð0þc  þÞ
c  1.33   1.37 0:23 0.16 1.30

and our results are not only in agreement with available none of the magnetic moments are used as inputs and CG
data but also show improvement over other models in most can be described without resorting to additional
of the cases where the experimental data is available. On parameters.
the other hand, for the case of the magnetic moments where A closer look at the table reveals that if an attempt is
experimental data is not available, our results are consis- made to explain the contribution of the orbital angular
tent with the results of QCDSR, QSSR, LCQSR as well as momentum of the quark sea, we find the contribution of
with the other models existing in literature. One can also orbital angular momentum to be as important as that of
observe that the orbital part contributes with the same sign the quark sea contribution through the spin polarization of
as valence quark distribution, while the sea part contribute the qq pairs. In fact, the sea and orbital contributions
with the opposite sign making the sea and orbital contri- are fairly significant as compared to the valence contribu-
butions significant. The sum of residual quark sea and tions and they cancel in the right direction giving the right
valence quark contribution give the magnetic moment of magnitude of the total magnetic moment. For example, the
baryons. valence contributions of p, þ , and 0 are higher in
From Table IV, when we compare our results for the spin magnitude than the experimental value but the sea contri-

2 baryons with the available experimental data as well as bution being higher in magnitude than the orbital contri-
the other model calculations, we find that our model is able bution reduces the valence contribution leading to a
to get a fairly good account of the most of magnetic mo- better agreement with data. Similarly, in the case of n,
ments, wherever the experimental data is available.  , and  the valence contribution in magnitude is lower
Presently, experimental information is available for the than the experimental value but in these cases the sea
low lying octet baryons and violation of Coleman- contribution is lower than the orbital part so it adds on to
Glashow sum rule (CG) [27]. It is interesting to observe the valence contribution again improving agreement
that our results for the magnetic moments of p, þ , 0 , with data. It is important to mention here that the IC
and  give a perfect fit to the experimental values [3] contribution to the proton spin polarizations and hence
whereas for all other octet baryons our predictions are magnetic moments is quite small so the predictions of
within 10% of the observed values. Besides this, we have the SUð4Þ CQM do not differ significantly from our
also been able to get an excellent fit to CG. The fit earlier results in the SUð3Þ CQM for the octet baryons
becomes all the more impressive when it is realized that [30].

1þ 3þ
SPIN 2 , SPIN 2 , AND . . . PHYSICAL REVIEW D 81, 073001 (2010)
In the case of charmed baryons also, there is a significant magnetic moment is more or less the same as the valence
contribution from the quark sea spin and orbital angular contribution whereas in all other cases there is a significant
momentum. Only in the case of 0c , þ þ 0 þ
c , c , c , and cc , contribution from the resultant sea and orbital contribu-
the magnetic moment if dominated by the valence contri- tions. It would be interesting to mention here that this is
bution as the sea and orbital contributions are quite small in due to the fact that the strange and charm contribution to
magnitude. This is because of the fact that the above the magnetic moment is almost an order of magnitude
mentioned baryons are dominated by the heavy quarks in smaller than the up and down quarks thus leading to a
the valence structure. Thus, in a very interesting manner, very small contribution from the heavy quarks when com-
the orbital and sea contributions together add on to the pared with the contribution coming from the light quarks.
valence contributions leading to better agreement with In Table VI, we have presented results for the magnetic
data. This not only endorses the earlier conclusion of moments of the spin 32þ ! 12þ transitions corresponding to
Cheng and Li [28] but also suggests that the Cheng-Li the charmless decuplet to octet transitions (10 ! 8), single
mechanism could perhaps provide the dominant dynamics charmed sextet to antitriplet transitions (6 ! 3),  single
of the constituents in the nonperturbative regime of QCD charmed sextet to sextet transitions (6 ! 6), and double
on which further corrections could be evaluated. charmed triplet to triplet transitions (3 ! 3) transitions.
From Table V, we can compare our results for the low We have also presented the results for the spin 12þ ! 12þ
lying as well as charmed spin 32þ baryons with other model transitions corresponding to the charmless octet to octet
calculations as well as with the available experimental transitions (8 ! 8) and single charmed antitriplet to sextet
data. In this case also, we have presented the explicit transitions (3 ! 6). Experimental data is available for only
results for the valence, sea, and the orbital contributions. the low lying 8 ! 8 transition (0 !  þ ). Our predic-
For the magnetic moments of the low lying decuplet bary- tion for this decay is 1.60 (1:61  0:08 [3]). There is no
ons, only three experimental results are presently available. experimental data available for any other charmed baryons
Our predicted value for þþ ¼ 4:51, is well within the transition magnetic moments as well as for the other low
experimental range 3:7 7:5 [3]. Similarly, for the case of lying spin 32þ ! 12þ transitions so we have presented the
þ and  our predicted values 2.0 and 1:71, agree with predictions of LCQSR [16] and lattice QCD [43], wherever
the experimentally observed values (2:7þ1:0
1:3  1:5  3 [44] the results are available. For the magnetic moment of the
and 1:94  0:31 [45], respectively). For all other baryons ( ! p þ ) transition, an empirical estimate can be
our predictions are consistent with the predictions of the made from the helicity amplitudes A1=2 ¼ 0:135 
QCDSR [12], LCQSR [15], lattice QCD [43], and other 0:005 GeV1=2 , and A3=2 ¼ 0:250  0:008 GeV1=2
models existing in literature. However, there is a small [3] as inputs in the decay rate and the magnetic moment
discrepancy in the case of 0 magnetic moment while extracted is ðpÞ ¼ 3:46  0:03N [46]. The magnetic
comparing our results with other model calculations. In moment of ðpÞ transition is a long standing problem
this case, the contribution of the orbital part is negligible and most of the approaches in literature underestimate it.
and the valence and sea contributions are of the same order. Our predicted value 2:87N is below the experimental
The valence and sea contribution being of opposite signs results. The implications of CQM and Cheng-Li mecha-
cancel each other completely leading to a very small 0 . nism perhaps can be substantiated by future measurements
Any experimental data on 0 would have important im- of ðpÞ.
plications for the Cheng-Li mechanism. For the charmed Implications of configuration mixing, quark masses, and
spin 32þ baryons, since there is no experimental information confinement effects have also been investigated. In the spin
available, we have compared our results with the predic- 1þ
2 baryon magnetic moments, it is found that the inclusion
tions of the LCQSR [15]. Our results are consistent with of Cheng-Li mechanism predicts the results in the right
their predictions and also with the other models existing in direction even when configuration mixing is not included,
the literature [11,12]. however, the inclusion of confinement effects along with
On closer scrutiny of the results we find that in the cases configuration mixing plays a crucial role in fitting the
where there is an excess of up and down quarks in the individual magnetic moments. Interestingly, we find that
valence structure, the contribution of the quark sea and its the masses Mu ¼ Md ¼ 330 MeV, after corrections due to
orbital angular momentum is quite significant when com- configuration mixing and confinement effects, provide the
pared with the valence contribution. On the other hand, best fit for the magnetic moments. This implies a deeper
when there is an excess of strange and charm quarks in the significance for the CQM coupling breaking and the
valence structure, the contribution of the quark sea and its quark masses parameters employed.
orbital angular momentum is almost negligible as com-
pared to the valence contribution. This can be easily under-
stood when we compare the sea and orbital contributions of
 , 0 þ þþ
c , cc , and ccc with the sea and orbital con- To summarize, in order to enlarge the scope of SUð4Þ
tributions of the other baryons. In these cases, the total chiral constituent quark model (CQM) and to estimate

SHARMA et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW D 81, 073001 (2010)
the phenomenological contribution of cc fluctuations, we moments of charmed baryons. Several groups, for ex-
have carried out a detailed analysis of the magnetic mo- ample, BTeV and SELEX Collaboration are contemplating
ments of the low lying and charmed spin 12þ and spin 32þ the possibility of performing it in the near future.
baryons as well as of their transitions. Using the generally
accepted values of the quark masses, the parameters of ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
CQM have been fixed from the latest data pertaining to H. D. would like to thank Department of Science and
u  d asymmetry and spin polarization functions, the ex- Technology, Government of India, for financial support.
plicit contributions coming from the valence quarks, the
quark sea contribution as well as its orbital angular mo-
mentum through the generalized Cheng-Li mechanism APPENDIX: THE WAVE FUNCTION CONVENTION
have been calculated. FOR THE BARYON
For the low lying 12þ and spin 32þ baryons where experi- The total wave function for the three-quark system made
mental data is available, the CQM predictions not only from any of the u, d, s, or c quarks is given as jSUð8Þ
give a satisfactory fit but also show improvement over the Oð3Þi ¼ ’ c , where ’ is a flavor wave function,  is a
other models. In particular, for the case of ðpÞ, ðþ Þ, spin wave function and c is a spatial wave function. The
ð0 Þ, ðÞ, violation of Coleman-Glashow sum rule for SUð8Þ multiplet is decomposed into SUð4Þ SUð2Þ flavor
the spin 12þ baryons and ðþ Þ, ð Þ for the spin 32þ and spin multiplets, respectively. The multiplet numerol-
baryons, we are able to achieve an excellent agreement ogy for the subset of baryons belonging to SUð4Þ flavor
with data. For all the other low lying octet and decuplet multiplets, is 4  4  4 ¼ 20S þ 20M þ 20M þ 4,  where
baryons our predictions are within 10% of the observed the symmetry 20-plet consists of 10 þ 6 þ 3 þ 1 and the
values. For the spin 12þ and spin 32þ charmed baryon mag- mixed symmetry 20-plet consists of 8 þ 6 þ 3 þ 3 bary-
netic moments, our results are very much in agreement ons flavor states. For the details of the definition of spatial
with recent theoretical estimates. It is observed that the part of the wave function ð c s ; c 0 ; c 00 Þ represented by the
orbital part contributes with the same sign as valence quark Oð3Þ, we refer the reader to Ref. [47].
distribution, while the sea part contribute with the opposite In order to understand the structure of charmed baryon
sign. Further, for the cases where light quarks dominate in wave functions and sign conventions used in this work, we
the valence structure, the resultant sea and orbital contri- present here the SUð4Þ SUð2Þ content of the SUð8Þ mul-
butions are found to be fairly significant as compared to the tiplet which is given as
valence contributions. On the other hand, when there is an 4
120 20S þ 2 20M ;
excess of heavy quarks, the contribution of the quark sea is
almost negligible, for example, ð0c Þ, ðþ þ
c Þ, ðc Þ, 168 2 20

þ 4 20M þ 2 20M þ 2 4; (A1)
0 þ  0 þ
ðc Þ, ðcc Þ, ð Þ, ðc Þ, ðcc Þ, and ðccc Þ. þþ
However, it is interesting that the sea and orbital parts 56 4 þ 2 20M :
cancel in the right direction to give the correct magnitude 1þ 3þ
The SUð8Þ Oð3Þ wave functions for the spin 2 and 2
of the total magnetic moment. baryons are, respectively,
The implications of such a model have also been studied
for the case of low lying spin 32þ ! 12þ transition magnetic 1
jBi ’ j120; 2 20M iN¼0 ¼ pffiffiffi ð0 ’0 þ 00 ’00 Þ c s ð0þ Þ;
moments as well as for the 12þ ! 12þ transitions involving 2
 4 s s s þ
charmed baryons. In this case also, the contribution of jB i ’ j120; 20S iN¼0 ¼  ’ c ð0 Þ: (A2)
orbital angular momentum is found to be as important as
that of the spin polarization of the qq pairs. Implications of To incorporate the effect of configuration mixing gen-
configuration mixing and quark masses have also been erated by the spin-spin interactions [23,30,33] which has
investigated. Interestingly, we find that generalized been shown to improve the prediction of the CQM, the
Cheng-Li mechanism coupled with corrections due to complete wave function for the spin 12þ baryons can be
configuration mixing and confinement effects, provide expressed as
the best fit for the magnetic moments. This suggests that jBi ¼ cos j120;2 20M iN¼0 þ sin j168;2 20M iN¼2 ; (A3)
constituent quarks and weakly interacting Goldstone bo-
sons provide the appropriate degree of freedom in the where j168; 2 20M iN¼2 ¼ 12 ðð’0 00 þ ’00 0 Þ c 0 ð0þ Þ þ
nonperturbative regime of QCD. This fact can perhaps ð’0 0  ’00 c 00 Þ c 00 ð0þ ÞÞ. The explicit flavor wave func-
can be substantiated by a measurement of the magnetic tions for the spin 12þ baryons are as follows:
Baryon ’0 ’00
(8, 0) p p1ffiffi ðudu  duuÞ p1ffiffi ð2uud  udu  duuÞ
2 6
n p1ffiffi ðudd  dudÞ p1ffiffi ðdud þ udd  2dduÞ
2 6
þ p1ffiffi ðusu  suuÞ p1ffiffi ð2uus  suu  usuÞ
2 6

1þ 3þ
SPIN 2 , SPIN 2 , AND . . . PHYSICAL REVIEW D 81, 073001 (2010)
Baryon ’0 ’00
1 1 ffiffi
0 2 ðsud þ sdu  usd  dsuÞ
2 3
ðsdu þ dsu þ sud þ usd  2uds  2dusÞ
 p1ffiffi ðsdd  dsdÞ p1ffiffi ð2dds  sdd  dsdÞ
2 6
1 ffiffi 1
2 3
ð2uds  2dus þ sdu  dsu þ usd  sudÞ 2 ðsud þ usd  sdu  dsuÞ
0 p1ffiffi ðsus  ussÞ p1ffiffi ðsus þ uss  2ssuÞ
2 6
 p1ffiffi ðsds  dssÞ p1ffiffi ðsds þ dss  2ssdÞ
2 6
(6, 1) þþ
c p1ffiffi ðcuu  ucuÞ p1ffiffi ðcuu þ ucu  2uucÞ
2 6
1 1 ffiffi
þc 2 ðcud þ cdu  ucd  dcuÞ
2 3
ðdcu þ cdu þ ucd þ cud  2udc  2ducÞ
0c p1ffiffi ðcdd  dcdÞ p1ffiffi ðcdd þ dcd  2ddcÞ
2 6
1 1 ffiffi
c 2 ðcus þ csu  ucs  scuÞ
2 3
ðucs þ cus þ scu þ csu  2usc  2sucÞ
1 1 ffiffi
c 2 ðcds þ csd  dcs  scdÞ
2 3
ðdcs þ cds þ scd þ csd  2dsc  2sdcÞ
0c p1ffiffi ðcss  scsÞ p1ffiffi ðscs þ css  2sscÞ
2 6
ð3; þ 1 ffiffi
ð2udc  2duc þ cdu  dcu þ ucd  cudÞ 1
2 ðucd þ cud  dcu  cduÞ
c p
2 3
1 ffiffi 1
þc p
2 3
ð2usc  2suc þ csu  scu þ ucs  cusÞ 2 ðucs þ cus  scu  csuÞ
1 ffiffi 1
0c p
2 3
ð2dsc  2sdc þ csd  scd þ dcs  cdsÞ 2 ðdcs þ cds  scd  csdÞ
(3, 2) þþ
cc p1ffiffi ðucc  cucÞ p1ffiffi ðucc þ cuc  2ccuÞ
2 6
þcc p1ffiffi ðdcc  cdcÞ p1ffiffi ðdcc þ cdc  2ccdÞ
2 6
þcc p1ffiffi ðscc  cscÞ p1ffiffi ðscc þ csc  2ccsÞ
2 6

For the spin 32þ baryons, the flavor wave functions are
Baryon ’s
(10, 0) þþ uuu
þ p1ffiffi ðuud þ udu þ duuÞ
0 p1ffiffi ðudd þ ddu þ dudÞ
þ p1ffiffi ðuus þ suu þ usuÞ
 p1ffiffi ðdds þ dsd þ sddÞ
0 p1ffiffi ðsdu þ sud þ usd þ dsu þ dus þ udsÞ
0 p1ffiffi ðssu þ sus þ ussÞ
 p1ffiffi ðssd þ sds þ dssÞ
(6, 1) þþ
c p1ffiffi ðuuc þ ucu þ cuuÞ
c p1ffiffi ðudc þ dcu þ cud þ cdu þ duc þ ucdÞ
c p1ffiffi ðddc þ dcd þ cddÞ
c p1ffiffi ðusc þ scu þ cus þ csu þ suc þ ucsÞ
c p1ffiffi ðdsc þ scd þ cds þ csd þ dsc þ scdÞ
c p1ffiffi ðssc þ scs þ cssÞ
(3, 2) þþ
cc p1ffiffi ðucc þ cuc þ ccuÞ
cc p1ffiffi ðdcc þ cdc þ ccdÞ
cc p1ffiffi ðscc þ csc þ ccsÞ
(1, 3) þþ
ccc ccc

We have used the convention  ¼ Sz for the spin wave functions, where Sz is the third component of the spin and
represents the symmetry state
1 1
s3=2 ¼"""; 01=2 ¼ pffiffiffi ð"#"  #""Þ; 001=2 ¼ pffiffiffi ð2 ""#  "#"  #""Þ: (A4)
2 6

Other values of Sz are obtained by applying the lowering the operator in spin space and normalizing to unity.

SHARMA et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW D 81, 073001 (2010)
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