Cacu2o3 PDF Mod
Cacu2o3 PDF Mod
Cacu2o3 PDF Mod
Carmen J. Calzado
Departamento de Quı́mica Fı́sica, Universidad de Sevilla
c/Prof. Garcı́a González s/n, 41012 Sevilla, Spain
Quantum chemical calculations on embedded cluster models have been performed to extract
accurate estimates of the magnetic coupling J and hopping parameters t of CaCu2 O3 . It is shown
that this copper oxide compound is best described as a quasi one-dimensional spin chain with
weak interchain interactions within and between the Cu2 O3 planes. This magnetic structure is not
reflected in the hopping parameters, since we find a large interplane hopping. Hence, the use of
the simple second-order expression that relates J, t, and the on-site repulsion U (J=-4t2 /U ) is not
justified in all cases.
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The variational determined on-site repulsion parameters very reasonable results for the DDCI parameters.10 The
for CaCu2 O3 obtained with different clusters are more application of the same equation for CaCu2 O3 leads to an
consistent than those calculated with the superexchange overestimation of TN by at least an order of magnitude.
relation. We obtain Uvar =5.8, 6.7 and 6.5 eV for the Obviously, other interactions than Jrung and Jc,2 also
in-plane interladder, the rung and the leg clusters, re- play a role in the magnetic structure. The role of the frus-
spectively. trated in-plane interladder interaction is expected to be
The failure of the perturbative expression to relate t small. The Quantum Monte Carlo simulations of John-
with J shows that the reduction of the magnetic coupling ston et al. for the planar spin ladder SrCu2 O3 suggest
constant to its kinetic exchange compound is too crude that this coupling does not influence the magnetic sus-
an approximation. In the first place, it should be noted ceptibility up to Jinter /Jleg =0.2.50 The four-body cyclic
that within the Anderson model, the magnetic coupling exchange (estimated with ab initio calculations42 to be 4
J is the sum of a ferromagnetic term J F , generally as- meV) and Jdiag may play an important role in the mag-
cribed to direct exchange, and an antiferromagnetic term netic structure.
J AF due to the kinetic exchange. Hence, strictly speak- The close resemblance between the theoretical esti-
ing the superexchange formula only relates t with the mates of t from a periodic modelization of the crystal
antiferromagnetic component and not to the magnetic (the LDA+U calculations of Kim et al.11 ) and from a
coupling itself. Secondly, the hopping parameter t as de- cluster model approach (the present IDDCI estimates)
termined from doped clusters does not have exactly the gives additional evidence of the appropriateness of the
same meaning as the t in the superexchange relation. In local model to extract this type of parameters.
the latter relation, t is related to the Hamilton matrix An interesting observation from the calculations is that
element between the neutral and the ionic states,48 while the magnetic structure cannot be directly extracted from
it parametrizes the mobility of the holes in the cluster the size of the hopping parameters along the different
calculations. The same holds for the values derived from interaction paths. The magnetic interaction along the c-
the LDA band structure calculations. axis is much smaller than can be expected at first sight
from the size of the hopping parameter. This behavior is
not unique for CaCu2 O3 but has also been observed for
IV. CONCLUSIONS other cuprates, e.g. Li2 CuO2 . We conclude that only for
similar interaction paths, the magnitude of t serves as a
The IDDCI magnetic interactions parameters suggest guide for the relative size of the corresponding magnetic
that CaCu2 O3 is best described as a quasi 1D spin chain. couplings.
The chains are coupled in the a direction through the dis-
torted rungs and non-zero interplane interactions along
the c-axis, especially Jc,2 . These interactions can be at Acknowledgments
the origin of the long range ordering below the Néel tem-
perature. The magnetic structure of the compound is Financial support has been provided by the Spanish
however not as simple as the related Ca2 CuO3 . In that Ministry of Science and Technology under Project No.
case the mean-field expression49 that relates the magnetic BQU2002-04029-C02-02, and the DURSI of the General-
in-chain and interchain coupling parameters to TN gives itat de Catalunya (grant SGR01-00315).
∗ 10
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