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Starligth 3 Testbooklet

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Virginia Evans - Jenny Dooley

Ksenia Baranova - Victoria Kopylova
Radislav Millrood


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Express Publishing
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m LUKo/i c y r / iy 6 /ieHHbiM M3 y n e H M e M a H n iM M C K o r o 3 3 biKa

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ABTOpw: K M. SapaHOBa, A Ay™ , B.B. KonwnoBa, P.(l. MmibpyA. B. Beane

Authors: Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, Ksenia Baranova Victoria Kopylova, Radislav Millrood

Authors' Acknowledgements
W e w o u ld l ik e t o t h a n k a ll t h e s t a f f a t E x p r e s s P u b lis h in g w h o h a v e c o n t r ib u t e d t h e r s k ills t o p r o d u c in g t h is b o o k . T h a n k s a r e d u e
m p a r t ic u la r t o : M e r y l P h illip s ( E d i t o r in C h i e f ) ; J u lie R ic h ( s e n i o r e d i t o r ) ; N in a P e t e r s a n d R ia n n a D ia m m o n d ( e d it o r ia l a s s is t a n t s ) ;

A le x B a r t o n ( s e n i o r p r o d u c t io n c o n t r o lle r ) a n d t h e E x p r e s s P u b lis h in g d e s ig n t e a m . W e w o u ld a ls o lik e t o t h a n k t h o s e in s t it u t io n s

a n d t e a c h e r s w h o p ilo t e d t h e m a n u s c r ip t , a n d w h o s e c o m m e n t s a n d f e e d b a c k w e r e in v a lu a b le i n t h e p r o d u c t io n o f t h e b o o k

C o lo u r Illu s t r a t io n s : P a n . S t o n e .

W hile every effort hoc been m ode to trace afl the copyright holders. If an y hove been Inadvertently overlooked
the publishers wtH be pleased to m ake the necessary arrangem ents at the first opportunity.

C6opHHK KOHTponbHbix 3dAdHMH npeAHd3HdneH a/ip ynatuMxcfi 3 Knacca, 3aHHMa>omnxcp no YMK cepvtH
« 3 B e3 /jH b iv dHr/iM MCKMM * A/ifi 0 6 m e 0 6 p d 3 0 B d T e n b H b ix y v p e x A e H M M m u j k o /i c y r/ iy 6 n e H H b iM n 3 y v e H M e M
anMMMCKoro 93b><d C6opHMK coj\epxMT recTOBbie 3aaaHHft b RByx BapnaHTax k Kax&OMy MOAynto yve6HMKa,
uroroByto KOHTponbHyto pa6ory n kpiovm ko bc€m 3aAannfiM c6opnnKa.
y n e 6 H o e v o A a H tie

SapaHOBa KceHua MuxatiflOBHa
A y m * A x e h h h

KonbUiosa Bh kto ph p BwxTopOBHa

MMiibpyA PaAucnas n e i p o B w s
3 B 3 HC B u p a x u h u h

A h T J IM M C K M M A 3 b lK

K O H T p O / lb H b ie 3 3 A a H M «

3 ic n a c c

rioco6ne Ann yMatuuxcR 06iue06pa30BaTenbHbix yMpexAMMM

m uiKon c yrny6neHHWM MsyveHMeM aHr/iMMCKoro subtica
U e m p r p y n n w r e p M a n i c x n x f l 3 b i< 0 B

P y K O B O f lM T e / ib U e H T p a B . B . K o n b i/ iO B a
3 a M . p y K O B O f l H T e / if l n o n p o e i a a M M H TeM H oea

P y K O B O f lM T e n b n p o e x r a t O . A . C m h p h o b

B b in y c K a o iu n ii p e a a ia o p M . A . C e M n u e a
P e a a x T o p A T I. CaBnna
K o p p e ic r o p H M L ly x a u

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o t 1 2 . 0 9 0 1 . n o fln n c d H O e n e sa rb 1 7 .1 1 .1 1 . O opw aT 6 0 x 9 0 / 8 . B y M a ra o tp c e T H a * TapnuTypa n p a rM a T m c a f le M a T b

o 0 c e T M a n . Y m .- h s a n. 3,95 T u p a x 1 0 0 0 0 3X3 3 a x a 3 NS 5 7 6 8

O T x p u T o e a x u n o H e p H o e o 6 m e c r a o « M 3A a T e / i b C T B 0 « n p o c 8 e m e H n e » 1 2 7 5 2 1 . M o o c B a . 3 -m n p o e 3A M a p b M H O * p o m n , 4 1 .

E x p r e s s P u b lis h in g . L ib e r t y H o u s e , N e w G re e n h a m P a r k , N e w b u r y , B e r k s h ir e R G 1 9 6 HW Tel : ( 0 0 4 4 ) 1635 8 1 7 363 Fax:

( 0 0 4 4 ) 1 6 3 5 8 1 7 4 6 3 e - m a il: in q u ir ie s @ e x p r e s s p u b lis h in g c o u k h t t p :/ / w w w .e x p r e s s p u b l is h in g .c o .u k

OmesaTaHo b noriHOM cooTBeTcienn c xasecTBOM npeAocTaaneHMbix M3AaTe/ibCTBOM Maiepnanoe a OAO «TaepcxoM

opfleHa TpyAoeoro Kpacworo 3HaMenn noJiMrpa<J>xoM6MHaT AeTCKOu nm epaiypbi mm 50-neTnn CCCP» 170040. r. Teepb.
npocnext 50 n et O ktb6 pw. 46. f t _______________

® E x p r e s s P u b lis h in g , 2 0 1 2
ISBN 978-5-09-024792-4 © H 3f l a r e n b C T B O « n p o c B e m e n u e » , 2 0 1 2
B e e n p a s a 3a m u i n e H b i
Round-up Test A ..................................................................... 5
Round-up Test B ..................................................................... 11
Test 1 A ................................................................................... 17
Test IB ................................................................................... 20
Test 2A ................................................................................... 23
Test 2B ................................................................................... 26
Test 3 A ................................................................................... 29
Test 3B ................................................................................... 32
Test 4 A ................................................................................... 35
Test 4B ................................................................................... 38
Midterm Test ......................................................................... 41
Test 5 A ................................................................................... 43
Test 5B ................................................................................... 46
Test 6 A ................................................................................... 49
Test 6B ................................................................................... 52
Test 7 A ................................................................................... 55
Test 7B ................................................................................... 59
Test 8 A ................................................................................... 63
Test 8B ................................................................................... 66
Test 9 A ................................................................................... 69
Test 9B ................................................................................... 73
Test 10 A ................................................................................. 77
Test 1O B................................................................................. 80
Exit Test ................................................................................. 83
NAME:..................................... ................................. DATE:...............................
CLASS:..................................... ................................. MARK:..............................
(Time: 50 minutes)

• Vocabulary
1 Read and circle. (10 marks)

0 (A)ten 1 A nine 2 A eight 3 A nine 4 A seven 5 A four

B five B seven B six B two B three B five


2 Read and colour. (8 marks)

a yellow cow a red dog

a purple ball

t E x p r e s s P u b lis h in g Q P ra sv e& h ch en iy e P u b lis h e rs | P H O T O C O P IA B IJ: | 5

Round-up T€*t A



4 Read and match. (15 marks)

Stand up!

6 © E x p r e s s P u b lish in g © P r o s v e s h e h e n iy e P u b lis h e rs | P H O K X O P IA B L E
Round-up Test A

• Grammar
5 Read and put a tick (✓). (5 marks)

□ □
0 What your name? 3 Hi, nice to meet you.
What's your name? Nice meet you.

1 How old are you? 4 Who's that?
How old you are? Who that?

□ □
2 Hi, I'm Emma. 5 I'm eight years old.
HI, am Emma. □ I'm eight years.

6 Look and write. (6 marks)

0 That is my kite. 1 ......................... 2

© E x p re s s . P u b lish in g © P r o s v e s h c h c n iy c P u b lis h e rs | P H O T O C O P IA B L E ] 7
7 Count and write. (8 marks)

two chairs

8 Whose ore the things? Look at the pictures and write. (6 marks)

0 It’s Alvin's ruler.

m i
Erllna v


8 © E x p r e s s P u b lish in g © P r o s v e s h c h e n iy c P u b lis h e rs | P H Q T O C Q P IA B L E ]
• Communication
9 Read and fill in: Hi, Nice to meet you, I’m, Who's. (6 marks)

Hi, Lee. I'm Mona

0) Hi, I'm Lee.
What's your name?

Emma Hi. Mona

Wow! 3)
This is Erlina.f.Ai

10 Read and choose. (8 marks)

0 A: How old are you? 3 A: What's your name?

B:@ I'm nine. B: a) I'm Emma.
b) I'm Harry. b) Nice to meet you.

1 A: What's that? 4 A: Look at Harry's ruler.

B: a) Yes. it is. B: a) They're so funny.
b) It's a rubber. b) It's so funny.

2 A: Is that Harry's rubber?

B:a) No, it's Lee.
b) No. it's Lee's.

© E x p r e s s P u b lis h in g © P ro sv cN h ch en iy c P u b lis h e rs | P H O T O C O P IA B L E | 9
Round-up T«st A

• Reading and Writing

11 Read and complete the text. (8 marks)

lo v e n in e dog bl<jc|< j$

Look at my
12 Read and colour. (8 marks)

1 This is my schoolbag. 3 This is my yellow

It's red. sharpener.

2 This Is my ruler. 4 This is my purple

It's red, too! rubber.

Total 100

10 C E x p r e s s P u b lish in g O P ro s v c s h c h e n iy e P u b lis h e rs | PH Q T O C O P IA B L I: 1
Round-up Test B
NAME:....................................................................... DATE:..
CLASS:....................................................................... MARK:.
(Time: 50 minutes)

• Vocabulary
1 Read and circle. (10 marks)

0 (A)ten 1 A nine 2 A eight 3 A seven 4 A one 5 A five

B five B four B three B tw o B six B nine


2 Read and colour. (8 marks)

© E x p r e s s P u b lis h in g c P r o s v e s h c h e m v c P u b lis h e rs | P H O T O C O P IA H iT ] 11
Round-up Test B

3 Look and write. (12 marks)

4 Read and match. (15 marks)

Stand up!


12 © E x p r e s s P u b lis h in g © P r o s v c s h c h c n iy c P u b lis h e rs 1 P H O T O C O P IA B L E I
Round-up Test B

• Grammar
5 Read and put a tick (✓). (5 marks)

□ □
0 What your name? 3 Hi. nice to meet you.
What's your name? Nice meet you.

1 How old are you? EZ1 4 Who's that?
How old you are? ED Who that?

□ □
2 Hi, I'm Emma. □ 5 I'm eight years old.
Hi, am Emma. LJ I'm eight years.

6 Look and write. (6 marks)

0 That is my kite. 1 ......................... 2

C E x p r e s s P u b lis h in g 'C P ro s v e sh c h e n iy c P u b lis h e r s P H O T O C Q P IA B L e ] 13

Round-up Test B

8 Whose are the things? Look at the pictures and write. (6 marks)

0 it’s Alvin’s ruler.


2 ........................

6 1

14 © E x p r e s s P u b lis h in g C P ro s v e s h c h c n iy c P u b lis h e r . P H O T O C O P IA B L E |
Round-up Test B

• Communication
9 Read and fill in: Hi, This is, I'm, My nam e is. (6 marks)

Hi, I'm Lee. 0) What’s Mona

your name?

Oh! 1 )...............
Lee. I'm Emma Hi. Mona
Nice to meet you
Wow! Who's

10 Read and choose. (8 marks)

0 A: How old are you? 3 A: What's your name?

B:@) I'm nine. B: a) I'm Mona.
b) I'm Harry. b) Nice to meet you.

1 A:What's that? 4 A: Look at Lee's pencil.

B: a) Yes, It is. B:a) They're so funny.
b) It's a sharpener. b) It's so funny.

2 A :Is that Mona's rubber?

B: a) No, it's Emma.
b) No. it's Emma's.

C E x p r c » P u b lis h in g O P r o s v e s h c h e n iy e P u b lis h e r s PHOfOC'OPlABLE! 15

• Reading and Writing
11 Read and com plete the text. (8 marks)

my nine dog black is

Hi! My nam e 0) is
Amy. I'm 1 )..............
years old. This is my
2 ) .................. Fluffy.
Fluffy is 3 ) .................
and white. I love
4 ) ................ d o g I

Look a t my
12 Read and colour. (8 marks) favourite things!

1 This is my schoolbag 3 This is my green

It's blue. sharpener.

2 This is my book 4 This is my red

It's blue, too! pencil.

Total 100

1 0 C E ^ r s M M ib i C P r r m c s h c b c n i y e P u b lis h e r s P H O T O C Q P IA B L E
NAME:..................................... ................................. DATE:............................... 1
CLASS:..................................... ................................. MARK:..............................
(Time: 50 minutes)

• Vocabulary
1 Read and match. Then write. (15 marks)





2 Look, read and choose. (15 marks)

0 (a) eleven
2 a twenty
4 a seventeen
b fifteen b twelve b sixteen

1 a seventeen
3 a fourteen
5 a fifteen
b nineteen b fifteen b thirteen


© E x p r e s s P u b lis h in g © P r o s v e s h c h e n iy e P u b lis h e r s | P H O T O C O P IA B L E | 17
Test 1 A

3 Look at the pictures and write. (15 marks)

4 Read and complete. (25 marks)

i n e y * * ) .........................d u t w e o ;
a very happy family!


C fti'U M it o h i n n e P u b lis h e rs | P H O T O C O P IA B L E [
• Communication
5 Read and choose. (12 marks)

0 A: What's your name? 2 A :lshesad?

B:@) I'm John. B: a) Yes. she is.
b) This Is John. b) Yes. he is.

1 A: Who's that? 3 A: How old is he?

B :a) That's my sister, B: a) He is seventeen,
b) That's a vase. b) Be careful!

• Reading and Writing
6 Look and read. Then fill in their names. (18 marks)

Hello, my name's 0) Peter. This is my grandm a 1 )..................

and my grandpa 2 ) ........................ My dad's name Is
3 ) .....................and my mum's nam e is 4 ) .............................
5 ) my big sister and 6 ) my
little brother. I love my family!

C E x p r e s s P u b lis h in g O P r o s v e s h c h e n iy e P u b lis h e r s P H O T O C O P IA B L E 19
NAME: ...................................................................... DATE:..
CLASS:...................................................................................... MARK:

(Time: 50 minutes)

• Vocabulary
1 Read and match. Then write. (15 marks)

0 Lee’s grandpa

2 Look, read and choose. (15 marks)

0 © eleven
11 2 a seventeen
12 20
4 a twenty
b thirteen b twelve b nineteen

1 a fourteen
i* 3 a eighteen
1 * 15
5 a twenty
b seventeen b thirteen b fifteen


20 © E x p r e s s P u b lish in g © P r o s v e s h c h e n iy e P u b lis h e rs | P H O T O C O P IA B L E ]
Test 1 B

3 Look and write. (15 marks)


0 fiowei 1 f 2 P

3 p __________________ 4 f ___________ 5 m


• Grammar
4 Read and complete. (25 marks)


© E x p r e s s P u b lis h in g © P r o s v e s h c h c n iy c P u b lis h e rs j P H O T O C O P IA B L E 21
Test 1 B

• Communication
5 Read and choose. (12 marks)

0 A: What's your name? 2 A: Are they friends?

B:@ I'm John. B: a) Yes, she is.
b) This is John. b) Yes, they are.
1 A: Who's that? 3 A: How old is she?
B: a) That is my brother, B: a) She is eighteen,
b) Those are flowers. b) They are lovely, thank you.

• Reading and Writing 12

6 Look and read. Then fill in their names. (18 marks)

Hello, my name's 0) Nick. This is my grandma 1)

and my grandpa 2 ) ..................... My dad's name is
3 ) ....................and my mum's name is 4 ) ........................
5 ) ................. is my big sister and 6 ) my little
brother. I love my family!
Total 100

22 © E x p r e s s P u b lish in g © P ro s v e s h c h e n iv e P u b lis h e rs IP H O T O C O P IA B U . I
Test 2 A

(Time: 50 minutes)

• Vocabulary
1 Look at the pictures, read and circle. (15 marks)

doll / teddy bear presents / cars

bus / doll roller skates / lorry helicopter / bike


2 Fill in the missing letters. (20 marks)

0 t_h_ir_t_y - t h _ r e _ e 3 t __ ir __ y - __ wo

I f _r __ y - __ iv __ __________________4 t __ e _ ty - n i__ e

2 f _f __ y 5 __ h lrt__ - f _u _


C E x p r e s s P u b lis h in g C P r o s v c s h c h c m y c P u b lis h e r s [ fH O T O C O P IA B I.F .| 23

Test 2 A

• Grammar
3 Write the plurals. (20 marks)

0 car - cars 2 bus - ................ 4 lorry -

1 glass - ................ 3 w atch - ................ 5 box -


4 Look, read and fill in: These or Those. (15 marks)

0 These are rings. i ka

1 ................... are presents.

2 ................... are cars.

3 ................... are dolls.

4 ................... are watches.


5 ................... are lorries.


24 © E x p r e s s P u b lis h in g © P r o s v c s h c h c n iy c P u b lis h e r s | P H O T O C O P IA B L E
Test 2 A

• Communication
5 Read and match. (12 marks)

0 Who's this? a You're welcome.

1 What's that? b This is my sister.

2 What are these? c He's eighteen.

3 How old is he? d It's a guitar.

4 Thank you, Tanya! e They're glasses.

0 b 1 ...... 3 ............ 4

• Reading and Writing 12

6 Read, then complete the card. (18 marks)

A % # It's Tom's birthday.

He's twelve today.

*. r> This card is from Anna.


Dear 1 )....................

You are 2 ) ................ ....... today!

Happy Birthday!

Love from
3 ) ........................

Total 100

© E x p r e s s P u b lish in g C P ro s v e s h c h e n iy c P u b lis h e rs | P H O T O C O P IA B L E | 25
Test 2 B
NAME:..................................... ................................. DATE:...............................

CLASS:..................................... ................................. MARK:..............................

(Time: 50 minutes)

• Vocabulary
1 Look at the pictures, read and circle. (15 marks)

teddy bear / doll bike / lorry

bus / camera helicopter / car robot / teddy bear

2 Fill in the missing letters. (20 marks) 3 t __ ir__ y - e __ g __ t

1 hirt__ - f _u __ 4 t __ e __ ty - __ w __

2 _ o r_y 5f_ r _ y - _ iv _


26 © E x p r e s s P u b lis h in g © P r o s v e s h c h e n iy e P u b lis h e r s | PH O TO C O PIA BI.F.

Test 2 B

• Grammar
3 Write the plurals. (20 marks)

0 car - cars 2 watch - ............... 4 lorry

1 bus - ............... 3 doll - ............... 5 present -


4 Look, read and fill in: These or Those. (15 marks)

0 These are rings.


are vases.
2 ...................are lorries.

3 ...................are glasses.

4 ...................are boxes.

5 ...................are flowers.


C E x p r e s s P u b lish in g © P r o s v e s h c h e n iy c P u b lis h e rs ( P H O T O C O P IA B U -1 27
Test 2 B

• Communication
5 Read and match. (12 marks)

a It's a watch,

b She's thirteen,

c You're welcome,

d They're roller skates,

e This is my grandma.

0 e 1
• Reading and Writing
6 Read, then complete the card. (18 marks)

# It's Katie's birthday.

She's thirteen today.
* 7
T)Yi This card is from Matt.

Dear 1 )....................

You are 2 ) ............... .......... today!

Happy Birthday!

Love from
3 ) ..........................

Total 100

2O © E x p r e s s P u b lish in g © P r o s v c s h c h e n iy e P u b lis h e r s |P H O T O C O P IA B L E |
Test 3 A
NAME:..................................... ................................. DATE:..............................
CLASS:..................................... ................................. MARK:..............................
(Time: 50 minutes)

• Vocabulary
1 Look at the picture and write. (18 marks)

0 nose
1 1 ........


• Grammar
2 Read and choose. (6 marks)

0 My sister......... green eyes. 2 They......... a house in Paris.

(A)hasgot B have got A ' v e got B 's got
1 I ......... a blue bike. 3 John's d a d ......... a Porsche
A have got B has got A 's got B ' v e got

C K x p rcss P u b lis h in g € > P ro sv e sh ch e n iy e P u b lis h e r s | P H Q T O C Q P 1A B L E | 29

Test 3 A

3 Read and make sentences. (12 marks)

0 a pink teddy?/she/got/has 2 a blue/car?/have they/got

Has she got a pink teddy? ............................................
1 got/red/hair./he/hasn't 3 he got/hasn't/long legs.


4 Read and answer. (9 marks)

0 Has Maria got a cat? (X) 2 Have you got a computer? (/)
No, she hasn’t.
1 Have they got a house in St. 3 Has your dog got a short tail? ( / )
Petersburg? ( / )

5 Look, read and circle. (12 marks)

A man / men
child /(childre^)
woman / women


30 © E x p r e s s P u b lis h in g © P r o s v e s h c h e n iy e P u b lis h e r s | P H O T O C O P 1A B L E |
6 Read and underline the correct word. (8 marks)

Bugs Bunny is very funny. He has got

0) long /short ears, big 1) foot/feet and
big 2) teeth/teeths. He 3) have/has also
got big hands and a small 4) nose/noses.
He's great!
V ___________________________________ ,

• Communication
7 Read and answer. (15 marks)

0 Have you got a pet? 2 Have you got blue eyes?

Yes, I have.
1 Have you got a brother? 3 Have you got fair hair?

• Reading and Writing
8 Read and fill in the missing words. (20 marks)

I've got a dog. His name is Max. My pet: 0) dog

He's got a big body, a short tail Name: 1 ) ................................................

and small eyes. He's great! Has got: 2 ) ................................... body.

3 ) .............. tail and 4 ) .................. eyes.


Total 100

© E x p r e s s P u b lis h in g C P r o s v e s h c h c n iy c P u b lis h e rs [pHOTOCOPtABLE1 31

Test 3 B
NAME:...................................... .................................. DATE:...............................
CLASS:..................................... .................................. MARK:..............................
(Time: 50 minutes)

• Vocabulary
1 Look at the picture and write. (18 marks)

0 nose
1 ! .........
4 -.......
5 J .......
6 1 ........
7 1 .........
8 1 .........
9 ; .........


• Grammar
2 Read and choose. (6 marks)

0 My sister......... green eyes. 2 They......... a house in Boston.

(A)hasgot B have got A ' v e got B 's got
1 I ......... a yellow bike. 3 Maria's brother........a Ferrari.
A have got B has got A 's got B 've got

32 © E x p r e s s P u b lis h in g C P r o s v e s h c h c n iy c P u b lis h e r s | PH O TQ C O PIA H LF. |

3 Read and make sentences. (12 marks)

0 pink teddy?/she/got/has 2 a red car?/have they/got

Has she got a pink teddy?
1 got/dark hair./she/hasn't 3 he/got/hasn't/short legs.


4 Read and answer. (9 marks)

0 Has Maria got a cat? (X) 2 Have you got a bike? 00

No, she hasn’t.
1 Have they got a house in 3 Has your cat got a short tail? ( / )
Moscow? ( / )

5 Look, read and circle. (12 marks)

child /(childre woman / women

man / men


C E x p r e s s P u b lish in g O P r o s v c s h c h c n iy c P u b lis h e rs [P H O T O C O P IA B L E | 33
Test 3 B

6 Read and underline the correct word. (8 marks)

Taz is very funny. He has got a 0) bia/small ,

head, a big 1) mouth/mouths and small
2) ear/ears. He 3) have/has got long arms
and big 4) foot/feet. He's great!

• Communication
7 Read and answer. (15 marks)
0 Have you got a pet? 2 Have you got dark hair?
Yes, I have. .....................................................
1 Have you got a sister? 3 Have you got green eyes?

• Reading and Writing
8 Read and fill in the missing words. (20 marks)

I've got a mouse. Her name is My pet: 0) mouse

Minnie. She's got a small body, a Name: 1 ) ............................................
Has got: 2 ) .............................. body.
long tail and small eyes. She's
3 ) ............. tail and 4 ) ...............eyes.


Total 100

34 © E x p r e s s P u b lis h in g © P r o s v e s h c h c n iy c P u b lis h e r s | P H O T O C O P IA B L E
Test 4 A
NAME:..................................... ................................. DATE:...............................
CLASS:..................................... ................................. MARK:..............................
(Time: 50 minutes)

• Vocabulary
1 Read and match. (20 marks)

0 play
1 ride
2 do
3 fly
4 drive e a horse

0d ....... 4 ..

2 Look, read and put a tick (✓) or a cross 00. (20 marks)



© E x p r e s s P u b lish in g © P r o s v e s h c h e n iy c P u b lis h e r s | P H O T O C O P lA B L lT ] 35
Test 4 A

• Grammar
3 Look, read and circle. <20 marks)

He<^an)/can’t swim. 3 She can / can’t draw.

He can / can’t ride a v, She can / can’t dance.


She can / can’t hop. He can / can’t play

the piano.


4 Read and choose. (8 marks)

0 C ats........... fly. 3 Y ou ........... have my burger. I'm

® cannot B can very hungry.
A can B cannot
1 you ride a bike?
A can B cannot 4 They........... speak Russian. They
are Italian.
2 No, y o u ........... eat ice cream.
A can B ca n 't
It's time for lunch.
A can B cannot

36 C E x p r e s s P u b lis h in g C P r o s v c s h c h e n iy e P u b lis h e r s | P H O T O C O P IA B L E |
• Communication
5 Read and choose. (16 marks)

0 A:Who can help me? 3 A: Is she your friend?

B: a) I am! B: a) Yes, she is.
@ I can! b) Yes, they are.
1 A: Please put your glasses in the hat 4 A:This is for you!
B: a) A white cat! B: a) Here you are!
b) Here you are! b) Oh, thank you.
2 A: Can you see the rabbit now?
B: a) No, we can't! 16
b) No, you can't!

• Reading and Writing

6 Read and write yes or no. (16 marks)

M y name is Fiona
and I’m nine years
old. I can d o a lo t
o f things. I can
draw and I can play
the piano, too. Look
at m e on m y bike!
I can ride really well.
W atch m e go!

0 Fiona is seven years old. no 3 She can draw a car.

1 She can play the guitar. 4 She can ride a bike.
2 She can climb.

Total 100

© E x p r e s s P u b lish in g C P ro s v c s h c h c n iy e P u b lis h e rs jP H O T O C O P lA B I.F .| 37

Test 4 B
NAME:..................................... ................................. DATE:...............................
CLASS:..................................... ................................. MARK:..............................
(Time: 50 minutes)

• Vocabulary
1 Read and match. (20 marks)

0 play
1 drive
2 do
3 fly
4 ride e a car

0 d


2 Look, read and put a tick (✓) or a cross (X). (20 marks)

dance Vj read



38 © E x p r e s s P u b lis h in g © P r o s v c s h c h c n iy e P u b lis h e rs | P H O T O C O P IA B u T I
Test 4 B

• Grammar
3 Look, read and circle. (20 marks)

He can/(^an^)ride a She can / can’t play

bike. the piano.

1 He can / can’t jump. She can / can’t climb.

She can / can’t ride a 5 She can / can’t swim,


4 Read and choose. (8 marks)

0 C ats........... fly. 3 Y ou ........... have my burger. I'm

(J)cannot B can not hungry.
A can B cannot
1 you climb the tree?
A can B cannot 4 She........... speak Russian. She is
three months old.
2 Y o u ........... watch TV. It's time for
A can B ca n 't
A can B can't

C E x p r c v s P u b lis h in g O P ro s v c s h c h c n iy c P u b lis h e r s [P H O T O C O P IA B U .| 39
Test 4 B

• Communication
5 Read and choose. (16 marks)
0 A: Who can help me? 3 A: Please put your glasses in the
B: a) I am! hat.
(b )l can! B: a) Here you are!
1 A: Are they your brothers? b) A white bird!
B: a) Yes, they are. 4 A: This is for you!
b) Yes, we are. B: a) Here you are!
2 A: Can you see the kite now? b) Oh, thank you!
B: a) Yes, we can.
T l6
b) Yes, you can.

Reading and Writing

6 Read and write yes or no. (16 marks)

r 4t

M y name is John and

I’m eight years old.
I can do a lo t o f things.
I can d im b and I can
swim, too. Look at my
horse! I can ride a
horse really well!

0 John is seven years old. no 3 He can ride a horse.

1 He can play the piano. 4 He can climb.
2 He can fly.
Total 100

40 © E x p r e s s P u b lis h in g © P r o s v c s h c h c n iy c P u b lis h e rs | PI ioTQCQPIA B L E

Midterm Test
NAME:..................................... .................................. DATE:...............................

CLASS:..................................... .................................. MARK:..............................

(Time: 50 minutes)

• Vocabulary
1 Look, read and choose. (25 marks)

0 1

@ seven A grandma A flower

B two B grandpa B friend

0 ik p

A bike A feet A dance

B lorry B teeth B swim


e E x p r e s s P u b lis h in g © P r o s v e s h c h c n iy e P u b lis h e r s [ P H O T O C O IM A B L e] 41
Midterm Test

• Grammar
2 Read and choose. (50 marks)
0 This is.................................. pencil. 6 I green eyes.
A Maria (5)Maria's A has B have

1 W hat's.............................. name? 7 W ho's................. beautiful baby?

A your B you That's my baby sister Natalie.
A these B that
2 My mum and d a d .......... doctors.
A is B are 8 K atie........................... got blue
3 There are three re d .......... next to A haven't B hasn't
the shop.
A lorries B lorry 9 Is th a t.................................. car?
A Mark B Mark's
4 Bugs Bunny has got b ig ................
A teeths B teeth 10 Rabbits.................................. sing.
A can B ca n 't
5 John got a cat? [so
A has B have

• Communication
3 Read and choose the correct answer. (25 marks)
0 A: Hi, I'm Christina. What's your 3 A: Thank you, Maria!
name? B: a) She's eighteen.
B:@) Oh, hi! My name is Anna, b) You are welcome.
b) Wow!
4 A: Have you got a cat?
1 A: Who's that? B: a) Yes, I have.
B: a) Those are presents, b) Yes, she has.
b) That's my sister.
5 A: Can you see the white dog?
2 A: Are they brothers? B: a) Yes, I can!
B: a) Yes, they are. b) No, she can't.
b) Yes, she is.

42 C E x p r e s s P u b lish in g © P r a s v e s h c h c n iy e P u b lis h e rs | P H O T O C O P IA B U . |
• Vocabulary
1 Look, read and choose. (20 marks)

® computer A sofa A mirror

B radio B armchair B CD

A cupboard wardrobe A TV
B table bookcase B phone


• Grammar
2 Read and underline the correct word. (20 marks)

0 I'm Jim. This is my/his bike.

1 That's Liz and that's your/her computer.
2 We are brothers. That's their/our house.
3 That's my friend. His/Your name is George.
4 That's Katie's dad. His/Her name is John.
5 They're my friends. Their/Its names are Bob and Sue.


0 Express Publishing © Prosveshchcniyc Publisher* |PHOTOCOPIABI l7j 4 3

Test 5 A

3 Look, read and complete the sentences. (20 marks)

Where's Alvin?

He's behind the tree. H e's............ the bookcase. H e's............. the bed.

H e's............ the wardrobe. H e's............ the cupboard.


• Communication
4 Read and match. (20 marks)

0 Is that your TV? a Thanks. Mum!

1 Who's that? b It's cool!

2 Here's your book. Jim. c That's my sister,

3 Where's my teddy bear? d No. it isn't. It's my computer,

4 Look at this big car! e It's under the bed.

0 d 1


44 © Express Publishing © Prosvcshchcniye Publishers PHOTOCOPIABLE

• Reading and Writing
5 Read and colour. (20 marks)

Hi! My name is Steve and this is my

room. My radio is green. My bed is red
and white - my /ootball team’s
colours! My bookcase is orange and
my chair is blue. My computer is white
and my wardrobe is purple.
My room is cool!


Total 100

©Express Publishing © Prosveshchcniye Publisher. |PHOTOOOPIABI J

i1 4 5
NAME:............................................................................... DATE:.

CLASS:............................................................................... MARK:

(Time: 50 minutes)

• Vocabulary
1 Look, read and choose. (20 marks)

(A) computer A mirror

B radio B armchair B computer game

A tabie A wardrobe A sofa
B cupboard B CD B phone

• Grammar
2 Read and underline the correct word. (20 marks)

0 I'm Jim. This is my/his bike.

1 We are sisters. That's their/our room.
2 That's Maria's mum. Her/His name is Anna.
3 That's my brother. His/Her name is Tom.
4 They are my friends. Their/Its names are Mark and Nicole.
5 That's Ross and that's your/his TV.


46 ©Express Publishing ftP rosveshcheniye Publishers |PHOTOCOP1ABLF

Test 5 B

3 Look, read and complete the sentences. (20 marks)

• Where's Alvin?

He's behind the tree. He's.............the bed. He's...........the wardrobe.

He's...........the cupboard. H e's.............the bookcase.


• Communication
4 Read and match. (20 marks)

0 Is that your TV?, a Thanks, Dad!

1 Look at this big bike! b It's cool!

2 Here's your CD, Jennifer. c That's my brother,

3 Where's my computer game? d No, it isn't. It's my computer,

4 Who's that? e It's under the desk.

0 d 1


©Express Publishing © Prosvcshcheniye Publishers |PHOTOCOPlABl.F. | 4 7

Test 5 B

• Reading and Writing

5 Read and colour. (20 marks)

Hi! My name is Maria and this is my

room. My radio is red. My bed is pink
and my desk is pink and white. My
chair is yellow and my bookcase is
purple. My wardrobe is blue.
My room is pretty!

Total 100

48 ©Express Publishing C Prosveshcheniyc Publishers |PHOTQCOPIABI.P. |

NAME:............................................................................... DATE:..................................

CLASS:............................................................................... MARK:.................................

(Time: 50 minutes)

• Vocabulary
1 Look, read and choose the correct word. (20 marks)

A computer A sofa A mirror A armchair A bookcase

(B) cooker B armchair B cushion B wardrobe B bath


• Grammar
2 Look and fill in: There is or There are. (20 marks)

0 There is a window.
four children.
a sink.
a cooker.


C E xpress Publishing Q Prosveshchcniyc Publishers [ PHOTOCOP1ABI.F. | 4 9

Test 6 A

3 Read and choose. (24 marks)

0 This is my d ad's Tim. 5 Look! The teddy bear is.........the

(a)His b Her chair!
1 Look at the b lu e........... They are a in b on
lovely. 6 They're sisters........... names are
a curtain b curtains Mary and Tina.
2 a CD on the bed? a Their b Our
a Is there b Are there 7 there a phone here?
3 is a ghost in the bedroom! a Is b Are
a It b There 8 There.........three dolls on the
4 W h a t.........they? table.
a are b am a is b are


4 Read and choose the correct answer. (16 marks)

0 A: Isthere a computer on the table? 3 A: What's that?

B:@) Yes, there is. B: a) It's a frog.
b) Yes, it is. b) It's frog.

1 A: Where's my book? 4 A: It's very dark in here!

B: a) It's on the table. B: a) It's very big.
b) They are on the table. b) Let's open the curtains.

2 A: Where are Mark and Kelly? 16

B: a) He is in the bedroom.
b) They are in the living room.

50 OE*xprcs> Publishing CProsveshchcniyc Publishers |PHOTOCOPIABIJ:1

Test 6 A

• Reading and Writing

5 Look and read. Then write numbers. (20 marks)

Our house
is really nice. There's a big
kitchen, a living room,
two bedrooms, and two
bathrooms. There are two yellow
sofas in the living room
and three green armchairs!
I love our house!

0 one


Total 100

©Express Publishing © Prosveshcheniye Publishers |I’HOTOCOPtABLE | 51

NAME:............................................................................... DATE:..................................
CLASS:............................................................................... MARK:.................................
(Time: 50 minutes)

Look, read and choose. (20 marks)

A computer A bookcase A armchair A radio A cushion

® cooker B computer B wardrobe B sofa B mirror

• Grammar
2 Look and fill in: There is or There are. <20 marks)

0 There is a window.
a sink.
a cooker.
four children.


52 © Express Publishing C P rosveshchcniyc Publishers jpHOTO CQPIABliy

Test 6 B

3 Read and choose. (24 marks)

0 This is my d ad's Tim. 4 W h a t.........they?

(a)His b Her a are b am
1 There are m ic e .........the kitchen. 5 is a spider in the bathroom!
a in b under a There b It
2 They're brothers........... names are 6 Look! The CD is.........the table.
John and Matt. a in b on
a Their b Our 7 there a sink in the kitchen?
3 a computer game on the a Is b Are
desk? 8 There.........a window behind the
a Is there b Are there sofa.
a is b are


• Communication
4 Read and choose the correct answer. (16 marks)

0 A: Isthere a computer on the table? 3 A: Where are Justin and Damon?

B:@) Yes, there is. B: a) He is in the bedroom,
b) Yes, it is. b) They are in the living room.

1 A: Where are my CDs? 4 A: It's very dark in here!

B: a) She is in the kitchen, B: a) This is a very old house,
b) They are on the bed. b) Let's open the curtains.

2 A: What's that?
B: a) It's a mouse, 16
b) It's mouse.

© Express Publishing © Prosvcshchcnive Publishers |PHOTOCOPIABI.E | 53

• Reading and Writing
5 Look and read. Then write numbers. (20 marks)

Our house
is really nice. There's
a big living room, a kitchen,
three bedrooms, and four
bathrooms. There are three
white armchairs in the living
room and two red
bookcases. I love our

0 one


Total 100

54 ^E x p ress Publishing CProsveshchcniye Publishers |PHOTOCOPIABLE |

Test 7 A
NAME:......................................... ..................................... DATE:..................................

CLASS:......................................... .................................... MARK:.................................

(Time: 50 minutes)

• Vocabulary
1 Look and write. (20 marks)


2 Look, read and match. (20 marks)

0 It's sunny. A
1 It's snowing. .....
2 It's raining. .....
3 It's cold.
4 It's windy. .....


©Express Publishing C Ptosveshchcniyc Publishers |PHQTOCOP1ABLE | 55

• Grammar
3 Look, read and complete the sentences. (25 marks)

• What are they doing?

0 She is wearing a funny T-shirt. 3 They hats.

1 H e ................................ ice cream. [ 4 I t .......................................... a bath.

wet. 5 They................................... flowers.


56 •©Express Publishing CProsveshchcm yc Publishers j Pt IQTOCO I*IABLlT]

4 Complete the sentences. (3 marks)

0 They are getting (get) wet! 2 They a r e ..............................(have)

a great time!

1 The sun Is...........................(shine). 3 H e 's ............................................ (sit)

on the floor.

• Communication
5 Read and answer. (12 marks)

• What's the weather like?


©Express Publishing © Prosvcshchcniyc Publishers |PHOTOCOPIABLE ] 57

• Reading and Writing
6 Look and read. Write yes or no. (20 marks)

0 The woman is drawing. no 3 The girl is wearing shorts.

1 The boy is wearing a T-shirt............. 4 It's snowing.
2 The man is climbing a tree............. 5 The boy is riding a bike.


Total 100

©Express Publishing © Prosvcshchcniyc Publishers PHOTOCOPlABIJi

NAME:.............................................................................. DATE:.

CLASS:.............................................................................. MARK:

(Time: 50 minutes)

• Vocabulary
1 Look and write. (20 marks)

0 d_ X ®_ _s_ s_

ILnlI m
ik £& B “-^i «

[ ■ wm 1

fo i
8— ■ __ ~
^ 5 |


2 Look, read and match. (20 marks)

0 It's windy.
1 It's cold.
2 It's raining.
3 It's snowing.
4 It's sunny.

o e (,


©Express Publishing PProsveshcheniye Publishers [PHOTOCOPIABLE | 59

Test 7 B

• Grammar
3 Look, read and complete the sentences. (25 marks)

0 She is wearing a funny T-shirt. 3 She

1 H e cream.

2 It glasses.


60 ©Express Publishing © Prosveshchcniye Publishers |PHOTOCOPlABIjf

Test? B

4 Complete the sentences. (3 marks)

0 They are getting (get) wet! 2 The sun is ............................. (shine).

1 They a r e ............................... (have) 3 She's ...........

a great time! on the floor.

• Communication
5 Read and answer. (12 marks)

• What's the weather like?

M^" Iff 3 ) ............. W

y m '


©Express Publishing CProsvcshchcniyc Publishers j PHOTOtX>PlABLE | 6 1

• Reading and Writing
6 Look and read. Write yes or no. (20 marks)

0 The woman is drawing. no 3 The boy is wearing a jacket.

1 The boy is riding a bike. ........ 4 The girl is wearing shorts.
2 It's snowing. ........ 5 The man is climbing a tree.


Total 100

6 2 ©Express Publishing © Prosveshcheniyc Publisher. |PHOTOCOPIABLE]

NAME:... ............................... DATE:.....................

CLASS:.... ............................... MARK:.................................

(Time: 50 minutes)

• Vocabulary
1 Look, read and put a tick (✓) or a cross (X). (28 marks)

0 giraffe /
1 hippo ..... .
2 monkey ......
3 dog ......
4 crocodile .....
5 rhino .....
6 elephant .....
7 cat


• Grammar
2 Look, read and circle. (16 marks)

0 Is Lee flying a kite? 3 Is Harry reading?

<?es, he js^ Yes, he is.
No, he isn't. No, he isn't.
1 Is Mona playing 4 Is Missy running?
the guitar? Yes, she is.
Yes, she is. No, she isn't.
No, she isn't.
2 Is Emma eating?
Yes, she is.
No, she isn't.


CE xprcss Publishing © Prasveshchcniyc Publishers PHOTOCOPIABLE | 63

3 M ake sentences. (24 marks)

0 is/climbing/He 4 flowers/Are/picking/they
He is climbing. ................................................................?

1 sleeping/Are/you 5 What/doing/they/are
..........................................................? ................................................................?

2 aren't/football/They/playing 6 raining/lt/isn't

3 a/l/drawing/picture/am

• Communication
4 Read and match. (12 marks)

0 Look at Lee!----------- -- a He's eating!

1 Look at the hippos! b He's swimming!

2 Time to go home! c We're not going home yet.

3 What is he doing? d She's running!

4 Look at Mona! e They are looking at us!

0 b 1 ........... 2 3 4 ...........

T l2

64 © E xpress P ublishing C P rosvcsh ch cn iyc Pu blishers |PHOTOCOPIABLE

Test 8 A

• Reading and Writing

5 Look and complete the letter. (20 marks)

^ time cloudy yellow T-shirt goats ^

Dear Mum and Dad,

I'm having a great 0) time on the farm. It's
1 )............................ today. I'm wearing my
new 2 ) ........................... shorts and my green
3 ) ............................. I'm helping grandma with
the 4 ) ............................. I love it here!
See you soon.

Total 100

©Express Publishing © Prosveshcheniye Publishers |PHOTOCOPIABLE 65

Test 8 B
NAME:........................................ .................................... DATE:..................................

CLASS:......................................... .................................... MARK:.................................

(Time: 50 minutes)

• Vocabulary
1 Look, read and put a tick ( / ) or a cross VO- (28 marks)

0 giraffe /
1 cow ......
2 sheep ......
3 hippo ......
4 chicken ......
5 goat ......
6 duck ......
M te
7 seal ......

• Grammar
2 Look, read and circle. (16 marks)

0 Is Lee flying a kite? 3 Is Harry running?

<^es, he js^> Yes, he is.
No, he isn't. No, he isn't.
1 Is Missy eating? 4 Is Emma drawing?
Yes, she is. Yes. she is.
No, she isn't. No, she isn't.
2 Is Mona picking
Yes, she is.
No, she isn't.


66 ©Express Publishing C'Prasveshchcnivc Publishers |PHOTOCOPIABIiTj

Test 8 B

3 Make sentences. (24 marks)

0 is/climbing/He 4 eating/you/Are
He is climbing. ....................................................... ?
1 snowing/it/lsn't 5 What/doing/they/are
....................................................... ? ....................................................... ?
2 a/flying/kite/Are/they 6 drinking/water/Aren't they
....................................................... ? ..................................................................................... 7
3 a/am/riding/bike/l

• Communication
4 Read and match. (12 marks)

0 Look at Lee! — a She is drinking water,

1 Look at the rhinos! b He's swimming!
2 Look at Harry! c We're not going home yet.
3 What is she doing? d He's drawing a picture,
4 Time to go home! e They are eating!

0 b 1 ........... 2 . 3 4 ............


© Express Publishing © Prosvcshcheniye Publishers |PHOTOCOP1ABLE | 6 7

Test 8 B

• Reading and Writing

5 Look and complete the letter. (20 marks)

dress ducks

Dear Mum and Dad,

I'm having a great 0)time on the farm. It's
1 ) today. I'm wearing my new
2 ) shoes and my purple
3 ) I'm helping grandma with
the 4 ) ......................... I love it here!
See you soon.

Total 100

68 ©Express Publishing ©Prosvcshcheniye Publisher. PHOTOCOPIABLE]

NAME:.......................................................................... DATE:................................
CLASS:.......................................................................... MARK:...............................
(Time: 50 minutes)

• Vocabulary
1 Look, read and match. (35 marks)

0 sausage 9 4 bur9 er
1 bread ...... ................5 su9ar
2 meat ...................... 6 honey
3 fish ...................... 7 hoi dog

© Express Publishing ©Prosveshcheniye Publishers |t’ HOTOCOPIABLE | 69

Test 9 A

• Grammar
2 Look and fill in: I like or I don't like. (15 marks)

3 Read and fill in: some or any. (15 marks)

Tom: I'm really hungry. What's for dinner? Is there 0) any meat?
Mary: Mm... no. But there is 1 )......................... fish.
Tom: Oh no. I don't like fish! Yuk!
Mary: OK. There is 2 ) ......................... bread and 3 ) ........................... sausages.
We can make 4 ) dogs.
Tom: But there aren't 5 ) ......................... sausages!
Mary: Of course there are! Look!
Tom: Oh, yes, you're right! Let's make some hot dogs then!

T l5

70 © Express Publishing © Prosveshcheniye Publishers PHOTOCOPIABLE!

Test 9 A

• Communication
4 Read and draw the times. (15 marks)


©Express Publishing © Prosvcshchcnive Publishers |PHOTOCOPIABLE | 71

Test 9 A

• Reading and Writing

5 Read, then complete the cards. (20 marks)

My favourite meal is breakfast. I like 0) toast

and honey for my breakfast. 5


My favourite meal is lunch. I like 2)

for lunch. Yummy!

Claire, 10

My favourite meal is supper. I like 4)


Helen, 11 !


Total 100

I*. ©Express Publishing ©Prosvcshchcniye Publishers |PHOTOCOPiABLE]

CLASS:............................................................................... MARK:.................................

(Time: 50 minutes)

• Vocabulary
1 Look, read and match. (35 marks)

0 sausage g 4 bur9 er
1 bread .............................. 5 su9 ar
2 meat ..............................6 honeY
3 fish ....... ........................7 hot dog


©Express Publishing © Prosveshchcniye Publishers |PI IOTOCQPIABLE | 73

Test 9 B

• Grammar
2 Look and fill In: I like or I d o n 't like. (15 marks)

0 I like ice cream.

1 potatoes.

2 tomatoes.

3 chocolate.

4 cereal.

5 peas.

3 Read and fill in: som e or any. (15 marks)

Tom: I'm really hungry. What's for dinner? Is there 0) any chicken?
Mary: Mm... no. But there are 1 ) ............................... sausages.
Tom: Oh, no. I don't like sausages! Yuk!
Mary: OK. There is 2 ) ..............................bread and 3 ) ................................. butter.
We can make 4 ) ................................toast.
Tom: But there isn't 5 ) ................................butter!
Mary: Of course there is! Look!
Tom: Oh, yes, you're right! Let's make some toast then!


74 © Express Publishing © Prosveshcheniyc Publishers |PHOTOCOPIABLF.

Test 9 B

• Communication
4 Read and draw the times. (15 marks)

0 A: What time is it?

B: It's eight o'clock.

1 A: What time is it?

B: It's three o'clock.

3 A: What time is it?

B: It's twelve o'clock.


©Express Publishing gP rosvcshcheniye Publishers [PHOTOCOPlABLE | 7 5

• Reading and Writing
5 Read, then complete the cards. (20 marks)

My favourite meal is breakfast. I like 0) toast

with 1) and honey for my breakfast. )


John, 12 \

i My favourite meal is lunch. I like

* and 3) for lunch. Yummy!

Claire. 10
/ y M toM M nl #.W .v. «< «. MW.*1 <.VIi>,14{
■ v u i M n r i M t i t t V M o n i N M M m M i


My favourite meal is supper. I like


Helen, 11 \
< t l T t o o *»■>« '• v . v . *.« '< M N K 111. w v ; ■-*h v r ir . *.t f c M M * h > n n u v i


Total 100

76 C'Exprcss Publishing ©Prosvcshchcntyc Publishers |PHQTOCOPIABLlT|

NAME:.......................................................................... DATE:................................
CLASS:.............................................................................. MARK:.................................

(Time: 50 minutes)

• Vocabulary
1 Read and match. (20 marks)

0 go to bed

1 have a shower

2 go jogging

3 get up

4 listen to music

5 do homework

2 Complete the days. (15 marks)

0 M _Q. n _d_ a _y_ 2 F _id __ y 4 T _u __ sd__ y

I T ____s __ay 3 S a_u __ d a __ 5 S _n __ a __


©Express Publishing © Prosveshcheniye Publishers |PHOTOCOPIAB1.E | 77

Test 10 A

• Grammar
3 Fill in: at, in or on. (15 marks)

0 I get up at five o'clock.

1 Ann goes to school.............. ... the morning,
2 John does his homework .... the afternoon.
3 They go to the cinema ....... ........ Sundays.
4 Angelina goes to b e d ......... .. nine o'clock.
5 What time do you start work ....... Monday?

T l5

4 Read and underline the correct word. (18 marks)

0 Mark drink/drinks orange juice in the morning.

1 Does/Do they like meat?
2 He get up/gets up at eight o'clock.
3 Maria do/does not go to my school.
4 We do/does not play computer games at night.
5 They watch/watches TV in the afternoon.
6 Do/does they goes/go to the cinema on Sundays?
• Communication
5 Read and match. (12 marks)

0 What's your favourite season? a I watch TV.

1 When do you go to school? b Summer,

2 Does Mona get up at six o'clock? c A sandwich,

3 What do you do in the afternoon? d No, she doesn't,
4 What do you eat for lunch? e At eight.

0 b 1


• Reading and Writing

6 Read and complete. (12 marks)

My favourite day big breakfast get up late computer games I love

0) My favourite day is Saturday. On Saturdays I I ) ................................

and I have a 2 ) ................................ ! Then I go to the park with my
friends. In the afternoon I play 3 ) ..................................... with my
brother. 4 ) ................................Saturdays!


7 Now, choose the best title. (8 marks)

1 My favourite day 2 In the forest 3 Days of the week

Total 100

f t Express. Publishing © Prosveshcheniye Publishers PHOTOCOPIABLL | 79

Test 10 B
NAME:....................................... ................................... DATE:................................

CLASS:....................................... ................................... MARK:...............................

(Time: 50 minutes)

• Vocabulary
1 Read and match. (20 marks)

0 go to bed

1 go to work

2 get up

3 have a shower

4 do homework

5 watch TV

2 Complete the days. (15 marks)

0 M o n ia l 2 Th_r __ d a __ 4 _r __ d __ y

1 W e _n e __ d a __ 3 S a_u __ d a __ 5 _u __ d a __


80 £ Express Publishing fcProsvcshchcniyc Publishers |PHOTOCOPIABLI: j

• Grammar
3 Fill in: at, in or on. (15 marks)

0 1get up at five o'clock.

1 1drink tea ...................................... .......the morning.
2 Rachel goes jogging ................... ....the afternoon.
3 They go to the p a rk ...................... ..............Sundays.
4 He goes to bed ............................. ........ten o'clock.
5 Ann's sister doesn't go to w ork................ Tuesdays.


4 Read and underline the correct word. (18 marks)

0 Mark drink/drinks orange juice in the morning.

1 Does/Do they like peas?
2 Do/Does they go to the park on Sundays?
3 They do/does not go to my school.
4 I do/does my homework in the afternoon.
5 We goes/go to work in the morning.
6 She get/gets up at six o'clock.


©Express Publishing © Prosvcshchcniyc Publishers |PHQTOCOPIABLE [ 81

Test 10 B

• Communication
5 Read and match. (12 marks)

0 What's your favourite season? v a At seven.

1 When do you go to work? b Toast with butter and honey.
2 Does Harry go to bed at ten o'clock? c No. he doesn't.
3 What do you do in the morning? \ d 1go to school.
4 What do you eat for breakfast? e Summer.

0 e 1 ............. 2 ............ 3 ............. 4

• Reading and Writing
6 Read and complete. (12 marks)

My favourite day get up late jogging with my sister love

0) My favourite day is Sunday. On Sundays I 1 )................................ and

have a big breakfast! Then I go 2 ) ................................ with my dad. In the
afternoon I play outside 3 ) ................................... I 4 ) ....................................


7 Now, choose the best title. (8 marks)

1 My favourite day 2 Days of the week 3 At the school

Total 100

82 0 Express. Publishing ©Prosvcshclnrniyc Publishers |PHOTOCOPIABLE |


CLASS:........................................................................... MARK:................................
(Time: 50 minutes)

• Vocabulary
1 Look, read and choose. (40 marks)

(a) ten a seven a sharpener

b one b eight b desk

a fridge a brother a dress

b cooker b sister b shoes

lit •w

a It's sunny, a camera a eat

b It's raining. b teddy bear b sleep

10 11

fW m
& 2
a lorry a face a cow
b helicopter b mouth b sheep

©Express Publishing ©Prosvcshchcniyc Publishers PHOTOCOPIAB1.E | 83

Exit Test

a cross a breakfast
b farm b drink b dinner

15 16

a icecream a burger a bread

b chocolate b sandwich b banana

18 19 20

a go to work a go to bed a summer

b listen to music b get up b winter

• Grammar
2 Read and choose. (40 marks)

0 I have a shower.......the morning. 4 Look a t ................................pencil.

@ in B on A Maria B Maria's

1 This is my sister............ name is Pat. 5 Helen's fair hair.

A His B Her A has B have

2 Your CD is.......................the desk. 6 Can a dog play the piano? No, it

A on B at
A can B can't
3 W ho's...........pretty girl? She's my
friend Mary. 7 are the zebras doing?
A these B that A Who B What

84 ©Express Publishing © Prosvcshcheniyc Publishers |PHOTOCOPIABL.F \

Exit Test

8 C a ro l..................................... pizza. 15 I com e back h o m e

A likes B like o'clock.
A in B at like hot dogs?
A Do B Does 16 What do you d o .....................the
10 What tim e .................................. it?
A on B in
A is B are
1 7 listening to the radio?
11 There is n 't........................... butter.
A Are you B You are
A any B some
1 8 the weather like?
12 Are th e re ...................tomatoes in
A When's B What's
the fridge?
A any B some 1 9 is Sue? In the living room.
A Who B Where
13 There is ................. sugar in the
cupboard. 20 Every morning s h e .........a shower.
A some B any A has B have

14 Does Emma go to bed late? No,

A she doesn't B they don't


• Communication
3 Read and choose. (20 marks)

0 A: Whose is this? 3 A: What's your favourite meal?

B:@) It's Pam's. B: a) Lunch!
b) It's Pam. b) It's very nice.

1 A: What's your name? 4 A:Here's your CD, Mary.

B: a) This is Emma. B: a) Thanks. Mum.
b) I'm Janet. b) You are welcome.

2 A:Who's this? 5 A: What time is it?

B: a) This is my mum. B: a) It's ten o'clock,
b) Hello, Mum. b) There are ten.

Total 100

© E x p ress P u b lish in g C P ro sv exh ch en iyc P u b lish e rs |PHOTOCOPIABI.F.| 85

KoMnoHeHTbi YMK:
• Y s e 6 H M K b A B y x n a c r a x ( c o B C T p o e H H o ft K H H r o n f\r\n m e H M s i)

• P a 6 o H a s » T e ip a A b b A B y x n a c r a x

• K H M ra a n a y n M T e n a b A B y x n a c T f lx ( c o B c r p o e H H b iM y s e 6 H H K O M )

• fl3 b lK O B O M n o p T 4 > e /1 b

✓ KOHTpOJlbHbie 3aAOHMfl
• A y A M O K y p c A n * 3 0 h s itm m b K/iacce ( m o x h o CKQMaTb 6 e c n /ia T H O c c a H T a )

• A y A H O K y p C A*™ COM OCTOJITeJlbHblX 30HJITMM A O M O

• P a 3 A a T O H H b lM M O T e p M a /1 ( m O)KHO CKOHOTb 6ecrmaTHO c C O M T a )

• r i o c r e p b i ( m o k h o C KO H aTb 6 e c r u ia T H O C COMTa)

• B M A e o x y p c H a D V D ( D V D - v id e o )

• r ip o r p a M M H o e o 6 e c n e M e N n e A * ifl M H TepaK TM B H O M a o c k m

• P a S o n a si n p o rp a M M a

liHTepHeT-caMT YM K:

ISBN 978-5-09-024792-4

9 785090 247924

nPO C B E m E H M E
M3f l * TEnbCTB0

Express Publishing

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