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The Born To Win Newsletter - November 2023

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November Christian Educational Ministries 2023

with Ronald L. Dart

“Pray for the peace of Jerusalem:

‘May those who love you be secure.’”
Psalm 122:6

from a Born to Win program by Ronald L. Dart
Recently I watched a movie that apparition. The movie was a good
I first saw in 1966. The movie action flick—great acting, beautiful
was Khartoum, starring Charlton photography. What I did not
Heston and Lawrence Olivier. What understand, and I fear too many
struck me as I watched this movie people still don’t understand, was
for the second time was how little that the Mahdi was not an apparition.
I understood about the film, its Islam has spawned so many just like
background, and its history at the him through time; and at one time,
time it was released. The Mahdi it was the most powerful religion
(played by Olivier) was a religious in the world. No, not just the most
leader in the Sudan, on the march powerful religion; it was the most
to conquer the world. In a vision, powerful empire in the world.
Mohammad had commanded the And the truth is, Islam makes no
Mahdi that he must pray in the distinction between government
mosque in Khartoum, and he was and religion at all. Government is
going to slaughter everyone in the the handmaid of religion.
city to do that. In fact, he made The Mahdi featured in the movie
it plain that he was going to kill Khartoum was the “Osama Bin
everyone in the city whether they Laden” of his day. He killed people,
surrendered, gave up, walked out, or then spread terror as an instrument
whatever—they were all going to die. for the acquisition of power. The
Then he intended to proceed down thing that makes people like this so
the Nile and do the same thing at dangerous is that they are religious.
Cairo, Constantinople, and beyond, They are not people who are self-
killing infidels everywhere he went. serving in the sense that they will
When I first saw this movie I do almost anything to stay alive,
thought of the Mahdi only as an and they don’t love life. They love
only Islam, Allah, and Mohammad;
2) Christian Educational Ministries • November 2023
and they are willing to do anything
to spread their faith. Hitler and
Prophecies about
Mussolini were dangerous enough, Jerusalem
but they could not be called religious
leaders. And they didn’t want to die; ◆ Isaiah 33:20
they wanted to live.
Recently I read an article by Mort ◆ Jeremiah 9:10–12
Zuckerman, the respected editor
of US News & World Report. He ◆ Mark 13:14
focused primarily on Palestine
and Hamas, one of the two ruling ◆ Luke 19:43
political parties in Palestine. He said,
“So many on both sides have died ◆ Luke 21:20
and will continue to die as a result
of the Hamas Manifesto that has ◆ Revelation 3:12
virtually transformed Palestine into
a terrorist state[.]”
◆ Revelation 21:2–27
I wondered about the Hamas
Manifesto when he mentioned it. a treaty with men; and they draw on
What have these people stated about themselves indignation from Allah,
their goals, their purposes, and so and they are afflicted with poverty.”
forth? I’d never read it, so I looked I read that and I had to shake
it up. Is Hamas merely a political my head. Consider what Islam
movement or is it more than that? has done for its people; you see it
Since you can find out everything everywhere—a people “afflicted
you want to know on the Internet with poverty”. Their religion has
these days, I went to the Internet. not brought them to a better life.
Here is is the beginning of the The manifesto continues, “This they
Hamas Manifesto: “In the Name of suffer, because they disbelieved the
the Most Merciful Allah: You are the signs of Allah, and slew the prophets
best nation that hath been raised up unjustly; this, because they were
unto mankind: You command that rebellious, and transgressed.”
which is just, and you forbid that Then there is this line that stands
which is unjust, and you believe in in a paragraph all its own in this
Allah. And if they who have received manifesto. It says this: “Israel will
the scriptures had believed, it had exist and will continue to exist until
surely been the better for them: Islam will obliterate it, just as it
there are believers among them, obliterated others before it.” This is
but the greater part of them are not that hard to understand, and if
transgressors. They shall not hurt you’re an Israeli living day by day next
you, unless with a slight hurt; and door to these people, what are you
if they fight against you, they shall supposed to think they’re trying to
turn their backs to you, and they do? They are intending, deliberately,
shall not be helped. They are smitten to obliterate your nation. Many
with vileness wheresoever they are people think, “If we would just give
found; unless they obtain security by them Israel they will be satisfied.”
entering into a treaty with Allah, and (3
That would be a terrible mistake. In who is suffering from Hamas. The
fact, I think many people would do Palestinians are suffering as well.
well to rent the movie Khartoum and Zuckerman continued, “Hamas
watch it. supported the Popular Resistance
Back to Mort Zuckerman’s piece in Committee, a terrorist group in
US News. He said, “The true nature Gaza, and appointed [the PRC
of Hamas must be fully understood. leader] as the head of a new security
It is not just another nationalist force […that leader] immediately
political party. It is a radical Islamist restated his goal, ‘We have only one
terrorist group with a totalitarian enemy. They are Jews. We have no
DNA, just as it has been since its other enemy. I will continue to carry
inception.” Sometimes words fly by the rifle and pull the trigger.’”
us without our taking notice. He Zuckerman went on to say, “Thus,
said they have “a totalitarian DNA”. a self-declared terrorist has been
What does that mean? Totalitarian put in command of the Palestinian
is defined as “relating to a political police force for the first time.” Now
regime based on subordination of you understand what he is telling
the individual to the state and strict us—a self-declared, card-carrying,
control of all aspects of the life and certified terrorist is now in command
productive capacity of the nation, of the Palestinian police force and
especially by coercive measures (as has stated that Hamas will not
censorship and terrorism).” sanction any security cooperation
Take note of that because what with Israel. On the contrary, it will
he’s saying is that a totalitarian coordinate terrorist activity against
state uses terrorism against its own Israel. What are you going to make
people—the state puts down its own of that if you’re an Israeli? These
people in terror and in fear. It isn’t people stand for nothing except for
just a matter of some radical group the destruction of your country,
trying to attack a nation different your own death, you being driven
from their own. It’s not just Israel into the sea, the death of your wife,
and the death of your children. They
just simply want to destroy you.
More From What should you do in response to
it? Because the Palestinians now are
Ron Dart creating a new terrorist state.
Continuing: “For Hamas,
The following titles are available to nationalism exists only ‘as part
you for free in the formats listed: and parcel of the religious faith’. To
Hamas, Palestine is Islamic land,
Islam in History & Prophecy
and its covenant states: ‘God decreed
Jerusalem at The End Palestine to be a Muslim Trust for
perpetuity’, making the dispute not
The Peace of Jerusalem about territory and boundaries but
The New Islamic Empire about the need for Muslims to wage
jihad until Israel no longer exists.”
Available Formats What is so sobering to me is that I
-Audio -Video -Print have seen indications in the Bible
that there is yet another holocaust
Scan the CODE coming, and I have said as much in
or CALL past programs. And here is a man
1-888-BIBLE-44 basically saying that it is their stated
To Claim Your intent—their determination—to do
FREE Gifts & precisely that. The articles continues,
Subscribe to the “Hamas is not a democratic
Monthly Newsletter government. Yes, it won an election,
4) Christian Educational Ministries • November 2023
but a democracy is defined by more believers, they believe it all the way
than one election. It is defined in to the bone. There’s an interesting
practice by nonviolence, by respect scene in the movie Khartoum when
for the rule of law, for minorities, and General Charles “Chinese” Gordon
for individual rights, by an independent (played by Charlton Heston) comes
media and judiciary, and by a reasonable up against the hard fact of the
respect for agreements made by faith of the Mahdi. I guess he just

predecessor hadn’t realized
ut t here is t his it, hadn’t come
to grips with
violence is the one passage i n it up until
antithesis of that time. But
d e mo c r a c y.” 2 Thessa lonia ns 2 it’s plain: you
comes to what
t hat shou ld g ive a can’t negotiate
with this. So
he calls the person pause. what are your
inescapable alternatives?
conclusion that “Hamas must be You can submit or you can fight. It
made to fail and seen to fail. There comes down to that. Hamas, indeed
can’t be any equivocation.” I know all the Islamists, are believers with
some people are going to say, “Oh, guns and bombs and they are trying
but the Palestinian people will suffer.” right now to obtain nuclear weapons.
His answer was, “They must endure And the world has changed in
the troubles that they have wrought.” important ways with 9/11. We
They’ve wanted it, prayed for it, really ought to realize that our old
worked for it, voted for it in a more thoughts about nuclear war are no
recent election, and some of them are longer valid. The idea of mutually
going to die for it before all is said and assured destruction worked with
done. Because what Israel has come the Soviet Union because they didn’t
up against this time is a situation want to die. Now you have some
where there is no more going back Islamists who believe that a nuclear
to Oslo, there’s no more going to Armageddon must come, and seem
the peace table, there is absolutely to be quite willing to bring it about
nothing to discuss whatsoever with even if it means the destruction
Hamas. And if comes down to the of their own people. Now we have
place to where you have a state next people who are willing to die to
door to you practicing terrorism kill you. They believe we are in
against your people, they are now the last days. And this is crucial to
practicing an act of war, and Israel understanding what’s going on.
will be fully justified in going to Here’s how Herbert London sees
war against Hamas. And in the end, it, writing in The Washington Times:
it will be Hamas that is driven into “With all this as a backdrop, it’s worth
the sea unless…and there are some asking why there were so many riots
huge “unless” questions that revolve and chaos across the globe over
around this. cartoons that caricature the Prophet
The odd thing to me about Mohammad and every real perceived
Mort Zuckerman’s piece is that he slight against Islam. […] Why then
recognizes that the goals of Hamas the extreme reaction to seemingly
are religious and yet he still talks innocuous events? In my judgment,
about the issue in political terms. I Islamic clerics have decided ‘the
think it’s because he really can’t face final solution’, the triumph of Islam
the alternative or, perhaps, doesn’t see over Christendom, is near. Here is
the alternative. It should be obvious to the contemporary Crusades fought
anyone that you really can’t negotiate on a new stage. There will be many
on religious terms. When people are ....Continued on page 8 (5
The Rational God

by Jim O'Brien

God spoke through the Prophet mathematics. Nor can animals write
Isaiah with a message for mankind: a system of laws to govern society.
“Come now, and let us reason Never in the history of the world
together” (Isaiah 1:18). The idea have 56 animals sat in a room to
that the Creator—the ruler of the deliberate over a written document
universe wants to dialogue with to establish a nation of justice.
mere man is staggering enough. Man alone, of all living beings, has
Still, it also recognizes the unique been given the mental capacity to
attributes of the human spirit. think like the Creator God. And
It implies God’s expectation for man alone has been offered the
man to use his mind to think at a opportunity to become a child of
higher level. God. We will see Jesus Christ as
God has no such expectation of any He is because we shall be like Him
other species of life. Man is unique (1 John 3:2). At baptism, the Spirit
in all creation because God created of God impregnates the human
him with the ability to reason. God mind to enable man to experience a
is a rational being, and man is made spiritual change—to be born again
in His image. so the same man can be changed
Animals may respond to into a son of God at the resurrection.
punishment. God gave them the God bestowed none of these gifts
mentality to avoid pain and seek upon any animal. But the gift comes
pleasure, but they can’t write a with a choice. Man can choose
poem. They don’t understand higher to act like an animal rather than
6) Christian Educational Ministries • November 2023
imitate God. He can attack innocent between the rational God of the
neighbors, steal their possessions, Bible and other gods.
or murder babies. The ability to reason carries
Of all the proofs that there is a with it the responsibility to
God—and there are many—one judge accordingly. The Apostle
of the most convincing is His Paul charges Christians to make
rationality. He is a rational being, judgments. “Do you not know that
and human existence aims to the saints will judge the world? And
develop the same ability to reason. if the world will be judged by you, are
We call Him Father because we you unworthy to judge the smallest
think like Him, and we act like Him. matters? Do you not know that we
shall judge angels? How much more
When Isaiah called us to come
things that pertain to this life?” (1
reason together, he was appealing
Cor. 6:2–3). It should be clear that
to something that was placed in the
God expects man to use wisdom
mind of a human while he was still
to choose leaders who are men
in his mother’s womb.
and women of reason—not men
The rational God does not call who have lost their ability to utter
on His citizens to slaughter a coherent sentence or men whose
innocent neighbors living at minds have been drugged with
peace with them. He does not hallucinogens so often they enter
tell His soldiers to rape young the halls of Congress resembling
girls or behead babies, especially Sasquatch searching for a meal.
before their mother’s eyes. He
A kingdom can only exist for
does not command believers to fly
eternity if rational judges govern it.
commercial jets into buildings to Isaiah spoke of Jesus Christ when
destroy life and property. he wrote, “The government will be
The rational God is not building an upon His shoulder. And His name
eternal kingdom to be populated by will be called Wonderful, Counselor,
men who behave as animals. Mighty God, Everlasting Father,
Little wonder God would appeal to Prince of Peace. Of the increase of
mankind to let us come and reason His government and peace there
together. A reasonable mind can will be no end” (Isaiah 9:6–7).
recognize evil. But maybe humans The hope of mankind rests on the
need to witness barbaric acts to promise of an eternal kingdom
dramatically illustrate the difference ruled by the Rational God. (7
...“Islamic Armageddon” continued
breaking Western will. They are
battles fought over trifling issues, a tactic to test the fortitude of the
an insult or perceived incident that West, to see if there is any religious
triggers riots. Why now? A belief is devotion that can withstand the
circulating in the Islamic world that onslaught. If one considers the feeble
a secular West no longer has the response from European capitals,
will to resist Islamic jihad. In fact, you would have to believe Islamic
the compromises and willingness clerics are right.”
to accommodate Islamic factions in Christians are naturally concerned
European societies are recognized about the Middle East. Jerusalem
as signs of weakness. The more open is where our Savior did his work,
and liberal the society, the more where he was crucified and died,
likely it is a target for jihad.” Think where he was buried, and where
about that! he rose again. And Jerusalem is
“For Islamists the moment for a where he will once again return. We
triumphalist campaign has arrived”, know that. Christian preachers are
according to London, “a moment constantly scanning the prophecies
not unlike the jihad Muhammad of the end time in Jerusalem to catch
launched against the three Jewish a glimpse of what God has in store.
tribes in Arabia in the seventh Some think they see an Islamic
century. That the West considers this power in the prophecies of the anti-
Islamic fanaticism a form of acting Christ. But there is this one passage
out over deplorable conditions faced in 2 Thessalonians that should give a
by Muslims within their border also person pause. The Apostle Paul says,
plays to Islam’s strength. Believing “The day of Christ will not come
there must be a rational explanation until the rebellion occurs and the
for seemingly irrational behavior, man of lawlessness is revealed. [...]
Western leaders bend over backward He is a man who will oppose and
to make accommodations. Rarely exalt himself over everything that
do leaders conclude the violence is is called God. He sets himself up in
fomented by religious zealotry no the temple of God proclaiming that
liberal concessions can mitigate.” he is God” (2 Thessalonians 2:3–4).
There’s not a thing in the world we I’m sorry, but there simply is no way
can give them that will make any for a Muslim authority to do that.
difference. “The riots are aimed at But we’ll keep watching.

8) Christian Educational Ministries • November 2023

Around the World
Comments from some brethren who were in Jerusalem keeping
the Feast when Hamas attacked Israel on October 7.
From Timothy: Shortly after I woke up in the Old City of Jerusalem on
Saturday morning, just after 8:15 AM on October 7th, I heard the sound
of bomb sirens outside my window. As I looked out, I could see the smoke
across the sky from the intercepted rockets. I understood immediately
that Israel was under attack. Then I heard the explosions. You could hear
the windows rattle. I quickly notified my travel group and then got on my
knees and prayed.

From Cherie: On the morning of the Last Great Day (or Eighth Day), we
awoke to the sound of sirens in Jerusalem and the distant explosions of
missiles being hit by the Iron Dome. There were 21 of us from the USA,
Sweden, and the UK celebrating the Feast of Tabernacles here. Some were
staying inside the 500-year-old walls of the Old City and some outside.
When it dawned on us what was happening we feared for those making
their way to the Gloria Hotel for Sabbath service—in fact, not all of them
could. Two were in a bomb shelter. Those that had risked the walk spoke of
the empty streets, explosion noises, and the sight of rockets flying through
the air. The next few hours were tense ones, but by lunch time we were
all together. We soon realized that most flights were cancelled out of the
Tel Aviv airport. And so, over the next few days, amidst the wailing of
sirens, we spent our time re-booking flights to get out of the country. By
Wednesday there were 12 of us left. We registered with the British Consul
and we waited, to either be repatriated or wait for another flight home.
Each day was spent discussing the best way home, watching news, washing
clothes, and answering numerous messages from friends and families who
were worried. Shops and restaurants began to close as supermarkets ran
out of food. Our hotel, The Gloria, closed and we moved into the New
Imperial Hotel just around the corner. Now all 12 of us were under one
roof. At last word came from the British Consul that some of us were on
a flight. Two made it back to the UK one evening. For the 10 remaining,
seven of us managed to get a flight home the following day, and three
flew to Cyprus to spend a couple of days with relatives. Throughout it all,
though, we felt comforted by the many prayers offered up on our behalf
and reassured that God would protect us throughout this time of learning.

Text from another friend: When we arrived, Israel was teaming with
life—Jerusalem was packed and bursting at the seams for Sukkot. When we
left, the streets were empty—no cars or people in sight. We will probably
have to fly from Amman, Jordan instead of Tel Aviv. The Hilton in Amman
was luxurious. It was a great place to be stranded. We arrived home Friday
around 3 PM. I'm glad to be home, but I'd love to go back to Israel and just
take my time seeing the sights. (9
Israel at War:
Know the Facts
In the midst of the unprecedented inhabit and govern for themselves. This
war that Israel is currently confronted involved uprooting Israeli families from
with, news headlines have been their homes and re-settling them in
continually focused on the volatile other areas of Israel, as well as removing
situation in the Gaza Strip, where Israeli military presence in that area.
brutal terrorists of Hamas have The following year, 2006, Hamas
coordinated the attacks against Israel. won the elections in Gaza and became
What is Gaza? Gaza is a small region the ruling party in the Gaza Strip.
located on the eastern coast of the Seizing the opportunity to further
Mediterranean Sea. It is often associated destabilize the region, Iran became
with the Gaza Strip, a narrow piece the major supplier of weapons for
of land on the eastern Mediterranean ongoing attacks against Israel through
coastline. It is about 25 mi (40 km) Hamas. Instead of improving the
long and roughly 5 mi (8 km) wide possibility of peace, the security
at its widest point. The Gaza Strip is a situation has steadily worsened since
politically and geographically distinct Gaza was given to the Palestinians,
area that has been a source of significant leading up to the present war.
international attention and conflict. Though it's been over a week* since
In 2005, though Gaza belonged the invasion into Israel, and though
to Israel, the government of Israel most of us are thousands of miles
initiated a Disengagement from Gaza, away, we CANNOT forget about our
giving the land to the Palestinians to brothers and sisters in Israel. Over

CEM Mission Statement

• First, to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world (Matthew 28).
• Second, to teach the disciples of Jesus Christ so that they may be
“proficient and equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:17).
• Third, to teach and train this generation and the next with studies and
programs focused on youth, through the Darts’ special passion, Youth
Educational Adventures (YEA) (Deuteronomy 11:19, Proverbs 22:6).
• Fourth, to bring God’s people closer together, through cooperative
efforts, wherever they may be (2 Corinthians 5:18).
To this end, we teach the Bible and its Truth, with a goal of helping people make
their own lives work while they are a positive influence and blessing to those
around them. Follow Mr. Dart and CEM @, Facebook,
YouTube, and other media.

Connect with Christian Educational Ministries

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1,400 murdered, 3,800 injured, and
6,700 rockets fired from Gaza. Not
About Us
to mention the horror that Hamas is
causing around the world... Hundreds
Christian Educational Ministries
from across the nations have been
slaughtered or kidnapped by Hamas. (CEM) was founded in November
1995 by the late Ron and Allie
Used by permission from Eagles’ Wings Dart as an independent, non–
*originally published in their
Oct 17, 2023 Newsletter denominational ministry to serve the public and individual
Christians of every kind.
Mr. Dart, an ordained minister
and evangelist, served God
through hundreds of sermons,
radio broadcasts, Bible
studies, and books. His clear,
conversational style brings clarity
and simplicity to difficult Biblical
Ronald Dart’s radio ministry,
Born to Win, is broadcast around
the world and on the Born to Win
The 2023 Plan
Reading, Writing, and Responding
This year we planned to write from Genesis through 2 Samuel. That goal was
set because of a mistake in calculating the total verses and verses per day. We
apologize. But rest assured, after completing the Book of Numbers we look
forward to learning the remaining books (and more) with you in the 2024
plan, beginning in next month's newsletter.
Dec 1 Num 10:14–26 Dec 17 Num 16:14–26
Dec 2 Num 10:27–36 Dec 18 Num 16:27–38
Dec 3 Num 11:1–12 Dec 19 Num 16:39–50
Dec 4 Num 11:13–24 Dec 20 Num 17:1–13
Dec 5 Num 11:25–35 Dec 21 Num 18:1–11
Dec 6 Num 12:1–16 Dec 22 Num 18:12–21
Dec 7 Num 13:1–16 Dec 23 Num 18:22–32
Dec 8 Num 13:17–25 Dec 24 Num 19:1–11
Dec 9 Num 13:26–33 Dec 25 Num 19:12–22
Dec 10 Num 14:1–15 Dec 26 Num 20:1–15
Dec 11 Num 14:16–30 Dec 27 Num 20:16–29
Dec 12 Num 14:31–45 Dec 28 Num 21:1–18
Dec 13 Num 15:1–14 Dec 29 Num 21:19–35
Dec 14 Num 15:15–29 Dec 30 Num 22:1–21
Dec 15 Num 15:30–41 Dec 31 Num 22:22–41
Dec 16 Num 16:1–13
If you are interested in our Bible-in-a-Year Reading Plan, visit the link below. (11
Broadcast Christian Educational Ministries
Whitehouse, TX 75791
P.O. Box 560

December Schedule
1st-3rd...........The Absence of Holiness 18th...........Christian Origins #95 - 1 Jn

4th.............Christian Origins #87 - Jam 19th.......Christian Origins #96 - Jn/Jud

5th.............Christian Origins #88 - Jam 20th.............For the Love of God [Part 1]

6th.............Christian Origins #89 - 1 Pet 21st..............For the Love of God [Part 2]

7th.............Christian Origins #90 - 1 Pet 22nd-24th..............The Value of a Child

8th-10th...............What Christians Have 25th..................The Naked Christ [Part 1]

11th.........Christian Origins #91 - 2 Pet 26th..................The Naked Christ [Part 2]

12th.........Christian Origins #92 - 2 Pet 27th............On Christians & Judaism #1

13th.........Christian Origins #93 - 1 Jn 28th............On Christians & Judaism #2

14th.........Christian Origins #94 - 1 Jn 29th-31st...On Christians and Judaism #3

15th-17th......................About Christmas

Contact us for FREE copies of these messages.

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P.O. Box 560
Whitehouse, TX 75791-0560

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