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Art Education and Appreciation

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Art may influence us to change our ways and


behavior as a result of the aesthetic experience we
derived from the arts.
What is art? Arts are valuable sources of inspirations and
aesthetic delightful experience through the artist
- Art is subjective and there is no universal works of art.
definition of it.
- People differ in their perception of an object or
They can develop:
Famous personalities and their definitions of art:
- Creativity
“Art is that which brings life in harmony with the - Identity
world.” – PLATO - Self-awareness
- Self-confidence
“Art is not what you see but what you make others - Sense of well-being
Through participation in:
“Art is a lie that helps us to realize the truth.”
- Music
“Art is never finished, only abandoned” - Drama
- Visual Art


 Art is man-made, not God made.
 Art is creative, not imitative. Don’t just teach art but teach them to think like an
 Art benefits and satisfies man – when he uses art in artist.
practical life through artistic principles, taste, and
 Art is expressed through a certain medium or CREATIVITY
material by which the artist communicates himself. Are humans naturally creative?

Art appreciation is:

1. The ability to interpret and understand man-
Art highlights and heightens the importance of made arts and enjoy them through actual
certain events in order to keep them memorable and work experience with art tools and
pleasurable. materials
Art enables us to get a glimpse of the thoughts, 2. The possession of the works of art for one’s
feelings, and beliefs of the people in their time and admiration and satisfaction
the faces in their environment. 3. The knowledge and understanding of the
general and everlasting qualities that
Art enables us to value and appreciate beautiful classify all great arts
things as a consequence of our encounter with arts. 4. The introduction and exploration of visual
and performing art forms
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- Paris; Theophile Gautier publishes an essay
5. The analysis of the form of an art work to
about art. “Art must free itself from the
general audience to enhance their
poisonous agendas of religions and
enjoyment and satisfaction of the works of
FOR ITS OWN SAKE. “l'art pour l'art”
- “True art must serve nothing at all. It is an end
Art appreciation is important: in itself and doesn’t try to change or do or
1. Imagination speak about anything.”
2. Connect past, present, and the future - Art should try to inhabit a loftier, more abstract
3. Introduce different places, cultures and realm.
traditions through literature, films, visual 1917
arts etc.
4. Empathize with those suffered and endured - New York; Marcel Duchamp prepares to
to create an artwork exhibit his latest work at a show by the Society
of Independent Artists; “urinal: Fountain”
- Art should promote something.
ART HISTORY - The purpose of art is it should stand a
mainstream and create works that are
Refers to the historical development and stylistic enigmatic, mysteriously provocative, and
context of the objects of arts (painting, sculpture, rather silent.
and architecture; minor arts like ceramics,
furniture, and other decorative arts. 1949
- New York; Marcus Ravkovic “Mark Rothko”
exhibits a new range of works at the Betty
Art has a very high status in modern societies. Persons gallery in Manhattan. “pure color fields
290 AD and abstract of music”
- Rothko becomes representative of the more
- Rome; new religious figure Jesus Christ, Jesus obscure direction of the 20th century art
healing a bleeding woman. Christianity is using
art for clear and understandable purpose. To June 2005
make it emotionally attractive, and popularly - Venice; The Venice Biennale, the most
appealing. prestigious art fair opens at the Arsenale.
- Art is like a kind of advertising for its ideas. - Curated by the first time by two women: Maria
- Europe began formed Christian art. de Corral & Rosa Martinez
1450 (15th century) - 41 artists are shown all over the world
- Art has become a playground for the rich.
- Thailand; statue of Buddha
- Purpose of Art: “You’re meant to look at the
Buddha and take inspiration, becoming a little Art is both hugely revered and yet somehow still in
more as he is.” question.
- The sculpture is an invitation to calm and
contemplation. Mission: To glorify religion or to speak well of the
January 1801
Modern art – result of swerve away from those
- Paris; Jacques-Louis David “Napoleon agendas for extremely understandable reasons.
crossing the Alps”
- He got the idea from Louis XIV of France who It should overcome its hesitation about what it’s
did a lot of propagandizing with art. really for and is trying to do.

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Art is a sophisticated tool that can help us to cope PERFORMING ARTS
with things. 1. DANCE
We honor art most when we give it the highest task
of all: to help us to lead better lives.

SINING SAYSAY: PHILIPPINE HISTORY IN Art movement refers to the tendency of style in art
ART – Gateway Gallery, Quezon City that has a specific common philosophy or goal. It
consists of group of artists during a restricted
Includes: 30 big pieces made by Philippine Artists period of time.
from UP College of Fine Arts
Basic Examples:
Cave painting
- prehistoric art (around 38,000 BCE). Even if
Guidelines: the EXACT purpose of it is unknown, here are
some theories that might explain it:
1. Be attentive.
1. Decorations
2. Don’t be lazy.
2. Way of communication
3. Be generous.
3. Religious rituals/Ceremonials
4. Find your point of entry.
5. Ask a question. Ancient Egyptian Art
6. Put yourself out there.
- Consists of visual arts like painting, sculpture,
architecture etc. (3000 BC to 30 AD).
- The surviving art comes from tombs and
monument with a great emphasis on life after
- area of philosophy concerned with art and death and the preservation of the past.
Greek Art
- generally considered to fall under the general
heading of Value Theory of philosophy - Greek art is mainly five forms: architecture,
- Question: Can art serve other purposes or must sculpture, painting, poetry and jewelry making.
it be art for art’s sake? - It absorbed influences of Eastern civilization,
- Question: What is the nature of aesthetic Roman Art and its patrons, and the new religion
judgement and aesthetic experience? of Orthodox Christianity in the Byzantine Era,
- Question: What makes something high art, as and Italian and European ideas.
opposed to popular art?
Chinese Paining
- Traditional painting involves the same
ART PRODUCTION techniques as calligraphy and is done with a
process of working brush dipped in black ink or colored pigments;
oils are not used.
Japanese Painting
VISUAL ART - One of the oldest and most highly refined
1. PAINTING Japanese visual arts, encompassing a wide
2. SCULPTURE variety of genres and styles.

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- Long history of it exhibits synthesis and Photorealism
competition of native Japanese aesthetics and
- Genre of art that encompasses painting,
the adaptation of imported ideas (mainly from
drawing, and other graphic media
Chinese painting).
- Artist studies a photograph and then attempts to
- Subject matter which is regarded as the most
reproduce the image as realistically as possible
characteristic of Japanese painting; depiction of
in another medium.
scenes from everyday life/narrative scenes that
are often crowded with figures and details.
- Also known as the late Renaissance Period Expressionism
- artistic style in which the artist seeks to depict
- Emphasized the principles of art and design
such as proportions not objective reality but rather the subjective
- Famous artists – Leonardo Da Vinci, Raffaelo emotions and responses that objects and events
Sanzio, and Michelangelo. arouse within a person
- distortion, exaggeration, primitivism, and
Absractionism fantasy and through the vivid, jarring, violent,
or dynamic application of formal elements.
- Abstract means – to move away
- Edvard Munch’s The Scream
- Abstract subjects can be represented through
the following – distortion, elongation, and Functionalism
mangling (cut, lacerated, mutilated or hacked
with repeated blows) - Art is defined by purpose(s) that make
- The idea of it is the artist becomes interested in successful art valuable. (A definition of “chair”
one phase of a scene or situation that does not would normally mention that the purpose of a
show any subject at all. chair is for sitting and a chair that cannot be sat
upon has no value as a chair.
Surrealism - So, it seems that chairs require a functional
- It is an invented word meaning “Super
- Functionalists treat art in the same way.) A
function commonly assigned to art is to provide
- Uses art as weapon against the evil
a satisfying aesthetic experience.
- Tries to reveal new and higher reality than that
of daily life Formalism
- Surrealist claims to create forms/images not
primarily by reason, but by unthinking impulse - Formalism describes the critical position that
and blind feeling or even accident. the most important aspect of a work of art is
- “Influenced by the Freudian psychology which its form – the way it is made and its purely
emphasizes the activities of the unconscious visual aspects – rather than its narrative content
state of mind.” or its relationship to the visible world.
- In painting therefore, a formalist critic would
Optical Art focus exclusively on the qualities of
color, brushwork, form, line and composition.
- This is a style of visual art that emphasize the
Form: In relation to art the term form has two
use of optical illusions
meanings: it can refer to the overall form taken by
- They give the viewer the impression of
the work – its physical nature; or within a work of
movement, hidden images, flashing and
art it can refer to the element of shape among the
vibrating patterns, or sweating or warping.
various elements that make up a work

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Narrative: an art that tells a story
Before a certain art form became a traditional craft
Paining: practice of applying paint or other media
it should meet these requirements:
to a surface, usually with a brush
Composition: the arrangement of elements within 1. Use mainly in everyday life
a work of art 2. Manufactured by hand - The original
- Example: The Rope Dancer Accompanies features and manual labor of a traditional
Herself with Her Shadows (1916) craft are inseparable term from each other.
3. Manufactured by using a traditional
technique or skill
“Open Concept Theory” 4. Made from traditional materials
5. Manufactured in a certain area with a
- According to Weitz, that is also the nature of the
certain number of manufacturers.
concept of art. We cannot find any common
properties but we can show some strands of
similarities. This kind of concept has one
Traditional Crafts consists of the ff:
crucial feature: it is an open concept, i.e. (its
conditions of application are amendable and 1. handicrafts
2. weaving
3. embroidery
4. woodcarving
Art in the Philippines refers to the art works that
5. musical instrument making
have developed and accumulated in the Philippines
from the beginning of civilization in the country up 6. earthenware tiles making
to present time.
7. glasswork
8. stonework
It includes: Traditional arts, arts in Muslim
Mindanao or the Islamic Arts and Arts in the
Cordillera Region. HANDICRAFTS
- This is the main sector of traditional crafts. This
TRADITIONAL MOTIFS: type of art is useful and decorative that is made
completely by hand.
What is a folklore? - These traditional crafts have cultural and/or
religious significance. Mass production of a
- Traditions, beliefs and even stories of a
craft that are made out of machine is not
community which being passed down
considered handicraft goods. (Example;
generation after generation.
Covering/protection created by men in the
- Now, Traditional Motifs are being used by
prehistoric times)
folklorist in analyzing, interpreting, and
describing the traditional elements found in the
lore of a particular folk group.

In the perspective of anthropology - motifs are - is another Art form of traditional crafts.
being used in the area of music, literary criticism, Materials used in weaving consist of wood,
visual arts and textile arts. mohair, cotton, bristles, and silk.

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- Products could be - plait, carpets, rugs, and felt STONEWORK
obtained by spinning thread, connecting the - plays an important role in exterior and interior
fibers together or by other materials. decoration in traditional architecture. Products
consist of grinders, stone tables, and benches,
gravestones, human and animal figures, and
EMBROIDERY decorative purposes.
- Techniques include - carving, relief and statue,
- is not only used for decoration but also as a ornamental motifs used are plants, geometric
mean of communication tool with the motifs, writing, and figures.
symbolism in its design. It uses materials such
as silk, cocoon, wool, candle, stick bead or any
left-over cloth.
- Also a traditional craft that started thousand
years ago. It carried out by weaving reed,
- has been existing long time ago. most common willow, and nut branches, bamboo trunks,
products are table, sala sets, cabinets, doors, rattan, and other materials.
cupboard corners, and others. - Nowadays, basket weaving is prevalent in the
- Some of it was actually used as tripods, wooden Cagayan Valley, cordillera and Bicol regions,
stands, writing sets, drawers, chests, spoons for and some provinces in Visayas Island.
decorations, rowing boats, reading desk, etc
Islamic Art (Art in Muslim South)


- windows, wardrobe covers, beams, celling, • The Muslim of the south where majority of
pulpits, coffins, etc. Muslim population is concentrated has about
nine (9) ethno-linguistic groups; Tausug,
Maranao, Maguindanao, Samal, Yakan,
MAKING MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Sanggil, Badjao, Molbog, and Jama Mapun.
Some people believed that only the Tausug,
- traditional craft that existed for many long Samal, Maguindanao, and Maranao can be
years the materials used for these came from considered as Muslim.
trees, plants, skin, bones, and animal horn.
(string, percussion, and woodwind). • Islamic art is a very difficult art to define
because it covers many lands and various
peoples over some 1400 years. However,
GLAZED EARTHENWARE TILES Islamic art is not all restricted to religious art. It
includes all other arts of the rich and varied
- are used for ceramic and art purpose. Artists cultures of Islamic societies as well.
usually used animal designs in these tiles.
• Muslim South Arts include T'nalak art,
Dagmay skirt, pis syabit cloth tapestry, Yakan
GLASSWORK seputangan head cloth, Inaul of Cotabato City,
wood crafts of Maranao, Muslim literature and
- stained glass was developed many years ago. musical instruments.
Church windows are made of stained glass in
different models and forms. Examples are:
Figurines, mugs, drinking glass, utensils made
of decorative glass work.

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T'nalak Okir or Okil
Traditional cloth made by a group of people in Lake this is the term that represents the geometric and
Sebu. Hand-woven which is made of abaca which flowing designs, often based on an elaborate lear
traditionally has three primary colors, red, black, and vine pattern, and folk motif which are usually
and the original color of the abaca leaves. found in Maranao, Maguindanao and some other
places in southern Mindanao and as far as
Southeast Asia.
T'boli Art
One of the most indigenous people in Southern
Symmetry Art
Mindanao are the T'boli people of the South
Cotabato Symmetry is very powerful design tool. These are
designs that need more stability, a strong
organizational structure, and a classic and trusting
Dagmay Skirt message.
represents the indigenous culture of the Mandayas
of Davao. It is being wear as a women's cloth if the
a residential structure eleveated above the ground
by its column cut from trees of huge girth. The
Pis-yabit Cloth walls are covered with plywood sticks whereas the
roof is thatched with dried coconut leaves. It is not
Head covering by the Tausug of Sulu. This complete without the legendary bird,
traditional cloth tapestry is made from cotton or SARIMANOK, being displayed inside.
silk, people in this town.


1. Darangan or Bantungan, a popular epic of the
The seputangan is a head cloth worn by the yakan South.
tribe of Mindanao.
2. The epic of Kapmabaning so Kiyaprawa'a Ko
Lawamen (The abduction of Lawamen)
Inaul Skirt 3. The epic of Ag Tobig Nag Keboklagan (The
is the famous Cotabato City handwoven fabric in Kingdom of Keboklagan)
Maguindanao. It is being used as a malong, a
tabular skirt of "sarong" that wraps women.
A. String insturment are; Serogaganding is a two-
Woodcrafts - The materials primarily used in string zither: Kudyapi or boat lute the most popular
Muslim or Islamic Art are wood, brass, and cloth, string
but no less important are silver, gold, iron, horn,
ivory, leather, bamboo and matting materials. B. Percussion instruments are: Gamelan, Agumay,
Babandir, Gandingan, Kulintang, Gabbong,
Dabakan, Kubling

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bale, bahay na bato, and the other indigenous
C. Wind musical instrument are: Palendog, Sahung,
Suling Indigenous Materials
Cordillera Region native or local materials. some of these are the
sawali, coco coir, bagasse, abaca, bamboo, al fron
Must be given a place in the study of humanities, in
stems, mud bricks, rattan, rice husks, cogon, wood,
the same we emphasized and give importance in the
and the stone.
arts of Muslim Mindanao. People in the Cordillera
Region appreciate arts as much as the Muslims in Sawali
Mindanao are.
material come from the outer covering of bamboo
They are not just peace-loving people; they are also poles. It is woven into mats and ideals for cement
artistic lovers of nature as evidenced by their art in backing.
wood carving.
Coco coir
Many tourists and visitors in Baguio City buy
by-product of coconut is used to minimize the use
woodcraft products as souvenirs.
of cement and as sandwich panels for insulation
This region consisted of people of Cordillera
Region, comprised of the Isneg (Apayao), Tinguian
(Itneg), Kalinga, Bontoc, Ibaloi, Kankaney, have a is a sugar cane waste used for insulation for cement
distinct way of life that influenced their art backing
this is a fiber material obtained from the leaf stalk
wood is a primary material used by the people of of a banana plant.
the Cordillera region in producing artistic shields,
decorated containers, hoem utensils, figurines and Bamboo
religious images. indigenous material that has low degree of
Music elasticity, low concrete adhesion, but wide variable
moisture content. It is very useful in architectural
Some of their musical instruments are pas-ing, a forms sand designs, mainly as reinforcement to
two-stringed instrument of the Apayaos, albon a concrete.
rice drum, the sulibao a conical drum, and the
konlinga a cylindrical drum. Koleleng of bali-ing, Palm Frond stems
a nose flute; and diwdiw-as, a construction of thin material that is often used for non-structural panels,
bamboo pipes of different lengths tied together. walls, screens, and bases of houses. Despite being
Example: Pas-ing, Albon, Sulibao widely used, it is susceptible to termites and have
to be replaced every 4 to 5 years.
Percussion instruments by the Cordillerans were;
gansa and the bamboo buzzers called bilbil or Mud Bricks
bungkaka and bongabong a pair of percussion This material is brittle, has less strength, and cannot
sticks. stand up well to tension. However, it is a choice of
Example: Gansa, Bilbil, Bongabong building materials in places with hot, dry climates
due to its low thermal conductivity.
Bahay Kubo
They are those native arts that have grown naturally
through the years in a certain locality. It includes Bahay na Bato
Torogan of Muslim Mindanao, bahay kubo, bahay

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