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Chapter 7 The Elements of Art

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The Elements of art

Learning Outcomes
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

• Analyze the various elements present in visual, auditory,

and combined arts.
• Determine dominant elements used in hybrid or modified
art expressions.
• Determine the factors influencing artists such as
distortion, transformation, appropriation in an
experimental or hybrid art expression.
Elements in Visual Arts
The elements of visual arts are line, color, texture,
perspective, space, form, volume, light, and shadow.
Line - is an important element at the disposal of every
artist. Through the lines as in painting or sculpture, the
artist represents figures and forms.
Horizontal lines - are lines of repose and serenity.
They express ideas of calmness and quiescence.
Vertical lines -are lines that denote action.
They suggest poise, balance, force, aspiration,
exaltation, and dynamism.
Diagonal lines –suggest action life and movement.
They give animation to any composition in which they
Curved lines –suggest grace, subtleness,
direction, instability movement, flexibility,
joyousness and grace.
Crooked or jagged lines –express energy,
violence, conflict, struggle. Lines made from a
combination of diagonal lines.
Color –is the element of art that refers to reflected
light. When light goes out, color goes with it.
• Yellow
• Red
• Blue

• Yellow + Red = Orange

• Red + Blued = Purple
• Blue + Yellow = Green
• Yellow + Orange = Yellow/Orange
• Red + Orange = Red/Orange
• Red + Purple = Red/Purple
• Blue + Purple = Blue/Purple
• Blue + Green = Blue/Green
• Yellow + Green = Yellow/Green
Three-Dimensions of Color
Color has three dimensions or attributes:
Hue, Value and Intensity.
Hue –is the dimension of color that gives color its name.
Value –sometimes called chiaroscuro. Refers to
the lightness or darkness of a color.

Tints are values above the normal

Shades are values below the normal

Intensity –is a another dimension of color, refers to
its brightness or darkness.
Color Harmonies
there are two kinds of color harmonies
related color harmonies and contrasted color
Related color harmonies –may either be
monochromatic or adjacent.

Monochromatic harmony is made up of

several tones of one hue, like for instance
orange, tan, brown, and other tones from the
orange family.
Contrasted color harmonies –colors which lie
directly opposite to each other in the color circle are called
complementary colors.

Complementary colors –one of

a pair of primary or secondary
colors opposed to the other
member of the pair on a
schematic chart scale or color
Texture –is an element that deals more directly with
the sense of touch.
Tactile texture is the real thing. It is the
actual way a surface feels when it is felt or
touched, such as rough, smooth, soft, hard, silky,
slimy, sticky, etc. 3-D art such as sculpture and
architectural structures are tactile in nature
because they can be felt.
Visual texture is not real texture. All textures
you observe in photographs are visual textures. No
matter how rough objects may seem to appear in a
photograph, the surface of the photograph is always
going to be smooth and flat to the touch.
-The effect of distance
upon the appearance of
the objects by means of
which the eye judges
spatial relationship.

1. Linear perspective
- representation of an appearance a distance by means
of converging lines

2. Aerial perspective
- is a “ birds view” seen from above the high angle
- The amount of depth in a work of art. Around,
above, inside, outside are all words that we use to
describe space. Space can be used in both 2D and
3D works of art.
- There are two types of Space. Positive Space and
Negative Space.

•Positive Space
- refer to the main focus of picture

•Negative Space
- refer to the background of art
- It describe the structure
or a shape of an object
Elements of Auditory and
Combined Arts
• Poetic device such as
• Properties of musical sound such as
- Pitch
• Graffiti are writings or drawings which have been scribbled,
scratched, or painted on walls or other surface materials, often
within public view.
• Graffiti ranged from simple written words of drawings to elaborate
wall paintings.
✓ In the contemporary society,
spray paint and marker pens are
usually used as graffiti materials.

✓ Graffiti do not only express

stylistic and artistic expression.
More often they express socio-
political messages.
• Gangs also use their own form of graffiti to mark territory or to serve as
indicator of gang related activities.
• In the Philippines, marking or
painting private and government
properties without the owner’s
consent is considered defacement
and vandalism, crimes punishable
by law.
Poetry -Performance

• Poetry-performance is specifically
composed for or during a
performance before an audience.
In the 1980’s, poetry performed
was very popular to describe
poetry written or composed for
performance rather than print
distribution, mostly open to
Performance Art

Performance art is a performance which is

presented to the audience. It can be
presented in many ways. Performances may:
• Either be scripted or unscripted
• Either random or carefully orchestrated
• Be spontaneous or carefully planned
• Be with or without audience
• Be live or via media
• Performance can take place anywhere, in any type of venue or setting and
for any length and duration of time.

• The actions of the performance or group of performance at a particular

place and time contribute the performance.
Digital Art
• This art introduces the digital
artists to the world of possibilities
for putting their artistic and
creative skills to work online in
any number of fields. Artistic
expression covers rules governing
images, where to find them and
how to manipulate images and
word art, logos, and banner.
Digital Art Technologies include:
✓ 3D Computer modelling
✓Powerpoint presentation

✓Web Design
✓Film Video and Film Making
Modified Art Expression
• It is a range of techniques, manipulating and experimenting with all aspects
of the works. This can be done by calligraphic text, deconstructed books,
intricately hand-cut paper, and recycled and re-sculptured materials.
• Modified art expression is a fascinating collection of artworks that
demonstrates each artist’s personal interrelation of the texts, transforming
literary works into visual ones and creating powerful new forms of
• - is the process of adapting a message from one language to another while
maintain the intent, style, tone, and context. A message that was successfully
transcreated evokes the same emotions and carries the same implications in
the target languages as it does in the source language.
• - is taking the essence of a message and re-creating it is another language or
Mcdonald transcreated it’s tagline “ I’m loving it” for the Chinese audience
into “ I just like it” because they knew that the Chinese find it offensive to use
the word “love” in public.
Purpose of Transcreation

• - is to transfer the intent, style, vocal tone, and emotional salience of the
message from the source language to that of the targeted audience. To do this
process, it requires expertise in marketing, linguistic skills and knowledge of
targeted cultures.
Transcreation and Translation
• these two terms are not identical but are related processes. In translation, a
word for word translation is inadequate The best translation takes into account
the vocubulary, grammar, syntax, idiom and local ways of the target audience
while remaining faithful to text as well as to the context of the original
document. Transcreation is taking a concept in one language, and completely
recreating it in another language.
• In novel or poetry
one can generate
music with
emotional feeling.
Transcreation of
text to dance
•Its using a dialogue or
text to influence and
enhance dance
• Sculptures and paintings on pots
represented dancers.
• Relief sculpture in tombs included
scenes of dancers.

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