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Globus Journal of Progressive Education

A Refereed Research Journal

Vol 11 / No 1 / Jan-Jun 2021 ISSN: 2231-1335
Darrel M. Ocampo
Paper Received: 15.05.2021 / Paper Accepted: 22.06.2021 / Paper Published: 26.06.2021
Corresponding Author: Darrel M. Ocampo; Email:; doi:10.46360/

Abstract Introduction
This study examined the use of 21st-century A pre-service teacher will carry out practice
learners and teacher skills by pre-service teaching at his/her last stage of the teacher
teachers required in classrooms in the 21st- education program. A culmination of his/her
century, particularly in new normal modalities. formal education and the transitional phase from
The goal was to identify the connection being a student to becoming a future teacher. It
between learners' and pre-service teachers' aims to provide opportunities to apply the
teaching abilities in the 21st century. Since principles learned in the teaching-learning process;
they are all significant in this sense, the to discover their weaknesses in teaching; to gain a
attributes and skills of 21st-century learners realistic picture of the teaching profession; to
and teacher skills have been studied. Research develop the skills and attitudes needed by the
questions were thus answered using a single teacher; and to develop the skills needed to make
research survey model. The correlation the necessary adjustments to changing classroom
method was used to assess the association conditions (Archer and Davidson, 2008).
between the use of 21st-century learners and
teaching skills. Meanwhile, to determine the Practice instruction is of utmost significance for the
results' accuracy and veracity, the researcher vocational preparation of student teachers. This
used statistical tools to analyze and interpret immersion in the modern world of school prepares
the data collected. Frequency Count and students to switch from trainees to professionals.
Percentage Methodology was used to define After finishing their education, several issues face
the portrayal of respondents based on their the teachers who enter the workplace for the first
particular levels. Pearson Product Moment time. Student teachers who apply for existing
Correlation was used to assess if there was a teacher preparation programs are not necessarily
significant correlation between the usage of ready to reach the classroom. These issues are
21st-century learners and pre-service teachers' related to their classroom knowledge practice. Any
instructional abilities. The results revealed that student teachers tend to be inadequately trained for
there are a significant and positive correlations the actual situation during their teaching practice
between 21st-century learner skills and 21st- (Wagenaar, 2005).
century teacher skills. This finding reflects the
fact that as the use of 21st-century learner The Philippine Constitution (Article IV, Section 23,
skills by pre-service teachers increased, their Part 2) states that the objectives of tertiary
use of teacher skills in the 21st century education are: to train human power in the skills
increased as well, and as the use of 21st- required for national development; to instill and
century learner skills decreased, their use of foster appropriate and relevant attitudes, skills, and
teacher skills in the 21st century also knowledge; and to enable each individual to
decreased. become a valuable, productive and knowledge-
based member of society. If the Higher Educational
Keywords: 21st Pedagogical Competence; Institution (HEI) graduates have the skills required
Learner Skills; Teacher Skills; New Normal to complete a teaching job, this provision may be
Modalities. implemented. It calls for a pre-service teacher to
assess and evaluate his/her pedagogical skills
required for the teaching climate of the 21st century.

As in various other fields, changing and

progressing circumstances worldwide have
contributed to changes in studying and teaching
environments. A range of aspects is involved in this
transition, from schools' technical architecture to
teaching skills. Key players in this transformation
are learners and educators who are stakeholders in
the learning and teaching system. Despite the
continuous progress in updating teacher training
*Central Bicol State University of Agriculture-Sipocot, Philippines.
and in-service training, teachers remain inadequate association between stimulus and responses (1898).
and thus continue to become less-demanded Any action has placed his cognitive emphasis on
professionals. Many graduates fail to land teaching observation learning as the most important means
jobs, aggravating the country's unemployment and of changing human behavior. This theory supports
underemployment. One of the issues mentioned in the researchers' study because they initiate what
Flores' (2017) study regarding the College of they have observed and put into action through
Development Education's employability in Region how they think and behave. By integrating things
V is the poor foundation given to graduates as far based on observable situations, the students acquire
as pedagogical competence is concerned. effort to imitate and possibly contribute to how
According to him, less time is given to graduates of they perform and share their learning. If the
the course to concentrate on the skills teachers individual follows the observed behavior, his peers
should have in the 21st-century. After the 21st- also imitate his actions. First, stimulating situations
century teaching scenario was given less time, the that influence or affect the individual make towards
students enrolled in their subjects were more the problem and second, a connection between the
exposed to the content and training students question and the response using what the stimulus
regarding the various strategies tailored; therefore, can produce in the reaction. This study shows the
the graduates produced under the teaching connection between stimulus and response; if the
education program become knowledgeable in value's integration is in the stimulus, the learning
content to lack pedagogical preparation and behavior and the answer will depend on it, either
exposure. positive or negative. When a strong connection or
bond between stimulus and response is formed,
The said place experiences this situation, but every learning takes place.
university must also attune to society's needs. Thus,
the researcher is enthralled to look into the 21st Walberg's (1981) Learning Theory suggests that
pedagogical competence of pre-service teachers, people's social features and their immediate
thereby using the study's findings to augment the psychological contexts affect educational outcomes.
program's goals for its graduates. Walberg identified nine main variables that
influence educational outcomes: student
Objectives capacity/priority achievement, incentive,
With the previous statements, the purpose of the age/developmental stage, educational quantity,
analysis was to establish the relationship between classroom atmosphere, home setting, peer group,
21st-century learner and teacher skills. In particular, and out-of-school exposure to mass media. These
its main objectives are as follows: features are a crucial component of sustainable
1. Identify the level of pre-service teachers' 21st- natural resource management and the development
century learner skills in the new normal of desirable behavioral change (Muro & Jeffrey
modalities; 2008). The hypothesis underpins the belief that
2. Identify the level of pre-service teachers' 21st- people benefit from encounters with others in a
century teacher skills in the new normal social setting. Separately, through watching the
modalities; actions of others, individuals acquire identical
3. Determine the demographic difference habits. People assimilate and mimic others' actions,
between the utilization of 21st-century learner mainly if their observational encounters are
and teacher skills by pre-service teachers based favorable or provide incentives relevant to the
on a) gender, b) course program and c) year observed behavior.
level; and,
4. Determine if there is a significant relationship Vygotsky's Socio-Cultural Theory of Human
between the application of 21st-century teacher Learning (1965) explains learning as a collective
skills by pre-service teachers and the skills of phenomenon and the root of human knowledge in
21st-century learners. society or community. The core theme of
Vygotsky's theoretical theory is that social
Theoretical Framework interaction plays a crucial role in cognition growth.
The study is framed and guided by theories that Learning is in two stages, according to Vygotsky
served as the foundation in explaining the current (1965). First, by contact with others, and then
phenomenon. These are Theory of Connectionism incorporated into the mental system of the person.
(Thorndike, 1988), Theory of Connected Learning The second feature of Vygotsky's theory is that the
(Walberg, 1981), (1965) Socio-Cultural Theory capacity of cognitive growth is limited to a "zone
(Vygotsky, 1965), and Transactional distance of proximal development" (ZPD). This "zone" in
Theory (Meyers, 2014) the field of experimentation for which students are
cognitively prepared but need support and social
According to Edward Thorndike Theory of interaction to evolve ultimately (Briner, 1999).
Connectionism, human activity is based on the

Transactional Distance Theory (Meyers,
For online course design and teacher help, where
self-regulated learning can be implemented, this
principle is essential. It has three components: form,
dialog, and autonomy. Course materials establish
the layout, content, assignments, and deadlines set
before the course is made available to students. The
framework is a valuable pedagogical method,
providing learners with predictability in deciding
how the system is structured, sequencing
instructional modules and assignments, and
timeframes for submission of assignments. Classes
are usually structured so that each lesson has the
same parts and various pages in the system have
the same structure, similar to the textbook. This
structure allows learners to know what to expect as
they advance through the course. Teachers should
also provide a foundation for students by detailed
contact. This communication is referred to as a
dialog that involves some conversation or
Figure 1: Theoretical Framework
participation in a course. Classes are usually
structured such that each lesson has the same parts
and various pages in the system have the same Methodology
structure, similar to the textbook. This structure The present study was conducted using a single,
allows learners to know what to expect as they evaluative-correlational analysis. The goal of the
move through the course. Teachers may also analysis was to unveil the 21st-century learner and
provide students with a framework by detailed 21st-century teacher skills of pre-service teachers.
contact. This dialogue is referred to as dialog, Research questions were thus answered using a
which involves some exchange or participation in a single research survey model. The correlation
course. method was used to assess the association between
the use of 21st-century learners and teaching skills.
The amount of structure and discourse in a course As individuals, pre-service teachers must prepare
determines autonomy defined by components of educational exercises parallel with their academic
self-direction. Lower levels of architecture and skills, which they can utilize while they work in
debate accompany more relevant degrees of their profession. The data were collected from a
freedom. Some learners can fit well with pre- sample of practice teachers at the CBSUA-Sipocot
design and dialog stages, while others require more Campus. A modified survey questionnaire based on
substantial assistance. Autonomous learners can set the PISA (Program for International Student
learning objectives and actions to meet those goals. Evaluation, 2002) and following the PPST
Both instrumental freedom and emotional equality (Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers,
are available to them. In other words, with no 2017) was the primary collection device. The data
support, they will advance through the course and were processed and interpreted.
require no support. One might predict that learners
would become more independent over the weeks Meanwhile, to determine the results' accuracy and
they are enrolled in an online course as they grasp veracity, the researcher used statistical tools to
expectations and develop trust in their performance. analyze and interpret the data collected. Frequency
This trust-building can be encouraged by teachers. Count and Percentage Methodology is used to
The purpose of structure, dialogue, and autonomy define the portrayal of respondents based on their
is to facilitate learning outcomes and avoid attrition. particular levels. Pearson Product Moment
There are links to the principle of transactional Correlation was used to assess if there was a
distance to that of self-regulated learning. The self- significant correlation between the usage of 21st-
regulated learning system in Figure 1 establishes a century learners and pre-service teachers'
sort of mechanism for learners to assist them in instructional abilities.
setting goals, executing practice plan, and using
dialogue (i.e., the social environment) to gain Data Collection Tools
assistance in a self-evaluating greater capacity for A modified survey questionnaire based on the
autonomous learning as appropriate PISA (Program for International Student
Evaluation, 2002) and following the PPST was the
primary collection device used (Philippine

Professional Standards for Teachers, 2017). 21st- Autonomy 92 3.32 .702
century learner skills use scale, and the data are The total score of 21st-
gathered using the scale for teaching skills in the century learner skills 92 3.82 .483
21st-century. The scale comprises four components: use
cognitive ability, autonomy, adaptability, and
creativity. In the meantime, the scale of teachers" As shown in Table 2, pre-service teachers' scores
skills use is divided into five variables: managerial on the teacher skills use. The listed is in
skills, technical skills, confirmatory skills, adaptive descending order having confirmatory skills as the
teaching skills, and productive skills. Both highest and technological skills as the lowest. The
instruments for gathering data are in the context of Confirmatory skills received the highest score
a Likert-type scale of five points that reflect the suggests that pre-service teachers have a
frequency of usage. By taking the arithmetical confirmatory mindset towards learners'
mean, overall scores for the scales were determined. characteristics and constructive actions. However,
The regular scores were collected for all data the low scores obtained in using technological
collection instruments; the analysis thus obtained skills in the literature (Meyer, 2013) indicate that
true and accurate statistical comparisons. pre-service teachers' technological skills are lower
than other skills. Nevertheless, the insufficient
Results and Discussion commitment suggests that they did not use such
Table 1 shows the pre-service teachers' scores on skills much. Teacher skills usage performance
the scale of 21st-century learner skills use. It is (Teacher Skills Use = 4.26) was high.
listed descending order as cognitive ability,
creativity, adaptability, and autonomy. Differences between the 21st Century
Learner and Teacher Skills Uses of the Pre-
Table 1: Pre-service Teachers Use of 21st- Service Teachers based Demographic
Century Learner Skills Variables
Score N x̄ sd The MANOVA parametric test was conducted to
Confirmatory skills 92 4.52 .439 answer this research question. Compared to other
Managerial skills 92 4.43 .476 comparative tests, the superiority of variance
Productive Skills 92 4.36 .431 analysis is its ability to include the interaction
Flexibility Skills 92 4.21 .448 between independent variables or variables in the
Technological Skills 92 3.82 .673 study and reduce the margin of error in the final
The total score of 21st- analysis (Stringer, 2011). In cases where there is
century teacher skills 92 4.26 .454 more than one dependent variable, MANOVA is
use conducted. It is one of the most effective analysis
methods, significantly reducing the margin of error
The most frequently used skill by the pre-service (Morris, 2015). Since there were two dependent
teachers in the school scheme was cognitive ability and three independent variables in the current study,
(x=4.33, sd=.538). However, the fact that data analysis was performed with MANOVA to
autonomy abilities were the least used ability increase the reliability of the findings and decrease
(x=3.32, sd=.702) means that pre-service teachers the error margin. Findings from MANOVA are
were less likely than others to use self-management provided in Table 3.
abilities. Meanwhile, the adaptability skill is under
the description of average. Table 3: 21st Century Learner and Teacher
Skills Uses of the Pre-Service Teachers
The 21st-century teacher skills usage scores for based Demographic Variables (Gender,
pre-service teachers are determined by the mean
scores obtained for five sub-factors and general use
Course Program, and Year Level)
scores from 21st-century teacher skills use scale Variance F D η2 Powe Powe
scores. Mean scores were matched while f rp rp
addressing the study query. Table 2 shows the Gender 4.10 2 .01 1.000 .000
associated ratings. 6 0 1
Course 4.21 3 .00 .716 .018
Program 2 7
Table 2: Pre-service Teachers Use of 21st-
Year Level 2.98 1 .00 .977 .001
Century Teacher Skills 2 2 6
Score n x̄ sd Gender*Cour 1.78 2 .02 .983 .029
Cognitive ability 92 4.33 .538 se Program 2 1 1
Creativity 92 4.12 .414 Gender*Year 1.91 4 .00 1.01 .000
Adaptability 92 3.51 .564 Level 2 7 7

Course .780 1 .02 .389 .791 21st century and learner skills in cognitive ability,
Program*Yea 3 1 autonomy, adaptability, and creativity. Also, the
r Level relationships between cognitive ability and
Gender*Cour .921 4 .00 .926 .805 autonomy were significant, as it was with
se 6 9 adaptability.
r Level Conclusion
The results disclosed that the cognitive skills were
The MANOVA findings shown in Table 3 show no the most widely used abilities, whereas
significant difference when three independent autonomous skills were the least used. Due to this,
variables (gender*course program* Year Level) df the teachers should initially know learners and then
46 = .926; p > 0.05) were considered design the teaching activities that would highlight
simultaneously. The MANOVA findings were not their cognitive skills. The fact that the current study
significant (df13 = .780; p > 0.05) where course results indicate that cognitive skills were the most
program and year level variables were considered frequently used skills could be interpreted that the
in concurrence. Likewise, the relationship between learners are inclined more into activities that
the course program and year level was relatively challenge them to think critically and apply such
low (course program*year level = .389). This fact knowledge in situational contexts.
indicated that a larger sample was needed to
compare course program and year level variables In the current study, pre-service teachers were
simultaneously. found to use cognitive skills at a high level;
however, their use of other skills such as
Analysis of the other variables presented in the autonomous skills, collaboration, and flexibility
table showed that the use 21st century learners and skills to solve real-life issues is within intermediate
teachers skills differed individually based on level only. Because of this, the teachers who
gender, course program, and year level. Since the trained the pre-service teachers must allow them to
calculated gender rating was close to the .80 value, explore other facets of learning opportunities to
it could be argued that it was at an appropriate level maximize their potentials as soon-to-be teachers.
(Cohen, 1988). All these findings showed that the The use of 21st-century learner abilities should be
differences mentioned above were statistically developed for pre-service teachers to conduct to
significant between the dependent variables and prepare them in the real challenges of teaching
that the sample size was adequate for the analysis profession.
carried out.
The pre-service teachers could effectively deliver
Table 4: Correlation between 21st Century the expected competencies of a teacher if they are
Teacher Skills and 21st Century Learner more aware of their learning and abilities, and if
they can improve these abilities beyond their
Skills Use Sub-Dimensions current level. The results further revealed that pre-
n-92 Cogniti Autono Adapt Creati service teachers used of 21st-teacher skills is above
ve my ability vity
the intermediate level, in parallel with their use of
21st-century learner skills. A study by Wurdinger
Autonomy .466** - - - (2015) that today's teachers' pedagogical
Adaptabili .513** .521** - - approaches could not meet the requirements of
ty 21st-century learners, showing the significance of
Creativity .542** .426** .511** - the level of use of teacher skills in the 21st century.
21st .642** .411** .547** .422** Thus, developing the 21st century learner skills of
century the pre-service teachers could help them improve
teacher as well their 21st-century teacher skills.
It was observed that among the abilities mentioned
According to Holtzaman (2011), when interpreting above, confirmatory skill is the most frequently
the correlation coefficients shown in Table 4, used by the pre-service teachers mostly. The
coefficients below 0.30 define low; coefficients current study found that technological skills were
between 0.30 and 0.70 define intermediate, and the skill dimension that pre-service teachers least
coefficients above 0.70 define a high level of used. A review of teacher training programs
correlation. Based on these ranges, it could be revealed that, with the sole exception of the
observed that all variables that were subjected to Computer Education and Instructional Technology
analysis had an intermediate level correlation. It department curriculum (Cheng, 2017), technology
could be noted that there was a significant knowledge courses were limited to Computer I and
connection between the use of teacher skills in the Computer II courses. Although evolution is

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