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21st-Century Teaching Skills Practices of Multi-Grade Teachers and The Pupil's Academic Performance: Basis For An Intervention Measure

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Volume: 8
Issue: 7
Pages: 761-776
Document ID: 2023PEMJ689
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7901626
Manuscript Accepted: 2023-05-06 01:24:19
Psych Educ, 2023, 8(7): 761-776, Document ID: 2023PEMJ689, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7901626, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

21st-Century Teaching Skills Practices of Multi-grade Teachers and the Pupil’s

Academic Performance: Basis for an Intervention Measure
Marcia Ducao*
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.


The expediency of revisiting the 21st century teaching skills gravitate the demands of the learners’ capacity to learn. This was
worsened when a teacher is assigned in a multi-grade – handling different levels of learners while sustaining the quality
education afforded to the pupils. With limited studies conducted regarding this area, the researcher opted to focus only as to
how these teachers are able to sustain in teaching multi-grade level. This study determined the level of multi-grade teachers’
teaching skills practices to the academic performance of the learners. This study utilized quantitative research design anchoring
the descriptive statistical tools such as the weighted mean, Pearson r, Chi Square and Anova to have a database line for an
intervention measure. A survey questionnaire was deployed in order to elicit relevant data that can provide light in answering
the gap of the study. There were 31 teachers that served as the respondents of this study. The results showed that the degree of
relationship between teachers’ profile and level of practices showed that, all the variables were results to insignificant. Degree
of correlation between teachers’ level of the practices on the 21st century teaching skills and the academic performance. It
revealed that the computed given data results to insignificant degree of correlation between the two variables. The degree of
variance in the level of practices on the 21st century skills showed that there were no two schools in the district met the level of
significance of 0.05. All data results in the different school were above the level of significance. The results of the study
generated an important message that the pupils of today which are tagged as computer generation learners need teachers who
can provide a learning environment wherein 21st century skills are honed. This study recommended for a further investigation
of the lived experiences of the multi-grade teachers in handling the responsibility of coping the demands of this era towards
increasing the academic performance of the learners

Keywords: Philippines, Teaching Skills, Learners’ Academic Performance, Multi-grade Teachers,

Conducive Learning Environment

Introduction country, lack of facilities and accessibility to schools

had been a consistent concern throughout the years.
Also, Department of Budget and Management (DBM)
Education plays an indispensable role in every person People's Budget 3, “DepEd received an increase of
in their life and society as a whole. It is a very 30.22% from last year's funding of P435.9 billion. The
important tool that every individual equips with 3.4% or P19.4 billion of 2017 DepEd’s budget will go
knowledge and skills to succeed in many ways for to salaries, and to support its K to 12 programs. K to
their personal development, career growth or socio- 12 programs is the process of increasing learners’
economic pursuits among others. The knowledge that exposure to critical thinking in K-12 is complex,
is attained through education helps a lot of adopting systemic change, teacher engagement and
opportunities to a better oneself and the society where commitment, and the development of significant
he or she belongs. Education is life and works there is resources.
always changes by upgrading on it together the people
surrounded us. Changes the only constant in education In 1993, the Department of Education implemented the
we adopt and embraced it. multi-grade education as a delivery system to
democratize access to primary and elementary
In the Philippines, education among the young has education in communities and to provide access to
been a challenge for the Department of Education school for children in remote areas of far-flung
(DepEd). Thus, in the 2017 National Budget, the barangays. The multi-grade system is a combination of
DepEd received the highest allocation with P544.1 two or more classes taught in one classroom and
billion, a significant increase from 2016 of P433 handled by one teacher. Such classroom settings are
billion. The Department of Budget and Management usually implemented in areas with low population
(DBM) said this budget will be “used to maintain the density.
basic education facilities, create teaching and non-
teaching position as well as develop and provide Teaching multi-grade is not a new idea, but broader
learning resources to more than 20 million Filipino operational to address problems and issues facing most
learners in the country.” However, as a developing educational systems. It is important to recognize the

Marcia Ducao
Psych Educ, 2023, 8(7): 761-776, Document ID: 2023PEMJ689, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7901626, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

different knowledge context the multi-grade teaching the teacher’s level of practice 21st-century teaching
occurs. The teacher should be more trained and skills and the academic performance of pupils?
flexible to face the different classroom situation than 6.Is there a significant degree of variance in the level
to handle a mono grade class. These have culturally of practices on the 21st Century skills of the teachers
and socially different populations. Multi-grade in the different schools in the district?
teaching is most often provided for communities in 7.Based on the findings, what intervention measure
remote areas, there is more likely to be a need to pay may be proposed?
special attention to the though-word and social
environment of the people to be served. The district of
Sevilla is one of the many school districts in the Literature Review
Philippines which adopted the multi-grade type of
school. Out of thirteen primary and elementary schools
in this district, seven are multi-grade, three are primary
schools and four are complete elementary.
The researcher focused on establishing the different
gaps that can be looked into regarding the relationship
of the multi-grade teachers who are using 21st-century Design
teaching skills to the academic performance of the
pupils. In connection to this, the researcher wants to This research study is a quantitative method. Use of a
determine the 21 -century teaching skills practices of Survey Questionnaire patterned about the study of
the multi-grade teachers, the level of the pupils' Practices on the 21st Century Skills of Bukidnon State
academic performance, relationship between the University last June 1, 2018. The study also utilizes
pupil’s performance and level of practice with the 21st- documentary analysis on the academic performance of
century teaching skills in Sevilla district with the end the pupils based on their average grades during the
view of intervention measures based on the result of first and second quarter of the school year 2019-2020.
the given survey.
Research Questions
The respondents of the study were the 31 teachers
The purpose of this study was to determine the 21st- handling multi-grade classes of the schools' district of
century teaching skills practices of multi-grade Sevilla, Bohol. Each teacher is handling two-grade
teachers and the academic performance of the pupils in levels except the researcher is handling two-grade
Sevilla, Sevilla, District, Bohol for the S.Y. 2019-2020 levels as a multi-grade teacher. This is a purposive-
with the end view of proposing intervention measures. universal because all the multi-grade teachers of
Specifically, this study sought to answer the following Sevilla district were the respondents.
1.What is the profile of the respondents in terms of the
following: The instrument used was taken from the standard tool; of the Bukidnon State University survey form on
1.2.age; Practices on the 21st Century Skills last June 1, 2018.
1.3.years in Service; and The relevant questions to determine the 21st-century
1.4.highest educational attainment? skills were enumerated.
2.What is the level of practices on 21st-century
teaching skills according to the following dimensions: Data Gathering Procedure
2.1.learning and innovation;
2.2.information, media and technology; and Phase 1. Permission to use the tool from other and career? researchers. The researcher sent permission to the
3.What is the level of the pupils' academic owner of the questionnaire via e-mail to Bukidnon
performance? State University.
4.Is there a significant degree of relationship between
the teacher’s profile and level of practice with the 21st Phase 2. Permission to Conduct the Survey. The
century teaching skills? researcher sent a formal communication to the vice
5.Is there a significant degree of correlation between president for academics at the University of Bohol,

Marcia Ducao
Psych Educ, 2023, 8(7): 761-776, Document ID: 2023PEMJ689, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7901626, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Dean of graduate studies, Sevilla district supervisor Result

and school heads concerned requesting permission to
conduct the survey. Letters of informed consent were
also sent to all participants and a protocol of informed Profile of teachers
consent was signed.
The profile of the participants included their age, sex,
Phase 3. Conduct of Actual Survey. The standard highest educational attainment, length of service in
questionnaires were given and disseminated to all teaching multi-grade and teachers’ training and
participants of multi-grade teachers. development. Besides, it included the teacher-pupil
ratio and types of class schedules.
Phase 4. Data Collection, Statistical Treatment, and
Analysis. The responses were collated and tallied in Table 1. Profile of the Teachers in Terms of Sex
tables for analysis and interpretation and they were
statistically treated to test the hypotheses.

Ethical Consideration

Before data gathering, the study will undergo

ethical review in line with the ethical guidelines set by
the Ethical Research Committee of the University of
Bohol. The research will ensure strict compliance with
ethical standards and procedures.

Statistical Plan Figure 1. .

The data gathered will be subjected to SPSS 24.

Table 1 showed that the majority of the teacher
The study used a simple percentage in analyzing and
participants were females with 93.5 % (29 teachers)
interpreting the data gathered. The percentage was
whereas the male participant obtained 6.5 % (2
derived by dividing the frequency of response of each
teachers). Most of the teachers in our district were
item by the number of cases multiplied by one
female’s maybe because women are more caring than
Weighted Mean. Weighted mean for each item was
Table 2. Profile of the Teachers in Terms of Age
computed by adding all the products of the response
frequencies by their corresponding weighted mean and
then dividing the sum by the number of cases.

Chi-Square. To determine the significant degree of

relationship between the teacher’s profile and the
academic performance of pupils, the data were
subjected to Chi-Square. To obtained Chi-Square ratio
was checked against the Table of Significant values at
.05 level of significance
Figure 2. .
Pearson R. To identify the significant degree of
correlation between the teacher’s profile and the 21st-
century teaching skills, the data were subjected to the Table 2 showed that 31 teacher participants, five or
Pearson Correlation Coefficient or Pearson R using the 16.1 % were 21-30 years old, 14 or 45.2 % were 31-40
formula: years old, 11 or 35.5 % were 41-50 years old, and
51-60 years and over 60 years obtained only 1 or 3.2
Anova. To determine the significant degree of percent. In the respondents, there was no one above 60
variance of the teachers implementing 21st-century years old.
teaching skills in the different schools of Sevilla
district, the Analysis of Variance or ANOVA was Table 3. Profile of the Teacher in Terms of Years in
used. Service

Marcia Ducao
Psych Educ, 2023, 8(7): 761-776, Document ID: 2023PEMJ689, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7901626, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

the time.

Table 5. Learning and Innovation Teachers Skills


Figure 3. .

Table 3, showed that 31 teacher participants in terms

of experience 12.9 % got less than 1 year, 10 or 32.3%
got 6-10 years, 13 or 41.9% got 11-15 years, 3 % got
16-20 years, and 1 or 5.88% got 21-25 years.

Table 4. Profile of the Teacher in Terms of Highest

Educational Attainment

Figure 4. .

All of the teachers' respondents showed in table 4,

were 100 % (31 teachers) BEEd graduates. There were
83.9 % (26 teachers) planning to had MA units, 16.1 Figure 5. .
% (5 teachers) MA degree, 0% (0 teachers) in the
respondents of Ph.D. degrees.

Level of Practices on 21st Century Teaching Skills:

This table 5 showed the highest in rank is item 7 which

is the use of instructional materials that are engaging
in nature with the mean is 4.32, sd = 0.60 and
interpreted as always, followed by item 8 which is to
make sure that the learners are well facilitated and the
third in rank is item 5 wherein the learners are seen to
be independent in their learning curves. And the last
rank is item 2 which is to allow hands on experiencing
in eliciting ideas with the mean is 3.52, sd = 0.57 and
interpreted as often. Second, to the last rank is item 20
focused on how the output of the learners are being
assessed through a project-based learning. The third
from the last in rank is item 1 which is to look for
ways on how learning are able to see opportunities in
learning. The overall composite means of 3.9371%
and standard deviation of .49159 % described as often
meaning the Practices the 21st-century skills most of

Marcia Ducao
Psych Educ, 2023, 8(7): 761-776, Document ID: 2023PEMJ689, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7901626, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Figure 6. . Figure 7. .

Marcia Ducao
Psych Educ, 2023, 8(7): 761-776, Document ID: 2023PEMJ689, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7901626, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Figure 8. .

Table 6. Information, Media and Technology Teacher

Skills Practices

Figure 9. . Figure 10. .

Marcia Ducao
Psych Educ, 2023, 8(7): 761-776, Document ID: 2023PEMJ689, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7901626, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Figure 12. .

Table 6 showed the highest in rank is item 17 which is

to generate reports through computer-generated with
the mean is 4.55, sd = .62 and interpreted as always,
followed by item 19 which is to create practice test as
remediation and 16 which is to maximize the usage of
e-class record. And the last rank is item 6 which to
give a way for learners search online some information
with the mean is 3.77, sd = .80 and interpreted as
often. Second to the last rank are items 2 which is to
gather important information via films and other
documentary databases and item 11 which is to utilize
the power point presentation in presenting their output.
The composite means of 4.16% or standard deviation
44 % described as often meaning the Practices the 21st-
century skills most of the time.

Table 7 showed that item number 8 which is to treat

and communicate other with respect as it has to earn is
the highest in rank with its mean is 4.61, sd = .62.
Followed by item number 16 which is to make sure the
impact of learning goes beyond and the third in rank is
item number 4 which to respect cultural backgrounds
and individual differences. The lowest in rank was
Figure 11. .
item number 15 which is to look into the exploration
of the curriculum in expanding knowledge about the
subject matter, followed by 20 which is to inspire
others and encourage them to be the best version of
themselves. And the third to the lowest was item
number was 6 wherein the proper management of
conflict inside the classroom is being processed and 10
which is the appropriateness of the learning materials
that will fit to the best interest of the learners. The
overall results were the composite mean of 4.33 which
was described as multi- teachers were practices 21st
century teaching skills all the time.

Table 7. Life and Teachers Skills Practices

Marcia Ducao
Psych Educ, 2023, 8(7): 761-776, Document ID: 2023PEMJ689, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7901626, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Figure 13. .

Figure 14. .

Marcia Ducao
Psych Educ, 2023, 8(7): 761-776, Document ID: 2023PEMJ689, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7901626, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Figure 16. .

Table 8. Descriptive Statistics

Figure 17. .

Figure 15. . Table 8 showed the three dimensions namely:

Learning and Innovation Skill, Information, Media and
Technology Skills, and Life and Career Skills. Among
three dimensions life and career skills was the highest
in rank which was always practice followed by the two
dimensions in the same rank which was often practice.

Pupils Academic Performance.

It applies to the level of performance of the students in

the academic setting. This study refers to the first and
second quarter average grade of the pupils during the
school year 2019-2020. And also, the results on how
the teachers teach their pupils with the knowledge of

Marcia Ducao
Psych Educ, 2023, 8(7): 761-776, Document ID: 2023PEMJ689, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7901626, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

using technology in connection to these 21st-century Chi-Square Tests

skills by these three dimensions.

Table 9. Pupils’ Academic Performance

Figure 21. .

Figure 18. .

The table 9 indicates the pupils' academic performance

based on their grade in the first quarter to the second-
quarter average grade. Their academic performance is
Figure 22. .
very satisfactory with 24 or 77.4% and Outstanding
with 7 or 22.6%. All of the respondents meet the
expectations. The overall mean was 87.75% which is The table 11 showed the relationship between the
very satisfactory.
teacher’s sex profile and the level of 21 st -century
Table 10. Descriptive Statistics
teaching skills. It was revealed that the two variables
were the insignificant degree of relationship wherein
the p=.962 in which the level of significance is 0.05.
Therefore, the sex profile of the teachers which
referring to this table will not affect the level of 21st-
century teaching skills.

Table 12. Relationship Between Teachers Age and

Figure 19. .
Level of Practices with the 21 st Century Teaching
Table 10 showed the academic performance of the
pupils in all of the respondents revealed with the
minimum grade of 85.05 it was very satisfactory and a
maximum of 90.78 which is outstanding. The mean
results were 87.75 very satisfactory and sd = 1.74.

Table 11. Relationship Between Teachers Sex Profile

and Level of Practices with the 21st Century Teaching

Figure 23. .

Figure 20. . Chi-Square Tests

Marcia Ducao
Psych Educ, 2023, 8(7): 761-776, Document ID: 2023PEMJ689, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7901626, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Figure 27. .

Figure 24. .

Figure 28. .

Table 14. Relationship Between Teachers Highest

Educational Attainment and Level of Practices with
the 21st Century Teaching Skills
Figure 25. .

The table 12 showed the relationship between the

teachers' age and the level it was revealed that the two
variables were an insignificant degree of relationship
wherein the p=.143 in which the level of significance
is 0.05. Therefore, the age teachers who referring to
this table will not affect the level of 21 st -century
teaching skills practices.
Figure 29. .

Table 13. Relationship Between Teachers Years in

Service and Level of Practices with the 21 Century Chi-Square Tests
Teaching Skills

Figure 30. .
Figure 26. .

Table 14 showed the relationship between the teachers'

Chi-Square Tests highest educational attainment and the level it was

Marcia Ducao
Psych Educ, 2023, 8(7): 761-776, Document ID: 2023PEMJ689, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7901626, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

revealed that the two variables were insignificant the in terms of age in correlation with the pupils’
degree of relationship wherein the p=.165 in which the academic performance was insignificant.
level of significance is 0.05. Therefore, the teachers’
highest educational attainment which referring to this Table 17. Pupils' Academic Performance Correlation
table will not affect the level of 21st-century teaching to Teachers Years in Service Profile
skills practices. Based on the data gathered the null
hypothesis is accepted. There is no significant degree
of relationship between the teachers' profile and level
of practice with the 21st century teaching skills.

The significant degree of Correlation Between

Teachers’ level of practices in 21st-century teaching
skills and Academic Performance of Pupils.

Table 15. Pupils' Academic Performance Correlation

to Teacher Sex Profile Figure 33. .

Figure 31. .

Table 15 showed the Teachers’ Profile in terms of sex Figure 34. .

in correlation with the pupils' academic performance.
The results revealed that using Pearson Chi-square
p=.430 which above the required level of significance Table 17 showed the Teachers’ Profile in terms of
which is .005. Meaning Teachers’ Profile in terms of years in service in correlation with the pupils'
sex in correlation with the pupils' academic academic performance. The results revealed that
performance was insignificant. teachers with 6-10 years in service had the highest
Table 16. Pupils' Academic Performance Correlation number, using Pearson Chi-Square p=.538 which
to Teachers’ Age Profile above the required level of significance which is .005.
Meaning Teachers’ Profile in terms of years in service
in correlation with the pupils' academic performance
was insignificant.

Table 18. Pupils' Academic Performance Correlation

to Teachers’ Highest Educational Attainment Profile

Figure 32. .

Table 16 showed the Teachers’ Profile in terms of age

in correlation with the pupils' academic performance.
The results revealed that teachers with the age between
31-40 had the highest number, using Pearson Chi-
Square p=.604 which above the required level of
significance which is .005. Meaning Teachers’ Profile Figure 35. .

Marcia Ducao
Psych Educ, 2023, 8(7): 761-776, Document ID: 2023PEMJ689, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7901626, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

teachers in the different schools in Sevilla district.

Table 20. ANOVA Summary Table in different schools

in the district with multi-grade classes

Figure 38. .

Figure 36. . Table 20 at 0.05 the level of significance, results

indicate that there was an insignificant degree of
variance of the three dimensions, F=.533, p=.778
Table 18, showed the Teachers’ Profile in terms of which is higher than the level of significance which is
highest educational attainment in correlation with the 0.05.
pupils' academic performance. The results revealed
that teachers with MA graduate only 5 and the 26 rest Table 21. The Degree of variance in the level of
were Bachelor’s graduates between 31-40 had the practices in the different schools in the district of
highest number, using fisher’s exact test p=.312 which Sevilla
above the required level of significance which is .005.
Meaning Teachers’ Profile in terms of highest
educational attainment in correlation with the pupils’
academic performance was insignificant.

Table 19. The Significant Degree of Correlation

Between the Teacher’s Level of Practices and the
Academic Performance of Pupils

Figure 37. . Figure 39. .

Table 19 showed that the computation on the

correlation between teachers’ level of practices on 21st-
century teaching skills and the academic performance
of pupils. It revealed the computed p-value of .079
which is greater than 0.05 the level of significance. It
can be inferred from the result that there is no
significant degree of correlation between the level of
practices and the pupils' academic performance.
Therefore, the null hypotheses were accepted

On the analysis of Variance. This refers to if there is

a significant degree of variance in the level of
practices on the 21 st century teaching skills of the

Marcia Ducao
Psych Educ, 2023, 8(7): 761-776, Document ID: 2023PEMJ689, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7901626, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Figure 41. .

Table 21 showed that there were no two schools have

the same results and it was all above the level of
significance 0.05. There is no significant level of
variance in the level of practices in the 21 st century
teaching skills of the teachers in the different schools
in the district.

Figure 40. .

Pupil's academics performance is also upgrading in the

sense that the results were still have satisfactory it
should be outstanding. Degree of relationship between
teachers’ profile and level of practices showed that, all
the variables were results to insignificant. Degree of
correlation between teachers’ level of the practices on
the 21 st century teaching skills and the academic
performance. It revealed that the computed given data
results to insignificant degree of correlation between
the two variables. The degree of variance in the level
of practices on the 21st century skills showed that there
were no two schools in the district met the level of
significance of 0.05. All data results in the different
school were above the level of significance. This study
helps the multi-grade teachers to the awareness of 21st-
century teaching skills and by using multimedia in
handling multi-grade learners as they are considered as

Marcia Ducao
Psych Educ, 2023, 8(7): 761-776, Document ID: 2023PEMJ689, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7901626, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

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Research Article

Ültanır, E. (2012). An epistemological glance at the constructivist Edizioni

approach: Constructivist learning in Dewey, Piaget, and Montessori.
International Journal of Instruction, 5(2).
Affiliations and Corresponding Informations
Voogt, J., & Roblin, N. P. (2012). A comparative analysis of
international frameworks for 21st century competences: Implications Corresponding: Marcia Ducao
for national curriculum policies. Journal of curriculum studies, Email:
44(3), 299-321. Phone:

Yarnykh, V. (2017).Global Factors of Influence and Modern

Marcia Ducao:
Approaches of Media Education in Educator’s Training System. In
Lobgob Elementary School, Department of
Conference Proceedings. The Future of Education, p.
Education - Philippines

Marcia Ducao

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