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Group3 Cultural Awareness 1

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Academic Year 2020-2021

A Study of Filipino Maritime Cadets in Challenges of

multicultural crewing practices: An approach to strengthen
cultural awareness

Arreo, Melbert Jim M.

Caliguia, Justin S
Fenol, Mark Jeff M.
Manguiat, John Vincent

C/E Rodolfo Sañano

Instructor, RES200-1

A Research Proposal Submitted

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering


Title of Research : A Study of Filipino Maritime Cadets in

Challenges of multicultural crewing practices:
An approach to strengthen cultural awareness.

Degree : Bachelor of Science

Few number of seafarers from major manning companies/ship owner

countries all over the globe has been one of the reasons which pushed the ship
owners and employers to run their ships with crews from various ethnicities/
nationalities. The tendency to employ multinational crews is not without any
problem. However, the ramifications for both the employers and the crews, for
example, communication restraints, miscommunication, alienation and discrimination
due to race, culture and religion contrasts, cannot be avoided. Thus, those
consequences may lead to serious safety risk on board when not being overcome.
This Research will review the capacity of employing multinational/multicultural
crews, as well as the cultural background and characteristics which are divided into
two parts, for example, Western and Eastern cultures. Moreover, the Research and
investigation results on multicultural crewing are analyzed and examined and
literatures are viewed to assess the effectiveness and problems which may arise
from the mixed-crew employment, as well as the root cause of the problem. The use
and effectiveness of maritime English as maritime common language is evaluated.

The concluding chapter provides some recommendations and proposal

concerning with the need of various culture education/familiarization for seafarers
and cadets. This may benefit the seafarers and employers themselves as the crews
will be more adaptive when assigned to the ships with mixed nationality crews.
Hence, the cooperation and working environment among crew will be better without
one being alienated by the others. This is for one purpose: safety.

Key words : Maritime safety, Socio-cultural study, Technical and Soft skills,
Multicultural seafarers, Education and training

Abstract 2

Table of Contents 3

List of Tables 4

List of Abbreviations 5

Chapter I Introduction

1.1 Aim and objectives 7

1.2 Background of a global maritime dilemma 8

1.3 Statement of the problems 9

1.4 The significance of the study 10

1.5 Theoretical Framework 12

1.6 Conceptual Framework 13

1.7 Scope and Delimitation 13


IAMU : International Association of Maritime Universities

IMO : International Maritime Organization

EU : European Union

MET : Maritime Education Institution

IMLA : International Maritime Lecturers Association

ISM : International Safety Management

SOLAS : Safety of Life at Sea

SMCP : Standard Maritime Communication Phrases

STCW : Standard Training Certification and Watch keeping

ITF : International Trade Federation

WMU : World Maritime University

SMNV : Standard Marine Navigational Vocabulary

OECD : Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development



“Culture is a complex system of interrelated parts that must be understood


(Harris et al., 2009, p.10)

Nowadays, the shipping industry has grown quickly as a result of cutting edge
innovation and human needs, together with ship owners and Maritime Education and
Training (MET) foundations. In accordance with that, the international shipping fleet
is tested to improve maritime safety; explicitly the human component is a significant
need. The human factor and maritime safety are two interrelated components in
delivery. These elements render human conduct and execution as possible driving
segments in maritime safety. Also, it must be noticed that the maritime industry
should make the human component a key concern. Indeed, IMO has put the human
factor as an extraordinary concern. This is shown by numerous actions and
regulations made by IMO specifically for this matter (De Oses et al., 2008).

Likewise, a major concern of the shipping industry tends to focus on

multinational seafarers, because several companies man their fleets with cross-
cultural crews. The merchant fleet is an international workplace and has a long
tradition sailing with crews that represent many different nationalities; it can be seen
that two-thirds of the world merchant marine vessels have crews that are
multinational and multilingual (Horck, 2010).

Furthermore, it became a major concern due to the problems that arise in the
shipping industry. There were cases on board in which some seafarers are being
alienated because of difference in beliefs, cultures, race, and other forms of
discrimination. Also, according to Lane (2003), the main problem identified by
seafarers working with multinational crews related to communication and particularly
to the social aspects of communication. The research came from Cardiff University
and they’ve interviewed 380 seafarers in cargo vessels composed of nationalities from
Philippines, India, Germany and Rotterdam. As they all know, English is the universal
language in which not all the people knows how to speak fluently. This become one
of the hindrance by seafarers who are working with mixed nationality crews due to the
fact that they cannot understand each other appropriately which results into
miscommunication and conflicts.

Aside from that, cultural awareness is must and need to be instilled to the
seafarers of today. They must be immersed with different cultures and understand
them thoroughly since most of the shipping companies hired mixed nationality crews.
The emphasis on cultural awareness is becoming more important, because it
facilitates smoother communication and mutual understanding among the crew, and
thus, contributes to the safe operation of ships. In this regard, the role of MET is to
be emphasized as well in order to have cadets well-equipped for a multicultural work
environment at sea.

With that being said, this descriptive paper aimed to identify the effect of
improving the socio-cultural education in terms of the safety of the seafarers and as
well as their overall performance on board. Moreover, it will give an overview of the
effect of the study on how seafarers handle their relationship with different
nationalities. This paper presents thoughts and raises questions stemming from an
overview of the cultural issue among shipping crew. Culture can be defined as “the
shared ways groups of people understand and interpret the world. Culture is a
collective phenomenon that is about shared values and meanings”. The paper
discusses those thoughts from the viewpoints of the industry’s share of social
responsibility, the shipping companies’ and other actors’. Furthermore, results of a
survey from questionnaires and interviews among seafarers who joined international
vessels give a further view of the issue; the one that seafarers are facing today on

With multinational working conditions aboard ships, implementation of socio-

cultural approach leads to enhancing the safety and improving the work efficiency of
global maritime professionals. Moreover, various nationalities onboard need to adjust
and collaborate both professionally and socially, since most mishaps and incidents
are mainly caused by human error these days which makes this concern significant.
Therefore, this has been paid attention to by IMO similar to the presence of global
maritime professionals. This has been emphasized by the Secretary General of IMO,
Eftimious E. Mitropoulos in his statement to the world that 2010 is the year of
seafarer (IMO Council, 2009).
Aim and Objectives

The aim of this research is to make the readers (in particular to the maritime
industry/society) realize and become aware of the importance of a socio-cultural
education in multinational shipping in order to minimize the safety risk. The study
mainly focused on the socio-cultural approach in the light of the human element
(human factor). The objectives of current research are to:

1. Identify and discuss the main problem of culture shock within mixed-crews
onboard ship.
2. Describe the multicultural manning phenomenon in maritime shipping nowadays.
3. Discuss and analyze the role of concerned parties, such as MET Institutions,
Maritime administrations and IMO, in the implementation of a socio-cultural study
of seafarers.
4. Discuss and analyze the role of socio-cultural approach in multinational and
multicultural shipping in order to improve maritime safety.
5. Formulate recommendation(s) related to socio-cultural training in maritime
institutions and shipping/manning companies.

Background of the study

The growth of the international shipping fleet contributes to the employment

of seafarers from different countries to work both at sea and/or ashore. In particular,
the number of seafarers has declined in European Union (UN) since the early 1980s.
regarding this phenomenon, the employment of multinational seafarers has become
a problem for the ship owners.

A future problem of scarcity nationals going to sea is the possible impact of

the recruitment of foreigners to work in the head offices of the shipping industry.
This becomes a new challenge as it is not an easy task for the owners and the
shipping companies to recruit crews from different nationalities. It will grow unless
there is a sustainable way on how to work together and make a good cooperation
with less prejudice and stereotyping in this multi-cultural setting (Horck, 2010).
Regarding this, the human element should be put as the major priority to harmonize
the working conditions in the multicultural and multilingual environments. Wherever
they are from, they should work together socially and professionally, and this is for
safety reasons. Besides the multinational crewing dilemma, another burden is the
decrease number of seafarers. In fact, this profession is not a lifelong career.
Although the shipping industry is growing, enough seafarers are not available to
meet the requirements of the maritime industry.

Therefore, the challenges of multinational crews in shipping needs to be

realized by the concerned parties including MET institutions. In particular, there is no
formal education provided concerning the multicultural life of seafarers. The concept
of multicultural study is one part of the human element which needs to be
formulated. However, there are still pros and cons that need to be discussed.
Whatever the pros and cons are, multicultural study is basically aimed to fulfill the
shipping industry’s expectation of quality shipping and quality crews.

Statement of the Problems

This study determined the challenges concerning multinational and

multicultural seafarers in global shipping. Moreover, the problems are emphasized in
this research are as follows:

 Cultural education challenges in shipping companies and MET Institutions

 Communication problems
 Diversity challenge
 Stereotypes and other forms of discrimination

Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions:

1. What are the main challenges related to mixed-crews onboard ships?

2. Is a socio-cultural practices needed in order to improve the safety in
multinational shipping?
3. Why is socio-cultural approach important in multinational shipping?
4. Should maritime institutions improve the socio-cultural course?
Statement of Hypothesis

For this study, the researchers hypothesized that:

Null Hypothesis 1: The improvement of socio-cultural course does not

influence the seafarer’s safety in their workplace.

Alternate Hypothesis 1: The improvement of socio-cultural course

influences the seafarer’s safety and their workplace.

Null Hypothesis 2: The improvement of socio-cultural course does not affect

the seafarer’s ability to perform excellently on board.

Alternate Hypothesis 2: The improvement of socio-cultural course improves

the seafarer’s ability to perform excellently on board.

Null Hypothesis 3: The improvement of socio-cultural course does not

improve the relationship of seafarer with mixed nationality crews on board.

Alternate Hypothesis 3: The improvement of socio-cultural course improves

the relationship of seafarer with mixed nationality crews on board.

Assumptions of the Study

The researchers expounded the following assumptions that are connected to

the study.

1. Respondents are active seafarers assigned to their designated manning agency.

2. Socio-cultural approach and education is a critical component in the learnings of
aspiring and current seafarers around the world.
3. Respondents will answer the questions honestly.
The significance of the study

Results of the study will be beneficial for the following:

Aspiring maritime cadets. Aspiring maritime cadets will benefit from this
study in terms of gaining knowledge, understanding and building the right values
and attitudes towards people with different culture. Especially, this study will produce
a schemata on the subconscious mind of aspiring cadets at the time of their
shipboard training either locally or international. Furthermore, it will be
advantageous to cadets if he/she have knowledge regarding socio-cultural approach
and its relevance to his/her chosen field since seafaring is a hard and crucial career.

Aspiring seafarers. This study will be beneficial to aspiring seafarers

whether they will be on cruise ship, off shore vessels or commercial vessels. This
study particularly to aspiring seafarers will give them overview on how important
understanding and knowing how to deal with different nationalities on board. It will
help them in various ways such as building relationship and knowing how to
cooperate with them without inflicting harm or causing conflict with regards to
culture, beliefs and their practices.

Seafarers (Maritime officers and ratings). This study is beneficial to the

working seafarers locally based and overseas. It will be essential to seafarers to
learn how to deal in a multicultural and multilingual environment. Moreover, it will be
an advantage for improving cross-cultural awareness, communication skills,
increased work efficiency and good leadership in multinational shipping. Lastly, it will
also reflect to their safety in terms of relationship with other nationalities and to
avoid possible conflicts or problems that might occur among the crews.

Shipping companies. The overall welfare and safety of seafarers is a huge

responsibility for shipping companies. This happens in terms of their expenditure in
case of accidents and trouble. In terms of the records, all are shouldered by the
shipping companies with regards to insurance, hospitalization, transportation and
medication in case of accidents and incidents. However, if the seafarers are well-
equipped and prepared to work in a multicultural shipping having the right
characters, discipline and attitude towards different nationalities, it will lessen the
threat to their lives and as well it will be beneficial to the shipping companies as well.
In other terms, incorporating socio-cultural approach will guarantee the shipping
companies an efficient and secured voyage and trade thus, saving a lot of effort,
money and time.

Maritime Higher Education Institutions (MHEIs). This study is beneficial

to Maritime Higher Education Institutions (MHEIs) or maritime schools such as
Malayan Colleges Laguna (MCL). As long as they commit themselves to their rules
and regulations by providing concrete guidelines or issuing publications in order to
realize socio-cultural education and its curriculum design in MET institutions.
Moreover, the values and virtues and as they uphold their missions and visions of
providing a world class group of global maritime professionals. By providing such a
kind of education to cadets/seafarers will reduce at least the cases of accidents and
incidents brought by communication barriers and cultural problems can be

Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA). This study is beneficial to the

Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) since it will strengthen and improve the
capabilities of the Filipino Seafarers in terms of being globally competitive and aware
of the culture of other nationalities.

Commission on Higher Education (CHED). This study which aims to

improve as well the socio-cultural course will benefit the Commission on Higher
Education (CHED). Incorporating, revising, modifying the socio-cultural education in
the curriculum will greatly help the aspiring cadets and seafarers.

Maritime Training Centers. This study sought to benefit the Maritime

Training Centers, by being aware of the culture of other nationalities and applying
their knowledge to the future maritime officers will contribute not only on technical
skills but also soft skills.

Future researchers. In the future, this paper may serve as a vital reference
for other researchers who seek for a broader perspective in incorporating and
enhancing the socio-cultural education particularly in the maritime field. Then, that
could make the study on socio-cultural approach and education deeper and
Theoretical Framework

This study is anchored to the ABC theory of safety. The ABC is an acronym
which stands for Attitude, Behavior, and Conditions. The ABC theory of safety states
that employee’s human behavior and attitude not only affects how well you do your
job, but it also reflects how safe you are when doing it. In relation to workplace
where in you will be working with multinationals, it is necessary that you have the
right attitude, behavior and mindset towards them. Aside from learning and
understanding their different beliefs, traditions and cultures, you need to incorporate
respect. Moreover, as they all know, people who have positive attitude tends to
perform better in the workplace while people who has negative work attitude is less
likely to care about the quality of work. Remember that a negative work attitude can
lead to unsafe work habits and accidents. On the other hand, another theory that will
support the study is the Interpersonal theory of personality by Harry Stack Sullivan.
It states that people’s interaction with other people, determine their sense of self,
sense of security, and the dynamisms that motivate their behavior. In addition,
interpersonal relationships and social experiences molds personality of an individual.
With that, this theory supports the study since in the ship it is important to develop
the sense of belongingness, teamwork, unity, camaraderie and brotherhood among
the crews in order to be efficient and provide quality performance in work. And,
despite differences with culture and beliefs, once you develop that appropriate
personality due to the social experiences and bonds with one another, then it will
reflect to the overall performance of the seafarers achieving a positive outcome.

Furthermore, the study involved the Intergroup Contact Theory and

Intercultural Competency theory. According to Allport (1985) , He determined that
interpersonal contact might be one of the most effective ways to reduce prejudice
among diverse cultural groups. Allport maintained that in order for prejudice to be
reduced, the collaborating members should have equal status, a common goal, and
there should be no competition between the groups. Intergroup contact was defined
as interactions between members of defined cultural groups who meet face-to-face
(Pettigrew & Tropp, 2006). The optimal conditions are an environment or situation in
which students feel safe to speak and interact with others (Pettigrew & Tropp, 2006).
Intergroup contact theory has been applied in the public school setting to decrease
racial tension an minimize divisions between cultures by incorporating guidelines and
support for students to work together in collaborative groups (Pettigrew & Tropp,
2006; Schuitema & Veugelers, 2011). As contact among diverse students’ increases,
self-awareness and opportunities to learn from others have also been shown to
increase (Bazron, Osher, & Fleishmann, 2005; Pettigrew, 1998; Slavin & Cooper,
1999). Ultimately, the goal is acceptance of others from other racial groups.

On the other hand, Intercultural Competence Theory talks about relationships

between diverse groups of people. According to Hansell (2000), to grow as a
productive adult and citizen, individuals need to depend on their “ability to
successfully negotiate cultural differences and to appreciate diverse perspectives”
(Intercultural Competence section, para. 1). To achieve this goal, Liaw (2006) noted
that students must explore their own culture through discussion of the value system,
expectations, traditions, customs, and rituals they unconsciously take part in before
they are able to reflect upon other cultures with a “higher degree of intellectual
objectivity” (p. 50). As the exchanges of communication between diverse groups
increase, students begin to gain insight into other groups’ rituals, traditions, and
values. Baltes (1998) indicated that, as students understand diverse perspectives,
racial relations are enhanced. Some researchers have suggested that the
components of intercultural competence consist of cross-cultural awareness,
empathy, and flexibility (Chen & Starosta, 1996; Deardorff, 2004). Deardorff (2004)
stated that intercultural competence “involves the development of one’s skills and
attitudes in successfully interacting with persons of diverse backgrounds” (p. 15).
Intercultural competence is a skill learned through intergroup contact.
Conceptual Framework




Figure 1.1 Research Paradigms

The figure above shows the research paradigm of the study. As stated, there
are three (3) variables involved: (1) the seafarers, (2) the safety with the use of
socio-cultural approach, and lastly (3) the work efficiency with the use of socio-
cultural study. This study adheres with the concept of the consciousness of the
seafarers to safety and to work efficiency through the use of socio-cultural practices.
On the other hand, the use of socio-cultural approach could bring forth effects of the
work efficiency of seafarers.

Scope and Delimitation

This research study focused on the effects of socio-cultural study in terms of

enhancing the safety and improving the work efficiency for aspiring and current
Filipino seafarers. We delimited our target by selecting 50 or more respondents who
joined international vessels. As part of this, the researchers used survey
questionnaires in collecting information with regards in the aforementioned problem.
Definition of Terms

For clearer understanding of the study, the following terms were defined
according to its use.

Cultural Awareness

Is sensitivity to the similarities and differences that exist between two

different cultures and the use of this sensitivity in effective
communication with members of another cultural group


Of, relating to, or involving a combination of social and cultural factors

is something that involves the social and cultural aspects.


Is something that involves the social and cultural aspects.

Is a way of life of a group of people--the behaviors, beliefs, values, and

symbols that they accept, generally without thinking about them, and
that are passed along by communication and imitation from one generation
to the next.


Of or relating to more than two nationalities.


Refers to a society that contains several cultural or ethnic groups.

International Maritime Organization

The International Maritime Organization is a specialized agency of the United

Nations responsible for regulating shipping.
is the United Nations specialized agency with responsibility for the safety and
security of shipping and the prevention of marine and atmospheric
pollution by ships.


A standardized mental picture that is held in common by members of a group

and that represents an oversimplified opinion, prejudiced attitude, or
uncritical judgment.

Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA)

An agency of the Philippine government under the Department of

Transportation responsible for integrating the development, promotion
and regulation of the maritime industry in the Philippines.

Commission on Higher Education (CHED)

Is the Philippine government’s agency in charged with promoting

relevant and quality higher education, ensuring access to quality
higher education, and guaranteeing and protecting academic freedom for
continuing intellectual growth, advancement of learning and research,
development of responsible and effective leadership, education of high
level professionals, and enrichment of historical and cultural heritages.

Maritime Education Training

Is designed to respond to the needs of maritime institution in upgrading

maritime education through professional development of the faculty
and academic personnel of maritime schools. It also seeks to train more
proficient maritime educators not only by virtue of the educational principles and
methods but with deeper understanding of the subject matters.


An association between two or more people that may range from fleeting to
enduring. This association may be based on inference, love, solidarity,
regular business interactions, or some other type of social commitment.

Describes communities in which there is a deep understanding and respect for
all cultures. Intercultural communication focuses on the mutual exchange of
ideas and cultural norms and the development of deep relationships.

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